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5400 Reconfigurable Switching System

System Description
Software Release 2.0

009-3209-000 - Revision A
December 16, 2011
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5400 Reconfigurable Switching System 009-3209-000 - Revision A

Copyright© 2011 Ciena® Corporation December 16, 2011


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5400 Reconfigurable Switching System 009-3209-000 - Revision A

Copyright© 2011 Ciena® Corporation December 16, 2011
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5400 Reconfigurable Switching System 009-3209-000 - Revision A

Copyright© 2011 Ciena® Corporation December 16, 2011


This manual provides a description of the Ciena® 5400 Reconfigurable Switching System. The 5400
Switch features automated provisioning, self-discovery, and is fully interoperable with the Ciena
CoreDirector® Family of Multiservice Optical Switches. The 5410 Reconfigurable Switching System,
5430 Reconfigurable Switching System, and the CoreDirector Family of Multiservice Optical
Switches comprise the Ciena Intelligent Optical Switching Network.

While every effort has been made to ensure that this document is complete and accurate at the time
of printing, the information that it contains is subject to change. Ciena® is not responsible for any
additions to or alterations of the original document. Networks vary widely in their configurations,
topologies, and traffic conditions. This document is intended as a general guide only. It has not been
tested for all possible applications, and it may not be complete or accurate for some situations.

Trademark Acknowledgements
• CoreDirector® FS Multiservice Optical Switch and CoreDirector® FSCI Multiservice
Optical Switch are registered trademarks of Ciena Corporation.
• ON-Center® Network & Service Management Suite is a registered trademark of Ciena
• CoreDirector Designer™ Software Tool (CDD) is a trademark of Ciena Corporation.
• Windows® NT, Windows® XP, and Windows® 7 are registered trademarks of the Microsoft
• UNIX® is a registered trademark licensed exclusively through X/Open Company, Ltd.
• Microsoft® is either a registered trademark or trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the
United States and/or other countries.
• Sun, Sun Microsystems, JAVA, Java Secure Socket Extension, and JAVAX are
trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the U.S. or other
countries. This product includes code licensed from RSA Data Security.

Intended Audience
This document is intended for customers, certified system installation technicians, test engineers,
technical support technicians, and other personnel responsible for using the 5400 Switch. All 5400
Switch personnel are required to read, understand, and observe the safety precautions described in
the appropriate product manuals.

5400 Reconfigurable Switching System 009-3209-000 - Revision A

Copyright© 2011 Ciena® Corporation December 16, 2011
ii Preface
Trademark Acknowledgements

Release Notes and Document Updates

The hard copy and Compact Disc Read Only Memory (CD-ROM) versions of this document are
revised only at major releases and, therefore, may not always contain the latest product information.
As needed, Software Release Documents (SRDs), Application Notes, Field Service Bulletins
(FSBs), and/or Document Change Packages (DCPs) will be provided between major releases to
describe any new information or document changes.
The latest online version of this document and all release notes can be accessed by way of the Ciena
web site at

Release History
The following information lists the release history of this document.

Issue/Revision Release Date Content Description

009-3209-000 Revision A December 2011 General Availability (GA) First Formal Release

Related Documentation
All Ciena documentation is available in both hard copy and on CD-ROM. The following list provides
a brief description of the related documents. Additional supporting documentation is available
through the Ciena web site at
• 5400 Reconfigurable Switching System System Description Manual (009-3209-000)
• 5400 Reconfigurable Switching System 5430 Switch Hardware Installation Manual
• 5400 Reconfigurable Switching System 5410 Switch Hardware Installation Manual
• 5400 Reconfigurable Switching System Turn-up and Test Manual (009-3209-002)
• 5400 Reconfigurable Switching System Alarm and Trouble Clearing Manual
• 5400 Reconfigurable Switching System Service Manual (009-3209-004)
• 5400 Reconfigurable Switching System Node Manager User Guide (009-3209-005)
• 5400 Reconfigurable Switching System TL1 Command Reference (009-3209-006)
• Ciena Standard Cleaning and Equipment Safety Practices (009-2003-121)
• Ciena Installation Workmanship Standards (009-7B03-000)

Document Ordering Information

To order additional documentation, the user can contact the local sales representative or Ciena
through the contact numbers and/or e-mail addresses listed on the back of the front cover.

Document Comments
Ciena appreciates all comments that will help us to improve our documentation quality. The user can
submit comments through the Ciena web site ( or with the Documentation
Improvement Request form included with this document.

5400 Reconfigurable Switching System 009-3209-000 - Revision A

Copyright© 2011 Ciena® Corporation December 16, 2011
Preface iii
Trademark Acknowledgements

Additional Product Information

Additional product information can be obtained by contacting the local sales representative or Ciena
through the contact numbers and/or e-mail addresses listed on the back of the front cover.

5400 Reconfigurable Switching System 009-3209-000 - Revision A

Copyright© 2011 Ciena® Corporation December 16, 2011
iv Preface
Trademark Acknowledgements


5400 Reconfigurable Switching System 009-3209-000 - Revision A

Copyright© 2011 Ciena® Corporation December 16, 2011
Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i

Table of Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v

CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION TO THE 5400 SWITCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

About the 5400 Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Switching Capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Protection and Restoration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Software Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Operating System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
5400 Switch Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
5400 Switch Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
5400 Switch Software & Hardware Compatibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Software Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Software Architecture Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Control and Timing Module Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Line Module Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

OTN Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Hardware Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
The 5410 Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
The 5430 Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Line/Control and Timing Module Shelves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Switch Module Shelf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
5400 Switch Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Line Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Control and Timing Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Switch Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Hardware Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Data Plane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Timing Plane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Timing References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

5400 Reconfigurable Switching System 009-3209-000 - Revision A

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vi Table of Contents

Timing Reference Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Timing Source . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20
Control Plane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

Resource Naming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
System Shelves and Fan Shelves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
5400 Switch Module Slots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
System Ports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Termination Ports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

CHAPTER 2: 5400 SWITCH BASE SOFTWARE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

Fault Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Notifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Alarm Monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Alarm Severities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30
Alarm Surveillance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Alarm Integration and Decay Times . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Logs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Diagnostics and Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Tandem Connection Monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Circuit Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Loopbacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Test Access Port (TAP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Remote TAP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38
Hardware Diagnostics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Data Plane Fault Isolation (DPFI) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Control Plane Fault Isolation (CPFI) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Timing Plane Fault Isolation (TPFI) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Hold in Reset (HIR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
ACO/Alarm Connector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

Configuration/Inventory Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Equipment Inventory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Control Timing Module (CTM) Branding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
How CTM Branding Works . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Cross Connect Provisioning and Connection Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
End Points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
DCC/GCC Transparency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

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Table of Contents vii

Protection Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
1+1 Protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
1:N Protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Linear Protection Switching Capabilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Virtual Line Switched Ring (VLSR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
VLSR Capabilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Four Fiber Bidirectional Line Switched Ring/Four Fiber - MS-SPRING Protection . . . . . . . . 50
BLSR Capabilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Flexible Cross Connects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Arbitrary SNCP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
A-SNCP Over APS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Network Synchronization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Line Timing with SSM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Synchronization Status Message Translations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Management Gateway Network Element . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
SONET/SDH IP over DCC and OTN IPoGCC with GNE support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
OTN IPoGCC with GNE Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) Over DCC/GCC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
OTU2 Auto-Discovery With The 4200 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66

Account and Security Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67

Security Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
HTTPS - Secure File Transfer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69

Performance Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Performance Monitoring (PM) Scalability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Thresholds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Statistics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Real-time and Historical Statistics Collection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
OTN Section Monitor/Tandem Connection Monitor/Path Monitor Layer Statistics . . . . . 70
SONET/SDH Physical/Section/Line Layer, and Path Statistics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71

Software Image and Version Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73

Backup and Restore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Software Upgrade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Data Communications Network Access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74

CHAPTER 3: 5400 SWITCH MESH SOFTWARE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75

Fault Management - SNC Diagnostics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75

Configuration/Inventory Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76

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OSRP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
Link Aggregation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .76
Constraint-Based Routing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
Network (Topology) Autodiscovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
End-to-End Provisioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Reversion and Reversion Timer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
Max Delay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
Max Admin Weight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
Manual Switch and Regroom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
Retry Policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
Multiple Protection Bundle ID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
Hooks for Global Optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
OSRP Administration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
OSRP Interfaces and Communication Channels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
Homogeneous Out of Band OSRP (OOB OSRP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
SONET/SDH Virtual Channel Homogeneous OOB OSRP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
FastMesh Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
Unique FastMesh Capabilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
Efficiency and Speed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
Reversion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
Bandwidth Pre-allocation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
NE Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
Subnetwork Connection Protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
UPSR/SNCP Capabilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
UPSR/SNCP Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
UPSR/SNCP Automatic Switching Criteria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
Facility Criteria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
Equipment Criteria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
Simple Hubbing Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
UPSR/SNCP Port to a Non-UPSR/SNCP Port (Add/Drop Port) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
UPSR/SNCP Port to Another UPSR/SNCP Port on the Same Ring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
UPSR/SNCP Port to Another UPSR/SNCP Port on a Different Ring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
UPSR/SNCP Port to an APS 1+1 Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
Auto Cross Connects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95

Performance Management - Path Level Options

(Drop Side) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95

5400 Reconfigurable Switching System 009-3209-000 - Revision A

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CHAPTER 4: THE 5400 SWITCH RACK AND CHASSIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97

Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97

5430 Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
5430 Switch Shelves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
5430 Switch Fan Tray Shelves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
5430 Switch Line/Control and Timing Module Shelves (A and C) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
5430 Switch Switch Module (SM) Shelf B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
5430 Switch PDU Shelf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
5430 Switch Power Distribution Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
Controls and Indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
Power Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
Display Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
Controls and Indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
5430 Switch Connectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
Fan Tray Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
Input/Output Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
5430 Switch I/O Connectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
CTM Alarm and Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
Backplane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112

5410 Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112

5410 Switch Shelves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
5410 Switch Fan Tray Shelf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
5410 Switch Equipment Shelf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
5410 Switch PDU Shelf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
5410 Switch Power Distribution Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
5410 Switch Controls and Indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
5410 Switch Power Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
5410 Switch Display Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
5410 Switch Connectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
Fan Tray Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
5410 Switch Input/Output Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
I/O Connectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
Backplane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121

System Interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122

Optical Interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
Ethernet Interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
Craft Interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122

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CLEI Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122

CHAPTER 5: 5400 SWITCH HARDWARE MODULES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123

Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123

Module LED Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123

Basic Module States Pattern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
Module Boot Sequence Pattern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124

Line Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125

Line Module Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
Line Module Status Indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
OSLM-3 Line Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
OSLM-3M Line Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
OSLM-12 Line Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
OSLM-48 Line Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
TSLM-3 Line Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .135
TSLM-12 Line Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
TSLM-48 Line Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
SSLM-12 Line Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
SSLM-48 Line Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145

SFPs, XFPs, and CFPs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146

Switch Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149

Control and Timing Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151

5410 Switch CTM Controls and Indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
5430 Switch CTM Controls and Indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
CTM Control Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .156
CTM Timing Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
Station Clocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .158
5400 Switch Console . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .158

LM, SM, and CTM Blanks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159

CHAPTER 6: ORDERING GUIDE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161

Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161

Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
Loyalty Feature Upgrade Software Packages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162
Maintenance Upgrade Software Package . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163

5400 Reconfigurable Switching System 009-3209-000 - Revision A

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Hardware Parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163

Illustrations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179

APPENDIX A: STANDARDS AND COMPLIANCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197

Health and Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197

Compliance Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197

Part 15 of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC): Interference . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197
Industry Canada Notice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .198
VCCI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198
EN55022 Class A Notice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Laser Safety Warning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198
Class 1 Laser Product Notice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198
Environmental Impact Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
Restricted Access Location . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
Bonding, Grounding, and Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
Toxic Emissions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
Telcordia Document Standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199

Safety Information and Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199

Voltage Precaution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
Dual Connection Energy Level Hazard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201
Lift Precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201
General Static Electricity Precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202
Optical Fiber Handling Precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202
Fiber Break and Damaged Fiber Precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
Precautions for Handling and Storing Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203

APPENDIX B: SPECIFICATIONS AND STANDARDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205

Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205

System Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205

Module Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212

SFP/XFP/CFP Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213

B-700-1036-00x OPT-SR1 Transceiver Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214
B-730-0001-00x OPT-IR1 Transceiver Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215
160-9011-90x OPT-LR-1 Transceiver Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215
160-9012-90x OPT-LR-2 Multirate Transceiver Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216
B-700-1016-001 GigE 1000Base-SX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217

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xii Table of Contents

B-700-1016-002 GigE 1000Base-LX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217

162-0093-900 GigE 1000Base-ZX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217
B-730-0004-001 GigE - ELT-BT, Electrical 10/100/1000Base-T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218
130-4904-900 XFP-OPT-SR Transceiver Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218
130-4905-90x XFP-EXT-LR Transceiver Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219
130-4906-90x XFP-EXT-ER Transceiver Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219
130-4907-90x XFP-EXT-UR Transceiver Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220
160-9002-900 C-Band Tunable Transceiver Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220
NTTA12BAE6 40G CFP Parallel Transceiver Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221
NTTA13EEE6 40G CFP Serial Transceiver Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222

5400 Switch Standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224

Telcordia-SONET - R1.0 and Later . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224
ITU-SDH - R1.0 and Later . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224
ITU-OTN - R1.1 and Later . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225
Management - R1.0 and Later . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225
OIF-E-NNI-Sig-02.0 - R2.1 and Later . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225
LM Standards & Regulatory Compliance- R1.0 and Later . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225
1.1 European/International Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225
1.2 Telcordia Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225
1.3 Customer Specific Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225
1.4 FCC Part 15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225
1.5 Safety Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225
1.6 Related Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226
Hardware Standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .226

GLOSSARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229

Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229

Acronyms and Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229

Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247

INDEX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265

5400 Reconfigurable Switching System 009-3209-000 - Revision A

Copyright© 2011 Ciena® Corporation December 16, 2011
Chapter 1:
Introduction to the 5400 Switch

This chapter provides overview information about the Ciena® 5400 Reconfigurable Switching
System, hereafter referred to as the 5400 Switch.
The 5400 Switch features automated provisioning, self-discovery, and is fully interoperable with the
Ciena CoreDirector® Family of Multiservice Optical Switches. The 5410 Reconfigurable Switching
System, 5430 Reconfigurable Switching System, and the CoreDirector Family of Multiservice
Optical Switches comprise the Ciena Intelligent Optical Switching Network.
The CoreDirector Family of Multiservice Switches are hereinafter referred to collectively as
CoreDirector Switch. Unless otherwise specified, references to a 5400 Switch within this document
refer to interconnected network of 5410 Switches and 5430 Switches.
This chapter contains the following sections:
• About the 5400 Switch on Page 1
• Software Overview on Page 5
• Software Architecture on Page 7
• OTN Support on Page 10
• Hardware Overview on Page 11
• Hardware Architecture on Page 16
• Resource Naming on Page 22

About the 5400 Switch

The 5400 Switch delivers a wide range of optical OTN, SONET/SDH, and Ethernet services
combined with a wide variety of protection capabilities. The 5400 Switch consists of intelligent
Optical-Electrical-Optical (OEO) switches with a state of the art control plane equipped with a three
stage, non-blocking, uni- and/or bidirectional switching fabric capable of switching at the ODU0 to
ODU3, STS1/VC-3, and packet level from any input port to any other output port.
The 5400 Switch supports OTU1, OTU2, OTU3, OC-3/STM-1, OC-12/STM-4, OC-48/STM-16, OC-
192/STM-64, OC-768/STM-256, GbE, and 10GbE interfaces to provide up to 3.6 Tbps of switching
capacity in the 5430 Switch and up to 1.2 Tbps switching capacity in the 5410 Switch using a
combination of:
5410 Switch (Figure 1-1):
• up to 30 40G optical interfaces (10 line modules with three 40G ports per line module)
• up to 12010G optical interfaces (10 line modules with 12 10G ports per line module)
• up to 480 2.5G optical interfaces (10 line modules with 48 2.5G ports per line module)

5400 Reconfigurable Switching System 009-3209-000 - Revision A

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2 Chapter 1 - Introduction to the 5400 Switch
About the 5400 Switch

5430 Switch (Figure 1-2):

• up to 90 40G optical interfaces (30 line modules with three 40G ports per line module)
• up to 360 10G optical interfaces (30 line modules with 12 10G ports per line module)
• up to 1440 2.5G optical interfaces (30 line modules with 48 2.5G ports per line module)

Figure 1-1. 5410 Reconfigurable Switching System

5400 Reconfigurable Switching System 009-3209-000 - Revision A

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Chapter 1 - Introduction to the 5400 Switch 3
About the 5400 Switch

Figure 1-2. 5430 Reconfigurable Switching System

Until smaller diameter fibers are commercially available, engineering guidelines recommend
installing up to four 48 port line modules (LMs) in each LM section:
• 5410 Switch: A-1 - A-5; A-6 - A-10
• 5430 Switch: A-1 - A-7; A-8 - A-15; C-1 - C-7; and C-8 - C-15
The networking intelligence embedded in each 5410 Switch, 5430 Switch, and CoreDirector Switch
enables scalable and real-time, end-to-end provisioning and autodiscovery of network connectivity
and topology. The 5400 Switch software also includes protection and restoration capabilities that
combine the power of point-to-point SNCP protection with the efficiencies and speed of end-to-end
connection-level mesh restoration. The scalability, flexibility, and advanced networking capabilities
of the 5400 Switch dramatically reduce costs associated with deploying, operating, and scaling
optical networks.

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4 Chapter 1 - Introduction to the 5400 Switch
About the 5400 Switch

Switching Capacity
The 5400 Switch handles Optical Transport Network (OTN), Synchronous Optical Network
(SONET), Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH), and packet traffic. Table 1-1 shows switching
capacity characteristics of the 5410 Switch and 5430 Switch.

Table 1-1. 5400 Switch Switching Capacity

5410 Switch 5430 Switch
Capacity Capacity

Total bandwidth of nonblocking, multiservice cross connects 1.2 Tbps 3.6 Tbps
Total available circuits (ODU0, STS1/VC-3) between ports in 11520 34560
a fully configured system

The 5410 Switch supports all the SONET/SDH and OTN capabilities as they exist on 5430 Switch
platform. These capabilities include provisioning, fault management, performance management and
protection applications. The 5410 Switch is the medium chassis version of the 5400 family. The 5410
Switch supports all the line modules that are supported on 5430.

The 5410 Switch and 5430 Switch can be managed on site or from a central site through fully
redundant DCN interface based on 10/100Mbps Ethernet. The 5400 Switch commands and
responses, network alarm messages, and other management communication can be integrated into
network administration software. A northbound TL1/TCP/IP interface from the 5410 Switch and 5430
Switchallows seamless integration with Telcordia operational support systems, Ciena ON-Center®
Network & Service Management Suite, Ciena Node Manager, TMF814, CLI (node commissioning)
as well as other operational support systems that require direct Transaction Language One (TL1)
interface to network elements.

Protection and Restoration

Protection and restoration features in the 5400 Switch include linear protection switching, connection
level path protection (SNCP), and mesh restoration. These features rapidly restore protected traffic
in the event of a fiber cut or equipment failure within a customer’s fiber optic transmission system.
Restoration is achieved by means of automatic rerouting of traffic over the 5400 Switch network.
Thus, carriers have several options for protecting and restoring traffic across a 5400 Switch. The
5400 Switch supports a simultaneous mix of linear line protection, path level protection, and
connection-level mesh protection on a single platform. Redundant components and paths ensure
that no single failure of any of the common equipment modules in the 5400 Switch results in a traffic
outage. Specific protection and restoration mechanisms are described in later chapters.

5400 Reconfigurable Switching System 009-3209-000 - Revision A

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Chapter 1 - Introduction to the 5400 Switch 5
Software Overview

Software Overview
This section summarizes the features of the operating system software for the 5400 Switch.

Operating System
The 5400 Switch embedded operating software contains all the features and functionality necessary
for the 5410 Switch and 5430 Switch to be used in a variety of network applications. The 5400 Switch
provides the flexibility to support a wide range of network applications by offering multiple protection
and restoration schemes, as well as intelligent, end-to-end service provisioning across multiple
bandwidth sizes, ranging from ODU0 to ODU3 or STS-1/VC-3 to STS-768c/VC-4-256c.
The 5400 Switch software capabilities are available through Base Software Packages (Figure 1-3)
with an optional suite of Intelligent Optical Services software offerings for mesh networks. Only one
type of base package can be ordered for a given system. A Right To Use (RTU) fee is assessed on
a port basis for the use of the software capabilities supported by the base packages, and the
intelligent optical service offerings which are charged for all ports in the system regardless of use.

Figure 1-3. 5400 Switch OTN and SONET/SDH Software Packaging

Base License (per port ) Base Licenses Base Mesh License (per port)

 Latency Routing
 XCON  Security  Base Lic. Features
 Admin Weight Routing
 APS /SNCP  Auto- Discovery Or  Restoration
 Multicast  DTL & Auto Routing

Upgrade Mesh License (per port )

 Restoration  Admin Weight Routing

 Latency Routing  LSMR
 DTL & Auto Routing  MR-SNCP

The base packages include the following:

• The 5400 Switch Base RTU. Allows use of all 5400 Switch standard features including cross
connect and protection capabilities with the exception of mesh functionality and advanced
features for mesh networking.
• The 5400 Switch Base Mesh RTU. Allows use of all the standard features from the 5400 Switch
Base RTU plus base mesh networking capabilities.
There is also an upgrade package that upgrades the 5400 Switch Base RTU to the 5400 Switch
Base Mesh RTU.
• The 5400 Switch Base RTU to Base Mesh RTU Upgrade.
The 5410 Switch and 5430 Switch are delivered with the embedded software. Software upgrades
and the addition of optional features can be performed later in the field by the craftsperson. Details
of the RTU fees for the infrastructure packages and the intelligent optical services offerings are
shown in Figure 1-3 and provided in Chapter 6, Ordering Guide. Information about upgrade and
maintenance software packages is available from the Ciena Account Manager.

5400 Reconfigurable Switching System 009-3209-000 - Revision A

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6 Chapter 1 - Introduction to the 5400 Switch
Software Overview

5400 Switch Features

The 5400 Switch Base Software enables basic optical cross connect capabilities for simple
wavelength switching, automated patch panel applications and basic protection capability. This base
package provides the following basic capabilities and is charged on a per port basis:
• OTN Operations, Administration, Maintenance, and Provisioning (OAM&P)
• Transparent SONET/SDH transport across a G.709 OTN network
• Transparent 1GbE and 10 GbE transport across a G.709 OTN network
• SONET and SDH Operations, Administration, Maintenance, and Provisioning (OAM&P)
• Timing and synchronization
• Node Manager Graphical User Interface (GUI)
• Transaction Language One (TL1) Management
• Fault Isolation
• Control Plane (CPFI)
• Data Plane (DPFI)
• Timing Plane Fault Isolation (TPFI)
• Data Communications Network (DCN) access management
• Audit logs
• Circuit diagnostic test capabilities
The 5400 Switch Base Mesh Software includes the base functionality stated above plus the following
optical switching and mesh protection capabilities and is charged on a per port basis:
• Optical Signal and Routing Protocol (OSRP) functionality
• Point-and click auto-provisioning
• Automatic route computation
• Routing based on either Administrative weights or Latency
• Network (topology) autodiscovery
• OTN and SONET/SDH Link aggregation for large network scalability
• Mesh protection
• Protection service classes
• Multiple protection bundle IDs
• DTL routing
• Auto routing
• Local span mesh restoration (LSMR)
• Mesh restore-SNCP (MR-SNCP)
• Tandem Connection Monitoring (TCM) and switching criteria for OTN connections

5400 Switch Management

The ON-Center® Network & Service Management Suite offers the following features:
• Telcordia/ITU standard-compliant management, operation, and control
• Telecommunications Management Network (TMN) layered architectural approach
• Open, well-defined Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) flow-through
integration Interface Definition Language (IDL) north bound interface
• Distributable, scalable management applications that simplify network administration, such as:

5400 Reconfigurable Switching System 009-3209-000 - Revision A

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Chapter 1 - Introduction to the 5400 Switch 7
Software Architecture

• 5400 Switch Node Manager Software

• TL1
• CoreDirector Designer™ Software Tool (CDD)

5400 Switch Software & Hardware Compatibility

System configuration and hardware requirements for the 5400 Switch software are described in the
5400 Switch Software Release 2.0 Software Release Document (SRD).

Software Architecture
Figure 1-4 shows the logical software architecture for the 5400 Switch.

Figure 1-4. 5400 Switch Logical Software Architecture

Node Manager ON-Center CDD

TL1 CORBA Routing Signaling

Equipment SNC Call Processing

SDH Ethernet Timing

Switch Control Protection

System Integrity Persistent Storage

The 5400 Switch operating software consists of the following functional blocks:
• Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) - Provides the software interface to the
element management. CORBA supports all external clients, including the TL1 agent and
ON-Center Suite.

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8 Chapter 1 - Introduction to the 5400 Switch
Software Architecture

• Equipment management - Automatically discovers all 5410 Switch and 5430 Switch inventory
and provides the associated state information.
• Element management - Provides access to and from external software clients through the
Ethernet and serial ports. Reports events, alarms, and logging to the external clients, as well as
handling configuration management activities.
• Subnetwork Connection (SNC) - Controls automated provisioning of end-to-end connections;
reroutes and tracks working and protection connections for each connection originated.
• Call processing - Manages circuits traversing the 5400 Switch and performs the following 5400
Switch-specific circuit procedures:
• Creates endpoints and cross connects
• Sets up active connections
• Releases connections
• Commits and de-commits connections
• Routing - Discovers network (5400 Switch and CoreDirector Switch) topology, disseminates
network topology information, and computes the shortest path route of a connection through
the 5400 Switch network.
• Signaling - Provides the ability to establish point-to-point connection requests across a network
of 5410 Switches, 5430 Switches, and CoreDirector Switches.
• Facility interfaces - Handles the configuration, fault, and performance monitoring of the facility
lines and trunks in the 5410 Switch and 5430 Switch.
• Timing - Handles the timing reference configuration and automatic reference selection used
throughout the 5400 Switch.
• Cross connect control - Creates and removes port-to-port cross connects and logical
connections, rebuilds connections in case of a control and timing module (CTM) reset or switch
to standby.
• Protection - Provides protection switching control for both external events and internal 5410
Switch and 5430 Switch faults (module faults in a switch module or line module).
• Switch control - Provides basic switch control by controlling the switching fabric hardware. Sets
up and tears down cross connections or switches over a group of connections from one line to
another line during protection events, and is responsible for responding to switch module
• System integrity - Detects failures and causes a failover switch to the secondary or standby
equipment when the primary equipment fails. Announces failover switches and node-down
• Intraswitch communications - Provides interprocessor communications for the 5410 Switch and
5430 Switch.
• Persistent storage - Contains the necessary information needed to support recovery of
established connections in the event of a CTM switchover or system initialization. After a
switchover occurs, each subsystem retrieves relevant information from the synchronized
primary and secondary persistent storage. Data is maintained real time between CTMs.

Software Architecture Implementation

The 5400 Switch system software exists as a collection of functional blocks distributed throughout
the system. The following section describes the overall software system with respect to the natural
physical boundaries of the blocks (that is, the processors on which they run and their interfaces with
the outside world and among themselves). Figure 1-5 shows a system view of the software

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Chapter 1 - Introduction to the 5400 Switch 9
Software Architecture

Control and Timing Module Software

The CTM is responsible for 5400 Switch control and timing from the point of view of the outside
world. The control processor on the CTM runs element management code, signaling and routing,
equipment management, the persistence service, intraswitch communication, linear protection
switching coordinator, switch control, timing control, and system integrity code. The CTM also
contains a Stratum 3E level clock source and associated software.
The element management code includes a CORBA Object Request Broker (ORB) and TL1 agent.
Each 5410 Switch and 5430 Switch has two CTMs; operationally, one is primary and the second
operates in a warmstandby mode. From a timing prospective, both CTMs are active.

Figure 1-5. 5400 Switch Software Architecture Implementation

CTM (secondary) CTM (primary)

Control Functions: Control Functions:
Call Processing
Switch & XCON Control CORBA
Timing Control
System System
Integrity Integrity

Optical I/F Optical I/F Optical I/F Optical I/F
Switch I/F System Switch I/F System Switch I/F System Switch I/F System
Integrity Integrity Integrity Integrity


Line Module Software

The line module software runs OTN, SONET/SDH, and Ethernet interface code and system integrity
code, is responsible for the lower levels of the OTN General Communications Channel (GCC) and
SONET/SDH Digital Communications Channel (DCC), and controls modules and switch

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10 Chapter 1 - Introduction to the 5400 Switch
OTN Support

OTN Support
Starting with Release 2.0, the 5400 Switch supports Optical Transport Network (OTN) switching, as
defined by G.709, for transparently mapping clients into OTN containers, common end-to-end
management regardless of client type, and more efficient bandwidth utilization within the network.
Along with standard G.709 based mapping and multiplexing capabilities, 2.0 also supports OTN
Subnetwork Connections (SNCs), which leverage Ciena's long history of control plane leadership
and experience. This capability enables the user to create, manage, and protect ODUk/j SNCs from
either TSLM and/or OSLM line modules within a Ciena control plane enabled network (5400 Switch
and/or CoreDirector Switch).
OTN SNCs operate very similarly to traditional SONET/SDH SNCs: SONET/SDH SNCs originate
from STS-Xc/VC-Xc based Connection Termination Points (CTPs) and are routed over the network
via 5400's standard's compliant routing and signaling protocol. With the creation of OTN services,
SNCs are now able to originate and terminate on ODUk/j CTPs. ODU0 through ODU3 SNCs are
An OTN SNC can originate on an OTN, SONET/SDH, or Ethernet interface. For OTUk client
interfaces, the ODUk/j timeslots correlate to a similar entity as a SONET/ SDH STS-Xc timeslot. For
a SONET, SDH, or Ethernet client interface, the entire client is transparently mapped into ODUk/j
allowing for a true end-to-end reliable and transparent service. A SONET or SDH client interface is
mapped transparently into an OPU1 (OC48/STM16) or OPU2 (OC192/STM64), while an Ethernet
client is mapped into an OPU0(GbE) or OPU2 (10GbE).
The OTN SNCs use a standard's compliant G.ASON/GMPLS control plane, the same control plane
used by SONET/SDH SNCs, but operating as a separate instance. OTN links use the OTN GCC
overhead to transport control plane messages and SONET/SDH lines use the SONET/SDH DCC
overhead. These two independent instances can coexist within the same node as well as within the
same network operating independently as two distinct layers. SONET/SDH is supported together
with OTN in Release 2.0.
Because there are multiple layers in the OTN hierarchy, there are three separate communications
channels which can be used: GCC0 on the OTU and GCC1 or GCC2 on the ODU. Depending on
the configuration the user may choose to run OSRP over the GCC0, GCC1, GCC2 or a combined
GCC1/GCC2 channel. OTN links advertise the number of ODU3/2/1/0 supported on the line.
SONET/SDH links advertise bandwidth in terms of the number of STS-1/VC-3 timeslots available.
A given OTN interface may support both SONET/SDH and OTN connections, but the SONET
portion of that bandwidth must be allocated by the user and is not determined by the control plane.
An OTN SNC which carries SONET/SDH is OTN bandwidth. Likewise there is no need to define the
SONET/SDH bandwidth on intermediate nodes – only at the originating and termination points.
The flexible nature of the architecture allows a given port to be provisioned to support one of the
following interfaces:
• Optical Transport Unit (OTU) - When provisioned in this mode 40G ports operate as OTU3
interfaces and 10G ports operate as OTU2 interfaces. The 5400 multiplexes and de-
multiplexes the underlying ODU2 and/or ODU1 and/or ODU0 lambda units and cross connects
those ODUk/js directly. The following services can be carried transparently within the OTN
• Gigabit Ethernet (GbE)
• OC-48/STM-16 (Transparent or CBR mode)
• 10GbE LAN PHY (10GbE)
• OC-192/STM-64 (Transparent or CBR mode)

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Chapter 1 - Introduction to the 5400 Switch 11
Hardware Overview

• Transparent SONET/SDH - SONET/SDH ports accept the following: OC-48/STM-16 on the

TSLM-48 or OSLM-48, and OC-192/STM-64 on the TSLM-12 or OSLM-12. When provisioned
in SONET/SDH mode the port frames the incoming SONET/SDH signals and can report
SONET/SDH based alarms and performance monitoring information.
• CBR (Constant Bit Rate) - CBR ports accept the following: 2.5G CBR on the TSLM-48 or
OSLM-48, and 10G CBR on the TSLM-12 or OSLM-12. CBR ports do not attempt to frame the
incoming signal nor discover the underlying protocol. They instead transparently map in a bit-
for-bit fashion every incoming bit into the underlying ODUk payload.
• Ethernet - Ethernet ports accept the following: GbE on the TSLM-48 or OSLM-48, and 10GbE
on the TSLM-12 or OSLM-12. GbE ports are transparently mapped into an ODU0 container
using a Generic Mapping Procedure (GMP) combined with a Timing Transparent Transcoding
(TTT) as specified by G.709 and G.7041. 10GbE ports are mapped into an ODU2 container
using a GFP-F procedure with options for G.709 / G.7041 payload and payload + preamble +
ordered sets modes of operation.

Hardware Overview
This section provides an overview of the physical components in the 5410 Switch and the 5430
Switch. Chapter 4, The 5400 Switch Rack and Chassis on Page 97 provides detailed descriptions
of the 5410 Switch rack and chassis and the 5430 Switch rack and chassis. Chapter 5, 5400 Switch
Hardware Modules on Page 123 provides detailed descriptions of the available system modules
for both the 5410 Switch and the 5430 Switch.

The 5410 Switch

The 5410 Switch (Figure 1-7) chassis is 22 rack units (RU) and is rack mountable in 19” racks, 23”
racks, or ETSI racks. The system includes:
• Ten slots for line modules (40G LM-3s, 10G LM-12s, or 2.5G LM-48s) with 120 Gigabit per slot
• Two slots for control and timing modules (CTMs) with 1+1 redundancy
• Four slots for switch modules (SMs) with 3+1 redundancy
• Two load sharing power distribution units (PDUs) with 1+1 redundancy
• Four fan trays
• One system input/output (I/O) module, for alarms, BITS interface, and timing
• Two rear 48vdc power distribution units (PDUs)
The fan shelf is located at the top of the rack and holds four individually hot swappable fan tray
assemblies. The fans pull air in through the bottom of the chassis through a filter to provide forced
airflow from the front-bottom of the chassis through the module shelf, then exhaust the warm air out
through top vent at the rear of the chassis.
A fully populated 5410 Switch contains ten line modules, two control and timing modules, and four
switch modules.
• Line Modules on Page 125 provides more information about the line modules.
• Control and Timing Modules on Page 151 provides more information about the CTMs.
• Switch Module on Page 149 provides more information about the switch modules.

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12 Chapter 1 - Introduction to the 5400 Switch
Hardware Overview

Figure 1-6. The 5410 Switch

The 5430 Switch

The 5430 Switch is contained in a standard 7-foot (2134 mm) rack (Figure 1-7). The rack/chassis
• Two shelves for LMs and CTMs
• One shelf for SMs
• One shelf for Power Distribution Unit (PDU)
• Display Panel
• Two fan shelves each with five fan tray assemblies
• Input/Output (I/O) panel, either T1 or E1
The display panel and PDU shelf are located at the top of the rack. The top fan shelf is directly
beneath the PDU. The bottom fan shelf is at the bottom of the rack. Each fan shelf holds five
individually hot swappable fan tray assemblies. The fans pull air in through the SM Shelf door and

5400 Reconfigurable Switching System 009-3209-000 - Revision A

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Chapter 1 - Introduction to the 5400 Switch 13
Hardware Overview

filter to provide forced airflow from the front-center of the rack through the shelves, then exhaust the
warm air out through top and bottom vents at the rear of the rack/chassis. Two line module shelves
and one switch module shelf are located between the fan shelves and interface a common
backplane. The I/O module is located on the side of the rack/chassis and accessed at the rear of the
A fully populated 5430 Switch contains 30 line modules, 2 control and timing modules, and 9 switch

Line/Control and Timing Module Shelves

Each Line/CTM shelf (Shelves A and C; as described in System Shelves and Fan Shelves on
Page 22) contains 15 slots for line modules and 1 slot for a CTM. Line Modules on Page 125
provides more information about the line modules. Control and Timing Modules on Page 151
provides more information about the CTMs.

Switch Module Shelf

The switch module shelf (shelf B; as described in System Shelves and Fan Shelves on Page 22)
is located between the upper and lower line module shelves. This shelf contains nine dedicated slots
for switch modules (SMs). The SM shelf door contains the air filter. Switch Module on Page 149
provides more information about the switch modules.

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14 Chapter 1 - Introduction to the 5400 Switch
Hardware Overview

Figure 1-7. 5430 Switch

PDU Shelf
Display Panel

Fan Shelf

Shelf A
Line Module/
CTM Shelf

Shelf B I/O Module

Switch Module

Shelf C
Line Module/
CTM Shelf

Fan Shelf

Front View Rear View 5430-09076

5400 Switch Modules

The 5400 Switch contains the following types of modules:
• Line Modules on Page 15
• Line Module SFP/XFP/CFP Transceivers on Page 15
• Control and Timing Modules on Page 16
• Switch Modules on Page 16

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Chapter 1 - Introduction to the 5400 Switch 15
Hardware Overview

Line Modules
LMs are located in the 5410 Switch service shelf A and 5430 Switch service shelves (A and C). The
5410 Switch shelf A holds any mix of up to 10 LMs. Each 5430 Switch shelf holds any mix of up to
15 LMs- OTN Services LMs (OSLMs) or TDM Services LMs (TSLMs).The 5400 Switch LMs provide
bidirectional ports through replaceable transceivers.
• OSLM-3 line module - Supports up to three 40G optical ports for OTN services only.
• 1x40G_OTN_PT21
• OSLM-3M line module - Supports up to three 40G optical ports for OTN services only.
• 1x40G_OTN_PT21
• OSLM-12 line module - Supports up to 12 10G optical ports for OTN services only.
• 1x10GbE
• 1x10G_CBR
• 1x10G_OTN
• OSLM-48 line module - Supports up to 48 2.5G optical ports for OTN services only.
• 4x250M_CBR
• 4x1GbE
• TSLM-12 line module - Supports up to 12 10G optical ports for OTN and SONET/SDH
• 1x10GbE
• 1x10G_CBR
• 1x10G_OTN
• TSLM-48 line module - Supports up to 48 2.5G optical ports for OTN and SONET/SDH
• 4x250M_SONET_SDH
• 4x1 GbE
• 4x250M_CBR
• SSLM-12 line modules - Supports up to twelve 10G optical ports.
• SSLM-48 line modules - Supports up to 48 2.5G optical ports.
• 4x250M_CBR
• 4x1GbE
• 4x250M_SONET_SDH
Line Modules on Page 125 provides more information about the line modules.

Line Module SFP/XFP/CFP Transceivers

SFPs, XFPs, and CFPs on Page 146 and Chapter 6, Ordering Guide provide information about
the transceivers.

5400 Reconfigurable Switching System 009-3209-000 - Revision A

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16 Chapter 1 - Introduction to the 5400 Switch
Hardware Architecture

Control and Timing Modules

Two control and timing modules (CTMs) are installed in the 5410 Switch and 5430 Switch to serve
as the central system controllers and to perform the network timing and switch fabric synchronization
functions for the system, while managing the overall Operations, Administration, Maintenance and
Provisioning (OAMP) of the system.
Each CTM contains a Stratum 3E clock whose output is used to distribute reference to all LMs. The
reference for the CTM clock can be any optical input or a Building Integrated Timing Source (BITS)
input. In the absence of a qualified input, the clock can operate in the freerun mode. Both CTM cards
can provide timing independently to each of the 5400 Switch modules regardless of the primary/
secondary designation.
From the control plane perspective, only one CTM is active (primary) at any given time; the other
CTM (secondary) is in warm standby mode to be used if a failure occurs in the active (primary) CTM.
The CTM communicates to the other modules over a redundant internal Ethernet LAN (redundant
PCIe for SMs) and can communicate with the management system over an external Ethernet
connection. The CTMs also provide dedicated status lines. The CTM supports a single management
address that can be logically connected to either CTM depending upon CTM state (primary or
Flash memory on each CTM provides persistent (nonvolatile) storage for all configuration data.
Control and Timing Modules on Page 151 provides more information about the CTMs.

Switch Modules
The 5410 Switch uses a 1:4 protected switch module configuration and the 5430 Switch uses a 1:8
protected switch module configuration. The switch modules provide the central part of the system
switching fabric. (The other part of the switching fabric is on the LMs.) Each switch module has paths
to all LMs. On the 5410 Switch, the switch modules are installed in the center of the shelf, below the
CTMs. In the 5430 Switch, the switch modules are installed in a chassis-wide shelf between the LM
Switch Module on Page 149 provides more information about the switch modules.

Hardware Architecture
The 5400 Switch is an Optical-Electrical-Optical (OEO) switch with a state of the art data plane,
timing plane, and control plane.
As shown on the left and right sides of Figure 1-8, traffic enters and leaves the 5400 Switch data
plane by way of fixed or replaceable optics mounted on LMs after passing through the central switch
fabric. All LMs perform front-end OTN/SONET/SDH/Ethernet functions, such as framing, alarms
detection, and performance monitoring.
The 5400 Switch CTMs (top and bottom of Figure 1-8) are responsible for timing plane and control
plane functions.

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Chapter 1 - Introduction to the 5400 Switch 17
Hardware Architecture

Figure 1-8. High-Level Hardware Architecture

A-CTM TimingFunction
A-CTM Timing Function
Port 1 Port 1

Port 2 C-CTM TimingFunction

C-CTM Timing Function Port 2

Line Module Ingress

Line Module Egress

Port 3 Port 3

Module 1
Port... Port...
Switch Module ...
Switch Module ...
Port... Port...
Switch Module 9

Port... Port...

Port... A-CTM
CTM 1Control
Control Function
Function Port...

Port X Port X
CTM 2Control
Control Function


Figure 1-9 shows the three logical planes in the 5400 Switch hardware architecture.

Figure 1-9. 5400 Switch Hardware Logical Planes


Input Output
SDH, Ethernet Data Processing SDH, Ethernet
Processing Processing
Inputs Outputs


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18 Chapter 1 - Introduction to the 5400 Switch
Hardware Architecture

Data Plane
The 5400 Switch data plane is a three stage, non-blocking, uni- and/or bidirectional switching fabric
capable of switching from any input port to any other output port. The data plane carries OTN,
SONET/SDH, and Ethernet line and path layer entities from input port to output port. The 5400
Switch supports both non-concatenated and concatenated payloads.
The switch fabric uses ODU packets for OTN and Transport Bandwidth Unit (TBU) of approximately
52.56 megabits per second (Mb/s). Each TBU corresponds to a clear-channel bandwidth of
approximately 52.56 megabits per second (Mb/s). The use of oversized TBUs in the switch matrix
enables support for OTN and Ethernet services. For SONET interfaces, each TBU supports one
STS-1/AU3 signal. In a fully configured 5410 Switch with SONET/SDH interfaces, a total of 11520
STS-1/VC-3 circuits can be established between ports. In a fully configured 5430 Switch with
SONET/SDH interfaces, a total of 34,560 STS-1/VC-3 circuits can be established between ports.

Timing Plane
In parallel with the data plane, the timing plane collects and distributes timing information in the 5400
Switch. Timing information is collected from external BITS interfaces, processed internally, and
distributed to external BITS interfaces. The collection, processing, and distribution of timing allows
a 5400 Switch to be integrated into OTN and synchronous digital networks.
The timing plane is responsible for:
• Providing a reference for OTN clients
• Selecting an external BITS and/or line interface for use as an input timing reference
• Filtering jitter and wander from the reference and generating an internal clock that is frequency-
locked to the reference
• Smoothing phase transients that occur during timing rearrangements
• Redistributing the clock to the SONET/SDH line interface and to the BITS interface
• Providing a reference for OTN clients in order to provide full timing transparency
• Providing a stable internal clock to be used when suitable external references are lost

Timing References
The 5400 Switch operates in a mixed timing mode that can use BITS/Station clock, line inputs, or
the internal Stratum 3E source to provide holdover or free run timing. The 5400 Switch supports two
modes of operation/filtering; Stratum 3E/G.812 Type III and G.813 SEC. The 5400 Switch uses the
best reference available from the provisioned references. The clock most commonly used is the
externally timed mode. An internal clock source is frequency-locked to the selected reference.
Wander and jitter are filtered from the clock source, and the filtered timing reference is forwarded to
the output line interfaces, where it is used to time the outgoing serial bit stream. The BITS input is a
signal formatted as either a SONET T1 (1.544 Mb/s) or SDH E1 (2.048 Mb/s) signal that carries no
user payload. The CTM internally recovers the 8-kHz frame rate of the BITS signal and uses it as a
frequency reference for the internal clock source.
The free run/holdover clock mode is used when no external reference are suitable for use. In
holdover mode, the internal clock freeruns; no input is selected by the internal clock to be used as a
reference. In holdover, the CTM clock retains the frequency of the external source prior to the
transition to holdover.

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Chapter 1 - Introduction to the 5400 Switch 19
Hardware Architecture

The line-timed clock mode uses a clock reference that is derived from any one of up to four line
signals. The 5400 Switch also supports line-timed mode with Sync Status Messaging (SSM). SSMs
are also supported for externally timed (BITS) references.
Mixed mode timing enables either of the external and line timing references to be used as the timing
reference, allowing the 5400 Switch to automatically select and synchronize to either external or line
timing references.
Mixed timing mode has the following feature requirements and behaviors:
• Mixed timing mode is only available on the Timing Input Protection Group (PG).
• Any of the four Protection Units (PUs) (REF_1, REF_2, REF_3 or REF_4) are eligible to be
selected automatically as the active timing reference for the PG. The other non-failed
protection units not selected as the active timing reference have standby Protecting states.
• The PreferSyncMode (Manual or Forced) allows any of the four PUs to be selected as the
preferred timing reference.
• Any port from an LM can be used as a reference however, only one can be used at a time. The
same reference can be used by multiple PGs.
• Every PU in a PG is monitored and alarmed independently. RefFailed alarms may exist against
each of the four PUs in the PG.
• The priority of PUs in a PG is dictated solely by the priority attribute of the PU in the given PG.
The reference selection algorithm chooses the highest priority PU as the active reference.
The 5400 Switch Timing Generation Subsystem (TGS) is designed for compliance with Telcordia
and ITU node clock requirements. Most 5400 Switch applications are timed by way of GPS and use
the holdover characteristics of the Network Element (NE) in the event of a reference failure. This
SEC mode is optional and is enabled using the 5400 Switch Command Line Interface (CLI).
Changing between TGS modes requires a timing plane reset, which is accomplished by way of the

Timing Reference Distribution

In all timing states, a 5400 Switch internal clock source on the CTM provides a stable timing
distribution reference to all line modules. All SONET/SDH line terminating applications use this
reference to generate the timing of the output signal. For OTN clients, LO ODUk/j cross connects
must be handled in a timing transparent fashion and this clock is used as a highly stable reference
from which the relative timing can be measured. OTUk interfaces with HO ODUk nominally use this
reference to generate their output clock. However, LO ODUk cross connects must pass their timing
to the OTUk interface.
Figure 1-10 shows the distribution of timing references to and from the CTMs in the 5400 Switch.
Two external timing inputs (on the I/O module) are also provided to the CTMs. DS1 or E1 inputs are
provided to the external timing inputs from an external timing source. For DS1 inputs, two formats,
Superframe (SF) or Extended Superframe (ESF), are available for configuration; whereas for E1
inputs, the available formats are Channel Associated Signaling (CAS) and Common Channel
Signaling (CCS). The DS1 or E1 line interface and framers are located on the CTM.
The CTMs select a single primary reference and up to three secondary references either from the
references received from the line modules or from the BITS inputs. The line references must be
selected from different LMs.

5400 Reconfigurable Switching System 009-3209-000 - Revision A

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20 Chapter 1 - Introduction to the 5400 Switch
Hardware Architecture

Figure 1-10. Timing Reference Distribution

Line Module 1 Line Module 1


Line Module N Line Module N


External Timing Input A External Timing Output A

External Timing Input B External Timing Output B

I/O Module I/O Module

The reference output from both CTMs is forwarded to all LMs present in a system. On the LMs, the
distribution reference from the active CTM is selected, multiplied in frequency by a local Voltage
Controlled Crystal Oscillator (VCXO)-based PLL, and forwarded to all line outputs resident on the
The 5400 Switch supports T1 (1.544 Mbit/s) and E1 (2.048 Mb/s) output timing from the 5400 Switch
BITS interfaces. Output timing implementation allows the independent configuration of BITS
outputs. Each BITS output can be configured to provide a timing reference sourced from a hierarchy
of 5400 Switch line inputs.

Timing Source
The CTM contains a timing source of Stratum 3E quality. The quality designation refers to the free-
run accuracy of the source, the stability (oscillator drift during holdover), and the wander
characteristics of the source during timing rearrangements. A rearrangement occurs when the
reference is changed or when the source enters or leaves holdover.
The clock source consists of a highly accurate and stable Oven-Controlled Crystal Oscillator
(OCXO) and a digital phase-lock loop. In mixed timing mode, the timing source phase-locks to the
selected reference. In holdover mode, the timing source maintains the last frequency that was
available before entering holdover. Recovery from Hold-Over mode is automatic. Each CTM
performs periodic checks on the health of incoming references, and of the other CTM, by sampling
the frequency with reference to the OCXO.

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Chapter 1 - Introduction to the 5400 Switch 21
Hardware Architecture

Control Plane
The control plane provides a platform for all software-driven functions of the 5400 Switch. The
control plane provides provisioning, control, status retrieval, and maintenance of performance
statistics for the 5400 Switch. The control plane also provides an infrastructure for network-layer
tasks, such as topology discovery and call routing, and performs protection switching in the event of
failures. The control plane initiates and gathers the results of diagnostic tests, both autonomously
and in response to requests by the ON-Center software.
The control plane is responsible for:
• Initializing all 5400 Switch functions at system power up or when a field-replaceable component
is inserted
• Allowing user configuration of the data and timing planes
• Computing routes and reconfiguring the switch fabric during call setup and release, as well as
during protection switching
• Providing a computational platform for network layer tasks, such as topology discovery and call
• Providing intermodule communications through the internal control network
• Providing an infrastructure for NE/NE and NE/Operating System communications, both in-band
OTN GCCs, SONET/SDH DCCs and out-of-band (Ethernet)
• Handling the protection switching protocols with adjacent 5410 Switches, 5430 Switches,
CoreDirector Switches, and with other NEs
• Performing automatic reconfiguration to protect user traffic in the event of local equipment
• Collecting and relaying maintenance information, such as alarms and performance monitoring
data, in response to ON-Center Management Suite queries
• Gathering and aggregating performance statistics and providing nonvolatile (flash memory)
storage for statistics
• Activating alarm relay contacts and visual indicators in response to equipment failures and user
• Hosting local Craft interfaces for workstation access
• Maintaining part number, revision, and serial number information for each module in Electrically
Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory (EEPROM) storage (This information is retrieved
through use of the ON-Center Management Suite.)
The LM processors collect operating temperature data from temperature sensors located on their
associated circuit boards. They report this data at intervals to the CTM through the internal control
network. Temperature sensors located on the CTM are also directly accessible by the CTM
processor. The CTM processor uses this data to control the speed of the cooling fans.
In addition to these tasks, the CTM and LM processors are responsible for fault-monitoring the
circuitry resident on their respective modules.
Each field-replaceable module has a serial EEPROM for the storage of part number, revision, and
serial number information. The Common Language Equipment Identification (CLEI) code may also
be stored in the EEPROM. This information is obtained by the user through ON-Center queries. The
EEPROM is programmed with the information when the module is manufactured and is never
changed in the field.
Serial EEPROMs located on the backplane, PDU, and fans are readable by the CTMs by dedicated
serial links. The backplane EEPROM carries the part number, revision, and serial number
information for the rack or chassis assembly as a whole.

5400 Reconfigurable Switching System 009-3209-000 - Revision A

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22 Chapter 1 - Introduction to the 5400 Switch
Resource Naming

Resource Naming
Locations of the hardware components in the 5410 Switch and 5430 Switch chassis are identified
as a combination of bay, shelf, slot, and subslot (or port) references (for example, 1-A-1-8). The bay
designation is optional and not used in the following paragraphs.
The following sections describe how the hardware components are identified looking at the front of
the system:
• System Shelves and Fan Shelves
• 5400 Switch Module Slots on Page 24
• System Ports on Page 25
• Termination Ports on Page 26

System Shelves and Fan Shelves

The 5400 Switch system modules are installed in shelves that are lettered for identification by
management software. (Figure 1-11).
The 5410 Switch has one cooling fan unit (CFU) shelf and one equipment shelf. The CFU shelf is
located at the top of the chassis and the equipment shelf is below the CFU shelf. The equipment
shelf is designated as shelf A. Shelf A contains the 5410 Switch control and timing modules (CTMs),
5410 Switch switch modules (SMs), and line modules (LMs).
The 5430 Switch has two CFU shelves and three equipment shelves. The CFU shelves are located
at the top and the bottom of the chassis and are designated as shelf CFUA and shelf CFUB,
respectively. The equipment shelves are designated as shelf A, shelf B, and shelf C. Shelf A and
shelf C contain the 5430 SwitchCTMs and LMs. Shelf B contains the 5430 Switch SMs.
The top shelf contains line modules and a control and timing module is shelf A, and the bottom shelf
of line modules and control and timing module is shelf C. The middle shelf of switch modules is shelf
B. The fan shelf above shelf A is called CFUA and fan shelf below shelf C is called CFUB.
The 5430 Switch uses a short-form-factor, mirror-image backplane located at the center rear of the
system. To connect to the backplane, the control and timing modules and line modules have a
connector located at one edge of the module. On Shelf A, the backplane connectors for the control
and timing module and line modules are located at the bottom of the shelf, nearest to Shelf B.
Shelf C is physically a 180-degree rotated image of shelf A with the backplane module connectors
located at the top of the shelf, nearest to shelf B. A module removed from shelf A must be turned
upside down to be installed in shelf C. This arrangement minimizes trace lengths between the
modules on shelves A and C and the switch modules on shelf B.

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Chapter 1 - Introduction to the 5400 Switch 23
Resource Naming

Figure 1-11. 5400 Switch System Shelves

5410 Switch 5430 Switch

CFU Shelf

Shelf CFUA

Shelf A
Shelf A
Line Module/
CTM Shelf

Shelf B
Switch Module

Shelf C
Line Module/
CTM Shelf

Shelf CFUB


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24 Chapter 1 - Introduction to the 5400 Switch
Resource Naming

5400 Switch Module Slots

In the 5400 Switch, slots within each shelf are labeled from left to right, starting at Slot 1 as shown
in Figure 1-12. Special slot labels are used to identify the control and timing modules as follows:
• 5410 Switch: CTMs are labeled as A-CTM1 and A-CTM2; SMs are A-SM1 through A-SM4
• 5430 Switch: CTMs are labeled as A-CTM and C-CTM.
In the 5430 Switch, the CTM on Shelf A occupies physical Slot 1, and the CTM on Shelf C occupies
physical Slot 16. Line modules on Shelf A are numbered starting from the left in physical Slot 2, and
are identified as A-1 through A-15. Line modules on Shelf C are numbered starting from the left in
physical Slot 1, and are identified as C-1 through C-15.

Figure 1-12. 5400 Switch Slot Numbering

5410 Switch 5430 Switch
Display Panel



Slot A-1 Slot A-15
Shelf A
Shelf A
Slot A-1
Slot A-10 Slot B-1 Slot B-9

Shelf B

Slot C-1 Slot C-15

Shelf C



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Chapter 1 - Introduction to the 5400 Switch 25
Resource Naming

System Ports
Ports are identified by their position in a line module and by the slot in which the line module resides.
The optical modules or ports in the module are numbered from top to bottom however, cards
installed in the 5430 Switch C shelf are installed "upside down" such that they read from bottom to
top. All port numbers are identified by silk screening on the faceplate.
• On the LM-3 line modules, the optical ports are numbered 1 through 3.
• On the LM-12 line modules, the optical ports are numbered 1 through 12.
• On the LM-48 line modules, the optical ports are numbered 1 through 48.
This numbering scheme applies to the 5410 Switch shelf A and both shelf A and shelf C in the 5430
Switch. For example, the optical ports on an LM-48 module in Slot A-1 are identified as A-1-1 through
A-1-48. On an OSLM-12 module in 5430 Switch Slot C-1, the optical ports are numbered bottom to
top, this time as C-1-1 (bottom) through C-1-12 (top). Figure 1-13 illustrates the numbering scheme
in the LM-12 and LM-48 line modules.

Figure 1-13. Port Naming

Shelf A Shelf C

LM-48 Port 2

LM-48 Port 48
LM-48 Port 1 LM-12 Port 12
LM-12 Port 1

LM-48 Port 41
LM-48 Port 8

LM-48 Port 40
LM-48 Port 9

LM-48 Port 33
LM-48 Port 16

LM-48 Port 17 LM-48 Port 32

LM-48 Port 25
LM-48 Port 24

LM-48 Port 24
LM-48 Port 25

LM-48 Port 17
LM-48 Port 32

LM-48 Port 33 LM-48 Port 16

LM-48 Port 40 LM-48 Port 9

LM-48 Port 41 LM-48 Port 8

LM-12 Port 12 LM-12 Port 1

LM-48 Port 48 LM-48 Port 1

LM-48 Port 2

LM-48 LM-12 5430-09085

LM-48 LM-12

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26 Chapter 1 - Introduction to the 5400 Switch
Resource Naming

Termination Ports
The 5400 Switch termination points are shown in Figure 1-14 and described in Table 1-2.

Figure 1-14. Termination Points

5430 CoreDirector
Switch Switch
Link Line


Originating CTP Terminating CTP

Customer Customer
Premise OM OM OM OM Premise
Equipment Port Port Port Port Equipment
A-2-1 C-2-1 C-2-1 A-2-1




Table 1-2. Termination Points

PTP Physical Termination Point - port automatically created when an SFP/XFP/CFP is
installed into an LM. Example: A-2-1 (LM A-2 Port 1)
TTP A TTP is a logical Trail Termination Point. For OTN, a TTP is generally associated with
the termination of the OTUk layer, or ODUk layers acting as a server layer for ODUj
layer connections. It may also be associated with Tandem Connection Monitor points.
For SONET/SDH a TTP is generally associated with the termination of the Section/RS
and Line/MS layers.
Link A link is a logical interface between two 5400 Switch interfaces. A link may be comprised
of one or more lines. When multiple lines are present, it is referred to as an aggregated
Line A line is a point to point connection between 5400 Switch nodes and is generally
associated with a single OTUk or OC-N/STM-N interface.
LTP Link Termination Point - the point at which an OSRP link terminates in the 5400 Switch
node; the CTM (OSRP LTP).
CTP A Connection Termination Point identifies the endpoints of any cross connect. For OTN,
that may be a LO ODUk/j. For SONET/SDH it may represent an STS-1/VC-3 or STS-Nc/
VC-4-Nc. Multiple CTPs may be logically grouped together to create a Group
Termination Point (GTP) to support applications such as VCAT where multiple CTP wish
to be co-routed as a single connection.
XCON Cross Connect - bidirectional connection between two CTPs.

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Chapter 1 - Introduction to the 5400 Switch 27
Resource Naming

Table 1-2. Termination Points (Continued)

SNC An SNC represents the logical connection between an originating and terminating CTP
across a network of two or more 5400 Switch nodes. An SNC is created by the control
plane through signaling and establishes all of the intermediate cross connects
associated with the connection.
GTP (Not Group Termination Point - A collection of CTPs that are treated as a single
shown) administrative object.

5400 Reconfigurable Switching System 009-3209-000 - Revision A

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28 Chapter 1 - Introduction to the 5400 Switch
Resource Naming


5400 Reconfigurable Switching System 009-3209-000 - Revision A

Copyright© 2011 Ciena® Corporation December 16, 2011
Chapter 2:
5400 Switch Base Software

This section describes the features of the Ciena® 5400 Reconfigurable Switching System
Infrastructure Software Packages in terms of Operations, Administration, Maintenance, and
Provisioning (OAM&P) functionality. The 5400 Reconfigurable Switching System is hereinafter
referred to as 5400 Switch.
The 5400 Switch OAM&P feature descriptions are arranged into the four key network management
functional areas of fault management, configuration management, account and security
management, and performance management.
• Fault management (below) - Features that enable detection, isolation, and correction of
abnormal operation. These include alarm and event detection, monitoring, forwarding, logging,
correlation, diagnostics, fault isolation, threshold violations, availability reporting, and audit
• Configuration/inventory management (Page 43) - Features that provision and configure the
5400 Switch equipment, termination points, cross connects, and protection groups. Features
include resource and inventory discovery, software download, configuration status,
configuration backup and restoration, resource provisioning and modification, restoration
scheme configuration, and gateway network element.
• Account and security management (Page 67) - Features that address security issues that are
essential to secure the 5400 Switch from unauthorized access. These include user
authorization, authentication, and access control.
• Performance management (Page 69) - Features that collect and evaluate network element
performance parameters. These include measurement, gathering, collection, consolidation,
reporting, and monitoring of statistics.

Fault Management
The 5400 Switch software fault management detects, isolates, and corrects system faults. Fault
Management includes event and alarm reporting, logging, filtering, and mediation features. Fault
information is reported to the user through the Transaction Language One (TL1) management
interface, the Node Manager Graphical User Interface (GUI), and is forwarded to ON-Center®
Network & Service Management Suite. Fault management requirements are aligned with the
methods described in ITU-International Standards Organization (ITU-T/ISO) and Telcordia
specifications. Appendix B, Specifications and Standards, 5400 Switch Standards on Page 224
provides more information.
Fault management consists of the following functions:
• Notifications (below)
• Alarm Monitoring (below)

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30 Chapter 2 - 5400 Switch Base Software
Fault Management

• Logs on Page 33
• Diagnostics and Troubleshooting on Page 33
• Data Plane Fault Isolation (DPFI) on Page 40
• Control Plane Fault Isolation (CPFI) on Page 41
• Timing Plane Fault Isolation (TPFI) on Page 42

Notifications inform the user about 5400 Switch status and alert the user to potentially critical events.
The user can collect specific information from all system-generated events.
Management events provide a means of monitoring the network. Node Manager and ON-Center
Suite display the events in real time to the user and maintain the event history. The following types
of notifications are supported:
• Alarms
• Standing Conditions
• Transient Conditions
• Warnings
Notifications, logged with a time stamp, notify the Node Manager about potentially critical
occurrences that should be verified and resolved by a technician (for example, when a card is
unexpectedly removed). The 5400 Switch supports categories as suggested by International
Telecommunication Union (ITU) standards. Values are Communications, Environmental,
Equipment, Processing, Service Report, Standing Condition, Quality of Service (QOS), and Usage

Alarm Monitoring
Alarm monitoring functions include determining alarm severity based on the traffic affecting nature
of the alarm, alarm surveillance, and alarm integration and decay times.

Alarm Severities
The 5400 Switch software facility alarm reporting provides accurate information concerning alarm
severity and the service affectability.
Table 2-1 summarizes the 5400 Switch software alarm behavior with respect to the port type, the
existing traffic type, the alarm type, and whether the interface is protected by protection switching or
path protection.
The first column of the table indicates the port type. The port type is either a drop-side port or a line-
side port (trunk). A Subnetwork Connection (SNC) contains two drop-side interface ports; all of the
intermediate ports of an SNC are line-side ports. Cross Connects span all ports.
The second column of the table indicates the traffic type configured on the interface. The traffic type
can be a cross connect, Permanent Subnetwork Connection (P-SNC), SNC (or some combination),
or no traffic. If multiple traffic types exist on the interface port, the alarm Service Affecting/Non
Service Affecting (SA/NSA) status and severity reflect the worst-case status. For example, the table
shows that a failed, unprotected line-side port containing an SNC should be indicating a facility alarm
as minor and non-service affecting. If that same port contained a P-SNC, it would indicate a facility
alarm as critical and service-affecting. If that port contained both a P-SNC and an SNC, it would
indicate the facility failure as critical and service-affecting. (In the worst case, the P-SNC could not
reroute around the facility failure.)

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Chapter 2 - 5400 Switch Base Software 31
Fault Management

The column labeled Protected indicates whether another 5400 Switch interface is currently
protecting the port. If the entry indicates Yes, the interface port is currently protected by linear
protection switching or path protection port. If the entry indicates No, either the port is not configured
for a protection port or the protection port is unavailable.
The event column indicates either Failed or Degraded. The term Failed means an LOS, LOF, or AIS-
L/MS-AIS/OTU-AIS, or BER-SF has been detected. The term Degraded means that a BER-SD
(Signal Degrade) or DEG (Degrade) has been detected.
The last two columns indicate the resulting SA/NSA status and severity of the alarm based on the
previously described parameters. This alarm indication behavior affects only line facility alarms
(LOS, LOF, AIS-L/MS-AIS/OTU-AIS, BER-SF, DEG, and BER-SD). It does not include any change
of behavior for path alarms, cross connect alarms, or SNC alarms.
As Table 2-1 shows, there are four input parameters that determine the SA/NSA status and alarm
severity. Because the parameters can change after the alarm posts, 5400 Switch software updates
alarm status and severity to reflect the change of any of the input parameters. For example, if a cross
connect is on a port that is failed but is being protected by another port, the facility alarm is marked
as NSA and major. If after the alarm posts, the port can no longer be protected, the facility alarm is
updated to indicate SA and critical. If at that point, the event condition changes from failed to
degraded, the facility alarm status updates to indicate SA and major. If the port can be protected
again before the alarm condition clears, the alarm status should return to NSA and major.

Alarm Surveillance
Alarm surveillance monitors the health of in-service or standby equipment and notifies users when
faults occur. Alarm surveillance and maintenance signals occur on a per-optical interface basis.
They include:
• Facility Alarms
• Protection Switching events
• Hardware/equipment
• Configuration changes
• Standing conditions
• Defect status
• Failure status
• Failure count
Table 2-1 describes the alarm notification types used in the 5400 Switch.

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32 Chapter 2 - 5400 Switch Base Software
Fault Management

Table 2-1. SA/NSA Alarm Behavior

Port Type Traffic Type Protected Event SA/NSA Severity
Drop No Traffic No Failed NSA Minor
Degraded NSA Minor
Yes Failed NSA Minor
Degraded NSA Minor
XCON/P-SNC No Failed SA Critical
Degraded SA Major
Yes Failed NSA Major
Degraded NSA Major
SNC No Failed SA Critical
Degraded SA Major
Yes Failed NSA Major
Degraded NSA Major
Line No Traffic No Failed NSA Minor
Degraded NSA Minor
Yes Failed NSA Minor
Degraded NSA Minor
P-SNC No Failed SA Critical
Degraded SA Major
Yes Failed NSA Major
Degraded NSA Major
SNC No Failed NSA Minor
Degraded SA Major
Yes Failed NSA Major
Degraded NSA Major

Table 2-2 describes the monitored alarm severity levels.

Table 2-2. Alarm Severity Levels

Alarm Description
Critical Indicates that a service-affecting condition has occurred and that an immediate
corrective action is required. For example, such a severity can be reported
when an OM becomes out of service.
Major Indicates that a potentially service-affecting condition has developed and an
urgent corrective action is required. For example, such a severity can be
reported when there is a severe degradation in the capability of the OM.
Minor Indicates the existence of a non-service affecting fault condition and that
corrective action should be taken to prevent a more serious fault.

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Chapter 2 - 5400 Switch Base Software 33
Fault Management

Normally, critical and major alarms are service-affecting and minor alarms are non-service-affecting.
5400 Switch software applies appropriate Service-Affecting/Non-service-Affecting (SA/NSA)
assignments and appropriate severities to facility alarms as described in Alarm Severities on
Page 30.

Alarm Integration and Decay Times

The 5400 Switch software generally provides 2.5 (+/- 0.5) second alarm integration and 10 (+/- 0.5)
second decay times. This setting is a system-level parameter applied to all Trail Termination Point
(TTP) and Connection Termination Point (CTP) alarms in the 5400 Switch network.

A log records a sequence of events (for example, user actions, configuration changes, and alarm
conditions) to aid network operators. The 5400 Switch logs are predefined revolving (or circulating)
The following logs are defined:
• Alarm Log - Logs all generated alarm events
• Severity
• Time Stamp
• Probable Cause
• Alarm Type
• Event Log - Logs all generated events
• Event type
• Time stamp
• Audit Log - Logs all generated audit trail events
• User
• Command
• Time Stamp
• Security Log - Logs all user administration and log-in events
• Additional diagnostic logs are available through Command Line Interface (CLI) for Ciena
support staff.

Diagnostics and Troubleshooting

The 5400 Switch software diagnostics and troubleshooting functions include:
• Tandem Connection Monitoring
• Circuit Test (Page 34)
• Loopbacks (Page 35)
• Test Access Port (TAP) (Page 38)
• Remote TAP (Page 38)
• Hardware Diagnostics (Page 39)
• Data Plane Fault Isolation (DPFI) (Page 40)
• Control Plane Fault Isolation (CPFI) (Page 41)
• Timing Plane Fault Isolation (TPFI) (Page 42)
• ACO/Alarm Connector (Page 43)

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34 Chapter 2 - 5400 Switch Base Software
Fault Management

Tandem Connection Monitoring

OTN defines three points at which the a service can be monitored: at the Section Monitor (SM) layer,
Tandem Connection Monitor (TCM) layer, and Path Monitor (PM) layer. The SM layer is terminated
at each handoff and allows for fault isolation to an individual span within the network. The PM layer
provides an end-to-end measure of the service across the entire network. However, many services
may cross multiple operator domains, and can be carried over equipment belonging to different
vendors that is managed separately within a single carrier. TCM provides a method for monitoring
the end-to-end performance of a circuit within a single carrier’s domain.
In addition to performance monitoring, the TCM layer can be used for protection applications such
as subnetwork connection protection (SNCP). TCM can be used at the line level, per SNC, used as
SNCP trigger, and used as a mesh trigger. In traditional SONET/SDH applications, the path layer is
used for this purpose however, it can be influenced by errors which occur outside a given operator's
network and cause undesired protection switch events to occur within their network. Since TCM can
isolate a service to a given domain, it can be used to trigger protection applications and avoid such
Figure 2-1 provides an example of TCM usage. While not illustrated, the SM layer provides isolation
to the individual span. The end-to-end service is monitored by the PM layer, but that layer originates
in the client's network and does not isolate the service level provided by a given operator. As the
service is carried across the multiple domains illustrated, one of up to six TCM layers may be
allocated to monitor the service within a given domain, to monitor the end-to-end service provided
by a given operator, or to facilitate a protection application within a given domain.

Figure 2-1. TCM Example

Circuit Test
A circuit test port designates an optical module port to function as testing port. A circuit test port
performs circuit connectivity verification and circuit quality testing using an end-to-end connection
(such as a Subnetwork Connection (SNC)) and injecting a path trace message. A successful circuit
test yields no near-end path errors (B-3 errors).

Section and Path Tracing

Section and path tracing play crucial roles in supporting fault management. 5400 Switch software
provides the following functions:

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Chapter 2 - 5400 Switch Base Software 35
Fault Management

• Path trace (set in the Path Overhead (POH)) can be used for end to end connection
continuity and protects against possible misconnections in the network.
• A Path trace message is sent at the originating node, and the received message is
configured on the destination node.
• If any discrepancies are observed between the two nodes, the end-to-end connection is not
complete and requires further debugging.
• The 5400 Switch detects and monitors near-end and far-end coding violations, errored
seconds, severely errored seconds, unavailable seconds, and failure counts.
The 5400 Switch software supports the SDH equivalent of SONET section and path level tracing in
addition to trace mismatch detection. The SDH standards for trace messages differ slightly from
SONET standards and are supported accordingly. Specifics of the SDH trace capabilities include the
• Regenerator section trace (J0). Configurable as 16-byte Access Point Identifier (API)
• Path trace (J1). Configurable as:
• 16-byte API (SDH)
• 62 user-defined bytes (null padded) (SONET) with Carriage Return (CR)/Line Feed (LF)
• Provisionable outgoing trace messages
• Provisionable expected trace messages
• Alarmable condition on mismatch

Terminal Loopbacks
Terminal loopbacks configure a port so that the receive direction functionally receives data from the
transmit direction. Conceptually, this is similar to creating a loopback by using a fiber connected to
the Transmit and Receive ports. Terminal loopbacks are achieved in the Serializer/Deserializer
(SERDES) in the line module (Figure 2-2).

Figure 2-2. Terminal Loopback




Terminal Loopback – RX receives

from TX similar to a fiber loopback.

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36 Chapter 2 - 5400 Switch Base Software
Fault Management

Facility Loopbacks
In a facility loopback, the transmit direction functionally receives data from the receive direction.
Conceptually, a facility loopback acts like a mirror by taking data coming into a port and transmitting
it back out that same port. Facility loopbacks are either performed in the SERDES or in the Framer.
For SONET/SDH, the 5400 Switch supports facility and facility with framer. (Figure 2-3).

Note: Facility loopbacks with framer depend on the traffic configuration in the framer. A cross
connect must be configured for a port before that port can effectively carry framed
facility loopback traffic.

Figure 2-3. Facility Loopback Using a Framer




Facility Loopback – TX receives

from RX similar to a fiber loopback. 5430-09095

Connection Level Loopback

The Connection Level Loopback (CLL) feature provides a tool for the network operator to assist in
the diagnosis of transport network problems. The following are carried out to validate/diagnose a
• Connect a digital test set at one end of the circuit, to act as the signal source; the test set also
constantly monitors the received signal quality.
• Activate loopbacks at different points along the path traversed by the Circuit Under Test, and
determine the segment(s) where the signal impairments occur.
Using Connection Level loopback. the user is able to localize the problem to an network element
(NE), or the link between two NEs. When the problem is traced to an NE, the user is dependent on
other subsystems in the NE (for example, DPFI) to diagnose the fault further.
The CLL feature supports the loopback capability for all OTN connection rates supported by the
switching fabric. Figure 2-4 illustrates the entire path signal (including the associated overhead)
being looped back and an ODU-AIS being generated downstream.

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Chapter 2 - 5400 Switch Base Software 37
Fault Management

Figure 2-4. Connection Level Loopback

Figure 2-5 illustrates two CTPs (CTP1 and CTP2) provisioned on a node as an unprotected
bidirectional circuit. The four conceivable types of loopbacks involving the CTPs (CTP1, and CTP2)
are also displayed in this figure. Each CTP has an F-side (or the facility side), and an E-side
(equipment side). The E-side corresponds to the switch fabric side. The types of loopbacks applied
to a CTP are termed facility and equipment loopbacks, and are defined as follows:
• Facility Loopback - refers to the loopback in which the data received by way of the CTP is
transmitted back out the same CTP. AIS propagation happens downstream.
• Equipment Loopback - refers to the loopback in which the data that is transmitted onto the CTP
is treated as the input received by way of that CTP and transmitted downstream. AIS is
propagated towards the facility side.

Figure 2-5. Loopback at each CTP

5410/5430 Switch


CTP 1 Switch Fabric CTP 2

(Logical View)


The CLL functionality for Unprotected circuits, linear protected circuits, and signaled SNCP circuits
is the same.
• Loopback is applied to the CTP before the selector. If there is a switch to protect, then the
loopback will no longer be applied and traffic flows as if there were no loopback.
• Loopback is applied to the CTP after the selector. If there is a switch to protect, then the
loopback will still be applied, traffic will still be looped back and AIS-P will be sent downstream.

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38 Chapter 2 - 5400 Switch Base Software
Fault Management

Test Access Port (TAP)

A TAP connection provides the ability to check path-level connectivity and integrity by monitoring
individual cross connects on the 5400 Switch in an intrusive and a nonintrusive manner. Intrusive
monitoring allows the operator to perform tests that disrupt the normal flow. These tests involve the
use of test sets to inject traffic into the facility/equipment sides of a circuit. Nonintrusive monitoring
allows the operator to monitor traffic without interrupting it. In the case of a bidirectional circuit, both
of the unidirectional flows can be selected for monitoring.
A TAP is a port configured to conduct path-level connection testing. The TAP can be of any line size.
The Trail Termination Point (TTP) or Connection Termination Point (CTP) must be placed in Test
Access mode and administratively unlocked in order to create a TAP connection.
Figure 2-6 shows a diagram of a TAP connection. After a TAP is configured, one connection per
TAP can be created by selecting an existing, active cross connect (A) and the direction of the
connection to be monitored (that is, Egress, the transmitting direction, or Ingress, the receiving
direction). The user then identifies the source CTP (B) and the source port for the connection (C).
Then the TAP connection (D) bridges (copies) the data on every time slot of the monitored source
port to the time slots of the transmit side of the TAP (E) where a tester (F) can be connected.

Note: A Test access link is required for a TAP to function.

Figure 2-6. TAP Connection Diagram

C Ingress (receive)
Supporting Cross Connect

Egress (transmit)

Test Access Connection

Remote TAP
The 5400 Switch supports the Remote TAP feature, which enables the user to monitor a circuit in
any node from a remote node. The remote TAP is constructed by creating a virtual Test Access Link
(TAL) and then connecting a SNC from a remote node to the virtual TAL. The virtual TAL consists
of one or two connection points depending on the mode selected by the user.
Remote TAP involves the following.
• User selecting the cross connect or the A-SNCP and locking it for test.

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Chapter 2 - 5400 Switch Base Software 39
Fault Management

• Creating path level TAL.

• Creating a TAP Connection using source CTP/Group Terminating Point (GTP) to TAL.
• Originating or terminating a SNC that are part of the virtual TAL.

Note: If the cross connect that is tapped gets deleted for any reason, the TAP connection
would be deleted.

Table 2-3 describes the functionality of TAP.

Table 2-3. TAP Functionality

Test Mode Unprotected Signalled SNCP
S - Self - Loopback is applied to the CTP before the
selector. If there is a switch to protect then the
loopback will no longer be applied and traffic flows as
if there were no loopback.
P - Protect
C - Common - Loopback is applied to the CTP after
the selector. If there is a switch to protect then the
loopback will still be applied, traffic will still be looped
back and AIS-P will be sent downstream.

Note: Qualifiers SELF and COMMON are supported for all TAP monitoring modes on all
protection schemes.
Note: Qualifier PROTECT is supported for TAP on linear protected circuits.
Note: SPLIT modes are allowed for TAP on all unprotected or linear protected circuits.
Note: SPLIT modes are allowed for TAP on path protected circuits with COMMON qualifier

Hardware Diagnostics
The 5400 Switch software equipment diagnostics include detecting equipment failures and
performing Control Timing Module (CTM) standby switchovers and CTM identification.

Equipment Failures
The 5400 Switch software detects and reports the following equipment failures:
• Fuse/power circuit failures
• CFP/XFP/SFP failures
• Switching matrix failures
• Internal communications circuitry/hardware
• Timing circuitry/hardware

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40 Chapter 2 - 5400 Switch Base Software
Fault Management

CTM Switchovers
The 5400 Switch software includes software that automatically switches from the primary CTM to
the secondary CTM when a failure on the primary is discovered, or when communication with the
primary is lost.
• CTM redundancy behavior has the following characteristics:
• If the primary CTM fails, the secondary CTM becomes primary.

Note: Mesh restoration is unavailable for a short period of time during the CTM switchover.
The CTM takes several minutes to assume the primary CTM tasks.

Data Plane Fault Isolation (DPFI)

The 5400 Switch data plane is a three-stage switch fabric that consists of line modules (LMs) and
switch modules (SMs) as shown in Figure 2-7. LMs compose the first and third stages of the switch
fabric, and SMs compose the center stage. LMs and SMs are designed for high availability to
minimize failures. However, in the event of a failure, the DPFI subsystem is responsible for detecting
and isolating the failed or suspect module or port. In addition to fault isolation, the DPFI subsystem
initializes and qualifies each module before the module is allowed to participate in the switch fabric.
The DPFI subsystem performs the following functions:
• Detects data plane failures based on excessive data plane errors
• Detects LM and SM power failures
• Determines the source of a data plane failure at the granularity of a module or port
• Isolates a module or port with a data plane failure
• Re-qualifies an isolated module or port when the data plane failure is no longer detected or
when the source of the data plane failure is determined to be elsewhere
• Initializes and qualifies each LM and each SM prior to the module being allowed to participate
in the switch fabric
• When required, places a failed module in a Hold In Reset state ((HIR); Hold in Reset (HIR) on
Page 42 provides more information.)
• For OTN, generates ODUk/j-AIS towards fabric and ODUk-AIS towards the fiber (for SONET,
AIS-P towards the fabric and AIS-L/MS-AIS on the OCn/STM towards the fiber) determined to
be affected by an LM failure or a port failure, thus enabling traffic to be protected/restored using
any line or path protection mechanisms in place. These protection mechanisms include linear
protection switching, SNCP, and mesh protection.
• Notifies Node Manager of module or port data plane failures
• DPFI triggers a protection switch by failing impacted ports and uses redundant hardware
(modules or ports) to divert traffic in order to reduce traffic loss
• Requalifies isolated modules or ports after the data plane failure is no longer detected
The DPFI subsystem sets a critical alarm for each module or set of ports with a data plane failure.
The alarm is cleared when the data plane failure is no longer detected, or is determined to be
elsewhere, or when the alarmed module is unseated from the chassis. The user clears this alarm by
replacing the alarmed module with a known good module. To aid in servicing alarms, each alarm
message contains additional text that identifies all modules related to the data plane failure.

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Chapter 2 - 5400 Switch Base Software 41
Fault Management

Figure 2-7. Switch Fabric

A-CTM TimingFunction
A-CTM Timing Function
Port 1 Port 1

Port 2 C-CTM TimingFunction

C-CTM Timing Function Port 2
Line Module Ingress

Line Module Egress

Port 3 Port 3

Module 1
Port... Port...
Switch Module ...
Switch Module ...
Port... Port...
Module 9

Port... Port...

Port... A-CTM
CTM 1Control
Control Function
Function Port...

Port X Port X
CTM 2Control
Control Function


Control Plane Fault Isolation (CPFI)

CPFI is responsible for monitoring the integrity of the 5400 Switch internal communications network.
Failure of the control plane between any two modules will prevent all high-level communication
between those two modules, affecting all message-passing and data exchange between the two
modules. This will impact many software subsystems.
CPFI performs the following functions:
• Monitors the integrity of all backplane internal communications links
• CTM links, LM links, SM links, links to fan trays
• Reset lines on LMs, SMs, CTMs, Fans
• slot ID, IDPs, NVRAM, FPGA access
• Detects and correlates failed communications links to a likely source of failure
• Detects permanent LM control plane failures
• Distinguishes between correlated and uncorrelated communications link failures to better
identify alternate failure sources
• Reports failure to the user and system processes, including protection applications
• Forces failover to redundant secondary CTM should current primary CTM be indicted as
source of failure

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42 Chapter 2 - 5400 Switch Base Software
Fault Management

Timing Plane Fault Isolation (TPFI)

TPFI is responsible for monitoring, managing, and reporting timing plane failures. The switch frame
synchronization references and switch fabric bank-select signals are used by the data plane to
perform switch matrix rearrangement and drive user data from ingress to egress inside the 5400
Switch. Network synchronization outputs timing references, which are locked to an input timing
source, are used to drive all outgoing optical signals so that the 5400 Switch can be synchronized
with the rest of the network. Any failure of the references or signals could affect traffic. The 5400
Switch uses two CTMs with each containing timing function circuitry to provide a redundant supply
of all references and signals. TPFI monitors these references and signals, detects and isolates
failure, and triggers timing function redundant protection switching, if necessary.
TPFI reports timing plane health status to the alarm management system and makes the timing
plane health status available to DPFI. Because a timing plane failure could cause data plane failures,
DPFI can then make more accurate decisions in root cause analysis.
TPFI performs the following functions:
• Continuously monitors potential timing plane hardware fault points
• Detects timing plane hardware failures
• Correlates and isolates timing plane failures
• Triggers timing plane redundant switchover
• Reports timing plane failures to the user and system processes
• When required, places a failed module in a Hold in Reset (HIR) (see below for more
• Saves timing plane failure information in persistent storage for offline debugging
• Maintains healthy timing plane status

Hold in Reset (HIR)

Hold in Reset (HIR) provides an orderly shutdown mechanism to hold active or faulty LMs and SMs
in a reset state prior to removal or when the system detects that an LM or SM is not functioning
properly. The HIR feature prevents system stress by placing the LM or SM in a known state prior to
removal, instead of suddenly losing sight of the module when the module is removed. HIR also
prevents the module from adversely affecting other modules in certain extreme situations.
HIR also provides an orderly shutdown mechanism to the CTM timing circuitry. Placing the CTM
timing circuitry in HIR does not disable communications with the CTM (the control portions of the
CTM are still active).
If a fan tray is held in reset, the fans are maintain the highest RPM to help keep the LM slot cool.
The HIR feature is available for SMs and LMs as Prepare to unseat card from the Node Manager
Inventory screen. Holding a module in reset effectively disables the module and turns it off properly.
The equipment subsystem detects the module to be Hard Failed and raises a Replaceable Unit
Problem (RUP) alarm accordingly, and the DPFI or TPFI subsystem detects the module to be power
failed and raises a Data Plane Health Failure (DPHF) or Timing Plane Health Failure (TPHF) alarm.
In the LM case, both alarms can be suppressed by administratively locking the LM in Inventory.
Traffic should be moved off the module prior to placing the LM in HIR. Any remaining traffic is
mitigated by the line and path protection mechanism for an LM or by switch rearrangement for an

5400 Reconfigurable Switching System 009-3209-000 - Revision A

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Chapter 2 - 5400 Switch Base Software 43
Configuration/Inventory Management

ACO/Alarm Connector
The I/O module has a DB-15 Alarm connector which provides alarm outputs from CTM Modules to
the IOM. The alarm outputs are visual major, minor, critical alarm signals and a summary audio
alarm. Ordering Guide on Page 161 provides alarm cable ordering information.
In addition to the visual and audible alarm connector, an Alarm Cutoff (ACO) button on the 5400
Switch display panel is provided to inhibit the audible outputs.

Configuration/Inventory Management
The 5400 Switch software configuration/inventory management includes equipment inventory
management and provisioning. Configuration and inventory information can be accessed using the
TL1 management interface or the Node Manager Graphical User Interface (GUI) and is forwarded
to the ON-Center Suite.
Current configuration information for the 5400 Switch includes the following:
• Node and node-relevant parameters
• Module inventory and configuration
• Physical port configurations
• Cross Connect information
• Protection configurations (linear protection switching)
Configuration/inventory management includes the following functions:
• Equipment Inventory on Page 43
• Control Timing Module (CTM) Branding on Page 43
• Cross Connect Provisioning and Connection Management on Page 44
• Protection Configuration on Page 45
• Network Synchronization on Page 56
• SONET/SDH IP over DCC and OTN IPoGCC with GNE support on Page 58

Equipment Inventory
Equipment inventory provides physical inventory knowledge of the following switch components:
• Module Access Identifier (AID) (by bay, shelf, slot, and subslot)
• Module information, including card type, serial number, Common Language Equipment
Identification (CLEI), and firmware and software revision
• Fan tray assembly (monitoring of speed and load)
• Power Distribution Unit (PDU) (monitoring on each powered arm)
This information is available through Node Manager, TL1, and ON-Center Suite.

Control Timing Module (CTM) Branding

CTM branding means that a 5400 Switch identifies (or brands) the installed CTMs, then uses the
brand to determine if the CTMs belong to that 5410 Switch or 5430 Switch after the CTMs are
removed and reinstalled. A CTM is considered alien if the CTM brand does not match the 5410
Switch ID or 5430 Switch ID.

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44 Chapter 2 - 5400 Switch Base Software
Configuration/Inventory Management

How CTM Branding Works

When a CTM is installed in a 5400 Switch that has a functioning primary CTM, the newly installed
CTM synchronizes to the primary CTM and is branded with the 5400 Switch ID.
When a CTM is installed in a 5400 Switch that does not have a functioning primary CTM, the
installed CTM compares the 5400 Switch ID brand to its own stored brand. If there is a brand
mismatch or the 5400 Switch brand could not be read correctly, the newly installed CTM is
considered alien, and user input is required to confirm the configuration parameters.
The user can confirm the configuration parameters or download a previously backed up database to
the CTM.

Cross Connect Provisioning and Connection Management

The 5400 Switch software supports ODU1/STS-1/VC3 granularity cross connect provisioning for
optical cross connect and broadband digital cross connect system applications. A 5400 Switch cross
connect is a static port-to-port connection contained within the 5410 Switch or 5430 Switch. Static,
or manual, cross connects are fixed connections between an originating and an ending termination
point on a single node and are provisioned by the user. Static cross connects participate in any line
protection scheme to which the port or line belongs. Thus, the connectivity that the cross connect
establishes can be line-protected, but does not participate in any mesh restoration activity.
The 5400 Switch software enables users to cross connect any 5400 Switch port to any other port,
as well as cross connecting any set of time slots from one port to any other set of time slots on
another port, all with ODU1/STS-1/VC3 granularity. The 5400 Switch provides a single system that
can perform multiplexing and grooming functions, as well as cross connecting.
The 5400 Switch supports the following cross connect manual provisioning features:
• Path-level cross connects (both uni-directional and bidirectional) from any:
• OTN ODU1, ODU2, and ODU3
• SONET STS-1/STS-3c/STS-12c/STS-24c/STS-48c/STS-192c to any STS-1/STS-3c/STS-
• SDH VC3/VC4/VC4-4c/VC4-16c/VC4-64c to any VC3/VC4/VC4-4c/VC4-16c/VC4-64c (in
other words, any time slot of any port to any equivalent time slot of any port)
• SONET/SDH manual cross connects for international gateway applications
• The cross connect (path level) end points must be at compatible rates. For example, a VC-4
on an STM-1 can be cross connected to an STS-3c on an OC-48.
• Automatic S-bit translation between SONET and SDH interfaces

End Points
The end point of a cross connect can be either a CTP or a GTP. A CTP is the transport entity that
terminates a path-level connection, such as an ODU1/STS-1/VC3. A CTP is contained by a lower
level TTP; for example, an OTN/SONET/SDH line TTP can contain multiple OTN/SONET/SDH path
CTPs. Multiple CTPs can be preconfigured for the same time slot on a single port.
A GTP (SONET/SDH only in R2.0.0) is a collection of similar CTPs that are treated as a single
administrative object. GTPs are used to model ODUN/STS-N/VCN end points which are considered
a collection of n ODU1/STS-1/VC3 CTPs. The GTP is used to represent the end point of a bundled
connection in which all constituent CTPs are routed, provisioned, and restored as a single

5400 Reconfigurable Switching System 009-3209-000 - Revision A

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Chapter 2 - 5400 Switch Base Software 45
Configuration/Inventory Management

DCC/GCC Transparency
Some application configurations require the interconnection of DCC/GCC message traffic even
when the ability to perform standard message routing of the protocols carried over the DCC/GCC is
not supported. The 5400 Switch provides DCC/GCC transparency capabilities by cross connecting
any incoming DCC/GCC channels to any outgoing DCC/GCC channel.
The 5400 Switch extracts DCC/GCC traffic from the incoming facility interface connected to any
ingress port on any line module and transfers that traffic to the backplane Ethernet communications
channel connecting the line module to the controller module. The traffic is routed to the same or
another line module through the communications Ethernet switch on the controller. The egress line
module then inserts the DCC/GCC traffic onto the outgoing facility interface connected to the
selected egress port.
The transparent connection feature provides the following capabilities:
Bidirectional transparent DCC connectivity between any two SONET/SDH ports.
Note; DCC transparency and 4F-BLSR OSI transparency are not supported at the same time on the
same SONET/SDH port.
• Transparent connections are supported on all OC-48 and OC-192 line terminations including
those directly connected to the physical interface and for OC-192 embedded within OTN
• Transparent connections are supported on any SONET/SDH TTP (OC-3/12/48/192/768 or
• Transparent connections are configurable for section or line DCC channels.
TTPs can only be associated with associated with one transparent connection.

Protection Configuration
SONET/SDH line protection can be applied between two interconnected 5430 Switches and/or
CoreDirector Switches at line rates from OC-3/STM-1 to OC-192/STM-64. In linear 1+1 protection,
the same signal is sent (bridged) to two separate SONET/SDH lines and the receiving 5430 Switch
selects the best signal to use. In linear 1:N protection, any number of working lines (N) share one
protection line, which can also be used to carry extra traffic when the protection line is unused for
protection switching.
Protection switching events automatically occur under two general categories of conditions: signal
fail and signal degrade. The signal fail is a hard failure condition such as loss of signal, loss of frame,
and AIS-L/MS-AIS. In addition, signal fail is declared when the line Bit Error Rate (BER) exceeds a
user-defined threshold of between 10-3 to 10-5. The signal degrade condition is a soft failure
condition triggered when the line BER exceeds a user-defined threshold of between 10-5 to 10-9.
These threshold settings are associated with individual SONET/SDH lines connected to the 5430
Switch ports.

1+1 Protection
The 5430 Switch supports 1+1 line level protection for drop-side traffic. In 1+1 protection, one
protection line is assigned to each working line. The payload (traffic) is always sent (bridged) on the
protection as well as the working line. This has the disadvantage of preventing the protection line
from carrying extra traffic, but has the advantage of fast protection switching times as well as
interoperating with most other networking equipment. The 5430 Switch supports both bidirectional
and unidirectional switching. The unidirectional mode of 1+1 operation does not require using the
protection switching K byte protocol; that is, no coordination is required between the two end

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46 Chapter 2 - 5400 Switch Base Software
Configuration/Inventory Management

systems. In this case, both end systems transmit two identical signals on separate SONET or SDH
lines and choose the better of the two received signals. 1+1 protection is supported on both the line
and drop (client) sides.
A system using 1+1 protection operates by default in a unidirectional mode. In this mode, the
switching is complete when a channel in the failed direction is switched to the protection line.
However, a bidirectional mode can be provided as a user-configurable option. In this mode, a
channel is switched to the protection line in both directions. Switching in one direction only is not
A 1+1 system also uses nonrevertive switching as a default. In nonrevertive switching, a switch to
the protection line is maintained even when the working line has recovered from the failure.
Revertive switching can be a user-configurable option. Traffic is switched back to the working line
when the working line has recovered from the failure or when the manual command is cleared.
Protection switching events automatically occur under two general categories of conditions: signal
fail and signal degrade. The signal fail is a hard failure condition such as loss of signal, loss of frame,
and Alarm Indication Signal Line (AIS-L). In addition, signal fail is declared when the line Bit Error
Rate (BER) exceeds a user-defined threshold of between 10-3 to 10-5. The Signal Degrade condition
is a soft failure condition triggered when the line BER exceeds a user-defined threshold of between
10-5 to 10-9. These threshold settings are associated with individual SONET/SDH lines connected
to the 5430 optical modules which interoperates with CoreDirector Switches.

1:N Protection
5430 Switch Linear 1:N protection allows up to 15 working lines to be protected by 1 protection line.
The 5430 switch supports standard 1:N (N<14) and a proprietary 1:15 configuration. In standard 1:N
(N<14), the protection line can also be used to carry traffic when the line is not used for protection
purposes. This traffic is referred to as extra traffic in the various APS or MSP standards and is
subject to preemption if it is necessary for the protection line to protect one of the working lines. In
this proprietary implementation (1:15), the protection line can not be used to carry traffic.
For each working channel, the user can assign a protection priority (high or low). This priority is used
to determine which requests for protection take precedence in the APS or MSP protocol. In the case
of equal priorities, the channel with the lowest APS or MSP channel number is given priority under
certain circumstances. The APS or MSP channel number is a user-definable protection attribute for
the line and is distinct from other line identifiers or labels. It must be consistently set on each end of
an SONET/SDH line. The 5430 Switch supports bidirectional 1:N protection switching. This means
that in case of a failure condition in either receive or transmit direction, both directions switch to the
protection line. This is the preferred behavior if the failure is an equipment-related failure because
the protection switch removes all traffic from the failed line and maintenance can proceed without
additional service interruptions.
In a 1:N architecture, all switching is revertive to free up the protection line for subsequent failures,
if and when they occur.
The APS or MSP protocols require assigning channel numbers to all working lines in an APS or MSP
group. The numbers between 1 and 15 are assigned to the working lines independently of their port
numbers. The number 0 is reserved for the protection channel (sometimes referred to as the null
channel). Figure 2-6 illustrates an example of channel numbering in a 1:N group involving a
protection channel and two working channels. The operator must ensure that the same channel
number is assigned to both ends of the line that connect the 5430 nodes when using TL1 commands
or the graphical Craft Interface to manually assign channel numbers. In Figure 2-6, SONET lines
between the Node A and Node C are designated by a shelf-slot-port convention. For example, Port
A-1-3 is the third port on the LM occupying the first slot on Shelf A. The shelf lettering, slot numbers,
and port numbers may be different for different 5430 Switch models and configurations.

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Figure 2-8. Channel Numbering Example

A-1-3 A-7-4
Working Channel 11
A-3-2 C-1-6
Working Channel 14

C-5-7 A-5-1
Protect Channel

Node A Node B

Linear Protection Switching Capabilities

Linear protection switching supported features include the following capabilities:
• Supported type
• 1+1 (1+1 defined on a per-port basis)
• 1:N
• Supported switching modes
• Unidirectional (1+1, drop-side only)
• Bidirectional
• Switchover time
• 1+1 50 ms
• 1:N 50 ms
• Supported rates
• OC-3 (STM-1)
• OC-12 (STM-4)
• OC-48 (STM-12)
• OC-192 (STM-64)
• Protection switch triggers
• Maintenance switchovers and exercise
• Detection of APS or MSP protocol failures
• Protection Switching Byte Failure (PSBF)
• Channel Mismatch Failure (CMF)
• APS Mode Mismatch Failure (AMF) (alarm only)
• Far End Protection Line Failure (FEPLF)
• Nonrevertive and revertive switching (back to the restored working line)
• Signal Failure (SF)/Signal Degrade (SD) high priority/low priority switching
• Configurable parameters (BER thresholds, Wait-to-Restore (WTR) period, Hold-off Timer)
• Ability to work in conjunction with mesh restoration
• Signal Degrade High (SDH) and Signal Failure High (SFH) priority level configuration

5400 Reconfigurable Switching System 009-3209-000 - Revision A

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48 Chapter 2 - 5400 Switch Base Software
Configuration/Inventory Management

Virtual Line Switched Ring (VLSR)

The 5400 Switch supports the VLSR™ Protection Scheme (referred to in this document as VLSR).
This protection mechanism provides the functionality of a standard 4F-BLSR/4F-MS-SPRing (Four
Fiber Bidirectional Line Switched Ring/Four Fiber - MS-SPRING Protection on Page 50) with
a number of added advantages. VLSR capabilities allow customers to create OC-192/STM-64
bidirectional rings that can intersect at any 5400 Switch or CoreDirector Switch without the need for
additional equipment to address ring interconnection. In addition, the rings can be configured and
reconfigured on an existing network, as the community of interest changes or as bandwidth
requirements for the ring change.
VLSR ring protection provides all of the protection and operational benefits of 4F-BLSR/4F-MS-
SPRing, but is fundamentally targeted at the application of supporting mesh restorable SNCs over
this topology. In essence, VLSR combines the protection capabilities of 4F-BSLR/MS-SPRing with
the restoration capabilities of mesh protection. Where 4F-BLSR/MS-Spring may drop extra traffic in
the event of a protection event or drop normal traffic in the event of ring segmentation, VLSR has
the ability to mesh restore traffic subject to these failures.
VLSR simplifies ring interconnection and provides carriers with the option of deploying ring
protection wherever and whenever it is needed. SNC setup via the control plane can seamlessly
traverse multiple rings to establish an end-to-end connection while ring interconnect is handled
entirely within the switching fabric. VLSR rings can also work together synergistically with other
protection and restoration modes, allowing customers to tune and differentiate each individual
connection's availability requirements.
VLSR capabilities allow customers to create both SONET and SDH single-line-rate bidirectional
rings. As with linear/MSP protection, SDH and SONET interfaces cannot be mixed on a VLSR ring.
The rings are homogeneous in the protocol that they support. Figure 2-9 shows an example of VLSR
deployed on a mesh of 5400 Switch and CoreDirector Switch nodes. Three nodes are participating
in two separate VLSR rings. Each 5400 Switch and CoreDirector Switch node can support any mix
of linear, ring, and mesh protection.

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Chapter 2 - 5400 Switch Base Software 49
Configuration/Inventory Management

Figure 2-9. VLSR Example

Ring 1

NE 4 NE 4

Ring 2

NE 5
NE 1


NE 2 NE 5

VLSR Capabilities
The VLSR Protection Scheme provides the following capabilities:
• Single-rate OC-192/STM-64 VLSR rings (equivalent to 4-fiber BLSR/MS-SPRing protection)
• Maximum of 16 nodes per ring
• Automatic ring map generation and distribution to each member of a closed VLSR Ring
• 5400 Switch and CoreDirector participation in multiple distinct rings (up to 64 possible, certified
for up to 16)
• Manual and forced span and ring switching in addition to other maintenance operations
• Extra traffic on the protection lines
• Interoperation with OSRP (That is, VLSR supports OSRP-based connection establishment,
tear-down, and restoration.)
• End-to-end protection of extra traffic that is preempted during a span or ring switch, using
FastMesh mesh restoration
• Mesh protection to restore any extra traffic on the protection channels that cannot be restored
by VLSR protection mechanisms (or restoration by OSRP if the extra traffic was provisioned as
• Mesh protection to restore any working traffic that cannot be restored by VLSR protection
mechanisms (for example, due to multiple span failures) (or restoration by OSRP if the traffic
was provisioned as SNCs)

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50 Chapter 2 - 5400 Switch Base Software
Configuration/Inventory Management

• Support for node deletion from a ring. If there is no spare network capacity, the node deletion
disrupts service during the time that the ring is reconfigured. If there is spare network capacity,
SNCs mesh restore during the reconfiguration process.
• Support for revertive switching with support for a wait-to-restore mechanism that can be set to
• Intersection of multiple VLSR/MS-SPRing rings at a 5400 Switch and CoreDirector Switch
• No need for matched nodes, simplifying ring interconnection
• 5400 Switch and CoreDirector Switch participation in multiple independent VLSR rings
• Alarms for ring misconfiguration. For example, an alarm is raised if:
• Ring ID is not identical for all members of the ring
• Incorrect or inconsistent neighbors are identified on the ring
• XCONs supported over VLSR rings
• Support for bidirectional switching only
• All SONET or all SDH facilities in the ring (They cannot be mixed.)

Four Fiber Bidirectional Line Switched Ring/Four Fiber - MS-

SPRING Protection
Four-Fiber Bidirectional Line Switched Ring (4F-BLSR/MS-SPRing) provides standards based GR-
1230-CORE / ITU-T G.841 compliant protection. These applications are very similar to 4F-VLSR,
but the primary difference is how they handle traffic during double link failures or node failures. 4F-
VLSR protection uses ring topology overlaid on top of arbitrary physical mesh, while 4F-BLSR/MS-
SPRing uses squelch tables. In contrast to 4F-VLSR, the 4F-BLSR/MS-SPRing may be used in non
control plane applications or where subtending 4F-BLSR/MS-SPRing are hubbed onto a core
supporting control plane operations.
Squelch tables are necessary under certain traffic patterns and double link failures or node failure
scenarios, where it is possible to form misconnections in the BLSR/MS-SPRing topology. To prevent
misconnections, the 5400 Switch and CoreDirector Switch use the GR-1230-CORE / G.841
compliant standard mechanism that examines the ring traffic patterns stored in a squelch table on
each node within the BLSR/MS-SPRing ring. Before performing protection switching, the switching
node automatically examines the squelch table and inserts STS/AU path AIS in timeslots that could
potentially be misconnected if the traffic switched to protection channels. As traffic patterns (cross
connects on nodes) of a BLSR/MS-SPRing change, the nodes involved in the ring automatically
learn the new traffic patterns, update the squelch tables, and correctly squelch potentially
misconnected traffic upon node/span failures. As with the 4F-VLSR, a 4F-BLSR/MS-SPRing
consists of a set of nodes interconnected with two pairs of fibers (four fibers) to form a closed loop.
Two fibers are used to carry working channels, and the other two are used to carry protection
channels (Figure 2-10).
A 4F-BLSR/MS-SPring operating at an OC-N/STM-N rate has a span capacity of OC-N/STM-N, as
opposed to OC/STM-(N/2) for the 2-fiber BLSR/MS-SPRing. 5400 Switch and CoreDirector Switch
4F-BLSR/MS-SPRing eliminates the possibility of traffic misconnection under following failure
conditions, and provides standard based protections without using its mesh restoration capability.
• Node Failure
• Node Isolation (both east and west span failure)
• Ring Segmentation (two span failures on the same ring)
• Ring protection switch with extra traffic on protection channel

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Chapter 2 - 5400 Switch Base Software 51
Configuration/Inventory Management

Figure 2-10. 4F-BLSR/MS-SPRING Working And Protection Channels



ec g
ot in
Pr ork

NE 3 NE 4

o r te c


ki t
Pr rki
ot ng


ki ct
W rote

ot ng
NE 1 NE 3

Pr r k i

W rote

ki ct
Pr rki
ot ng

ki ct

W r o te




NE 2 NE 5

BLSR Capabilities
The 4F-BLSR/MS-SPRing Protection Scheme provides the following capabilities:
• 10G OC-192/STM-64 BLSR/MS-SPRings
• Standards based maximum of 16 nodes per ring
• Automatic ring map generation and distribution to each member of a closed 4F-BLSR/MS-
• 5400 Switch and CoreDirector participation in multiple distinct rings (up to 64 possible, certified
for up to 16 )
• Manual and forced span and ring switching in addition to other maintenance operations
• Extra traffic on the protection lines
• Support for revertive switching with support for a wait-to-restore mechanism that can be set to
• Intersection of multiple BLSR/MS-SPRing rings at a 5400 Switch and CoreDirector Switch
• No need for matched nodes, simplifying ring interconnection
• 5400 Switch and CoreDirector Switch participation in multiple independent 4F-BLSR/MS-
SPRing rings
• Alarms for ring misconfiguration. For example, an alarm is raised if:
• Ring ID is not identical for all members of the ring
• Incorrect or inconsistent neighbors are identified on the ring
• Support for bidirectional switching only

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52 Chapter 2 - 5400 Switch Base Software
Configuration/Inventory Management

• All SONET or all SDH facilities in the ring (cannot be mixed)

Flexible Cross Connects

Flexible cross connects (FCCs) are a type of cross connects supported by the 5400 Switch and
CoreDirector Switch. Nominally, cross connects in the system are always full duplex and have
exactly two CTPs associated with them. Flexible Cross Connects allow for a fundamental change to
how a cross connect can be built in the system. FCCs allow for the attributes of a cross connect to
now include simplex connections (uni-directional), multicast connections (broadcast) and path level
SNCP selectors to be created. A new object which distinguishes a standard cross connect from an
FCC is the introduction of a Virtual Connection Point or VCP. The VCP represents a connection point
within the fabric that is not itself associated with a physical line. The VCP itself is a simplex object
and a pair of VCPs is required to build a full duplex connection. The VCP also provides the selector
function as well as the multicast function for an FCC.
The FCC itself is an infrastructure enhancement to the 5400 Switch and is used internally to support
a number of applications going forward, including Arbitrary SNCP, Bridge and Roll, Multicast, Drop
and Continue, TAP enhancements, and so on. A full duplex pair of VCPs may also be used as an
origination/termination point for an SNC. Nominally, the presence of a VCP may be hidden from the
user by way of the application layer. However, a low level interface is provided to directly build an
FCC. This interface can be used to create connections prior to the introduction of a more complete
application layer.
The VCP can support one or two inputs and up to 32 outputs. Where two inputs are associated with
a VCP, an SNCP path level selector is inferred.
By nature a VCP is simplex, while an SNC is full duplex. For an SNC to originate on an FCC, it must
originate on a VCP pair. The pair association is designated through a naming convention having the
form Name_0 and Name_1 where 0 and 1 indicates source and sink.
The following example applications illustrate a few configurations supported by Flexible Cross
Connects. In Figure 2-11, a simple multicast is illustrated. Figure 2-12 illustrates an SNCP
protection unit based on an FCC. In this case, an SNC is shown originating on the FCC. The drop
side CTP/GTPs in this case may be added, removed, modified without affecting the SNC itself.
Figure 2-13 illustrates a relatively complicated application of FCCs targeted to supporting a path
protected distribution of broadcast video or any application that requires drop and continue with
multicast. Video from a work and protect head end may be distributed through the network based on
a drop and continue topology. A common full duplex timeslot may share traffic from both an East and
West head end. Given a failure, an SNCP selector may be utilized to provide 50ms protection of the
service, while the traffic itself is broadcast onto a 1+1 drop.

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Chapter 2 - 5400 Switch Base Software 53
Configuration/Inventory Management

Figure 2-11. Multicast



VCP_A_0 configured for Multicast

Figure 2-12. SNCP

FCC configured for SNCP Application,
CTP/GTP VCP_A_0 acting as SNCP selector,
VCP_A_1 acting as bridge



SNC Originates on Autocreated CTP –
VCP pair – allows free to change on
CTPs to be modifed Mesh Resotration
without affecting SNC

Figure 2-13. Protected Drop & Continue Video Distribution

VCP_A_0 and VCP_A_1 configured for
Broadcast Video Feed form Drop and Continue
Headend A



Broadcast Video Feed form

Headend B


VCP_B_0 configured for SNCP based

path level selector with a multicast output


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Arbitrary SNCP
Arbitrary SNCP (A-SNCP) allows for a path protection unit (PU), where the work/protect CTPs can
be arbitrarily added and removed from the PU. The only restrictions being that the CTPs have the
same concatenation, and exist on the same NE. There is no restriction relative to line rate or timeslot.
Provisioning "back-to-back" A-SNCP (Figure 2-14) is also supported where both the drop side and
the network side of the connection are protected. This back-to-back feature is useful for protected
ring-to-ring interconnect and is compatible with SONET UPSR.
A-SNCP can be used in combination with linear protection switching. A-SNCP is supported on
SONET/SDH lines embedded on an OTN interface with no additional restrictions. Unlike Signaled
SNCP, SNCs cannot terminate on an A-SNCP protected CTP. A-SNCP protection is only supported
on the client side of the network for OSRP mesh protected applications.
Routing A-SNCP protected paths over APS protection groups is well suited for submarine systems.
The APS lines are not diversely routed, thus the APS protection is used to protect against equipment
failures and not fiber failures. The A-SNCP protection is used to protect against fiber and/or path
failures. The A-SNCP paths can be routed over APS 1+1 or 1:N protection groups. See A-SNCP
Over APS on Page 55 for additional information.

Figure 2-14. Back-to-back A-SNCP

An arbitrary SNCP connection is illustrated in Figure 2-15. In this illustration, an SNCP protected
service originating on a DSLAM is carried back to the 5430 Switch by way of a fully equipment and
facility diverse path. The traffic is carried on separate rings of differing bandwidth and no restriction
is made for which timeslot the traffic is carried in.

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Figure 2-15. SNCP by way of Arbitrary Back Haul Topology





The 5400 Switch supports routing A-SNCP protected paths over APS Protection Groups for
submarine systems. In this configuration, the APS lines are not diversely routed, thus the APS
protection is used to protect against equipment failures, not fiber failures. The A-SNCO protection is
used to protect against fiber and/or path failures.
The A-SNCP Over APS feature has the following capabilities:
• The A-SNCP paths can be routed over APS 1+1 or 1:N protection groups.
• When SONET/SDH A-SNCP paths are routed over SONET/SDH APS Protection Groups, the
5400 Switch supports all A-SNCP switching features.
• When SONET/SDH A-SNCP paths are routed over SONET/SDH APS Protection Groups, the
5400 Switch supports all APS unidirectional/bidirectional 1+1 and bidirectional 1:N protection.

Note: SONET/SDH A-SNCP paths routed over embedded SONET/SDH protection groups on
an OTN interface is not supported.

• When A-SNCP protected paths are routed over one or more APS protected lines, the
protection switch criteria is dependent on the SONET/SDH path or line defects respectively.
Since a SONET/SDH line defect causes a SNCP path defect, both switch criteria are met, and
both switch selectors are switched. However, if the user provisions a hold-off timer on the A-
SNCP protection switch for a period longer than the APS restoration time, the A-SNCP does
not switch. Also, if the APS cannot restore traffic within the hold-off period and the path defect
is still present, the A-SNCP selector switches.

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• CTP test access is supported in Self Mode and Common Mode however, CTP test access is
not supported when the CTP is in Protection Mode.
• TTP Connection level loopbacks and line level loopbacks are supported.

Network Synchronization
The 5400 Switch software supports Building Integrated Timing Supply (BITS), which uses
Synchronization Status Messaging (SSM) to assist in selecting the proper reference.
The 5400 Switch software supports either DS-1 or E1 BITS input references when the proper I/O
Panel is installed. The 5400 Switch software supports Mixed timing Mode in which both BITS and
line timing sources are used.
The 5400 Switch software provides hitless switchover support in the event of a CTM timing failure.
The 1:1 equipment redundancy ensures that a maintenance shutdown or failure of a CTM results in
smooth transition to the alternate CTM without hits on data traffic.
The 5400 Switch supports ITU timing requirements. The CTM supports E1 timing references. The
E1 signal contains a Frame Alignment Signal (FAS) frame alternated with a Non-FAS (NFAS) frame
with a user-selectable location (SA4, SA5, SA6, SA7, or SA8) for the SSM message encoding. The
section Line Timing with SSM (below) provides more information about line timing with SSM.
Incoming references are either T1/DS1 or E1.

Note: Manual switching between interfaces is also supported.

Line Timing with SSM

SSM messages contain clock quality information that allows the 5400 Switch to select the most
suitable synchronization reference from the set of up to four available references. SSM messages
are exchanged between neighboring nodes by means of the S1 byte to provide timing reference
information. Table 2-4 lists the values of T1/DS1 and SONET SSM formats.

Table 2-4. T1/DS1 and SONET Synchronization Status Message Definitions

Clock Quality Level Acronym Quality Level S1 Bits
Stratum 1 Traceable PRS 1 0001
Synchronized Traceability Unknown STU 2 0000
Stratum 2 Traceable ST2 3 0111
Transit Node Clock Traceable TNC 4 0100
Stratum 3E Traceable ST3E 5 1101
Stratum 3 Traceable ST3 6 1010
SONET Minimum Clock Traceable SMC 7 1100
Stratum 4 Traceable ST4 8 N/A
DON’T USE for Synchronization DUS 9 1111
Provisionable by the Network Operator PNO User-assignable 1110

Table 2-5 lists the values of E1 and SDH SSM formats as defined by G.704.

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Table 2-5. E1 and SDH Synchronization Status Message Definitions

Clock Quality Level Acronym S1 bits
Stratum 1 Traceable SONET: PRS
1 0010
SDH: G.811 PRC
Stratum 2 Traceable SONET: ST2, TNC
Transit Node Clock Traceable 4 0100
Stratum 3E Traceable SONET: ST3E
Stratum 3 Traceable 5 1000
SONET Minimum Clock SONET: ST3
Traceable 6 1011
SDH: G.813 SEC
Synchronization 9 1111
Reserved for Individual RES User
Administrations assigned

The 5400 Switch selects the reference with the highest quality SSM value as the synchronization
reference. When an SSM source changes the SSM value, the 5400 Switch software evaluates the
change to see if the changed SSM value is better than the currently selected reference. Based on
the value, the 5400 Switch can respond in one of the following ways:
• Switch the timing reference
• Enter holdover/free-run clock mode
• Recover from holdover/free-run clock mode

Synchronization Status Message Translations

The 5400 Switch allows the interchange of reference synchronization messages across SONET and
SDH networks. Table 2-6 illustrates the SSM translation from SONET definitions to SDH definitions.

Table 2-6. SONET to SDH Translations

PRS G.811 (PRC)
ST3 G.813 (SEC)

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Table 2-7 lists the SSM translation from SDH definitions to SONET definitions.

Table 2-7. SSM Translations from SDH to SONET

G.811 (PRC) PRS
G.813 (SEC) SMC

Management Gateway Network Element

SONET/SDH IP over DCC and OTN IPoGCC with GNE support
The Internet Protocol (IP) over Data Communications Channel (IPoDCC) utility provides IP
communications between 5400 Switches, CoreDirector Switches, and subtended MSPP devices
such as the 6500. IPoDCC enables the 5400 Switch to function as a gateway, providing reliable Data
Communications Network (DCN) connectivity between a Network Management System and edge
Network Elements (NEs) in linear, SNCP, and ring topologies. IPoDCC provides a cost-effective in-
band communications channel alternative to T1 or DS3 facilities for DCN connectivity in remote or
expensive locations.
As the management Gateway Network Element (GNE), the 5400 Switch uses the Section Overhead
(SOH) or Line Overhead (LOH) DCC bytes (D1 through D3 and D4 through D12, respectively) to
communicate to the target edge NEs on existing SONET and SDH topology. IP over DCC
establishes Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) connections to carry IP management traffic on the Section
DCC channel for SONET and on the RS DCC channel for SDH. The PPP connections are
independent of any protection schemes (Automatic Protection Switching (APS), Virtual Line
Switched Ring (VLSR), and so forth) that are in place between 5400 Switches.All links between the
5400 Switch and the target (or subtended) edge network element (NE) act as a protection group for
the IP over DCC connection, meaning that they all carry the same data.
PPP should not be enabled on the protection lines of a VLSR ring. If PPP is enabled on the
protection lines of a VLSR ring, the PPP traffic will be relayed (along with the VLSR CSDP traffic)
when the node enters pass-through (as the intermediate node of a VLSR ring switch).
In general, IP over DCC should not be allowed on an interface that requires (or may require)
Transport Overhead (TOH) relay.
The IP over DCC feature has the following capabilities:
• PPP transports IP management traffic on the DCC channel.
• The 5400 Switch IPoDCC feature uses external management packet traffic throttling to insulate
the effect of external management IP traffic on the 5400 Switch control plane.
• The 5400 Switch IPoDCC feature supports PPP session protection by default. PPP protection
does not affect the operation of SONET or SDH line protection.
• When multiple PPP sessions are established to a subtended NE, packets from the subtended
NE are accepted on any interface.
• The 5400 Switch IPoDCC feature is supported by 5400 Switch TSLM-12/SSLM-12 and TSLM-
48/SSLM-48 line modules.

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• The 5400 Switch IPoDCC feature supports SONET, and SDH.

• The 5400 Switch IPoDCC feature supports prioritization of external management IP packet
processing, where possible, to the lowest possible level.
• The IPoDCC feature has the following operational requirements:
• There can be only one DCC channel per port.
• IPoDCC requires a DCN topology with unique IP addresses.
• IP addresses must be static.
• IP addresses of GNEs must be on the same subnet.
• IPoDCC requires static routes in routers for all directly connected target 5400 Switches.
• Subtended NEs may not be multi-homed.
• IPoDCC is subject to throttling, which limits the number of packets presented to a line module
to 2400 per second. This limit affects the amount of IPoDCC traffic that the GNE can forward to
the target NE.
• When IPoDCC is used to support Automatic Protection Switching (APS) for 1+1 configurations,
the protection group must be set to bi-directional. Uni-directional APS 1+1 groups are not
supported when using IPoDCC.
A subtended NE is served by one or more DCCs from a 5400 Switch. The user establishes IPoDCC
for each line before the line is activated. A new managed object is added to the 5400 Switch to
represent the subtended NE and the group of DCCs serving that NE. This subtended NE is identified
by a unique name and must have an assigned IP address.
The PPP sessions to the subtended NE are unnumbered. The near-end address is the 5400 Switch
management address, and the far-end address is the subtended NE address assigned above.
The following common PPP parameters are provisioned for the subtended NE and apply to all PPP
sessions to that NE:
• Address negotiation
• LCP echo request period
• LCP echo response time-out period
After the subtended NE is identified and PPP parameters are provisioned, all Trail Termination
Points (TTPs) that terminate a line to the subtended NE are associated with the NE. This
association, when greater than one TTP, also forms a PPP protection group. Any one PPP session
in the group provides IP connectivity with automatic protection switching independent of the SONET/
SDH payload protection mechanism (1+1).

OTN IPoGCC with GNE Support

In addition to SONET/SDH IPoDCC with GNE support, Release 2.0.3 also provides OTN IPoGCC
with GNE Support with most of the same capabilities described in SONET/SDH IP over DCC and
OTN IPoGCC with GNE support on Page 58.
Additionally, 5400 Switch supports a variety of OTN topologies, including 4200 equipment
connected to a 5400 Switch, as shown in Figure 2-16. Figure 2-16 shows different applications
supported by the 5400 Switch IP over GCC feature. All links between the 5400 Switch and other NEs

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60 Chapter 2 - 5400 Switch Base Software
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are OTN links. Although a single link is shown between NEs and 5400 Switches, there might actually
be more than one fiber pair between them, and each may have a GCC session on it. The
connections between DCN and NEs (including 5400 Switches) may be WAN or LAN connections.

Note: When a 5400 Switch is connected to 4200 equipment, both the 5400 Switch and 4200
devices must be provisioned to use GCC0.

As Figure 2-16 shows, not all NEs have DCN connectivity. The IPoGCC feature gives the 5400
Switch the capability to establish and maintain a communication channel between OSS
(Management Station) and the NEs.
The far left configuration in Figure 2-16 shows the 5400 Switch connected to a gateway network
element. This application is aimed at managing subtended NEs that participate in a UPSR/SNCP
ring. The middle configuration shows a 5400 Switch that is itself part of a ring. Note that in the first
configuration the 5400 Switch does not actually participate in the ring. The third configuration shows
a redundant connection to END NE that has one connection to the DCN. Also it shows an END NE
being managed through a GNE in a linear configuration. This application is aimed at managing
subtended NEs that are not a part of the ring.

Figure 2-16. IP over GCC

The IPoGCC feature has the following capabilities:

• The 5400 Switch IPoGCC feature uses external management packet traffic throttling to insulate
the effect of external management IP traffic on the 5400 Switch control plane.

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• The 5400 Switch IPoGCC feature is supported by 5400 Switch TSLM-12/OSLM-12 and TSLM-
48/OSLM-48 line modules.
• The 5400 Switch IPoGCC feature can easily manage subtended 4200 rings.
• The 5400 Switch IPoGCC feature supports prioritization of external management IP packet
processing, where possible, to the lowest possible level.
The IPoGCC feature has the following operational requirements:
• There can be only one GCC channel per port.
• IP over GCC requires a DCN topology with unique IP addresses.
• IP addresses must be static.
• IP addresses of non-4200 GNEs must be on the same subnet.
• IPoGCC requires static routes in routers for all directly connected target 5400 Switches. In a
4200 ring, there must be both a static route for the 4200 Platform and a subnet mask.
• 4200 nodes on a ring must be within the same subnet as the 4200 GNE and be specified by a
subnet mask provisioned in the 5400 Switch.
• Subtended NEs may not be multi-homed.
• IP over GCC is subject to throttling, which limits the number of packets presented to a line
module to 2400 per second. This limit affects the amount of IPoGCC traffic that the GNE can
forward to the target NE.
• When IPoGCC is used to support Automatic Protection Switching (APS) for 1+1 configurations,
the protection group must be set to bi-directional. Uni-directional APS 1+1 groups are not
supported when using IPoGCC.

Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) Over DCC/GCC

The OSPF over DCC/GCC (OSPFoDCC/GCC) feature facilitates in-band communications between
NEs. A mesh of 5400 Switches can be deployed with one or more 5400 Switches designated as the
GNE. GNEs will be connected via Ethernet to an IP network, and can be used to manage a mesh of
interconnected NEs. The NEs that are not connected directly to the data network are managed using
As shown in Figure 2-17, Node Manager and ON-Center managed 5400 Switch networks use
CORBA to communicate with the nodes. ON-Center and Node Manager are connected to the GNEs
(NE-1 and NE-2) via Ethernet, and the GNEs are connected to the rest of NEs by way of inband.
Multiple paths provide higher availability.
Packets arriving at the GNEs must be routed/forwarded to the destination NEs that could be located
multiple hops away from the GNEs. The same is true for the packets originating from NEs that are
destined to SNM or any other hosts on the external IP network. This requires GNEs and NEs to know
how to route the packets to the destination. This is achieved by running OSPF on the GNEs and
The GNEs can be configured to belong to a larger network than the NE network alone, by running
OSPF on GNE's Ethernet and SONET/SDH ports. This way, NEs' IP addresses would be exposed
to the external network and vice versa
The following section discusses possible network configurations, data flows, level of redundancy
that can be achieved.

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Figure 2-17. Simple Mesh Network




-4 8 OC

Node OC -4 8
-4 8 OC

NE-1 NE-3

NE-4 5430-09111

GNEs on Same LAN

As shown in Figure 2-18, all the NEs are in the same subnet as the GNEs, and GNEs are in the
same physical LAN

Figure 2-18. GNEs on Same LAN

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Traffic Flow:
Packets from EMS to an NE reach the Router A (Router A has advertised the subnet to the IP
network). RouterA in turn sends an ARP request for the destination addresses. GNE1 and GNE2
are both configured to respond to ARP request for all the NEs in Area1. The most recent response
to the ARP request determines the GNE selected as gateway.
Both GNEs present themselves as default gateways to the data network (by configuring default
route). This causes NEs to send packets destined to EMSs to the closest GNE. For example the
EMS request to NE-5 can go through NE-1 or through NE-2.
As shown in Figure 2-18, when one GNE fails the other GNE acts as the gateway. However, the
router connected to the GNEs (RouterA) does not know about the GNE failure and continues to
forward packets to the failed GNE. Routers are configured to age out the ARP entries after a certain
period (normally 30 minutes). Once an APR entry is aged out, RouterA sends out a new request.
This causes the healthy GNE to respond to the ARP request, which in turn results in gateway
switchover. RouterA's ARP aging period can be set to a smaller value to reduce the switchover time.

GNEs in Different Physical Locations

As shown in Figure 2-19, NE-1 and NE-2 are in different physical locations but are still in the same
subnet. In this case both RouterA and RouterB advertise subnet as reachable. NE-1
(i.e., GNE-1) and NE-2 (i.e., GNE-2) are directly connected to RouterA and RouterB, respectively.

Figure 2-19. GNEs in Different Locations

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Traffic Flow:
RouterA and RouterB advertise subnet as reachable. Depending on the external IP
network's configurations, packets from EMS to NEs can either go through RouterA, RouterB, or both
(load balancing).
Both GNEs present themselves as default gateway to the data network (the user must create static
default routes). This causes NEs to choose the closest GNE as the gateway to the EMS. For
example the EMS request to NE-5 can go through NE-1 and responses go though NE-2.
In some network configurations it may be desirable for all packets to go through one GNE in both
directions (shortest path bypass). For this reason, users can to set a Weight to set static default
routes. NEs select the default route with the lowest Weight even thought it is not the shortest path.
NEs switch to the other default route when the preferred route is not reachable.
As shown in Figure 2-19, RouterA and RouterB are directly (not routed through a HUB or switch)
connected to GNE1 and GNE2, respectively. When a GNE reboots, the Ethernet connection to the
neighboring router goes down. The neighbor router then announces the network as unreachable
from its end. This causes the IP network to forward the packets to the other GNE.
This method works as long as the internal network is not disjoint. As shown in Figure 2-20, NE-2,
NE-3 and NE-5 are not reachable from GNE-1. However, RouterA will not be aware of this
information. This will cause the packet destined to NE-2, NE-3 and NE-5 to be dropped, provided
that RouterA was selected as the shortest path).

Figure 2-20. Disjoint Internal Network

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NEs in Different Subnets

This is the same as the previously discussed networks. However, the ArpProxy feature can not be
used when NEs are not in the same subnet as the GNEs. In this scenario, static route entries must
be added to RouterA and RouterB, as shown in Figure 2-21.

Figure 2-21. NEs in Different Subnets

OSPFoDCC/GCC feature has the following functional requirements:

• The 5400 Switch provides the ability for the user to manually enable or disable OSPF on any
SONET/SDH physical interface (TTP) terminated on it.
• The 5400 Switch supports different HDLC framing requirements (16 bit CRC vs. 32 bit-CRC
• The OSPFoDCC/GCC feature supports multiple links between a neighboring node and CD
using different TSLMs.
• OSPFoDCC configuration and operation is independent of OSRP.
• OSPF configuration and operation is independent of IPoDCC. However, management traffic is
forwarded on an IPoDCC/GCC's PPP session as long as it remains correctly configured.
• The 5400 Switch provides the ability for the user to specify an IPv4 compliant nodal IP address.
The nodal IP address is the node's management address.
• The 5400 Switch allows the user to configure a simple password for the OSPF network. There
can be only one password per node or no password. A physical interface that is OSPF enabled
at both ends is usable only if both passwords match (simple authentication), or if no password
is defined (null authentication).

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• The 5400 Switch allows the user to enable or disable password authentication a line by line
• The 5400 Switch provides the ability for the user to manually configure a default route to an
external router on an external DCN network connected to one of Ethernet ports. The 5400
Switch advertises itself to the rest of the OSPF network as one of the default gateway(s) to the
DCN. A 5400 Switch with a connection to the external DCN network is called Gateway NE

OTU2 Auto-Discovery With The 4200

All OTU2 links between the 5400 and 4200 can now be auto-discovered over the GCC0 overhead
of the OTU2 interface. This auto-discovery capability allows a more complete topological view of the
network to be auto-generated by ON-Center and avoids provisioning mistakes created by requiring
manual provisioning of interconnectivity.
A 5400 Switch can assume the role of Gateway NE (GNE) for subtended 4200 NE over OTN. A
Target GNE makes use of the ability to carry IP traffic in-band over OTN (over GCC). The 4200-GNE
feature enables IP traffic to be forwarded from/to a DCN connected via Ethernet to the Target GNE.
Management traffic can be either originated at, or destined to, any CN4200 NE subtended to the
Target GNE. A 4200 can be subtended to a Target GNE directly (one hop away over an OTN link),
or indirectly (one hop away over an OTN link from a subtended 4200).
The 5400 Switch also supports OTN embedded-GNE where the IP traffic is neither originated at,
destined to, or manipulated by any 4200 NE. The management traffic can be originated at, or
destined to, an OTN/SDH/SONET-terminating equipment that is subtended to a CN4200, which is
in turn subtended to a 5400 Switch GNE. Because a 4200 NE is not SDH/SONET-terminating, the
management traffic needs to be carried in-band (on DCC bytes) on an SDH/SONET connection
embedded in OTN and dropped from the subtending 4200. An OTN embedded-GNE supports both
IP and OSI traffic over the embedded DCC.

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Account and Security Management

Account and Security Management

Account and security management capabilities include authentication and authorization access to
management functions, as well as audit trail maintenance for tracking accountability. A common
security mechanism is supported to service all external system or operator requests. In this way,
consistency can be maintained, regardless of how or by what entity management functions on the
switch are being accessed. Table 2-8 lists user account classes.
Table 2-8. User Account Classes
Access Level
Account • Creating new accounts and deleting existing accounts
Administrator • Sets the text for the Node Manager login banner
(AA) • Establishes new user account and password default requirements
• Enable and disable (lock and unlock user accounts)
• Modifying user accounts, access levels, and password settings on the server
• Enabling/Provisioning external authentication
• Resetting passwords
• Forcing user log outs
• Viewing users who are currently logged in to the system
Connection • Adding, modifying, and deleting CTPs, GTPs, Virtual Connection Points
Provisioner (CP) (VCPs), cross connects, and Link Aggregation Groups (LAGs)
• Creating, configuring, and deleting Subnetwork Connections (SNCs)
• Manually reverting and regrooming SNCs
• Adding or removing line/path protection lines and protection groups
• Activating, deactivating, and removing loopbacks and TALs
• Modifying OSRP link parameters, such as administrative weight or bundle ID
Observer • Access to all read-only functions (all users have this Operator privilege)
Operator (O) • Access to all read-only functions (all users have this Operator privilege)
• Activating, deactivating, resetting, or switching circuit packs
• Modifying facility defaults
Termination Point • Configuring and provisioning PTPs, including section and line layer
Provisioner (TP) parameters and characteristic port behavior
• Activating or deactivating TTPs
• Activating, deactivating, and removing loopbacks and TALs
• Enabling, disabling, modifying TTP DCC protocols (LAPD, OSI, etc.)
• Controlling protection switching configurations
Troubleshooter • Accessing monitor (read-only) functions pertaining to connections, ports,
(TS) protection, and equipment
• Invoking and releasing protection switching manual commands
• Loopback TTPs
• Get and reset performance monitoring
• Activating, deactivating, and removing loopbacks and TALs
• Performing loopback and hardware diagnostic functions
• Regrooming and manually reverting SNCs

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68 Chapter 2 - 5400 Switch Base Software
Account and Security Management

Security Features
The 5400 Switch software includes security enhancements at the NE level, including one-way
password encryption using an improved 3-DES encryption algorithm and an automated time-out on
inactive logon sessions.
The major security management features are listed below:
• User authentication - Ensures that people who are not granted explicit access to a specific
5410 Switch or 5430 Switch are prevented from performing or viewing anything on the switch.
• Security log - Provides a detailed record of all user activity including security breaches, invalid
user logons, and failed attempts.
• Security alarms/alerts
• User authentication attempts, whether successful or not
• Session terminations, whether initiated by the user, by an administrator or automatically due
to time out or failures
• Changes to the security settings
• Autonomous actions that may affect the operational continuity of the system, such as loss
and restoration of management communications, CTM switchover, initialization, software
release upgrade or reversion
• Multiple distinct role-based user authorization levels - At the node level, users are configured
with access to an individual 5410 Switch or 5430 Switch. This makes it possible for a person to
have access to only part of the entire network. The system supports up to 512 different user
logon identities; however, this does not imply that all 512 users can be connected to the 5410
Switch or 5430 Switch at the same time.
• Predefined access levels - At the node level, users are configured on a per-switch basis with
the appropriate authorization level(s) as defined in Table 2-8 on Page 67.
• Auto logoff - The 5400 Switch software monitors the activity of each logged on user. If a user is
inactive for a configurable period of time, the user is automatically logged off. Inactivity is
defined as absence of user-initiated modification (configure, create, and so forth) to the 5410
Switch or 5430 Switch.
• Administrators can change the inactive time-out. The default value is 60 minutes and the
valid range for user inactive time out is from 0 to 999 minutes. Setting the inactive time-out
to 0 disables auto logoff.
• When an inactive time out occurs, the 5400 Switch sends an event notification to the client
logged off, indicating the user has been logged off.
• Password deactivation/account lockout - After several unsuccessful logon attempts, the 5400
Switch software deactivates the user account for a certain period of time. To prevent hacking,
the 5410 Switch or 5430 Switch prevents user logon even if the right password is entered within
the deactivated period of time.
• The number of unsuccessful logon attempts is configurable by the administrator. The default
value is five, with a valid range of zero to ten (a value of zero means never disabled).
• The 5400 Switch software reports an event notification in response to a configured number
of unsuccessful logon attempts to the switch. The event notifies the Account Administrator
about possible intrusion, and all attempts are recorded in the audit log for documentation
and audit trail purposes. CLI logons are tracked separately from other logons.
• The 5400 Switch software disables the user account for a period configured by the
administrator. The valid range for user inactive time is from 0 to 30 minutes. If an inactive
time is set to zero, the password deactivation function is disabled. The default value is one

5400 Reconfigurable Switching System 009-3209-000 - Revision A

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Chapter 2 - 5400 Switch Base Software 69
Performance Management

HTTPS - Secure File Transfer

Hypertext Transfer Protocol over a Secure Sockets Layer/Transport Layer Security (HTTPS over
SSL/TLS) is used to transfer files between the server and client. HTTPS is a communications
protocol designed to transfer encrypted information between computers over the Internet. SSL/TLS
uses cryptography to encrypt the data between the client and the server and it uses digital certificate
to authenticate the server and the client. With HTTPS, user name and password are encrypted while
they are in transit.

Note: Detailed procedures for transferring certificates to an NE and transferring secure

encrypted files between a 5410 Switch or 5430 Switch are described in the 5400
Reconfigurable Switching System Turn-up and Test Manual.

Performance Management
Performance management consists primarily of performance monitoring and threshold alarming and
notification. The objective of performance management is to collect data continuously to evaluate
individual connection performance. Performance management provides Near End and Far End
performance monitoring data on OTN interfaces for Section Monitor (SM), Tandem Connection
Monitor (TCM) and Path Monitor (PM). For SONET/SDH Near End and Far end PM Is provided for
Section/RS, Line/MS, and Path.The 5400 Switch allows an operator to configure performance
thresholds for each circuit.
The 5400 Switch software provides Path PM data collection, TCAs, drop-side Path PM, and alarms
on the SNC drop-sides by default. Path PM collection and TCAs are disabled by default on
participating CTPs to improve PM data management.

Performance Monitoring (PM) Scalability

The 5400 Switch Performance Monitoring (PM) scalability provides improved ability for the 5400
Switch client application to retrieve PM data fast and efficiently, to better support large and complex
network configurations.
Performance monitoring scalability has the following two functional aspects:
• PM data is transferred in bulk instead of individually.
• PM data is not transferred when the data is all zeros.
Performance monitoring scalability has the following behaviors:
• When path-level CTP PM data is collected, the corresponding Subnetwork Connection (SNC)
name is not provided.
• Because of creation and deletion events, historical data for path-level CTPs is not guaranteed
to be part of active CTPs.

Performance management thresholds are categorized into the following two groups:
• Current 15-minute threshold
• Current 24-hour threshold
Current 15-minute and current 24-hour thresholds are used for TCAs. Operators can configure
15-minute and current 24-hour thresholds for each section, line, and path layer statistic.

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70 Chapter 2 - 5400 Switch Base Software
Performance Management

Statistics collected as part of 5400 Switch performance monitoring functions include real-time and
historical statistics for the physical layer, section layer, line layer, and path.

Real-time and Historical Statistics Collection

Users can configure the intervals for statistics collection, as well as define when collection begins
and ends. Performance management statistics are collected in groups, which contain the following
• Current 15-minute
• 32 previous 15-minute intervals
• Current 24-hour
• Previous 24-hours
• Linear protection switching statistics (on a per-line basis)

OTN Section Monitor/Tandem Connection Monitor/Path Monitor

Layer Statistics
Physical statistics include the following categories for optical modules:
• Laser Bias Current (LBC)
• Optical Power Transmit
• Optical power received
OTU Section Monitor statistics include the following:
• Background Block Error-Near End and Far End (BBE and BBE-FE)
• Severely Errored Framing Seconds (SEFS)
• Severely Errored Multi-Frame Seconds (SEMS)
• Errored Seconds Near End and Far End (ES and ES-FE)
• Severely Errored Second Near End and Far End (SES and SES-FE)
• Consecutive Severely Errored Second Near End and Far End (CSES and CSES-FE)
• Unavailable Seconds Near End and Far End (UAS and UAS-FE)
• Corrected FEC errors (for OTUk interfaces with FEC turned on)
ODU Section Monitor statistics include the following:
• Background Block Error-Near End and Far End (BBE and BBE-FE)
• Errored Seconds Near End and Far End (ES and ES-FE)
• Severely Errored Second Near End and Far End (SES and SES-FE)
• Consecutive Severely Errored Second Near End and Far End (CSES and CSES-FE)
• Unavailable Seconds Near End and Far End (UAS and UAS-FE)
OTU Transparent SONET/SDH TTP (STTP) Section statistics include the following:
• Code Violation (CV)
• Errored Seconds (ES)
• Severely Errored Seconds (SES)
• Severely Errored Framing Seconds (SEFS)
OTU CBR Section statistics include the following:

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Chapter 2 - 5400 Switch Base Software 71
Performance Management

• Severely Errored Seconds threshold (TSES)

• Unavailable Seconds (TUAS)
OTU TCM TTPs statistics include the following:
• Background Block Error-Near End and Far End (BBE and BBE-FE)
• Consecutive Severely Errored Second Near End and Far End (CSES and CSES-FE)
• Errored Seconds Near End and Far End (ES and ES-FE)
• Severely Errored Seconds Near End and Far End (SES and SES-FE)
• Unavailable Seconds Near End and Far End (UAS and UAS-FE)
OTN Transparent ETTP Physical Layer statistics include the following:
• Code Violation (CV-E)
• Consecutive Severely Errored Seconds (CSES-E)
• Errored Seconds (ES-E)
• Severely Errored Seconds (SES-E)
• Unavailable Seconds (UAS-E)
OTN Transparent ETTP MAC Layer statistics include the following:
• Oversize
• Undersize
• Fragments
• Jabbers
• Frame Check Sequence Errors
• Symbol Errors
• Unknown Op Codes
• Ports In Discard
• In Octets
• In Error Octets
• In Pause Frames
• In Packets
• Out Octets
• Out Pause Frames
• Out Packets

SONET/SDH Physical/Section/Line Layer, and Path Statistics

Physical statistics include the following categories for optical modules:
• Laser Bias Current (LBC)
• Optical Power Transmit
• Optical power received
OC-n Section statistics include the following:
• Code Violation (CV-S)
• Errored Seconds (ES-S)
• Severely Errored Seconds (SES-S)
• Severely Errored Framing Seconds (SEFS-S)

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72 Chapter 2 - 5400 Switch Base Software
Performance Management

STM-n Regenerator Section statistics include the following:

• Background Block Error (RS-BBE)
• Errored Seconds (RS-ES)
• Severely Errored Seconds (RS-SES)
• Out of Frame Seconds (RS-OFS)
OC-n Line statistics include the following:
• Code Violation Near End and Far End (CV-L and CV-LFE)
• Errored Seconds Near End (ES-L) and Far End (ES-LFE)
• Severely Errored Second Near End (SES-L) and Far End (SES-LFE)
• Unavailable Seconds Near End (UAS-L) and Far End (UAS-LFE)
• Failure Count Near End (FC-L) and Far End (FC-LFE)
• Protection Switching Counts-Near End (PSC)
• Protection Switching Duration-Near End (PSD)
• Protection Switch Count Ring (PSCR)
STM-n Multiplex Section statistics include the following:
• Background Block Error-Near End and Far End (MS-BBE and MS-BBE-FE)
• Errored Seconds Near End (MS-ES) and Far End (MS-ES-FE)
• Severely Errored Second Near End (MS-SES) and Far End (MS-SES-FE)
• Unavailable Seconds Near End (MS-UAS) and Far End (MS-UAS-FE)
• Protection Switching Counts (PSC)
• Protection Switching Duration (PSD)
• Protection Switch Count Ring (PSCR)
OC-n Path layer statistics include the following:
• Code Violation-Path and Path Far End (CV-P and CV-PFE)
• Errored Seconds-Path Near End (ES-P) and Path Far End (ES-PFE)
• Severely Errored Seconds-Path Near End (SES-P) and Path Far End (SES-PFE)
• Unavailable Seconds-Path Near End (UAS-P) and Path Far End (UAS-PFE)
• Failure Count-Path Near End (FC-P) and Path Far End (FC-PFE)
STM-n Path layer statistics include the following:
• Background Block Error-Near End and Far End (HP-BBE and HP-BBE-FE)
• Errored Seconds Near End (HP-ES) and Far End (HP-ES-FE)
• Severely Errored Second Near End (HP-SES) and Far End (HP-SES-FE)
• Unavailable Seconds Near End (HP-UAS) and Far End HP-(UAS-FE)
• Failure Count (HP-FC) and Far End Failure Count (HP-FC-FE)

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Chapter 2 - 5400 Switch Base Software 73
Software Image and Version Management

Software Image and Version Management

Backup and Restore
The 5400 Switch databases can be backed up to and restored using CLI commands or through ON-
Center. The configuration database may be backed up to remote server. Backup and restore is
always executed on the primary CTM, regardless of where the primary CTM resides (A-CTM1 or A-
CTM2 for the 5410 Switch or A-CTM or C-CTM for the 5430 Switch).
During node configuration restoration on the primary CTM, the database is downloaded and a trigger
is sent to the application subsystems to indicate that the new database is available. The applications
subsystem invokes a restart of the core subsystem processes on the Secondary CTM and the LMs,
and then restarts itself on the Primary CTM. The restart of all the core processes refreshes the data
on all the processors. The primary CTM resumes primary CTM functions after the restore completes.

Software Upgrade
5400 Switch software provides two types of software in-service upgrade capability that do not affect
traffic. The Failover Upgrade procedure is used to upgrade the software when the Operating System
(OS) and related software needs to be upgraded. The In Place Upgrade procedure is used when
only application subsystem software needs to be upgraded or the OS in the new software is
backwards compatible with the earlier OS. The upgrade procedure used is dictated by the content
of the release and is determined automatically by the release image based on software compatibility
The upgrade procedure performs the following functions:
• A new software image folder is created on CTM flash memory.
• The software image is downloaded from the FTP server to the new folder.
• The software image is distributed to the Secondary CTM and LMs and updated on the CTM
flash memory on those processors.
• The NE database is copied from the old software image folder and synced to the Secondary
• The CTM boot image path is set to the new folder on all the modules.
• The old software image folder is left in place until deleted by the user.
The Primary CTM sequentially restarts the application subsystems and then sequentially restarts the
subsystems on all the LM and itself simultaneously. This upgrades the subsystem software on all
the cards.
The upgrade is always executed on the primary CTM regardless of where the primary CTM resides
(A-CTM1 or A-CTM2 for the 5410 Switch or A-CTM or C-CTM for the 5430 Switch).
The CTM supports three software images for optimal system performance. Old packages should be
removed by the administrator using the CLI.
Software packages are copied onto the standby CTM after it has been unarchived and validated on
the Primary CTM. In the event that the software has already been unarchived/validated and a CTM
switch activity occurs before the Switch to Upgrade command has been invoked, the upgrade cannot
be continued to the newly active CTM. However, the upgrade process can be restarted from the
newly active CTM.

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74 Chapter 2 - 5400 Switch Base Software
Software Image and Version Management

Data Communications Network Access

The 5400 Switch software includes a Data Communications Network (DCN) access feature that
provides visibility of end-to-end management connectivity between the 5410 Switch or 5430 Switch
and the Node Manager client and Node Manager or ON-Center Management Suite clients. Both the
5410 Switch and 5430 Switch have four DCN ports to provide redundant connectivity to the 5400
Switch, as show in Figure 2-22.

Figure 2-22. 5400 Switch DCN Connectivity

AUX 1 Main



5400 Reconfigurable Switching System 009-3209-000 - Revision A

Copyright© 2011 Ciena® Corporation December 16, 2011
Chapter 3:
5400 Switch Mesh Software

This chapter describes the features of the Ciena® 5400 Reconfigurable Switching System Base
Mesh Infrastructure Software Package that expand beyond the 5400 Switch Base Software. The
5400 Reconfigurable Switching System is hereinafter referred to as 5400 Switch.
The features of the 5400 Switch Base Mesh Infrastructure Software Package are described in terms
of Operation, Administration, Maintenance, and Provisioning (OAM&P) functionality. The feature
descriptions are organized into the four key network management functional areas of fault
management, configuration/inventory management, account and security management, and
performance management.
• Fault management (below) - In addition to the 5400 Switch Base Software Fault
Management features (Page 29), the 5400 Switch Base Mesh package contains Subnetwork
Connection (SNC) diagnostics (Page 75), which report the cause of SNC-related failures.
• Configuration and inventory management (below) - In addition to the 5400 Switch Base
Software Fault Management features (Page 43), the 5400 Switch Base Mesh package has
the following:
• Optical Signaling and Routing Protocol (OSRP on Page 76), which provides the
autodiscovery and autoprovisioning features that provision and configure the 5400 Switch
equipment, termination points, cross connects, and protection groups.
• Mesh restoration which re-routes the connections using any spare capacity within the
network, provided through FastMesh software (Page 86)
• Account and security management - The 5400 Switch Base Software Account and Security
Management features (Page 67) also apply to the 5400 Switch Base Mesh package.
• Performance management (Page 95) - In addition to the per 5400 Switch Base Software
Performance Management features (Page 69), the 5400 Switch Base Mesh package
performs drop-side path performance monitoring.

Fault Management - SNC Diagnostics

SNC diagnostics report the cause related to an SNC setup/reroute/revert/regroom request failure.
All diagnostics are reported by the SNC originating node. When multiple failures exist along the path,
the failures are reported one at a time in the order of discovery. Clearing the first failure results in the
display of the second failure.
The cause of the SNC failure can potentially be distributed over the entire path of the SNC. To help
the user in locating the trouble area, the SNC diagnostic log contains an indication of the location of
the problem. The Node Manager User Guide provides a list of SNC errors.

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76 Chapter 3 - 5400 Switch Mesh Software
Configuration/Inventory Management

Configuration/Inventory Management
The 5400 Switch Base Software Fault Management features (Page 43) also apply to the 5400
Switch Mesh and the Hybrid packages. The Mesh and Hybrid packages add OSRP and FastMesh
Software to the configuration management features.

OSRP applies the principles of connection-oriented technology to the problems associated with
provisioning and protection/restoration switching. OSRP automates the necessary but
time-consuming operational tasks of connection provisioning and grooming in optical networks.
OSRP components include the following:
• An optical routing protocol that gathers and disseminates network topology and resource
usage information to all 5400 Switch NEs in a connected network.
• Call processing intelligence in the 5400 Switch software computes (or receives from the
system) optimal routes for connections within the constraints of the parameters of the individual
• An optical signaling protocol to convey the connection information from 5400 Switch node to
5400 Switch node along the route furnished by call processing. The required cross connections
are established in each 5400 Switch node so that traffic can then flow from end to end.
OSRP allows networked 5400 Switch nodes to communicate, share topology information, and
calculate routes for individual connections. OSRP is a key technology component behind FastMesh
Software (Page 86) and automatic circuit provisioning capability. OSRP features include:
• Link Aggregation (below)
• Constraint-Based Routing (below)
• Network (Topology) Autodiscovery on Page 79
• End-to-End Provisioning on Page 80
• Reversion and Reversion Timer on Page 81
• Max Admin Weight on Page 82
• Manual Switch and Regroom on Page 82
• Retry Policy on Page 82
• Multiple Protection Bundle ID on Page 82
• Hooks for Global Optimization on Page 84
• OSRP Administration on Page 84

Link Aggregation
OTN and SONET/SDH link aggregation facilitates management of large-scale networks to improve
network scalability and performance. Multiple parallel lines between adjacent 5400 Switches/
CoreDirector Switches can be aggregated into a single link from the routing and signaling
perspective. The OTN and SONET/SDH link aggregation combines up to 20 OTN or SONET/SDH
OSRP links into a single object called a Link Termination Point (LTP) that a 5400 Switch and the
network treat as a single connection. Each link within the LTP starts at a common node and ends at
the same neighboring node. The LTP requires less time and resources to manage than the
corresponding links that the LTP include.

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Chapter 3 - 5400 Switch Mesh Software 77
Configuration/Inventory Management

Constraint-Based Routing
OSRP supports a constraint-based routing algorithm that is used in both the automated routing and
provisioning process and in end-to-end mesh restoration. The route is initially computed as part of
the connection provisioning process. A Dijkstra constraint-based routing algorithm attempts to route
a connection along a path of the least delay or administrative cost/weight, subject to a set of user-
defined constraints. Each OSRP routing link delay can be measured or can be assigned an
administrative weight ranging from 1 to 65,535, providing a wide range of values for supporting
various cost accounting strategies. All route computations attempt to minimize overall delay or cost
and some other constraints described on the following pages.
Other routing constraints and connection parameters are considered as well, providing finer control
over how an optical connection is routed. These constraints include SNC connection type, user-
specified explicit routes, and reversion and reversion timer as explained in the following paragraphs.
Figure 3-1 shows a simple example of constraint-based optimal routing, considering administrative
cost. Even though a path with fewer hops was available, the administrative weights on the OSRP
links resulted in the connection taking a 3-hop path through the network.

Figure 3-1. Constraint-Based Routing

Delay: 30 µs
OSRP Link A Admin Cost: 1000
Delay: 90 µs
Admin Cost: 800

NE 3 OSRP Link C NE 4
X Delay: 30 µs OSRP Link F
Admin Cost: 1000 Delay: 30 µs
Admin Cost: 500

NE 1
Delay: 70 µs Y
Admin Cost: 500
Delay: 40 µs
Admin Cost: 2000
NE 5
NE 2
Minimum Delay Route NE 1 > NE 2 > NE 5
Delay: 70us+40us=110us

Minimum Cost Route NE 1 > NE 3 > NE 4 > NE 5

Admin Cost: 800+1000+500=2300 5430-09129

End-to-End SubNetwork Connections (SNCs)

SNCs are mesh-restorable end-to-end connections across a series of 5400 Switch nodes. The cross
connections created by SNCs are different from the manually created, static cross connections that
are used for creating circuits.

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78 Chapter 3 - 5400 Switch Mesh Software
Configuration/Inventory Management

Permanent Subnetwork Connections

A P-SNC is a fixed, unprotected end-to-end circuit. P-SNCs are set up and torn down through
signaling, but are not cleared; therefore, they are not rerouted due to link or node failures. In other
words, P-SNCs are established and torn down by the same mechanism as dynamic SNCs. After
they are established, P-SNCs behave like manual cross connects.
An explicit change to one end point of the P-SNC path results in the immediate release of the
P-SNC. For link and node failures, which are treated as accidental in nature, a user-defined
tolerance time period is allowed for recovery. If the condition persists longer than the tolerance
period, the SNC is torn down and the connections along the route are cleared. Though P-SNCs are
not mesh-restorable and cannot have a routing profile consisting of protected line routes, the P-SNC
can participate in linear protection switching protection.

User-specified Explicit Routes (Routing Profiles)

Traffic engineering routes can be externally fed to OSRP for provisioning. In such scenarios, OSRP
may or may not dynamically calculate working and protection routes, depending on whether the
explicit routes are specified as preferred or exclusive.
• Preferred - When configured as preferred, the explicit routes are provided to OSRP as
first-choice routes. If the supplied route is not available for any reason, OSRP dynamically
calculates a different optimal route based on the connection attributes and routing constraints.
• Exclusive - When configured as exclusive, the explicit routes are provided to OSRP as the only
acceptable routes. Failure to route along these explicit routes causes OSRP to return a failure
notification. No dynamic route computation is attempted.
When a connection fails, the connection is restored on its user-defined protection path, or, if no
protection path was specified and preferred routes are specified, OSRP dynamically precomputes a
diverse protection path. The initial working path that is provisioned becomes the home route. If the
connection is configured to be revertive, it attempts to revert to the home route according to a
configurable timer.

Latency-based Routing
As an alternative to selecting a route based on administrative cost, the 5400 Switch can select the
route for an individual OTN SNC based on the total latency of a given path. When a user selects
latency-based routing for an SNC, it will be assigned the route with the least latency, rather than the
lowest administrative weight.
The 5400 Switch node calculates the latency of each available path as the sum of a link latency value
for each hop, plus 15µs of latency for each node including the originating and terminating nodes. To
measure the latency of individual links, hardware can automatically ping supported peer nodes with
an in-band, non-intrusive signal using a bit in the ODUk overhead. This automatic measurement is
repeated every 15 minutes, or when manually triggered by a user. If a node does not support latency
measurement, the 5400 Switch node provides a default value which the user can override.
The latency for an OSRP link is the maximum latency of all lines in the link. Link latency, not line
latency, is used for SNC path latency calculations.
An optional, user-configurable Maximum Latency restriction prevents an SNC from choosing a route
that exceeds a specified latency threshold. If no path can be found that meets the Maximum Latency
restriction, the SNC remains in the Starting State until a path can be found. A user can configure
Maximum Latency separately for each SNC.
Figure 3-2 illustrates the selection of a route from endpoint X to endpoint Y to satisfy a configured
maximum latency of 200µs.

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Chapter 3 - 5400 Switch Mesh Software 79
Configuration/Inventory Management

• The route with the lowest administrative cost follows the path NE1:LinkA > NE3:LinkD >
NE4:LinkF > NE5, for a cost of 2300 but a delay of (90+ 30 + 30 + 4*15)µs, or 210µs.
• The route with the least latency follows the path NE1:LinkB > NE2:LinkE > NE5, for an
administrative cost of 2500 but a delay of (70 + 40 + 3*15)µs, or 170µs.

Figure 3-2. Latency-based Routing Example

Delay: 30 µs
OSRP Link A Admin Cost: 1000
Delay: 90 µs
Admin Cost: 800

NE 3 OSRP Link C NE 4
X Delay: 30 µs
Delay: 30 µs
Admin Cost: 1000
Admin Cost: 500

NE 1
Delay: 70 µs
Admin Cost: 500 Delay: 40 µs
Admin Cost: 2000

NE 5
NE 2
Minimum Delay Route NE 1 > NE 2 > NE 5
Delay: 70+40=110 µs

Network (Topology) Autodiscovery

OSRP provides automatic network topology discovery. OSRP routing protocol automatically
performs neighbor discovery and topology database synchronization. In the steady state condition,
every node in the network has an identical and complete picture of the network stored in its topology
The 5400 Switch software supports the following Autodiscovery features:
• Autodiscovery of whole routing topology
• Autodiscovery of actual physical topology (physical port-to-port connectivity)
Topology autodiscovery includes both the logical routing topology autodiscovery (also known as the
bandwidth abstraction layer, which includes information about each routing node and routing link
within the network), as well as physical topology autodiscovery. Physical topology includes the
actual wavelengths or facilities interconnecting 5400 Switch nodes and the port-to-port mappings.
After a wavelength or line is turned up between neighboring 5400 Switch nodes, physical
connectivity is automatically discovered. Manually configuring physical connectivity between 5400
Switch nodes is not required, which ensures a consistent and accurate view of what is actually
connected in the network.

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80 Chapter 3 - 5400 Switch Mesh Software
Configuration/Inventory Management

End-to-End Provisioning
Automatic end-to-end circuit provisioning allows optical capacity to be delivered simply and quickly
across a network of 5400 Switch nodes. The 5400 Switch software automatic circuit provisioning
model creates circuits based on ingress end point, egress end point, capacity requirements, and
optional service parameters. This model saves significant time and effort over the traditional model
of manually configuring each system along a particular circuit path.

Note: The maximum range for SNCs is 19 hops or 20 nodes; that is, an SNC can traverse 20
nodes, including originating and terminating nodes.

Connections originate at an originating node where an optimal route is computed. After a connection
is routed, a connection is provisioned using a signaling protocol and cross connects are made along
the route. Figure 3-3 illustrates how a connection is configured and provisioned. This example
shows a request to connect Endpoint X and Endpoint Y. The connection is configured at 5400 Switch
node B. OSRP computes the route and automatically creates cross connects on nodes B, C, and E
as it sends traffic to the destination port.

Figure 3-3. Automatic Connection Configuration



A E 5430-09130

The 5400 Switch software supports the following autoprovisioning features:

• End-to-end dynamic routing and provisioning of SNC
• OTN lines use OTN GCC overhead to transport OSRP messages
• SONET/SDH lines use the SONET/SDH DCC overhead to transport OSRP messages
• From wavelength to individual ODU1/STS-1/VC-3s, end-to-end

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Chapter 3 - 5400 Switch Mesh Software 81
Configuration/Inventory Management

• Path level connections

• Real-time routing computation without provisioning
• Traffic engineering capability (for explicit routing)
• For OTN, there are two predefined protection classes; Unprotected High and Unprotected Low
• For SONET/SDH, there are seven classes which operate over protected and/or unprotected
• Automated provisioning of all intermediate dynamic cross connects
• User-configurable circuit names
• Connection route tracing
• User-configurable connection parameters
• Maximum Admin Weight
• Maximum Delay
• Normal SNC/Permanent SNC
• Retry backoff timer (seconds)
• Label (80 alphabetic characters)
• Source, destination, rate, concatenation
• Reversion (true/false), time to revert (seconds)
• Explicit route (hop-by-hop path, preferred and exclusive semantics)
• Predefined protection class (a combination of priority level, and line/MS protection
requirements including Unprotected High and Unprotected Low)
• Mesh-protected (true/false)
• Automated calculation of maximally diverse protection route
• Absolute Route Diversity (ARD)

Reversion and Reversion Timer

When an OSRP provisioned OTN/SONET/SDH end-to-end SNC, MR-SNC, or SNCP connection
fails, the connection is switched to a protection path. The 5400 Switch supports revertive switching
to return the connection to the original working path. Reversion is provisionable as Disabled
(default), WTR (wait to restore), or TODR (time of day reversion) on a per connection basis.
WTR is provisionable as the time in minutes before switching the connection back to the original
working path after a defect has cleared. Values are 0 to 12 minutes.
Customers that prefer all reversions to occur after business hours can use TODR to revert
connections. TODR reverts connections based on the original working path being available plus the
specified time of day (default 0200 hours or 2 am). The reversions must occur successfully within a
set time provisionable from 5 to 300 minutes. If reversion does not occur within the allocated window,
reversion waits until the next TODR opportunity (typically the following day).

Max Delay
For latency based routing, Max Delay enables the user to assign a numerical value to an SNC,
indicating the maximum acceptable total delay of paths the connection can be routed on. Any
attempt at establishing the SNC on a path with a total delay over the assigned maximum is rejected.
An exception is made for the case of an SNC with assigned working and protect user-defined
Designated Transit Lists (DTLs) to be used exclusively. In this case it is assumed that the user is
forcing certain paths with disregard of Max Delay; therefore, setting a Max Delay is not permitted.

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Max Admin Weight

Max Admin Weight enables the user to assign a numerical value to an SNC, indicating the maximum
acceptable total cost (Admin Weight) of paths the connection can be routed on. Any attempt at
establishing the SNC on a path with a total Admin Weight over the assigned maximum is rejected.
An exception is made for the case of an SNC with assigned working and protect user-defined
Designated Transit Lists (DTLs) to be used exclusively. In this case it is assumed that the user is
forcing certain paths with disregard of Max Admin Weight; therefore, setting a Max Admin Weight is
not permitted.

Manual Switch and Regroom

The SNC Manual Switch feature allows the user to manually switch to an SNC from the current route
to allow maintenance activities without altering its home route.

Retry Policy
During the provisioning process, it is possible that capacity is not available in the network or that the
routing constraints cannot be met at that current time. In these situations, OSRP continuously
attempts to establish or re-establish the connection, using an exponential back-off timer that starts
at 1 second and ranges up to 30 seconds. The connection is continuously attempted until the
connection is successfully provisioned or until the operation is cancelled.

Multiple Protection Bundle ID

Multiple protection bundle IDs can be used when OSRP interfaces share more than one common
facility and OSRP links need to belong to more than one protection bundle. During protection path
computation, FastMesh™ software groups multiple routes that are likely to fail at the same time as
a result of sharing some common facility into protection bundles. For example, facilities that may use
a common conduit and thus would likely fail together would be grouped into a protection bundle. The
protection bundles are assigned protection bundle Identifications (IDs) that are used to calculate
bundle-diverse protection paths. Protection bundles ensure that computed protection paths are
diverse from the working paths, so that no single failure simultaneously impacts both the working
and protection paths.
Administrators configure protection bundles and protection bundle IDs. By default, OSRP interfaces
do not belong to any protection bundles. OSRP interfaces are configured automatically as a
protection bundle when a common protection bundle ID is assigned to two or more (up to 20) OSRP

Designated Transit Lists (DTLs)

A DTL is a complete path across the network consisting of a sequence of Node IDs and optional Port
IDs traversing the network provided by the originating node. In processing a call, OSRP signaling
requests OSRP specific routes using DTLs. DTLs can be user-specified (manual) or obtained from
routing (Automatic). Manual DTLs can be specified for SNCs of any priority. Restoration
performance is the same for both user specified and automatically routed SNCs.
The 5400 Switch supports user specified Protect DTL referred to as an Associated Hop Protect DTL.
A Protect DTL can be one of three types identified below as Hierarchical, Pre-Computed, and
Associated Hop Protect DTLs. The primary restriction is that a DTL list may not include a mix of user
specified Hierarchical and Associated Hop Protect DTLs. A total of seven different DTL types are
identified, the first four listed below are User Specified and the last three are Automatic.

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• Working DTL - The Working DTL is used during SNC creation and during regroom operations
to determine or influence the home route of an SNC. A DTL list must contain at least a Working
DTL and is identified by its position as the first in the DTL list.
• Hierarchical Protect DTL - Hierarchical Protect DTLs represent a hierarchy or prioritized list of
routes to try in the event of a mesh restoration. In the event of a mesh restoration, the SNC
attempts each valid hierarchical protect DTL from the list looking for a path to restore on.
Hierarchical Protect DTLs defined in a given DTL list can range from 0 through 19. Both
Hierarchical and Associated Hop DTLs cannot be combined in a DTL list.
• Associated Hop Protect DTL - Associated Hop Protect DTLs are used to identify a restoration
path which is relative to a particular link failure within the network. An Associated Hop DTL
combines a defined restoration path, in the form of a DTL, with a specific hop in the network. In
the event of a mesh restoration, the release message identifies the blocked link in the network.
The DTL list is consulted for a match between this blocked link and one of the Associated Hop
DTLs in the list. Given a match, an attempt is made to restore the SNC using the specific
Associated Hop Protect DTL. Associated Hop Protect DTLs defined in a DTL list range from 0
through 19. Both Hierarchical and Associated Hop DTLs cannot be combined in a DTL list.
• Manual Switch to Protect - The Manual Switch to Protect DTL is used to identify a user
specified route for an SNC during manual switch to protect operations. This allows the user to
specify a route which is diverse from a specific link or multiple links in the network. The manual
switch to protect DTL is identified by a type field assigned to the DTL. Only single Manual
Switch to Protect DTL may be specified in a DTL set.
• Pre-Computed Protect DTL - The Pre-Computed Protect DTL represents the least cost path
which is bundle diverse from the Current Route DTL of a given SNC. If an SNC is not currently
on its Home Route and the Home Route is available, the Pre-Computed Protect DTL is
assigned the route of the Home Route. The Pre-Computed Protect DTL is added to the DTL list
of all high priority SNCs and is updated by the 5400 Switch software every 30 seconds. For an
SNC which fails while on its Home Route, the Pre-Computed DTL is placed last in the DTL list
hierarchy. For an SNC which fails while on a route other than its Home Route, the Pre-
Computed DTL is placed first in the DTL list hierarchy. A single Pre-Computed DTL is
calculated for high priority SNCs and is used in conjunction with both Hierarchical and
Associated Hop Protect DTLs.
• Current Route DTL - The Current Route DTL identifies the path which an SNC is currently
routed on.
• Home Route DTL - The Home Route DTL identifies the path where an SNC was originally
created and represents the path to which it will try to revert.
The use of the Exclusive flag and the contents of the DTL Set identifies three types of applications.
These three applications are referred to here as Exclusive Home and Protect, Exclusive Home, and
Preferred routes.

Exclusive Home & Protect Route User DTL - SNC

Exclusive Home & Protect Route User DTL SNC uses the routes specified by the user. This DTL list
has a specified Working DTL with one or more Hierarchical Protect DTLs. When the user
administratively unlocks the SNC, the Working-DTL route is validated from routing. If the validation
succeeds the SNC is setup successfully on that route, it becomes its home-route. If the validation
fails then the SNC goes into Retry-backoff, no other routes will be attempted for setting up the SNC.
If the current route fails, then the SNC will restore only to routes specified within the DTL Set.

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Exclusive Home User DTL-SNC

Exclusive Home User DTL SNC uses the Working DTL specified by the user to establish the Home
Route of an SNC. An Exclusive Home SNC does not establish a home route on any other route other
than that specified by the Working DTL. The SNC must have a specified Working DTL and optionally
specified one or more Associated Hop DTLs. When the user administratively unlocks the SNC the
Working-DTL route is validated from routing. If the validation succeeds, then the SNC is setup
successfully on that route and this route becomes the SNC home-route. If the validation fails, then
the SNC goes into Retry-backoff and no other routes are attempted for setting up the SNC. If the
current route fails, then the SNC restores to a least cost path calculated by the 5400 Switch node or
if an Associated Hop DTL is specified it restores to an Associated Hop DTL.

Note: Regroom is possible. However, the SNC will regroom only to a user specified
Working-DTL route.

Preferred User DTL SNC

Preferred User DTL SNC uses the DTL set to provide a preferred route. If a preferred route is not
available, the SNC establishes its home route or mesh restore on any available bandwidth. When
the user administratively unlocks the SNC, the Working-DTL path is validated from routing. If the
validation succeeds, then the SNC is setup successfully on this route and this route becomes the
SNC home-route. If the validation fails, then an alternate route is obtained from routing and it
becomes the SNC home-route. A preferred DTL Set must have a specified Working DTL and
optionally contain one or more Hierarchical Protect DTL or one or more Associated Hop DTLs.
Hierarchical Protect and Associated Hop DTLs cannot be mixed within the set. The Working DTL
within a preferred DTL Set influences the establishment of the home route. If the Working DTL is not
available, then a new least cost path is calculated, as opposed to using any other protect DTLs
defined within the set.

Note: Regroom is possible. If the SNC is currently not on the user specified working-DTL and
this route is available, then the SNC regrooms to user specified working-DTL route. If
the user specified working-DTL is not available, then the SNC regrooms to any better
route available through routing.

Note: If a Working DTL is specified for an Exclusive-DTL SNC that is mesh restorable, then
the SNC attempts establishment on only that DTL. It attempts restoration on
automatically computed and/or Associated Hop DTLs. To retain the same functionality
of an Exclusive-DTL SNC with only one DTL specified, the user provisions permanent

Hooks for Global Optimization

OSRP provides an interface for the CoreDirector Designer software tool (CDD) to import network
data such as information about node names, links, protection groups, and connections. This
information facilitates additional network design and planning. The CoreDirector Designer Software
Tool User Guide provides additional information.

OSRP Administration
OSRP administration consists of the following areas:
• Switch Name - The switch name is a user-configurable, alphanumeric string of up to 63
characters. Contained within the OSRP routing message is the Information Group (IG). The IG

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is particularly useful for the purpose of switch naming; for example, all switches residing in Los
Angeles could have user-friendly, grouped names beginning with LA.
• OSRP Node ID - The OSRP node ID is a 22-byte unique identifier of the node represented as a
managed object name. Generally, Node IDs are used internally for the routing portion of the
protocol. Node IDs are especially useful to the user when looking for routing SNCs using
routing profiles.
• IP Address - The Internet Protocol (IP) address is a 32-bit address defined by the IP, which is
represented in dotted decimal notation.
• Subnet Mask Address - The subnet mask address is the portion of a network that shares a
network address with other subnets, but is distinguished by a unique subnet number.
• Link Termination Point Label - The link termination point label is a user-configurable,
alphanumeric string of up to 63 characters that identifies the originating link end point.
• Bundle ID - Bundle ID is the identification used to bundle OSRP links that are likely to be
impacted by a single span failure. Bundle ID is used to determine a physically diverse
protection path. A connection’s diverse protection path attempts to avoid any OSRP links that
share the same Bundle ID as the working/active route. This is a read/write field. The default is
zero, which indicates that a link does not belong to any protection bundle. Multiple Protection
Bundle ID on Page 82 provides additional information.
• Administrative Weight - The administrative weight is a numerical value of cost assigned to an
OSRP link for routing purposes and set by the network operator. It is used to indicate the
relative desirability of using a link or node for a network operator’s purpose. The administrative
weight (value) from the advertising node to the remote end of the OSRP entity, or the reachable
address, or transit network is for the specified service categories. The higher the administrative
weight, the higher the cost of routing over that link. Range is 1 to 65,535; default is 5040. When
the administrative weight is updated on a remote node, the eventual discovery of that change
causes this attribute to automatically update on the local node. The attribute change generates
a notification only on the node where the weight was changed.

OSRP Interfaces and Communication Channels

The 5400 Switch software supports the following OSRP interfaces and OSRP communication
channel features:
• User-configurable line OTN General Communications Channel (GCC) or SONET/SDH Digital
Communications Channel (DCC) and/or extended line DCC used for OSRP in-band
• Configurable administrative link costs and delay parameter on OSRP routing interfaces
• Auto-created OSRP routing interfaces
• Administrative control over OSRP interfaces
OSRP uses in-band bandwidth between 5400 Switch nodes to carry routing and signaling
information. The bandwidth is allocated from the Transport Overhead (TOH) bytes and can be
configured to meet customer requirements.
For the OTN hierarchy, there are three separate communications channels which can be used:
GCC0 on the OTU and GCC1 or GCC2 on the ODU. Depending on the configuration the user may
choose to run OSRP over the GCC0, GCC1, GCC2 or a combined GCC1/GCC2 channel.
For SONET/SDH, the default is to use standard line DCC. Extended line DCC bytes, which are the
unassigned line DCC bytes in the successive STS-1s/VC3s of an OC-48 (specifically, the 5th, 9th,
13th, and so on; STS-1s/VC3s of an OC-N facility or wavelength) may be used also. In-band OSRP
transport is supported with user-configured usage of the line DCC and/or extended line DCC.

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Although the framer has the capability to program the use of any specific bytes in the TOH, network
management has simplified the management by creating four user-configurable groups of bytes and
enabling the manageability of two of these groups for in-band OSRP.
When multiple wavelengths or facilities exist between two neighboring 5400 Switch nodes, OSRP
uses a round-robin algorithm (Glossary on Page 229 provides more information) on the GCC or
DCC. This provides redundancy across the span in the event of a facility failure.

Homogeneous Out of Band OSRP (OOB OSRP)

Virtual Channel Homogeneous OOB OSRP feature supports the OSRP link in OC-48/STM-16
interface using TSLM-48/SSLM-48 for transport across an Intermediate LTE equipment. User can
partition the OC-48/STM-16 line into 4 virtual channels (quadrants) of equal bandwidth (622M) in
which each channel can carry a single homogenous type of payload such as AU-3/AU-4/AU-4-4c in
SDH type of payload or STS-1/STS-3c/STS-12c in SONET type of payload.
Homogeneous OOB OSRP enables 5400 Switches and CoreDirector Switches to exchange control
plane messages through an out of band IP network as opposed to in band (IB) control plane that
uses DCC as part of SONET/SDH overhead. OOB OSRP can be used when links within a 5400
Switch and CoreDirector Switch network pass through equipment that does not have the capability
to pass DCC. OOB OSRP can also be used in networks with security requirements that separate
control plane data from data traffic. In these cases, OOB OSRP enables control plane messages for
those links to pass between the two nodes.
Control plane functionality is maintained between 5400 Switches and CoreDirector Switches
through the use of routing and signaling messages between nodes. This message exchange is done
for IB OSRP through the DCC within SONET/SDH overhead. For OOB OSRP, this message
exchange takes place on an external IP network through the main and auxiliary Ethernet
connections on the 5400 Switches and CoreDirector Switches. OOB OSRP maintains a separation
for control plane and data plane. OOB OSRP is impacted by the characteristics of the IP control

SONET/SDH Virtual Channel Homogeneous OOB OSRP

Virtual Channel Homogeneous OOB OSRP is an enhancement option over standard Homogeneous
OOB OSRP and allows OC-48/STM-16 line side interfaces to be split in up to four quadrants with
separate concatenation types. Whereby standard Homogeneous OOB OSRP requires the entire
line to have the same concatenation, Virtual Channel Homogeneous OOB OSRP allows the line to
have multiple concatenation sizes while still enabling a "fixed" concatenation on the line side. With
VC-OOB OSRP each line can be configured into quadrants or virtual channels where each can be
provisioned for a concatenation rate. For example: an STM-16 line can be configured to four virtual
channels and each virtual channel has 622 Mb/s worth of bandwidth - each of these 622 Mb/s
bandwidth chunks can then be defined to AU-3, AU-4 or AU-4-4c. VC-OOB is currently only
supported on OC-48/STM-16 line rates.

FastMesh Software
Transport networks rely on mesh restoration to automatically re-route connections after a failure.
Unlike linear Protection Switching systems that rely on dedicated, redundant capacity, mesh
restoration re-routes the connections using any spare capacity within the network. A failed
connection is re-routed over the next best available path, operating on unused or reserved
bandwidth. By providing fast, efficient, end-to-end service restoration, mesh restoration allows the
carriers to maximize bandwidth efficiency. The connection-level mesh protection provided by the
5400 Switch software is called FastMesh.

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FastMesh automatically re-routes individual connections by priority, giving the more critical
connections preferential treatment. During catastrophic failure in which not all connections can
survive, mesh restoration provides graceful service degradation. FastMesh re-routes circuits that
are still affected by a failure using any suitable path available in a 5400 Switch/CoreDirector Switch
network. FastMesh restoration also provides low-priority traffic restoration after the low-priority traffic
gets bumped from the protection bandwidth during a linear or ring protection switching event.

Unique FastMesh Capabilities

FastMesh is a 5400 Switch software application that not only improves bandwidth efficiency in
existing network implementations, but also provides a means for different protection schemes to
co-exist and complement one another within the network. FastMesh also supports connection
reversion and protection bundles. Connection reversion restores connections to the home route after
a failed route is restored. Multiple Protection bundling is used when protection paths are computed
and takes into account that some fiber routes may share resources and could fail at the same time.

Efficiency and Speed

FastMesh restorable networks are more efficient in terms of capacity as compared to ring-based
counterparts. Specifically, the total capacity (working plus spare) of a mesh-restorable network can
be up to one sixth that of a ring-based network that provides the same service base. Thus, rapid
connection restoration in a mesh environment provides a mechanism to provide significant
bandwidth savings for network services.

FastMesh restoration can be configured as revertive in behavior. After a working path is calculated
and provisioned for a connection, that path behaves as an exclusive route. Multiple failures in the
network may cause the connection to reroute along alternate mesh paths, but the original
provisioned working path remains the same. This enables the 5400 Switch node to revert the
connection back to the original working path.

Bandwidth Pre-allocation
Bandwidth Pre-allocation enhances Subnetwork Connection (SNC) setup performance by allowing
bandwidth to be reserved across the path from originating to terminating node to ensure that the
bandwidth will not be taken by another circuit being provisioned or being mesh-restored.
Each interface reserves the amount of bandwidth (not actual time slots) during the setup phase. The
actual time slot selection and switch programming still occur during the connect phase. If multiple
setup messages are trying to oversubscribe a link, most messages get rejected as soon as the first
few setup messages have exhausted the bandwidth. Bandwidth contention is solved using a high-
low bandwidth allocation strategy based on the node ID.
During the setup phase, provisional connections are set up, and during the connect phase, the
provisional connections are committed to make real connections. The provisional connections act
as a placeholder to help fast-release. Provisional connections do not have any associated time slots.
Oversubscribing the available bandwidth with provisional connections is allowed as long as the total
bandwidth allocated to real connections does not exceed the line size.

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NE Configuration
Mesh Restoration on Signal Degrade can be provisioned at the node level at the OSRP Defaults
Node Manager screen. This feature is enabled or disabled, and the Raise/Clear seconds are
provisioned at the node level. The default values for Raise and Clear are 30 seconds and 10 minutes
respectively. This feature can either be enabled or disabled for the entire node. The default setting
is disabled.
The node level settings are inherited by the newly created TTPs. These values are persisted and
are available across a NE Reset, NE Reboot and NE Upgrade.

Subnetwork Connection Protection

This section describes the 5430 Switch Unidirectional Path Switched Ring/Subnetwork Connection
Protection implementation and consists of the following:
• UPSR/SNCP Capabilities on Page 89
• UPSR/SNCP Requirements on Page 90
• UPSR/SNCP Automatic Switching Criteria on Page 91
• Simple Hubbing Application on Page 92
A Unidirectional Path Switched Ring/Subnetwork Connection Protection or UPSR/SNCP ring
consists of a set of network elements that includes at least one 5430 Switch. The Network Elements
(NEs) are interconnected by two optical fibers which form a ring (Figure 3-4). Each fiber in the ring
carries unidirectional traffic; one fiber carries traffic in the clockwise (east) direction and the other
fiber carries traffic in the counterclockwise (west) direction. The remainder of this description refers
to east and west ports.
During normal operation, traffic enters the ring at the ingress NE and is bridged onto both fibers
which carry the traffic in opposite directions around the ring. The egress NE on the ring selects which
of the two bridged paths to drop based on either the quality of the circuit received or at the request
from a management entity.

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Figure 3-4. Typical UPSR/SNCP Configuration


All selection decisions are made by the drop port without regard to the opposite directions path
around the ring. In other words, all selection decisions are unidirectional. Because of this behavior,
no communication protocol is needed to pass information among members of the ring. Also,
because traffic is bridged at the entry node on both rings, the full capacity of one ring protects the
full capacity of the other ring. Thus, there are no time slots available to carry extra traffic.

UPSR/SNCP Capabilities
• The 5430 Switch implementation of UPSR/SNCP is interoperable with all equipment in
compliance with Telcordia GR-1400/ITU G.841.
• All protection switches occur within 50 ms following detection.
• Line rates from 155/622M up to 10G are supported
• A single UPSR/SNCP ring can contain up to 16 nodes.
• A single NE can support up to 128 UPSR/SNCP rings.
• Ring interconnections within the 5430 Switch are supported.
• All UPSR/SNCP rings require that the east transceiver and receiver ports reside on the same
Optical Module (OM) and that the west transceiver and receiver ports reside on the same OM.
This is typical to normal situations.
• There is no limitation to the number of add/drop ports on a UPSR/SNCP ring. In an OC-192/
STM-64 ring, it is possible to create 192 different add/drop connections to 192 separate add/
drop ports.
• UPSR/SNCP paths are not modified or terminated.
• UPSR/SNCP connection and switching granularity is at the STS-1 or VC-3 level.
• Time slots for a particular connection are the same on both the working and protect path
around the ring for all nodes in the ring. In other words, only cross connects connecting the
same set of time slots are allowed.
• Basic bridging and selecting is supported.
• Pass-through connections are supported.

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• UPSR/SNCP configuration is persistent across upgrades and equipment resets and/or

failovers. UPSR/SNCP configuration can be restored from a backup.
• Connection Termination Points (CTPs) and Group Termination Points (GTPs) are available for
UPSR/SNCP connections.
• Cross connections (XCONs) can be created on a UPSR/SNCP ring for both add/drop ports and
pass-through connections.
• XCONs are used to create connections on the ring.
• All connections created are bidirectional.
• SNCs can originate or terminate to a ring port if the path is being dropped.
• OSRP links are disabled on UPSR/SNCP ports.
• SNCs can originate or terminate on a UPSR/SNCP port for connections which are being added
and dropped.
• Connections can be added/dropped from a UPSR/SNCP ring onto a line-protected line that
uses APS 1+1 protection.
• Connections can be added/dropped from one UPSR/SNCP ring to another UPSR/SNCP ring
on a single 5430 Switch. Ring interconnection is supported within the same 5430 Switch.
• Path selection adheres to management requests and automatic requests.
• Management commands are applied on a per-path basis.
• Connections are removed before deleting an existing UPSR/SNCP group.
• Wait-to-Restore is provisionable between 0 and 12 minutes.
• All changes to the configuration of the UPSR/SNCP ring, whether user-induced or system-
induced, are available by a management system.
• CTPs reflect whether they are defined as protected or non-protected.
• All connection-type provisioning is available on a per-path basis.
• SNCs originating from or terminating to a ring port for add/drop connections create add/drop
• Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) and Transaction Language One (TL1)
interfaces are available for management, Performance Monitoring (PM), and alarms.
• All GR-253 standard alarm monitoring criteria are applied to UPSR/SNCP lines as well.
• UPSR/SNCP CTPs perform near end path monitoring on all working protected CTPs.
• UPSR/SNCP CTPs perform far end path monitoring on all working protected CTPs.

UPSR/SNCP Requirements
• Auto-cross connects are enabled with nine primary SMs for a 5430 Switch. Normal UPSR/
SNCP rings are supported by the normal SM protection scheme.
• Drop-terminated connections are not possible because the 5430 Switch is currently not Path
Terminating Equipment (PTE).
• Orderwire channels are not supported.
• Connections cannot be dual homed or broadcast (as defined by GR-1400/ITU G.841, meaning
that subtended NEs cannot have their East and West ports connected to different 5430
• Existing connections cannot exist when creating new UPSR/SNCP groups.
• The protected/unprotected state of the CTP determines whether the connection type is a
required field for entry.

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• Only bridge and selected CTPs are specified as protected; all other CTPs are unprotected.
This field is write-enabled until a cross connect is made.
• The CTP provisioning mechanism includes Signal Fail (SF) and Signal Degrade (SD)
integration and decay intervals similar to the AIS-P, LOP-P, and RDI-P thresholds.
• SF-P and SF-D both have an alarm inhibit flag similar to the existing AIS-P and LOP-P alarms.
The default value is Inhibited.
• SNCs are not provisionable on a UPSR/SNCP ring because of the complexities of OSRP.
• SNCs are able to originate or terminate to a ring port if the path is being dropped. No new SNC
provisioning information is required.

UPSR/SNCP Automatic Switching Criteria

The following paragraphs discuss the specific requirements for the selection of paths based on
automatic criteria.

Facility Criteria
Configuring SF-P and SD-P thresholds is independent of UPSR/SNCP. Thresholds are treated
similarly to the line level configuration of SF-L and SD-L on the Trail Termination Point (TTP), but
are configured on a CTP basis.
Order-of-magnitude levels of SD-P is applied in making automatic switching decisions.
All line or MS-level defects will be treated as a failure on every path with the exception of line Bit
Error Rate (BER). SF-L and SD-L will not be treated as SF conditions because SF-P and SD-P are
more accurate and precise.
The following switching criteria are supported for UPSR SONET:
• SF-P
• SD-P
The following switching criteria are supported for SDH/SNCP:
• SNC/I:
• SNC/N:
• SF-P
• SD-P

Equipment Criteria
CFP/SFP/XFP and line module pulls and failures result in a protection switch in both directions.
Working and protection ports should be on different line modules for better equipment protection, but
this separation is not required.
Administrative locks of the Optical Module also result in a protection switch in both directions (a
bidirectional switch).

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Simple Hubbing Application

In the simple hubbing application, one or several UPSR/SNCP rings converge on a 5430 Switch
which then serves as a central hub for add/drop time slots from the UPSR/SNCP rings (Figure 3-5).
The origin of the other nodes of the UPSR/SNCP ring could be any vendor equipment that complies
with GR-1400/ITU G.841. The simple hubbing application can use either physical cross connects or
SNCs that originate or terminate at the specified time slots.
Using this application, one of six possible connection groups is supported:
• A cross connect from a UPSR/SNCP port to a non-UPSR/SNCP port (add/drop port)
• A cross connect from a UPSR/SNCP port to another UPSR/SNCP port on the same ring
• A cross connect from a UPSR/SNCP port to another UPSR/SNCP port on a different ring
• A cross connect from a UPSR/SNCP port to an APS 1+1 port
• A cross connect from a UPSR/SNCP port to an APS 1:N port
• A cross connect from a UPSR/SNCP port to a VLSR port
Any combination of the above connection groups is also supported. For example for an OC-48/STM-
16 ring, 24 time slots could be added and dropped (first bullet), while the other 24 time slots could
be passed through (second bullet).

Figure 3-5. Typical UPSR/SNCP Hubbing Configuration


UPSR/SNCP Port to a Non-UPSR/SNCP Port (Add/Drop Port)

This application consists of connections made on the hubbed node (that is, the 5430 Switch) from a
port defined as part of a UPSR/SNCP ring to a port not defined as part of a UPSR/SNCP ring. The
non-UPSR/SNCP port is referred to as an add/drop port (Figure 3-6). This application assumes that
multiple add/drop ports can be configured up to a maximum of the line capacity. A connection as
described in this section could be created by means of a manual cross connect or SNC. The
underlying cross connect is the same.

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Chapter 3 - 5400 Switch Mesh Software 93
Configuration/Inventory Management

If the system detects that a connection is being made from a UPSR/SNCP port to an add/drop port,
a bridge and selection is made. For all connections added to the UPSR/SNCP ring, a bridge is made
from the add/drop port to both the east and west UPSR/SNCP ports. For all connections dropped off
the UPSR/SNCP ring, a selection must be made to specify the east or west path. The cross connect
defines which time slots are bridged and which time slots are selected as well as the concatenation
information for both the east and west ports. The time slots being bridged are identical in both

Figure 3-6. UPSR/SNCP Ring to Add/Drop Port





UPSR/SNCP Port to Another UPSR/SNCP Port on the Same Ring

This application consists of connections made on the hubbed node from a port defined as a part of
a UPSR/SNCP ring to another port defined as part of the same UPSR/SNCP ring. Connections from
the east port are connected through to the west port and vice versa (Figure 3-7). In this application,
only cross connects are supported. The physical cross connects connect the time slots on the east
to the time slots on the west. All time slots map one to one.

Figure 3-7. Pass-Through Connection





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94 Chapter 3 - 5400 Switch Mesh Software
Configuration/Inventory Management

UPSR/SNCP Port to Another UPSR/SNCP Port on a Different Ring

This application consists of connections made on the hubbed node from a port defined as part of a
UPSR/SNCP ring to another port defined as part of a different UPSR/SNCP ring. This application
could be used to interconnect two UPSR/SNCP rings.
In this configuration, the selected port of one UPSR/SNCP ring is bridged onto both east and west
ports of the other UPSR/SNCP ring. The same would occur in the reverse direction as shown in
Figure 3-8.

Figure 3-8. UPSR/SNCP Ring Connection


Ring 1 Port Ring 2 Port


Ring 1 Port Ring 2 Port


UPSR/SNCP Port to an APS 1+1 Group

This application consists of connections made on the hubbed node from a port defined as part of a
UPSR/SNCP ring to another add/drop port defined as part of an APS 1+1 group (Figure 3-9). By
continuing to use a 1+1 protection scheme (although it is on the line instead of the path), this
application provides a method of protecting the add/drop side path from failures. Because the
selected port needs to be multicast to two outgoing ports and the bridged connection could come
from one of two locations, this application is very similar to the application described in UPSR/SNCP
Port to Another UPSR/SNCP Port on a Different Ring.

Figure 3-9. UPSR/SNCP Ring to APS 1+1 Connection

East UPSR Work

Ring 1 Port APS 1+1

West UPSR Protect

Ring 1 Port APS 1+1


5400 Reconfigurable Switching System 009-3209-000 - Revision A

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Chapter 3 - 5400 Switch Mesh Software 95
Performance Management - Path Level Options (Drop

Auto Cross Connects

OSRP SNC capabilities are leveraged to automatically create cross connects across a Ciena 5400
Switch family, CoreDirector FS, CoreDirector FSCI, and FlexSelect 4200 family network, simplifying
the implementation of circuit protection by MR-SNCP across the core. All restoration decisions are
done as a tail-end select operation, local to a node. This feature is supported using the SNC
interface. DTLs for the circuits can be manually configured or provided automatically by the ON-
Center Suite.
The 5400 Switch uses the following SNCP switching criteria:
• With MR-SNCP, the notion of East/West ports for SNCP no longer exists. As shown in Figure
3-10, this allows multiple protected circuits to partially share the bandwidth on an OSRP port,
even if the circuits do not have the same end points or may not traverse the same intermediate

Note: Historical alarm does not show the correct selectors after SNCP auto-switch on a SNCP
MR. When the SNCP work leg mesh restores, the work path is deleted and a new work
leg is created. In this process, the PU is disabled and then is re-enabled. When the PU
is enabled, monitoring starts on the previous and new active paths. Leg removal does
not count towards the previous path update.

Figure 3-10. SNCP Auto Cross Connect

5400/CoreDirector Cloud 5430-09122

Performance Management - Path Level Options

(Drop Side)
The 5400 Switch software provides path Performance Monitoring (PM) that collects data for
Threshold Crossing Alerts (TCAs), Far End TCAs, and SNC drop-side alarms. Path PM also reports
Loss of Pointer (LOP) Path alarms on intermediate hops. The path PM capabilities in the 5400
Switch Mesh package provide default Path PM data collection without enabling all Connection
Termination Point (CTP) PM collection for participating SNCs. Path PM data collection and
Threshold Crossing Alerts have the following characteristics:

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96 Chapter 3 - 5400 Switch Mesh Software
Performance Management - Path Level Options (Drop

• Path PM data collection is enabled by default for all CTPs for 15-minute periods.
• TCAs are enabled by default for SNC CTP originating and terminating drop-side Far End Path.
• SNC reroutes do not affect the originating drop-side CTP Path PM collection and Path TCA
• When an SNC reroutes, the terminating drop-side CTP Path PM collection and Path TCA
settings reset to their respective default values (enabled).
• SNC reroutes do not clear the originating and terminating CTPs historical PM data unless PM
collection was explicitly turned off prior to the reroute.
• The originating drop-side CTPs PM and TCA settings are retained when upgrading from a prior
software release.
• The Failure Count (FC) path threshold setting default is seven to provide earlier problem

5400 Reconfigurable Switching System 009-3209-000 - Revision A

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Chapter 4:
The 5400 Switch Rack and Chassis

This chapter provides descriptions of the 5410 Reconfigurable Switching System chassis (5410
Switch on Page 112) and the 5430 Reconfigurable Switching System system rack and chassis
(5430 Switch, below). The rack and chassis provide power distribution, lighted system operation
indicators, and backplane communication for the 5400 Switch modules. The hardware for the 5430
Switch is described first, followed by descriptions of the 5410 Switch hardware. The 5400
Reconfigurable Switching System is hereinafter referred to as 5400 Switch.
The removable system modules are described in Chapter 5, 5400 Switch Hardware Modules on
Page 123.

5430 Switch
The 5430 Switch assembly consists of a 7-foot rack (Figure 4-1) with various removable
assemblies. Removable metal doors and a fixed metal door on the front protect system components
and optical cabling.
The system rack provides a mechanical structure to support a power distribution unit (PDU) shelf,
fan shelves, and shelves for the system modules. The rack also provides a display panel, electrical
backplane, and Input/Output (I/O) connectors for interfacing the 5430 Switch to other network
elements. The system rack has:
• 5430 Switch Shelves on Page 98
• 5430 Switch Power Distribution Unit on Page 101
• Display Panel on Page 104
• 5430 Switch Connectors on Page 106
• Fan Tray Assembly on Page 106
• Input/Output Panel on Page 109
• Backplane on Page 112

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98 Chapter 4 - The 5400 Switch Rack and Chassis
5430 Switch

Figure 4-1. 5430 Switch Rack Components (Front Doors Removed)

PDU Shelf
Display Panel

Fan Shelf

Shelf A
Line Module/
CTM Shelf

Shelf B I/O Module

Switch Module

Shelf C
Line Module/
CTM Shelf

Fan Shelf

Front View Rear View 5430-09076

5430 Switch Shelves

The 5430 Switch has six shelves (Figure 4-1):
• Two fan tray shelves (upper fan tray shelf and lower fan tray shelf)
• Shelf A, containing 15 line modules (LMs) and one control and timing module (CTM)
• Shelf B, containing 9 switch modules
• Shelf C, containing 15 LMs and one CTM
• PDU shelf containing 2 PDU modules and mounted display panel
Shelves are not field-replaceable. Modules on shelves are field replaceable.

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Chapter 4 - The 5400 Switch Rack and Chassis 99
5430 Switch

5430 Switch Fan Tray Shelves

Each fan tray shelf holds five fan tray assemblies (Fan Tray Assembly on Page 106) which provide
forced-air convective cooling for the 5430 Switch.

5430 Switch Line/Control and Timing Module Shelves (A and C)

Each line/control and timing module shelf (A or C) provides the mechanical housing for up to 15 line
modules (A-1 through A-15 and C-1 through C-15) and one control and timing module. The control
and timing module is installed in a dedicated slot at one side of the shelf (A-CTM and C-CTM). In
shelf C, the lower line/control and timing module shelf, the modules are inverted relative to the upper
shelf. All line modules and control and timing modules can be used in either shelf.

5430 Switch Switch Module (SM) Shelf B

The switch module shelf (shelf B) occupies the space between the upper a shelf and lower c shelf.
Shelf B contains nine switch modules (B-1 through B-9).

5430 Switch PDU Shelf

The PDU shelf houses two PDU modules: an A-Side PDU and a B-Side PDU, which are accessed
from the rear of the 5430 Switch. The Display Panel is mounted on the front of the PDU shelf.

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100 Chapter 4 - The 5400 Switch Rack and Chassis
5430 Switch

Figure 4-2. 5430 Switch and Slot Numbering

Display Panel



Slot A-1 Slot A-15

Shelf A

Slot B-1 Slot B-9

Shelf B

Slot C-1 Slot C-15

Shelf C



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Chapter 4 - The 5400 Switch Rack and Chassis 101
5430 Switch

5430 Switch Power Distribution Unit

The 5430 Switch power distribution unit (PDU) (Figure 4-3) provides monitored protection and
distribution of 16 fused or circuit breaker circuits from two -48 VDC sources (Power A and Power B).
The PDU supplies -48 VDC central office power to the 5430 Switch equipment and provides a status
indication for each power feed and for the 5430 Switch node. The PDU is located at the top of the
5430 Switch rack and consists of a hot swappable display module and two hot swappable power/
filter modules (PDU-A and PDU-B). The rear of the PDU provides power feed access and power feed
circuit breaker or fuse access.

Figure 4-3. 5430 Switch Power Distribution Unit




Rear Vie
There are two PDU configurations (Figure 4-4) available for the 5430 Switch:
• Fused Disconnect
• Breaker Disconnect

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102 Chapter 4 - The 5400 Switch Rack and Chassis
5430 Switch

Figure 4-4. 5430 Switch Power Distribution Unit

PDU-A Fused Disconnect

PDU-A Circuit Breaker Disconnect 5430-09059

The PDU provides monitored protection and distribution of circuits from two -48 VDC facility power
sources (Power A and Power B). The Power A source provides eight feeds to PDU-A. The Power B
source provides eight feeds to PDU-B. The fused version PDU is designed for use with 60A Telecom
TLS (or TPS) fuses. The fuses are mounted in compliant panel mounted holders for easy access.
The circuit breaker version PDU uses 60A magnetic type DC circuit breakers. PDU-A and PDU-B
are each capable of supporting the worst-case full load current of 384A.
The eight Power A feeds connect to the rear of PDU-A and the eight Power B feeds connect to the
rear of PDU-B. These power feeds are connected to the stud terminal blocks located on the rear of
the PDU. Protective covers are installed over the terminal blocks.
Feed jumper kits are available for the 5430 Switch partial power configuration. The partial power
configuration can be used in locations where:
• the full capacity of the 5430 Switch is not initially required (can be upgraded later to full power)
• dual feed kit if only up to 0.48 T bps switching is required
• quad feed kit if only up to 1.4 T bps switching is required
• locations that can not supply the full amount of power feeds
• locations that are charged on a per power feed basis
• lab locations

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Chapter 4 - The 5400 Switch Rack and Chassis 103
5430 Switch

The fully configured 5430 Switch requires eight power feeds to each PDU for a system total of
sixteen power feeds. Installing power feed jumpers reduces the number of total power feeds from
sixteen feeds to eight feeds or four feeds. The Ordering Guide on Page 161 provides ordering
The PDU is designed with soft start circuitry to limit inrush current upon application of -48 volts. This
circuitry allows the filter capacitors to charge slowly for approximately five seconds after initial power
is applied. After power is removed, it takes less than one minute for the capacitors in the panel to
discharge and the soft-start circuitry to completely reset.
-48 VDC facility power feeds are filtered and routed to the equipment shelves through connectors by
way of two power harnesses for PDU-A and two power harnesses for PDU-B.
The PDU functions include the following:
• Redundant over-current protection for 16 feed circuits (eight A side (PDU-A), as well as eight B
side (PDU-B)) using magnetic circuit breakers or field replaceable fuses.
• System level over voltage transient protection from the CO environment.
• System level surge current protection from the CO environment.
• System level common mode filtering to control emission levels and to insure conducted
immunity from the CO environment.
• System level three pole differential mode filtering to control emission levels from the 5430
Switch as well as to insure conducted emission immunity for the rack.
• The PDU works with subsystem modules to filter and meet all conducted emission compliance
• Soft-start feature to limit the current surge otherwise caused by the PDU differential mode filter
capacitor charging circuits.
• The PDU is designed with two independent filter modules that are hot swappable and each
module is capable of supplying power to all modules and fan tray assemblies in the 5430
• The PDU consists of two independent power/filter modules that mount in a tray from the rear of
the 5430 Switch and plug into cable assemblies that attach to the two fuse and alarm indicator
fan backplanes.

Controls and Indicators

The manually operated controls for the 5430 Switch PDU are at the rear of the 5430 Switch. These
controls include:
• Power Indicator (Green if any feed present)
• Power Disconnect
• Circuit breakers or fuses (PDU-A shown in Figure 4-4).
For the circuit breaker disconnect PDU, one circuit breaker per input protects the source from
overcurrent conditions in the 5430 Switch. When an overcurrent condition exists, the circuit breaker
trips and the toggle handle moves toward the off position. To reset the circuit breaker, the user must
press the toggle handle to the extreme off position, then to the on position. The circuit breaker toggle
handles are protected by fences to prevent accidental activation.
For the fused disconnect PDU, one fuse per input protects the source from overcurrent conditions
in the 5430 Switch. When an overcurrent condition exists, the 60 amp cartridge fuse and indicator
fuse open.

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104 Chapter 4 - The 5400 Switch Rack and Chassis
5430 Switch

Power Distribution
The PDU receives -48 VDC power inputs (Power A and B) from the facility Battery Distribution Fuse
Bay (BDFB). The DC power wiring attaches to the PDU terminal blocks on the rear of the 5430
Switch rack/chassis (Figure 4-4). The PDU has safety grounds, which are isolated from the -48 VDC
and returns.
The BDFB Power A provides power to the PDU-A inputs, and Power B provides power to the
PDU-B inputs. Each input (PDU-A feed 1 through 8 and PDU-B feed 1 through 8) goes through a
60-ampere circuit breaker or fuse in the PDU. The circuit breakers or fuses function as on/off
switches and protect the source from overcurrent conditions in the 5430 Switch. The CTMs sense
and report a tripped circuit breaker.
Either the PDU-A inputs (A1 - A8) or the B inputs (B1 - B8) can supply all required power to a fully
populated 5430 Switch. Table B-7, 5430 Switch TDM Module Power Specifications on Page 210
provides the circuit pack and module power requirements. Table B-9, 5430 Switch Power Feed
Slot Matrix on Page 211 describes the power, current, and quantity/type of module each feed
In Table B-9, 5430 Switch Power Feed Slot Matrix on Page 211, LM slot numbers A1 through A15
are for the upper LM shelf. LM slot numbers C1 through C15 are for the lower LM shelf. Fan tray
assemblies CFUA-1 through CFUA-5 are the upper fan trays and fan tray assemblies CFUB-1
through CFUB-5 are the lower fan tray assemblies.
Each CTM has A-battery and a B-battery voltage sense circuits for feeds A1, B1, A8 and B8. The
voltage sensing function is based on the slot position in the 5430 Switch and therefore, is
independent of whether a control and timing module is in the primary or secondary role in the switch.
When one of the voltage sense circuits is active, a PDU Alarm is generated.
The -48 VDC inputs and returns are ORed together on the system modules; therefore, if either feed
fails, power is supplied automatically to the module by the other feed.
On each module (PDU-A and PDU-B), a power in-rush circuit (hot-swap circuit) allows the -48 VDC
to ramp up slowly when a module is inserted. This prevents current surge problems on the -48 VDC
bus due to excessive in-rush currents.

Display Panel
The display module on the top front of the 5430 Switch provides system-level error indications, PDU
feed circuit status indications, internal PDU fault indications, and an alarm shutoff and indicator test.
The display panel displays node alarm status (critical, major, minor), feed circuit status, and PDU
internal circuit fault using LEDs in the front PDU tray mounted display module.

Controls and Indicators

The display panel on the front of the PDU provides the following types of indicators (Figure 4-5):
• Large Red/Green indicators identify a problem with any one of eight feeds.
• Large indicators to show system-level alarm status; these indicators are viewable through an
arc of 100-plus degrees (1.745 plus radians).
• Smaller Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) are Green to provide power present indications for
module shelves and fans and Red if a feed is not present.
• Alarm cutoff switch and LED test (labeled ACO/LED) on the front panel (Figure 4-5 below).
Although the 5430 Switch does not have any audible alarms, it provides relay contacts that are
connected to the audible alarm network of the central office. Pressing the ACO switch (a dual
function momentary pushbutton switch) silences any audible alarms that are set for the system. If

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Chapter 4 - The 5400 Switch Rack and Chassis 105
5430 Switch

held for three seconds or longer, it toggles the display panel bicolored LEDs between red and green
every second. The pushbutton lights blue when the alarm cutoff is active. Activation of this switch
does not affect the visual alarms. A new alarm condition reactivates the proper audible alarm,
regardless of the state of the ACO switch, and turns off a lit ACO indicator light. The new alarm can
be silenced by pushing the button again.

Figure 4-5. PDU Display Panel Indicators

PDU-A Internal PDU-A Power Power A Alarm Cutoff Power B PDU-B Power PDU-B Internal
Bay Alarm
Fuse Indicator Feed Indicators Indicator and LED Test Indicator Feed Indicators Fuse Indicator
Red Red/ Green Red/ Green Switch Red/ Green Red/ Green Red



The indicators are activated by the control and timing modules. Except for power failure or card
removal, LED operation is controlled by software and controlled by hardware on CTM controls feed
indicators for feeds 1 and 8.
Table 4-1 describes the indicators on the PDU.

Table 4-1. PDU Display Panel Indicators

Indicator Type or
Color Description
POWER Green One Power A LED and one Power B LED that light green when facility
Red power is available on all PDU-A feeds and PDU-B feeds, and that light red
when power is unavailable on one of the feeds.
Bay Alarm State Three large indicators that show the alarm status of the 5430 Switch:
CRITICAL Red Critical 5430 Switch system condition
MAJOR Red Major 5430 Switch system condition
MINOR Yellow Minor 5430 Switch system condition
Power Feed Green Eight bi-color LEDs on each side of the display module that are Green to
Red indicate power present and Red to indicate a breaker or fuse opened or
removed. The LEDs for feed 1 and feed 8 also light red if CTM-A (feed 1)
or CTM-C (feed 8) have a power issue.
INT Fuse Red A LED that lights red when a PDU internal fuse fails.
ACO/LED (dual- Blue The ACO switch lights blue when the alarm cutoff feature is active. If held
function for three seconds or longer, the LED test sequence starts, which toggles
lighted pushbutton) the display module bi-color LEDs to switch between red and green every
second. The LED test continues until the ACO/LED switch is released.

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106 Chapter 4 - The 5400 Switch Rack and Chassis
5430 Switch

5430 Switch Connectors

Electrical connections to the 5430 Switch are made at the following locations:
• Display panel at the rear of the display panel.
• Facility power connections are made at the PDU on the rear of the 5430 Switch rack/chassis.
• Input Terminal Block: Eight double-stud net connections are provided for input power and
are lined up horizontally in position with terminal block with compression hardware and wire
protection. Each of the power/filter modules has eight dual position terminal blocks for
chassis power connection.
• 5430 Switch power harness connections are on the bottom of the PDU tray assembly on the
PDU-A side and PDU-B side.
• Output connections: Each PDU power module has two keyed connectors that connect the
module to the fan backplane.
• Input/Output (I/O) connections are made at the rear of the rack/chassis on the I/O module
(described later in this chapter).

Fan Tray Assembly

The 5430 Switch fan tray assembly (Figure 4-6) provides forced-air convective cooling for thermal
management. The 5430 Switch has two fan tray shelves, each with five fan tray assemblies (Figure
4-7): one above the upper line module shelf (Shelf A) and one below the lower line module shelf
(Shelf C). The upper fan shelf draws air upward and the lower fan shelf draws air downward, with
both exhausting to the rear of the unit. Intake air for the fan tray assemblies is drawn through and
between the switch modules (SM) by way of faceplate perforations (the intake filter overlays the front
of the SM shelf). The assemblies operate independently from one another and are designed to be
individually hot-swappable.

Figure 4-6. Fan Tray Assembly


Each fan tray assembly contains four fan impellers, a backplane interface card and a fan interface
card. The backplane interface card provides input power fusing, transient suppression, hot-swap/
inrush control, filtering, fan speed control, and power feed alarm processing functions. The fan
interface card provides power conversion circuitry, the fan speed control circuitry, and the fan fault

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Chapter 4 - The 5400 Switch Rack and Chassis 107
5430 Switch

response and alarm processing circuitry. The fan interface card contains two independent sets of
power conversion and fan control circuitry, with one set supporting impellers one and three and the
other set supporting impellers two and four. This interleaving of impeller control is done for fault
tolerance; in the event of a power circuit or controller failure, one front and one rear impeller would
still be operational within the fan tray assembly.
The CTM controls fan speed based upon input from temperature sensors located on all modules in
the chassis. In the event of a fan tray assembly failure or removal, the speed of the other fan
assemblies can increase to compensate as required. A rotation sensor in the fan enables the CTMs
to detect fan failure. As a fail-safe feature, fans enter an autonomous mode when control input is not
received from the active CTM. In this mode, fans speed increases while the fan trays detect an over
temperature condition. Fan speed returns to normal when the CTM establishes communications with
the fan and environmental conditions permit. At system turn-up, fans run at 4500 rpm.
Each fan unit has a bi-color (red/green) LED (Table 4-2).

Table 4-2. Fan Tray Assembly LEDs

LED Color Meaning
Green Fan is operational.
Red Fan has an internal failure.
Off Power is off or there is no control signal (no control and timing modules
are present).

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108 Chapter 4 - The 5400 Switch Rack and Chassis
5430 Switch

Figure 4-7. Fan Tray Assemblies




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Chapter 4 - The 5400 Switch Rack and Chassis 109
5430 Switch

Input/Output Panel
The 5430 Switch I/O module is mounted at the rear of the 5430 Switch chassis. It provides electrical
connectors for all system I/O signals. The T1 I/O module has a metal protective cover that when
removed, exposes the BITS-1 and BITS-2 wire wrap pins for access. Connections are made from
the I/O module to the backplane by board-stacking connectors. The I/O signals are distributed to the
modules by the backplane.
Two types of rear I/O modules are available:
• The DS1 (T1) version (Figure 4-8) supports the Telcordia I/O requirements for SONET
• The E1 version (Figure 4-9) supports the ITU requirements for SDH communications.

Figure 4-8. 5430 Switch T1 I/O Module





Console Port

DCN Ports




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110 Chapter 4 - The 5400 Switch Rack and Chassis
5430 Switch

Figure 4-9. 5430 Switch E1 I/O Module

Console Port

DCN Ports



The T1 I/O module provides DS1 functionality and the E1 I/O module provides E1 functionality
The only physical difference between the two is that the DS1 (T1) I/O module has four pin wrap pins
for the timing interface to the Building Integrated Timing Supply (BITS) connectors, and the E1 has
replaced those connectors with four BNC timing interface connectors.
The I/O module has the following features:
• Connectors for rear access to external electrical I/O
• 10/100 autonegotiating Ethernet ports (DCN1 MAIN, DCN1 AUX, DCN2 MAIN, and DCN2
• RS-232 Data Terminal Equipment (DTE) (Console port CON_PORT_1)
• Alarm I/O port
• DS1 (T1) I/O module only: Four sets of three-pin Wire Wrap headers (in and out BITS1 pins
and in and out BITS2 pins. The BITS input signals are distributed to both control and timing
• E1 I/O module only: Four 75-ohm BNC coaxial connectors for E1 timing interfaces.
The 5430 Switch I/O module is a field-replaceable unit.

5430 Switch I/O Connectors

Each 5430 Switch I/O module has the following external I/O connectors (Figure 4-10):
• The DB-15 Alarm connector provides alarm outputs from CTM Modules to the IOM. The alarm
outputs are visual major, minor, critical alarm signals and a summary audio alarm. Ordering
Guide on Page 161 provides alarm cable ordering information.
• Four Ethernet connectors to provide a communications path to the Node Manager application
(by way of a router or switch). The Ethernet connector pinout is the standard used for RJ-45
terminal connections. The four Ethernet connectors provide redundant DCN1 and DCN2
connections to the CTMs. Ethernet connectors are designated as DCN1 Main and DCN1 AUX

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Chapter 4 - The 5400 Switch Rack and Chassis 111
5430 Switch

which connect to A-CTM and DCN2 Main and DCN2 AUX which connect to C-CTM. The far-
end Ethernet port connected to this port must be set to autonegotiate for speed and duplex
• BITS (timing interface) connectors to provide input for an external timing source. The T1 I/O
module uses 4 three pin wire wrap connectors. The E1 I/O module uses four BNC connectors.
• RS-232 connector to provide a communications path for Craft Interface dial-up access to the
5430 Switch.

Figure 4-10. I/O Alarm Connector I/O


CTM Alarm and Control

The 5430 Switch uses Protection Adaptors with Subminiature 9D (PA9) for the backplane which
work as an interface line protection device for the CTM control and alarm connections with the FPGA
that interfaces with the A-Side PDU and B-Side PDU. The PA9 provides EEPROM, PDU presence
and fuse alarm status connections. The PA9 is installed between to PDU cable 9D connector and
the Centaur backplane (modules that plug into the backplanes). The PA9 also provides CTM FPGA
protection from transient signals that can be coupled on the interface signal lines when the PDU
cable connectors are installed or removed as well as provide easy installation and removal on
existing chassis. The PA9 PCBA is comprised of parts meeting all requirements of the application
specifications for safety and EMC including ATT-TP-76450, NEBS GR-1089 and GR-78. The
functions that are support by the PA9 include the following:
• Provide electrical connections for the PDU EEPROM, Presence and Fuse Alarms
• The same module works on bother A and B interfaces
• Provide over and under voltage protection for EEPROM interfaces
• Provide over and under voltage protection for Presence interfaces
• Provide over and under voltage protection n for Internal Fuse fail alarm interfaces

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5410 Switch

• Provide over and under voltage protection for External Fuse fail alarm interfaces
• Provide shielding and for cable shield termination to limit EMI radiation from cable

The 5430 Switch backplane provides electrical interface and fused power for the system modules.
The I/O connections on the backplane provide communication paths between the modules and the
I/O module. The 5430 Switch backplane also provides the interface connections required for the I/O
module and the DC power cables from the PDU.
The backplane provides fused power to each CTM, LM, SM, and fan slot. Fuses are located at the
rear of the 5430 Switch, behind the fan and power input section back plane covers.
The backplane has the following features.
• Support for all intramodule electrical interconnections for data, timing, and control
• Connection of external electrical I/O from the I/O module to the modules
• Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory (EEPROM) storage for manufacturing
data, accessible by the control and timing module
• Dual -48 VDC power distribution
• Enhanced fault isolation
• Individual 20 amp fuses for Feed A and Feed B to each Shelf A and Shelf C LM module
• Individual 10 amp fuses for Feed A and Feed B to each Shelf B SM module and the Shelf A
CTM and Shelf C CTM
• Individual 12 amp fuses for Feed A and Feed B to each upper and lower fan module

5410 Switch
The 5410 Switch assembly consists of a 22RU half rack chassis (Figure 4-11) with various
removable assemblies. A removable metal on the front protects system components and optical
The system chassis provides a mechanical structure to support two fully redundant power
distribution units (PDUs), a fan shelf, and an equipment shelf for the system modules. The rack also
provides an electrical backplane and Input/Output (I/O) connectors for interfacing the 5410 Switch
to other network elements. The system chassis has:
• 5410 Switch Shelves on Page 113
• 5410 Switch Power Distribution Unit on Page 114
• 5410 Switch Display Panel on Page 117
• 5410 Switch Connectors on Page 117
• Fan Tray Assembly on Page 117
• 5410 Switch Input/Output Panel on Page 118
• Backplane on Page 121

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5410 Switch

Figure 4-11. 5410 Switch Chassis (Front Door Removed)

Front View Rear View

CFU Shelf

Shelf A

PDU Shelf


5410 Switch Shelves

The 5410 Switch has three shelves (Figure 4-11):
• Fan tray shelf (at the top of the chassis)
• Shelf A, containing ten line modules, two control and timing modules (CTMs), and four switch
modules (SMs)
• PDU shelf containing two PDU modules and the IO panel
Shelves are not field-replaceable. Modules on shelves are field replaceable.

5410 Switch Fan Tray Shelf

The fan tray shelf holds four fan tray assemblies (Fan Tray Assembly on Page 106) which provide
forced-air convective cooling for the 5410 Switch as shown in Figure 4-12.

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114 Chapter 4 - The 5400 Switch Rack and Chassis
5410 Switch

5410 Switch Equipment Shelf

The 5410 Switch equipment shelf provides the mechanical housing for up to ten line modules (A-1
through A-10), two control and timing modules (CTMs), and four switch modules (SMs). The CTMs
are installed in dedicated slots in the top, center portion of the equipment shelf. Four SMs are
installed in dedicated slots beneath the CTMs in the center portion of the equipment shelf. Up to ten
line modules (LMs) are installed on the equipment shelf.

5410 Switch PDU Shelf

The PDU shelf houses two PDU modules: an A-Side PDU and a B-Side PDU, which are accessed
from the rear of the 5410 Switch. The PDU shelf also houses the I/O panel on the front of the 5410

Figure 4-12. 5410 Switch Shelf and Slot Numbering

CFU-1 CFU Shelf


A-1 A-10
A-5 A-6
A-SM2 Shelf A


PDU Shelf
IO Panel

5410 Switch Power Distribution Unit

The 5410 Switch power distribution unit (PDU) (Figure 4-13) provides monitored protection and
distribution of six fused or circuit breaker circuits from two -48 VDC sources (Power A and Power B).
The PDU supplies -48 VDC central office power to the 5410 Switch equipment and provides a status
indication for each power feed and for the 5410 Switch node. The PDU is located at the bottom of
the 5410 Switch chassis and consists of two hot swappable power/filter modules (PDU-A and PDU-
B). At the rear of the 5410 Switch chassis, the PDU provides power feed access and power feed
circuit breaker or fuse access.

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5410 Switch

Figure 4-13. 5410 Switch Power Distribution Unit (Fused PDU shown)


There are two PDU configurations (Figure 4-14) available for the 5410 Switch:
• Fused Disconnect
• Breaker Disconnect

Figure 4-14. 5410 Switch PDU Configurations

PDU-A Fused Disconnect PDU-A Circuit Breaker Disconnect


The PDU provides monitored protection and distribution of circuits from two -48 VDC facility power
sources (Power A and Power B). The Power A source provides three feeds to PDU-A. The Power B
source provides three feeds to PDU-B. The fused version PDU is designed for use with 60A Telecom
TLS (or TPS) fuses. The fuses are mounted in compliant panel mounted holders for easy access.
The circuit breaker version PDU uses 60A magnetic type DC circuit breakers. PDU-A and PDU-B
are each capable of supporting the worst-case full load current of 144A.
The three Power A feeds connect to PDU-A and the three Power B feeds connect to PDU-B. These
power feeds are connected to the stud terminal blocks located on the rear of the PDU. Protective
covers are installed over the terminal blocks.
The PDU is designed with soft start circuitry to limit inrush current upon application of -48 volts. This
circuitry allows the filter capacitors to charge slowly for approximately five seconds after initial power
is applied. After power is removed, it takes less than one minute for the capacitors in the panel to
discharge and the soft-start circuitry to completely reset.

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116 Chapter 4 - The 5400 Switch Rack and Chassis
5410 Switch

-48 VDC facility power feeds are filtered and routed to the equipment shelves through connectors by
way of two power harnesses for PDU-A and two power harnesses for PDU-B.
The PDU functions include the following:
• Redundant over-current protection for six feed circuits (three A side (PDU-A), as well as three
B side (PDU-B)) using magnetic circuit breakers or field replaceable fuses.
• System level over voltage transient protection from the CO environment.
• System level surge current protection from the CO environment.
• System level common mode filtering to control emission levels and to insure conducted
immunity from the CO environment.
• System level three pole differential mode filtering to control emission levels from the 5410
Switch as well as to insure conducted emission immunity for the rack.
• The PDU works with subsystem modules to filter and meet all conducted emission compliance
• Soft-start feature to limit the current surge otherwise caused by the PDU differential mode filter
capacitor charging circuits.
• The PDU is designed with two independent filter modules that are hot swappable and each
module is capable of supplying power to all modules and fan tray assemblies in the 5410
• The PDU consists of two independent power/filter modules that mount in a tray from the rear of
the 5410 Switch and plug into cable assemblies that attach to the two fuse and alarm indicator
fan backplanes.

5410 Switch Controls and Indicators

The manually operated controls for the 5410 Switch PDU are at the rear of the 5410 Switch. These
controls include:
• POWER PRESENT (Extinguished when all breakers are open or the voltage on that input feed
is less than 20V. Green otherwise.)
• POWER 1, POWER 2, and POWER 3 (green when power is present)
• INT FUSE (red when an internal PDU fuse is open)
• Circuit breakers or fuses (PDU-A shown in Figure 4-14).
For the circuit breaker disconnect PDU, one circuit breaker per input protects the source from
overcurrent conditions in the 5410 Switch. When an overcurrent condition exists, the circuit breaker
trips and the toggle handle moves toward the off position. To reset the circuit breaker, the user must
press the toggle handle to the extreme off position, then to the on position. The circuit breaker toggle
handles are protected by fences to prevent accidental activation.
For the fused disconnect PDU, one fuse per input protects the source from overcurrent conditions
in the 5410 Switch. When an overcurrent condition exists, the 60 amp cartridge fuse and indicator
fuse open.

5410 Switch Power Distribution

The PDU receives -48 VDC power inputs (Power A and B) from the facility Battery Distribution Fuse
Bay (BDFB). The DC power wiring attaches to the PDU terminal blocks on the rear of the 5410
Switch rack/chassis (Figure 4-14). The PDU has safety grounds, which are isolated from the -48
VDC and returns.

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5410 Switch

The BDFB Power A provides power to the PDU-A inputs, and Power B provides power to the
PDU-B inputs. Each input (PDU-A feed 1 through 3 and PDU-B feed 1 through 3) goes through a
60-ampere circuit breaker or fuse in the PDU. The circuit breakers or fuses function as on/off
switches and protect the source from overcurrent conditions in the 5410 Switch. The CTMs sense
and report a tripped circuit breaker.
Either the PDU-A inputs (A1 - A3) or the B inputs (B1 - B3) can supply all required power to a fully
populated 5410 Switch. Table B-4, 5410 Switch TDM Module Power Specifications on Page 208
provides the circuit pack and module power requirements and the power, current, and quantity/type
of module each feed supplies. Table B-6, 5410 Switch Power Feed Slot Matrix on Page 209 lists
which modules and slots each feed supplies.

Each CTM has A-battery and a B-battery voltage sense circuits for feeds A1, B1, A3 and B3. The
voltage sensing function is based on the slot position in the 5410 Switch and therefore, is
independent of whether a control and timing module is in the primary or secondary role in the switch.
When one of the voltage sense circuits is active, a PDU Alarm is generated.
The -48 VDC inputs and returns are ORed together on the system modules; therefore, if either feed
fails, power is supplied automatically to the module by the other feed.
On each module (PDU-A and PDU-B), a power in-rush circuit (hot-swap circuit) allows the -48 VDC
to ramp up slowly when a module is inserted. This prevents current surge problems on the -48 VDC
bus due to excessive in-rush currents.

5410 Switch Display Panel

The 5410 Switch does not contain a separate display module as does the 5430 Switch. The 5410
Switch controls and indicators are contained on the 5410 Switch CTM as described in 5410 Switch
CTM Controls and Indicators on Page 153.

5410 Switch Connectors

Electrical connections to the 5410 Switch are made at the following locations:
• Facility power connections are made at the PDUs on the rear of the 5410 Switch chassis.
• Input Terminal Block: Three double-stud net connections are provided for input power and
are lined up vertically in position with terminal block with compression hardware and wire
protection. Each PDU has three dual position terminal blocks for chassis power connection.
• 5410 Switch power harness connections are on the bottom of the PDU tray assembly on the
PDU-A side and PDU-B side.
• Output connections: Each PDU power module has two keyed connectors that connect the
module to the backplane.
• Input/Output (I/O) connections are made at the front of the rack/chassis on the I/O module
(described later in this chapter).

Fan Tray Assembly

The fan tray assemblies used in the 5410 Switch are the same as those used in the 5430 Switch.
The fan tray assembly (Figure 4-7 on Page 108) provides forced-air convective cooling for the 5410
Switch thermal management. The 5410 Switch has one fan tray shelf with four fan tray assemblies
(Figure 4-12 on Page 114). The fan tray assembly is located above Shelf A. The fan shelf draws air

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118 Chapter 4 - The 5400 Switch Rack and Chassis
5410 Switch

upward and exhausting to the rear of the unit. Intake air for the fan tray assemblies is drawn through
the air filter at the bottom, front of the 5410 Switch chassis. The assemblies operate independently
from one another and are designed to be individually hot-swappable.
Each fan tray assembly contains four fan impellers, a backplane interface card and a fan interface
card. The backplane interface card provides input power fusing, transient suppression, hot-swap/
inrush control, filtering, fan speed control, and power feed alarm processing functions. The fan
interface card provides power conversion circuitry, the fan speed control circuitry, and the fan fault
response and alarm processing circuitry. The fan interface card contains two independent sets of
power conversion and fan control circuitry, with one set supporting impellers one and three and the
other set supporting impellers two and four. This interleaving of impeller control is done for fault
tolerance; in the event of a power circuit or controller failure, one front and one rear impeller would
still be operational within the fan tray assembly.
Fan speed is controlled by the control and timing module and vary based on environmental
conditions. The temperature sensors for gathering this data are located on all modules.
In the event of a fan tray assembly failure or removal, the speed of the other fan assemblies can
increase to compensate, if needed. A rotation sensor in the fan enables the CTMs to detect fan
failure. As a fail-safe feature, the fans revert to high speed if no control input is received from the
active CTM. Fan speed returns to normal when the CTM establishes communications with the fan.
At system turn-up, the fans run at 4500 rpms and climb if the temperature climbs up to the maximum
Each fan unit has a bi-color (red/green) LED (Table 4-2).

Table 4-3. Fan Tray Assembly LEDs

LED Color Meaning
Green Fan is operational.
Red Fan has an internal failure.
Off Power is off or there is no control signal (no CTMs are present).

5410 Switch Input/Output Panel

The 5410 Switch I/O module is mounted at the rear of the 5410 Switch chassis. It provides electrical
connectors for all system I/O signals. The T1 I/O module has a metal protective cover that when
removed, exposes the BITS-1 and BITS-2 wire wrap pins for access. Connections are made from
the I/O module to the backplane by board-stacking connectors. The I/O signals are distributed to the
modules by the backplane.
Two types of rear I/O modules are available:
• The E1 version (Figure 4-15) supports the ITU requirements for SDH communications.
• The DS1 (T1) version (Figure 4-16) supports the Telcordia I/O requirements for SONET

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5410 Switch

Figure 4-15. 5410 Switch E1 I/O Module


Figure 4-16. 5410 Switch T1 I/O Modules








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5410 Switch

The T1 I/O module provides DS1 functionality and the E1 I/O module provides E1 functionality
The only physical difference between the two is that the DS1 (T1) I/O module has four pin wrap pins
for the timing interface to the Building Integrated Timing Supply (BITS) connectors, and the E1 has
replaced those connectors with four BNC timing interface connectors.
The I/O module has the following features:
• Alarm I/O port connector
• DS1 (T1) I/O module only: Four sets of three-pin Wire Wrap headers (in and out BITS1 pins
and in and out BITS2 pins. The BITS input signals are distributed to both control and timing
• E1 I/O module only: Four 75-ohm BNC coaxial connectors for E1 timing interfaces.
The 5410 Switch I/O module is a field-replaceable unit.

I/O Connectors
Each 5410 Switch I/O module has the following external I/O connectors (Figure 4-17):
• The DB-15 Alarm connector provides alarm outputs from CTM Modules to the IOM. The alarm
outputs are visual major, minor, critical alarm signals and a summary audio alarm. Ordering
Guide on Page 161 provides alarm cable ordering information.
• Four Ethernet connectors to provide a communications path to the Node Manager application
(by way of a router or switch). The Ethernet connector pinout is the standard used for RJ-45
terminal connections. The four Ethernet connectors provide redundant DCN1 and DCN2
connections to the CTMs. Ethernet connectors are designated as DCN1 Main and DCN1 AUX
which connect to A-CTM and DCN2 Main and DCN2 AUX which connect to C-CTM. The far-
end Ethernet port connected to this port must be set to autonegotiate for speed and duplex
• BITS (timing interface) connectors to provide input for an external timing source. The T1 I/O
module uses 4 three pin wire wrap connectors. The E1 I/O module uses four BNC connectors.

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5410 Switch

Figure 4-17. 5410 Switch I/O Alarm Connector (E1 shown)


Pin 8 Pin 1
Pin 15 Pin 9


The 5410 Switch backplane provides electrical interface and power for the system modules. The
I/O connections on the backplane provide communication paths between the modules and the I/O
module. The 5410 Switch backplane also provides the interface connections required for the I/O
module and the DC power cables from the PDU.
The backplane has the following features.
• Support for all intramodule electrical interconnections for data, timing, and control
• Connection of external electrical I/O from the I/O module to the modules
• Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory (EEPROM) storage for manufacturing
data, accessible by the control and timing module
• Dual -48 VDC power distribution

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122 Chapter 4 - The 5400 Switch Rack and Chassis
System Interfaces

System Interfaces
Optical Interfaces
SFPs, XFPs, and CFPs on Page 146 provides a general description of SFPs/XFPs supported by
the 5400 Switch. SFP/XFP/CFP Specifications on Page 213 provides the 5400 Switch SFP/XFP

Note: The SFPs and XFPs are listed in the Chapter 6, Ordering Guide on Page 161. Fiber
bender kits are available for all SFP/XFP transceivers.

Chapter 5, 5400 Switch Hardware Modules on Page 123 provides detailed descriptions of the
5400 Switch modules.

Ethernet Interfaces
On the 5410 Switch CTM and 5430 Switch I/O module there are two external Ethernet ports for each
control and timing module, making a total of four interfaces. The Ethernet ports allow 5400 Switch
nodes to be connected to one or more externally switched or routed networks.
Each interface is auto-sensing for 10 or 100 Mbps operation in half-duplex or full-duplex modes. The
Ethernet connectors are shielded RJ-45 connectors and must be connected to the router or switch
using a Shielded Twisted Pair (STP) cable. For 100 Mbps operation, Category 5 or better cable is

Craft Interfaces
There is one RJ-45 craft interface on each control and timing module front panel and one a DB-9
male connector on the I/O module to provide Craft access. These interfaces allow a craftsperson to
log on to a 5410 Switch or 5430 Switch for management.

CLEI Codes
The chassis and each removable module has a CLEI label that can be read by a bar code scanner.
The CLEI codes are registered with Telcordia and comply with Telcordia guidelines.

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Chapter 5:
5400 Switch Hardware Modules

This chapter provides descriptions of the system modules available for the Ciena® 5400
Reconfigurable Switching System. All system modules are plug-in assemblies that provide various
system functions and interfaces. This chapter contains the following:
• Module LED Operation (below)
• Line Modules on Page 125
• SFPs, XFPs, and CFPs on Page 146
• Switch Module on Page 149
• Control and Timing Modules on Page 151
• LM, SM, and CTM Blanks on Page 159
Dimensions of all system modules are listed in Appendix B, Specifications and Standards.
The 5400 Reconfigurable Switching System is hereinafter referred to as 5400 Switch.

Module LED Operation

All modules in the 5400 Switch have Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) to indicate module status. There
are basic rules for the meanings of each color (red, yellow, and green), as well as for the sequence
pattern of LED lighting during operation of the modules.
The color rules are as follows:
• Basic red rule - A lit red LED indicates the module is not in a legal operating state. Therefore, a
red LED is lit during any boot, initial configuration, or initialization state; in addition, a red LED
lights when there is a reset or module failure. If a yellow LED is present on the module, it may
supply additional information about the module.
• Basic yellow rule - A lit yellow LED indicates the module is in a maintenance state, such as
Admin Locked. The yellow LED may also supply additional state information about a module
when a red or green LED is lit.
• Basic green rule - A lit green LED indicates the module is active.
The following terms are used in describing LED patterns.
• On - The LED lights steadily.
• Off - The LED is dark.
• Blinking - The LED cycles on and off in equal 250 ms time periods.
During operation, system modules all follow the basic module states pattern described in Table 5-
1. Modules that have local processors with downloadable code (line module and control and timing
module) follow the module boot sequence pattern described in Table 5-2.

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124 Chapter 5 - 5400 Switch Hardware Modules
Module LED Operation

Basic Module States Pattern

The basic module states pattern (Table 5-1) applies to all modules.
Table 5-1. Basic Module States Pattern
Red Yellow Green
Off Off Off Power is off.
Off Off On Module is operational and active.
Off On Off Module is in a maintenance state (for example, Admin Locked)
and is safe for removal.
On Blinking Off Run-time image diagnostics, configuration, or initialization is
taking place.
On Off Off Module is held in Reset state, or there is a hardware failure, or
software is not yet running from local flash memory.
On On On Lamp test.

Module Boot Sequence Pattern

The module boot sequence pattern (Table 5-2) applies to CTMs and LMs (modules with local
processors that must be downloaded and initialized before providing service). Modules go through
the following phases when booting: Power On Self Test (POST), POST complete, kernel/
maintenance stage, and application stage.
Table 5-2. Module Boot Sequence Pattern
Red Yellow Green
On On On The module is in reset, either latch or other HW based, when
present, or that the processor kernel has not completed initial
POST stage.
Blink Blink Off Module is present, powered, processor core is not in latch or
external reset, and processor core has reached a defined state of
operations (that is, POST complete), but not completed or
successfully achieved full Kernel operation - Post Stage.
Off Blink Off Module is present, indicates SW Kernel is fully operational but
application is not fully loaded (that is, application initialization). The
MNT LED blinks in this state when coming up from a either a cold
or warm boot. - Kernel/MAINT Stage.
Off Off On Module is operational to a point where software considers it good
or not failed with expected applications (based on its redundancy
state) running without error. Indicates to other modules that no
major faults are present in the processing core, and software
application is operational and both module software and hardware
are error free - Application Stage.

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Chapter 5 - 5400 Switch Hardware Modules 125
Line Modules

Line Modules
The 5400 Switch line modules (LMs) provide the optical interface for the switch with pluggable CFP/
SFP/XFP transceivers. An ejector and screw at the top and bottom of the module faceplate retain
each line module in the equipment shelf of the 5400 Switch. Line modules host the SONET/SDH and
OTN interfaces and provide the ingress and egress portions of the switch fabric. These modules
contain on-board processors to perform control and monitoring functions and to assist the control
and timing module in performing distributed processing tasks.
The 5400 Switch supports three types of line modules; TDM Services line module (TSLM), OTN
Services line module (OSLM), and SONET/SDH Services line module (SSLM).
The following types of 5400 Switch line modules are available:
• OSLMs:
• OSLM-3 line module for use with up to three 40G CFPs (Page 126)
• OSLM-3M line module for up to three 40G MSA based optical interfaces (Page 128)
• OSLM-12 line module for use with up to 12 10G XFPs/10 GbE XFPs (Page 130)
• OSLM-48 line module for use with up to 48 2.5G SFPs, 155/622M SFPs, GbE SFPs
(Page 133)
• TSLMs:
• TSLM-3 line module for use with up to three 40G CFPs (Page 126)
• TSLM-12 line module for use with up to 12 10G XFPs/10 GbE XFPs (Page 136)
• TSLM-48 line module for use with up to 48 2.5G SFPs. 155/622M SFPs, GbE SFPs
(Page 139)
• SSLMs:
• SSLM-12 line module for use with up to 12 10G XFPs (Page 142)
• SSLM-48 line module for use with up to 48 2.5G SFPs, or 155/622M SFPs (Page 139)

Line Module Features

All 5400 Switch line modules have the following features in common:
• Selection and frequency up-conversion of timing distribution references received from the
CTMs; distribution of the new reference to the Optical Modules or optical ports
• Ingress and egress framer logic supporting flexible port configuration
• Local Central Processing Unit (CPU) to support internal communications, Data
Communications Channel (DCC) or General Communications Channel (GCC)
communications, SONET/SDH and OTN alarms and performance monitoring, SONET/SDH
and OTN alarms generation, protection switching, and switch fabric configuration. Note that
SONET/SDH and DCC features apply only to TSLM modules, and not to OSLM modules.
• Flash Electronically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory (EEPROM) for CPU boot-
code storage; EEPROM is in-service programmable
• 1GB of system DDR2 Synchronized Dynamic Random Access Memory (SDRAM)
• Run-time software download capability; code can be upgraded without affecting user traffic
• For TSLM modules, support for in-band communication utilizing GCC and/or DCC transport
overhead. For OSLM modules, support for in-band communication utilizing GCC transport
• Hot-swap capability

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126 Chapter 5 - 5400 Switch Hardware Modules
Line Modules

• Comprehensive fault detection and reporting

• Internal ambient temperature data collection and reporting to the control and timing module
through the internal control network
• EEPROM storage for manufacturing data
• LEDs on the front panel to indicate module status
• Insertion/Removal of module does not affect traffic on any other module

Line Module Status Indicators

The LMs have LED status indicators for module status and port status. The module status LED
indicators are described in Table 5-3. The LM port status is indicated by one tri-colored LED for each
port. The LM port status LED indicators are described in Table 5-4.

Table 5-3. Line Module LED States

Red Yellow Green
Off Off Off Power is off.
Off Off On Module is operational.
Off On Off Module is in a state that is safe for removal (for
example, Admin Locked).
On Off Off Replaceable Unit Problem (RUP) - Module is failed.
On On On Lamp Test.

Table 5-4. Port LED States

LED Color Description
Off The port LED is OFF when XFP/SFP/CFP is not present/installed or deleted.
Green (ACT) The port LED illuminates GREEN when there is no fault with the input signal.
Red (FLT) The port LED illuminates RED when the port is admin unlocked and any of the
following are true:
• Input signal defects with respect to top level TTP or faceplate interface,
including LOS/LOF/Signal Fail/Signal Degrade
• Replaceable Unit Mismatch against the PTP
• Replaceable Unit Missing (RUM) against the PTP
• Replaceable Unit Problem (RUP) against the PTP
Yellow (MNT) The port LED illuminates YELLOW when the port is in admin locked state.

Specific features of individual line modules are described in the sections that follow.

OSLM-3 Line Module

The three-port OTN Services line module (OSLM-3, Figure 5-1) provides a physical platform and
electrical interconnection for up to three 40G C Form Factor Pluggable (CFP) modules and supports
the OTU3 line rate. OSLM-3 capabilities are listed in Table 5-5 and supported port mapping modes
are listed in Table 5-6. OSLM-3 dimensions and weight are listed in Module Specifications on
Page 212.

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Chapter 5 - 5400 Switch Hardware Modules 127
Line Modules

In addition to the common line module features (Line Module Features on Page 125), the OSLM-
3 line module has the following features:
• Up to three OTU3 interfaces
• GCC insertion/termination:
• Insertion and termination of OTU3 and GCC0
• Insertion and termination of ODU3 GCC1, GCC2, and GCC1/2
• OTN switching features for ODU3, ODU2, ODU1 and ODU0
• OTU3 OSRP links
• OTN SNC, MR SNC, Permanent SNC, Signaled SNC-P, MR-SNCP, and MR-SNCP with ARD.
• Remote TAP for ODU3, ODU2, ODU1 and ODU0
• Connection-level loopback for ODU3, ODU2, ODU1 and ODU0
• Latency and Distance-based routing based on OTU links
• Single-stage mapping of ODU0 to ODU3, ODU1 to ODU3 and ODU2 to ODU3
• TCM functionality on all ODUk levels and associated TCMs
• TCM with two out of six selectable channels on all ODUk levels facing the optical interface and
the switch fabric

Figure 5-1. OSLM-3 Line Module

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128 Chapter 5 - 5400 Switch Hardware Modules
Line Modules

Table 5-5. OSLM-3 Capabilities

Supported Description

Line Interface • 1xOTU3

Optical • 40G CFP Parallel 40GBASE-LR4+/G.695 (4 Wavelength WDM 10km,
Interfaces 40GbE, OTU3, OC768/STM256) (See “CFPs” on page 176.)
• 40G CFP Serial G.693 (1550nm Serial 2km, 40GbE, OC768/STM256,
• 40G CFP ER-4 (Beta) Multirate Module (40 Gbps 40km, 4-lane x 10Gb/s
Port Groups • 1x40G_OTN_P21
Cross Connect • ODU0 - 32 cross connects per 40G port group for ODU0 paths
Capacity • ODU1 - 16 cross connects per 40G port group for ODU1 paths
• ODU2 - 4 cross connects per 40G port group for ODU2 paths
• ODU3 - 1 cross connect per 40G port group for ODU3 paths

Table 5-6. OSLM-3 Port Mappings

Port Group
Supported Mapping Options
Configuration Mode
1x40G_OTN_P21 [PHY] - [OTU3] - [ODU3] - [XCONN]
[PHY] - [OTU3] - [ODU3] -[ODU2]- [XCONN]
[PHY] - [OTU3] - [ODU3]- [ODU1] - [XCONN]
[PHY] - [OTU3] - [ODU3]- [ODU0] - [XCONN]

The OSLM-3 module (Figure 5-2) has one red, yellow, and green LED to indicate module status and
one red/yellow/green tri-color LED for each port to indicate port status. Table 5-3, Line Module LED
States on Page 126 and Table 5-4, Port LED States on Page 126 describe the operation of these

Figure 5-2. OSLM-3 Line Module Faceplate

LM Status
Port 1 Port 2 Port 3

MNT 1 2 3 OSLM 3


Port 1 Status Indicator Port 2 Status Indicator Port 3 Status Indicator 5400-11003

OSLM-3M Line Module

The three-port OTN Services line module (OSLM-3M) provides a physical platform and electrical
interconnection for up to three 40G MSA based optical interfaces supporting the OTU3 line rate
(Figure 5-3). OSLM-3M capabilities are listed in Table 5-7 and supported port mapping modes are
listed in Table 5-8. OSLM-3M dimensions and weight are listed in Module Specifications on
Page 212.

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Chapter 5 - 5400 Switch Hardware Modules 129
Line Modules

Figure 5-3. OSLM-3M Line Module

In addition to the common line module features (Line Module Features on Page 125), the
OSLM-3M line module has the following features:
• Up to three OTU3 interfaces
• GCC insertion/termination:
• Insertion and termination of OTU3 and GCC0
• Insertion and termination of ODU3 GCC1, GCC2, and GCC1/2
• OTN switching features for ODU3, ODU2, ODU1 and ODU0
• OTU3 OSRP links
• OTN SNC, MR SNC, Permanent SNC, Signaled SNC-P, MR-SNCP, and MR-SNCP with ARD.
• Remote TAP for ODU3, ODU2, ODU1 and ODU0
• Connection-level loopback for ODU3, ODU2, ODU1 and ODU0
• Latency and Distance-based routing based on OTU links
• Single-stage mapping of ODU0 to ODU3, ODU1 to ODU3 and ODU2 to ODU3
• TCM functionality on all ODUk levels and associated TCMs
• TCM with two out of six selectable channels on all ODUk levels facing the optical interface and
the switch fabric

Table 5-7. OSLM-3M Capabilities

Supported Description

Line Interface • 1xOTU3

Optical • Fixed 40G Serial Optics
Interfaces • OTU3 Fixed Serial Interface

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130 Chapter 5 - 5400 Switch Hardware Modules
Line Modules

Table 5-7. OSLM-3M Capabilities (Continued)

Supported Description
Port Groups • 1x40G_OTN_P21
Cross Connect • 32 ODU0 cross connects per 40G port group for ODU0 paths
Capacity • 16 ODU1 cross connects per 40G port group for ODU1 paths
• 4 ODU2 cross connects per 40G port group for ODU2 paths
• 1 ODU3 cross connect per 40G port group for ODU3 paths

Table 5-8. OSLM-3M Port Mappings

Port Group
Supported Mapping Options
Configuration Mode
1x40G_OTN_P21 [PHY] - [OTU3] - [ODU3] - [XCONN]
[PHY] - [OTU3] - [ODU3] -[ODU2]- [XCONN]
[PHY] - [OTU3] - [ODU3]- [ODU1] - [XCONN]
[PHY] - [OTU3] - [ODU3]- [ODU0] - [XCONN]

The OSLM-3M module (Figure 5-4) has one red, yellow, and green LED to indicate module status
and one red/yellow/green tri-color LED for each port to indicate port status. Refer to Line Module
Status Indicators on Page 126 for LM status indicator description.

Figure 5-4. OSLM-3M Line Module Faceplate

LM Status
Indicators Port 1 Port 2 Port 3

1 2 3

Port Status Indicators 5400-11005

OSLM-12 Line Module

The 12-port OTN Services line module (OSLM-12) provides a physical platform and electrical
interconnection for up to 12 10G XFPs, supporting OTU2, 10GbE LAN Phy, OC-192/STM-64, and
CBR10G line rates (Figure 5-5). Each port can be configured individually to support either of the
supported modes. OSLM-12 capabilities are listed in Table 5-9 and supported port mapping modes
are listed in Table 5-10. OSLM-12 dimensions and weight are listed in Module Specifications on
Page 212.

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Chapter 5 - 5400 Switch Hardware Modules 131
Line Modules

Figure 5-5. OSLM-12 Line Module

In addition to the common line module features (Line Module Features on Page 125), the OSLM-
12 line module has the following features:
• Up to 12 OTU2/10GbE/OC192/STM64/CBR10G interfaces
• GCC insertion/termination:
• Insertion and termination of OTU2 and GCC0
• Insertion and termination of ODU2 GCC1, GCC2, and GCC1/2
• OTN switching features for ODU0, ODU1, and ODU2
• OTU2 OSRP links
• OTN SNC, MR SNC, Permanent SNC, Signaled SNC-P, MR-SNCP, and MR-SNCP with ARD.
• Remote TAP for ODU0, ODU1, and ODU2
• Connection-level loopback for ODU0, ODU1, and ODU2
• Latency and Distance-based routing based on OTU links
• Multi-stage mapping of ODU0 to ODU1 to ODU2
• TCM with two out of six channels on all ODUk levels facing the optical interface and the switch

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132 Chapter 5 - 5400 Switch Hardware Modules
Line Modules

Table 5-9. OSLM-12 Capabilities

Supported Description
Line Interfaces • 10GbE
• OTU2
• 10G CBR
Optical • XFP-OPT-SR (Extended Temp) 850nm (P/N 130-4904-900)
Interfaces • XFP-OPT-LR (SR-1 Extended Temp) 10G SR-1/I-64.1 (1310nm, 2km) (P/
(See “XFPs” N 130-4905-900)
on page 175.) • XFP-OPT-ER (IR-2 Extended Temp) 10G IR-2/S-64.2b (1550nm, 40km)
(P/N 130-4906-900)
• XFP-OPT-UR (LR-2 Extended Temp) 10G LR-2c/L-64.2c (1550nm, 80km)
(P/N 130-4907-900)
• XFP - C-Band Tunable (P/N 160-9002-900)
Port Groups • 1x10GbE
• 1x10G_CBR
• 1x10G_OTN
Cross Connect • 4 ODU1 cross connects per 10G port group for ODU1 paths
Capacity • 1 ODU2 cross connect per 10G port group for ODU2 paths
• 8 ODU0 cross connects per 10G port group for ODU1 paths

Table 5-10. OSLM-12 Port Mappings for Client Interfaces

Port Group
Supported Mapping Options
Configuration Mode
1x10GbE [PHY] - [10G LAN Phy] - [ODU2] - [XCON]
1x10G_CBR [PHY] - [OC-192/STM-64] - [ODU2]- [XCON]
[PHY] - [CBR10G] - [ODU2] - [XCON]
1x10G_OTN [PHY] - [OTU2] - [ODU2] - [ODU1] - [XCONN]
[PHY] - [OTU2] - [ODU2] - [ODU1] - [ODU0] - [XCONN]

The OSLM-12 module (Figure 5-6) has one red, yellow, and green LED to indicate module status
and one red/yellow/green tri-color LED for each port to indicate port status. Table 5-3, Line Module
LED States on Page 126 and Table 5-4, Port LED States on Page 126 describe the operation of
these LEDs.

Figure 5-6. LEDs on the OSLM-12 Line Module

Module Status Indicators
Port 1 Port 12

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12


Port 1 Status Indicator Port 12 Status Indicator 5400-11018

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Chapter 5 - 5400 Switch Hardware Modules 133
Line Modules

OSLM-48 Line Module

The 48-port OTN Services line module (OSLM-48) provides a physical platform and electrical
interconnection for up to 48 2.5G SFPs, supporting OC48/STM16, CBR2.5G, GbE line rates (OTU1
future release) line rates (Figure 5-7). A group of four ports can be configured to support any of the
supported port group modes. OSLM-48 capabilities are listed in Table 5-11. OSLM-48 dimensions
and weight are listed in Module Specifications on Page 212.

Figure 5-7. OSLM-48 Line Module with Installed Optical Modules

In addition to the common line module features (Line Module Features on Page 125), the OSLM-
48 line module has the following features:
• Up to 48 OC-48/STM-16/GE Interfaces (OTU1 future release)
• GCC insertion/termination:
• Insertion and termination of OTU1 and GCC0 (Future release)
• Insertion and termination of ODU1 GCC1, GCC2, and GCC1/2 (Future release)
• Transparent Mapping/Demapping of OC-48/STM-16 into ODU1 payload
• Transparent Mapping/Demapping of 2.5G CBR into ODU1 payload
• Transparent Mapping/Demapping of GE into ODU0 payload
• Transparent Mapping/Demapping of ODU0 into ODU1 payload
• OTN switching features for ODU0 and ODU1
• OTU1 OSRP links (future release)
• OTN SNC, MR SNC, Permanent SNC, Signaled SNC-P, MR-SNCP, and MR-SNCP with ARD
• Remote TAP for ODU0 and ODU1
• Connection-level loopback for ODU0 and ODU1
• Latency and Distance-based routing based on OTU links
• Multi-stage mapping of ODU0 to ODU1

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134 Chapter 5 - 5400 Switch Hardware Modules
Line Modules

• TCM with two out of six selectable channels on all ODUk levels facing the optical interface and
the switch fabric

Table 5-11. OSLM-48 Capabilities

Supported Description
Line Interfaces • OC-48/STM-16
• GbE
• CBR2.5G
• OTU1 (future release)
Optical • OPT-SR-1 Extended Temp OC3-OTU1 SR-1/I-1.1/ I-1.4/ I-1.16 (1310nm, 5
Interfaces - 10 km) (P/N B-700-1036-001)
(See “XFPs” • OPT-IR-1 Extended Temp OC3-OTU1 IR-1/S-1.1 / S-1.4 / S-1.16 (1310nm,
on page 175.) 20-30km) (P/N B-730-0001-001)
• OPT-LR-1 Extended Temp (155Mbps-2.67 Gbps) LR-1/L-1.1 / L-1.4 / L-
1.16 (1550nm, 40km) (P/N 160-9011-900)
• OPT-LR-2 Extended Temp 155Mbps-2.67 Gbps LR-2/L-2.1 / L-2.4 / L-2.16
(1550 nm, 80km) (P/N 160-9012-900)
• GigE 1000Base-SX SFP (850nm multimode fiber up to 500m) (P/N B-700-
• GigE 1000Base-LX SFP with LC Connector 1310nm for single-mode fiber,
distances up to 5km (P/N B-700-1016-002)
• GigE 1000Base-ZX SFP (1550nm up to 80km) (P/N 162-0093-900)
• GigE - ELT-BT, Electrical 10/100/1000Base-T SFP (P/N B-730-0004-001)
Port Groups • 4x1GbE
• 4x2500M_CBR
Cross Connect • 4xODU1/ODU0 per port group or 48 ODU1/ODU0 per line module.

The OSLM-48 module as shown in Figure 5-8 has one red, yellow, and green LED to indicate
module status and one red/yellow/green tri-color LED for each port to indicate port status. Table 5-
3, Line Module LED States on Page 126 and Table 5-4, Port LED States on Page 126 describe
the operation of these LEDs.

Figure 5-8. LEDs on the OSLM-48 Line Module

Port 8 Port 48 Port 47
Port 1 Port 7 Port 41
Port 2 Port 42



Status Port 7 Port 8 Port 47 Port 48
Indicators Status Status Status Status
Indicator Indicator Indicator Indicator

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Chapter 5 - 5400 Switch Hardware Modules 135
Line Modules

TSLM-3 Line Module

The 3-port TDM Services line module (TSLM-3) provides a physical platform and electrical
interconnection for up to three 40G C Form Factor Pluggable (CFP) modules (Figure 5-9).The
TSLM-3 supports the OTU3 line rates. Each port can be configured individually to support any of the
supported modes. TSLM-3 capabilities are listed in Table 5-12 and supported port mapping modes
are listed in Table 5-13. TSLM-3 dimensions and weight are listed in Module Specifications on
Page 212.

Figure 5-9. TSLM-3 Line Module

In addition to the common line module features described previously, the TSLM-3 line module has
the following features:
• Up to three OTU3 interfaces
• GCC insertion/termination:
• Insertion and termination of OTU3 and GCC0
• Insertion and termination of ODU3 GCC1, GCC2, and GCC1/2
• OTN switching features for ODU3, ODU2, ODU1 and ODU0
• OTU3 OSRP links
• OTN SNC, MR SNC, Permanent SNC, Signaled SNC-P, MR-SNCP, and MR-SNCP with ARD.
• Remote TAP for ODU3, ODU2, ODU1 and ODU0
• Connection-level loopback for ODU3, ODU2, ODU1 and ODU0
• Latency and Distance-based routing based on OTU links
• Single-stage mapping of ODU0 to ODU3, ODU1 to ODU3 and ODU2 to ODU3
• TCM functionality on all ODUk levels and associated TCMs
• TCM with two out of six selectable channels on all ODUk levels facing the optical interface and
the switch fabric

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136 Chapter 5 - 5400 Switch Hardware Modules
Line Modules

Table 5-12. TSLM-3 Capabilities

Supported Description
Line Interface • 1xOTU3
Optical • 40G CFP Parallel 40GBASE-LR4+/G.695 (4 Wavelength WDM 10km,
Interfaces 40GbE, OTU3, OC768/STM256) (See “CFPs” on page 176.)
• 40G CFP Serial G.693 (1550nm Serial 2km, 40GbE, OC768/STM256,
• 40G CFP ER-4 (Beta) Multirate Module (40 Gbps 40km, 4-lane x 10Gb/s
Port Groups • 1x40G_OTN_P2
Cross Connect • ODU0 - 32 cross connects per 40G port group for ODU0 paths
Capacity • ODU1 - 16 cross connects per 40G port group for ODU1 paths
• ODU2 - 4 cross connects per 40G port group for ODU2 paths
• ODU3 - 1 cross connect per 40G port group for ODU3 paths

Table 5-13. TSLM-3 Port Mappings

Port Group
Supported Mapping Options
Configuration Mode
1x40G_OTN_P21 [PHY] - [OTU3] - [ODU3] - [XCONN]
[PHY] - [OTU3] - [ODU3] -[ODU2]- [XCONN]
[PHY] - [OTU3] - [ODU3]- [ODU1] - [XCONN]
[PHY] - [OTU3] - [ODU3]- [ODU0] - [XCONN]

The TSLM-3 module (Figure 5-9) has one red, yellow, and green LED to indicate module status and
one red/yellow/green tri-color LED for each port to indicate port status.

Figure 5-10. TSLM-3 Line Module Faceplate

TSLM-12 Line Module

The 12-port TDM Services line module (TSLM-12) provides a physical platform and electrical
interconnection for up to 12 10G XFPs and 10GbE line rates (Figure 5-11). The TSLM-12 supports
OTU2, 10G CBR, OC-192/STM-64 and 10GbE line rates. Each port can be configured individually
to support either of the supported modes. TSLM-12 capabilities are listed in Table 5-14 and
supported port mapping modes are listed in Table 5-15. TSLM-12 dimensions and weight are listed
in Module Specifications on Page 212.

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Chapter 5 - 5400 Switch Hardware Modules 137
Line Modules

Figure 5-11. TSLM-12 Line Module

In addition to the common line module features (Line Module Features on Page 125), the TSLM-
12 line module has the following features:
• Up to 12 OTU2/10GbE/OC-192/STM-64/CBR10G interfaces
• GCC insertion/termination:
• Insertion and termination of OTU2 and GCC0
• Insertion and termination of ODU2 GCC1, GCC2, and GCC1/2
• OTN switching features for ODU0, ODU1, and ODU2
• OTU2 OSRP links
• OTN SNC, MR SNC, Permanent SNC, Signaled SNC-P, MR-SNCP, and MR-SNCP with ARD.
• Remote TAP for ODU0, ODU1, and ODU2
• Connection-level loopback for ODU0, ODU1, and ODU2
• Latency and Distance-based routing based on SONET/SDH links
• Latency and Distance-based routing based on OTU links
• Multi-stage mapping of ODU0 to ODU1 to ODU2
• Transparent Mapping/Demapping of OC-192/STM-64 into ODU2 payload
• Transparent Mapping/Demapping of 10G CBR into ODU2 payload
• Transparent Mapping/Demapping of 10GE into ODU-2 payload
• TCM with two out of six selectable channels on all ODUk levels facing the optical interface and
the switch fabric
• Framers that provide pointer processing, performance monitoring, and transport overhead
DCC insertion/termination:

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138 Chapter 5 - 5400 Switch Hardware Modules
Line Modules

• Switching to STS-1/VC-3
• SONET/SDH SNC, MR SNC, Permanent SNC, Signaled SNC-P, MR-SNCP, and MR-SNCP
with ARD.
• Remote TAP for OC-3/STM-1 to OC-192/STM-64
• Connection-level loopback to STS-1/AU-3
• Flexible Concatenation
• Subnetwork Connection Protection (SNCP) switching criteria based on monitoring of the C2
byte; this byte carries the unequipped (UNEQ-P) designation. Subnetwork Connection
Protection on Page 88 provides more information about this feature.

Table 5-14. TSLM-12 Capabilities

Supported Description
Line Interfaces • 10GbE
• OTU2
• OC-192/STM-64
• 10G CBR
Optical • XFP-OPT-SR (Extended Temp) 850nm (P/N 130-4904-900)
Interfaces • XFP-OPT-LR (SR-1 Extended Temp) 10G SR-1/I-64.1 (1310nm, 2km) (P/
(See “XFPs” N 130-4905-900)
on page 175.) • XFP-OPT-ER (IR-2 Extended Temp) 10G IR-2/S-64.2b (1550nm, 40km)
(P/N 130-4906-900)
• XFP-OPT-UR (LR-2 Extended Temp) 10G LR-2c/L-64.2c (1550nm, 80km)
(P/N 130-4907-900)
• XFP - C-Band Tunable (P/N 160-9002-900)
Port Groups • 1x10GbE_SONET_SDH
• 1x10GbE
• 1x10G_CBR
• 1x10G_OTN
Cross Connect • 4 ODU1 cross connects per 10G port group for ODU1 paths
Capacity • 1 ODU2 cross connect per 10G port group for ODU2 paths
• 8 ODU0 cross connect per 10G port group for ODU0 paths
• 192 STS-1/AU-3 cross connects per 10G port group for SONET/SDH
• 64 STS-3c/AU-4 cross connects per 10G port group for SONET/SDH
Arbitrary (Non- • STS-Nc for N = 1 to 192 (SONET/SDH)

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Chapter 5 - 5400 Switch Hardware Modules 139
Line Modules

Table 5-15. TSLM-12 Port Mappings for Client Interfaces

Port Group
Supported Mapping Options
Configuration Mode
1x10GbE_ [PHY] - [OC-192/STM-64] - [STS-Xc/VC-X-Xc] - [XCONN]
1x10G_OTN_ [PHY] - [OC-192/STM-64] - [STS-Xc/VC-X-Xc] - [ODU2] - [XCONN]
1x10GbE [PHY] - [10GbE] - [ODU2] - [XCONN]
1x10G_CBR [PHY] - [OC-192/STM-64] - [ODU2] - [XCONN]
[PHY] - [10GCBR] - [ODU2] - [XCONN]
1x10G_OTN [PHY] - [OTU2] - [ODU2] - [XCONN]
[PHY] - [OTU2] - [ODU2] - [ODU1] - [XCONN]
[PHY] - [OTU2] - [ODU2] - [ODU1] - [ODUo] - [XCONN]
1x10G_SONET_SDH [PHY] - [OC-192/STM-64] - [STS-Xc/VC-X-Xc] - [XCONN]

The TSLM-12 module (Figure 5-12) has one red, yellow, and green LED to indicate module status
and one red/yellow/green tri-color LED for each port to indicate port status. Table 5-3, Line Module
LED States on Page 126 and Table 5-4, Port LED States on Page 126 describe the operation of
these LEDs.

Figure 5-12. LEDs on the TSLM-12 Line Module

Module Status Indicators
Port 1 Port 12

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12


Port 1 Status Indicator Port 12 Status Indicator 5400-11023

TSLM-48 Line Module

The 48-port TDM Services line module (TSLM-48, Figure 5-13) provides a physical platform and
electrical interconnection for up to 48 2.5G SFP, 155/622M SFP, and/or GbE SFP interfaces. The
TSLM-48 supports OC-48/STM-16, OC-12/STM-4, OTU1, and GbE line rates. A group of four ports
can be configured to support any of the supported port group modes. TSLM-48 capabilities are listed
in Table 5-16. TSLM-48 dimensions and weight are listed in Module Specifications on Page 212.

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140 Chapter 5 - 5400 Switch Hardware Modules
Line Modules

Figure 5-13. TSLM-48 Line Module with Installed Optical Modules

In addition to the common line module features (Line Module Features on Page 125), the TSLM-
48 line module has the following features:
• GCC insertion/termination:
• Insertion and termination of OTU1 and GCC0 (future release)
• Insertion and termination of ODU1 GCC1, GCC2, and GCC1/2 (future release)
• Transparent Mapping/Demapping of OC-48/STM-16 into ODU1 payload
• Transparent Mapping/Demapping of 2.5G CBR into ODU1 payload
• Transparent Mapping/Demapping of GE into ODU0 payload
• Transparent Mapping/Demapping of ODU0 into ODU1 payload
• OTN switching features for ODU0 and ODU1
• OTU1 OSRP links (future release)
• OTN SNC, MR SNC, Permanent SNC, Signaled SNC-P, MR-SNCP, and MR-SNCP with ARD
• Remote TAP for ODU0 and ODU1
• Connection-level loopback for ODU0 and ODU1
• Latency and Distance-based routing based on SONET/SDH links
• Latency and Distance-based routing based on OTU links
• TCM with two out of six selectable channels on all ODUk levels facing the optical interface and
the switch fabric
• Support for up to 48 individually removable 2.5G SFPs or 155/622M SFPs
• Framers that provide pointer processing, performance monitoring, and transport overhead
DCC insertion/termination
• Switching to STS-1/AU-3

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Chapter 5 - 5400 Switch Hardware Modules 141
Line Modules


• SONET/SDH SNC, MR SNC, Permanent SNC, Signaled SNC-P, MR-SNCP, and MR-SNCP
with ARD.
• Remote TAP for OC-3/STM-1 to OC-48/STM-16
• Connection-level loopback to STS-1/AU-3
• Flexible Concatenation
• Subnetwork Connection Protection (SNCP) switching criteria based on monitoring of the C2
byte; this byte carries the unequipped (UNEQ-P) designation. Subnetwork Connection
Protection on Page 88 provides more information about this feature.

Table 5-16. TSLM-48 Capabilities

Supported Description
Line Interfaces • OC-3/STM-1, OC-12/STM-4, OC-48/STM-16
• GbE
• CBR2.5G
• OTU1 (R2.1 and later)
Optical • OPT-SR-1 Extended Temp OC3-OTU1 SR-1/I-1.1/ I-1.4/ I-1.16 (1310nm, 5
Interfaces - 10 km) (P/N B-700-1036-001)
(See “XFPs” • OPT-IR-1 Extended Temp OC3-OTU1 IR-1/S-1.1 / S-1.4 / S-1.16 (1310nm,
on page 175.) 20-30km) (P/N B-730-0001-001)
• OPT-LR-1 Extended Temp (155Mbps-2.67 Gbps) LR-1/L-1.1 / L-1.4 / L-
1.16 (1550nm, 40km) (P/N 160-9011-900)
• OPT-LR-2 Extended Temp 155Mbps-2.67 Gbps LR-2/L-2.1 / L-2.4 / L-2.16
(1550 nm, 80km) (P/N 160-9012-900)
• GigE 1000Base-SX SFP (850nm multimode fiber up to 500m) (P/N B-700-
• GigE 1000Base-LX SFP with LC Connector 1310nm for single-mode fiber,
distances up to 5km (P/N B-700-1016-002)
• GigE 1000Base-ZX SFP (1550nm up to 80km) (P/N 162-0093-900)
• GigE - ELT-BT, Electrical 10/100/1000Base-T SFP (P/N B-730-0004-001)
Port Groups • 4x1GbE
• 4x2500M_CBR
• 4x2500M_SONET_SDH
Cross Connect • 4xODU1/ODU0 per port group or 48 ODU1/ODU0 per line module
Capacity • 48 STS-1/AU-3 cross connects per 2.5G port for SONET/SDH paths
• 16 STS-3c/AU-4 cross connects per 2.5G port for SONET/SDH paths
Arbitrary (Non- • STS-Nc for N = 1 to 48 (SONET/SDH)

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142 Chapter 5 - 5400 Switch Hardware Modules
Line Modules

Table 5-17. TSLM-48 Port Mappings for Client Interfaces

Port Group
Supported Mapping Options
Configuration Mode
4x1GbE [PHY] - [GbE] - [GFP-F] - [STS-3c-Xv / VC-4-Xv] - [XCON], X=1-7
4x2500M_CBR [PHY] - [OC-48/STM16] - [ODU1] - [XCON]
[PHY] - [CBR2.5G] - [ODU1] - [XCON]
4x2500M_SONET_SDH [PHY]- [OC-48/STM16] - [STS-Xc/VC-X-Xc] - [XCON]

The TSLM-48 module as shown in Figure 5-14 has one red, yellow, and green LED to indicate
module status and one red/yellow/green tri-color LED for each port to indicate port status. Table 5-
3, Line Module LED States on Page 126 and Table 5-4, Port LED States on Page 126 describe
the operation of these LEDs.

Figure 5-14. LEDs on the TSLM-48 Line Module

Port 8 Port 48 Port 47
Port 1 Port 7 Port 41
Port 2 Port 42



Status Port 7 Port 8 Port 47 Port 48
Indicators Status Status Status Status
Indicator Indicator Indicator Indicator

SSLM-12 Line Module

The 12-port SONET/SDH Services line module (SSLM-12) provides a physical platform and
electrical interconnection for up to 12 10G XFPs (Figure 5-15). The SSLM-12 supports OC-192/
STM-64 line rates. SSLM-12 capabilities are listed in Table 5-18 and supported port mapping modes
are listed in Table 5-19. SSLM-12 dimensions and weight are listed in Module Specifications on
Page 212.

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Chapter 5 - 5400 Switch Hardware Modules 143
Line Modules

Figure 5-15. SSLM-12 Line Module

In addition to the common line module features (Line Module Features on Page 125), the SSLM-
12 line module has the following features:
• Up to 12 OC-192/STM-64 SONET/SDH XFPs
• Framers that provide pointer processing, performance monitoring, and transport overhead
DCC insertion/termination:
• Switching to STS-1/VC-3
• SONET/SDH SNC, MR SNC, Permanent SNC, Signaled SNC-P, MR-SNCP, and MR-SNCP
with ARD.
• Remote TAP for OC-3/STM-1 to OC-192/STM-64
• Connection-level loopback to STS-1/STM-0
• Latency and Distance-based routing
Table 5-18. SSLM-12 Capabilities
Supported Description
Line Interfaces • OC-192/STM-64
Optical • XFP-OPT-SR (Extended Temp) 850nm (P/N 130-4904-900)
Interfaces • XFP-OPT-LR (SR-1 Extended Temp) 10G SR-1/I-64.1 (1310nm, 2km) (P/
(See “XFPs” N 130-4905-900)
on page 175.) • XFP-OPT-ER (IR-2 Extended Temp) 10G IR-2/S-64.2b (1550nm, 40km)
(P/N 130-4906-900)
• XFP-OPT-UR (LR-2 Extended Temp) 10G LR-2c/L-64.2c (1550nm, 80km)
(P/N 130-4907-900)
• XFP - C-Band Tunable (P/N 160-9002-900)

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144 Chapter 5 - 5400 Switch Hardware Modules
Line Modules

Table 5-18. SSLM-12 Capabilities (Continued)

Supported Description
Port Groups • 1x10GbE_SONET_SDH
Cross Connect • 201 STS-1/AU-3 cross connects per 10G port group for SONET/SDH
Capacity paths
• 67 STS-3c/AU-4 cross connects per 10G port group for SONET/SDH
• 64 OPVC1 cross connects per 10G port group for OPVC paths
Arbitrary (Non- • STS-Nc for N = 1 to 192
Contiguous) • OPVC1-N for N = 1 to 16

Table 5-19. SSLM-12 Port Mappings for Client Interfaces

Port Group
Supported Mapping Options
Configuration Mode
1x10GbE_ [PHY] - [OC-192/STM-64] - [STS-Xc/VC-X-Xc] - [XCONN]
1x10G_OTN_ [PHY] - [OC-192/STM-64] - [STS-Xc/VC-X-Xc] - [ODU2] - [XCONN]
1x10G_SONET_SDH [PHY] - [OC-192/STM-64] - [STS-Xc/VC-X-Xc] - [XCONN]

The SSLM-12 module (Figure 5-16) has one red, yellow, and green LED to indicate module status
and one red/yellow/green tri-color LED for each port to indicate port status. Table 5-3, Line Module
LED States on Page 126 and Table 5-4, Port LED States on Page 126 describe the operation of
these LEDs.

Figure 5-16. LEDs on the SSLM-12 Line Module

Module Status Indicators
Port 1 Port 12

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12


Port 1 Status Indicator Port 12 Status Indicator 5400-11023

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Chapter 5 - 5400 Switch Hardware Modules 145
Line Modules

SSLM-48 Line Module

The 48-port SONET/SDH Services line module (SSLM-48, Figure 5-17) provides a physical
platform and electrical interconnection for up to 48 2.5G SFP or 155/622M SFP interfaces. The
SSLM-48 supports OC-3/STM-1, OC-12/STM-4 and OC-48/STM-16 line rates. A group of four ports
can be configured to support any of the supported port group modes. A group of four ports can be
configured to support any of the supported port group modes. SSLM-48 capabilities are listed in
Table 5-20. SSLM-48 dimensions and weight are listed in Module Specifications on Page 212.

Figure 5-17. SSLM-48 Line Module with Installed Optical Modules

In addition to the common line module features (Line Module Features on Page 125), the SSLM-
48 line module has the following features:
• Support for up to 48 individually removable2.5G SFPs or 155/622M SFPs
• Framers that provide pointer processing, performance monitoring, and transport overhead
DCC insertion/termination:
• Switching to STS-1/AU-3
• SONET/SDH SNC, MR SNC, Permanent SNC, Signaled SNC-P, MR-SNCP, and MR-SNCP
with ARD.
• Remote TAP for OC-3/STM-1 to OC-48/STM-16
• Connection-level loopback to STS-1/AU-3
• Flexible Concatenation
• Subnetwork Connection Protection (SNCP) switching criteria based on monitoring of the C2
byte; this byte carries the unequipped (UNEQ-P) designation. Subnetwork Connection
Protection on Page 88 provides more information about this feature.

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146 Chapter 5 - 5400 Switch Hardware Modules
SFPs, XFPs, and CFPs

Table 5-20. SSLM-48 Capabilities

Supported Description
Line Interfaces • OC-48/STM-16
• OC-12/STM-4
• OC-3/STM-1
Optical • OPT-SR-1 Extended Temp OC3-OTU1 SR-1/I-1.1/ I-1.4/ I-1.16 (1310nm, 5
Interfaces - 10 km) (P/N B-700-1036-001)
(See “XFPs” • OPT-IR-1 Extended Temp OC3-OTU1 IR-1/S-1.1 / S-1.4 / S-1.16 (1310nm,
on page 175.) 20-30km) (P/N B-730-0001-001)
• OPT-LR-1 Extended Temp (155Mbps-2.67 Gbps) LR-1/L-1.1 / L-1.4 / L-
1.16 (1550nm, 40km) (P/N 160-9011-900)
• OPT-LR-2 Extended Temp 155Mbps-2.67 Gbps LR-2/L-2.1 / L-2.4 / L-2.16
(1550 nm, 80km) (P/N 160-9012-900)
Port Groups • 4x250M_CBR
• 4x1GbE
• 4x250M_SONET_SDH
Cross Connect • 48 STS-1/AU-3 cross connects per 2.5G port for SONET/SDH paths
Capacity • 16 STS-3c/AU-4 cross connects per 2.5G port for SONET/SDH paths
Arbitrary (Non- • STS-Nc for N = 1 to 48

The SSLM-48 module as shown in Figure 5-18 has one red, yellow, and green LED to indicate
module status and one red/yellow/green tri-color LED for each port to indicate port status. Table 5-
3, Line Module LED States on Page 126 and Table 5-4, Port LED States on Page 126 describe
the operation of these LEDs.

Figure 5-18. LEDs on the SSLM-48 Line Module

Port 8 Port 48 Port 47
Port 1 Port 7 Port 41
Port 2 Port 42



Status Port 7 Port 8 Port 47 Port 48
Indicators Status Status Status Status
Indicator Indicator Indicator Indicator

SFPs, XFPs, and CFPs

The OSLM-3/TSLM-3, OSLM-12/TSLM-12/SSLM-12 and OSLM-48/TSLM-48/SSLM-48 line
modules use CFP (Figure 5-19), XFP (Figure 5-20), and SFP (Figure 5-21) transceivers
respectively. These transceivers are field replaceable and are available in the following versions:
• CFPs:
• 40G CFP Parallel 40GBASE-LR4+/G.695 (4 Wavelength WDM 10km, 40GbE, OTU3,
OC768/STM256) P/N: NTTA12BAE6

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Chapter 5 - 5400 Switch Hardware Modules 147
SFPs, XFPs, and CFPs

• 40G CFP Serial G.693 (1550nm Serial 2km, 40GbE, OC768/STM256, OTU3) P/N:
• 40GE CFP ER-4 IEEE802.3ba Pluggable Module, 40KM P/N: 160-9013-900
• xSLM-12 XFPs:
• XFP-OPT-SR (Extended Temp) 850nm P/N: 130-4904-900
• XFP-OPT-LR (SR-1 Extended Temp) 10G SR-1/I-64.1 (1310nm, 2km) P/N: 130-4905-900
• XFP-OPT-ER (IR-2 Extended Temp) 10G IR-2/S-64.2b (1550nm, 40km) P/N: 130-4906-900
• XFP-OPT-UR (LR-2 Extended Temp) 10G LR-2c/L-64.2c (1550nm, 80km) P/N: 130-4907-
10GBASE-80KM. (Release 1.0.0) (130-4907-900)
• XFP - C-Band Tunable P/N: 160-9002-900
• xSLM-48 SFPs:
• OPT-SR-1 Extended Temp OC3-OTU1 SR-1/I-1.1/ I-1.4/ I-1.16 (1310nm, 5 - 10 km) P/N: B-
• OPT-IR-1 Extended Temp OC3-OTU1 IR-1/S-1.1 / S-1.4 / S-1.16 (1310nm, 20-30km) P/N:
• OPT-LR-1 Extended Temp (155Mbps-2.67 Gbps) LR-1/L-1.1 / L-1.4 / L-1.16 (1550nm,
40km) P/N: 160-9011-900
• OPT-LR-2 Extended Temp 155Mbps-2.67 Gbps LR-2/L-2.1 / L-2.4 / L-2.16 (1550 nm, 80km)
P/N: 160-9012-900
• GigE 1000Base-SX SFP (850nm multimode fiber up to 500m) P/N: B-700-1016-001
• GigE 1000Base-LX SFP with LC Connector (1310nm for single-mode fiber, distances up to
5km) P/N: B-700-1016-002
• GigE 1000Base-ZX SFP (1550nm up to 80km) P/N: 162-0093-900
• GigE - ELT-BT, Electrical 10/100/1000Base-T SFP vB-730-0004-001
Fiber bender kits are available for all CFP/XFP/SFP transceivers. Fiber benders are not required and
are optional.
Transceivers are used as the optical front-end for the OSLM-3/TSLM-3, OSLM-12/TSLM-12/SSLM-
12 and OSLM-48/TSLM-48/SSLM-48 line modules, and perform the O/E and E/O conversions. Each
SFP/XFP/CFP is hot-swappable, in that it can be removed individually from the host card without
impacting traffic running on the adjacent interfaces plugged into the same host card.
The transceivers have the following features:
• Perform the optical/electrical and electrical/optical conversions
• Provides a serial interface for configuration and management
• Support digital diagnostics monitoring features to enable performance and fault monitoring
• Hot-swappable
• 30 pin 2-row electric connector (for SFP and XFP)
• 148 pin electrical connector (for CFP)
• Duplex LC connector receptacles
These transceivers are field replaceable and are listed in the Chapter 6, Ordering Guide, Table 6-
5 on Page 169. Fiber bender kits are available for all SFP/XFP transceivers.
Appendix B, Specifications and Standards, SFP/XFP/CFP Specifications on Page 213
provides additional information.

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148 Chapter 5 - 5400 Switch Hardware Modules
SFPs, XFPs, and CFPs

Figure 5-19. CFP Transceiver (Typical)

Figure 5-20. XFP Transceiver (Typical)

Figure 5-21. Small Form Factor Pluggable Transceiver SFP (Typical)


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Chapter 5 - 5400 Switch Hardware Modules 149
Switch Module

Switch Module
The switch module (SM) shown in Figure 5-22, provides the center stage of the three switch fabric
stages. All SMs are identical in function with regard to the switching architecture.
A fully populated 5430 Switch contains nine SMs. Eight are working SMs and one is standby
(reserved for redundancy), which provides 1:8 equipment protection. A fully populated 5410 Switch
contains four SMs. Three are working SMs and one is standby (reserved for redundancy), which
provides 1:3 equipment protection.
As part of the switch fabric resiliency in a fully populated 5410 Switch or 5430 Switch, if two or more
SMs fail or are removed, the system enters degraded mode. In degraded mode each LM has
insufficient bandwidth to the center stage and, therefore, can only support a smaller number of
optical ports.
The number of supportable lines (or ports) per LM depends on the number of primary switch
modules in the 5410 Switch and 5430 Switch, as well as the type of LM. The number of supportable
lines per LM is defined as the number of ports on each LM, counting from the lowest port number to
highest, that can allow the laser to be turned on and carry traffic. The information in Table 5-21 maps
the number of primary SMs to the number of ports supported per LM type. For example, if a 5430
Switch has seven primary SMs, it can support 44 ports (ports 1 through 44) of an OSLM-48 LM and
11 ports (1 through 11) of an OSLM-12 LM.

Figure 5-22. 5400 Switch Switch Modules



Status Indicators 5410-11010


Status Indicators 5430-10017

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150 Chapter 5 - 5400 Switch Hardware Modules
Switch Module

Table 5-21. 5400 Switch Primary Switch Module Support

Number of Primary Switch Modules: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
5410 Switch
Ports Supported on Each TSLM-48 or OSLM-48 16 32 48
Ports Supported on Each TSLM-12 or OSLM-12 3 7 12
Ports Supported on Each TSLM-3 or OSLM-3 1 2 3
5430 Switch
Ports Supported on Each TSLM-48 or OSLM-48 4 12 16 24 32 36 44 48
Ports Supported on Each TSLM-12 or OSLM-12 1 3 4 6 8 9 11 12
Ports Supported on Each TSLM-3 or OSLM-3 0 0 1 1 2 2 2 3

The switch module has the following features:

• Responsibility for the center stage of the switch fabric
• Switch configuration and status reporting
• DC/DC conversion for dual -48 VDC inputs
• Comprehensive fault detection and fault reporting
• Serial EEPROM storage for manufacturing data
The switch module has three LEDs (Figure 5-24): red (FLT or fault), yellow (MNT or maintenance),
and green (ACT or active).

Figure 5-23. 5400 Switch SM LEDs



Status Indicators 5410-11010

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Chapter 5 - 5400 Switch Hardware Modules 151
Control and Timing Modules

Figure 5-24. 5430 Switch SM LEDs


Status Indicators 5430-10017

Because the switch module has no local processor, LED behavior on this module is a special case.
The red FAIL LED is lit by hardware during and after module reset until a controlling CTM can send
a Processor Communications Channel (PCC) command. Table 5-22 describes the operation of the

Table 5-22. Switch Module LED States

Red Yellow Green
Off Off Off Power is off.
Off Off On SM is operational.
Off On Off SM is in maintenance mode (admin locked).
On Off Off Replaceable Unit Problem (RUP) - Module is failed.
On On On Lamp Test.

Control and Timing Modules

The control and timing module (Figure 5-25 and Figure 5-26) serves as a central computational
platform for a 5400 Switch. This section describes the following:
• 5430 Switch CTM Controls and Indicators (below)
• CTM Control Function on Page 156
• CTM Timing Functions on Page 157

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152 Chapter 5 - 5400 Switch Hardware Modules
Control and Timing Modules

Figure 5-25. 5410 Switch Control and Timing Module


Figure 5-26. 5430 Switch Control and Timing Module

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Chapter 5 - 5400 Switch Hardware Modules 153
Control and Timing Modules

5410 Switch CTM Controls and Indicators

The 5410 Switch control and timing module controls and indicators are as shown in Figure 5-27 and
described in Table 5-23.

Figure 5-27. 5410 Switch CTM LEDs

Console Bay Status
Ports Indicators
DCN Expansion
Ports Ports Alarm Cut Off


LINK/ACT 134-0183-900




CTM Status
Indicators 5410-11012

The control and timing module follows the basic module states, module boot sequence, and
redundant module states patterns as described in Table 5-1, Basic Module States Pattern on
Page 124.
Table 5-23. 5410 Switch CTM Controls and Indicators
Control/Indicator Description
Console Ports Provides CLI and debug access to the CTM.
DCN Ports Provides 10/100 autonegotiating Ethernet ports (DCN1 and DCN2)
Expansion Ports Provides expansion (IOADM) RJ connectors for 10/100/1000 TX support.
ES1, ES2, ES3 Integrated LEDs in the connectors indicate Link (Green) and Activity (Yellow),
consistent with Ethernet definitions.
CTM Status Indicators Provides CTM Module status (Table 5-24 on Page 154):
• ACT (Green): Card level indicator on health of module. For example,
card is powered, out of reset, and fully operational (that is, Active) to SW.
• MNT (Yellow): Indicates the card is in maintenance mode.
• FLT (Red): Card level indicator on health of modules. Indicates that card
is not fully operational to SW. Examples are, not programmed, unable to
access specific registers, detected HW failure.
Provides CTM redundancy status (Table 5-25 on Page 154):
• PRI - Indicates that the CTM is the primary (operational) CTM (Green).
• SEC - Indicates that the CTM is the secondary CTM (Green).

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154 Chapter 5 - 5400 Switch Hardware Modules
Control and Timing Modules

Table 5-23. 5410 Switch CTM Controls and Indicators

Control/Indicator Description
Bay Status Indicators Provides CTM Module status (Table 5-26 on Page 154):
Provides Power A and Power B status (Table 5-25 on Page 154)
ACO (push button) The ACO switch silences audible alarms if connected and does not affect
visual alarms. If held for three seconds or longer, the LED test sequence
starts, which toggles the display module bi-color LEDs to switch between red
and green every second. The LED test continues until the ACO/LED switch is

Table 5-24. 5410 Switch CTM Status LED States

Red Yellow Green
On Off Off Replaceable Unit Problem (RUP) - Module is failed. Software is
held in kernel because of boot failure or hardware failure.
On On Off Module software kernel is fully operational, but an application has
Off Off Blink POST passed and boot process started.
Off Off Off Power is off.
Off Off On CTM is operational.
On On On Lamp Test.

Table 5-25. 5410 Switch CTM Primary/Secondary LED States

On Off CTM is the Primary (active) CTM.
Off On CTM is the Secondary (standby) CTM.
Off Off Power is off.
On On Lamp Test.

Table 5-26. 5410 Switch CTM Bay Status Summary LED States
Indicator Type or
Color Description
Bay Alarm State Three large indicators that show the alarm status of the 5430
CRITICAL Red Switch:
MAJOR Red Critical 5430 Switch system condition
MINOR Yellow Major 5430 Switch system condition
Minor 5430 Switch system condition
PWR A. PWR B Green One Power A LED and one Power B LED that light green
Red when facility power is available on all PDU-A feeds and PDU-
B feeds, and that light red when power is unavailable on one
of the feeds.

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Chapter 5 - 5400 Switch Hardware Modules 155
Control and Timing Modules

5430 Switch CTM Controls and Indicators

The 5430 Switch control and timing module has four groups of LEDs as shown in Figure 5-28 and
described in Table 5-27.

Figure 5-28. 5430 Switch CTM LEDs

Switch Summary
Status Indicators Expansion Ports





CTM Module Status Indicators Console Port

The 5430 Switch control and timing module follows the basic module states, module boot sequence,
and redundant module states patterns as described in Table 5-1, Basic Module States Pattern on
Page 124. The CTM controls and indicators are described in Table 5-27.
Table 5-27. 5430 Switch CTM Controls and Indicators
Control/Indicator Description
Switch Module (SM) LEDs that provides system SM summary status (Table 5-28 on Page 155).
Summary Status • RED - Failed SM
Indicators • Yellow - One or more SM is administered non-operational (in a
maintenance mode).
• Green - OK
Expansion Ports Provides expansion (IOADM) RJ connectors for 10/100/1000 TX support.
Integrated LEDs in the connectors indicate Link (Green) and Activity (Yellow),
consistent with Ethernet definitions.
CTM Module Status Provides CTM Module status (Table 5-29 on Page 156):
Indicators •
ACT (Green): Card level indicator on health of module. For example,
card is powered, out of reset, and fully operational (that is, Active) to SW.
• MNT (Yellow): Indicates the card is in maintenance mode.
• FLT (Red): Card level indicator on health of modules. Indicates that card
is not fully operational to SW. Examples are, not programmed, unable to
access specific registers, detected HW failure.
Provides CTM redundancy status (Table 5-30 on Page 156):
• PRI - Indicates that the CTM is the primary (operational) CTM (Green).
• SEC - Indicates that the CTM is the secondary CTM (Green).
Console Port Provides debug and CLI access to the CTM (CON_PORT_2).

Table 5-28. 5430 Switch CTM SM Summary LED States

Red Yellow Green
Off Off On All SMs are operational.
Off On Off One or more SMs is in maintenance mode (Admin locked).
On Off Off A SM has hardware/software detected faults.

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156 Chapter 5 - 5400 Switch Hardware Modules
Control and Timing Modules

Table 5-29. 5430 Switch CTM Status LED States

Red Yellow Green
On Off Off Replaceable Unit Problem (RUP) - Module is failed. Software is
held in kernel because of boot failure or hardware failure.
On On Off Module software kernel is fully operational, but an application has
Off Off Blink POST passed and boot process started.
Off Off Off Power is off.
Off Off On CTM is operational.
On On On Lamp Test.

Table 5-30. 5430 Switch CTM Primary/Secondary LED States

On Off CTM is the Primary (active) CTM.
Off On CTM is the Secondary (standby) CTM.
Off Off Power is off.
On On Lamp Test.

CTM Control Function

The 5400 Switch has two control and timing modules; one operates in primary mode and the other
in warm standby mode.
The control and timing module provides Craft interface, telemetry, and Ethernet operating system
interfaces and communicates with the line modules by an internal control network. The control and
timing module controls the PDU displays, receives input from the PDU switches, and controls the
fan speed based on temperature data collected from the line modules and control and timing
modules. The control and timing module also contains a flash memory for persistent storage.
Relays are mounted on the control and timing module to facilitate visual and audible alarming
systems in the customer’s facility. The contacts are DC-isolated from the rest of the 5430 Switch.
Normally Open (NO), Normally Closed (NC), and common contacts are provided for each alarm.
The control and timing module provides Critical, major, and minor contacts for visual alarm
indication. A single Audible summary alarm contact is provided.
An additional alarm output (PWRFL) is provided in the PDU. This alarm is activated when all -48
VDC is lost and/or both control and timing modules are failed or missing. NO and NC contacts are
When the ACO switch is activated all outstanding audible alarm outputs are disabled. The visual
outputs are not affected.
The control and timing module has the following features:
• Nodal/Shelf Control Processing
• PE5 core using PPC Dual Core 8572E processor, 1.5GHz Core, 600MHz host memory
• Co-processor using PPC Dual Core 8572E processor, 1.5GHz Core, 600MHz host memory
(5430 only)

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Chapter 5 - 5400 Switch Hardware Modules 157
Control and Timing Modules

• 8GB compact flash (CF) for persistent storage

• 4 Expansion (IOADM) 10/100/1000 TX Ethernet interfaces
• 30 slots of system control
• 1000-X (GE) internal communications
• Support for DCN ports
• 10/100MB TX Ethernet
• Diagnostic-Console RS232 port (front panel)
• I/O Module interfaces
• Timing
• Alarm Contacts
• DCN Ethernet
• Console Port (RS232)
• Alarm/Display Module Interface
• PDU Interface
• Fan Tray Interfaces
• Timing subsystem
• TSI (STSX) clock generation
• Reference selection and distribution
• BITS interface (T1/E1 framing)
• SF/ESF T1 Framing
• CRC-4 Multiframe, Basic E1 Framing
• G.703 Section 5 (T1, 1.544Mbps) and Section 9 (E1, 2.048Mbps) Physical interfaces
• 1:1 (redundancy) Protection Support
• Hot swappable (non-service affecting) in system, with regulated power from 48V
• Temperature sensors
• LEDs
• IDP (ID Prom) Identification

CTM Timing Functions

The CTM timing circuitry performs the network timing and switch fabric synchronization functions for
the 5400 Switch. A 5400 Switch contains two CTMs: one primary and the other secondary. The CTM
contains an on-board processor that monitors and controls timing functions and acts as a high-speed
computational engine for performing switch reconfigurations.
The CTM also contains an integral Stratum 3E clock source. The timing circuitry collects timing
information from the 5400 Switch node interfaces and Building Integrated Timing Supply (BITS)
inputs. It provides an accurate and stable reference clock that is frequency-locked to a selected input
or can operate in a free-run mode. This node clock is used to generate outgoing line timing for all
SONET/SDH interfaces operating as LTE, as a reference for providing timing transparency of ODUk/
j clients. Where appropriate, it can be used to provide OTUk line timing or to provide timing for
synchronous Ethernet clients.
The timing circuitry also supports T1 and E1 interfaces to a BITS/SSU. The CTM timing circuitry has
the following features:

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158 Chapter 5 - 5400 Switch Hardware Modules
Control and Timing Modules

• Internal, mode-selectable Stratum 3E/G.812 Type III or G.813 SEC clock source featuring high
accuracy Oven Controlled Crystal Oscillator (OCXO) and digital phase-lock loop
• Support for two BITS T1 or E1 inputs
• Alarms detection on BITS inputs
• Jitter and wander filtering on internal clock reference
• Transmission of Synchronization Status Messages (SSM) by the BITS ESF, E1 Common
Channel Signaling (CCS), E1 Channel Associated Signaling (CAS)
• Collection of timing references from line modules and BITS inputs with selection of reference
under software control
• Qualification of incoming timing references
• Transmission of timing distribution references to line modules
• Fault detection and reporting capability
The 5400 Switch nodes operate in mixed mode timing where the timing reference is taken from a
configurable hierarchy of external and line references. Line timing only and external timing only can
be provisioned.
• Externally Timed mode (BITS or SSU), either DS1 or E1, that derives its clock reference from
oscillators that are locked to a Building Integrated Timing Supply (BITS) reference source.
• Line Timed mode derives clock from one of the OC-N or STM-N signals. The clock recovered
from this signal is fed into the timing modules, which provide timing to all outgoing OC-N or
STM-N signals.

Station Clocks
Station Clock interfaces consist of interface adaptors, DS1/E1 receivers and DS1/E1 transmitters.
The DS1/E1 receiver/transmitter accommodates frame format (DS1 D4/SF, DS1 ESF and E1) and
line coding (AMI, B8ZS and HDB3) to transform the synchronization signal between DS1/E1 and an
internal representation form (8 kHz). DS1/E1 receivers also monitor the input signal conditions like
LOS, AIS, LOF, and so on. In addition, DS1/E1 receiver/transmitter is responsible for extracting
Synchronization Status Messages (SSMs) from and send SSMs to station clock interfaces when a
configured frame format supports SSM capability.
Each I/O Panel contains two Station Clock Inputs (BITS In) and two Station Clock Outputs (BITS
• Station Clock Input refers to the port that connects the incoming timing signal from a BITS to
the I/O Panel.
• Each station clock input is distributed to both redundant CTM within the system and can be
used as a reference for the node clock within the TimingInput protection group.
• Station Clock Output refers to the port that connects the outgoing timing signal.
• Each CTM drives a single station clock output associated with the TimingOutput1 and
TimingOutput2 protection groups which provide hierarchy of up to four line references. A
station clock output may also be placed in a monitor mode and provide an output referenced to
the internal node clock.

5400 Switch Console

The console (CONSOLE) port is a serial port (RS-232) with an RJ-45 connector used to attach a
terminal or a PC to the device for out-of-band management. This interface features:
• Supports standard RS232 DTE (default) and DCE devices. Except for the Ring Indicator signal.

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Chapter 5 - 5400 Switch Hardware Modules 159
LM, SM, and CTM Blanks

• Supports software flow control.

• Supports data transfer rates up to 116 Kbps.
• Standard DTE pinout enabling a straight through connection to standard DCE devices.
• Standard DTE to PC using null modem cable.
The console RJ-45 connector pin-out is provided in Table 5-31.
Table 5-31. 5400 Switch Console RJ-45 Connector Pin-out
Pin # Lead
1 Data Set Ready (DSR)
2 Carrier Detect (CD)
3 Data Terminal Ready (DTR)
4 Signal Ground (GND)
5 Receive Data (RXD)
6 Transmit Data (TXD)
7 Clear to Send (CTS)
8 Request to Send (RTS)

The console RJ-45 pinout is EIA compatible and can be converted to DB-9 (male or female) or Cisco
pinout with separately purchased Ciena conversion cables listed in Table 6-5, Spares and
Accessories on Page 169.

LM, SM, and CTM Blanks

LM blanks (Figure 5-29 and Figure 5-30) are designed to fill vacant line module slots. SM blanks
and CTM blanks are designed to fill vacant SM and CTM slots, respectively. Refer to Table 6-5 on
Page 169 for ordering information.
These blanks are required for compliance and provide physical termination for proper protection of
unused slots. The blank is held in the shelf by ejectors and screws at the top and bottom of the

Note: All unoccupied slots must have an appropriate blank installed over them to maintain
proper airflow and cooling for the 5430 Switch.

LM blanks are available in two types: one with a blank face plate (Figure 5-29), and an otherwise
identical “fiber-capable” model which includes 12 unconnected fiber ports on its faceplate (Figure 5-

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160 Chapter 5 - 5400 Switch Hardware Modules
LM, SM, and CTM Blanks

Figure 5-29. Line Module Blank

Figure 5-30. Fiber Capable Blank (faceplate shown)

The LM and CTM Blanks provide the following features:

• Compliance with general 5430 Switch system and environmental requirements
• Physical and electrical backplane termination and connection protection

5400 Reconfigurable Switching System 009-3209-000 - Revision A

Copyright© 2011 Ciena® Corporation December 16, 2011
Chapter 6:
Ordering Guide

This chapter describes the available Ciena® 5400 Reconfigurable Switching System software and
field-replaceable parts:
• Software (below)
• Hardware Parts on Page 163
• Illustrations on Page 179

Note: This ordering guide should be used as a general guide only. For the latest ordering
information, contact the Ciena Account Team.
Note: A 5400 Switch can be custom-ordered to meet specific requirements. This chapter
describes a fully populated system and therefore, may describe parts that are not used
for all applications.

The 5400 Reconfigurable Switching System is hereinafter referred to as 5400 Switch.

The software capabilities of the 5400 Switch are available through Base Software Packages with an
optional suite of Intelligent Optical Services software offerings for mesh networks. Only one type of
base package can be ordered for a given system. A Right To Use (RTU) fee is assessed on a port
basis for the use of the software capabilities supported by the base packages, and the intelligent
optical service offerings which are charged for all ports in the system regardless of use.
A Software Installation Package (SIP) and a RTU certificate are shipped to customers who order a
5400 Switch software package. The SIP contains the 5400 Switch network element (NE) CD-ROM
(with operational software and SRD), 5400 Switch Node Manager CD-ROM (with embedded
management software and SRD). Table 6-1 lists the 5400 Switch infrastructure software packages.

Note: The final three digits of the part number indicate the release number. For the specific
part number needed, contact the Ciena Account Manager.

The user should contact the Ciena Account Team and refer to the current 5400 Switch software
release document.

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162 Chapter 6 - Ordering Guide

Table 6-1. 5400 Switch Infrastructure Software Packages

RTU Type Part Number Description
Media Package S21-5400-xyz 5400 x.y.z Media Package - for example
5400 R2.0.0 part number is S21-5400-200
Base XCON/Protection S21-5406-xyz CienaONE 2.5G Base RTU-x.y.z (Per Port)
Base Mesh S21-5407-xyz CienaONE 2.5G Base Mesh RTU-x.y.z (Per Port)
Advanced Mesh Upgrade S21-5408-xyz CienaONE 2.5G Base Mesh to Advanced Mesh RTU
Upgrade-x.y.z (Per Port)
Base Mesh Upgrade S21-5410-xyz CienaONE 2.5G Base to Base Mesh Upgrade RTU-x.y.z (Per
Base XCON/Protection S21-5401-xyz CienaONE 10G Base RTU-x.y.z (Per Port)
Base Mesh S21-5402-xyz CienaONE 10G Base Mesh RTU-x.y.z (Per Port)
Advanced Mesh Upgrade S21-5403-xyz CienaONE 10G Base Mesh to Advanced Mesh RTU Upgrade-
x.y.z (Per Port)
Base Mesh Upgrade S21-5405-xyz CienaONE 10G Base to Base Mesh Upgrade RTU-x.y.z (Per
Base XCON/Protection S21-5421-xyz CienaONE 40G Base RTU-x.y.z (Per Port)
Base Mesh S21-5422-xyz CienaONE 40G Base Mesh RTU-x.y.z (Per Port)
Advanced Mesh Upgrade S21-5423-xyz CienaONE 40G Base Mesh to Advanced Mesh RTU Upgrade-
x.y.z (Per Port)
Base Mesh Upgrade S21-5425-xyz CienaONE 40G Base to Base Mesh Upgrade RTU-x.y.z (Per

Loyalty Feature Upgrade Software Packages

5400 Switch loyalty feature upgrade software packages are available for upgrades from previous
software releases. Customers wishing to upgrade are assessed the right-to-use fee associated with
the specific 5400 Switch feature upgrade software package ordered. Both a SIP and an RTU
certificate are shipped with a 5400 Switch feature upgrade software package.
The appropriate right-to-use fees for infrastructure and intelligent multi-services packages are
applied to new line modules and/or optical/ethernet interfaces purchased coincident with or after the
software upgrade. Right-to-use fees for line modules and optical/ethernet interfaces are not applied
to equipment that was in the network prior to the upgrade.
Table 6-2 lists the 5400 Switch feature upgrade software packages.

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Chapter 6 - Ordering Guide 163
Hardware Parts

Table 6-2. 5400 Switch Feature Loyalty Upgrade Software Packages

Item Part Number Description
Base XCON/Protection S21-5411-xyz 5400 10G Base Port Loyalty Upgrade
Base Mesh S21-5412-xyz 5400 10G Base Mesh Port Loyalty Upgrade
Advanced Mesh Upgrade S21-5413-xyz 5400 10G Base Mesh Port RTU To Advanced Mesh Port
Loyalty Upgrade
Base XCON/Protection S21-5415-xyz 5400 2.5G Base Port Loyalty Upgrade
Base Mesh Upgrade S21-5416-xyz 5400 2.5G Base Mesh Port Loyalty Upgrade
Advanced Mesh Upgrade S21-5417-xyz 5400 2.5G Base Mesh Port RTU To Advanced Mesh Port
Loyalty Upgrade

Maintenance Upgrade Software Package

The 5400 Switch maintenance upgrade software package is available for customers requiring a new
release only as part of a warranty or maintenance contract. The 5400 Switch maintenance upgrade
software package gives a user the right to use a new release operational software for maintenance
purposes only. The user is not allowed to use any of the new hardware or software features
specifically associated with the new release. To use new functionality, a current user must purchase
a 5400 Switch feature upgrade software package.
A right-to-use fee is associated with the 5400 Switch maintenance upgrade software package if the
customer is not under a warranty. Both a SIP and an RTU certificate are shipped with a 5400 Switch
maintenance software upgrade package, regardless of whether it was purchased by the user or
provided under warranty.
All existing pricing and feature usage agreements remain in effect after the maintenance upgrade.

Hardware Parts
Table 6-3 through Table 6-5 list the components (with model number) that can be ordered from
Ciena for initial installation, spares, and replacements for 5400 Switchs. Each main system
component is illustrated in a figure (Figure 6-2 on Page 181 through Figure 6-30 on Page 196).
The figure number is listed in the last column of each table.

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164 Chapter 6 - Ordering Guide
Hardware Parts

Table 6-3. 5400 Switch Starter Kits

Description Part Number Model Number Figure
Note: All 5410 and 5430 Starter Packages require line modules with modular optics, and software. Also
requires all unpopulated slots to have LM Blanks installed. Refer to Table 6-5 on page 169.
5410 Starter Package - 5410 5410-NA-ST-PKG-1-F Figure 6-1
Starter Kit for SONET (DS1
Timing) Networks Includes:
• 5410 chassis with 4 fans
• T1 I/O Module
• 2 Control and Timing Modules
• 4 Switch Modules
• PDU A-Side Fused
• PDU B-Side Fused
Note: All 5410 and 5430 Starter Packages require line modules with modular optics, and software. Also
requires all unpopulated slots to have LM Blanks installed. Refer to Table 6-5 on page 169.
5410 Starter Package - 5410 5410-NA-ST-PKG-1-B Figure 6-1
Starter Kit for SONET (DS1
Timing) Networks Includes:
• Installation Kit - Shelf, 19 Inch
EIA Racks
• 5410 chassis with 4 fans
• T1 I/O Module
• 2 Control and Timing Modules
• 4 Switch Modules
• PDU A-Side Breakers
• PDU B-Side Breakers
5410 Starter Package - ARRA ARRA5410-NA-ST-PKG-1- F Figure 6-1
5410 Starter Kit for SONET (DS1
Timing) Networks Includes:
• Installation Kit - Shelf, 19 Inch
EIA Racks
• 5410 chassis with 4 fans
• T1 I/O Module
• 2 Control and Timing Modules
• 4 Switch Modules
• PDU A-Side Fused
• PDU B-Side Fused
5410 Starter Package - ARRA ARRA5410-NA-ST-PKG-1-B Figure 6-1
5410 Starter Kit for SONET (DS1
Timing) Networks Includes:
• Installation Kit - Shelf, 19 Inch
EIA Racks
• 5410 chassis with 4 fans
• T1 I/O Module
• 2 Control and Timing Modules
• 4 Switch Modules
• PDU A-Side Breakers
• PDU B-Side Breakers

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Hardware Parts

Table 6-3. 5400 Switch Starter Kits (Continued)

Description Part Number Model Number Figure
5410 Starter Package - 5410 5410-INT-ST-PKG-1-F Figure 6-1
Starter Kit for SDH(E1 Timing)
Networks Includes:
• Installation Kit - Shelf, 19 Inch
EIA Racks
• 5410 chassis with 4 fans
• E1 I/O Module
• 2 Control and Timing Modules
• 4 Switch Modules
• PDU A-Side Fused
• PDU B-Side Fused
Note: All 5410 and 5430 Starter Packages require line modules with modular optics, and software. Also
requires all unpopulated slots to have LM Blanks installed. Refer to Table 6-5 on page 169.
5410Starter Package - 5410 5410-INT-ST-PKG-1-B Figure 6-1
Starter Kit for SDH (E1 Timing)
Networks Includes:
• Installation Kit - Shelf, 19 Inch
EIA Racks
• 5410 chassis with 4 fans
• E1 I/O Module
• 2 Control and Timing Modules
• 4 Switch Modules
• PDU A-Side Breakers
• PDU B-Side Breakers
5430 Starter Kit -NA for SONET 5430-NA-ST-PKG-1-F Figure 6-2
(DS1 Timing) Networks. Includes:
• 1 5430 system rack with fans
and display module
• T1 I/O Module
• 2 Control and Timing Modules
• 9 Switch Modules
• PDU A-Side Fused
• PDU B-Side Fused
• Interconnection Kit, Ground
Cables And Power Harnesses
• Installation Kit - Rack Base
Covers (W/AC Outlet)
• Installation Kit - Rear Pwr
Harness Cover

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166 Chapter 6 - Ordering Guide
Hardware Parts

Table 6-3. 5400 Switch Starter Kits (Continued)

Description Part Number Model Number Figure
5430 Starter Kit -ARRA for SONET ARRA5430-NA-ST-PKG-1-F Figure 6-2
(DS1 Timing) Networks. Includes:
• 1 5430 system rack with fans
and display module
• T1 I/O Module
• 2 Control and Timing Modules
• 9 Switch Modules
• PDU A-Side Fused
• PDU B-Side Fused
• Interconnection Kit, Ground
Cables And Power Harnesses
• Installation Kit - Rack Base
Covers (W/AC Outlet)
• Installation Kit - Rear Pwr
Harness Cover
Note: All 5410 and 5430 Starter Packages require line modules with modular optics, and software. Also
requires all unpopulated slots to have LM Blanks installed. Refer to Table 6-5 on page 169.
5430 Starter Kit for SONET (DS1 5430-NA-ST-PKG-1-B Figure 6-2
Timing) Networks. Includes:
• 1 5430 system rack with fans
and display module
• T1 I/O Module
• 2 Control and Timing Modules
• 9 Switch Modules
• PDU A-Side Breakers
• PDU B-Side Breakers
• Interconnection Kit, Ground
Cables And Power Harnesses
• Installation Kit - Rack Base
Covers (W/AC Outlet)
• Installation Kit - Rear Pwr
Harness Cover
5430 Starter Kit -NA for SONET ARRA5430-NA-ST-PKG-1-B Figure 6-2
(DS1 Timing) Networks. Includes:
• 1 5430 system rack with fans
and display module
• T1 I/O Module
• 2 Control and Timing Modules
• 9 Switch Modules
• PDU A-Side Breakers
• PDU B-Side Breakers
• Interconnection Kit, Ground
Cables And Power Harnesses
• Installation Kit - Rack Base
Covers (W/AC Outlet)
• Installation Kit - Rear Pwr
Harness Cover

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Chapter 6 - Ordering Guide 167
Hardware Parts

Table 6-3. 5400 Switch Starter Kits (Continued)

Description Part Number Model Number Figure
5430 Starter Kit -INT for SDH (E1 5430-INT-ST-PKG-1-B Figure 6-2
Timing) Networks Includes:
• 1 5430 system rack with fans
and display module
• E1 I/O Module
• 2 Control and Timing Modules
• 9 Switch Modules
• PDU A-Side Breakers
• PDU B-Side Breakers
• Interconnection Kit, Ground
Cables And Power Harnesses
• Installation Kit - Rack Base
Covers (W/AC Outlet)
• Installation Kit - Rear Pwr
Harness Cover
Note: All 5410 and 5430 Starter Packages require line modules with modular optics, and software. Also
requires all unpopulated slots to have LM Blanks installed. Refer to Table 6-5 on page 169.
5430 Starter Kit -INT for SDH (E1 5430-INT-ST-PKG-1-F Figure 6-2
Timing) Networks Includes:
• 1 5430 system rack with fans
and display module
• E1 I/O Module
• 2 Control and Timing Modules
• 9 Switch Modules
• PDU A-Side Fused
• PDU B-Side Fused
• Interconnection Kit, Ground
Cables And Power Harnesses
• Installation Kit - Rack Base
Covers (W/AC Outlet)
• Installation Kit - Rear Pwr
Harness Cover

Table 6-4. Installation Accessories

Description Part Number Figure
Installation Kits (5410 Only)
Installation Kit - Shelf, 23 Inch EIA Racks, 5410 134-0205-900 N/A
Installation Kit - Shelf, ETSI Racks, 5410 134-0206-900 N/A
Interconnection Kit, 16MM Terminal Lugs, PDU Module 500-5410-905
(A-side), 5410
Interconnection Kit, 16MM Terminal Lugs, PDU Module 500-5410-906
(B-side), 5410
Interconnection Kit, 25MM Terminal Lugs, PDU Module 500-5410-907
(A-side), 5410

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168 Chapter 6 - Ordering Guide
Hardware Parts

Table 6-4. Installation Accessories (Continued)

Description Part Number Figure
Interconnection Kit, 25MM Terminal Lugs, PDU Module 500-5410-908
(B-side), 5410
Kit, Spares, 5410 Common Equipment With Breaker ARRA-500- N/A
PDU Includes: Air Filter, Fan Tray, PDU A-Side, PDU B- 5410-203
Side, CTM, and Switch Module
Kit, Spares, 5410 Common Equipment With Fuse PDU ARRA-500- N/A
Includes: Air Filter, Fan Tray, PDU A-Side, PDU B-Side, 5410-203
PDU Spare FUse Kit, CTM, and Switch Module
5410, Front Cover Door 134-0241-900 N/A
Installation Kits (5430 Only)
Interconnection Kit, #6 AWG Terminal Lugs, PDU 500-5430-001
Module (A-side Or B-side), 5430
Interconnection Kit, #4 AWG Terminal Lugs, PDU 500-5430-002
Module (A-side Or B-side), 5430
Interconnection Kit, 16MM Terminal Lugs, PDU Module 500-5430-903
(A-side Or B-side), 5430
Interconnection Kit, 25MM Terminal Lugs, PDU Module 500-5430-904
(A-side Or B-side), 5430
Kit, Spares, 5430 Common Equipment With Breaker ARRA-500- N/A
PDU Includes: Air Filter, Fan Tray, PDU A-Side, PDU B- 5410-200
Side, CTM, and Switch Module
Kit, Spares, 5430 Common Equipment With Fuse PDU ARRA-501- N/A
Includes: Air Filter, Fan Tray, PDU A-Side, PDU B-Side, 5410-203
PDU Spare FUse Kit, CTM, and Switch Module
Partial Power Feed Kits (5410 Only)
Interconnection Kit, #4 AWG Terminal Lugs, PDU Module (A- 500-5410-001
side), 5410
Interconnection Kit, #4 AWG Terminal Lugs, PDU Module (B- 500-5410-002
side), 5410
Interconnection Kit, #6 AWG Terminal Lugs, PDU Module (A- 500-5410-003
side), 5410
Interconnection Kit, #6 AWG Terminal Lugs, PDU Module (B- 500-5410-004
side), 5410
Kit, Single Feed PDU Jumper, 5410 500-5410-006
Interconnection Kit, #4 AWG Terminal Lugs, Double Crimp, 500-5410-901
PDU Module (A-side), 5410
Interconnection Kit, #4 AWG Terminal Lugs, Double 500-5410-902
Crimp, PDU Module (B-side), 5410

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Hardware Parts

Table 6-4. Installation Accessories (Continued)

Description Part Number Figure
Partial Power Feed Kits (5430 Only)
5430 Starter Package Partial Power- NA (Chassis, T1 IO 5430-NA-STPP- Figure 6-3
Panel, Fans, Fused PDUs, 2 CTMs, 9 SMs) PKG-1-F
5430 Starter Package Partial Power - NA (Chassis, T1 IO 5430-NA-STPP- Figure 6-3
Panel, Fans, Breaker PDUs, 2 CTMs, 9 SMs) PKG-1-B
5430 Starter Package Partial Power - INT (Chassis, E1 IO 5430-INT- Figure 6-3
Panel, Fans, Fused PDUs, 2 CTMs, 9 SMs) STPP-PKG-1-F
5430 Starter Package Partial Power - INT (Chassis, E1 IO 5430-INT- Figure 6-3
Panel, Fans, Breaker PDUs, 2 CTM, 9 SMs) STPP-PKG-1-B
5430 Partial Power Upgrade to Full Power RTU (#4 AWG) 5430-UPG- N/A
5430 Partial Power Upgrade to Full Power RTU (#6 AWG) 5430-UPG- N/A
Kit, Feed Jumper for PDU-A & B, Dual Feed per PDU (2 500-5430-007 Figure 6-3
Input To 8 Inputs)
Interconnection Kit, #4 AWG Terminal Lugs, Double 500-5430-902
Crimp, PDU Module (A-side Or B-side), 5430
Interconnection Kit, Ground Cables And Power 500-5430-016
Harnesses, Fused Backplane, 5430
Rack Base Covers (5430 Only)
Installation Kit - Rack Base Covers (W/O AC Outlet), 500-5430-011 Figure 6-4
Installation Kit - Rack Base Covers (W/ AC Outlet), 500-5430-012 Figure 6-4
Exhaust Air Deflector (5430 Only)
Kit, Air Deflector, Upper Fans, 5430 500-5430-013 Figure 6-5
Raised Floor Installation (5430 Only)
Kit, Raised Floor Installation 500-5430-014 Figure 6-6

Table 6-5. Spares and Accessories

Description Part Number Figure
Spares Kits
5430 Spare E1 Chassis Kit (Chassis, Installation Kit, 5430-INT- N/A
E1 I/O Panel, 8 SM Blanks, 1 CTM Blank) CHASSIS-

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170 Chapter 6 - Ordering Guide
Hardware Parts

Table 6-5. Spares and Accessories (Continued)

Description Part Number Figure
Kit, Spares, 5400 TSLM-12 (1x TSLM-12 + 1x 10G 500-5400-200 N/A
Consists of:
• 130-4905-900 -CS,EXT Temp (-5 TO 85C) XFP-EXT-
LR,Transceiver,OPT,1310NM XFP,OC192 SR-1/
• 134-5450-900 -Module, TSLM-12, 5400
Kit, Spares, 5400 TSLM-12 (1x TSLM-12 + 1x 10G 500-5400-202 N/A
• 130-4906-900 -EXT Temp (-5 TO 85C) XFP-EXT-
ER,Transceiver,OPT,1550NM XFP/ OC192 IR-2/
• 134-5450-900 -Module, TSLM-12, 5400
Kit, Spares, 5400 TSLM-48 (1x TSLM-48 + 1x 2.5G 500-5400-201 N/A
Consists of:
• 134-5452-900 -Module, TSLM-48, 5400
• B-700-1036-001 -OPT-SR1 - Optical Plug-in:
1310NM 1.3U Pluggable Optical Transceiver For
SONET/SDH Applications
Kit, Spares, 5400 TSLM-48 (1x TSLM-48 + 1x 2.5G 500-5400-203 N/A
Consists of:
• 134-5452-900 -Module, TSLM-48, 5400
• B-730-0001-001 -OPT-IR1-H - OPT Plug-in:1310
1000 BASE LX Pluggable OPT Transceiver UP TO
25 KM (Speeds Up To 2.5 G)
Kit, Spares, 5410 Common Equipment With Breaker 500-5410-203 N/A
Consists of:
• 134-0183-901 - 5410,Control And Timing Module
• 134-0203-900 - 5410,Spare Air Filter
• 134-5402-900 - 5410/5430 Fan Tray
• 134-5411-930 - 5410, A-Side PDU (3-Feed),
• 134-5411-940 - 5410, B-SIDE PDU (3-Feed),
• 134-5420-901 - 5410, Switch Fabric Module - SM

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Hardware Parts

Table 6-5. Spares and Accessories (Continued)

Description Part Number Figure
Kit, Spares, 5410 Common Equipment With Fuse 500-5410-204 N/A
Consists of:
• 134-0183-901 - 5410,Control And Timing Module
• 134-0203-900 - 5410,Spare Air Filter
• 134-5402-900 - 5410/5430 Fan Tray
• 134-5411-910 - 5410, A-Side PDU (3-Feed), Fused
• 134-5411-920 - 5410, B-Side PDU (3-Feed), Fused
• 134-5420-901 - 5410, Switch Fabric Module - SM
Kit, Spares, 5410 Common Equipment W/O Breaker 500-5410-205 N/A
Consists of:
• 134-0183-901 - 5410,Control And Timing Module
• 134-0203-900 - 5410,Spare Air Filter
• 134-5402-900 - 5410/5430 Fan Tray
• 134-5420-901 - 5410, Switch Fabric Module - SM
Kit, Spares, 5410 Common Equipment W/O Fuse 500-5410-206 N/A
Consists of:
• 134-0183-901 - 5410,Control And Timing Module
• 134-0203-900 - 5410,Spare Air Filter
• 134-5402-900 - 5410/5430 Fan Tray
• 134-5420-901 - 5410, Switch Fabric Module - SM
• 500-5410-005 - Kit,PDU Spare Fuse Kit, 5410
Kit, Spares, 5430 Common Equipment With Breaker 500-5430-200 N/A
Consists of:
• 110-5430-300 -Module, PDU, Left (A-side), Breakers,
• 110-5430-400 -Module, PDU, Right (B-side),
Breakers, 5430
• 134-5402-900 -5410/5430 Fan Tray, Filtered
• 134-5420-900 -Module, SM, 5430
• 134-5434-900 -Module, CTM, 5400
• 399-5430-013 -Filter, Air, Half Inch Thick, 5430
• 500-5430-009 -SPARE: Backplane Fuses

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Hardware Parts

Table 6-5. Spares and Accessories (Continued)

Description Part Number Figure
Kit, Spares, 5430 Common Equipment With Fuse 500-5430-201 N/A
Consists of:
• 110-5430-100 -Module, PDU, Left (A-side), Fuses,
• 110-5430-200 -Module, PDU, Right (B-side), Fuses,
• 134-5402-900 -5410/5430 Fan Tray, Filtered
• 134-5420-900 -Module, SM, 5430
• 134-5434-900 -Module, CTM, 5400
• 399-5430-013 -Filter, Air, Half Inch Thick, 5430
• 500-5430-004 -Spare Fuse Kit, Fused PDU, 5430
Kit, Spares, 5430 Common Equipment With Breaker 500-5430-202 N/A
Consists of:
• 134-5402-900 -5410/5430 Fan Tray, Filtered
• 134-5420-900 -Module, SM, 5430
• 134-5434-900 -Module, CTM, 5400
• 399-5430-013 -Filter, Air, Half Inch Thick, 5430
• 500-5430-009 -SPARE: Backplane Fuses
Kit, Spares, 5430 Common Equipment With Fuse 500-5430-203 N/A
Consists of:
• 134-5402-900 -5410/5430 Fan Tray, Filtered
• 134-5420-900 -Module, SM, 5430
• 134-5434-900 -Module, CTM, 5400
• 399-5430-013 -Filter, Air, Half Inch Thick, 5430
• 500-5430-004 -Spare Fuse Kit, Fused PDU, 5430
5400 Spare SFP kit, 1310 IR1 (155M-2.67G), Ext SPARE-5400- OPT-IR1-H Figure 6-17,
Temp (Qty 1 w/Fiber Bender) SFP-IR1 Table B-12 on
Page 215
5400 Spare SFP Kit, 1310 LR1 (622M-2.67G), Ext SPARE-5400- OPT-LR1 Figure 6-17,
Temp (Qty 1 w/Fiber Bender) SFP-LR1 Table B-13 on
Page 215
5400 Spare SFP Kit, 1550 LR2 (622M-2.67G), Ext SPARE-5400- OPT-LR2 Figure 6-17,
Temp (Qty 1 w/Fiber Bender) SFP-LR2 Table B-14 on
Page 216
5400 Spare SFP Kit, 1310 SR1 (155M-2.67G), Ext SPARE-5400- OPT-SR1 Figure 6-17,
Temp (Qty 1 w/Fiber Bender) SFP-SR1 Table B-11 on
Page 214
5400 Spare XFP Kit, 1550 IR2 (9.953-10.709G), Ext SPARE-5400- XFP-EXT-UR Figure 6-17,
Temp (Qty 1 w/Fiber Bender) XFP-IR2 Table B-21 on
Page 219

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Hardware Parts

Table 6-5. Spares and Accessories (Continued)

Description Part Number Figure
5400 Spare XFP Kit, 1550 LR-2 (9.953-10.709G), Ext SPARE-5400- XFP-OPT-UR Figure 6-17,
Temp (Qty 1 w/Fiber Bender) XFP-LR2 Table B-22 on
Page 220
5400 Spare XFP Kit, 850 MM SR (10G), Ext Temp SPARE-5400- XFP-EXT-SR Figure 6-17,
(Qty 1 w/Fiber Bender) XFP-SR Table B-19 on
Page 218
5400 Spare XFP Kit, 1310 SR1 (9.953-10.709G), Ext SPARE-5400- XFP-EXT-ER Figure 6-17,
Temp (Qty 1 w/Fiber Bender) XFP-SR1 Table B-20 on
Page 219
Control and Timing Modules and Switch Modules
Control and Timing Module (up to two per system) - 134-0183-901 CTM-5410 Figure 6-7
Provides management control. Two are included in all
Starter Kits.
Control and Timing Module (up to two per system) - 134-0183-951 CTM-5410 Figure 6-7
Provides management control. Two are included in all
Starter Kits. ARRA version.
5410 Control and Timing Module Blank 134-0202-900 N/A
Control and Timing Module (up to two per system) - 134-5434-900 CTM-5430 Figure 6-8
Provides management control. Two are included in all
Starter Kits.
Control and Timing Module (up to two per system) - 134-5434-950 CTM-5430 Figure 6-8
Provides management control. Two are included in all
Starter Kits. ARRA version.
5430 Control and Timing Module Blank, 20 Inch 134-5439-900 N/A
5400, CTM To Cisco RJ45 Serial Port Adapter (CTM 170-0062-900 N/A
RJ-45 to Cisco Pinout)
5400, CTM To DB9 Female Serial Port Cable, 6FT 170-0063-900 N/A
(CTM RJ-45 to laptop or terminal DB9 serial port)
5400, CTM To DB9 Male Serial Port Adapter, 170-0064-900 N/A
6 Inches (CTM RJ-45 to DB9 male cable)
Switch Module (up to 4 per 5410 Switch - Provides 134-5420-901 SM-5410 Figure 6-9
transparent switch matrix. Four are included in the
5410 Switch Starter Kit
Switch Module (up to 9 per 5430 - Provides 134-5420-900 SM-5430 Figure 6-10
transparent switch matrix. Nine are included in the
5430 Starter Kit
5410 SM Blank 134-0201-900
5430 SM Blank 134-5421-900

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174 Chapter 6 - Ordering Guide
Hardware Parts

Table 6-5. Spares and Accessories (Continued)

Description Part Number Figure
Line Modules
OSLM-3 line module - Supports up to three 40G 134-5484-900 OSLM-3 Figure 6-11
optical ports.
OSLM-3M line module - Supports up to three 40G 134-5486-900 OSLM-3M Figure 6-12
optical ports.
TSLM-3 line module - Supports up to three 40G 134-5454-900 TSLM-3 Figure 6-12
optical ports.
OSLM-12 line module - Supports up to 12 10G optical 134-5480-900 OSLM-12 Figure 6-13
SSLM-12 Line Module - Supports up to twelve 10G 134-5490-900 SSLM-12 Figure 6-13
optical ports.
TSLM-12 line module - Supports up to twelve 10G 134-5450-900 TSLM-12 Figure 6-13
optical ports.
OSLM-48 line module - Supports up to 48 2.5G 134-5482-900 OSLM-48 Figure 6-14
optical ports.
SSLM-48 Line Module - Supports up to 48 2.5G 134-5492-900 SSLM-48 Figure 6-14
optical ports.
TSLM-48 line module - Supports up to 48 2.5G 134-5452-900 TSLM-48 Figure 6-14
optical ports.
5410/5430 line module Blank, 20 Inch 134-5451-900 LM-5400- Figure 6-15
5410/5430 line module Fiber-Capable Blank, 20 Inch 134-5453-900 Figure 6-16
OPT-LR-1 Extended Temp (155Mbps-2.67 Gbps) LR- 160-9011-900 OPT-LR1 Figure 6-17,
1/L-1.1 / L-1.4 / L-1.16 (1550nm, 40km) Table B-13 on
Page 215
OPT-LR-1 Extended Temp (155Mbps-2.67 Gbps) LR- 160-9011-901 OPT-LR1 Figure 6-17,
1/L-1.1 / L-1.4 / L-1.16 (1550nm, 40km) Customer Table B-13 on
specific version. Contact account team for additional Page 215
OPT-LR-2 Extended Temp 155Mbps-2.67 Gbps LR- 160-9012-900 OPT-LR2 Figure 6-17,
2/L-2.1 / L-2.4 / L-2.16 (1550 nm, 80km) Table B-14 on
Page 216
OPT-LR-2 Extended Temp 155Mbps-2.67 Gbps LR- 160-9012-901 OPT-LR2 Figure 6-17,
2/L-2.1 / L-2.4 / L-2.16 (1550 nm, 80km) Customer Table B-14 on
specific version. Contact account team for additional Page 216
GigE 1000Base-ZX SFP (1550nm up to 80km) 162-0093-900 OPT-ZXET Figure 6-17,
Table B-17 on
Page 217

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Chapter 6 - Ordering Guide 175
Hardware Parts

Table 6-5. Spares and Accessories (Continued)

Description Part Number Figure
GigE 1000Base-SX SFP (850nm multimode fiber up B-700-1016-001 OPT-SX Figure 6-17,
to 500m) Table B-15 on
Page 217
GigE 1000Base-LX SFP with LC Connector 1310nm B-700-1016-002 OPT-LX Figure 6-17,
for single-mode fiber, distances up to 5km Table B-16 on
Page 217
OPT-SR-1 Extended Temp OC3-OTU1 SR-1/I-1.1/ I- B-700-1036-001 OPT-SR1 Figure 6-17,
1.4/ I-1.16 (1310nm, 5 - 10 km) Table B-11 on
Page 214
OPT-SR-1 Extended Temp OC3-OTU1 SR-1/I-1.1/ I- B-700-1036-002 OPT-SR1 Figure 6-17,
1.4/ I-1.16 (1310nm, 5 - 10 km) Customer specific Table B-11 on
version. Contact account team for additional details. Page 214
OPT-IR-1 Extended Temp OC3-OTU1 IR-1/S-1.1 / S- B-730-0001-001 OPT-IR1-H Figure 6-17,
1.4 / S-1.16 (1310nm, 20-30km) Table B-12 on
Page 215
OPT-IR-1 Extended Temp OC3-OTU1 IR-1/S-1.1 / S- B-730-0001-002 OPT-IR1-H Figure 6-17,
1.4 / S-1.16 (1310nm, 20-30km) Customer specific Table B-12 on
version. Contact account team for additional details. Page 215
GigE - ELT-BT, Electrical 10/100/1000Base-T SFP B-730-0004-001 ELT-BT Figure 6-17,
Table B-18 on
Page 218
Kit, Blank Module, SFP, Fiber Capable 500-5430-041 Figure 6-19
XFP-OPT-SR (Extended Temp) 850nm 130-4904-900 XFP-EXT-SR Figure 6-17,
Table B-19 on
Page 218
XFP-OPT-LR (SR-1 Extended Temp) 10G SR-1/I- 130-4905-900 XFP-EXT-ER Figure 6-17,
64.1 (1310nm, 2km) Table B-20 on
Page 219
XFP-OPT-LR (SR-1 Extended Temp) 10G SR-1/I- 130-4905-901 XFP-EXT-ER Figure 6-17,
64.1 (1310nm, 2km) Customer specific version. Table B-20 on
Contact account team for additional details. Page 219
XFP-OPT-ER (IR-2 Extended Temp) 10G IR-2/S- 130-4906-900 XFP-EXT-UR Figure 6-17,
64.2b (1550nm, 40km) Table B-21 on
Page 219
XFP-OPT-ER (IR-2 Extended Temp) 10G IR-2/S- 130-4906-901 XFP-EXT-UR Figure 6-17,
64.2b (1550nm, 40km) Customer specific version. Table B-21 on
Contact account team for additional details. Page 219
XFP-OPT-UR (LR-2 Extended Temp) 10G LR-2c/L- 130-4907-900 XFP-OPT-UR Figure 6-17,
64.2c (1550nm, 80km) Table B-22 on
Page 220

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176 Chapter 6 - Ordering Guide
Hardware Parts

Table 6-5. Spares and Accessories (Continued)

Description Part Number Figure
XFP-OPT-UR (LR-2 Extended Temp) 10G LR-2c/L- 130-4907-901 XFP-OPT-UR Figure 6-17,
64.2c (1550nm, 80km) Customer specific version. Table B-22 on
Contact account team for additional details. Page 220
XFP - C-Band Tunable 160-9002-900 Figure 6-17,
Table B-23 on
Page 220
Kit, Blank Module, XFP, Fiber Capable 500-5430-040 Figure 6-19
40G CFP Parallel 40GBASE-LR4+/G.695 NTTA12BAE6 Figure 6-19,
(4 Wavelength WDM 10km, 40GbE, OTU3, OC768/ Table B-24 on
STM256) Page 221
40G CFP Serial G.693 (1550nm Serial 2km, 40GbE, NTTA13EEE6 Figure 6-19,
OC768/STM256, OTU3) Table B-25 on
Page 222
40G CFP ER-4 Multirate Module (40 Gbps 40km, 4- 160-9013-900 Figure 6-19,
lane x 10Gb/s CWDM, DFB CWDM, DFB -LD, APD- Table B-25 on
PD ) Page 222
Kit, Blank Module, CFP, Fiber Capable 500-5430-042 Figure 6-19
SFP/XFP Fiber Benders
Kit, LC Faceplate Fiber Management 500-8009-001 N/A
Input/Output Panels
I/O Module with (T1) BITS and Alarm - Required for 134-0225-900 IOM-5410-T1 Figure 6-20
external alarm outputs and T1 BITS. One is included
in the Starter Kit. Provides I/O for management
interfaces and T1 timing.
I/O Module with (E1) Timing Interface - Required for 134-0235-900 IOM-5410-E1 Figure 6-20
external alarm outputs and E1 BITS. One is included
in the Starter Kit. Provides I/O for management
interfaces and E1 timing.
5410 Empty I/O Slot Cover Module 134-0200-900 N/A
I/O Module with SONET (DS1 - T1) Timing Interface 134-5433-950 IOM-5430-T1 Figure 6-21
- One required per system. One is included in the
Starter Kit. Provides I/O for management interfaces
and DS-1 timing (wire wrap post connectors).
I/O Module with SDH (E1) Timing Interface - One is 134-5433-900 IOM-5430-E1 Figure 6-21
required per system. One is included in the Starter
Kit. Provides I/O for management interfaces and E1
timing (BNC connectors).

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Chapter 6 - Ordering Guide 177
Hardware Parts

Table 6-5. Spares and Accessories (Continued)

Description Part Number Figure
A-Side PDU (3-Feed), Breakers, Module Assembly 134-5411-930 PDU-5410- Figure 6-1
B-Side PDU (3-Feed), Breakers, Module Assembly 134-5411-940 PDU-5410- Figure 6-1
A-Side PDU (3-Feed), Fused, Module Assembly 134-5411-910 PDU-5410- Figure 6-1
B-Side PDU (3-Feed), Fused, Module Assembly 134-5411-920 PDU-5410- Figure 6-1
Module, PDU, Left (A-Side), Fuses, 5430 110-5430-100 PDU-5430- Figure 6-2
Module, PDU, Right (B-Side), Fuses, 5430 110-5430-200 PDU-5430- Figure 6-2
Module, PDU, Left (A-Side), Breakers, 5430 110-5430-300 PDU-5430- Figure 6-2
Module, PDU, Right (B-Side), Breakers, 5430 110-5430-400 PDU-5430- Figure 6-2
Fan, Fan Exhaust Deflector, Fuse, Display Module, and Filter
Fan Tray Assembly - Four required per 5410 Switch 134-5402-900 FAN-5400 Figure 6-22
or ten required per 5430 Switch. Required number of
fans are included in the Starter Kit.
Spare Fuse Kit, Six fuses required per 5410 Switch. 500-5410-005 Figure 6-23,
Six are included in the Starter Kit. Figure 6-31
Spare Fuse Kit, for the Fused PDU - Sixteen required 500-5430-004 Figure 6-23,
per 5430 Switch. Eighteen fuses are included in the Figure 6-31
Starter Kit.
Spare Fuse Kit, Backplane - One is included in the 500-5430-009 Figure 6-23
5430 Switch with Breaker PDU Starter Kits.
Display Module - One required per 5430 Switch. One 134-1059-900 DISP-5430 Figure 6-24
is included in the Starter Kit.
Air Filter - One required per 5410 Switch. One is 134-0203-900 N/A
included in the Starter Kit.
Air Filter - One required per 5430 Switch. One is 399-5430-013 N/A
included in the Starter Kit.
Fiber Management
Note: The 5430 Switch IMP kits can be ordered in two configurations- with endguard boxes (PN 500-
5430-100) or with endguard plates (PN 500-5430-101). The endguard boxes are 2.5 inches
(63.5mm) wide and are typically used when the 5430 Switch is at the end of a row of equipment.
The endguard plates are typically used when the 5430 Switch is not at the end of a row of

5400 Reconfigurable Switching System 009-3209-000 - Revision A

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178 Chapter 6 - Ordering Guide
Hardware Parts

Table 6-5. Spares and Accessories (Continued)

Description Part Number Figure
Lower Fiber Management Tray Assembly, 5410 134-0240-900
Interbay Management Panel (IMP), Left Side With 399-5430-014 Figure 6-27
End Plate, 5430
Interbay Management Panel (IMP), Left Side With 399-5430-015 Figure 6-27
End Plate, 5430
Interbay Management Panel (IMP), Left Side With 399-5430-016 Figure 6-28
End Guard, 5430
Interbay Management Panel (IMP), Left Side With 399-5430-017 Figure 6-28
End Guard, 5430
Misc. Tools
Kit, Tool, Module Replacement/Fiber Organizer, 5430 500-5430-110 Figure 6-29
Kit, Tool, Insertion/extraction, Optic Cable 500-5430-113 Figure 6-30
Kit, Fuse Puller (TSE), PDU, 5430 500-5430-025 Figure 6-31

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Chapter 6 - Ordering Guide 179

• Figure 6-1, 5410 Switch on Page 180
• Figure 6-2, 5430 Switch on Page 181
• Figure 6-3, 5430 Switch PDU Jumper Kit on Page 182
• Figure 6-4, Rack Base Covers on Page 182
• Figure 6-5, Upper PDU Exhaust Air Deflector on Page 183
• Figure 6-6, Raised Floor Cable Bracket Assemblies on Page 183
• Figure 6-7, 5410 Switch CTM on Page 184
• Figure 6-8, 5430 Switch CTM on Page 184
• Figure 6-9, 5410 Switch SM on Page 185
• Figure 6-10, 5430 Switch SM on Page 185
• Figure 6-12, xSLM-3M on Page 186
• Figure 6-13, xSLM-12 on Page 187
• Figure 6-14, xSLM-48 on Page 187
• Figure 6-15, Line Module Blank on Page 188
• Figure 6-16, 20-inch LM-12 Fiber Capable Blank (faceplate shown) on Page 188
• Figure 6-17, SFPs/XFPs on Page 189
• Figure 6-18, CFP on Page 189
• Figure 6-19, SFP/XFP/CFP Blanks on Page 190
• Figure 6-20, 5410 Switch I/O Modules on Page 190
• Figure 6-21, 5430 Switch I/O Modules on Page 191
• Figure 6-22, Fan Unit on Page 191
• Figure 6-23, Spare PDU Fuse on Page 192
• Figure 6-24, PDU Display Module on Page 192
• Figure 6-26, Interbay Management Panel Kit (Shown With End Guard Plate) on Page 193
• Figure 6-27, Fiber Management End Plate on Page 194
• Figure 6-28, Fiber Management End Guard on Page 195
• Figure 6-30, Fiber Extraction Tool on Page 196

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180 Chapter 6 - Ordering Guide

Figure 6-1. 5410 Switch

Front View Rear View

CFU Shelf

Shelf A

PDU Shelf


5400 Reconfigurable Switching System 009-3209-000 - Revision A

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Chapter 6 - Ordering Guide 181

Figure 6-2. 5430 Switch

PDU Shelf
Display Panel

Fan Shelf

Shelf A
Line Module/
CTM Shelf

Shelf B I/O Module

Switch Module

Shelf C
Line Module/
CTM Shelf

Fan Shelf

Front View Rear View 5430-09076

5400 Reconfigurable Switching System 009-3209-000 - Revision A

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182 Chapter 6 - Ordering Guide

Figure 6-3. 5430 Switch PDU Jumper Kit

Inner Feed Outer Feed

Stud Insulator
Jumper Jumper

Figure 6-4. Rack Base Covers

5400 Reconfigurable Switching System 009-3209-000 - Revision A

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Chapter 6 - Ordering Guide 183

Figure 6-5. Upper PDU Exhaust Air Deflector

Figure 6-6. Raised Floor Cable Bracket Assemblies


5400 Reconfigurable Switching System 009-3209-000 - Revision A

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184 Chapter 6 - Ordering Guide

Figure 6-7. 5410 Switch CTM

Figure 6-8. 5430 Switch CTM

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Chapter 6 - Ordering Guide 185

Figure 6-9. 5410 Switch SM

Figure 6-10. 5430 Switch SM

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186 Chapter 6 - Ordering Guide

Figure 6-11. xSLM-3

Figure 6-12. xSLM-3M

5400 Reconfigurable Switching System 009-3209-000 - Revision A

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Chapter 6 - Ordering Guide 187

Figure 6-13. xSLM-12

Figure 6-14. xSLM-48

5400 Reconfigurable Switching System 009-3209-000 - Revision A

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188 Chapter 6 - Ordering Guide

Figure 6-15. Line Module Blank

Figure 6-16. 20-inch LM-12 Fiber Capable Blank (faceplate shown)

5400 Reconfigurable Switching System 009-3209-000 - Revision A

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Chapter 6 - Ordering Guide 189

Figure 6-17. SFPs/XFPs

Typical SFPs


Typical XFP

Figure 6-18. CFP

5400 Reconfigurable Switching System 009-3209-000 - Revision A

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190 Chapter 6 - Ordering Guide

Figure 6-19. SFP/XFP/CFP Blanks



Figure 6-20. 5410 Switch ,I/O Modules

5410 I/O Module, E1


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Chapter 6 - Ordering Guide 191

Figure 6-21. 5430 Switch I/O Modules

Alarm Cable

E1 I/O Panel
BITS Connectors

T1 I/O Panel
BITS Connectors

Figure 6-22. Fan Unit

5400 Reconfigurable Switching System 009-3209-000 - Revision A

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192 Chapter 6 - Ordering Guide

Figure 6-23. Spare PDU Fuse

Figure 6-24. PDU Display Module



Figure 6-25. 5410 Switch Cover

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Chapter 6 - Ordering Guide 193

Figure 6-26. Interbay Management Panel Kit (Shown With End Guard Plate)

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194 Chapter 6 - Ordering Guide

Figure 6-27. Fiber Management End Plate

Front View Rear View


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Chapter 6 - Ordering Guide 195

Figure 6-28. Fiber Management End Guard

Upper End Panel Cover

Middle End Panel Cover

Lower End Panel Cover


Figure 6-29. Fiber Management Tool

5400 Reconfigurable Switching System 009-3209-000 - Revision A

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196 Chapter 6 - Ordering Guide

Figure 6-30. Fiber Extraction Tool

Figure 6-31. TFD Fuse Holder Pull Tool



5400 Reconfigurable Switching System 009-3209-000 - Revision A

Copyright© 2011 Ciena® Corporation December 16, 2011
Appendix A:
Standards and Compliance

Health and Safety

The health, safety and welfare of engineers and support staff is of paramount importance to Ciena.
Implementing a safe system of work with safe people is an integral component of our procedures
and an absolute requirement under the provisions of the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974.
Ciena recognizes the importance of all matters of Health & Safety. By suitably addressing Health &
Safety issues from the outset, engineers and operatives are able to implement installation contract
safely, smoothly and efficiently.
A comprehensive set of procedures exist to control our activities and define our Health and Safety
requirements. These are rigorously adhered to by all Ciena employees.
Reference statements re H&SWA 1974 and Management of H&SWA Regulations 1998. Prior to
commencement of installation Supplier representatives need to be aware of any site specific risk
assessments / processes / evacuation procedures etc.

Compliance Information
Part 15 of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC):
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device,
pursuant to part 15 of the of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable
protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial
environment. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate unintentional radio frequency (RF)
energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful
interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to
cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his
or her own expense.

CAUTION: If the device is changed or modified without permission from Ciena, the user
may void his or her authority to operate the equipment.

NOTE: This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the
following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this
device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause
undesired operation.

5400 Reconfigurable Switching System 009-3209-000 - Revision A

Copyright© 2011 Ciena® Corporation December 16, 2011
198 Appendix A -
Compliance Information

Industry Canada Notice

This class A digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.
Cet appareil numérique de la classe A est conforme à la norme NMB-003 du Canada.


EN55022 Class A Notice

This is a Class A product. In a domestic environment, this product may cause radio interference in
which case the user may be required to take adequate measures.

Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Laser Safety Warning

This product contains a laser diode. Ciena Corporation strongly recommends that users and
maintenance and service personnel comply with the following standards and regulations in the
design, modification, operation, maintenance, and service of lasers and fiber-optic devices:
Table A-1. Standards and Regulations
Jurisdiction Type Title
Federal, US Regulation FDA 21 CFR 1040.10/.11
Federal, US Guidelines OSHA
United States Standard ANSI Z136 series
International Standard IEC 60825-1 series
European Standard EN 60825-1 series

It is further recommended that the owner of this equipment determine and ensure conformance with
any specific and applicable local regulations.

Class 1 Laser Product Notice

The Ciena® 5400 Reconfigurable Switching System is a Class 1 Laser Product as specified by FDA
21 CFR 1040.10, 21 CFR 1040.11, FDA Laser Notice 50 and FDA Laser Notice 42 and EN/IEC
60825-1 Safety of Laser Products - Equipment Classification, Requirements and User's Guide. All
laser devices incorporated in this product are FDA approved Class 1 Laser Devices (non-modified
SFPs, XFPs, CFPs and MSA commercial available, certified, Class 1 Laser Products).

5400 Reconfigurable Switching System 009-3209-000 - Revision A

Copyright© 2011 Ciena® Corporation December 16, 2011
Appendix A - 199
Safety Information and Instructions

Environmental Impact Statement

Ciena equipment contains no hazardous materials as defined by the United States Environmental
Protection Agency (USEPA). Ciena recommends that all failed products be returned to Ciena for
failure analysis and proper disposal.

Restricted Access Location

This equipment is intended for installation in a Restricted Access Location.

Bonding, Grounding, and Connections

WARNING: The intra-building ports of this equipment or subassembly is suitable for connection to
intra-building or unexposed cabling or wiring only. The intra-building ports of the equipment or
subassembly MUST NOT be metallically connected to interfaces that connect to the OSP or its
wiring. These interfaces are designed for use as intra-building interfaces only (Type 2 or Type 4 ports
as described in GR-1089-CORE) and require isolation from the exposed OSP cabling. The addition
of Primary Protectors is not sufficient protection in order to connect these interfaces metallically to
OSP wiring.
This equipment is suitable for installation as part of the Common Bonding Network (CBN).
This equipment is suitable for installation in Network Telecommunications Facilities.

Toxic Emissions
Ciena equipment releases no toxic emissions.

Telcordia Document Standards

The format and structure of this document is derived from the Telcordia Generic Requirements for
Supplier-Provided Documentation, GR-454-CORE.

Safety Information and Instructions

The procedures in this manual require the user to understand and follow the safety practices at your
site as well as those identified in this manual. Before applying power and turning up any hardware,
check the installation location for adequate temperature, humidity and electrical requirements. This
manual describes the electrical, physical and environmental specifications for the 5400 Switch.
• The exclamation point within an equilateral triangle is intended to alert the user to the
presence of important operating and maintenance (servicing) instructions in the
literature accompanying the product. When installing, operating, or maintaining this
equipment, basic safety precautions should always be followed to reduce the risk of
fire, electrical shock and injury to persons:
• Use of controls or adjustments or performance of procedures other than those specified herein
may result in hazardous laser radiation exposure.
• Read and understand all instructions before executing any activity.
• Follow all warnings and instructions marked on this product.
• For information on proper mounting instructions, read the appropriate section of this manual.

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200 Appendix A -
Safety Information and Instructions

• The metallic telecommunications interface should not leave the building premises unless
connected to telecommunication devices providing primary and secondary protection as
• This product should only be operated from the type of power source indicated on the marking
• The -48VDC input terminals are only provided for installations in Restricted Access Areas
• Do not use this product near water, for example in a wet basement.
• Do not install telecommunications wiring during a lightning storm.
• Do not touch un-insulated wiring or terminals carrying direct current or leave this wiring
exposed. Protect and tape wiring and terminals to avoid risk of fire, electric shock, and injury to
service personnel.
• Do not touch un-insulated wires or terminals unless the line has been disconnected at the
network interface.

Note: Removing or opening the module covers or opening the cassette covers on the
modules voids the customer warranty.

• To reduce the risk of electrical shock, do not disassemble this product. Trained personnel
should only perform service. Opening or removing covers and/or circuit boards may expose
you to hazardous energy or other risks. Incorrect re-assembly can cause electric shock or fire
when the unit is subsequently used.
• Ensure that there is no exposed wire when the input power cables are connected to the unit.
• Installation must include an independent frame ground drop to building ground.
• This equipment is to be installed only in Restricted Access Areas on business and customer
premises in accordance with Articles 110-16, 110-18 of the National Electrical Code, ANSI/
NFPA No. 70. Other installations exempt from the enforcement of the National Electrical Code
may be engineered according to the accepted practices of the local telecommunications utility.
• When connecting to the DC supply, a readily accessible disconnect device shall be
incorporated in the building installation wiring.

Voltage Precaution
Negative 48 volts DC and 120 volts AC (if optional AC outlet is installed in bottom of rack)
is present in this equipment, and AC voltages may be present in some test equipment
used with this system. Contact with these voltages can cause personal injury. Take
appropriate safety precautions.

A voltage of -48 volts DC is present in the 5400 Switch as a power source for normal equipment
operation. Depending on the facility, AC voltages are likely present for test equipment, tools, lighting,
etc. Personnel should exercise safety precautions when connecting, measuring, and disconnecting
all voltage supply lines.
Observe the following precautions to avoid voltage shock:
• Never use both hands when working on or near a voltage source.
• Use the buddy system when working around voltage sources.

5400 Reconfigurable Switching System 009-3209-000 - Revision A

Copyright© 2011 Ciena® Corporation December 16, 2011
Appendix A - 201
Safety Information and Instructions

• Ensure that rescue and first aid equipment is available and accessible.
• Remove watches, rings, necklaces, and other conductive devices that might come in contact
with live voltages.
• Before activating circuits, ensure that other personnel are not in contact with voltage sources.
• Deactivate power whenever possible before performing maintenance on system components.

Dual Connection Energy Level Hazard

Caution: Dual Connection Energy Level Hazard

This unit has dual power connections which supply hazardous energy levels. Remove
power from all A and B side power feeds to de-energize this equipment.

The 5400 Switch uses a dual -48 VDC power source (typically referred to as A-side and B-side).
Each source is protected by separate circuit breakers or fuses in the Power Distribution Unit and by
separate facility Battery Distribution Fuse Bay (BDFB) circuit breakers. Because the 5400 Switch
uses this redundant -48 VDC dual connection power configuration and is designed to operate fully
from only one -48 VDC power source, removing power from one source (either A-side or B-side
circuit breakers or fuses) does not remove power from the other source.
When removing power from the 5400 Switch, the user must ensure that power is removed
completely from both -48 VDC sources by turning off all circuit breakers/fuses.

Lift Precautions
The 5400 Switch is heavy. A 5410 Switch rack can weigh 430 lbs (195 Kg) when fully
populated and 121pounds (55 Kg) when empty. A 5430 Switch rack can weigh 1347.7
lbs (612 Kg) when fully populated and 725 pounds (329 Kg) when empty. Three people
are required to unpack and maneuver the rack.
Be very careful when moving the 5430 Switch rack around the installation area. Until the
5430 Switch rack is installed and secured in place, the rack is very unstable.

When lifting or handling materials manually, use only methods that ensure personal safety and
protection of the material. Never attempt to lift objects that are too bulky or heavy to handle safely.
Whenever possible, push loads instead of pulling them. Pushing uses the strong leg muscles,
whereas pulling uses the back muscles, which can be easily strained.
Observe the following precautions when lifting an object:
• Before lifting the load, inspect the route over which the load will be carried for obstructions or
spills that could cause slipping or tripping.
• Inspect the load for sharp edges before lifting.
• Identify good hand holds on the load; these hand holds must be able to support the full weight
of the object.
• Avoid twisting or bending when lifting, and carry the load close to the body.
• When team-lifting, ensure that the load is raised at the same rate and that it rides level to
ensure that each person carries equal weight.

5400 Reconfigurable Switching System 009-3209-000 - Revision A

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202 Appendix A -
Safety Information and Instructions

General Static Electricity Precautions

Caution: Risk of Damage to Circuit Packs and Backplanes
This equipment contains Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) sensitive devices. ESD mitigative
procedures must be used, such as wearing wrist straps, during installation and

A damaging static electrical charge can be generated by the rubbing and sliding of materials against
each other. Different materials have different potentials of generating and holding a static electric
charge. Plastic materials similar to nylon and polyester are capable of generating and holding a
potentially large damaging static electricity charge. Materials similar to cotton do not typically have
the potential to generate and hold a charge. The buildup of static electricity can be of a sufficient
potential to damage electronic circuitry. When working on Ciena equipment or any interconnecting
electrical/optical cabling, always wear an approved personnel ground device.
Industry experience has shown that all devices containing integrated circuits can be damaged by
static electricity that builds up on work surfaces and personnel. The effect of ESD damage may be
immediate failure or it may manifest itself as a latent failure affecting the reliability of the equipment.
The static charges and discharges are produced by various charging effects of movement and
contact with other objects. Dry air allows greater static charges to accumulate on a body.
Observe the following precautions to avoid static charges and discharges:
• Assume that all modules contain solid state electronic components that can be damaged by
• Handle all modules by the faceplate or latch and by the top and bottom outermost edges.
Never touch the components, conductors, or connector pins.
• When handling modules (that is, storing, installing, removing, and so forth) or when working on
the backplane, always wear a grounded wrist strap or wear a heel strap and stand on a
grounded, static-dissipating floor mat.
• Observe all warning labels on bags and cartons.
• If possible, do not remove modules from antistatic packaging until they are ready for use.
• If possible, open all module packaging at a static-safe work station using properly grounded
wrist straps and static-dissipating table mats.
• Always store and transport modules in static-safe packaging.
• Keep all static-generating material, such as food wrappers, plastics, and styrofoam containers,
away from all modules.
• When removing modules from an enclosure, immediately place them in static-safe packages.
• Whenever possible, maintain relative humidity above 20 percent.

Optical Fiber Handling Precautions

When handling or connecting optical fibers, observe the following precautions:
• Always wear safety glasses when handling fibers.
• Avoid indirect eye or direct skin exposure to the ends of optical connectors and fibers, because
laser energy may be present.
• Install protective covers or caps on all fiber optical connectors when they are not in use.

5400 Reconfigurable Switching System 009-3209-000 - Revision A

Copyright© 2011 Ciena® Corporation December 16, 2011
Appendix A - 203
Safety Information and Instructions

Fiber Break and Damaged Fiber Precautions

If a fiber break occurs or a damaged fiber is seen, observe the following precautions:
• Power off all laser sources to the fiber or disconnect the fiber end from the laser source.
• Notify the facility manager or supervisor about the damaged or broken fiber.
• Identify where the fiber is damaged or broken.
• Be careful when handling damaged or broken optical fibers to avoid eye injuries caused by
invisible fiber fragments.

Precautions for Handling and Storing Modules

Caution: Risk of Damage to Circuit Packs and Backplanes
Incorrect circuit pack installation may cause damage to the backplane and circuit pack.
Use proper installation practices.

When handling, installing, or removing modules, observe the following precautions.

• Wear wrist straps or other suitable ESD-grounding devices before touching and/or removing a
module from the equipment shelf or ESD-protective packaging.
• Handle modules by the faceplate only and do not touch the components, printed circuit board,
or connector contacts.
• Ensure the protective covers or caps are installed on all optical connectors when the
connectors are not in use.
• Ensure the backplane protective covers or caps are removed from the modules before
installing them in equipment shelves.
• Store all modules in suitable ESD-protective packaging when they are not installed in an
equipment shelf.
• Do not stack modules directly on or against each other.
• Store all modules in the original protective packaging container. Do not stack modules without
the use of the original protective packaging containers.
Modules must be maintained at all times within the environmental parameters provided in the
Telcordia Generic Requirements document references listed in Table A-2.

Table A-2. Module Environmental Parameters

Temperature, Humidity, and
Storage Temperature Shock and Vibration
Altitude Criteria
Refer to Telcordia Generic Refer to Telcordia Generic Refer to Telcordia Generic
Requirements GR-63-CORE, Requirements GR-63-CORE, Requirements GR-63-CORE,
Section 4.1 or ETSI 300019-1-3: Section 4.1.1 or ETSI 300019-1-1: Section 4.3 and 4.4 or ETSI
Specification T3.2 Partly Specification T1.2 Weather 300019-1-2: Specification T2.3
Temperature Controlled Locations Protected, Not Temperature Public Transportation
Controlled Storage Locations

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204 Appendix A -
Safety Information and Instructions


5400 Reconfigurable Switching System 009-3209-000 - Revision A

Copyright© 2011 Ciena® Corporation December 16, 2011
Appendix B:
Specifications and Standards

This section provides System Specifications (below) and SFP/XFP/CFP Specifications on
Page 213.

System Specifications
The tables in this section list the physical characteristics, rack weight, module power requirements,
system power requirements and SFP/XFP/CFP requirements for the Ciena® 5400 Reconfigurable
Switching System:
• Table B-1, Physical Characteristics - 5410 Switch on Page 205
• Table B-2, Physical Characteristics - 5430 Switch on Page 206
• Table B-3, 5400 Switch Weights on Page 207
• Table B-4, 5410 Switch TDM Module Power Specifications on Page 208
• Table B-5, 5410 Switch TDM Partial Power Specifications on Page 208
• Table B-6, 5410 Switch Power Feed Slot Matrix on Page 209
• Table B-7, 5430 Switch TDM Module Power Specifications on Page 210
• Table B-8, 5430 Switch TDM Partial Power Specifications on Page 211
• Table B-9, 5430 Switch Power Feed Slot Matrix on Page 211
• Table B-10, 5400 Switch Module Specifications on Page 212
• SFP/XFP/CFP Specifications on Page 213
• 5400 Switch Standards on Page 224

Table B-1. Physical Characteristics - 5410 Switch

Item Specification
Mounting Rack mounted - 22 RU
Physical Interface Ports OC-3/12(STM-1/4), SR, MR, or LR
OTU1, OC-48/STM-16, GbE SR, MR, or LR
OTU2, OC-192/STM-64, 10GbE SR, MR, or LR
OTU3, OC-768/STM-256, 40GbE SR, MR, or LR
External optical connectors LC
External Ethernet connector RJ-45
Approximate 5410 Switch Height: 38.5 in (978 mm) - 22 RU
Rack/Chassis Maximum Width: 17.6 in (448 mm)
Dimensions Depth: 21.0 in (534 mm) ETSI Compliant
Clearances Front: 25.5 in (647.7 mm)
Rear: 36 in (615 mm)

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206 Appendix B -
System Specifications

Table B-1. Physical Characteristics - 5410 Switch (Continued)

Item Specification
Approximate Weight 366 lb (122 kg), 122 lb (55 kg) unpopulated
(Fully Populated)
Total Bay Drain List 113A at -42.64V
2X Current
Operating Temperature 0C to 40C
Operating Humidity 15% to 80% (non-condensing)
Heat Dissipation (watts) 7.1kW (24248 BTUs)
Power Input Voltage: -40VDC to -57.6VDC
Shutdown Voltage: -37.5VDC to -39.5VDC
Restart Voltage: -42VDC to -48VDC

Table B-2. Physical Characteristics - 5430 Switch

Item Specification
Mounting Full rack
Physical Interface Ports OC-3/12(STM-1/4), SR, MR, or LR
OTU1, OC-48/STM-16, GbE SR, MR, or LR
OTU2, OC-192/STM-64, 10GbE SR, MR, or LR
OTU3, OC-768/STM-256, 40GbE
External optical connectors LC
External Ethernet connector RJ-45
Approximate 5430 Switch Height: 7 ft (2134 mm) - 44 RU (Full Rack)
Rack/Chassis Maximum • Height on installation dolly: 85.75in (2178mm)
Depth: 23.62 in (600mm)
Rack Width: 27.25 in (693mm)
Width with Fiber Management Panels:
• End Plate On Both Sides Of Rack: 45.6in (1159mm)
• Endguard Box/Endguard Plate: 48.4in (1230mm)
• Endguard Box On Both Sides Of Rack: 50.5in (1283mm)
Clearances Front: 26 in (660.4 mm)
Rear: 2 ft (609.6 mm)
Rack only (no fiber management)
Rack-to-rack side clearances may be increased depending on
the fiber management system used.
Approximate Weight 1384 lb (628 kg) Refer Table B-3 on page 207.
(Fully Populated)
Total Bay Drain List 317A at 42.64V
2X Current
Operating Temperature -5C to 50C
Storage Humidity up to 95% (non-condensing)
Operating Humidity 5% to 90% (non-condensing)

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Appendix B - 207
System Specifications

Table B-2. Physical Characteristics - 5430 Switch (Continued)

Item Specification
Heat Dissipation (watts) 15kW (51182 BTUs)
Power Input Voltage: -40VDC to -57.6VDC
Shutdown Voltage: -37.5VDC to -39.5VDC
Restart Voltage: -42VDC to -48VDC

Table B-3. 5400 Switch Weights

5410 Weight Estimate
No. In
Unit Weight System Total Weight Ship Weight
Unit Pounds KG Pounds KG Pounds KG
Rack/Chassis 122 55 1 122 55 122 55
Fan Tray 6 3 4 24 11
PDU 12 5 2 24 11
CTM 8 4 2 16 7 Modules shipped seperately
xSLM 15 7 10 148 67
SM 8 4 4 32 15
TOTAL SYSTEM WEIGHT: 366 166 122 55

5430 Weight Estimate

No. In
Unit Weight System Total Weight Ship Weight
Unit Pounds KG Pounds KG Pounds KG
Rack/Chassis 745 338 1 745 338 745 338
Fan Tray 6 3 10 60 27 60 27
PDU 36 16 2 72 33 72 33
CTM 7 3 2 15 7
xSLM 15 7 30 444 201 Modules shipped seperately
SM 5 2 9 49 22
TOTAL SYSTEM WEIGHT: 1384 628 877 398
Measured Weight of crate 558 254
Measured Total Crated Weight 1435 651

5430 Fiber Management Weight Esitmate

No. In
Unit Weight System Total Weight
Unit Pounds KG Pounds KG
End Guard Plate (500-5430-100) 114 52 2 228 103
Measured Weight of crate 89 40 1 89 40
Measured Total Crated Weight 317 144
End Guard Box (500-5430-101) 136 62 2 272 123
Measured Weight of crate 89 40 1 89 40
Measured Total Crated Weight 361 164
1 Ea End Guard Box and Plate 250 113 1 250 113
Measured Weight of crate 89 40 1 89 40
Measured Total Crated Weight 339 154

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208 Appendix B -
System Specifications

Table B-4. 5410 Switch TDM Module Power Specifications

5410 Switch Module Typical TDM Power Specification @ 27°C (80°F)
LM (with Fan Power
Module SM CTM
CFP) Trays (w)
Watt 269 55 65 35
Quantity 10 4 2 4
Total 2690 220 130 140 3180

5410 Switch Feed Typical TDM Power Specification @ 27°C (80°F)

LM (with Fan Power 52v
Module SM CTM
CFP) Trays (w) Current (A)
Feed 1 4 1 1 1166 22.4
Feed 2 2 2 2 2 848 16.3
Feed 3 4 1 1 1166 22.4
Quantity 10 4 2 4 3180 61.2

5410 Switch Worst-Case TDM Power Specification @ 50°C (122°F)

LM (with Fan Power
Module SM CTM
CFP) Trays (w)
Watt 358 75 80 195
Quantity 10 4 2 4
Total 3580 300 160 780 4820

5410 Switch Feed Worst-Case TDM Power Specification @ 50°C (122°F)

42.64v Minimum
LM (with Fan Power 52v
Module SM CTM Current Fuse (2)
CFP) Trays (w) Current (A)
(A) Protection
Feed 1 4 1 1 1702 39.9 32.7 50
Feed 2 2 2 2 2 1416 33.2 27.2 42
Feed 3 4 1 1 1702 39.9 32.7 50
Quantity 10 4 2 4 4820 113.0 92.7

Table B-5. 5410 Switch TDM Partial Power Specifications

5410 Switch Partial Power TDM Configuration Power Specification
LM (with Fan Power 52v Fuse Breaker
System Module SM CTM Current
CFP) Trays (w) Current (1) Protect(2) Protect(3)
Single Feed Watt 358 75 80 195
Partial Power Quantity 2 4 2 4
Worst-Case Total 716 300 160 780 1956 45.9 37.6 58 51
Single Feed Watt 269 55 65 35
Partial Power Quantity 2 4 2 4
Typical Total 538 220 130 140 1028 24.1 19.8

(1) The values listed are the total worst-case current feeding the 5410 PDU feeds, with each feed in
the PDU is being protected by a 60 amp breaker (or fuse) within the PDU.
(2) Minimum Facility Fuse Rating for Feed Protection using 80% fuse de-rating factor. For example
at least a 60A fuse in the BDFB should be used to protect feeds to the 5410 PDU in the partial power
(3) Minimum Facility Breaker Rating for Feed Protection using 90% breaker de-rating factor. Note
many breakers such as Hydro-Magnetic do not all require de-rating based upon recommendations
contain in the manufacturers' documentation. For example a 60A breaker in the BDCBB should be
used to protect Feeds 1 through 3 to the 5410 PDU.

5400 Reconfigurable Switching System 009-3209-000 - Revision A

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Appendix B - 209
System Specifications

Table B-6. 5410 Switch Power Feed Slot Matrix

Feed A1 A2 A3
CTM slots A-CTM1, A-CTM2
LM slots LM-1 thru LM-4 LM-5, LM-6 LM-7 thru LM-10
SM slots SM-3 SM-1, SM-4 SM-2
Fan tray assemblies CFUA-1 CFUA-2, CFUA-3 CFUA-4
Feed B1 B2 B3
CTM slots A-CTM1, A-CTM2
LM slots LM-1 thru LM-4 LM-5, LM-6 LM-7 thru LM-10
SM slots SM-3 SM-4, SM-1 SM-2
Fan tray assemblies CFUA-1 CFUA-2, CFUA-3 CFUA-4

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210 Appendix B -
System Specifications

Table B-7. 5430 Switch TDM Module Power Specifications

5430 Switch Module Typical TDM, Power Specification @ 27°C (80°F)
LM (with Fan Power
Module SM CTM
CFP) Trays (w)
Watt 269 55 65 35
Quantity 30 9 2 10
Total 8070 495 130 350 9045

5430 Switch Feed Typical TDM Power Specification @ 27°C (80°F)

LM (with Fan Power 52v
Module SM CTM
CFP) Trays (w) Current (A)
Feed 1 3 2 1 2 1052 20.2
Feed 2 4 1 1 1166 22.4
Feed 3 4 1 1 1166 22.4
Feed 4 4 1 1 1166 22.4
Feed 5 4 1 1 1166 22.4
Feed 6 4 1 1 1166 22.4
Feed 7 4 1 1 1166 22.4
Feed 8 3 1 1 2 997 19.2
Quantity 30 9 2 10 9045 173.9

5430 Switch Worst-Case TDM Power Specification @ 50°C (122°F) Max Ambient Temperature
LM (with Fan Power
Module SM CTM
CFP) Trays (w)
Watt 358 75 80 195
Quantity 30 9 2 10
Total 10740 675 160 1950 13525

5430 Switch Feed Worst-Case tdm Power Specification @ 50°C (122°F)

42.64v Minimum
LM (with Fan Power 52v
Module SM CTM Current Fuse
CFP) Trays (w) Current (A)
(A) Protection
Feed 1 3 2 1 2 1694 39.7 32.6 50
Feed 2 4 1 1 1702 39.9 32.7 50
Feed 3 4 1 1 1702 39.9 32.7 50
Feed 4 4 1 1 1702 39.9 32.7 50
Feed 5 4 1 1 1702 39.9 32.7 50
Feed 6 4 1 1 1702 39.9 32.7 50
Feed 7 4 1 1 1702 39.9 32.7 50
Feed 8 3 1 1 2 1619 38.0 31.1 48
Quantity 30 9 2 10 13525 317.2 260.1

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Appendix B - 211
System Specifications

Table B-8. 5430 Switch TDM Partial Power Specifications

5430 Switch Partial Power Feed TDM Power Specification
LM (with Fan Power 52v Fuse Breaker
System Module SM CTM Current
CFP) Trays (w) Current (1) Protect(2) Protect(3)
Feed 1, 2 3 3 1 3 1964 46.1 37.8 58 52
Quad Feed Feed 3, 4 3 2 2 1614 37.9 31.0 48 43
Partial Power Feed 5, 6 3 2 2 1614 37.9 31.0 48 43
Worst-Case Feed 7, 8 3 2 1 3 1889 44.3 36.3 56 50
Quantity 12 9 2 10 7081 166.1 136.2
Feed 1, 2 3 3 1 3 1142 26.8 22.0
Quad Feed Feed 3, 4 3 2 2 987 23.1 19.0
Partial Power Feed 5, 6 3 2 2 987 23.1 19.0
Typical Feed 7, 8 3 2 1 3 1087 25.5 20.9
Quantity 12 9 2 10 4203 98.6 80.8
Dual Feed Feed 1,2,3,4 2 5 1 5 2146 50.3 41.3 63 56
Partial Power Feed 5,6,7,8 2 4 1 5 2071 48.6 39.8 61 54
Worst-Case Quantity 4 9 2 10 4217 98.9 81.1
Dual Feed Feed 1,2,3,4 2 5 1 5 1053 24.7 20.3
Partial Power Feed 5,6,7,8 2 4 1 5 998 23.4 19.2
Typical Quantity 4 9 2 10 2051 48.1 39.4

(1) The values listed are the total worst-case current feeding the 5430 PDU feeds, with each feed in the PDU is
being protected by a 60 amp breaker (or fuse) within the PDU.
(2) Minimum Facility Fuse Rating for Feed Protection using 80% fuse de-rating factor. For example an 70A fuse in
the BDFB should be used to protect each feed to the 5430 PDU in the dual feed configuration.
(3) Minimum Facility Breaker Rating for Feed Protection using 90% breaker de-rating factor. Note many breakers
such as Hydro-Magnetic do not all require de-rating based upon recommendations contain in the manufacturers'
documentation. For example 60A breaker in the BDCBB should be used to protect Feeds 1 through 4 to the 5430
PDU in dual feed configuration.
Table B-9. 5430 Switch Power Feed Slot Matrix
Feed A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8
LM slots A1,A2, A4,A5, A8,A9, A12,A13, C1,C2, C5,C6, C9,C10, C13,C14,
A3 A6,A7 A10,A11 A14,A15 C3,C4 C7,C8 C11,C12 C15
SM slots B1,B2 B4 B6 B8 B3 B5 B7 B9
assemblies CFUA-2 CFUB-5
Feed B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8
LM slots A1,A2, A4,A5, A8,A9, A12,A13, C1,C2, C5,C6, C9,C10, C13,C14,
A3 A6,A7 A10,A11 A14,A15 C3,C4 C7,C8 C11,C12 C15
SM slots B1,B2 B4 B6 B8 B3 B5 B7 B9
assemblies CFUA-2 CFUB-5

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212 Appendix B -
Module Specifications

Module Specifications
Table B-10 lists specifications for the circuit packs used with the 5400 Switch.
Table B-10. 5400 Switch Module Specifications
Module Height Width Depth Weight Ports
5410 Switching 6.46 in 2.3 in 18.1 in 8.0 lbs None 55w (typ)
Module (SM) 164.08mm 58.42mm 459.74mm 3.7kg 75w (max)
5430 Switching 6.46 in 2.3 in 18.1 in 5.4 lbs None 55w (typ)
Module (SM) 164.08mm 58.42mm 459.74mm 2.5kg 75w (max)
5410 Control and 19.96 in 1.1 in 18.1 in 8.0 lbs 1 console 65w (typ)
Timing Module (CTM) 506.98mm 27.94mm 459.74mm 3.7kg 4 expansion 80w (max)
5430 Control and 19.96 in 1.1 in 18.1 in 7.4 lbs 1 console 65w (typ)
Timing Module (CTM) 506.98mm 27.94mm 459.74mm 3.4kg 4 expansion 80w (max)
Fan Tray 5.050 in 12.800 in 22.310 in 35.5 lbs None 35w (typ)
128.27mm 325.12mm 566.67mm 16.1kg 195w (max)
PDU 5.050 in 12.800 in 22.310 in 35.5 lbs None N/A
128.27mm 325.12mm 566.67mm 16.1kg
OSLM-3 19.96 in 1.35 in 18.1 in 14.4lb 3 CFP ports 180w (typ)
506.98mm 34.29mm 459.74mm 6.5kg 250 (max)
TSLM-3 19.96 in 1.35 in 18.1 in 14.4lb 3 CFP ports 230w (typ)
506.98mm 34.29mm 459.74mm 6.5kg 310 (max)
OSLM-3M 19.96 in 1.35 in 18.1 in 14.2lb 3 CFP ports 200w (typ)
506.98mm 34.29mm 459.74mm 6.4kg 275 (max)
OSLM-12 19.96 in 1.35 in 18.1 in 14.8 lb 12 XFP ports 200w (typ)
506.98mm 34.29mm 459.74mm 6.6kg 260 (max)
SSLM-12 19.96 in 1.35 in 18.1 in 14.8 lb 12 XFP ports 220w (typ)
506.98mm 34.29mm 459.74mm 6.6kg 310 (max)
TSLM-12 19.96 in 1.35 in 18.1 in 14.8 lb 12 XFP ports 220w (typ)
506.98mm 34.29mm 459.74mm 6.6kg 310 (max)
OSLM-48 19.96 in 1.35 in 18.1 in 14.6 lb 48 SFP ports 170w (typ)
506.98mm 34.29mm 459.74mm 6.7kg 225 (max)
SSLM-48 19.96 in 1.35 in 18.1 in 14.6 lb 48 SFP ports 170w (typ)
506.98mm 34.29mm 459.74mm 6.7kg 225 (max)
TSLM-48 19.96 in 1.35 in 18.1 in 14.6 lb 48 SFP ports 190w (typ)
506.98mm 34.29mm 459.74mm 6.7kg 275 (max)
40G CFP Parallel 40GBASE-LR4+/G.695 (4 Wavelength WDM 10km, 40GbE, OTU3, 8w (typ)
OC768/STM256) (PN NTTA12BAE6) 12w (max)
40G CFP Serial G.693 (1550nm Serial 2km, 40GbE, OC768/STM256, OTU3) (PN 13w (typ)
NTTA13EEE6) 16w (max)

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Appendix B - 213
SFP/XFP/CFP Specifications

Table B-10. 5400 Switch Module Specifications (Continued)

Module Height Width Depth Weight Ports
OPT-LR-1 Extended Temp (155Mbps-2.67 Gbps) LR-1/L-1.1 / L-1.4 / L-1.16 (1550nm, 0.7w (typ)
40km) OPT-LR1 (PN160-9011-90x) 1w (max)
OPT-LR-2 Extended Temp 155Mbps-2.67 Gbps LR-2/L-2.1 / L-2.4 / L-2.16 (1550 nm, 0.7w (typ)
80km) OPT-LR2 (PN 160-9012-90x) 1w (max)
GigE 1000Base-ZX SFP (1550nm up to 80km) OPT-ZXET (PN 162-0093-900) 0.7w (typ)
1w (max)
GigE 1000Base-SX SFP (850nm multimode fiber up to 500m) OPT-SX B-700-1016-001 0.5w (typ)
1w (max)
GigE 1000Base-LX SFP with LC Connector 1310nm for single-mode fiber, distances up w (typ)
to 5km OPT-LX (PN B-700-1016-002) w (max)
OPT-SR-1 Extended Temp OC3-OTU1 SR-1/I-1.1/ I-1.4/ I-1.16 (1310nm, 5 - 10 km) 0.6w (typ)
OPT-SR1 (PN B-700-1036-00x) 1w (max)
OPT-IR-1 Extended Temp OC3-OTU1 IR-1/S-1.1 / S-1.4 / S-1.16 (1310nm, 20-30km) 0.7w (typ)
OPT-IR1-H (PN B-730-0001-00x) 1w (max)
GigE - ELT-BT, Electrical 10/100/1000Base-T SFP ELT-BT (PN B-730-0004-001) 1.05w (typ)
1.24w (max)
XFP-OPT-SR (Extended Temp) 850nm XFP-EXT-SR (PN 130-4904-900) 1.15w (typ)
1.5w (max)
XFP-OPT-LR (SR-1 Extended Temp) 10G SR-1/I-64.1 (1310nm, 2km) XFP-EXT-ER 1.65w (typ)
(PN 130-4905-900) 2.50w (max)
XFP-OPT-ER (IR-2 Extended Temp) 10G IR-2/S-64.2b (1550nm, 40km) XFP-EXT-UR 1.8w (typ)
(PN 130-4906-900) 3.5w (max)
XFP-OPT-UR (LR-2 Extended Temp) 10G LR-2c/L-64.2c (1550nm, 80km) XFP-OPT- 1.9w (typ)
UR (PN 130-4907-900) 3.5w (max)
XFP - C-Band Tunable (PN 160-9002-900) w (typ)
w (max)

SFP/XFP/CFP Specifications
The tables in this section list the 5430 Switch transceiver specifications:
• Table B-11, B-700-1036-00x OPT-SR1 Transceiver Specifications
• Table B-12, B-730-0001-00x OPT-IR1 Transceiver Specifications on Page 215
• Table B-13, 160-9011-90x OPT-LR-1 Transceiver Specifications on Page 215
• Table B-14, 160-9012-90x OPT-LR-2 Multirate Transceiver Specifications on Page 216
• Table B-15, B-700-1016-001 GigE 1000Base-SX Transceiver Specifications on Page 217
• Table B-16, B-700-1016-002 GigE 1000Base-LX Transceiver Specifications on Page 217

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214 Appendix B -
SFP/XFP/CFP Specifications

• Table B-17, 162-0093-900 GigE 1000Base-ZX Transceiver Specifications on Page 217

• Table B-19, 130-4904-900 XFP-OPT-SR Transceiver Specifications on Page 218
• Table B-20, 130-4905-90x XFP-EXT-LR Transceiver Specifications on Page 219
• Table B-21, 130-4906-90x XFP-EXT-ER Transceiver Specifications on Page 219
• Table B-22, 130-4907-90x XFP-EXT-UR Transceiver Specifications on Page 220
• Table B-23, 160-9002-900 C-Band Tunable Transceiver Specifications on Page 220
• Table B-24, NTTA12BAE6 40G CFP Parallel Transceiver Specifications on Page 221
• Table B-25, NTTA13BAE6 40G CFP Serial Transceiver Specifications on Page 222

B-700-1036-00x OPT-SR1 Transceiver Specifications

Table B-11 provides the OPT-SR1 transceiver specifications.
Table B-11. B-700-1036-00x OPT-SR1 Transceiver Specifications
Parameter Minimum Typical Maximum
Optical Output Power (9/125m SMF) (dBm) -8.5 -3
Optical Wavelength (nm) 1270 1360
Spectral Width (nm) 4
Optical Extinction Ratio (dB) 8.2
Receiver Sensitivity 2.7Gb/s -19.5
(BER=10-15)(dBm) OC-48 (STM-16) -19.5
2X Fiber -21
GbE -22
OC-12 (STM-4) -22
OC-3 (STM-1) -23
Receiver Optical Wavelength (nm) 1270 1600
Receiver Overload (dBm) -3
Receiver Damage Threshold (dBm) 4
Transmission Range (9/125m OTU1 3
SMF) (km)
OC-48 (STM-16) 4
2X Fiber 10
GbE 10
OC-3/12 (STM-1/4) 10
Temperature Range -5C to 85C

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Appendix B - 215
SFP/XFP/CFP Specifications

B-730-0001-00x OPT-IR1 Transceiver Specifications

Table B-12 provides the OPT-IR1 transceiver specifications.
Table B-12. B-730-0001-00x OPT-IR1 Transceiver Specifications
Parameter Minimum Typical Maximum
Optical Output Power (9/125m SMF) (dBm) -4 -1
Optical Wavelength (nm) 1270 1360
Spectral Width (nm) 1
Optical Extinction Ratio (dB) 8.2
Receiver Sensitivity (dBm) 2.7Gb/s -19.5
OC-48 (STM-16) -19.5
2X Fiber -21
GbE -22
OC-3 (STM-1) -23
OC-12 (STM-4) -22
Receiver Optical Wavelength (nm) 1270 1600
Receiver Overload (dBm) 0
Receiver Damage Threshold (dBm) 6
Transmission Range (9/125m SMF) (km) OC-3/12 (STM-1/4) 30
OC-48 (STM-16() 20
2X Fiber 30
GbE 30
Temperature Range -5C to 85C

160-9011-90x OPT-LR-1 Transceiver Specifications

Table B-13 provides the OPT-LR-1transceiver specifications.
Table B-13. 160-9011-90x OPT-LR-1 Transceiver Specifications
Parameter Minimum Typical Maximum
Optical Output Power (9/125m SMF) (dBm) -1 2
Optical Wavelength (nm) 1280 1335
Spectral Width (nm) 1
Optical Extinction Ratio (dB) 8.2
Receiver Sensitivity (BER=10-15)(dBm) STM-1/4 (OC-3/12) -9 -27
Receiver Optical Wavelength (nm) 1270 1600
Input Optical Reflectance (dB) -12
Receiver Overload (dBm) -7

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216 Appendix B -
SFP/XFP/CFP Specifications

Table B-13. 160-9011-90x OPT-LR-1 Transceiver Specifications (Continued)

Parameter Minimum Typical Maximum
Receiver Damage Threshold (dBm) 6
Transmission Range (9/125m SMF) (km) OC-3/12 (STM-1/4) 50
OC-48 (STM-16) 45
2X Fiber 47
GbE 50
Temperature Range -5C to 85C

160-9012-90x OPT-LR-2 Multirate Transceiver Specifications

Table B-14 provides the OPT-LR-2 multirate transceiver specifications.
Table B-14. 160-9012-90x OPT-LR-2 Multirate Transceiver Specifications
Parameter Minimum Typical Maximum
Optical Output Power (9/125m SMF) (dBm) -2 3
Optical Wavelength (nm) 1500 1580
Spectral Width (nm) 1
Optical Extinction Ratio (dB) 8.2
Receiver Sensitivity (BER=10-15)(dBm) 2.7Gb/s -9 -29.5
OC-48 (STM-16) -9 -29.5
2X Fiber -9 -28
GbE -9 -30
OC-3/12 (STM-1/4) -9 -30
Receiver Optical Wavelength (nm) 1270 1600
Input Optical Reflectance (dB) -12
Receiver Overload (dBm) -6
Receiver Damage Threshold (dBm) 4
Transmission Range (9/125m SMF) (km) OC-3/12 (STM-1/4) 100
OC-48 (STM-16) 80
2FC 85
GbE 100
Temperature Range -5C to 85C

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Appendix B - 217
SFP/XFP/CFP Specifications

B-700-1016-001 GigE 1000Base-SX

Table B-15 provides the GigE 1000Base-SX transceiver specifications.
Table B-15. B-700-1016-001 GigE 1000Base-SX Transceiver Specifications
Parameter Minimum Typical Maximum
Output Power (dBm) -9 3.5
Center Wavelength (nm) 770 860
Spectral Width (nm) 0.85
Extinction Ratio (dB) 9
Supported Data Rates: 2.125 Gb/s
Receiver Sensitivity (dBm) (BER=10-12) -20 -18
Receiver Optical Wavelength (nm) 830 860
Path Penalty
Temperature Range -20C to 90C

B-700-1016-002 GigE 1000Base-LX

Table B-16 provides the GigE 1000Base-LX transceiver specifications.
Table B-16. B-700-1016-002 GigE 1000Base-LX Transceiver Specifications
Parameter Minimum Typical Maximum
Output Power (dBm) -9 -6 -3
Center Wavelength (nm) 1265 1310 1365
Spectral Width (nm) 3
Extinction Ratio (dB) 9
Supported Data Rates: 2.125 Gb/s
Receiver Optical Wavelength (nm) 1265 1365
Receiver Reflectance (dB) -12
Temperature Range -5 to 85C

162-0093-900 GigE 1000Base-ZX

Table B-17 provides the GigE 1000Base-ZX transceiver specifications.
Table B-17. 162-0093-900 GigE 1000Base-ZX Transceiver Specifications
Parameter Minimum Typical Maximum
Output Power (dBm) 0 +5
Center Wavelength (nm) 1500 1550 1580
Spectral Width (nm) 2.5
Extinction Ratio (dB) 9

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218 Appendix B -
SFP/XFP/CFP Specifications

Table B-17. 162-0093-900 GigE 1000Base-ZX Transceiver Specifications (Continued)

Parameter Minimum Typical Maximum
Supported Data Rates: OC-192/STM-64, OTU2, 10GbE, and 10G FC
Receiver Optical Wavelength (nm) 1100 1600
Path Penalty 1.2
Temperature Range -5 to 85C

B-730-0004-001 GigE - ELT-BT, Electrical 10/100/1000Base-T

Table B-18 provides the GigE - ELT-BT transceiver specifications.

Table B-18. ELT-BT Specifications

Parameter Value
Transmission mode 10/100/1000 BaseT
Connector type RJ-45
Required cable Shielded Cat5e
Transmission range 100m
Two types of cables are used to connect the Ethernet devices together, straight-through and
crossed-over cables. Straight-through wiring occurs when the user has wired both ends
identically, so that the signal passes straight through. Crossover wiring has a reverse order of

A 10/100Base-T Ethernet cable utilizes two pairs of signals whereas a 1000Base-T Ethernet
cable contains four pairs of signals. For Electrical 1000Base-T Ethernet (EE1) ports and
electrical 10/100 Base-T Ethernet (EEX) ports, the cable-type parameter may be
provisioned to straight, cross over, or auto-detect. The default value for the parameter is
auto-detect, which enables the automatic detection and correction of incorrect cabling with
respect to crossed-over or straight-through cables.

The cable-type parameter sets the 10/100/1000Base-T ports to swap the signal pairs to
accommodate the specified type of RJ-45 cable that is connected to the port.

Refer to Chapter 3 for a description of the Electrical-to-Optical SFP settings.

130-4904-900 XFP-OPT-SR Transceiver Specifications

Table B-19 provides the XFP-OPT-SR transceiver specifications.
Table B-19. 130-4904-900 XFP-OPT-SR Transceiver Specifications
Parameter Minimum Typical Maximum
Output Power (dBm) -7 -1
Center Wavelength (nm) 840 860
Spectral Width (nm)
Extinction Ratio (dB)

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SFP/XFP/CFP Specifications

Table B-19. 130-4904-900 XFP-OPT-SR Transceiver Specifications (Continued)

Parameter Minimum Typical Maximum
Supported Data Rates: OC-192/STM-64, OTU2, 10GbE, and 10G FC
Receiver Sensitivity (dBm) (BER=10-12) -12
Receiver Optical Wavelength (nm) 840 860
Receiver Reflectance (dB) -14
Overload (dBm) -1
Path Penalty 1 1
Temperature Range -5C to 85C

130-4905-90x XFP-EXT-LR Transceiver Specifications

Table B-20 provides the extended temperature (-5C to 85C) XFP-EXT-LR (2km) transceiver
Table B-20. 130-4905-90x XFP-EXT-LR Transceiver Specifications
Parameter Minimum Typical Maximum
Output Power (dBm) -5 -1
Center Wavelength (nm) 1290 1330
Spectral Width (nm) 1
Extinction Ratio (dB) 7
Supported Data Rates: OC-192/STM-64, OTU2, 10GbE, and 10G FC
Receiver Sensitivity (dBm) (BER=10-12) -12.6
Receiver Optical Wavelength (nm) 1260 1310 1580
Receiver Reflectance (dB) -14
Overload (dBm) -1
Path Penalty 1 1
Temperature Range -5C to 85C

130-4906-90x XFP-EXT-ER Transceiver Specifications

Table B-21 provides the extended temperature (-5C to 85C) XFP-EXT-ER (40km) transceiver
Table B-21. 130-4906-90x XFP-EXT-ER Transceiver Specifications
Parameter Minimum Typical Maximum
Output Power (dBm) -0.5 2
Extinction Ratio (dB) 10.7/11.1Gb/s 9
Center Wavelength (nm) 1530 1550 1570
Spectral Width (nm) 1

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220 Appendix B -
SFP/XFP/CFP Specifications

Table B-21. 130-4906-90x XFP-EXT-ER Transceiver Specifications (Continued)

Parameter Minimum Typical Maximum
Supported Data Rates: OC-192/STM-64, OTU2, 10GbE, and 10G FC
Receiver Sensitivity (dBm) -16.5
Path Penalty (dB) 2
Receiver Reflectance (dB) -27
Overload (dBm) -1
Temperature Range -5C to 85C

130-4907-90x XFP-EXT-UR Transceiver Specifications

Table B-22 provides the extended temperature (-5C to 85C) XFP-EXT-UR (80km) transceiver
Table B-22. 130-4907-90x XFP-EXT-UR Transceiver Specifications
Parameter Minimum Typical Maximum
Output Power (dBm) 0.5 4
Extinction Ratio (dB) 9.5
Center Wavelength (nm) 1530 1550 1565
Spectral Width (nm) 1
Supported Data Rates: O C-192/STM-64, OTU2, 10GbE, and 10G FC
Receiver Sensitivity (dBm)
• Data Rate < 10.5Gb/s -25
• Data Rate > 10.5Gb/s -24
Path Penalty (dB) 2.5
Receiver Reflectance (dB) -27
Overload (dBm) -7
Temperature Range -5C to 85C

160-9002-900 C-Band Tunable Transceiver Specifications

Table B-20 provides the C-Band Tunable transceiver specifications.
Table B-23. 160-9002-900 C-Band Tunable Transceiver Specifications
Parameter Minimum Typical Maximum
Output Power (dBm) -1 3
Wavelength (nm) 1528 1568
Wavelength Stability (+/-)(GH) 1.5 2.5
Spectral Width (nm) 0.2
Extinction Ratio (dB) 9.0

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SFP/XFP/CFP Specifications

Table B-23. 160-9002-900 C-Band Tunable Transceiver Specifications (Continued)

Parameter Minimum Typical Maximum
Side Mode Suppression Ratio (dB) 35
Supported Data Rates: OC-192/STM-64, OTU2
Receiver Center Wavelength (nm) 1260 1600
Receiver Sensitivity (dBm) (BER=10-12) -24
Receiver Overload (dBm) -7.0
Receiver Damage Threshold (dBm) +3.0
Receiver Reflectance (dB) -27
Temperature Range -10 to 75C

NTTA12BAE6 40G CFP Parallel Transceiver Specifications

Table B-24 provides the 40G CFP Parallel transceiver specifications.
Table B-24. NTTA12BAE6 40G CFP Parallel Transceiver Specifications
Parameter Minimum Typical Maximum
Fiber Type SMF
Signaling speed, each lane 10.30125Gbps ± 100ppm
Operating Reach 2km 10km
Center Wavelength (nm
Lane 1 1264.5 1277.5
Lane 2 1284.5 1297.5
Lane 3 1304.5 1317.5
Lane 4 1324.5 1337.5
Transmitter Optical Interface
Total average launch power +8.3dBm
Average launch power, each lane -7dBm +2.3dBm
OMA, each lane -4dBm +3.5dBm
Total average launch power (dBm) +8.3dBm
DifferenceOMA between any two lanes +6.5dBm
OMA - TDP, each lane -4.8dBm
Transmitter and Dispersion Penalty (TDP), +2.3dBm
each lane
Extinction Ratio +3.5dB +5.5dB
Optical Return Loss Tolerance +20dB
Transmitter Refrectance -12dB

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222 Appendix B -
SFP/XFP/CFP Specifications

Table B-24. NTTA12BAE6 40G CFP Parallel Transceiver Specifications (Continued)

Parameter Minimum Typical Maximum
Transmitter Optical Interface
Damage Threshold 3.3dBm
Average receive power, each lane -13.7dBm +2.3dBm
Receive power, each lane (OMA) -11.5dBm +3.5dBm
Difference in OMA between any two lanes +7.5dBm
Receiver reflectance (max) -26dB

NTTA13EEE6 40G CFP Serial Transceiver Specifications

Table B-25 provides the 40G CFP Serial transceiver specifications.
Table B-25. NTTA13BAE6 40G CFP Serial Transceiver Specifications
Parameter Minimum Typical Maximum
Output Power (dBm) 0 +3
Center Wavelength (nm) 1530 1565
Spectral Width (nm)
Extinction Ratio (dB) 9
Supported Data Rates: OC-7682/STM-256, OTU3, 40GbE
Receiver Sensitivity (dBm) (BER=10-12) -6
Receiver Optical Wavelength (nm) 1260 1580
Receiver Reflectance (dB) -27
Overload (dBm) +3
Path Penalty 2
Temperature Range -5 to 75C
Fiber Type SMF
Signaling speed 41.250000 Gbps (40GbE mode)
39.813120 Gbps (SDH mode)
41.018413 Gbps (OTU3 mode)
Operating Reach 0km 2km
Transmission power penalty (max) 2dB
Total Link Budget (min) 6dB
Transmitter Optical Interface
Average launch power 0dBm +3dBm
Extinction Ratio +8.2dB
Optical Return Loss Tolerance (max) +20dB
Transmitter Reflectance -12dB

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SFP/XFP/CFP Specifications

Table B-25. NTTA13BAE6 40G CFP Serial Transceiver Specifications (Continued)

Parameter Minimum Typical Maximum
Transmitter Optical Interface
Damage Threshold 4dBm
Average receive power -6dBm +3dBm
Receiver reflectance (max) -27dB

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224 Appendix B -
5400 Switch Standards

5400 Switch Standards

Telcordia-SONET - R1.0 and Later (below)
ITU-SDH - R1.0 and Later (below)
ITU-OTN - R1.1 and Later on Page 225
Management - R1.0 and Later on Page 225
OIF-E-NNI-Sig-02.0 - R2.1 and Later on Page 225
LM Standards & Regulatory Compliance- R1.0 and Later on Page 225
Hardware Standards on Page 226

Telcordia-SONET - R1.0 and Later

• GR-253
• GR-1244 (Synch – Stratum 3E)
• GR-1093 (States for TL1)
• GR-831 (TL1)
• GR-1400 (R1.1and later)
• GR-63 (NEBS)

ITU-SDH - R1.0 and Later

• G.707 SDH Mux Structure
• G.781 Synchronization
• G.783 Characteristics of SDH
• G.784 SDH Performance Monitoring
• G.803 Architecture Of Transport Networks Based on SDH
• G.806 Characteristics of Transport Equipment
• G.812 Stratum3E/Type III Node Clock
• G.813 SEC Node Clock
• G.823 Network Jitter And Wander
• G.825 Jitter And Wander
• G.826 End To End Error Performance
• G.828 Performance Monitoring
• G.841 Protection
• G.842 Protection Interworking
• G.693 Optics
• G.957 Optics
• G.959 Optics
• G.7041 GFP (r1.1)
• G.7042 LCAS (r1.1)

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5400 Switch Standards

ITU-OTN - R1.1 and Later

• G.709 Mux Structure
• G.798 Characteristics of OTN
• G.873 Linear Protection
• G.8201 PM
• G.8251 Jitter & Wander
• G.975 (Standard FEC)
• G.975.1 (I.4 FEC)

Management - R1.0 and Later

• M.3100
• X.730
• X.731
• X.733
• X.734

OIF-E-NNI-Sig-02.0 - R2.1 and Later

• OIF-UNI-02.0-Common UNI Signaling Specifications (r2.0)

LM Standards & Regulatory Compliance- R1.0 and Later

1.1 European/International Specifications
The 5430 Switch meets standards including ETSI 300-019, ETSI 300 386, ETSI 300 132, ETSI 300
253, EN 60950-1, IEC 1000-4-2, IEC 1000-4-4, IEC 1000-4-5, IEC 60950-1.

1.2 Telcordia Requirements

Telcordia specifications including GR-1089 Issue 4, TR-NWT- 000063, NEBS GR 63 Issue 3, GR-
513 Issue 1 and GR-449 Issue 2.

1.3 Customer Specific Requirements

The 5430 Switch meets NEBS AT&T 802-010-100 as well as other customer specific requirements
such as AT&T -TP-76200 Design requirements, AT&T -TP-76450 power requirements, NTT In-
Rush, Sprint TS-71, Sprint TS-93 and Sprint TS-94 and FCC Part 68 applicable requirements.

1.4 FCC Part 15

The 5430 Switch meets the radiated emission requirements of FCC part 15 class A.

1.5 Safety Requirements

In addition to IEC the 5430 Switch backplane design meets the CSA 60950-1 and UL 60950-1
requirements as well as the following safety standards:
• UL 60950-1, Second Edition, dated March 27,2007: Information Technology Equipment -
Safety - Part 1: General Requirements

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226 Appendix B -
5400 Switch Standards

• CSA C22.2 No. 60950-1-07, Second Edition, dated March 27, 2007: Information Technology
Equipment - Safety - Part 1: General Requirements
• EN 60950-1: 2006: Information Technology Equipment - Safety - Part 1: General Requirements
• IEC 60950-1, Second Edition, 2005-12: Information Technology Equipment - Safety - Part 1:
General Requirements

1.6 Related Specifications

The 5430 Switch meets design incorporates features to meet the latest issues of the following test
and inspection specifications:
• ETSI 300-019 Environmental Requirements (including storage, transportation, climate, shock,
earth quake and vibration)
• ETSI 300 386 CE EMC Directives (Including immunity to surge, EFT, CW noise, voltage dips,
conducted transients, radiated immunity as well as conducted and radiated emissions)
• ETSI 300 132 DC Power Distribution (Including in rush limitations, operating range, noise and
transient immunity)
• ETSI 300 253 Specifies Bonding and Grounding requirements
• NEBS Telcordia GR 63 Equipment Physical Protection Requirements (including storage,
transportation, climate, shock, earth quake and vibration)
• Telcordia GR1089 EMC and Electrical Safety
• Telcordia GR-513 Power Requirements detailed in section 13 (Including in rush limitations,
operating range, noise and transient immunity)
• UL 60950-1, CSA60950-1, EN 60950-1 and IEC 60950-1: Safety requirements including
bonding, grounding, component compliance and appropriate markings.
• ANSI/IPC-A-610 Acceptability of Electronic Assemblies, Class 3.
• ANSI/IPC-782 specified design requirements

Hardware Standards
• Telcordia GR-1089, Electromagnetic Compatibility and Electrical Safety - Generic Criteria for
Network Telecommunications Equipment, Issue 4, October 2002.
• 2.1 ESD, 2.2 EFT, 3.2 Emissions, 3.3 Immunity, 4.0 Lightning and AC Power Fault, 7.0
Electrical Safety, 9.0 Bonding and Grounding and 10.0 Criteria of DC power Port of Telecom
Load Equipment
• Telcordia GR-63-CORE, Network Equipment-Building System (NEBS) Requirements: Physical
Protection, Issue 3.
• 2.0 Spatial Requirements, 4.1 Temperature, Humidity and Altitude, 4.2 Fire Resistance, 4.3
Equipment Handling Criteria, 4.4 Earthquake, Office Vibration and Transportation Vibration,
4.5 Airborne Contaminants, 4.6 Acoustic Noise, 4.7 Illumination
• UL/CSA-60950-1, Product Safety Requirements for ITE Equipment (US, Canada).
• IEC 60950, Safety of Information Technology Equipment (All Countries).
• EN 60950, Safety of Information Technology Equipment (EU).
• FCC Title 47, Part 15, Subpart B, Class A, Limits for Radiated Emissions (US).
• ICES-003 Class A, Limits for Radiated Emissions (Canada)
• ETSI EN 300 386 Equipment Engineering; Public Telecommunications Equipment EMC

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Appendix B - 227
5400 Switch Standards

• EN55022 Limits and Methods of Measurement of Radio Disturbance Characteristics of

Information Technology Equipment
• EN61000-4-2EMC Testing and Measurement Techniques, Electrostatic Immunity Discharge
Immunity Test
• EN61000-4-3/ EN50204 EMC Testing and Measurement Techniques, Radiated, Radio
Frequency, Electromagnetic Field Immunity Test
• EN61000-4-4 EMC Testing and Measurement Techniques, Electrical Fast Transient, Burst
Immunity Test
• EN61000-4-5 EMC Testing and Measurement Techniques – Surge Immunity Test
• EN61000-4-6 Testing and Measurement Techniques – Immunity to Conducted Disturbances
• ETS 300 753 Measurement of Acoustic Noise
• EN 300 132-2 Power Supply interface at the input to telecommunications equipment; Part 2:
Operated by direct current (dc)
• ETS 300 019-1 Environmental Conditions and environmental tests for telecommunications

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228 Appendix B -
5400 Switch Standards


5400 Reconfigurable Switching System 009-3209-000 - Revision A

Copyright© 2011 Ciena® Corporation December 16, 2011

This section contains definitions for acronyms, abbreviations, and technical terms used in this
manual. These have been selected so as to not conflict with definitions originated by Telcordia, ISO,
ITU-T or other standards bodies. Some acronyms have been defined in ways that are specific to the
5400 Reconfigurable Switching System however, these definitions do not conflict with standard
definitions. In some cases, informal definitions have been included with the more formal, technical
definition. This is intended to explain the term in relation to 5400 Switch operation.

Acronyms and Abbreviations

Abbreviation/ Definition

1+1 The APS or MSP line protection scheme that uses one designated protect line
for one working line. If the working line fails, all associated connections are
automatically switched over to the protect line (both lines must conform to a
specific configuration within the optical module).

1:n The APS or MSP line protection scheme that uses one designated protect line
for one or more working lines. If a working line fails, all associated connections
are automatically switched over to the protect line, if it is available. See channel

10 GbE 10 Gigabit Ethernet

10 GFC 10 Gigabit Fiber Channel (same as FC1200)

100G 100 Gigabit

10G 10 Gigabit

2.5G 2.5 Gigabit

3DES Triple Data Encryption Algorithm Data Encryption Standard

40G 40 Gigabit

ACO Alarm Cutoff

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230 Glossary
Acronyms and Abbreviations

Abbreviation/ Definition

AID Access Identifier block

AIS Alarm Indication Signal

AIS-L Alarm Indication Signal, Line (detected at the line layer)

AIS-P Alarm Indication Signal, Path (detected at the path layer)

ALS Automatic Laser Shutdown

AMF APS Mode Mismatch Failure

AMI Alternate Mark Inversion; Access Method Interface

ANSI American National Standards Institute

API Access Point Identifier

APS Automatic Protection Switching

ARD Absolute Route Diversity

ARP Address Resolution Protocol

ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange

ASIC Application Specific Integrated Circuit

AWG American Wire Gauge

atag Autonomous Tag

BBE Background Block Error

BDFB Battery Distribution Fuse Bay

BDI Backward Defect Indicator

BE Block Error; Best Effort

BELLCORE Refer to Telcordia.

BER Bit Error Rate

BIP Bit-Interleaved Parity

BITS Building Integrated Timing Source

BLSR Bidirectional Line Switched Ring

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Glossary 231

Abbreviation/ Definition

BOM Bill of Material

bps Bits per Second

CAC Call Admission Control

CBS Committed Burst Rate

CCITT Consultative Committee on International Telegraphy and Telephony

CD-ROM Compact Disk Read Only Memory

CDD 5430 Designer Software Tool

CDR Clock and Data Recovery

CDT Connection Dropping Threshold

CEPT Conference of European and Postal Telecommunication

CIR Committed Information Rate

CLEITM Common Language Equipment Identifier

CLI Command Line Interface

CoS Class of Service

CMF Channel Mismatch Failure

CO Central Office

CORBA Common Object Request Broker Architecture

CP Connection Provisioner

CPU Central Processing Unit

CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check

CSA Canadian Standards of Approval

CSES Consecutive Severely Errored Seconds

CTM Control Timing Module

CTP Connection Termination Point

CV(s) Code Violation(s)

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232 Glossary
Acronyms and Abbreviations

Abbreviation/ Definition

CV-L Code Violation(s) - BIP errors at the line

CV-P Code Violation(s) - BIP errors at the path (-P)

CV-S Code Violation(s) - BIP errors at the section (-S)

DB Database

dB Decibel

DBA Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation

dBm Decibel reference in milliwatts

DC Direct Current

DCC Data Communications Channel

DCE Data Communications Equipment

DCN Data Communications Network

DES Digital Encryption Standard

DMM Digital Multimeter

DTE Data Terminating Equipment; Data Transfer Engine

DTL Designated Transit List

DWDM Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (ITU G.691)

EBS Excess Burst Size

ECC Embedded Communications Channel

EEPROM Electronically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory

EF&I Engineer, Furnish, and Install

EIA Electronic Industries Association

EIR Excess Information Rate

EMI Electromagnetic Interference

EMS Element Management System

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Glossary 233

Abbreviation/ Definition

EO Equipment Order

EoS Ethernet over SONET/SDH

ER Equipment Request

ES Errored Seconds

ESD Electrostatic Discharge

ESF Extended Superframe

ES Errored Seconds

ES-S Errored Seconds at the Section

ES-L Errored Seconds at the Line

ES-MS Errored Seconds at the Multiplexor Section

ES-P Errored Seconds at the Path

ES-RS Errored Second - Regenerative Section

ESD Electrostatic Discharge

ETSI European Telecommunications Standards Institute

FC Failure Code; Failure Count

FCAPS Faults, Configuration, Accounting, Performance, and Security

FCC Federal Communications Commission

FEBE Far End Block Error

FEC Forward Error Correction

FEPLF Far-End Protection Line Failure

FERF Far End Receive Failure

FOA First Office Application

FOTS Fiber Optic Transmission Systems

FPGA Field Programmable Gate Array

FSA First Service Application

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234 Glossary
Acronyms and Abbreviations

Abbreviation/ Definition

FSB Field Service Bulletin

FTAM File Transfer Access Method

FTP File Transfer Protocol

GA General Availability

Gb/s, Gbps Gigabits per Second

GbE Gigabit Ethernet

GFP General Framing Procedure

GMT Greenwich Mean Time (Refer to UTC.)

GNE Gateway Network Element

GTP Group Termination Point

GUI Graphical User Interface

HD-SDI High Definition - Serial Digital Interface

HDLC High Level Data Link Control

HSLM Hybrid Services Line Module

HTML Hypertext Markup Language

HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol

HTTPS Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol

HRD Hardware Release Document

I/O Input/Output

ID Identifier

IDL Interface Definition Language

IE Information Element

INMS Integrated Network Management Suite

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Glossary 235

Abbreviation/ Definition

IP Internet Protocol

IR Intermediate Reach

IS In Service

IS-NR In Service - Normal

IS-ANR In Service - Abnormal (capable of performing part of its functions)

IS-ANRST In Service - Abnormal and Restricted

IS-RST In Service - Restricted (capable of performing all functions, but intentionally

suspended from performing part of the functions)

ISCC Inter-switch Communications Channel

ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network

ISO International Standards Organization

ITT International Telephone and Telegraph

ITU International Telecommunications Union

IXC Interexchange Carrier or Interexchange Common Carrier

J0 J-zero section trace performance monitoring

JSP Job Startup Package

K1 SONET or SDH overhead byte for 1+1 switching, VLSR, or MSP/MS-SPRing
(Refer to K2.)

K2 Used with K1–SONET or SDH overhead byte for 1+1 switching, VLSR, or

Kbps Kilobits per Second (one thousand bits per second)

LAN Local Area Network

LASER Light Amplification by the Stimulated Emission of Radiation

LBC Laser Bias Current

LIP Local Information Packet

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236 Glossary
Acronyms and Abbreviations

Abbreviation/ Definition

LBC Laser Bias Current

LCAS Link Capacity Adjustment Scheme

LCD Liquid Crystal Display

LCL Lower Confidence Limit

LEC Local Exchange Company

LED Light Emitting Diode

LFE Line Far End

LM Line Module

LOF Loss of Frame

LOGBUFROVFL Log File Overflow

LOH Line Overhead

LOP Loss of Pointer

LOS Loss of Signal

LP-S/SF-P Lockout of Protection-Span/Signal Fail-Protection

LPBKFACILITY Loopback, Facility

LPBKTERM Loopback, Terminal

LR Long Reach

LT Low Threshold

LTE Line Terminating Equipment

LTP Logical Termination Point; Link Termination Point

MAC Media Access Control

Mbps Megabits per second

MEA Mismatch of Equipment and Attributes

MEF Metro-Ethernet Forum

MGMT Management

MIB Management Information Base

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Glossary 237

Abbreviation/ Definition

MJ Major

MN Minor

MR Medium Reach

MS Multiplex Section

MS-AIS Multiplex Section Alarm Indication Signal

MSP Multiplex Section Protection (equivalent to SONET APS)

MS-R Manual Switch - Ring

MS-RDI Multiplex Section Remote Defect Indication

MS-REI Multiplex Section Remote Error Indication

MS-S Manual Switch - Span

MS-SPRing Multiplex Section Shared Protection Ring (equivalent to SONET VLSR)

MST Multiplex Section Terminating

MTBF Mean Time Between Failure

MTTR Mean Time to Repair

MUX Multiplexer

NA Not applicable or not available

NC Normally Closed

NCC Network Control Center

NCCI Network Call Correlation ID

NCP Nodal Control Processor

NCS Network Control System

NDP Neighbor Discovery Protocol

NDSF Non-Dispersion Shifted Fiber

NE Network Element; Near End

NEBS Network Equipment Building Standards

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238 Glossary
Acronyms and Abbreviations

Abbreviation/ Definition

NEC National Electric Code

NEF Network Element Function

nm Nanometer (10-9 meters)

NMS Network Management System

NO Normally Open (monitor point position)

NOC Network Operation Center

NSA Non-service Affecting conditions, not requiring immediate action

NSAP Network Service Access Point

NTF No Trouble Found

NTFCNCDE Notification Codes (TL1)

NTP Network Timing Protocol

NVRAM Non-Volatile Random Access Memory

OAM&P Operations, Administration, Maintenance, and Provisioning

OC Optical Carrier (asynchronous)

OC-1 Optical Carrier level 1, SONET bit rate = 51.84 Mbps

OC-3 Optical Carrier level 3, SONET bit rate = 155.52 Mbps

OC-12 Optical Carrier level 12, SONET bit rate = 622.08 Mbps

OC-48 Optical Carrier level 48, SONET bit rate = 2.4 Gbps

OC-192 Optical Carrier level 192, SONET bit rate = 9.6 (10) Gbps

OC-n Optical Carrier where n denotes a multiple of 51.84 Mbps

OCH Optical Channel

OCXO Oven-Controlled Crystal Oscillator

ODACS Optical Data Acquisition and Control System

ODU Optical Data Unit

OFS Out of Frame Second

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Abbreviation/ Definition

ODUk Optical Channel Data Unit where k is 1 or 2

OEO Optical to Electrical to Optical

OM Optical Module

OOF Out of Frame

OOS Out-of-Service

OOS-AU Out-of-Service - Autonomous

OOS-MA Out-of-Service - Management

OOS-AUMA Out-of-Service - Autonomous-and-Management

OOS-AURST Out-of-Service - Autonomous-and-Restricted

OOS-MAANR Out-of-Service - Management-and-Abnormal

OPUk Optical Channel Payload Unit where k is 1 or 2

OPVC Optical Channel Payload Virtual Container (timeslot)

ORB Object Request Broker

ORP Optical Routing Protocol

OS Operating System

OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Act

OSI Open Systems Interconnection

OSMINE Operations Systems Modifications for the Integration of Network Elements

OSP Optical Signaling Protocol

OSPF Open Shortest Path First routing protocol

OSRP Optical Signaling and Routing Protocol

OTN Optical Transport Network

OTNCG Optical Transport Network Concatenation Group

OTS Optical Transmission Section

OTU Optical Channel Transport Unit

OTU1 Optical Channel Transport Unit 1 (2.5Gb/s ITU G.709 framing)

OTU2 Optical Channel Transport Unit 2 (10Gb/s ITU G.709 framing)

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Acronyms and Abbreviations

Abbreviation/ Definition

OTU3 Optical Channel Transport Unit 3 (40Gb/s ITU G.709 framing)

OTU4 Optical Channel Transport Unit 4 (100Gb/s)

OTUk Generic reference to OTU1, OTU2, OTU3 or OTU4

P2P Point-to-Point (part of OSPF routing protocol)

PC Personal Computer

PCN Product Change Notice

PDH Pleisiochronous Digital Hierarchy

PDI Payload Defect Indication

PDU Power Distribution Unit; Protocol Data Unit

PFE Path Far End

PJ Pointer Justification

PLD Programmable Logic Device

PLL Phase-Lock Loop

PM Performance Monitoring

PMD Polarization Mode Dispersion

PO Purchase Order

POH Path Overhead

POP Point-of-Presence

PoS Packet over SONET/SDH

PSC Protection Switch Count

PSLM Packet Services Line Module

PTE Path Terminating Equipment

PTP Physical Termination Point

PWR Power

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Glossary 241

Abbreviation/ Definition

Q3 Telecommunications Management Network (TMN) Interface

QoS Quality of Service

RAM Random Access Memory

RBOC Regional Bell Operating Company

RCVR Receiver

RDI Remote Defect Indication

RDI-L Remote Defect Indication - Line (detected at the line-layer)

RDI-P Remote Defect Indication - Path (detected at the path-layer)

REI Remote Error Indication

REI-L Remote Error Indication - Line Layer

REI-P Remote Error Indication - Path Layer

RF Radio Frequency

RFI Remote Frame Indicator; Remote Fault Indicator

RFI-L Remote Failure Indication (detected at the line-layer)

RFI-P Remote Failure Indication (detected at the path-layer)

RMA Return Materials Authorization

ROADM Reconfigurable Optical Add/Drop Multiplexer

RR-R Reverse Request - Ring

RR-S Reverse Request - Span

RS Regenerator Section

RST Regenerator Section Terminating

RTN Return

RTS Request to Send

RTRV Retrieve

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242 Glossary
Acronyms and Abbreviations

Abbreviation/ Definition

RU Rack Unit

RX or Rx Receive

SA Service Affecting

SCN Service Channel Network

SD Signal Degradation

SD-P Signal Degrade - Protection

SD-R Signal Degrade - Ring

SD-S Signal Degrade - Span

SD-SDI Standard Definition - Serial Digital Interface

SDBER Signal Degrade, excessive Bit Error Rate

SDH Synchronous Digital Hierarchy

SDH Synchronous Digital Hierarchy

SDRAM Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory

SEF Severely Errored Framing seconds at the section (-S) layer only; SNM - Source
Explicit Forwarding

SEFS Severely Errored Framing Second

SER Serializer/Deserializer

SES Severely Errored Seconds

SES-L Severely Errored Seconds Line

SES-P Severely Errored Seconds Path

SES-S Severely Errored Seconds Section

SF Signal Failure; SONET Framer

SFBER Signal Fail, excessive Bit Error Rate

SF-R Signal Fail - Ring

SF-S Signal Fail - Span

SFP Small Form-factor Pluggable Transceiver

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Glossary 243

Abbreviation/ Definition

SFTP Secure File Transfer Protocol

SLA Service Level Agreement

SM Switch Module

SNC Subnetwork Connection

SNCP Subnetwork Connection Protection

SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol

SNR Signal-to-Noise Ratio

SOH Section Overhead

SONET Synchronous Optical Network

SPE Synchronous Payload Envelope

SPVC Synchronous Payload Virtual Container

SR Short Reach

SRD Software Release Document

SRVEFF Service affecting (TL1)

SSL Secure Socket Layer

SSM Synchronization Status Messaging

SST Secondary State

STE Section Terminating Equipment

STM Synchronous Transport Mode - SDH counterpart to STS.

STM-1 Synchronous Transfer Module 1 (SDH bit rate 155.52 Mb/s)

STM-16 Synchronous Transfer Module 16 (SDH bit rate 2.448 Gb/s)

STM-64 Synchronous Transfer Module 64 (SDH bit rate 10.3125 Gb/s)

STM-256 Synchronous Transfer Module 256 (SDH bit rate 40 Gb/s)

STM-640 Synchronous Transfer Module 640 (SDH bit rate 100 Gb/s)

STS Synchronous Transport Signal

STTP SONET/SDH trail termination point

STU Secure Telephone Unit

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244 Glossary
Acronyms and Abbreviations

Abbreviation/ Definition

STS-n Generic reference to STS-1, STS-3, STS-12, STS-48, STS-192, STS-768

where n denotes a multiple of 51.84 Mb/s

SVC Switched Virtual Circuit

T1 Service or line operating at the DS-1 rate (1.544 Mb/s)

TAC Transport Aggregated Circuit

TADRMAP Target Address Map

Tb/s, Tbps Terabits per Second

TCA Threshold Crossing Alarm; Threshold Crossing Alert

TCM Tandem Connection Management

TCP Transmission Control Protocol; Trouble Cleaning Procedure

TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol

TDEV Time Deviation

TDM Time Division Multiplexing

TFTP Trivial File Transfer Protocol

TGS Time Generator Subsystem

TID Target Identifier Block

TIE Time Interval Error

TIM (1) Trace Identifier Message

TIM (2) Trace Identifier Mismatch

TIRKS Trunk Inventory Record Keeping System

TEO Telephone Equipment Order

THz TeraHertz (1012 power hertz)

TL1 Transaction Language One

TLC Transparent Logical Connection

TLS Transport Layer Security

TeLecommunication Series, Littelfuse Compact fuse

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Glossary 245

Abbreviation/ Definition

TM Timing Module

TMN Telecommunication Management Network

TOH Transport Overhead (TOH = SOH + LOH)

TOP Task Oriented Practice

TP Termination Point

TPS TelPower Series, Bussmann Compact® fuse

TS Time Slot(s); Time Stamp

TSE Topology State Element

TSI Time Slot Interchange

TSLM TDM Services Line Module

TSX Time-Space Switch ASIC

TTP Trail Termination Point

TU Transmission Unit

TX or Tx Transmit

UAS Unavailable Seconds or Universally Accepted

UAS-S Unavailable Seconds - Section

UAS-RS Unavailable Seconds - Regenerative Section

UAT Unavailable Time

UEQ Unequipped

UL Underwriter's Laboratory

ULH Ultra Long Haul

UPC Ultra Physical Contact (refers to optical connectors)

UPS Uninterrupted Power Supply

UPSR Unidirectional Path - Switched Ring

UTC Universal Time Coordinated

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246 Glossary
Acronyms and Abbreviations

Abbreviation/ Definition

USEPA United States Environmental Protection Agency

UTP Unprotected Termination Point(s)

VAC Volts Alternating Current

VC Virtual Container

VCG Virtual Concatenation Group

VCAT Virtual Concatenation

VCI Virtual Circuit Identifier

VCXO Voltage Controlled Crystal Oscillator

VDC Volts Direct Current

VLSR Virtual Line Switched Ring

VPSP Virtual Path Switch Protection

VT Virtual Tributary

WAN Wide Area Network

WFQ Weighted Fair Queueing

WFQS Weighted Fair Queueing Status Control

WDM Wavelength Division Multiplexing

WDT Watchdog timer

WRED Weighted Random Early Detection

WTR Wait to Restore

X.25 ITU-T standard governing the operation of packet-switching networks

XCVR Transceiver

XFP 10Gb/s Small Form-factor Pluggable Transceiver

Y/y Y key on keyboard for a yes response

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Glossary 247

Abbreviation/ Definition

ZPT Zero Pass Through

This section contains definitions of terms used in Ciena Corporation documentation. These have been
selected so as to not conflict with definitions originated by Telcordia, ISO, ITU-T or other standards bodies.
Some terms have been defined in ways specific to the 5400 Switch, but do not conflict with standard
definitions. In some cases, informal definitions have been included with the more formal, technical definition.
This is intended to explain the term in relation to 5430 operation.

Term Definition

Administrative weight or admin The numerical value or cost assigned to an Optical Signaling and
wt Routing Protocol (OSRP) link for routing purposes; the higher the
administrative weight, the higher the cost of routing over that link.
The alarm severity that the user can set to a fault, e.g., critical, major,

Alarm An abnormal condition which exists in a network element that may

negatively impact network traffic. An alarm is a condition that has
duration in time and remains in effect until it is cleared.

Asynchronous Transmission A method of data transmission that allows data bits to be sent at
irregular intervals by preceding each with a start bit and following it
with a stop bit.

Attenuation (1) Limited Operation. The condition in a fiber optic link when
operation is limited by the power of the received signal (rather than
by bandwidth or by distortion).
(2) The decrease in magnitude of power of a signal in transmission
between points. A term used for expressing the total losses on an
optical fiber consisting of the ratio of light output to light input.
Attenuation is usually measured in decibels per kilometer (db/km) at
a specific wavelength. Typical multi-mode wavelengths are 850 and
1300 nanometers (nm); single mode, at 1300 and 1500 nm. NOTE:
When specifying attenuation, it is important to note if it is nominal or
average room temperature value, or maximum over operating range.

Automatic Protection This protocol involves using a designated protect line alongside one
Switching. (APS) or more working lines. If one of the working lines fails, all
connections are automatically switched over to the protect line. The
5430 by Ciena supports 1:N (one for N) APS, meaning one protect
line protects some number of N working lines. It also supports 1+1
(one plus one) APS, where a single protect line protects a single
working line, and the lines’ ports and optical modules need to be
configured in a certain way.

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248 Glossary

Term Definition

Bandwidth (1) Measure of the information capacity of a transmission channel.
(2) The difference between the highest and lowest frequencies of a
band that can be passed by a transmission medium without undue
distortion (e.g., the AM band - 535 to 1705 kilohertz). (3) Information
carrying capacity of a communication channel. Analog bandwidth is
the range of signal frequencies that can be transmitted by a
communication channel or network. (4) A term used to indicate the
amount of transmission or processing capacity possessed by a
system or a specific location in a system (usually a network system).

Battery Distribution Fuse Bay Distribution point for DC power at central office.

Bay A unit equipment rack.

Bit Error Rate (BER) (1) Percentage of bits in a transmittal received in error. (2) The
number of coding violations detected in a unit of time, usually one
second. (3) Specifies expected frequency of errors; compares the
ratio of incorrectly transmitted bits to correctly transmitted bits.

Bundle Many individual fibers contained within a single jacket or buffer tube.
Also, a group of buffered fibers distinguished in some fashion from
another group in the same cable.

Capacity The information carrying ability of a telecommunications facility.
What the facility is determines the measurement (e.g., line capacity)
in bits per second, or switch capacity might be measured in the
number of calls it can switch in one hour, or the maximum number of
calls it can keep in conversation simultaneously).

Carrier A company that provides communications circuits. Carriers are either

private or common. A private carrier can refuse service. A common
carrier cannot. Most of the carriers in our industry (the local phone
company, AT&T, MCI WorldCom, US, Sprint, etc.) are common

Channel (1) A communication path. Multiple channels can be multiplexed over

a single cable in certain environments. The term is also used to
describe the specific path between large computers and attached
peripherals. (2) An electrical or photonic; in the case of fiber optic
based transmission systems, communications path between two or
more points of termination. (3) The smallest subdivision of a circuit
that provides a type of communication service, usually a path with
only one direction. (4) A communications path or the signal sent over
that channel. Through multiplexing, several channels can be
transmitted over an optical channel.

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Glossary 249

Term Definition

channel # The number assigned to each line in an APS working group. The
protect line is always channel 0; the other lines are given a number
from 1 to 16. The lower the channel number, the higher the priority.
Thus, if two working lines fail, both having priority HIGH and one has
channel number 2 and the other has channel number 4, the one with
channel number 2 uses the protect line. Identifies a particular
wavelength of light in a Wave Division Multiplex (DWM) system

Circuit A group of electronic components and their interconnections.

Circuit Breaker A mechanically resettable unit that disconnects a circuit at a

specifically defined current.

Cleared When an alarm is cleared it may indicate that the problem condition
causing the alarm has been addressed and/or resolved by a

Coating A material put on a fiber during the drawing process to protect it from
the environment.

Coaxial Cable A type of cable used for high frequency transmission. It consists of a
central conductor surrounded by insulation, which in turn, is
surrounded by a circular outer conductor.

Common Language Universal term for telephony.

Common Language Location Code used to identify a building or site.


Concatenation When multiple STS-1 frames are linked together to form an envelope
capable of carrying super payloads.

Connections See logical connections.

Connector A mechanical device used to align and join two fibers together to
attach and decouple fiber to a transmitter, receiver, or another fiber.
(Common connectors include the FC, FCPC, Biconic, ST Connector,
SC, D4, SMA, 905, or 906.)

Connection Termination Point A transport entity that terminates a link connection and support an
(CTP) optical carrier (OC-n). CTPs typically do not process or monitor the
characteristic information (with the exception of Synchronous Optical
Network (SONET) Path CTPs and intermediate monitoring).

5430 Designer Software Tool Software tool used to plan network configuration, analyze traffic, and
determine equipment requirements.

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250 Glossary

Term Definition

cross connect A type of connection whose route is not flexible; a series of OSRP
links from start node to end node must be specified and specific
Synchronous Optical Network (SONET) or Synchronous Digital
Hierarchy (SDH) lines, when chosen, cannot be changed. It
corresponds to a sequence of permanent cross connections set up
on the network. If a line fails, there is no mesh protection; the
connection waits until the line comes back up.

Data Communications In a data station, the equipment that provides the signal conversion
Equipment (DCE) and coding between the Data Terminal Equipment (DTE) and the
line. The DCE may be separate equipment or an integral part of the
DTE or of intermediate equipment. A DCE may perform other
functions usually performed at the network end of the line.

Data Rate The number of bits of information transmitted per second as in a data
transmission link. Typically expressed as megabits per second (mb/

Data Terminating Equipment That part of a data station that serves as a data source (originates
(DTE) data for transmission), a data sink (accepts transmitted data), or

Degrade The condition where one or more established performance

parameters fall outside of predetermined limits, resulting in lower
quality performance.

Delay The amount of time in milliseconds that it takes a signal to travel

between two nodes.

Delay: a-b The delay from the local node to the remote node.

Delay: b-a The delay from the remote node to the local node.

Demultiplexing A process applied to a multiplexed signal for recovering signals

combined within it and for restoring the distinct individual channels of
these signals.

Dense Wavelength Division Enables multiple discrete optical channels to be transmitted

Multiplexing (DWDM) simultaneously over a single fiber.

Designated Transit List (DTL) Designated Transit List. A sequence of OSRP links or nodes that
define a path between a connection's start and end nodes. DTLs
may either be exclusive (i.e., the DTLs must be used or the
connection cannot be routed) or preferred (i.e., the DTLs are
checked first; only if no DTL is available will other routes be
considered). A Subnetwork Connection (SNC) may have zero or
more DTLs; a cross connect’s path must be specified using a single
exclusive DTL.

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Glossary 251

Term Definition

Dispersion The cause of bandwidth limitations in a fiber. Dispersion causes a

broadening of input pulses along the length of the fiber. Three major
types are: (a) mode dispersion caused by differential optical path
lengths in a multimode fiber; (b) material dispersion caused by a
differential delay of various wavelengths of light in a waveguide
material; and (c) waveguide dispersion caused by light traveling in
both the core and cladding materials in single-mode fibers.

Diverse Route An alternate route that mesh protection uses if the current route fails
and usually implies a different physical fiber route for fiber cut

Electromagnetic Interference Any electrical or electromagnetic interference that causes
undesirable responses, or degradation.

Electronics Industries A standards association that publishes test procedures.

Association (EIA)

Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) The discharge of high voltage caused by static charging.

Electrostatic Discharge Strap ESD-guard wrist band worn by technicians that terminates at the
5430 ESD - ground jack to provide a fixed resistance to ground.
Protects the technician and system from electrostatic discharge.

Errored Seconds (ES) A performance monitoring parameter. ES Type A is a second with

exactly one error, ES Type B is a second with more than one and
less than the number of errors in a severely errored second (SES)
for the given signal. ES indicates the sum of the type A and B ESs.

Fiber A physical transmission facility containing one or more spans
(connecting possibly multiple Ciena 5430 pairs)

Fiber Optic Cable A transmission medium that uses (is composed of) glass or plastic
fibers, rather than copper wire, to transport data or voice signals. The
signal is imposed on the fiber via pulses (modulation) of light from a
laser or a Light-emitting Diode (LED). Because of its high bandwidth
and lack of susceptibility to interference, fiber optic cable is used in
long haul or noisy applications.

Fiber Optic Jumper A single or multiple fiber that is used to connect one unit of
equipment to another within an equipment frame.

Fiber Optics A method for the transmission of information (i.e., sound, pictures,
data). Light is modulated and transmitted over high purity, hair-thin
fibers of glass. The bandwidth capacity of fiber optic cable is much
greater than that of conventional cable or copper wire.

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252 Glossary

Term Definition

Frequency (1) Measures the number of electromagnetic waves that pass a

given point in a given time period. It is equal to the speed of light
divided by wavelengths and is expressed in cycles per second or
hertz. (2) The number of cycles of periodic activity that occur in a
discrete amount of time.

Frequency Modulation Transmission scheme whereby information is sent by varying the

frequency of an optical carrier. A method of transmission in which the
carrier frequency varies in accordance with the signal.

Fuse A unit that detects current flow and opens a circuit at a preset current
flow. These are used for the protection of a circuit.

Infrastructure The basic facilities, services and installations needed for the
functioning of a community or society such as transportation and
communications systems.

Instance The data representing a particular element.

Insulator A non-conductive material used to isolate conductors (e.g., outer

covering on wiring, or fiber washers mounted on equipment

Interexchange Carrier (1) Any individual, partnership, association, joint stock company
trust, governmental entity, or corporation engaged for hire in
interstate or foreign communication by wire or radio between two or
more exchanges. (2) A long-distance telephone company offering
circuit-switched, leased line or packet-switched service or some
combination thereof. Interexchange Common Carrier (See
Interexchange Carrier).

Intermediate Reach (IR) See Medium Reach.

Jitter Timing jitter is defined as short-term variations of the significant
instances of a digital signal from their ideal positions in time.

Jumper Fiber optic cable that has connectors installed on both ends.

Line Defines the internal SONET fiber route between line terminating
equipment. Lines consist of shorter fiber sections. The outside of
edges of connected lines define the path.

Lines A SONET or SDH transmission facility (medium together with the

associated equipment) between two Ciena 5430 nodes.

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Glossary 253

Term Definition

Line Terminating Equipment Network elements that originate and/or terminate line (OC-N)
(LTE) signals. LTEs access, modify, originate, and/or terminate transport

Logical connection A data path between two SONET end systems traversing one or
more 5430s that satisfy customer requirements for size, termination,
and protection strategies.

Logical Termination Point Computer-defined address which identifies a termination or cross

(LTP) over connection point for switching optical transport signals within a
5430. Refers to the logical identification for an Optical Module.

Long Reach (LR) Category for SONET and SDH transmitters and receivers. Typical
transmission distance up to 80 km.

Medium Reach (MR) Category for SONET and SDH transmitters and receivers. Typical
transmission distance of 2-10 km.

Multimode Fiber Optical fiber supporting propagation of multiple modes of light.

Multimode fibers have a larger core diameter than single mode

Multiplex The combination of several signals onto a single communications


Multiplexer (MUX) (1) Equipment that enables several data streams to be sent over a
single physical line. It is also a function by which one connection
from an ISO layer is used to support more than one connection to
the next higher layer. (2) A device for combining several channels to
be carried by one line or fiber.

Multiplexing In data transmission, a function that permits two or more data

sources to share a common transmission medium such that each
data source has its own channel. Methods of multiplexing include
time division multiplexing and wave division multiplexing (the latter is
used by MultiWave).

Name A customer-supplied identifier. Each network element is created with
a default name; these default names may be changed by an MPS

Network A collection of 5430s, SONET or SDH lines, OSRP links, logical

connections, and protection schemes.

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254 Glossary

Term Definition

Network Element (NE) (1) Any device that is part of a communications path and serves one
or more of the section, line, or path terminating functions.(2) Defined
in the TMN document (M.3010) as “telecommunication equipment
and support equipment or any item or groups of items… that perform
NEFs” (Network Element Functions). In the context of this manual, a

Network Element Function An entity “which communicates with the TMN for the purpose of
(NEF) being monitored and/or controlled. The NEF provides the
telecommunications and support functions which are required by the
telecommunications network being managed.”

Nodal Control Processor (NCP) Circuit pack that provides craft interface and monitoring of the
system. It is the agent within a node that responds to requests from
outside software and sends traps to call attention to changes in
condition. This circuit pack is similar in function to the CM.

Node A 5430.

Notification Codes CL - cleared alarm

(NTFCNCDE) MJ - Major Alarm
MN - Minor Alarm

Out-of-Service - Autonomous Cause of incapability is unsolicited event occurrence on the NE.

Out-of-Service - Management Suspended by management control but still operationally capable of

(OOS-MA) performing functions.

Out-of-Service - Autonomous- Operationally incapable and also intentionally restricted from

and-Restricted (OOS-AURST) performing part of its functions.

Out-of-Service - Management- Operationally capable of performing only part of its functions, and at
and-Abnormal (OOS-MAANR) the same time is intentionally suspended from performing all

Open Systems Interconnection Referring to the OSI reference model, a logical structure for network
(OSI) operations standardized by the International Standards Organization
(ISO). The OSI model organizes the communications process into
seven different categories and places the categories in a layered
sequence based on their relationship to other users. Layers 7
through 4 deal with end to end communications between the
message source and the message destination, while layers 3
through 1 deal with network access.

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Glossary 255

Term Definition

Optical Service Channel (OSC) An optical maintenance channel linking the OTS Repeaters (OLAs)
to each other and to the OTS End Terminals. It is multiplexed onto
the same fiber as the OC-48 channels. All telemetry, data, and voice
traffic originating and/or terminating at OTS Repeater sites are
routed over the OSC.

Optical Signaling and Routing Ciena proprietary link state protocol for intelligent routing. An OSRP
Protocol (OSRP) link must be established between two nodes to allow them to
communicate with one another. OSRP handles routing, mesh
protection, and regrooming.

Optical Time Domain (1) A device for characterizing a fiber wherein an optical pulse is
Reflectometer (OTDR) transmitted through the fiber and the resulting backscatter and
reflections to the input are measured as a function of time. Useful in
estimating the attenuation coefficient as a function of distance and
identifying defects and other localized losses. (2) A test instrument,
working on the principal of continuous energy backscatter, that
provides a complete characterization of fiber loss along its length.

OSRP Link A logical connection between two 5430 nodes for dynamic routing
purposes; one OSRP link contains one or more lines.

OSRP Path A logical connection between two SONET end systems traversing
one or more 5430s; also called a logical connection.

OSRP Route A concatenation of 5430s and OSRP links traversed by a given

logical connection.

OTS Branching Cross connect A type of cross connect site that has more than two OTS End
Site Terminals.

OTS Cross connect Site A node with two or more OTS end terminals, where some OC-48
signals are dropped/added (i.e., terminated in an equipment that
provides optical-to-electrical and electrical-to-optical conversion);
and some are express, passing through the node between two OTS
End Terminals.

OTS End Terminal OTS terminal equipment that performs the following functions (for
both working and protection paths): Optical Multiplexing (MUX) and
Optical Demultiplexing (DMUX), Optical Amplification, Optical signal
conversion (i.e., through a WDM), and the insertion/extraction of the
Optical Service Channel.

OTS Regenerator OTS regeneration equipment that passes through and reconstructs
all of the optical channels.

OTS Regenerator Site A node with two OTS End Terminals or one OTS Regenerator,
through which all of the OC-48s are passed.

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256 Glossary

Term Definition

OTS Repeater The bidirectional OTS repeater equipment that consists of four
optical amplifiers (two for the working paths and the other two for the
protection paths) and the corresponding OSC Equipment.

OTS Section The portion of the OTS Span between two adjacent OTS Repeaters,
between an OTS End Terminal and an OTS Repeater, or between
adjacent OTS End Terminals (for short spans where OTS Repeaters
are not needed).

OTS Span The fiber transmission facility between two OTS End Terminals.

OTS Subnetwork A collection of OTS NEs from the same supplier capable of
communicating with each other as a managed entity. An OTS sub-
network may have more than one OTS from the same supplier.

Outside Plant (OSP) Loss The optical power loss (in dB) due to fiber, splices, and connectors.

Out-of-band Indicates whether signaling along an OSRP link is conducted via an

out-of-band mechanism or by using one of the OSRP link’s SONET

Owner Customer-supplied network owner identifier.

Pass Through A VLSR or MS-SPRing span state where the working line is live, but
a ring switch is using the protect line.

Path A sequence of 5430s through a network (also called a route). Logical

connection between two SONET or SDH end systems traversing
one or more Ciena 5430s; also called a connection. Defines the
outer edge of SONET’s or SDH’s physical fiber route from
Transmission to Reception. The path is comprised of connected fiber
lines. SONET or SDH Path overhead information is processed at the
edge only and not at line, multiplexor section or section intermediate

Path Overhead First column (9 bytes) of an SDH/SONET signal that carries

directional and status indications between Path Terminating
Equipment on a route.

Payload The customer portion of the cargo transported across a span. The
payload consists of multiple WDM channels.

Payload Channel A single wavelength carrying a customer-provided SONET or SDH

signal between end nodes.

Payload Pointer H, H2 and H3 bytes of the STS Line overhead that indicate the data's
position within the payload envelope, define the size of the virtual
tributary within the payload envelope, and help perform frequency

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Glossary 257

Term Definition

Performance Monitoring (PM) Measures the quality of service and identifies degrading or
marginally operating systems (before an alarm would be generated).

Photodiode A diode designed to produce photocurrent by absorbing light.

Photodiodes are used to detect optical power and convert optical
power into electrical power.

Photon A quantum of electromagnetic energy.

Physical Termination Point Physical address which identifies a termination or cross over
connection point for switching optical transport signals. Refers to the
physical location of an Optical Module within a Ciena 5430s.

Plesiochronous Digital Asynchronous multiplexing scheme.

Hierarchy (PDH)

Plesiochronous Network A network that contains multiple subnetworks, each internally

synchronous and all operating at the same nominal frequency, but
the timing of which may be slightly different at any particular instant.

Permanent Virtual Circuit A type of connection whose route is not flexible; series of OSRP links
(PVC) from start node to end node must be specified, and specific SONET
or SDH lines, when chosen, cannot be changed. It corresponds to a
sequence or permanent cross connections set up on the network. If
a line fails, there is no mesh protection; the connection simply waits
until the line comes back up.

Preemptable A low priority connection with preemptable selected may be

bumped by any high priority connections that can preempt in order
for the high priority connection to obtain its preferred route.

Protect Line A line designated to transport a working line’s traffic whenever the
working line fails. Protect lines can also be used to carry low priority
connections (extra traffic) when not in a failure scenario.

Protection Line A line allocated to transport the working traffic during a switch event.
Protection lines can also be used to carry low priority connections
(extra traffic).

Protection Bundle A logical grouping of fibers within a cable that are bundled together
for purposes of calculating the divergent route. Fibers within a
bundle are not used for both working and protect lines.

Protection Path A connection that is set up as a back up to working path

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258 Glossary

Term Definition

Protection requirements for a ANY - May use any protected line or unprotected lines. May also use
connection a protect line if it is a low priority preemptable connection.
NONE - May use any unprotected line. May use any protect line
provided that it is a low priority preemptable connection.
APS/MSP - May use any linear APS-protected or MSP-protected
working line (not an option for low priority preemptable connections).
SmartRingVLSRTM/MS-SPRing - May use any available
SmartRingVLSRTM-protected or MS-SPRing-protected working line
(not an option for low-priority, preemptable connections).

Protection Route A route that is computed as a back up to a working path

Protection Status Current protection state for a line. Can be protecting or protected if
currently involved in an APS, MSP, SmartRingVLSRTM, or MS-
SPRing switchover; otherwise, it will be NA.

Real Time Processor The processor in the Timing Module.

Receiver Sensitivity The optical power required by a receiver for low error signal
transmission. In the case of digital signal transmission, the mean
optical power is usually quoted in Watts or dBm (deciBels referenced
to 1 milliwatt).

Regroom The process of finding a better route for a connection and shifting the
home route of the connection to that better route.

Repeater (1) A device that regenerates and propagates electrical signals

between two network segments. (2) A device that restores a
degraded digital signal for continued transmission; also called a
regenerator. (3) A device that consists of a transmitter and a receiver
or transceiver used to regenerate a signal to increase the system

Reversion In APS, MSP, VLSR, or MS-SPRing, specifies whether the

connection reverts from the protect line back to the original working
lines after the working lines have recovered from a failure.

Revertive Specifies whether a connection can automatically switch to its home

route when the home route is available.

Ring Switched A VLSR or MS-SPRing state where the ring’s protect lines are
handling the traffic for a failed span.

Ring A configuration of nodes comprised of network elements connected

in a circular fashion.

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Glossary 259

Term Definition

Ring Topology A topology in which the network consists of a series of repeaters,

add/drop multiplexers, or terminals. Ring networks are relatively
immune to interruption and fiber cuts because of multiple
transmission paths implied in the ring.

Round Robin A method of distributing incoming calls to multiple destinations by

selecting the next agent on the list following the agent that received
the last call.

Route A sequence of 5430 nodes and OSRP links traversed by a given

logical connection; also known as a path. From a logical and visual
viewpoint, a route consists of one or more paths.
A concatenation of Ciena 5430s and spans traversed by a given path
OR logical connection.

Section Defines individual physical portions of a SONET fiber route. The
outside edges of connected sections define a line. Section
Terminating equipment is replaced by line terminating equipment at
both outside ends.

Section Overhead First three rows of an STS1 overhead frame carry synchronization
and section overhead information

Section Terminating Equipment SONET equipment that terminates a section of a link.


Sensitivity For a fiber-optic receiver, the minimum optical power required to

achieve a specified level of performance, such as a BER.

Service Channel A proprietary channel providing orderwire and network management

connectivity between the NE nodes.

Service Affecting (SRVEFF) The code indicating affect of alarm on service (SA/NSA); TL-1 - the
effect of a given alarm condition on service (i.e., traffic), as either
service affecting (SA) or non-service affecting (NSA).

Service Type SONET Logical Connection (SLC) or Transparent Logical

Connection (TLC).

Severely Errored Second A second in which a signal failure occurs or more than a preset
amount of coding violations occur (depending on the type of signal).

Short Reach (SR) Category for SONET transmitters and receivers. Typical
transmission distance of 2 km or less.

Signaling A method of communications between network components to

provide control, management, and performance monitoring.

Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) The ratio of signal power to noise power. Measured in dB.

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260 Glossary

Term Definition

Simple Network Management A set of protocols for managing complex networks. SNMP works by
Protocol (SNMP) sending messages, called Protocol Data Units, to different parts of a
network. SNMP-compliant devices, called agents, store data about
themselves in Management Information Bases (MIBs) and return this
data to the SNMP requesters.

Simulation Artificially routing, failover, and recovery of a network using the MPS.

Single Mode Used to describe optical fiber that allows only one mode of light
signal transmission.

Single Mode Fiber Also called monomode. Single mode fiber has a narrow core. Such
fiber has a higher bandwidth than mulitmode fiber, but requires a
light source with a narrow spectral width (e.g., laser).

Size For SONET lines, size is OC-3, OC-12, OC-48, or OC-192;

for SDH, size is STM-1, STM-4, STM-8, STM-16 or STM-64;
for connections, size is STS-1, STS-3, STS-12, STS-48, or STS-192.

Soft Permanent Virtual Circuit A type of connection whose route is flexible; it may be regroomed, it
(SPVC) may be mesh-protected to another route if a line fails. Specific paths
may also be forced or encouraged by the use of Designated Transit
Lists. See SNC - Subnetwork connection.

Span A transmission facility between two 5430s.

STS Multiplexer In normal SDH/SONET systems, equipment that maps or

multiplexes digital data into the STS frames. Each stage of
multiplexing causes time delays. The 5430 does not multiplex in
similar stages, thus reducing time delays.

Subnetwork Connection (SNC) A type of connection whose route is dynamically determined; it may
be regroomed, it may be mesh-protected to another route if a line
fails, and so forth. Specific paths may also be forced or encouraged
by the use of DTLs.

Switch A device that filters, forwards, and directs frames or circuits based on
a destination address.

Switching Network Manager Manages individual and networks of optical switching elements.

Synchronous Digital Hierarchy ITU-TSS international standard for transmission over optical fiber.

Synchronous Optical Network (1) A set of standards for transmitting digital information over optical
(SONET) networks. Synchronous indicates that all pieces of the SONET signal
can be tied to a single clock. (2) A ITU-T standard for synchronous
transmission up to multi-gigabit speeds. (3) A standard for fiber

Synchronous Payload Data-carrying portion of a Synchronous Transport Signal, excluding

Envelope (SPE) overhead.

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Glossary 261

Term Definition

Synchronous Transport Signal (1) SONET standard for transmission over OC-1 optical fiber at
(STS, STS-n) 51.84 Mb/s. (2) A SONET frame including overhead and payload
capacity. The basic SONET frame is the STS-1. STS-1s can be
multiplexed or concatenated with no additional overhead. STS-n
denotes a multiple of 51.84 Mb/s.

Telcordia Telcordia Technologies, Inc., formerly Bellcore (BELL
Communications Research, Inc.)

Time Division Multiplexing A technique where information from multiple channels may be
(TDM) allocated bandwidth on a single wire or fiber based on time slot

time slot A single channel on a SONET line. The size of a line specifies the
number of time slots (3 for OC-3, 12 for OC-12, 48 for OC-48, or 192
for OC-192).

Transceiver An electronic device that has both transmit and receive capabilities.

Transmission Control Protocol/ A set of protocols developed to link dissimilar computers across
Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) many kinds of networks.

Transmission Loss Total loss encountered in transmission through a system.

Transparent Logical A line not terminated at the 5430; SONET line overhead is
Connection (TLC) monitored but otherwise forwarded unaffected (TLCs are transparent
to the SONET end system).

TU-11 A Transmission Unit within an SDH Synchronous Transport Signal

Payload Envelope (SPE) with a 3-column (27 bytes) capacity.
SONET equivalent is VT1.5.

TU-12 A Transmission Unit within an SDH Synchronous Transport Signal

Payload Envelope (SPE) with a 4-column (36 bytes) capacity.
SONET equivalent is VT2.

TU-2 A Transmission Unit within an SDH Synchronous Transport Signal

Payload Envelope (SPE) with a 6-column (54 bytes) capacity.
SONET equivalent is VT6.

Transport Layer OSI layer that is responsible for reliable end-to-end data transfer
between end systems.

Unavailable Seconds (UAS) The count of seconds in which a signal is declared failed or in which
10 consecutively severely errored seconds (SES) occurred, until the
time when 10 consecutively non-SES occur.

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262 Glossary

Term Definition

Unidirectional Operating only in one direction on a specific medium.

Unit Interval (UI) The shortest time interval between consecutive significant instances
in isochronous networks. The duration of significant time intervals
are whole multiples of the UI.

Universally Accepted (UAS) Special module type that is universally accepted, but not yet

Ultra Physical Contact (UPC) Highest quality, lowest cost optical connector standard.

Very High Bit Rate Digital This is a scheme to boost transmission speeds up to 52 Mbps for
Subscriber Line (VDSL) very short distances (up to 1000 feet) on copper wire, or for longer
distances in fiber-optic networks.

Virtual Container (VC) The SDH equivalent to the SONET Virtual Tributary (VT). Virtual
Containers are made up of Tributary Units (TU). See VT1.5, VT2,

Virtual Tributary (VT) A SONET subset, or unit of transport that can be combined or
concatenated for transmission on the network. Designed for
transport and switching of sub-DS3 level payloads on higher
bandwidth SONET channels.

VT1.5 A Virtual Tributary within a SONET Synchronous Transport Signal

Payload Envelope (SPE) with a 3-column (27 bytes) capacity. SDH
equivalent is TU-11.

VT2 A Virtual Tributary within a SONET Synchronous Transport Signal

Payload Envelope (SPE) with a 4-column (36 bytes) capacity. SDH
equivalent is TU-12.

VT6 A Virtual Tributary within a SONET Synchronous Transport Signal

Payload Envelope (SPE) with a 6-column (54 bytes) capacity. SDH
equivalent is TU-2.

VT12 A Virtual Tributary within a SONET Synchronous Transport Signal

Payload Envelope (SPE) with a 12-column (108 bytes) capacity.
There is no SDH equivalent.

Virtual Line Switched Ring A four-fiber ring configuration consisting of 5430s. This is Ciena’s
(VLSR) version of rings. Each span in the ring has one or more working lines
and the same configuration of protect lines. The rings perform ring
switches and span switches.

VT Superframe Four consecutive VT's from four consecutive STS-1 frames that
contain data originating from a single user.

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Glossary 263

Term Definition

Wavelength The length of one complete wave of an alternating or vibrating
phenomenon, generally measured from crest to crest or from trough
to trough of successive waves. The distance between two crests of
an electromagnetic waveform.

Wavelength Division (1) A technique in fiber-optic transmission for using multiple light
Multiplexing (WDM) wavelengths (colors) to send data over the same medium. (2) Two or
more colors of light on one fiber. (3) Simultaneous transmission of
several signals in a optical waveguide at differing wavelengths.

WDM Transmitter A device that receives an optical signal, converts the signal to an
electrical signal that is amplified/retimed/reshaped, then converts the
electrical signal back to an optical signal.

Working Line A line carrying working traffic when there are no switch events,
during normal conditions, which is protected by protect lines in an
APS or SmartRingVLSRTM configuration.

Working Path A path carrying live traffic.

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264 Glossary


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Numerics alarms,bay 105, 154

Appendix 197
1:n protection APS capabilities 47
description 46 architecture
10G Optical Modules hardware 17
in Line Modules 130, 135, 136, 137, 142, 143 software 7, 8
1-1 protection 45 ASNCP Over APS 55
5410 Switch introduction 1 capabilities 55
5430 OS audit log 33
Cross Connect package 29 autodiscovery, topology 79
5430 OS base mesh infrastructure package 75 auto-provisioning 80
5430 Switch IP address 85
82267 B
Heading 3
Reversion and Reversion Timer 81 background block error statistics 72
backplane 22, 112, 121
A bandwidth preallocation 87
basic color rules 123
AA (account administrator access) 67 basic module states LED pattern 124
accessories, ordering 176 BITS connectors 111, 120
account management 29, 67, 75 BITS input signal 18
ACO 43 blanks, module
ACO indicator 105, 154 installation requirements 159
ACO switch 104 BLSR 50
administration, OSRP 84 capabilities 51
administrative weight 85 BNC connectors 111, 120
air filter, ordering 177 Bonding, Grounding, and Connections 199
airflow, maintaining 159 bundle ID 85
alarm connector 43, 110, 120
alarm contacts 43 C
alarm correlation
input parameters 31 call processing 8
overview 30 capacity, switching 4
alarm cutoff 154 CFP 146
See ACO chassis 97, 112
alarm indicators 105, 154 circuit breakers 103, 104, 116, 117
alarm log 33 Class 1M Laser Product Notice 198
alarm monitoring 30 CLEI code 21
alarms CLEI label 122
audible 104 clock source, internal 18
configurable integration and decay 33 clock, distributing 18
integration and delay times 33 color rules for LEDs 123
power failure 156 Common Object Request Broker Architecture 7
SA/NSA alarm behavior 32 communications channels, OSRP 85
severity levels 32 Compliance Information 197
surveillance 31 Bonding, Grounding, and Connections 199

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Class 1M Laser Product Notice 198 LED states 153, 155

EN55022 Class A Notice 198 location 99
Environmental Impact Statement 199 ordering 173
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Laser overview 151
Safety Warning 198 See Control and Timing Module
Industry Canada Notice 198 system indicators 105
Part 15 of the Federal Communications timing source 20
Commission (FCC) tripped breaker and open fuse sensing 104,
Interference 197 117
Restricted Access Location 199 CTM switchover 40
Telcordia Document Standards 199
Toxic Emissions 199 D
configurable alarm integration and decay 33
configuration management
5430 OS Cross Connect feature summary 29 data plane 18
Mesh features 75 Data Plane Fault Isolation
overview 43 See DPFI
connection management 44 data plane fault isolation 40
connection provisioner access 67 Data Sheets 205
connectors DCC 58
alarm 43, 110, 120 DCN 58
BITS 111, 120 decay times, alarm 33
BNC 111, 120 diagnostics
DB-9 122 equipment 39
Ethernet 110, 120 SNC 75
I/O panel 110, 120 troubleshooting 33
RJ-45 110, 120 dimensions
RS-232 111 CoreDirector rack 205, 206
timing interface 111, 120 display module
constraint-based routing 77 ordering 177
Control and Timing Module display panel
processor 9 indicators 104
summary 16 distribution of timing references 19
control plane 21 DPFI
controls capabilities 40
5430 Switch 103, 104, 116 module states 43
alarm cutoff (ACO) 104 overview 40
PDU circuit breakers 103, 116 drop-side path PM 95
PDU fuses 103, 116 DS-1 56
CORBA 7 DS1 I/O panel 110, 120
CP (connection provisioner access) 67
Craft interfaces 122
CRITICAL alarm indicator 105, 154 E1 BITS 56
cross connect E1 I/O panel 110, 120
control 8 element management 6, 8
manual provisioning 44 EN55022 Class A Notice 198
CTM end points 44
and Line Modules 20 Environmental Impact Statement 199
Blank 159 equipment
fan monitoring 107, 118 diagnostics 39
features 156 inventory 43

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management 8 LAN cable and switch port failures 67

Ethernet connectors 110, 120 holdover timing mode 18
Ethernet interfaces 122
event log 33 I
events, management 30
exclusive route 78
explicit routes 78 I/O panel 109, 110, 118, 120
externally timed mode 18 ordering 176
indicators 104
Industry Canada Notice 198
F initialization, indicating 124
input parameters for alarm correlation 31
facility loopback 35, 36 input/output panel
failure See I/O panel
equipment 39 integration and delay times, alarm 33
hardware 124 interfaces and communications channels, OSRP
power distribution 105 85
fan internal clock source 18
ordering 177 intra-switch communications 8
fan failure 107, 118 introduction 1
fan tray assembly inventory management 43
description 106, 117 IP address 85
FastMesh IP over DCC
capabilities 87 capabilities 58
overview 86 overview 58
fault management requirements 59
alarm monitoring 30 IPoDCC 58
alarm surveillance 31 IPoGCC 58
description 29
diagnostics and troubleshooting 33 L
tracing, section and path 34
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Laser Safety
Latency-based Routing 78
Warning 198
fuses 103, 116
basic patterns 124
5430 Switch 103, 116
color rules 123
CTM 153, 155
G fan 107, 118
Line Module (general) 126
gateway network element (GNE) 58 SSLM-12 Line Module 144
GCC 58 SSLM-48 Line Module 146
green LED, basic meanings 123 Switch Module 151
ground, safety 104, 116 TSLM-12 Line Module 128, 130, 132, 134,
136, 139
H TSLM-48 Line Module 142
line layer statistics 71
Line Module shelf
5430 Switch 13
architecture 17
Line Modules
components 22
blanks 159
diagnostics 39
LEDs 126
failure, indicating 124
location 99
high availability DCN
naming 24

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OSLM-12 manufacturing data, storage of 21

description 130 MINOR alarm indicator 105, 154
features 131 module boot sequence pattern 124
LEDs 132 module shelf 98
OSLM-3 module slots, identifying 24
description 126 modules
features 127 ordering 173
LEDs 128 types 14
OSLM-3M MSP capabilities 47
description 128 multiplex section statistics 72
features 129
LEDs 130 N
features 133
processor 9 naming, resource 22
SSLM-12 network synchronization 56
description 142 DS-1 & E1 BITS timing 56
features 143 SSM 56
LEDs 144 SSM translations 57
SSLM-48 node ID 85
description 145 notifications 30
LEDs 146
sSLM-48 O
features 145
TSLM-12 O (operator access) 67
description 135, 136 OC-192/STM-64 Optical Module
features 135, 137 in Line Modules 130, 135, 136, 137, 142, 143
LEDs 128, 130, 132, 134, 136, 139 OC-48/STM-16 Optical Module
TSLM-48 in SSLM-48 Line Module 145
description 139 operating temperature 21
features 140 operator access 67
LEDs 134, 142 OSLM 10, 125
Line ModulessSLM-48 OSLM-12 130
LEDs 146 OSLM-3 126, 174, 186
line processor 21 OSLM-3M 128
line statistics 72 OSLM-48 133
Line/Control and Timing Module shelf 99 OSLM-12 Line Module
lines, number per Switch Module 149 features 131
link termination point label 85 LEDs
locations, component, identifying 22 meanings 132
logical hardware planes 17 overview 130
logs 33 OSLM-3 Line Module
loopback features 127
facility 35, 36 LEDs
meanings 128
M overview 126
OSLM-3M Line Module
maintenance state, indicating 124 features 129
MAJOR alarm indicator 105, 154 LEDs
management 4 meanings 130
management events 30 overview 128
manual provisioning, cross-connect 44 OSLM-48 Line Module

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features 133 combining types 4

OSRP 76 concurrency 87
administration 84 configuration 45
communications channels 85 protection bundle ID 85
features 76 protection software block 8
interfaces and communications channels 85 protection, linear APS or MSP
key features 85 1:n protection 46
OTN, Support 10 capabilities 47
P automatic 80
cross connect manual provisioning 44
provisioning cross connect 44
Part 15 of the Federal Communications P-SNC 78
Commission (FCC) PWRFL alarm output 156
Interference 197
path layer statistics 72
path selection criteria 91 R
path tracing 34
patterns, LED 123 red LED, basic meanings 123
PDU 101, 104, 114, 116 redundancy
PDU fuses 103, 116 CTMs 156
performance management fans 107, 118
description 29 power 104, 117
drop-side path PM 95 Switch Modules 149
Mesh package 75 regenerator section layer statistics 72
statistics 70 reset state, indicating 124
statistics collection 70 resource naming 22
performance monitoring thresholds 69 restoration
persistent storage 8, 156 combined with protection 4
physical layer statistics 71 Restricted Access Location 199
physical layer statistics-OTN 70 reversion 81
physical specifications reversion in FastMesh 87
CoreDirector 205, 206 reversion, FastMesh 87
planes, logical, in hardware architecture 17 RJ-45 connectors 110, 120
point-to-point protocol 58 routing 8
ports, number per Switch Module 149 routing profiles 78
power distribution 104, 116 routing, constraint based 77
LEDs 105 exclusive route 78
power distribution circuitry failure 105 explicit routes 78
power distribution unit preferred route 78
See PDU reversion 81
power feed failure 105 reversion timer 81
power feed indicators 105 timer, reversion 81
POWER indicators 105, 154 RS-232 connectors 111
Compliance Information 197 S
Safety Information and Instructions 199
Trademark Acknowledgements 199
preferred route 78 SA/NSA alarm behavior 32
processor safety ground 104, 116
line 21 Safety Information and Instructions 199
profiles 78 SDH
protection SSM formats 56

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SDH I/O panel 110, 120 Stratum 3E clock source 158

ordering 176 Stratum 3E timing source 20
SDH switching criteria 91 subnet address 85
section monitor statistics-ODU 70 subnetwork connection
section monitor statistics-OTU 70 See SNC
section monitor statistics-OTU TransSTTP 70 surveillance, alarm 31
section tracing 34 switch control 8
security management 67 Switch Module
severity levels, alarm 32 features 150
shelves LEDs 150, 151
5430 Switch 13 location 99
identifying 22 number of supportable lines 149
shelves, module 98, 113 ordering 173
signaling 8 overview 149
slot numbering 24 Switch Module shelf 99
slots 5430 Switch 13
identifying 24 switch name 84
module 24 switches
diagnostics 75 switchover, CTM 40
software functional block 8 synchronization, network 56
SNC, permanent 78 system integrity 8
SNCs 77 system rack 97, 112
software system shelves, naming 22
ordering packages 162
software architecture 7, 8 T
software image 73
software upgrade 73
SONET I/O panel 110, 120 T1 I/O panel 110, 120
ordering 176 TAP 38
SONET switching criteria 91 TCM TTPs statistics 71
SONET/SDH interfaces 8 Telcordia Document Standards 199
SSLM-12 Line Module temperature sensors 21
features 143 temperature, operating 21
LEDs termination point provisioner access 67
location 144 test access port 38
meanings 144 thresholds 69
overview 142 timing 8
SSLM-48 Line Module Timing Module
features 145 and BITS signal 18
LEDs timing plane 18
location 146 timing reference 18, 56
meanings 146 timing reference distribution 19
overview 145 timing source 20
SSM 56 TODR 81
SSM translations 57 Tools, specialty 178
starter kits, ordering 165, 166, 167 topology autodiscovery 79
station clock 158 Toxic Emissions 199
statistics 70 TPFI 42
statistics collection 70 capabilities 42
OTN 70 TPP (termination point provisioner access) 67
storage, persistent 156 tracing, section and path 34
Trademark Acknowledgements 199

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transparent ETTP MAC layer statistics 71 Y

transparent ETTP physical layer statistics 71
troubleshooter access 67 yellow LED, basic meanings 123
troubleshooting 33
TS (troubleshooter access) 67
TSLM-3 174
TSLM-12 Line Module
features 135, 137
location 128, 130, 132, 134, 136, 139
meanings 136, 139
overview 135, 136
TSLM-48 Line Module
features 140
location 142
meanings 134, 142
overview 139

upgrade 73
automatic switching criteria 91
capabilities 89
requirements 90
simple hubbing application
add/drop port cross connect 92
APS 1+1 cross connect 94
different ring cross connect 94
overview 92
same ring cross connect 93
user access privileges 67

vacant module slots 159
version management 73
capabilities 49

CoreDirector 206
weight, 5410 Switch 201
weight, 5430 Switch 201, 206

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272 Index

5400 Reconfigurable Switching System 009-3209-000 - Revision A

Copyright© 2011 Ciena® Corporation December 16, 2011
Copyright© 2011 Ciena® Corporation

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