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Software Requirements



Version 1.0 approved

Prepared by

<Sanket 1600330C203>
<Saunack Puyaslok1600333C203>
<Nirmal Dalmia1600286C203>
<Shivam Agarwal 1600338C203>
<Saksham Gupta1600141C20>


<18th August 2018 >

Software Requirements Specification for <FASHIONISTA> Page |1

Table of Contents
Table of Contents ....................................................................................................................................... 2
Revision History ........................................................................................................................................ 3
1. Introduction............................................................................................................................................ 4
1.1 Purpose ................................................................................................................................................ 4
1.2 Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions ...................................................................................... 4
1.3 Product Scope ...................................................................................................................................... 5
1.4 References............................................................................................................................................ 5
2. Overall Description ................................................................................................................................ 6
2.1 Product Perspective.............................................................................................................................. 6
2.2 Product Functions ................................................................................................................................ 6
2.3 User Classes and Characteristics ......................................................................................................... 6
2.4 Operating Environment........................................................................................................................ 7
2.5 User Documentation ............................................................................................................................ 7
3. External Interface Requirements ........................................................................................................... 7
3.1 User Interfaces ..................................................................................................................................... 7
3.2 Hardware Interfaces ............................................................................................................................. 7
3.3 Software Interfaces .............................................................................................................................. 8
3.4 Communications Interfaces ................................................................................................................. 8
4. System Features ..................................................................................................................................... 8
4.1 System Feature 1.................................................................................................................................. 8
4.2 System Feature 2 (and so on) ............................................................................................................ 8-9
5. Other Non-functional Requirements .................................................................................................... 10
5.1 Performance Requirements ................................................................................................................ 10
5.2 Safety Requirements .......................................................................................................................... 10
5.3 Security Requirements ....................................................................................................................... 10
5.4 Software Quality Attributes ............................................................................................................... 10

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Revision History
Name Date Reason for Changes Version


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1. Introduction- In today’s world everyone wants to take their business online and reach
out to customers all over the globe. Fashionista has the same goal. They plan to start by
targeting the customers within a radius of 20 kms and then gradually keep expanding till
they reach a global level. Fashionista is a fashion store exclusive for Men. To start with they
have a collection of 50 exquisite products.

1.1 Purpose
The web store Fashionista will be focused towards providing users an interface to order
products and make payments online via cards, UPI or Net banking. It also provides the
user with the ability to track the delivery, write feedback/reviews, cancel/return an order
in case it is defective and contact the vendor in case of any other clarification. The ability
to upload new products is given to merchant. The merchant needs to maintain the stocks
and update it from time to time whenever an offline sale takes place and also update the
dispatch and delivery information. The entire web store is focused towards providing
customers with a complete system to order, track, review and pay for the products that
the merchant has to offer.

1.2 Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions

We are making this document by keeping in mind different types of readers. This
document will be useful for different audience in various ways.

Audience Use

Developers They will use this document for guidance for design and
implementation phase.

Managers They will see the constraints all cover properly. Time and cost
is within limits or not.

Marketing Staff They can use this document to make advertisements for this
web store because by reading this document they will know
what the system will do? How this system is different from

User They can ensure themselves by reading the SRS that their
needs are being met in the web store or not.

Documentation Writer They will use this document during the documentation of the
project. It will be really helpful for them.

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1.3 Project Scope
● We will provide the best functionality of Amazon, Flipkart, Myntra, Jabong etc.
● The web store will be available 24 hours a day and 7 days in a week. There will
be partially maintenance for once a week.
● The primary objective is to facilitate the customer and save his time.
● The user will be guided to buy good products through various machine learning
algorithms for personalized suggestions.
● Excellent security for sensitive information like credit card numbers, net banking
details etc., will be provided.
● Contact support facility for further correspondence.
● Multiple payment options like UPI, card payment, net banking.
● The merchant will have the analytics information like how a particular product is
performing, list of top visited products and much more.
● The merchant will have the option to upload new products, manage discounts on
a product and generate promo codes.
● It will be used by anyone looking to buy men’s clothing.
● It is based on web application which can be easily accessed from anywhere and
from any device.

1.4 References
● Vikram Singh, student at Uttar Pradesh Technical University, India, “E-commerce
SRS, Slideshare, 2016.
● SRS for Apni Dukan (an online shopping website) by Zeeshan Mirza, Scribd.

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2. Overall Description

2.1 Product Perspective

The client side has requested an e-commerce website for their pre-established business.
They are having a clothing factory near Dharuhera and Kapriwas. So basically, their
business is all set, but they want to take it to the next level by making it digitalized. It can
be said that it is a follow-on member of a product family and also a replacement for the
certain existing product like the clothes that they are going to sell will be designed to
cater the needs of the audience as per the location.
So, in this, the customer will log-in to the site and select all the styles available and buy
it, then the product description will go to the admin and they will do all the delivery and
customer support as per their own

2.2 Product Functions

So basically, this website will cover everything whatever they have been doing in the
market till now. But here they will have

• a very good user interface and all the items sorted in proper order as per the men’s
• favorites section
• wish list section
• online payment gateway
• compatibility in both phone and laptop
• preference as per users’ previous searches

2.3 User Classes and Characteristics

The user classes that will use this website are
• Teenagers
• Adults
• Also, people above the age of 50 as every kind of material is available
• The frequency of users will be high in the case of teenagers as this class is more into
• Business-oriented companies may also want to select uniforms for their companies
as they can customize the designs.
• Each user class will have different traffic and the sequence will be
teenagers>adults>50+ people.

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2.4 Operating Environment
The software will perform in both windows and iOS platform as this will be a universal
website. And moreover, this will also be compatible in mobile-based systems as an app
will also be made going later into this project.
First, a prototype will be made and then the final website will be made. So this will be
more of a prototype and agile model.

2.5 User Documentation

• The user will be provided with the norms of the products and policies of the
company while buying from the website.
• Customer feedback system will be available with each product.
• Live chat function will be enabled in the website.
• Customer service such as returning the product if the user did not find it beneficial
will be also done from the company side.

3. External Interface Requirements

3.1 User Interfaces-

• Basically, going to provide a user interface through web-based application. It should
have proper screen layout and standard buttons, so that will be easy for user to
navigate through that webpage. It will contain different segments like Men’s wear
(jeans, shirts, socks), payment gateway, search bar, login and sign up portal, offer
zone, shipping, cancellation and returns, FAQ section, return policy, privacy policy,
security policy.

• The pages will be kept light in space so that it won’t take a long time for the page to

• One interface will be for the seller. He will also get option like item name, item
number, total discount that can be offered, information related to warehouses, stock
information, item description.

3.2 Hardware Interfaces-

• User End- Only need a device that have internet connection.

• Company’s End- Will need good hardware components because server hosting will
be done by the company. And storage will be required to maintain database. Cloud
can also be used to do server hosting and for storage.

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3.3 Software Interfaces-
• It must work fine upon all of the web browsers without any kind of failure or problem
and this will be helpful for user to access the web page from any device using any of
the web browsers.

• Firebase is used in background to store different information.

• Programmatic interface, Website order will transmit information of items ordered by

customers to the Inventory management system.

3.4 Communications Interfaces-

• Web browsers are needed as communication interfaces, with the help of web
browsers user can directly interact with web application.

• The protocol that will be used for this web application is https that is more secure
than http. And this is used because online payment gateway will used as an option of
• It will also send a confirmation email to the user that your order is placed and specify
the order no. and tracking no. of that product.
• Merchant will also get an email with the order no. and shipping address.

4. System Features

4.1 Compatibility with all devices and screen sizes

• Description - Responsive design means making your store’s design look great
and function well on every device, no matter what the size.
• Functional Requirement- A device (mobile or pc) with good internet connection.

4.2 Share Buttons

• Description - Social buttons are a great marketing tool for your product pages. These
buttons allow users to post and share your product with their network of friends and
family through Facebook, Twitter and countless social networks.
• Functional Requirement – Must have a mobile based application (social application)
in users’ device.

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4.3 Live Chat
• Description - Live help can help close the sale. Customer questions can be
answered immediately.
• Functional Requirements –
1. Online database: To save the messages
2. Login verification: To know the customer details and to know details of customer
service agent
3. Proper chat Interface

4.4 Security Features

• Description - Online transactions are an integral part of our lives. As such, e-
commerce websites can be a lucrative target for cybercriminals. It’s crucial that
online sellers protect customer information and take steps to ensure privacy.
• Functional Requirements –
1. SSL certificate: establishes secure connectivity between a user and the website.
2. Two-factor authentication: adds an extra layer of security by requiring
username/password and a system-generated code sent via email or text.

4.5 Detailed Shipping Information

• Description - Zip code calculator helps showing delivery cost and It’s also helpful to
calculate delivery time and options for faster delivery.

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5. Other Non-Functional Requirements

5.1 Performance Requirements

• The product is based on web and must be run from a web server.
• The product shall take initial load time depending on internet connection strength
which also depends on the media from which the product is run.
• User must be signed in within 30 seconds or gets timed out.
• If someone makes a new account, he will receive verification email within 4 minutes.
• Search result will be shown in 20 seconds (depending on client’s internet
• Credit cards validation is done within 10 seconds (depending on client’s internet
• About 500 users log in are supported at a time.
• The overall performance of site will also depend upon hardware components of the

5.2 Safety Requirements

• The credentials like user id and passwords are secured.
• The customer details are kept confidential
• We will try our best to make the products safe.
• Anonymous person should not be able to access and operate over the user data.

5.3 Security Requirements

• Web store will validate credit cards against fraud.
• Web store keep the information of the customers and merchants safe.
• Web store obeys all the security laws relating to cyber traffic
• The commission decided between merchant and administrator will not be published

5.4 Software Quality Attributes

• The web store well is easy to use.
• It will be easy to learn how to operate it.
• The web store will show easy to locate buttons and options.
• The web store uses simple English that user cannot confuse with terms.
• The web store should be easy to upgrade

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