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Words Followed By Appropriate Prepositions (Compiled by: Aamir Mahar)


1. Abhorrence of ingratitude 63. Care of his books
2. Ability for or in some work 64. Cause for anxiety
3. Abstinence from wine 65. Cause of trouble
4. Abundance of food 66. Caution against error
5. Access to a person or place 67. Certainty about a matter
6. Accession to the throne 68. Certificate of good conduct
7. (In) accordance with rule 69. Cessation from work
8. Accusation of theft 70. Charge of murder (Noun)
9. Acquaintance with a person or a thing 71. Charge with murder. (Verb)
10. (Make) the acquaintance of a person 72. Claim on or against someone
11. Adherence to a plan or cause 73. Cloak for vice
12. Admission to a society of persons or class or things 74. Comment on something said
13. Admission into or to a place 75. Commerce with a country
14. Advance (progress) of learning 76. Compact with a person
15. Advance (of a person) in knowledge 77. Comparison to or with a person or thing
16. (To take) advantage of some one’s mistake 78. Compassion for a person
17. (To gain) an advantage over someone 79. Compensation for a loss
18. (To have) the advantage of anyone 80. Competition with a person
19. Affection for a person 81. Competition for a thing
20. Allegiance to a person 82. Complaint against a person
21. Alliance with a person or state 83. Complaint about a thing
22. Allusion to something 84. Compliance with a request
23. Ambition for distinction 85. Complicity in a crime
24. Amends for some fault 86. Concession to a demand
25. Antidote to some poison 87. Concurrence with a person
26. Antidote against infection 88. Concurrence in a proposal
27. Anxiety for anyone’s safety 89. Condemnation to death
28. Apology for some fault 90. Condolence with a person
29. Appetite for food 91. Confidence in a person
30. Application to books 92. Conformity with anyone's views
31. Application for employment 93. Conformity to rule
32. Apprehension of danger 94. Connection with a person or thing
33. Approach to (step towards) anything 95. Consciousness of guilt
34. Aptitude for mathematics 96. Consideration for a person
35. Arrival at a place 97. Consideration of a thing
36. Arrival in a country or large town 98. Contact with something
37. Arrival in London, Paris, etc. 99. (A) Contemporary of some person
38. Aspiration after or for fame 100. Contempt for a person or thing
39. Assent to an opinion 101. (A) Contrast to a person or thing
40. Assurance of help 102. (In) contrast with a person or thing
41. Atonement for sin 103. Contribution to a fund
42. Attachment to a person or thing 104. Contribution towards some project
43. Attack on a person or place 105. Control over a person or thing.
44. Attendance on a person 106. Controversy with a person
45. Attendance at a place 107. Controversy on or about something
46. Attention to study 108. Conversation with a person
47. Attraction to or towards a thing 109. Conviction of guilt
48. Authority over a person 110. Co-partner with a person
49. Authority on a subject 111. Co-partner in something
50. Authority for saying or doing 112. Copy from nature
51. Aversion to or from a person or thing 113. Correspondence with a person
52. Bar to success 114. Correspondence to a thing
53. Bargain with a person 115. Craving for anything
54. Bargain for a thing 116. Decision on some case
55. Battle with anyone 117. Delight in a person or thing
56. Beneficence to the poor 118. Deliverance from a danger
57. Benevolence towards the poor 119. Dependence on a person or thing
58. Bias towards a thing 120. Descent from ancestors
59. Blindness to one's own faults 121. Desire for wealth
60. Candidate for election 122. Deviation from rule
61. Capacity for mathematics 123. Digression from a subject

Words Followed By Appropriate Prepositions (Compiled by: Aamir Mahar)

124. Disagreement with a person 186. Hindrance to anything

125. Discouragement of a person 187. Hint at some reward
126. (A) Discouragement to a person 188. Hope of better luck. (Noun)
127. Disgrace to a person 189. Hope for better luck. (Verb)
128. Disgust at meanness 190. Hostility to a person or cause
129. Dislike of or for a person or thing 191. Identity with a person or thing
130. Dissent from a proposal 192. Immersion in water
131. Distaste for mathematics 193. Impediment to progress
132. Distrust of a person or thing 194. Imputation of guilt
133. Dominion over sea and land 195. Imputation against someone
134. Doubt of or about a thing 196. Incentive to industry
135. Drawback to success 197. Inclination for or to study
136. Duty to a person 198. Independence of help
137. Eagerness for distinction 199. Indifference to heat or cold
138. Economy of time 200. Indulgence in wine
139. Eminence in painting 201. Indulgence to a person
140. Encroachment on one's rights 202. Inference from facts
141. Endeavour after happiness 203. Infliction of punishment
142. Endurance of pain 204. Influence over or with a person
143. Engagement in a business 205. Influence on anyone's actions
144. Engagement with a person 206. Inkling of a secret
145. Engagement (to marry) to 207. Inquiry into circumstances
146. Enmity for or with a person 208. Insight into a man's character
147. Entrance into a place 209. Instruction in music
148. Envy at (or of) another's success 210. Intercourse with a person
149. Equality with a person 211. Interest in a subject
150. Escape from punishment 212. Interest (influence) with a person
151. Esteem for a person 213. Interference in or with a man's affairs
152. Estrangement from a person 214. Interview with a person
153. Evasion of a rule 215. Intimacy with a person
154. Exception to a rule 216. Intrusion into a man's house
155. (Make) an exception of some person or thing 217. Invitation to a dinner
156. Excuse for a fault 218. Irruption into a country
157. Exemption from a penalty 219. Irruption by invaders
158. Experience of a thing 220. Jest at a man's bad luck
159. Experience in doing something 221. Joy in his good luck.
160. Exposure to danger 222. Judge of a matter
161. Failure of a plan 223. Jurisdiction over a province
162. Failure of a person in something 224. Jurisdiction in a lawsuit
163. Faith in a person or thing 225. Justification of or for crime
164. Familiarity with a person or thing 226. Key to a mystery
165. Fine for an offence 227. Laxity in morals
166. Fitness for some position 228. Lecture on a subject
167. Fondness for anything 229. Leisure for amusement
168. Freedom from care 230. Leniency to prisoners
169. Freedom of action 231. Liability to an illness
170. (Has) a genius for Mathematics 232. Libel on a person
171. (Is) a genius in Mathematics 233. Libel against his character
172. Glance at a person or thing 234. Likeness to a person or thing
173. Glance over a wide surface 235. Liking for a person or thing
174. Gratitude for a thing 236. Limit to a man's zeal
175. Gratitude to a person 237. Longing for or after a thing
176. Greediness for a thing 238. Look at a thing
177. Grief at an event 239. Lust for money
178. Grief for a person 240. Malice against a person
179. Guarantee for or of a man's honesty 241. Margin for losses
180. Guess at the truth 242. Martyr for a certain cause
181. Harmony with anything 243. Match for a person
182. Hatred of or for a person 244. Menace to public health
183. Hatred of a thing 245. Motive for action
184. Heir to some property 246. Necessity for anything
185. Heir of some person 247. Necessity of the case

Words Followed By Appropriate Prepositions (Compiled by: Aamir Mahar)

248. Need for assistance 310. Recompense for labour

249. (In) need of assistance 311. Reference to a person or thing
250. Neglect of duty 312. Reflections on a man's honesty
251. Neglect in doing a thing 313. Regard for a man's feelings
252. Nerve for riding 314. (In or With) regard to that matter
253. Nomination of a person 315. Regret for something done
254. Nomination to a post 316. Relapse into idleness
255. Obedience to orders, parents, etc. 317. Relation of one thing to another
256. Objection to a proposal 318. Relation between two things
257. Obligation to a person 319. Relations with a person
258. Obstruction to traffic 320. Reliance on a man's word
259. Offence against morality 321. Relish for food.
260. (Take) offence at something done 322. Remedy for or against snakebite
261. Operation on a person or thing 323. Remonstrance with a person
262. Opportunity for action 324. Remonstrance against his conduct
263. Opposition to a person 325. Remorse for a crime
264. Order for or against doing a thing 326. Repentance for sin
265. Outlook from a window 327. Reply to a letter
266. Outlook on the sea 328. Reputation for honesty
267. Partiality for flatterers 329. Request for a thing
268. Partnership in a thing 330. Resemblance to a person or thing
269. Partnership with a person 331. Resignation to fate
270. Passion for gambling 332. Resistance to injustice
271. (At) peace with all men 333. Resolution into elements
272. Penance for some fault 334. Resolution on a matter
273. Penetration into motives 335. Respect for a man or his office
274. Penitence for some fault 336. (In) respect of some quality
275. Perseverance in well-doing 337. (With) respect (to) a matter
276. Persistence in an attempt 338. Responsibility to the law
277. Piety towards God 339. Responsibility for action
278. Pity for sufferers 340. Result of a proceeding
279. Popularity with neighbours 341. Reverence for age
280. Postscript to a letter 342. Revolt against authority
281. Power over a person 343. Rival in anything
282. Precaution against infection 344. Rival for a position
283. Preface to a book 345. Rivalry with a person
284. Preference for one thing 346. Satire on or upon a person, book, etc.
285. Preference to or over another thing 347. Satisfaction for some fault
286. Prejudice against a person 348. Search for or after wealth
287. Preparation for action 349. (In) search of wealth
288. Pretension to learning 350. Shame at or for his fault
289. Pretext for interference 351. Share of a thing
290. Pride in his wealth (Noun) 352. Share with a person
291. Prides himself on his wealth (Verb) 353. Sin against God
292. Proficiency in mathematics 354. Slave to avarice
293. Profit to the seller 355. (The) Slave of avarice
294. Progress in study 356. Slur on his character
295. Proof of guilt (Noun) 357. Sneer at good men
296. Proof against temptation (Adj.) 358. Sorrow for his misfortunes
297. Proportion of three to one 359. Specific for or against fever
298. Protest against proceedings, decision, etc. 360. Speculation in bank shares
299. (In) Pursuance of an object 361. Stain on one's character.
300. Qualification for office 362. Subjection to the laws
301. Quarrel with another person 363. Submission to authority
302. Quarrel between two persons 364. Subscription to a fund
303. Question on a point 365. Subsistence on rice
304. Ratio of one to five 366. Succession to an estate
305. Readiness at figures 367. Supplement to a book
306. Readiness in answering 368. Surety for a person
307. Readiness for a journey 369. Suspicion of his intentions
308. Reason for a thing 370. Sympathy with or for the poor
309. Reason against a thing 371. Sympathy with a cause or with a person's views

Words Followed By Appropriate Prepositions (Compiled by: Aamir Mahar)

372. Taste (experience) of hard work 36. Anxious about the result
373. Taste (liking) for hard work 37. Applicable to a case
374. Temperance in diet 38. Appropriate to an occasion
375. Temptation to evil 39. Ashamed of his dullness
376. Testimony to his character 40. Associated with a person
377. Testimony against his character 41. Associated in some business
378. Traitor to his country 42. Assured of the truth
379. Trespass against the law 43. Astonished at his rudeness
380. Trust in his honesty 44. Averse to hard work
381. (In) unison with his character 45. Aware of his intentions
382. (We have no) use for that. 46. Backward in Mathematics.
383. (What is the) use of that? 47. Based on sound principles
384. (There is no) use in that. 48. Bent on doing something
385. (At) variance with a person 49. Beset with difficulties
386. (A) victim to oppression 50. Betrayed to the enemy
387. (The) victim of oppression 51. Betrayed into the enemy's hands
388. Victory over his passions 52. Blessed with good health
389. Want of money 53. Blessed in his children
390. Warrant for his arrest 54. Blind to his own faults
391. Witness of or to an event 55. Blind in one eye
392. Wonder at his rudeness 56. Boastful of his wealth
393. Yearning for his home 57. Born of rich parents
394. Zeal for a cause 58. Born in England
395. Zest for enjoyment 59. Bought of a person
60. Bound in honour
PREPOSITIONS 62. (Ship) bound for England
1. Abandoned to his fat 63. Busy with or at his lessons
2. Abounding in or with fish 64. Capable of improvement
3. Absorbed in study 65. Careful of his money
4. Acceptable to a person 66. Careful about his dress
5. Accomplished in an art 67. Cautious of giving advice
6. Accountable to a person 68. Certain of success
7. Accountable for a thing 69. Characterised by a thing
8. Accurate in his statistics 70. Characteristic of a person
9. Accused of a crime 71. Charged to his account
10. Accustomed to riding 72. Charged (loaded) with a bullet
11. Acquainted with a person or thing 73. Charged with (accused of) a crime
12. Acquitted of a charge 74. Clear of blame
13. Adapted to his tastes 75. Close to a person or thing
14. Adapted for an occupation 76. Clothed in purple
15. Addicted to bad habits 77. Committed to a course of action
16. Adequate to his wants 78. Common to several persons or things
17. Affectionate to a person 79. Comparable to something else
18. Afflicted with rheumatism 80. Competent for certain work
19. Afraid of death 81. Composed of a material
20. Agreeable to his wishes 82. Concerned at or about some mishap
21. Alarmed at a rumour 83. Concerned for a person's welfare
22. Alien to his character 84. Concerned in some business
23. Alienated from a friend 85. Condemned to death
24. Alive to the consequences 86. Conducive to success
25. Allied to a thing 87. Confident of success
26. Allied with a person or country 88. Congenial to one's tastes
27. Amazed at anything 89. Congratulated on his success
28. Ambitious of distinction 90. Conscious of a fault
29. Angry at a thing 91. Consistent with the facts
30. Angry with a person 92. Conspicuous for honesty
31. Annoyed at a thing 93. Contemporary with a person or event
32. Annoyed with a person for saying or doing something 94. Contented with a little
33. Answerable to a person 95. Contrary to rule
34. Answerable for his conduct 96. Contrasted with something else
35. Anxious for his safety 97. Conversant with persons or things

Words Followed By Appropriate Prepositions (Compiled by: Aamir Mahar)

98. Convicted of a crime 160. Enveloped in mist

99. Convinced of a fact 161. Envious of another's success
100. Correct in a statement 162. Equal to the occasion
101. Coupled with something else 163. Essential to happiness
102. Covetous of other men's goods 164. Exclusive of certain items
103. Creditable to his judgment 165. Exempted or exempt from a fine
104. Cured of a disease 166. Exhausted with labour
105. Customary for a person 167. Exonerated from blame
106. Deaf to entreaties 168. Exposed to danger
107. Defeated in battle 169. Expressive of his feelings
108. Defective in point of style 170. Faithful to a master
109. Deficient in energy 171. False of heart
110. Delighted with success 172. False to his friends
111. Dependent on a person or thing 173. Familiar with a language
112. Deprived of some good thing 174. Familiar (well known) to a person
113. Deserving of praise 175. Famous for his learning
114. Designed for a purpose 176. Fascinated with or by a person or thing
115. Desirous of success 177. Fatal to his prospects
116. Despairing of success 178. Fatigued with travelling
117. Destined for the bad 179. Favourable to his prospects
118. Destitute of money 180. Favourable for action
119. Determined on doing a thing 181. Fearful of consequences
120. Detrimental to health 182. Fertile in resources
121. Devoid of foundation 183. Fit for a position
122. Different from something else 184. Flushed with victory
123. Diffident of success 185. Foiled in an attempt
124. Diligent in business 186. Fond of music
125. Disappointed of a thing not obtained 187. Foreign to the purpose
126. Disappointed in a thing obtained 188. Founded on fact
127. Disappointed with a person or thing 189. Fraught with danger
128. Disgusted with a thing 190. Free from blame
129. Disgusted at or with a person 191. Fruitless of results
130. Dismayed at a result 192. Full of persons or things
131. Displeased with a person 193. Gifted with abilities
132. Disqualified for a post 194. Glad of his assistance
133. Disqualified from competing 195. Glad at a result
134. Distinct from something else 196. Good for nothing
135. Distracted with pain 197. Good at cricket
136. Distrustful of a man's motives 198. Grateful for past kindness
137. Divested of office 199. Greedy of or after or for riches
138. Doubtful or dubious of success 200. Guilty of theft
139. Due to some cause 201. Healed of a disease
140. Dull of understanding 202. Heedless of consequences
141. Eager for distinction 203. Held in high esteem
142. Eager in the pursuit of knowledge 204. Honest in his dealings
143. Earnest in his endeavours 205. Honoured with your friendship
144. Easy of access 206. Hopeful of success
145. Educated in the law 207. Horrified at the sight
146. Educated for the bar 208. Hostile to my endeavours
147. Effective for a purpose 209. Hungry after or for wealth
148. Eligible for employment 210. Hurtful to health
149. Eminent for his learning 211. Identical with anything
150. Employed in gardening 212. Ignorant of English
151. Empty of its contents 213. Ill with fever.
152. Endeared to all men 214. Imbued with confidence
153. Endowed with natural ability 215. Immaterial to the point
154. Engaged to some person 216. Immersed in water
155. Engaged in some business 217. Impatient of reproof
156. Engraved on the memory 218. Impatient at an event
157. Enraged at something done 219. Impatient for results
158. Entangled in a plot 220. Imperative on a person
159. Entitled to a hearing 221. Impertinent to his master

Words Followed By Appropriate Prepositions (Compiled by: Aamir Mahar)

222. Implicated in a crime 284. Obedient to parents

223. Inclined to laziness 285. Obligatory on a person
224. Inclusive of extras 286. Obliged to a person
225. Incumbent on a person 287. Obliged for some kindness
226. Indebted to a person 288. Obstinate in his resistance
227. Indebted for some kindness 289. Occupied with some work
228. Indebted in a large sum 290. Occupied in reading a book
229. Independent of his parents 291. Offended with a person
230. Indifferent to heat or cold 292. Offended at something done
231. Indignant at something done 293. Offensive to a person
232. Indignant with a person 294. Open to flattery
233. Indispensable to success 295. Opposed to facts
234. Indulgent to his children 296. Overcome with sorrow
235. Infatuated with a person 297. Overwhelmed with grief
236. Infected with smallpox 298. Painful to one's feelings
237. Infested with rats 299. Parallel to or with anything
238. Inflicted on a person 300. Partial to the youngest son
239. Informed of a fact 301. Patient to suffering
240. Inherent in his disposition 302. Peculiar to a person or thing
241. Inimical to a person 303. Polite in manners
242. Innocent of a charge 304. Polite to strangers
243. Insensible to shame 305. Poor in spirit
244. Inspired with hope 306. Popular with schoolfellows
245. Intent on his studies 307. Popular for his pluck
246. Interested in a person or thing 308. Possessed of wealth
247. Intimate with a person 309. Possessed with a notion
248. Introduced to a person 310. Precious to a person
249. Introduced into a place 311. Pre-eminent above the rest
250. Invested with full powers 312. Pre-eminent in cleverness
251. Invested in stocks and shares 313. Preferable to something else
252. Involved in difficulties 314. Prejudicial to his interests
253. Irrelevant to the question 315. Preliminary to an inquiry
254. Irrespective of consequences 316. Prepared for the worst
255. Jealous of his reputation 317. Preventive of fever (noun)
256. Lame in one leg 318. Previous to some event
257. Lavish of money 319. Productive of wealth
258. Lavish in his expenditure 320. Proficient in Mathematics
259. Lax in his morals 321. Profitable to an investor
260. Level with the ground 322. Profuse with his money
261. Liable to error 323. Profuse in his offers
262. Liable for payment 324. Prone to idleness
263. Liberal of his advice 325. Proper for or to the occasion
264. Limited to a certain area 326. Proud of his position
265. Lost to all sense of shame 327. Pursuant to an inquiry
266. Loyal to the government 328. Qualified for teaching music
267. Mad with disappointment 329. Quick of understanding
268. Made for a teacher 330. Quick at Mathematics
269. Made of iron 331. Radiant with smiles
270. Meet for a rich man 332. Ready for action
271. Mindful of his promise 333. Ready in his answers
272. Mistaken for a traveler 334. Reconciled to a position
273. Mistaken in a belief 335. Reconciled with an opponent
274. Moved to tears 336. Reduced to poverty
275. Moved with pity 337. Regardless of consequences
276. Moved at the sight 338. Related to a person
277. Moved by entreaties 339. Relative to a question
278. Natural to a person 340. Relevant to the point
279. Necessary to happiness 341. Remiss in his duties
280. Neglectful of his interests 342. Remote from one's intentions
281. Negligent of duty 343. Repentant of his sin
282. Negligent in his work 344. Repugnant to his wishes
283. Notorious for his misdeeds 345. Repulsive to his feelings

Words Followed By Appropriate Prepositions (Compiled by: Aamir Mahar)

346. Requisite to happiness 408. Vexed with a person for doing something
347. Requisite for a purpose 409. Vexed at or about a thing
348. Resolved into its elements 410. Victorious over difficulties
349. Resolved on doing a thing 411. Void of meaning
350. Respectful to or towards one's superiors 412. Wanting in common sense
351. Responsible to a person 413. Wary of telling secrets
352. Responsible for his actions 414. Weak of understanding
353. Restricted in means, ability, etc. 415. Weak in his head
354. Restricted to certain persons 416. Weary of doing nothing
355. Revenged on a person for doing something 417. Welcome to my house
356. Rich in house property 418. Worthy of praise
357. Rid of trouble 419. Zealous for improvement
358. Sacred to a man's memory 420. Zealous in a cause
359. Sanguine of success
360. Satisfactory to a person
361. Satisfied with his income VERBS FOLLOWED BY PREPOSITIONS
362. Secure from harm
363. Secure against an attack 1. Abide by a promise
364. Sensible of kindness 2. Abound in or with fish
365. Sensitive to blame 3. Absolve of or from a charge
366. Serviceable to a person 4. Abstain from wine
367. Shocked at your behaviour 5. Accede to a request
368. Shocking to everyone 6. Accord with a thing
369. Short of money 7. Account for a fact
370. Silent about or on a subject 8. Accrue to a person
371. Similar to a person or thing 9. Accuse of some misdeed
372. Skilful in doing a thing 10. Acquiesce in a decision
373. Slow of speech 11. Acquit of blame
374. Slow in making up his mind 12. Adapt to circumstances
375. Slow at accounts 13. Adhere to a plan
376. Solicitous for your safety 14. Admit of an excuse
377. Sorry for someone 15. Admit to or into secret
378. Sorry about an occurrence 16. Admonish of or for a fault
379. Sparing of praise 17. Agree to a proposal
380. Stained with crimes 18. Agree with a person
381. Startled at a sight 19. Aim at a mark.
382. Steeped in vice 20. Alight from a carriage.
383. Strange to a person 21. Alight on the ground
384. Strange in appearance 22. Allot to a person
385. Subject to authority 23. Allow of delay
386. Subordinate to a person 24. Allude to a fact
387. Subsequent to another event 25. Alternate with something else
388. Sufficient for a purpose 26. Anchor off the shore
389. Suitable to or for the occasion 27. Answer to a person
390. Suited to the occasion 28. Answer for conduct
391. Suited for a post 29. Apologise to a person
392. Sure of success 30. Apologise for rudeness
393. Suspicious of his intentions 31. Appeal to a person
394. Sympathetic with sufferers 32. Appeal for redress or help
395. Tantamount to a falsehood 33. Appeal against a sentence
396. Temperate in his habits 34. Apply to a person for a thing
397. Thankful for past favours 35. Appoint to a situation
398. Tired of doing nothing 36. Apprise of a fact
399. Tired with his exertions 37. Approve of an action
400. Transported with joy 38. Arbitrate between two persons
401. True to his convictions 39. Argue with a person for or against a point
402. Uneasy about consequences 40. Arrive at a small place
403. Useful for a certain purpose 41. Arrive in a country or a large city, e.g., Arrive in London.
404. Vain of his appearance 42. Ascribe to a cause
405. Veiled in mystery 43. Ask for a thing
406. Versed in a subject 44. Ask of or from a person
407. Vested in a person 45. Aspire after or to worldly greatness

Words Followed By Appropriate Prepositions (Compiled by: Aamir Mahar)

46. Assent to your terms 108. Come across (accidentally meet) anyone
47. Associate with a person or thing 109. Come into fashion
48. Assure a person of a fact 110. Come by (obtain) a thing
49. Atone for a fault 111. Come of (result from) something
50. Attain to a high place 112. Come to (amount to) forty
51. Attend to a speaker 113. Commence with a thing
52. Attend on a person 114. Comment on a matter
53. Attribute to a cause 115. Communicate something to a person
54. Avail oneself of an offer 116. Communicate with a person on a subject
55. Avenge oneself on a person 117. Compare similars with similars—as one fruit with another.
56. Bark at a person or thing 118. Compare things to dissimilar, by way of illustration— as
57. Bask in sunshine genius to a lightning flash.
58. Bear with someone's faults 119. Compensate a person for his loss
59. Beat against the rocks (the waves) 120. Compete with a person for a prize
60. Beat on one's head 121. Complain of some annoyance to a person
61. Become of you (what will)? 122. Complain against a person
62. Beg pardon of a person 123. Comply with one's wishes
63. Beg a person to do a thing 124. Conceal facts from anyone
64. Beg for something from someone 125. Concur with a person
65. Begin with the first 126. Concur in an opinion
66. Believe in one's honesty 127. Condemn a person to death for murder
67. Belong to a person 128. Condole with a person
68. Bequeath a thing to a person 129. Conduce to happiness
69. Bestow a thing on a person 130. Confer (Trans.) a thing on anyone
70. Bethink oneself of something 131. Confer (Intrans.) with a person about something
71. Beware of the dog 132. Confide (Trans.) a secret to anyone
72. Blame a person for something 133. Confide (Intrans.) in a person
73. Blush at an embarrassing remark 134. Conform to (follow) a rule
74. Blush for anyone who is at fault 135. Conform with one's views
75. Boast or brag of one's cleverness 136. Confront a person with his accusers
76. Border on a place 137. Congratulate a person on his success
77. Borrow of or from a person 138. Connive at other men's misdeeds
78. Break into a house (thieves) 139. Consent to some proposal
79. Break oneself of a habit 140. Consign to destruction
80. Break through restraint 141. Consist of materials
81. Break bad news to a person 142. Consist in (be comprising in), e.g., ‘Virtue consists in being
82. Break (sever relations) with a person uncomfortable.’
83. Bring a thing to light 143. Consult with a person on or about some matter
84. Bring to one's notice 144. Contend with or against a person
85. Brood over past grievances 145. Contend for or about a thing
86. Burst into tears 146. Contribute to a fund
87. Buy a thing from person or shop 147. Converge to a point
88. Calculate on success 148. Converse with a person about a thing
89. Call on a person (visit him at his house or summon to do sth) 149. Convict a person of a crime
90. Call to (shout to) a person 150. Convince a person of a fact
91. Call for (require) punishment 151. Cope with a person or task
92. Canvass for votes 152. Correspond with a person (write)
93. Care for (value, love, or attend upon) a person or thing 153. Correspond to something (agree)
94. Caution a person against danger 154. Count on a person or thing (rely on) e.g., I count on you to see
95. Cease from quarrelling this done.
96. Challenge a person to combat 155. Crave for or after happiness
97. Charge a person with a crime 156. Crow over a defeated rival
98. Charge payment to a person 157. Cure a man of a disease
99. Charge a person for goods supplied 158. Cut a thing in or into pieces
100. Charge goods to a person's account 159. Cut a thing in half
101. Cheat a person of his due 160. Dabble in politics
102. Clamour for higher wages 161. Dash against anything
103. Clash with another (of colours) 162. Dash over anything
104. Clear a person of blame 163. Dawn on a person
105. Cling to a person or thing 164. Deal well or ill by a person
106. Close with (accept) an offer 165. Deal in (trade in) cloth, tea, spices, etc.
107. Combat with difficulties 166. Deal with a person (have dealings in trade etc.)

Words Followed By Appropriate Prepositions (Compiled by: Aamir Mahar)

167. Deal with a subject (write or speak about it) 229. Entrust anyone with a thing
168. Debar from doing anything 230. Entrust a thing to anyone
169. Debit with a sum of money 231. Err on the side of leniency
170. Decide on something 232. Escape from jail.
171. Decide against something 233. Exact payment from a person
172. Declare for something 234. Excel in languages
173. Declare against something 235. Exchange one thing for another
174. Defend a person from harm 236. Exchange with a person
175. Defraud a person of his due 237. Excuse (pardon) for something
176. Deliberate on a matter 238. Exempt a person from a rule
177. Delight in music 239. Exonerate a person from blame
178. Deliver from some evil 240. Explain to a person
179. Demand a thing of a person 241. Exult in a victory over a rival
180. Depend on a person or thing 242. Fail in an attempt
181. Deprive a person of a thing 243. Fail of a purpose
182. Desist from an attempt 244. Fall among thieves
183. Despair of success 245. Fall in love with a person
184. Deter a person from an action 246. Fall in with one's views
185. Determine on doing something 247. Fall into error
186. Detract from one's reputation 248. Fall on the enemy (attack)
187. Deviate from a certain course 249. Fall under someone's pleasure
188. Die of a disease 250. Fall upon evil days
189. Die from some cause, as overwork 251. Fawn on a person
190. Die by violence 252. Feed (Intrans.) on grass
191. Differ with a person on a subject 253. Feed (Trans) a cow with grass, or grass to a cow
192. Differ from anything (to be unlike) 254. Feel for a person in his trouble
193. Digress from the point 255. Fight for the weak against the strong
194. Dip into a book 256. Fight with or against a person
195. Disable one from doing something 257. Fill with anything
196. Disagree with a person 258. Fire on or at the enemy
197. Disapprove of anything 259. Fish for compliments
198. Dispense with a man's services 260. Flirt with a person
199. Dispose of (sell) property 261. Fly at (attack) anyone
200. Dispute with a person about anything 262. Fly into a rage
201. Dissent from an opinion 263. Free of or from anything
202. Dissuade from an action 264. Furnish a person with a thing
203. Distinguish one thing from another 265. Furnish a thing to a person
204. Distinguish between two things 266. Gain on someone in a race
205. Divert a person from a purpose 267. Get at (find out) the facts
206. Divest one's mind of fear 268. Get away from (escape)
207. Divide in half, into four parts 269. Get on with a person (live or work smoothly with him)
208. Dote upon a person or thing 270. Get out of debt
209. Draw for money on a bank 271. Get over (recover from) an illness
210. Draw money from a bank 272. Get to a journey's end
211. Dream of strange things 273. Glance at an object
212. Drive at some point 274. Glance over a letter
213. Drop off a tree 275. Glory in success
214. Drop out of the ranks 276. Grapple with difficulties
215. Dwell on a subject 277. Grasp at (try to seize) something
216. Eat into iron 278. Grieve at or for or about an event
217. Elicit from a person 279. Grieve for a person
218. Emerge from the forest 280. Grow upon one (a habit grows upon one)
219. Encroach on one's authority 281. Grumble at one's lot
220. Endorse with a signature 282. Guard against a bad habit
221. Endow money to a hospital 283. Guess at something
222. Enjoin on a person 284. Hanker after riches
223. Enlarge on a subject 285. Happen to a person
224. Enlist in the army 286. Heal of a disease
225. Enlist a person in some project 287. Hear of an event
226. Enter upon a career 288. Hesitate at nothing
227. Enter into one’s plans 289. Hide a thing from a person
228. Entitle anyone to an estate 290. Hinder one from doing something

Words Followed By Appropriate Prepositions (Compiled by: Aamir Mahar)

291. Hinge on (depend on) some event 353. Languish for home
292. Hint at an intention 354. Lapse into disuse
293. Hope for something 355. Laugh at a person or thing
294. Hover over a nest 356. Laugh to scorn
295. Hunt after or for anything 357. Lay by (save money, etc.) for future needs
296. Identify one person or thing with another 358. Lay down one's arms (surrender)
297. Impart a thing to a person 359. Lay facts before a person
298. Import goods into a country 360. Lead to Islamabad (a road)
299. Import things from a country 361. Lean against a wall
300. Impose on (deceive) a person 362. Lean on a staff
301. Impress an idea on a person 363. Lean to a certain opinion
302. Impress a person with an idea 364. Level a city with the ground
303. Impute blame to a person 365. Lie in one's power
304. Incite a person to some action 366. Light on a person or object
305. Infer one fact from another 367. Listen to complaints
306. Inflict punishment on a person 368. Live for riches or fame
307. Inform a person of a thing 369. Live by honest labour
308. Inform against a person 370. Live on a small income
309. Infuse an ingredient into some mixture 371. Live within one's means
310. Initiate a man into an office or society 372. Long for anything
311. Inquire into a matter 373. Look after (take care of) a person or business
312. Inquire of a person about or concerning some matter 374. Look at a person or thing
313. Insist on a point 375. Look into (closely examine) a matter
314. Inspire a man with courage 376. Look for (search for) something lost
315. Instill a thing into the mind 377. Look over (inspect one by one) an account
316. Intercede with a superior for someone else 378. Look through (glance through) a book
317. Interfere with a person in some matter 379. Look to (be careful about) your movement
318. Intermingle one thing with another 380. Look up a reference
319. Intersect with each other 381. Make away with (kill) a person
320. Introduce a person to someone 382. Make for (conduce to) happiness
321. Introduce into a place or society 383. Make for (proceed in the direction of) home, the shore
322. Intrude on one's leisure 384. Make off (run away) with stolen goods
323. Intrude into one's house 385. Make up (supply) deficiency
324. Invest money in some project 386. Make up (compensate), as ‘make up for lost time’; ‘We must make
325. Invest a person with authority it up to (compensate) him somehow.’
326. Invite a person to dinner 387. Make up (invent) a story
327. Involve a person in debt 388. Make some meaning of a thing
328. Issue from some source 389. Marry one person to another
329. Issue in a result 390. Marvel at some sight or report
330. Jar against an object 391. Match one thing with another
331. Jar on one's nerves 392. Meddle with other people's business
332. Jeer at a person 393. Meditate on some subject
333. Jest at (make fun of) a person 394. Meet with a rebuff
334. Join in a game 395. Merge into or with anything
335. Join one thing to another 396. Mourn for the dead
336. Judge of something by something 397. Murmur at or against anything
337. Jump at (eagerly accept) an offer 398. Muse upon the beauties of nature
338. Jump to a conclusion 399. Object to some proposal
339. Keep back (hold back) a secret 400. Occur to one's mind
340. Keep (abstain) from wine 401. Offend against good taste
341. Keep off the grass 402. Officiate for someone in a post
342. Keep to (adhere to) a point 403. Operate on a patient
343. Keep under (hold in subjection) 404. Originate in a thing or place
344. Keep up (prevent from sinking) prices 405. Originate with a person
345. Knock one's head against a wall 406. Overwhelm with kindness
346. Knock at a door 407. Part with a person or thing
347. Know of (be aware of) a person 408. Partake of some food
348. Labour under a misapprehension 409. Participate with a person in his gains
349. Labour for the public good 410. Pass away (die, come to an end)
350. Labour in a good cause 411. Pass by someone's house
351. Labour at some task 412. Pass from one thing into another
352. Lament for the dead 413. Pass for a clever man

Words Followed By Appropriate Prepositions (Compiled by: Aamir Mahar)

414. Pass on (hand round, transfer), as ‘Read this and pass it on.’ 476. Refrain from tears
415. Pass over (make no remark upon) his subsequent conduct 477. Rejoice at the success of another
416. Pay (suffer) for one's folly 478. Rejoice in one's own success
417. Perish by the sword 479. Relieve one of a task
418. Perish with cold 480. Rely on a person or thing
419. Persevere in an effort 481. Remind a person of a thing
420. Persist in doing something 482. Remonstrate with a person against some proceeding
421. Pine for something lost 483. Render (translate) into English
422. Play on or upon the guitar 484. Repent of imprudence
423. Play (trick, joke, prank) on a person 485. Repose (Intrans.) on a bed
424. Play (trifle with, treat lightly) with one's health 486. Repose confidence in a person
425. Plot against a man 487. Reprimand a person for a fault
426. Plunge into a river, work, etc. 488. Require something of someone
427. Point at a person 489. Resolve on a course of action
428. Point to some result 490. Rest on a couch
429. Ponder on or over a subject 491. (It) rests with a person to do, etc.
430. Possess oneself of an estate 492. Result from a cause
431. Pounce on or upon a person or thing 493. Result in a consequence
432. Pray to God for guidance 494. Retaliate on an enemy
433. Prefer one thing to another 495. Revenge myself of someone for some injury
434. Prejudice anyone against some person or thing 496. Revolt against government
435. Prepare for the worst 497. Reward a man with something for some services done
436. Prepare against disaster 498. Ride at anchor
437. Present anyone with a book 499. Rob a person of something
438. Preserve from harm 500. Rule over a country
439. Preside at a meeting 501. Run after (eagerly follow) new fashions
440. Preside over a meeting 502. Run into debt
441. Prevail on (persuade) a person to do something 503. Run over (read rapidly) an account
442. Prevail against or over an adversary 504. Run through one's money
443. Prevail with a person (have more influence than anything else) 505. Save a person or thing from harm
444. Prevent from going 506. Scoff at religion
445. Prey upon one's health (or mind) 507. Search for something lost
446. Pride oneself on a thing 508. Search into (carefully examine) a matter
447. Proceed with a business already begun 509. See about (consider) a matter
448. Proceed to a business not yet begun 510. See into (investigate) a matter
449. Proceed from one point to another 511. See through (understand) his meaning
450. Proceed against (prosecute) a person 512. See to (attend to) a matter
451. Prohibit from doing something 513. Seek after or for happiness
452. Protect from harm 514. Send for a doctor
453. Protest against injustice 515. Sentence a man to imprisonment (or death)
454. Provide for one's children 516. Set about (begin working at) a task
455. Provide against a rainy day 517. Set down (put in writing) your terms
456. Provide oneself with something 518. Set forth (begin journey or expedition)
457. Provoke one to anger 519. Set in, as ‘A reaction set in’
458. Pry into a secret 520. Set out (begin journey)
459. Punish anyone for a fault 521. Set a person over (in charge of) a business
460. Purge the mind of false notions 522. Set upon (attack) a traveler
461. Quake with fear 523. Show a person over a house into a room
462. Qualify oneself for a post 524. Shudder at cruelty
463. Quarrel with someone over or about something 525. Side with a person in a dispute
464. Quote something from an author 526. Smile at (deride) a person's threats
465. Reason with a person about something 527. Smile on (favour) a person
466. Rebel against authority 528. Snatch at (try to seize) a thing
467. Reckon on (confidently expect) something 529. Speak of a subject (briefly)
468. Reckon with (settle accounts with) a person 530. Speak on a subject (at great length)
469. Recompense one for some service 531. Speculate in shares
470. Reconcile to a loss 532. Speculate on a possible future
471. Reconciled with an enemy 533. Stand against (resist) an enemy
472. Recover from an illness 534. Stand by (support) a friend
473. Refer to a subject 535. Stand on one's dignity
474. Reflect credit on a person 536. Stand up for (defend) something or someone
475. Reflect (Intrans.) on a man's conduct 537. Stare at a person

Words Followed By Appropriate Prepositions (Compiled by: Aamir Mahar)

538. Stare a person in the face 600. Wait on (attend) a person

539. Start for Islamabad 601. Warn a person of danger or consequences
540. Stick at nothing 602. Warn a person against a person or thing or doing
541. Stick to his point 603. Wink at one's faults
542. Stoop to meanness 604. Wish for anything
543. Strike at (aim a blow at) someone 605. Work at Mathematics
544. Strike for higher pay 606. Work for small pay
545. Strike on a rock (of a ship) 607. Worm oneself into another man's confidence
546. Strike up (begin playing) 608. Wrestle with an adversary
547. Struggle against difficulties 609. Yearn for affection
548. Subject a person to censure 610. Yield to persuasion
549. Submit to authority
550. Subscribe to a fund or a doctrine THE SAME WORDS WITH DIFFERENT
551. Subsist on scanty food PREPOSITIONS
552. Succeed to a property There are certain words with which different Prepositions
553. Succeed in an undertaking can be used, but their meaning changes with the change of
Prepositions. Different Prepositions have come into usage
554. Succumb to difficulties
with them. As —
555. Sue for peace I had the advantage of you.
556. Supply a thing to a person You gained an advantage over me.
557. Supply a person with a thing I waited upon him at his office.
558. Surrender to the enemy I waited for him yesterday.
559. Sympathise with a person in his troubles He prevailed upon me to agree.
560. Take after (resemble) his father He prevailed over me in the dispute.
561. Take a person for a spy No argument prevailed with him.
562. Take off (of an aeroplane leaving the ground) You agree with me.
563. Take to (acquire the habit of) gambling You agree to my proposal.
564. Take upon oneself to do a thing I commence by observing.
565. Talk of or about an event I commence with the observation.
566. Talk over (discuss) a matter You attended upon his leisure.
You attended to his command.
567. Talk to or with a person
He was invested with the crown.
568. Tamper with statistics All his money was invested in business.
569. Taste of salt He is afflicted with fever.
570. Tell of or about an event He was afflicted at your failure.
571. Testify to a fact I blush for her.
572. Think of or about anything I blush at her misconduct.
573. Think over (consider) a matter What is the cause/reason/occasion/ground of this delay?
574. Threaten anyone with a lawsuit Is there any cause/reason/occasion/ground for this delay?
575. Throw a stone at anyone This is the subject of inquiry.
576. Tide over losses This is a subject for inquiry.
577. Touch at Gibraltar (ships) He is disqualified from competing.
578. Touch upon (briefly allude to) a subject He is disqualified for the post.
579. Tower over everyone else He is liable for damages.
He is liable to a fine.
580. Trade with a country in oranges
I concur with you.
581. Tremble with fear at a lion I concur in your decision.
582. Trespass against rules The statesman deals with politics.
583. Trespass on a person's time or land The shopkeeper deals in stationery.
584. Trifle with anyone's feelings He lent money at high interest.
585. Triumph over obstacles He lent money on safe security.
586. Trust in a person We are responsible to God.
587. Trust to someone's honesty We are responsible for our actions.
588. Trust someone with money. (Trans.) I charge my failure to / upon you.
589. Turn verse into prose I charge you with my failure.
590. Turn to a friend for help His face is familiar to me.
591. Turn upon (hinge on) evidence I am familiar with his face.
592. Upbraid a person with ingratitude Let us now proceed to business.
Let us now proceed with the business.
593. Urge a fact on one's attention
He is the slave / victim of his passions.
594. Venture upon an undertaking He is a slave / victim to his passions.
595. Vie with another (person) He is possessed of property.
596. Vote for (in favour of) anything He is possessed with an idea.
597. Vote against a thing I differ with you on this issue.
598. Wait at table I differ from you in temperament.
599. Wait for a person or thing Compare a town with a city. (Similar things)

Words Followed By Appropriate Prepositions (Compiled by: Aamir Mahar)

Compare anger to madness. (Dissimilar things) I am insensible to pain.

Many Hindus were converted to Islam. He is equal to me.
His sorrow was converted into joy. He is co-equal with me.
I am tired of sitting idle. He is qualified to compete.
I am tired with double duty. He is disqualified from competing.
What is the use of discussing? He encouraged me to go forward.
There is no use in discussing. He discouraged me from going forward.
I have no use for this. I have trust in you.
He made war upon luxury. I have distrust of you.
He made war with superstitions. This is contrary to that.
This behaviour was not expected from you. This is contrasted with that.
It is not expected of us to solve this problem. This is subsequent to his application.
He has done his duty by his parents. This is consequent upon his application.
He has done his duty in this matter. She is different from you.
You will think of me when I am not here. She is indifferent to you.
Think over / on my proposal carefully. He is neglectful of his studies.
He is destined for business. He is negligent in his studies.
He is destined to misery.
I am disappointed in you. OMISSION OF PREPOSITION
He was disappointed of success.
He demanded vengeance upon you.  When used in the active voice the following verbs do not take any
He demanded vengeance for your deed. preposition after them. As — accompany, affect, afford, answer,
God will provide for our needs. ascend, ask, assist, await, benefit, board, climb, combat, comprise,
We must provide against the rainy day. consider, control, describe, demand, discuss, direct, enter, ensure,
Communicate with him on this issue. eschew, hate, inform, investigate, invade, join, love, obey, order,
Communicate this to him. pervade, pick, precede, probe, ridicule, reach, recommend, request,
I am not concerned in the business. resemble, resign, resist, sign, succeed, stress, tell, violate.
I am much concerned at your losses. 1. America attacked on Iraq. (no ‘on’)
I except you from this responsibility. 2. I awaited for your instructions. (no ‘for’)
I take exception to your language. 3. I shall accompany with you. (no ‘with’)
He parted from his family. 4. I shall assist to you. (no ‘to’)
He parted with his property. 5. I request to you. (no ‘to’)
I am reconciled with my brother. 6. We shall investigate into the case. (no ‘into’)
I am reconciled to my fate. 7. I shall inform to you. (no ‘to’)
This discovery was credited to Newton.
8. I shall obey to you. (no ‘to’)
Newton was credited with this discovery.
I sympathise with you. 9. The group comprises of ten boys. (no ‘of’)
I feel much sympathy for you. 10. I order to you. (no ‘to’)
I solicited him for his help. 11. I reached at the station. (no ‘at’)
I am solicitous of his help. 12. He resembles to you. (no ‘to’)
He is descended from King Arthur. 13. He will resist to you. (no ‘to’)
He is a descendant of King Arthur. 14. He violated to the rule. (no ‘to’)
I am regardful of his interests.  No Preposition is used before Home. As—
I have regard for his interest. 1. I am going home. (not ‘to home’)
He is fond of colourful dresses. 2. I go home every Sunday. (not ‘to home’)
He has fondness for colourful dresses. 3. Bring something home.
Pursuant to my wishes. Note— But if there is a Possessive Adjective before Home, or if Home is
In pursuance of my wishes. used in the sense of House, we use appropriate Preposition before it.
According to your directions. 1. She came to my home.
In accordance with your directions. 2. You can do this work at home.
I am satisfied with your progress. 3. You can do anything in home.
I feel great satisfaction in / at your success.  If two Verbs are to be used in a sentence, and both the verbs have to
He is on leave preparatory to retirement. take different Prepositions, we must use appropriate Preposition for
He has made all preparations for retirement. each verb separately. As—
He is proud of his position. 1. I’ve been thinking about and waiting for you since the morning.
He takes pride in his position. 2. He has been looking for and enquiring after you for a long time.
I am hopeful of success.  When some expressions of Time (as morning, evening, day, night,
I hope for success. month, year, etc.) have some qualifying words as this, that, next, every,
I am delighted with him. last, all used before them, no Preposition is needed before them. As—
I take delight in him. 1. He went this morning.
I am ashamed of him. 2. He met me last evening.
I feel shame at his conduct. 3. He is coming again next Sunday.
I am going in search of him. Note—But if these expressions of Time have no qualifying words before
I am going to search for him. them, they take necessary Prepositions before them. As—
I have a dislike to him. 1. He went in the morning.
I have a liking for him. 2. He is coming again on Sunday.
I am sensible of pain.


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