Saito Morihiro - Takemusu Aiki Katatedori

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"Takemusu Aiki: Katatedori"
by Morihiro Saito
This is the first of two technical volumes produced by Morihiro Saito Sensei in
collaboration with Aiki News (precursor of Aikido Journal ) based on a series of
several hundred black and white photos shot inside the Iwama Do jo . " Takemusu
Aiki : Katatedori" was published in 1979 and contains 22 techni q ues , all from
katatedori , the single -h and grab. The text explaining the technical photos is
produced both in English and Japanese to allow access to the widest possible
reading audience of aikidoka.

Saito Sensei was known for his ability to organize and breakdown techniques
into easily learnable components. This skill is readily evident in this man ual
as he guides readers step by step through the execution of techni q ues . For
several of the techniques , the basic movement is accompanied by a progression
to henkawaza (variations), and oyowaza (applied techniques ).

Given the time frame in which the photos were taken (1978 - 79 ) and the available
technology , Saito Sensei would stop his movements at key points in the movement
to allow the photo to be taken . Because of this , the natural flow of movement
is lacki ng in these images , a trait characteristic of technical manuals of this
sort. By contrast, the pausing of a movement at critical points allows the
reader ' s eye to focus on essential details for deepe r unde rstand ing .

At the time this photo series was taken, many foreign aikido students were
coming to the Iwama dojo to spend varying perio ds of time as uchi des hi , or
live - in students. Saito Sensei ' s reputation was growing steadily largely d ue to
the publication of a series of five technical volumes titled Traditional Aikido
appearing in the mid- 1970s . Like this manual , these books ha d English and
Japanese text , and were must-reading among serious practitioners of aikido in
Japan and abroad. This widespread exposure to the Iwama aikido training curric -
ulum created a strong demand for Saito Sensei to travel to foreign countries to
conduct seminars. He received many invitations to teach abroad, the USA,
Europe, Scandanavia , and Australia being his major des tinations .

Saito Sensei was almost single -h andedly responsible for the kindling of inter -
est in the practice of the Aiki Ken and Aiki Jo . This aiki weapons ' repertoire
was developed by Saito Sensei based on training patterns he learned from
Founder Morihei Ueshiba during his intensive period of training in Iwama in the
late 1940s and 50s . Therefore, readers should keep in mind that the empty -
handed techniques shown in "Takemusu Aiki: Katatedori '' are part of a vast cur -
riculum that includes hundreds of taijutsu techni q ues as well as the rich tech -
nica l content of ken and jo practices , all tied together as a cohesive whole.

I heard Saito Sensei me ntion ma ny times both privately and in public that he
was not free to develop his own style of aikido. This was d ue to his devot ion
to the Founder , and his roles as the dojo - cho of the Iwama Dojo and guardian of
the nearby Aiki Shrine . Rather , he viewed his mission as dedicating his life to
the preservation and faithful dissemination of the Founder's aikido as he
learned it in Iwama. Saito Sensei ' s innate genius , tireless energy and hercu -
lean efforts to travel all over Japan and to foreign lands, and his many publi -
cations have assured his position as one of the most important and influential
disciples of Morihei Ueshiba.

Stanley Pranin
April 2012
I Jtt~~

[]] ;j{j-f.b:l:tJ=f.C'ft:J'-§fi-mlkc~ t.::ij}~o

[2J li::JEi-li::{iliJ IC~~ , :tl'f-C' H3-f.OJl}iffiji-tJ-:Jo

[)1 When your opponent grabs your left

hand with his right hand
[2) Step to the left with your left leg
and execute an atemi to your opponent's
face with your right hand.

rn ;j{j-f-fJ:I;{J'f-C'li::'f.§i-MJA..- C'~ t.:~'i5-o

c2J b:: JE i- tc: fHiHc: rm ~ , :t~ -f. --cm -'f-0) llirm i- rr -:J"'

[)) When your opponent grabs y our left

hand with his right hand
(2] Step to the left with your left leg
and execute an atemi to your opponent's
face with your right hand.


I - l
[3JOOL5JL6J :t~ -=t- -cm.'f-0) :t~-¥ -§ ~ IliUJ , tr:-¥ -cm'f:-0) ft:JJt ~®A.,
""C ~ ~o~ ~ L~~~Q o ft~~~\~~~L~~~~ Un

[3] [4] [5] [6] Grab your opponent's right hand with
y our right hand and, placing your left hand on his
l eft elbow, twist your hips and press his arm down-
ward. Take a large step diagonally forward and pin
y our opponent.

f.lJ ;ti.:f.""C;f{J.'f-O):fJ=f'.§~U)( I) , ft:JE!i;j{j -fO);tj,@O)*JI<::-:J~ iO

:ht!: Qo
OOI5J :tJ JE ~ i Q <~m~, T-tEI.:f-~Jl:fl ~J6u 0

[3] Grab your opponent's right hand with your right

hand and step forward with your left foot, align-
i ng yourself toe-to-toe with your opponent.
[ 4] [5] Pivot to the rear with your right leg and
pin your opponent.

I - 2
[D f§.:f.tJitr:.:f'.-c;t].:f.§"i-:lllliA..,C'~ t.:~15-o
~ ~~"i-ffi.:f.0ti:~0MK~~~~~
1:*--'i-fJI'J ~' Tf§T:.>i-im-to
C3J ~ .JE .>i- <; I ~ tJ 7'Ji G!r:-¥--c f1Ff:-0 ~illi "i-
tr~ o

[1] When your opponent grabs your right

hand with his left hand
[2] Step forward with your right foot
aligning yourself in front of his left
foot. Then pivot to the rear with
your left foot leading him around.
[3] Drawing your right foot to the
rear, execute an atemi to his face with
your left hand.



I - 3
WWW.d I. corn
111[5][6] .f § f- 0) ti: :f.§~ 00 A., C' ti8 ~ ' Tjtfl ;{_ .Q o ( iiii
n ;r, ..1: -j !c::: L T1'J 7 )

(4] [5] (6] Grab your opp onent's left wr i st

and pivot to the left rear as in ikkyo
ura waza above. Pin your opponent. (This
movement is performed without stopping.

I - 4
m *El=F-b>;t]:f.l:'ti:-¥§ ~1!li1A., l:' ~ t.:~~o
[2] fi:~ ~ti:{JlljiCgfj ~ , ;tJ-¥ l:'*EJ-¥CDCJiffij~fT""Jo
[3] :tJ-¥ l:'*EJ-¥ CD1i: =f. CD lf1 ~f.j ~ , filii-¥ CD 1J C' ti :id
it Vf', 1i:.$JfCD{:<$:~10J::fo-t 0

[1] When your opponent grabs your left

wrist with his right hand
[2] Step to the left with your left leg
and execute an atemi to your opponent's
face with your right hand.
(3] Take the back of y our opponent's
left hand with your right hand and,
with the power of both hands bring your
opponent's hand to your left shoulder
at the same time reversi ng your posture.

[3] seen from the opposite ang le


I - 5
[!) ffl=J'-O)ti:-¥i-ffl-=>ti-¥i- §J510) ~:l[; l<:::j I~-::>~, tr:-¥1H§'F-O)f:§
[5) f§'F-O)Jl9iii-%~·-:>~tJMGj1:fl;.t:i6tJo
(ID[I] :tJ 1<:::-::> ~ t.: i i ti:'f-i-.f§-¥0)JfJIC~ -c_
i ~ .\61\., C'j1:fl ;.t.\6
u.. i- O)c ~ti-¥1HE!J'.O)ti-¥§i- .ft511c :i66:i6h-, L66-=> ~ .Q J:.. 7 1<::
T .:Oo
[4] Press your opponent's left hand to your shoulder
with your right hand and hold his wrist with your
left hand.
[5] Apply pressure by drawing your opponent's arm
down and inward.
[6] [7] Leaving your right hand on your shoulder,
with your left arm enfold and pin his left arm. At
this time, hold your opponent's right wrist firmly
with your right hand and then proceed to pin as
shown in the photo.

[ 4] seen from the opposite angle.

I - 6

rn ;fl¥f. ;OftJ=.FC' k:-'f. §i- MOZJ.,

k:-'f. C'ftiiD i- ~- L -c ~ td~r~o
[2] tiJ'Ei-11:{11~1<:::~ ~, ~i-d> L
lie: L-ctJ-=F- C'tiioo i-n-:J o
[3J []) tJ -'f. C':f§ -'f-0) tJ-=f. § i- I) '
jlljjJDBOJ:/JC'.t§-'f.OJ.IJ9i!i-;6);t L -c:to
* [1) When your opponent grabs your left hand with his
~ ;{_j6tfo right hand and strikes toward your face with his left
[2) Step to the left side with your left leg lowering
[5] m¥i-5le~m,J-:t J: :>1c.tcJE your hips slightly
i-*~ Ol~OZJ.f:l:lj"o [3) [4) Grab your opponent's right hand with your
[BJ ;f§-'f. 0) tJ-¥ § i- ft -'f. C' ~ ~ tJ right hand and, with the power of both your arms,
overturn your opponent's arm and hold it down.
:toL,$!tOJ1*~C':f§-'f.OJOti­ [5) Advance your left leg toward your opponent's
Jl(ij)I<:::-:JitTM t 7.> o side.
[7J[.BJ :tJ -f. C' ;f§-'f-0) lit iiD i-fT ~ tJ [6) Change your grasp of your opponent's right wrist
over to your left hand. Maintaining your stance, im-
iJU::J, WJ:tjl<:::1b~j6U,., .:COJ~, mobilize your opponent's elbow against your chest.
Hl'f.OJ :tJ=F li o t11J ~ H'. Gn 7.> ,., [7) [8) While striking your opponent's face with your
[9] ;fi-'f.C':f§-'f.OJOti-ffl'~:to~ right hand, turn to the front. At this time, you
are raising and twisting your opponent's right arm.
;{_ 7.>0
[9) Place your right hand on your opponent's elbow.
!ID[]If3 :tl-'f.C':f§*OJ:tl-'f.§i-M [10) [11) [12) Enfold your opponent's right arm with
OZJ. tJ :to LJlfijJI<::: L -=> ;6) IJ -:J lt -c t§-'f. your left. His right arm is locked against your
body. At this time, pin your opponent'ts right arm
O)~fij/!BA..jc]-:> ""[:jlj3;{_j6tfo by moving it over his head.

I - 7
I - 8

seen from the opposite angle

[IJ l§-'f.tJ>:tif-Tti:-'f.§f~fl!ilA;T~ t.:~o

[2]:tl-'f.T*!ff.OJ{J-'f- -I~H·.J::tJ~ GN!.:t:i6u.J:. -j le l
TIC~- I) :i6U,
rm <
.?C-OJ~O)r~:tllE ~:tmA;C' <-· ~J tivt ~0
[!)[5][BJ 1* ~td t:: IJ tJ t;> G11:-¥ 'il§-'f.OJ J=~Jt ~ffl "b
i*T td IJ it v:f ~ o
[1][8]L9J :tl-'f.l:'l§-'f.OJ!Jt~ .ttJ~ GN!.:t:i6Uo

I - 9
[1) When your opponent grabs your left hand with his right
[2) Grab your opponent's right hand from above and hold
[3) Step forward with your right leg under his arm raising
it upward.
[4) [5) [6) While turning your body take hold of your oppo-
nent's fingertips.
(7] [B) (9] With your right hand raise your opponent's elbow
and proceed with the sankyo pin.

I - 10
al. eo m
(]] lF.JJ'-;O~;t].=f.Tft:.=f.§~MIVT~ t.:~u
[2] ft:JE ~:ti:{l!ljiC~~ ;fj.=f. Tl13-=FOJlJiffii~tT-::>o
[3] :tl.=f.V.Ilt~:toc L-c ;f§.=f.OJ;fj.=f.§~ -rt-~,Gic::¥~;16
[1] When your opponent grabs your left hand
with his right
!21 Step to the left side with your left leg
to unbalance him.
[3] Grab your opponent's left wrist with
your right hand from above.

[4] [5] [6] Grasp your oppon-

DAI YONKYO ent's right hand with your

left hand from below and pus h
it toward his right armpit.
Apply a pin.
[7] [8] Advance your left leg
forward and pin your oppon-
ent's right arm. At this

HENKA time, apply pressure to your

opponent's right wrist wit h
your left hand.

I - 11
www.alkldOJOurna .corn
[1][5)[6]11llBJ 1r:.=f.~liFf-O):tJ.=f.§lc~;t, ~~T:Ela l -c l66-Jtt, 1lf! ~

I - 12
[1] When your opponent grabs yo~r left
hand with his right hand
(]] ;j{J-'f.;(J:I;t]-'f.-z:'ti:'f.-§i-JmA,;-z:' ~ f.:~o [2] Step to the left with your left foot
(2) :6::,@ i-ti:{)!IJIC!Mj~ , ;t]-'f.-z:';j{f-'f.O);tj-'f. and grab your opponent's right wrist
~Ei-'lm~,~i-~~~b~~~~ L TO with you right hand from above. Begin
to swing your arms upward as thcugh rai-
J::ICffl -? T ~ ' <o sing a sword.

[1] When your opponent grabs your left
hand with his rig ht hand
[2] Step forward with your left foot to
a point in f ront of his right foot and
grab his rig ht hand with your r i ght hand.
Raise your arms u p over your head as
though wielding a sword while pivoting
to the rear with your right foot.

(]] :f§-¥;():I ;t]-¥ l:':6::-¥ § i- Jm

A,; "Z:'~ t;:~.g.0
(2) ti:.fEi-:f§-=f.O);tj,@O)"ijiJ~
tm~, ;t:J-=f. li:f§-'f.O);t]-'f.~E
i-'im~, ~lj i-~- ~ ;()'~!,::;~ ~ ~ IC
lcOJ:ICffl -? Tl9> ~f§-'f-0).(;$:
(})1&6 "* "Z:':k~ <~ < C'

I - 13

[3] [4] [5] [6] Take a large step forward

with your left foot. Then, twist your
hips and bring your arms downward as
though striking with a sword.

[3J~L5JIID 1r:Jl!.i-*~<i!
i!~, f*i-~ t T~IJi-tJJ IJ
i\i T J:. -j IC:J-9: t-:f .0 o

[3J(IJ[5] YliJ i- ~ IJ to c T J:.

-5 le: J-9:17'' .0 o

[3] [4] [5] Bring your arms downward as

though striking with a sword.


I - 14
www. corn

I]) ;fEJ=f.tJi:tJ.=f.C'1£:.=f-§1;-Jm/v C'~ f.:~o

[2J :ti.@1:-l#]~tJtJiG1£:-'Fiir*Jffi~l<:: i o <i ~:0, ~ ' :ti.=f.
C';fEJ.=f.OJ WJU~1:- r tJ> G®uQ
[1) When your opponent grabs your left wrist
with his right hand
[2) Step to the rear with your right foot and
turn your left hand inward and up, fingers
extended. At the same time, grab the back of
your opponent's hand with your right hand
from below.

I]) ;fEJ.=f.tJi:tJ'f-C'ft:=J=-§1:-Jm/v C'~ f.:~~o

[2J :6::.@.<::l#] ~ ' ;fEJ.=f.OJ:ti.=f.-§ 1;-JI.lj./!i:@--1t-11tlv c
_$, IJ tJ>.Mo o

[1) When your opponent grabs your left wrist

with his right hand
[2) Step to the left with your left leg and
grab your opponent's right wrist. Then, step
forward with your right leg and raise your
arms above your head.

I - 17
wwv.. al. corn
u l iJ ~ .0 ~ -5 le:: l Tii:JE ~~ I ~
[3][!][5] !JiJ:i G, .tc'f- C't§.:f.o::>;t)-'f.o::>
~~ ~~~~~C', ~T~~lT~if.Oo

[3) [4) [5) Pulling your hand free, step to the left with
your left foot and, with your left hand, press down on
the back of your opponent's hand throwing with a wrist

[3](!]r5J b"-'f.<:;f§-'f.o::>;t]-'f.-§~E]iJ:b> G'Wr:j:llc::~ l , Jlf~ o::>t!-Tj~if .Oo

("Co::>~, El0C:;f§-'f.o::>.pfi:;b:i+*ILfJ.O~ -j lt::-9.0)

[3) [4) [5) With your right hand extend your opponent's
arm over your head laying his body over your hips.
Throw your opponent by twisting your hips. (At this
time, your body and your opponent's body are perpin-
dicular to each another)

I - 18
[]] f!:lf.:b~ki.:f-Tft:.:f-§fi-11
~T~ f.:~~ o

(1] When your opponent
grabs your left hand
with his right hand

I - 19
[2) f§'f.citt.Md: -j I C{;$:~;0>
tJ l.JJ;Qs G~ :ti'f-~ ~ tJ>G ~
L i60'J.~ ~ tJ>~' .Q d: -5 IC L -c
~ 'Jlic Lii:'f-~M~'if'""to
[2) :tJ'f. Tf§'f- OX5'f.§ ~ 1fil
[ID[1] ft:JE lit§ i=-CD f&1J IC :if!~ ft:'f- T ;j{ff.Q) ¥J-j(;~ mJ 0'}.
5 1 ~~-t:!-.Q o
0'}. , WTIC~~tJ:l t_, ;t'f--~M~
~~ :ti'f.ii;ffi'f.CDCD~KitJ L, ~-~T~if.Q o
a er-to
[2] ft:-¥i- ~~C~~ tfj [_, , {j
'f.liJ:tJ> G~ Li610 Tft:'f. ~

[2] While turning your body

so as to align yourself with
your opponent, raise your
r ight hand upward from below
breaking free your grip [3] [4] Step behind your opponent with your
[2] With your right hand grab left leg and, with your left hand, grab
your opponent's right wrist. his collar and pull him towards you.
Then extend your left hand in [5] [6] Extend your right arm in above your
f ront of your body to free opponent's throat. Throw with kokyu power.
your grip.
[ 2] Extend your left hand
downward and, placing your
r ight hand from above, free
your grip.

I - 20
www.a .corn
(1] 'i'ihen your opponent grabs your left hand with his
right hand
(2] Extend your left hand to. the left at the same time
KAITEN NAGE stepping forward with your left foot.
with your right hand.
Execute an atem.

(3] (4] Take a large step forward with your right leg
and swing your opponent's arm downward.
UCHI MAWARI [5] Draw your left leg back and cut downward with your
left hand and press his head downward with your right
(6] (7] Grab your opponent's right hand with your left
hand and step forward with your left leg and throw.

[1] When your opponent grabs your right

hand with his left hand
(2] (3] Extend your right hand forward.
Then step diagonally forward with your
right foot and pivot to the rear with

KAITEN NAGE your left foot while raising your right

(4] (!:] Draw your right foot to the rear
at the same time striking downward with
SOTO MAWARI your right arm. Press his head downward
with your left hand while grabbing his
left wrist with your right nand. Then
push him forward and throw.

I 21
www. .corn
I]] m-J.iJ:i:tJ~ C'ir:~§i:-mJA., C'~ t:~~o
[2] ft:'J't;!:ft:{llijiC-:J ~ tJj [._,_ 15)~1Cft:,@ b
tr: ffiVIC i!§Ua :tl~C'.f§~O)lJii:ID i-tJ -:Ja
rn:J[J] ::t:i,@n:ii~ <tl§h-, m~O)JI1i!O)ri- <
(' IJ O'J.Irf.Qo
[5] tr:,@i-<; l ~tJtJsGtr:~i-~ tJme: l,
f§~O)~li]$i:-.t:J~C'f!ll~ .Z.Q o
~rn tr:~""Ef§~O):tJ¥rfi-~h-,tr:,@i­
tl§h-tJtJ:i Gt13¥i-f!lllt:~V·f'.Q o

rn ;t§~tJ:ift:'f.C':tl~§i:-:llllA.,C'~ t:~~o
[2][3] ::t:i~i-:tJ{llijlc~~ !±l l, {J,@ti#466:tJ:Jjlci!§h-ir:,@i-~~ '-'L:b~i­
_t"f' oQo
[1][5] :tJ,@i-<;l~tJtJ:iG:tJ~i-~ IJme: l, f§~O)~@i$i-NJ-Z.Qa :tl~
(j:;j;§:f-O)ft:'f.§i:-mJA., C', :tJ JE i:-i!§h-fJfJ:i G:jffl lN:tf.Qo

I - 22
[I] f€1-¥il>ft:¥T::ti-¥§i-)m~IC~ t.:~~o
~~ n<m-¥i-~~LT~~i-<fTo
~~ <fh~~C6i-~LT~if~o


rn f§-¥;o>tr:-¥-r::ti-¥§i-:lmiV "C'~ t.:~o

~ ::ti JE.i- :itti -li-tJ;O> G::ti-¥i-:7i-IC~ LT
KOK YUNAGE OYO ~00 <fh~~C6i-~LTmif~ a

I - 23
www. .corn
[1] When your opponent comes to grab
your right hand with his left hand
[2] [3) Lead your opponent circularly
thus unbalancing him.
[4) [5] Having unbalanced your oppo-
nent, push him forward and throw.

[1) When your opponent grabs your

right hand with his left hand
[2] Step forward with your right leg
and, turning your right hand outward,
unbalance your opponent.
[3) [4] Having unbalanced your oppo-
nent, push him forward and throw.

I 24
WWW.ct al. corn
-at -o.l_ ~ v;- ~~



I - 25
rn m=F- ;?i;tJ=F- C'.tr:.=t- §~:~m A., C' ~ (1] When your opponent grabs your left hand
t.:~,g-0 with his right hand
[2] Take a large step forward with your left
[2] 1i::.JEC'1\:~ <:f§-'f-O)*;j.661V]IC:: foot to his rear and raise your left hand up
:if§.7j.tJ:tJ:iGJL'f-~i .Q <:f§.'f-O)J:b> in a circular movement behind your opponent's
G&1J IC:: ~ ~ \ -c;(-J.'f.~ fil tro head at the same time grabbing his right hand.
[3] Place your right shoulder directly under
lll :tl~ ~ :f§.'f- 0) !M 0)~ r le::® -c tJ:i your opponent's elbow encircling his neck.
~\ . t!"f-,i:f§'J'.O)§Icib"to [4] Step forward with your right foot and
(!] :tJ JE ~:if§ 66 -c t9: ~J .Q0

[1] :f§"f-;?i:{J.'f- C'b::'f- -§~Ill lv C' ~ [1] When your opponent grabs your left hand
with his right hand
t.:~,g-0 [2] Step forward with your left foot and turn
~ ~JE~MK~L. ~0)~~~­ your body to face the direction in which you
.il T :f§.'f- C :f§sJ:tz .Mo came thus aligning yourself with your oppo-
[.3] 1i: JE. ~ f§'f- 0) 1&1] IC:: A ~ • :tr:.'f- (3] Step behind your opponent with your left
'i*EJ.'f-0)0) c"i-~8) .Q o foot and extend your left hand over your op-
ponent's throat.
[!) Jlt ~ 0 .td -:> TBt ~:f .Q o [4] Turn your hips and throw.

I - 26
[I] ;!{j-=.f-;Oi1J:'f-C':tJ=f.§~Jmh-IC~
t:~-@1 .,
f2J :ti::P~P'Jb>G(itlilSH'·*EJ~O)vt;:
~~ <T l, lJ!jjj~fT'Jo
I]] .tl-¥ -cf§-=.f-O);tj'-=.f-§~~ tJ' /I.
T- 'i/ltO) P'JfRIJ~imUo
[!) fi::JE~:it§~L'~i':f'G o

[I] f§.f-f;:l:tJ"f-C'E::-f--§~mJh-IC ~
t:~ -g-0
f2J -!*~b>t> ltJbiG:tJ-=.F--cfEI-=.F-0)
:ti-"f-~ }";O>Gimuo
C3J r4J o
Ire!~ tl '? ctr:: =F -c m-=t- 0) llt


I -- 27
[1) When your opponent grabs your right hand
with his left hand
(2) Raise your right hand up to the inside
unbalancing your opponent. At the same time,
execute an atemi with your left hand
(3) With your right hand hold his left wrist
firmly. With your left hand grab the inside
of his elbow.
[4) Step forward with your left leg and throw.

[1] When your opponent grabs your left hand

with his right hand
[2] While turning your body grab your oppo-
nent's right hand with your right hand from
(3] [4] Twist your hips and with your left
hand press your opponent's elbow vigorously
downward and pin.

I - 28
[)] f§-=f'-;Oi';b-=f'- C'ft:-=f'- j\'ff~jiJA., C'~ /:~o
~ ~~~~L~~~~~~~AhTffl-=f.
O)lJ\!/-.Y..>i&JJfct!JE~~.Y..>n~ "9-to <
SUMIOTOSHI ~~ ~-=f.Tf§-=f.O)~JE~U~T~~LT
~vf'6 ~-

KATAME WAZA [D .f§.:f-iJift: -'f.T~-=f.-§~!tirl/vC'~ t:~-fro

[2] ~ JE ~ 15-!l!V f<:: ~ ~ 15:f. .~ 'F b~ Gf$(-i. L
Ti~ <~~ W-t"
~r!l tr:'F-cm'f.,vtr:'f-§ i6u
et -j 1<:: L T1tJl.:t~U~

I - 29
[1] When your opponent grabs your left hand with
his right hand
(2] Lower your hips and extend ki forth through
both arms. Step diagonally forward with vour
left leg unbalancing your opponent.
[3] (4] With your right hand push against the
back of your opponent's right knee and throw.

(1] When your opponent grabs your right hand with

his left hand
(2] Step into the right with your right leg and,
turning your hips, extend your right hand into
your opponent's shoulder from below.
(3] Then press his arm downward and grab his
left wrist with your left hand. Enfold his arm
and pin.

I 30
WWVv.a al. eo m
t-ttt -<
,--2L......l:lt......_ _
<~::? ~
I- Dai-ikkyo
1' 2
ura waza

--~.-~~~~~~~~~---' I- Dai-ikkyo ura waza

1 , Y. j_~ 11.,..,J'ft.rt- 3,4 ki-no··nagare

~~ 6 oai-nikyo ura waza

I-9 ura waza

1 Dai-yonkyo henka
1I- waza

13 Shiho-nage
ura waza

. 1 Kotegaeshi

• I-

19,Irimi-nage (chu)

uchi ma~o~ari
21, Kai ten-nage
soto ma\<~ari

I- ki-no-nagare
23 • 24 Kokyu-nage
I- Kokyu··nage jodan
25 • 26 Kokyu-nage chudan

Kokyu-nage gedan
Hiji-osae waza

Ukemi: Jason Yim

Order from: AIKI NEWS, 4532-6 Kasugamachi,

Iwama-machi, Nishi Ibaraki-gun, Ibaraki-ken,
JAPAN 319-02.

An AIKI NEWS publication copyright © 1979 by Stanley A. Pranin. All rights reserved.

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