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Vallam, Thanjavur - 613 403.

12149S14 / 13149S14 Engineering Chemistry - I

UNIT-I (Water Treatment)
1) Differentiate soft water and hard water .
2) What is aeration of water? Mention its purpose.
3) What are requisites of drinking and boiler feed water?
4) What are sludges and scales?
5) Define hardness and their types.
6) Write down the structure of EDTA.
7) What is desalination?
8) What is disinfection?
9) Explain blow down operation.
10) Explain calgon conditioning.

Part –B

1)What are boiler troubles? How they are minimized?

2)a, What is internal conditioning and explain its various methods?(10)

b. Explain mechanical de-aeration method.(6)

3) What is desalination? Explain the different methods of desalination

4) Explain the EDTA method of estimation of hardness of water.

5) Role of ion- exchangers in water treatment process.

6) Explain sludge and scale formation and prevention.

7) a. Explain zeolite process.(6)

b. How is water treated by using sand filter technique? (10)

8) Describe the Reverse Osmosis method for desalination of brackish water.

9) Outline the various stages in purifying water for drinking purposes.

10) Explain how the hardness in water can be removed by the demineralization process.

UNIT-II (surface chemistry)

1) Define adsorption?
2) Explain adsorbate and adsorbent.
3) Difference between adsorption and absorption.
4) What is sorption?
5) What is Freundlich’s adsorption isotherm?
6) Define physisorption and chemisorptions.
7) What is Langmuir isotherm?
8) What is adsorption isotherm?
9) What is catalyst?
10) Define ion-exchange adsorption.


1) Define the term adsorption and list its applications.

2) Define the terms adsorbent and adsorbate? Give examples and its uses.
3) Explain ion exchange adsorption in detail.
4) Explain the Role of adsorbents in water treatment process.
5) Explain the role adsorption in catalysis.
6) a. Explain adsorption isotherm process and its type?(8)

b. Distinguish between physisorption and chemisorptions?(8)

7) Explain the factors which influence adsorption of gases on solids.

8) Give a detailed note on adsorption of solutes from solution.

9) Illustrate how the ion exchange adsorption is useful in the demineralization of water?

10) Explain the role adsorbents in pollution abatement.

Unit-III (Fuels and combustion)

1) Define calorie.
2) Classify the coal.
3) How will you analyses the percentage of carbon by using proximate analysis?
4) What is catalytic cracking?
5) Define metallurgical coke.
6) What is knocking? How do reduce the knocking properties of gasoline?
7) Define octane number of petrol? How can it be removed?
8) Define cetane number of diesel? How can it be removed?
9) Write the by product in otto-hoffmann method? How they are recovered?
10) Define BTU


1) How will you analyze the quality of coal by using proximate and ultimate analysis?
2) Discuss about petroleum refinery process?
3) What is catalytic cracking? Explain its various method?
4) Describe the conversion of coal into petrol?
5) How do you manufacture the coke by using Otto-Hoffmann method?
6) Explain Berguish process and Fischer-Tropsch process?
7) Describe the different methods by which synthetic petrol can be obtained?
8) a. Explain the polymerization reaction and their types in gasoline?

b. Discuss knocking process?

9) a. Explain fixed bed catalytic cracking method?

b. Describe fluidized bed catalytic cracking?

10) What is metallurgical coke? How does it differs from coal. Describe the process of its

Unit-IV( Electro chemistry)


1) Define emf.
2) What is conductometric titrations?
3) Write a note on galvanic cells.
4) What is redox reaction?
5) What is salt bridge?
6) Differentiate between electrolytic cell and electrochemical cell.
7) What is sulphonation?
8) Which is the anode and cathode in a Lithium- Ion battery?
9) What is primary and secondary cell? Give an example.
10) What is battery? How does it differ from a cell?

1. Describe the construction and working of lead acid storage battery and Lithium Batteries.
2. Describe the principle and functioning of Ni-Cd and Li-Ion battery?
3. What is reversible battery? Describe the construction and function of reversible battery.
4. Describe a glass electrode. How can it be used for determining the pH of a solution ?.
5. Explain the following titration methods.
(i).Precipitation titration method
(ii). Redox-titration method
(iii). Acid-Base titration method
6. Describe the construction and working of Calomel and Standard hydrogen electrodes.
7. Explain the working of Quinhydrone and Standard hydrogen electrodes.
8. What are reference electrodes? Describe any two reference electrodes with neat
diagram and mention their uses.
9) Explain the principle involved in conductometric titrations. Give an experimental
procedure for the titration between strong acid and strong base conductometrically.
10) Explain the principle involved in potentiometric titrations. Write an experimental
procedure for carrying out the titration of a redox reaction.

Unit-V(Corrosion and corrosion control)


1. Write the consequences of corrosion.

2. Define corrosion?
3. What is vapour phase inhibitors?
4. Explain oxidation and reduction corrosion.
5. What is decarburization ?
6. What is pitting corrosion?
7. Difference between chemical and electrochemical corrosion.
8. What is microbiological corrosion?
9. What is meant by sacrificial anodic protection?
10. Mention any two factors that affect electrochemical corrosion.


1. Explain briefly about theories of corrosion.

2. What is corrosion? Explain its various forms.
3. Explain the different methods of corrosion control.
4. Explain the important factors which influence the corrosion.
5. Write a note on concentration cell, galvanic cell.
6. What is electrochemical corrosion? Give examples.
7. What is cathodic protection? Explain its types.
8. Explain about sacrificial anodic protection and impressed current cathodic protection

9. Explain the types of inhibitors

10. Explain about uniform pipeline, pitting, crevice and microbial corrosion.

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