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Bacterial Pneumonia Ballistics

▶ Empyema Craig D. Silverton1 and Paul Dougherty2

Department of Orthopedic Surgery,
Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, MI, USA
Department of Orthopedic Surgery,
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA
Bag-Mask Ventilation

▶ Airway Management in Trauma, Nonsurgical Synonyms

Ammunition; Cavitation; Firearms; Projectiles;


Ballistic Trauma
▶ Gunshot Wounds to the Extremity
Ballistics is the science of a projectile traveling
a path and ultimately hitting a target. Once the
projectile hits the intended target, this creates
another area of science termed wounding or
Ballistic Vest terminal ballistics.
While the bullet or projectile is in the barrel of
▶ Body Armor the weapon, this is termed internal ballistics.

# Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2015

P.J. Papadakos, M.L. Gestring (eds.), Encyclopedia of Trauma Care,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-29613-0
198 Ballistics

After leaving the barrel and prior to hitting the deflection seen off a straight line to the target.
target, this path of the bullet is termed external This rocking back and forth motion has been
ballistics. These three areas are combined to termed tumbling in the past. The bullet moves
define the study of ballistics. very little (1–3 ) off the intended course, and
there is nothing to suggest it will actually tumble
in the air until it hits the target. Once it enters the
Internal Ballistics soft tissue (wounding ballistics), tumbling plays
a major role in wounding.
There are two important variables in studying
internal ballistics: the size of the bullet and the
barrel velocity. Handguns typically shoot Terminal/Wounding Ballistics
a lower-velocity bullet as compared to a rifle.
Handgun chambers are able to handle less pres- Once the bullet strikes the intended target,
sure as compared to rifles. Rifling of the barrel in a cascade of events transpires. The bullet initially
both handguns and rifles assists in stabilizing the penetrates clothing and enters the skin, muscle,
bullet as it moves down the barrel. Barrel length and soft tissue envelope where damage begins to
also is different and contributes to the velocity take place. Many have termed this the release of
and accuracy of a weapon. A typical handgun the kinetic energy to the target; however this
may have a 4- or 6-in. barrel as compared to terminology can be misleading (Fackler 1988;
a rifle with a 22-in. barrel. Once a bullet exits 1996). A faster bullet (62 grain, 3,200 fps M16)
the barrel, no further propulsion is provided by may enter and exit a target with minimal soft
the gunpowder and the bullet will begin the tissue damage. Conversely, a slower moving
gradually lose velocity. bullet (200 grain, 800 fps 45 caliber pistol) may
A typical 9-mm bullet is classified according impart significant damage and not exit the target
to the weight of the bullet (125 grain, 147 grain, (Swan and Swan 1991). A speed of 160 fps is
etc.). The amount and type of powder will deter- required to enter the skin and soft tissue (Belkin
mine the exit muzzle velocity. This can vary from 1978). Thus the wounding potential of various
1,100 to 1,300 ft per second (fps). Compare this calibers is difficult to classify since as much has
to a 30-06 rifle with a 168 grain bullet traveling at to do with where the bullet strikes anatomically.
2,800 fps. The common M16 military rifle Any bone that is hit generally will fracture and or
uses a 62 grain bullet with an exit velocity of become a secondary missile causing additional
3,200 fps. The cartridge in a rifle bullet is able damage. A rifle bullet striking a bone will
to handle more powder than a handgun. Although generally do significantly more damage as com-
different velocities can be achieved with varying pared to a pistol bullet.
powder types and bullet weights, the goal After entering the soft tissues, the bullet may
remains the same, accuracy and reliability while yaw and tumble as well as fragment. This again
maintaining maximum wounding potential. varies on the size, shape, and velocity of the
bullet. A typical handgun bullet (low velocity)
will not exhibit this disorderly conduct as com-
External Ballistics pared to a rifle bullet (high velocity) that may
fragment as much as 50 % and tumble 180
Once the bullet exits the barrel, whether before exciting the target.
a handgun or a rifle, it begins to lose its velocity Tumbling, fragmenting, and rotating all con-
for several reasons. There is no longer the “push” tribute to the soft tissue injury present. Softer tip
from the propellant, the air creates a certain bullets and hollow point bullets are designed to
amount of drag on the projectile, and some degree expand once entering their target to enhance the
of yaw takes effect. Yaw is the amount of wounding potential by creating a larger
Barker Vacuum Pack 199

cross-sectional diameter. Expansion of bullets as this tissue is generally stretched and is still
reliably occurs above 1,200 fps so this limits viable. Overaggressive debridement is not
certain handgun calibers. recommended and causes more morbidity with-
As the bullet traverses the soft tissue envelope, out any benefit. All wounds should be left open.
two cavities are created. The permanent cavity is B
the area of crush and necrosis and a reliable
indicator of wounding capacity. Larger diameter Cross-References
bullets create a larger permanent cavity. The
temporary cavity is the area that surrounds the ▶ Cavitation
permanent cavity as the soft tissues are expanded ▶ Debridement
outward or stretched. This temporary cavity is ▶ Explosion
variable but is usually significantly larger with ▶ Fragment Injury
high-velocity (>2,000 fps) rifles as compared to ▶ High-Velocity
low-velocity (<1,000 fps) handgun calibers. ▶ Mortars
Most handgun calibers only create a minimal if ▶ Spalling
any temporary cavity thus their wounding poten-
tial is limited by the size of the permanent cavity
(Peters and Sebourn 1996). References
The temporary cavity may damage solid struc-
tures such as the kidney or liver that is Belkin M (1978) Wound ballistics. Prog Sur 16:7–2
Fackler ML (1988) Wound ballistics. A review of com-
nonelastic. Muscle however is able to absorb the
mon misconceptions. JAMA 259:2730–2736
temporary cavity since it is highly elastic. Other Fackler ML (1996) Gunshot wound review. Ann Emerg
empty hollow organs, blood vessels, and skin are Med 28:194–203
good energy absorbers and are not confined by Peters CE, Sebourn CL (1996) Wound ballistics of unsta-
ble projectiles. Part II: temporary cavity formation and
hard structures. The brain however is not able to
tissue damage. J Trauma 40:S16–S21
absorb this temporary cavity and is surrounded by Swan KG, Swan RC (1991) Principles of ballistics appli-
the hardened bony structure making most cable to the treatment of gunshot wounds. Surg Clinics
ballistic wounds to the head lethal. North Am 71:221–239
Tumbling and fragmentation is generally seen
with high-velocity bullets and creates significant
soft tissue damage. The bullet will yaw and tum-
ble, creating a larger permanent cavity, and frag- Balloon Occlusion
mentation of the bullet creates additional
permanent cavities in the soft tissue envelope. ▶ Adjuncts to Damage Control Laparotomy:
This fragmentation is one of the major differ- Endovascular Therapies
ences in the wounding potential of high-velocity
versus low-velocity missile wounds.

Barefoot Doctor (China)

▶ Physician Assistant
Debridement of necrotic and nonviable tissue is
the mainstay of treatment of any ballistic wound.
The permanent cavity creates this wound chan-
nel, and depending on the extent of the wound, Barker Vacuum Pack
a more or less aggressive treatment protocol is
necessary. The temporary cavity is not debrided ▶ Open Abdomen, Vacuum Dressing
200 Barotrauma

The relationship between barotrauma and

Barotrauma volutrauma is further defined with the terms
stress and strain. Stress is the continuous internal
Stephanie Lueckel distribution of the counterforce (per unit of area)
Department of Trauma Surgery and Critical Care, that balances and reacts to an external load.
Rhode Island Hospital and Warren Alpert Counterforce refers to the positive pressure deliv-
Medical School, Providence, RI, USA ered by the ventilator. Barotrauma represents
stress. Strain refers to the deformation of the
size or shape of the alveolar structures.
Synonyms Volutrauma represents strain. The relationship
is represented by the formula:
Atelectrauma; Biotrauma; Volutrauma
stress ¼ K  strain:

Definition K is specific elastance (Chiumello et al. 2008).

Barotrauma and volutrauma are not indepen-
Barotrauma refers to the damage sustained by dent risk factors for the development of ventila-
viscera due to any severe changes in pressure. tor-associated lung injury, but rather demonstrate
Pressure changes usually cause injury where there a linear-type relationship, further expanding the
is an interface between fluid-filled and gas-filled definition of “gross barotrauma.”
structures, for example, the lungs. A simple exam-
ple of this is decompression illness suffered by Pathophysiology
some scuba divers. The changes in pressure are The lung parenchyma is made of two key com-
usually well tolerated by the body but occasionally ponents: the fibrous skeleton and the alveolar
a diver ascends too quickly. This pressurizes the epithelial cells. The fibrous skeleton consists of
gas forcing it into the bloodstream as bubbles, both elastic and collagen fibers. These fibers
barotrauma. Blast injuries can also result in baro- absorb the majority of the force delivered by the
trauma to the lungs, gastrointestinal tract, and ears. ventilator. These fibers stretch and unfold in
In trauma and critical care, mechanical ventilation order to accommodate the pressure and volume
is the focus of most barotrauma and will be the of air that is forced into the alveoli structure.
focus of this entry. Once collagen has been unfolded to accommo-
Lung injuries due to mechanical ventilation were date total lung capacity, further stress can cause
initially referred to as “gross barotrauma.” It was rupture. Unlike the collagen and elastin fibers, the
thought that the barotrauma was a direct result of alveolar epithelial cells don’t absorb the force of
excessive pressure forced into the lungs by the ven- the ventilator. However, mechanoreceptors in the
tilator (Kumar et al. 1973). The excessive pressure cell sense a change in the fiber system. Mecha-
resulted in pneumothoraces mainly but could also noreceptors then cause a release of cytokines
cause pneumomediastinum, pneumoperitoneum, initiating an inflammatory response (Gattinoni
subcutaneous emphysema, and gas emboli. et al. 2010). This phenomenon is referred to as
However, as interest grew in the etiology of biotrauma.
lung injury, Dreyfuss (et al.) studied the effect of Alterations in surface tension also contribute
forced volume delivery to the lungs. Using a rat to the damaging effects of mechanical ventila-
model, he showed that the rats subjected to tion. When surfactant is lacking, surface tension
increased tidal volumes had more permeability is unopposed. More pressure is required to open
edema as compared to the rats with smaller tidal the collapsed alveoli, and the already open alveoli
volumes (Dreyfuss et al. 1988). Volutrauma, must incur more stress. This is what is known as
rather than barotrauma, became the term used to atelectrauma. All of these factors contribute to
define ventilator-associated lung injury. “gross barotrauma.”
Barton Fracture 201

Preexisting Conditions ▶ Mechanical Ventilation, Permissive

Gross barotrauma is most commonly seen in ▶ Mechanical Ventilation, Weaning
patients receiving mechanical ventilation for
acute lung injury or acute respiratory distress B
syndrome (ALI/ARDS). The simplest explana- References
tion is that an already injured lung has
an increased risk for further injury (Anzueto Anzueto A, Frutos-Vivar F, Esteban A, Alia I et al
et al. 2004). ALI/ARDS disrupts the balance of (2004) Incidence, risk factors and outcome of baro-
trauma in mechanically ventilated patients. Intensive
surface tension and surfactant creating areas Care Med 30(4):612–619
of the lung susceptible to severe collapse, Arcaroli J, Sankoff J, Liu N et al (2008) Association
atelectrauma (Gattinoni et al. 2010). Addition- between urokinase haplotypes and outcome from
ally, there are areas of the lungs that become infection-associated acute lung injury. Intensive Care
Med 34:300
overdistended to compensate for the collapsed
ARDSNET (2000) Ventilation with lower tidal volumes
areas. as compared with traditional tidal volumes for acute
Other factors that increase the likelihood of lung injury and the acute respiratory distress syn-
gross barotrauma are blood product transfusions, drome. N Engl J Med 342:1301–1308
Chiumello D, Carlesso E, Cadringher P et al (2008) Lung
acidemia, previously diagnosed restrictive lung
stress and strain during mechanical ventilation for
disease, as well as genetic variations (Gajic et al. acute respiratory distress syndrome. Am J Respir Crit
2004; Arcaroli et al. 2008). Care Med 178:346–355
Dreyfuss D, Soler P, Basset G et al (1988) High inflation
pressure pulmonary edema: respective effects of high
airway pressure, high tidal volume, and positive end-
Application expiratory pressure. Am Rev Respir Dis
Understanding the histopathology and pathophys- Gajic O, Dara S, Mendez JL et al (2004) Ventilator-
associated lung injury in patients without acute lung
iology allows for physicians to develop ways to
injury at the onset of mechanical ventilation. Crit Care
interrupt these mechanisms. A significant amount Med 32:1817
of literature exists, suggesting ways to reduce Gattinoni L, Protti A, Caironi P, Carlesso E (2010)
barotrauma, volutrauma, and lung collapse, Ventilator-induced lung injury: the anatomical and
physiological framework. Crit Care Med 38:539–549
labeled lung protective strategies. The National
Kumar et al (1973) Pulmonary barotrauma during
Institute of Health strongly showed that smaller mechanical ventilation. Crit Care Med 1(4):181–186
tidal volumes (6 mL/kg) were associated with Terragni PP, Rosboch G, Tealdi A et al (2007) Tidal
lower mortality when compared to patients who hyperinflation during low tidal volume ventilation in
acute respiratory distress syndrome. Am J Respir Crit
received higher tidal volumes (12 mL/kg) Care Med 175:160–166
(ARDSNET, 2000). Other suggestions for the pre-
vention of lung injury include maintaining
Recommended Reading
a plateau pressure below 28–30 (Terragni et al. Pelosi P, Negrini D (2008) Extracellular matrix and
2007). Applied positive end-expiratory pressure mechanical ventilation in healthy lungs: back to baro/
(PEEP) helps to prevent atelectasis or collapse of volutrauma? Curr Opin Crit Care 14:16–21
Schnapp LM, Chin DP, Szaflarski N, Matthay MA
the alveoli. (1995) Frequency and importance of barotrauma in
100 patients with acute lung injury. Crit Care Med

▶ Mechanical Ventilation, Conventional

▶ Mechanical Ventilation, High-Frequency Barton Fracture
▶ Mechanical Ventilation, Noninvasive ▶ Distal Radius Fractures
202 Basic Cardiac Life Support (BCLS)

Basic Cardiac Life Support (BCLS) Bicycle Accidents

▶ Life Support Training ▶ Bicycle-Related Injuries

Basic Life Support Bicycle Crashes

▶ Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation in Adult ▶ Bicycle-Related Injuries
▶ Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation in Pediatric
Bicycle Helmets

▶ Bicycle-Related Injuries
Battlefield Trauma Care

▶ Tactical Combat Casualty Care

Bicycle Safety

▶ Bicycle-Related Injuries
Beak Fracture

▶ Calcaneus Fractures
Bicycle-Related Injuries

Jeanne Mueller
Bed Sore Department of Surgery, Trauma, Loyola
University Medical Center, Maywood, IL, USA
▶ Pressure Ulcers
▶ Pressure Ulcer, Complication of Care in ICU

Bicycle accidents; Bicycle crashes; Bicycle hel-

Behind Armor Blunt Trauma (BABT) mets; Bicycle safety; Bike helmets; Bike safety;
Cycling safety; Head injuries; TBI; Traumatic
▶ Body Armor
brain injury

Bicycle riding is an increasingly popular form of
▶ Sedation and Analgesia
recreation and transportation for adults and chil-
dren. Resultant injuries cause significant morbid-
ity and mortality. Yearly, crashes involving
Bicolumn Humerus Fracture cyclists cause approximately 900 deaths, 23,000
hospital admissions, 580,000 emergency room
▶ Distal Humerus Fractures visits, and 1.2 million visits to physician offices
Bicycle-Related Injuries 203

and clinics in the USA (Rivara 1996). Statisti- shoulder due to the rider attempting to brace
cally, more injuries occur in males and are asso- themselves from impact on an outstretched arm.
ciated with riding at high speeds. The most Separation or dislocation of the shoulder can also
common injuries are soft tissue and musculoskel- occur from impact (Starling 2003). Strains, frac-
etal trauma. Head injuries are responsible for the tures, and dislocations are readily identified by B
majority of fatalities and long-term disabilities deformity, swelling, pain, bruising, or lack of
(Thompson 2001). function (Thompson 2001). Follow-up imaging
Injury prevention interventions have proven to may be necessary to dictate further management.
be successful in preventing the occurrence or Chest trauma while biking can involve high
decreasing the severity of injury through the speeds, falls from height, and impact with hard
development and enforcement of safety rules and/or sharp objects. Impacts involving these
and protective gear (Cheng 2000). Utilization of significant mechanisms of injury can result in
protective helmets decreases the risk of head serious damage to the chest, which may not be
injury in all ages (Rivara 1996). They also pro- readily identifiable because the damage is inter-
vide substantial protection against lacerations nal (Shotz, International Mountain Biking Asso-
and fractures to the upper and midface. ciation, 2010). Blunt injuries are those that are
caused by impact with an object that is typically
not sharp and does not penetrate the skin. Pene-
Common Injuries trating injuries are usually caused by a sharp or
narrow object that break the skin and enter the
Head injuries occur in 22–47 % of injured bicy- chest cavity. Rapid assessment should include
clists, often as a result of being struck by a motor palpation and observing the chest for deformities.
vehicle, and are responsible for 60 % of all bicy- There may be contusions, abrasions, punctures,
cle-related mortalities (Thompson 2001). It is lacerations, swelling, or crepitus, a grinding sen-
also the leading cause of long-term disability in sation or noise when broken bones rub together
an injured bicyclist (Puranic 1998). A large range (Shotz, International Mountain Biking Associa-
of severity can occur and can be delineated by tion, unk). Assess respiratory effort and for equal
head injury, brain injury, and severe brain injury. chest rise bilaterally as well as for pain. Injuries
Head injury can be defined as any and all injuries that may occur include rib fractures, flail chest,
to the forehead, scalp, ears, skull, and brain, traumatic asphyxia, pulmonary contusion,
including superficial lacerations, abrasions, and pericardial tamponade, commotio cordis, pneu-
bruises on the scalp, forehead, and ears as well as mothorax, open pneumothorax, tension pneumo-
skull fractures, concussion, cerebral contusions, thorax, hemothorax, and hemopneumothorax
and all intracranial hemorrhages (subarachnoid, (Shotz, International Mountain Biking
subdural, epidural, and intracerebral). A brain Association, unk).
injury includes a diagnosis of concussion or Abdominal trauma can be a result of blunt
more serious intracranial injury excluding skull injury or penetration from landing on upturned
fractures without accompanying brain injury. handlebars. This type of injury generally occurs
Finally, a severe brain injury indicates an intra- when a child loses control of the bicycle and
cranial injury or hemorrhage, including all cere- begins to fall, the front wheel rotated into
bral lacerations/contusions, and subarachnoid, a plane perpendicular to the body. The child
subdural, and extradural hemorrhages (Rivara then lands on the end of the handlebar resulting
1996). Facial and ocular injuries can include in serious truncal injury (Winston 1998). Impact
fractures, contusions, dental fractures, or corneal with handlebars has been documented as produc-
foreign bodies (Thompson 2001). ing traumatic abdominal wall hernia; renal, intes-
Musculoskeletal injuries are a common tinal, liver, splenic, and pancreatic injuries;
occurrence in bicycle trauma. Fractures are abdominal wall rupture; transection of the com-
most common in the hand, wrist, forearm, or mon bile duct; traumatic arterial occlusion; groin
204 Bicycle-Related Injuries

injuries; and even death (Winston 1998). To com- themselves. Helmet use can be credited with
plicate matters, underlying organ injuries are reducing the risk of head injury by at least
often occult, as external bruising is infrequent 45 %, brain injury by 33 %, facial injury by
and signs and symptoms may not manifest for 27 %, and fatal injury by 29 % (Thompson
hours after time of injury. 1989). In addition to encouraging helmet use,
Genitourinary trauma exhibits symptoms safety education is an important component of
that are nonspecific and may be masked by or injury reduction strategies. Intersections pose
attributed to other injuries (Rivara 1996). Gross substantial risk for cyclist due to cars turning in
hematuria and inability to void can be indicators multiple configurations, and children are fre-
of bladder or urethral trauma. The degree quently injured due to unsafe crossing patterns.
of hematuria is not directly correlated to the Safety education programs that have shown the
severity of injury. Bladder injuries are best most promise utilize active learning and feedback
classified as intraperitoneal and extraperitoneal. in a brief intervention. By using role playing and
Extraperitoneal injuries are almost always asso- problem solving to reinforce safety behaviors,
ciated with pelvic fractures, specifically pubic educators can positively impact riders.
ramus fractures. Blunt trauma, such as a straddle
injury from the crossbar of a bicycle, is respon-
sible for 60 % of urethral injuries (Dandan Cross-References
2011). Vulvar, penile, and scrotal contusions
and hematomas can also occur with a straddle ▶ Acetabulum Fractures
injury (Cheng 2000). Other injuries often ▶ Ankle Fractures
take priority over injuries of the GU system ▶ Bladder Rupture (Intra/Extraperitoneal)
and can interfere with a timely urologic assess- ▶ Chest Wall Injury
ment. Coordinated efforts between services ▶ Concussion
caring for the patient are vital to ensure compre- ▶ Debridement
hensive care. ▶ Delayed Diagnosis/Missed Injury
Skin and soft tissue injuries can be signifi- ▶ Distal Humerus Fractures
cant. Simple abrasions, contusions, and lacera- ▶ Distal Radius Fractures
tions will require local care, while a “road rash” ▶ Femoral Shaft Fractures
can involve partial or full-thickness injuries ▶ Head Injury
(Thompson 2001). Deeper injuries may require ▶ Intracranial Hemorrhage
bedside or surgical debridement. Prevention of ▶ Lung Injury
infection becomes a priority as the wounds can ▶ Pelvis Fractures
be dirty or embedded with soil or debris. Spoke ▶ Pneumothorax
injuries can often be seen in the toes and feet in ▶ Pneumothorax, Tension
children. They often cause significant damage to ▶ Proximal Femoral Fractures
the soft tissues, which can lead to amputation ▶ Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
(Starling 2003). These injuries can be prevented ▶ Subdural Hematoma
by utilizing spoke shields and wearing proper ▶ Tibial Fractures
footwear. ▶ Traumatic Brain Injury, Mild (mTBI)
Injury prevention initiatives aim at educat-
ing riders and parents of riders in safe operation
of bicycles. Helmet use is the single most effec- References
tive way to reduce bicycle-related fatalities. Sta-
tistically, younger children are more likely to Cheng RL (2000) Sports injuries: an important cause of
morbidity in urban youth. Pediatrics 105(3):e32
wear a helmet over older riders. A child who
Dandan I (2011) Medscape reference drugs, diseases, and
rides with companions wearing helmets or adults procedures.
in general are more likely to wear a helmet 828251-overview. Retrieved 3 June 2013
Bladder Incontinence 205

Puranic SL (1998) Profile of pediatric bicycle injuries.

South Med J 91:1003–1007 Bladder Accident
Rivara FP (1996) Circumstances and severity of bicycle
Retrieved 3 June 2013 ▶ Bladder Incontinence
Shotz S (2010) International Mountain Biking Association. B
treatment-chest-injuries-part-1. Retrieved June 2013
Shotz S (unk) International Mountain Biking Association.
Assessment and treatment of chest injuries: part 2. Bladder Incontinence
treatment-chest-injuries-part-2. Retrieved 3 June 2013
Starling CC (2003) Hughston clinic. http://www. Retrieved 3 June 2013 Douglas Fetkenhour
Thompson RR (1989) A case control study of the effec- Department of Physical Medicine and
tiveness of bicycle safety helmets. N Engl J Med Rehabilitation, University of Rochester School of
320:1361–1367 Medicine, Rochester, NY, USA
Thompson MR (2001) Bicycle-related injuries. Am Fam
Physician 63:2007–2014, 2017–2018
Winston FS (1998) Hidden spears: handlebars as injury
hazards to children. Pediatrics 102:596–601 Synonyms

Bladder accident; Wetting oneself

Bike Helmets
▶ Bicycle-Related Injuries
Inability to empty the bladder in a controlled
fashion resulting in involuntary leakage of urine.
Bladder incontinence following trauma may
Bike Safety be the result of injury to the nervous system
(SCI, TBI), peripheral nerve injury, or from the
▶ Bicycle-Related Injuries basic inability to mobilize adequately. Minimiz-
ing incontinence is crucial from the perspective
of protecting the perineal skin and upper genito-
urinary system as well as the psychosocial impact
Bioethics of incontinence.
The neurogenic bladder will be characterized
▶ Brain Death, Ethical Concerns by the type of nerve injury. Upper motor neuron
▶ Ethical Issues in Trauma Anesthesia (UMN) injuries as seen in TBI and SCI will cause
a hyperreflexic or spastic bladder that has a low
maximum storage volume. There may also be
contraction of the urinary sphincter during
Biomedical Ethics detrusor contraction, or dysergia, that results in
incomplete emptying. A peripheral nerve or
▶ Ethical Issues in Trauma Anesthesia lower motor neuron (LMN) injury from pelvic
trauma might result in an areflexic or flaccid
bladder. In this case, the bladder will not void
normally, but once volumes exceed the storage
Biotrauma capacity of the bladder, the intravesicular pres-
sure will rise rapidly and result in uncontrolled
▶ Barotrauma emptying of the bladder. Both UMN and LMN
206 Bladder Rupture (Intra/Extraperitoneal)

lesions can cause uncontrolled emptying and, hydrating during the day, and taking only sips
therefore, urinary incontinence. after dinner, fairly regular intervals for
Management of the bladder requires an catheterizing can be achieved.
understanding of the pattern of filling and emp- Timed toileting is an important concept in
tying. “Bladder scans” or ultrasound quantifica- maximizing continence irrespective of the cause
tion of bladder volume prior to and following for incontinence. Regular, frequent transfers to
a void is very helpful in characterizing function. the toilet or commode (as often as every 2 h)
A void of 200 cc and a post-void residual (PVR) can “catch” the emptying of the bladder. There
of 200 cc suggest dyssynergia between the may be no emptying at some attempts, but in
detrusor and sphincter muscle contraction. repeating this process over a 48-h period,
Patients typically have enough warning time in a pattern will likely emerge when the bladder
this situation to maintain continence. A void of empties based on the activities of the patient. As
200 cc with negligible PVR volumes suggests an understanding of the intervals between voids is
a spastic bladder. This may lead to significant attained, the frequency of regular transfers to the
urinary urgency resulting in incontinence. Anti- toilet can be changed to match the pattern of the
cholinergic medications like oxybutinin and patient.
tolterodine will diminish detrusor muscle con-
traction and allow the bladder to fill to more
normal volumes (400–500 cc) before voiding. Cross-References
A patient who has not voided 8–10 h might
have a bladder volume of 1,100 cc. This suggests ▶ Rehabilitation Nursing
a flaccid bladder. Ultimately the bladder will
exceed the compliance of the bladder wall’s
transitional epithelium and cause an abrupt rise Recommended Reading
in intravesicular pressure. This results in “over-
flow” voiding which rarely occurs in a continent Corocos J, Schick E (2008) Textbook of neurogenic
bladder, 2nd edn. CRC Press
fashion. Of significant importance with the flac-
cid bladder is the risk of urinary reflux,
hydronephrosis, and subsequent structural kid-
ney injury that can occur in a high-pressure blad-
der. Planned evacuation of bladder is required to Bladder Rupture (Intra/
avoid overflow voiding and urinary reflux. This Extraperitoneal)
is typically accomplished with intermittent cath-
eterization. A straight catheter is passed through Rona Altaras
the urethra and into the bladder on a timed basis. Division of Acute Surgery/Trauma/Surgical
The interval of catheterization should be based Critical Care, Lawnwood Regional Medical
on the volume of the bladder and not time Center, Fort Pierce, FL, USA
elapsed. The filtration rate of the kidneys
and therefore the filling demand on the
bladder vary based on fluid intake and body Synonyms
position. If the bladder is catheterized every
6 h, midday volumes may be very low and Intra/extraperitoneal bladder injury
night time volumes very high secondary to
position-related fluid shifts within the body.
The bladder should be catheterized when it con- Definition
tains 400–500 cc. Determining this is based on
trial and error, but by wearing compression The bladder is an extraperitoneal muscular
stockings to minimize dependent edema, urine reservoir located anatomically in the
Bladder Rupture (Intra/Extraperitoneal) 207

pelvic space behind the pubic symphysis. about 14 days, and the healing of the injury is
The proximity to bony structures of the pelvis confirmed with a cystogram study. The excep-
predisposes this organ to injury. Most injuries tion to the nonoperative management of
are seen at the dome of the bladder, which is its extraperitoneal injuries occurs with involve-
weakest part. ment of the neck of the bladder containing the B
Most bladder ruptures are caused by blunt anatomically important sphincter. Also, in cases
trauma; penetrating trauma is less common. In of surgical interventions for orthopedic or
motor vehicle collisions, the injury can occur abdominal explorations, the bladder should be
either by direct blow of the steering wheel or by repaired during the same session.
the classic lap belt mechanism. The treatment of intraperitoneal injuries is
Gross hematuria is the classic sign of bladder surgical on a routine basis. Postoperatively,
rupture and is present in 90 % of the cases. a bladder catheter is left indwelling for about
Rest of the patients will have microhematuria. 2 weeks. And a cystogram should be obtained
An important fact is that 85 % of bladder prior to catheter removal to confirm the healing.
ruptures are the result of pelvic fractures, but Surgical technique: The bladder is approached
that only 10 % of pelvic fractures are associated through a lower midline incision. It is prudent to
with bladder injuries. Clinically, most of palpate the bladder through the laceration in
the patients will present with lower abdominal order to exclude other injuries. The edges are
pain and tenderness associated with inability debrided to healthy tissue and the laceration is
to void and signs of trauma in the lower pelvic then closed in two layers of absorbable suture. In
trauma like perineal or suprapubic ecchymosis. cases of extraperitoneal ruptures with pelvic
hematoma, it is beneficial to avoid severe
Diagnosis bleeding by entering the hematoma. To achieve
The diagnosis can easily be established with a CT this, the bladder is approached via a cephaladly
cystogram utilizing about 400 cm3 of contrast. placed anterior cystotomy. The laceration is then
CT cystogram is equivalent to contrast cystogram closed after adequate inspection of the bladder
to detect bladder injuries and can be performed as intravesically again with absorbable suture
an integral part of the trauma screen (Quagliano (Coburn 2012).
et al. 2006). Of note is that the excretion phase of Complications: Urinoma, neurogenic bladder,
abdominal CT scanning has a high rate of sexual dysfunction, fistulas to rectum or vagina,
false-negative results and is not adequate to and urinary incontinence are the most complica-
diagnose most bladder ruptures. The sunburst tions of the bladder rupture.
pattern of contrast extravasation is typical of
extraperitoneal injury. The intraperitoneal
bladder rupture will demonstrate contrast in the Cross-References
peritoneal cavity.
▶ Bladder Incontinence
Management ▶ Urinoma
Injuries are divided in intra- or extraperitoneal
type, according to their anatomical location.
This differentiation matters due to different References
treatment modalities. The treatment of contu-
sions, which are injuries causing hematuria Coburn M (2012) Genitourinary trauma. In: Mattox KL,
without contrast leak, is nonoperative, with Moore EE, Feliciano DV (eds) Trauma, 7th edn. Mc
a large bore bladder catheter. The treatment of Graw Hill, New York
Quagliano P, Delair S et al (2006) Diagnosis of blunt
extraperitoneal injuries in most of cases is also bladder injury: a prospective ccoperative study of
accomplished with a large bore (18–20 French) computed tomography cystography and conventional
bladder catheter. The catheter is removed after retrograde cystography. J Trauma 61(2):410–422
208 Blast

shearing, or tearing forces and implosion. “Irre-

Blast versible work” is a fourth mechanism being
studied, in which the tensile strength of a tissue
Sara J. Aberle is surpassed (CDC 2006; Wightman and Gladish
Department of Emergency Medicine, Mayo 2001).
School of Graduate Medical Education – Mayo The injuries associated with blasts are
Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA categorized into four general groups:
Primary Blast Injury – Injuries that are caused
by the blast wave itself, usually at the interface
of tissues of different densities. The organs
primarily affected in this category are the
Blast injury; Blast wave; Bomb; Explosion
air-filled structures, such as the ear, lungs, or
hollow viscous organs of the gastrointestinal
system (Yeh and Schecter 2012; Mackenzie
and Tunnicliffe 2011).
Secondary Blast Injury – Injuries that occur as
There are two categories of explosives, high-
a result of projectile fragmentation, either
order explosives (HE) and low-order explosives
from an explosive device itself or from debris
(LE), which can either be commercially produced
that is picked up with the blast wave. This type
such as in military munitions or “improvised
of injury has become more common with the
explosive devices” (IEDs). “IED” encompasses
increased use of IEDs, which may be
many types of explosives, to include Molotov
designed with various types of projectiles
cocktails, pipe, and fertilizer bombs, with many
(nails, nuts, ball bearings, etc.) built into the
being used extensively through recent military
device, and has been described as being
conflicts and terrorist attacks (CDC 2006;
similar to gunshot wounds (Navarro et al.
Wightman and Gladish 2001).
2012; Ramasamy et al. 2008).
HEs result in a blast wave as a result of a rapid
Tertiary Blast Injury – Injuries that come as
chemical conversion of a solid or liquid into
a result of the blast wave hurling the victim
highly pressurized gas. As the pressure from the
against another object. This can result in both
explosion moves spherically outward from an
penetrating and blunt injury depending on the
explosive source, it causes a supersonic blast
object(s) the patient contacts. Normal trauma
wave that is greater than the atmospheric pres-
management concepts apply, to include fol-
sure, referred to as “overpressure” (Wightman
lowing spinal precautions.
and Gladish 2001). Examples of HE substances
Quaternary Blast Injury – Those injuries that
include the following: plastic explosives, ammo-
are not encompassed within the three preced-
nium nitrate fuel oil (“ANFO”), and triacetone
ing categories. This includes injuries associ-
triperoxide (TAPT). LEs are subsonic and are
ated with inhalation, burns, carbon monoxide,
those such as black powder or petroleum-based
crush injuries, and psychiatric illness.
devices, like “Molotov cocktails” (CDC 2006;
Wightman and Gladish 2001).
The biologic effects from a blast on a body
depend on a number of factors, such as device Cross-References
type, overpressure magnitude, open or enclosed
detonation site, and distance from the blast. ▶ Ballistics
There are several different mechanisms of body ▶ Barotrauma
tissue injury from blasts. Most of these mecha- ▶ Body Armor
nisms occur at the interface of body tissues ▶ Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation in Adult
of different densities and include spalling, Trauma
Blast Lung Injury 209

▶ Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation in Pediatric

Trauma Blast Lung
▶ Compressible Hemorrhage
▶ Damage Control Resuscitation, Military ▶ Blast Lung Injury
Trauma B
▶ Damage Control Surgery
▶ Explosion
▶ Extremity Injury Blast Lung Injury
▶ Fluid, Electrolytes, and Nutrition in Trauma
Patients Sara J. Aberle
▶ IED (Improvised Explosive Device) Department of Emergency Medicine, Mayo
▶ Military Trauma, Anesthesia for School of Graduate Medical Education-Mayo
▶ Noncompressible Hemorrhage Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA
▶ Shock Management in Trauma
▶ Spalling
▶ Tactical Combat Casualty Care Synonyms

Blast lung; BLI; Primary blast injury


CDC (2006) Bombings: injury patterns and care. Blast Definition

curriculum: one-hour module.
masscasualties/bombings_injurycare.asp. Accessed
28 July 2013 Blast lung injury (BLI) is a major cause of blast-
Mackenzie IM, Tunnicliffe B (2011) Blast Injuries to the related on-scene and in-hospital morbidity and
lung: epidemiology and management. Philos Trans mortality. High-order explosives result in a blast
R Soc Lond B Biol Sci 366(1562):295–299
wave, as rapid chemical conversion of a solid or
Navarro SR, Abadı́a de Barbará AH, Gutierrez OC,
Bartolome CE, Lam DM, Gilsanz RF (2012) Gunshot liquid into highly pressurized gases occurs. As
and improvised explosive casualties: a report from the the pressure moves spherically outward from the
Spanish Role 2 medical facility in Herat, Afghanistan. explosive source, it causes a supersonic wave that
Mil Med 177(3):326–332
is greater than the atmospheric pressure, referred
Ramasamy A, Harrisson SE, Clasper JC, Stewart MP
(2008) Injuries from roadside improvised explosive to as “overpressure” (CDC 2006; Wightman and
devices. J Trauma 65(4):910–914 Gladish 2001). Injuries occur as a result of this
Wightman JM, Gladish SL (2001) Explosions and blast wave, secondary to shearing, spalling, and related
injuries. Ann Emerg Med 37:664–678
mechanisms, as energy is transferred between
Yeh D, Schecter WP (2012) Primary blast injuries – an
updated concise review. World J Surg 36(5):966–972 tissue density interfaces (Wightman and Gladish
2001). The organs primarily affected in primary
blast injury are the air-filled structures, such as
the ear, lungs, and gastrointestinal tract (Yeh and
Schecter 2012).
Blast Chest Wall Trauma In the lungs, these mechanisms could result in
tearing of the lung tissues and cause subsequent
▶ Chest Wall Injury
pulmonary edema, contusions, and hemorrhage
(CDC 2006; Wightman and Gladish 2001). Lung
injury has the potential to start occurring
at around 30 pounds per square inch (PSI) of
Blast Injury pressure, with a 50 % incidence of lung injury
reported at 75 PSI. Tympanic membrane (TM)
▶ Blast rupture can occur as low as 5 PSI, and
210 Blast TBI

therefore while a patient with ruptured TMs may ▶ ARDS, Complication of Trauma
indeed have BLI, they do not necessarily coexist ▶ Barotrauma
(Kizer 2000). ▶ Blast
The clinical presentation of blast lung injury ▶ Body Armor
may include shortness of breath, chest tightness ▶ Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation in Adult
or pain, tachypnea, hypoxia, hemoptysis, and Trauma
subsequent respiratory failure. When severe ▶ Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation in Pediatric
lung injury is present, the patient tends to Trauma
clinically decline fairly rapidly, and many blast ▶ Explosion
lung injuries do result in near-immediate death ▶ Hypoxemia, Severe
(CDC 2006). Assessment consists of assessing ▶ IED (Improvised Explosive Device)
vital signs and obtaining a chest X-ray or even ▶ Imaging of Aortic and Thoracic Injuries
CT scan of the chest. The patient have unilateral ▶ Lung Injury
involvement if one side is facing the blast, and the ▶ Massive Transfusion and Complications
blast occurs in an open space, with an increased ▶ Pneumothorax
risk of bilateral lung involvement if closer to ▶ Pneumothorax, Tension
the blast or in an enclosed space at the time of ▶ Pulmonary Trauma, Anesthetic
the blast. Imaging may show the characteristic Management for
“butterfly” or “batwing” appearance. The diag- ▶ Spalling
nosis of BLI is sometimes complicated by other ▶ Ventilatory Management of Trauma Patients
injuries, such as a pneumothorax or hemothorax,
which may also be identified on imaging (CDC
2006; Wightman and Gladish 2001). References
Treatment of BLIs is comprised of providing
supplemental oxygen and positive-pressure CDC (2006) Bombings: injury patterns and care. Blast
curriculum: one-hour module.
ventilation and performing intubation and
masscasualties/bombings_injurycare.asp. Accessed
mechanical ventilation if needed. Because the 28 July 2013
cause of lung injury following a blast can come Kizer KW (2000) Dysbarism. In: Tintinalli JE, Kelen GD,
as a result of the blast but could also be linked to Stapyczynski JS (eds) Emergency medicine:
a comprehensive study guide, 5th edn. McGraw-Hill,
fluid resuscitation or blood product transfusion
New York, p 1276
(Mackenzie and Tunnicliffe 2011), these resusci- Mackenzie IM, Tunnicliffe B (2011) Blast injuries to the
tative efforts must be performed judiciously in lung: epidemiology and management. Philos Trans
blast-injured patient. Those patients who are at R Soc Lond B Biol Sci 366(1562):295–299
Wightman JM, Gladish SL (2001) Explosions and blast
risk of having a BLI should have an X-ray and be
injuries. Ann Emerg Med 37:664–678
considered for arterial blood gas (ABG) evalua- Yeh D, Schecter WP (2012) Primary blast injuries – an
tion. Should a patient be vitally stable, asymp- updated concise review. World J Surg 36(5):966–972
tomatic, and both the chest X-ray and ABG be
within normal limits, the patient should be
observed for 4–6 h prior to discharge to monitor
for potentially delayed presentation of BLI (CDC Blast TBI
▶ Neurotrauma, Military Considerations


▶ Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Blast Wave

(ARDS), General
▶ Airway Trauma, Management of ▶ Blast
Blood Bank 211

appearing in 1932 in Leningrad and 1937 in

Bleeding Diathesis Chicago, the first civilian blood banks were
built on advances in understanding transfusion
▶ Coagulopathy biochemistry and development of preservation
and storage technology in the previous three B
decades (Nathoo et al. 2009).
Attempts at blood transfusions are recorded as
Bleeding Disorder early as the seventeenth century, after William
Harvey described the circulation of blood. In
▶ Coagulopathy 1900, Karl Landsteiner discovered the blood
group antigens A, B, and C (later O) and helped
study the Rh blood group. Seven years later,
blood typing and cross-matching reduced the
BLI morbidity associated with transfusion, making
it a viable treatment modality for anemia
▶ Blast Lung Injury (Sturgis 1941).
Blood storage was feasible only after the
discovery of sodium citrate anticoagulation
and citrate-glucose solutions just prior to the
Blood Administration second decade of the past century, which per-
mitted donated blood to be stored for several
▶ Blood Therapy in Trauma Anesthesia days, ending direct vein-to-vein transfusions.
Mobile blood units were placed in the battle-
field during the Spanish Civil War, brought
by the Canadian Norman Bethune in 1936.
Blood Bank Plasma was utilized extensively by the British
military during the Second World War and
Bryan A. Cotton1,2 and Laura A. McElroy2 saw the creation of blood depots, sterile blood
Department of Surgery, Division of Acute Care product packaging, and massive donation of
Surgery, Trauma and Critical Care, University of plasma organized by the American Red Cross
Texas Health Science Center at Houston, The (Learoyd 2006).
University of Texas Medical School at Houston, As our understanding of the biochemistry of
Houston, TX, USA transfusion medicine grew, and transfusions
Department of Anesthesiology, Critical Care became tools for civilian medicine after the expe-
Medicine, University of Rochester Medical rience in the battlefield, the American Associa-
Center, Rochester, NY, USA tion of Blood Banks (AABB) was founded and
provided a foundation for common goals among
blood banks, including public education regard-
Synonyms ing donation.
Currently, blood banks exist either in hospitals
Blood donor center; Blood mobile or as stand-alone units. Many countries have fed-
eral government oversight of the standards and
practices of blood bank safety and reliability.
Definition Blood banks typically organize and promote
donation from the public, process whole blood
A blood bank, historically, referred to hospital and aphaeresis donations, characterize blood type
laboratory that was responsible for preserving and antibodies for each unit, screen donors and
and storing donated blood. Though first products for potential blood borne diseases, store
212 Blood Clot

and distribute products, and follow adverse Nathoo N, Lautzenheiser K, Barnet G et al (2009) The first
events (Shaz and Hillyer 2010). direct human blood transfusion: the forgotten legacy of
George W. Crile. Op Neurosurg 64:20–27
Trauma surgeons, a group responsible for the Shaz B, Hillyer C (2010) Transfusion medicine as
use of large volumes of blood products in a very a profession: evolution over the past 50 years.
time-sensitive manner, are recommended to Transfusion 50:2536–2541
become familiar with local blood banks and the Sturgis C (1941) The history of blood transfusion. In: 43rd
annual meeting of MLA, 30 May 1941
transfusion medicine specialists who administer
them. In a series of recent studies, improved
communication, ordering flow, and emphasis
on the shared goals of patient safety have Blood Clot
improved outcomes in critically injured patients
(Alter and Klein 2008). Roughly 10–15 % of all ▶ Venous Thromboembolism (VTE)
injured patients seen in level I trauma centers
that require blood transfusion, and we see a large
increase in patient mortality as the number of
units of blood products infused increases (Como Blood Component Administration
et al. 2004).
▶ Blood Therapy in Trauma Anesthesia


▶ Antibody Screen Blood Component Resuscitation

▶ Blood Group Antibodies
▶ Blood Type ▶ Blood Therapy in Trauma Anesthesia
▶ Blood Typing
▶ Citrate-Dextrose Solutions
▶ Crossmatch
▶ Cryoprecipitate Transfusion in Trauma Blood Component Therapy
▶ FP24
▶ Leukoreduced Red Blood Cells ▶ Blood Therapy in Trauma Anesthesia
▶ Plasma
▶ Pooled Platelets
▶ Plasma Transfusion in Trauma
▶ Red Blood Cell Transfusion in Trauma ICU Blood Component Transfusion
▶ Rhesus Factor
▶ Thrombocytopenia ▶ Blood Therapy in Trauma Anesthesia
▶ Universal Donor

Blood Donor Center


Alter HJ, Klein HG (2008) The hazards of blood

▶ Blood Bank
transfusion in historical perspective. Blood
Como J, Dutton R, Scalea T et al (2004) Blood transfusion
rates in the care of acute trauma. Transfusion
Blood Group
Learoyd P (2006) A short history of blood transfusion.
NBS- Scientific & Technical Training vol 042, pp 1–17 ▶ Blood Type
Blood Group Antibodies 213

little role in common transfusion medicine. Anti-

Blood Group Antibodies bodies to the A1 subtype seem to be incapable of
activating the complement cascade. All in all,
Bryan A. Cotton1,2 and Laura A. McElroy2 there are over 300 blood group antigens that can
Department of Surgery, Division of Acute Care potentially play clinically significant roles in B
Surgery, Trauma and Critical Care, University of human blood transfusion, with the ABO being by
Texas Health Science Center at Houston, The far the most immunogenic. The second most
University of Texas Medical School at Houston, important group of antigens are of the Rhesus
Houston, TX, USA (Rh) class, currently understood to be a complex
Department of Anesthesiology, Critical Care array of over 49 Rh antigens controlled by the
Medicine, University of Rochester Medical expression of two genes. The Rh D, C, and
Center, Rochester, NY, USA e antigens are the most important of these antigens
phenotypically, though clinically we speak of the
global Rh-positive and Rh-negative types. Anti-
Synonyms bodies to the Rh, D, C, e antigens are primarily of
the IgG variety and do not activate complement,
Anti-A antibody; Anti-B antibody; Anti-Rh but can lead to extravascular acute hemolytic
antibody transfusion reactions and cause hemolytic disease
of the newborn in Rh-incompatible pregnant
mothers (Westhoff 2007).
Definition “Naturally occurring” antibodies are not
a result of RBC exposure, but instead occur
The discovery in 1900 by Karl Landsteiner of after exposure to microbes encountered routinely
blood group antigens and their associated anti- in the digestive tract or other mucosal surfaces.
bodies heralded the beginning of safe, predictable These are the most common antibodies found in
transfusions in medicine. The ABO blood groups non-transfused children and men. They are
are determined by the antigen expressed on eryth- primarily IgM and are referred to collectively as
rocytes and are inherited codominantly. The “I” cold agglutinins. In general, they have little
alleles can be of the A type (IAi or IAIA), B type (IBi clinical importance in transfusion reactions, as
or IBIB), null type (ii, phenotypically O type), or they are in low titers, rarely detectable in dilu-
the codominant AB type (IAIB). Individuals then tions greater than 1:10. In patients with cold
develop IgM and IgG antibodies based on this agglutinin disease, these titers can exceed 1:105.
genotype, with A types having anti-B antibodies, These antibodies can become clinically relevant
B types having anti-A antibodies, O types having in transfusion below 37  C, when these IgM
both anti-A and anti-B antibodies, and AB types pentamers react with polysaccharides on the sur-
having neither. These antibodies develop by face of red cells, principally the i and I antigens,
4 months of age and are capable of activating the causing them to adhere together in clumps. While
complement system leading to serious, but thank- this reaction is reversible when the temperature
fully rare, hemolytic transfusion reactions. These increases above 37  C, the attachment of IgM to
antibodies determine what donor blood can be the red blood cell allows for the adherence and
safely transfused. AB-type recipients can receive activation of complement. Red cells have cell
blood from any ABO donor type, while O-type surface inhibitors to complement that allow
recipients can only receive O-type red blood cells. them to survive the initial lysis by the comple-
Subsequent to the initial ABO erythrocyte anti- ment system, but through this attachment, the
gen discovery has followed the elucidation of complement fragments C3b and C4b are left
many weaker variants of the A and B antigens, behind on the cell surface, leaving the red cell
notably including the A1 and A2 subtypes. How- vulnerable to phagocytic engulfment and destruc-
ever, these are not clinically significant and play tion (Westhoff et al. 2012).
214 Blood Loss

The most common causes of immunization

against blood group antigens are transfusion, Blood Product Administration
pregnancy, transplantation, or sharing of needles.
Individuals who have had multiple allogenic ▶ Blood Therapy in Trauma Anesthesia
blood transfusions or exposures, such as those
with sickle cell disease or autoimmune hemolytic
anemias, are likely to develop antibodies to more
uncommon antigens including Kell, Duffy, Blood Product Transfusion
and Kidd, leading to difficulty crossmatching
allogenic blood products and extended delays in ▶ Blood Therapy in Trauma Anesthesia
beginning transfusions (Schwartz 2011).

Cross-References Blood Resuscitation

▶ Antibody Screen ▶ Blood Therapy in Trauma Anesthesia

▶ Blood Bank
▶ Blood Type
▶ Crossmatch
▶ Rhesus Factor Blood Therapy in Trauma Anesthesia

Lejla Music-Aplenc1 and Mirsad Dupanovic2

References Children’s Mercy Hospital, University of
Missouri, Kansas City, MO, USA
Schwartz R (2011) Autoimmune and intravascular hemo- 2
Department of Anesthesiology, Kansas
lytic anemias, Chap 163. In: Goldman’s Cecil medi-
University Medical Center, The University of
cine, 24th edn. Elsevier, Philadelphia, pp 1045–1052
Westhoff C (2007) The structure and function of the Rh Kansas Hospital, Kansas City, KS, USA
antigen complex. Semin Hematol 44(1):42–50
Westhoff CM, Storry JR, Shaz B (2012) Human blood
group antigens and antibodies, Chap 111. In: Hema-
tology: basic principles and practice, 6th edn. Elsevier,
Philadelphia, pp 1628–1641
Blood administration; Blood component admin-
istration; Blood component resuscitation; Blood
component therapy; Blood component transfu-
Blood Loss sion; Blood product administration; Blood prod-
uct transfusion; Blood resuscitation; Blood
▶ Hemorrhage transfusion; Hemostatic resuscitation; Massive
transfusion; Transfusion; Transfusion therapy

Blood Mobile
▶ Blood Bank
Blood therapy in trauma anesthesia represents
administration of either specific blood compo-
nents or fresh whole blood (FWB) with the goal
Blood Poisoning of supporting oxygen delivery and/or process of
coagulation. Controlling the hemorrhage and
▶ Sepsis, Treatment of increasing the circulating volume directly or
Blood Therapy in Trauma Anesthesia 215

indirectly support maintenance of circulation. questionable what represents the best blood trans-
Initial blood therapy in trauma often involves fusion strategy for an acutely hemorrhaging
administration of group O uncrossmatched red patient that is rapidly losing whole blood.
blood cells (RBCs), fresh frozen plasma (FFP), Over a period of 30 years, the American
and platelets. Group-specific blood components College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma has B
or FWB may be administered if there was provided a foundation of care for injured
enough time to perform type and cross testing patients by publishing the Advanced Trauma
in the blood bank. In case of life-threatening Life Support (ATLS) and teaching the ATLS
injuries, blood therapy is initially guided by the course. The basic premise is that injured patients
patient’s clinical status. However, subsequent should receive two large-bore peripheral intra-
therapy is usually guided by a series of hemato- venous (IV) lines and ongoing crystalloid solu-
logic and coagulation tests. tions as soon as possible (ATLS 2008). In case of
hypotension, rapid administration of 1–2 L of
crystalloids (20 mL/kg for pediatric patients) is
Preexisting Condition recommended. Subsequently, 3-for-1 blood
replacement should follow (3 mL of crystalloids
The decision about urgent/emergent administra- for 1 mL of blood lost). Subsequently, excessive
tion of blood in trauma usually occurs in an acute crystalloid administration may have significant
setting during life-threatening hemorrhage in the dilutional effect and can worsen coagulopathy of
emergency room and/or in the operating room. acute trauma, resulting in even more difficulty
Sometimes this may occur in the intensive care controlling the hemorrhage and potential for iat-
unit if the patient has bypassed the operating rogenic injury. In case of unacceptably poor
room in need of obtaining adequate vascular perfusion, surgical control of the ongoing hem-
access and hemodynamic stabilization. orrhage and RBC administration are necessary.
A multidisciplinary clinical team is usually In the past, administration of FFP and platelets
involved in assessment and resuscitation from was usually guided by laboratory testing and
the time of patient’s arrival to the emergency often delayed: FFP to be given when PT and
room onward. However, blood component PTT were prolonged more than 1.5 times the
administration in trauma may also be elective in normal value and platelets usually administered
patients that have survived acute trauma; they are when the count was less than 50,000. However
recovering and need supportive blood therapy. subsequently, the delay in obtaining the results
Since such elective administration of blood is of laboratory testing and ongoing hemorrhage
not much different from any other elective worsen the coagulopathy even more. Thus, in
blood transfusion, the focus of this entry will be order to achieve a timely hemostatic resuscita-
blood therapy in acute hemorrhage. tion, this practice is being replaced by early
transfusion of RBCs, FFP, and platelets in the
Historical Prospective balanced 1:1:1 ratio.
Historically, separation of whole blood into Justification for institution of such transfusion
RBCs, plasma, and platelets was started because practice is not only clinical. A simple laboratory
of better preservation of each component experiment of diluting plasma and measuring
under special storage conditions and more flexi- prothrombin time (PT) demonstrated that PT
bility with administration of blood components exceeds 1.5 times the normal value when 40 %
than with administration of whole blood. In of plasma was mixed with 60 % of normal saline.
general, administration of a specific blood On the other hand, when a whole blood unit of
component to a patient that is either anemic, 500 mL, with a hematocrit (Hct) of 40–50 %,
coagulopathic, and/or thrombocytopenic repre- platelet count of 250,000, and coagulation factor
sents a goal-oriented therapy and more rational activity of 100 %, is separated into three
blood utilization. However, it still remains blood components (RBCs, FFP, and platelets)
216 Blood Therapy in Trauma Anesthesia

and leukoreduced, it will lose approximately Massive Transfusion

15 mL of RBCs, 20 mL of plasma, and Massive transfusion is commonly defined as
20–50 % of platelets. Additionally, the red cell administration of 20 PRBC units within 24 h.
component is diluted with 110 mL of additive However, administration of more than 4 PRBC
solution. When these three components are trans- units within 1 h with ongoing need for blood
fused in a 1:1:1 ratio, the combined volume of transfusion or loss of more than 150 mL of
645 mL has Hct of 29 %, coagulation blood per minute with hemodynamic instability
factor activity of 65 %, and platelet count of are more practical definitions of massive transfu-
90,000 (Mintz 2011). However, rapid infusion sion (ASA 2011). Loss of one blood volume
of large volumes of RBCs that have been stored within 24 h is considered massive transfusion in
for more than 2 weeks may not provide expected pediatric patients. Exchange transfusion of an
degree of resuscitation because of formation of infant is also considered massive transfusion.
microaggregates and metabolic changes that
occur over time. Thus, in a massively bleeding
Massive Transfusion Protocol (MTP)
patient, requiring large amounts of blood com-
The MTP represents activation of a procedure
ponents may be desirable to provide the best
that ensures emergent delivery of predefined
functioning RBCs (1–2 weeks old). Since
balanced ratio of blood components to the site
approximately 90 % of RBC and only 60 % of
of resuscitation of a massively bleeding patient
platelets actually circulate, balanced blood resus-
(usually to the emergency room, operating room,
citation approach results in final Hct of about
or intensive care unit). Every hospital may have
26 %, INR of 1.4, and platelet count of 55,000/
its own version of an MTP. The protocol is
mL. Attempts to increase the concentration of
usually activated by a resuscitation team in the
one component result in dilution of the other
emergency room; basic patient information is
two components. This illustrates the limits of
provided to the blood bank. Clinical criteria,
hemostatic resuscitation (Mintz 2011).
laboratory criteria, or both are used to make the
decision about the MTP activation. Once the
MTP is activated, the blood bank ensures rapid
and timely availability of a series of balanced
blood component packs (ASA 2011).
New Developments
There are many advantages to using an MTP:
Three major discoveries have changed the
traditional resuscitation practice of massively 1. MTP ensures expeditious delivery of
bleeding trauma patients over the past decade: a balanced ratio of blood products.
2. It may prevent or reverse coagulopathy of
1. Understanding that early treatment of
acute trauma.
coagulopathy in acute trauma is a major resus-
3. It may prevent complications of excessive
citation issue
crystalloid infusion.
2. Awareness that many of the severely injured
4. MTP improves coordination between different
arrive to the trauma center already
5. Potentially, it improves trauma resuscitation
3. Knowledge that massive crystalloid resuscita-
outcomes (Riskin et al. 2009).
tion may worsen coagulopathy and lead to
intracranial, abdominal, and limb compart-
Blood Crossmatch
ment syndromes in acutely injured
Implementation of the MTP is essential in resus-
These discoveries prompted a recommenda- citation of acutely hemorrhaging trauma patient.
tion for an early start of a balanced (1:1) transfu- Blood bank must release group O RBCs during
sion of RBCs and FFP in case of a massive severe trauma emergencies before patient’s blood
hemorrhage (Stansbury et al. 2009). specimen arrives. When the specimen is received
Blood Therapy in Trauma Anesthesia 217

and the patient’s ABO/Rh type is determined, the received FWB; however, the evidence from large
group-specific blood products can begin to be prospective randomized trials is still missing.
released. Antibody screen is performed as well. If Despite that this military experience led to a fresh
the antibody screen results are negative, then the new way of looking into the balanced resuscitation
blood bank proceeds with an abbreviated with a fixed RBC to FFP ratio. B
crossmatch (electronic or immediate spin). An
abbreviated cross-match is used to ensure ABO
Acute Complications of Massive Blood
compatibility. If the antibody screen results are
positive, then the blood bank needs to determine
It is not always possible to easily distinguish
the type of the antibody and start providing
complications of massive blood transfusion
RBC units that do not have matching antigens on
(MBT) from deterioration in clinical condition
their surface. Administration of such PRBC units
of an acutely hemorrhaging anesthetized patient.
can result in hemolytic transfusion reaction.
If suspected these complications should be
Performing all these tests can cause a lot of pres-
considered in the context of patient’s medical
sure on the blood bank staff in order to try to
history, the injuries being treated, the course of
identify the antibody as soon as possible and pro-
surgery and ongoing blood loss, type of anes-
vide appropriate blood products. Some facilities
thetic being administered, as well as possible
stop crossmatching RBCs as soon as the patient
vital organ dysfunction.
has received ten RBC units in less than 24 h.
Such practice is justified by assumption that the 1. Acid-base and electrolyte abnormalities –
circulating blood has been so much diluted with Acidosis is primarily metabolic and a
transfused products that pre-existing antibodies consequence of hypoperfusion and anaerobic
have also been diluted. metabolism. Successful restoration of
If during the resuscitation the rhesus adequate tissue perfusion will be the
(Rh)-negative patient received Rh-positive best contribution to normalization of meta-
blood, it may be difficult to determine the bolic acidosis. Otherwise, with sustained
patient’s true Rh type during the blood bank hypoperfusion and continuous production of
testing. If there is any question about patient’s lactate, administration of sodium bicarbonate
true Rh type and especially if the patent is and calcium gluconate may be necessary.
a female, the blood bank should provide Citrate (anticoagulant in the RBC units) binds
Rh-negative RBCs due to the concerns of possi- calcium and can cause a dramatic decrease in
ble Rh alloimmunization. If the resources are serum calcium level. However, administration
limited or the patient already used a significant of sodium bicarbonate should be sensible
portion of the blood bank inventory, the switch because metabolic alkalosis may ensue post-
from providing Rh-negative to Rh-positive units operatively subsequent to administration of
may be inevitable. Under such circumstances, large amounts of sodium bicarbonate, success-
WinRho (RhIG) infusion to prevent Rh ful resuscitation, and lactate metabolism.
alloimmunization may be considered especially Hyperkalemia and hypokalemia may be sec-
in young women (Roback et al. 1999). ondary consequences of acidosis or alkalosis,
The experience regarding the use of FWB in respectively. These fluctuations are particu-
trauma patients is limited to the military experi- larly important to consider in children and
ence and comes from Combat Support Hospital in renal failure patients. Hypernatremia may be
Baghdad (Perkins et al. 2011). Treatment facilities a consequence of administration of a large load
across Iraq and Afghanistan have administered of sodium citrate during an MBT as well as
more than 8,000 FWB transfusions to more than administration of sodium bicarbonate.
1,000 patients. Many retrospective studies came 2. Hypothermia is usually caused by multiple
out of this military experience and demonstrated environmental factors in the field, skin
satisfactory or superior outcomes in patients who exposure during the patient assessment in
218 Blood Therapy in Trauma Anesthesia

a cold location, and by administration of identification and documentation of such reli-

cold fluid and blood products. Hypothermia gious beliefs. If possible a discussion with the
results in worsening of metabolic acidosis, patient should occur and the provider should
increased intracellular potassium release, and plan accordingly. Ethical issues like competence,
hyperkalemia as well as shift of the oxygen capacity, and care of minors are very important in
dissociation curve to the left with decreased trauma care of Jehovah’s Witnesses. If such
tissue oxygen delivery and worsened acidosis. patient cannot make important decisions about
Additionally, impaired coagulation, decreased his/her health, significant ethical controversies
drug metabolism, reduced cardiac output, and may be faced by the medical staff.
increased incidence of cardiac arrhythmias are Hemoglobin-based oxygen carriers are
also consequences of hypothermia. still being investigated and are not available for
3. Coagulopathy may be rapidly developing in commercial use. Thus, management strategy of
trauma and is often associated with metabolic Jehovah’s Witness patients comprises blood
acidosis and hypothermia (the lethal triad). conservation, maximizing oxygen delivery,
The etiology of coagulopathy in trauma minimizing oxygen demand, and stimulation
is complex. Coagulation factor dilution using of erythropoiesis (Kulvatunyou and Heard
large amounts of crystalloids and RBCs 2004).
may initiate or contribute to the vicious
1. Blood conservation – Intraoperative consider-
cycle. Preexisting administration of anticoag-
ations include rapid control of hemorrhage
ulants or antiplatelet agents and insufficient
with a single intervention if possible, autolo-
hemostatic resuscitation may also be critical.
gous transfusion with a cell salvage device,
Hypothermia will further contribute to
reducing the frequency of blood testing, and
coagulopathy. Traumatic brain injury may
using smaller size sample tubes to reduce
also be associated with coagulopathy.
iatrogenic blood loss.
4. Hemolytic transfusion reaction can develop due
2. Maximizing oxygen delivery – Crystalloids
to error in transfusion and administration of
are administered to increase intravascular
a wrong ABO blood group unit of RBCs. Such
volume and maintain tissue perfusion. Admin-
transfusion may result in renal failure, dissemi-
istration of colloids allows use of smaller
nated intravascular coagulation, and circulatory
volumes of fluid. However, Jehovah’s Witness
collapse. Strict compliance with patient identi-
patients may refuse administration of albumin
fication procedures is mandatory despite of time
while there may be concerns about adverse
pressure to transfuse as soon as possible.
effects of hetastarch on coagulation in a
5. Transfusion-related acute lung injury (TRALI)
trauma patient. Hypertonic saline solutions
is the leading cause of the transfusion-related
should be considered in view of potential
fatalities reported to the FDA. It is a conse-
benefit in counterbalancing inflammatory
quence of the presence of leukoagglutinins in
response and decreasing hemodilution.
the donor plasma that forms complexes with
The use of 100 % inspiratory oxygen may
HLA or HNA antigens leading to neutrophil
maximize oxygen delivery to the tissues.
activation, sequestration in the lungs, endothelial
3. Minimizing oxygen demand may be accom-
damage, and pulmonary edema.
plished by using neuromuscular blockade and
mechanical ventilation in order to decrease the
Jehovah’s Witness Patient, Trauma, and work of breathing.
Blood Management 4. Stimulation of erythropoiesis by administra-
Jehovah’s Witnesses may refuse blood therapy tion of iron, folic acid, vitamin B12, and eryth-
despite the possibility of exsanguinations and ropoietin takes time and is not effective in
death. Initial assessment should include acute trauma.
Blood Therapy in Trauma Anesthesia 219

Pediatric Considerations ▶ Aminocaproic Acid

Trauma is frequent in childhood and is the ▶ Anticoagulation/Antiplatelet Agents and
leading cause of death in teenagers. Unlike Trauma
adults, children sustain higher rate of blunt ▶ Apheresis Platelets
trauma versus penetrating trauma, and variations ▶ Blood Group Antibodies B
of coagulation factors with age may influence ▶ Blood Type
their bleeding tendencies. Trauma in pediatric ▶ Coagulopathy
patients may encompass complex surgeries, ▶ Cryoprecipitate Transfusion in Trauma
MBT, and use of ECMO or cardiopulmonary ▶ Electrolyte and Acid-Base Abnormalities
bypass. Neonates who receive exchange transfu- ▶ Exsanguination Transfusion
sion also qualify as massive transfusion ▶ Factor I Concentrate
recipients. ▶ Factor VIIa
Recent studies have shown that coagulopathy ▶ Fibrinogen (Test)
of acute trauma is as prevalent in the ▶ FP24
pediatric as it is in adult population. In addition, ▶ Hypothermia, Trauma, and Anesthetic
pediatric patients who present with coag- Management
ulopathy of acute trauma have significantly ▶ Massive Transfusion
worse outcomes compared with patients who ▶ Massive Transfusion Protocols in Trauma
were not coagulopathic. Prolongation of PT is ▶ Packed Red Blood Cells
the most common coagulation abnormality, and ▶ Plasma Transfusion in Trauma
children with highest degree of PT prolongation ▶ Platelets
had the highest mortality rates (Hendrickson ▶ Pooled Platelets
2012a). ▶ Red Blood Cell Transfusion in Trauma ICU
The prevalence of coagulopathy in pediatric ▶ Tranexamic Acid
trauma and the evidence of improved outcomes ▶ Transfusion Strategy in Trauma: What Is the
with balanced transfusion ratios in adults led to Evidence?
development of MTPs in many pediatric ▶ Transfusion Thresholds
institutions. In addition to fixed and balanced ▶ Whole Blood
ratio of blood products, pediatric MTP takes
into consideration patient’s size reflected in
weight-based blood product packages. Pediatric References
MTP allows for rapid provision of balanced
American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma
blood products to the trauma victim. Larger
(2008) ATLS ® student course manual. American
studies are needed to determine whether MTP College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma, Chicago
will improve clinical outcomes in pediatric American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) Committee
trauma patients (Hendrickson 2012b). on Blood Management (2011) Massive transfusion
protocol for hemorrhagic shock. http://www.asahq.
tee-on-blood-management.aspx. Accessed 21 Jan
Cross-References 2012
Hendrickson JE et al (2012a) Coagulopathy is
prevalent and associated with adverse outcomes in
▶ Adjuncts to Transfusion: Antifibrinolytics
transfused pediatric trauma patients. J Pediatr
▶ Adjuncts to Transfusion: Fibrinogen 160(2):204–209
Concentrate Hendrickson JE et al (2012b) Implementation of pediatric
▶ Adjuncts to Transfusion: Prothrombin trauma massive transfusion protocol: one institution’s
experience. Transfusion 52(6):1228–1236
Complex Concentrate Kulvatunyou N, Heard SO (2004) Care of injured
▶ Adjuncts to Transfusion: Recombinant Factor Jehovah’s Witness patient: case report and review of
VIIa, Factor XIII, and Calcium the literature. J Clin Anesth 16:548–553
220 Blood Thinners

Mintz PD (2011) Transfusion therapy: clinical principles Definition

and practice, 3rd edn. AABB Press, Bethesda
Perkins JG et al (2011) Comparison of platelet transfusion
as fresh whole blood vs. apheresis platelets for A person’s blood type or blood group is deter-
massively transfused combat trauma patients. Trans- mined by the expression of erythrocyte surface
fusion 51(2):242–252 antigens, of which there are over 30 clinically
Riskin DJ et al (2009) Massive transfusion protocols: the used types. The most important blood group
role of aggressive resuscitation vs. product ratio in
mortality reduction. J Am Coll Surg 209(2):198–205 antigens are the ABO and Rhesus (Rh) types.
Roback J et al. (ed) (1999) Technical manual, 17th edn. These blood group antigens are transmitted by
AABB Press, Bethesda, Maryland various genetic mechanisms; the ABO antigens
Stansbury LG et al (2009) Controversy in trauma resusci- are an example of codominant transmission
tation: do ratios of plasma to red blood cells matter.
Transfus Med Rev 23(4):255–265 (Miller 2009). Individuals with specific blood
group antigens also then have a complementary
set of blood group antibodies, many of which are
able to activate the complement system and thus
lead to significant, if not fatal, hemolytic transfu-
Blood Thinners sion reactions or hemolytic disease of newborns
(Ahsan and Noether 2011).
▶ Anticoagulation/Antiplatelet Agents and The blood type of an individual patient is then
Trauma a composite phenotype of as many blood group
antigens the clinician cares to measure. In stan-
dard clinical practice, the ABO and Rh types are
determined for each patient donating or receiving
blood products and for pregnant mothers and
Blood Transfusion newborns. In persons with a strong history of
blood transfusion or blood exposure, such as
▶ Blood Therapy in Trauma Anesthesia those with sickle cell anemia or posttrans-
plantation, it may be necessary to test for
more rare antigens like Kidd, Duffy, or Kell to
minimize transfusion reactions (Westhoff 2004).
There are geographic differences in the rela-
Blood Type tive frequency of each blood type, with blood
type A being more common in Europe and
Harvey G. Hawes1, Laura A. McElroy2 and aboriginal populations in Australia and North
Bryan A. Cotton1 America and type B being more prevalent in
Department of Surgery, Division of Acute Care northern India, Asia, and parts of Russia. Some
Surgery, Trauma and Critical Care, University of of these differences are likely due to selection
Texas Health Science Center at Houston, The pressures, as type O individuals are more suscep-
University of Texas Medical School at Houston, tible to the bubonic plague and type A people are
Houston, TX, USA more vulnerable to the smallpox virus than those
Department of Anesthesiology, Critical Care of the other blood groups. The areas of the world
Medicine, University of Rochester Medical where type B is predominant have had epidemics
Center, Rochester, NY, USA of both of these diseases. The most striking exam-
ple of selection bias in blood groups is the Duffy
antigen. This blood type contains a receptor that
Synonyms facilitates the entry of some malarial parasites
into the red blood cell. Therefore, in populations
Blood group with endemic malaria, having Duffy-negative
Blood Typing 221

blood would confer a significant survival and thus

reproductive advantage. The significance or Blood Typing
functionality of most blood types is not known,
including the ABO system. Some statistical Bryan A. Cotton1 and Laura A. McElroy2
correlations have been established, for example, Department of Surgery, Division of Acute Care B
people with type A blood have about a 20 % Surgery, Trauma and Critical Care, University of
increased risk of stomach cancer versus those Texas Health Science Center at Houston, The
with type O blood, whereas type O people are University of Texas Medical School at Houston,
more likely to develop ulcers than those with type Houston, TX, USA
A (Klein 2005). These associations are unlikely Department of Anesthesiology, Critical Care
to be driven by natural selection, as they usually Medicine, University of Rochester Medical
occur past the reproductive years. Center, Rochester, NY, USA
Determination of a patient’s blood type con-
sists of agglutination reactions and maybe all that Synonyms
is required prior to blood transfusion in emer-
gency situations (as the risk of severe transfusion Type-specific blood; Uncrossmatched Blood
reaction would be less than the risk of death from
hemorrhagic shock). More commonly, a further
crossmatch, in which serum from a potential Definition
recipient is mixed with donor blood, is performed
to assess the specific compatibility of each unit of Blood typing is the first step used to characterize the
blood (Goodnough 2011). array of erythrocyte antigens present in a blood
sample. The discovery of the ABO and Rh blood
antigens by Dr. Karl Landsteiner in the early 1900s
Cross-References began effective research leading to today’s rela-
tively safe and effective transfusion science. The
ABO and Rh antigen systems are by far the most
▶ Antibody Screen
▶ Blood Group Antibodies immunogenic and thus the first and most important
compatibilities to document, although more than 20
▶ Blood Typing
known blood group systems are known. A patient
▶ Crossmatch
or donation’s blood type is determined by indirect
▶ Rhesus Factor
Coombs test whereby a small sample of red cells is
separately mixed with both anti-A and anti-B sera.
Antihuman antibodies are then added to the mix-
References ture. If the patient’s red cells express A or
B antigens on their surfaces, the tagged red cells
Ahsan S, Noether J (2011) Hematology. The Harriet Lane
with agglutinate reveal the patient’s ABO blood
handbook, 19th edn. Chap 14. Mosby, St/Louis, MO
Goodnough LT (2011) Transfusion medicine. Goldman’s type. The same test is performed on the sample’s
Cecil medicine, 24th edn. Saunders, Philadelphia, PA, serum and with the D antigen, determining Rh
pp 1154–1158, Chap 180 status. An antibody screen is then performed by
Klein HG (2005) Why do people have different blood
mixing commercially prepared RBCs expressing
types? Sci Am.
article/why-do-people-have-differ/. Accessed 24 Mar clinically significant antigens with patient serum
2014 and watching for agglutination. These are anti-
Miller R (2009) Transfusion therapy. Miller’s anesthesia, bodies present in low incidence in the general
7th edn. Chap 55. Churchill/Livingstone, London,
pp 1739–1766
population (1–2 %). These tests are performed
Westhoff CM (2004) Review: the Kell, Duffy, and Kidd on donor blood before it is made available for
blood group systems. Immunohematology 20:37–49 transfusion. When performed urgently for the
222 Blood Volume

recipient, testing for type specificity takes between Definition

5–15 minutes (Emery 2014).
Type-specific blood is donor blood that is com- The blood volume, or the total volume of blood
patible with the recipient’s determined ABO and cells and plasma in the circulatory system, is often
Rh blood types. When combined with a negative estimated, but rarely measured directly. Red blood
antibody screen, the transfused blood product has cell (RBC) volume (RCV) and plasma volume
a less than 1 % chance of resulting in a clinically (PV) are the primary components of total blood
significant nonhemolytic transfusion reaction. volume (TV), with the remaining contribution of
Because of its excellent safety profile, type-specific white blood cells making up less than 0.1 % of TV.
blood should be considered for transfusion in The hematocrit measures the proportions of RCV
patients during exigent circumstances including and PV (Feldschuh and Katz 2007).
massive hemorrhage and trauma (Gongal 2005). Estimations of blood volume have been his-
torically based on body weight, ideal or actual,
Cross-References and body surface area. Until quite recently, direct
measurement of blood TV in patients was quite
▶ Antibody Screen laborious and fraught with inaccuracies (Jacob
▶ Blood Bank et al. 2007). First attempts involved injection of
▶ Blood Group Antibodies a dye or, later, a radiotracer with subsequent
▶ Blood Type serial measurement of blood levels; the indicator
▶ Crossmatch dilution method equation C1V1 = C2V2, where
▶ Rhesus Factor C1 is the concentration of known injected tracer
▶ Universal Donor of volume V1 and C2 then is the measured con-
centration of the tracer in the unknown volume
V2 (Ertl et al. 2007).
The most elaborate test involved two radio-
Emery M (2014) Blood and blood components. Mars: tracers, one to label the RBCs and another to
Rosen’s emergency medicine- concepts and clinical label the PV component. This test involved mul-
practice, 8th edn. Edinburgh, UK, Mosby/Elsevier tiple blood draws and injections over the course
pp 75–77, Chap 7 of 5 h, and the results could be confounded
Gongal R (2005) How safe is transfusion of uncross-
matched blood? Kathmandu Univ Med J 3(9):76–78 by user error at each of the steps. There exists
now an automated, validated rapid device that
uses a combination of 131I-radiotracer to mea-
sure PV and to measure hematocrit (Hct) to
Blood Volume derive the RCV using the equation (Manzone
et al. 2007)
Bryan A. Cotton1 and Laura A. McElroy2
Department of Surgery, Division of Acute Care TV ¼ PV=ð1  HctÞ
Surgery, Trauma and Critical Care, University of
Texas Health Science Center at Houston, The The euvolemic state is regulated by a complex
University of Texas Medical School at Houston, interplay of cardiovascular, renal, and endocrine
Houston, TX, USA physiology, including the renin-angiotensin
Department of Anesthesiology, Critical Care system, antidiuretic hormone, and baroreceptors
Medicine, University of Rochester Medical (Riley et al. 2010). Hypovolemia secondary to
Center, Rochester, NY, USA hemorrhage, when significant enough to lead to
hypoperfusion of organs, is termed hemorrhagic
Synonyms shock. Hypervolemia, or blood volume overload
in otherwise healthy trauma patients, is often
Total blood volume iatrogenic.
Body Armor 223

Blunt Chest Trauma
▶ Exsanguination Transfusion
▶ Hemorrhage ▶ Airbag Injuries
Blunt Chest Wall Trauma
Ertl A, Diedrich A, Satish R (2007) Techniques used for
the determination of blood volume. Am J Med Sci ▶ Chest Wall Injury
Feldschuh J, Katz S (2007) The importance of correct
norms in blood volume measurement. Am J Med Sci
Jacob M, Conzen P, Finsterer U (2007) Technical and Blunt Craniocervical Arterial Injuries
physiological background of plasma volume measure-
ment with indocyanine green: a clarification of ▶ Neurotrauma, Complications: Blunt Cerebro-
misunderstandings. J Appl Physiol 102:1235–1242
Manzone T, Dam HQ, Soltis D et al (2007) Volume anal- vascular Injuries
ysis: a new technique and new clinical interest
reinvigorate a classic study. J Nucl Med Technol
Riley A, Arakawa Y, Worley S et al (2010) Circulating Blunt Ocular Injury
blood volumes: a review of measurement techniques
and a meta-analysis in children. ASAIO J 56:260–264
▶ Eye Trauma, Anesthesia for

Blunt Aortic Injury (BAI) Body Armor

▶ Thoracic Vascular Injuries Charles A. Frosolone

Medical Department, USS Nimitz CVN-68,
Everett, WA, USA

Blunt Cardiac Injury

▶ Cardiac Injuries
Ballistic vest; Behind armor blunt trauma
(BABT); Bullet proof vest; Bullet-resistant vest;
Combat helmet; Flak jacket, protective body
Blunt Cardiac Injury: Cardiac armor; Personal armor system for ground troops
Contusion (PASGT)

▶ Cardiac and Aortic Trauma, Anesthesia for


Body armor is a protective outer wear clothing

Blunt Carotid Vertebral Injuries usually a type of vest and helmet that is used to
prevent injury from being inflicted to an individ-
▶ Neurotrauma, Complications: Blunt Cerebro- ual by a weapon of direct contact or projectiles
vascular Injuries used against them.
224 Body Armor

Preexisting Condition was not protective against standard combat rifle

rounds. In Vietnam ceramic plates were added to
Anticipation of and/or potential for bluntor this armor and issued to crews of attack aircraft.
penetrating trauma and the need to protect an The US helmet through Vietnam and into the
individual from injury by it. 1980s was still the “steel pot” from WW2 which
offered no substantial protection from
Body Armor high-velocity fragments or any kind of bullets.
Different types of body armor, to include The US National Institute of Justice (NIJ) in
helmets, have been utilized throughout history 1970 began a program to develop effective body
to protect personnel from harm by blows, armor against most pistol bullets. They also
slashing, stabbing, and projectiles both fragments developed rating standards for body armor taking
and bullets. The body armor has been made of into account the threat level that the armor will
materials of increasing protection, from leather to protect against. These levels are from II (9 mm
bronze, to iron, to steel, and to synthetic fibers pistol rounds) to III (standard military rifle round)
and ceramics, and has increased in sophistication. through IV (offering protection against .30 caliber
Each change in material and sophistication has armor-piercing rounds). There are subsets of each
been to increase levels of protection and to threat level rating. These levels of protection are
minimally degrade performance. now industry standards to rate body armor
In US military rudimentary body armor was effectiveness. However the military standards do
first used in American Civil War 1861–1865 not require their vests to be NIJ certified, though
consisting of two plates of steel inserted into they do offer protection equivalent to NIJ
a vest. In WW1 individual isolated efforts by standards (Hanlon and Gillich 2012).
combatants were done to develop armor that In the 1970s DuPont introduced kevlar,
would protect from low-velocity weapons and a synthetic fiber that was woven into a fabric
fragments. But no body armor was issued to and layered and when used as a vest could offer
troops. The first usage of the term “flak jacket” ballistic protection and be flexible, somewhat
refers to the armor originally developed during comfortable and concealable. Vests made of
WW2 for Royal Air Force bomber crews to pro- multiple kevlar fabric layers became widely
tect against shrapnel from antiaircraft fire. “Flak” used in the law enforcement community and are
is an abbreviation of the German “Fliegerab- credited with saving many lives, but offer protec-
wehrkanone” (antiaircraft gun). These flak tion against threat level II only. Kevlar vests of
jackets went on to further development by the the PASGT (personal armor system for ground
USA. Malcolm Grow studied wounds sustained troops) were issued to US forces, but offered only
by aircrews and noted that 70 % were from NIJ level II protection. They did not protect
low-velocity fragments and that light body against large fragments or high-velocity rounds
armor and steel helmets would protect against that were able to cause severe blunt trauma
these injuries. Flak jackets consisting of manga- “behind armor blunt trauma” (BABT).
nese steel plates sewn into ballistic nylon and The “Ranger Armor” began to be issued in the
steel helmets became standard issue on bombers 1990s, and this ultimately incorporated front and
and with many US Navy personnel for protection rear ceramic ballistic armor plates with flexible
against low-velocity fragments, but offered no real kevlar vest panels offering protection against
protection against bullets (ballistic protection). military rifle rounds. The ceramic plates, small
Body armor was used by US troops in Korea arms protective inserts (SAPIs), were made of
and Vietnam. They were an upgrade from the aluminum oxide decreasing BABT, but covering
“flak jacket” of WW 2 made with ballistic nylon only a 10 in. by 12 in. area of the chest and back.
layers and with additions of fiberglass plates. This body armor was heavy and demonstrated
This generation of body armor could stop age old problem with body armor of the trade-
low-velocity fragments and pistol rounds, but offs between protection and mobility.
Body Armor 225

Body armor in US forces has now evolved to

armor with front, back, and side improved SAPI
plates (ESAPI enhanced small arms protective
inserts made of boron carbide or silicon carbide
ceramics) capable of stopping armor-piercing B
rounds NIJ level IV and soft kevlar panels (capa-
ble of stopping 9 mm pistol rounds) that offer
improved neck, groin, axillary, and upper arm
area coverage. There is a liner behind the ceramic
plates to trap fragments from either the projectile
or the plate. The US Army fields the Improved
Outer Tactical Vest, and the US Marine Corps
(USMC) the Modular Tactical Vest. These are
the current body armors used in Iraq and Afghan-
istan. Their mechanism of protection is to absorb
and to dissipate the kinetic energy of the projec-
tile by local shattering of the plate and blunting of
the bullet. The energy of impact is dispersed into
a larger area and decreases the chance of a fatal
injury to the wearer. They are of considerable
weight (over 30 lb) and add to potential heat
stress and exhaustion and decreased mobility. Body Armor, Fig. 1 US marine corps medical personnel
with modular tactical vest and lightweight helmet
They do have a number of features to decrease
the burden and discomfort of wearing them, plus
release features for quick removal of the armor. pot” or M1 helmet of WW2 that continued to be
They are designed to take the weight of the vest in frontline use until the late 1980s. The M1
off the shoulders and move it to the lower torso. offered little to no protection against bullets.
The vests have a mesh liner to increase airflow The successor to the M1 was the PASGT helmet
inside the armor and a lower back pad to defeat made of multiple layers of kevlar and resins and
the injuries caused by projectile impacts to lower is rated at threat level IIIA (pistol bullets includ-
back and kidney areas (Fig. 1). ing magnums), plus it has increased fragment
Helmets were some of the oldest forms of protection and larger area of coverage over the
protective equipment for soldiers dating back to M1. In the USMC this helmet has been replaced
over 4,000 years ago. They were made of leather, by the lightweight helmet, and in the US Army
brass, bronze, iron, and later steel. They protected the Modular Integrated Communications Helmet
against blows, slash or stabs to the head, and and Advanced Combat Helmet. These newer
projectiles such as arrows. With the introduction helmets offer increased protection and comfort.
of firearms, the use of helmets for other than
ceremonial or decorative use pretty much
disappeared. However in WW1 with the Application
increased use of artillery, functional military hel-
met use returned to the battlefield. Different No doubt that body armor protects against frag-
countries produced various designs made of ment and bullets injury as evidenced by
steel designed to protect against blunt trauma to decreased rates of truncal injury in Iraq and
head or low-velocity fragments or shrapnel. They Afghanistan. What is important for providers of
offered little protection against high-velocity medical care to realize is that wearing of the most
fragments or bullets. The US “doughboy” or technologically up-to-date body armor does
Brodie helmet from WW1 evolved to the “steel not eliminate injury from fragments or bullets.
226 Body Armor

The types of injuries found in wearers of body and exposures for these arteries, not commonly
armor and the treatment of them must be known needed in civilian trauma settings. The main
by the providers if they are to recognize them and target area in civilian penetrating trauma is the
to effectively treat them. trunk, which is covered by armor in combat.
Several epidemiologic studies have shown Pre-deployment training and practice should be
a substantial reduction in the number of fatal done if one is not familiar with these key expo-
thoracic and abdominal injuries incurred during sures. In a forward surgical setting, reestablishing
conflict situations in combatants wearing mod- flow to the injured arteries can be obtained by
ern body armor. In Iraq and Afghanistan, only temporary shunting, or vessels may be temporar-
5–7 % of reported injuries were thoracic, the ily or permanently ligated. Surgeons need to
lowest for American military personnel in know which vessels and in what circumstances
modem warfare (Owens et al. 2008). A greater they can be safely ligated.
proportion of head and neck wounds was also Second category of injuries noted in wearers
noted in comparison with earlier non-armored of body armor is BABT. BABT is defined as the
conflicts both areas not sufficiently protected nonpenetrating injury resulting from a ballistic
by armor. In both Iraq and Afghanistan the died impact on body armor and has two mechanisms
of wound rate (DOW) is lower than any earlier causing injury. Deformation of the armor caused
conflicts and body armor contributed to this. It is by the projectile striking, but not penetrating the
unclear just how much body armor contributed armor, can cause injury to the structures directly
to this improvement as there were many other under the area of armor struck. The other
changes in protection, evacuation, and field and mechanism is similar to primary blast injury
hospital treatment of casualties that were initi- with energy transfer causing injury or dysfunc-
ated in this conflict. tion at a distance from the area struck.
Injuries noted in wearers of body armor fall The increase in available energy of bullets and
into basically two categories. First category is the desire of armor designers to minimize the
injuries sustained in areas of the body where the weight and bulk of personal armor systems has
body armor does not cover around the armor increased the risk of BABT in military and secu-
trauma (AAT). Second category is injuries rity forces personnel. With the lighter flexible
sustained in areas covered by the armor or behind armor development, projectiles are stopped
armor blunt trauma (BABT) where the projectile from entering the body by allowing deformation
impacts the body armor and does not penetrate, inward of the body armor dissipating of the
but causes injury none the less. projectile’s energy (Bass and Salzar 2006). This
First category AAT are treated just like any injury potential is appreciated and forms a part of
injury to that particular body area armor or not. how the NIJ determines levels of protection for
Most commonly injured areas are head, neck, body armor: the 44-mm standard. Using the NIJ
axilla, groin, and shoulder areas and of course levels of protection, assuming the armor is not
the extremities. The current body armor has penetrated which constitutes vest failure, the
been improved to have kevlar pads to afford measure of performance is based solely on a
some protections to these areas, but projectiles 44-mm static measurement of the deformation
can still get through these “chinks in the armor.” depth backface signature (BFS) created in a clay
Experienced snipers can take advantage of these model. Derived from ballistic impacts on armor
weaknesses in protection and concentrate fire in animals, a 44-mm limit was determined as the
there causing significant and often fatal injuries. maximum allowable BFS depth in the clay for
Injuries to the subclavian-axillary arteries, a vest to meet ballistic resistance standards and be
femoral-iliac arteries, carotids, and distal extrem- rated as acceptable for field use. Bass et al. state
ity arteries are quite common in AAT injuries. that the introduction of modern high impact
Surgeons tasked with care of combat victims strength, deformable materials into helmets, and
must be facile with proximal vascular control body armor for this ballistic impact protection
Body Armor 227

has increased the potential for significant trauma is caused by acceleration/deceleration of

backface deformation under ballistic impact. the cranium, and with the stresses on the neck,
For most helmet and body armor systems, there cervical spine trauma can result.
is limited space available for this backface defor- Because of the additional weight burden when
mation. Even if there is no penetration, there is wearing body armor and the additional layers of B
a substantial risk of producing severe head or protective clothing, besides impairing physical
thorax injury due to large deformations in the performance, there are other effects on the
protective body armor striking the underlying wearers. There is a considerable proportion of
structures. Possible injuries include bruising and military personnel reporting noncombat injuries,
hematoma in underlying skin; hematomas; frac- the majority of which are musculoskeletal such as
tures of underlying bone; lung contusions; blunt joint and back disorders. It has been hypothesized
cardiac trauma; blunt injury to the liver, spleen, that the wearing of modern body armor can alter
or kidney; rupture of bowel or bladder; or spinal soldier’s movement patterns, increase joint
cord or peripheral nerve injury. In animal studies stress, and potentially increase their risk of
high-velocity BABT of the spine generates suffering musculoskeletal injuries. Thermal
high pressure and acceleration of the spine stresses occur, though were felt unlikely to lead
inducing various degrees of paralysis and to either exertional heat illness or impaired
cerebral dysfunction (Zhang 2011). cognitive function. There is increased oxygen
The second type of BABT mechanism is consumption doing certain tasks in armor vs.
characterized by a stress wave that coupled into unarmored. What part that decreased perfor-
the body transforms at the point of impact mance caused by wearing body armor may
through the armor and clothing into the body at increase potential for injury is not known.
the velocity of sound in the respective media. In the current conflicts, Lehman et al. noted
This mechanism results in injury even remote a disproportionate number of low lumbar burst
from the point of impact. This mechanism of fractures among injured wearing body armor with
injury is very similar to primary blast injury. It approximately 50 % sustaining neurologic injury
can result in primary blast-like effects to the (Lehman 2011). The rigidity of current body
cardiopulmonary system and central nervous armor possibly lowers the level of fracture from
system. There are noted behavioral disturbances the usual thoracolumbar junction (T12–L2)
and EEG changes (Drobin and Gryth 2007). The where the stiff thoracic spine meets the lumbar
triad of apnea, bradycardia, and hypotension, spine to the low lumbar area (L3–L5) resulting in
noted in primary blast injury, has also been burst fractures.
seen in animal studies of BABT. Lung contu- Meralgia paresthetica has been observed in
sions with hemoptysis and a sudden drop in wearers of body armor; it is felt due to the
blood pressure may occur. There is an initial pressure from the armor onto the lateral femoral
apneic period, which has been shown to be cutaneous nerve (Fargo and Konitzer 2007 Jun).
a reflex reaction, which is an important factor Prevention of some injuries and decrease in
for hypoxia after BABT. The brain dysfunction related stresses can be improved by constant
following BABT may be due to the hypoxic redesign of feature of today’s body armor. Effec-
brain injury caused by this apnea. tive protection against BABT might be obtained
Besides AAT and BABT, there are other inju- by changing the ESAPIs from ceramic materials
ries that can occur from projectile striking, but to other materials. Backing the armor with
not penetrating the armor. When a helmet is a trauma attenuating backing was shown to
struck by a projectile even if not penetrating the decrease pulmonary injury in animal models.
helmet, the transfer of kinetic energy to the head Decreasing weight of body armor while
can cause injury (Komuński et al. 2009). This maintaining protection will help in lessening
injury is other than the BABT from helmet performance degradation while decreasing
deformation striking the underlying head. Head chronic musculoskeletal injuries, thermal stress,
228 Body Armor

and oxygen consumption. Improvements in sus- Treatment

pension and increased flexibility of armor might Treatment follows established guidelines for
lessen incidence of low lumbar fractures and blunt and penetrating trauma. Respiratory arrest
meralgia paresthetica. in BABT is treated with immediate ventilation
Prevention of AAT is to increase coverage of until adequate spontaneous respirations return,
the areas where projectiles can cause injury, and role 1 providers should be aware of this
without degrading performance. In the latest need for immediate ventilation.
generation of body armor, the kevlar pads for
the neck, groin, and axillary areas have given
protection against pistol rounds and Cross-References
lower-velocity fragments. Research and develop-
ment has improved protection against BABT. ▶ Ballistics
Swedish researchers have investigated backing ▶ Blast Lung Injury
of armor with trauma attenuating backing ▶ Firearm-Related Injuries
(TAB). They showed decreased pulmonary ▶ High-Velocity
injury by use of TAB (Sonden et al. 2009), but
this TAB had no effect on brain injuries. Effec-
tive protection has been achieved for lungs References
exposed to short duration external blast waves
by the placement of stress wave decouplers to Bass CR, Salzar RS (2006) Injury risk in behind armor
the thoracoabdominal wall in a pig model, thus blunt thoracic trauma. Int J Occup Saf Ergon
modifying the energy coupled into the body.
Cripps NP, Cooper GJ (1996) The influence of personal
A combination of two densities of glass- blast protection on the distribution and severity
reinforced plastic plate and Plastazote foam of primary blast gut injury. J Trauma 40(Suppl 3):
(GRP/PZ) effectively eliminated pulmonary S206–S211
Drobin D, Gryth D (2007) Electroencephalogram, circu-
injury (Cripps and Cooper 1996 Mar). Progress
lation, and lung function after high-velocity behind
is in designing new types of armor that decrease armor blunt trauma. J Trauma 63(2):405–413
weight, offer improved or equivalent protection Fargo MV, Konitzer LN (2007) Meralgia paresthetica due
(yet are comfortable and nonrestrictive), cause to body armor wear in US soldiers serving in Iraq:
a case report and review of the literature. Mil Med
less performance degradation, and decrease
chronic musculoskeletal injuries, thermal stress, Hanlon E, Gillich P (2012) Origin of the 44-mm
and oxygen consumption. Modifications of behind-armor blunt trauma standard. Mil Med 177:
weight bearing of armor could be done to avoid 333–339
Komuński P, Kubiak T, Łandwijt M, Romek R (2009)
meralgia paresthetica.
Energy transmission from bullet impact onto head or
neck through structures of the protective ballistic
Diagnosis helmet – tests and evaluation. Techniczne Wyroby
A thorough history and physical exam and Włókiennicze (Technical Textiles J) 4:18–22
Lehman RA, Paik H (2012) Low lumbar burst fractures:
indicated laboratories and radiologic studies
a unique fracture mechanism sustained in our current
should establish the diagnosis. Being aware of overseas conflicts. Spine J 12(9):784–790
the potential injuries caused by BABT is also Owens BD, Kragh JF, Wenke JC, Macaitisj BS, Wade CE,
paramount. Some injuries caused by BABT may Holcomb JB (2008) Combat wounds in operation Iraqi
freedom and operation enduring freedom. J Trauma
evidence themselves in a delayed fashion such as
pulmonary contusion, blunt enteric injury, Sonden A, Rocksen D, Riddez L (2009) Trauma attenuat-
and neurologic injury. Being aware of these ing backing improves protection against behind armor
possibilities, admission overnight may be blunt trauma. J Trauma 67(6):1191–1199
Zhang B, Huang Y (2011) Neurologica, functional and
indicated in victims with suspected BABT
biomechanical characteristics after high-velocity
injuries, and serial examination is used to behind armor blunt trauma of the spine. J Trauma
diagnose these delayed presentations. 71(6):1680–1688
Bone Healing 229

compartment syndrome (Luchette et al. 2007;

Body Heat Loss Demetriades and Salim 2014). In addition, some
materials allow for visual inspection of the bowel
▶ Hypothermia, Trauma, and Anesthetic at the bedside for patients in whom the presence
Management of bowel ischemia is suspected. This technique, B
however, does not allow for effective fluid
removal from the abdomen or prevent retraction
of the fascial edges, making future fascial poten-
Body Temperature tially more difficult. Although this technique is
still used, it has been replaced at many centers in
▶ Monitoring of Trauma Patients During the United States by negative pressure dressings
Anesthesia (Demetriades and Salim 2014).

Bogota Bag
▶ Abdominal Compartment Syndrome
Jamie J. Coleman ▶ Damage Control Resuscitation
Department of Surgery, Indiana University ▶ Methods of Containment of the Open
School of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN, USA Abdomen, Overview
▶ Open Abdomen, Temporary Abdominal

Silo dressing; Temporary silo References

Demetriades D, Salim A (2014) Management of the open

abdomen. Surg Clin N Am 94:131–153
Definition Luchette FA, Poulakidas SJ, Esposito TJ (2007) The open
abdomen: management from initial laparotomy to
A Bogota bag is a method of containment for the definitive closure. In: Britt LD, Trunkey DD, Feliciano
open abdomen, also known as a temporary DV (eds) Acute care surgery: principles and practice.
Springer, New York, pp 176–186
abdominal closure. This technique was first
Wyrzykowski AD, Feliciano DV (2013) Trauma damage
described in Bogota, Colombia, in 1984 and uti- control. In: Mattox KL, Moore EE, Feliciano DV (eds)
lizes a large piece of nonadherent material to Trauma, 7th edn. McGraw-Hill, New York, pp 725–746
contain intra-abdominal contents (Wyrzykowski
and Feliciano 2013). Many types of materials
have been used to create these temporary silos
and include large sterile IV bags, silastic sheet- Bomb
ing, parachute silk, PTFE, and X-ray cassette
covers (Wyrzykowski and Feliciano 2013; ▶ Blast
Luchette et al. 2007; Demetriades and Salim ▶ Explosion
2014). The nonadherent material is then sutured ▶ Mortars
to either the skin or fascial edges. The skin is
typically preferred as not to potentially damage
the fascia and inhibit future fascial closure.
Advantages to this technique are its low cost, Bone Healing
nonadherence to the bowel, ease of removal,
and low incidence of postoperative abdominal ▶ Principles of Internal Fixation of Fractures
230 Bone Infarction

the feeling of incomplete evacuation (Pasricha

Bone Infarction 2008). Unfortunately, proper bowel care is often
overlooked in the intensive care unit and consid-
▶ Avascular Necrosis of the Femoral Head ered a lower priority. Side effects of constipation
include abdominal distension, pain, nausea,
vomiting, anorexia, dehydration, confusion,
overflow fecal incontinence, restlessness,
Booby Trap obstruction, and stercoral perforation (Dorman
et al. 2004). It has also been implicated in
▶ IED (Improvised Explosive Device) prolonged mechanical ventilation and delayed
start of enteral nutrition (Patanwala et al. 2006;
Mostafa et al. 2003).

Bowel Accident
Preexisting Condition
▶ Bowel Incontinence
Fluid content is the primary determinant of stool
volume and consistency and reflects a balance
between luminal input and output (Pasricha
Bowel Active Agents in the ICU 2008). Alterations in secretion, absorption,
and/or motility along the length of the bowel
Melissa A. Reger1, Staci A. Anderson1 and can lead to excess fluid removal and constipation.
Mary M. Wolfe2 There are many potential causes for constipation
Department of Pharmacy, Community Regional in the trauma patient including medications,
Medical Center, Fresno, CA, USA dehydration, underlying bowel condition, lack
Department of Surgery, Community Regional of fiber in diet, immobility, pain, inability to act
Medical Center, Fresno, CA, USA or respond to the urge to defecate, hormonal
disturbances, neurogenic disorders, and lack of
privacy (Dorman et al. 2004; Pasricha 2008).
Synonyms Medications that are commonly associated with
constipation include opiates, anticholinergics,
Bowel regimens; Cathartics; Constipation; and others (Table 1) (Cassagnol et al. 2010). As
Evacuants; Laxation; Laxatives; Purgatives the population ages, there may be an increase
in the prevalence of constipation, primarily
due to decreased mobility, comorbid medical
Definition conditions, and polypharmacy.

Constipation is a common problem in patients

with traumatic injuries. Currently there is no Application
approved definition of acute constipation, but
chronic constipation is described as lack of a Treatment of constipation should involve
bowel movement for three consecutive days a multidisciplinary team approach including the
(Locke et al. 2000). Using this definition, the physician, nurse, and pharmacist. There are
frequency of constipation has been found to be numerous non-pharmacologic methods of treat-
as high as 83 % in the critically ill patient ment including hydration, physical activity,
(Mostafa et al. 2003). Constipation can also enemas, and elimination of offending medica-
describe difficulty in initiation or passage of tions. Another non-pharmacologic remedy for
stool, passage of firm or small volume stool, or constipation includes prune juice, which can be
Bowel Active Agents in the ICU 231

Bowel Active Agents in the ICU, Table 1 Medications have reflex bowel activity and may require digital
associated with constipation rectal stimulation to produce a bowel movement.
Medication class Example agents This is achieved by placing a gloved finger into the
Opiates Morphine, hydrocodone, fentanyl, rectum and slowly rotating, while maintaining
hydromorphone, oxycodone contact with the anterior portion of the rectal wall B
Anticholinergics Tolterodine, scopolamine, (Steins et al. 1997). In addition, manual digital
benztropine, atropine
pressure applied to the abdomen or manual
Antispasmodics Oxybutynin, hyoscyamine,
cyclobenzaprine, baclofen disimpaction may be necessary to assist with
Tricyclic Amitriptyline, doxepin, bowel evacuation. Because stimulation of the
antidepressants desipramine, nortriptyline vagus nerve may occur, this should be used with
Antiparkinsonians Carbidopa, entacapone, caution in patients with cardiac disorders and
trihexyphenidyl, amantadine, recent bowel or genitourinary surgery.
Calcium channel Verapamil, diltiazem
blockers Medications for Constipation
Diuretics Furosemide, torsemide, Numerous drug products are available to help
hydrochlorothiazide, metolazone, relieve constipation in the ICU patient
triamterene (Table 2). Bulk-forming agents, such as psyllium
Anticonvulsants Phenobarbital, phenytoin, and methylcellulose, can assist with constipation
carbamazepine, levetiracetam,
and have very few side effects. Bulk-forming
Vinca alkaloids Vinblastine, vincristine,
agents absorb water in the intestine to form
vinorelbine a viscous liquid which promotes peristalsis and
Antihistamines Diphenhydramine, promethazine, reduces transit time. They also soften the stool
famotidine (Cassagnol et al. 2010). Caution must be taken
Antacids Calcium carbonate, aluminum when administering these to patients with poor
intake of liquids as the constipation could worsen
Iron supplements Ferrous sulfate, ferrous gluconate,
polysaccharide-iron complex
if not given with at least 8 oz of water. Since these
Antidiarrheals Loperamide, bismuth, agents thicken when mixed with water, caution
diphenoxylate/atropine, opium should be taken when administering through a
tincture feeding tube as clogging of the tube may occur.
Osmotic agents, such as lactulose, sorbitol,
and magnesium hydroxide, exert their action by
given orally or added to tube feedings. Prune osmotically drawing water into the bowel and
juice acts as a natural laxative because of its stimulating peristalsis. Saline laxatives, which
high content of sorbitol, a nondigestible sugar can contain magnesium or phosphate, should be
that occurs naturally. used with caution in patients with renal impair-
The ideal pharmacologic intervention consists ment, cardiac disease, and preexisting electrolyte
of the combination of a stool softener and a motil- abnormalities or in patients on diuretic therapy as
ity agent. A stool softener without a motility agent electrolyte abnormalities may occur (Pasricha
causes “all mush and no push.” A retrospective 2008). Effects of these agents may not be seen
analysis of critically ill patients found that the use for 24–48 h after administration, generally with
of a stimulant or osmotic laxative was associated higher doses producing faster results. Polyethyl-
with the occurrence of a bowel movement, while ene glycol is a newer agent that produces similar
prokinetic agents (metoclopramide, erythromy- effects to other osmotically active agents but with
cin) were not (Patanwala et al. 2006). Rarely, fewer side effects and improved compliance.
patients may require additional interventions Stool softeners such as docusate and mineral
based on their disease states. For example, oil are necessary in bowel care to limit the pain
patients with quadriplegia or paraplegia who associated with bowel movements. Docusate is an
have an upper motor neuron cord lesion generally anionic surfactant that lowers the surface tension
232 Bowel Active Agents in the ICU

Bowel Active Agents in the ICU, Table 2 Medications to relieve constipation

Medications Usual dosage Expected time to laxation
Bulk-forming laxatives
Psyllium 2.5–30 g divided 1–4x daily 12–72 h
Methylcellulose 2–20 g divided 1–4x daily 24–72 h
Polycarbophil 1.25–20 g divided 1–4x daily 24–72 h
Wheat dextran 1.3–9 g divided 1–4x daily 24–72 h
Osmotic agents
Magnesium hydroxide 2.4–9.6 g (30–120 mL) divided 1–4x daily 0.5–6 h
Magnesium citrate 150–300 mL once daily 1–3 h
Sodium phosphate 15–45 mL once daily 3–6 h
Lactulose 10–40 g (15–60 mL) divided 1–4x daily 24–48 h
Polyethylene glycol 17–34 g divided 1–2x daily 24–96 h
Stool softener
Docusate 200–500 mg/day divided 2x daily 12–72 h
Mineral oil 15–45 mL once daily 6–8 h
Bisacodyl (PO) 10–40 mg divided 1–4x daily 6–10 h
Senna 8.6–51.6 mg (1–6 tabs) divided 1–3x daily 6–8 h
Phosphate enema 118 mL once daily 2–5 min
Mineral oil enema 118 mL once daily 2–15 min
Bisacodyl suppository 1 suppository 1–4x daily 15–60 min
Glycerin suppository 1 suppository 1–2x daily 15–30 min

of the stool, similar to the action of soap, and within 6 h. Due to the stimulating effect of both of
allows for softening of the stool. Docusate alone these agents, common side effects include abdom-
for treatment of constipation has proven to be inal pain and cramping.
an ineffective method (Cassagnol et al. 2010). Enemas and suppositories generally provide
Mineral oil is a nonabsorbable oil that softens fast and localized effects. Bowel distention
the stool. However, this can lead to malabsorption alone, by any means, can produce a bowel move-
of fat-soluble vitamins, leakage of oil past the ment in most patients. This can be facilitated by
anal sphincter, and pneumonitis if aspirated, and anything from normal saline to commercially
thus its regular use is limited (Pasricha 2008). available preparations. Caution should be used
Stimulant laxatives have a direct effect on the with all of these agents and attention paid to
enterocytes and GI smooth muscle to stimulate their contents. For example, repeated use of tap
intestinal motility. Bisacodyl is available as an water enemas can lead to hyponatremia due to an
oral or rectal preparation for use by adults and increase in free water or too many sodium phos-
children over the age of 6. Suppositories generally phate enemas may put a patient at risk for
produce a more rapid effect (within 30–60 min) hypernatremia and hyperphosphatemia. Another
when compared to the oral route (6 h) (Pasricha type of enema is the return-flow enema, also
2008). The oral preparation is an enteric-coated called a Harris flush. In this procedure, a bag
tablet, so manipulation (crushing) of the tablet is filled with a small amount of fluid (usually
not advised. Senna is another commonly used warm tap water) is elevated above the patient’s
stimulant agent. It is derived from the plant Cassia hips, and the fluid is instilled into the colon
acutifolia and is considered an herbal preparation, through a tube. The bag is then lowered, allowing
which makes standardized dosing difficult. It is the solution to run back into the bag. This process
usually administered orally and produces an effect is repeated several times, stimulating peristalsis
Bowel Active Agents in the ICU 233

and allowing the patient to expel flatus and stool. Agents that are not beneficial include erythro-
Glycerin suppositories act as a colonic lubricant mycin due to its action on the stomach and small
and usually produce a bowel movement in less intestine that are mediated through motilin recep-
than an hour (Pasricha 2008). This preparation tors that do not extend into the colon. The effects
has very few side effects, except for some local of metoclopramide are confined largely to the B
irritation, and is arguably the drug of choice for upper gastrointestinal tract. It has no clinically
pediatric trauma patients. As previously men- significant effects on the motility of the colon,
tioned, bisacodyl suppositories are very effective and its ability to improve transit in motility dis-
at rapidly producing a bowel movement, by both orders is limited (Pasricha 2008).
local irritation and digital stimulation during
administration. However, when considering use Conclusions and Recommendations
of enemas and suppositories, care must be taken Prevention is the best medicine, and it is no
in those patients with distal bowel injury and/or different when it comes to constipation. Treat-
recent anastomosis. ment recommendations consist of an initial
Prevention of constipation is an exciting new assessment of the patients’ medication regimen
area of research. It would be ideal to limit the and removal of unnecessary medications that
adverse effects of medications such as opioids on can predispose patients to constipation. Pharma-
the bowel. Enteral naloxone, a pure opiate antag- cologic therapy is most beneficial when it is
onist, has been studied to treat opiate-induced started early and includes a combination of
constipation. Enteral administration has the the- a stool softener (docusate) twice daily with
oretical benefit of little to no systemic exposure the addition of a stimulant agent (senna or
due to extensive first-pass metabolism in the bisacodyl) at bedtime. Bisacodyl has the advan-
liver. However, opiate withdrawal symptoms tage of a suppository formulation that is espe-
have still been reported with its use (Foss 2001). cially useful after surgery, whereas senna is
Methylnaltrexone is an antagonist of the mu- better tolerated via feeding tube administration.
opioid receptor with limited ability to cross the If constipation remains a problem, other agents
blood–brain barrier. Therefore, it functions in the can be added (polyethylene glycol, saline laxa-
periphery and does not affect opiate analgesia tives) until the goal of a bowel movement is
efficacy or induce withdrawal symptoms. attained. Once the sweet smell of success has
Methylnaltrexone has been shown to decrease been achieved, the regimen should be tapered
oral-cecal transit times in both acute and chronic down to limit the occurrence of diarrhea due to
opioid administration (Foss 2001). Subcutaneous these agents, as this can lead to other needless
administration and medication cost limit its tests and procedures.
usefulness. Alvimopan, another peripherally
acting mu-opioid receptor antagonist, has been
shown to accelerate gastrointestinal recovery Cross-References
in patients undergoing laparotomy for bowel
resection. However, in studies of alvimopan for ▶ Acute Pain Management in Trauma
opiate-induced bowel dysfunction in patients ▶ Bowel Incontinence
with chronic non-cancer pain, there was a ▶ Fluid, Electrolytes, and Nutrition in Trauma
higher incidence of myocardial infarction in Patients
alvimopan-treated patients. This led to the imple- ▶ Geriatric Trauma
mentation of a risk evaluation and mitigation ▶ ICU Management
strategy by the FDA and restriction of the medi- ▶ Nutritional Support
cation to patients undergoing bowel resection ▶ Pain
(Kraft et al. 2010). For this reason, alvimopan ▶ Sedation and Analgesia
cannot be recommended for the prevention of ▶ Sedation, Analgesia, Neuromuscular Blockade
opiate-induced constipation in the trauma patient. in the ICU
234 Bowel Incontinence

References Bowel incontinence following trauma may be

the result of injury to the nervous system (SCI,
Cassagnol M, Saad M, Ahmed E, Ezzo D (2010) Review TBI), peripheral nerve injury, or from the basic
of current chronic constipation guidelines. US Pharm
inability to mobilize adequately.
Dorman BP, Hill C, McGrath M et al (2004) Bowel
management in the intensive care unit. Intensive Crit Neurogenic Bowel
Care Nurs 20:320–329 Nerve injury can impair the normal sensation of
Foss JF (2001) A review of the potential role of
a full rectum and ability to store and release stool.
methylnaltrexone in opioid bowel dysfunction. Am
J Surg 182:19S–26S An effective bowel program can provide control
Kraft M, MacLaren R, Du W, Owens G (2010) Alvimopan and predictability over evacuation of the bowels.
(Entereg) for the management of postoperative ileus in Components of a successful bowel program
patients undergoing bowel resection. P T 35:44–49
include consistency, motility, and evacuation.
Locke GR 3rd, Pemberton JH, Phillips SF (2000) Ameri-
can Gastroenterological Association medical position The desirable consistency of stool is soft
statement: guidelines of constipation. Gastroenterol- enough to move through the large bowel and
ogy 119:1761–1766 formed enough to be stored in the rectum without
Mostafa SM, Bhandari S, Ritchie G et al (2003) Constipa-
leakage. The motility and transit time of stool
tion and its implications in the critically ill patient. Br
J Anaesth 91:815–819 should be consistent to allow a predictable timing
Pasricha PJ (2008) Goodman and Gilman’s manual of of evacuation. Immobility, narcotics, and iron
pharmacology and therapeutics. In: Treatment of dis- supplementation can make the stool too hard
orders of bowel motility and water flux; antiemetics;
and decrease motility. Antibiotics can make the
agents used in biliary and pancreatic disease, 11th edn.
The McGraw-Hill Companies, San Francisco, stool too soft and increase motility.
pp 633–652, Chap 37 Utilization of a stimulus to trigger the evacu-
Patanwala AE, Abarca J, Huckleberry Y, Erstad BL ation of the rectum in an appropriate setting (i.e.,
(2006) Pharmacologic management of constipation in
toilet or commode) is a major determinant of
the critically ill patient. Pharmacotherapy 26:896–902
Steins SA, Bergman SB, Goetz LL (1997) Neurogenic continence.
bowel dysfunction after spinal cord injury: clinical Medications recommended by the physiatrist
evaluation and rehabilitative management. Arch Phys help to control consistency, motility, and
Med Rehabil 78:S86–S102

Medications for consistency

Docusate – mild softener
Lactulose – moderate softener
Bowel Incontinence
Magnesium citrate – potent softener
Fiber (metamucil) – adds bulk
Douglas Fetkenhour
Medications for motility
Department of Physical Medicine and
Senna – mild
Rehabilitation, University of Rochester School of Milk of magnesia – moderate
Medicine, Rochester, NY, USA Doculax – potent
Medications/techniques for evacuation
Suppository – routine
Synonyms Digital stimulation (finger inserted into the rectum)
Enema – rescue therapy
Bowel accident; Soiling oneself
A typical bowel regimen should include
a mild softener twice daily, a stimulant once
Definition daily (8–12 h prior to evacuation), and a suppos-
itory or digital stimulation once daily (can be
Inability to evacuate stool in a controlled fashion morning or night based on patient preference).
resulting in involuntary excretion of stool. Based on the trauma patient’s diet and other
Brain Death 235

medications, bowel medications will be adjusted Introduction

to optimize consistency and motility.
Physical and occupational therapy to improve Life is pleasant. Death is peaceful. It’s the
bed mobility, transfers, and personal hygiene are transition that’s troublesome.
implemented irrespective of the etiology of the Isaac Asimov B
incontinent episodes.
Brain death is the irreversible loss of all brain
The goal of a successful bowel program is
function including that of respiratory drive after
COT and CIB: Control Over Timing (of evacua-
a direct or an indirect injury to the brain
tion) and Clean In Between (bowel movements).
concerning the cerebrum, cerebellum, and mid
Before developments in medicine, especially
Cross-References in the area of intensive care, death was
determined according to cardiac and respiratory
▶ Rehabilitation Nursing
criteria. This was the case for all primary
diagnoses including severely comatose patients
with brain injuries. In this group of patients who
Recommended Reading did not have any reversible brain function
Neurogenic Continence, Part 3. Bowel management
including respiratory drive, it was possible to
strategies in congrave. Br J Nurs, 10; 17(15): prolong death when death was determined by
962– cardiorespiratory criteria. This caused medical
Pages/Neurogenic-Bowel.aspx societies to search for new definitions of death
in these cases. The new found definition of “brain
death” led to some humanitarian benefits:
(a) Patient relatives are released of unnecessary
Bowel Regimens hopes.
(b) Organs of brain death donors can be used for
▶ Bowel Active Agents in the ICU transplantation.
(c) Intensive care unit facilities are used more
properly for patients who have chances of

▶ Orthotics History

Intensive care units began to save lives with

positive-pressure ventilation and prevent
Brain Death mortality after the Copenhagen polio epidemic
in 1952–1953 (Machado et al. 2007). Patients
Nahit Çakar and Evren Şent€urk who had severe devastating neurologic compro-
Istanbul Medical Faculty Anesthesiology and mise could be sustained by artificial ventilation in
Intensive Care, Istanbul, Turkey intensive care units (Wertheimer et al. 1959).
In 1959, Mollaret and Goulon coined the phrase
“Le Coma De’passe” meaning a clinical state
Synonyms beyond coma who were apneic and had no
brainstem reflexes in deep coma and polyuria
Coma depasse; Irreversible apneic coma; (Mollaret and Goulon 1959). Those days, it
Irreversible coma was a challenge to find a definition that is easy
236 Brain Death

to understand and simple for brain death. shrunken and piknotic. Autolysis of the
Brain death criteria were first defined in 1968 by cerebellar granular layer and the pituitary gland
the “Harvard criteria” (Beecher and Harvard Ad was evident in all cases. There was not any
Hoc Committee 1968). According to Harvard reactive astrocytosis or infiltration of the cells
Ad Hoc Committee “An organ, brain or other in or around necrotic tissue.
that no longer function and has no possibility of
functioning again is for all practical purposes
dead” (Beecher 2007). Then in 1971, two Application
neurosurgeons described brain death as “point
of no return” (Mohandas and Chou 1971); these Diagnosis of Brain Death
criteria were based on a clinical basis and no For the diagnosis of brain death, the patient
confirmatory tests were mandatory. should have a history or findings of direct or
indirect insult to the brain which result in
a structural brain damage and a deep coma. The
patient should also be apneic under controlled
mechanical ventilation. An unresponsive coma
caused by alcohol, sedative or depressant drug
We don’t know life: how can we know death? overdose, metabolic or endocrine disorders,
electrolyte disturbances, hypothermia, and
Brain death defines a clinical situation after neuromuscular blocker drugs can be potentially
a severe direct or an indirect injury to the brain. reversible and cannot be classified as brain death.
This is an irreversible loss of the whole brain In the absence of these reversible causes,
function above the medulla spinalis which a neurologic examination of a brain death case
includes unconsciousness with a Glasgow Coma should lack all evidence of responsiveness to
Score of 3, fixed dilated pupils, absence of all painful stimulus. Eye opening or eye movement
cranial nerve functions, and the absence of to noxious stimuli should be absent. Painful
a spontaneous respiratory drive. stimuli can be made by nail bed pressure and
supraorbital pressure or jaw thrust maneuver.
No grimacing or facial muscle movement
Preexisting Condition must be seen.
In the presence of coma as defined above with
Pathophysiology Glasgow Coma Scale point 3, and absence of
Following a direct or an indirect injury of the brainstem reflexes which includes light, corneal,
brain, intracranial pressure increases to a level occulocephalic, occulovestibular, pharyngeal,
which interrupts blood flow to the brain. Follow- tracheal reflexes, and a positive apnea test
ing the cessation of blood flow to the brain, (detailed information about the absence of brain
within 3–5 days, the brain is liquefied which reflexes and the apnea test is given below) shows
was described as a “respirator brain” by Walker brain death. In most of the cases, deep tendon
et al. (1975). Microscopic examination shows reflexes are absent however in some cases spinal
autolysis and aseptic necrosis. According to reflexes and myoclonus may persist and can be
Ujihira et al. (1993), neuropathological findings misunderstood both by family members and
are brain edema, congestion, herniation, and medical personal.
various subarachnoid hemorrhages. Histologi- Several centers usually perform two
cally, the neurons’ cytoplasm was pale and neurologic examinations within a 12–24-h
ghost-like. In the white matter, myelin staining period, but one should be sufficient to pronounce
was pale, and nuclei of the glial cells were brain death. One absolute requirement is that
Brain Death 237

the physicians involved with declaration of brain Apnea Test

death should have no conflict of interest with Apnea is defined as absence of spontaneous
organ donation. breathing effort. Documentation of an increase
in PaCO2 above normal levels without breathing
Absence of Brainstem Reflexes
effort is a positive apnea test (Nakagawa et al. B
2011). Before the test, the patient must be nor-
[This part is modified from American Academy
motensive, normothermic, euvolemic, eucapnic
of Neurology Evidence-based guideline update
(PaCO2 35–45 mmHg), and not hypoxic.
(Wijdicks et al. 2010).]
• Absence of pupillary response to bright light
has to be demonstrated. Both pupils should be
• Preoxygenation with 100 % oxygen at least
fixed in diameter and pupil size is irrelevant
10 min, target PaO2 is above 200 mmHg to
although most will be dilated. Constricted
avoid hypoxia.
pupils raise the possibility of drug intoxication.
• Obtain a sample of arterial blood gas for
• Absence of occulocephalic reflex is
a baseline PaO2, PaCO2, pH, bicarbonate,
determined by observing no movement of the
and base excess values.
eyes during the head movement to vertical,
• Disconnect the patient from the ventilator.
right, and left positions. Before this test,
• Give oxygen through the endotracheal tube by
cervical spine injury should be excluded.
placing a catheter close to the level of the
• Absence of occulovestibular reflex is tested by
carina and deliver 100 % O2 at 6 L/min.
irrigating each ear with ice water (caloric
• Observe respiratory movements at least for
testing) after the patency of the external
8–10 min.
auditory canal is confirmed. The head is ele-
• Stop the procedure if systolic blood pressure
vated to 30 . Each external auditory canal is
decreases to <90 mmHg or pulse oximetry
irrigated (1 ear at a time) with approximately
saturation value is below 85 % for 30 s. In this
50 mL of ice water. Movement of the eyes
case, apnea test can be repeated with a T-piece
should be absent during 1 min of observation.
or CPAP 10 cm H2O, and 100 % O2. Take
Both sides are tested, with an interval of
a sample of arterial blood gas when no
several minutes.
respiratory drive is observed.
• Absence of corneal reflex is tested by touching
the cornea with a cotton swab, or squirts of Apnea test is positive when respiratory move-
water. There should be no eyelid movement. ments are absent and PaCO2 is above 60 mmHg
• Absence of facial muscle movement to a (or 20 mmHg increase over a baseline PaCO2).
noxious stimulus should be determined by
pressing the condyles at the level of the tem- Ancillary Tests
poromandibular joints, and/or a pressure at the Brain death is diagnosed clinically. However,
supraorbital ridge is performed. There should ancillary tests are needed when the clinical criteria
be no grimacing or facial muscle movement. cannot be applied (cranial nerves cannot be ade-
• Absence of the pharyngeal or gag reflex is quately tested and cardiorespiratory criteria that
tested with the stimulation of the posterior phar- precludes testing for apnea) reliably or if there
ynx with a tongue blade or suction device. The are confounding factors (possible drug or meta-
tracheal reflex is most reliably tested by exam- bolic effect on coma and cervical vertebra or
ining the cough response to tracheal suctioning. cord injury is present) and no clear cause of coma
The catheter should be inserted into the trachea exists.
and advanced to the level of the carina followed These tests can be divided into two categories:
by 1 or 2 suctioning passes. cerebral electrical function (EEG, SSEPs, BAERs)
238 Brain Death

and cerebral blood flow (four vessel cerebral angi- Cross-References

ography, nuclear brain blood flow tests,
transcranial Doppler, MR angiography, and CT ▶ Brain Death, Ethical Concerns
angiography). Cerebral blood flow tests provide ▶ Examination, Neurological
acceptable data for the declaration of brain death. ▶ Organ Donor Management
Cerebral blood flow tests are not influenced by ▶ Neurotrauma, Death by Neurological Criteria
drugs, metabolic disorders, or hypothermia but ▶ Neurotrauma and Brain Death, Ventilatory
can be affected from systemic blood pressure. On Management
the other hand, electrical brain function tests are
vulnerable to barbiturate overdose or deep anes-
thesia, conditions that are completely reversible
(false positive). References
The ideal ancillary test must have no
Beecher HK (2007) A definition of irreversible coma. Int
false positives or false negatives and should Anesthesiol Clin 45(4):113–119
not be affected by sedatives or metabolic Beecher HK, Harvard Ad Hoc Committee (1968)
disturbances. An ideal ancillary test should be A definition of irreversible coma: report of the ad
hoc committee of the Harvard Medical School to
declarative, available, easily applied, reliable,
examine the definition of brain death. JAMA 205:
and safe. 337–340
Machado C, Kerein J, Ferrer Y et al (2007) The concept of
Brain Death in Children brain death did not evolve to benefit organ transplants.
J Med Ethics 33:197–200
According to the Society of Critical Care Med-
Mohandas A, Chou SN (1971) Brain death – a clinical and
icine; the Section on Critical Care and pathological study. J Neurosurg 35:211–218
Section on Neurology of the American Academy Mollaret P, Goulon M (1959) Le coma de’passe’. Rev
of Pediatrics; the Child Neurology Society task Neurol (Paris) 101:3–15
Nakagawa TA, Ashwal S, Mathur M, Mysore MR,
force recommendations (Nakagawa et al. 2011),
Bruce D, Conway EE Jr, Duthie SE, Hamrick S,
two examinations with each examination sepa- Harrison R, Kline AM, Lebovitz DJ, Madden MA,
rated by an observation period are required Montgomery VL, Perlman JM, Rollins N, Shemie
(Wijdicks et al. 2010). Examinations should be SD, Vohra A, Williams-Phillips JA (2011) Guidelines
for the determination of brain death in infants and
performed by different attending physicians.
children: An update of the 1987 Task Force
Apnea testing may be performed by the same recommendations. Society of Critical Care Medicine;
physician. An observation period of 24 h for term the Section on Critical Care and Section on
newborns (37 weeks of gestational age) to 30 Neurology of the American Academy of Pediatrics;
the Child Neurology Society. Crit Care Med 39(9):
days of age and 12 h for infants and children
(>30 days to 18 years) is recommended. Assess- Ujihira N, Hashizume Y, Takahashi A (1993) A clinico-
ment of neurologic function after cardiopulmo- neuropathological study on braindeath. Nagoya J Med
nary resuscitation or other severe acute Sci 56:89–99
Walker AE, Diamond EL, Moseley J (1975) The neuro-
brain injuries should be deferred for >24 h if
pathological findings in irreversible coma: a critique of
there are concerns or inconstancy in the the “respirator brain”. J Neuropathol Exp Neurol
examination. 34:295
Wertheimer P, Jouvet M, Descotes J (1959) Diagnosis of
death of the nervous system in comas with respiratory
arrest treated by artificial respiration. Presse Med
The time of brain death must be documented in 67:87–88
the medical record. Time of death is the time Wijdicks EF, Varelas PN, Gronseth GS, Greer DM
when an apnea test is confirmed. In patients with (2010) American Academy of Neurology: Evidence-
based guideline update: determining brain death in
an aborted apnea test, the time of death is when
adults: report of the Quality Standards Subcommittee
the ancillary test have been officially performed of the American Academy of Neurology. Neurology
(Section “Cross-References”). 74(23):1911–1918
Brain Death, Ethical Concerns 239

The commission’s report was the catalyst that

Brain Death, Ethical Concerns led to the Uniform Declaration of Death act in the
USA that defined death as either:
Abhijit Lele1 and Gary Gronseth2
1 1. The irreversible cessation of circulatory and
Department of Anesthesiology, Neurology and
respiratory function or B
Neurosurgery, University of Kansas Medical
2. The irreversible cessation of all functions of
Center, Kansas City, KS, USA
2 the entire brain
Department of Neurology, University of Kansas
Medical Center, Kansas City, KS, USA Other countries have adopted somewhat dif-
ferent standards. For example, in the UK, the
Royal College of Physicians in 1976 and 1977
Synonyms rejected the whole brain death criterion and
adopted notion of irreversible brain stem dys-
Bioethics; Brain death; Brainstem death; Death; function as an indicator of death.
End-of-life issues; Ethics; Medical ethics; Organ

Ethical Problems in the Determination

Definition, Background
of Death
The ethical problems commonly encountered in
Brief History of Brain Death
the declaration of brain death can be highlighted
Ever since technological revolution occurred
by considering seven common brain death myths
about a century ago during the polio epidemics,
encountered in practice. These myths can be
man has been able to prolong life with artificial
organized by the four fundamental bioethical
support, namely, mechanical ventilation.
principles: Autonomy, Non-maleficence, Benefi-
The first European country to adopt brain death
cence, and Justice.
as a legal definition of death was Finland in 1971.
An ad hoc committee at the Harvard Medical
Autonomy Myth: “Death is a Choice”
School published a pivotal 1968 report to define
Although all four bioethical principles are con-
irreversible coma.
sidered equally important, the principle of auton-
In the USA, the 1981 President’s commission
omy very often dominates medical decisions.
outlined the essential elements that serve as the
With rare exception, patient (or family acting as
foundation of the modern criterion of brain death:
patient surrogates) values and preferences drive
Cessation of whole brain function including.
medical decisions.
1. Unresponsive coma The preeminence of patient autonomy some-
2. The absence of brain stem reflexes times inappropriately spills over into the
3. Apnea brain death scenario. Physicians at times feel
obligated to ask a family member (acting as
The commission also outlined requirements for
the patient’s surrogates) for permission to
the irreversibility of the brain function cessation:
declare a patient brain dead. The declaration
1. The cause is established. of brain death becomes confused with a decision
2. The possibility of recovery is excluded by to withdraw care – too entirely different
ensuring that the cessation of function persists situations.
for a period of time. Although keeping family members informed
3. Confounding conditions such as hypothermia of a patient’s condition is crucial, burdening them
are absent. with this decision is inappropriate. It would be
240 Brain Death, Ethical Concerns

similar to asking a family member’s permission • The principle of ain dochin nefesh mipnei
to declare someone dead after a cardiac arrest. nefesh – that one life may not set aside to
Death is not a choice. ensure another life – applies with full force
Indeed, even the terminology we use to even where the life to be terminated is of short
describe brain death confuses the issue and can duration and seems to lack the meaning or
stir some controversies. It is often confusing to purpose and even when the potential recipient
practitioners as well as to family members, when has excellent chances for full recovery and
they are told that their loved ones are meeting long life.
criteria for “brain death,” when vital signs often • If on the other hand if the donor is dead, the
seem to be normal with or without use of vaso- harvesting of organs to save another life
pressors or inotropes. Since “brain-dead” patients becomes a mitzvah of the highest order.
show traditional signs of life as warm, moist skin, • New York is the only state that requires med-
a pulse, and breathing, it is not surprising that ical personnel to make a reasonable effort to
many people think that “brain death” is a separate notify family members before a determination
type of death that occurs before “real death.” This of brain death and to make “reasonable
is often confounded when medical providers accommodations” for the patient’s religious
repeat that “life support” as being removed in beliefs.
such patients (Capron 2001).
Being sensitive to family and explaining the
differences between the above terminologies may • In 2006, the family of a Buddhist man in
alleviate some concerns regarding sensitivity in Boston who had been declared legally brain-
such a difficult situation. dead argues that, because his heart was
still beating, his spirit and consciousness still
lingered and that removing him from life sup-
Autonomy Myth: “Physicians Define Death”
port would be akin to killing him.
Physicians do not define death. Through consen-
• In Tibetan Buddhism, a person has multiple
sus, the law, and religious beliefs, societies select
levels of consciousness, which may not corre-
the vital functions that must irreversibly cease
spond with brain activity
to consider someone dead. Physicians define
and execute the medical procedures necessary Christians:
to determine if someone meets these societal
• Christians who ardently support the traditional
definitions. Societies define death.
circulatory-respiratory definition of death tend
Whether someone is dead is dependent
to be fundamentalists or evangelicals.
on the societal context. Although there is
• Most main stream Protestant groups in the
widespread acceptance of the concept of
United States accept brain death as a valid
irreversible cessation of whole brain function as
criterion for death, as does the Roman Catho-
a definition of death, the acceptance is not
lic Church, albeit some controversy.
Because they do not define death, physicians Islamic law:
must be aware of the societal and religious con-
• In 1986, the Academy of Islamic Jurispru-
text in which they are practicing. Variations in the
dence, a group of legal experts convened by
acceptance of brain death as a concept are
the Organization of the Islamic Conference,
outlined below.
issued an opinion stating that a person should
Jewish Law:
be considered legally dead when either “com-
• There still exists opposition in the Jewish Law plete cessation of the heart or respiration
regarding the halachic acceptability of brain occurs” or “complete cessation of all functions
death criteria. of the brain occurs.”
Brain Death, Ethical Concerns 241

Hinduism: • 72 % compliance in demonstrating the elec-

trolyte disturbances were absent
• Because artificial life support prolongs life
• 71 % compliance that shock was absent
after brain death, it is not viewed favorably.
• 63 % compliance that established cause was
Most Hindus believe that prolonging life after
a person’s time for death has come interferes
found B
• 55 % compliance was sedatives or paralytics
with the karma of that person, and does not
were absent
allow the soul to move back into cycle of
• 45 % compliance that acid-based disorders
incarnation. When the choice is made to dis-
were absent
continue life support, the timing is very impor-
• 42 % compliance that endocrine disorders
tant down to the minute. Priests may be
were absent
consulted to determine the best time to release
the soul.
Non-Maleficence Myth: “Cessation of Whole
• Organ donation rates are among the lowest in
Body Function is Sufficient for the
India (2 %) compared to 40 % in the United
Every patient who is considered for brain death
• In India, four doctors are required to declare
testing must meet three basic criteria of
brain death, and the criteria used are similar to
the ones in the United Kingdom (that of brain
stem death) (The Transplantation of Human 1. Cause is established.
Organ Act, 1994). 2. Sufficient duration of observation.
3. Absence of confounding conditions.
Non-Maleficence Myth: “Physicians Know
The diagnosis of brain death requires the phy-
how to Determine if a Patient is Dead by
sician to exclude any reversible cause leading to
Brain Criteria”
an eyes closed, unresponsive state. If the cause is
The foundation of non-maleficence is medical
not easily established, then a battery of tests must
competence. However, most physicians are not
be carried out to distinguish patients with this
familiar with the criteria for determining brain
condition from other brain-injured individuals
death. There are worrisome knowledge gaps
for whom recovery of (at least some) brain func-
even among physicians likely to be called upon
tion remains possible.
to make a brain death declaration such as
The second important consideration must be
intensivists, neurosurgeons, and neurologists.
made for sufficient observation of patients to rule
In a survey of US hospitals, Greer et al. (2008)
out transient unresponsive state.
found even though, there was 100 % compliance
Most importantly, absence of confounding
in clinical examination with respect to the AAN
variables (e.g., hypothermia or drug intoxication)
guidelines in terms of establishing coma and
must be established prior to consideration for
absence of pupillary reflexes, there was less
brain death.
than 50 % compliance in demonstrating no spon-
taneous respirations, or absence of pain in cra-
Beneficence Myth: “Ancillary Tests are
nium, or absent jaw jerk The same survey found
Sufficient to Declare Brain Death”
that preclinical testing compliance with the
It is the duty of the physician to care for
American Academy of Neurology guidelines
the patient. In the setting of possible brain
was less than 100 %.
death, it is the attending physician’s responsibil-
• 89 % compliance in demonstrating absence of ity to make the brain death determination.
hypothermia All too often, physicians will try to shift this
• 81 % compliance in demonstrating absence of burden from a skilled examination to an ancil-
sedatives lary test.
242 Brain Death, Ethical Concerns

Brain death is a clinical decision to be made by case reports for information about the validity of
the attending physician. The concept of brain these tests.
death and the process of declaration is based on Demonstration of Cessation of Cerebral
systematic neurological examination focusing on Blood Flow as a Precise Indicator of Brain
irreversibility of brain dysfunction, in the Death: (Wijdicks 2010)
absence of confounding factors. The determina-
• There may be two distinct patterns of bran
tion of irreversibility is a clinical decision, based
death. The most common pattern is character-
on available history, evidence of injury on neu-
ized by increased intracranial pressure (ICP)
roimaging, and absence of brainstem reflexes,
above the mean arterial pressure (MAP),
including the documentation of apnea despite
resulting in no net cerebral blood flow.
subjecting the brainstem to hypercarbia.
• The second pattern is where the ICP does not
Ancillary tests are appropriately used in situ-
exceed MAP, but there is an inherent pathol-
ations where the clinical examination is
ogy that affects brain tissue on a cellular level
compromised: for example, in situations where
to the extent that brain death occurs (Bader
elicitation and interpretation of brainstem
et al. 2003; Palmer and Bader 2005).
reflexes is difficult as in the presence of severe
facial injuries obviating documentation of pupil- Role of EEG as Ancillary Test in Declara-
lary or corneal reflexes, upper cervical spine tion of Brain Death:
injury preventing motor responses, and in clinical
conditions that retain carbon dioxide, thus mak- • EEG was one of the first confirmatory tests
ing interpretation of apnea test difficult. These that was proposed for brain death declaration.
tests are best reserved for the above conditions. However, isoelectric EEG can be associated
Even if confounding variables may be present, with retained cerebral blood flow, and thus,
i.e., pentobarbitone coma, physicians may be these patients would seem brain dead on one
tempted to use ancillary tests in lieu of clinical laboratory test but not on another.
criteria; however, many physicians may rather
Role of Transcranial Doppler in Declara-
choose to observe patients, until those
tion of Brain Death:
confounding variables are corrected.
Interestingly, the most common ancillary test- • Transcranial Doppler (TCD) ultrasound has
ing that was performed included: emerged as a noninvasive method in the dec-
laration of brain death. Ten percent of patients
• EEG (84 %)
do not possess adequate insonation windows
• Conventional angiography (74 %)
to perform TCDs; thus, presence of a baseline
• Radionuclide scintigraphy (66 %)
is paramount.
• Trans cranial Doppler (42 %)
• There have been studies demonstrating no
• Somatosensory-evoked potentials (SSEP)
flow pattern in middle cerebral artery seg-
(24 %)
ments, but indicating flow in basilar arteries.
• Magnetic resonance angiography (9 %)
• Retrospective data showed that TCD con-
• CT angiography (6 %)
firmed brain death in 57 % of patients, while
• CT perfusion (3 %)
it was inconclusive in 43 % patients with no
• Atropine challenge (3 %)
flow signals seen on first examination in 8 %
• Mean arterial pressure = intracranial pressure
and waveform patterns in remaining patients
for 30 min (3 %)
(35 %) being inconsistent with standard brain
Contrary to popular belief, none of the ancil- death criteria for cerebral circulatory arrest
lary tests, i.e., cerebral angiography, EEG, and (Sharma et al. 2011).
nuclear medicine testing, to demonstrate cessa- • Recent meta-analysis of TCD data demon-
tion of cerebral blood flow have been validated as strated a sensitivity of 89 % and a specificity
accurate as ancillary tests. We primarily rely on of 99 %. The study found two false-positive
Brain Death, Ethical Concerns 243

results, in which brain stem function showed clinical decision that the family may have taken,
brain death shortly thereafter (Monteiro et al. unless it is a request by the family per se to ask
2006). about eligibility regarding organ donation, espe-
cially if their loved ones were in fact organ recip-
Role of Computed Angiography (CTA) in
Declaration of Brain Death:
ients. In this case, it is best to refer them to the B
organ donation team, once the clinical decision
• Greer et al. describe a case in which computed has been made to declare brain death or the fam-
angiography (CTA) was performed to evalu- ily decides to discontinue technological support,
ate for cerebral circulatory arrest, later proved in which case donation after cardiac death may
wrong by Transcranial Doppler. happen. The authors have been involved in situ-
ations where formal brain death declaration has
Beneficence Myth: “It is Okay to Rely on the not been performed, only to the requested by the
Organ Donor Team to Confirm Brain Death” organ donation team to perform an apnea test, and
Clinicians sometimes inappropriately defer deci- declare, due to family wishes.
sions regarding brain death to the organ procure-
ment team (OPT). The OPT is a tempting Justice Myth: “The Concept of Death by Brain
resource because of their familiarity with the Criteria was Developed Because of Organ
concepts and procedures for determining death. Donation Demands”
This temptation must be resisted. The OPT has an Organs suitable for transplant are clearly scarce.
inherent conflict of interest. The duty of the Given this and the tragic circumstances that
attending physician is to their patient whereas invariably accompany a brain death determina-
the duty of the OPT is to the patients needing tion, it seems just to try to salvage some good
organ transplants. The attending physician must from the situation.
make the determination of brain death It is often expressed that concept of death by
completely independent of the OPT. brain death criteria was developed because of
Brain death and organ donation although intu- organ donation demands. Physicians often may
itively seem related are in fact two separate topics seem burdened to declare patient’s brain death
that deserve equal attention. As per federal guide- due to institutional, regional, and national pres-
lines, any patient admitted to a hospital with sure to provide organs to patients on the trans-
a Glasgow Coma Score of less than equal to 5 plant list. Indeed Troug RD (2007) raises
must be notified to the local transplant network significant issues relating to the flourishing
for possible eligibility for organ donation. This organ transplant industry and its demands on
process as it should proceed in parallel with the declaration of brain death. He cites that in 1968,
ICU care of these patients, until either the pri- the Ad Hoc Committee at Harvard claimed that
mary team declares patient’s brain death or the brain death criteria were needed to clarify defini-
family decides to stop continuation of technolog- tion of death as the now obsolete criteria would
ical support (“withdrawal of care”). lead to controversy in obtaining organs for
Often, treating physicians confuse the two transplantation.
entities: withdrawal of technological support or In fact, upon careful review of the history of
brain death declaration and at times relies on the organ transplantation and the history of brain
organ donor team to declare brain death. This death declaration processes, it is obvious that
practice should not be encouraged, as brain brain death concept and organ transplantation
death declaration is a process that any physician arose separately and advanced in parallel, and
who is intimately familiar with end-of-life issues only began to process together in the late 1960s.
should be also familiar with, and may be able to It may be impossible to deny that the final suc-
guide families in that regard. The organ donation cesses of transplants were indeed improved by
teams’ involvement and interaction with the pri- the development and refinement of the concept of
mary treatment team must never cloud any brain death (Machado et al. 2007).
244 Brain Edema

Family understanding about brain death is Monteiro LM, Bollen CW, van Huffelen AC,
an important factor that contributes to the decision Ackerstaff RG, Jansen NJ, van Vught AJ
(2006) Transcranial Doppler ultrasonography to con-
to donate organs after declaration. In a survey firm brain death: a meta-analysis. Intensive Care Med
conducted by Siminoff (2007), following fac- 32(12):1937–1944
tors were involved against organ donation: Palmer S, Bader MK (2005) Brain tissue oxygenation in
brain death. Neurocrit Care 2(1):17–22
• Family perception that the patient would not Sharma D, Souter MJ, Moore AE, Lam AM (2011)
want to donate (51 %). Clinical experience with transcranial Doppler ultraso-
nography as a confirmatory test for brain death:
• Family stamina or emotional turmoil (44 %),
a retrospective analysis. Neurocrit Care 14(3):
that accompany donation especially in youn- 370–376
ger patients. Siminoff L, Mercer MB, Graham G, Burant C (2007) The
• Disfigurement concerns (43 %). reasons families donate organs for transplantation:
implications for policy and practice. J Trauma
• Mistrust of the health care system (25 %). This
was thought to be due to lack of adequate Truog RD (2007) Brain death – too flawed to endure, too
emotional support that the treating physicians ingrained to abandon. J Law Med Ethics J Am Soc
provided the families in making decisions Law Med Ethics 35(2):273–281
Wijdicks EF (2010) The case against confirmatory tests
regarding organ donation.
for determining brain death in adults. Neurology
• Family determination (incorrectly) that the 75(1):77–83
patient was ineligible (19 %).
• Family disagreed over donated decision (14 %).
• Termination of mechanical support (12 %).

Brain Edema
Brain death is a clinical diagnosis. Physician inti-
▶ Traumatic Brain Injury, Anesthesia for
mately knowledgeable with the process must be
cognizant of social, cultural, and religious prac-
tices, and rely on best available clinical evidence
during declaration.
Brain Injury

Cross-References ▶ Traumatic Brain Injury, Mild (mTBI)

▶ Traumatic Brain Injury, Anesthesia for
▶ Brain Death ▶ Neurotrauma, Prognosis and Outcome Predic-
▶ Withdrawal of Life-Support tions
▶ Neurotrauma, Multimodal Neuromonitoring


Bader MK, Littlejohns LR, March K (2003) Brain tissue

oxygen monitoring in severe brain injury, II. Implica-
Brain Tissue Oxygen Tension
tions for critical care teams and case study. Crit Care
Nurse 23(4):29–38 ▶ Traumatic Brain Injury, Intensive Care Unit
Capron AM (2001) Brain death–well settled yet still Management
unresolved. N Engl J Med 344(16):1244–1246
Greer DM, Varelas PN, Haque S, Wijdicks EF (2008) Vari-
ability of brain death determination guidelines in leading
US neurologic institutions. Neurology 70(4):284–289
Machado C, Kerein J, Ferrer Y, Portela L, de la
C Garica M, Manero JM (2007) The concept of brain Brain-Dead Donor
death did not evolve to benefit organ transplants. J Med
Ethics 33(4):197–200 ▶ Organ Donor Management
Brown-Séquard Syndrome 245

Brainstem Death
Brown Séquard Syndrome (BSS), sometimes
▶ Brain Death, Ethical Concerns referred to as Brown-Séquard hemiplegia
or paralysis, was first observed in 1849 by B
Mauritian physiologist and neurologist Brown-
Séquard (Brown-Sequard 1850). The syndrome
is characterized by a functional lateral
Breathing Passage hemisection of the spinal cord. The most com-
mon cause of BSS is trauma involving a pene-
▶ Airway Anatomy trating mechanism, for example, a stab or
gunshot wound (Musker and Musker 2011). In
addition, blunt trauma, pressure contusion,
motor vehicle accidents, or severe falls that
cause unilateral facet fracture and dislocation
Broken Ankle may also lead to the development of BSS.
Neurologically, these patients present with
▶ Ankle Fractures loss of motor function (hemiparaplegia) and sen-
sation on the ipsilateral side of the hemisection.
Interruption of the lateral corticospinal tracts
may lead patients to present with ispilateral
spastic paralysis below the level of lesion as
Brown-Séquard Hemiplegia well as Babinski’s sign. Damage to the posterior
column results in ipsilateral loss of tactile
▶ Brown-Séquard Syndrome discrimination, vibration sense, and propriocep-
tion. Nerve fibers of the spinothalamic tract
(pain and temperature sensation) crossover
within the spinal cord from the periphery; thus,
contralateral loss of such sensation usually
Brown-Séquard Paralysis occurs two to three segments below location of
▶ Brown-Séquard Syndrome Overall prognosis for BSS is better than any
other spinal cord injury. For example, patients
with cervical BSS achieve higher functional
improvement by time of discharge compared
with patients with CCS (McKinley et al. 2007).
Brown-Séquard Syndrome In general, treatment focuses on addressing the
underlying cause of the syndrome, which may
MariaLisa Itzoe and Daniel M. Sciubba involve first administering to other injuries if
Department of Neurosurgery, The Johns any are present. Recovery of function tends to
Hopkins University School of Medicine, be progressive: motion is regained in the
Baltimore, MD, USA ipsilateral proximal extensor muscles before the
ipsilateral distal flexor muscles, and pain/temper-
ature sensation is regained in the ipsilateral
Synonyms extremities before the contralateral extremities
(Little and Halar 1985). Voluntary motor strength
Brown-Séquard hemiplegia; Brown-Séquard and functional gate are usually regained within
paralysis 6 months post injury. Up to 90 % of patients
246 bTBI

regain some degree of ambulation by the end of removed to improve RBC storage. In the 1970s,
their recovery (Little and Halar 1985). European countries began removing the buffy coat
layer to reduce WBC contamination that was lead-
ing to febrile transfusion reactions. While North
References American blood banks use a platelet-rich plasma
method to separate component blood products,
Brown-Sequard C-E (1850) De La Transmission Croisee Canada and much of Europe use the buffy coat
Des Impressions Sensitives Par La Moelle Epiniere.
method as their primary method of platelet product
Comptes rendus de la Societe de biologie 2:33–44
Little JW, Halar E (1985) Temporal course of motor preparation. All of these methods produce high-
recovery after Brown-Sequard spinal cord injuries. quality platelets with roughly equivalent yields
Paraplegia 23(1):39–46 (Hogman et al. 2010).
McKinley W, Santos K, Meade M, Brooke K (2007) Inci-
During the buffy coat production of platelet
dence and outcomes of spinal cord injury clinical
syndromes. J Spinal Cord Med 30(3):215–224 concentrates, whole blood first undergoes a “hard
Musker P, Musker G (2011) Pneumocephalus and Brown- spin,” after which the heavy layer of RBC
Sequard syndrome caused by a stab wound to the back. concentrate is removed to be processed into
Emerg Med Australas 23(2):217–219
packed red blood cells. The middle buffy coat
layer is then siphoned off the lighter platelet-
poor plasma and subjected to a slower “soft
spin.” This second spin leaves two layers, a top
bTBI discard layer and a heavier layer of platelet con-
centrate. Due to the relatively low platelet counts
▶ Neurotrauma, Military Considerations when run in a single process, pools of 4–5 buffy
coats are made and mixed with male donor
plasma prior to the final “soft spin.” There are
many variations on the buffy coat method includ-
Buffy Coat ing the addition of additives at various stages to
improve product purity and storage and separa-
Harvey G. Hawes1, Bryan A. Cotton1 and tion of layers at reduced temperatures to improve
Laura A. McElroy2 platelet yield (Lozano et al. 2000). The buffy coat
Department of Surgery, Division of Acute Care method has been heavily automated, and when
Surgery, Trauma and Critical Care, University of followed by leukocyte reduction, it can decrease
Texas Health Science Center at Houston, The WBC levels below 1  106 per unit (Ito and
University of Texas Medical School at Houston, Shinomiva 2001).
Houston, TX, USA
Department of Anesthesiology, Critical Care
Medicine, University of Rochester Medical Cross-References
Center, Rochester, NY, USA
▶ Apheresis platelets
▶ Blood Bank
Definition ▶ Blood Group Antibodies
▶ Blood Therapy in Trauma Anesthesia
The buffy coat refers to a layer of platelets and
white blood cells (WBCs) that is found between
the heavier red blood cell (RBC) layer and the References
lighter plasma layer after centrifuging whole
Hogman CF, Berseus O, Eriksson L et al (2010) Interna-
blood at high speed. The term “buff,” the
tional forum: Europe. Buffy-coat-derived platelet
yellow-brown color of undyed leather, refers to concentrates: Swedish experience. Clin Lab 56:
the color of the buffy coat. This layer was initially 263–279
Burn Anesthesia 247

Ito Y, Shinomiva K (2001) A new continuous-flow cell

separation method based on cell density: principle, Burn Anesthesia
apparatus, and preliminary application to separation
of human buffy coat. J Clin Apher 16:186–191
Lozano M, Escolar G, Mazzara R et al (2000) Effects of Anthony L. Kovac
the addition of second messenger effectors to platelet Kasumi Arakawa Professor of Anesthesiology, B
concentrates separated from whole blood donations Department of Anesthesiology, University of
and stored at 4 degrees C or 80 degrees C. Transfu-
sion 40:527–534 Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, KS, USA


Building Collapse Heat injury; Inhalation injury; Thermal injury

▶ Crush Syndrome

Burn injury most commonly affects the skin,

mucous membranes of the airway, and lungs of
Bullet Proof Vest
the respiratory system. The depth of injury
depends on the type of energy (heat, electricity,
▶ Body Armor
chemicals, radiation, cold), intensity, and length
of time that the energy was applied. In most
severe cases, deeper structures like tendons,
muscles, joints, or bones may be injured.
Bullet Wound

▶ Firearm-Related Injuries Preexisting Condition

▶ Gunshot Wounds to the Extremity
Burn Classification
Annually approximately two million people in
the USA suffer major thermal injury (0.5 %
mortality) caused by radiation, chemicals,
Bullet-Resistant Vest electricity, or heat. Burn wounds are classified
as 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th degree according to depth
▶ Body Armor of injury. First degree (major sunburn with pain
and erythema) involves only top epithelial layer.
Second degree (pain and vesicles) includes epi-
thelium and part of dermis. Third degree (no
Burn pain, destruction of nerve endings) involves
entire skin thickness and tough eschar. Fourth
▶ Flame Burns degree has destruction of muscle and fascia.
Burn size is measured as percent (%) of total
body surface area (TBSA). “Rule of nines” is
used. For adults, head and upper limbs equal 9 %
TBSA, anterior and posterior trunk and lower
Burn and Plastics Trauma Fellowship limbs 18 %, and perineum 1 %. For children
<12 years, due to a child’s disproportionately
▶ Academic Programs in Trauma Care larger head and smaller lower extremities
248 Burn Anesthesia

Burn Anesthesia,
Fig. 1 Rule of nines for
4.5 4.5
adult and child

18 4.5
4.5 18 4.5

9 9

9 9


9 9

18 18
4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5

6.7 6.7 6.7 6.7


compared to adults, “modified rule of nines” is Morbidity and Mortality

more accurate (Capan et al. 1991; Lovich- Criteria for burn center admission include
Sapola 2008; Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (1) 2nd degree  25 % TBSA, (2) 3rd
2012) (Fig. 1). degree  10 % TBSA, (3) smoke inhalation injury,
Burn Anesthesia 249

(4) electrical burn, (5) children, and (6) age > 60 Burn Anesthesia, Table 1 Parkland formula example
years. Baux’s formula estimates that % mortality 4.0 mL crystalloid/kg/% burn/24 h
for elderly patients is equal to the sum of patient’s 70 kg female with 50 % TBSA burn
age plus % TBSA burn. Inhalation injury adds 4 ml  70 kg  50 % TBSA burn = 4  70  50 =
20–60 % increased mortality to burn of any size 14,000 ml crystalloid in 1st 24 h B
in any age group. Patients >80 years old with 7,000 ml crystalloid in 1st 8 h
inhalation injury have high mortality. Young 3,500 ml crystalloid during 2nd +8 h
patients have an overall mortality 30–40 % 3,500 ml crystalloid during 3rd 8 h
with burns complicated by inhalation injury.
Other mortality factors are (1) coexisting
disease, (2) concomitant injuries, (3) location of is related to the amount of TBSA burned. With
burn, and (4) physical environment (closed space). large superficial, deep partial-thickness, and full-
Three phases of recovery are (1) resuscitation, thickness burns, increased fluid requirements
1st 24–48 h; (2) hypermetabolic, 2 days to require large fluid administration to replace
2 months; and (3) reconstruction, 2 months blood volume lost. Various formulas such as the
to 2 years or until wound heals (Capan Parkland formula (Table 1) have been used to
et al. 1991; Lovich-Sapola 2008). calculate the fluids needed during the 1st 24 h
following injury. The type of fluid used appears
Skin Effects to be less important than accurately calculating
Burn injury patients lose heat. Increased blood volume replacement. It is important to
metabolism is needed to generate heat. Burn monitor mental status, heart rate (HR), blood
injury increases metabolic rate 1 week after pressure (BP), O2 saturation (SpO2), urine output
injury. Edema from fluid resuscitation, (UO), weight, and skin turgor. One should eval-
hypoproteinemia, and an inelastic eschar uate arterial blood gas, CBC, electrolytes, BUN,
(circumferential burns) may compromise creatinine, CVP, pulmonary artery catheter
neurovascular function (extremities, digits) and depending on patient coexisting diseases, and
restrict chest wall respiration. An escharotomy physical status.
may be needed to release compression and An early goal of surgery is to debride to
constriction and restore neurovascular function. a bleeding viable dermal layer with skin grafting
Patients with electrical injuries often require the ultimate goal. Early debridement is often pro-
a fasciotomy and deep compartment decompres- fuse resulting in a large and difficult to estimate
sion release. Infection is a constant possibility intraoperative blood loss. Phenylephrine-soaked
(Capan et al. 1991; Lovich-Sapola 2008). gauze pads on burn wounds can reduce blood
loss, but a falsely elevated BP may result. Vaso-
Cardiovascular Effects pressor support of BP may be necessary. Unstable
Burn shock occurs immediately following vital signs may require postponement of surgery.
extensive burn injury. Cardiac output initially Preoperatively, the patients’ hematocrit should be
decreases due to fluid redistribution caused by 25 %, and blood components should be avail-
translocation of intravascular fluids and tissue able. Intraoperatively, if the patient is unstable in
edema. Within hours, protein and electrolyte loss regard to HR, BP, urine output, and/or SpO2,
occurs into the extravascular space. Prostaglandins, a “stop and talk” time should occur between
oxygen (O2) radicals, myocardial depressant factor, anesthesia and surgery to discuss whether to
and leukotrienes are released, causing increased proceed or stop surgery (Capan et al. 1991;
capillary permeability. Plasma volume falls, Lovich-Sapola 2008).
causing hypovolemia and hemoconcentration.
Systemic vascular resistance increases. Airway and Inhalation Injury
Fluid shifts and tissue edema occur in the 1st Oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide (CO2)
8–12 h and may continue for 24 h. Tissue edema production are increased in burn patients with
250 Burn Anesthesia

inhalation injury. Decreases in O2 delivery can be Carbon Monoxide

due to (1) airway obstruction, (2) inhalation Carbon monoxide (CO) is colorless, odorless,
injury, (3) pulmonary disease, (4) infection, and tasteless, and nonirritating. It has a hemoglobin
(5) sepsis. Airway obstruction can occur rapidly (Hb) affinity 210 times that of O2. With CO
due to edema and swelling. One should assume toxicity, oxyhemoglobin (O2Hb) saturation is
inhalation injury with face and neck burns, singed reduced even if there is normal arterial O2
nasal hair, bronchorrhea, soot-tinged sputum, content. O2Hb concentration is reduced to 50 %
dysphagia, hoarseness, upper airway obstruction, of normal by prolonged inhalation of air
wheezing, rales, unconsciousness, stupor, containing 0.1 volume % CO. Carboxyhe-
coughing spells, hypoxia, or burns that occur in moglobin (COHb) shifts the O2Hb dissociation
a confined space. While facial burns suggest curve to the left. Thus, Hb is more tightly bound
inhalation injury, patients with inhalation injury to O2, decreasing O2 delivery. Standard pulse
may not have facial burns. Wheezing, rales, and oximeters estimate arterial O2Hb saturation by
carbon-tinged sputum may occur 24–48 h measuring light absorbance at two wavelengths,
post-injury. Of patients who suffer major burns, 660 and 940 nm. With COHb, SpO2 monitoring
30 % may have coexisting inhalation injury. with a standard pulse oximeter is inaccurate,
Before extensive edema develops, airway as standard oximeters cannot differentiate
management in suspected inhalation injury is between more than two types of Hb (reduced
best achieved by prophylactic intubation and vs nonreduced). With COHb poisoning, SpO2
humidified 100 % O2. Inhalation injury patients via pulse oximeter is normal; the SpO2 measured
should initially be given 100 % oxygen. As is the sum of COHb and O2. A CO-oximeter is
pulmonary edema is possible, extreme fluid care needed to correctly measure COHb levels,
must be used to prevent overhydration. Avoid measuring light absorbance at six or more wave-
steroids which have no benefit in inhalation lengths and concentrations of 4Hb types:
injury patients. Following inhalation injury, (1) reduced Hb, (2) O2Hb, (3) methemoglobin
upper airway injury is more common than lower (MetHb), and (4) COHb. Many heavy cigarette
airway injury. Upper airway efficiently dissipates smokers have 10–20 % COHb levels, causing an
heat, and reflex glottic closure occurs. Lower accelerated effect of CO poisoning during smoke
airway injury below vocal cords occurs with inhalation. A cherry-red skin color is observed
(1) steam inhalation (heat capacity 4,000 times with COHb levels >40 %. A majority of inhala-
that of air), (2) superheated soot, and (3) other tion injury deaths are due to CO poisoning. The
products of combustion: aldehydes, oxides of elimination half-time of CO in a patient breathing
sulfur and nitrogen, hydrogen cyanide, room air (21 % O2) is 4 h. A 100 % O2 decreases
hydrochloric acid, or sulfuric acid. Clinical this to 30–60 min. All closed-space fire patients
manifestations are (1) mucosal edema; should be intubated and given 100 % O2 until
(2) impaired ciliary function; (3) ineffective COHb level is <20 %. Patients with CO coma
surfactant; (4) small airway collapse; due to hypoxic brain edema should be immedi-
(5) bronchoconstriction; (6) increased capillary ately treated with (1) hyperbaric oxygen therapy,
permeability; (7) necrotizing bronchiolitis; (2) hyperventilation, and (3) osmotherapy.
(8) intra-alveolar hemorrhage; (9) pneumonia Pregnant patients with COHb levels >20 %, neu-
and ARDS; and (10) pulmonary fibrosis. Initially, rologic signs, and/or fetal distress should receive
extent of injury is not predictive of severity of hyperbaric O2 therapy (Capan et al. 1991;
oxygenation or degree and duration of needed Lovich-Sapola 2008; Herndon et al. 1987).
ventilation. Airway and lung pathology can
be assessed with fiber-optic bronchoscopy, Cyanide (CN)
pulmonary function tests, and lung scans When burned, many synthetic materials release
(Capan et al. 1991; Lovich-Sapola 2008; CN. Following inhalation, blood CN may reach
Herndon et al. 1987). levels >0.2 mg/L (toxic) and >1 mg/L (lethal).
Burn Anesthesia 251

Patients with COHb >15 % have elevated may occur and correlates with % TBSA burn.
blood CN levels. Metabolic acidosis Gastritis and duodenitis can occur within 12 h,
indicates possible CN toxicity. O2 and thiosulfate and ulceration within 72 h. To keep gastric pH
or hydroxocobalamin (vitamin B12) are treat- >7.0 and decrease GI bleeding, antacids, H2
ments of choice. Avoid amyl nitrate and sodium blockers, and frequent enteral feedings are B
nitrate, as they form MetHb, shifting the O2 methods of therapy (Capan et al. 1991; Lovich-
dissociation curve more to the left than COHb Sapola 2008; Langley and Sim 2002).
(Capan et al. 1991; Lovich-Sapola 2008;
Herndon et al. 1987). Hematologic Effects
During the 1st days postburn, plasma volume
Kidney Effects decreases cause increased Hct and blood
Renal failure has a high mortality. Oliguria viscosity. Red blood cell half-life decrease;
<0.5 ml/kg/h in 1st 24 h is often due to inadequate hematopoiesis is suppressed. Factors V and VIII
fluid resuscitation. Hypoxemia, hypovolemia, and fibrin split products increase. Increased plate-
decreased cardiac output, myoglobinuria, and/or let adhesiveness and aggregation occur. By 2nd
hemoglobinuria can cause renal failure. A urine week, platelet increases. Disseminated intravas-
output (UO) of 0.5–1.0 ml/kg/h suggests adequate cular coagulopathy (DIC) can occur (Capan et al.
fluid replacement and kidney perfusion, unless the 1991; Lovich-Sapola 2008; Langley and Sim
patient has received hypertonic saline solution 2002).
and/or is hyperglycemic. If the UO is inadequate
(<0.5 ml/kg/h) despite adequate cardiac filling Central Nervous System (CNS) Effects
pressures, osmotic or loop diuretics or low-dose Hypoxia, electrolyte imbalances, sepsis, and
dopamine (1–3 mg/kg/min) may be helpful. If neurotoxic effects of smoke and products of
cardiac output is low, hemodynamic support may combustion can cause early CNS dysfunction.
improve renal perfusion. If Hb or myoglobin is in Burn encephalopathy syndrome presents as
the urine, urine alkalinization is needed to prevent lethargy, disorientation, delirium, seizures, or
their deposition in the kidney. After resuscitation coma. Electrical injury can cause direct nerve
phase, a decrease in UO may indicate sepsis injury (Capan et al. 1991; Lovich-Sapola 2008;
(Capan et al. 1991; Lovich-Sapola 2008; Langley Langley and Sim 2002).
and Sim 2002).
Endocrine, Metabolic, and Nutritional Effects
Liver Effects Burn injury increases metabolism. Increased
Elevated bilirubin and liver enzymes can occur. caloric requirements (2,500 kcal/m2 TBSA) are
Liver injury increases patient mortality. In the needed for wound healing. A 50 % TBSA burn
resuscitation phase, hypoperfusion, hypoxemia, increases basal metabolic rate to 70 % due to
and hypovolemia adversely affect liver metabo- increases in (1) epinephrine, (2) norepinephrine,
lism. Early liver injury can occur without clinical (3) glucagon, (4) cortisol, (5) renin,
signs of shock. Elevated liver enzymes occurs (6) antidiuretic hormone, (7) O2 consumption,
within 24 h. In the hypermetabolic phase, liver (8) CO2 production, (9) minute ventilation,
blood flow, gluconeogenesis, and protein catabo- (10) free fatty acids, (11) glycogen, and (12) glu-
lism increase. Later, sepsis can decrease glucose coneogenesis. Catabolism and protein loss occur
synthesis. Acute hypoglycemia may indicate sepsis (negative nitrogen balance). Relative insulin
and/or acute liver failure (Capan et al. 1991; resistance occurs, associated with glucose intol-
Lovich-Sapola 2008; Langley and Sim 2002). erance, hypocalcemia, hypermagnesemia,
hypophosphatemia, hyperpyrexia, and alterations
Gastrointestinal (GI) Effects in fluid and electrolyte balance. In severe burn
Adynamic ileus often develops within 24 h and patients, major heat loss is due to large evapora-
resolves in 2–3 days. Stress (“Curling”) ulcers tive water loss. Heat conservation methods
252 Burn Anesthesia

include (1) warming patient’s room to >27  C decreases in albumin can alter pharmacodynamics
(77 F); (2) warming skin prep and irrigation and pharmacokinetics of drugs. Changes in free/
solutions, IV fluids, and blood products; protein-bound fraction can occur, with a resulting
(3) use of a radiant heater and warming blanket; altered drug response. During resuscitation phase,
(4) covering body parts not part of surgical generalized hypoperfusion results in delayed drug
field; (5) limiting operative exposure time; and absorption with decreased concentration and bio-
(6) ventilation with heated, humidified gases availability. High or repeated IV doses can cause
at low fresh gas flows (Capan et al. 1991; toxic effects. During the initial phase, small,
Lovich-Sapola 2008; Langley and Sim 2002). repeated IV dosing is safer and more effective.
During the hypermetabolic phase, increased renal
Immunologic Effects and liver blood flow results in rapid drug metabo-
Burn patients have immunosuppression with lism and excretion. Volume of distribution is
cellular (T cells) depressed more than humoral affected by changes in protein binding and extra-
(B cells). Wound infection and sepsis are cellular fluid volume. Increased protein binding
possible. Meticulous attention to sterile causes a decrease in volume of distribution and
technique is required (Capan et al. 1991; elimination of glomerular-filtered drugs.
Lovich-Sapola 2008; Langley and Sim 2002). Decreased protein binding increases elimination.
Adjust antibiotic dosing if renal failure is present.
Drug loss through burn wounds increases drug
Application requirements. During hypermetabolic phase, ant-
acids and H2-receptor blockers should be
Pediatric Considerations increased in dosing frequency. It is best to titrate
The smaller airway opening of pediatric patients all drugs to their desired effect.
predisposes to airway obstruction. Neck hyperex- Anesthesia induction depends on the patient’s
tension can obstruct the airway. A right main cardiac status. Ketamine is useful if patients are
stem intubation may more easily occur in chil- hypovolemic, as it increases HR and myocardial
dren compared to adults. Compared to adults, in O2 supply and demand. Optimize volume status.
children younger than 8 years old, the subglottic If the blood volume is decreased or catechol-
area is more narrow. A ½ decrease in the tracheal amines are depleted, hypotension can occur.
radius (r) can increase airway resistance (R) by 16 Ketamine (1) allows spontaneous ventilation,
times (r4). Poiseuille’s equation: Resistance, R is (2) maintains BP, (3) provides analgesia and
proportional to 1/r4(R = 8 mLQ/r4). amnesia, and (4) preserves gag reflex, but
For fluid resuscitation, the “rule of nines” in does not fully protect patients from regurgitation
children underestimates the TBSA of the head and aspiration. Standard NPO criteria should
and overestimates the TBSA of the extremities. be followed. Use glycopyrrolate to dry secre-
In children, fluid losses are proportionally greater tions. Premedicate with a benzodiazepine
than adults with similar burn injuries. Hypergly- (midazolam) to reduce hallucinations. Pentothal
cemia should be monitored the first 24 h or propofol also can be safely used, titrating to
postburn. Similar to adults, reliable indicators of effect.
resuscitation are mental status, vital signs, pulse Succinylcholine (Sch) can produce life-
pressure, urine output, body temperature, color of threatening hyperkalemia with potassium release
the distal extremities, and capillary refill (Capan from muscle membranes. It is related to dose,
et al. 1991; Langley and Sim 2002; Lovich- time since injury, and TBSA burn. Increased
Sapola 2008). Sch response most likely occurs after 1 day.
Hyperkalemia can develop within minutes and
Pharmacologic Effects results from muscle denervation. Extrajunctional
Changes in fluid compartments, cardiac output, acetylcholine (Ach) receptors increase through-
renal and liver perfusion, and metabolism and out muscle membranes, causing hypersensitivity
Burn Anesthesia 253

to depolarizing and resistance to nondepolarizing each patient, with electrodes and SpO2 often
muscle relaxants. Sch is best avoided because the placed at nonstandard sites. Sterile needle ECG
period of hyperkalemic response is unclear. electrodes instead of pads increase electrical
Some believe Sch can safely be used up to shock risk. IV lines placed through burned skin
8–24 h after burn injury and then again after areas increase infection risk. Invasive central IV B
8–24 months or until all burned areas have lines should be placed through nonburned skin
healed. For treatment of hyperkalemia, calcium, and securely sutured.
sodium bicarbonate, hyperventilation, CPR,
glucose, and insulin may be necessary. Summary
Precurarization with a nondepolarizing muscle More than other types of trauma, burn injury
relaxant does not appear to prevent hyperkalemic changes normal homeostasis. Multiple changes
response. must be recognized and adapted. Wound debride-
Burn patients’ resistance to nondepolarizing ment 1 day postburn has different physiologic
drugs is possibly due to an increase in Ach changes than reconstructive surgery at 1 month
receptors or altered receptor affinity. This resis- or 1 year. Increased opioids are required for pain
tance (1) develops with burns >25–30 % control. Burn patients deserve our empathy. Any-
TBSA, (2) is rarely seen in <10 % TBSA, thing anesthesia providers can do to decrease
(3) is observed <1st week, (4) peaks at 5–6 burn patients’ suffering will be remembered and
weeks, and (5) is attenuated at 3 months post- appreciated by these patients.
injury. Volume of distribution, wound drug
transfer, and increased plasma protein binding
have minimal effect on nondepolarizing Cross-References
relaxant requirements. Burn patients require
2–5 times the normal nondepolarizing dose for ▶ Acute Pain Management in Trauma
relaxation. A twitch monitor is useful to deter- ▶ Airway Assessment
mine dosing and redosing. Normal doses of ▶ Airway Trauma, Management of
reversal agents (neostigmine) are required ▶ Blast Lung Injury
(Langley and Sim 2002; Gronert and Theye ▶ Chemical Burns
1975; Martyn 1986). ▶ Electrical Burns
▶ Escharotomy
Anesthesia for Burn Dressing Changes ▶ Firework Injuries
Etomidate is not recommended due to adrenal ▶ Flame Burns
suppression. Fentanyl, ketamine, and remifentanil ▶ Fluid, Electrolytes, and Nutrition in Trauma
plus propofol or dexmedetomidine infusions Patients
have been used (Langley and Sim 2002; Martyn ▶ Hypothermia, Trauma, and Anesthetic
1986). Management
▶ Scald Burns
Inhalation Anesthetics
All inhaled agents can be safely used with no
single “best” technique. Isoflurane, sevoflurane, References
and desflurane cause minimal cardiac depression
Capan LM, Miller SM, Turndorf H (eds) (1991) Trauma:
and do not sensitize the myocardium to arrhyth- anesthesia and intensive care. JB Lippincott Co,
mias caused by exogenous catecholamines Philadelphia, PA, pp 629–648
(Langley and Sim 2002; Martyn 1986). Gronert GA, Theye RA (1975) Pathophysiology of
hyperkalemia induced by succinylcholine. Anesthesi-
ology 43:89–94
Monitoring Herndon DN, Langner F, Thompson P et al (1987)
Electrocardiograph (ECG), BP (cuff, arterial Pulmonary injury in burned patients. Surg Clin North
line), and HR monitoring must be adapted to Am 67:31
254 Burn Resuscitation Formula

Lovich-Sapola J (2008) Anesthesia for burns. In: Smith Preexisting Condition

CE (ed) Trauma anesthesia. Cambridge University
Press, Cambridge, pp 322–342
Langley K, Sim K (2002) Anaesthesia for patients with Bylaws
burn injuries. Curr Anaesth Crit Care 13:70–75 Bylaws are the necessary tools of governance of
Martyn JAJ (1986) Clinical pharmacology and drug an organization. They are the written rules that
therapy in the burned patient. Anesthesiology 65:67 control the internal affairs of an organization.
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (2012) Total body
surface area. They state the mission, goals, and vision of the
surface_area. Accessed 5 Oct 2012 organization and lay the ground rules for how
these are to be accomplished. The structure of
the organization is described along with the indi-
vidual duties and responsibilities of its members.
Bylaws are founded upon basic principles an
Burn Resuscitation Formula organization holds to and wishes to project to the
community. It states the standards which the
▶ Rule of Tens
organization will uphold and directs its members
in their behavior. Bylaws are not meant to micro-
manage an organization. The bylaws give
a general direction to the organization and estab-
Burning lish committees to then write the rules/regulation
and policies/procedures that will effectuate the
▶ Pain goals of the organization.
There is a close relationship between the law
and bylaws. The bylaws may exceed the require-
ments of the law but cannot be used in such a way
that it undermines state or federal laws. In most
Burns Due to Exposure to Cleaning situations, bylaws will be considered invalid in
Agents or Petroleum Products court if they are contradictory to the state/federal
law. This is why legal counsel and review is
▶ Chemical Burns
critical in establishing or amending the bylaws.
In most states bylaws are filed by nonprofit orga-
nizations with the State Attorney General’s office
in the state where the organization is registered or
Bylaws (Institution) incorporated. It cannot be overstated that the
bylaws are usually considered a legally binding
Martin Morales document. There are some that dispute this, but
Physician Assistant Services, North Shore – LIJ the American Medical Association has a policy
Health System, Great Neck, NY, USA that the “by-laws are a contract between the Med-
ical Staff and the Hospital” (Gassiot 2007, p. 96).
Bylaws cannot be revised unilaterally. There
Synonyms must be agreement between the Medical Board
and the governing body. Intentional violations of
Constitution; Covenant the bylaws can lead to prosecution or dissolution
of the organization.

Definition Importance of Bylaws

The bylaws define the goals and function of the
Bylaws are the legally binding rules that govern organization. They keep the organization from
the behavior of an organization and its members. deviating from legal requirements, help to
Bylaws (Institution) 255

resolve internal disputes, and keep the organiza- the category of membership such as nonvoting
tion on track to accomplish its goals. They help member, adjunct or honorary, or emeritus status.
the organization in deciding what to do in diffi- It describes the roles of the members and their
cult situations. They may also indemnify mem- authority as well as their ability to vote in elec-
bers from legal jeopardy and protect the tions or other official business. B
constitutional rights of the individual.
Terms of office
While much of what is contained in bylaws
seems to be onerous and at times irrelevant, it This should describe the length of the term as
behooves all organizations in our litigious-prone well as how many times one can be elected and if
society to have bylaws. Unfortunately, too often there is to be a hiatus before being reelected.
we look at bylaws after the litigation process has
Frequency of meetings
Once established the organization is held This should address the requirement for
to the standards described in the bylaws by the a certain number of meetings and the amount of
legal system. This can come to haunt the orga- meetings that need to be attended to maintain
nization if bylaws are written and not adhered to. membership. It provides for emergency meetings
The bylaws not only set the standards by decree to deal with sudden potentially catastrophic
of the governing body, but the governing body is events.
responsible to make sure the standards are
adhered to and provides for methods of resolving
conflicts when adherence is violated. This will address the election process and the
quorum needed for election results to be official.
Process for voting
Issues brought before the board should be in
Structure of the Bylaws a timely manner so as to give its members time for
The bylaws describe who will be members of the serious consideration. The percentage or number
organization and their term of office and provide of votes is described and whether this should be
for succession. It describes and gives power to by open or secret ballot or whether absentee/elec-
committees to pursue and accomplish the mission tronic ballots are to be considered admissible.
of the organization.
Review, revision, and amendment of the bylaws
The bylaws define the following:
Describes how often the bylaws are to be
Purpose of the organization
reviewed. The Joint Commission mandates that
This occurs as a stated mission, vision, and bylaws be reviewed periodically to assure that
specific goals. they are compatible with current legislation and
practice. The process for submission of items to
Titles and function of the officers
be reviewed and who can introduce new amend-
All positions of the governing body are ments should be so stated.
defined such as chair, president, or CEO. It
Conflict resolution
defines how they are elected and describes
a table of succession so that a sudden or Describes modalities for conflict resolution
prolonged vacancy would not adversely impact including “rules of order” and the legal process
the organization. as it affects the functioning of the organization.
Requirements for membership Corrective action
The requirements should speak to academic Describes the process of summary suspen-
and professional credentials. It should describe sions and methods of appropriate notification.
256 Bylaws (Institution)

Appeal of corrective actions electronic documents and may stipulate the time
the report should be issued in relation to meetings.
Describes who in the membership has rights of
appeal and appropriate timelines for notification
The Medical Model
and granting such appeals. It describes who will
The hospital’s governing board is legally and
be at the review hearings and whether legal coun-
morally responsible for the quality of medical
sel will be permitted.
care a patient receives while hospitalized (The
Rules of conduct in meetings Joint Commission Standard MS01.01.01).
The Joint Commission standards require that
Describes whether “Robert’s Rules of Order,” the governing body and the organized medical
the prerogative of the chair, or other guidelines staff work collaboratively, clearly defining their
for conducting the meeting in a professional, effi- roles, responsibilities, and accountabilities.
cient, and courteous manner are utilized. The bylaws delineate these rights and respon-
sibilities and the relationships between the
Quorum for conducting official business leaders of the organized medical staff, its mem-
Describes the number of members necessary bers, and the governing body (The Joint Commis-
to be physically present or by electronic commu- sion (JCAHO) MS10 2005).
nication to conduct official business. The quorum The governing board may control the quality
may be variable for different types of business of the medical staff and does so by choosing the
and must be so stated. leadership for the Medical Board and granting
them authority to form committees including the
Indemnification of members “Medical Staff Credentialing Committee.” It is
the Credentials Committee that recommends to
States that the members will not be held
the Medical Board who should be granted privi-
accountable individually for conduct of the
leges to practice in the hospital.
group as a whole.
Ultimate approval is made by the governing
Compensation to the members body upon recommendation of the Medical
States what if any monetary compensation or
otherwise may be due to the members.
It may stipulate the direction any compensa- Development of the Bylaws
tion should take. Most organizations follow a generally accepted
format for the bylaws that are considered to have
Conflict of interest
been tested in the courts. This is not unlike the
The members will report any conflict of inter- components of corporate bylaws. The compo-
est circumstances they may be involved in. nents of the bylaws are governed by requirements
Most organizations will require members to from the Joint Commission on the Accreditation
sign a declaration regarding potential or actual of Hospitals (JCAHO), the Center for Medicaid
conflict of interest annually. and Medicare (CMS), and the National Commis-
sion on Quality Assurance (NCQA) (Gassiot
Annual reports
et al. 2007, p. 97). Legal counsel is sought to
The governing body may require monthly, help develop and review the bylaws for compat-
quarterly, or annual reports of the activities of ibility with state and federal laws.
any committees. This may describe who will do The medical staff bylaws describe how often
the reporting, frequency, and by what means. The the committees shall meet, the place, and who
governing body may require “hard copies” or shall attend.
Bylaws (Institution) 257

It describes the categories of membership and Institutional Review Board Committee

their rights to vote. Medical Ethics Committee
Provisions for nonphysician and allied health Medical Records Committee
professional practice are defined. Medical Staff Health Committee
The quorum is established to pass rules, regu- Nominating Committee B
lations, or policies and provides for emergency Nutrition Committee
meetings to deal with pressing issues. The use of Performance Improvement Coordinating Group
electronic communication and voting is also (PICG)
described. With rapid changes in development Perioperative Committee
of how all healthcare business is conducted and Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee
changes in legislation that govern healthcare, Radiation Safety Committee
a process for periodic review and changes in the Surgical Audit Committee
bylaws must be included. Transfusion Committee
The Joint Commission in M.S. 3.6 states that
Other committees so deemed necessary to
“when necessary the Medical staff By-Law and
carry out the goals of the governing body, the
rules and regulations are revised to reflect the
Medical Board, and the organized medical staff.
hospital’s current practices with respect to medical
Bylaws are a critical component of any orga-
staff organization and function” (JCAHO Compre-
nization. They are the reference point for
hensive Accreditation Manual 2011). The organi-
maintaining the standards and direction of the
zation should not wait for the imminent survey to
organization. Bylaws must be congruent with
take place before reviewing its rules. The stated
policy and practice must be congruent at the time
In any test of the legal process, all will look
of the survey (Lang et al. 1995). The need for
first at the bylaws. Any weakness in the wording
changes in the bylaws should not be sparked by
or implementation may have severe negative
reviews and surveys but by the need for the orga-
impact on the hospital’s case. The time for devel-
nization to reflect changes in the landscape of
opment of bylaws is at the inception of the orga-
healthcare delivery. With the currently changing
nization, and a periodic review is absolutely
paradigm, this is most important.
essential. There will always be conflicts that
require resolution, and the bylaws become the
Establishment of Committees
essential governing document that helps to
The board shall appoint such committees and
resolve these conflicts.
give a “charge” to those committees with guide-
The governing body must appoint reliable
lines and a commitment to report back to the
members that are vested in the interest of patient
care and furthering the goals of the organization.
These may include (North Shore LIJ Health
While very difficult, the members need to find the
System Medical Staff Bylaws 2012):
time to review agendas, attend meetings, and
Ambulatory Health Services Committee make meaningful contributions to the process.
Bylaws Committee Traditional processes of conducting “ritualistic”
Cancer Committee meetings and of rubber-stamping issues without
Credentials Committee serious consideration can be detrimental to the
Critical Care Committee overall mission of the hospital. It can potentially
Environment and Infection Control Committee have adverse effects on patient care and place the
Graduate Medical Education Committee hospital in financial and legal jeopardy. This
Health Sciences Library and Informatics above all reflects the need for comprehensive,
Committee up-to-date, and relevant bylaws.
258 Bywaters’ Syndrome

Cross-References The Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare

Organizations (JCAHO) (2005) Manual for hospitals.
WWW.JCAHO.ORG. Accessed 28 Sept 2012
▶ Activity Restrictions The Joint Commission (JCAHO) (2011) Comprehensive
▶ Advanced Practice Provider Care Delivery accreditation manual


Gassiot CA, Searcy V, Giles CW (2007) The medical staff Bywaters’ Syndrome
handbook: fundamentals and beyond. Jones and
Bartlett Publishers, Sudbury
Lang DA, Kadielski M, Liset JR (1995) Managing medi- ▶ Crush Syndrome
cal staff change through by-laws and other strategies. ▶ Crush Syndrome, Anesthetic Management for
American Hospital Publishing Inc., Chicago

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