Engineering Physics I QB

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12149S13 / 13149S13 ENGINEERING PHYSICS - I
1. What is elasticity?
2. Give the relation between three types of moduli.
3. Define Bulk Modulus.
4. List out the factors affecting elasticity of materials.
5. State Hooke’s Law.
6. What is a Cantilever?
7. Mention the difference between Uniform and Non-Uniform Bending.
8. What is a Couple?
9. Write the advantage of Using I-shaped Girder.
10. What is a shaft?

1. Explain Stress-strain diagrams. Discuss the factors affecting the elasticity of a
2. What do you mean by bending of beams? Deduce an expression for bending moment
of a Beam.
3. Derive an expression for the elevation at the center of a beam loaded at both ends.
Describe an experiment to determine young’s modulus of a beam by Uniform
4. Describe the method of determining the young’s modulus of the material of bar by
Uniform bending method.
5. Derive an expression for the depression at the center of a beam which is loaded at
mid-point. Describe an experiment to find young’s modulus of beam by Non-Uniform
6. Describe the method of determining the young’s modulus of the material of bar by
Non-Uniform bending method
7. Derive an expression for the depression of a cantilever fixed at one end horizontally
loaded at the free end.
8. Explain the theory of torsional pendulum. Also derive an expression for the rigidity
modulus of the suspension wire.
9. Derive the time period of a Torsion Pendulum. How rigidity modulus of the wire can
be calculated using torsion pendulum?
10. Give the theory of I-shaped girder and shaft in detail. Mention their advantages.

1) How sound can be classified?
2) Define Loudness of sound.
3) What is musical sound?
4) What is Decibel?
5) What is meant by Reverberation?
6) Differentiate the relation between intensity and loudness of sound.
7) What is absorption Co-efficient?
8) What do you meant by acoustics of buildings?
9) Name three best sound absorbing materials used in an auditorium.
10) What is Echelon effect?
1) Define Reverberation. Derive Sabine’s formula for reverberation time.
2) Explain a procedure to calculate the absorption co-efficient of a material using
Sabine’s formula.
3) Write a note on reverberation, resonance, echelon effect, focusing and noises that
affect the acoustics in a hall and their remedies
4) Discuss the various factors affecting acoustics of buildings and how these can be
5) Give a detailed account on Acoustics of Auditoria.
6) Describe with necessary theory a method of measuring the absorption co-efficient of a
7) Define decibel and discuss the cause for poor acoustics in an auditorium. How are
they rectified?
8) (i)Explain reverberation in detail.
(ii) Explain focusing and echelon effects in a hall.
9) What is reverberation time? Derive an expression for reverberation time in an
10) Explain the following in brief (a) Decibel (b) Weber-Fechner Law (c) Resonance (d)
Echelon effect.
1) What is piezo electric effect?
2) What is Inverse piezo electric effect?
3) State the properties of Ultrasonic waves.
4) Mention the two uses of SONAR.
5) Give any four applications of Ultrasonic waves.
6) Write the formula to determine the depth of sea using Ultrasonics.
7) What is meant by Cavitation.
8) What is Sonogram?
9) How acoustic grating can be formed?
10) Mention any two applications of acoustic grating.
1) Describe a method of producing ultrasonic waves using inverse pieze electric effect.
2) Describe with transistor circuit diagram, the piezo electric method of producing
ultrasonic waves.
3) What are Ultrasonic waves? Explain how ultrasonic waves are detected using piezo
electric method?
4) Describe in detail the method for determining the velocity of ultrasonic waves using
acoustic grating.
5) What is Acoustic grating? Describe the theory and measurement of velocity of
ultrasonic waves in liquids using acoustic grating
6) Explain the following in brief
(b) Sonogram
7) Explain Pulse echo system based Flaw detector with transmission and reflection
8) Explain different ultrasonic scanning techniques used in ultrasonic testing.
9) (i) What are the applications of ultrasonics in Medicine?
(ii) Describe a Flaw detector in detail.
10) (i) What are the applications of ultrasonics in industry?
(ii) Describe a method to produce ultrasonic waves.
1) What is LASER?
2) What is stimulated emission?
3) Distinguish between spontaneous and stimulated emission.
4) What are the applications of Nd-YAG laser?
5) State any four important characteristics of laser light.
6) Distinguish between photography and holography.
7) What is population inversion?
8) Define Pumping.
9) Mention different pumping methods used in laser for achieving population inversion.
10) What is the function of He-Ne laser?

1) Explain the construction and working of Nd: YAG laser with a neat diagram.
2) Describe the construction and working of a semiconductor laser. Mention its merits
and demerits.
3) Explain the principle, construction and working of CO2 laser using energy level
4) Explain the construction and working of He-Ne laser. Mention its merits.
5) What is meta stable state? Describe the principle, construction and operation of
Helium-Neon laser with a energy level diagram
6) Explain the applications of laser in various fields.
7) Explain the different modes of vibrations of CO2 molecule .How will you produce the
laser radiation from CO2 laser. Draw the energy level diagram.
8) Explain Hetero junction and homo junction laser in detail.
9) (i) What are holograms? (ii) How the holograms are constructed and reconstructed?
10) Discuss the Industrial and medical applications of Laser.
1) What is a crystal?
2) What are bravais lattices?
3) Define Atomic Radius.
4) Define Packing factor
5) What is polymorphism?
6) Mention number of atoms per unit cell for SC and FCC structures.
7) Mention the difference between polymorphism and allotropy.
8) List out the seven types of crystal systems.
9) What is line defect?
10) What are Schottky defects?
1) Determine the atomic radius, Number of atoms per unit cell and packing factor for SC
and FCC structures.
2) Calculate the number of atoms per unit cell, coordination number and packing factor
for FCC and BCC structures.
3) (i) Show that atomic packing factor FCC and HCP are same.
(ii) Calculate Miller indices of a plane whose intercepts are 4, 4 and 2 units along the
three axes.
4) Explain the method for determining Miller indices. Also mention the features of
Miller Indices.
5) (i) What are Miller indices?
(ii) Derive an expression for interplanar spacing (d) in a cubic lattice.
6) What is packing factor? Prove that packing factor for HCP is 0.74.
7) Explain the following crystal structures.
(a) ZnS (b) NaCl.
8) Give a detailed account on point defects in crystals.
9) Explain diamond and graphite structures in detail.
10) (a) Calculate the interplanar spacing for (100) planes in a rock salt crystal with a =
2.814 A0U.
(b) Show that for a cubic structure the interplanr distance “d” in terms of Miller

indices and cell edge “a” is given by d 
(h  k 2  l 2 )

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