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Vocabulary Worksheets page 11

Grammar Worksheets page 35

Speaking Worksheets page 59

Festivals page 69

Tests page 77

Speaking Tests page 215

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This Teacher’s Resource Book contains a variety of resources Support Consolidation

to support the material in the Student’s Book and to enhance 1 Vocabulary Worksheet 1 Vocabulary Worksheet

your lessons.
1 Match two boxes each time to make the five senses. 4 Complete the parts of the body. 1 Complete the puzzle with the words below.
Then write them. 1 fo _r _e h _e a_ d 5 t___h
feel hear listen look see smell
hear sig tou ste ht 2 t _ _ gu _ 6 l__s
sound taste touch watch
ing ll ta ch sme 3 c___k 7 e _ _ l _ s _ es

4 ey _ b _ _ _ s 8 n_c_

The resources are available both to photocopy and on the

5 Match the parts of the body in exercise 4 with the picture. 2

Worksheet Generator: an interactive tool which allows you th

2 3
u c
2 Complete the table with the five senses in exercise 1

and the verbs below.

to edit or create your own personalized worksheets to adapt feel hear listen look see smell
sound taste touch watch
6 4 5


them to your own needs. 1

2 3 4 5
6 7

3 Choose the correct answer.

1 forehead 5 en
● Vocabulary and Grammar Worksheets: extra practice
2 6
3 7 8
4 8 n

of the key language from each Student’s Book unit, for Th

6 Circle the odd word out and explain why. 2 Complete the headings (1 – 5) with the five senses. Then
1 thumb / finger / hip complete the table with the verbs in exercise 1.
Because it isn’t a part of the hand. 1 Hearing 2 T 3 S 4 S 5 T

2 waist / hip / neck

weaker and average-level students 3 heel / finger / toe

3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of some

● Speaking Worksheets: fun and varied speaking

4 shoulder / knee / elbow
of the verbs in exercise 2.
1 Did you hear /see the thunder? It was very loud! 5 wrist / teeth / lips 1 This soup tastes delicious! I’ll have more, please.
2 Look! Can you see / hear the rainbow? 2 This perfume very nice. I love it!

activities th
3 Mum bought me some perfume. It tastes / smells great! 3 Martha’s hat really soft.
4 I love the feel / taste of sweet food! 6 palm / ankle / heel
4 Look! Can you Tom and Jack in the
5 My baby sister’s hands touch / feel really soft. park?
6 Please speak louder. I can’t hear / sound you.
5 Please speak louder. I can’t you.

● Festivals: motivating texts and activities about

6 Did you
at the weekend?
the new James Bond film
festivals from throughout the English-speaking world 12 UNIT 1 VOCABULARY WORKSHEET Support

461513_P012-029_Vocabulary.indd 12
Richmond Photocopiable © Santillana Educación, S.L.

20/05/14 16:16
Richmond Photocopiable © Santillana Educación, S.L.
● Tests: thorough coverage of key language and skills pe
from the Student’s Book at two levels; at the end of Support: These are aimed at weaker students who may have
every unit, every three units, and at the end of the year difficulty keeping up with the rest of the class. They practise
● Diagnostic Test: a challenging test for the start of the the key vocabulary and grammar of each unit through
year to help you identify stronger and weaker students activities which are simpler than those in the Student’s Book.


Vocabulary and Grammar Worksheets 1 Vocabulary Worksheet

4 Complete the parts of the body. 1 Complete the puzzle with the words below. 4 Cross out letters to reveal the words. Then write the words.
1 fo _r _e h _e a_ d 5 t___h 1 wacrhieigenkell cheek
feel hear listen look see smell
2 t _ _ gu _ 6 l__s 2 enpyecbkretowhs
sound taste touch watch
3 c___k 7 e _ _ l _ s _ es 3 toranheagudew
4 ey _ b _ _ _ s 8 n_c_ 1 4 pistalecmkdi

The Vocabulary and Grammar Worksheets provide extra

5 Match the parts of the body in exercise 4 with the picture. 2 5 tnehounmgeb
6 filtenigpesrekt
7 teenteocekgu
u c 8 k e y a s n i s e k e t

practice of the key vocabulary and grammar from the 5 Look at the picture and write the parts of the body.

1 3 1 eyebrows

Student’s Book.
6 4 5 2 6
l 3
7 4
7 4
l 5
8 6

You will find 18 Vocabulary Worksheets and 18 Grammar

5 7
1 forehead 5 9
2 6 10

Worksheets: two for each unit. The Worksheets are available at

3 7 8
4 8 n 6 Read the sentences and decide if they are true or false.
Correct the false sentences.
6 Circle the odd word out and explain why. 2 Complete the headings (1 – 5) with the five senses. Then 1 You have got one eyelash.

two levels: Support and Consolidation. 1 thumb / finger / hip complete the table with the verbs in exercise 1.
False. You’ve got two eyelashes.
Because it isn’t a part of the hand. 1 Hearing 2 T 3 S 4 S 5 T 2 Your elbow is part of your arm.
2 waist / hip / neck
3 You have got two foreheads.
3 heel / finger / toe
4 You taste with your tongue.
4 shoulder / knee / elbow 3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of some
of the verbs in exercise 2.
5 You have got two thumbs.
5 wrist / teeth / lips 1 This soup tastes delicious! I’ll have more, please.

2 This perfume very nice. I love it!
6 Your heels are part of your feet.
3 Martha’s hat really soft.
6 palm / ankle / heel
4 Look! Can you Tom and Jack in the
park? 7 You have got cheeks on your hands.

5 Please speak louder. I can’t you.
6 Did you the new James Bond film 8 You hear with your hips.
at the weekend?

Richmond Photocopiable © Santillana Educación, S.L. Richmond Photocopiable © Santillana Educación, S.L. UNIT 1 VOCABULARY WORKSHEET Consolidation 13 to
461513_P012-029_Vocabulary.indd 13 20/05/14 16:16

Consolidation: These are aimed at average-level students

who may require some more practice to reinforce the key
language. They practise the key vocabulary and grammar of
each unit through activities that are generally a similar level
to those in the Student’s Book.

The Worksheets can be done in class or given as homework.

Use the Worksheets as continuous assessment for your

students. See the Vocabulary and Grammar lessons in each
unit of your Teacher’s Book for which exercises can be used
to assess the different vocabulary and grammar areas.

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y Worksheet
Speaking Worksheets Festivals
ords below.


The Speaking Worksheets provide fun speaking activities The Festivals Worksheets provide activities based on

u c
that fit in with the Student’s Books topics. They provide a festivals from English-speaking countries throughout the
different focus from the Student’s Book, increasing students’ world.
motivation and ensuring that they get the maximum
enjoyment and speaking practice from the topics. There are 6 Festivals Worksheets per level. They feature a
mixture of festivals which are well-known internationally, as
th the five senses. Then
bs in exercise 1.
4 S 5 T
There are 9 Speaking Worksheets: one for each unit. They well as lesser-known intriguing festivals.
are designed to generate key language – vocabulary and
e correct form of some

grammar – from each unit. They can be used at any point The Festivals are ordered chronologically throughout the
school year, so that they can be covered on or near the time
ve more, please.
very nice. I love it!
really soft.
Tom and Jack in the throughout each Student’s Book unit, but may be more
new James Bond film
successful if they are used after the second grammar lesson, that the festival is happening.
as students will be equipped with the necessary language to
perform the activities fluently. Festivals Bonfire Night Festivals

e 1 Speaking Worksheet 2
Life one hundred years ago Life today 1 Get into groups of three students. Think about your own house and other houses you have seen and complete the word
spiders with as many different ideas as you can. 1 Look at the pictures and write down five questions about Bonfire Night.

k. 1 Think of a festival from anywhere in the world that you would like to take part in. What is it? What appeals to you abou

Remember the 5 of November! The smell of the

wasn’t until the 20 century that it became the social

bonfire burning. The taste of hot dogs and sweet toffee celebration that is enjoyed today.
apples. The sound of the fireworks and the sight of
bright colours as they light up the night sky. It’s Guy The day is still celebrated in Britain every year,
Fawkes Night or Bonfire Night, as it’s also known. with amazing fireworks displays and burning of
This is one of the most enjoyable and fun festivals of ‘Guys’, effigies of Guy Fawkes, which are placed on
autumn in Britain and it has a long history. bonfires. Children make the effigies by filling old
clothes with materials such as paper, straw, cotton,
Over four hundred years ago, in 1605, a man called wool, cardboard or newspaper. In the past, during
Guy Fawkes, a member of the Gunpowder Plot, the days before Bonfire Night, children used to take
was arrested while guarding wooden barrels full of their homemade Guys out on the streets and ask
gunpowder. He was in the basement of the Houses of for ‘a penny for the Guy’. Today, people dress up in
1 Look at the pictures of life today and life one hundred years ago. In pairs, discuss how life has changed and write as many
Parliament in London and attempting to blow them warm coats with gloves, scarves and hats, and go
sentences as you can in the table.
up in order to kill King James I and his politicians. and watch the fireworks at an organized event. As
Life one hundred years ago After he was arrested, people lit huge bonfires around well as burning effigies, the bonfires are also used
London to celebrate that the King had survived. And for cooking potatoes wrapped in foil, and to heat up
Transport They used to travel by steam train.
Britain has celebrated the day of the failed Gunpowder soup for the crowds that come to watch the fireworks.
Technology and Communication They didn’t use to have computers. There were typewriters instead of computers. Plot ever since. By the 18th century the 5th of November Other food including sausages is cooked over the
Entertainment was already being called Guy Fawkes Day, but it flames and marshmallows toasted in the fire.
Food and Cooking
2 Read the text and find words from the article with the 3 In pairs, look at your questions in exercise 1. Can
following meanings. you find answers in the text? If not, discuss what you
Student A Student B 2 Describe your house and your favourite room to your 1 explosive powder used in bombs or fireworks think the answers are. Then go online and see if you
group. 2 a secret plan made by a group of people to do something were right.
2 You are a journalist writing an article about a person 2 You have just turned 100 years old. You are going to illegal 2 Read the text and answer the questions.
in your town who has just turned 100 years old. Write tell a journalist about what your life was like as a child. 3 Find out more information about your group’s homes. 4 In pairs, talk about a festival in your town, region
3 to continue to live 1 What is the history of Boxing Day?
down some interview questions. Write down some possible answers. Ask and answer questions. or country that has a long history behind it.
4 a model of a person 2 In which countries do they celebrate Boxing Day?
● What festival is it?
A Where did you use to live? A Where did you use to live? 1 Have you ever decorated your bedroom? 5 something that is arranged to happen 3 What are some traditional Boxing Day activities?
● How do you celebrate?
B I used to live in a small house. B I used to live in a small house. I decorated my room with my dad. We’ve just finished it. 6 a soft pink and white chewable sweet 4 How is Boxing Day celebrated today?
● What do you like about the celebration?
I chose the colour scheme myself.
3 You can use these words and expressions: 3 You can use these words and expressions:
2 Did you choose your own furniture?
when, while mad about, amazingly, luckily 3 Did you design your room yourself? 70 FESTIVALS: BONFIRE NIGHT Richmond Photocopiable © Santillana Educación, S.L. Richmond Photocopiable © Santillana Educación, S.L.
What were your… ? when, while 4 Have you ever built any of the furniture in your house?
Who / What did… ? was / wasn’t, were / weren’t, was … -ing Was it difficult / easy? 461513_P070-075_Festivals.indd 70 20/05/14 16:19
What / When / How / Where did you use to… ? I / We / They used to / didn’t use to … 5 Have your friends seen your room?
Did you use to have / go / do / use / like… ? 4 Role play the conversation with Student A. 6 Have you ever had a sleepover?
4 Role play the conversation with Student B.
5 Swap roles.
5 Swap roles.

60 UNIT 1 SPEAKING WORKSHEET Richmond Photocopiable © Santillana Educación, S.L. Richmond Photocopiable © Santillana Educación, S.L.
Each worksheet contains a text about the festival, and a
follow-up speaking activity which invites students to relate
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Each Speaking Worksheet contains an activity that students the festival to their own culture, or do a mini-project or
do in pairs or small groups. Sometimes, the Worksheets need discussion about the festival.
to be cut up into role cards or game cards. The Festivals Worksheets could be used as homework, with
the final follow-up speaking activity to be done in class the
day after.


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Tests Marking your students

The Tests are designed to thoroughly test key language from Each four-page written Test contains 90 marks, and the
the course and assess your students’ skills development. Speaking Test contains 10 marks. This gives a total mark out
There are two parts to each Test: a four-page written Test of 100. See page 8 for more information about the Speaking
containing Vocabulary, Grammar, Reading, Listening and Tests.
Writing sections; and a one-page Speaking Test.
The written Tests break down as follows:
You will find the following Tests: Vocabulary 15 marks
● Diagnostic Test to be used at the beginning of the school Grammar 30 marks
year to assess your students’ level: see page 9 for more Reading 15 marks
information. Listening 15 marks
● 9 Unit Tests to be used at the end of each Student’s Book Writing 15 marks
If you aren’t able to do the Speaking Test, you can do the
● 3 round-up Tests to be used after Units 1–3, 4–6 and 7–9.
following equation to convert students’ marks out of 90 into Th
These test language from throughout the previous 3
a percentage: ac
● 2 End-of-Year Tests to be used at the end of the school (mark out of 90) ÷ 90 x 100 = _% Vo
year. These test language from throughout the whole
level. Use End-of-Year Test A with all students. If any
students perform poorly, you could ask them to revise
grammar and vocabulary from throughout the year and
try again, with End-of-Year Test B this time.

Each Unit Test, 3-Unit Test and End-of-Year Test is available

at two levels: Consolidation and Extension.

Consolidation: These are aimed at students who generally

find the Student’s Book material difficult, or the correct level.
The Tests are at roughly the same level as the Student’s Book,
to ensure that students are challenged.

Extension: These are aimed at stronger students who

generally find the Student’s Book material easy. The Tests
are more difficult, to ensure that stronger students are

The audio for the Listening sections of each Test are available Th
in the Teacher’s Audio Material pack. The Audio scripts are Th
available on pages 210–214. ac

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1 Test Consolidation
6 I wear my watch on my left … , but my best friend wears 3 Choose the correct answer. 6 I wear my watch on my left … , but my best friend wears 3 Choose the correct answer. 5 Put the words in order to make questions.
hers on her right. hers on her right.
0 We were sailing around the coastline when / while we 0 We were sailing around the coastline when / while we 0 did / sport / which / use to / play / you / ?
A ankle B wrist A ankle B wrist
1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the got / were getting caught in a storm. got / were getting caught in a storm. Which sport did you use to play?
6 6
verbs below. 1 I lived in Rome when / while I studied / was studying 1 I lived in Rome when / while I studied / was studying 1 to school / you / use to / how / travel / did / ?
Vocabulary total 15 for my university degree. Vocabulary total 15 for my university degree.
feel hear listen look see smell
sound taste touch watch 2 Shaun smelt something burning when / while he 2 Shaun smelt something burning when / while he 2 films / did / kind of / you / use to / watch / what / ?
GRAMMAR was walking / were walking past his neighbour’s house. GRAMMAR was walking / were walking past his neighbour’s house.
0 Those roses smell nice. They have just cut them from the 3 Isabella was cycling when / while her keys were falling / 3 Isabella was cycling when / while her keys were falling /
1 Complete the conversation with the past simple form of 1 Complete the conversation with the past simple form of 3 did / the internet / use to / you / surf / a lot / ?
bush. fell out of her pocket. fell out of her pocket.
the verbs in brackets. the verbs in brackets.
1 Sorry, I didn’t what you said. Could 4 The internet connection stopped / was stopping working 4 The internet connection stopped / was stopping working
Carl: Hi Jason. 0 Did you go (you / go) to the cinema last night? Carl: Hi Jason. 0 Did you go (you / go) to the cinema last night? 4 food / what / use to / like / type of / did / to eat / you / ?
you repeat it? when / while I was downloading music. when / while I was downloading music.
2 I don’t like this soup. It doesn’t nice. Jason: No, I 1 . I wasn’t Jason: No, I 1 . I wasn’t
5 Nathan played / was playing tennis when / while he was 5 Nathan played / was playing tennis when / while he was
feeling very well, so I stayed at home. feeling very well, so I stayed at home. 5 your parents / live / use to / Edinburgh / in / did / ?
It’s too salty. stung by a bee on his wrist. stung by a bee on his wrist.
Carl: What 2 (you / do) Carl: What 2 (you / do)
3 Your hair great. Did you get a haircut? 5 5
instead? instead?
4 Theo and I Manchester United play 5
Jason: I 3 (listen) to some 4 Complete the sentences with the words below. Jason: I 3 (listen) to some 4 Complete the sentences with the words below.
every week. 6 Rewrite the sentences using used to or didn’t used to.
music with my brother. music with my brother.
5 I’ve washed the table twice, but I can still
Carl: 4 (your brother / did (x4) didn’t to use (x3) used Carl: 4 (your brother / did (x4) didn’t to use (x3) used 0 I played the guitar a lot when I was younger.
there is something sticky on it. listen) to that new song by the Vaccines that I sent him? listen) to that new song by the Vaccines that I sent him?
6 to those dogs barking outside. They’re I used to play the guitar when I was younger.
Jason: Yes, he did. He 5 0 My grandparents didn’t have MP3 players, so they used Jason: Yes, he did. He 5 0 My grandparents didn’t have MP3 players, so they used
making lots of noise. 1 I was often nervous when I spoke in front of people.
(say) it sounded like his favourite band, the Strokes. to listen to songs on the radio. (say) it sounded like his favourite band, the Strokes. to listen to songs on the radio.
7 Hey Matt! Can you those two robbers Carl: Oh, by the way, before I forget – 6 Carl: Oh, by the way, before I forget – 6
1 My brother didn’t to eat vegetables 1 My brother didn’t to eat vegetables
running out of the bank? Call the police! (you / receive) my email? I 7 (send) (you / receive) my email? I 7 (send)
when he was a child. He hated them. when he was a child. He hated them.
8 That new singer like Katy Perry. It’s you the Science homework. you the Science homework. 2 My family didn’t have much money when I was growing up.
2 A: you use work 2 A: you use work
the same music style, isn’t it? Jason: Yes, I did. Thanks! I 8 Jason: Yes, I did. Thanks! I 8
in the library? in the library?
9 Don’t the fence. I’ve just painted it (complete) it at the weekend. (complete) it at the weekend.
B: Yes I , while I was studying at university. B: Yes I , while I was studying at university.
and it’s still wet. Carl: What 9 (you / think) Carl: What 9 (you / think) 3 I was a waiter at a restaurant.
of it? 3 A: Where Max and Shelley of it? 3 A: Where Max and Shelley
Jason: It 10 (not be) too to live? Jason: It 10 (not be) too to live?
2 Choose the correct answer. bad – it only took me an hour. B: In Canada, I think. bad – it only took me an hour. B: In Canada, I think.
4 A: your brother hang out at Blue 4 A: your brother hang out at Blue 4 I didn’t have any pets when I was a child.
0 Howard wears … and knee pads when he goes 5 5
skateboarding to protect himself. Shopping Centre? Shopping Centre?
2 Complete Charlie’s dream with the past simple or past 2 Complete Charlie’s dream with the past simple or past
A shoulder B elbow B: No, he . He met his friends at the B: No, he . He met his friends at the
continuous form of the verbs in brackets. continuous form of the verbs in brackets.
1 My brother’s … go really red when he’s embarrassed. skate park. skate park. 5 We went camping a lot on our summer holidays.
I 0 was (be) at a restaurant with my friends and we 5 I didn’t go to the cinema very often because I lived in a I 0 was (be) at a restaurant with my friends and we
A cheeks B lips 5 I didn’t go to the cinema very often because I lived in a
1 (have) lunch. I village and we didn’t to have one.
1 (have) lunch. I
2 Sometimes when I’m nervous before an exam at school village and we didn’t to have one.
2 (bite) into a slice of pizza 2 (bite) into a slice of pizza
my … get sweaty. 5 5 5
when I 3 (feel) something when I 3 (feel) something
A thumbs B palms 30
weird in my mouth. I 4 (look) weird in my mouth. I 4 (look) Grammar total
3 As I get older, I get more wrinkles on my … .
in the mirror and I saw that some of my teeth were falling in the mirror and I saw that some of my teeth were falling
A eyebrows B forehead
out of my mouth. It 5 (not out of my mouth. It 5 (not
4 When I eat really cold food like ice cream, I get pains in
hurt) at all. But luckily, that next moment I woke up. It was hurt) at all. But luckily, that next moment I woke up. It was
my … .
quite a shock! quite a shock!
A teeth B tongue
5 5
5 I like to click my … along to the beat when I’m listening to
my favourite music.
A fingers B toes

82 Unit 1 TEST Consolidation Richmond Photocopiable © Santillana Educación, S.L. Richmond Photocopiable © Santillana Educación, S.L. Richmond Photocopiable © Santillana Educación, S.L. Richmond Photocopiable © Santillana Educación, S.L. Unit 1 TEST Consolidation 83

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o The first page of each Test contains a column of Vocabulary The second page of each Test contains the rest of the Grammar
activities and the first column of Grammar activities. The activities. The activities in the Extension Tests are more difficult.
activities in the Extension Tests are more difficult. The The Grammar activities always add up to 30 marks.
Vocabulary activities always add up to 15 marks.

1 1 Read the text and complete the factfile about the life of
1 Listen to the students talk about their best
childhood memories and answer the questions with
1 Choose the correct answer.
0 First / Then I noticed that the front door of the house was

READING LISTENING Number of symphonies he wrote 0 9

Elena, Ricky or Nick. unlocked. 1 Next / In the end I realized that the living room
1 0 Whose best memory is from school? looked a mess and all the furniture was in the wrong places.
1 Read the text and complete the factfile about the life of 1 Listen to the students talk about their best Year he was born 2 Finally / Then I saw lots of objects were smashed on the
Beethoven. childhood memories and answer the questions with Age he had his first performance
floor. 3 First / After that I became really worried. I ran round
1 Who remembers the smells?
Elena, Ricky or Nick. Year his First Symphony was first performed
the house to see if anything was missing. Our TV and computer
Number of symphonies he wrote 0 9
0 Whose best memory is from school? 4 were gone. 4 Finally / One day, I phoned the police and my
Year he was born
1 Age when his hearing loss started 2 Whose parent got angry?
Ricky 5
mum came home from work. Luckily, it wasn’t too long before
Age he had his first performance
2 Year he died the police arrived. 5 So / In the end, an officer filled out a form
1 Who remembers the smells? 3 Who changed how he / she looked?
Year his First Symphony was first performed
5 but we had to wait to see if the burglars would be caught.
2 Whose parent got angry?
Age when his hearing loss started 2 Read the text again and correct the information in the 4 Who felt happy?
Year he died
sentences. 2 Write a story about a strange dream that you had
3 Who changed how he / she looked? 5 Who couldn’t hear? recently in 125–150 words. Include the following
5 0 Beethoven wrote nine operas. information:
He only wrote one opera.
2 Read the text again and correct the information in the 4 Who felt happy? 5 - where you were in the dream
The composer who couldn’t hear sentences.
1 He was born in Vienna.
- who you were with in the dream and what happened
Beethoven is one of history’s most famous 5 Who couldn’t hear? 2 Listen again and decide if the sentences are true or - how you felt
0 Beethoven wrote nine operas. 2 His father paid for his piano lessons. false. Correct the false sentences.
composers, and wrote nine symphonies and - what happened in the end and how you felt when you
He only wrote one opera.
an opera, as well as many pieces for piano and 5 0 Elena’s aunt’s house was in the city. woke up
1 He was born in Vienna. 3 He started losing his hearing in 1800.
orchestra. And amazingly, while he was composing False. It was in the countryside.
many of these great musical works, he was losing
2 Listen again and decide if the sentences are true or 1 Her aunt taught her how to bake.
2 His father paid for his piano lessons. false. Correct the false sentences. 4 He stopped composing when he found he was deaf.
his hearing.
0 Elena’s aunt’s house was in the city. 2 Elena remembers the sound of people laughing.
Ludwig van Beethoven was born on December 3 He started losing his hearing in 1800. 5 Beethoven used to write in the conversation books for
False. It was in the countryside.
16th, 1770 in Bonn, Germany. His father was a 1 Her aunt taught her how to bake. others to read.
3 Elena used to play the guitar.
singer and music teacher, and taught his young 4 He stopped composing when he found he was deaf.
son piano from a very early age. Young Ludwig 2 Elena remembers the sound of people laughing. 5 4 Ricky’s story took place at school.
gave his first musical performance at the age of 5 Beethoven used to write in the conversation books for
seven, though his father lied and said he was only others to read. 3 Read the text again and write short answers to the
3 Elena used to play the guitar. questions. 5 He got something stuck up his nose.
six. After the deaths of his mother and then his
father, Beethoven went to live in Vienna, where 5 0 Was Beethoven born deaf?
4 Ricky’s story took place at school. 6 He didn’t tell his mum about his problem for a week.
he started to write his own music. Unfortunately, No, he wasn’t.
by 1800, when his First Symphony was first
3 Read the text again and write short answers to the
1 Did Beethoven first play music in public at the age of six?
questions. 5 He got something stuck up his nose. 7 Ricky’s mum solved the problem.
performed, he was already going deaf.
0 Was Beethoven born deaf? 2 Did he start to write music in Vienna?
Beethoven had noticed his hearing problems at 6 He didn’t tell his mum about his problem for a week. 8 Nick still finds his memory funny now.
No, he wasn’t.
the age of 26. He suffered severe tinnitus, which
1 Did Beethoven first play music in public at the age of six? 3 Did he know he was losing his hearing when he wrote
is a loud ringing sound in your ears. Beethoven 7 Ricky’s mum solved the problem. 9 His story took place at his house.
his first symphony?
found he couldn’t hear conversations clearly,
2 Did he start to write music in Vienna?
and playing concerts became more and more 8 Nick still finds his memory funny now. 10 Nick couldn’t see what he looked like.
4 Did he continue to play concerts after he started to lose
difficult. However, he wrote many great musical
3 Did he know he was losing his hearing when he wrote his hearing?
compositions while suffering hearing loss, and he 9 His story took place at his house.
his first symphony? 10
continued composing until his death in 1827 at
5 Did Beethoven usually write answers to people’s 15
age 56. 10 Nick couldn’t see what he looked like. Listening total
4 Did he continue to play concerts after he started to lose questions in the conversation book? 10
One surprising benefit of Beethoven’s deafness his hearing?
for us today is his ‘conversation books’. Because 10 Writing total 15
Beethoven couldn’t hear people speak, he used 5 Did Beethoven usually write answers to people’s 15 Speaking 10
Listening total 15
to ask them to write things down in these books, questions in the conversation book? Reading total
and he answered them orally. As a result, we have
many records of discussions with Beethoven that 5 Richmond Photocopiable © Santillana Educación, S.L. Richmond Photocopiable © Santillana Educación, S.L. Unit 1 TEST Consolidation 85
we don’t have for other composers.
Reading total 15
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84 Unit 1 TEST Consolidation Richmond Photocopiable © Santillana Educación, S.L. Richmond Photocopiable © Santillana Educación, S.L.

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The fourth page of each Test contains the Listening and Writing
The third page of each Test contains the Reading section. sections. The Listening section uses the same audio recording
There is always a text, and a number of comprehension for both Consolidation and Extension so that you can test all
activities. The text is longer and more difficult in the students at the same time. However, the activities are longer
Extension Tests, although it is always based on the same and more difficult in the Extension Tests. The Listening activities
topic. The comprehension activities are also more difficult. always add up to 15 marks.
The Reading activities always add up to 15 marks.
The Writing section always ends with a free writing task.
You will need to give students a mark out of 10 for this
task. Encourage stronger students to continue writing on a
separate piece of paper if they run out of space. The Writing
activities always add up to 15 marks.

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Speaking Tests

There is a Speaking Test to accompany every written Test. ● Listen to the students. Pay attention to how effectively Th
they communicate and their use of English, and assign by
The Speaking Tests are role-plays to be done in pairs. each student a mark out of 10. Reward students for al
successful communication and fluent use of language th
1 Speaking Test and don’t be too strict about language errors unless ar
3 Look at the photo and describe what you can see.
Student A
1 Ask Student B about a funny, interesting or
incredible story that happened to him / her
they impede communication. le
● Say who is in the picture and where they are.

recently. Find out:

● After the students have finished, give them their mark,

● Say what they are doing.
● what happened.
● Say why you think they are doing this activity.
● where it happened.
Now swap roles and listen to Student B describe
● when it happened.

and explain why you have given them that mark.

what he / she can see in his / her photo.
● who he / she was with.
● what he / she saw or heard.
Tell them what they did well, and where they could
● how he / she felt.

2 Then answer Student B’s questions and tell him/

her about a funny, interesting or incredible story
that happened to you recently. pr
B: I had a funny / interesting /
incredible experience recently.

A: Really? What happened?

Student B
3 Listen to Student A describe a photo. 1 Answer Student A’s questions and tell him / her
Now swap roles and describe your photo. about a funny, interesting or incredible story that
happened to you recently.
● Say who is in the picture and where she is.
2 Then ask Student A about a funny, interesting
● Say what she is doing.
or incredible story that happened to him / her
● Say why you think she is doing this activity. recently. Find out:
● what happened.
● where it happened.
● when it happened.
● who he / she was with.
● what he / she saw or heard.
● how he / she felt.
B: I had a funny / interesting /
incredible experience recently.

A: Really? What happened?

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How to do the Speaking Tests

● Cut each Test where indicated.

● Ask two students at a time to come and sit with you. m
You could do this while the rest of the students are fo
writing the Written test, or during a separate lesson. w
● If possible, choose pairs of students who have a ex
similar level. This will prevent stronger students gr
from being held back and frustrated by a weaker
student who cannot communicate so well. It will also
prevent weaker students from feeling inhibited and
overwhelmed by having to interact with a stronger
● If there is an odd number of students, take one of the
roles yourself with a student.
● Give each student their part of the Test, and give them
a few minutes to read through the prompts.
● Make sure students know what the situation is,
and what they need to do. If you want, they can ask
you to explain anything on the Test that they don’t
● Make sure students know which student begins the

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Diagnostic Test

y The Diagnostic Test assesses students’ overall level in English Diagnostic Test
n by testing them on the language – mostly grammar but GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY 3 (beautiful) place I’ve
ever been to is Interlaken, in Switzerland.
6 Write questions about Danny’s weekend using be going to.
Then match the questions with the answers (A–F).

also some key vocabulary – that they will cover throughout

4 It’s much (crowded) on 0 Where / go? Where is Danny going to go?
1 Complete the sentences with the present simple form
the beach in August it is in June.
of go, have, get or do. 1 What / do?
5 (interesting) book I’ve
0 Every morning my older brother Paul gets up at 6.30am 2 Who / meet?
read is A Little History of the World by Ernst Gombrich.
3 How / travel ?

e the level. The aim is to help you identify which students

and has breakfast.
1 I online for an hour every day after 4 What / eat ?
school and chat with my friends. 4 Write sentences for Louisa in 2014 using the present 5 What / see?
perfect and the information below. A His friend Liam. _
2 My mum the housework on Saturday

are weaker and will need more support throughout the

morning and my sister sometimes helps her. B Fish and chips. _
3 We to school by bike. It’s good for Louisa’s Timeline (2014) C To London. 0
our health! D By train. _
moved to Canada 2007
4 I hardly ever a snack before lunch, but E Buckingham Palace. _

level, and which students are stronger and will need more I sometimes have a piece of fruit. met best friend 2008
F Take a ride on the London Eye. _
5 In the evening, Martin watches TV and then joined an ice hockey team 2009 5
ready for bed around 10pm.
started a blog 2010 7 Complete the first conditional sentences with the correct

started learning French 2011 form of the verbs in brackets.

k, 2 Complete the sentences with the present simple, present

continuous, past simple or past continuous form of the
verbs in brackets.
bought my smartphone 2012 0 If you can’t (cannot) come to the cinema with Joanne and
me tonight, I will meet (meet) you in town tomorrow.
1 What Alexandra
0 Lucy is kayaking (kayak) in the Lake District today. She 0 live / Canada / since (do) if she (miss) her plane?
usually has (have) football practice. I’ve lived in Canada since 2007. 2 If it (rain) on Sunday, the football

The Grammar and Vocabulary activities become

1 Julia (love) relaxing on the beach. But 1 know / best friend / for match (be) cancelled.
today she (climb) in the mountains.
3 Paul (feel) better soon if he
2 I (see) something unusual while I 2 be / in an ice hockey team / since (take) this medicine.
(come) home from school last Friday.
4 How Isabel (celebrate)

progressively more difficult, and you will be able to get an 3 We usually

uniforms. But today we
school trip to the lakes.
(wear) our school
(go) on a
3 have / my blog / for

4 learn / French / for

if she
5 If William
(pass) all of her exams?
(call), I
(tell) him that you’re at the hospital visiting your aunt.
4 Yesterday my dad (stop) the

idea of students’ level by seeing how far they are able to give
car and we (get) out. While we
5 have / a smartphone / since 8 Rewrite the sentences in the passive.
(stand) there, we
(can) see lots of balloons lift off into the air and float 0 We open the shop at 8am on Saturday morning.
away. It was fantastic! 5

correct answers.
The shop is opened at 8am on Saturday morning.
5 They (camp) in a tent this year. 5 Complete the advice with must, mustn’t or don’t have to. 1 The dentist checks my teeth every six months.
Normally, they (stay) in a hotel.
You 0 must eat five portions of fruit and vegetables every day.
5 2 They sell carnival costumes in that shop.
You 1 exercise at least twice a week
3 Complete the sentences with the comparative or because it keeps you healthy.
3 The police chased the bank robber.
superlative form of the adjectives in brackets. However, you 2 exercise for hours and

● Average-level students for this course should be able

0 My older brother is taller than (tall) my parents now. hours. You 3 overdo things.
4 They make jeans in that factory.
1 (expensive) car in the You 4 get eight hours sleep every night.
world costs around one and a half million pounds. You 5 take regular breaks from school work. 5 My grandmother made this chocolate cake.
2 Playing sports and exercising is 5

to answer around the first 25–50% of Grammar and (health) watching TV or playing computer games. 5

78 Richmond Photocopiable © Santillana Educación, S.L. Richmond Photocopiable © Santillana Educación, S.L.

Vocabulary questions correctly, but then will start to 461513_P078-081_Diagnostic_Test.indd 78 20/05/14 16:25

give mostly incorrect answers.

● Weaker students will probably give incorrect answers
6 9

right from the beginning of the Test.

3 (beautiful) place I’ve Write questions about Danny’s weekend using be going to. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the
ever been to is Interlaken, in Switzerland. Then match the questions with the answers (A–F). phrasal verbs below. There are two you don’t need.
4 It’s much (crowded) on 0 Where / go? Where is Danny going to go? break down check out dress up get back
the beach in August it is in June.
1 What / do? go away make up put on save up
5 (interesting) book I’ve
2 Who / meet?

● Stronger students will be able to give correct answers

read is A Little History of the World by Ernst Gombrich. 0 We went away last spring to Wales on a school trip.
3 How / travel ?
5 1 I’m going to in a bright,
4 What / eat ? colourful costume during the festival.
4 Write sentences for Louisa in 2014 using the present 5 What / see? 2 This Friday my class is
perfect and the information below.

for more than 50% of the test. If any students answer

A His friend Liam. _ a play in front of the whole school. I’m very nervous.
B Fish and chips. _ 3 We drove to France last year on holiday and
Louisa’s Timeline (2014) C To London. 0 had a brilliant time, but unfortunately our car
on the way home.
D By train. _

almost the entire Vocabulary and Grammar section

moved to Canada 2007 4 I wanted to try rock climbing, so I
E Buckingham Palace. _
met best friend 2008 a few places online and I found a place in my local area.
F Take a ride on the London Eye. _ 5 I went late-night Christmas shopping last night and I
joined an ice hockey team 2009 5 didn’t until 10.30pm.

correctly, then they have a very high level for this

started a blog 2010 7 Complete the first conditional sentences with the correct 5
started learning French 2011 form of the verbs in brackets. 10 Read the blog and report what the people said about
0 If you can’t (cannot) come to the cinema with Joanne and their summer holidays.
bought my smartphone 2012

me tonight, I will meet (meet) you in town tomorrow.
1 What Alexandra Hi everyone!
0 live / Canada / since I asked some of my friends what they did last summer,
(do) if she (miss) her plane?
I’ve lived in Canada since 2007. and this is what they said.
2 If it (rain) on Sunday, the football
1 know / best friend / for match (be) cancelled.
0 ‘I helped out at a local animal shelter.’ David
1 ‘I didn’t do much. I hung out with my friends and went
3 Paul (feel) better soon if he
to the beach.’ Chelsea
2 be / in an ice hockey team / since (take) this medicine.

The Reading, Listening and Writing activities also become

2 ‘I went to Australia with my parents.’ Hannah
4 How Isabel (celebrate) 3 ‘I took up surfing. It’s fantastic.’ Jake
3 have / my blog / for if she (pass) all of her exams? 4 ‘I broke my leg and went to hospital. It still hurts.’ Owen

5 If William (call), I 5 ‘I didn’t have much fun because I worked a lot, but this

weekend I’m going to visit my cousin in Rome.’ Lucy

more difficult as students progress through them, in order

4 learn / French / for (tell) him that you’re at the hospital visiting your aunt.
5 have / a smartphone / since 0 David said that he had helped out at a local animal shelter.
8 Rewrite the sentences in the passive.
1 Chelsea said .

for you to assess if a student’s ability in skills is consistent

0 We open the shop at 8am on Saturday morning.
5 The shop is opened at 8am on Saturday morning. 2 Hannah said .
5 Complete the advice with must, mustn’t or don’t have to. 1 The dentist checks my teeth every six months.

You 0 must eat five portions of fruit and vegetables every day. 3 Jake said .

with their knowledge of vocabulary and grammar. For

2 They sell carnival costumes in that shop.
You 1 exercise at least twice a week
4 Owen said .
because it keeps you healthy.
3 The police chased the bank robber.
However, you 2 exercise for hours and
5 Lucy said
hours. You 3 overdo things.

example, it is possible that a student has an excellent level of

4 They make jeans in that factory. .
You 4 get eight hours sleep every night.
You 5 take regular breaks from school work. 5 My grandmother made this chocolate cake.
Grammar and Vocabulary total 50

grammar but poor communication skills, or vice versa.


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Vocabulary Worksheets

Support Unit 1 page 12

Consolidation Unit 1 page 13

Support Unit 2 page 14

Consolidation Unit 2 page 15

Support Unit 3 page 16

Consolidation Unit 3 page 17

Support Unit 4 page 18

Consolidation Unit 4 page 19

Support Unit 5 page 20

Consolidation Unit 5 page 21

Support Unit 6 page 22

Consolidation Unit 6 page 23

Support Unit 7 page 24

Consolidation Unit 7 page 25

Support Unit 8 page 26

Consolidation Unit 8 page 27

Support Unit 9 page 28

Consolidation Unit 9 page 29

Answers page 30

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1 Vocabulary Worksheet 1
1 Match two boxes each time to make the five senses. 4 Complete the parts of the body. 1
Then write them. 1 fo _r _e h _e a_ d 5 t___h
hear sig tou ste ht 2 t _ _ gu _ 6 l__s
3 c _ _ _ k 7 e _ _ l _ s _ es
ing ll ta ch sme
4 ey _ b _ _ _ s 8 n_c_

5 Match the parts of the body in exercise 4 with the picture.


2 Complete the table with the five senses in exercise 1
and the verbs below.
feel hear listen look see smell
sound taste touch watch
1 2 3 4 5

1 forehead 5
3 Choose the correct answer.
2 6
3 7
4 8

6 Circle the odd word out and explain why. 2

1 thumb / finger / hip
Because it isn’t a part of the hand. 1 H
2 waist / hip / neck

3 heel / finger / toe

4 shoulder / knee / elbow 3

1 Did you hear /see the thunder? It was very loud! 5 wrist / teeth / lips
2 Look! Can you see / hear the rainbow?

3 Mum bought me some perfume. It tastes / smells great!
4 I love the feel / taste of sweet food! 6 palm / ankle / heel
5 My baby sister’s hands touch / feel really soft.
6 Please speak louder. I can’t hear / sound you.

12 UNIT 1 VOCABULARY WORKSHEET Support Richmond Photocopiable © Santillana Educación, S.L. Ri

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1 Vocabulary Worksheet
1 Complete the puzzle with the words below. 4 Cross out letters to reveal the words. Then write the words.
1 w a c r h i e i g e n k e l l cheek
feel hear listen look see smell
2 e n p y e c b k r e t o w h s
sound taste touch watch
3 t o r a n h e a g u d e w
1 4 p i s t a l e c m k d i
e. 2 5 t n e h o u n m g e b
6 f i l t e n i g p e s r e k t
7 t e e n t e o c e k g u
u c 8 k e y a s n i s e k e t

5 Look at the picture and write the parts of the body.

1 eyebrows
3 1

6 4 5 2 6
7 4
6 7
8 l



n 6 Read the sentences and decide if they are true or false.
Correct the false sentences.
2 Complete the headings (1 – 5) with the five senses. Then 1 You have got one eyelash.
complete the table with the verbs in exercise 1.
False. You’ve got two eyelashes.
1 Hearing 2 T 3 S 4 S 5 T 2 Your elbow is part of your arm.

3 You have got two foreheads.

4 You taste with your tongue.
3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of some
of the verbs in exercise 2.
5 You have got two thumbs.
1 This soup tastes delicious! I’ll have more, please.
2 This perfume very nice. I love it!
6 Your heels are part of your feet.
3 Martha’s hat really soft.

4 Look! Can you Tom and Jack in the
park? 7 You have got cheeks on your hands.
5 Please speak louder. I can’t you.
6 Did you the new James Bond film 8 You hear with your hips.
at the weekend?

.L. Richmond Photocopiable © Santillana Educación, S.L. UNIT 1 VOCABULARY WORKSHEET Consolidation 13

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2 Vocabulary Worksheet 2
1 Match two boxes each time to make six types of home. 4 Look at the pictures and complete the words. 1
block of age block terraced
bunga house cott house
low flats detached apartment

blocks of flats

1 b _o _o _t _s 2 ea _ _ _ _ gs 3s__r_

2 Circle the parts of a house and underline the furniture.

basin hall wardrobe

stairs sink
terrace 4 c _ _ t 5 br _ _ el _ _ 6 s _ _ gl _ _ _ es

fridge study
garden cooker bath
balcony microwave 7 s _ _ _ s 8 sh _ _ _ s 9r__g
3 Tick ( ) the correct sentences.

10 sl _ _ _ _ _ s 11 c _ _ _ _ _ an 12 s _ _ _ _ _ s

5 Complete the table with the words in exercise 4.

Clothes Footwear Accessories

1 You cook food in an oven.

2 There are usually conservatories in apartment blocks. _
3 A bungalow has usually got stairs. _ 6 What are you wearing today?
4 You use a dishwasher to clean plates. _
5 You can wash your hands and face in a basin. _

6 There are several homes in a detached house. _
7 There is usually a coffee table in the living room. _
8 People often wash clothes in the utility room. _

14 UNIT 2 VOCABULARY WORKSHEET Support Richmond Photocopiable © Santillana Educación, S.L. Ri

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2 Vocabulary Worksheet
1 Match the descriptions with the types of home. 4 Match the descriptions with the words.
1 You wear this to go swimming. C
2 A man doesn’t usually wear this. _
3 You put these on your hands when it is cold. _
4 You wear these on your feet indoors. _
5 A man wears this to work or for a formal event. _
6 You wear one with your jeans. _

A slippers
B belt
C swimsuit
D tie
1 A building divided into apartments. B E gloves
2 Modest, cosy dwelling typically in a rural location. _ F skirt
3 One of a row of identical houses. _
5 Look at the pictures and write the words. Then complete
4 Free-standing residential building. _
the description.
5 Small house where all living areas are on a single story. _
A detached house
B block of flats
C cottage
D bungalow
E terraced house
2 Complete the words in the sentences. A coat B

1 My parents have got a b _a _l c _o _n y outside their bedroom.

2 Grandma loves sitting in her co _ _ _ _ v _ _ _ r _ in winter.
3 She is in the u _ _ l _ _ _ r _ _ _ loading the washing machine.
4 There aren’t any s _ _ _ r _ in a bungalow.
5 Mum has got lots of plants on the t _ _ _ a _ _. C D
6 Mark is parking the car outside because the g _ _ _ _ e
is locked.
7 Aunt Beth has bought a new coffee table for her g _ _ _ e _.
8 I usually do my homework in the s _ _d _.
3 Cross out the letters to reveal the words. Then write the
Today it’s Christmas Day. Suzi is visiting her parents. It’s a
1 abgrardseivnd
very cold and rainy day, so she’s wearing her warm wool
1 coat and her new pair of 2 . She loves
2 bcoansertapihn
jewellery, so she is wearing a pair of 3

on her ears, a 4 around her wrist and a
3 sctouocakneyr
beautiful 5 on her middle finger. And it’s

sunny, so she’s taking her 6 too.
4 wogafrfderoabse

5 bflrolidtagte

6 u t m l i c t r y o a w r a s v t e

.L. Richmond Photocopiable © Santillana Educación, S.L. UNIT 2 VOCABULARY WORKSHEET Consolidation 15

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3 Vocabulary Worksheet 3
1 Read the descriptions and complete the words. 4 Look at the pictures and complete the circles with 1
1 Too much rain
f _l o_ _o d 1
2 Weather conditions of a place C H
c _ _ _ _ te
3 Preservation and protection of the environment
c _ _ s _ _ v _ _ io _ N I
4 Little or no rain for a long time
_ rou _ _ _
5 Contamination 2
p _ _ _ ut _ _ n
6 Processing used materials into new products
re _ _ c _ _ _ g

2 Complete with the words below.

energy farms footprint forest
life species systems warming 3
1 ecosystems
2 endangered
3 global
4 carbon
5 solar
6 wind 4
7 rain P
8 wild

3 Complete the sentences with the words in exercise 2.

1 There are two main types of aquatic ecosystems: the
marine and the freshwater. 5 2
2 is the rise in the G
average temperature of Earth’s atmosphere and oceans.
3 There are lots of trees in a .
4 is generated by the sun.
5 One of the most effective ways to reduce our
is to make our homes
energy efficient. 5 Tick ( ) the correct sentences.
6 The giant panda is a(n) .
1 Shoes and boots are usually made of leather.
7 Canada has windy areas throughout the country, and 2 Scarves and hats are often made of china. _
has various in operation. 3 A car is mostly made of metal. _
8 Deserts, forests, grasslands and even the most 4 Cereal often comes in cardboard packets. _
developed urban sites all have distinct forms of 5 Cotton fabric is cool and good in hot weather. _
. 6 Car tyres are made of wool. _
7 Wood comes from trees. _
8 Ovens are made of plastic. _

16 UNIT 3 VOCABULARY WORKSHEET Support Richmond Photocopiable © Santillana Educación, S.L. Ri

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3 Vocabulary Worksheet
ENVIRONMENT 3 Complete the sentences with words in exercises 1 or 2.
1 Too much rain can cause a flood.
1 Read the clues and complete the crossword. 2 The giant panda is a(n) .
1 3 When there is little or no rain for a long time, there is a
2 3
f l o o d 4 is the rise in the
average temperature of Earth’s atmosphere and oceans.
5 There are lots of trees in a .
6 Many industries create a lot of .
4 7 is generated by the sun.
8 policies help to protect
the world’s ecosystems and species.

4 Cross out the letters to reveal the words. Then write the
1 mcetakrrudnbiocarld
2 rwuoionpdatis

3 rpulabswtrickt
2 Too much rain.
4 cmeotatobinare
4 Weather conditions of a place.

5 Processing used materials into new products.
6 Contamination. 5 bgwolaotsleser

Down 6 w h l o e m a d t a l h c a e r y
1 Preservation and protection of the environment.

3 Little or no rain for a long time.
7 rpucbbowerdkt
2 Match the words or word parts and write complete
words and phrases. 8 cmeotatobolare
1 eco A energy
2 endangered B farm
5 Complete the sentences with words in exercise 4.
3 global C forest
4 carbon D species 1 Shoes and boots are usually made of leather.
5 solar E footprint 2 Scarves and hats are often made of .
6 wind F life 3 A car is mostly made of .
7 rain G warming 4 Cereal often comes in packets.
8 wild H system 5 fabric is cool and good
1 ecosystem 5 in hot weather.
2 6 6 Car tyres are made of .
3 7 7 comes from trees.
4 8 8 You can throw cups
and plates away when you finish with them.

.L. Richmond Photocopiable © Santillana Educación, S.L. UNIT 3 VOCABULARY WORKSHEET Consolidation 17

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4 Vocabulary Worksheet 4
1 Read the clues and complete the TV programmes. 4 Match the parts of the expressions. 1
1 an only A born
2 begin B to become
3 be C child
4 buy D children
5 decide E up
6 have F your career
7 grow G engaged
8 get H a house

1 These programmes don’t have real people in them. 5 Unscramble the words to complete the sentences.
c _a _r t _o _o _n s
2 You can watch this at home or at the cinema. 1 Where did Kieran and Carrie meet (teme)?
f___ 2 Cath and Danny got (drerima) last year.
3 This programme can be about art, science, history, etc. 3 When did Grandma (edi), Mum?
d___m__t___ 4 I don’t want to (voem). I like living here!
4 People who go on this usually want to win money. 5 No one wants to get (veddoirc).
g___ s___ 6 Where does Beth (rokw)?
5 This programme is about animals. 7 Emily (truagddae) from university in
n_____ p________ the summer.
6 People who go on this sometimes sing or dance. 8 Ed and Dana (ivel) in Madrid.
t_____ s___
7 This is a funny programme about people. 6 Complete the sentences with the verbs below. Then put
s__c__ the events in order.
8 This programme tells you about national and world
t__ n___

2 Choose the correct answer.

1 cookery programme / opera 2
2 sports series / programme
3 the weather programme / forecast
4 soap opera / show
5 makeover show / news
6 crime forecast / series decided engaged got graduated
7 reality programme / show had lived met was born
8 talk show / programme
A Chloe was born in Manchester in 1980. 1
3 Complete the sentences with words in exercises 1 or 2. B She to become a doctor when she
1 Most children enjoy watching cartoons like Tom and Jerry. was 14. _
2 There is always a on TV C They married in 2007. _
at the weekend. I like them because I’m very competitive. D She from Oxford University in 2004. _
3 Friends was a really popular US . E She Ian when she was visiting a
4 ‘Is it going to rain tomorrow, Mum?’ ‘I don’t know. I friend in 2005. _
haven’t seen the .’ F Chloe and Ian got a year later. He gave
5 Did you see the interview with Daniel Craig on that her a beautiful ring! _
last night? G They three children: Sue, Liz and Tom. _
6 My dad always watches at six o’clock. H She in a town near Oxford when she
He wants to know about things happening in the world. was at university. _

18 UNIT 4 VOCABULARY WORKSHEET Support Richmond Photocopiable © Santillana Educación, S.L. Ri

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4 Vocabulary Worksheet
7 What’s your favourite ?
TV PROGRAMMES Mine’s Big Brother, especially the celebrity version!
8 You can win some great prizes on .
1 Look at the pictures and complete the TV programmes.
1 2
3 Cross out letters to reveal the words. Then complete the
life events.

cookery programme series 1 becgthkirulndyo

an only child
3 4 2 r g e b u o i r l p e n g a e s
3 r p y o u l a b r c a s w t r i a c e h o e r t
show nature 4 wdhioevodrcaedet

e! get
5 6
5 r g u r d i v o a r w d c i g
n 6 o n c o h a i t l o d r b o n e r n u p
soap programme
4 Swap the words in bold to complete the sentences
t correctly.
7 8
1 Natasha and Joe got engaged (married) in 2005. It was a
fantastic wedding.
2 Juliana graduated ( ) to become a
doctor when she was 14.
the the 3 Stuart died ( ) from Oxford University
when he was 21.
2 Match two boxes each time to make TV programmes and 4 Natasha bought ( ) Joe when she was
complete the sentences.
visiting her friend Sophie.
aries sit talk programmes ms 5 Chloe’s grandfather decided ( ) when
he was 92.
shows com game toon document 6 Joe bought Natasha a diamond ring when they got
fil show car reality cookery show married ( ) a year before their wedding.
7 Robin and Liz met ( ) a house in
1 Harry watches lots of cookery programmes because he Edinburgh last year.
likes to get ideas for new meals to make.
2 Tom and Jerry is a famous , 5 Write five true sentences about your family. Use the
which was first created in 1940. correct form of the verbs and phrases in exercises 3 and 4.

_ 3 Have you seen any of the James Bond ? 1 My mum was born in the north of England.
4 Friends was a really popular US 2 My dad .
about four friends who lived in the same apartment block. 3 My grandmother .
e 5 My mum and dad watch the 4 My grandfather .
The Tonight Show every day. They like the way Jay Leno 5 My aunt .
interviews his guests. My uncle .
_ 6
6 My little sister loves because
she loves learning about history, nature and literature.

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5 Vocabulary Worksheet 5
1 Match the words. 4 Find two mind verbs hidden in each box. 1
1 a sore A sick 1 debeclieivdee
2 a pain B ache believe decide
3 hay C your knee
2 fo frg et eel
4 burn D fever

5 a stomach E a muscle
6 feel F throat 3 imgaguienses
7 graze G yourself
8 pull H in your leg 4 k le na o r w n
2 Choose the correct answer.
5 reamliisz s e
1 Oh no! I think Annie has broken her arm / muscle.

2 My brother Mark is really allergic to / from seafood.
3 I had / felt sick at Katie’s birthday party. 6 rerecmeomgbniezer
4 You feel very hot. You must have a temperature / hay fever.
5 I’ve had a pain on / in my arm for about two weeks. 7 wun ad ern s tatn d
6 Will hurt him / himself when he was playing rugby.
7 Can I have a painkiller, Mum? I have a headache / cough. 8 wowonrdreyr
8 You need to go to hospital if you pull / break your leg.

3 Complete the sentences with the words below. 5 Correct the underlined verbs in the sentences. Use the
words below.

decided felt forget guess learnt

understand wonder worries

1 We couldn’t wonder each other! It was so noisy!

2 My memory is terrible. I remember everything!

3 I realize who is coming to the party tonight. 3
arm asthma burn cut earache

leg muscle sprain
4 Mum couldn’t sleep last night. She misses too much.

1 Grandma can’t hear very well and she’s got a(n) earache. 5 We believed such a lot in our last English lesson.
2 Mollie gets when she does exercise,
so she has to use an inhaler. 6 I guessed really scared when I watched that film
3 It’s easy to your ankle if you wear last night!
shoes that don’t fit well.
4 Dad has pulled a in his back, so he 7 After Ellie imagined to work harder, her results
can’t move very well. improved a lot.
5 I my finger with a knife when I was
preparing some vegetables for dinner! 8 If you don’t know the answer, try to work it out.
6 If you your hand, you should put it Don’t realize!
in cold water.
7 When Toby fell, he bruised his really
badly. He can’t write well now. It hurts.
8 I have never broken a .

20 UNIT 5 VOCABULARY WORKSHEET Support Richmond Photocopiable © Santillana Educación, S.L. Ri

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5 Vocabulary Worksheet
1 Cross out letters to reveal the words. Then complete the 4 I my finger badly because my knife
symptoms and illnesses. was blunt. It’s safer to use a sharp knife.
5 When Toby fell, he bruised his really
1 altlthkrheogatcp badly. It’s very sore now.
a sore throat 6 My mum broke her last year. She had
2 palinlreursgeimc to use crutches for weeks.
be to seafood
3 althuoratneea MIND VERBS
4 stofmainchgher 4 Complete the verbs with the letters below. There are
cut your two you don’t need.
5 shepardamusicnld der alk get kno ele agi won orr eel lie
your ankle
1 imagine 5 w___y
6 asprtahimcakis
2 un _ _ _ stand 6 f___
feel 3 for _ _ _ 7 be _ _ _ ve
4 _ _ _ der 8 ___w
2 Choose the correct answer.
1 Oh no! I think Annie has broken her arm / muscle / cold. 5 Swap the words in bold to complete the sentences
2 My brother Mark is really allergic to / from / by seafood. correctly.
3 I had / felt / get sick at Katie’s birthday party. 1 I don’t think Mum and Dad imagine (believed) a word I said!
4 You feel very hot. You must have a temperature / 2 I feel really good when I remember ( )
hay fever / asthma. going on holiday next month.
5 I’ve had a pain on / in / from my arm for about two weeks. 3 The older you get, the more you believed ( )
6 Will hurt him / herself / himself when he was playing rugby. how little you know!
7 Can I have a painkiller, Mum? I have a headache / 4 I wants ( ) you, don’t I? Did we meet at
headache / a head ache. Amy’s party?
8 You need to go to hospital if you pull / break / bruise 5 Ed really realize ( ) his friend Joe since
your leg. Joe’s family moved to France.
6 Naomi and Becky misses ( ) each other
3 Complete the sentences with the words below. There
as soon as they walked into the classroom.
are two you don’t need.
7 Jake know ( ) to be a professional
footballer one day.
8 Do you recognized ( ) much about the
book we read for literature last term?

6 Complete the sentences with mind verbs.

1 We couldn’t understand each other because we speak
different languages.
2 My memory is terrible. I everything
arm asthma burn cut earache all the time!
leg muscle sprain 3 I who is coming to the party tonight.
I hope Mimi can come.
1 Grandma can’t hear very well and her ear hurts. I think 4 We such a lot in our English lessons.
her earache is quite bad. I feel that I know so much more now.
2 Mollie gets when she does exercise, 5 I really scared when I watch horror
so she uses an inhaler so she can breathe better. films at night!
3 Dad has pulled a in his back, so he 6 If you don’t know the answer, try to work it out. Don’t
can’t move very well. just !

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6 Vocabulary Worksheet 6
1 Complete the circles with appropriate science lab words. 4 Match two boxes each time to make eight verbs and 1
write them.
1 2
F L S P pr ick rade oll ag sa cl ins
upd scr upg dr ert ate int ve

3 4



5 6 5 Choose the correct answer.

T S 1 I’m going to scan / connect these old photos for my 3
SH granddad. He wants electronic copies of them.
G 2 Ellie wanted to play a computer game this morning, but
she couldn’t transfer / connect to the internet.
3 Robin uploaded / pasted some fantastic photos onto
2 Match the words or word parts. Facebook yesterday!
4 If you want to delete a file, just drag and drop / crash it
1 first A tubes
into the recycle bin.
2 safety B aid kit
5 Sarah wanted to download some files, but they wouldn’t
3 test C coat
transfer / scan quickly enough and her computer crashed!
4 lab D bench
6 You can turn off / download software upgrades from
5 eye E glasses
the internet.
6 fire F wash
7 work G extinguisher 6 Complete the sentences with the words below.
3 Complete the sentences with the words in exercise 2.
cursor document hard copy memory recycle bin virus
1 There should be a first aid kit in public places like shops.
2 Don’t forget to put your 1 I’ve got lots of photos to put on my computer, but it
on. You must protect your eyes. hasn’t got enough memory.
3 This experiment requires several 2 My sister’s computer got a
. Pass me three of them, please. and it crashed.
4 Wearing a will prevent 3 Just click on the link and it will take you to the
damage to your clothes. .
5 If you get something in your eye, you should immediately 4 To delete a file, just drag and drop it in the
use a(n) . .
6 You can put a fire out using the . 5 Have you got a of the document,
7 Always keep your tidy as well as a copy on your laptop?
while doing experiments. 6 The flashing shows you where you
are in your document.

22 UNIT 6 VOCABULARY WORKSHEET Support Richmond Photocopiable © Santillana Educación, S.L. Ri

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6 Vocabulary Worksheet
1 Match three boxes each time to make six words and 4 Match the parts of the sentences.
write them.
1 When your computer stops working unexpectedly, E
per quip sa ex e f me la e fe 2 When you put a new program on your computer, _
3 When you put a newer version of a program on your
ns id ri ent ment ty iment acc computer, _
4 When you switch off your computer, _
5 When you want a paper copy of a document, _

6 When you want to remove a file from your computer, _

A you install it. D5 you delete it.
2 Nouns, verbs or both? Write N for noun, V for verb or B you print it. E5 it crashes.
B for both noun and verb. C you upgrade it. F5 you shut it down.
1 spill B 5 boil _ 5 Choose the correct answer.
2 tongs _ 6 explode _
3 splash _ 7 container _ 1 I’m going to drag / scan / connect these old photos for
4 chemicals _ 8 protect _ my granddad. He wants electronic copies of them.
2 Ellie wanted to play a computer game this morning, but
3 Read the clues and complete the crossword. she couldn’t drop / transfer / connect to the internet.
1 3 Robin uploaded / pasted / scrolled some fantastic
t photos onto Facebook yesterday!
4 If you want to delete a file, just drag and insert / drop /
3 crash it into the recycle bin.
4 5
5 Sarah wanted to download some files, but they wouldn’t
w a s h transfer / insert / scan quickly enough and her
computer crashed!
’t 6 You can turn off / download / insert software upgrades
d! from the internet.

6 Cross out letters to reveal the words. Then complete the


Across 1 i c d s f o t c r e u w m c e n t r e
4 If you get something in your eye, you should Toby is writing a document for a school project.
immediately use an eye wash. 2 s r e o c f y t c w l a r e c u r s
5 This experiment requires several A computer programmer writes .
3 harprcopoygmeropam
7 You can put a fire out using the fire
Have you got a for listening to music
over here.
on your laptop?
Down 4 c o p m e y h m r a o m r y
1 Wearing a lab will prevent damage Mum’s computer hasn’t got enough
to your clothes. to store all her photos.
2 Don’t forget to put your safety on.
5 s t v i c a u m r e n u t s f
You must protect your eyes.
A can make your computer crash.
3 Always keep your work tidy whilst
doing experiments. 6 b i n c u r p e c s y c o l e r s
6 There should always be a first kit in The flashing shows where you are in
public places like shops. a document.

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7 Vocabulary Worksheet 7
1 Unscramble the words. Take the letters in the circles 4 Match the words or word parts. 1
and write another film genre.
1 3D A by
C R I M E 2 based B of
3 special C set
2 NAICOT 4 tells the story D track
3 5 composed E effects
6 is F on
4 ENET 7 sound G film
5 2
5 Complete the sentences with the words and phrases in
6 AYSNATF exercise 4.
1 You have to wear special glasses to watch a 3D film.
1 2 3 4 5 6 2 The film two young
people who meet and fall in love at university.
3 The for the film was
2 Complete the film genres with the letters below. Hans Zimmer. I have
bought the CD.
4 The in new films are
much better than in older films because technology has
5 The film in the south of
6 The drama was
a true story.
6 Complete the text with the words below.

sci ric orr ill ven mat

1 horror film
2 ad _ _ _ ture film
3 _ _ _ -fi film
4 ani _ _ _ ed film
5 thr _ _ _ er
6 histo _ _ _ al film

3 Choose the correct answer.

1 I don’t like horror / teen films – they’re too scary!
2 My mum’s favourite films are dramas / musicals because
she likes singing all the songs. by fantastic made played recommend stars was 4
3 Granddad won’t enjoy this. It’s a teen / sci-fi film! He’s a
bit old for it! The James Bond film Skyfall 1 was directed by Sam Mendes.
4 The thriller / comedy was so funny we laughed all night! You must see it! I really 2 it! James
5 Dad enjoys historical / fantasy films because he says you Bond is
3 by Daniel Craig. Skyfall was
can learn a lot about the past. produced 4 Michael G. Wilson. There
6 The protagonists in animated / action films aren’t real are many famous 5 in it. The film was 6
people. in 2011. I think it’s 7 !

24 UNIT 7 VOCABULARY WORKSHEET Support Richmond Photocopiable © Santillana Educación, S.L. Ri

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7 Vocabulary Worksheet
3 r e c u h m e s a y s e t
There is almost always an exciting in
1 Complete the film genres. thrillers.
4 s w a c s a l o m a n d e o t
1 horror film
2 ac _ _ _ _ film The film in 2008.
3 ad _ _ _ _ _ _ _ film 5 pfilamuedcbey
4 fa _ _ _ _ y film The is slow.
5 c _ _ _ e film 6 iwnasdilrmaectcied
6 th _ _ _ _ _ r
The film by Martin Scorsese.
2 Match the descriptions with the film genres.
5 Complete the sentences with the words below. There
1 These films don’t use real people as actors. C are four you don’t need.
2 These films are set in the future. _
3 These films are made for young people. _
4 These films usually make you laugh. _
5 These films often tell an emotional story. _
6 These films are always set in the past. _
7 There are songs in these films. _

A sci-fi films
B drama
s C animated films
D comedies
of E historical films
F musicals
G teen films
by composed fantastic made of pace
3 Choose the correct answer. played recommend sets stars was
1 I don’t like horror / teen / comedy films – they’re too scary!
2 My mum’s favourite films are dramas / thrillers / musicals The James Bond film Skyfall 1 was directed by Sam Mendes.
because she likes singing all the songs. You must see it! I really 2 it! James Bond
3 Granddad won’t enjoy this. It’s a drama / teen film / is
3 by Daniel Craig. Skyfall was produced
sci-fi film! He’s a bit old for it! 4 Michael G. Wilson. There are
4 The thriller / drama / comedy was so funny we laughed many famous 5 in it. The film was
all night! 6 in 2011. I think it’s 7 !
5 Dad enjoys historical / horror / fantasy films because he
says you can learn a lot about the past. 6 Swap the words in bold to complete the sentences.
6 The protagonists in animated / action / teen films aren’t
1 The film’s special impressive (effects) were phenomenal!
real people.
2 It was so easy to believe in the soundtrack ( ).
They were effects ( ). I love Max the
4 Cross out letters to reveal the words. Then complete the 3 The characters ( ) was so fast, it was
sentences. hard to keep up!
. 4 The convincing ( ) was composed by
1 i s b s a f e o d u s c e a d r o n Hans Zimmer.
The film is based on a novel. 5 In the film Sam went in pace ( ) of the
2 w a d s m c l o m t p o m m n s e a d treasure.
The Piano’s soundtrack by Michael 6 The sets in the film are quest ( ). The
! Nyman. cave was so real!

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8 Vocabulary Worksheet 8
1 Complete the phrasal verbs with on or up and match 4 Read the clues and complete the words. 1
them with their meanings.
1 Something planned 2 D
 ecorated vehicle in
1 dress up a parade
2 carry
3 take E V F
4 give T
5 hold
6 save

A start a new hobby _ 2

B continue _ 3 Coverings for the face worn 4 A small often temporary stand
C stop doing something _ for disguise for the display and sale of goods
D put money aside _
E wear costumes 1 M S
F maintain position _

2 Complete the sentences with the words below.

checked down dress for on save

1 It’s really annoying! Our car broke down on our way home 5 A large number of people 6 A
 social gathering for
yesterday. celebration
2 If you don’t know the answer to a question, just carry
with the rest of the exam. C P
3 Dad out the food at the restaurant
we’re going to for Mum’s birthday.
4 Are you going to up for Rachel’s
birthday party?
5 I’m going to up for a new mobile phone.
6 Ollie, what are you looking ?
5 Complete the words. Then match them with the pictures.
3 Choose the correct answer.
1 Richard’s scooter is great. It never breaks down /
checks out.
2 I’m putting on / looking for my Maths notebook. I need
it today.
3 Are you going to show off / dress up for Hannah’s party?
4 Are Mike and Annie carrying on / going away this
5 Dad! I just made up / found out that I got 95% in my
English test!
6 What time will you get back / give up tonight, Nick? 1 ca _r _n _i v_ a_ l C
7 That top really holds on / shows off your blue eyes. 2 cost _ _ _ _
8 Don’t give up / carry on, Tom. You can do it! 3 wh _ _ _ _ e _ F
4 tradit _ _ _ al f _ _ d _
5 proc _ _ _ _ ons _
6 fire _ _ _ _ _ _

26 UNIT 8 VOCABULARY WORKSHEET Support Richmond Photocopiable © Santillana Educación, S.L. Ri

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8 Vocabulary Worksheet
1 Choose the correct answer. 4 Match the descriptions with the words.
1 I’m trying to save on / up / back for a new mobile phone. 1 To go to an event or celebration. E
2 Bess was late again this morning, and no one believed 2 Special clothes that people sometimes wear in a parade. _
the excuse she made up / for / on. 3 Lots of people at an event or celebration. _
3 That top really shows out / away / off your blue eyes. 4 Something you can blow that makes a loud noise. _
4 Don’t give back / up / out, Tom. You can do it! 5 Something you cover your face with, which can be funny. _
5 Have you checked out / away / up the new Indian 6 A vehicle with a platform to carry people in a carnival
takeaway yet? It’s great! procession. _
6 Hold down / out / on tight! This ride is fast and scary! 7 A stand for selling things, typical in markets. _
8 Someone who takes part in an event or celebration. _
2 Complete the sentences with the words below. There
d are three you don’t need. A costumes
ds B float
away broke gave made on (x2) save take up C stall
D whistle
1 Our car broke down on our way home from school yesterday. E attend
2 My granddad up smoking last year. F participant
I’m really proud of him. G mask
3 The school is going to put a fantastic H crowds
Christmas concert.
4 Sam would really like to up surfing. 5 Cross out letters to reveal the words. Then complete the
He hasn’t tried it before. activities.
5 Are you going to dress for the meal
out tonight?
6 If you carry studying this hard, you’ll
do really well in your exams.

3 Complete the sentences.


1 f c i r a i r e n w i r v k a l
Notting Hill Carnival
2 tradihetimednals
1 Richard’s scooter is great. It’s really reliable because it
never breaks down. 3 w h s t l y e s t p e n d m k e
2 I’m looking my Maths notebook. sound
I need it for class today. 4 f i m s o r p e w c k o s r k h s
3 Are you going to up for Hannah’s display
party? I’m wearing my long black dress. 5 p u t r b l a d c i v a t i l o n e p t a l h s
4 Are Mike and Annie going this food
summer? They look as if they need a break!
6 thpmubdaolatimsc
5 Dad! I just found that I got 95% in my
English test! holiday
6 What time will you get tonight, Nick?

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9 Vocabulary Worksheet 9
1 Read the clues and complete the words. 4 Match the words and word parts and write complete 1
words and phrases.
1 Belongings
p _o _s _s _e ss _i o_ ns 1 well A working
2 The state of being rich 2 hard B distracted
w_a__h 3 easily C tidy
3 Not having something anymore 4 un D confidence
l__s 5 lack E organized
4 Your strongest points 6 dis F behaved
st _ _ _ _ ths
5 Health and happiness well behaved
w _ _ l-b _ _ _ _
6 Reason to believe something
ev _ _ _ _ ce

2 Match two boxes each time to make six words and
write them.
5 Choose the correct answer.
ship val dissatis ities ment earn abil
1 Picasso was such a(n) helpful / imaginative artist. Some
ings faction improve ues relation of his paintings are really unusual.
2 Emma finds it hard to meet new people because she’s so
shy / polite.

3 My granddad has become much more lazy / forgetful 2

as he’s got older. Sometimes, he can’t remember people’s
3 Complete the sentences with the words below. names.
4 Students should be untidy / polite to others at all times;
bad behaviour will not be tolerated.
5 Someone who loves chatting to people a lot is talkative /
6 Fiona is never late. She’s one of the most sensible /
punctual people I know.
6 Complete the sentences with the words below.

confident conscientious enthusiastic

lazy punctual sensible

friendship happiness increase 1 Claire will try anything! She’s such a(n) enthusiastic person!
love pleasure satisfaction 2 You’ve got an exam tomorrow, Ben. You should be
and go to bed early.
1 Most people want to have a life full of happiness. 3 I’m sure you’ll do well in your exams, Freya, because you
2 Amy got lots of from her new MP3 are so .
player. 4 Please don’t be , Matt. I really need
3 Do you think that having more money leads to a(n) your help with this.
in happiness? 5 Do you feel enough to give a speech
4 My with Max is really important to me. in public?
5 They say that makes the world 6 Be . The exam starts at 9am.
go round.
6 I get a lot of from doing well in
my exams.

28 UNIT 9 VOCABULARY WORKSHEET Support Richmond Photocopiable © Santillana Educación, S.L. Ri

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9 Vocabulary Worksheet
3 Do you think that having more money leads to
a(n) in happiness?
1 Cross out letters to reveal the words. Then complete the 4 My with Max is really important to
sentences. me. We’ve known each other since we were six.
5 There’s a famous expression that says that
1 i s p o s a f s o p u e c s a s r i o e n s makes the world go round.
Some people think that you can’t have too many possessions. 6 People get a lot of from working hard
2 s w a t i e s f a c l t i o h n d and achieving their goals.
The greatest at school comes from
studying hard and doing well. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT
3 r l w e t p o s a l u s e t
4 Unscramble the words and write them.
The of a job can be very difficult.
4 t e s t b h a r e n g h i t i s m e h a s 1 be well organized (zedronaig)
2 be hard (rokniwg)
Amy, you should recognize your .
3 be easily (tectradsid)
You’re great at Maths and Science!
4 be (tinydu)
5 swirlelabl–bevieadncegt 5 lacks (ficennocde)
Our sense of is what makes us feel
6 badly (hedevab)
happy or not.
e 6 posessvionsdeisnfacteoan 5 Choose the correct answer.
There is a lot of that the love of family 1 Picasso was such a(n) helpful / imaginative / shy artist.
o and friends is very important. Some of his paintings are really unusual.
2 Emma finds it hard to meet new people because she’s so
2 Match three boxes each time to make six words. shy / polite / sensible.
’s 3 My granddad has become much more lazy / forgetful /
it satis lu prove abil tion ear dis ship
reliable as he’s got older. Sometimes, he can’t remember
s; gs ment rela va im ies faction es nin people’s names.
4 Students should be untidy / reliable / polite to others at
e/ dissatisfaction all times; bad behaviour will not be tolerated.
5 Someone who loves chatting to people a lot is talkative /
conscientious / disorganized.
6 Fiona is never late. She’s one of the most imaginative /
3 Complete the sentences with the words below. There sensible / punctual people I know.
are two you don’t need.
6 Complete the sentences with the words below. There
are three you don’t need.

confident conscientious enthusiastic lazy

n! polite progress punctual sensible shy

1 Claire will try anything! She’s such an enthusiastic person!

u 2 You’ve got an exam tomorrow, Ben. You should be
and go to bed early.
3 I’m sure you’ll do well in your exams, Freya, because you
friendship happiness increase love are so .
please pleasure satisfaction satisfy 4 Please don’t be , Matt. I really need
your help with this.
5 Do you feel enough to give a speech
1 Most people want to have a life full of happiness. in public?
2 Amy got lots of from her new MP3 6 Be . The exam starts at 9am.
player and she listened to it for hours.

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Answers A
2 3 5
1 Vocabulary Worksheet: Support 1 Hearing: hear, listen, sound 4, 5, 7, 8 B
2 Taste: taste E
1 3 Sight: watch, look, see 4 2
hearing, touch, smell, taste 4 Smell: smell 2 earrings 6
5 Touch: touch, feel 3 shirt
2 4 coat
1 Hearing: listen, sound 3 5 bracelet
2 Taste: taste 2 smells 6 sunglasses
3 Sight: look, see, watch 3 feels 7 shoes
4 Smell: smell 2
4 see 8 shorts
5 Touch: feel, touch 3
5 hear 9 ring
6 watch / see 10 slippers
3 5
11 cardigan
2 see 6
4 12 sandals
3 smells 2 eyebrows
4 taste 3 tongue 5 2
5 feel 2
4 palm Clothes: shirt, coat, shorts, cardigan
6 hear 3
5 thumb Footwear: shoes, slippers, sandals
6 finger Accessories: earrings, bracelet, sunglasses,
4 5
7 neck ring
2 tongue 6
8 knee
3 cheek 7
4 eyebrows 8
5 Student’s own answers
5 teeth / tooth 2 eyelashes
6 lips 3 forehead
7 eyelashes 2 Vocabulary Worksheet: Consolidation 2
4 waist
8 neck 3
5 hip
6 shoulder
1 4
5 2 C 5
7 elbow
2 eyebrows 3 E 6
8 wrist
3 eyelashes 4 A 7
9 heel
4 cheek 5 D 8
10 toe
5 lips
6 teeth 6 2 4
7 tongue 2 conservatory 2
2 True.
8 neck 3 utility room 3
3 False. You have got one forehead.
4 stairs 4
4 True.
6 5 terrace 5
5 True.
2 neck – because it isn’t a part of the torso. 6 garage
6 True.
3 finger – because it isn’t a part of a foot. 7 False. You have got cheeks on your face.
7 garden 5
4 knee – because it isn’t a part of the arm. 8 study 3,
8 False. You hear with your ears.
5 wrist – because it isn’t part of the mouth.
6 palm – because it isn’t a part of the leg. 3
2 Vocabulary Worksheet: Support 2 basin
3 cooker
1 Vocabulary Worksheet: Consolidation 1 4 wardrobe
terraced house, bungalow, detached house, 5 fridge
1 D
apartment block, cottage 6 microwave
1 watch
2 hear 2 4 2
3 (Across) touch 2
Parts of a house: garden, garage, hall, stairs, 2 F
3 (Down) taste 3
study, terrace 3 E
4 (Across) smell 5
Furniture: bath, cooker, wardrobe, fridge, 4 A
4 (Down) see 7
microwave, sink 5 D
5 look 6 B
6 feel
7 listen
8 sound

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5 3 4
B boots C earrings D bracelet 2 endangered species 2 F
E sunglasses F ring 3 drought 3 A
2 boots 3 earrings 4 bracelet 5 ring 4 Global warming 4 H
6 sunglasses 5 rainforest 5 B
6 pollution 6 D
3 Vocabulary Worksheet: Support 7 Solar energy 7 E
8 Conservation 8 G
1 4 5
2 climate
2 wood 2 married
3 conservation
3 plastic 3 die
4 drought
4 cotton 4 move
5 pollution
5 wool 5 divorced
6 recycling
6 leather 6 work
7 rubber 7 graduated
2 8 metal 8 live
2 species
3 warming
5 6
4 footprint
2 wool B decided C got D graduated E met
5 energy
3 metal F engaged G had H lived
6 farms
4 cardboard 2 B 3 H 4 D 5 E 6 F 7 C 8 G
7 forest
5 Cotton
8 life
6 rubber 4 Vocabulary Worksheet: Consolidation
7 Wood
3 8 plastic
2 Global warming 1
3 rainforest 2 crime
4 Solar energy 4 Vocabulary Worksheet: Support 3 makeover
5 carbon footprint 4 programme
6 endangered species 1 5 opera
7 wind farms 2 film 6 sports
8 wildlife 3 documentary 7 news
4 game show 8 weather forecast
4 5 nature programme
2 cork 6 talent show 2
3 metal 7 sitcom 2 cartoon
4 paper 8 the news 3 films
5 glass 4 sitcom
2 5 talk show
5 2 programme 6 documentaries
3, 4, 5, 7 3 forecast 7 reality show
4 opera 8 game shows
3 Vocabulary Worksheet: Consolidation 5 show
6 series 3
7 show 2 born
1 8 show 3 your career
Across: 4 climate 5 recycling 6 pollution
4 divorced
Down: 1 conservation 3 drought
3 5 grow
2 game show 6 children
2 3 sitcom
2 (D) endangered species
4 weather forecast
3 (G) global warming 4 (E) carbon footprint
5 talk show
5 (A) solar energy 6 (B) wind farm
6 the news
7 (C) rainforest 8 (F) wildlife

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Answers A
4 5 6
2 decided 2 forget 2 forget
3 graduated 3 wonder 3 wonder
4 met 4 worries 4 learn 1
5 died 5 learnt 5 feel eq
6 engaged 6 felt 6 guess ac
7 bought 7 decided
8 guess 2
6 Vocabulary Worksheet: Support 2
Students’ own answers 3
5 Vocabulary Worksheet: Consolidation 1 4
2 spill 5
5 Vocabulary Worksheet: Support 1 3 boil 6
2 allergic 4 rinse 7
1 3 hurt 5 tongs 8
2 H 4 finger 6 splash
3 D 5 sprain 3
4 G 6 sick 2 Ac
5 B 2 E D
6 A 2 3 A
7 C 2 to 4 C 4
8 E 3 felt 5 F 2
4 temperature 6 G 3
2 5 in 7 D 4
2 to 6 himself 5
3 felt 7 a headache 3 6
4 temperature 8 break 2 safety glasses
5 in 3 test tubes 5
6 himself 3 4 lab coat 2
7 headache 2 asthma 5 eye wash 3
8 break 3 muscle 6 fire extinguisher 4
4 cut 7 work bench 5
3 5 arm 6
2 asthma 6 leg 4
3 sprain click, drag, insert, print, save, update, 6
4 muscle 4 upgrade 2
5 cut 2 der (understand) 3
6 burn 3 get (forget) 5 4
7 arm 4 won (wonder) 2 connect 5
8 leg 5 orr (worry) 3 uploaded 6
6 eel (feel) 4 drop
4 7 lie (believe) 5 transfer
2 feel, forget 8 kno (know) 6 download
3 guess, imagine
4 know, learn 5 6 1
5 miss, realize 2 imagine 2 virus 2
6 recognize, remember 3 realise 3 document 3
7 understand, want 4 know 4 recycle bin 4
8 wonder, worry 5 misses 5 hard copy 5
6 recognized 6 cursor 6
7 wants
8 remember

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2 3
6 Vocabulary Worksheet: Consolidation 2 ven (adventure) 2 musicals
3 sci (sci-fi) 3 teen film
1 4 mat (animated) 4 comedy
equipment, experiment, flame, rinse, 5 ill (thriller) 5 historical
accident 6 ric (historical) 6 animated

2 3 4
2 N 2 musicals 2 was composed
3 B 3 teen 3 chase
4 N 4 comedy 4 was made
5 B 5 historical 5 pace
6 V 6 animated 6 was directed
7 N
8 V 4 5
2 F 2 recommend
3 3 E 3 played
Across: 5 test 7 extinguisher 4 B 4 by
Down: 1 coat 2 glasses 3 bench 6 aid 5 A 5 stars
6 C 6 made
4 7 D 7 fantastic
2 A
3 C 5 6
4 F 2 tells the story of 2 characters, convincing
5 B 3 soundtrack, composed by 3 pace
6 D 4 special effects 4 soundtrack
5 is set 5 quest
5 6 based on 6 impressive
2 connect
3 uploaded 6
4 drop 8 Vocabulary Worksheet: Support
2 recommend
5 transfer 3 played
6 download 4 by
2 on (B)
5 stars
6 3 up (A)
6 made
2 software 4 up (C)
7 fantastic
3 program 5 on (F)
4 memory 6 up (D)
5 virus 7 Vocabulary Worksheet: Consolidation
6 cursor 2
1 2 on
2 action 3 checked
7 Vocabulary Worksheet: Support 3 adventure 4 dress
4 fantasy 5 save
1 5 crime 6 for
2 action 6 thriller
3 musical 3
4 teen 2 2 looking for
5 drama 2 A 3 dress up
6 fantasy 3 G 4 going away
4 D 5 found out
Hidden word: comedy
5 B 6 get back
6 E 7 shows off
7 F 8 give up

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4 2
2 float
9 Vocabulary Worksheet: Support improvement, relationship, earnings, values,
3 masks abilities
4 stall 1
5 crowd 2 wealth 3
6 party 3 loss 2 pleasure
4 strengths 3 increase
5 5 well-being 4 friendship
2 costume (A) 6 evidence 5 love
3 whistle (E) 6 satisfaction
4 traditional food (B) 2
5 processions (F) improvement, relationship, earnings, values, 4
6 fireworks (D) abilities 2 working
3 distracted
3 4 untidy
8 Vocabulary Worksheet: Consolidation 2 pleasure 5 confidence
3 increase 6 behaved
1 4 friendship
2 up 5 love 5
3 off 6 satisfaction 2 shy
4 up
3 forgetful
5 out 4 4 polite
6 on 2 (A) hard working 5 talkative
3 (B) easily distracted 6 punctual
2 4 (C) untidy
2 gave 5 (D) lack confidence 6
3 on 6 (E) disorganized 2 sensible
4 take
3 conscientious
5 up 5 4 lazy
6 on 2 shy 5 confident
3 forgetful 6 punctual
3 4 polite
2 for 5 talkative
3 dress 6 punctual
4 away
5 out 6
6 back 2 sensible
3 conscientious
4 4 lazy
2 A 5 confident
3 H 6 punctual
4 D
5 G
6 B
9 Vocabulary Worksheet: Consolidation
7 C
8 F 1
2 satisfaction
5 3 loss
2 themed 4 strengths
3 system 5 well-being
4 fireworks 6 evidence
5 traditional
6 public

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Grammar Worksheets

Support Unit 1 page 36

Consolidation Unit 1 page 37

Support Unit 2 page 38

Consolidation Unit 2 page 39

Support Unit 3 page 40

Consolidation Unit 3 page 41

Support Unit 4 page 42

Consolidation Unit 4 page 43

Support Unit 5 page 44

Consolidation Unit 5 page 45

Support Unit 6 page 46

Consolidation Unit 6 page 47

Support Unit 7 page 48

Consolidation Unit 7 page 49

Support Unit 8 page 50

Consolidation Unit 8 page 51

Support Unit 9 page 52

Consolidation Unit 9 page 53

Answers page 54

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1 Grammar Worksheet 1
PAST SIMPLE & PAST CONTINUOUS 4 Complete the sentences with the words below.

gave visited was shopping

1 Complete the table. were playing when while 1
Infinitive Past simple Past continuous
1 Finn and Tommy were playing a game when their mum
live 1 lived was / were living
2 3
called them for lunch.
was / were 2 Freya bought three new books while she
4 5
had in town.
was / were going 3 When I my grandma, she was in the
clean cleaned
7 garden.
8 4 Sam finished his homework he got
watch was / were watching
9 10
study 5 Sue and Sally’s dad called them for dinner
11 12
was / were looking they were playing a game.
6 Zara me my birthday present
2 Rewrite the sentences to make them negative. while I was watching a DVD!

5 Match the parts of the sentences.
1 I didn’t B
2 Mum and Dad _
1 Eddie studied a lot last year. 3 Did you _
Eddie didn’t study a lot last year. 4 Julia used _
2 It was raining this morning. 5 No, _
6 Joe and _
3 We were having breakfast at 7am. A to be my best friend.
B use to like fish.
4 Ewan and Morgan watched TV after school. C I didn’t.
D use to go to my dance class?
5 Mum was playing tennis at the sports club. E Vanessa didn’t use to like each other.
F used to study at the same university.
6 Emma and her friends bought the tickets for the concert.
6 Correct the sentences.

1 I use to play chess with my granddad. 3
I used to play chess with my granddad.
WHEN & WHILE 2 Did Olivia used to live in London?
3 Choose the correct answer.
1 Carrie was going home when she saw / was seeing Max. 3 Yes, she used.
2 Were you having dinner when / while I called?
3 Dad was working / worked in the office when he read 4 We doesn’t use to eat meat because we were vegetarian.
my email.
4 Mum and Dad went out while I watched / 5 Dad didn’t used to drive to work.
was watching TV.
5 Did you fall / Were you falling asleep while you were 6 Libby and Will use be great friends.
doing your English homework?
6 I didn’t feel hungry while I was revising / revised
for my exams.

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1 Grammar Worksheet
PAST SIMPLE & PAST CONTINUOUS 4 Complete the sentences with when or while and the
correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1 Complete the table. 1 Finn and Tommy were playing (play) a game when their
mum called them for lunch.
Infinitive Past simple Past continuous 2 Freya bought three new books she
live 1 lived 2 was / were living (shop) in town.
3 4 3 I (visit) my
5 6 grandma, she was in the garden.
7 8
4 Sam finished his homework he
e have (get) home.
9 10
clean 5 Sue and Sally’s dad (make) dinner
11 12 they were playing a game.
13 14 6 Zara (give) me my birthday present
15 16
I was watching a DVD!
buy 7 Phoebe rested the baby
17 18
make (sleep).
19 20
8 Were you having fun I
(see) you?
2 Correct the sentences.
1 Eddie was playing football a lot last year. USED TO
Eddie played football a lot last year.
2 It was rained this morning when I went to school. 5 Rewrite the sentences to make them opposite.
1 I didn’t use to play chess with my granddad.
3 We have breakfast at seven o’clock this morning. I used to play chess with my granddad.
2 Olivia used to live in London.
4 Ewan and Morgan were watched TV after school.
3 You used to be fun!
5 Mum didn’t seeing her friends yesterday.
4 We didn’t use to eat meat.
6 Emma and her friends were buy a present for me
yesterday evening. 5 Dad didn’t use to drive to work.

6 Libby and Will used to be good friends.
7 I used to play basketball for my school team.
3 Choose the correct answer.
1 Carrie was going home when she saw / while she was 8 Did Grandma use to like pizza?
seeing / while she saw Max.
2 Were you having / Did you have / You having dinner
when I called? 6 Write two things you used to do and two things you
3 Dad was working in the office when he read / didn’t use to do.
n. while he read / while he was reading my email.
1 I used to play in a football team.
4 Mum and Dad washed the dishes while I tidying /
while I was tidying / when I was tidied my room.
5 Did you fall asleep when you doing / while you did /
while you were doing your English homework?
6 I started to feel hungry while I revise / while I was 5
revising / when I revised for my exams.

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2 Grammar Worksheet 2
1 Choose the correct answer. 4 Complete the sentences with for, since or How long. 1
1 My grandparents have lived / have live in their home 1 We have been on the netball team for two years.
for 40 years. 2 ‘ have you studied English?’
2 Has Tommy gone / Have Tommy gone to school? ‘I think I was at primary school.’
3 Yes, he gone / has. 3 Mum hasn’t been to London 2010.
4 Have you borrowed / Has you borrow my leggings, Sally? 4 ‘ has it been snowing?’
5 Mum and Dad hasn’t finished / haven’t finished work.
‘ three days.’
6 I have buyed / have bought a new hoodie. I love it!
5 I’ve had these jeans a year.
2 Complete the sentences with the words below. 6 Dad hasn’t worn a hat last winter.
7 We’ve walked to school together
already ever has have just never yet last year.
8 I haven’t seen Timothy a long time.


5 Complete the table.
Infinitive Present perfect Past simple 2
I / not / live 1 I haven’t lived I didn’t live
2 3
Toby / understand
1 Mum, have you ever been to New York? we / eat? did we eat?
2 I haven’t watched the new James Bond film you / not sleep you haven’t slept
. Tess / not go
6 7

3 Amy has had a tattoo. She doesn’t 8

it / rain? has it rained?
like them. 9
4 Dad has bought some new they / buy they bought
sunglasses. They look really good! 6 Complete the sentences with the present perfect or
5 Dad watched all my football past simple form of the verbs in brackets. 3
matches since I was six.
6 Grandma and Granddad 1 Tom Daley has just finished (just / finish) his dive.
arrived? They were quick! 2 He (not learn) to swim
when he was a baby.
3 Put the words in order to make sentences. 3 The food at the restaurant
1 lost / I’ve / earring / just / my / ! (taste) really bad. We didn’t go back.
I’ve just lost my earring! 4 (you / ever / play) golf?
2 goals / already / Felix / two / scored / has No, I .
5 We (already / do) our
3 ever / a tie / you / worn / have / ? Maths exam.
6 Mum (never / wear)
4 food / Vietnamese / I’ve / tried / never leggings.
7 Cathy (sing) in the
school choir last year.
5 yet / you / homework / have / your / finished / ?
8 (Mark and Abby / do)

their homework together last Monday?
6 book / I / just / amazing / have / an / finished / !

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2 Grammar Worksheet
1 Complete the sentences with the present perfect form 4 Write questions with How long. Then complete the
of the verbs in brackets. answers with for or since.
1 My aunt and uncle have lived (live) in this cottage 1 How long have you studied English?
for 40 years. I have studied English since I was at primary school.
2 ‘ (Anita / finished) 2
’ her dinner?’ ‘No, she .’ My parents have lived in France ten
3 (you / borrow) years.
my shirt, Mike? 3
4 Mr Smith (not stop) I’ve had my red hoodie ages!
teaching us rugby. 4
5 He (buy) a new hoodie. My sister has been at university 2010.
I love it! 5
6 You and I (be) friends I’ve had a TV in my bedroom I was 12.
since we were children. 6
7 (they / know) Max has played football for his school a
each other for a long time? couple of months.

2 Choose the correct answer.

1 Oh no! I’ve just / ever / never lost my earring! Can you
see it? 5 Complete the table.
2 Felix has yet / already / ever scored two goals.
Infinitive Present perfect Past simple
3 Have you finished your book just / ever / yet?
4 Have you never / ever / yet worn a tie? I / not / live 1 I haven’t lived 2 I didn’t live
3 4
5 I’ve yet / just / ever cleaned my bedroom! Toby / understand
6 We have ever / already / never had a conservatory we / eat? 6

at home. you / not sleep

7 8

7 You haven’t revised enough yet / never / just! 9 10

Tess / not go
3 Write sentences using the present perfect. Put the it / rain?
11 12

words in brackets in the correct place. they / buy

13 14

m 1 I / lose / my earring! (just)

6 Complete the text with the present perfect or past
I’ve just lost my earring!
simple form of the verbs below.
2 Joe / have / breakfast. (already)
be go make move take visit
? 3 you / wear / a tie? (ever)
I 1 have been at this secondary school for two years. We used
4 I / try / Vietnamese food. (never) to live in London, so I 2 to school there
first, but we 3 to the countryside a year
5 you / finish / your homework? (yet) ago. I like it here! I 4 lots of new friends
at school, and I’m still in contact with my London friends,

too. In fact, Lucy and Anna 5 me twice
6 I / finish / an amazing book! (just)
here since we moved. And last weekend, Mum and I
6 my new friend Freya to London with
us for the weekend. I think I’ve got the best of both worlds!

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3 Grammar Worksheet 3
COMPARATIVES & SUPERLATIVES 4 Choose the correct answer.
1 Your bedroom is a bit big / bigger than mine.
1 Complete the table. 2 Look! Your boots are as dirtier as / not as dirty as mine. 1
3 Giant pandas are much more endangered /
Adjective Comparative Superlative much endangered than grey wolves.
1 healthy
the healthiest 4 Dad is as fit as / the fittest as a fiddle!
3 5 French is not much harder / a lot hard than English.
cheap the cheapest
4 5
6 The summer holidays are a lot longest / longer than the
further Christmas holidays.
lazy lazier
8 9
10 11
5 Correct the sentences.
useful the most useful

2 Complete the sentences with the comparative or 2

superlative form of the adjectives in brackets.
1 Wood is stronger than (strong) china.
2 The Amazon is (big)
rainforest in the world.
3 Cotton is (cool) wool.
4 Is your football team
(good) mine?
5 Titanium is one of
(strong) metals in the world.
6 This is (good) paella 1 There are hardly any giant pandas somewhere in the
I have ever eaten! world.
7 I think Maths is There are hardly any giant pandas anywhere in the world.
(difficult) subject. I just don’t understand it! 2 My memory is terrible! I can’t remember something!
8 Running is (healthy)
watching TV. 3 There’s somewhere knocking at the door. Can you open
it, please?
4 There’s nowhere in this cardboard box. It’s empty.
3 Match the parts of the sentences.

1 I think she’s ill. She is as white C 5 It’s a really big party! Do you know everything?
2 Plastic plates aren’t as _
3 I always fail Maths. I’m not as _
6 There is pollution anywhere. I can’t breathe!
4 I can’t afford either of them! This car is as _

5 I’ll carry the bag for you. It’s as light _
6 Anna never says a word. She’s as quiet _ 7 ‘Where are you going?’ ‘No one.’

A nice as china ones. 8 I’m so hungry, I could eat everywhere here!
B as a mouse.
C as a sheet.
D expensive as that one.
E as a feather.
F intelligent as Kate!

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3 Grammar Worksheet
A But yours is more fashionable! _
COMPARATIVES & SUPERLATIVES B They are my favourite teachers. _
C So which one should I buy? _
. 1 Complete the table. D We want to pass our exams! 1
E Did you clean them? _
Adjective Comparative Superlative
F But I’m cleverer than you! _
healthy 1 healthier
3 4 4 Choose the correct answer.
5 6
1 Your bedroom is a bit big / a bit bigger / bit bigger
7 8 than mine.
9 10 2 These china plates are as light as a feather / as a mouse /
than feather.
11 12
beautiful 3 Giant pandas are much more endangered /
13 14
bad much endangered / much more endanger
15 16 than grey wolves.
4 Dad is as fit as / the fittest as / as fitter as a fiddle!
2 Complete the sentences with the comparative or 5 French is not much harder / not a lot hard /
superlative form of the adjectives below. not much hardest than English.
6 The summer holidays are a lot longest as / longer than /
big difficult good hard soft strong as long as the Christmas holidays.

1 Metal is normally harder than wood. INDEFINITE PRONOUNS

2 Titanium is one of
5 Tick ( ) or correct the sentences. Some of them are
metals in the world.
3 The Amazon is
rainforest in the world. 1 There are hardly any giant pandas somewhere in the
4 I think Maths is world.
subject. I just don’t understand it! There are hardly any giant pandas anywhere in the world.
5 Wool is rubber. 2 My memory is terrible! I can’t remember anything!
6 Do you think your football team is
than mine? But we always win! 3 There’s somewhere knocking at the door. Can you open
it, please?

4 There’s no one in this cardboard box. Where is the rabbit,
3 Put the words in order to make sentences. Then match then?
the sentences with A–F.
1 we / we’re / much / as / as / can / studying 5 It’s a really big party! Do you know everybody?
We’re studying as much as we can.
2 dirty / are / your / mine / as / boots / not / as 6 There is pollution anywhere. I can’t breathe!

3 as / intelligent / as / I’m / Katy / not 7 ‘Where are you going?’ ‘No one.’

8 I’m so hungry, I could eat everything here!
4 as / is / one / this basketball / expensive / as / that

5 nice / Mrs Jones is / as / Mr Smith / as

6 as / is / comfortable / T-shirt / as / yours / my / !

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4 Grammar Worksheet 4
1 Complete the sentences with the words below. 4 Tick ( ) or correct sentences. Some of them are wrong. 1
1 I’m going home at four o’clock.
’ll may be might might lose probably won’t will

1 Will you buy some new clothes today? 2 Watch out! You will fall!
2 Mum and Dad let me go to the
cinema. They are angry with me. 3 The timetable says the train is going to arrive at 10.30.
3 It rain this afternoon but I’m not sure
at all. 4 I’ll move to London with my family next summer.
4 Mrs Smith my English teacher next
year too. Who knows? 5 My tennis match starts at 2pm on Saturday.
5 I meet you at home later.
6 I’m not sure but we the match. 2
6 You should study harder. You’re going to fail your exams.
2 Match the parts of the sentences.

1 The weather forecast indicates E 5 Choose the correct answer.

2 Amy won’t _
1 Be careful! You ’re going to drop / ’re dropping your
3 Anton and Paul might _
4 My dad may _
2 Are you going to come / Do you come to my house after
5 I know you will _
6 I will _
3 Sally and Rob are getting married / get married
A definitely go to university when I finish school. next May.
B go to the gig next week. It depends on how much money 4 School starts / is going to start at 9am in the UK.
they’ve got. 5 I am having / have piano lessons this year.
C go out tonight. She’s got an exam tomorrow morning. 6 The film is going to finish / finishes at 10.15.
D get into the football team. You’re a great player!
E that it will snow tomorrow. WOULD LIKE TO
F get a new job. He has got an interview tomorrow.
6 Complete the sentences with the phrases below. 3
FIRST CONDITIONAL ’d like to buy I would I wouldn’t I wouldn’t like to play
3 Put the words in order to make first conditional I’d like to become would like to have would like to play
sentences. would you like to live would you like to watch

1 catch / home / arrive / if / bus, / we’ll / earlier / we / the 1 I’d like to become a doctor one day. I want to help other
If we catch the bus, we’ll arrive home earlier. people in my work.
2 help / your English homework / if / you / me / with / 2 ‘ in France?’
my French / you / with / I’ll help ‘Yes, .’
3 Finn football for
3 we’ll / our / celebrate / pass / exams, / if / we / ! Manchester United.
4 golf. I think it’s boring!
4 him / call / if / a baby boy, / Lucas / have / they’ll / 5 Chris and Cheryl three
Alice and Matt children when they get married.
6 ‘ this film with me?’ ‘No,
5 move / if / a / job / dad / we’ll / gets / new . I hate horror films!’
7 I a big house in the
6 you take / dishes / the / if / the / out / wash / I’ll / rubbish countryside one day.

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4 Grammar Worksheet
WILL / WON’T | MAY / MIGHT 4 Write first conditional sentences.
1 If / I / get / to school late, / my teacher / get angry.
1 Complete the sentences with will / won’t or may / might. If I get to school late, my teacher will get angry.
2 My parents / not let / me / go / if / I / not tidy / my
1 Will you buy some new clothes today?
2 Mum and Dad probably let me go to

the cinema this evening. They are angry with me!
3 It rain this afternoon but I’m not sure. 3 I / be / really hungry / if / I / not have / lunch / now.
4 Mrs Smith be my English teacher
this term. She’s ill. 4 If / my sister / win / the sports competition, / she / be / so
5 Pam and Sue meet you at home after happy!
they go to the gym. So wait there!
6 We lose the match because our best 5 If / you / go / to bed / too late, / you / be / tired / tomorrow.
player is ill.
6 Sam / fail / the exam / if / he / not revise.
s. 2 Choose the correct answer.

1 Grandma says that it might snow / will snow /
will snowing tomorrow. She’s completely sure!
2 Amy won’t go / will go / might go out tonight because FUTURE PLANS & INTENTIONS
she has got an exam early in the morning.
3 Anton will go / might to go / might go to the gig next 5 Complete the sentences with be going to, the present
er week. It depends on how much money he’s got. continuous or the present simple form of the verbs in
4 My dad may get / will get / might getting a new job. He brackets.
has got an interview tomorrow. 1 Be careful! You’re going to drop (drop) your drink.
5 I’m sure you won’t get / may get / will get into the 2 (come) to my house after school?
football team. You’re a great player! 3 Sally and Rob (get) married next May.
6 I will definitely go / might definitely go /
4 School (start) at 9am in the UK.
may definitely go to university when I finish school.
5 Dominic (have) piano lessons this year.
6 The film (finish) at 10.15.
FIRST CONDITIONAL 7 I (see) my best friend at the weekend.
3 Complete the first conditional sentences with the 8 I (finish) my homework then watch a film.
correct form of the verbs below.
call catch do help move pass
6 Complete the sentences with would like to and the
1 We’ll arrive home quicker if we catch the bus. verbs below.
2 If you help me with my English homework, I
with your Maths. become not buy go have not live not play
3 If we our exams, we’ll celebrate with
1 I’d like to become a doctor one day. I want to help other
a party!
people in my job.
4 If Alice and Matt have a baby boy, they
him Lucas. 2 My grandparents in
! 5 We house if Dad gets a new job. another country. They love it here.
e 6 If you the cooking tonight, I’ll wash 3 Susie shopping at the
the dishes. weekend but she hasn’t got any money!
o, 4 Finn football for
Manchester United. He’s a Liverpool fan.
5 Chris and Cheryl three
children when they get married.
6 I a big house in the
countryside. I love big cities!

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5 Grammar Worksheet 5
1 Circle the words for rules and obligation, and underline 4 Choose the correct answer. 1
the words for advice. There is one word you don’t need
1 If we didn’t / don’t have school today, I’d go to the park
to circle or underline. When do we use it?
with my friends.
must don’t have to 2 You wouldn’t / won’t do so well at school if you didn’t
work hard.
ought to 3 If your granddad could see you now, he will / would be
should very proud of you.
mustn’t 4 If you would break / broke your leg, you would have to
use crutches.
shouldn’t 5 If I can / could help you, I would.
have to 6 If you were allergic to seafood, you couldn’t / would eat
We use when .
5 Complete the second conditional sentences with the
2 Match the parts of the sentences. correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1 You mustn’t D 1 If you had (have) asthma, you would need (need) to use
2 I feel ill. _ an inhaler. 2
3 I don’t have to study tonight. _ 2 If you (can) do anything, what
4 Students must _ (you / do)?
5 At passport control you must _ 3 If I (live) in China, I
6 Dad doesn’t have _ (be) a very different person.
4 If my grandma (be) alive today, she
A have your passport ready for inspection. (think) the world is very different.
B to go to work today because he’s got a day off.
5 If I (be) a brilliant footballer, I
C I’ve already done my homework. (can) play for Manchester United!
D swim here. It’s forbidden.
6 What (you / do) if I
E be quiet during the exam.
(not be) here to help you?
F I have to go to the doctor’s.
6 Correct the second conditional sentences.
3 Complete the sentences with should, shouldn’t or ought.
1 If I were very rich, I give lots of money to charity.
1 You should be more careful. You’ll have an accident one day.
If I were very rich, I’d give lots of money to charity.
2 Children disrespect their teachers.
2 Where would you be if you aren’t in such a good
3 You to leave on time so you don’t
school? 3
arrive late.

4 ‘My tooth really aches.’
‘You go to the dentist.’ 3 If Mum would be here, she would be annoyed.
5 ‘I’m going to fail my exams!’
‘You worry so much. You’ll be fine.’ 4 If I would be a cat, I would sleep all day.
6 Dad isn’t very fit. He to do more
exercise. 5 You didn’t live for long if you didn’t drink anything.

6 If Elias asked me to go to the cinema with him, I’m going.

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5 Grammar Worksheet
1 Complete the sentences with the words below. 4 Choose the correct answer.
don’t have to have to must mustn’t 1 If we didn’t / wouldn’t / don’t have school today, I’d go
ought should shouldn’t to the park with my friends.
2 You didn’t / wouldn’t / would do so well at school if you
1 You mustn’t swim here. It’s forbidden. didn’t work hard.
2 I feel ill. I go to the doctor’s. 3 If your grandma could see you now, she will be / is /
3 I study tonight. I’ve already done my would be very proud of you.
homework. 4 If you would break / would broke / broke your leg, you
4 ‘I’m going to fail my exams!’ would have to use crutches.
‘You worry so much. You’ll be fine.’ 5 If I can / would / could help you, I would.
t 5 ‘My tooth really aches.’ 6 If you were allergic to seafood, you couldn’t / don’t /
‘You go to the dentist.’ would eat prawns.
6 Dad isn’t very fit. He to do more
5 Tick ( ) or the correct sentences. Some of them are
7 Students be quiet during the exam.
1 If I were very rich, I’d give lots of money to people in need.
2 Complete the sentences with must, mustn’t or
don’t have to and the verbs in brackets.
2 Where would you be if you aren’t in such a good school?
1 You must have (have) your passport ready for inspection
when you travel by air. 3 If Mum were here, she would be annoyed.
2 I (do) homework after
school today. I’ve already finished it at school. 4 If I would be a cat, I would sleep all day.
3 Dad (go) to work today.
He has taken the day off to watch our school performance. 5 You didn’t live for long if you didn’t drink anything.
4 I (forget) to call Adam
tonight. I haven’t spoken to him for ages.
6 If Elias asked me to go to the cinema with him, I would go.
5 You (start) smoking.

It’s bad for your health.
6 You (switch off) your 6 Put the words in order to make second conditional
mobile phone when you’re watching a play at the sentences.
1 you / to / would / use / need / if / inhaler / you / had /
3 Write sentences using the correct form of should or asthma, / an
ought to. If you had asthma, you would need to use an inhaler.
1 You / to tidy / your bedroom / today / because / it / be / a mess. 2 you / what / if / anything, / you / do / do / could / would / ?
You ought to tidy your bedroom today because it’s a mess.
2 You / not worry / about / what / other people think. 3 in / lived / if / China, / I / or Cantonese / speak / I /
Mandarin / would

3 You / go / for a short run / every couple of days.
4 the / today, / love / if / alive / would / technology / were /
g. new / granddad / he / my
4 You / not go / to bed / after eleven o’clock / on school

5 my / played / represent / I / tennis / I / school / better, / if /
5 You / to be / more careful / or / you / will have / an accident.

6 help / if / to / you / I / here / you / would / wasn’t / what /
6 Children / not disrespect / their teachers.
do / ?

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6 Grammar Worksheet 6
1 Complete the sentences with the verbs below. 4 Tick ( ) the past simple passive forms. 1
are kept are used are worn 1 was worn passed _
can be caused is inserted is written 2 played _ see _
3 were meeting _ were created _
1 Accidents can be caused by students who behave badly.
2 Software by software 4 was told _ bring _
analysts. 5 invented _ was made _
3 Fire extinguishers to
5 Choose the correct answer.
put out fires.
4 Safety glasses to
protect your eyes.
5 The USB stick into this
6 Containers in the

2 Correct the sentences.

1 My clothes are washed my mum or dad. 2
My clothes are washed by my mum or dad.
2 This nature programme is write by David Attenborough. 1 The speed of sound was broken / was breaked by Felix
Baumgartner in 2012.
3 A headache can cured by painkillers. 2 War and Peace written / was written by the Russian
author Leo Tolstoy.
3 The exam was passed / was pass by all the students.
4 Tonight’s news read by Samantha Fish.
4 Susie’s ankle was spraining / was sprained when she

fell at school.
5 Basketball matches are play in the school gym. 5 We were met / met at the station by Uncle Jack.
6 The telephone were invented / was invented by
6 Cakes made with butter, sugar, eggs and flour. Alexander Graham Bell.

6 Complete the sentences with the past simple passive
3 Complete the passive sentences. form of the verbs in brackets.
1 You can buy tickets from the school office. 1 The final was played (play) by Real Madrid and Barcelona.
Tickets can be bought from the school office. 2 The mural (paint) by all 3
2 Dad cooks dinner on Sundays. the students in Year 6.
Dinner Dad on Sundays. 3 The books (write) by
3 You can boil water in the kettle. Charles Dickens.
in the kettle. 4 Freya’s birthday party
4 People make these clothes in China. (organize) by her mum and dad.
These clothes China. 5 The clothes (design) by
5 Exercise improves fitness. Stella McCartney.
by exercise. 6 The World Wide Web
6 You need a racket to play tennis. (invent) by Tim Berners-Lee.
to play tennis.

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6 Grammar Worksheet
1 Complete the present simple passive sentences with 4 Choose the correct answer.
the correct form of the verbs below.
1 The speed of sound was broken / broke / was breaked
by Felix Baumgartner in 2012.
cause insert keep use wear write
2 The class was attended / attended / was attend by all
1 Accidents can be caused by students who behave badly students.
in class. 3 The film The Town directed / was directed /
were directed by the actor Ben Affleck.
2 Software by software
4 Mum’s ankle sprained / was spraining / was sprained
analysts in IT companies.
when she fell in the car park.
3 Fire extinguishers
5 The World Wide Web were invented / were invent /
to put out fires.
was invented by Tim Berners-Lee.
4 Safety glasses
6 We were met / met / were meeted our parents at the
to protect your eyes in the laboratory.
5 The USB stick into this
port on the laptop. 5 Complete the sentences with the correct past simple
6 Containers in the passive form of the verbs below.
cupboards over there.
break create organize paint play write
2 Tick ( ) or correct the sentences. Some of them are
wrong. 1 The 2012 Wimbledon final was played by Andy Murray
1 My clothes are washed by my mum or dad. and Roger Federer.
2 The mural by a
2 This nature programme is write by David Attenborough. selection of Year 6 students.
3 War and Peace by the
Russian author Leo Tolstoy.
3 A headache can be cured by painkillers.
4 Mum’s 40th birthday party

by Dad.
4 Tonight’s news read by Samantha Fish.
5 This new perfume by

Christian Dior.
5 Basketball matches are play in the school gym.
6 Tom’s left arm in

yesterday’s rugby match.
6 Cakes are made with butter, sugar, eggs and flour.
6 Rewrite the sentences in the active or the passive.
1 Cakes are baked in the oven.
all 3 Rewrite the sentences in the passive.
You bake cakes in the oven.
1 You can buy tickets from the school office. 2 My granddad built this work bench.
Tickets can be bought from the school office.
2 Dad cooks dinner on Sundays. 3 My ears were pierced by Camilla in her salon.

3 You can boil water in the kettle. 4 Many people in the UK enjoy international cuisine.
4 People make these clothes in China. 5 Sleep repairs your body.

5 Exercise improves fitness. 6 These documents were written by Eddie.

6 You need a racket to play tennis.

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7 Grammar Worksheet 7
DEFINING RELATIVE CLAUSES 4 Complete the non-defining relative clauses.
1 Ben Affleck is an actor. He is also a respected film director.
1 Correct the sentences. Ben Affleck, who is an actor, is also a respected film 1
1 I saw the film who was directed by Scorsese.
2 Mum bought that coat for Amelia yesterday. It’s a
I saw the film that / which was directed by Scorsese.
perfect fit.
2 I bought the book where our teacher recommended last That coat, , is a perfect fit.
week. 3 Will plays football for our school. He is really good at all
3 Annie just got engaged to someone whose she met at work. Will, , is really good at
all sports.
4 The girl who bag was stolen was upset. 4 Dad used to go to Cornwall when he was a child. It’s in
the south-west of England.
5 My favourite place is the park we had a picnic last Cornwall, , is in the
summer. south-west of England.
5 This scarf is made of wool. It’s really warm and cosy.
This scarf, , is really
2 Complete the defining relative clauses. warm and cosy.
1 This is the primary school I went to. It is close to where 2
Damien lives. PAST PERFECT
The primary school (that/which) I went to is close to
5 Complete the table.
where Damien lives.
2 Have you ever met that boy? His mother is a politician. Infinitive Past simple Past perfect
Have you ever is a not go 1 didn’t go hadn’t gone
politician? 2 3
3 That teacher is very nice. He teaches History. 4
The teacher is very nice. cook cooked
5 6
4 It was March 2011. I met my girlfriend for the first time. had seen
It was March 2011 for not act hadn’t acted
the first time. 8

5 The house is the oldest in town. The major lives there. 10

do had done
The house is the oldest 11 12
in town.
6 We watched a film last night. It wasn’t great! 6 Complete the sentences with the past perfect form of
The film wasn’t great. the verbs below.

NON-DEFINING RELATIVE CLAUSES arrive be break finish go not meet 3

3 Choose the correct answer. 1 The festival was cancelled because there had been too
1 This cartoon, who / which is made by Disney, is really much rain.
funny. 2 I Matt until I went to Rachel’s party.
2 Venezuela, where / who my husband is from, is in the 3 Toby didn’t have dinner because he
north of South America. too late.
3 Clodagh and Hannah, where / who met at school, are 4 I just my homework when
best friends. Eddie called.
4 This headache, which / who started this morning, is 5 Mum forgot that Dad to the gym
terrible! after work.
5 Barack Obama, whose / who wife is called Michelle, 6 Sarah couldn’t walk much because she
became President of the United States in 2009. her ankle.

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7 Grammar Worksheet
DEFINING RELATIVE CLAUSES 4 Rewrite the sentences using non-defining relative
1 Tick ( ) or correct the sentences. Some of them are wrong. 1 Ben Affleck is an actor. He is also a respected film director.
Ben Affleck, who is an actor, is also a respected film director.
1 My favourite park is the one where we had a picnic last
2 Mum bought that coat for Amelia yesterday. It’s a
perfect fit.

t. That coat,
2 I bought the book which you told me about.

3 There are a lot of university students in Cambridge. It’s a
3 Annie got married to the man whose she met at work. beautiful city.

4 The girl who bag was stolen was upset. .
4 Will plays football for our school. He is good at all sports.
5 I saw a film that was directed by Scorsese. Will,
6 We ate all the cake Mum baked for Toby’s birthday. 5 Dad used to go to Cornwall when he was a child. It’s in
the south-west of England.
2 Rewrite the sentences using defining relative clauses. .
1 This is the primary school I went to. It is close to where 6 This scarf is made of wool. It’s really warm and cosy.
Damien lives. This scarf,
The primary school (that / which) I went to is close to where .
Damien lives.
2 Have you ever met that boy? His mother is a politician. PAST PERFECT
Have you ever ?
3 The teacher is very nice. He teaches History. 5 Complete the sentences with the past simple and past
The teacher . perfect form of the verbs below.
4 It was March 2011. I met my girlfriend for the first time. cancel / be just finish / call forget / already go
It was March . not have / arrive not meet / go not pay / forget
5 The house is the oldest in town. The major lives there. see / be not walk / break
The house .
6 We watched a film last night. It wasn’t great! 1 The company cancelled the music festival because there
The film . had been too much rain.
2 I Matt until I to
Rachel’s party.
NON-DEFINING RELATIVE CLAUSES 3 Toby dinner because he
3 Complete the sentences with the correct relative too late.
pronoun. 4 Susie her homework when Eddie
1 This cartoon, which is made by Disney, is really funny.
5 Mum that Dad
2 Venezuela, my husband is from, is
to the gym after work.
the most northern country in South America.
6 Amy to the party because she
3 Clodagh and Hannah, met at school, her ankle.
have been best friends since they were four.
n 7 I for my cinema ticket because I
4 This headache, started this morning, to bring any money.
is really bad!
8 Although I the film already, I
5 That beautiful old house on Mill Street, happy to watch it again.
Mr Jones lived, is for sale.
6 Barack Obama, wife is called
Michelle, became president in 2009.

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8 Grammar Worksheet 8
REPORTED SPEECH 4 Correct the sentences.
1 Mrs Smith told to me I was good at English.
1 Put the words in order to make sentences in reported Mrs Smith told me I was good at English. 1
speech. 2 I said my grandma that I love her.

1 with / going / she / out / Tom / Cathy said / was
Cathy said she was going out with Tom. 3 Naomi said me she was coming to visit me.
2 the / began / Toby / 11.30 / processions / that / said / at
4 Mum told that she couldn’t cook this evening.
3 couldn’t / said / class / teacher / in / talk / our / we
5 I said her that I had done my homework already.
4 said / really / the / my / carnival / friend / she / liked
6 Emily told that she was shopping in town.
5 the / to / watch / want / Max / parade / didn’t / said / he

6 we / said / at / could / late / Mum / weekend / and Dad / REPORTED YES / NO QUESTIONS 2
up / stay / the
5 Complete the sentences with the phrases below.

Amy was going can could Ed and I had finished
2 Complete the sentences in reported speech.
have you and Ed finished Is Amy going
1 ‘I’m hungry,’ said Jack.
Jack said that he was hungry. 1 Dave asked his boss if he could leave work early.
2 ‘I can’t leave work until 7pm,’ Mum said. 2 Steve asked, ‘ to the
Mum said until 7pm. gym tonight?’
3 Jack said, ‘I’m playing football later.’ 3 Dad asked if our
Jack said that later. homework.’
4 Dad said, ‘I didn’t know Lucy was home already.’ 4 ‘ I have an extension for
Dad said that already. my homework, please?’
5 ‘I can take you to school, Matt,’ said Dad. 5 ‘ your homework?’
Dad said that to asked Dad.
school. 6 Steve asked if to the
6 Mum said, ‘This is my bag.’ gym tonight.
Mum said her bag.
6 Complete the reported yes / no questions. 3
SAY & TELL 1 ‘Are you tired, Sue?’ Mum asked.
Mum asked Sue if she was tired.
3 Complete the sentences with said or told. 2 ‘Can anyone help with the float?’ Mr Jones asked.
1 Millie told everyone that Robert Pattinson was her Mr Jones asked with
favourite actor. the float.
2 Jane that masks scared her. 3 ‘Are you going to the cinema later?’ Clara asked.
3 Dad us that the fireworks started Clara asked to the
at 7pm. cinema later.
4 Nick that the song was composed by 4 ‘Did you watch the documentary about dogs?’ Will
his friend Phil. asked me.
5 I that I was playing tennis at the Will asked about dogs.
weekend. 5 ‘Finn, do you want to go to the park?’ I asked.
6 The director the journalist that the I asked Finn to the park.
film was based on a true story. 6 ‘Can I borrow your T-shirt?’ my sister asked me.
My sister asked me T-shirt.

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8 Grammar Worksheet
REPORTED SPEECH 4 Tick ( ) or correct the sentences. Some of them are wrong.
1 Mrs Smith told me I was good at English.
1 Complete the table.
2 I told my grandma that I love her.
Direct speech Reported speech
she saw 1 she had seen 3 Naomi said me she was coming to visit me.
we were trying
he could go 4 Mum told that she couldn’t cook this evening.
I’ve come

they’ll see
5 5 I said that I had done my homework already.
it doesn’t rain
7 6 Emily told Katie that she was shopping in town.
he’s writing

we’d been

2 Rewrite the sentences into direct or reported speech. REPORTED YES / NO QUESTIONS
1 ‘I’m hungry,’ said Jack. 5 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the
Jack said that he was hungry. words in brackets.
2 ‘I can’t leave the office until later,’ Mum said.
1 Dave asked his boss if he could (can) leave work early.

2 Mum asked, ‘
3 Mum’s friend said that she could give Matt a lift to school. (you / already wash) the dishes?’
3 Steve asked, ‘ (Amy / go)
4 Dad said that he hadn’t known that Lucy was home to the gym with you now?’
already. 4 Dad asked if (we finish)
our homework yet.’
5 Lucy said, ‘These are my shoes.’ 5 Mum asked me if I
(already wash) the dishes.
6 ‘We are playing basketball later,’ Max and Danny said. 6 ‘ (can) I have an
extension for my homework, please?’
7 ‘ (you / finish) your
SAY & TELL homework yet?’ asked Dad.
8 Steve asked if Amy (go)
3 Choose the correct answer. to the gym with me now.
1 Millie told / said / say everyone that Robert Pattinson 6 Write reported yes / no questions.
was her favourite actor.
2 I said / said them / told it was a bank holiday on 1 ‘Are you tired?’ asked Mum.
Monday. Mum asked if I was tired.
3 Dad tell / say / told us there would be traditional food at 2 Mr Jones asked, ‘Can anyone help with the float?’
the festival.
4 Nick said / tell me / said me that the new Christina 3 Clara asked, ‘Are we going to eat out tonight?’
Aguilera song was composed by his friend Phil.
5 I told Deb / said Deb / told that we were meeting at 4 ‘Did you watch the nature programme last night?’ asked
eight o’clock. Bridget.
s. 6 The director tells / tell / told the journalist that the film
was based on a true story.
5 ‘Do you want to go to the park, Finn?’ Adam asked.
6 My sister asked, ‘Can I borrow your T-shirt?’

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9 Grammar Worksheet 9
1 Complete the sentences with the phrases below. 1
4 Complete the table.
can help could come could do is able to cook Subject Object Possessive Possessive
weren’t able to go will be able to take pronouns pronouns adjectives pronouns
I 1 me my
1 I could come with you, Dad.
3 4
2 My grandparents to you yours
5 6
university, because they needed to work. he his
3 Eating a balanced diet 7
you to be healthier. it it
9 10

4 I you and Bob to the 11 12

we ours
cinema later, Ella. 13 14
they their
5 Cathy really well.
6 You some more 5 Choose the correct answer.
homework now, Charlie.

2 Correct the sentences. 2

1 Being polite will be able to help you to get what you want.
Being polite can help you to get what you want.
2 We’re able to buy you a pair of shoes at the weekend.

3 Max would like to can play football well.
Mimi is 1 my / me / mine best friend! 2 She / Hers / Her is
4 We are able to go to the park yesterday. really good fun, and 3 mine / my / I am really glad I know
her. 4 Our / We / Us met through a mutual friend called
5 Mum can’t get home early yesterday. David. 5 His / Him / He had a birthday party during the
summer holidays, and Mimi and I both went. Actually, Mimi
6 Are you able to play the piano please, Grandma? nearly took 6 me / mine / my bag at the end of the party,
thinking it was 7 hers / her / she! 8 Me / Mine / I is really
similar because we like the same kind of things. Anyway,
that was the start of a great friendship!
3 Match the parts of the sentences. REFLEXIVE PRONOUNS
1 Marcie and Chloe are really talkative, F 6 Correct the sentences. 3
2 Going to the gym can be tiring, _
1 Behave yourselves in class, Tom!
3 You’re in Year 8, _
Behave yourself in class, Tom!
4 Dad isn’t coming to the theatre with us, _
5 Gemma works in a bank, _ 2 We did the shopping ourself, Mum.
6 We can do our homework next week, _
7 You don’t like Maths, _ 3 I’ll help meself to a drink.
8 Nick’s arriving at 11am, _
4 They really enjoyed themselfs at Carrie’s party.
A can’t it? E is he?

B isn’t he? F aren’t they?
5 Granddad was able to cook dinner herself.
C do you? G aren’t you?
D doesn’t she? H can’t we?
6 You could see that the dog was really enjoying itselves.

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9 Grammar Worksheet
BE ABLE TO, CAN & COULD 4 Complete the sentences with question tags.
1 Marcie and Chloe are really talkative, aren’t they?
1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of be able 2 Going to the gym can be tiring, ?
to, can or could and the verbs in brackets. 3 Dad isn’t coming to the theatre with us,
1 I could come (come) with you, Dad, if you need some help.
4 Gemma works in a bank, ?
2 My brother and I (go)
to university because our parents supported us. 5 You don’t like Maths, ?
3 Eating a balanced diet 6 Nick arrived at 11am, ?
(help) you to be healthier.
4 I (take) you and Bob to PERSONAL & POSSESSIVE
the cinema later, Ella. PRONOUNS & ADJECTIVES
5 Cathy (cook) Asian
5 Complete the table.
food really well.
6 You (do) some more Subject Object Possessive Possessive
revision now, Charlie. It will help you to do well in pronouns pronouns adjectives pronouns
tomorrow’s exam. I 1 me
2 3

4 5 6
2 Tick ( ) or correct the sentences. Some of them are yours
7 8 9
wrong. he
10 11 12
1 Being polite will be able to help you to get what you want. her
13 14 15
Being polite can help you to get what you want. its
16 17 18
2 We’re able to buy you a new pair of school shoes at the we
weekend. they

3 Max would like to can play football well. 6 Complete the text with words in exercise 5.
Mimi is 1 my best friend! 2 is really good
4 We are able to go to the park yesterday. fun, and 3 am really glad I know her.
4 met through a mutual friend called
5 Mum couldn’t get home early yesterday. David. 5 had a birthday party during the
summer holidays, and Mimi and I both went. Actually, Mimi
6 Could you play the piano, Grandma? I love it! nearly took 6 bag at the end of the party,
thinking it was 7 !8
is really similar because we like the same kind of things.
Anyway, that was the start of a great friendship!
3 Choose the correct answer. REFLEXIVE PRONOUNS
1 It’s really windy outside today, isn’t / is it? 7 Choose the correct answer.
2 You can eat sushi, couldn’t / can’t you, Poppy?
1 Behave yourselves / yourself / yourselfes in class, Tom!
3 Sally lives near Oxford, doesn’t / is she?
2 We did the supermarket shopping ourselfes / ourself /
4 We didn’t have to go to school yesterday, had / did we?
5 You’re going for a run later, aren’t / are you? ourselves, Mum.
6 Mark isn’t having lunch with us, does / is he? 3 I’ll help myself / meself / mineself to a drink.
4 They really enjoyed themselfs / themselves /
theyselves at Carrie’s party.
5 Granddad was able to cook dinner herself / hisself /
6 You could see that the dog was really enjoying itselves /
itself / itselfes.

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Answers A
2 3 5
1 Grammar Worksheet: Support 2 It was raining this morning when I went to 2 Felix has already scored two goals. 3
school. 3 Have you ever worn a tie? 5
1 3 We were having breakfast at seven o’clock 4 I’ve never tried Vietnamese food. 7
2 be 3 was / were being 4 have this morning. 5 Have you finished your homework yet? 9
5 was / were having 6 went 4 Ewan and Morgan watched / were 6 I have just finished an amazing book! 11
7 was / were cleaning 8 watched watching TV after school. 13
9 studied 10 was / were studying 5 Mum didn’t see her friends yesterday. 4
11 look 12 looked 6 Emma and her friends bought a present 2 How long, since 3 since 4 How long, For 6
for me yesterday evening. 5 for 6 since 7 since 8 for 2
2 5
2 It wasn’t raining this morning. 3 5
3 We weren’t having breakfast at 7am. 2 Were you having 3 when he read 2 Toby has understood 3 Toby understood
4 Ewan and Morgan didn’t watch TV after 4 while I was tidying 4 have we eaten? 5 you didn’t sleep
school. 5 while you were doing 6 Tess hasn’t gone 7 Tess didn’t go
5 Mum wasn’t playing tennis at the sports 1
6 while I was revising 8 did it rain? 9 they have bought
club. 2
6 Emma and her friends didn’t buy the 5
4 6
tickets for the concert. 8
2 when / while, was shopping 2 didn’t learn 3 tasted
3 When, visited 4 when, got 4 Have you ever played, haven’t
3 5 was making / made, while 5 have already done 6 has never worn
2 when 3 was working 4 was watching 2
6 gave, when / while 7 sang 8 Did Mark and Abby do
5 Did you fall 6 was revising 2
7 while, slept / was sleeping 8 when, saw
4 2 Grammar Worksheet: Consolidation 7
2 was shopping 3 visited 4 when 2 Olivia didn’t use to live in London.
5 while 6 gave 1 3
3 You didn’t use to be fun!
2 Has Anita finished, hasn’t 2
4 We used to eat meat.
5 3 Have you borrowed 4 hasn’t stopped
5 Dad used to drive to work.
2 F 3 D 4 A 5 C 6 E 5 has bought 6 have been 4
6 Libby and Will didn’t use to be good friends.
7 Have they known 2
7 I didn’t use to play basketball for my
6 4
school team.
2 Did Olivia use to live in London? 2
8 Didn’t Grandma use to like pizza?
3 Yes, she did. 2 already 3 yet 4 ever 5 just 6 never 5
4 We didn’t use to eat meat because we 7 yet 2
were vegetarian. Students’ own answers
5 Dad didn’t use to drive to work. 3 3
6 Libby and Will used to be great friends. 2 Joe has already had breakfast.
2 Grammar Worksheet: Support 3 Have you ever worn a tie? 4
4 I’ve never tried Vietnamese food. 5
1 Grammar Worksheet: Consolidation 1 5 Have you finished your homework yet?
2 Has Tommy gone 3 has 6 I have just finished an amazing book! 6
1 4 Have you borrowed 5 haven’t finished
3 was / were 4 was / were being 5 went 6 have bought 4 7
6 was / were going 7 had 2 How long have your parents lived in 8
8 was / were having 9 cleaned 2 France?, for
10 was / were cleaning 11 watched 2 yet 3 never 4 just 5 has 3 How long have you had your red hoodie?, for
12 was / were watching 13 studied 6 Have, already 4 How long has your sister been at
14 was / were studying 15 bought university?, since
16 was / were buying 17 made 1
5 How long have you had a TV in your
18 was / were making 19 looked 2
bedroom?, since
20 was / were looking 4
6 How long has Max played football for his
school?, for

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5 2 4
3 Toby has understood 4 Toby understood 2 the strongest 3 the biggest 2 You’re going to fall.
5 have we eaten? 6 did we eat? 4 the most difficult 5 softer than 6 better 3 The train arrives at 10.30.
7 you haven’t slept 8 you didn’t sleep 4 I’m moving to London with my family next
9 Tess hasn’t gone 10 Tess didn’t go 3 summer.
11 has it rained? 12 did it rain? 2 Your boots are not as dirty as mine. 5
13 they have bought 14 they bought 3 I’m not as intelligent as Katy. 6
4 This basketball is as expensive as that one.
or 6 5 Mrs Jones is as nice as Mr Smith. 5
2 went 3 moved 4 have made 6 My T-shirt is as comfortable as yours! 2 Are you going to come
5 have visited 6 took 3 are getting married 4 starts
2 E 3 F 4 C 5 B 6 A 5 am having 6 finishes
od 3 Grammar Worksheet: Support
4 6
2 as a feather 3 much more endangered 2 Would you like to live, I would
4 as fit as 5 not much harder 3 would like to play
2 healthier 3 cheaper 4 far
6 longer than 4 I wouldn’t like to play
5 the furthest 6 the laziest 7 better
5 would like to have
8 more beautiful 9 the most beautiful
5 6 Would you like to watch, I wouldn’t
10 bad 11 the worst 12 more useful
2 7 ’d like to buy
3 There’s someone knocking at the door. Can
you open the door, please? 4 Grammar Worksheet: Consolidation
2 the biggest 3 cooler than 4 better than
4 There’s nothing in this cardboard box.
5 the strongest 6 the best
Where is the rabbit, then?
7 the most difficult 8 healthier than 1
2 won’t 3 may / might 4 won’t 5 will
6 There is pollution everywhere. I can’t
3 6 may / might
2 A 3 F 4 D 5 E 6 B
7 ‘Where are you going?’ ‘Nowhere.’
4 2 won’t go 3 might go 4 may get
2 not as dirty as 3 much more endangered 5 will get 6 will definitely go
4 as fit as 5 much harder 6 longer 4 Grammar Worksheet: Support
er 5 1 2 ’ll help 3 pass 4 ‘ll call
2 My memory is terrible! I can’t remember 2 probably won’t 3 might 4 may be 5 ’ll move 6 do
anything! 5 ’ll 6 might lose
3 There’s someone knocking at the door. Can 4
you open it, please? 2 2 My parents won’t let me go if I don’t tidy
4 There’s nothing in this cardboard box. 2 C 3 B 4 F 5 D 6 A my bedroom.
5 It’s a really big party! Do you know 3 I’ll be really hungry if I don’t have lunch
everybody? 3 now.
6 There is pollution everywhere. I can’t 2 I’ll help you with your English homework if 4 If my sister wins the sports competition,
breathe! you help me with my French. she will be so happy!
7 ‘Where are you going?’ ‘Nowhere.’ 3 If we pass our exams, we’ll celebrate! 5 If you go to bed too late, you will be tired
8 I’m so hungry, I could eat everything here! 4 If Alice and Matt have a baby boy, they’ll tomorrow.
call him Lucas. 6 Sam will fail the exam if he doesn’t revise.
or 3 Grammar Worksheet: Consolidation 5 We’ll move if Dad gets a new job.
6 I’ll wash the dishes if you take the rubbish 5
out. 2 are you going to come 3 are getting
4 starts 5 is having 6 finishes
2 the healthiest 3 cheaper
7 ’m seeing 8 ’m going to finish
4 the cheapest 5 further 6 the furthest
7 lazier 8 the laziest 9 better
10 the best 11 more beautiful
12 the most beautiful 13 worse
14 the worst 15 more useful
16 the most useful

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Answers A
6 2 2 4
2 wouldn’t like to live 2 don’t have to do 3 doesn’t have to go 2 This nature programme is written by 2
3 would like to go 4 mustn’t forget 5 mustn’t start David Attenborough. 4
4 wouldn’t like to play 6 must switch off 3 A headache can be cured by painkillers.
5 would like to have 4 Tonight’s news is read by Samantha Fish. 5
6 wouldn’t like to buy 3 5 Basketball matches are played in the 2
2 You shouldn’t worry about what other school gym. 4
5 Grammar Worksheet: Support people think. 6 Cakes are made with butter, sugar, eggs 6
3 You should go for a short run every couple and flour.
of days. 6
4 You shouldn’t go to bed after eleven 3 2
rules and obligation: must, mustn’t, have to
o’clock on school nights. 2 is cooked by 3 Water can be boiled 3
advice: ought to, shouldn’t
5 You ought to be more careful or you will 4 are made in 5 Fitness is improved 4
We use ‘don’t have to’ when something isn’t
have an accident. 6 A racket is needed
6 Children shouldn’t disrespect their teachers. 5
4 6
4 4, 8, 10
2 F 3 C 4 E 5 A 6 B
2 wouldn’t 3 would be 4 broke
5 could 6 couldn’t 5
2 was written 3 was passed
2 shouldn’t 3 ought 4 should 1
5 4 was sprained 5 were met
5 shouldn’t 6 ought 2
2 Where would you be if you weren’t in such 6 was invented
a good school?
4 3
3 6
2 wouldn’t 3 would 4 broke 5 could
4 If I were / was a cat, I would sleep all day. 2 was painted 3 were written
6 couldn’t 4
5 You wouldn’t live for long if you didn’t 4 was organized 5 were designed
drink anything. 6 was invented
2 could, would you do
3 lived, ‘d be 6 Grammar Worksheet: Consolidation 2
4 was / were, would think 2
2 If you could do anything, what would you
5 was / were, could 1 3
6 would you do, wasn’t / weren’t 2 is written 3 are used 4 are worn 4
3 If I lived in China, I would speak Mandarin
5 is inserted 6 are kept 5
or Cantonese.
6 6
4 If my granddad were alive today, he would
2 Where would you be if you weren’t in such 2
love the new technology.
a good school? 2 This nature programme is written by 3
5 If I played tennis better, I would represent
3 If Mum was / were here, she would be David Attenborough. 2
my school.
annoyed. 3
6 What would you do if I wasn’t here to help
4 If I was / were a cat, I would sleep all day. 4 Tonight’s news is read by Samantha Fish. 4
5 You wouldn’t live for long if you didn’t 5 Basketball matches are played in the 2
drink anything. school gym. 3
6 If Elias asked me to go to the cinema with 6 Grammar Worksheet: Support 6 4
him, I would go.
1 3 5
5 Grammar Worksheet: Consolidation 2 is written 3 are used 4 are worn 2 Dinner is cooked by Dad on Sundays.
5 is inserted 6 are kept 3 Water can be boiled in the kettle. 5
4 These clothes are made in China. 2
5 Fitness is improved by exercise. 5
2 have to 3 don’t have to 4 shouldn’t
6 A racket is needed to play tennis. 9
5 should 6 ought 7 must

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4 6
2 was attended 3 was directed 2 hadn’t met 3 had arrived
8 Grammar Worksheet: Support
4 was sprained 5 was invented 6 met 4 had … finished 5 had gone
6 had broken 1
5 2 Toby said that the processions began at 11.30.
2 was painted 3 was written 3 Our teacher said we couldn’t talk in class.
7 Grammar Worksheet: Consolidation 4 My friend said she really liked the carnival.
4 was organized 5 was created
6 was broken 5 Max said he didn’t want to watch the
1 parade.
2 6 Mum and Dad said we could stay up late
3 Annie got married to the man (who / that) at the weekend.
2 This work bench was built by my granddad.
she met at work.
3 Camilla pierced my ears in her salon.
4 The girl whose bag was stolen was upset. 2
4 International cuisine is enjoyed by many
5 2 (that) she couldn’t leave work
people in the UK.
6 3 he was playing football
5 Your body is repaired by sleep.
6 Eddie wrote these documents. 4 he hadn’t known Lucy was home
2 5 he could take Matt
2 met the boy whose mother is a politician 6 (that) that was
7 Grammar Worksheet: Support 3 who teaches History is very nice
4 2011 when I met my girlfriend for the first 3
1 time 2 said 3 told 4 said 5 said 6 told
2 I bought the book that / which our teacher 5 where the major lives is the oldest in town
recommended last week. 6 that / which we watched last night wasn’t 4
3 Annie just got engaged to someone (who / great 2 I told my grandma that I love her.
that) she met at work. 3 Naomi told me she was coming to visit me.
4 The girl whose bag was stolen was upset. 3 4 Mum said that she couldn’t cook this
5 My favourite place is the park where we 2 where 3 who 4 which 5 where evening.
had a picnic last summer. 6 whose 5 I told her that I had done my homework
2 4 6 Emily said that she was shopping in town.
2 met the boy whose mother 2 which mum bought for Amelia yesterday,
3 who teaches history is a perfect fit 5
4 when I met my girlfriend 3 where there are a lot of university students, 2 Is Amy going
5 where the major lives is a beautiful city 3 Ed and I had finished
6 (that / which) we watched last night 4 who plays football for our school, is good 4 Can
at all sports 5 Have you and Ed finished
3 5 where Dad used to go on holiday when he 6 Amy was going
2 where 3 who 4 which 5 whose was a child, is in the south-west of England
6 which is made of wool, is really warm and 6
4 cosy 2 if anyone could help
2 which Mum bought for Amelia yesterday 3 if we were going
3 who plays football for school 5 4 if I had watched the documentary
4 where Dad used to go on holiday when he 2 hadn’t met, went 5 if he wanted to go
was a child 3 didn’t have, had arrived 6 if she could borrow my
5 which is made of wool 4 had just finished, called
5 forgot, had already gone
5 6 didn’t walk, had broken
8 Grammar Worksheet: Consolidation
2 thought 3 had thought 4 had cooked 7 didn’t pay, had forgotten
5 see 6 saw 7 didn’t act 8 make 8 had seen, was 1
9 had made 10 did 11 had 12 had had 2 we’re trying 3 he can / could go
4 I’d come 5 they’d see 6 it didn’t rain
7 he was writing 8 we’d been

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2 2 3
2 Mum said she couldn’t leave the office 2 We’ll be able to buy you a pair of shoes at 2 can’t 3 doesn’t 4 did 5 aren’t
until later. the weekend. / We can buy you a pair of 6 is
3 Mum’s friend said, ‘I can give Matt a lift to shoes at the weekend.
school.’ 3 Max would like to be able to play football 4
4 Dad said, ‘I didn’t know that Lucy is home well. 2 can’t it 3 is he 4 doesn’t she
already.’ 4 We were able to go to the park yesterday. 5 do you 6 didn’t he
5 Lucy said that those were her shoes. 5 Mum couldn’t get home early yesterday.
6 Max and Dan said they were playing 6 Can you play the piano please, Grandma? 5
basketball later. 2 my 3 mine 4 you 5 you 6 your
3 7 him 8 his 9 his 10 she 11 her
3 2 A 3 G 4 E 5 D 6 H 7 C 8 B 12 hers 13 it 14 its 15 its 16 us
2 said 3 told 4 said 5 told Deb 6 told 17 our 18 ours 19 them 20 theirs
4 2 mine 3 you 4 your 5 him 6 his 6
2 7 she 8 her 9 its 10 its 11 us 2 She 3 I 4 We 5 He 6 my 7
3 Naomi told me she was coming to visit me. 12 our 13 them 14 theirs hers 8 Mine
4 Mum said that she couldn’t cook this
evening. 5 7
5 2 She 3 I 4 We 5 He 6 my 2 ourselves 3 myself 4 themselves
6 7 hers 8 Mine 5 himself 6 itself

5 6
2 Have you already washed 2 We did the shopping ourselves, Mum.
3 Is Amy going 4 we had finished 3 I’ll help myself to a drink.
5 had already washed 6 Can / Could 4 They really enjoyed themselves at Carrie’s
7 Have you finished 8 was going party.
5 Granddad was able to cook dinner himself.
6 6 You could see that the dog was really
2 Mr Jones asked if anyone could help with enjoying itself.
the float.
3 Clara asked if we were going to eat out 9 Grammar Worksheet: Consolidation
tonight / that night.
4 Bridget asked if I’d / we’d watched the
nature programme last night / the night
2 were able to go
3 can help
5 Adam asked if Finn wanted to go to the
4 ’ll be able to take / can take
5 can cook / is able to cook
6 My sister asked if she could borrow my
6 could / can do
9 Grammar Worksheet: Support 2 We will be able to buy you a new pair of
school shoes at the weekend.
1 3 Max would like to be able to play football
2 weren’t able to go 3 can help well.
4 will be able to take 5 is able to cook 4 We were able to go to the park yesterday.
6 could do 5

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Speaking Worksheets

Speaking Worksheet 1 page 60

Speaking Worksheet 2 page 61

Speaking Worksheet 3 page 62

Speaking Worksheet 4 page 63

Speaking Worksheet 5 page 64

Speaking Worksheet 6 page 65

Speaking Worksheet 7 page 66

Speaking Worksheet 8 page 67

Speaking Worksheet 9 page 68

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1 Speaking Worksheet 2
Life one hundred years ago Life today 1

1 Look at the pictures of life today and life one hundred years ago. In pairs, discuss how life has changed and write as many
sentences as you can in the table.

Life one hundred years ago

Transport They used to travel by steam train.
Technology and Communication They didn’t use to have computers. There were typewriters instead of computers.
Food and Cooking

Student A Student B 2
2 You are a journalist writing an article about a person 2 You have just turned 100 years old. You are going to
in your town who has just turned 100 years old. Write tell a journalist about what your life was like as a child. 3
down some interview questions. Write down some possible answers.
A Where did you use to live? A Where did you use to live?
B I used to live in a small house. B I used to live in a small house.
3 You can use these words and expressions: 3 You can use these words and expressions:
when, while mad about, amazingly, luckily
What were your… ? when, while
Who / What did… ? was / wasn’t, were / weren’t, was … -ing
What / When / How / Where did you use to… ? I / We / They used to / didn’t use to …
Did you use to have / go / do / use / like… ? 4 Role play the conversation with Student A.
4 Role play the conversation with Student B.
5 Swap roles.
5 Swap roles.

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2 Speaking Worksheet
1 Get into groups of three students. Think about your own house and other houses you have seen and complete the word
spiders with as many different ideas as you can.

terraced house

of home


Furniture microwave

balcony Describing
a home


2 Describe your house and your favourite room to your 4 Imagine your ideal bedroom. Work in groups and make
group. notes. You can use your ideas from exercise 1 and these
3 Find out more information about your group’s homes.
Ask and answer questions. Let’s have…
What do you think of …?
1 Have you ever decorated your bedroom? I agree. / I don’t agree.
I decorated my room with my dad. We’ve just finished it. That’s a great idea. / Sorry I don’t like it.
I chose the colour scheme myself. I think it’s … fantastic / awesome / wicked.
2 Did you choose your own furniture? I think it’s a terrible idea / (really) childish.
3 Did you design your room yourself? It’s really cool.
4 Have you ever built any of the furniture in your house?
5 Compare your group’s ideal bedroom with other groups
Was it difficult / easy?
in your class. Decide as a class which group’s bedroom
5 Have your friends seen your room?
design is the best.
6 Have you ever had a sleepover?

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3 Speaking Worksheet 4
1 In groups of four, look at the list of World Environment 3 Then choose one activity for each category in the table S
Day activities. Discuss how you think each activity from the list in exercise 1.
contributes to helping the environment. 1
Would get the most
Create a community garden
people involved
Would contribute the
most to helping the
World Environment Day Activities environment
Clean up your local park / neighbourhood / beach /
lakes. The most difficult to
Organize a sponsored sports event. organize
Give a talk on how to help save the planet. The best way to encourage
Plant trees. people to be more
Design, make and sell reusable shopping bags. eco-friendly
Organize a recycling event.
The one we’d most like to
Have a save the planet festival where people can try 2
locally grown organic food. organize
Make a vegetable garden.
Create a community garden. 4 Plan an event for World Environment Day. Decide on
Have a parade – make and wear eco-friendly ONE activity from the table in exercise 3. Think about
costumes, use eco-friendly vehicles as the floats. the following:
Build a monument or sculpture made of recycled • The name of the event
materials. • How it helps the environment
• Where and when it will take place
5 Present your event to the class.

A I think planting trees is the most useful thing you can do. It
contributes more to helping the environment than building a 1
B I feel the same, but it is a good idea to reuse old material.
2 You can use these expressions:
… is … and more … than …
I think / don’t think … is as … as …
It’s the most … thing you can do.
good, bad, interesting, expensive, easy, difficult, polluted,
useful, important
I feel the same.
I’m not sure about / that …
On the other hand …

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4 Speaking Worksheet
Student A
1 You are a finalist on the TV talent show Pop Icon. The 3 You can use these words and expressions:
final takes place this Saturday. Now, you are being
be born, decide to become, grow up, live, move, work
interviewed on a radio talk show. Write down some
I’m going to / will / won’t / may / might …
personal details about yourself in the table.
possibly / probably / definitely
If I win / don’t win, I’ll …
Personal details
I don’t know what I’ll do if …
Life events I’d (really) like to … / I wouldn’t like to …
I hope … / My dream is to …
Predictions for the 4 Swap roles.

Plans for the future

2 Role play the radio interview with Student B. Use the

information you wrote in the table in exercise 1.
B Tell us a little bit about yourself. Where were you born?
Where did you grow up?
A I was born in Manchester in 1992. When I was two years old
my family moved to London and I grew up in Ealing.

Student B
1 You are a DJ on a radio show and are talking to a finalist 3 You can use these words and expressions:
from the TV talent show Pop Icon. You are talking
Where / When were you born?
about his / her life, what his / her thoughts are on the
Where did you grow up?
competition and his / her plans for the future. Write
When / Why did you decide to become …?
down some questions in the table.
What / How / Where will … if …?
Interview questions How will you feel if …?
What are your plans / hopes for the future?
Life events Would you like to … ? / What would you like to … ?
4 Swap roles.
Predictions for the

Plans for the future

2 Role play the radio interview with Student A. Use the

questions in exercise 1.
B Tell us a little bit about yourself. Where were you born?
Where did you grow up?
A I was born in Manchester in 1992. When I was two years old
my family moved to London and I grew up in Ealing.

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5 Speaking Worksheet 6

1 Cut out the cards and put them face down on the table. 2 Use either the modals must / mustn’t, should, ought to
and don’t have to, or If I were you …
Student A: Pick a card, and read out your problem to
Student B. 3 Swap roles.
Student B: Give two pieces of advice for each problem.
A I’ve got a terrible headache and a sore throat.
B You should take an aspirin and you ought to see the doctor.

You’ve got a terrible You’d like to take You can’t stop

headache and a part in a marathon worrying about
sore throat. next year. your exams.

You’re allergic You hate You find it difficult

to cats. playing sport. to make friends.

You keep forgetting You’d like to take Your friend is feeling

your homework. up swimming. a bit down.

You think your diet You often get invited

You’ve got
probably isn’t very to parties but you’re
healthy. usually too shy to go.

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6 Speaking Worksheet
1 In pairs, play a guessing game. Cut out the cards below 4 You can use these words and expressions:
and put them face down on the table.
What’s it made of?
2 Mix the cards around and take three cards each, Where / When was it made?
without showing your partner. What do you use it for?
Who was it made / invented / created / designed / built /
3 Take turns to guess the objects on each other’s cards by developed / written by?
asking and answering questions about them. Student A How big / old / popular is it?
starts. Size: tiny, small, medium-sized, big, huge
A What material is it made of? Shape: rectangular, square, triangular, round, curved
Material: wood, cloth, metal, plastic, gold, paper, rubber, cork,
B It’s made of metal and plastic.
sand, concrete, cardboard, china, cotton, glass, leather, wool
A What’s it used for?
B It’s used for keeping food cold.
A Is it a fridge?
B Yes, it is!

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7 Speaking Worksheet 8
1 You are going to give a film review in pairs. First, talk 3 Team up with another pair of students and take turns to 1
about different films you have seen recently. Then decide give your reviews, using the information you wrote in
which film you will review. exercise 2. Ask and answer questions. T

2 Complete the form with as much detail as you can about A W

 e chose to review the new James Bond film. I hadn’t seen a
the film you’ve chosen. You don’t have to agree in your James Bond film before, and I thought it was amazing!
opinions and recommendations. B Who’s it directed by?
A It’s directed by Sam Mendes.
Name of film I
4 You can use these words and expressions: a
Genre who, which, that, where, whose
… was made / directed / composed / produced by … H
Main actors and the It tells the story of … / We follow … g
characters they play exciting, interesting, moving, funny, convincing, impressive,
great, terrifying, slow S
Director or producer
Where it is set
Your opinion on the film:

The plot P
The special effects

The acting 2

The characters

The pace

The sets

The music

Anything you especially

liked / disliked

Whether you would

recommend it.
Why / Why not?

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8 Speaking Worksheet
o 1 In pairs, plan a school party. Complete the table. 3 You can use these words and expressions:

Type of party James Bond themed party superb, fabulous, brilliant, incredible, wonderful, amazing
Can I ask you a few questions?
Would you mind telling us about …?
Did you say you were …?
We’re going to have over / about / at least / up to / around …
people / special dishes / prizes
Ideas for costumes
and decorations 4 Swap roles and repeat the activity.

5 Now work in groups. Take it in turns to tell the group

How students will what the party coordinators said in your interviews.
get there The party coordinators should listen carefully to make
e, sure the writers have got the correct information.
Special or traditional
A Josh told me that he had planned a Hollywood themed party
and it was going to be brilliant.
B No, I said that we’ve planned a James Bond fancy dress party.

Party extras (photo

booth, prizes, etc.)

2 Now swap pairs and take turns to do an interview. One of

you writes for the school’s online newsletter and one of
you is the party coordinator. Follow the instructions.
Student A: You are the newsletter writer. Ask questions to
find out about the party Student B is planning. Make notes
of the party coordinator’s answers.
Student B: You are the party coordinator. Use the
information you prepared in exercise 1.
A Hi Josh! Can I ask you a few questions about the party you’re
B Sure.
A How’s the planning going? What type of party have you
B We’ve planned a James Bond fancy dress party. It’s going to be

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9 Speaking Worksheet
Student A
1 You are meeting with the school counsellor (Student B) for 3 You can use these words and expressions:
support with your schoolwork and some career advice.
a bit down
Lately, you’ve felt that you are struggling at school. You
easily distracted, talkative, badly behaved, lazy, untidy,
didn’t get a very good school report from your teacher and
forgetful, lacks confidence, disorganized
you’re a bit down. Write down on a piece of paper what
worry, sadness, stress, happiness, enjoyment, anger,
the problem is, how you feel and what the teacher said in
boredom, enthusiasm, strengths, abilities
your school report. Also write down things you’d like to do
short and long term goals
in the future.
4 Swap roles.
2 Role play the conversation with Student B.
B So Jenny, you’ve been feeling a bit down lately, haven’t you?
A Yes, that’s right.
B Tell me what the problem is.
A Well, I’m quite stressed. I want to be able to go to university in
September, but it’s a lot of revision and pressure. My teacher
said I’m easily distracted and a bit disorganized.

Student B
1 You are a school counsellor and you’re meeting with 3 You can use these words and expressions:
Student A to provide support with his / her schoolwork
happiness, improvement, friendships, well-being,
and some career advice. He / She is struggling at school
strengths, abilities, satisfaction, success
and is feeling a bit down. Write down on a piece of
It can be difficult / stressful / useful, can’t it?
paper some general advice about how teens can cope
You will be able to / could …
with school pressure. Also write down what teens can
Having aims in life can …
do to help achieve their ambitions.
skills, volunteering, further education, study habits
2 Role play the conversation with Student A. 4 Swap roles.
B So Jenny, you’ve been feeling a bit down lately, haven’t you?
A Yes, that’s right.
B Tell me what the problem is.
A Well, I’m quite stressed. I want to be able to go to university in
September, but it’s a lot of revision and pressure. My teacher
said I’m easily distracted and a bit disorganized.

68 UNIT 9 SPEAKING WORKSHEET Richmond Photocopiable © Santillana Educación, S.L.

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Bonfire Night page 70

Boxing Day page 71

Chinese New Year page 72

Edinburgh International Science Festival page 73

May Day page 74

Cannes International Film Festival page 75

Answers page 76

461513 _ 0069-0069.indd 69 27/05/14 08:40

Festivals Bonfire Night F

1 Look at the pictures and write down five questions about Bonfire Night.

Remember the 5th of November! The smell of the wasn’t until the 20th century that it became the social
bonfire burning. The taste of hot dogs and sweet toffee celebration that is enjoyed today.
apples. The sound of the fireworks and the sight of
bright colours as they light up the night sky. It’s Guy The day is still celebrated in Britain every year,
Fawkes Night or Bonfire Night, as it’s also known. with amazing fireworks displays and burning of
This is one of the most enjoyable and fun festivals of ‘Guys’, effigies of Guy Fawkes, which are placed on
autumn in Britain and it has a long history. bonfires. Children make the effigies by filling old
clothes with materials such as paper, straw, cotton,
Over four hundred years ago, in 1605, a man called wool, cardboard or newspaper. In the past, during
Guy Fawkes, a member of the Gunpowder Plot, the days before Bonfire Night, children used to take
was arrested while guarding wooden barrels full of their homemade Guys out on the streets and ask
gunpowder. He was in the basement of the Houses of for ‘a penny for the Guy’. Today, people dress up in
Parliament in London and attempting to blow them warm coats with gloves, scarves and hats, and go
up in order to kill King James I and his politicians. and watch the fireworks at an organized event. As
After he was arrested, people lit huge bonfires around well as burning effigies, the bonfires are also used
London to celebrate that the King had survived. And for cooking potatoes wrapped in foil, and to heat up
Britain has celebrated the day of the failed Gunpowder soup for the crowds that come to watch the fireworks.
Plot ever since. By the 18th century the 5th of November Other food including sausages is cooked over the
was already being called Guy Fawkes Day, but it flames and marshmallows toasted in the fire.

2 Read the text and find words from the article with the 3 In pairs, look at your questions in exercise 1. Can
following meanings. you find answers in the text? If not, discuss what you
1 explosive powder used in bombs or fireworks think the answers are. Then go online and see if you
2 a secret plan made by a group of people to do something were right.
illegal 2
4 In pairs, talk about a festival in your town, region
3 to continue to live
or country that has a long history behind it.
4 a model of a person
● What festival is it?
5 something that is arranged to happen
● How do you celebrate?
6 a soft pink and white chewable sweet
● What do you like about the celebration?

70 FESTIVALS: BONFIRE NIGHT Richmond Photocopiable © Santillana Educación, S.L. Ri

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Festivals Boxing Day

1 Think of a festival from anywhere in the world that you would like to take part in. What is it? What appeals to you about it?

Wednesday, December 26th

What a fun day I’ve had! Boxing Day is great! I’m In some places this tradition still continues today. People
staying with a friend and her family in their house in often give small gifts or money to tradespeople who
Newmarket, in the UK. We woke up early this morning regularly visit their house, like the postman.
and went shopping. We had to queue outside the
shops for ages before we could get in because it was so Boxing Day is a public holiday in the UK and is a popular
crowded. It was crazy! It took ages to buy anything. But holiday in other countries like Hong Kong, Australia, New
I bought some new jeans, a pair of boots and a cardigan. Zealand and Canada. It’s a day when families get together,
Then in the afternoon we watched an exciting football play games, watch sport or go for long walks in the
match on the TV with her family. Of course, Boxing Day countryside. I enjoyed the Boxing Day lunch. It includes
isn’t only about shopping and watching TV. Let me tell leftover turkey and tasty food from Christmas. Yum!
you more.
I also learnt that it’s only been in recent years that
I was reading a little bit about the history of Boxing Boxing Day has become popular with shoppers. It’s
Day before I came. I learnt that it started in the 19th the start of the New Year sales and a time when shops
century and it’s always the day after Christmas Day. It have huge price discounts. You can find 50% and even
was traditionally the day when employers used to give 75% off clothes, shoes, accessories and electrical goods.
money, food and materials or other valuable goods to But not everyone chooses to go shopping, as some still
their employees. You also traditionally give money to believe it should be a day of relaxation and a day to
charities or poor people. spend with the family.

2 Read the text and answer the questions. 3 What does your family usually do during the days
after Christmas? What types of celebrations do you
1 What is the history of Boxing Day?
have? Discuss with a partner.
2 In which countries do they celebrate Boxing Day?
3 What are some traditional Boxing Day activities?
4 How is Boxing Day celebrated today?

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Festivals Chinese New Year F

1 Discuss the questions in groups.

1 How do you normally celebrate New Year?
2 Have you ever done anything special for New Year? What?
3 What do you know about Chinese New Year?

y L ee’s g:
A m
ve l B lo Celebrations in Chinatown
Hi everyone! This week I’ve been in London, where welcome the festival. We also put up red posters with
I was celebrating Chinese New Year. Also known as poems on the front door of the house. Before New Year
the Spring Festival, Chinese New Year is the biggest people also decorate their homes with red lanterns
festival of the year for us Chinese. It’s based on our and put Chinese New Year pictures on the walls.
lunar calendar, which means that the date changes On New Year’s Eve, traditional food is served and
each year. However, it usually takes place between many people set off fireworks and firecrackers. The
late January and mid February. Each year in the firecrackers are thought to send away any bad luck
Chinese calendar is represented by one of twelve and bring good luck back in return.
animals: the dragon, snake, horse, ram, monkey,
rooster, dog, pig, rat, ox, tiger and rabbit. The festival The London celebrations for New Year always begin
lasts for about 23 days. Fortunately, you don’t need on the first Sunday. Hundreds of thousands of people
to travel to China to enjoy the festival; you can go visit Chinatown to see the event. The festival begins
to Chinatown in London to celebrate instead. Every in the morning with a parade of lion dancers, who
year in London there are parades, performances and pass through the streets playing drums and cymbals.
spectacular fireworks displays. I’m going to tell you The lion dancers are thought to bring good luck
about some of the parts I enjoyed most. to houses and businesses that they visit. The best
parts of the festival are the dragon dancing, the
On the days before New Year we bought some new loud music, the live performances and the acrobats.
clothes. It’s a tradition in China for people to buy new I hope I get a chance to go back next year. It was
clothes, have a haircut and clean their houses to brilliant!
2 Read the blog. Then cover the text and, in pairs, 3 In pairs, organize a New Year’s Eve party. Decide on
discuss what you remember about the things below. the theme, what you will wear, the location, the food
and the music. Include any other ideas you may have.
The Chinese calendar Red lanterns
Why they have haircuts and clean their houses 4 Share your ideas for the New Year’s Eve party with
Why they use firecrackers The importance of lion dancers your class.

72 FESTIVALS: CHINESE NEW YEAR Richmond Photocopiable © Santillana Educación, S.L. Ri

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Festivals Edinburgh International
Science Festival
1 How good is your science knowledge? In pairs, write words that match the descriptions.
1 The room or building used for scientific tests and 4 You wear them to stop any dangerous chemicals going
research. in your eyes.
2 A scientific test that is done in order to gain knowledge. 5 The set of things you need for a specific purpose, like
3 The white clothing worn by scientists to protect scientific research.

Edinburgh International Science Festival 23rd March – 7th April

Home What’s on About us News Blog Contact

The Edinburgh Science Festival inspires people of all ages and backgrounds
to discover the wonders of science. It’s the world’s first festival of science and
Europe’s largest. It was first held in 1989 and now, for two weeks every year at
the end of March, scientists from around the world leave their labs and gather
in Edinburgh to try and get everyone excited about science. Over 12,000
people arrive at the City Art Centre to unravel the mysteries of science and
technology, and get a chance to take part in real experiments. It’s an amazing
festival with hands-on exhibits, presentations, talks, tours and workshops,
where you can put on a lab coat and safety glasses, and have a go at using the
lab equipment. From robots to computer animation, and even the wonders of
what goes on inside the human brain, it’s complex science but made simple.
This year, everything from the science of firewalking to clothing that cleans
the air was examined. And the themes of time, taste, the future of food
and the future human were also explored. An exciting mass participation
experiment was also launched this year, which saw people from as far
away as Australia, China, Japan, Brazil and the United States taking part. The
University of Hertfordshire launched Dream:On, a smartphone app to find out
if it’s possible to give people more enjoyable dreams. In the first week of the
Science Festival, the free app was downloaded over 300,000 times. Around
200,000 dreams were reported back to the scientists, creating the largest
dream database in history.
If you like to make things explode or just see how things are made, then this is
definitely the festival for you. Don’t miss out! Click on the What’s on icon above
to download the festival programme and see what’s on offer at next year’s
two-week celebration of science.

2 Read the article and check your answers to exercise 1. Student B: You have never been to the Edinburgh
International Science Festival. A friend is going to
3 Student A: You have been to the Edinburgh ask you to go with him / her. Ask questions about the
n International Science Festival before, and loved it. Try festival and decide if you want to go.
to convince your friend, Student B, to go with you this
year. Describe the festival and answer any questions
that your friend asks.

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May Day F

1 In pairs, look at the May Day photos above, and describe what you see. 1

The Festival Guide

Last week, The Festival Guide’s Matt Evans went is the maypole dance. Girls dance around a tall pole
to Millbrook in Cornwall, UK, to find out how they decorated in bright colours and flowers while holding
celebrate May Day. I caught up with him yesterday for coloured ribbons. The aim of the dance is to create a
an internet interview. beautiful plaited pattern of ribbons around the pole.
First, I asked Matt what May Day is. He told me Then there is Morris dancing, a traditional dance
that May Day is a traditional spring festival that’s done by the men. They dress up in white clothes
celebrated on the first Monday of May every year. It’s with bells on their costumes, and carry scarves and
also celebrated in other northern European countries, wooden sticks. They dance to music played on an
like France, Germany, Finland and Sweden. The accordion. The final tradition is crowning the May
earliest known May Day celebrations took place over Queen, who dresses up in a white dress and wears
2,000 years ago with the Celtic festival of Beltane, the flowers in her hair.
Germanic festival of Walpurgis Night and the festival Finally, I asked Matt what they do in Millbrook. He
of Flora, the Roman goddess of flowers. The festivals told me that they celebrate the Flower Boat Ritual.
marked the end of winter and the beginning of summer. A ship is covered in flowers and is taken in a huge
Next I asked Matt what happens during the festival, procession from a small harbour in Millbrook to a
and he told me that usually crowds of people attend beach in the next village of Cawsand. The houses in
the events with participants from the local towns and the villages are decorated with flowers, and everyone
villages taking part. He also told me that there are dresses up in red and white costumes. Matt said that
three particular traditions. One of the most significant it was a fantastic celebration.

2 Read the article and make notes under these headings. 3 With a partner, make notes about a spring festival or
May Day celebration in your town, region or country. 2
1 Name of the festival
Use the table in exercise 2. Add any extra information.
2 When it happens
3 Countries it takes place in 4 Do a presentation of the festival or May Day
4 Traditions celebration to your class.
5 Clothes
6 Music

74 FESTIVALS: MAY DAY Richmond Photocopiable © Santillana Educación, S.L. Ri

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1 Have you ever been to a film festival? Or have you ever read about one on the internet or in a magazine? Tell your
partner about it.

m a a t Ca n n e s !
Enjoy cine
ne of the most significant film festivals in the film Cannes is a combination of first-time filmmakers
industry is held every May in Cannes, France. It and international stars, creating a unique festival.
previews new films from all genres, from musical, Celebrities and stars can be seen walking down the
fantasy and comedy, to horror, historical, animated and red carpet, while journalists give interviews and
action, and also documentaries. The 12-day festival takes paparazzi take photos. The festival attracts around
place at the Palais des Festivals, where actors, directors, 27,000 people from the film industry and even more
producers, composers and film stars from all around the tourists.
world gather to attend the glamorous event. Although the film
festival is only for film professionals, the new films are also If you’re a fan of films and are thinking of going to next
released simultaneously in French cinemas, so that film fans year’s festival, make sure you visit the official Cannes
and audiences can watch the film premiers at the same time. Film Festival souvenir shop. You’ll be able to show
Huge open-air cinema screens are also placed outside on the off your attendance at the festival by buying some
beach and are free for everyone to come and watch. festival souvenirs: T-shirts, films, posters, mugs and
many other things. But remember the festival attracts
The highest prize at the festival is the Palme d’Or, or thousands of people and huge crowds surround the
‘Golden Palm’, and it’s given to the director of the best main event, so it’s usually a bit busy. On the plus side,
film. In 2012 the award was won by a French language however, most of the celebrities stay in Cannes during
drama called Amour, which also won an Academy Award the festival, so make sure you have your camera ready
for the Best Foreign Language film. to take a few snaps!

2 Read the article and find the following information. 3 In pairs, compare your answers to exercise 2. Did you
get the same answers?
1 Eight different film genres.
2 Five groups of people involved in filmmaking. 4 In pairs, discuss a film festival in your country.
3 The top prize at the Cannes International Film Festival.
4 The winner of that prize in 2012. ● Where and when is it held?
5 The number of film professionals that attend the festival. ● What genres of films do they show?
6 What you can buy at the festival souvenir shop. ● Who can attend?
● Are there any prizes for best films?
● What are they?

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2 2
Bonfire Night 1 The Chinese calendar is lunar, and each year 1 May Day.
is represented by one of the twelve animals: 2 The first Monday of May.
1 the dragon, snake, horse, ram, monkey, 3 The UK and other northern European
Students’ own answers rooster, dog, pig, rat, ox, tiger, and rabbit. countries, like France, Germany, Finland
2 People decorate their homes with red and Sweden.
2 lanterns. 4 Maypole dancing, Morris dancing,
1 gunpowder 2 plot 3 survive 3 They have haircuts and clean their houses crowning the May Queen and the Flower
4 effigy 5 organized 6 marshmallow to welcome the festival. Boat Ritual in Millbrook.
4 The firecrackers are thought to send away 5 The Morris dancers wear white clothes
3 any bad luck and bring good luck back in and have bells on their costumes and
Students’ own answers return. carry scarves. The May Queen is dressed
5 The lion dancers are thought to bring good up in a white dress with flowers in her
4 luck to houses and businesses that they visit. hair. In Millbrook in Cornwall they wear
Students’ own answers white and red costumes.
3 6 The Morris dancers dance to music played
Students’ own answers on an accordion.
Boxing Day
4 3
1 Students’ own answers Students’ own answers
Students’ own answers
Edinburgh International Students’ own answers
2 Science Festival
1 It started in the 19 century and it’s

always the day after Christmas Day. It was

1 Cannes International Film Festival
traditionally the day when employers
used to give money, food and materials or Students’ own answers
other valuable goods to their employees. 1
2 The UK, Hong Kong, Australia, New 2 Students’ own answers
Zealand and Canada. 1 lab
3 The family gets together. They play games, 2 experiment 2
watch sport or go for long walks in the 3 lab coat 1 musical, fantasy, comedy, horror, historical,
countryside. 4 safety glasses animated, action, documentaries
4 Today, it’s popular to go shopping during 5 equipment 2 actors, directors, producers, composers,
the Boxing Day sales. But some people still film stars
prefer to stay at home and relax with their 3 3 the Palme d’Or, or Golden Palm
family. Students’ own answers 4 a French language drama called Amour
5 around 27,000
3 6 T-shirts, films, posters, mugs and other
Students’ own answers May Day things

1 3
Chinese New Year Students’ own answers Students’ own answers

1 3
Students’ own answers Students’ own answers

76 Richmond Photocopiable © Santillana Educación, S.L.

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Diagnostic Test page 78

Test 1 Consolidation page 82

Test 1 Extension page 86

Test 2 Consolidation page 90

Test 2 Extension page 94

Test 3 Consolidation page 98

Test 3 Extension page 102

Test 4 Consolidation page 106

Test 4 Extension page 110

Test 5 Consolidation page 114

Test 5 Extension page 118

Test 6 Consolidation page 122

Test 6 Extension page 126

Test 7 Consolidation page 130

Test 7 Extension page 134

Test 8 Consolidation page 138

Test 8 Extension page 142

Test 9 Consolidation page 146

Test 9 Extension page 150

Test Units 1–3 Consolidation page 154

Test Units 1–3 Extension page 158

Test Units 4–6 Consolidation page 162

Test Units 4–6 Extension page 166

Test Units 7–9 Consolidation page 170

Test Units 7–9 Extension page 174

End of Year Test A Consolidation page 178

End of Year Test A Extension page 182

End of Year Test B Consolidation page 186

End of Year Test B Extension page 190

Answers page 194

Listening Scripts page 210

461513 _ 0077-0077.indd 77 27/05/14 08:42

Diagnostic Test
3 (beautiful) place I’ve 6
ever been to is Interlaken, in Switzerland.
4 It’s much (crowded) on
1 Complete the sentences with the present simple form
the beach in August it is in June.
of go, have, get or do.
5 (interesting) book I’ve
0 Every morning my older brother Paul gets up at 6.30am read is A Little History of the World by Ernst Gombrich.
and has breakfast.
1 I online for an hour every day after
school and chat with my friends. 4 Write sentences for Louisa in 2014 using the present
perfect and the information below.
2 My mum the housework on Saturday
morning and my sister sometimes helps her.
3 We to school by bike. It’s good for Louisa’s Timeline (2014)
our health!
moved to Canada 2007
4 I hardly ever a snack before lunch, but
I sometimes have a piece of fruit. met best friend 2008
5 In the evening, Martin watches TV and then joined an ice hockey team 2009
ready for bed around 10pm.
started a blog 2010 7
started learning French 2011
2 Complete the sentences with the present simple, present
continuous, past simple or past continuous form of the bought my smartphone 2012
verbs in brackets.
0 Lucy is kayaking (kayak) in the Lake District today. She 0 live / Canada / since
usually has (have) football practice. I’ve lived in Canada since 2007.
1 Julia (love) relaxing on the beach. But 1 know / best friend / for
today she (climb) in the mountains.
2 I (see) something unusual while I 2 be / in an ice hockey team / since
(come) home from school last Friday.
3 We usually (wear) our school 3 have / my blog / for
uniforms. But today we (go) on a
school trip to the lakes.
4 learn / French / for
4 Yesterday my dad (stop) the

car and we (get) out. While we
5 have / a smartphone / since 8
(stand) there, we

(can) see lots of balloons lift off into the air and float
away. It was fantastic! 5
5 They (camp) in a tent this year. 5 Complete the advice with must, mustn’t or don’t have to.
Normally, they (stay) in a hotel.
You 0 must eat five portions of fruit and vegetables every day.
You 1 exercise at least twice a week
3 Complete the sentences with the comparative or because it keeps you healthy.
superlative form of the adjectives in brackets. However, you 2 exercise for hours and
0 My older brother is taller than (tall) my parents now. hours. You 3 overdo things.
1 (expensive) car in the You 4 get eight hours sleep every night.
world costs around one and a half million pounds. You 5 take regular breaks from school work.
2 Playing sports and exercising is 5
(health) watching TV or playing computer games.

78 Richmond Photocopiable © Santillana Educación, S.L. Ri

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6 Write questions about Danny’s weekend using be going to. 9 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the
Then match the questions with the answers (A–F). phrasal verbs below. There are two you don’t need.
n 0 Where / go? Where is Danny going to go? break down check out dress up get back
1 What / do? go away make up put on save up
2 Who / meet?
0 We went away last spring to Wales on a school trip.
3 How / travel ?
1 I’m going to in a bright,
4 What / eat ? colourful costume during the festival.
5 What / see? 2 This Friday my class is
A His friend Liam. _ a play in front of the whole school. I’m very nervous.
B Fish and chips. _ 3 We drove to France last year on holiday and
C To London. 0 had a brilliant time, but unfortunately our car
on the way home.
D By train. _
4 I wanted to try rock climbing, so I
E Buckingham Palace. _
a few places online and I found a place in my local area.
F Take a ride on the London Eye. _ 5 I went late-night Christmas shopping last night and I
5 didn’t until 10.30pm.
7 Complete the first conditional sentences with the correct 5
form of the verbs in brackets. 10 Read the blog and report what the people said about
0 If you can’t (cannot) come to the cinema with Joanne and their summer holidays.
me tonight, I will meet (meet) you in town tomorrow.
1 What Alexandra Hi everyone!
I asked some of my friends what they did last summer,
(do) if she (miss) her plane?
and this is what they said.
2 If it (rain) on Sunday, the football
match (be) cancelled.
0 ‘I helped out at a local animal shelter.’ David
1 ‘I didn’t do much. I hung out with my friends and went
3 Paul (feel) better soon if he
to the beach.’ Chelsea
(take) this medicine. 2 ‘I went to Australia with my parents.’ Hannah

4 How Isabel (celebrate) 3 ‘I took up surfing. It’s fantastic.’ Jake

if she (pass) all of her exams? 4 ‘I broke my leg and went to hospital. It still hurts.’ Owen

5 If William (call), I 5 ‘I didn’t have much fun because I worked a lot, but this

(tell) him that you’re at the hospital visiting your aunt. weekend I’m going to visit my cousin in Rome.’ Lucy
0 David said that he had helped out at a local animal shelter.
8 Rewrite the sentences in the passive.
1 Chelsea said .
0 We open the shop at 8am on Saturday morning.
The shop is opened at 8am on Saturday morning. 2 Hannah said .
o. 1 The dentist checks my teeth every six months.
3 Jake said .
2 They sell carnival costumes in that shop.
4 Owen said .
3 The police chased the bank robber.
5 Lucy said
4 They make jeans in that factory. .
k. 5 My grandmother made this chocolate cake.
Grammar and Vocabulary total 50


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1 Read the interviews and complete the sentences. 1
Interview of the Week 0 Cameron has a digital camera which he always carries
in his bag.
Stuff We Love 1 Cameron would like to work as
We interviewed some teens from Edinburgh
for .
earlier this week about the things they love.
2 has 16
Cameron of only 6 cm high. Her first one was
What do you never leave home without? .
Well, I love taking photos, so I’ve always got my 3 Grace’s parents gave her
digital camera in my bag. Good photographers as a after winning a
should take one everywhere.
When did you buy it?
4 favourite possession
I’ve had it for a year. If I can improve more, I’ll try
are his . He wears them
and find a job at a magazine as a photographer.
Cool. Have you taken any photos today? everywhere!
No, not yet. I’m waiting for my friends. I’m going 5 Matilda’s favourite possession is ,
to take some photos of them skateboarding. which was a present for .

What’s your favourite thing? 2 Read the interviews again and answer the questions.
My small glass collectibles. They’re only 6 cm 0 How long has Cameron had his digital camera?
high. The first one I got was a teddy bear.
He’s had it for a year.
How long have you had them?
1 What does Cameron intend to do later today?
I got the teddy bear two years ago, and since
then I’ve collected 16. There’s one that I’d really
like to buy. It’s more expensive than the other
ones I have. It’s a horse. I’ll need to save up 2 What has Grace done for two years?
more money first.
Which one is the most special to you?

The one that my parents gave me. I was
competing in a gymnastics event, and I won first 3 What will Grace need to do to buy the horse?
place. They gave me a little pink bear as a well-
done gift. I’ll treasure it forever.
Nathan 4 What did Nathan’s mum say?
What do you always have with you?
That’s easy! My Converse trainers. I wear them
everywhere. My mum said that she was going to
5 When was the bracelet given to Matilda’s grandmother?
throw them away because they were so old. But

I’ll never get rid of them!

What’s your most treasured possession?
It’s my silver bracelet. Reading total 15
It’s lovely. How long have you had it?
It was given to me by my grandmother for my
16th birthday. And she told me that her mother
had given it to her when she was 16 as well. I’ll
keep it forever.

80 Richmond Photocopiable © Santillana Educación, S.L. Ri

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1 Listen to two people talking about their lives and, 1 Write five pieces of advice for the following problems.
for each question, write Jessica or Harry. I want to try windsurfing because it looks exciting. Jonathan
0 Who heard a loud noise? 0 You should take some lessons.
Jessica 1
1 Who felt excited? 2
I often get headaches when I do my homework on the
computer for many hours. Kim
2 Who is going to study at university?
. 3
3 Who will volunteer in the summer?

4 Who likes getting involved with the local community?
2 Write a review of a film you’ve enjoyed recently in
m 5 Whose parents told them not to give up? 125–150 words. Include the following information:
- general information: title, year, director, etc.
, 5 - stars and the characters they play
- plot
2 Listen again and answer the questions. - your opinion
Where was Jessica in her earliest memory?
0 - reasons why you enjoyed it
- if you recommend it and why
She was in the garden.
What was she doing?

What did she hear?

Where was Harry’s first memory?

What was he wearing?

What did Harry use to like doing?

What job does Jessica want to do after she leaves

What is she doing this summer to help make her dream
come true?

What would Harry like to be in the future?

What has he already done that may help him in his
5 chosen career?

What piece of advice did Harry’s parents give him?
10 Writing total 10
Listening total 15 Speaking 10

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1 Test Consolidation

6 I wear my watch on my left … , but my best friend wears 3

hers on her right.
A ankle B wrist
1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the
verbs below.
Vocabulary total 15
feel hear listen look see smell
sound taste touch watch
0 Those roses smell nice. They have just cut them from the
1 Complete the conversation with the past simple form of
the verbs in brackets.
1 Sorry, I didn’t what you said. Could
you repeat it? Carl: Hi Jason. 0 Did you go (you / go) to the cinema last night?
2 I don’t like this soup. It doesn’t nice. Jason: No, I 1 . I wasn’t
feeling very well, so I stayed at home.
It’s too salty.
Carl: What 2 (you / do)
3 Your hair great. Did you get a haircut?
4 Theo and I Manchester United play
Jason: I 3 (listen) to some 4
every week.
music with my brother.
5 I’ve washed the table twice, but I can still
Carl: 4 (your brother /
there is something sticky on it. listen) to that new song by the Vaccines that I sent him?
6 to those dogs barking outside. They’re Jason: Yes, he did. He 5
making lots of noise. (say) it sounded like his favourite band, the Strokes.
7 Hey Matt! Can you those two robbers Carl: Oh, by the way, before I forget – 6
running out of the bank? Call the police! (you / receive) my email? I 7 (send)
8 That new singer like Katy Perry. It’s you the Science homework.
the same music style, isn’t it? Jason: Yes, I did. Thanks! I 8
9 Don’t the fence. I’ve just painted it (complete) it at the weekend.
and it’s still wet. Carl: What 9 (you / think)
9 of it?
Jason: It 10 (not be) too
2 Choose the correct answer. bad – it only took me an hour.
0 Howard wears … and knee pads when he goes 5
skateboarding to protect himself.
2 Complete Charlie’s dream with the past simple or past
A shoulder B elbow continuous form of the verbs in brackets.
1 My brother’s … go really red when he’s embarrassed.
I 0 was (be) at a restaurant with my friends and we
A cheeks B lips
1 (have) lunch. I
2 Sometimes when I’m nervous before an exam at school
2 (bite) into a slice of pizza
my … get sweaty.
when I 3 (feel) something
A thumbs B palms
weird in my mouth. I 4 (look)
3 As I get older, I get more wrinkles on my … .
in the mirror and I saw that some of my teeth were falling
A eyebrows B forehead
out of my mouth. It 5 (not
4 When I eat really cold food like ice cream, I get pains in
hurt) at all. But luckily, that next moment I woke up. It was
my … .
quite a shock!
A teeth B tongue
5 I like to click my … along to the beat when I’m listening to
my favourite music.
A fingers B toes

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3 Choose the correct answer. 5 Put the words in order to make questions.
0 We were sailing around the coastline when / while we 0 did / sport / which / use to / play / you / ?
got / were getting caught in a storm. Which sport did you use to play?
1 I lived in Rome when / while I studied / was studying 1 to school / you / use to / how / travel / did / ?
5 for my university degree.
2 Shaun smelt something burning when / while he 2 films / did / kind of / you / use to / watch / what / ?
was walking / were walking past his neighbour’s house.
3 Isabella was cycling when / while her keys were falling / 3 did / the internet / use to / you / surf / a lot / ?
fell out of her pocket.

4 The internet connection stopped / was stopping working
t? 4 food / what / use to / like / type of / did / to eat / you / ?
when / while I was downloading music.

5 Nathan played / was playing tennis when / while he was
5 your parents / live / use to / Edinburgh / in / did / ?
stung by a bee on his wrist.

4 Complete the sentences with the words below.
6 Rewrite the sentences using used to or didn’t used to.
did (x4) didn’t to use (x3) used 0 I played the guitar a lot when I was younger.
I used to play the guitar when I was younger.
0 My grandparents didn’t have MP3 players, so they used 1 I was often nervous when I spoke in front of people.
to listen to songs on the radio.

1 My brother didn’t to eat vegetables

when he was a child. He hated them.
2 My family didn’t have much money when I was growing up.
2 A: you use work

in the library?

B: Yes I , while I was studying at university.
) 3 I was a waiter at a restaurant.
3 A: Where Max and Shelley
to live?

B: In Canada, I think.

4 A: your brother hang out at Blue 4 I didn’t have any pets when I was a child.
Shopping Centre?
B: No, he . He met his friends at the
skate park. 5 We went camping a lot on our summer holidays.
5 I didn’t go to the cinema very often because I lived in a
village and we didn’t to have one.
5 5
k) Grammar total 30

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1 Read the text and complete the factfile about the life of 1

Number of symphonies he wrote 0 9

Year he was born
Age he had his first performance
Year his First Symphony was first performed
Age when his hearing loss started
Year he died
2 Read the text again and correct the information in the
The composer who couldn’t hear sentences.
Beethoven is one of history’s most famous
0 Beethoven wrote nine operas.
composers, and wrote nine symphonies and
He only wrote one opera.
an opera, as well as many pieces for piano and
1 He was born in Vienna.
orchestra. And amazingly, while he was composing
many of these great musical works, he was losing
2 His father paid for his piano lessons.
his hearing.

Ludwig van Beethoven was born on December 3 He started losing his hearing in 1800.
16th, 1770 in Bonn, Germany. His father was a
singer and music teacher, and taught his young 4 He stopped composing when he found he was deaf.
son piano from a very early age. Young Ludwig
gave his first musical performance at the age of 5 Beethoven used to write in the conversation books for
seven, though his father lied and said he was only others to read.
six. After the deaths of his mother and then his
father, Beethoven went to live in Vienna, where 5
he started to write his own music. Unfortunately,
by 1800, when his First Symphony was first
3 Read the text again and write short answers to the
performed, he was already going deaf.
0 Was Beethoven born deaf?
Beethoven had noticed his hearing problems at
No, he wasn’t.
the age of 26. He suffered severe tinnitus, which
1 Did Beethoven first play music in public at the age of six?
is a loud ringing sound in your ears. Beethoven

found he couldn’t hear conversations clearly,
2 Did he start to write music in Vienna?
and playing concerts became more and more

difficult. However, he wrote many great musical
3 Did he know he was losing his hearing when he wrote
compositions while suffering hearing loss, and he
his first symphony?
continued composing until his death in 1827 at

age 56.
4 Did he continue to play concerts after he started to lose
One surprising benefit of Beethoven’s deafness his hearing?
for us today is his ‘conversation books’. Because
Beethoven couldn’t hear people speak, he used 5 Did Beethoven usually write answers to people’s
to ask them to write things down in these books, questions in the conversation book?
and he answered them orally. As a result, we have
many records of discussions with Beethoven that 5
we don’t have for other composers.
Reading total 15

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f 1 Listen to the students talk about their best 1 Choose the correct answer.
childhood memories and answer the questions with 0 First / Then I noticed that the front door of the house was
Elena, Ricky or Nick. unlocked. 1 Next / In the end I realized that the living room
0 Whose best memory is from school? looked a mess and all the furniture was in the wrong places.
2 Finally / Then I saw lots of objects were smashed on the
1 Who remembers the smells? floor. 3 First / After that I became really worried. I ran round
the house to see if anything was missing. Our TV and computer
were gone. 4 Finally / One day, I phoned the police and my
2 Whose parent got angry?
mum came home from work. Luckily, it wasn’t too long before

the police arrived. 5 So / In the end, an officer filled out a form
3 Who changed how he / she looked? but we had to wait to see if the burglars would be caught.

4 Who felt happy?
2 Write a story about a strange dream that you had
5 Who couldn’t hear? recently in 125–150 words. Include the following
5 - where you were in the dream
- who you were with in the dream and what happened
2 Listen again and decide if the sentences are true or - how you felt
false. Correct the false sentences. - what happened in the end and how you felt when you
0 Elena’s aunt’s house was in the city. woke up
False. It was in the countryside.

1 Her aunt taught her how to bake.

2 Elena remembers the sound of people laughing.

3 Elena used to play the guitar.

4 Ricky’s story took place at school.

5 He got something stuck up his nose.

6 He didn’t tell his mum about his problem for a week.

7 Ricky’s mum solved the problem.

8 Nick still finds his memory funny now.

9 His story took place at his house.

10 Nick couldn’t see what he looked like.

Listening total 15
Writing total 15
Speaking 10

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1 Test Extension


1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of a verb 1 Complete the conversation with the past simple form of
for the senses. the verbs below and appropriate auxiliary verbs where
0 Those roses smell nice. They have just picked them.
1 Sorry, I didn’t what you said. Could not be complete do go listen (x2) receive send think
you repeat it?
Craig: Hi Jason. 0 Did you go (you) to the cinema last night?
2 I don’t like this soup. It doesn’t nice.
It’s too salty. Jason: No, I 1 . I wasn’t
feeling very well, so I stayed at home.
3 Your hair great. Did you get it cut?
Craig: What 2 (you) instead?
4 Theo and I Manchester United play
every week. Jason: I 3 to some music
with my brother.
5 I’ve washed the table twice, but I can still
there is something sticky on it. Craig: 4 (your brother) to
that new song by the Vaccines that I sent him?
6 to those dogs barking outside.
They’re making lots of noise. Jason: Yes, he 5 . He said it
sounded like his favourite band, the Strokes.
7 Hey Matt! Can you those two
robbers running out of the bank? Call the police! Craig: Oh, by the way, before I forget –
6 (you) my email? I
8 That new singer like Katy Perry. 4
7 you the Science homework.
It’s the same music style, isn’t it?
Jason: Yes, I did. Thanks! I 8
9 Don’t the fence. I’ve just painted it
it at the weekend.
and it’s still wet.
Craig: What 9 (you) of it?
Jason: It 10 too bad; it only
2 Complete the sentences with the parts of the body below. took me an hour.
cheeks elbow fingers forehead palms teeth wrist 5

0 Howard wears elbow pads on his arms when he goes

2 Complete Charlie’s dream with the past simple or past
continuous form of the verbs below.
skateboarding to protect himself.
1 My brother’s go really red when he’s be bite feel have lunch not hurt look
I 0 was at a restaurant with my friends and
2 Sometimes when I’m nervous before an exam at school
we 1 .I
the of my hands get sweaty. 2 into a slice of pizza
3 As you get older, you get more wrinkles, especially on
when I 3 something weird
your .
in my mouth. I 4 in the
4 When I eat really cold food like ice cream, I get pains in 5
mirror and I saw that some of my teeth were falling out of
my . my mouth. It 5 at all.
5 I like to click my along to the beat But luckily, that next moment I woke up.
when I’m listening to my favourite music. It was quite a shock!
6 I wear my watch on my left . 5
Vocabulary total 15

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3 Match the parts of the sentences and complete them 3 did / the internet / use to / you / surf / a lot / ?
with when or while.
0 We were sailing around the coastline F 4 food / what / use to / like / type of / did / to eat / you / ?
1 I lived in Rome _
2 Shaun smelt something burning _ 5 your parents / live / use to / Edinburgh / in / did / ?
3 Isabella was cycling _
4 The internet connection stopped working _ A Yes, I did, especially while I was doing research for my
5 Nathan was playing tennis _ homework. _
B I used to play tennis and sometimes basketball. 0
A I was downloading music.
C No, we didn’t. We used to go by bus. _
d? B he was stung by a bee on his wrist.
D Yes, they did. They used to have an apartment near the
C her keys fell out of her pocket.
city centre. _
D he was walking past his neighbour’s
E Pizza and spaghetti bolognaise. _
F Comedies and dramas. _
E I was studying for my university
degree. 5
F when we got caught in a storm. 6 Complete the conversations with the correct form of
5 used to and a verb.

4 Tick ( ) or correct the sentences. Some of them are wrong. 0 A: My brother didn’t use to like vegetables when he was
k. a child?
0 I use to play the guitar.
B: Yes, I remember – he hated them.
I used to play the guitar.
1 A: How did our grandparents listen to their favourite
? 1 I used to be nervous when I spoke in front of people.
music when they were young?
B: Well, they didn’t have MP3 players, so they
2 Did you used to be a waiter? Yes, I used. to songs on the radio.
2 A: (you) in the library?
3 I not use to have any pets when I was a child. B: Yes I did – it was a part-time job while I was studying
at university.
4 My family didn’t use to have much money when I was 3 A: Where
growing up. (Max and Shelley)?
B: I’m not sure. I think they lived in Montreal, in Canada.
5 We used to going camping on our summer holidays. 4 A: (your brother) up
with his friends at Blue Shopping Centre?
d 5 B: Yes, that’s right. They met there every weekend.
5 Put the words in order to make questions. Match them 5 A: (you) to the cinema
with the answers (A–F). a lot when you were little?
B: No, I , because I lived
0 did / sport / which / use to / play / you / ?
in a village and we one.
Which sport did you use to play?
1 to school / and you / use to / by car / your sister / travel /
did / ? Grammar total 30

2 films / did / kind of / you / use to / watch / what / ?

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1 Read the text and write what these numbers refer to. 1
The composer who couldn’t hear A 9
The number of symphonies Beethoven wrote.
Beethoven is one of history’s most famous
B 1770
composers, and wrote nine symphonies and

an opera, as well as many pieces for piano and
C 7
orchestra. And amazingly, while he was composing

many of these great musical works, he was losing
D 1800
his hearing.

Ludwig van Beethoven was born on December E 26
16th, 1770 in Bonn, Germany. His father was a
singer and music teacher, and taught his young F 1827
son piano from a very early age, hoping he
would become another Mozart. Young Ludwig 5
gave his first musical performance at the age of
seven, though his father lied and said he was only
2 Read the text again and decide if the sentences are true
or false. Correct the false sentences.
six. After the deaths of his mother and then his
father, Beethoven went to live in Vienna, where 0 Beethoven was born in Germany. 2
he studied under great composers of the time and True
started to write his own music. Unfortunately, 1 He taught himself piano.
by 1800, when his First Symphony was first
performed, he was already going deaf. 2 In Vienna he studied music and began to compose.

Beethoven had noticed his hearing problems at 3 He had a hearing problem that some musicians have today.
the age of 26. He suffered severe tinnitus, a loud
ringing sound in your ears that is quite common in 4 In one concert a friend had to turn him round so he could
rock musicians nowadays. Tinnitus can be difficult hear the orchestra.
to live with for most people, but for a composer it
was especially hard. Beethoven found he couldn’t 5 Beethoven used to write things down in the
hear conversations clearly, and playing concerts ‘conversation books’
became more and more difficult. There is even a
story that in one concert a friend had to turn him
round at the end so he could see the audience
applauding him. However, he wrote many great 3 Read the text again and answer the questions.
musical compositions while suffering hearing loss, 0 What does the writer think is amazing about
and he continued composing until his death in Beethoven’s compositions?
1827 at age 56. That he wrote many of them while he was losing his hearing.
1 What hope did Beethoven’s father have for him?
One surprising benefit of Beethoven’s deafness

for us today is his ‘conversation books’. Because 2 When did Beethoven move to Vienna?
Beethoven couldn’t hear people speak, he used
to ask them to write things down in these books, 3 What is ‘tinnitus’?
and he answered them orally. As a result, we have
many records of discussions with Beethoven that 4 How did tinnitus affect Beethoven?
we don’t have for other composers.
5 Why are the ‘conversation books’ useful to us today?

Reading total 15

88 Unit 1 TEST Extension Richmond Photocopiable © Santillana Educación, S.L. Ri

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1 Listen to three students talk about childhood 1 Complete Nina’s story with the correct sequencing words
memories. Decide if the sentences are true or false. and expressions.
Correct the false sentences. 0 First I noticed that the front door of the house was unlocked.
0 Elena’s aunt taught her to pick strawberries. 1N I realized that the living room looked a
False. She taught her how to cook. mess and all the furniture was in the wrong place.
1 Elena remembers the sound of people laughing. 2 T I saw lots of objects were smashed
on the floor. A
3 t
2 Elena used to play the guitar. I became really worried. I ran round the house to see if
anything was missing. Our TV and computer were gone.
4 F , I phoned the police and my mum
3 Ricky didn’t tell his mum about his problem for a week.
came home from work. Luckily it wasn’t too long before the
4 Nick still finds his best memory funny now. police arrived. 5 I t
e , an officer filled out a form but we had
5 Nick couldn’t see what he looked like. to wait to see if the burglars would be caught.

e 5
5 2 Write a story about a strange dream that you had recently
2 Listen again and complete the sentences. in 125–150 words.

0 Elena used to spend her summers at her aunt’s house in

the countryside.
1 Elena and her sister used to pick strawberries from


2 She thought the strawberries tasted very
y. .
3 Elena, her aunt and her sister used to play
ld while listening to music.
4 Ricky’s best memory happened when he was in
5 It happened when he was bored in his

6 Somehow he got a bead stuck in his
7 In the end, Ricky’s mum took him to
8 Nick’s memory is of when he was about
. 9 He and his friend decided to .
10 Nick’s walked into the

room and saw what they were doing.


Listening total 15

Writing total 15
Speaking 10
5 100

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2 Test Consolidation

6 wusmisti
7 ite
8 nirsatre
1 Read the definitions and complete the home and
9 tahwc
furniture words.
0 This is a type of oven that is used to heat food very
m _i _c _r _o w
_ _a _v _e o _v _e n_ 3 Read the situations below. What should each person
wear? Choose one word in each case from exercise 2.
1 This room has walls and a roof made of glass, and it is
usually built on the side of a house. 0 It’s December and it’s snowing. Max is going out for a walk.
c___________ coat
2 This is a type of house that is built all on one level, 1 Mark is going running in the countryside.
without stairs.
b_______ 2 Lucy is going swimming with her friends at the local
3 This is a piece of furniture where you hang clothes. pool.
4 This is a small, low table in a living room for putting 3 Tom’s trousers are too big for him. He needs to wear
magazines or cups on. something to stop them from falling down.
5 Some houses have this type of room to put the washing 4 It’s June and the weather is quite hot, so Helen doesn’t
machine or freezer. It’s normally used as a room to do want to wear shoes or boots.
household jobs.
u______r___ 5 Jonathan is going to a job interview and wants to look
6 This is a house that isn’t joined to another house on smart.
either side of its walls.
d_______h____ 5
7 This room normally has a desk and a computer or laptop 15
Vocabulary total
and sometimes a bookcase.
8 This is a piece of electrical equipment in a kitchen that
keeps food cold. 1 Put the words in order to make questions. Then answer
f_____ them negatively with never.
9 This is a small building for keeping one or more cars or 0 ever / painted / you / have / your room / ?
vehicles in. Have you ever painted your room?
g_____ No, I haven’t. I’ve never painted my room.
This is the space inside the entrance or front door of a
10 1 martial art / learnt / your cousin Richard / a / ever / has / ?
building or house.

5 2 your parents / to / ever / music festival / been / a / have?
2 Unscramble the words and write the clothes and
0 coat 3 gone / Francesca / has / skiing / ever / ?
3 4 Daniel and you / a / ever / shooting star / seen / have / ?

90 Unit 2 TEST Consolidation Richmond Photocopiable © Santillana Educación, S.L. Ri

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5 your car / ever / broken down / has / ? 0 He hasn’t gone surfing yet.
He has already gone surfing.
1 He’s already visited his grandparents.
2 Complete the conversations with ever or never and the 2 He’s already had a sleepover with friends.
present perfect form of the verbs in brackets.
0 A: I’ve never lived (live) in a block of flats. 3 He hasn’t bought a new T-shirt yet.
B: Really? I have.
k. 1 A: (you / start) an 4 He’s already seen the new Batman film.
online blog?
B: Yes, I have. Lots of people read it. 5 He hasn’t washed his dad’s car yet.
2 A: My brother (cry)
during a sad film. 5
B: Oh, really? I always cry during sad films.
5 Complete the sentences with for or since.
3 A: My aunt (wear) earrings.
B: Oh, really? That’s unusual. 0 Joseph has been a scout for six months.
4 A: I (meet) a famous 1 My internet connection has been down
person. Monday afternoon.
B: Oh, I have, last year on holiday. 2 The weather has been really cold
5 A: (Martin / donate) blood? two weeks.
B: No, he hasn’t. 3 I’ve had this bracelet I was a child.
5 It was my grandmother’s.
3 Choose the correct answer. 4 Ella hasn’t drunk any water this morning.
5 My sister hasn’t eaten meat four
0 My friends haven’t seen my newly decorated bedroom
years. She’s a vegetarian.
just / yet .
5 5
1 We’ve already / yet finished building the flat pack furniture.
2 Has Tom yet / already started doing his homework? 6 Complete the text with the past simple or present perfect
That’s impressive! form of the verbs in brackets.
3 Louisa arrived back from New York this afternoon, but I
r 0 I’ve been (I / be) a professional guitar player in a rock band
haven’t seen her just / yet.
since 2010. I 1 (learn) how
4 Karl and Emma have left just / have already left for the
to play the guitar when I 2 (be)
12 years old. My dad 3 (buy) me
5 ‘Would you like some more cake?’ ‘No thank you,
I’ve just / yet had some.’ a guitar for my birthday, but I 4
always (love) music
? 5
since I 5 (be) a child.
4 Look at Tobias’ list of things that he’s already done My band 6 (play) in
during the summer holidays and the things he hasn’t many concerts and festivals all around the world. My
done yet. Then correct the wrong sentences. favourite concert 7 (be)
when we 8 (be) on tour
Things to do during the summer holidays
in Germany and we 9 (play)
0 go surfing ( ) in front of a live audience of 16,000 people. It
1 visit grandparents ( ) 10 (be) amazing!
2 have a sleepover with friends ( )
3 buy a new T-shirt ( )
4 see the new Batman film ( ) Grammar total 30
5 wash Dad’s car ( )

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1 Read the interviews and complete the table. 1
My fashion, by Janie Name Clothes Accessories
0 1
I’ve just interviewed some of my classmates about Serena green leggings and
their fashion and favourite clothes for my school brown ankle boots
project. Ashley
Q: What clothes in your wardrobe at home are Angela
3 4

your favourite? Will

5 6

Serena: That’s a difficult question, but I think it’s

my green leggings and brown ankle boots. 6
Q: Are you wearing anything special today? 2 Read the interviews again and complete the sentences.
Serena: Yes, my sunglasses. My aunt had them
0 Serena’s sunglasses were from her aunt.
when she was a teenager, in the 1960s! They’re
1 Ashley works at .
retro and so cool!

Q: What’s the best piece of clothing you’ve ever 2 Angela’s birthday is on
bought? .
Ashley: It’s my hoodie. It’s dark blue and it has a 3 Angela’s T-shirt was a present from
zip up the front. who bought it .
Q: Why is it so special to you? 4 Will got his watch from his
Ashley: It was the first thing I bought with my own a go.
money. I have a part-time job at a music store. 4
Q: What’s your favourite accessory? 3 Read the interviews again and decide if the sentences
Angela: That’s easy. It’s my ring and bracelet. My are true or false. Correct the false sentences. 2
friend made them for me.
0 The interview is about Janie’s classmates’ favourite
Q: Oh cool! How long have you had them?
Angela: They were a birthday present from her,
False. It’s about their fashion and favourite clothes.
so I’ve had them since 16th June. They’re really
1 Serena’s family has had the sunglasses for more than
special to me.
three decades.
Q: And tell us about that cool T-shirt, Angela.
Did your friend give you that as well?
Angela: No, I’ve had this since I was 10 years 2 Ashley’s hoodie is special to him because it has a zip up
old. My dad bought it in Brazil when he was the front.
there on a business trip. It’s special to me too.
3 A friend of Angela’s made the ring and bracelet for her
Q: What types of clothes do you often like to

Will: Usually I wear jeans, a shirt and a sweater.
4 Angela has had her T-shirt since last winter.
I always like to look smart.
Q: What clothing or accessory is special to you?
Will: My silver watch. I always wear it – otherwise 5 Will has had his silver watch for three years.
I’d be late! It helps me keep track of time!
Q: When did you buy it? 5
Will: I didn’t, it was a present from my 15
Reading total
grandparents. I’ve had it for two years.

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1 Listen to a radio programme about teenagers’ 1 Read the sentences and decide if the order of adjectives
bedrooms and write Dan, Rebecca or Linda next to each is right or wrong. Correct the wrong sentences.
sentence. 0 My necklace has got a gold small beautiful heart
0 This person hasn’t decorated their room recently. pendant on it.
Rebecca My necklace has got a beautiful small gold heart pendant on it.
1 This person’s room has a piece of furniture to keep 1 My bike is a new bright orange fantastic BMX bike.
I cycle everywhere on it.
drinks cool.

2 Have you seen my brilliant star-shaped red sunglasses?
2 This person’s room isn’t very big. They’re really cool!

3 This person has already had many people over to stay. 3 This funny old blue tie belonged to my great grandfather.

. 4 This person says the best things about their room are 4 I think that long wooden lovely coffee table would look
the sofa and TV. nice in front of the sofa.

. 5 This person has a large picture on the wall. 5 Maxine has got curly wonderful red hair and green
big eyes.
. 6 Their bedroom has a big space to put clothes and shoes.
o. 7 This person has painted their room in bright colours.
2 Write an entry for your blog about your two most

treasured possessions in 125–150 words. Include the
7 following:
2 Listen again and decide if the sentences are true or - why they are your favourite things
false. Correct the false sentences. - why they are important to you
- how long you have had them
0 Dan’s parents chose what colours to paint his room.
- details about each thing
False. Dan chose the colour scheme of his room.

1 Dan hasn’t put the furniture in his room yet.

2 Rebecca’s favourite colours are green and purple.

3 Rebecca likes the large painted mural that is on her wall.

4 Rebecca has won trophies in gymnastics.

5 Rebecca has a shelf above her bed.

6 Linda says she hasn’t decorated her room for a long time.

7 Linda likes to lie on her bed and watch films.

5 8 Linda has a place to put all her books. 10
Writing total
Speaking 10
Listening total 15

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2 Test Extension

VOCABULARY 3 Complete the sentences with words from exercise 2. 2

0 Max is wearing gloves because it’s December, it’s
1 Read the definitions and write the home and furniture snowing and he’s going for a walk.
words. 1 Mark is going running in the countryside, so he needs a
good pair of .
Type of oven used to heat food very quickly
0 2 Lauren is going to a wedding. She’s wearing a beautiful
microwave oven
, and she also wants to wear a couple
A room with walls and roof made of glass
1 of accessories – a gold on her finger
c and a for her left wrist.
3 It’s June and the weather is quite hot, so Helen doesn’t
Type of house built all on one level, without stairs
want to wear shoes or boots – she’s wearing a pair of
b .
A piece of furniture where you hang clothes
3 4 Jonathan is going to a job interview and wants to look
w smart with his new suit and the silk
Small, low table for putting magazines or cups on
4 his mother gave him.
5 When Mary arrives home she always takes off her shoes
c t
and puts on her because they’re so
Type of room to put the washing machine or freezer
5 comfortable and warm.
u r 5 3
House with no shared walls
Vocabulary total 15
d h
Room with a desk, a computer and a bookcase
Electrical appliance that keeps food cold
8 1 Write present perfect questions using ever. Then answer
f them negatively using never.
Small building for keeping cars or vehicles in
9 0 you / paint / your room ?
g Have you ever painted your room?
Space inside the entrance or front door of a house
10 No, I haven’t. I’ve never painted my room.
h 1 your cousin Richard / learn / a martial art?


2 Where do you wear the clothes and accessories below? 2 your parents / go / to a music festival?
Complete the table.
bracelet dress gloves jeans necklace ring
sandals slippers tie trainers watch 3 Francesca / go / skiing?

Hands Neck Wrist
4 Daniel and you / see / a shooting star? 4

5 your car / break down?
Body Feet


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2 Complete the conversations with ever or never and the 0 He has already gone surfing.
present perfect form of the verbs below. 1
cry donate live meet start wear
0 A: I’ve never lived in a block of flats. 4
B: Really? I have.
e 1 A: (you) an online blog?
B: Yes, I have. Lots of people read it. 5
2 A: My brother during a sad film. 5 Match the parts of the sentences and complete them
B: Oh, really? I always cry during sad films. with for or since.
3 A: My aunt earrings.
B: Oh, really? That’s unusual. 0 Joseph has C 3 I’ve had _
4 A: I a famous person. 1 My internet connection _ 4 Ella hasn’t drunk _
B: Oh, I have, last year on holiday. 2 The weather _ 5 My sister hasn’t eaten _
5 A: (Martin) blood?
A meat four years. She’s a vegetarian.
s B: No, he hasn’t.
B has been really cold two weeks.
C been a scout for six months.
3 Rewrite the sentences using the present perfect. D any water this morning.
0 My friends want to see my new iPod. (not see / yet) E has been down Monday afternoon.
My friends haven’t seen my new iPod yet. F this bracelet I was a child. It was my
1 We built the flat pack furniture ten minutes ago. grandmother’s.
(build / already) 5
er 6 Complete the text with the past simple or present
2 Tom started his homework at 4pm. It’s 4.30pm now and perfect form of the verbs below.
it’s finished. (finish / already)
be (x4) buy have help learn love play (x2)

3 Louisa returned back from New York this afternoon. I will 0 I’ve been a professional guitar player in a rock band since
go and see her tonight. (not see / yet)
2010. I 1 how to play the

guitar when I 2 12 years
4 Karl and Emma arrived back from the theatre fifteen
old. My dad 3 me a guitar
minutes ago. (arrive back / already)
for my birthday, but I 4

always music since I
5 I won’t have any cake, thank you – I ate some earlier. (eat
was a child. My band 5
/ just)
in many concerts and festivals all around the

world. My favourite concert was when we
5 6 on tour in
4 Look at Tobias’ list of things that he has already done Germany and we 7
during the summer holidays and the things he hasn’t in front of a live audience of 16,000 people. It
done yet. Then write sentences in the present perfect. 8 amazing!
We 9 always
Things to do during the summer holidays
a lot of fans, and that
0 go surfing ( ) 10 us a lot to go on with
1 visit grandparents ( ) our music.
2 have a sleepover with friends ( )
3 buy a new T-shirt ( )
4 see the new Batman film ( ) Grammar total 30
5 wash Dad’s car ( )

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1 Read the interviews and complete the table. 1
My fashion, by Janie
Name Clothes Accessories
I’ve just interviewed some of my classmates about Serena 0 l eggings, boots and

their favourite clothes for my school project. jeans

Q: What clothes in your wardrobe at home are your Ashley

Serena: That’s a difficult question, but I think it’s my 3
green leggings and brown ankle boots.
Q: That’s cool! How long have you had them?
4 5
Serena: I’ve had the boots for six months and I just Will
bought the leggings on Saturday. I haven’t worn
anything else since… well only once, when my mum 5
washed them and I had to wear my old jeans.
Q: Are you wearing anything special today? 2 Read the interviews again and write sentences about
Serena: Yes, my sunglasses. My aunt had them when the four people using the words below.
she was a teenager, in the 1960s! They’re retro and so 0 Serena / boots / six months
cool! Serena’s had her boots for six months.
Q: What’s the best piece of clothing you’ve ever 1 Ashley / hoodie / his own money
Ashley: It’s my hoodie. Its dark blue and it has a zip 2 Angela / necklace / 10
up the front. 2
Q: Why is it so special to you? 3 Angela’s dad / necklace / Brazil
Ashley: It was the first thing I bought with my own
money. I have a part-time job at a music store. 4 Will / look smart

Q: What’s your favourite accessory? 5 Will’s grandparents / silver watch / present
Angela: That’s easy. It’s my ring and bracelet. My
friend made them for me. They’re really special to me.
Q: Oh cool! How long have you had them?
Angela: They were a birthday present from her, so I’ve 3 Read the article again and answer the questions.
had them since 16th June.
0 What is the interview about?
Q: And tell us about your necklace, Angela. Did your
It’s about Janie’s classmates’ favourite clothes.
friend make that as well?
1 How long has Serena’s family had the sunglasses?
Angela: No, I’ve had this since I was 10-years-old.

My dad bought it in Brazil when he was there on a
2 What does Ashley do?
business trip.

Q: What types of clothes do you often like to wear? 3 Where did Angela get her ring and bracelet?
Will: Usually I wear jeans, a shirt and a sweater. I
always like to look smart. 4 When is Angela’s birthday?
Q: What clothing or accessory is special to you?
Will: My silver watch. I always wear it otherwise I’d 5 How long has Will had his silver watch?
be late! It helps me keep track of time!
Q: When did you buy the watch?
Will: I didn’t, it was a present from my grandparents.
I’ve had it for two years. Reading total 15

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1 Listen to a radio programme about teenagers’ 1 Put the adjectives in brackets in the correct order in the
bedrooms and complete the sentences. sentences.

0 Dan says the best things about his room are 0 I got this necklace from my grandmother for my birthday.
the sofa and TV. It’s got a beautiful small gold heart pendant on it. (gold,
1 Dan has a in his room, so he doesn’t small, beautiful)
have to go down to the kitchen for . 1 My bike is my life. It’s a
2 Rebecca has a big to BMX bike. I cycle everywhere on it.
put all her clothes in. (new, bright orange, fantastic)
3 Rebecca has put her sports trophies on 2 Have you seen my
. sunglasses? They’re really cool!
(star-shaped, brilliant, red)
4 Rebecca’s friends really like her room and she’s already
3 This tie
had .
belonged to my great grandfather. (blue, old, funny)
5 Linda has her room
4 I think that
and painted it in bright colours.
coffee table would look nice in front
6 Linda likes to and
of the sofa. (long, wooden, lovely)
watch films on her TV.
5 Maxine has got
7 Linda says she has a large
hair and
that covers a whole wall in her room.
eyes. (curly, wonderful, red, green, big)
2 Listen again and correct the sentences.
2 Write an entry for your blog about your most treasured
0 Dan hasn’t put the furniture in his room yet. possessions in 125–150 words. Choose two of your
Dan has already put the furniture in his room. favourite things. Give some details about why they are
1 Dan keeps his fizzy drinks downstairs in the kitchen. so special and how long you have owned them.

2 Rebecca’s favourite colours are blue and yellow.

3 Rebecca likes a large painted mural that is on her wall.

4 Rebecca used to do gymnastics as a child.

5 Rebecca has a shelf above her bed.

6 Linda says she hasn’t decorated her room for a long time.

7 Linda’s bed is next to her TV.

8 The best thing in Linda’s room, she says, is her TV.


Listening total 15
Writing total 15
Speaking 10

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3 Test Consolidation

1 magazine (1 material: cotton, leather, paper, china, rubber) 2


2 car tyres (1 material: wood, cardboard, rubber, metal,
1 Complete the crossword with words about the

e 1c o s y s t e m
3 dinner plates (3 materials: china, plastic, rubber, glass, cork)

2 3
r g 4 plug in a sink (1 material: glass, rubber, wood, wool,
s 5 jumper (2 materials: wood, leather, paper, wool, cotton,
6 cork)

6 coffee table (3 materials: plastic, wool, china, metal, glass)

7 bicycle (3 materials: cork, metal, plastic, glass, leather,

w 8 the stopper of a wine bottle (1 material: wool, china, cotton,
cork, paper)


Across Vocabulary total 15

0 Living things and the way they affect each other in a
specific environment. GRAMMAR
2 Process that allows old items like paper, glass and plastic
to be used again. 1 Complete the article with the comparative form of the
6 A natural disaster that covers an area of land with lots of adjectives in brackets.
water. There’s a new 0 greener (green) way of camping that’s
7 Animals, plants and birds living in their natural becoming popular. For those of you who enjoy camping,
environment. but want the experience to be a bit 1
Down (easy) and 2 (comfortable), there’s
1 A measurement of the amount of carbon dioxide that Glamping! It’s glamorous camping in an eco-friendly
people’s daily activities produce. way. Glamping is 3 (good) than normal
3 When the air around the Earth gets warmer because of camping because you don’t need to bring your own tent.
the increased amount of pollution. It’s all set up for you when you arrive. You can also stay
4 When there is little or no rain for a long period. in 4 (remote) parts of the world, like 4
5 Energy that uses the power of the sun. rainforests or conservation areas. A tepee or yurt style
7 tent is one of the 5 (common) types of
tent available, and you can have a range of eco-friendly
2 Write sentences about what the different objects are
made of. Choose from the materials in brackets. home comforts, such as solar electricity and wood burning
0 tennis racket (3 materials: plastic, paper, metal, glass,
A tennis racket is made of plastic, metal and the handle is
made of leather.

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r) 2 Complete the sentences with the superlative form of 3 The world’s rainforests are smaller than they were.
the adjectives in brackets. The world’s rainforests aren’t
0 Droughts and floods are some of the worst (bad) natural
4 Petrol cars aren’t as eco-friendly as electric cars.
disasters to affect the planet.
Electric cars are more .
1 (strange) thing I found
5 Recycling is a much more effective way of helping the
k) while doing a beach cleanup was a microwave.
environment than other methods.
2 Pollution and human activity are
Other methods of helping the environment
(serious) threat to
wildlife and the planet’s ecosystems.
3 Two of (useful) things
you can do to help the environment are to recycle and 5 Choose the correct answer.
plant new trees.
0 Mark just started painting the living room, but now
4 Wind farms are (good)
there’s paint anywhere / everywhere!
way of producing electricity without harming the
1 My teacher said we mustn’t throw anything / something
s) environment. into the sea.
5 Cycling or walking instead of getting the bus is 2 Where’s my umbrella? Has someone / no one taken it?
(healthy) way to go to work. 3 I heard that somewhere / anywhere in Greece they
5 have a conservation centre for sea turtles.
4 The rubbish men came this morning and collected
3 Correct the sentences.
everything / anything, including the recycling.
0 The more dangerous material for marine life is plastic. 5 Is no one / anyone going to help me with the poster for
The most dangerous material for marine life is plastic. the competition? I can’t believe it!
1 The country that recycles the more waste in the world is 5
5 6 Complete the conversation with the indefinite pronouns
below. There is one you don’t need.
2 Spain is hottest in spring than England.
anyone anything anywhere everyone
3 The better way to keep our oceans clean is not to throw no one something somewhere
any rubbish into the sea.
Simona: Is 0 anyone doing the sponsored swim next Tuesday?

Andrew: Yes, I am. I haven’t done 1 like
4 Lying down in bed is comfortabler than sitting on a hard
that before – I’m really excited.
Cory: Is 2 going to do it? What is it for?

Andrew: I’m not sure, but I think it’s to help raise money for
5 Plastic bags from supermarkets are probably the more
the local nature reserve.
harmful type of rubbish there is.
Cory: I’ve always wanted to do 3 to help

the environment. I might sign up and take part.
5 Simona: You should – I am. 4 is taking
4 Complete the sentences so that they mean the same as part from our school yet – it’s a shame.
the sentences above them. Andrew: I think everyone should, because all our daily
activities and pollution affect wildlife. It’s a good thing that
0 Walking is healthier than travelling by car.
our country has 5 that helps protect
Travelling by car isn’t as healthy as walking.
g animals.
1 Plastic is less biodegradable than other materials, such
Simona: You’re right!
as paper.
Plastic isn’t as .
2 Maxine and Jamie planted the same number of seeds in Grammar total 30
their gardens.
Maxine planted as many .

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4 the natural environment of an animal or plant (paragraph D) 1 5 to damage something so badly it no longer exists
The big question is: ‘How can we be more (paragraph D)
environmentally friendly?’ Well, here are some
useful tips. 5
A Electricity
One of the biggest problems on the planet today
2 Read the article again and correct the sentences.
is the growing need for energy. One of the most 0 We can save energy by turning on electrical items in our
common forms of energy is electricity. The more homes.
we produce, the more pollution we create. My
We can save energy by turning them off.
suggestion is to turn everything off in your house
when you’re not using it. This includes light bulbs, 1 Food grown abroad is polluted.
TVs and computers. Simple, but effective!
B Food 2 Transporting food a long way can cause traffic jams.
Have you ever thought, ‘Where does my food come
from?’ Well, the answer is… everywhere! Green 3 Only a small part of the materials we waste can be recycled. 2
beans from Egypt, coffee from South America,
and maybe even apples from New Zealand. This
4 Rainforests are home to around 80% of the planet’s
food travels with lots of different transport, which
plants and animals.
means lots of petrol and lots of pollution. So, why
not eat food that is produced locally? It’s fresh, it
doesn’t have to travel so far and it cuts down on 5 Small areas of rainforests get destroyed each year.
your meal’s carbon footprint.
C Rubbish 5
‘Reduce, Reuse and Recycle’. Every year we throw
away millions of tons of waste ― glass, plastic, 3 Read the article again and complete the sentences.
cans, paper and cardboard. But this can all be
0 The growing need for energy, especially electricity, is a big
recycled. Don’t just throw rubbish away; see if you
problem nowadays.
can use it again, or if not, recycle it so it can be
used elsewhere. 1 We can buy food that is
D Rainforests so it doesn’t need to
Rainforests are some of the most valuable habitats long distances and cause .
on Earth, and about half of the world’s species 2 We shouldn’t our waste
of animals and plants live in them. But every but see whether we can it.
year a rainforest the size of Britain is destroyed.
3 We should recycle like
Everyone can help reduce this problem by planting
glass, plastic, , paper
more trees, buying eco-friendly paper, recycling
anything that’s made of paper and shopping smart. and .
Buy food that doesn’t have lots of packaging! 4 We can
more trees to help stop rainforests getting
1 Read the article and find words that mean the following. 5 We should shop and buy food
0 power that commonly comes from electricity (paragraph A) that doesn’t have a lot of .
energy 5
1 in an area near you (paragraph B) Reading total 15

2 a unit for measuring a very heavy weight (paragraph C)

3 material which has been used and is no longer wanted
(paragraph C)

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D) 1 Listen to part of a TV programme about conservation, 1 Read the article and choose the correct expression
and decide if the sentences are true or false. of purpose.

0 The conservation centre for sea turtles was opened 40 This month the eco-group Friends of the Environment are
years ago. False organizing a park cleanup. Their aim is 0 for / to get more
people involved in taking care of the local community. Our
1 Each year the turtles come to the island to lay their eggs
park is loved by everyone in the area and is used 1 for / so that
during the summer.
recreational activities and relaxing, but it won’t be such a
2 There is only one area of the island where the sea turtles lovely place to go if we don’t keep it clean. They organize
r nest. different events every month, 2 to / so that people can help
3 There are over a thousand nests laid each year. improve their neighbourhoods. They have also designed
posters 3 to / in order inform people how littering threatens
4 Saana says they start work at 5.30am. wildlife and set up ‘stop litter’ campaigns 4 so that /
in order to encourage people to think twice about throwing
5 Marc says that rubbish is a problem.
rubbish on the ground. You can help too! Join Friends of the
5 Environment on their park cleanup 5 so as not to / to be
2 Listen to the rest of the interview and choose the part of the problem, but part of the solution.
correct answer. 5
0 The conservation centre is in Greece / Finland. 2 Write an article for a local newspaper giving tips to
1 The centre consists mainly of people from abroad / the readers about how to help the environment in 125–150
local area. words. Include the following:
2 There are about forty / two volunteers. - ideas about how people can be eco-friendly
3 Each volunteer stays for a season / month. - how people can get involved with or organize different
4 Saana is from Finland / Australia. schemes and events to help the environment
- who and what these schemes involve
5 Marc is from Finland / Australia.
- some expressions of purpose
6 The volunteers work throughout the day / night.
7 The volunteering job at the centre involves a lot of sitting
and waiting / walking and searching for sea turtles.
8 When a volunteer finds a turtle, they gather information
about it / help it get back to the sea safely.
9 The volunteers find lots of bits of paper / plastic on
the beach.
10 The centre monitors the population of sea turtles every
month / year.



Writing total 15
Speaking 10

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3 Test Extension

1 magazine (1 material) 2

2 car tyres (1 material)
1 Complete the crossword with words about the
3 dinner plates (5 materials)
e 1c o s y s t e m

4 plug in a sink (1 material)
2 3

5 jumper (2 materials)

6 coffee table (4 materials)
7 bicycle (3 materials)

8 the stopper of a wine bottle (1 material)

7 Vocabulary total 15

1 Choose the correct adjective and complete the article
with the comparative form.
0 Living things and the way they affect each other in a There’s a new 0 greener way of camping that’s becoming
specific environment. popular. For those of you who enjoy camping, but want the
2 Process that allows old items like paper, glass and plastic experience to be a bit 1
to be used again. and 2 , there’s Glamping!
6 A natural disaster that covers an area of land with lots of It’s glamorous camping in an eco-friendly way. Glamping
is 3 than normal camping
7 Animals, plants and birds living in their natural
because you don’t need to bring your own tent or anything
else to go inside. It’s all set up for you when you arrive.
Down You can also stay in 4
1 A measurement of the amount of carbon dioxide that parts of the world, like rainforests or conservation
people’s daily activities produce. areas. A tepee or yurt style tent is one of the
3 When the air around the Earth gets warmer because of 5 types of tent available,
the increased amount of pollution. and you can have a range of eco-friendly home comforts,
4 When there is little or no rain for a long period. such as solar electricity and wood burning cookers. 4
5 Energy that uses the power of the sun.
7 0 A green B remote
2 Write sentences about what the different objects are 1 A common B easy
made of using the material words below. 2 A comfortable B uncomfortable
3 A bad B good
cardboard china cork cotton glass leather
4 A remote B overpopulated
metal paper plastic rubber wood wool
5 A polluted B common
0 tennis racket (3 materials) 5
A tennis racket is made of plastic, metal and the handle is
made of leather.

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2 Complete the sentences with the superlative form of the 3 The world’s rainforests are smaller than they were. (big)
adjectives below. The world’s rainforests
bad good healthy serious strange useful
4 Petrol cars are less eco-friendly than electric cars.
0 Droughts and floods are some of the worst natural (not)
disasters to affect the planet. Petrol cars .
5 Recycling is a much more effective way of helping the
1 thing I found while
environment than other methods. (not)
doing a beach cleanup was a microwave.
Other methods of helping
2 Pollution and human activity are
threat to wildlife and the planet’s ecosystems.
3 One of things you can do
to help the environment is to recycle and plant new trees. 5 Complete the conversation with indefinite pronouns.
4 Wind farms are way of Simona: Is 0 anyone doing the sponsored swim next Tuesday?
producing electricity without harming the environment. Andrew: Yes, I am. I haven’t done 1 like
5 Cycling or walking instead of getting the bus is that before – I’m really excited.
way to go to work. Cory: Is 2 going to do it? What is it for?
5 Andrew: I’m not sure, but I think it’s to help raise money for
the local nature reserve.
3 Tick ( ) or correct the sentences. Some of them are wrong.
5 Cory: I’ve always wanted to do 3 to help
0 The more dangerous material for marine life is plastic. the environment. I might sign up and take part.
The most dangerous material for marine life is plastic. Simona: You should – I am. 4 is taking
1 The country that recycles the most waste in the world is part from our school yet – it’s a shame.
Switzerland. Andrew: I think everyone should, because all our daily
activities and pollution affect wildlife. It’s a good thing that
2 Spain is hottest in spring than England. our country has 5 that helps protect
e animals.
3 The better way to keep our oceans clean is not to throw Simona: You’re right!
any rubbish into the sea. 5
6 Write questions for the answers using the correct
g 4 Lying down in bed is more comfortable than sitting on a indefinite pronoun below.
g hard chair.
anything anyone anywhere something (x2) somewhere

5 Plastic bags from supermarkets are the most harmful 0 Can I get you something to drink?
type of rubbish. Yes. I’d like a glass of water and a cup of coffee, please.
1 Is there ?
5 No, Michael and Tina aren’t at home – they’ve gone out.
4 Rewrite the sentences using as … as and the words in 2 Is there ?
brackets. Yes, you can put your plastic and paper in the recycling bin.
0 Walking is healthier than travelling by car. (healthy) 3 Is there ?
Travelling by car isn’t as healthy as walking. No, there’s nowhere to plant anymore trees in the garden.
1 Plastic is less biodegradable than other materials, such 4 Can I ?
as paper. (not) Yes, you can help us collect the rubbish from the beach.
Plastic . 5 Does Mark ?
2 Maxine and Jamie planted the same number of seeds in No, Mark does nothing to help the environment.
their gardens. (many) 5
Maxine planted .
Grammar total 30

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2 a unit for measuring a very heavy weight 1 3 material which has been used and is no longer wanted

The big question is: ‘How can we be more
4 the natural environment of an animal or plant
environmentally-friendly?’ Well, here are some

useful tips.
5 to damage something so badly it no longer exists
One of the biggest problems on the planet today 5
is the growing need for energy. One of the most
common forms of energy is electricity. The more 2 Read the article again and decide if the sentences are true
we produce, the more pollution we create. My or false. Correct the false sentences.
suggestion is to turn everything off in your house
0 We can save energy by turning off electrical items in our
when you’re not using it. This includes light bulbs,
TVs and computers. Simple, but effective!
Food 1 Food grown abroad is polluted.
Have you ever thought, ‘Where does my food come
from?’ Well, the answer is… everywhere! Green 2 Transporting food a long way causes pollution.
beans from Egypt, coffee from South America,
and maybe even apples come across the Pacific 3 Most of the materials we waste can be recycled. 2
Ocean from New Zealand. This food travels with
lots of different transport, which means lots of
4 Rainforests are home to around 50% of the planet’s
petrol and lots of pollution. So, why not eat food
species of animals and plants.
that is produced locally? It’s fresh, it doesn’t have

to travel so far and it cuts down on your meal’s
5 Small areas of rainforests get destroyed each year.
carbon footprint.

Rubbish 5
‘Reduce, Reuse and Recycle’. Every year we throw
away millions of tons of waste ― unwanted food, 3 Read the article again and answer the questions.
glass, plastic, cans, paper and cardboard. Most of
0 Why is it good for the environment to save energy?
this comes from natural resources that can’t be
Because the more we produce energy, the more pollution is
replaced. Don’t just throw rubbish away, see if you
can use it again, or if not, recycle it.
1 Why is buying food from outside your own country bad
Rainforests for the environment?
Rainforests are some of the most valuable habitats
on Earth, and about half of the world’s species of 2 How much waste is thrown away each year?
animals and plants live in them. They’re essential
as these trees and plants provide us with oxygen. 3 What can you do to reduce waste?
But every year a rainforest the size of Britain is

destroyed. Everyone can help reduce this problem.
4 Give one reason why we should save the rainforests.
The most effective ways include: planting more

trees, buying eco-friendly paper, recycling
anything that’s made of paper and shopping smart. 5 Give one solution that can help save the rainforests.
Buy food that doesn’t have lots of packaging!
Reading total 15
1 Read the article and find words that mean the following.
0 power that commonly comes from electricity
1 the opposite of useless

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1 Listen to part of a TV programme about 1 Read the article and complete the expressions of purpose.
conservation, and decide if the sentences are true or This month the eco-group Friends of the Environment are
false. Correct the false sentences. organizing a park cleanup. Their aim is 0 to get more people
0 The conservation centre was opened 40 years ago. False. involved in taking care of the local community. Our park is
It opened in 1994. loved by everyone in the area and is used 1 f
recreational activities and relaxing, but it won’t be such a
1 The people who run the centre are conservation experts.
lovely place to go if we don’t keep it clean. They organize

different events every month, 2 s t
2 The centre takes care of a number of different species.
people can help improve their neighbourhoods. They have

ue also designed posters 3 t inform people how
3 The turtles lay their eggs during the summer. littering threatens wildlife and set up ‘stop litter’ campaigns
4 i o t encourage
r 4 Saana says they start work at 5.30am. people to think twice about throwing rubbish on the ground.
You can help to0! Join Friends of the Environment on their
5 Marc says that rubbish is a problem. park cleanup 5 s a n
to be part of the problem, but part of the
2 Listen to the programme again and answer the
questions. 2 Write an article for a local newspaper giving tips to
readers about how to help the environment in 125–150
0 How many volunteers come to the centre each year? words. Give details about an environmental scheme and
Around 40. what people can do to help.
1 Where do the volunteers come from?

2 Where are Saana and Marc from?

3 How long does a volunteer work at the centre for?

4 What does Saana say is the best thing about volunteering?

5 When do the volunteers have to work?

6 What do the volunteers have to do at the centre?

7 What are the problems that affect sea turtles?

8 Why are sea turtle habitats being destroyed?

9 What is the most common item of rubbish found on the
10 How does Seena think we can help save sea turtles?
10 15
Writing total
Listening total 15 10

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4 Test Consolidation

VOCABULARY 2 Complete with the words or phrases below. 2

began a career decided to become died got married
1 Match the TV programmes below with the correct graduated had children lived moved was born
programme in the TV guide. There are two you don’t need.

cookery programme documentary game show Neil Armstrong 0 was born on the 5th of August 1930 in Ohio, in
nature programme reality show soap opera the USA. He and his family 1 in twenty
sports programme talk show the news weather forecast different towns across America until he was 14 years old
because of his dad’s work. In 1949, he 2
with the US Navy and fought in the Korean War. After his
A 6.25pm Know-it-all Challenge time in the navy he went to Purdue University, and in 1955
Jessica Vince hosts a general knowledge quiz with the he 3 with a degree in aeronautical
UK’s top quiz champions. engineering. Neil 4 in 1956 to Janet
game show Shearon and they 5 three .
In 1962, he 6 an astronaut and
B 7.00pm Doctors 7 with his family to Houston, Texas, where
Lisa argues with Finn, but soon realizes that she needs his he joined the organization NASA. He was the first man to
help. Ray tries to convince a patient to face the truth. walk on the moon in 1969. He 8 in 2012 at
the age of 82 because of heart problems.
C 7.30pm Nigel’s Quick and Easy Meals
Dishes include a mid-week family feast of pasta and Vocabulary total 15
Sunday roast chicken.
D 8.00pm Ben’s Gone Wild 1 Read the situations and write sentences about what may,
This week Ben’s in search of black bears in the spectacular might or will happen next using the words in brackets.
forests of North America. 0 A woman is ice skating but she isn’t very good at it. She
looks shaky. (definitely / fall over)
E 9.00pm Fake World She will definitely fall over.
The scandal of the fake charities taking advantage of 1 A man is walking his dog in the park and the dog sees a cat.
people’s kindness. (may / chase after the cat)

F 10.00pm Weekend News 2 A man is running to a bus stop as the bus is coming.
National and international stories of the day. Followed by (probably / miss the bus)
the weather.
3 A footballer is running towards the goal with the ball.
Another player is close behind him. (may / not score)
G 10.30pm Match Round-up
Highlights from football matches including Arsenal v
Chelsea and Fulham v Manchester City. 4 A couple is having a picnic by a river, and grey clouds
have appeared in the sky.
(might / rain)
H 10.45pm Questions

David Anderson hosts Questions from Brighton this week.
5 A girl leaves her bike unlocked outside a shop while she 4
On the panel is politician Alex Ward.
goes inside.
(may / steal her bike)

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2 Complete the first conditional sentences with the correct What time does the film start on Saturday? _
form of the verbs in brackets. Mum is going to book our hotel on the internet. _
0 Joe will be (be) really upset if he doesn’t watch (not watch) Stop! Don’t run. You’re going to hurt yourself. _
the football cup final this weekend. Tom’s flight from Sydney arrives at 9.25am. _

n 1 How (Ellie / perform) in the singing 5

competition if she still (have) a sore
5 Put the words in order to make questions. Then answer
throat? the questions using short answers.
2 If I (pass) my exams, I
0 like / a famous singer / to / would / you / be / ?
(celebrate) with all my friends.
Would you like to be a famous singer?
3 What (you / wear) if you
(go) to the party tonight? No, I wouldn’t.
4 If Alexia (join) the band, she 1 climb / like / would / the / Laura / to / mountain / ?
. (practise) every day.
5 I (call) the police if I Yes,
e (hear) a strange noise outside in the night. 2 and have / get married / like / David / to / would / children / ?
3 Look at Chris’s list and answer the questions using be
going to or the present continuous. 3 you / in / office / to / would / like / work / a busy / ?

5 Saturday No,
meet Oliver at art gallery at 10.30am 4 volunteer / like / you / to help / would / to / a charity / ?

buy snacks for study session
, Yes,
do Science project with Matt and Jake 2.00pm
5 hockey / you / would / to / play / like / professional / ?
drive Sam to airport at 5.30pm

watch new sitcom (starts 9.00pm)
email Megan about the music gig
t. 0 What is Chris doing on Saturday morning? 6 Complete the sentences with would like to or be going to.
Chris is meeting Oliver at the art gallery at 10.30am. 0 ‘Hey, Anna, would you like to go out for pizza this weekend?’
1 What does Chris intend to do before the study session? ‘Yes, great idea!’
1 I see Will before he goes
2 What are Chris’s arrangements for the early afternoon? away tomorrow, but he might not be free.
2 They’ve decided they
3 What are his arrangements for the late afternoon? go to California on the second week of their trip to
4 What is Chris going to do at 9.00pm? 3 Louisa hasn’t been to the theatre before, but she said she
5 What else does Chris intend to do? 4 Monica miss any more
lessons because she doesn’t want to get in trouble.
5 5 I have a dog but we
4 Read and write I for intentions, A for arrangements, can’t because we live in a flat.
P for predictions or T for timetabled events. 5
Amber is going to travel around Europe and then study
0 Grammar total 30
at university. I
I’m working on Tuesday from 10am until 4pm. _

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2 and hope they’ll 1
You’ve Got Talent! will do big things in the future.
3 is an all male group.
4 hopes everyone watching will really
We’ve reached another final of the TV talent show enjoy their dancing.
You’ve Got Talent! and once again we’ve got four
5 is the only animal in the final.
incredible finalists. Whoever wins will get £500,000
and a recording contract. So, let’s see our hopefuls. 5
Georgia and Sparky have charmed the judges and 2 Read the article again and match the words with their
audience right from the start with their dance meaning.
routines. Sparky is the first dog ever to reach the
0 to please or attract people F
competition’s final. Georgia’s dream is for Sparky to
work in films and be the next Lassie. Georgia says: 1 to improve something with new ideas and make people
‘I hope fame doesn’t go to Sparky’s head! I think more interested in it _
he would make a great actor.’ 2 two people who perform together _ 2
3 to make someone cry _
Boys Aloud are a singing group of 60 boys
4 done or performed at the same time _
between 14 and 19 years old. And they’re
5 all the people in a country _
breathing new life into the world of choir music.
The group’s choir teacher believes the competition A move to tears
has given the children a way to build their B nation
confidence. Martin says: ‘Our dreams will definitely
C breathe new life into
come true if we win on Saturday.’
D duo
17-year-old Jason and 16-year-old Carla are a E synchronized
classical music duo. They first sang together when F charm
their teacher paired them up in a music lesson at 5
school. They’ve moved the judges to tears at every
stage. Jason says: ‘We don’t know who’ll win on 3 Read the article again and decide if the sentences are
Saturday. It might be us or it might not. It doesn’t true or false. Correct the false sentences.
matter because it’s not about the prize or winning;
0 Georgia and Sparky have an act that involves dancing.
it’s about having a chance to do something we
love: singing.’
1 Sparky is an actor and works in films.
Lucy, Maria, Shelly and Hannah are the four girls

who make up the underwater dancing group Aqua
2 The Boys Aloud choir teacher says that performing in the
Acrobatics. They’ve only been dancing together for
six months, but they’ve caused a splash throughout competition gives the boys more confidence.
the audition stages with their lively synchronized
swimming routines. Hannah says: ‘We hope 3 Jason and Carla started singing together at school.
that we’ll be able to entertain the nation with
something we love doing.’
4 Jason and Carla think that they’ll definitely win on
1 Read the article and complete the sentences with the
names below. 5 Lucy, Maria, Shelly and Hannah used to dance together
when they were young.
Aqua Acrobatics Boys Aloud Carla

Georgia Sparky (x2) Hannah Jason
0 Aqua Acrobatics is an underwater dancing group. Reading total 15
1 and made the
judges cry.

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l 1 Listen to the news report and choose the correct 1 Complete the email with the informal expressions below.
can’t wait cool got to go
0 There has been serious flooding / drought in an area of let me know okay thank goodness
y the UK.
1 The people on the amusement park ride were stuck
600 / 300 feet above the ground. Hi Sophie,
2 The robbery took place in the early hours of Monday /
How’s your summer? I’ve been busy taking part
Sunday morning.
in a volunteering project called Green Gym. It’s a
3 The police are asking the deliverymen / witnesses to give
really 0 cool way to get active and help the local
them any information about the robbery.
environment. You should come along. I think it’ll be
4 The TV award ceremony took place in East Street / London. 1 . You don’t need to
5 It takes place every year / two years.
e sign up or anything.
Oh, did you hear our exam results are ready? No more
2 Listen again and complete the sentences. waiting – 2 ! I’m
going to collect them on Tuesday. Would you like to go
0 There have been floods in the South West of the UK, and
together? My dad can drive us there.
the rain and strong winds are continuing.
1 Train lines were covered 3 .
and trains were unable . 4 now.
2 People on the rollercoaster called 5 to hear all your
were waiting for before news and to catch up!
they were rescued. Speak soon,
3 The deliveryman saw the robbery at
Shopping Centre while he was making a
delivery to a . 5
4 The robbers stole worth
of .
2 Write an email to a school friend in 125–150 words telling
them what you’ve been up to during the summer, and
5 East Street won the award
what your plans are.
and Nina Richards won .

Listening total 15


5 Writing total 15
Speaking 10

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4 Test Extension

In 1949, he 2 with the US Navy and fought

in the Korean War. After his time in the Navy he went to
Purdue University, and in 1955 he 3 with a
1 Look at the TV guide below. Write the correct type of TV
degree in aeronautical engineering. Neil 4
in 1956 to Janet Shearon and they 5 three
. In 1962, he
6 an astronaut
A 6.25pm Know-it-all Challenge
and 7 with his family to Houston, Texas,
Jessica Vince hosts a general knowledge quiz with the
where he joined the organization NASA. He was the first
UK’s top quiz champions. game show
man to walk on the moon in 1969. He 8 in
B 7.00pm Doctors 2012 at the age of 82 because of heart problems.
Lisa argues with Finn but soon realizes that she needs his
help. Ray tries to convince a patient to face
the truth. Vocabulary total 15
C 7.30pm Nigella’s Quick and Easy Meals GRAMMAR
Dishes include a mid-week family feast of pasta and a
Sunday roast chicken. 1 Read the different situations. Write sentences about what
may, might or will happen next using the phrases below.
D 8.00pm Ben’s Gone Wild
This week Ben’s in search of black bears in the spectacular definitely / fall over may / chase after the cat
forests of North America. may / steal her bike might / rain
probably / miss the bus may / not score
E 9.00pm Fake World
The scandal of the fake charities taking advantage of
people’s kindness. 0 Jo is skating but she isn’t very good at it. She looks shaky.
She will definitely fall over.
F 10.00pm Weekend News 1 A man is walking his dog in the park and the dog sees a cat.
National and international stories of the day. Followed by
The dog .
the weather.
2 A man is running to a bus stop as the bus is coming.
G 10.30pm Match Round-up He .
Highlights from football matches including Arsenal v 3 A footballer is running towards the goal with the ball.
Chelsea and Fulham v Manchester City. Another player is close behind him.
H 10.45pm Questions He .
David Anderson hosts Questions from Brighton this week. 4 A couple is having a picnic by a river, and grey clouds
On the panel is politician Alex Ward. have appeared in the sky.
It .
5 A girl leaves her bike unlocked outside a shop while she
7 goes inside.
Somebody .
2 Complete with the correct form of the words or phrases
below. There are two you don’t need. 5
2 Complete the first conditional sentences with the correct
an only child be born begin a career form of the verbs below.
buy a house decide to become die get married
graduate have children live move be call celebrate join go have hear
pass perform practise not watch wear
Neil Armstrong 0 was born on the 5th of August 1930 in Ohio, in
the USA. He and his family 1 in twenty 0 Joe will be really upset if he doesn’t watch the football cup
different towns across America until he was 14 years old final this weekend.
because of his dad’s work.

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1 How Ellie in the song 2 mum (book) our hotel
contest if she still a sore throat? in Rome on the internet?
2 If I my exams, I with 3 Tom’s flight from Sydney (arrive) at
all my friends. 9.25am.
3 What if you to the 4 My sister has decided she (buy) a new
ut party tonight? A dress? sofa for her flat.
4 If Alexia the band, she 5 Michael and Fran
every day. (graduate) from university this July?
5 I the police if I a 5
strange noise outside in the night.
5 Write questions using would / wouldn’t like to. Then
5 answer the questions using short answers.
3 Look at Chris’s list and write about what he’s arranged 0 you / be a famous singer? ( )
to do with his friends and what he intends to do himself.
Would you like to be a famous singer? No, I wouldn’t.
Use be going to or the present continuous.
1 Laura / climb a mountain? ( )
w. Saturday
2 David / get married? ( )
meet Oliver at art gallery at 10.30am

buy snacks for study session
3 you / work in an busy office? ( )
do Science project with Matt and Jake 2.00pm
drive Sam to airport at 5.30pm 4 Paul and you / help a charity? ( )
y. watch new sitcom (starts 9.00pm)
email Megan about the music gig 5 Youssef and Kyle / play professional hockey? ( )
. 0 Saturday morning 5
Chris is meeting Oliver at the art gallery at 10.30am.
6 Match the parts of the sentences and complete them with
1 before the study session
would like to or be going to and the verbs in brackets.

0 ‘Hey, Anna, would you like to go (go) out for pizza B
2 early afternoon
. 1 I (see) Will before _

2 They’ve decided they (go) _
3 5.30pm
3 Louisa said she (go) to the theatre

. because _
4 9.00pm
4 Monica (miss) any more lessons at
college because _
5 other intentions for the day 5 I (have) a dog, but _

5 A she doesn’t want to get in trouble.
B this weekend?’ ‘Yes, great idea!’
4 Complete with be going to, the present continuous or C she hasn’t been there before.
the present simple form of the verbs in brackets. D to California on the second week of their trip to America.
0 Amber is going to travel (travel) around Europe and then E we can’t because we live in a flat.
study at university. F he goes away, but he’s busy.
1 I (work) on Tuesday from 10am until 5
p 4pm. 30
Grammar total

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1 Read the article and complete the sentences with the 1
You’ve Got Talent! names.
0 Aqua Acrobatics is an underwater dancing group.
1 and made the
We’ve reached another final of the TV talent show judges cry.
You’ve Got Talent! and once again we’ve got four
2 have only performed together for a
incredible finalists. Whoever wins will get £500,000
few months.
and a recording contract. So, let’s see our hopefuls.
3 is making a big impact on the style
Georgia and Sparky have charmed the judges and of music they sing.
audience right from the start with their incredible 4 and dream of
dance routines. Sparky is the first dog ever to success in the future.
reach the competition’s final. Georgia’s dream is 5 hopes everyone watching will really
for Sparky to work in films and be the next Lassie. enjoy their dancing. 2
Georgia says: ‘I hope fame doesn’t go to Sparky’s
head! I think he would make a great actor.’
2 Read the article again and find words or phrases that
Boys Aloud are a singing group of 60 boys
mean the following.
between 14 and 19 years old. And they’re
breathing new life into the world of choir 0 to please or attract people charm
music. The group’s choir teacher believes that 1 to improve something with new ideas and make people
the competition has given the children new more interested in it
opportunities and a way to build their confidence. 2 two people who perform together
Martin says: ‘Our dreams will definitely come true
if we win on Saturday.’ 3 to make someone cry
4 done or performed at the same time
17-year-old Jason and 16-year-old Carla are a

classical music duo from London. They first sang
5 all the people in a country
together when their teacher paired them up in a

music lesson. Their music is a mix of opera and pop
and they’ve moved the judges to tears at every 5
stage. Jason says: ‘We don’t know who’ll win on 3 Read the article again and answer the questions.
Saturday. It might be us or it might not. It doesn’t
matter because it’s not about the prize; it’s about 0 What does Georgia jokingly say she hopes doesn’t
the singing. And we love to sing.’ happen to Sparky?
That fame doesn’t get to his head.
Lucy, Maria, Shelly and Hannah are the four girls 1 Why does the Boys Aloud choir teacher say the competition
who make up the underwater dancing group is good for the boys?
Aqua Acrobatics. They’ve only been together for
six months, but that hasn’t stopped them from 2 The judges really liked Jason and Carla’s singing. How do
progressing to the final. They caused a splash we know this?
throughout the audition stages with their lively
synchronized swimming routines in specially 3 Jason and Carla don’t mind about the prize. How do we
designed water tanks. Hannah says: ‘We hope that know?
we’ll entertain the nation with something we love
doing. We don’t know who’ll win on Saturday. But 4 How does the article describe Aqua Aerobics’s
we’ll give 110%.’ performance in the audition stages?

5 What do Aqua Acrobatics hope to achieve in the final?

Reading total 15

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1 Listen to the news report and put a tick ( ) if the 1 Read the email and complete the informal expressions.
things happened or a cross ( ) if they didn’t.
0 Heavy rain caused flooding in an area of the UK. Hi Sophie,

1 People were unable to travel because of bad weather. _ How’s your summer? I’ve been pretty busy taking
part in a volunteering project called Green Gym. It’s
2 An amusement park closed because of dangerous rides. _
a really 0 cool way to get active and help the local
3 A man witnessed the robbery that took place. _
environment. You should come along. I think it’ll be
4 Two robbers were arrested. _ 1 o . You don’t need to sign up or
5 An actress in a popular TV show won an award for her anything.
acting. _ Oh, did you hear our exam results are ready? No more
5 waiting – 2 t g !
y I’m going to collect them on Tuesday. Would you like to go
2 Listen again and answer the questions.
together? My dad can drive us there.
0 Where was there flooding? 3 L m k .
In the South West of the UK. 4 G t g .
1 What was the problem at the train stations and what 5 C w to hear all your news and to
caused it? catch up.
e Speak soon,
2 Where did the people get stuck at the amusement
park, and how long were they waiting before they were 5
rescued? 2 Write an email to a school friend in 125–150 words telling
them what you’ve been up to during the summer, and
what your plans are.
3 Where did the robbery take place?

4 What was the witness to the jewellery store robbery
doing when it took place?

5 What awards did the TV show East Street win?



Listening total 15

Writing total 15
5 Speaking 10

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5 Test Consolidation


1 Match the health problems with the advice. You won’t

3 what just happened –
Mika apologized to Lizzie!
0 Miguel has had a really bad sore throat for the last two

4 where I’ve just been!
days. B
1 Emma has had a terrible toothache since she bit into Wow! Your hair looks great. I didn’t even
those almonds. _ you.
2 Jake’s got a really bad headache. _ What
6 me is whether or not I’ll be
3 Dan has had a terrible stomach ache all morning. _ able to get into university.
4 Rachel has got hay fever – she can’t stop sneezing and I can’t
7 Simon saying something
her eyes are watering. _ horrible like that.
5 Carol always has really bad asthma while she exercises. _ I’ve
8 my password for my email
account, as I haven’t used it for a few months.
A He should avoid eating any heavy foods.
9 better after a good night’s sleep.
B He should suck on some throat sweets or drink a hot
10 to donate some money to my
honey and lemon drink.
favourite animal charity.
C She shouldn’t overdo things and she should have a
reliever inhaler with her. 5 3
D He should take an aspirin and he should get some rest Vocabulary total 15
in a quiet room.
E She should take some allergy tablets and she should wash GRAMMAR
her face and hands.
F She should go and see her dentist. 1 Complete the safety advice with must, mustn’t or
don’t have to.
Mountain Biking
2 Choose the correct answer.
0 You must check your bike is safe, especially the tyres,
0 I accidentally kicked the table and bruised / sprained the brakes and the gears.
my foot.
1 You wear protective gear, like knee
1 Lucas has grazed / broken his leg two separate times
and elbow pads, and a helmet.
while playing football and had to go to hospital.
2 You cycle on the pavement.
2 I forgot to warm up before exercising, and I pulled /
3 You be really careful when cycling on
sprained a muscle in my leg.
busy roads.
3 If you burn / cut yourself, you can put a bit of toothpaste 4
on the sore area and it reduces the swelling. 4 You cycle up mountains; you can
4 Be careful not to cut / break yourself on that knife. cycle in the countryside or on any uneven surface or road.
It’s really sharp. 5 It’s a good idea to take a pump for your tyres and a bottle
5 Shawn is always falling off his skateboard and grazing / of water, but you .
burning his knees. 5
5 2 Complete the conversations with should or shouldn’t
3 Complete the sentences with the verbs below. and the advice in brackets.

believe decided felt forgotten guess imagine 0 A: I often pull muscles when I’m exercising at the gym.
miss realized recognize wondering worries (stretch muscles with warm-up exercises)
B: You should stretch your muscles with warm-up exercises.
I was wondering whether you’d like to come to the party.
1 A: I’d like to be healthier.
Oh no! I’ve just
1 I left my passport at
home. (eat so many sweets)
It’s a shame Samantha had to move to London. I really
2 B: You .

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2 A: I’m always worrying about my school work and am 5 If my sister
really stressed. (leave) her mobile phone in my bedroom, I
(relax more) (not read) her text
B: You . messages.
3 A: My best friend and I always talk in class. 5
(concentrate more) 5 Correct the second conditional sentences.
B: You .
0 I get a new job if I were you.
4 A: Matthew wants to start running but doesn’t want to
I’d get a new job if I were you.
go on his own.
1 If I would be you, I’d have a health check at the doctor’s.
(get a running buddy)

B: He .
2 I’ll inform the bank about your lost credit card if I were you.
5 A: Hannah doesn’t like sport – she prefers to stay at

home and play on her computer.
3 If I weren’t you, I wouldn’t go outside in this storm.
(play on her computer so much)

B: She .
4 I’ll not leave my bag in the car if I were you.

3 Choose the correct answer. 5 I would saw the dentist if I were you.
I want to improve my grades at school. What 0 should /
must I do? 5
Well, first of all, you 1 have to / should pay attention in class
– don’t talk and stay focused.
6 Complete the second conditional sentences using the
words above each.
You 2 mustn’t / should stay up late watching TV. Get to bed
early so you’re not tired the next day. 0 If / I / live / near gym
Homework is really important. You 3 must / shouldn’t do your If I lived near a gym, I’d exercise more often.
homework to help you understand what you learnt in class. 1 she / learn how to scuba dive
You 4 ought to / don’t have to get a study partner. That way If Francesca could find a personal trainer,
you can help each other and you won’t give up. .
Remember, you 5 have to / don’t have to worry about your 2 If / Kyle / apply / for university
problems on your own – speak to a parent or teacher.
n 5 his parents would be delighted.
4 Complete the second conditional sentences with the 3 if / have / a new outfit
correct form of the verbs in brackets. Lucy would go to Harry’s birthday party
0 If your friend had (have) an allergic reaction to a piece of .
food, what would you do (you / do)? 4 if / press / that button on the camera
1 We (not know) what You would delete all my photographs
to say if we (meet) the .
president of our country. 5 If / I / not eat / fruit and vegetables every day
2 How (you / feel) if your , I couldn’t stay healthy.
friend (pass) an exam 5
but you (fail) it? 30
Grammar total
3 If Sam (find) some money
in the street, he (keep) it.
4 Where (you / live) if
you (move) abroad?

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2 Read the webpage again and tick ( ) or correct the 1
Help Me Holly: Advice for teens sentences. Some of them are wrong.

Q: I’m Tina and I’m in my last year at school so I’m 0 Exercise helps the mind and body.
busy studying for my exams, but I want to stay fit.
What should I do? 1 You should do some exercise every day.
A: I can imagine that you don’t have much free time,
but you must try and get some exercise. 0 [E] 2 A surfing instructor can give you important safety advice.
Exercise is good because your heart pumps more
blood around your body. This produces more 3 You don’t have to be fit to try surfing.
oxygen and helps the brain. And this can help you
concentrate more at school. If our brains didn’t get 4 You don’t have to have any equipment to try surfing.
enough oxygen, they wouldn’t work well. 1 [_]
5 Feeling stressed about school isn’t very common.
Q: I’m Paul and I want to try surfing because it looks

fun. Do I have to have lessons?
6 Yoga can be a good stress reliever.
A: Surfing is a great activity to do to keep fit. 2 [_] It’s

a safe sport, but you ought to have lessons with
a qualified instructor. They can tell you where and 7 Teenagers must get enough sleep.
when is the best place and time to surf. You must
be good at swimming and you should already be 7
quite fit. You must also have the right equipment –
3 Read the webpage again. Match the people with the
the correct size surfboard and a wetsuit.
advice and write sentences using should or shouldn’t.
Q: I’m Sarah and I’m 14. I’m really stressed about
be fit 2
school and homework. What can I do?
do half an hour of exercise a day
A: I understand what you’re going through and you feel you’re alone
mustn’t feel like you’re alone. 3 [_] You should forget to hang out with your friends
speak to a teacher or your parents. 4 [_] You ought have regular breaks
to try yoga, as well. Activities like yoga help reduce have lessons with a qualified teacher
stress and improve your health. Remember, life is speak to your parents
about having fun! Don’t forget to hang out with your try yoga
friends and relax. Sleep is vital, too. You can deal have the right equipment
with everything better after a good night’s sleep!
1 Read the webpage and put these missing sentences in 0 You should have regular breaks.
the correct part of the text. 1

A Lots of teens get stressed. Paul

B And because you’re in water, you can avoid injuries like 2
sprained an ankles and pulled a muscles. 3
C You should go to the gym or have regular breaks 4
throughout the day. Sarah
D Or speak to a friend to see if they feel the same way. 5
E You ought to get about 30 minutes every day. 6
4 7
Reading total 15

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1 Listen to the information about the Ironman 1 Choose the correct answer.
triathlon and complete the factfile. 0 In my conclusion / In my view, regular exercise is good
but you mustn’t overdo things.
Distance 1 I also / in my view think that you don’t have to join an
Swim: 2.4 miles expensive gym to get fit.
Bike ride: 1 2 Personally / In conclusion, I need at least eight hours
e. Marathon run: 2
sleep per night. But that’s me.
Time limit for whole race 3 As I see / I think that teenagers wouldn’t have so many
health problems if they were more active.
Year of first Ironman triathlon 4 In conclusion, I would say / personally say that you
must have the correct rock climbing equipment and do it
Time of first winner with a qualified instructor.
5 5 As a conclusion / I see it, students work too hard and
Number of competitors in this year’s race don’t relax enough.
6 5
Fastest time (men) 2 Write an opinion essay on ONE of the following topics in
125–150 words:
Fastest time (women)
● Everyone should learn a new language to keep his or her
brain healthy.
● Junk food should be banned in schools.
8 Include the following:
2 Listen again and decide if the sentences are true or - an introduction to the topic and your opinion
false. Correct the false sentences. - two reasons for your opinion
- a conclusion
0 The three race events can be completed in any order the
competitor wants.
False. They must complete the race in the correct order.
1 The triathlon begins early in the morning.

2 A competitor must finish the race before midnight of the
same day.

3 The first Ironman triathlon took place in Australia.

4 Only 15 men completed the first Ironman competition.

5 Gordon Haller was the first person to win an Ironman

6 The fastest time set by a man was by Craig Alexander
from Australia.

7 Chrissie Wellington broke the women’s record for the

triathlon in 2011.

7 Writing total 15
5 15 Speaking 10
Listening total

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5 Test Extension

0 I was wondering whether you’d like to come to the party. 2

1 Oh no! I’ve just I left my passport at
1 Read the pieces of advice and write the health problems. 2 It’s a shame Samantha had to more to London. I really
0 You should suck on some throat sweets or you should her.
drink a hot honey and lemon drink. 3 You won’t what just happened –
a bad sore throat Mika apologized to Lizzie!
1 You should avoid eating any heavy foods. 4 where I’ve just been!
st a 5 Wow! Your hair looks great. I didn’t even
2 You shouldn’t overdo things and you should have a you.
reliever inhaler with you. 6 What me is whether or not I’ll be
as able to get into university.
3 You should take an aspirin and you should get some rest 7 I can’t Simon saying something
in a quiet room. horrible like that.
h 8 I’ve my password for my email
4 You should take some allergy tablets and you should account, as I haven’t used it for a few months.
wash your face and hands. 9 I better after a good night’s sleep.
h f I’ve
10 to donate some money to my
5 You should go and see your dentist. favourite animal charity.
t 5
5 Vocabulary total 15
2 Complete the sentences with the verbs below. There are
two you don’t need.

burn broken bruised cut grazing 1 Write safety advice sentences using must, mustn’t or 3
hurt pulled sprain don’t have to.
Mountain Biking
0 I accidentally kicked the table and bruised my foot. 0 Check your bike is safe, especially the tyres, the brakes
1 Lucas has his leg two separate times and the gears.
while playing football and had to go to hospital.
You must check your bike, especially the tyres, the brakes and
2 I forgot to warm up before exercising, and I
the gears.
a muscle in my leg.
3 If you yourself on an iron or cooker, 1 Wear protective gear, like pads and a helmet.
you can put a bit of toothpaste on the area and it You .
reduces the swelling. 2 Don’t cycle on the pavement.
4 Be careful not to yourself on that You .
knife. It’s really sharp. 3 Be really careful when cycling on busy roads.
5 Shawn is always falling off his skateboard and
You .
his knees.
4 It’s not necessary to cycle up mountains.
You . 4
3 Complete the words to make mind verbs. Then complete 5 The latest Lycra sportswear is optional.
the sentences with the correct form of the verbs.
You .
0 f _ rg _ t
4 b_l__v_
8 5
m _ ss
1 f__l
5 r _ c _ gn _ z _
gu _ ss
2 _m_g_n_
6 r__l_z_
3 w _ rr _

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2 Complete the dialogues with should or shouldn’t and 2 How you if your
the advice below. friend an exam but you failed it?
3 If Sam some money in the street, I’m
concentrate more eat so many sweets
sure he it.
get a running buddy relax more
stay at home for so long 4 Where you if you
stretch muscles with warm up exercises abroad. Maybe in Berlin?
5 If my sister her mobile phone in my
0 A: I often pull muscles when I’m exercising at the gym. bedroom, I her text messages.
B: You should stretch your muscles with warm-up exercises. 5
1 A: I’d like to have a healthier diet.
5 Tick ( ) or correct the sentences. Some of them are wrong.
2 A: I’m always really stressed. 0 I get a new job if I were you.
I would get a new job if I were you.
1 If I would be you, I’d have a health check at the doctor’s.
3 A: My best friend and I always talk in class.

2 I would inform the bank about your lost credit card if I
4 A: Matthew wants to start running but doesn’t want to were you.
go on his own.
B: 3 If I weren’t you, I wouldn’t go outside in this storm.
5 A: Hannah doesn’t like sport – she prefers to stay at
5 home and play on her computer. 4 I’ll not leave my bag in the car if I were you.
5 5 I would see the dentist if I were you.

3 Complete the conversation with the correct modal
verbs of rules, obligation or advice. 5

A: I want to improve my grades at school. What 0 should I do? 6 Write second conditional sentences.
B: Well, first of all, you 1 pay attention in 0 If / I / live / near gym / I / exercise / more often.
class – don’t talk and stay focused. You 2 If I lived near a gym, I’d exercise more often.
nd stay up late watching TV. Get to bed early so you’re not 1 If / Francesca / find / personal trainer / she / learn how to
tired the next day. Homework is really important. You scuba dive.
really 3 do your homework to help

. you understand what you learnt in class. If possible, you
2 If / Kyle / apply / for university / his parents / be / delighted.
get a study partner. That way you can

. help each other and you won’t give up. Remember, you
5 worry about your problems on your 3 Lucy / go / to Harry’s birthday party / if / have / a new outfit.
own – you can always speak to a parent or teacher.
5 4 You / delete / all my photographs / if / press / that button
on the camera.
. 4 Complete the second conditional sentences with the

correct form of the verbs below.
5 If / I / not eat / fruit and vegetables every day / I / not
. do feel find have keep not know stay healthy.
leave live meet move pass not read

0 If your friend had an allergic reaction to a piece of food, 5

what would you do? Grammar total 30
1 We what to say if we
the president of our country.

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E You ought to get about 30 minutes every day. 1
Help Me Holly: Advice for teens F Your symptoms aren’t too bad, but it could become
Q: I’m Tina and I’m in my last year at school so I’m worse – it’s best to be on the safe side!
busy studying for my exams, but I want to stay fit. 5
What should I do?
2 Read the webpage again and answer the questions.
A: I can imagine that you don’t have much free time,
but you must try and get some exercise. 0 [E] 0 Why is exercise good for your body?
Exercise is good because your heart pumps more Because your heart pumps more blood around your body and
blood around your body. This produces more oxygen this produces more oxygen.
and helps the brain. This means we can then think 1 In what way does the extra oxygen help your brain?
clearer and concentrate more, which will help your
school work. If our brains didn’t get enough oxygen, 2 What’s Oliver’s health problem?
they wouldn’t work well. 1 [_]

Q: I’m Oliver. I really love seafood but sometimes after 3 What can a qualified surfing instructor give you advice on?
I’ve eaten it, my skin gets itchy. What can I do?

A: I wonder whether you are allergic to it. It’s quite 4 What equipment do you need for surfing?

common. You should see your doctor straight
away. 2 [_] You don’t have to worry, but you should 5 What activity is a good stress reliever?
get some medical advice. And you should stop
eating seafood in the meantime. 6 What is important for teenagers’ health?

Q: I’m Paul and I want to try surfing because it looks
fun. Do I have to have lessons?
A: Surfing is a great activity to do to keep fit. 3 [_] It’s 3 Read the webpage again. Write T for Tina, O for Oliver, P
a safe sport, but you ought to have lessons with for Paul and S for Sarah next to the advice they are given.
a qualified instructor. They can tell you where and Then write sentences using should or shouldn’t.
when is the best place and time to surf. You must 0 try yoga S
be a good swimmer and you should already be 1 do half an hour of exercise a day _
quite fit. You must also have the right equipment – 2
2 speak to your parents _
the correct size surfboard and a wetsuit. 3 use the right equipment _
Q: I’m Sarah and I’m 14. I’m really stressed about 4 not eat seafood _
school and homework. What can I do? 5 not feel you’re alone _
6 have regular breaks _
A: I understand what you’re going through and you
7 not forget to hang out with your friends _
mustn’t feel like you’re alone. 4 [_] You should
8 see your doctor _
speak to a teacher or a parent. 5 [_] You ought to
try yoga, as well. Activities like yoga help reduce 0 Sarah should try yoga.
stress and improve your health. Remember, life is
about having fun! Don’t forget to hang out with your
friends and relax. Sleep is vital too. You can deal
with everything better after a good night’s sleep! 3
1 Read the webpage and put these missing sentences in 5
the correct part of the text. 6
A Lots of teens get stressed.
B And because you’re in water, you can avoid injuries like 8
sprained ankles or pulled muscles. 4
C You should go to the gym or have regular breaks 15
Reading total
throughout the day and go for a walk.
D Or speak to a friend to see if they feel the same way.

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1 Listen to the information about a triathlon and 1 Put the words in order to make sentences with expressions
complete the factfile. for giving opinions.
0 things / my / exercising / you / view, / mustn’t / in /
Distance overdo / when
0 Swim: 2.4 miles
In my view, you mustn’t overdo things when exercising.
1 Bike ride:
1 teenagers / I / also / more healthily / think / eat / that /
2 Marathon run:
need / to
d 3Time limit
Whole race: 2 at school / I / are / personally, / under / too much / think /
Swim: pressure / students
Bike ride:
Marathon run: 3 revising / I / should / that / you / take / regular breaks /
4 Year of first Ironman triathlon while / think
5 Time of first winner 4 mind and body / good / in / I / a healthy / would / that /
it’s / to / say / have / conclusion,
6 Number of competitors in this year’s race
5 everyone / as / different / in / I / ways / see / it, / learns
7Fastest time (men)
Year: 5
2 Write an opinion essay on ONE of the following topics in
8Fastest time (women) 125–150 words.
n. Time: ● Everyone should learn a new language to help keep his
or her brain healthy.
● Junk food should be banned from schools.

2 Listen again and answer the questions.

0 How must the competitors complete the race?
They must complete the race in the correct order. First the
swim, then the bike ride and then the marathon run.
1 What time does an Ironman triathlon race begin?

2 How long have competitors got to finish the whole race?

3 How many people finished the first Ironman triathlon?

4 Who was the first person to win an Ironman triathlon?

5 In total, how far do competitors have to race for?

6 Which country did the fastest man to run the Ironman
triathlon come from?
7 What is the name and nationality of the woman who set
Writing total 15
5 the fastest time?
Speaking 10
7 TOTAL 100

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6 Test Consolidation

5 A: I can’t believe it! I’ve accidentally turned off / deleted 3

my work from my PC.
B: Don’t worry. Have a look in your ;
1 Complete the definitions with science lab equipment
it’ll be in there.
0 A f _l _ame_ is a hot stream of burning gas that is created
Vocabulary total 15
when something is on fire.
1 A f _ _ s _ a _ _ k _ _ is a collection of medical supplies to
treat someone who is ill or hurt.
2 S _ f _ _ _ g _ _ s _ _ _ are worn in a science lab to stop 1 Complete the sentences with the present simple passive
anything harmful from going into your eyes. form of the verbs in brackets. 4
3 A t _ s_ t _ _ e is a small thin glass object that is used in
0 Electricity is conducted (conduct) through metals such as
science experiments.
4 A l _ _ c _ a _ is a special piece of white clothing that
scientists wear in a lab to protect themselves. 1 Money from the charity run
5 Dangerous c _ _ m _ _ _ l _ are often used by scientists (donate) to different hospitals around the country.
during their experiments. 2 The virus software on my PC
6 As a safety precaution e _ _ w _ s _ is kept in science labs (not upgrade) automatically, so I have to pay to renew it
and can be used if something harmful goes in your eye. each year.
7 A f _ _ _ e _ t _ _ _ _ i _ _ _ _ is used to put out small fires. 3 The Nobel Prize
8 A w _ _ _ b _ _ _ h is a long heavy table in a science lab (consider) to be the most important award a scientist can
where scientists do their experiments. receive.
9 T _ _ g _ are a tool used for picking up and holding things 4 Paper and plastic (recycle)
in a science lab. at this factory so they can be reused again elsewhere.
A c _ n _ _ _ _ _ r is any type of box, bottle, etc., which
10 5 Most smartphones
something can be stored or kept in. (design) in California, but they
5 (make) in China.

2 Choose the correct answer and complete the sentences 5

with the words below. 2 Write sentences using the present simple passive.

document files hard copy 0 My old clothes / store / in plastic containers in the loft.
recycling bin software virus viruses My old clothes are stored in plastic containers in the loft.
1 We / tell / to wear a lab coat and safety glasses / before a
0 My teacher needed a hard copy of my project, so I printed / 5
science experiment.
uploaded it at school.

1 I’ve just downloaded some new , so
2 The school computers / turn off / after every lesson /
I’ll have to shut down / turn on my PC and restart it first,
by the students.
before I can continue with my work.
2 Why don’t you drop / scroll down to the end of the
and see if the information you’re 3 My skin / protect / from the sun’s harmful rays /
looking for is there? by this sunscreen.
3 My brother forgot to scan / open his computer for
and, because he never inserts / 4 Our rubbish / collect / twice a week.
updates his software, his computer
isn’t working properly now. 5 Cars / make / in that factory.
4 Can I connect / click my USB to your laptop and
transfer / crash those I need for our
Science lesson?

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d 3 Rewrite the passive sentences from exercise 2 to make 3 Which / computer program / develop by Robert?
them negative. the graphics program
0 My old clothes aren’t stored in plastic containers in the loft.
0 4 How / these chemicals / spill on the floor?
5 3 accidentally knocked over / Hannah
5 5 Who / these emails / send / by?
4 Correct the sentences.

s 0 Typewriters were use until the 1980s, when people
started using computers. 5
Typewriters were used until the 1980s, when people started
using computers. 6 Rewrite the sentences in the passive.
1 The internet invented over 40 years ago. 0 A mobile phone company created a smartphone that
t can control everything in your home.

2 The new computer programs is installed by the PC A smartphone was created by a mobile phone company that
technician last week. can control everything in your home.
1 The government gave a group of university students
3 An attempt to make the highest skydive ever was cancel money to help fund their science research.
because of strong winds. A group of university students

4 A cure for the infectious disease smallpox was discover 2 Experts discovered a problem with GPS navigational
in 1796 by Edward Jenner. systems.
A problem with
5 The social networking tool Facebook was created for
Mark Zuckerberg. 3 A computer company created a way to make internet
passwords even safer.
A way to
5 Write questions and answers in the past simple passive. 4 Archaeologists found a large mammoth skeleton in
0 When / your mobile / steal? Russia.
on Tuesday afternoon A large
When was your mobile stolen?
It was stolen on Tuesday afternoon. 5 An oil spill in the Atlantic Ocean killed thousands of sea
1 What / equipment / use in the experiment?
a Bunsen burner, a test tube, some tongs


2 When / this song / write ? Grammar total 30
in 1964

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1 Read the article and match the headings to the parts of 1
the text.
A How has 3D technology advanced? _
B When was the first 3D technology invented? _
C From photos to films _
D What happened next? _
E 3D 0
2 Read the article again and match the facts with the dates.
0 3D
0 The Kinematoscope was invented. D
1 1 3D films were released in IMAX 3D. _
The first 3D technology was invented at the end of the 2 3D technology known as Space-Vision 3D was created. _
19th century. Since then, it has continued to develop 3 The Stereoscope was built. _
into the popular form of entertainment we know 4 Stereovision was created. _
today. Let’s look back at some key moments in its 5 3D filmmaking really took off and many 3D films
history. were made. _ 2
2 A 1960s
The first machine able to take 3D photos was built in B 1970
1844 by David Brewster. It was called the Stereoscope. C 1844
However, it wasn’t until the late 1890s that English D 1861
filmmaker and inventor William Friese-Greene E 1990s
developed a 3D film process that created a moving F 1950s
3D picture. A machine called the Kinematoscope had 5
been invented in 1861, but it wasn’t until 1915 that
3 Read the article again and decide if the sentences are
the first 3D film was made using it.
true or false. Correct the false sentences.
3 0 The first 3D machine was built in 1844 by William Friese-
In the 1950s, 3D filmmaking really took off and many Greene.
3D films were made. In the 1960s, 3D technology False. It was built by David Brewster.
known as Space-Vision 3D was created. The first film 1 William Friese-Greene developed a 3D film process that
that was produced using this technology was created a moving 3D picture.
The Bubble, and thousands of people went to the
cinema to enjoy the 3D experience. 2 The first 3D film was made in 1861.
3 The first film made using Space-Vision 3D was called
In 1970, Stereovision was created. The first film made
Friday the 13th.
using this machine only cost $100,000, but the film
was so popular it earned $27 million dollars. By 1980,
more 3D films were released, such as Friday the 13th 4 The first film made using Stereovision cost $100,000.
and Jaws 3-D. And in 1986, 3D polarized glasses were
worn in cinemas for the first time. From the 1990s, 5 Jaws 3-D was released in 1970.
3D films were released in IMAX 3D. These films were
so life-like that it was as if you were actually in the 6 3D polarized glasses were worn in cinemas for the first
film. From then on, 3D technology has continued to time in 1986.
develop, and is still enjoyed by thousands today.
Reading total 15

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f 1 Listen to Alex and Georgina’s talk about how coffee 1 Choose the correct way of expressing addition.
is made. Then put the actions in order. 0 My favourite sport is in-line skating. It’s exciting
A The dried cherries are milled. _ also / and you don’t need expensive equipment to do it.
B The coffee is put into packets. _ 1 I often go jogging because it keeps me fit and healthy.
C The dried cherries are sorted by hand. _ As well / What’s more, I can do it whenever I like.
2 I don’t like competitive sports, so I do dancing. It’s a fun
D The seeds are planted in small pots. 0
activity and great to do with your friends, and / too.
E The green coffee is roasted at 280 degrees Celsius. _
3 My best friend is very fit and does lots of sport. But she
F The green coffee is turned into brown coffee. _
s. sometimes too / also overdoes things.
G The dried cherries are stored in a warehouse. _ 4 In rock climbing, you mustn’t take risks or do anything
H The green coffee is transported around the world. _ silly. In addition / Too, you should wear a helmet.
I The coffee is ground by machines. _ 5 I do many different activities, but I always make sure I
J The cherries are dried in the sun. _ relax as well / in addition.
K The seeds are planted in the ground. _ 5
10 2 Write a review of your favourite sport or an activity you
2 Listen again and correct the information. do to keep fit in 125–150 words. Include the following:

0 It takes a year for a coffee bean seed to produce fruit. - what your favourite sport or activity is
- what you like best about it
It takes three to four years for a coffee bean seed to produce
- how it benefits you
- some advice for people who may like to try it
1 The coffee cherries are left in the sun to dry and not - some ways of expressing addition

2 The dried cherry shells and skin are removed by hand.


3 The sorting process is done by machines.

4 During the roasting process, the green coffee turns brown
when the temperature reaches 280 degrees Celsius.

5 Finally, the coffee is ground only partially.

Listening total

Writing total 15
Speaking 10

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6 Test Extension

2 Why don’t you down to the end of

the and see if the information you’re
looking for is there?
1 Complete the definitions with science lab equipment
3 My brother forgot to his computer
for and because he never
0 A flame is a hot stream of burning gas that is created when his software, his
something is on fire. computer isn’t working properly now.
1 A f a
4 Can I my USB to your laptop and
k is a collection of medical supplies
those I need for
to treat someone who is ill or hurt.
our Science lesson?
2 S g are worn in
a science lab to stop anything harmful from going into 5 Roberta: I can’t believe it! I’ve accidentally
your eyes. my work from my PC.
3 A t t is a small Pablo: Don’t worry. Have a look in your ;
thin glass object that is used in science experiments. it’ll be in there.
4 A l c is a special 10
piece of white clothing that scientists wear in a lab to 3
Vocabulary total 15
protect themselves.
5 Dangerous c are often used by
scientists during their experiments.
6 As a safety precaution e 1 Complete the sentences with the present simple passive
w is kept in science labs and can be form of the verbs below.
used if something harmful goes in your eye.
7 A f e is used conduct consider design donate
to put out small fires. make recycle not upgrade
8 A w b is a long
heavy table in a science lab where scientists do their 0 Electricity is conducted through metals such as copper.
experiments on. 1 Money from the charity run 4
9 T are a tool used for picking up and to different hospitals around the country.
holding things in a science lab. 2 The virus software on my PC
A c
10 is any type of box, bottle, etc., automatically, so I have to pay to renew it each year.
which something can be stored or kept in. 3 The Nobel Prize to be
5 the most important award a scientist can receive.
2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs 4 Paper and plastic at
and the nouns below. this factory so they can be reused again elsewhere.
5 Most smartphones in
California, but then they
connect delete download print scan in China.
scroll shut down transfer update

2 Rewrite the active sentences in the passive.

document files hard copy 0 I store my old clothes in plastic containers in the loft.
recycling bin software virus viruses My old clothes are stored in plastic containers in the loft.
1 Our teacher tells us to wear a lab coat and safety glasses.
0 My teacher needed a hard copy of my project, so I printed We
it at school. .
1 I’ve just some new ,
so I’ll have to my PC and restart it first,
before I can continue with my work.

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2 We turn off the school computers after every lesson. 5 Write questions in the past simple passive for the
e The school computers underlined parts of the answers.
0 When was your mobile stolen?
3 This sunscreen protects my skin from the sun’s harmful
My mobile was stolen on Tuesday afternoon.
s My skin
A Bunsen burner, a test tube and some tongs were used
in the experiment.
4 They collect our rubbish twice a week.
Our rubbish
The song was written in 1964.
5 They make cars in that factory.
The graphics program was developed by Robert.
; 4
These chemicals were spilled on the floor by Hannah
0 accidentally.
3 Rewrite the passive sentences from exercise 2 to make 5
5 them negative.
The emails were sent by Marcus.
0 My old clothes aren’t stored in plastic containers in the loft. 5
6 Rewrite the sentences into the passive.
e 2
0 A mobile phone company created a smartphone that
can control everything in your home.
A smartphone was created by a mobile phone company that
can control everything in your home.
1 The government gives students money to help fund their
4 Tick ( ) or correct the sentences. Some of them are wrong. research.
0 Typewriters were use until the 1980s when people
started using computers. 2 They discovered a problem with GPS navigational
Typewriters were used until the 1980s when people started systems.
using computers.
1 The internet invented over 40 years ago. 3 A computer company created a way to make internet
passwords even safer.
2 The new computer programs are installed by the PC
technician last week. 4 Archaeologists find a large mammoth skeleton in Russia.

3 An attempt to make the highest skydive ever was cancelled 5 An oil spill in the Atlantic Ocean killed thousands of sea
because of strong winds. animals.

4 A cure for the infectious disease smallpox was 5
discovered in 1796 for Edward Jenner. 30
Grammar total

5 The social networking tool Facebook was created by
Mark Zuckerberg.


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1 Read the article and match the headings to the parts of 1
the text. There are three you don’t need.
A How has 3D technology advanced? _
B Introduction to a new concept of audiovisual art _
C When was the first 3D technology invented? _
D From photos to films _
E Technology for your ears _
F What happened next? _
0 3D G 3D 0
1 H The reaction to the first 3D film _
The first 3D technology was invented at the end of the 4
19th century. Since then, it has continued to develop
into the popular form of entertainment we know
2 Read the article again and complete the table.
today. Let’s look back at some key moments in its When? What happened?
1844 0 The Stereoscope was built.
The first machine able to take 3D photos was built in
1844 by David Brewster. It was called the Stereoscope. 1950s

However, it wasn’t until the late 1890s that English 3

filmmaker and inventor William Friese-Greene 1960s
developed a 3D film process that created a moving 1970s

3D picture. A machine called the Kinematoscope had 5

been invented in 1861, but it wasn’t until 1915 that the 1986 2
first 3D film was made using it. In 1922, the first public 1990s

3D movie, The Power of Love, was produced.

In the 1950s, 3D filmmaking really took off and many 3 Read the article again and answer the questions.
3D films were made. In the 1960s, 3D technology 0 Who was the first person to invent 3D technology?
known as Space-Vision 3D was created. The first film The first person to invent 3D technology was David Brewster.
that was produced using this technology was
1 When was the first 3D film produced?
The Bubble, and thousands of people went to the
cinema to enjoy the 3D experience.
2 What happened during the 1950s?

In 1970, Stereovision was created, which used a
3 What 3D technology was used to make the film The Bubble?
special camera lens that extended the picture using
filters. The first film made using this machine only cost
$100,000, but the film was so popular it earned $27 4 What was interesting about the first film made using
million dollars. By 1980, more 3D films were released, Stereovision?
such as Friday the 13th and Jaws 3-D and in 1986, 3D
polarized glasses were manufactured and worn in 5 What was different about IMAX 3D films?
cinemas for the first time. From the 1990s, 3D films

were released in IMAX 3D. It was an instant success.
These films were so life-like that it was as if you were 5
actually in the film. From then on, 3D technology Reading total 15
has continued to develop, and is still enjoyed by
thousands today.

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f 1 Listen to Alex and Georgina’s talk about how coffee is 1 Complete the sentences with the ways of expressing
made and complete the sentences with the words below. addition below.

are dried are planted are stored by hand by machines also and as well in addition what’s more too
dried is roasted is transported is turned packets seeds
0 My favourite sport is in-line skating. It’s exciting and you
A The dried cherries are milled. don’t need expensive equipment to do it.
B The coffee is put into . 1 Jogging keeps me fit and healthy.
C The dried cherries are sorted . , I can do it whenever I like.
D The are planted in 2 I don’t like competitive sports, so I do dancing. It’s fun to
small pots. do with your friends .
E The green coffee at 3 My best friend is very fit and does lots of sport. But
280 degrees Celsius. sometimes she
overdoes things.
F The green coffee into
4 In rock climbing, you mustn’t take risks or do anything
brown coffee.
silly. , you should wear
G The dried cherries in a
a helmet.
5 I do many different activities, but I always make sure I
H The green coffee around
relax .
the world.
I The coffee is ground .
J The cherries in the sun. 2 Write a review of your favourite sport or an activity you
K The seeds in the ground. do to keep fit in 125–150 words.
2 Listen again and put the actions in exercise 1 in order.

0 _
4 8 _

1 _
5 9 _

2 _
6 _

3 _

. Listening total 15


Writing total 15
Speaking 10

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7 Test Consolidation

The film’s music 9 was composed / soundtrack by Ludovic 3

VOCABULARY Bource in Belgium and took just six days to record. I would
definitely 10 base on / recommend this film. The acting was
1 Match the film genres below with the film descriptions. brilliant and the music was enchanting. You will exit the
There are two you don’t need. cinema with a smile on your face.
action film animated film comedy drama
historical film musical teen film thriller Vocabulary total 15

0 Night at the Museum GRAMMAR

A new security guard at a natural history museum
discovers that an ancient curse causes the animals and 1 Choose the correct relative pronoun.
exhibits on display to come to life and cause chaos. 0 I’ve broken my mum’s favourite vase, who / which was
comedy on the shelf.
1 Silence of the Lambs 1 Sam Mendes is the man who / which directed the new
An American FBI agent must get the help of a murderer James Bond film.
who is in prison to catch another serial killer. 2 The book who / that you’re reading is one of the
bestselling novels this month.
2 Toy Story 3 Are you going to cook the lemon chicken recipe which /
A cowboy doll is jealous when a new spaceman figure where you found on the internet?
replaces him as the top toy in a boy’s room. 4 The producers are choosing the actors who / whose will
star in a new TV crime series.
3 Mamma Mia! 5 The adventure film where / that we saw at the cinema
The story of a young bride-to-be trying to find her real last week wasn’t very good.
father told using the hit songs from the 70s pop group 5
2 Complete the defining relative clauses with the

information below.
4 300
The Greek king Leonidas and 300 of his men fight the Subject Extra information
Persians at Thermopylae in 480 B.C.
boy plays the piano

the Art teacher his brother is a famous writer
5 Iron Man
Entrepreneur Tony Stark builds an armoured metal suit soundtrack appears in the last Harry Potter film
and decides to use its technology to fight against evil. Ben wrote at school

girl wants to be an actress
city the Academy Awards are held
2 Choose the correct answer. each year
The Artist
0 The boy who plays the piano is the composer in the film
On Saturday I saw a comedy-drama called The Artist, which
for the school project.
0 was made / was composed in 2011. It 1 is played / is set in
1 The Art teacher has
Hollywood at the end of the 1920s in the style of a silent film.
opened an art gallery in the city centre.
The film 2 was directed / was recommended by Michel
2 The soundtrack was
Hazanavicius, who won many awards for his directing, and
3 was composed / was produced by Thomas Langmann. It
recorded at Abbey Road studios in London.
3 Ben showed me the poems 5
4 chases / stars Jean Dujardin as George Valentin, and the

5 character / star Peppy Miller is 6 followed / played by

Bérénice Bejo. The film 7 tells / sets the story of an older silent 4 The girl is the best
film star and a rising young actress. We 8 chase / follow the student in our drama class.
stars’ lives and their relationship during a time when silent 5 The city is Los Angeles.
films were falling out of fashion and the ‘talkies’ were 5
becoming popular.

130 Unit 7 TEST Consolidation Richmond Photocopiable © Santillana Educación, S.L. Ri

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3 Match the non-defining relative clauses (A–F) with the 1 work with George Clooney?
sentences (1–5). Before Sandra Bullock starred in this film,
0 The new James Bond Film Skyfall, D, stars Daniel Craig as
No, .
James Bond.
2 see any other films directed by Martin Scorsese?
0 1 The Spanish actor Javier Bardem, , plays
Before Sue and you saw this film,
the villain in the new film.
5 ?
2 Filming for the new blockbuster, , took
Yes, .
place in the UK, China and Turkey.
3 read any of the books that the film is based on?
3 The composer Thomas Newman, , has
Before Sally and Pat watched the film,
worked with the film’s director Sam Mendes on other films.
4 British singer and songwriter Adele, , wrote
No, .
and recorded the film’s theme song.
4 go anywhere in South America?
5 The film’s release, , took place on
Before Toby went to Brazil,
26 October 2012 in the UK.
A whose songs ‘Rolling in the Deep’ and ‘Someone like You’ Yes, .
have become popular worldwide 5 win any awards for your acting?
B who is best known for his role in No Country for Old Men Before you were awarded the Oscar,
C who replaced David Arnold as composer ?
l D which is the 23rd spy film in the James Bond series No, .
E which coincided with the 50th anniversary of the James 5
Bond films,
F which began in November 2011 6 Rewrite the sentences using the past perfect and the
5 words in brackets.
0 Jo and Stephanie bought popcorn at the shop. They
4 Complete the sentences with the past perfect form of
watched the film at the cinema. (before)
the verbs in brackets.
Jo and Stephanie had bought popcorn at the shop before
0 I didn’t send you a text message back because I had they watched the film at the cinema.
turned off (turn off) my mobile phone before class. 1 I left the hairdressers with my new haircut. It started
1 We couldn’t go on a bike ride on Saturday because Sam to rain. (just)
(lose) the key for the I
m garage and the bikes were inside. to rain.
2 Although I (give) the 2 Paul didn’t act in blockbuster films. The directors chose
DVD back on time, they still gave me a late fine. It was a him for the lead role in their film. (although)
3 When I arrived at the restaurant, they him for the lead role in their film.
(already / eat) their dinner. 3 Megan’s friend didn’t need to give any money to the
4 I (dream) of starring in waitress. Megan paid for the milkshakes. (already)
a Hollywood film ever since I was a kid. Megan
5 Just before I left for school, my brother still any money to the waitress.
(not wake up). I think 4 I saw a horror film. I went to my friend’s sleepover.
he was ill. (never, before)
5 I
my friend’s sleepover.
5 Complete the questions and answers using the past 5 John spoke to his friend on the phone for a few hours.
perfect. He ran out of credit on his mobile. (after)
0 act in any other action films?
Before you starred in this film, had you acted in any other out of credit on his mobile.
s. films? 5
Yes, I had.
Grammar total 30

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3 to make a film or music recording available to the public 1
An Expensive Hollywood Failure (paragraph 3)

Andrew Stanton had directed some of the most famous
4 a report in which someone gives their opinion on a film
animated films in history, including A Bug’s Life,
(paragraph 3)
Finding Nemo and WALL-E. So when he decided to

direct and write a new sci-fi film titled John Carter,
film experts were very excited. Unfortunately, what 5 all the people who act in a play or film (paragraph 4)
Stanton didn’t realize was it wasn’t as easy making
a film with real actors and sets as it was to make an 6 a famous actor (paragraph 4)
animated film. The film had cost over $300 million to
make, but only received back $282 in ticket sales. So,
what went wrong?
When Stanton first suggested his idea to Disney they
2 Read the article again and tick ( ) the problems with
the film.
were unsure. He’d never directed a live action film,
and the screenplay, which he’d written, was confusing A Stanton hadn’t realized how difficult it was to make a
and difficult to follow. However, they agreed to let him film with real actors and sets.
direct it anyway. B Andrew Stanton had directed a live action film before. _
The next problem was that Stanton had a different C They spent too much money on the film. _
style of directing, which was normally used in D The screenplay, which Andrew Stanton had written, was
animated films. Directors often reshoot, cut and add confusing and difficult to follow. _
whole scenes. But in a live action film, this was very 2
E Andrew Stanton used the right style of directing. _
expensive and made it take twice as long to produce.
They finished filming in 2010, but due to the reshoots F It took a long time for the film to be released. _
the film wasn’t released until 2012. During this time, G Andrew Stanton hadn’t chosen a very good cast of actors. _
negative reviews about the film started to build up. H Andrew Stanton shouldn’t have cast well-known actors. _
Stanton also hadn’t chosen a very good cast of actors. 4
He should have cast well-known stars, which would
3 Read the article again and correct the information.
have attracted more people to the film. F
0 Andrew Stanton had directed adventure films before. A
All in all, with the wrong style of directing, a bad
screenplay and an unknown cast of actors, it was no He had directed animated films.
wonder that John Carter didn’t succeed. 1 The film cost over $600 million to make, but only received D
back $300 in ticket sales. I

2 Stanton had to speak to Warner Bros. for permission to P
direct the film. R

3 The screenplay which Stanton had written was clear
1 Read the article and find words that match the

0 the scenery used for a film (paragraph 1) 4 Reshooting, cutting and adding whole scenes to a film is
set very economic in real action films.
1 a film that is made using real people (paragraph 2)
5 The film had very positive reviews between 2009 and 2012.
2 to film something again (paragraph 3)
Reading total 15

132 Unit 7 TEST Consolidation Richmond Photocopiable © Santillana Educación, S.L. Ri

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c 1 Listen to a radio programme about films and decide 1 Choose the correct referencing word to complete the
if the sentences are true or false. Correct the false film review.
sentences. Skyfall, the new James Bond film, is an exciting film. 0 She /
0 The radio programme is called Dreaming of Films. He / It stars Daniel Craig, 1 that / who / he plays James
False. The radio programme is called Talking Films. Bond, and Javier Bardem as Raoul Silva, the villain. It was
1 The presenter thinks the film Inception has great special directed by Sam Mendes. 2 Him / He / It has also directed a
effects. lot of other films, including Revolutionary Road and Jarhead.
The cast also includes Judi Dench. 3 She / Her / Who is a
2 The director of Avatar had to wait eleven years to make well-known British actress, and has starred in five other
the film. Bond films. The film had brilliant action sequences and
funny scenes, 4 that / those / which made me laugh a lot. 5
3 In Deep Impact, an astronomer has to save people from a Them / These / That were my favourite bits of the film.
comet that is heading towards the United States. 5

4 The film Saving Private Ryan is based on a true story.
2 Write a review of your favourite film or a film you have
enjoyed recently in 125–150 words. Include the following:

_ 5 Saving Private Ryan won eleven Academy Awards. - background information on the film: name, genre,
date made
- the characters and main actors
s 5 - who directed and produced it
2 Listen again and complete the table with the - the setting and the plot
information below. - opinions on different areas of the film
- recommendations
_ action James Cameron fantasy Elijah Wood - some referencing words
_ Mimi Leder sci-fi Tom Hanks Steven Spielberg

Sam Worthington 1999 2009

Film Main actor Director Genre Year made
Avatar 0Sam 1 2 3

d Deep 4 5 6 7
Saving 8 9 10
Private 1998


Listening total 15


Writing total 15
5 Speaking 10

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7 Test Extension


1 Read the film descriptions and write the film genres. 1 Complete the relative sentences with who / that, or
which / that.
0 Night at the Museum - A new security guard at a natural
history museum discovers that an ancient curse causes 0 I’ve broken that vase of my mum’s which / that was on
the exhibits on display to come to life. the shelf.
comedy 1 Sam Mendes is the man directed the
1 Silence of the Lambs - An American FBI agent must get new James Bond film.
the help of a murderer to catch another serial killer. 2 The book you’re reading is one of the
bestselling novels this month.
2 Toy Story - A cowboy doll is jealous when a spaceman 3 Are you going to cook the lemon chicken recipe
figure replaces him as the top toy in a boy’s room. you found on the internet?
4 The producers are choosing the actors
3 Mamma Mia! - The story of a young bride-to-be trying will star in a new TV crime series.
to find her real father told using the hit songs from the
5 The adventure film we saw at the
group ABBA.
cinema last week wasn’t very good.

4 300 - The Greek king Leonidas and 300 of his men fight
the Persians at Thermopylae in 480 BC. 2 Complete the sentences with a defining relative clause
and the information below.
5 Iron Man - Tony Stark builds an armoured metal suit and
decides to use its technology to fight against evil. Subject Extra information Main information
boy plays the piano composer in the film
5 the Art teacher his brother is a open art gallery
famous writer
2 Complete the review with the words and phrases below.
soundtrack appears in the last recorded at Abbey
character is set played by recommend stars Harry Potter film Road studios 4
tells the story of was composed by was directed by the poems Ben writes really good
was made by was produced by we follow girl wants to be an best student
The Artist
city the Academy Los Angeles
On Saturday I saw a comedy-drama called The Artist, Awards are held
which 0 was made in 2011. It 1 in Hollywood each year
at the end of the 1920s in the style of a silent film. The film
2 Michel Hazanavicius, who won many awards 0 The boy who plays the piano is the composer in the film for
for his directing, and 3 Thomas Langmann. It the school project.
4 Jean Dujardin as George Valentin, and the 1 The Art teacher has
5 Peppy Miller is 6 Bérénice in the city centre.
Bejo. The film 7 an older silent film star and a 2 The soundtrack was
rising young actress. 8 the stars’ lives and their in London.
relationship during a time when silent films were falling out 3 The poems at school
of fashion and the ‘talkies’ were becoming popular. The film’s .
music 9 Ludovic Bource in Belgium and took 4 The girl is
just six days to record. I would definitely 10 this in our drama class.
film. The acting was brilliant and the music was enchanting. 5 The city is
You will exit the cinema with a smile on your face. .
10 5
Vocabulary total 15

134 Unit 7 TEST Extension Richmond Photocopiable © Santillana Educación, S.L. Ri

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3 Complete the non-defining relative clauses (A–F) 5 Write the questions using the past simple and the past
with which, who or whose and match them with the perfect. Then write short answers.
sentences below. 0 Before you star in this film / act in any other action films?
0 The new James Bond Film Skyfall, D, stars Daniel Craig as Before you starred in this film, had you acted in any other
James Bond. films? Yes, I had.
1 The Spanish actor Javier Bardem, , plays the 1 Before Sandra Bullock star in this film / work with George
villain in the new film.

2 Filming for the new blockbuster, , took place
in the UK, China and Turkey. No, .
2 Before Sue and you see this film / see any other films
3 The composer Thomas Newman, , has
directed by Martin Scorsese?
worked with the film’s director Sam Mendes on other films.

4 British singer and songwriter Adele, , wrote
and recorded the film’s theme song. Yes, .
3 Before Sally and Pat watch the film / read any of the books
5 The film’s release, , took place on
that the film is based on?
26 October 2012 in the UK.

A songs ‘Rolling in the Deep’ and No, .
‘Someone like You’ have become popular worldwide 4 Before Toby go to Brazil / go anywhere in South America?
B is best known for his role in No
Country for Old Men Yes, .
C replaced David Arnold as composer 5 Before you be awarded the Oscar / win any awards for
D which is the 23 spy film in the James Bond series
rd your acting?
E coincided with the 50th anniversary
of the James Bond films, No, .
F began in November 2011 5
6 Combine the sentences into one using the past perfect
4 Complete the sentences with the past perfect form of and the word in brackets.
the verbs below. 0 Jo and Stephanie bought popcorn at the shop. They
watched the film at the cinema. (before)
dream eat give lose turn off not wake up
Jo and Stephanie had bought popcorn at the shop before they
0 I didn’t send you a text message back because I’d turned off watched the film at the cinema.
my mobile phone before class. 1 I left the hairdressers. It started to rain. (just)
1 We couldn’t go on a bike ride on Saturday because Sam I
the key for the garage 2 Paul didn’t act in blockbuster films. The directors chose
and the bikes were inside. him for the lead role in their film. (although)
in their film.
2 Although I the DVD
back on time, they still gave me a late fine. 3 Megan’s friend didn’t need to give any money to the
waitress. Megan paid for the milkshakes. (already)
3 When I arrived at the restaurant, they
already their dinner
4 I saw a horror film. I went to my friend’s sleepover.
and were starting dessert.
(never, before)
4 I of starring in a
Hollywood film ever since I was a kid.
5 John spoke to his friend on the phone for a few hours. He
5 Just before I left for school, my brother still
ran out of credit. (after)
. I think he was ill.
his mobile.
Grammar total 30

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3 to make a film available to the public 1
An Expensive Hollywood Failure
Andrew Stanton had directed some of the most famous 4 a report in which someone gives their opinion on a film
animated films in history, including A Bug’s Life, Finding
Nemo and WALL-E. So when he decided to direct and 5 all the people who act in a play or film
write a new film entitled John Carter, which was based
on the popular sci-fi novel, A Princess of Mars, film 6 a famous actor
experts were very excited. Unfortunately, what Stanton
didn’t realize was it wasn’t as easy making a film with 3 F
real actors and sets as it was to make an animated film. 2 Read the article again and tick ( ) or correct the problems A
The film had cost over $300 million to make, but only with the film.
received back $282 in ticket sales. So, what went wrong?
0 Stanton hadn’t realized how difficult it was to make a D
When Stanton first suggested his idea to Disney they film with real actors and sets. I
were unsure. He had never directed a live action film
before and the screenplay, which he’d written, was S
1 Andrew Stanton had directed a live action film before.
confusing and difficult to follow. However, they agreed to P

let him direct it anyway. R
2 They spent too much money on the film.
The next problem was that Stanton had a different style
of directing, which was normally used in animated films.
3 The screenplay was confusing and difficult to follow.
Directors often reshoot, cut and add whole scenes. But 2

in a live action film, this was very expensive and made
4 Andrew Stanton used the right style of directing.
it take twice as long to produce. They finished filming

in 2010, but due to the reshoots the film wasn’t released
5 It took a long time for the film to be released.
until 2012. During this time, negative reviews about the

film started to build up.
6 Andrew Stanton hadn’t chosen a very good cast of actors.
Stanton also hadn’t chosen a very good cast of actors. He
should have cast well-known stars, which would have
7 Andrew Stanton shouldn’t have cast well-known actors.
attracted more people to the film.

There was another huge problem: the marketing and 7
production budget. Their budget for the film was so
expensive it would have needed to make more than $600 3 Read the article again and answer the questions.
million in ticket sales to make a profit, which has only 0 What type of films had Andrew Stanton directed before?
been achieved with 63 films in the whole of film making He’d directed animated films.
history. 1 What was the film that Andrew Stanton wanted to direct?
All in all, with the wrong style of directing, a bad
screenplay and an unknown cast of actors, it was no 2 Which film studio gave Stanton permission to direct the
wonder that John Carter didn’t succeed. film?

3 Why was the film studio uncertain about Stanton’s

4 What do directors of animated films do that directors of
1 Read the article and find the words that match the
live action films can’t do?

0 the scenery used for a film 5 Why was it unlikely they’d get $600 million in ticket sales
set to make a profit?
1 a film that is made using real people

2 to film something again
Reading total 15

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1 Listen to a radio programme about films and 1 Complete the film review with the correct referencing
complete the factfile. words.
Skyfall, the new James Bond film, is an exciting film.
action James Cameron fantasy Elijah Wood 0 It stars Daniel Craig, 1 plays James
Mimi Leder sci-fi Tom Hanks Steven Spielberg
Bond, and Javier Bardem as Raoul Silva, the villain. It was
Sam Worthington 1999 2009
directed by Sam Mendes. 2 has also
directed a lot of other films, including Revolutionary Road
and Jarhead. The film’s other characters include Judi Dench.
Film Actor Director Genre Year made
3 is a well-known British actress, and has
s Avatar 0Sam 1 2 3
starred in five other Bond films. The film had brilliant action
Worthington sequences and funny scenes, 4 made
Deep 4 5 6 7 me laugh a lot. 5 were my favourite bits
Impact of the film.
Saving 8 9 10

Private 1998 2 Write a film review of your favourite film or a film

Ryan you have enjoyed recently in 125–150 words. Give
information about the film including the cast, setting
5 and plot, and say if you recommend it or not.
2 Listen again and complete the sentences.
0 The program is called Talking Films and the part of film
making they’re talking about today is special effects.
1 In the film Inception, a man who works for an
organization which runs
down a in mid air.
2 The director of Avatar had to wait
to make the film
because .
3 In Deep Impact, an astronomer has to save people from a
comet that is wide and

? heading .

4 Part of the comet crashes into

t? and causes a .

5 Saving Private Ryan won Academy Awards
including for .


Listening total 15


Writing total 15
Speaking 10
5 TOTAL 100

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8 Test Consolidation

6 takes place. Around 2,000 dancers, 2

musicians and 7 dressed in colourful
8 and 9 take to the
1 Choose the correct phrasal verb to match the definitions. streets in a unique display of street arts and performances.
0 try to impress other people by showing how good you And then on the Sunday, a spectacular 10
are at doing something display is held to end the festival.
A show off B give up 5
1 continue doing something
Vocabulary total 15
A hold on B carry on
2 return, especially to your home
A get back B go away
3 keep money instead of spending it
A give up B save up
1 Tick ( ) the correct reported speech sentence, A or B.
4 produce or present a play or show 0 ‘Graham took me to a James Bond themed party,’ said
A put on B hold on Hannah.
5 leave home for a period of time, usually for a holiday or trip A Hannah said Graham had taken her to a James Bond
A take up B go away themed party last night.
5 B Hannah said Graham had taken you to a James Bond
themed party last night. _
2 Match two boxes each time to make celebration words.
1 ‘This is my greatest birthday ever!’ said Lucy. 3
Write them.
A Lucy said this was my greatest birthday ever. _
wds traditional de ival ent end umes B Lucy said this was her greatest birthday ever. _
2 ‘I didn’t go bungee jumping because I was too scared,’
cro sta fire ma carn cipants works ev said Ryan.
att sks para parti lls cost food A Ryan said he hadn’t gone bungee jumping because he
had been too scared. _
B Ryan said I hadn’t gone bungee jumping because I

had been too scared. _

3 ‘We’re going to the lake to watch the fireworks tonight,’

said Alisha.
A Alisha said we’re going to the lake to watch the

fireworks that night. _

B Alisha said they were going to the lake to watch the
fireworks that night. _
3 Complete the text with the words in exercise 2. 4 ‘My parents bought my older brother a new guitar as a
graduation present,’ said Lexie.
The Mayor’s Thames Festival by Allison Ford
A Lexie said their parents had bought their older brother
My favourite 0 event takes place in London every year after
a new guitar as a graduation present. _
the summer to celebrate the river Thames. It’s probably the
B Lexie said her parents had bought her older brother a
longest street festival in Europe and hundreds of thousands 4
new guitar as a graduation present. _
of people 1 ! It’s free and takes place over
5 ‘I can’t decide what costume to wear to the carnival,’
a weekend in September. On and around the Thames, the
said Leila.
South Bank and Bankside, 2 of people
A Leila said she couldn’t decide what costume to wear
come to enjoy a mixture of performances, live music, dance
to the carnival. _
and art. There are lots of market 3 too, B Leila said I couldn’t decide what costume to wear to
selling clothes, hand-made crafts and 4
the carnival. _
from all over the world – from Italian pasta and Polish 6 ‘I won’t study medicine when I finish school,’ said Adam.
dumplings to sushi and even burgers and chips. There’s a A Adam said he wouldn’t study medicine when I
river 5 of different types of boats – tug finished school. _
boats, private yachts, steamboats – which all travel up B Adam said he wouldn’t study medicine when he
the Thames together. On the Saturday evening the night finished school. _

138 Unit 8 TEST Consolidation Richmond Photocopiable © Santillana Educación, S.L. Ri

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2 Read the sentences and write what the people said. 3 Youssef: I’m really nervous about my exam.
0 Joe said he was going to the parade with Aimee. Kimberley: I know what you mean. I am too.
Joe: I’m going to the parade with Aimee. Youssef said exam.
. 1 Cameron said he couldn’t wait for his birthday party. Kimberly told , as she was too.
Cameron: 4 Claire: I wanted to see my favourite crime series on TV
2 Erin said she had taken up skiing last year. last night.
Erin: Julia: Me too. I can’t believe they showed a football
3 Harry said he felt really ill because he had eaten too much. match instead!
Harry: Claire said crime series
4 Louise said she wanted to go to the cinema. on TV last night.
Louise: Julia told . She said
5 David said he and his parents had moved to the UK when a football match instead.
he’d been 10 years old. 5 Louis: I’ve just listened to David Guetta’s new song.
David: Keith: I’m going to buy his single. I love it.’
6 Tom said he wouldn’t go to the party because he had Louis said David
an exam. Guetta’s new song.
Tom: Keith told his single.
He it.
6 Olivia: I’m trying Indian food for the first time! It’s
3 Complete the sentences with said or told. delicious!
0 Mark told me that over 2,000 people attended the Owen: My mum is Indian so I have Indian food every day!
country fair on Sunday. Paula said that was amazing. Olivia said for the first
1 Matt me that he and some friends time. She said it nice.
were planning to go out for pizza this afternoon, but Owen told her so
e Isabel she couldn’t go. every day.
2 James Tilly that he didn’t want to go
with her to the prom, and she got upset.
3 Jack he hadn’t received an invitation 5 Complete the reported questions.
to Luke’s party. But I him that Luke 0 ‘Did Imogen and Julia enjoy my birthday party?’
hadn’t sent them yet. Stephanie asked if Imogen and Julia had enjoyed her
4 Nicci Theo that Sam had cheated on birthday party.
the test. But Sam that wasn’t true. 1 ‘Is Finley driving you to school today?’
5 Emilia me that she was going Josh Finley me to
bungee jumping, and I she was mad. school today.
6 Nicole she had enjoyed the parade, 2 ‘Do you like the new ice cream parlour in town?’
er but Adam her he wasn’t able to go. Chloe I the new ice
6 cream parlour in town.
a 3 ‘Are you and Chelsea going to the music festival?’
4 Complete the conversations in reported speech.
David Chelsea and I to
0 Jamie: I’m going to my grandparents’ house at four o’clock. the music festival.
George: I can meet you afterwards. 4 ‘Can we wear jeans on the last day of term?’
Jamie said that he was going to his grandparents house at four
Sebastian they jeans
o’clock. George told him that he could meet him afterwards.
on the last day of term.
1 Lisa: I made my own costume for the carnival.
5 ‘Is Michelle going with Nathan to the prom?’
Emma: That’s brilliant!
Daisy Michelle with
. Lisa said for the carnival.
Nathan to the prom.
Emma told brilliant. 6 ‘Will you help me with my homework, Sue?’
2 William: Martin didn’t go to Rome.
Oliver Sue homework.
Debbie: I think he missed his flight.
William said to Rome.
Debbie told flight. Grammar total 30

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l 1 Read the article and match the speakers Rebecca, Reuben 1
r b Sc ions or Olivia with their opinions.
l e b rat
s’ C 0 ‘I had the best leavers’ celebration ever.’
Le ave r Reuben
1 ‘It was just like the Oscars.’

2 ‘I hadn’t thought of a music festival celebration.’

3 ‘I loved the steel drum band that played.’

4 ‘This celebration made my night really special.’

5 ‘I sang and danced on stage.’

The most important and exciting day of your teenage 5

years has finally arrived. You’ve worked hard for it 2 Read the article again and complete the tables.
and looked forward to it, but how are you going to
celebrate it? Check out these four fantastic ways to Celebration Idea 1 0 Hollywood award ceremony and dinner
celebrate your exam results and leaving school.
What to wear 1
Why not throw a Hollywood award ceremony
and dinner, and everyone can dress up in suits or
dresses? You can make up your own awards and Things that happen 2

hand them out on the night. Students could vote for

awards like the funniest student, the most likely to be 2
famous or best dressed. Celebration Idea 2 3

Teen testimony 16-year-old Rebecca said this

celebration had made her night really special. It was
just like the Oscars! What to wear 4

How about a Caribbean themed party where

everyone who attends dresses up in bright colours, Type of music 5

dances to reggae music and eats delicious jerk

chicken? You can cover the school hall with sand and On the menu 6

have fake palm trees!

Teen testimony 17-year-old Reuben said he’d had
the best leavers’ celebration ever. He said he’d loved Decorations 7

the steel drum band that had played.

Do you like music? Do you like festivals? Well, why

Celebration Idea 3 8
don’t you put on your own mini music festival? Have
your friends, classmates or local bands and singers
perform. You can set up food and drink stalls, have a Things that happen 9

BBQ or make your own pizza.

Teen testimony 16-year-old Olivia said she’d never
On the menu 10
thought of a music festival celebration before, but it
had been an amazing idea. She said she’d sung and
danced on the stage and everyone loved it. 10
Reading total 15

140 Unit 8 TEST Consolidation Richmond Photocopiable © Santillana Educación, S.L. Ri

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n 1 Listen to a conversation about the Venice Carnival 1 Choose the correct adverb of intensity.
and decide if the sentences are true or false. Correct the 0 I’m scared of heights, so I was quite / very nervous about
false sentences. taking helicopter-flying lessons for my birthday.
0 Scarlett just got back to Italy. 1 Having a fashion makeover and photo shoot was an
absolutely / a bit amazing experience.
False. Scarlett just got back from her holiday in Italy.
2 I was slightly / so excited when my parents told me we
1 Elena is her cousin.
were going indoor skydiving. I can’t wait.
3 I’m 16 next month. It’s a so / pretty important birthday,
2 They celebrated the carnival at Elena’s house. so I’m going to have a big celebration.
4 We had a professional chef at the party and the food was
3 The celebrations took place during the week. really / slightly delicious.
5 Quad biking sounds exciting, but I think it could be
4 They travelled to St Mark’s square by car. absolutely / a bit dangerous.
5 Scarlett and Elena participated in the parade. 2 Write about your last birthday celebration or a birthday
you have enjoyed in 125–150 words. Include the
6 There were lots of people in Venice for the carnival. following:
- what type of celebration or experience you had
7 The first Venice Carnival was held in the 13th century. - what kind of food you ate
- any special things you did
8 It’s now an annual holiday. - your feelings
- some adverbs of intensity

2 Listen again and choose the correct answer.

0 The participants in the carnival wear … costumes.
A comical B modern C historical

1 All the carnival masks are … .

A made of glass B the same C hand-painted

2 The best masks are always … .

A colourful B historical C expensive

3 Scarlett’s costume crisis was because she didn’t know… .

A how much B where to C what they

it would cost buy them looked like

4 She looked at … .

A designs B websites C shops

5 Scarlett’s … lent her a costume.
A aunt B cousin C mum

6 The costume was the wrong … .
A colour B length C size
7 Her carnival mask was … .
A hired B borrowed C beautiful

15 10
0 Listening total
Writing total 15
Speaking 10

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8 Test Extension


1 Match the phrasal verbs below with their definitions. 1 Correct the reported speech sentences.
There are four you don’t need.
0 ‘Graham took me to a James Bond themed party.’
carry on check out get back give up go away Hannah said Graham took you to a James Bond themed
hold on look for put on save up show off party.
Hannah said Graham took her to a James Bond themed party.
0 Try to impress other people by showing how good you 1 ‘This is my greatest birthday ever!’
are at doing something. Lucy said this was my greatest birthday ever.
show off
1 continue doing something 2 ‘I didn’t go bungee jumping because I was too scared.’
Ryan said he didn’t go bungee jumping because he’d
2 return, especially to your home been too scared.

3 ‘We’re going to watch the fireworks tonight.’
3 keep money instead of spending it
Alisha said they’re going to watch the fireworks that night. 3

4 produce or present a play or show
4 ‘My parents bought my older brother a new guitar.’

Lexie said their parents had bought their older brother a
5 leave home for a period of time, usually for a holiday or trip new guitar.

5 5 ‘I can’t decide what costume to wear to the carnival.’
Leila said she can’t decide what costume to wear to the
2 Complete the text with celebration words.
The Mayor’s Thames Festival by Allison Ford
My favourite 0 event takes place in London every year after 6 ‘I won’t study medicine when I finish school.’
the summer to celebrate the river Thames. It’s probably the Adam said he won’t study medicine when I finished school.
longest street festival in Europe and hundreds of thousands
of people 1 a ! It’s free and takes place over 6
a weekend in September. On and around the Thames, the
South Bank and Bankside, 2 c of people 2 Read the sentences and write what the people said.
come to enjoy a mixture of performances, live music, dance 0 Joe said he was going to the parade with Aimee.
and art. There are lots of market 3 s too, Harry said that he’d thought Joe was going with Francesca.
selling clothes, hand-made crafts and t 4
Joe: I’m going to the parade with Aimee.
f from all over the world – from Italian Harry: I thought you were going with Francesca.
pasta and Polish dumplings to sushi and even burgers and 1 Cameron said he couldn’t wait for his birthday party.
chips. There’s a river 5 p of different types Harry said he was looking forward to it too.
of boats – tug boats, private yachts, steamboats – which all Cameron: 4
travel up the Thames together. On the Saturday evening Harry:
the night 6 c takes place. Around 2,000 2 Erin said she had taken up skiing last year.
dancers, musicians and 7 p dressed in Marlene said that it sounded very exciting.
colourful c
8 and m 9
take to the streets in a unique display of street arts and Marlene:
performances. And then on the Sunday, a spectacular 3 Harry said he felt really ill because he had eaten too
10 f display is held to end the festival. much. Harry’s mum said that it was his own fault.
10 Harry:
Vocabulary total 15 Mum:

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4 Louise said she wanted to go to the cinema. 2 William: Martin didn’t go to Rome.
Alex said he couldn’t go because he was revising. Debbie: I think he missed his flight.
Louise: William
Alex: Debbie
5 David said he missed his grandparents in France. 3 Youssef: I’m really nervous for my exam.
Amy said he could talk to her about it anytime when he Kimberley: I am too.
felt sad. Youssef
y. Kimberly
4 Claire: I wanted to see that crime series on TV last night.
Julia: I can’t believe they showed a football match
6 Tom said he wouldn’t go to the party.
Toby said it was a shame because all the class was coming.
5 Louis: I’ve just listened to David Guetta’s new song.
6 Keith: I’m going to buy his single.
3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of say or tell. Louis
0 Mark told me that over 2,000 people had attended the
6 Olivia: I’m trying Indian food for the first time!
country fair on Sunday. Paula said that was amazing.
a Owen: My mum is Indian so I have Indian food every day!
And Richard said he’d had a great time.
1 Matt me that he and some friends
were planning to go out for pizza this afternoon.
Isabel she couldn’t go, but I 6
him that I could. 5 Rewrite the reported questions.
2 James Tilly that he didn’t want to go
0 ‘Did Imogen and Julia enjoy my birthday party?’ Lu
with her to the prom, and she got upset. Lu asked if Imogen and Julia had enjoyed her birthday party.
3 Jack he didn’t receive an invitation 1 ‘Is Finley driving you to school today?’ Josh
l. to Luke’s party. But I him that Luke Josh
hadn’t sent them yet. 2 ‘Do you like the new ice cream parlour in town?’ Chloe
4 Nicci Theo that Sam had cheated in Chloe
the test. But Sam that wasn’t true. 3 ‘Are you and Chelsea going to the music festival?’ David
5 Emilia her friends that she was going David
bungee jumping, and they they 4 ‘Can we wear jeans on the last day of term?’ Sebastian
a. couldn’t believe it. Sebastian
6 Nicole she’d enjoyed the parade, but 5 ‘Is Michelle going with Nathan to the prom?’ Daisy
Adam her he wasn’t able to go. Daisy
6 6 ‘Will you help me with my homework, Sue?’ Oliver
4 Rewrite the conversations in reported speech. Use said
in the first part and told in the second part.
Grammar total 30
0 Jamie: I’m going to Paul’s house at four o’clock.
George: I can meet you afterwards.
Jamie said that he was going to Paul’s house at four o’clock.
George told him that he could meet him afterwards.
1 Lisa: I made my own costume for the carnival.
Emma: That’s brilliant!

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l 2 ‘It was just like the Oscars.’ 1
r b Sc ions
l e b rat 3 ‘I hadn’t thought of a music festival celebration.’
e a v ers’
4 ‘I loved the steel drum band that played.’
The most important and exciting day of your teenage
years has finally arrived. You’ve worked hard for it 5 ‘I sang and danced on stage.’
and looked forward to it, but how are you going to
celebrate it? Check out these four fantastic ways to 5
celebrate your exam results and leaving school.
2 Read the article again and decide if the sentences are
Why not throw a Hollywood award ceremony and dinner, true or false. Correct the false sentences.
and everyone can dress up in suits or dresses. You can 0 Rebecca told us that the Hollywood award ceremony
make up your own awards and hand them out on the celebration hadn’t turned out as she had expected.
night. Students could vote for awards like the funniest False. Rebecca told us that the Hollywood award ceremony
student, the most likely to be famous or best dressed. celebration had made her night really special.
Teen testimony 16-year-old Rebecca said this
1 At a Caribbean themed party people can dress up and try
celebration had made her night really special. It was
traditional food.
just like the Oscars!

How about a Caribbean themed party where everyone 2 Only professional musicians can perform at the music
who attends dresses up in bright colours, dances to festival.
reggae music and eats delicious jerk chicken? You can
cover the school hall with sand and have fake palm 3 Olivia said that the music festival was an amazing idea.
Teen testimony 17-year-old Reuben said he’d had 4 The article says that if you find planning parties stressful,
the best leavers’ celebration ever. He said he’d loved you can ask some of your friends to help.
the steel drum band that had played and that he’d felt 2

as if he’d been on a tropical island.
5 Ben didn’t have a party to celebrate passing his exams;
Do you like music? Do you like festivals? Well, why he went on holiday instead.
don’t you put on your own mini music festival? Have
your friends, classmates or local bands and singers 5
perform. You can set up food and drink stalls, have a
BBQ or make your own pizza. 3 Read the article again and complete the sentences.
Teen testimony 16-year-old Olivia said she’d never 0 The Hollywood award ceremony celebration idea is great
thought of a music festival celebration before, but it because students get a chance to dress up in formal
had been an amazing idea. She said she’d sung and clothes and have fun.
danced on the stage and everyone loved it.
1 To make the Caribbean themed party really authentic,
If planning parties sounds a bit stressful, then go away you can .
instead. Get a few of your friends together, take a trip 2 Reuben said that his Caribbean themed party had felt just
and relax. as if .
Teen testimony 17-year-old Ben said he’d gone 3 If you choose to have a mini music festival, you and your
camping with 10 of his closest friends. He said it had friends will be able to .
been a fantastic way to celebrate passing his exams. 4 The benefit of going away to celebrate passing your
exams is .
1 Read the article and match the following opinions with 5 Ben said that camping had been
the speakers. passing his exams.
0 ‘I had the best leavers’ celebration ever.’ Reuben
1 ‘I went camping with 10 of my closest friends.’ Reading total 15

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1 Listen to a conversation about the Venice Carnival 1 Complete the sentences with the adverbs of intensity
and answer the questions. below.

0 Where has Scarlett just got back from? a bit absolutely pretty really so very
She has just got back from Venice.
0 I’m scared of heights, so I was very nervous about taking
1 Who is Elena and where does she live?
helicopter-flying lessons for my birthday.

1 Having a fashion makeover and photo shoot was an
2 What were they wearing on Saturday?
amazing experience.

2 I was excited when my parents told
3 Where did they celebrate?
me we were going indoor skydiving. I can’t wait.

3 I’m 16 next month. It’s a important
4 What type of entertainment was there at the carnival? birthday, so I’m going to have a big celebration.
4 We had a professional chef at the party and the food was
5 How did they get there? delicious.
5 Quad biking sounds exciting, but I think it could be
6 When was the first Carnival held? dangerous.
7 What was the reason behind wearing masks originally?
2 Write about your last birthday celebration or a birthday
you have enjoyed in 125–150 words. Include some details
8 What does Lauren ask Scarlett about the carnival about food, things you did and your feelings.


2 Listen again and complete the sentences.
0 The participants in the carnival all dress up in historical
1 The carnival masks are made of
2 The masks are decorated with
3 Scarlett had a crisis with her costume because she
4 She spent a long time looking at
. 5 Scarlett’s lent her a
st costume for the special event.
6 The costume was too
r so she had to .
7 Her carnival mask was bought from a
15 10
Listening total
Writing total 15
5 Speaking 10

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9 Test Consolidation

4 Helen is and has good ideas. She is

also mostly and can plan her work
very well, but is often and needs to
1 Choose the correct answer.
concentrate more.
0 The teacher set a test to see the students’ strengths / (imaginative, easily distracted, well organized)
strong and weaknesses. 5 Matthew is and never remembers
1 Dylan didn’t like the food he was served at the restaurant, to bring his homework. His work in class is often
so he expressed his dissatisfy / dissatisfaction to the , but he has made some good
manager. this year.
2 Throughout the 21st century, many improvals /
(progress, forgetful, untidy)
improvements have been made in the way we
communicate with each other electronically. 10
3 Hannah is one of the best students in the class and has Vocabulary total 15 3
many musical abilities / ables.

4 The film tells the story of a wonderful friendship / friendly GRAMMAR
between a boy and his dog.
5 Please make sure you have all your possess / possessions 1 Correct the sentences.
with you when you leave the train.
0 Will we can speak French after we’ve finished this course?
6 Doing something to help others can give you a long term
increase in happily / happiness and can contribute to Will we be able to speak French after we’ve finished this course?
life satisfaction / satisfactory. 1 I wasn’t can finish my Geography project yesterday.

7 Health is more important than earnings / earn.
8 The relation / relationships you make at university or at 2 I might not can make it to school today. I’m not well.
work are the ones you are most likely to keep throughout
your lifetime. 3 Are you can play a musical instrument when you were five?
9 Evident / Evidence shows that being happier in life helps
you live longer.
4 I haven’t can fly to Manchester today because of the
When my dog died last year, I was filled with a sense of
loss / losing for many months.

5 I won’t be can see Lady Gaga in concert on Saturday
2 Complete the descriptions about the students with the because it’s my brother’s graduation party.
adjectives in brackets. 4
0 Carrie is shy and doesn’t like talking in front of the class, but 5
she’s polite and always gives you thanks for everything. She 2 Complete the conversation with can, could or be able to
is also hard-working and always gets good marks. and the verbs in brackets.
(hard-working, polite, shy)
Suzy: Hi Enrico.
1 Lucinda is and works well in groups.
Enrico: Hi Suzy. How’s your studying going?
She’s a(n) member of the class, but is
Suzy: Well, I 0 can’t stop (stop) worrying about the exam. I
also quite and distracts others.
haven’t 1 (think) about
(enthusiastic, talkative, confident)
anything else. And I 2
2 Patrick can be and has got into a lot of
(not sleep) at all last night.
trouble. He tends to be quite and never Enrico: Oh, poor you. Have you tried to make time for
finishes homework; he is also very regular breaks?
with all his work. Suzy: No, but I know I should. I 3
(disorganized, lazy, badly behaved) (not go) to volleyball practice today because I had to
3 Chris is a student who always makes carry on with my History project as well. I might not
good decisions; he is also very when 4 (finish) it in time.
giving advice. He is always about his Enrico: How about this? We 5
work. He has produced good work throughout the year. (help) each other. I’m stuck on my project too.
(conscientious, sensible, helpful)

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6 you 5 Complete the conversations with the possessive pronouns
(meet) me in the library tomorrow? or adjectives below.
Suzy: Yes, OK! But I might not 7
her mine my (x3) ours their theirs your (x2) yours
(get) there until the afternoon.
Enrico: What time is best for you? I 8 Jade: What’s wrong with 0 your legs, Chelsea?
(be) there about 4pm. 9
Chelsea: I just went running with Jessica and I’m exhausted,
you (make) it?
but 1 legs don’t even hurt a bit!
Suzy: I was going to meet a friend for coffee, but I
10 (cancel) it. Alex: Is that dog 2 , Nicci? The one in
Enrico: OK then! See you tomorrow. 3 garden?
0 5 Nicci: No, it’s not 4 .5
5 dog is black. I found that dog at the park – I think he’s a stray.
3 Choose the correct question tag.
Alex: There were two girls looking for 6
0 That new drama is on TV this evening, isn’t / is it? dog yesterday. They were handing out ‘lost dog’ posters.
1 Your parents own a shop, doesn’t he / don’t they? Maybe it’s 7 .
2 You’ve got two grey kittens, haven’t you / don’t you?
3 That Maths test was really difficult, didn’t it / wasn’t it? Sam: I can’t believe 8 computer broke
? down, just as I need it to finish an important school project.
4 You lived in Vienna when you were a child, didn’t you /
lived you? Alice: Don’t worry, why don’t you come to 9
5 We can visit Belinda in the hospital tonight, can’t we / house and use 10 . My parents don’t often
can’t she? use it in the afternoon, and I’ve finished my project.
6 Sam’s playing the guitar in the school concert, 5
isn’t playing he / isn’t he?
e? 7 Esme hasn’t done any volunteering, has her / has she?
6 Complete the conversation with an appropriate reflexive
8 She couldn’t swim before, couldn’t she / could she?
9 Louisa won’t buy a cottage in the countryside, William: Hi Chloe! Did you do anything for Halloween?
will it / will she? Chloe: No, I was just at home watching TV.
She doesn’t like mushrooms, don’t you / does she?
10 William: Oh OK. Were you by 0 yourself?
5 Chloe: No, with my friend, Olivia. We watched some horror
4 Choose the correct answer.
William: I hope you enjoyed 1 . You
0 Kim’s already bought her / hers costume for the party,
weren’t too scared, were you?
but I haven’t got my / mine yet.
o Chloe: Just a little bit. We made 2 more
1 My / Mine older twin brothers are both studying for
scared by sharing ghost stories afterwards. And at one point
their / theirs degrees in science at university in London.
the electricity seemed to go out by 3 .
2 I forgot to give Grace her / his umbrella back, and now
William: What happened?
that it / she is raining, she’s going to get wet.
3 Mum and I were annoyed. There was a football match Chloe: It was my brother. He couldn’t help 4 .
on TV and you / we couldn’t watch ours / our favourite He’s always trying to find a way to annoy me, so he turned
show. off the lights and put on a scary mask to try and scare us.
4 My brother said ours / his dream job would be working William: Oh, it must have been very funny!
in politics. He / Him wants to be the next president. Chloe: So, did you go to Mark’s Halloween party?
5 My mum is a lawyer and she / he always works long William: No, I didn’t want to go by 5 .
hours, but she enjoys hers / her job. Chloe: You should have come to my house. We had fun!
5 5
Grammar total 30

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1 Read the article and complete the table. 1
Do Something Organization 0
Help Sudan
4 7

Get Involved
Volunteering could be the key to your happiness. Set up by?
Jason Wilkes

You can develop new skills, increase your

confidence and make a difference in your
community. The organization Do Something & Get
2 5 9
Involved believes in making changes. Since 2002, Age
they’ve given awards for the nation’s best world-
changers and youth initiatives. Here’s a look at this
year’s finalists. 3 6 10
Main purpose
Not all young people in the world are able to live
in a safe place. Zeneb grew up in Sudan during the
civil war and was a refugee from the age of three.
When he was 17 he moved to the UK, where he 10
learned English and went to college. Now 18, he’s
2 Read the article again and decide if the sentences are
set up the charity Help Sudan to improve the lives true or false. Correct the false sentences.
of other refugees. His charity works with refugee 2
camps in Sudan and provides help and support. 0 Do Something & Get Involved has given awards to the
world’s best youth initiatives since 2002.
How often do you stand up for what you believe in?
Generation Connect was set up by 16-year-old Jason
1 Zeneb was born and grew up in the UK.
Wilkes and helps young people to participate and get
involved with politics and what’s going on in their
country. It works with local schools and organizes 2 Generation Connect helps young people stand up for what
classes where teens get the opportunity to learn they believe in.
about their communities’ problems and develop plans
to deal with the matters they care about. 3 Jason Wilkes is a local politician.

Environmental Education for the Youth of Tomorrow

(EEYT) was set up by 19-year-old William Wright. 4 The EEYT initiative raises money to help the environment
It’s an initiative that links teams of secondary and save the planet.
school students with junior school classrooms for
weekly activities on how to help the environment. 5 People of all ages can take part in the EEYT initiative.
EEYT’s aim is to promote environmental education
and action throughout communities from the 5
youngest up. They organize local clean-ups in
Reading total 15
neighbourhoods, plant trees and plan ways to save
the planet.

148 Unit 9 TEST Consolidation Richmond Photocopiable © Santillana Educación, S.L. Ri

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1 Listen to the first part of a radio programme about 1 Tick ( ) the sentence which is appropriate for formal
well-being and complete the sentences. emails.

0 Chris says he has to deal with the pressure of his schoolwork, 0 A Hi guys! _
studying for his exams and his part-time job at the moment. B Dear Sir or Madam
1 A I am writing to enquire about the shop assistant
1 He stays happy by
vacancy. _
a couple of times a week at the
B I am just sending a quick email to find out about the
. shop assistant job. _
2 He says this benefits him by making him 2 A My teacher can provide you with suitable references. _
and helping him B My teacher can give you good references. _
. 3 A I can start whenever you want me to. _
3 Jade loves and she’s in B I am available to start immediately. _
. 4 A I look forward to hearing from you. _
B Can’t wait to hear back from you. _
4 She sings everywhere, in ,
5 A Speak soon _
and in her
B Yours sincerely _
5 When she’s feeling a bit down she
. 2 Write a formal email to apply for ONE of the jobs below
5 in 125–150 words. Include the following:
- why you are emailing
2 Listen to the interview with Dr Robert Freedman
- where you saw the advert
and number the ways to improve well-being in the
- information about your skills, qualities and strengths
order he names them.
- when you are available for interview
The Ways to Improve Well-being - some appropriate formal expressions
A Exercise and enjoy yourself. _
B Take up an old hobby or interest again. _ - Website Photographer
C Be active. _ - Community Centre Event and Activities Organizer
D Talk with friends and family, and share your problems. _ - IT Tutor
E Keep learning. _
F Spend more time developing your relationships. _
G Sign up for a course. _
H Do a physical activity outside, like running, walking or
cycling. _
I Learn how to cook or play an instrument. _
J Set yourself an enjoyable challenge. _

K Connect to others. 0

Listening total 15

Writing total 15
Speaking 10

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9 Test Extension

4 Helen is and has good ideas. She is

also mostly and can plan her work
very well, but is often and needs to
1 Complete the sentences with the abstract noun of the
concentrate more.
words in brackets.
(polite, well organized, imaginative, lazy, easily distracted)
0 The teacher set a test to see the students strengths (strong) 5 Matthew is and never remembers
and weaknesses. to bring his homework. His work in class is often
1 Dylan didn’t like the food at the restaurant, so he , but he has made some good
expressed his (dissatisfy) to the manager. this year.
2 Many (improve) have been made in (progress, forgetful, reliable, well behaved, untidy)
the way we communicate with each other.
3 Hannah is one of the best students in the class and has
many musical (able). Vocabulary total 15 3
4 The film tells the story of a wonderful
(friend) between a boy and his dog. GRAMMAR

5 Please make sure you have all your
1 Tick ( ) or correct the sentences. Some of them are wrong.
(possess) with you when you leave the train.
6 Doing something to help others, like volunteering, can give 0 Will we can speak French after we’ve finished this course?

you a long term increase in (happy) Will we be able to speak French after we’ve finished this course?
7 Health is more important than (earn). 1 I wasn’t able to finish my Geography project yesterday.
8 The (relation) you make after leaving
school are the ones you are most likely to keep. 2 I might not can make it to school today. I’m not well.
9 (evident) shows that being happier in
life helps you live longer. 3 Are you can play a musical instrument?
When my dog died last year, I was filled with a sense of
(lose) for many months. 4 I haven’t can fly to Manchester today because of the snow.
5 I won’t be able to see Lady Gaga in concert on Saturday
2 Complete the descriptions with the adjectives in brackets.
because it’s my brother’s graduation party.
There are two you don’t need in each description.

0 Carrie is shy and doesn’t like talking in front of the class, but
she’s polite and always gives you thanks for everything. She
is also hard-working and always gets good marks. 2 Complete the conversation with can, could or be able to
(hard-working, reliable, polite, shy, easily distracted) and the verbs below.
1 Lucinda is and works well in groups. be cancel finish get not go help
She’s a(n) member of the class but is make meet not sleep not stop think
also quite and distracts others.
(untidy, enthusiastic, talkative, punctual, confident) Suzy: Hi Enrico.
2 Patrick can be and has got into a Enrico: Hi Suzy. How’s your studying going?
lot of trouble. He tends to be quite Suzy: Well, I 0 can’t stop worrying about the exam. I haven’t
and never finishes homework; he is also very 1 about anything else. And
with all his work. I2 at all last night.
(disorganized, lacks confidence, lazy, helpful, Enrico: Have you tried to make time for regular breaks?
badly behaved) Suzy: No, but I know I should. I 3
3 Chris is a student who always makes to volleyball practice today because I had to carry on
good decisions; he is also very when with my History project as well. I might not
giving advice. He is always about his 4 it in time.
work. He has produced good work throughout the year.
(talkative, conscientious, sensible, helpful, shy)

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Enrico: How about this? We 5 5 Complete the conversations with the correct possessive
each other. I’m stuck on my project too. 6 pronoun or adjective.
you me in the library tomorrow?
Jade: What’s wrong with 0 your legs, Chelsea?
Suzy: Yes, OK! But I might not 7 Chelsea: I just went running with Jessica and I’m exhausted,
) there until the afternoon. but 1 legs don’t even hurt a bit!
Enrico: What time is best for you? I 8
there about 4pm. 9 you Alex: Is that dog 2 , Nicci? The one in
3 garden?
it then?
Suzy: I was going to meet a friend for coffee, but I 10 it. Nicci: No, it’s not 4 .5
Enrico: OK then! See you tomorrow. dog is black. I found that dog at the park – I think he’s a stray.
0 5 Alex: There were two girls looking for 6
dog yesterday. Maybe it’s 7 .
5 3 Complete the sentences with the correct question tag.
Sam: I can’t believe 8 computer broke
0 That new drama is on TV this evening, isn’t it?
down, just as I need it to finish a school project.
1 Your parents own a shop, ?
Alice: Don’t worry, why don’t you come to
g. 2 You’ve got two grey kittens, ?
9 house and use 10 .
3 That Maths test was really difficult, ?
? My parents don’t often use it in the afternoon, and I’ve
4 You lived in Vienna when you were a child, ?
e? 5 We can visit Belinda in the hospital tonight, ? finished my project.
6 Sam’s playing the guitar in the school concert, ? 5
7 Esme hasn’t done any volunteering at the animal 6 Complete the conversation with the correct form of the
shelter, ? verbs below and a reflexive pronoun.
8 She couldn’t swim before, ?
9 Louisa won’t buy a cottage in the countryside, ? be enjoy go out help make not want
She doesn’t like mushrooms,
10 ?
William: Hi Chloe! Did you do anything for Halloween?
w. 5
Chloe: No, I was just at home watching TV.
4 Complete the sentences with the personal and William: Oh OK. 0 Were you by yourself?
possessive pronouns or adjectives below.
Chloe: No, with, Olivia. We watched some horror films.
he her (x3) hers his I mine (x2) William: I hope you 1 .
my she our their we You weren’t too scared, were you?
Chloe: Just a little bit. We 2
o 0 My older twin brothers are both studying for their
more scared by sharing ghost stories
degrees in science.
afterwards. And at one point the electricity seemed to
1 Kim’s already bought costume for 3 by .
the party, but I haven’t got yet.
William: What happened?
2 I forgot to give Grace umbrella back.
Chloe: It was my brother. He couldn’t 4
Now have two umbrellas; one is
. He’s always trying to find a way to
and the other is .
annoy me.
t 3 Mum and I were annoyed. There was a football
match on TV and couldn’t watch William: Oh, it must have been very funny!
favourite show. Chloe: So, did you go to Mark’s Halloween party?
4 My brother said dream job would be William: No, I 5 to go by .
working in politics. wants to be the Chloe: You should have come to my house. We had fun!
next president. 5
5 My mum is a lawyer and always 30
Grammar total
works long hours, but she enjoys job.

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1 Read the article and complete the table. 1
Do Something Organization 0
Help Sudan
4 7

Get Involved
Volunteering could be the key to your happiness. Set up by?
Jason Wilkes

You can develop new skills, increase your

confidence and make a difference in your
community. The organization Do Something & Get
Involved believes in making changes. Since 2002, Age
2 5 9

they’ve given awards for the nation’s best world-

changers and youth initiatives. Here’s a look at this
year’s finalists. 3 6 10
Main purpose
Not all young people in the world are able to live
in a safe place. Zeneb grew up in Sudan during the
civil war and was a refugee from the age of three.
When he was 17 he moved to the UK, where he 10
learned English and went to college. Now at 18,
2 Read the article and answer the questions. 2
he’s set up the charity Help Sudan to improve the
lives of other refugees in Sudan. His charity works 0 What is Do Something & Get Involved and what does it do?
with refugee camps in Sudan and provides fishing It’s an organization that gives awards for the nation’s best
nets, farming help and builds new homes. world-changers and youth initiatives.
How often do you stand up for what you believe in? 1 What was Zenab’s childhood like?
Are you concerned with politics? Well, most teens
don’t know much about it. Generation Connect was
set up by 16-year-old Jason Wilkes and helps young 2 Who does the Help Sudan initiative work with?
people to participate and get involved with politics
and what’s going on in their country. It works with
local schools and organizes classes where teens get 3 What does it provide for refugees in Sudan?
the opportunity to learn about their communities’
problems. They develop plans to deal with matters

they care about and take real action on them.
4 What do young people learn through Generation Connect?
Environmental Education for the Youth of Tomorrow

(EEYT) was set up by 19-year-old William Wright

and is an initiative that links teams of secondary
5 What does EEYT provide young people?
school students with junior school classrooms for

weekly activities on how to help the environment.

EEYT provides positive role models and
environmental education for the youth of tomorrow. 5
Their aim is to promote action throughout Reading total 15
communities from the youngest up, from organizing
local clean-ups in neighbourhoods to planting trees
and planning ways to save the planet.

152 Unit 9 TEST Extension Richmond Photocopiable © Santillana Educación, S.L. Ri

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1 Listen to the first part of the radio programme about 1 Rewrite the informal expressions formally.
well-being and answer the questions. 0 Hi guys!
0 Why is Chris under pressure at the moment? Dear Sir or Madam
He says he has to juggle his schoolwork, studying for his 1 I’m just sending a quick email to find out about the shop
exams and his part-time job. assistant job.
1 What does he do to deal with the pressure?
2 My teacher can give you good references.
2 How does he say this benefits him?
3 I can start whenever you want me to.
3 What does Jade say she is a part of?
4 Can’t wait to hear back from you.
4 Where does she like to sing?
5 Speak soon
5 What does she do when she’s feeling a bit down?
0 5
2 Write a formal email to apply for ONE of the jobs below in
2 Listen to the interview with Dr Robert Freedman and 125–150 words. Include your qualities and strengths.
o? complete the sentences.
- Website Photographer
The Ways to Improve Well-being
- Community Centre Event and Activities Organizer
0 Connect to others.
1 Talk with friends and family, and - IT Tutor
your problems.

Spend more time developing your
3 .
Do a physical activity outside, like going
or ,
cycling or playing
and getting .
Exercise and enjoy
5 .
6 .
Take up an old
7 or
interest again.
Set yourself an enjoyable
8 .
Sign up for a
9 .
Learn how to
10 or how to
5 10

Listening total 15

Writing total 15
Speaking 10

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Test Units 1–3 Consolidation

VOCABULARY 3 Complete the description with the words below.

detached house fridge garage hall metal stairs study
1 Read the clues and complete the crossword. utility room wardrobe washing machine wooden
2 3
g c We live in a 0 detached house in the suburbs. We’ve got
a big garden and a 1 for two cars. As
5 6
o you enter the house there’s a small 2

l e g g i n g s where we hang our coats. From there you can go up the
3 to the bedrooms. We’ve got a big
7 kitchen with all the usual appliances, including a large
w 4 American-style 5 to
keep things fresh. There’s also a small 6
beside the kitchen that has a 7 where
we wash our clothes. There are three bedrooms and a
c 8 , where we have the computer and I
do my homework. My favourite room is my bedroom. I have
s a large 9 10 where I
hang my shirts, sweaters and jeans.
Across 5
0 A pair of very thin trousers that fit tight over the legs.
6 The part of a cooker with a door to heat food. Vocabulary total 15
7 Where your hand is connected to your arm.
8 You wear these to protect your eyes from bright light. GRAMMAR
9 The protection of the natural environment, including
animals, plants and natural resources. 1 Complete the sentences with the past simple or past
Room used for reading, writing and doing some work.
10 continuous form of the verbs in brackets.
Down 0 Lisa was running (run) when she dropped her purse.
1 Animals and plants in the wild. 1 Max (not take) his dog
2 You wear these to keep your hands warm. for a walk at the park yesterday.
3 A room that is attached to a house, and that has 2 My friend and I (listen)
windows all around it and a glass roof. to some cool music on my new MP3 player.
4 Machine to wash plates, glasses, etc. 3 Jake received a text message on his phone while he
5 The middle part of your leg, where it bends. (swim) in the pool.
5 4 Kim and Francesca
(live) in a flat while they studied at university.
2 Choose the correct answer.
5 We (make) homemade
0 Excuse me, could you be quiet? I can’t hear / listen / sound ice cream on Saturday.
the film. 5
1 Hmm, dinner feels / tastes / smells nice. What are you
cooking, Mum? 2 Put the words in order to make questions. Match the
2 Nick watched / felt / saw tired, so he went to bed early. questions with the answers.
3 The band’s rehearsal listened / sounded / heard great 0 you / did / read / books / to / what / use / ?
yesterday. It’s going to be a great concert! What books did you use to read?
4 Be careful! Don’t touch / look / feel that wall! I’ve just
1 use / to / perform / a band / did / in / Simon / ?
painted it.

5 I looked / heard / saw Aisha skateboarding at the park
2 hang out / did / you / to / your / friends / use / with / where / ?
yesterday morning. She’s really good.

3 of / did / what / films / to / you / sort / watch / use / ?

154 TEST UNITS 1-3 Consolidation Richmond Photocopiable © Santillana Educación, S.L. Ri

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4 vegetarian / use / Megan / to / did / be / a / ? 5 Complete the sentences so they have the same meaning.
Use the words in brackets.
5 family / did / you and / live / which / city / use / your / to / in / ? 0 Our school is more environmentally friendly than other
schools in the town. (as)
A We used to go mountain biking. It was fun! _ Other schools in the town aren’t as environmentally
B Yes, that’s right. She didn’t use to eat any type of meat. _ friendly as our school.
C Well, I used to like fantasy books. 0 1 Villages in the countryside aren’t as polluted as big cities.
D We used to live in an apartment in New York. _ (more)
E Yes, he did. He used to be the lead singer. _ Big cities villages in
F I used to like comedies or action films. _ the countryside.
2 It’s more useful to have a laptop than a desktop. (not)
o 5
It’s to have a desktop .
3 Choose the correct answer. 3 There are many people in the market every day, but on
Saturdays there are more people. (most)
0 Louis still hasn’t had a haircut yet / just.
Saturdays in the shopping centre are
1 Have you been to the bank and post office already / just?
2 I’ve yet / just tried Japanese food at that new restaurant. days.
3 You look ill. Have you taken that medicine already / yet? 4 Wood is stronger than plastic. But metal is even stronger.
4 ‘Do you want to stay for lunch?’ (strongest)
‘No, thanks. I’ve yet / already eaten.’ Metal the three materials.
5 ‘The show hasn’t started just / yet.’ 5 It’s a lot easier to recycle now than before. (than)
5 It used to be to recycle
4 Read Mia’s timeline. Imagine it’s 2013 and write 5
sentences about her life using the present perfect.
6 Complete the conversation with the indefinite pronouns
below. There are three you don’t need.
Mia Hayworth’s timeline (December 2013)
anyone anything everything everywhere no one
met my best friend 2007 nowhere somebody someone something
started to collect old coins 2008
Dad: Can 0 somebody help me clear out the garage? There’s
n) joined a band 2009 lots of old junk 1 .
began to learn Italian 2010 Rosie: It’s not junk, Dad! Some of that junk is our stuff.
Dad: Yes, but 2 uses it anymore. There
bought a laptop 2011
are old toys, bikes and even old computers.
stopped having junk food 2012 Ivan: I bet there’s 3 in there I still want
e to use. Don’t throw it all out!
0 know / best friend / since Rosie: I know! Why don’t we have a garage sale? Perhaps
Mia has known her best friend since 2007. 4 in the neighbourhood will want to buy it.
1 collect / coins / for Dad: That’s a good idea Rosie. Then 5
else we can recycle.
2 be / a band / since 5
Grammar total
3 learn / Italian / for

4 have / a laptop / for
5 not eat / junk food / since


.L. Richmond Photocopiable © Santillana Educación, S.L. TEST UNITS 1-3 Consolidation 155

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2 Read the article again and complete the summary of 1
the story.
An Earthquake Survivor
Ed was a normal eight-year-old boy. He was from 0 Port-
Ed was an eight-year-old boy from a large city called au-Prince in Haiti. He lived in a house with his family.
Port-au-Prince, in Haiti. He lived a normal life in a house One day there was an 1
with his mother and father and five siblings. On the and his house fell down. He got trapped inside
12th of January 2010, Ed was playing with his brothers with his sister, 2 .
and sisters in his house, when he suddenly heard a Unfortunately, two of his sisters and one brother
loud noise and saw the ground begin to shake – there died. It took 3 days
was an earthquake. When Ed’s mum heard the sounds, before anyone found Ed and his sister. Two American
she ran outside to search for Ed’s five-year-old brother, 4 rescued them. They
David, who was collecting water. As she went outside, drilled through the 5 of
the house behind her began to fall down and Ed and the house and pulled them out. Ed was so happy he had a
his siblings were trapped inside. huge smile on his face.
Ed was buried underneath the building. He and his 5
eleven-year-old sister, Sabrina, were sitting next to
each other in a tiny dark space. They could hardly see
3 Read the article again and correct the information.
and they couldn’t move. Ed tried to look for his other 0 Ed had six brothers and sisters.
brother and two sisters, but sadly his sisters and four- Ed had five brothers and sisters.
year-old brother Titite had died. All Ed and Sabrina 1 All of Ed’s brothers and sisters were in the house during
could do was sit and listen for someone to help them. the earthquake.
Then, after eight days, a neighbour was searching
for her belongings next door, when she heard Ed
and Sabrina’s cries for help. Luckily, two firefighters 2 Ed was trapped alone in the house.
from America, who were helping in Haiti after the
earthquake, came and drilled down through the
debris of the house. Amazingly, after four hours, the
3 Ed couldn’t see.
men reached Ed and Sabrina. As they brought Ed out

of the hole, he threw his arms up in victory and had a

big smile on his face. Ed said afterwards that he smiled
because he was free! 4 After over a week, the firefighters heard Ed shouting
for help.

1 Read the article and find words or phrases which mean

the following.
5 Two local firefighters from Haiti rescued Ed and Sabrina.
0 a sudden and violent shaking of the earth


1 brothers or sisters
2 covered by something like earth or snow 15
Reading total

3 a small area with no light

4 the things that you own

5 use a special tool to make a hole


156 TEST UNITS 1-3 Consolidation Richmond Photocopiable © Santillana Educación, S.L. Ri

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1 Listen to the programme and complete the table. 1 Correct the sentences.
0 Then I heard a scream. First, I saw the spider.
computer-controlled air conditioning Denmark
First, I heard a scream. Then I saw the spider.
France made with sustainable materials
UK uses rainwater 1 We did a fun run for raise money for charity.

2 My parents gave me a plastic cool purple watch.
The Woodman’s Cottage

Location 0
3 Finally, I saw some smoke coming from the window.
Eco-friendly Next I heard the fire alarm.
The Shelter House 4 Do you like these dark blue new jeans?
Location 2
3 5 We take our own biodegradable shopping bags to the
supermarket so as not use the plastic ones.

The Active House
Location 4

5 2 Write an entry on your blog about a scheme you took

part in to help the environment in 125–150 words.
Include the following:
5 - when and where it took place
2 Listen again and choose the correct answer. - why you took part in the scheme and what you did
- how it helps the environment
0 The Woodman’s cottage is made of … materials.
- some adjectives, sequencing words and expressions of
A expensive B local C foreign purpose
1 People who live in the Woodman’s Cottage … .

A use modern technology

B create their own electricity

C grow their own food

2 The Shelter house was built in … .

A 2009 B 2010 C 2011

3 The Shelter House … .

A recycles waste

B generates energy

C doesn’t use natural resources
4 The Active House is a … house.

A modern and comfortable

B out-of-date but comfortable
C modern but not usable
5 The computer system in the Active House controls the …
within the home.
A solar energy B ecosystem C climate
15 10
Listening total
Writing total 15
Speaking 10

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Test Units 1–3 Extension

VOCABULARY 3 Complete the description of the house.

We live in a 0 detached house in the suburbs. We’ve got a
1 Read the clues and complete the crossword. big garden and a 1 g for two cars. As
1 you enter the house there’s a small 2 h
2 3 where we hang our coats. From there you can go up the
4 3 s to the bedrooms. We’ve got an open
5 6 plan dining room and kitchen with all the usual appliances,
0 including a large 4 m l American-
l e g g i n g s
style 5 f to keep things fresh. There’s
7 also a small 6 u r
beside the kitchen that has a 7 w
8 m where we wash our clothes. There are
three bedrooms in my house and a 8 s ,
where we have the computer and I do my homework. My
favourite room in the house is my bedroom. I have a large
9 w n 10 w where I
10 3
hang my shirts, sweaters and jeans.
Across 5
0 A pair of very thin trousers that fit tight over the legs.
6 Part of a cooker with a door to heat food. Vocabulary total 15
7 Where your hand is connected to your arm.
8 You wear these to protect your eyes from bright light. GRAMMAR
9 The protection of the natural environment, including
animals, plants and natural resources. 1 Complete the sentences with the past simple or past
Room used for reading, writing, and doing some work.
10 continuous form of the verbs below.
Down listen live not make run swim not take
1 Animals and plants in the wild.
2 You wear these to keep your hands warm. 0 Lisa was running really fast when she dropped her purse.
3 A room that is attached to a house, and that has 1 Max his dog for a walk
windows all around it and a glass roof. at the park yesterday.
4 Machine to wash plates, glasses, etc. 4
2 I to that cool new song
5 The middle part of your leg, where it bends. a couple of times.
5 3 Jake received a text message on his phone while he
2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the in the pool.
verbs below. There are two you don’t need. 4 Kim and Francesca
with two roommates when I met them.
feel hear listen see smell sound taste touch
5 We homemade ice
0 Excuse me, could you be quiet? I can’t hear the film. cream on Saturday.
1 Hmm, dinner nice. What are you 5
cooking, Mum? 2 Put the words in order to make questions. Match the
2 Nick tired, so he went to bed early. questions with the answers and complete them.
3 The band’s rehearsal great yesterday.
It’s going to be a great concert! 0 you / did / read / books / to / what / use / ?
What books did you use to read?
4 Be careful! Don’t that wall! I’ve just
painted it. 1 use / to / perform / band / did / in / a / Simon / ?
5 I Aisha skateboarding at the park
yesterday morning. She’s really good. 2 hang out / did / you / to / your / friends / use / with / where / ?

3 of / did / what / films / to / you / sort / watch / use / ?

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4 vegetarian / use / Megan / to / did / be / a / ? 2 (she / be) in a band?
(since) .
5 family / did / you and / live / which / city / use / your / to / in / ? 3 (she / learn) Italian?
(for) .
4 (she / have) a laptop?
A We mountain biking a lot near my (for) .
house. It was lots of fun! _ 5 (she / be) a vegetarian?
s, B Yes, that’s right. She didn’t any type (since) .
of meat. _
C Well, I used to read fantasy books. 0
D We in an apartment in New York. _ 5 Rewrite the sentences so they have the same meaning.
E Yes, he did. He the lead singer. Use the correct form of the words in brackets.
re He was really good. _
0 My car is more environmentally friendly than other cars.
F I comedies or action films. They were (not as) Other cars aren’t as environmentally friendly as mine.
my favourite. _ 1 Villages aren’t as polluted as big cities.
5 (more)
3 Complete the sentences with yet, already or just. Big cities .
2 It’s more useful to have a laptop than a desktop.
0 Louis still hasn’t had a haircut yet and it’s his graduation
5 It’s .
1 That was quick! Have you been to the bank and post
3 There are many people in the shopping centre every day,
office ?
but Saturdays are even more crowded.
2 I’ve tried Japanese food at that new
restaurant in town. The food was really delicious.
Saturdays in the shopping centre are
3 You look ill. Have you taken that medicine ?
4 ‘Do you want to stay for lunch?’
4 Wood is a stronger material than plastic. But metal is
‘No, thanks. I’ve eaten.’
even stronger.
5 ‘Have I missed the show?’
. ‘No, don’t worry. It hasn’t started .’
Metal .
k 5 5 It’s a lot easier to recycle now than before.
4 Read Mia’s timeline. Imagine it’s 2013, and write questions (easy)
g It didn’t use .
with How long and answers using the present perfect.
Mia Hayworth’s timeline (December 2013) 6 Complete the conversation with indefinite pronouns.
met my best friend 2007 Dad: Can 0 someone help me clear out the garage? There’s
lots of old junk 1 .
started to collect old coins 2008
Rosie: It’s not junk, Dad! Some of that junk is our stuff.
joined a band 2009 Dad: Yes, but 2 uses it anymore. There
are old toys, bikes, and even old computers.
began to learn Italian 2010
Ivan: I bet there’s 3 in there I still want
bought a laptop 2011 to use. Don’t throw it all out!
Rosie: I know! Why don’t we have a garage sale? Perhaps
stopped eating meat 2012
4 in the neighbourhood will want to buy it.
Dad: That’s a good idea Rosie. Then 5
0 How long has Mia known (Mia / know) her best friend? else we can recycle.
(Since) Mia has known her best friend since 2007. 5
1 (she / collect) coins?
Grammar total 30
(for) .

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7 a person that lives next to you or near you 1

An Earthquake Survivor 8 the things that you own

Ed was an eight-year-old boy from a large city called
9 to use a special tool to make a hole
Port-au-Prince, in Haiti. He lived a normal life in a house

with his mother and father and five siblings. On the
broken pieces of a building, for example
12th of January 2010, Ed was playing with his brothers
and sisters in his house, when he suddenly heard a
loud noise and saw the ground begin to shake – there
was an earthquake. When Ed’s mum heard the loud 2 Read the article again and complete the summary of
sounds, she ran outside to search for Ed’s five-year-old the story.
brother, David, who was collecting water. As she went
Ed was a normal 0 eight-year-old boy. He was from
outside, the house behind her began to fall down and 1 in Haiti. He lived in a house with his
Ed and his siblings were trapped inside. He watched as
parents and 2 . One day while he
everything around them collapsed. 3 he 4 a loud noise.
Ed was buried underneath the building. He and his There was an 5 and his house fell
eleven-year-old sister, Sabrina, were sat squashed next down. He got trapped inside with his 6 .
to each other in a tiny dark space. They couldn’t see They didn’t have anything to 7 2
very much and they couldn’t move. They didn’t have or 8 . They were trapped for
any food or water either. Ed tried to look for his other 9 before a 10 heard
brother and two sisters, who were nearby, but sadly them shout for help. Two 11 rescued
they died. All they could do was wait and listen to see if them. It took them 12 to drill through
anyone would come to help them. 13 of the house and pull them
out. Ed was so 14 he had a huge
Then, after eight days, a neighbour was searching
15 on his face.
for her belongings next door, when she heard Ed
and Sabrina’s cries for help. Luckily, two firefighters 5
from America, who were helping in Haiti after the 3 Read the article again and decide if the sentences are
earthquake, came and drilled down through the true or false. Correct the false sentences.
debris of the house. Amazingly, after four hours, the
0 Ed had five brothers and sisters.
men reached Ed and Sabrina. As they brought Ed out
of the hole, he threw his arms up in victory and had a True.
big smile on his face. Ed said afterwards that he smiled 1 One of Ed’s brothers wasn’t in the house during the
because he was free! earthquake.

1 Read the article and find words or phrases which mean 2 Ed was trapped alone in the house.
the following.
3 He couldn’t see.
a sudden and violent shaking of the earth earthquake
brothers or sisters
in an unpleasant situation where it is hard to escape
2 4 After over a week, someone who lived next to them
heard Ed shouting for help.
to fall down suddenly
covered by something like earth or snow
4 5 Two local firefighters from Haiti rescued Ed and Sabrina.

pushed into a small space
small space with little or no light
6 15
Reading total

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1 Listen to the programme and complete the table. 1 Tick ( ) or correct the sentences. Some of them are
The Woodman’s Cottage
0 Then I heard a scream. First, I saw the spider.
Location 0
First, I heard a scream. Then I saw the spider.
Eco-friendly 1 We did a fun run for raise money for charity.

The Shelter House 2 My parents gave me this cool purple plastic watch.
Location 2

Eco-friendly 3 First, I saw the smoke. Next, I heard the fire alarm.
The Active House 4 Do you like this leather brown old belt?
Location 4
5 5 We take our own biodegradable shopping bags to the
features supermarket so that use the plastic ones.

2 Listen again and write all the parts of a house and
the furniture that you hear. 2 Write an entry on your blog about a scheme you took
part in to help the environment in 125–150 words. Use
House 1
adjectives, sequencing words and expressions of purpose
Parts of the house Furniture to describe the scheme.
walls microwave

House 2
Parts of the house Furniture


House 3
Parts of the house


Listening total 15


Writing total 15
Speaking 10

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Test Units 4–6 Consolidation

4 Martin had a sore throat and a bad headache earlier. He 2

VOCABULARY felt / knew sick. I wonder / worry if he’s got the flu.
5 Sophie has wanted / decided to enter a TV talent show
1 Complete the sentences with the words below.
competition. Her audition is on Saturday.
allergic chemicals container cookery programme 5
cut explode first aid kit flame flu game show
lab coat safety glasses spill sprained temperature 3 Complete the sentences with the life events below.
the news the weather forecast Then put the events in the correct order.

began his career bought / house decided to become

0 Alicia must be allergic to cats because her skin has gone got married graduated grew up had / child met
red and she’s itchy. moved was an only child was born
1 Pablo took part in a on TV and he
won £5,000! A James was born in 1972. He was an only child with no brothers
2 To protect ourselves in the science lab, we must wear or sisters and grew up in a small village in Devon, in the UK. 1
and a while B He and his wife a large
we’re doing experiments. in London in 2011. _
3 John’s himself and he’s bleeding. C In 1995 he from a theatre
He must use the and go to see the school in London and an
school nurse. actor. _
4 You should stay a safe distance from a Bunsen burner D In 2005, James and Lauren
and be very careful that the doesn’t their first , Oliver. _
burn your skin. E He his wife, Lauren,
5 Don’t turn the channel over. After it’s while he was making a film in New York in 2001, and they
the following year. _ 3
, and I want to see if it’ll rain tomorrow.
6 Maryanne has got a really high . F He in acting in 1999,
I think she’s got the . when he to Hollywood
and starred in his first film. _
7 You should never run in the science lab. You may
dangerous on 5
the floor or cause an accident. 15
Vocabulary total
8 On tonight’s , Quick Meals, Jamie
Johns will show us how to make a delicious tiramisu in GRAMMAR
less than 30 minutes.
9 Luke must rest his leg for a few days as he 1 Complete the first conditional sentences with the correct
his ankle while playing football. form of the verbs in brackets.
If you heated liquid in a closed
10 , it 0 Tyler won’t win (win) the competition if he lacks (lack)
could . confidence.
5 1 If she (miss) her favourite crime
series on TV, she (watch) the repeat
2 Choose the correct answer. at the weekend. 4
0 Sorry, I don’t forget / remember how to transfer / connect 2 Which university (you / go) to if you
music from a laptop to an MP3 player. (graduate) in June?
1 I guess / learn you ought to use that new software to scan / 3 If I (find) the recipe online, I
upgrade your computer. Just in case you have a virus. (make) that cake from the cookery
2 I didn’t recognize / realize that you could insert / install programme.
those pictures into your presentation.
4 If the judges (not choose) Lisa, I
3 Oh no! I can’t believe / imagine it! I accidentally
(be) very disappointed.
downloaded / deleted Paul’s file from the computer,
5 He (not celebrate) at the weekend if
and it’s not in the recycling bin.
he (not win) the competition.

162 TEST UNITS 4-6 Consolidation Richmond Photocopiable © Santillana Educación, S.L. Ri

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e 2 Write sentences about what the people intend to do A I (get) really stressed.
using be going to and the words in brackets. B he (not be able) to run the marathon
0 Susan is looking at books in the bookshop. (buy) on Saturday.
Susan is going to buy a book. C I (phone) my mum straight away.
1 Claire walked onto the stage and is standing by the D I’d drive (drive) myself and my friends to school.
microphone. (sing / a song) E they (give) me a recording contract.
F I (tell) the teacher.
2 An orchestra is holding their instruments and the 5
audience is watching them. (perform / audience) 5 Complete the sentences with the present passive form
of the verbs in brackets.
3 Paul has turned on his computer and is sitting in front
rs 0 The nuts in the packet are coated (coat) in chocolate.
of it. (use / computer)
1 Delicious!

e 1 The recycled waste (wash) and
4 Harry opened the door of the train and is getting on.
(sort) first before it
re (travel / train)
2 Computers (assemble) in factories
5 Jake is wearing his swimsuit and is putting on sunscreen.
by machines, and then they (test) by
people before they (sell) in shops.

3 Many different languages (speak)
5 in my school.
3 Choose the correct answer. 4 Millions of mobile phones (produce)
each year.
Science Lab Safety
d 5 This talk show (not show) on TV any
0 You mustn’t / don’t have to run or play in the science more.
lab classrooms. Always stay behind your work bench.
1 You mustn’t / don’t have to touch heated test tubes
5 with your bare hands. You must / should use tongs. 6 Rewrite the sentences in the passive.
2 If you get any chemicals in you eyes, you must / ought to
rinse them with eye wash immediately. 0 Mosquitoes bit us on holiday in Egypt.
3 You should / don’t have to wear safety glasses in a science We were bitten by mosquitoes on holiday in Egypt.
t lesson all the time; only when you are doing an experiment. 1 Percy Spencer invented the microwave oven.
4 After each lesson, you don’t have to / have to put all The microwave .
your equipment away and clean your work bench.
2 Italians from Naples created pizza.
5 You mustn’t / don’t have to taste chemicals. They
Pizza .
must / may be toxic.
3 People first tasted cola drink in the late 19 century.
Cola drink .
4 Match the parts of the sentences and complete the 4 Danny Boyle produced the opening ceremony for the
second conditional sentences with the correct form of London 2012 Olympic Games.
the verbs in brackets.
The opening ceremony .
0 If I had (have) a car D 5 The Ancient Greeks constructed the Parthenon in 447 BC.
1 If someone in my class (copy) my work _ The Parthenon .
2 If I (get) the job _ 5
3 If the talent show judges (see) me sing _
Grammar total 30
4 If my computer (crash) now _
5 If David (hurt) his leg playing football _

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1 Read the article and complete the sentences with Josh, 1
Courtney or Javier.
0 Josh would like to do something related to technology.
1 has already got experience in the job
he wants to do.
2 doesn’t want to have an office job.
3 would like to study abroad.
4 has had the same interests since
5 would like to work in television.
2 Read the article again and find words or phrases that
My Future mean the following. 2
What are your personal dreams and ambitions for the 0 to be like someone else
future? Would you like to be a writer or a scientist? to be the next
Maybe you’d like to be the next president or become 1 a person who uses science to build or design things
an environmentalist and help save animals.

We’d like to hear from you! 2 to join two or more things

Comments 3 to be in an unpleasant place or situation
Well, I’d like to be the next Steve Jobs and design
computers or other technology. I’ve always built and 4 a person who studies artefacts of past cultures
designed things ever since I was a kid. After I finish school
I’m going to go to university and study to be an engineer.
My advice: If you aim high, you’ll achieve big things.
Good luck! Josh 3 Read the article again and decide if the sentences are
true or false. Correct the false sentences.
My hobby is photography and this summer I’m starting 0 Josh has a role model who he’d like to follow.
a photography course at my local college. When I’m
not taking photos, I work part-time at an animal rescue
1 Josh believes that he should set high goals for himself.
centre. In the future, I’d like to combine these things
and become a nature photographer. I’d also like to
have my own nature programme on TV! I’m not going to 2 Courtney is currently studying photography.
do a job where I’m stuck in an office all day.
My advice: Follow your dreams and never give up! 3 Courtney is working part time with animals at the moment.
4 Courtney believes she should do what she loves.
I love history and archaeology. Last year I was in Britain
helping a team of archaeologists dig for ancient ruins. I
5 Javier worked with archaeologists in Rome.
found some Roman coins – it was amazing! So, I think

you can guess what I’m going to do in the future. I think
I’d like to move to England and go to university there. 6 Javier is from England.

My advice: Do some work experience or speak to
people who are already doing the job you want to see 6
if it’s the job for you. Javier 15
Reading total

164 TEST UNITS 4-6

1-3 Consolidation Richmond Photocopiable © Santillana Educación, S.L. Ri

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1 Listen to a talk about how cartoons are made. Put 1 Complete the sentences with the words and phrases
the actions in the correct order. below.

A The script is spoken aloud by the actors, writers and also can’t wait too in my view I would say what’s more
b producers. _
B The animatic is produced using computer software. _ 0 It’s a fantastic light slim silver smartphone with a bright
C The actors’ parts are put together to make the final screen, and it also fits well in the palm of your hand.
recording. _ 1 , you can watch HD
D Story ideas are discussed by producers. 0 films, record video and shoot 5MP photos.
E The sound effects and music are added. _
2 What did you all think of the new MiniApp tab? I
F The cartoon is checked. _
to hear your thoughts.
G The actors’ voices are recorded in the recording studio. _
H The storyboard and artwork is drawn. _ 3 , it’s at least as good as
all the reviews I have read.
4 It’s easy to use, and the battery lasts for ages
2 Listen again and complete the sentences. .
0 According to Erica it takes nine months to make a 5 In conclusion, that the
30-minute cartoon. Sam5 is better than the Sam4.
1 The different frames 5
by hand. 2 Write a review of your favourite gadget for your internet
2 The writers review the blog readers in 125–150 words. Include the following:
and test at the
beginning of the process. - the gadget and how long you have had it
3 People read the script aloud during the - a description and why you like it
- any problems
so the writers can see
- recommendations
how it sounds.
- some informal expressions, expressions for giving your
4 The actors’ voices
opinion and ways of expressing addition
at the recording studio, and all the different parts
to make one final
5 The animators draw the
and transfer them onto the computer using
6 Cartoon characters wear the same clothes so animators
can easily

again in other of the cartoon.
7 The sound engineers add the
and pre-recorded
music, and make sure the
is perfect.
Listening total

Writing total 15

5 Speaking 10

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TESTUNITS 4-6 Consolidation
UNITS1-3 Consolidation 165

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Test Units 4–6 Extension

VOCABULARY 3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the life 2
events below. Then put the events in the correct order.
1 Complete the words in the sentences.
be an only child be born begin his career
Alicia must be allergic to cats because her skin has gone
0 buy / house decide to become get married
red and she’s itchy. graduate grow up have / child meet move
Pablo took part in a g
1 s
on TV and he won £5,000! A James was born in 1972. He was an only child with no brothers
To protect ourselves in the science lab, we must wear
2 or sisters and grew up a small village in Devon, in the UK. 1
s g and a B He and his wife a large
l c while we’re in London in 2011. _
doing experiments. C In 1995 he from a theatre
John’s cut himself and he’s bleeding. He must
3 school in London and
use the f a an actor. _
k and go to see the school nurse. D In 2005, James and Lauren
You should stay a safe distance from a Bunsen burner
4 their first , Oliver. _
and be very careful that the f doesn’t E He his wife, Lauren,
burn your skin. while he was making a film in New York in 2001, and they
Don’t turn the channel over. After t
5 the following year. _
n it’s t F He in acting in 1999,
w f , and I want to when he to Hollywood
see if it’ll rain tomorrow. and starred in his first film. _
5 5
2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the Vocabulary total 15
verbs below.
believe decide delete feel guess insert
realize remember scan transfer wonder 1 Write first conditional sentences using if.
0 Tyler / not win / the competition / he / lack / confidence.
0 Sorry, I don’t remember how to transfer music from a
laptop to a MP3 player. Tyler won’t win the competition if he lacks confidence. 3
1 Oh no! I can’t it! I’ve accidentally 1 She / miss / her favourite crime series on TV / she / watch /
Paul’s file from the computer, and the repeat / at the weekend.
it’s not in the recycling bin.
2 Martin had a sore throat and a bad headache earlier. He 2 Which / university / you go to / you / graduate in June?
sick. I if he’s got
the flu. 3 I / make / that cake from the cookery programme / I /
3 Sophie has to enter a TV talent show find / the recipe online.
competition. Her audition is on Saturday.
4 I you ought to use that new software 4 the judges / not choose / Lisa / her mother / be /
to your computer. Just in case you very disappointed.
have a virus.
5 I didn’t that you could 5 He / not celebrate / at the weekend / he / lose / 4
those pictures into your presentation. the competition.

166 TEST UNITS 4-6 Extension Richmond Photocopiable © Santillana Educación, S.L. Ri

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e 2 Write one sentence about what the people are going to do 3 The talent show judges (see) me sing _
next and another about what they would like to happen. 4 My computer (crash) now _
5 David (not able to) run the marathon on Saturday _
0 Susan is in a bookshop.
A look for a book B buy something A I (get) really stressed. D I (have) a car.
A Susan is going to look for a book. B he (hurt) his leg playing football. E I (get) the job.
B She’d like to buy something. C they (give) me a recording contract. F I (tell) the teacher.
1 Claire walked on the stage in front of the judges.
rs 0 I’d drive myself and my friends to school if I had a car.
A sing a song B win the singing competition
A 1 .
e 2 .
2 An orchestra is holding their instruments. 3 .
re A perform in front of the audience 4 .
B the audience to love the show 5 .
A 5
B 5 Complete the sentences with the present simple passive.
3 Paul has turned on his computer.
A do some research for his homework assemble coat produce reuse
y B play a computer game sell show sort speak test wash
B 0 The nuts in the packet are coated in chocolate. Delicious!
d 4 Harry opened the door of the train and got on. 1 The recycled waste and the materials
A travel by train B sleep during the journey before it .
A 2 Computers in factories by machines,
B and then they by people before they
5 Jake is wearing his swimsuit and is putting on sunscreen. in shops.
A sunbathe B get a suntan 3 Many different languages in my school.
A 4 Millions of mobile phones each year.
B 5 The news twice a day.
5 5
3 Complete the advice with must, mustn’t or don’t have to. 6 Rewrite the sentences in the passive.
0 You mustn’t run or play in the science lab classrooms. 0 They put plastic in recycling bins.
1 You touch heated test tubes with Plastic is put in recycling bins.
your bare hands.
1 Percy Spencer invented the microwave oven.
2 If you get any chemicals in you eyes, you

rinse them with eye wash immediately.
3 You wear safety glasses in a science 2 They make clothes and shoes in this factory.
lesson all the time, only when you are doing an experiment.
4 After each lesson, you put all your 3 The Ancient Greeks constructed the Parthenon in Athens.
equipment away and clean your work bench.
5 You taste chemicals. They may be toxic. 4 We placed the chemical in a test tube.
4 Match the parts of the sentences. Then combine them 5 The optician examines my eyes once a year.
to write second conditional sentences.
0 I (drive) myself and my friends to school D 5
1 Someone in my class (copy) my work _ 30
Grammar total
2 I (phone) my mum straight away _

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1 Read the article and complete the sentences with the 1
My Future people’s names.
0 Josh would like to do something related to technology.
What are your personal dreams and ambitions for the
1 has already got experience in the job
future? Would you like to be a writer or a scientist?
he wants to do.
Maybe you’d like to be the next president or become
2 doesn’t want to have an office job.
an environmentalist and help save animals.
3 has had the same interests since
We’d like to hear from you! childhood.
4 would like to work with people in need.
Comments 5 would like to work in television.
Well, I’d like to be the next Steve Jobs and design 5
computers or other technology. I’ve always built and
designed things ever since I was a kid. After I finish 2 Read the article again and find words and phrases that
school I’m going to go to university and study to be an mean the following.
engineer. 0 to be like someone else
My advice: If you aim high, you’ll achieve big things. to be the next
Good luck! Josh 1 a person whose job involves building or designing
machines, technology or infrastructure
My hobby is photography and this summer I’m starting
a photography course at my local college. When I’m 2 to join two or more things
not taking photos, I work part-time at an animal rescue
centre. In the future, I’d like to combine these things 3 the remains of old buildings
and become a nature photographer. Maybe I’ll also
have my own nature programme on TV! I’m not going to 4 to be in an unpleasant situation you can’t get out of
do a job where I’m stuck in an office all day.
My advice: Follow your dreams and never give up! 5 what you do to help those in need
I haven’t decided what I’m going to do yet, but I’ve 3 Read the article again and answer the questions.
got lots of ideas. I know I want to grow and learn new
0 Why does Josh want to be an engineer?
things. Maybe I’ll travel and learn about other cultures He has always built and designed things since he was a kid.
or work to help society. I might do some charity work 1 What are Josh’s intentions after he leaves school?
and help people in need around the world.
My advice: If you don’t try new things, you won’t learn 2 Which two activities would Courtney like to incorporate
and grow. Lizzy into a job?

I love history and archaeology. Last year I was in Britain 3 What two things is Lizzy sure she wants to do?
helping a team of archeologists dig for ancient ruins. I
found some Roman coins – it was amazing! So, I think 4 What did Javier do last summer?
you can guess what I’m going to do in the future. I think
I’d like to move to England and go to university there. 5 What does Javier want to do while abroad in England?
My advice: Do some work experience or speak to
people who are already doing the job you want to see 5
if it’s the job for you. Javier
Reading total 15

168 TEST UNITS 4-6

1-3 Extension Richmond Photocopiable © Santillana Educación, S.L. Ri

461513 _ 0154-0177.indd 168 27/05/14 10:52

1 Listen to a talk about how cartoons are made. 1 Complete the sentences with an expression of addition,
Complete the sentences that describe the process. for giving your opinion or an informal expression.

0 Story ideas are discussed by producers. 0 It’s a fantastic light slim silver smartphone with a bright
1 The is spoken aloud by screen, and it also fits well in the palm of your hand.
the actors, writers and producers. 1 W m , you can watch HD films, record
2 The actors’ voices are recorded in the videos and shoot 5MP photos.
. 2 What did you all think of the new MiniApp tab? I
3 The actors’ parts are put together to make the final c w to hear your thoughts.
d. . 3 I m v , it’s at least as good as
4 In the stage, pictures all the reviews have said.
are drawn and matched to the script. 4 It’s easy to use, and the battery lasts for ages t .
5 The animatic is produced using special 5 In conclusion, I w s the Sam5 is better
. than the Sam4.
6 The cartoon is for 5
7 The effects and music
2 Write a review of your favourite gadget for your internet
blog readers in 125–150 words. Include some informal
are added.
expressions, expressions for giving opinions and ways
of expressing addition.
2 Listen again and correct the information.

0 A 30-minute cartoon is produced within a few weeks.
It takes nine months to produce a cartoon.

1 A 30-minute cartoon is made up of 3,000 frames.

2 Computer software is used to draw the frames.

3 The writers decide on the story.

4 After a script is written, there is what’s called a ‘table
read’ in the recording studio.

5 The table read is for actors to practise their parts.

6 The animatic is a kind of moving storyboard that’s
created by the writers.

7 Cartoon characters wear the same clothes so they can

be easily identified.

8 Sound engineers add sound effects and compose the


5 Listening total 15
Writing total 15
Speaking 10

.L. Richmond Photocopiable © Santillana Educación, S.L. TESTUNITS

TEST UNITS1-3 Extension
4-6Extension 169

461513 _ 0154-0177.indd 169 27/05/14 10:52

Test Units 7–9 Consolidation

5 Skyfall, the new James Bond film, is exciting and action- 2

packed. I loved the … , especially the car chases and
1 Complete the sentences with the words below. explosions.
A special effects B soundtrack C plot
attended composed by confident costumes directed by
punctual relationships satisfaction shy stalls stars
3 Match the phrasal verbs below with their definitions.
0 Matthew is punctual and always turns up early for his
lessons. carry on find out get back give up make up show off
1 Over two million people the spring
carnival by the river this year. 0 get some information about something
find out
2 Supportive social are more important
1 continue doing something you were doing before
than having lots of money.

3 Alicia is a student in the class. She
2 invent a story
hasn’t made many friends this year.

4 The 2012 children’s film Frankenweenie, was
3 return to somewhere, usually your house
Tim Burton.
5 During the Chinese New Year, people dress in colourful 4 stop trying to do something
and dance through the streets.
6 Ryan is a student who works well in 5 try and impress people by showing your abilities 3
groups and with other students.
7 The music for the film Black Swan was 5
Clint Mansell.
8 The street was full of selling food and Vocabulary total 15
drink during the festival.
9 Helping others or doing meaningful work like volunteering
can contribute to life . 1 Put the words in order to make sentences with relative
Tom went backstage on the set to meet the
10 clauses.
of the new Hobbit film.
0 film / saw / that / on / what / the / you / Friday / was / ?
What was the film that you saw on Friday?
2 Choose the correct answer. 1 the / participating / who / children / in / live / the / parade /
me / opposite / are
0 During the street party, there were decorated … with

bands playing loud music.
2 homework / Mrs Jenkins / done / have / which / you / gave /
A parades B participants C floats
the / us / ?
1 The Harry Potter films … the books written by J.K.
3 I / frozen / yogurt / the / that / sells / haven’t / yet / to /
A were set B were played by C were based on shop / been
2 I thought Colin Firth’s acting in the … drama The King’s
Speech was superb. 4 whose / the police / award / to / stolen / the / was / actor /
A historical B horror C comedy reported it
3 It’s difficult to find time to keep fit when you’re a student,
but making sure you get regular exercise can improve 5 sounds / to / studio / the / where / is / film / the / added /
your health and increase your … . the / are
A values B well-being C abilities
4 Lucy can be … and usually completes her work on time, 5
but others often distract her.
A lazy B hard working C disorganized

170 TEST UNITS 7-9 Consolidation Richmond Photocopiable © Santillana Educación, S.L. Ri

461513 _ 0154-0177.indd 170 27/05/14 10:52

- 2 Complete the sentences with the past simple and past 4 Write the direct questions for the reported sentences.
perfect form of the verbs in brackets.
0 Anna asked if I was going to the school prom.
0 My cousin went (go) to hospital on Wednesday because ‘Are you going to the school prom?’
she’d had (have) an allergic reaction to seafood. 1 Paul asked if I watched sci-fi films.
1 Colin and George (not speak) to each
‘ ?’
other after they (lose) the football
2 Julia asked if I had spoken to Elena today.
match at school.
‘ ?’
2 I (not go) to the cinema with my
3 Robert asked if Andrew could lend him a costume for the
friend at the weekend because I
(already / see) the film.
‘ ?’
3 Sam (be) late for school this morning
because his mum’s car (break) down. 4 Finley asked if I had gone away on holiday at Easter.
4 Peter (be) scared because he ‘ ?’
(just / watch) a thriller on DVD. 5 The teacher asked if everyone had done their homework.
5 I (take) part in the volunteering ‘ ?’
project last year because I (want) to 5
contribute more to my community.
5 Complete the sentences with the correct question tag.
0 John doesn’t like horror films, does he?
3 Complete what the people said about stress in reported
1 You hadn’t seen the parade before, ?
2 We don’t have graduation proms, ?
0 ‘I went for a run on the beach every morning.’ 3 Michael can walk with crutches, ?
5 Matthew said that he ’d gone for a run on the beach every 4 The film will be based on a book, ?
5 Joanna went ice-skating for her birthday, ?
1 ‘We got support from our family when we struggled.’
Jade and Olivia said that
e 6 Complete the conversations with the pronouns or
adjectives below. There are three you don’t need.
2 ‘I deal with exam stress by getting enough sleep at night.’
Dylan said that hers me mine my ours their theirs us your
at night.
/ Jake: My brother’s class have 0 their graduation ceremony
3 ‘I made sure I still had fun.’
Erica said that on Tuesday. I’m going with 1 family to
fun. watch, so I won’t be in class in the morning.
4 ‘We have never compared our abilities with our friends.’ Kirsty: Oh OK! Tell him congratulations. I can’t wait for
2 . It’s only one more year and we’ll be
Laura and I said
friends. graduating too!

5 ‘I’ll always stay positive and believe in myself.’ Olivia: Is it 3 birthday party this
Josh said that weekend, Matilda?
/ . Matilda: No, I’m having 4 next weekend
5 because it’s Paula’s birthday on Saturday and she’s having
5 then. I didn’t want to have it on the
same day.
Grammar total 30

.L. Richmond Photocopiable © Santillana Educación, S.L. TEST UNITS 7-9 Consolidation 171

461513 _ 0154-0177.indd 171 27/05/14 10:52

1 Read the article and match the facts with the festivals. 1
0 Thousands of people from around the world in the film
industry attend.
The Berlin Film Festival
1 It’s open to everyone.

2 It’s popular with famous film actors.

3 The Golden Bear is the top prize.

4 It’s for animation and cartoons.

5 It celebrates international and European films.
Georgina’s film festivals
by Cameron Albright
6 Films of all types are shown at the festival.
Earlier this year, film expert Georgina Lowe was invited
to attend some film festivals. I caught up with her in 7 It’s the oldest film festival.
London, and found out more in an internet interview.

The first question I asked Georgina was what had been 8 It’s popular with film producers showing their new films.
her favourite festival. It was the Cannes Film Festival in 2
France, which takes place every May. It was first held in 8
1946 and previews new films from all genres. The top
award given out at the festival? The Palme d’Or, Golden 2 Read the text again and write down the correct number
Palm, for best film. The festival is attended by many or time.
film stars and is a popular venue for film producers to 0 The year the Cannes Film Festival was first held.
show their new films. 1946
Georgina’s year had started at the Berlin Film Festival 1 Number of days the Berlin Film Festival goes on for.
in Germany. In February, for 11 days, over 400 films are
shown. With around 480,000 visitors, it’s the largest 2 Number of visitors at the Berlin Film Festival.
publicly attended film festival in the world. There
are also around 20,000 professionals from the film 3 The month when Georgina will attend the Annecy
industry – actors, writers, directors, producers – from International Animated Film Festival.
over 130 countries. The Golden Bear is the highest prize
awarded for best film. 4 The total number of actors, writers, directors and
At the end of August, Georgina was in Italy for the producers who attend the Berlin Film Festival.
Venice Film Festival, the oldest film festival. The
aim of the festival is to support all different types of 5 The number of different countries that people who
international and European cinema. The festival’s top attend the Berlin Film Festival come from.
award is the Leone d’Oro, or Golden Lion.
6 Number of films shown at the Berlin Film Festival.
Finally, I asked Georgina if she had planned to visit

more film festivals next year. She told me that in June
she was attending the Annecy International Animated 7 The month the Venice Film Festival is held.
Film Festival in France for the animation and cartoon
film competition. 7
Reading total 15

172 TEST
UNITS Consolidation
1-3 7-9
UNITS consolidation Richmond Photocopiable © Santillana Educación, S.L. Ri

461513 _ 0154-0177.indd 172 27/05/14 10:52

1 Listen to a radio programme offering advice to 1 Correct the formal sentences.
teenagers and complete the sentences. 0 I think I would well suited for the job.
I think I would be well suited for the job
0 On today’s radio programme, the presenter is talking to
1 According the advertisement, the job is available
Matt Cook about success.
1 Kathy was 14 years old when she started . 2 I consider me to be a very good writer.
. 3 My strongs are that I’m well organized, enthusiastic
2 Matt has worked with teenagers for and hard working. _
. 4 I would be very happy to discuss about the position with
3 The presenter gives three things Matt’s programs are you further.
designed to help young people do, which are: 5 I look forward to hear from you soon.
A 5
B 2 Write a formal email to apply for a film reviewer position
C on a film review and news website in 125–150 words.
4 While Matt was working in schools he developed a Include the following:
. - why you are emailing
- your qualities, strengths and skills, and why you would
5 The aim of it is to .
be good at the job
6 Matt said he had designed it from his own
- an example 3 or 4 line review of a film you have seen
. recently
8 - some appropriate formal expressions, referencing words
and adverbs of intensity
2 Listen again and put Matt’s tips for success in the
correct order.

er A Enjoy the activity you are doing. _

B Don’t give up, and complete every daily task you’ve set

yourself. _

C Write a to-do list and stick to it. _

D Have a positive attitude. 0

E Be inspired by others’ success. _

F Set goals to work towards. _

G Practise the activity every day. _

H Be organized. _


Listening total 15

Writing total 15
Speaking 10
5 100

.L. Richmond Photocopiable © Santillana Educación, S.L. TEST UNITS 7-9

1-3 Consolidation 173

461513 _ 0154-0177.indd 173 27/05/14 10:52

Test Units 7–9 Extension

VOCABULARY 3 Form phrasal verbs from the words below and match 2
them with their definitions.
1 Complete the sentences with the words below. There carry find get give make show
are five you don’t need.

attended carnival characters composed by back off on out up (x2)

confident costumes directed by earnings
imaginative masks punctual relationships 0 get some information about something
satisfaction shy stalls stars find out
1 stop trying to do something
0 Matthew is punctual and always turns up early for his

2 continue doing something you were doing before
1 Over two million people the spring

carnival by the river this year.
2 Supportive social are more important 3 invent a story
than having lots of money.
3 Alicia is a student in the class. She 4 return to somewhere, usually your house
hasn’t made many friends this year.
4 The 2012 children’s film Frankenweenie, was 5 try and impress people by showing your abilities
Tim Burton.
5 During the Chinese New Year, people dress in colourful 5
and dance through the streets. 15
Vocabulary total
6 Ryan is a student who works well in
groups and with other students. GRAMMAR
7 The music for the film Black Swan was
Clint Mansell. 1 Put the words in order to make sentences. Then
8 The street was full of selling food underline relative pronouns that can be omitted.
and drink during the festival. 0 film / saw / on / what / the / you / Friday / was / ?
9 Helping others or doing meaningful work like volunteering What was the film that you saw on Friday?
can contribute to life . 1 the / participating / who / children / in / live / the /
Tom went backstage on the set to meet the
10 parade / me / opposite / are
of the new Hobbit film.

2 Complete the words in the sentences. 2 homework / Mrs Jenkins / done / have / which / you / gave /
the / us / ?
0 During the street party, there were decorated f _l o_ _a _t _s

passing through the town.
1 The Harry Potter films were b _ _ _ _ o _ the books
written by J.K. Rowling. 3 I / opened / the / that / just / haven’t / to / shop / been
2 I thought Colin Firth’s acting in the h _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
drama The King’s Speech was superb.
3 It’s difficult to find time to keep fit when you’re a 4 whose / angry / award / was / stolen / the / was / actor
student, but making sure you get regular exercise can

improve your health and increase your w _ _ _-b _ _ _ _.
4 Lucy can be h _ _ _ w _ _ _ _ _ _ and usually completes
her work on time, but others often distract her. 5 recording / that / to / studio / the / is / went / that / the /
5 Skyfall, the new James Bond film, is exciting and action we / for
packed. I loved the s _ _ _ _ _ _ e _ _ _ _ _ _. The car
chases and explosions were really impressive.
5 5

174 TEST UNITS 7-9 Extension Richmond Photocopiable © Santillana Educación, S.L. Ri

461513 _ 0154-0177.indd 174 27/05/14 10:52

2 Complete the sentences with the past simple and past 2 Julia asked if I’d spoken to Elena today.
perfect and the ideas below.
3 ‘Could you lend me a costume for the party, Liz?’ asked Sue.
already see the film

break down due to the cold weather
have an allergic reaction to seafood 4 Finley asked if I’d gone away on holiday at Easter.
just watch a thriller on DVD by himself
lose the football match at school 5 ‘Has everyone done their homework?’ asked the teacher.
want to contribute more to my community
0 My cousin went (go) to hospital on Wednesday because
she‘d had an allergic reaction to seafood. 5 Complete the sentences with the correct question tag.
1 Colin and George (not speak) John doesn’t like horror films, does he?
to each other after they . You hadn’t seen the parade before,
1 ?
2 I (not go) to the cinema She isn’t happy with her job,
2 ?
with my friend at the weekend because I Michael can walk with crutches,
3 ?
. Joanna went skating for her birthday,
4 ?
3 Sam (be) late for school Jamie couldn’t go to the party,
5 ?
this morning because his mum’s car 6 We won’t have graduation proms, ?
7 The film will be based on a book, ?
4 Peter (be) scared
8 Your brother didn’t go to Bath University, ?
5 because he .
9 They won an award, ?
5 I (take) part in the
She plays a musical instrument,
10 ?
volunteering project last year because I
5 6 Complete the conversations with the correct possessive
pronoun or adjective.
3 Rewrite what the people said in reported speech.
Patrick: It’s 0 our turn to organize an activity for the youth
0 ‘I went for a run on the beach every morning.’ club next week, William.
Matthew said that he’d gone for a run on the beach every William: Yes, that’s right. Julia suggested something we
morning. could do. 1 idea was to hold a talent
1 ‘We got support from my family when we struggled.’ show and everyone can show off 2 skills.
Jade and Olivia . Jake: My brother’s class have 3
2 ‘I deal with exam stress by getting enough sleep at night.’ graduation ceremony on Tuesday. I’m going with
4 family.
Dylan .
3 ‘I made sure I still had fun.’ Kirsty: OK! Tell him congratulations. I can’t wait for
5 . It’s only one more year!
Erica .
4 ‘We have never compared our abilities with our friends.’ Olivia: Is it 6 birthday party this
Laura and I . weekend, Matilda?
5 ‘I’ll always stay positive and believe in myself.’ Matilda: No, I’m having 7 next weekend
because it’s Paula’s birthday on Saturday and she’s having
Josh .
8 then.
Lexie: Isabel, is this costume 9 ? I don’t
4 Write the direct or reported questions. think it’s
10 . I haven’t got one like that.

0 Anna asked if I was going to the school prom. 5

‘Are you going to the school prom?’ asked Anna. Grammar total 30
1 ‘Do you watch sci-fi films?’ asked Paul.

.L. Richmond Photocopiable © Santillana Educación, S.L. TEST UNITS 7-9 Extension 175

461513 _ 0154-0177.indd 175 27/05/14 10:52

1 Read the article about the film festivals and write down 1
Georgina’s film festivals what these numbers and months refer to.
by Cameron Albright
0 May
Earlier this year, film expert Georgina Lowe was The month when the Cannes Film Festival takes place.
invited to attend some of the best film festivals. I A 1946
caught up with her in London, and found out more
in an internet interview. B 11
The first question I asked Georgina was what had
been her favourite film festival. It was the Cannes C 400
Film Festival in France, which takes place every May.
It previews new films from every genre from around D 480,000
the world. It was first held in 1946 and soon became
an important showcase for European films, a focus it E 20,000
still maintains. The top award given out at the festival?
The Palme d’Or, or Golden Palm, for best film. The
F 19.5 million
festival is attended by many film stars and is a popular

venue for film producers to show their new films.
G August
Georgina’s year had started at the Berlin Film
Festival in Germany. At the beginning of February for
H June
11 days, over 400 films are shown during the festival.

With around 480,000 visitors, it’s the largest publicly
attended film festival in the world. There are also 8
around 20,000 professionals from the film industry 2 Read the article again and answer the questions.
– actors, writers, directors, producers – from over 130 2
0 What happens during the Cannes Film Festival?
countries who attend. The Golden Bear is the highest
prize awarded for best film. I asked Georgina how They preview new films from every genre from around the world.
much the festival had cost and she told me about 1 What is the main focus of the Cannes Film Festival?
19.5 million euros.
2 What is the top award at the Cannes Film Festival?
At the end of August, Georgina was in Italy for the

Venice Film Festival, the oldest film festival. The
aim of the festival is to support all different types of 3 Why is the Cannes Film Festival popular?
international and European cinema. The festival’s
top award is the Leone d’Oro, or Golden Lion. 4 What is unique about the Berlin Film Festival?

Finally, I asked Georgina if she had planned to visit
5 Who attends the Berlin Film Festival?
more film festivals next year. She told me that in

June she was attending the Annecy International
Animated Film Festival in France for the animation 6 What does the Venice Film Festival celebrate?
and cartoon film competition.
7 Why is Georgina going to the Annecy International
Animated Film Festival?

Reading total 15

176 TEST UNITS 7-9

1-3 Extension Richmond Photocopiable © Santillana Educación, S.L. Ri

461513 _ 0154-0177.indd 176 27/05/14 10:52

n 1 Listen to a radio programme offering advice to 1 Rewrite the sentences so they are appropriate for a
teenagers and answer the questions. formal email.

0 What is the presenter speaking to Matt Cook about on 0 I think I’d be quite good at the job.
today’s radio programme? I think I would be well suited for the job.
They are speaking about success. 1 The advert says that ...
1 What did Kathy achieve success in doing?
2 I think I’m pretty good at writing.
2 How long has Matt worked with teenagers?
3 I’m so well organized, enthusiastic and hard working!
3 What are Matt’s programs for teenagers designed to
help young people do? 4 I’d love to talk about the job more.
B 5 Can’t wait to hear from you.
4 What does Matt say he designed while working in 5

2 Write a formal email to apply for a film reviewer
position on a film review and news website in 125–150
5 What is the aim of it? words. Include a small review of a film you have enjoyed
recently. Use appropriate formal expressions, some
6 How did Matt say he came up with the steps for success? referencing words and adverbs of intensity.

2 Listen again and complete Matt’s tips for success.
Put them in the correct order.

A Have a positive attitude. 0

B the activity you are

doing. _

C Don’t , and complete

every daily task you’ve set yourself. _

D Write a list. _

E Be inspired by others’ ._

F Set yourselves to work

towards. _

G the activity every day. _

H the list you wrote. _

Listening total 15

5 Writing total 15
Speaking 10

.L. Richmond Photocopiable © Santillana Educación, S.L. TEST UNITS 7-9

1-3 Extension 177

461513 _ 0154-0177.indd 177 27/05/14 10:52

End of Year Test A Consolidation

1 Read the clues and complete the crossword. 5 While I was cooking, I accidentally
e 1
e myself on the oven.
y 2
r 6 The Harry Potter films are on the
e 4
p books written by J.K. Rowling.
b 7 I was searching online for birthday experience ideas,
r 5
y and I out that you can have driving
o lessons in sports cars. How cool!
w 8 Shhh! Did you that sound? I think it’s
s 6
s m
coming from outside.
9 The photos were onto the computer 3
from my camera by a USB cable.
w 9
10 In our Drama exam at school, we had to
up our own plays, write the script and
p on the show in front of our teacher.

Across 10
3 A test you do in a science lab to study what happens and 15
Vocabulary total
gain new information.
5 In American English, the piece of land next to your house GRAMMAR
that usually has grass.
6 A TV programme that shows the characters getting into 1 Complete the texts with used to or didn’t use to and the
funny situations. verbs in brackets.
8 This material is made from the hair of a sheep.
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, the creator of the Sherlock Holmes 4
10 You are this when you are always on time.
Down novels, 0 didn’t use to write (not write) famous crime fiction
0 The hair that is on your face right above your eyes. novels. He 1 (live) in
1 The money that you make for the work that you do. Edinburgh and 2 (study)
2 This is the act of processing used materials or objects so medicine at the University of Edinburgh.
they can be used again.
Tim Berners-Lee 3 (not be)
4 A line of people, often dressed up, that move slowly
along a street, especially during a carnival. an incredible computer scientist who invented the World
7 A genre of film that contains dancing and singing. Wide Web. In fact, he 4
9 An accessory that you wear around your waist. (create) make-believe computers from cardboard boxes. He
5 5 (learn) about electronics
from playing with model railways.
2 Complete the sentences with the verbs below. 5
based burnt decided found graduated hear imagine 2 Complete with the indefinite pronouns below.
make put recognize tasted transferred upgrade
anyone anything (x2) everyone
0 You won’t be able to run that new animation program everywhere no one nothing something
unless you upgrade your computer.
1 Have you my mum’s lemon pie yet? 0 A: Have you done something to your ankle? 5
B: Yes, I sprained it while I was playing football.
It’s really delicious.
1 A: Is there in your class who is badly
2 My brother from university in 2010
behaved and distracts others?
and to become a journalist.
B: No, not really. There’s I can think of.
3 Just what life will be like after our
2 A: The parade goes round in town
exams. No more studying!
during the festival.
4 Peter, is that you? I didn’t you with
B: Oh, that’s good. I won’t miss it then.
that hat on.

178 END OF YEAR TEST A Consolidation Richmond Photocopiable © Santillana Educación, S.L. Ri

461513 _ 0178-0193.indd 178 27/05/14 08:55

3 A: What do you do with your household waste? 2 A digital camera that can help solve crimes
B: Well, we never throw away. We by scientists some years ago.
either recycle or reuse it if we can. 3 The festival by many famous actors,
4 A: I’ve just checked the TV guide and there’s directors and producers every year.
good on tonight. 4 A new material by
B: How about that cookery programme? I thought you researchers last year.
liked it. 5 The seals by climate
5 A: Do we have to wear special in the scientists to help them keep a close eye on global
science lab?
warming in the Antarctica.
B: Yes, must wear safety glasses and
’s a lab coat.
5 6 Tick ( ) the correct reported speech sentence, A or B.
r 3 Decide if the sentences are intentions (I), arrangements
0 ‘Is Helen doing something nice for her birthday?’
(A), predictions (P) or timetabled events (T).
A Matilda asked if Helen was doing something nice for
0 Lucy’s parents are going to buy a house by the sea. I
d her birthday.
1 Be careful! The liquid in your test tube looks like it’s going
B Matilda said that Helen was doing something nice for
to spill out. _
her birthday. _
0 2 What time does the talk show start? _
3 During the summer holidays, I’m volunteering at my local 1 ‘I dressed up in a long dress for my school prom night.’
5 A Imogen said that I’d dressed up in a long dress for my
nature reserve. _
4 Louis is going to install some new software on his laptop school prom night. _
this weekend. _ B Imogen said that she'd dressed up in a long dress for
5 When are you moving to Paris with your parents? _ her school prom night. _
5 2 ‘Louise, I have really bad hay fever. Do you have any
4 Write first (F) or second (S) conditional sentences. A Briony told Louise that she had really bad hay fever
0 I / lose / my favourite necklace, / I / feel / really upset (S) and asked if she had any medicine. _
If I lost my favourite necklace, I’d feel really upset.
B Briony said Louise that she had really bad hay fever
1 I / sing / better, / I / enter / the talent competition (S)
and asked if Louise had any medicine. _

3 ‘I’m going to swim with dolphins on holiday this year.’
2 I / make / a breakthrough discovery in my Science lesson,
/ I / become / famous (F) A Layla said that she was going to swim with dolphins
on holiday that year. _
3 I / design / the best costume / for the fancy dress party, / B Layla said that I’m going to swim with dolphins on
I / win / the prize (S) holiday this year. _
4 ‘I saw my cousin Julia rehearsing for the play.'
4 I / not be / stuck / in my room revising, / I / be relaxing / A Beth told her cousin that Julia had seen her rehearsing
on the beach / in the sun (S) for the play _
B Beth said that she had seen her cousin Julia rehearsing
5 my school / organize / a charity run event, / for the play. _
lots of students / take part (F) 5 ‘Alex, can you print my project from your computer?’

A Francesca asked Alex if he could print her project from
5 his computer. _
5 Complete the passive sentences with the correct form B Francesca said that she could print her project from
of the verbs below. her computer. _
attend create design join reopen use 5
0 Gary Barlow is joined now on stage by his other band Grammar total 30
members from Take That for the special charity concert.
1 Schools yesterday
after the floods that destroyed many buildings last week.

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1 Read the article and complete the sentences with Sophie, 1
Luca, Louisa or Jason.
0 Sophie should ask friends for support.
1 shouldn’t forget to spend time with
2 is struggling at school.
3 spends too long on a computer.
4 has a goal that may be too specific.
5 is having health problems because
of lack of exercise.
6 could get involved in activities in
their local community.
7 should consider doing other things
to increase well-being.
8 is told to use a bike more.
Teen Advice Q&A 2
9 wants to help save the planet.
Sophie: I’m feeling a bit down – there’s so much pressure 10 feels sad.

at school. Do you have any advice? 5

A: Don’t be afraid to ask for help from your teachers if 2 Read the article again. Match the problem or situation
you’re struggling. Your friends can give you support, too. with the advice. Then complete the sentences giving
Setting yourself easily achievable goals each day will advice.
boost your confidence.
0 I feel like I’m struggling at school with my work. C
1 I don’t have very good study habits and I’m a bit
Luca: I spend many hours on my laptop, and now I’ve got
disorganized with my schoolwork. _
a terrible pain in my arm and back. Should I see a doctor?
2 I spend too much time on my computer. _
A: You ought to take regular breaks, and you must see 3 I’d like to be famous when I’m older. _
a doctor. You shouldn’t sit in front of a screen too long, 4 I want to get involved in my local community. _
and get regular exercise. 5 I want to go green. _

Louisa: I’m going to take part in the Pop Star talent A You could participate in .
competition on TV. I hope I win. I don’t know what I’ll do B You ought to take and
if I don’t. Have you got any tips for me? get some exercise throughout the day.
C Don’t be afraid to ask for help from your teacher.
A: It’s brilliant to have ambitions for the future, but
D You could plant , donate
remember wealth and fame don’t necessarily bring you
old clothes to charity, reuse plastic bags or recycle.
happiness. It’s essential to have a well-balanced life. E It’s essential to have a well-balanced life, so you should
Spend time with your friends and keep progressing at spend , progress at
school. You might want to get some work experience, too. school and get some work experience.
F You could easily
Jason: I’d like to be more environmentally friendly. Is achievable goals each day.
there anything I can do?
A: There are lots of fun, simple things you can do to go
green. Why not participate in a local park clean up? Plant Reading total 15
more trees – it’s the best thing you can ever do. Donate
old clothes to charity, reuse plastic bags or recycle.
Cycling is a lot healthier than taking the bus. So get on
your bike!

180 END OF YEAR TEST A Consolidation Richmond Photocopiable © Santillana Educación, S.L. Ri

461513 _ 0178-0193.indd 180 27/05/14 08:55

, 1 Listen to a radio show and complete the factfile about 1 Complete the sentences with the words or phrases below.
a clothing company.
can’t wait cool first in the end quite really
Company name Lizzy Lens Fashion
0 I was really excited when friends suggested participating
Type of clothing in the carnival. I love dressing up in costumes.
1 , we watched the parade, and then we
3 tried some traditional food.
Clothes made from
2 The music was good, but the sound
The company is eco-friendly because system wasn’t loud enough.
3 to hear all your news and catch up face
to face!
Company’s belief 4 The themed party we had for our prom night was so
5 , we couldn't see the procession
because the streets were too crowded.
2 Listen again and choose the correct answer.
2 Write an informal email to a friend with a description of
0 Lizzy Lens’ clothes are made from ... . a special celebration or festival you have experienced
A cotton B leather C wool recently in 125–150 words. Include the following:
1 Their company is based in ... .
- a comment on their last message
A China B the UK C Vietnam
- a description of the special celebration or festival and its
2 All Lizzy Lens’ clothes are made ... .
A in Asia B abroad C in the local area
- anything special you did or saw
3 The company has about ... sheep.
- some friendly closing comments
A 60 B 600 C 6000

4 Usually if a sheep has a problem, it’s ... .

A rescued B given away C killed
5 The animals are kept in a sheep ... .
A reserve B centre C sanctuary
6 The wool is ... in the final stage of the process.
A woven B spun C processed
. 7 There are ... types of sheep that Lizzy Lens uses for its
d clothes.
A 2 B 3 C many

8 As well as wool, the Shetlands’ fleece can be made into ... .
A cotton B silk C leather

9 The Wensleydales’ fleece is ... .
A soft B silky C strong
10 The wool from this sheep is made into ... .
A cardigans B skirts C coats
0 Listening total

Writing total 15
Speaking 10

.L. Richmond Photocopiable © Santillana Educación, S.L. END OF YEAR TEST A Consolidation 181

461513 _ 0178-0193.indd 181 27/05/14 08:55

End of Year Test A Extension

1 Read the clues and complete the crossword. 5 While I was cooking, I accidentally
1 myself on the oven.
y 2 6 The Harry Potter films are on the
e 4 books written by J.K. Rowling.
b 7 I was searching online for birthday experience ideas,
r 5
and I out that you can have driving
lessons in sports cars. How cool!
s 6 7 8 Shhh! Did you that sound? I think it’s
coming from outside.
9 The photos were onto the computer
8 9
from my camera by a USB cable.
10 In our Drama exam at school, we had to
10 up our own plays, write the script and
on the show in front of our teacher.
3 A test you do in a science lab to study what happens and
gain new information. Vocabulary total 15
5 In American English, the piece of land next to your house
that usually has grass. GRAMMAR
6 A TV programme that shows the characters getting into
funny situations.
1 Complete the article with the correct form of used to
and the verbs below.
8 This material is made from the hair of a sheep.
10 You are this when you are always on time. not be create learn live study not write
Down Successful People
0 The hair that is on your face right above your eyes. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, the creator of Sherlock Holmes
1 The money that you make for the work that you do. novels, 0 didn’t use to write famous crime fiction novels.
2 This is the act of processing used materials or objects so 4
He 1 in Edinburgh
they can be used again.
and 2 medicine at the
4 A line of people, often dressed up, that move slowly
University of Edinburgh.
along a street, especially during a carnival.
7 A genre of film that contains dancing and singing. Tim Berners-Lee 3 an
9 An accessory that you wear around your waist.
incredible computer scientist who invented the World
Wide Web. In fact, he 4
2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the make-believe computers from cardboard boxes. He
verbs below. There are four you don’t need. 5 about electronics from
base burn crash decide feel find graduate playing with model railways.
hear imagine make put recognize show
sprain taste transfer upgrade 2 Complete the conversations with the correct indefinite
0 You won’t be able to run that new animation program
unless you upgrade your computer. 0 A: Have you done something to your ankle?
1 Have you my mum’s lemon pie yet? B: Yes, I sprained it while I was playing football.
It’s really delicious. 1 A: Is there in your class who is badly
2 My brother from university in 2010 behaved and distracts others?
and to become a journalist. B: No, not really. There’s I can think of.
3 Just what life will be like after our 2 A: The parade goes round in town
exams. No more studying! during the festival.
4 Peter, is that you? I didn’t you with B: Oh, that’s good. I won’t miss it then.
that hat on.

182 END OF YEAR TEST A Extension Richmond Photocopiable © Santillana Educación, S.L. Ri

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3 A: What do you do with your household waste? 5 Rewrite the sentences in the passive.
B: Well, we never throw away. We
0 The band Take That join band member Gary Barlow on
either recycle or reuse it if we can.
stage for the special charity concert.
4 A: There’s good on TV tonight.
B: How about that cookery programme? I thought you Gary Barlow is joined on stage by his other band members
liked it. from Take That for the special charity concert.
5 A: Do we have to wear special in the 1 They reopened schools today after the flood that
science lab? destroyed many buildings last week.
B: Yes, must wear safety glasses and
a lab coat. 2 Scientists designed a digital camera that can help solve
5 crimes.
3 Complete the sentences with appropriate future forms 3 Famous actors, directors and producers attend the
of the verbs in brackets. festival.
0 My parents said they are going to buy (buy) a new house.
1 Look, that man (leave) 4 Researchers created a new material that may be the
without his wallet! world’s hardest.
5 2 The talk show (start) at
nine. 5 Climate scientists use seals to help them keep a close
3 This summer I eye on global warming in the Antarctica.
(volunteer) at my local nature reserve.
4 Be careful! That liquid looks like it
(spill) out. 5
5 I think the film tonight 6 Rewrite the sentences in reported speech using said,
(be) really good. asked or told.
0 ‘Is Helen doing anything for her birthday?’
4 Match the parts of the sentences. Then write first (F) or Matilda asked if Helen was doing anything for her birthday.
second (S) conditional sentences. 1 ‘I dressed up for my school prom.’
0 I (lose) my favourite necklace B Imogen
1 I (sing) better _ 2 'I have really bad hay fever. I can’t stop sneezing.'
2 I (make) a breakthrough discovery in my Science lesson _ Brian
3 I (design) the best costume for the fancy dress party _ 3 ‘I’m going to swim with dolphins on holiday this year.’
4 I (not be) stuck in my room revising _ Layla
5 my school (organize) a charity run event _ 4 Hey Oscar, I saw Julia rehearsing for the play at the
Bridge Theatre.
A I (win) the prize
B I (feel) really upset
C I (become) famous 5 ‘Alex, can you print my project from your computer for me?
D lots of students (take) part Francesca
e E I (enter) the talent competition 5
F I (be) relaxing on the beach in the sun
Grammar total 30
0 (S) If I lost my favourite necklace, I'd feel really upset.
1 (S) If
2 (F) If
of. 3 (S) If
4 (S) If
5 (F) If

.L. Richmond Photocopiable © Santillana Educación, S.L. END OF YEAR TEST A Extension 183

461513 _ 0178-0193.indd 183 06/06/14 11:04

2 Don’t forget other areas of your life that can contribute 1
Teen Advice Q&A to life satisfaction.

Sophie: I’m feeling a bit down – there’s so much pressure
at school. Do you have any advice? 3 You shouldn’t spend lots of hours doing work without a
break. It can damage your health.
A: Don’t be afraid to ask for help from your teachers if

you’re struggling. Your friends can give you support, too.
Setting yourself easily achievable goals each day will 4 Don’t overdo it.
boost your confidence. It’s important to keep healthy
mentally and physically, so get exercise or do some sport. 5 You should get some medical advice.

Luca: I’ve been spending many hours on my laptop lately, 6 There are lots of different things that can bring you
and now I’ve got a terrible pain in my arm and back. happiness in life.
Should I see a doctor?

A: You should take regular breaks, and you must see a 7 Get some regular exercise and be more active.
doctor. You shouldn’t spend too long sitting in front of a
screen. It can damage your eyes and give you backache.
8 Help the planet and get fit at the same time.
You ought to get regular exercise as well. 2

Louisa: I’m going to take part in the Pop Star talent 9 Doing meaningful work and helping others can be good
competition on TV. I can’t wait! I hope I win. It’s the most for you.

important thing in my life. I don’t know what I’ll do if I
don’t win. Have you got any tips for me? 10 Not everything will make you happy in the future.

A: It’s brilliant to have ambitions for the future, but
remember wealth and fame don’t necessarily bring you 5
happiness. It’s essential to have a well-balanced life.
Spend time with your friends and keep progressing at 2 Read the article again and answer the questions.

school. You might want to get some work experience or 0 What can you do if you’re struggling at school?
do some volunteering. This can all help make your life You can ask your teachers for help or speak to your friends for
more satisfying. support.
1 How could you manage your schoolwork so you feel
Jason: I’d like to be more environmentally friendly. Is
there anything I can do? more confident about it?

A: There are lots of fun, simple things you can do to go
green. Why not participate in a local park clean up? Plant 2 What health problems can be caused by spending many

more trees – it’s the best thing you can ever do. Donate hours on a computer?
old clothes to charity, reuse plastic bags or recycle.
Cycling is a lot healthier than taking the bus. So get on 3 What may not bring you happiness in life?
your bike!
4 What can increase your sense of well-being and
contribute to life satisfaction?
1 Read the article and match the advice with the person
or people.
0 Help from friends and people around you is important. 5 What could we do to help the environment more?
1 Get involved with activities in your local community.

Reading total 15

184 END OF YEAR TEST A Extension Richmond Photocopiable © Santillana Educación, S.L. Ri

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1 Listen to a radio show and answer the questions. 1 Choose the correct answer.
0 Where has Silvia been? 0 I was really / slightly / absolutely excited when friends
She's been in North Yorkshire. suggested participating in the carnival. I love dressing up
1 What is she reporting on for today’s show? in costumes.
1 First / Finally, we watched the parade, and then we tried
some traditional food.
2 How are clothes usually made today?
2 The music at the party was quite / so / a bit good. I liked

most of the songs but the sound system wasn’t loud
3 What does Silvia say is the problem with producing enough.
clothes in other countries? 3 Can’t wait / Let me know to hear all your news and catch
up face to face.
4 How are Lizzy Lens clothes environmentally friendly? 4 The themed party we had for our prom night was
so cool / okay!
5 What does Lizzy Lens believe should be done? 5 In the end / Next, we didn’t get to see the procession
because the streets were too crowded.
5 5

2 Listen again and complete the sentences.

2 Write an informal email to a friend in 125–150 words
with a description of a special celebration or festival you
d 0 Lizzy Lens clothes are made from wool. have experienced recently, and tell them something
1 Their company is based in . interesting that happened while you were there.
2 All clothes that are produced at Lizzy Lens are made in Remember to greet your friend and include some
. friendly closing comments.
3 The eco-friendly clothes company have about
4 Usually if a sheep has a problem, it’s

, but not at Lizzy Lens.

5 The animals that Lizzy Lens have are kept in a sheep
r 6 The final stage in the process of making wool is that it’s
7 There are types of
sheep that Lizzy Lens uses for its clothes.
8 As well as wool, the Shetlands’ fleece can be made into

9 and

wool is produced from
the Wensleydale sheep’s fleece.
10 The wool from this sheep isn't itchy and can be worn

Listening total 15

Writing total 15
Speaking 10

.L. Richmond Photocopiable © Santillana Educación, S.L. END OF YEAR TEST A Extension 185

461513 _ 0178-0193.indd 185 27/05/14 08:55

End of Year Test B Consolidation


1 Match two boxes each time to make ten words and match 3 Complete the sentences with the words below.
them with their definitions.
began career cut dissatisfaction event eye wash
ache mes eco lashes down enthusi first aid kit rinse traditional food wooden wardrobe
tooth lab charac coat suit improve
0 I’ve got a new big wooden wardrobe for my bedroom. I can
ters costu system alow eye ments hang all my clothes there, but I haven’t built it yet.
1 Jason his at the
astic break swim glasses safety bung
age of 18 writing articles for a popular magazine.
0 hairs on the eyelid eyelashes 2 You should go to the school nurse and use the w
1 a house all on one floor if you’ve seriously your finger.
3 If you accidentally get chemicals in your eye,
2 bathing costume them immediately with and lots of water.
4 My favourite annual is the
3 ecological community Glastonbury festival. There’s live music and
from around the world.
4 pain you need to see a dentist about 5 It is quite common to compare your life with other 3
people’s, but this can lead to .
5 equipment worn in laboratory (two items) 5

Vocabulary total 15
6 people in a film, novel, etc.
7 set of clothes worn in special celebrations
1 Complete the conversations with ever or never and the
8 changes for the better present perfect form of the verbs in brackets.
0 A: Have you ever decorated (you / decorate) your bedroom?
9 interested or excited by something B: Yes, I have. I designed it myself.
1 A: I (have) toothache. I
10 stop working look after my teeth really well.
B: Really? You’re lucky then.
5 2 A:  (you / attend)
a themed party?
2 Choose the correct answer.
B: Yes, I have. But my sisters
0 If you want to add that item to your shopping basket, (go) to a fancy dress party before.
click / scroll on this file / icon. 3 A: My sister (watch)
1 Hannah burnt her fingers / toes when she accidentally the animated film Toy Story.
felt / touched a heated test tube in the science lab. B: That’s unusual. I thought everyone had seen that film
2 The drought / flood left us without water for months. 4
at some point or another.
3 Michael lived / moved to Liverpool in 2010.
4 A:  (your family / donate)
4 The film has an amazing soundtrack by Carter Burwell, who
any money to charity?
also directed / composed the music for the Twilight films.
5 I wanted to give up / take up windsurfing, so I’m going to B: Yes, we've raised thousands of pounds over the last
save up / get back my money for lessons. few years from doing different sponsored runs.
5 A: I (visit) Rome.
B: Oh, you should. It’s a wonderful city.

186 END OF YEAR TEST B Consolidation Richmond Photocopiable © Santillana Educación, S.L. Ri

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2 Complete the article with the comparative or superlative 2 Experienced walkers don't have to / mustn't keep to the
form of the adjectives in brackets. paths, but walkers who don’t know the area are advised
to stick to them.
3 You must / mustn't ever hike alone.
An area of about 3,800 km sq in Norfolk called the Fens is home to 25%
of Britain’s 0 rarest (rare) wildlife. Researchers and environmentalists 4 You must / don't have to wear the correct clothing and
who studied the area said the 1 a good pair of walking boots.
(surprise) thing was that the area hadn't been researched 5 You mustn't / must use the correct equipment and
previously. Researchers said the reason that this area was much check it before you leave.
2 (popular) others in the UK 5
was that it has a 3 (large) area of
5 Rewrite the sentences using the past simple and the
wetlands, much 4 (great) variety past perfect and the word in brackets.
of trees and more food sources. Their study has helped make conservation
in the area much 5 (effective) as 0 I left the cinema. My bus came. (just)
it’s given an understanding of the requirements of each animal. I'd just left the cinema when my bus came.
1 My brother had an audition for a part in the school play.
He didn’t rehearse. (although)
3 Complete the first (F) or second (S) conditional sentences 2 I lit the Bunsen burner. I boiled the liquid in the
with the correct form of the verbs below. container. (after)

not become / work feel / be finish / watch
5 3 Anna didn’t know she was allergic to cats. She touched
send / decide stay / visit try / go
one outside her house. (until)

0 I will try some traditional food from one of the stalls,
if I go to the carnival. (F) 4 I didn’t break a bone in my body. I took up skateboarding.
1 Where Paula if she
her aunt and uncle in New York? (S)
2 If Edward his revision by eight o’clock, 5 Cara knew what to wear to the party. She chose her
he his favourite sports programme. (F) costume the week before. (because)
3 How you if
you accepted into your chosen 5
university? (S)
6 Complete the sentences with the correct question tags.
4 If I a vet, then I in
an animal shelter or nature reserve instead. (S) 0 The doctor said you sprained your ankle, didn’t he?
5 I you an email if I 1 Justine wrote the screenplay for the film,
to come to David’s party. (F) ?
2 Isabelle had been rock climbing before, ?
m 3 The school isn’t organizing any community projects this
4 Choose the correct answer. year, ?
e) Mountain Hiking 4 Your old computer couldn’t download the new software,
0 You must / mustn't always take a map or a guidebook ?
with you, so you know where you are at all times. 5 You’re selling your smartphone, ?
1 You don't have to / must give a friend or family member 5
details of where you’re going and what time you’ll be back.
Grammar total 30

.L. Richmond Photocopiable © Santillana Educación, S.L. END OF YEAR TEST B Consolidation 187

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1 Read the article and match the headings with the 1
Amazing humans
A How we get ill _
The science of the mind and body B How does it fit inside our abdomen? _
C Amazing bodies 1
1. Amazing bodies.
D How does it taste? _
The human body is an incredible system. If we
E Fast and efficient _
could see inside our bodies, we would see that
F That’s a lot of hair! _
there are millions of processes happening every
second. Even body parts we use every day have 5
unexpected facts behind them. Here are just
2 Read the text again and answer the questions.
some of them.
0 What would we see if we could look inside our own
2. bodies?
Did you know that the small intestine is around Millions of processes happening every second.
7 metres long? It’s about four times as long 1 How long is the small intestine?
as the height of an average adult. If it weren’t
looped backwards and forwards over itself, it
2 How does it fit inside our abdomen? 2
wouldn’t fit inside our abdomen.

3. 3 How is facial hair different from other hair?
The hair that grows on our face grows faster
than any other hair on our body. If the average 4 What length can a man’s facial hair can grow to?
man never shaved his facial hair, it would grow
to over 9 metres long during his lifetime. 5 What are the electrical signals that send messages to
our brains called?

Nerve impulses, the electrical signals that send
messages from around our body to our brain, 6 Why do we feel pain immediately?
are processed at around 270 km/h. That’s why
when we hurt ourselves or get an injury, the 7 What contagious diseases are mentioned in paragraph
pain is felt immediately. five?

5. 8 How do these diseases spread so quickly?
Colds and the flu can spread around the
classroom and school quite quickly, can’t they?
9 What does saliva do to food?
Have you ever noticed that when one person

gets ill, everyone does? Well, it’s no wonder
when you find out that the germs from one 10 Why does it do this?
cough can travel at around 90 km/h, spreading
the cold far and wide. 10
6. Reading total 15
In order for food to have a taste, chemicals
from the food must first be dissolved by saliva.
If our mouth stopped producing saliva, we
wouldn’t be able to taste anything.

188 END OF YEAR TEST B Consolidation Richmond Photocopiable © Santillana Educación, S.L. Ri

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1 Listen to a programme about films and match the 1 Correct the underlined mistakes in the sentences.
information. 0 Take your own bags to the supermarket so that reduce
0 The Sound of Music (film) the amount of plastic bags used.
1 Jaws to reduce
2 Star Wars: A New Hope 1 Personal, I think everyone should more to help protect
3 The Trapp Family endangered animals.
4 Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
5 The Sound of Music (musical play) 2 As addition, turning off the lights and recycling are
things you can do at home.
A On Broadway _ a 1977 _
B First to be released _ b 1950 _ 3 I’ve helped organize many activities in order for raise
C A German film _ c 1965 0 awareness of the world we live in.
D Horror / Thriller _ d 1975 _
E Won 5 Academy Awards 0 e 1959 _
4 Plastic is very useful, but if it’s just thrown away it can
F Second to be released _ f 1980 _
too be very dangerous to sea animals.
2 Listen again and choose the correct answer. 5 Cycle more for increase your carbon footprint.

0 The film The Sound of Music won awards for best music 5
and best ... .
A singing B sound C songs 2 Write an article giving your opinions on how and why
1 The musical was based on a(n) ... film. everyone should be more eco-friendly in 125–150 words.
A American B British C German Include the following:
2 The opening scene of Jaws is made more terrifying by the - reasons why we should be more eco-friendly
fact that ... . - a specific activity and how it helps the environment
A the shark is enormous - other ways that people can help the environment

B we don’t see the shark
C we hadn’t seen a shark before

3 The sharks in Jaws were created by ... .

A computers B special effects C technicians

4 The character Luke Skywalker in the Star Wars films was
trying to ... .
A save the planet
B find his father
C arrest Darth Vader
5 Darth Vader’s famous words in the film were ... .
A ‘I killed your father.’
0 B ‘I am your father.’
5 C ‘I don’t have a father.’
Listening total

Writing total 15
Speaking 10

.L. Richmond Photocopiable © Santillana Educación, S.L. END OF YEAR TEST B Consolidation 189

461513 _ 0178-0193.indd 189 27/05/14 08:55

End of Year Test B Extension


1 Match three boxes each time to make ten words and 3 Complete the words in the sentences.
match them with their definitions.
0 I’ve got a new big w _o _o _d _e n w _a _r _d _r _o _b e for my
im ters en ache ak mes eco las bedroom. I can hang all my clothes there.
1 Jason b _ _ _ n his c _ _ _ _ r at the age of 18 writing
tu down bung thusi too lab eye rac
articles for a popular magazine.
at prove cos hes sw suit sys co a 2 You should go to the school nurse and use the
f _ _ _ _ a _ _ k _ _ if you’ve seriously c _ _ your finger.
cha im ments bre tem astic low th
3 If you accidentally get chemicals in your eye, r _ _ _ e
0 hairs on the eyelid eyelashes them immediately with e _ _ w _ _ _ and lots of water.
1 a house all on one floor 4 My favourite annual e _ _ _ _ is the Glastonbury Festival.
2 bathing costume There’s t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ l f _ _ _ from around the world.
3 ecological community 5 It is quite common to compare your life with other
4 pain you need dentist for people's, but this can lead to d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ n.
5 long white garment worn in laboratory 5 c
6 people in a film, etc. 15
Vocabulary total
7 set of clothes for special celebrations
8 changes for the better GRAMMAR
9 interested, excited by something
10 stop working 1 Complete the conversations with ever or never and the
5 present perfect form of the verbs below.

2 Complete the sentences with the words below. There attend decorate donate go have visit watch
are two you don’t need.
0 A: Have you ever decorated (you) your bedroom?
click composed directed drought fingers icon B: Yes, I have. I designed it myself.
moved save up scroll take up touched 1 A: I toothache.
B: Really? You’re lucky then.
0 If you want to add that item to your shopping basket, 2 A: (you) a themed party?
click on this icon. B: Yes, I have. But my sisters
1 Hannah burnt her when she to a fancy dress party before.
accidentally a heated test tube in the 3 A: My sister the
science lab. animated film Toy Story.
2 There was a because it hadn’t rained B: That’s unusual. I thought everyone had seen that film
all summer. at some point or another.
3 Michael to Liverpool in 2010, when 4 A:  (your family) any
he was 14. money to charity?
4 The film has an amazing soundtrack by Carter Burwell, who B: Yes, we've raised thousands of pounds over the last
also the music for the Twilight films. few years.
5 I wanted to windsurfing in June 5 A: I Rome.
but the courses are quite expensive, so I’m going to B: Oh, you should. It’s a wonderful city.
my money and start in August. 5
5 4

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2 Complete the article with the comparative or superlative Experienced walkers 2 keep to
form of the adjectives in brackets. the paths, but walkers who don’t know the area
3 stick to them.
A area of about 3,800 km sq in Norfolk called the Fens is home to 25% You 4 ever hike alone.
of Britain’s 0 rarest (rare) wildlife. Researchers and environmentalists You 5 wear the correct clothing and a
who studied the area said the 1 good pair of walking boots.
(surprise) thing was that the area hadn't been researched yet and that it’s 5
much 2 (important) first realized.
Thirteen of the 3 5 Write sentences using the past simple and past perfect
(threaten) species in the world live in the Fens. Researchers said the reason and the word in brackets.
that this area was much 4 0 I / leave / the cinema / when / my bus / come. (just)
(popular) others in the UK was that it has a 5 I had just left the cinema when my bus came.
(large) area of wetlands, much 6 1 my brother / have / an audition for a part in the play / he /
(great) variety of trees and lots of food sources. Research also showed that not rehearse. (although)
7 (good) management is needed
to improve the area for the animals. However, the study has helped make 2 I / light / the Bunsen burner / I / boil /
conservation much 8 (effective) the liquid in the container. (after)
5 as it’s given an understanding of the requirements of each animal. Much
9 (extensive) study is still needed, 3 Anna / not know / she / be allergic to cats / she / touch /
but it’s been the 10 (useful) one outside her house. (until)
animal research projects in recent years.
4 I / take up / skateboarding / I / not break /
a bone in my body. (before)

3 Complete the first (F) or second (s) conditional sentences 5 Cara / know / what to wear to the party / she / already /
with the correct form of the verbs below. choose / her costume last week. (because)

be not become decide feel finish
go send stay try visit watch work 5

0 I will try some traditional food from one of the stalls if I 6 Complete the sentences with the correct question tags.
go to the carnival. (F) 0 The doctor said you sprained your ankle, didn’t he?
1 Where Paula if she 1 You aren’t a vegetarian, ?
her aunt and uncle in New York? (S) 2 Joanne and Luke haven’t got any children,
2 If Edward his revision by eight o’clock, ?
he his favourite series. (F) 3 Justine wrote the screenplay for the film,
3 How you if ?
you accepted into your chosen 4 Owen can’t sing very well, ?
university? (S) 5 Tina is good at art, ?
4 If I a vet, then I in 6 Harry lives in a block of flats, ?
an animal shelter or nature reserve instead. (S) 7 Isabelle had been rock climbing before, ?
5 I you an email if I 8 The school isn’t organizing a project, ?
to come to David’s party. (F) 9 Your old computer couldn’t download the new software,
5 ?
10 You’re selling your smartphone, ?
4 Complete the safety advice with must, mustn’t or
don’t have to. 5

You 0 must always take a map or a guidebook with you. Grammar total 30
You 1 give a friend or family member
details of where you’re going and what time you’ll be back.

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1 Read the article and choose the correct heading for 1
each paragraph (1–7).
Amazing humans
A Amazing bodies / Science processes 1
The science of the mind and body
B How we get ill / How to recover from a cold _
1. The human body is an incredible system. If C How does it fit inside our abdomen? / Organs in our
we could see inside our bodies, we would see body _
that there are millions of processes happening D How does it taste? / Chemicals in food _
every second. Even body parts we use every day E Damaged nerves / Fast and efficient _
have unexpected facts behind them. Here are F The average man / That’s a lot of hair! _
just some of them. G The relationship between pain and brain /
Pain in the brain _
2. Did you know that the small intestine is
around 7 metres long? It’s about four times 6
as long as the height of an average adult. If it 2 Read the article again and decide if the sentences are
weren’t looped backwards and forwards over true or false. Correct the false sentences.
itself, it wouldn’t fit inside our abdomen.
0 The small intestine is in the abdomen.
3. The hair that grows on our face grows faster
than any other hair on our body. If the average
1 The hair on our heads could grow to over 9 metres if we
man never shaved his facial hair, it would grow
to over 9 metres long during his lifetime. didn’t cut it.

4. Nerve impulses, the electrical signals that
2 Our body’s nerve impulses travel at 270 km/h.
send messages from around our body to our

brain, are processed at around 270 km/h. That’s
why when we hurt ourselves or get an injury, 3 Pain in the brain causes headaches.
the pain is felt immediately. 2
4 Colds and flu can be spread through coughing.
5. Although the brain is the pain centre and
can tell us when we’ve cut our finger, broken a
bone or burnt ourselves, the organ itself can’t 5 Chemicals in our mouths help us to dissolve food.
feel pain. It doesn’t have pain receptors. The
brain is surrounded by tissue, nerves and blood
vessels. These are sensitive to pain and are
responsible for making our head hurt and giving 3 Read the article again and answer the questions.
us headaches.
0 How long is the small intestine?
6. Colds and the flu can spread around the It’s 7 metres long.
classroom and school quite quickly, can’t they? 1 How is it able to fit inside the abdomen?
Have you ever noticed that when one person
gets ill, everyone does? Well, it’s no wonder
2 What are the electrical signals that send messages
when you find out that the germs from one
cough can travel at around 90 km/h, spreading around the body called?
the cold far and wide.
3 How is it possible that humans can feel pain instantly?
7. In order for food to have a taste, chemicals

from the food must first be dissolved by saliva.
If our mouth stopped producing saliva, we 4 What function of saliva is mentioned?
wouldn’t be able to taste anything.
Reading total 15

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1 Listen to a film review show and complete the table 1 Underline the mistakes in the sentences and correct them.
with the information below. There is some information 0 Take your own bags to the supermarket so that reduce
you don’t need. the amount of plastic bags used.
in order to reduce
a German film played on Broadway first to be released
1 Personal, I think everyone should more to help protect
horror / thriller 1965 won five Academy Awards 1959
endangered animals.
second to be released comedy 1975 1977 1980
1970 a French film
2 As addition, turning off the lights and recycling are
things you can do at home.
Film Information Year
The Sound of Music 0 won five Academy
3 I’ve helped organize many activities in order for raise
(film) Awards awareness of the world we live in.
The Trapp Family 1950
4 Plastic is very useful, but if it’s just thrown away it can
too be very dangerous to sea animals.
3 4
The Sound of Music
(musical play) 5 Cycle more for increase your carbon footprint.
5 6

Star Wars: The
7 8
Empire Strikes Back
2 Write an article giving your opinions on how and why
9 10
Star Wars: A New everyone should be more eco-friendly in 125–150 words.

2 Listen again and answer the questions.

0 What was the name of the song in The Sound of Music?

‘The Hills are Alive with the Sound of Music’

1 How many Academy Awards was the film nominated for?

2 What does Joel say makes the film Jaws terrifying?

3 How were the sharks for the film Jaws made?

4 What were the famous words in the second Star Wars film?

5 Why was this a memorable film moment?

Listening total 15
Writing total 15
Speaking 10

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Answers A
5 Lucy said that she hadn’t had much fun 2 W
Diagnostic Test because she’d worked a lot, but that 1 were having 2 was biting 3 felt 1
weekend she was going to visit her cousin 4 looked 5 didn’t hurt 1
Grammar and Vocabulary in Rome. 5
1 3
1 go 2 does 3 go 4 have 5 gets Reading 1 while, was studying 2
1 2 while / when, was walking St
2 1 a photographer, a magazine 3 when, fell
1 loves, is climbing 2 Grace, (small) glass collectibles, a teddy bear 4 stopped, while
2 saw, was coming 3 a little pink bear collectible, well-done gift 5 was playing, when
3 wear, are going 4 Nathan’s, Converse trainers
4 stopped, got out, were standing, could 5 her silver bracelet, her 16th birthday 4 Vo
5 are camping, stay 1 use 2 did, to, did 3 did, use
2 1
4 did, didn’t 5 use
3 1 She’s going to take some photos of her 6
1 The most expensive friends skateboarding. 5
2 healthier than 2 She has collected small glass collectibles. 1 How did you use to travel to school?
3 The most beautiful 3 She’ll have to save up her money. 1
2 What kind of films did you use to watch?
4 more crowded, than 4 She said that she was going to throw away 4
3 Did you use to surf the internet a lot?
5 The most interesting his Converse trainers because they were 4 What type of food did you use to like to eat?
so old. 5 Did your parents use to live in Edinburgh?
4 5 It was given to her when she was 16. 1
1 I’ve known my best friend for six years. 1
6 4
2 I’ve been in an ice hockey team since 2009. Listening 1 I often used to be nervous when I spoke in
3 I’ve had my blog for four years. 1 6
front of people.
4 I’ve learnt French for three years. 1 Harry 2 Jessica 3 Jessica 4 Harry 9
2 My family didn’t use to have much money
5 I’ve had a smartphone since 2012. 5 Jessica when I was growing up.
3 I used to be a waiter at a restaurant.
5 2 1
4 I didn’t use to have any pets when I was a
1 must 2 don’t have to 3 mustn’t 1 She was with her brother, playing with 4
4 must 5 must their toys 5 We used to go camping a lot on our
2 She could hear the birds singing. summer holidays.
6 3 On a stage at school. 1
1 What is Danny going to do? (F) 4 He was dressed up in a costume. 4
2 Who is Danny going to meet? (A) 5 He used to love acting. 1
3 How is Danny going to travel? (D) 6 She’d like to be a conservationist or work 1 1770 2 7 3 1800 4 26 5 1827
4 What is Danny going to eat? (B) with animals. 1
5 What is Danny going to see? (E) 7 She is volunteering at a sea life centre to 2
2 3
get some experience. 1 He was born in Bonn.
7 8 He’d like to be a journalist. 2 His father taught him piano.
1 will … do, misses 9 He’s started a blog and reports on local 4
3 He started losing his hearing in 1796.
2 rains, will be cancelled events and news. 5
4 He continued composing until his death.
3 will feel, takes 10 To stand up for what he believes in and 5 He used to ask other people to write
4 will … celebrate, passes always do his best. things down.
5 calls, will tell 5
Writing 1
8 1 1 No, he didn’t. 2 Yes, he did. 3 Yes, he did.
1 My teeth are checked by the dentist every Student’s own answers 2
4 Yes, he did. 5 No, he didn’t.
six months. 3
2 Carnival costumes are sold in that shop. 2 4
3 The bank robber was chased by the police. Student’s own answers 1
4 Jeans are made in that factory. 5
1 Elena 2 Ricky 3 Nick 4 Elena
5 This chocolate cake was made by my 5 Ricky
grandmother. 1 Test Consolidation 6
Vocabulary 2 2
9 1 False. She taught her how to cook.
1 dress up 2 putting on 3 broke down 1 3
1 hear 2 taste 3 looks 4 watch 5 feel 2 True.
4 checked out 5 get back 4
6 Listen 7 see 8 sounds 9 touch 3 False. Elena’s cousin used to play the guitar.
4 True.
10 5 False. He got something stuck in his ear.
1 Chelsea said that she hadn’t done much. 2 R
6 True.
She’d hung out with her friends and she’d 1 A 2 B 3 B 4 A 5 A 6 B
7 False. They had to go to hospital to solve
gone to the beach. A
Grammar the problem.
2 Hannah said that she’d gone to Australia B
1 8 True.
with her parents. 9 True.
3 Jake said he’d taken up surfing. He said 1 didn’t 2 did you do 3 listened C
4 did your brother listen 5 said 10 False. He could see because he looked in
that it was fantastic. the mirror.
4 Owen said that he’d broken his leg and he’d 6 did you receive 7 sent 8 completed
gone to hospital. He said that it still hurt. 9 did you think 10 wasn’t

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Writing D The age he first noticed his hearing Grammar
1 problems. 1
1 Next 2 Then 3 After that 4 Finally E The year he died. 1 Has your cousin Richard ever learnt a
5 In the end martial art? No, he hasn’t. He’s never
2 learnt a martial art.
2 1 False. His father taught him. 2 Have your parents ever been to a music
Student’s own answers 2 True. festival? No, they haven’t. They’ve never
3 True. been to a music festival.
4 False. He had to turn him round so he 3 Has Francesca ever gone skiing? No, she
1 Test Extension could see the audience applauding him. hasn’t. She’s never gone skiing.
5 False. He used to ask people to write 4 Have Daniel and you ever seen a shooting
Vocabulary things down in the ‘conversation books’. star? No, we haven’t. We’ve never seen a
1 shooting star.
1 hear 2 taste 3 looks 4 watch 5 feel 3 5 Has your car ever broken down? No, it
6 Listen 7 see 8 sounds 9 touch 1 He hoped he would become another hasn’t. It’s never broken down.
2 2 After the deaths of his parents. 2
1 cheeks 2 palms 3 forehead 3 It’s a loud ringing sound in your ears that is 1 Have you ever started 2 has never cried
4 teeth 5 fingers 6 wrist quite common in rock musicians nowadays. 3 has never worn 4 have never met
t? 4 He couldn’t hear conversations clearly, and 5 Has Martin ever donated
Grammar playing concerts became more difficult.
1 5 Because we have many records of 3
1 didn’t 2 did you do 3 listened discussions with Beethoven. 1 already 2 already 3 yet 4 have already left
4 did your brother listen 5 did 5 just
6 Did you receive 7 sent 8 completed Listening
9 did you think 10 wasn’t 1 4
1 True. 1
2 2 False. Her cousin used to play the guitar. 2 He hasn’t had a sleepover with his friends
1 were having lunch 2 was biting 3 felt 3 True. yet.
4 looked 5 didn’t hurt 4 True. 3 He’s already bought a new T-shirt.
5 False. Nick looked in the mirror to see 4 He hasn’t seen the new Batman film yet.
3 what he looked like. 5
1 (E) while 2 (D) while / when 3 (C) when
4 (A) while 5 (B) when 2 5
1 the bushes 2 fresh 1 since 2 for 3 since 4 since 5 for
4 3 board games 4 primary school 5 Art
1 6 ear 7 hospital 8 ten (years old) 6
2 Did you use to be a waiter? Yes, I did. 9 cut each other’s hair 10 sister 1 learnt 2 was 3 bought
3 I didn’t use to have any pets when I was a 4 have … loved 5 was 6 has played
child. Writing 7 was 8 were 9 played 10 was
4 1
5 We used to go camping on our summer 1 Next 2 Then 3 After that 4 Finally Reading
holidays. 5 In the end 1
1 sunglasses 2 a hoodie 3 T-shirt
5 2 4 ring, bracelet 5 jeans, shirt, sweater
1 Did your sister and you use to travel to Student’s own answers 6 silver watch
school by car? (C)
2 What kind of films did you use to watch? (F) 2
3 Did you use to surf the internet a lot? (A) 2 Test Consolidation 1 a music store.
4 What type of food did you use to like to 2 16th June
eat? (E) Vocabulary 3 her dad, in Brazil
5 Did your parents use to live in Edinburgh? (D) 1 4 his grandparents two years
1 conservatory 2 bungalow 3 wardrobe
6 4 coffee table 5 utility room
1 used to listen 6 detached house 7 study 8 fridge
1 True.
2 Did you use to work 9 garage 10 hall
2 False. Because it was the first thing he
3 did Max and Shelley use to live bought with his own money.
4 Did your brother use to meet 2 3 True.
ar. 1 belt 2 dress 3 jeans 4 sandals
5 Did you use to go, didn’t, didn’t use to have 4 False. She’s had it since she was 10 years old.
5 sunglasses 6 swimsuit 7 tie
5 False. He’s had it for two years.
Reading 8 trainers 9 watch 10 slippers
1 Listening
A The year he was born. 3 1
B The age he gave his first musical 1 trainers 2 swimsuit 3 belt
1 Dan 2 Linda 3 Rebecca 4 Dan
performance. 4 sandals 5 tie
5 Rebecca 6 Rebecca 7 Linda
C The year his First Symphony was first

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Answers A
2 5 I won’t have any cake, thank you – I’ve just Writing 6
1 False. He has already put the furniture in eaten some. 1 1
his room. 1 fantastic new bright orange 4
2 True. 4 2 brilliant star-shaped red
3 False. She likes the huge photo on her 1 He’s already visited his grandparents. 3 funny old blue R
wall of a dog on a surfboard in the sea. 2 He hasn’t had a sleepover with his friends 4 lovely long wooden 1
4 True. yet. 5 wonderful curly red; big green 1
5 False. She has a shelf above her desk. 3 He’s already bought a new T-shirt. de
6 False. She has just decorated it. 4 He hasn’t seen the new Batman film yet. 2
7 True. 5 He hasn’t washed his dad’s car yet. Student’s own answers 2
8 True. 1
Writing 1 (E) since 2 (B) for 3 (F) since 3 Test Consolidation 2
1 4 (D) since 5 (A) for 3
1 fantastic new bright orange 2 3
Vocabulary 4
4 lovely long wooden 6 1 5
1 learnt 2 was 3 bought 4 ’ve … loved Across: 2 recycling 6 flood 7 wildlife
5 wonderful curly red hair and big green eyes
5 has played 6 were 7 played 8 was Down: 1 carbon footprint 3 global warming
9 ’ve … had 10 has helped 4 drought 5 solar energy
2 3
Student’s own answers 1
Reading 2 2
1 1 A magazine is made of paper.
2 Test Extension 1 sunglasses 2 hoodie 2 Car tyres are made of rubber.
3 ring, bracelet and necklace 3 Dinner plates are made of china, plastic or
Vocabulary 4 jeans, shirt and sweater 5 watch glass.
1 4 A plug in a sink is made of rubber.
1 conservatory 2 bungalow 3 wardrobe 2 5 A jumper is made of wool or cotton.
6 A coffee table is made of plastic, metal or
4 coffee table 5 utility room 1 Ashley bought his hoodie with his own 1
6 detached house 7 study 8 fridge money. glass.
9 garage 10 hall 2 Angela has had her necklace since she was 7 A bicycle is made of metal, plastic and
10. 1
2 3 Angela’s dad bought her necklace in Brazil. 8 The stopper of a wine bottle is made of cork.
1 Hands: ring; Neck: necklace, tie; 4 Will always like to look smart. 7
Wrist: bracelet, watch; Body: dress, jeans; 5 Will’s grandparents gave him his silver Grammar 8
Feet: sandals, slippers, trainers watch as a present. 1 9
1 easier 2 more comfortable 3 better
3 3 4 more remote 5 most common
1 trainers 2 dress, ring, bracelet / watch 1 Since the 1960s. 1
3 sandals 4 tie 5 slippers 2 Ashley has a part-time job at a music store. 2 1
3 They were a birthday present from a friend. 1 The strangest 2 the most serious
Grammar 4 It’s on 16th June. 3 the most useful 4 the best
1 5 He’s had it for two years. 5 the healthiest
1 Has your cousin Richard ever learnt a St
martial art? No, he hasn’t. He’s never Listening 3
learnt a martial art. 1 1 The country that recycles the most waste
2 Have your parents ever been to a music 1 fridge, drinks 2 wardrobe in the world is Switzerland.
festival? No, they haven’t. They’ve never 3 a shelf above her desk 4 many sleepovers 2 Spain is hotter in spring than England.
been to a music festival. 5 just decorated 6 lie in bed 7 bookcase 3 The best way to keep our oceans clean is Vo
3 Has Francesca ever been skiing? No, she not to throw any rubbish into the sea. 1
hasn’t. She’s never been skiing. 2 4 Lying down in bed is more comfortable Ac
4 Have Daniel and you ever seen a shooting 1 He keeps them in a mini-fridge in his than sitting on a hard chair. D
star? No, we haven’t. We’ve never seen a bedroom. 5 Plastic bags from supermarkets are 4
shooting star. 2 Her favourite colours are green and purple. probably the most harmful type of rubbish
5 Has your car ever broken down? No, it 3 She likes a huge photo on her wall of a dog there is. 2
hasn’t. It’s never broken down. on a surfboard in the sea. 1
4 She started doing gymnastics a few 4 2
2 months ago. 1 biodegradable as other materials, such as 3
1 Have you ever started 2 has never cried 5 She has a shelf above her desk. paper
3 has never worn 4 ’ve never met 6 She’s just decorated it. 2 seeds as Jamie did in the garden 4
5 Has Martin ever donated 7 It’s opposite her TV. 3 aren’t as big as they were 5
8 The best thing in her room is her bookcase. 4 eco-friendly than petrol cars 6
3 5 are much less effective than recycling.
1 We’ve already built the flat pack furniture. 7
2 Tom has already finished his homework. 5
3 I haven’t seen Louisa since she got back 1 anything 2 someone 3 somewhere 8
from New York yet. 4 everything 5 no one
4 Karl and Emma have already arrived back
from the theatre.

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6 Grammar because the trees and plants there provide
1 anything 2 everyone 3 something 1 us with oxygen.
4 No one 5 somewhere 1 easier (B) 2 more comfortable (A) 5 Any one of the following solutions: plant
3 better than (B) 4 more remote (A) more trees; buy eco-friendly paper;
Reading 5 more common (B) recycle anything that is made of paper;
1 shop smart; buy food that doesn’t have
1 locally 2 ton 3 waste 4 habitat 5 2 lots of packaging.
destroy 1 The strangest 2 the most serious
3 the most useful 4 the best Listening
2 5 the healthiest 1
1 It can cause pollution because it involves 1 False. They’re mainly just local people who
lots of transport. 3 want to protect the environment.
2 It can cause more pollution. 1 2 False. It takes care of Loggerhead sea turtles.
3 It can all be recycled. 2 Spain is hotter in spring than England. 3 True.
4 They’re home to around 50% of them. 3 The best way to keep our oceans clean is 4 False. She says they finish work then.
5 Large areas of rainforests get destroyed not to throw any rubbish into the sea. 5 True.
each year. 4
ng 5 Plastic bags from supermarkets are the 2
3 most common piece of rubbish and the 1 Spending time on the beach, looking after
1 produced locally, travel, pollution most harmful. the baby turtles and making sure they get
2 throw away, reuse or recycle to the sea safely.
3 waste, cans, cardboard 4 2 Between 22.30pm and 5.30am.
4 plant, destroyed 1 Plastic isn’t as biodegradable as other 3 Search for female turtles and collect
or materials, such as paper. information.
5 smart, packaging
2 Maxine planted as many seeds as Jamie 4 Pollution and tourism.
Listening did in the garden. 5 Because there are more people using the
1 3 The world’s rainforests aren’t as big as beaches where the turtles go.
1 True 2 False 3 True 4 False 5 True they were. 6 Plastic.
4 Petrol cars aren’t as eco-friendly as 7 By limiting human activity on the beaches
2 electric cars. and keeping the sea and beaches clean.
1 the local area 2 about forty 3 month 5 Other methods of helping the environment
k. aren’t as effective as recycling. Writing
4 Finland 5 Australia 6 night
7 walking and searching 1
8 gather information about it 5 1 for 2 so that 3 to 4 in order to
9 plastic 10 year 1 anything 2 anyone / everyone 5 so as not to
3 something 4 No one 5 somewhere
Writing 2
1 6 Student’s own answers
1 for 2 so that 3 to 4 in order to 1 Is there anyone at home?
5 so as not to 2 Is there somewhere I can put my plastic
and paper?
4 Test Consolidation
2 3 Is there anywhere to plant more trees in
Student’s own answers the garden?
4 Can I help you with something?
e B soap opera
5 Does Mark do anything to help the
3 Test Extension environment?
C cookery programme
D nature programme
Vocabulary E documentary
1 F the news
1 G sports programme
Across: 2 recycling 6 flood 7 wildlife 1 useful 2 ton 3 waste 4 habitat
Down: 1 carbon footprint 3 global warming H talk show
5 destroy
4 drought 5 solar energy
sh 2 2
2 1 lived 2 began a career 3 graduated
1 False. It can cause pollution because it
1 A magazine is made of paper. 4 got married 5 had … children
involves lots of transport.
2 Car tyres are made of rubber. 6 decided to become 7 moved 8 died
2 True.
s 3 Dinner plates are made of china, plastic, 3 True.
paper, glass or metal. 4 True.
4 A plug in a sink is made of rubber. 5 Large areas of rainforests get destroyed
5 A jumper is made of wool or cotton. 1 The dog may chase after the cat.
each year.
6 A coffee table is made of plastic, metal, 2 The man will probably miss the bus.
wood or glass. 3 The player may not score.
3 4 It might rain.
7 A bicycle is made of metal, plastic and 1 Because it needs to be transported, which
rubber. 5 Someone may steal her bike.
causes pollution.
8 The stopper of a wine bottle is made of cork. 2 Millions of tons.
3 Reuse or recycle materials.
1 will Ellie perform, has
4 Either one of the following reasons: about
2 pass, ’ll celebrate
half of the world’s species of animals and
3 will you wear, go
plants live in them; they are essential

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Answers A
4 joins, ’ll practise 2 3
5 ’ll call, hear 4 Test Extension 1 breathe new life into 2 duo 1
3 move to tears 4 synchronized 5 nation 5
3 Vocabulary
1 Chris is going to buy some snacks. 1 3 4
2 He’s doing his Science project with Matt B soap opera 1 Because it’s given them new opportunities 1
and Jake. C cookery programme and a way to build their confidence. 2
3 He’s driving Sam to the airport. D nature programme 2 They’ve moved the judges to tears at every 3
4 He’s watching a new sitcom. E documentary stage. 4
5 He’s going to email Megan about the F the news 3 They say it isn’t about the prize; it’s about 5
music gig. G sports programme singing.
H talk show 4 It says they caused a splash (with their 5
4 lively synchronized swimming routines). 1
1 A 2 T 3 I 4 P 5 T 2 5 To entertain the nation with something
1 lived 2 began a career 3 graduated they love doing. 2
5 4 got married 5 had … children
1 Would Laura like to climb the mountain? 6 decided to become 7 moved 8 died Listening 3
Yes, she would. 1
2 Would David like to get married and have Grammar 1 2 3 4 5 4
children? Yes, he would. 1
3 Would you like to work in a busy office? 1 may chase after the cat. 2 5
No, I wouldn’t. 2 ’ll probably miss the bus. 1 The train lines were covered with water, so
4 Would you like to volunteer to help a 3 may not score. trains were unable to leave. 6
charity? Yes, I would. 4 might rain. 2 They got stuck 300 feet in the air on the 1
5 Would you like to play professional 5 may steal her bike. Wind Runner rollercoaster, and had to wait 2
hockey? No, I wouldn’t. for over four hours until they were rescued. 3
2 3 At a jewellery store at Bluefield Shopping 4
6 1 will … perform, has 2 pass, ’ll celebrate Centre. 5
1 ’d like to 2 ’re going to 3 ’d like to 3 will you wear, go 4 joins, ’ll practise 4 He was making a delivery to a bakery
4 isn’t going to 5 ’d like to 5 ’ll call, hear opposite the store. R
5 It won awards for best TV soap opera and 1
Reading 3 best soap actress. 1
1 1 Chris is going to buy some snacks.
1 Jason, Carla 2 Georgia, Sparky 2 He’s doing his Science project with Matt Writing 2
3 Boys Aloud 4 Hannah 5 Sparky and Jake. 1 1
3 He’s driving Sam to the airport. 1 okay 2 thank goodness 3 Let me know 2
2 4 He’s going to watch a new sitcom. 4 Got to go 5 Can’t wait 3
1 C 2 D 3 A 4 E 5 B 5 He’s going to email Megan about the 4
music gig. 2
3 Student’s own answers 5
1 False. Georgia’s dream is for Sparky to 4 6
work in films. 1 am working 7
2 True. 2 Is … going to book / Is … booking 5 Test Consolidation
3 True. 3 arrives 3
4 False. They say they don’t know who’ll win 4 is going to buy Vocabulary 1
on Saturday. It might be them or it might 5 Are … graduating 1 2
not. 1 F 2 D 3 A 4 E 5 C 3
5 False. They started dancing together six 5
months ago. 1 Would Laura like to climb a mountain? 2 4
Yes, she would. 1 broken 2 pulled 3 burn 4 cut 5
Listening 2 Would David like to get married? Yes, he 5 grazing 6
1 would.
1 300 2 Monday 3 witnesses 3 Would you like to work in a busy office? 3 7
4 London 5 year No, I wouldn’t. 1 realized 2 miss 3 believe 4 Guess 8
4 Would Paul and you like to help a charity? 5 recognize 6 worries 7 imagine
2 Yes, we would. 8 forgotten 9 felt 10 decided Li
1 with water, to leave 5 Would Youssef and Kyle like to play 1
2 the ‘Wind Runner’, over four hours professional hockey? No, they wouldn’t. Grammar 1
3 Bluefield, bakery 1 2
4 £50,000, jewellery 6 1 must 2 mustn’t 3 must 3
5 best TV soap opera, best soap actress 1 (F) ’d like to see 2 (D) ’re going to go 4 don’t have to 5 don’t have to 4
3 (C) ’d like to go 4 (A) isn’t going to miss 5
Writing 5 (E) ’d like to have 2 6
1 1 You shouldn’t eat so many sweets. 7
1 okay 2 thank goodness 3 Let me know Reading 2 You should relax more. 8
4 Got to go 5 Can’t wait 1 3 You should concentrate more.
1 Jason, Carla 2 Aqua Acrobatics 4 He should get a running buddy. 2
2 3 Boys Aloud 4 Georgia, Sparky 5 Hannah 5 She shouldn’t play on her computer so 1
Student’s own answers much. 2

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3 3 False. It took place in Hawaii. 3 If I were you, I wouldn’t go outside in this
1 should 2 mustn’t 3 must 4 ought to 4 False. Only 12 men completed the race. storm.
n 5 don’t have to 5 True. 4 I wouldn’t leave my bag in the car if I were
6 True. you.
4 7 False. She won it In 2009. 5
es 1 wouldn’t know, met
2 would you feel, passed, failed Writing 6
ry 3 found, would keep 1 1 If Francesca found a personal trainer, she
4 would you live, moved 1 also 2 Personally 3 I think would learn how to scuba dive.
t 5 left, wouldn’t read 4 would say 5 I see it 2 If Kyle applied for university, his parents
would be delighted.
5 2 3 Lucy would go to Harry’s birthday party if
1 If I were you, I’d have a health check at the Student’s own answers she had a new outfit.
doctor’s. 4 You would delete all my photographs if
2 I’d inform the bank about your lost credit you pressed that button on the camera.
card if I were you.
5 Test Extension 5 If I didn’t eat fruit and vegetables every
3 If I were you, I wouldn’t go outside in this day, I wouldn’t stay healthy.
storm. 1
4 I wouldn’t leave my bag in the car if I were Reading
1 stomach ache 2 asthma 3 headache 1
you. 4 hay fever 5 toothache
5 I’d see the dentist if I were you. 1 C 2 F 3 B 4 A 5 D
so 2
6 2
1 broken 2 pulled 3 burn 4 cut 1 It makes you think clearer and concentrate
1 she’d learn how to scuba dive 5 grazing
it 2 If Kyle applied for university more.
d. 3 if she had a new outfit. 2 He might be allergic to seafood.
3 3 Where and when is the best place and
4 if you pressed that button on the camera Mind verbs:
5 If I didn’t eat fruit and vegetables every day time to surf.
1 miss 2 guess 3 decide 4 forget 4 The correct size surfboard and a wetsuit.
5 feel 6 imagine 7 worry 8 believe 5 Yoga.
Reading 9 recognize 10 realize
1 6 A good night’s sleep.
1 C 2 B 3 A 4 D Sentences:
1 realized 2 miss 3 believe 4 Guess 3
2 5 recognize 6 worries 7 imagine 1 T – Tina should do half an hour of exercise
1 8 forgotten 9 felt 10 decided a day.
w 2 2 S – Sarah should speak to her parents.
3 You should be quite fit to try surfing. Grammar 3 P – Paul should use the right equipment.
4 You must have the correct size surfboard 1 4 O – Oliver shouldn’t eat seafood.
and a wetsuit. 1 You must wear protective gear, like pads 5 S – Sarah shouldn’t feel she’s alone.
5 Lots of teens get stressed. and a helmet. 6 T – Tina should have regular breaks.
6 2 You mustn’t cycle on the pavement. 7 S – Sarah shouldn’t forget to hang out
7 3 You must be really careful when cycling on with her friends.
busy roads. 8 O – Oliver should see his doctor.
3 4 You don’t have to cycle up mountains.
1 You should do half an hour of exercise a day. 5 You don’t have to have the latest Lycra Listening
2 You should be fit. sportswear. 1
3 You should have lessons with a qualified 1 112 miles
teacher. 2 2 26.2 miles
4 You should have the right equipment. 1 You shouldn’t eat so many sweets. 3 (whole race) 17 hours; (swim) 2 hours and
5 You shouldn’t feel you’re alone. 2 You should relax more. 20 minutes; (bike ride) finished by 5.30pm;
6 You shouldn’t forget to hang out with your 3 You should concentrate more. (marathon run) finished by midnight
friends. 4 He should get a running buddy. 4 1978
7 You should speak to your parents. 5 She shouldn’t stay at home for so long. 5 11 hours, 46 minutes and 58 seconds
s 8 You should try yoga. 6 nearly 1,800
3 7 (year) 2011; (time) 8 hours, 3 minutes and
Listening 1 should 2 mustn’t / shouldn’t 3 must 56 seconds
1 4 should 5 don’t have to 8 (year) 2009; (time) 8 hours, 54 minutes and
1 112 miles 2 seconds
2 26.2 miles 4
3 17 hours 1 wouldn’t know, met 2
4 1978 2 would … feel, passed 1 It begins at 7am. 2 17 hours.
5 11 hours, 46 minutes and 58 seconds 3 found, would keep 3 12. 4 Gordon Haller.
6 1,800 4 would … live, moved 5 140.6 miles. 6 Australia.
7 8 hours, 3 minutes and 56 seconds 5 left, wouldn’t read 7 Chrissie Wellington from Great Britain.
8 8 hours, 54 minutes and 2 seconds
5 Writing
2 1 If I were you, I’d have a health check at the 1
1 True. doctor’s. 1 I also think that teenagers need to eat
2 True. 2 more healthily.

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Answers A
2 Personally, I think students are under too 2 When was this song written? It was 7 fire extinguisher 8 work bench 2
much pressure at school. written in 1964. 9 Tongs 10 container 1
3 I think that you should take regular breaks 3 Which computer program was developed 2
while revising. by Robert? The graphics program was 2
4 In conclusion, I would say that it’s good to developed by Robert. 1 downloaded, software, shut down 3
have a healthy mind and body. 4 How were these chemicals spilled on the 2 scroll, document 4
5 As I see it, everyone learns in different ways. floor? They were accidentally knocked 3 scan, viruses, updates, virus 5
over by Hannah. 4 connect, transfer, files
2 5 Who were these emails sent by? They 5 deleted, recycling bin 6
Student’s own answers were sent by Marcus.
Grammar 3
6 1 1
6 Test Consolidation 1 A group of university students was given 1 is donated 2 isn’t upgraded 2
money by the government to help fund 3 is considered 4 are recycled
Vocabulary their science research. 5 are designed, ’re made
1 3
2 A problem with GPS navigational systems
1 first aid kit 2 Safety glasses 3 test tube was discovered by experts. 2
4 lab coat 5 chemicals 6 eye wash 4
3 A way to make internet passwords even 1 ’re told to wear a lab coat and safety
7 fire extinguisher 8 work bench safer was created by a computer company. glasses (by our teacher)
9 Tongs 10 container 5
4 A large mammoth skeleton was found by 2 are turned off after every lesson
archaeologists in Russia. 3 is protected from the sun’s harmful rays
2 5 Thousands of sea animals were killed by by this sunscreen
1 software, shut down Li
an oil spill in the Atlantic Ocean. 4 is collected twice a week 1
2 scroll, document 5 are made in that factory
3 scan, viruses, updates, virus B
Reading C
4 connect, transfer, files 1 3
5 deleted, recycling bin D
1 B 2 C 3 D 4 A 1 We aren’t told to wear a lab coat or safety E
glasses (by our teacher). F
Grammar 2 2 The school computers aren’t turned off
1 G
1 E 2 A 3 C 4 B 5 F after every lesson. H
1 is donated 2 isn’t upgraded 3 My skin isn’t protected from the sun’s
3 is considered 4 are recycled I
3 harmful rays by this sunscreen. J
5 are designed, ’re made 1 True. 4 Our rubbish isn’t collected twice a week. K
2 False. It was made in 1915. 5 Cars aren’t made in that factory.
2 3 False. It was called The Bubble.
1 We are told to wear a lab coat and safety 2
4 True. 4 1
glasses before a science experiment. 5 False. It was released in the 1980s. 1 The internet was invented over 40 years ago.
2 The school computers are turned off after 8
6 True. 2 The new computer programs were
every lesson by the students. installed by the PC technician last week.
3 My skin is protected from the sun’s W
Listening 3 1
harmful rays by this sunscreen. 1 4 A cure for the infectious disease smallpox
4 Our rubbish is collected twice a week. 1
1 K 2 J 3 G 4 A 5 C 6 H 7 E was discovered in 1796 by Edward Jenner. 3
5 Cars are made in that factory. 8 F 9 I 10 B 5 5
3 2 5
1 We aren’t told to wear a lab coat and safety 2
1 They’re left in the sun to dry, and raked 1 What equipment was used in the St
glasses before a science experiment. and turned throughout the day. experiment?
2 The school computers aren’t turned off 2 They’re removed by a machine. 2 When was the song written?
after every lesson by the students. 3 The sorting process is done by hand. 3 What / Which program was developed by
3 My skin isn’t protected from the sun’s 4 It turns brown when the temperature Robert?
harmful rays by this sunscreen. reaches 200 degrees Celsius. 4 How were the chemicals spilled on the floor? Vo
4 Our rubbish isn’t collected twice a week. 5 It’s ground into very fine bits. 5 Who were these emails sent by? 1
5 Cars aren’t made in that factory. 1
Writing 6 4
4 1 1 Students are given money by the
1 The internet was invented over 40 years ago. 1 What’s more 2 too 3 also government to help fund their research. 2
2 The new computer programs were installed 4 In addition 5 as well 2 A problem with GPS navigational systems 1
by the PC technician last week. was discovered. 4
3 An attempt to make the highest skydive ever 2 3 A way to make internet passwords even 8
was cancelled because of strong winds. Student’s own answers safer was created by a computer company.
4 A cure for the infectious disease smallpox 4 A large mammoth skeleton is found by G
was discovered in 1796 by Edward Jenner. archaeologists in Russia. 1
5 The social network Facebook was created 6 Test Extension 5 Thousands of sea animals were killed by 1
by Mark Zuckerberg. an oil spill in the Atlantic Ocean.
Vocabulary 2
5 1 Reading 1
1 What equipment was used in the 1 first aid kit 2 Safety glasses 3 test tube 1 2
experiment? A Bunsen burner, a test tube 4 lab coat 5 chemicals 6 eye wash 1 C 2 D 3 F 4 A 3
and some tongs were used. 4

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2 5 where the Academy Awards are held each Writing
1 The Kinematoscope was invented. year 1
2 3D filmmaking really took off and many 3D 1 who 2 He 3 She 4 which 5 These
films were made. 3
3 Space-Vision 3D was created. 1 B 2 F 3 C 4 A 5 E 2
4 Stereovision was created. Student’s own answers
5 The first time people wore 3D polarized 4
glasses in cinemas. 1 had lost 2 ’d given 3 ’d already eaten
6 3D films were released in IMAX 3D. 4 ’d dreamt 5 hadn’t woken up 7 Test Extension

3 5 Vocabulary
1 The first 3D film was produced in 1915. 1 had she worked with George Clooney? No, 1
she hadn’t. 1 thriller 2 animated film 3 musical
2 3D filmmaking really took off and many 3D
2 had you seen any other films directed by 4 historical film 5 action film
films were made.
3 Space-Vision 3D was used to make the film Martin Scorsese? Yes, we had.
The Bubble. 3 had they read any of the books that the 2
film is based on? No, they hadn’t. 1 is set
4 It only cost $100,000 to make but they
4 had he been anywhere in South America? 2 was directed by
earned $27 million.
Yes, he had. 3 was produced by
5 The films were very life-like, as if you were
5 had you won any awards for your acting? 4 stars
actually in the film.
No, I hadn’t. 5 character
6 played by
6 7 tells the story of
1 8 We follow
B packets 1 ’d just left the hairdressers with my new
haircut and it started 9 was composed by
C by hand
2 Although Paul hadn’t acted in blockbuster 10 recommend
D seeds
y E is roasted films, the directors chose
F is turned 3 Megan had already paid for the milkshakes, Grammar
G are stored so her friend didn’t need to give 1
4 ’d never seen a horror film before I went to 1 who / that 2 which / that
H is transported
5 After John had spoken to his friend on the 3 which / that 4 who / that 5 which / that
I by machines
J are dried phone for a few hours, he ran
K are planted
Reading 1 whose brother is a famous artist, opened
1 an art gallery
2 2 which / that appears in the last Harry Potter
1 K 2 J 3 G 4 A 5 C 6 H 7 E 1 a live action film 2 reshoot 3 release
o. 4 review 5 cast (of actors) 6 star film, recorded at Abbey Road studios
8 F 9 I 10 B
3 which / that Ben writes, are really good
2 4 who wants to be an actress, the best student
C, D, F, G 5 where the Academy Awards are held each
1 year, Los Angeles
x 1 What’s more / In addition 2 too / as well
3 also 4 In addition / What’s more 3
5 as well / too 1 The film cost over $300 million to make, 3
but only received back $282 in ticket sales. 1 (B) who 2 (F) which 3 (C) who
2 Stanton had to speak to Disney for 4 (A) whose 5 (E) which
Student’s own answers permission to direct the film.
3 The screenplay which Stanton had written 4
was confusing and difficult to follow. 1 had lost 2 had given 3 ’d … eaten
y 7 Test Consolidation 4 Reshooting, cutting and adding whole 4 ’d dreamt 5 hadn’t woken up
scenes to a film is very expensive in real
r? Vocabulary action films. 5
1 5 The film had negative reviews until 2012. 1 Before Sandra Bullock starred in this film,
1 thriller 2 animated film 3 musical had she worked with George Clooney? No,
4 historical film 5 action film Listening she hadn’t.
1 2 Before Sue and you saw this film, had you
2 1 True. 2 False. He had to wait seven years seen any other films directed by Martin
s 1 is set 2 was directed 3 was produced to make the film. 3 False. The comet is Scorsese? Yes, we had.
4 stars 5 character 6 played 7 tells heading towards the Earth. 4 True. 3 Before Sally and Pat watched the film, had
8 follow 9 was composed 10 recommend 5 False. It was nominated for eleven and they read any of the books that the film is
ny. won five. based on? No, they hadn’t.
Grammar 4 Before Toby went to Brazil, had he been
1 2 anywhere in South America? Yes, he had.
1 who 2 that 3 which 4 who 5 that 1 James Cameron 2 fantasy 3 2009 5 Before you were awarded the Oscar, had
4 Elijah Wood 5 Mimi Leder 6 sci-fi you won any awards for your acting? No, I
2 7 1999 8 Tom Hanks 9 Steven Spielberg hadn’t.
1 whose brother is a famous writer 10 action 6
2 which appears in the last Harry Potter film 1 I’d just left the hairdressers when it
3 (that / which) he wrote at school started to rain.
4 who wants to be an actress

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Answers A
2 Although Paul hadn’t acted in blockbuster 3 2 False. They celebrated it in St Mark’s square. 4
films, the directors chose him for the lead 1 attend 2 crowds 3 stalls 3 False. The celebrations took place on 1
role in their film. 4 traditional food 5 parade 6 carnival Saturday.
3 Megan had already paid for the 7 participants 8 costumes / masks 4 False. They travelled by gondola.
milkshakes, so her friend didn’t need to 9 masks / costumes 10 fireworks 5 False. They just watched it. 2
give any money to the waitress. 6 True.
4 I’d never seen a horror film before I went Grammar 7 True.
to my friend’s sleepover. 1 8 True. 3
5 After John had spoken to his friend on the 1 B 2 A 3 B 4 B 5 A 6 B
phone for a few hours, he ran out of credit. 2 4
2 1 C 2 A 3 C 4 B 5 A 6 B 7 C
Reading 1 I can’t wait for my birthday party.
1 2 I took up skiing last year. Writing
1 a live action film 2 reshoot 3 release 3 I feel really ill because I’ve eaten too much. 1 5
4 review 5 cast (of actors) 6 star 4 I want to go to the cinema. 1 absolutely 2 so 3 pretty 4 really
5 My parents and I moved to the UK when I 5 a bit
2 was 10 years old. 6
1 He had never directed a live action film 6 I won’t go to the party because I have an 2
before. exam. Student’s own answers
3 3 8 Test Extension 5
4 He used the wrong style of directing. 1 told, said 2 told 3 said, told 1
5 4 told, said 5 told, said 6 said, told
6 Vocabulary
1 2
7 Andrew Stanton should have cast 4
well-known actors. 1 carry on 2 get back 3 save up
1 she had made her own costume, her that 4 put on 5 go away 3
3 2 Martin hadn’t gone, him she thought he 4
1 John Carter. 2
had missed his 1 attend 2 crowds 3 stalls
2 Disney. 3 he was really nervous about his, him she 5
3 It was confusing and difficult to follow. 4 traditional food 5 parade 6 carnival
knew what he meant 7 participants 8 costumes 9 masks
4 Reshoot, cut and add whole scenes. 4 she’d wanted to see her favourite, her she 6
5 Only 63 films had achieved that in film 10 fireworks
did too. She couldn’t believe they had shown
making history. 5 he’d just listened to, him he was going to Grammar
buy, loved 1 R
Listening 6 she was trying Indian food, was, his mum 1
1 1 Lucy said this / it was her greatest
was Indian, he had Indian food birthday ever. 1
1 James Cameron 2 fantasy 4
2009 4 Elijah Wood 5 Mimi Leder 2 Ryan said he hadn’t gone bungee jumping
3 5 because he’d been too scared.
6 sci-fi 7 1999 8 Tom Hanks 1 asked if, was driving 2
9 Steven Spielberg 10 action 3 Alisha said they were going to watch the
2 asked if, liked fireworks that night. 1
3 asked if, were going 4 Lexie said her parents had bought her 2
2 4 asked if, could wear
1 controls dreams, spinning hallway older brother a new guitar.
5 asked if, was going 5 Leila said she couldn’t decide what 3
2 seven years, the necessary technology 6 asked if, would help him with his 4
wasn’t available yet costume to wear to the carnival.
3 seven miles, towards Earth 6 Adam said he wouldn’t study medicine
Reading when he finished school. 5
4 the Atlantic Ocean, (mega)tsunami 1
5 five, best effects and best director. 1 Rebecca 2 Olivia 3 Reuben 3
4 Rebecca 5 Olivia 1 I can’t wait for my birthday party. I’m 1
1 looking forward to it too.
2 2 I took up skiing last year. That sounds very 2
1 who 2 He 3 She 4 which 1 a suit or a dress 3
5 These / Those / They exciting.
2 you can make up your own awards and 3 I feel really ill because I’ve eaten / I ate too 4
hand them out on the night much. That’s your own fault. 5
2 3 Caribbean themed party
Student’s own answers 4 I want to go to the cinema. I can’t go
4 bright colours because I’m revising.
5 reggae 5 I miss my grandparents in France. You can Li
8 Test Consolidation 6 jerk chicken talk to me about it when you feel sad. 1
7 sand and fake palm trees 6 I won’t go to the party. It’s a shame 1
Vocabulary 8 mini music festival because all the class is coming. 2
1 9 you can have friends, classmates or local
1 B 2 A 3 B 4 A 5 B bands and singers perform at the festival 3 3
10 a BBQ or home-made pizza 1 told, said, told 2 told 3 said, told 4
2 4 told, said 5 told, said 6 said, told
attend, carnival, costumes, crowds, Listening 5
fireworks, masks, parade, participants, stalls, 1 6
traditional food 1 True.

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e. 4 7 So the rich and the poor could have fun 4
1 Lisa said she had made her own costume together. 1 My, their 2 her, it 3 we, our
for the carnival. Emma told her that was 8 She asks if everyone wore costumes. 4 his, He 5 she, her
2 William said Martin hadn’t gone to Rome. 2 5
Debbie told him she thought he had 1 leather, porcelain or glass 1 her 2 yours 3 your 4 mine 5 my
missed his flight. 2 bright colours, gold, feathers and gems 6 their 7 theirs 8 my 9 my 10 ours
3 Youssef said he was really nervous for his 3 had never worn a costume before
exam. Kimberly told him that she was too. 4 different costume websites 6
4 Claire said she had wanted to see that 5 aunt 1 yourselves 2 ourselves 3 itself
crime series on TV last night. Julia told her 6 long, wear high-heeled shoes 4 himself 5 myself
she couldn’t believe they had shown a 7 fancy dress shop in Venice
football match instead. Reading
5 Louis said he had just listened to David Writing 1
Guetta’s new song. Keith told him that he 1 Zeneb. 2 18 3 improve lives of refugees
was going to buy his single. 1 4 Generation Connect 5 16
6 Olivia said she was trying Indian food for 1 absolutely 2 so 3 pretty 4 really 6 help young people to get involved with
the first time. Owen told her his mum was 5 a bit politics 7 EEYT 8 William Wright
Indian so he had Indian food every day. 9 19 10 promote environmental education
5 Student’s own answers 2
1 Josh asked if Finley was driving me to 1 False. Zeneb grew up in Sudan.
school that day. 9 Test Consolidation 2 True.
2 Chloe asked if I liked the new ice cream 3 False. He’s the 16-year-old founder of
parlour in town. Vocabulary Generation Connect.
3 David asked if Chelsea and I were going to 1 4 True.
the music festival. 1 dissatisfaction 2 improvements 5 False. It’s for secondary and junior school
4 Sebastian asked if they / we could wear 3 abilities 4 friendship 5 possessions students.
jeans on the last day of term. 6 happiness, satisfaction 7 earnings
l 5 Daisy asked if Michelle was going with 8 relationships 9 Evidence 10 loss Listening
Nathan to the prom. 1
6 Oliver asked if Sue would help him with 2 1 doing athletics, running track
his homework. 1 confident, enthusiastic, talkative 2 feel better, concentrate
2 badly behaved, lazy, disorganized 3 singing, a band
Reading 3 sensible, helpful, conscientious 4 the shower, the car, bedroom
1 4 imaginative, well organized, easily 5 puts on her favourite music and sings along
1 Ben 2 Rebecca 3 Olivia distracted
g 4 Reuben 5 Olivia 5 forgetful, untidy, progress 2
1 D 2 F 3 C 4 H 5 A 6 E 7 B
2 Grammar 8 J 9 G 10 I
1 True. 1
2 False. Friends and classmates can perform 1 I wasn’t able to finish my Geography Writing
too. project yesterday. 1
3 True. 2 I might not be able to make it to school 1 A 2 A 3 B 4 A 5 B
4 False. It says that if you find planning today. I’m not well.
parties stressful, then go away instead. 3 Could you play a musical instrument 2
5 True. when you were five? Student’s own answers
4 I haven’t been able to fly to Manchester
1 cover the school hall with sand and have
today because of the snow. 9 Test Extension
5 I won’t be able to see Lady Gaga in concert
fake palm trees on Saturday because it’s my brother’s
2 he’d been on a tropical island Vocabulary
y graduation party. 1
3 sing and dance on stage
4 that you don’t have to stress to plan a party 1 dissatisfaction 2 improvements
o 2 3 abilities 4 friendship 5 possessions
5 a fantastic way to celebrate passing his 1 been able to think 2 couldn’t sleep
exams 6 happiness 7 earnings 8 relationships
3 wasn’t able to go / couldn’t go 9 Evidence 10 loss
4 be able to finish 5 could help
n Listening Could / Can … meet 7 be able to get
6 2
8 can be 9 Can … make 10 can cancel 1 confident, enthusiastic, talkative
1 Elena is Scarlett’s cousin. She lives in Italy.
2 They were dressed up in colourful 2 badly behaved, lazy, disorganized
3 3 sensible, helpful, conscientious
costumes and masks. 1 don’t they 2 haven’t you 3 wasn’t it
3 In St Mark’s square. 4 imaginative, well organized, easily
4 didn’t you 5 can’t we 6 isn’t he distracted
4 There were parades, loud music, dancing, 7 has she 8 could she 9 will she
acrobatics and shows. 5 forgetful, untidy, progress
10 does she
5 By gondola.
6 It was first held in the 13th century.

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Answers A
Grammar 3 A band. 4 Mia has had her laptop for two years. 2
1 4 She sings everywhere – in the shower, the 5 Mia hasn’t eaten any junk food since 2012. 1
1 car, in her bedroom. 5
2 I might not be able to make it to school 5 She puts on her favourite music and sings 5
today. I’m not well. along. 1 are more polluted than 3
3 Can you play a musical instrument? / Are 2 not as useful, as a laptop 1
you able to play a musical instrument? 2 3 are the most crowded 4
4 I haven’t been able to fly to Manchester 1 share 2 relationships 3 active 4 is the strongest of 7
today because of the snow. 4 for a walk, a run, games, outside 5 more difficult, than it is 10
5 5 yourself 6 learning 7 hobby
8 challenge 9 course 10 play an 6 G
2 instrument, cook your favourite food 1 everywhere 2 no one 3 something 1
1 been able to think 2 couldn’t sleep 4 someone 5 everything 1
3 wasn’t able to go / couldn’t go Writing 4
4 be able to finish 5 could help 1 Reading
6 Could / can … meet 7 be able to get / be 1 I am writing to enquire about the shop 1 2
8 can be / get 9 Can … make assistant vacancy. 1 siblings 2 buried 3 tiny dark space 1
10 can cancel 2 My teacher can provide you with suitable 4 belongings 5 tool
references. 2
3 3 I am available to start immediately. 2
1 don’t they 2 haven’t you 3 wasn’t it 4 I look forward to hearing from you. 1 earthquake 2 Sabrina 3 eight 3
4 didn’t you 5 can’t we 6 isn’t he 5 Yours sincerely 4 firefighters 5 debris
7 has she 8 could she 9 will she 4
10 does she 2 3
Student’s own answers 1 Ed’s brother David was outside collecting 5
4 water.
1 her, mine 2 her, I, mine / hers, hers / mine 2 Ed was trapped inside the house with four
Test Units 1-3 Consolidation
3 we, our 4 his, He 5 she, her of his siblings. 3
3 He could hardly see. 1
5 Vocabulary 4 A neighbour who was searching for her
1 5
1 her 2 yours 3 your 4 mine 5 my belongings heard Ed and his sister’s cries
Across: 6 oven 7 wrist 8 sunglasses for help.
6 their 7 theirs 8 my 9 my 10 ours
9 conservation 10 study 4
5 They were American firefighters . 1
Down: 1 wildlife 2 gloves 3 conservatory
6 4 dishwasher 5 knee
1 yourselves 2 ourselves 3 itself Listening 2
4 himself 5 myself 1
2 1 made with sustainable materials
1 smells 2 felt 3 sounded 4 touch 3
1 enjoyed yourselves 2 making ourselves 2 France 3 uses rainwater 4 Denmark
5 saw 5 computer-controlled air conditioning
3 go out, itself 4 help himself 4
5 didn’t want to go, myself
3 2
1 garage 2 hall 3 stairs 5
Reading 4 metal 5 fridge 6 utility room
1 C 2 A 3 B 4 A 5 C
1 7 washing machine 8 study 9 wooden
1 Zeneb 2 18 3 improve lives of refugees Writing 5
10 wardrobe 1
4 Generation Connect 5 16 1
6 help young people get involved with politics 1 We did a fun run to raise money for charity. 2
7 EEYT 8 William Wright 9 19
Grammar 2 My parents gave me a cool purple plastic
10 promote environmental education
1 watch.
1 didn’t take 2 listened / were listening 3
3 First, I saw some smoke coming from the
3 was swimming 4 lived / were living
2 5 made
window. Next I heard the fire alarm. 4
1 He grew up in Sudan during the civil war, 4 Do you like these new dark blue jeans? 5
and was a refugee from the age of three. 5 We take our own biodegradable shopping
When he was 17 he moved to the UK.
2 bags to the supermarket so as not to use
1 Did Simon use to perform in a band? (E) the plastic ones.
2 It works with refugee camps in Sudan.
2 Where did you use to hang out with your 6
3 It provides fishing nets, farming help and 1
friends? (A) 2
builds new homes. 4
3 What sort of films did you use to watch? (F) Student’s own answers
4 They learn to participate and get involved
4 Did Megan use to be a vegetarian? (B)
with politics and what’s going on in their
5 Which city did you and your family use to R
live in? (D) Test Units 1-3 Extension 1
5 It provides positive role models and 1
environmental education for the youth of 4
3 Vocabulary
tomorrow. 7
1 already 2 just 3 yet 4 already 5 yet 1
Across: 6 oven 7 wrist 8 sunglasses 10
Listening 4 9 conservation 10 study
1 1 Mia has collected coins for 5 years. Down: 1 wildlife 2 gloves 3 conservatory 2
1 He does athletics twice a week at the 1
2 Mia has been in a band since 2009. 4 dishwasher 5 knee
running track. 3
3 Mia has learnt Italian for 3 years.
2 It makes him feel better and helps him 6

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2 9 eight days 10 neighbour Grammar
2. 1 smells 2 felt 3 sounded 4 touch 11 American firefighters 12 four hours 1
5 saw 13 the debris 14 happy 15 smile 1 misses, ’ll watch 2 will you go, graduate
3 find, ’ll make 4 don’t choose, ’ll be
3 3 5 won’t celebrate, doesn’t win
1 garage 2 hall 3 stairs 1 True.
4 metal 5 fridge 6 utility room 2 False. Ed was trapped inside the house 2
7 washing machine 8 study 9 wooden four of his siblings. 1 Claire is going to sing a song.
10 wardrobe 3 False. He couldn’t see very much. 2 The orchestra is going to perform in front
4 True. of the audience.
Grammar 5 False. Two American firefighters rescued 3 Paul is going to use the computer.
1 them. 4 Harry is going to travel by train.
1 didn’t take 2 listened 3 was swimming 5 Jake is going to sunbathe.
4 were living 5 didn’t make Listening
1 3
2 1 made with sustainable materials and has 1 mustn’t, should 2 must 3 don’t have to
1 Did Simon use to perform in a band? (E), no modern electrical kitchen equipment 4 have to 5 mustn’t, may
used to be 2 France 3 uses solar panels, rainwater
2 Where did you use to hang out with your and recyclable and biodegradable materials 4
friends? (A), used to go 4 Denmark 5 solar panels and a 1 (F) If someone in my class copied my work,
3 What sort of films did you use to watch? computer to control the climate in the house I’d tell the teacher.
(F), used to like / love / enjoy 2 (C) If I got the job, I’d phone my mum
4 Did Megan use to be a vegetarian? (B), use 2 straight away.
to eat House 1 – Parts of the house: windows, 3 (E) – If the talent show judges saw me
g 5 Which city did you and your family use to balcony, garden; Furniture: washing sing, they’d give me a recording contract.
live in? (D), used to live machine, dishwasher 4 (A) If my computer crashed now, I’d get
ur House 2 – Parts of the house: roof, toilets, really stressed.
3 showers; Furniture: washing machine 5 (B) If David hurt his leg playing football, he
1 already 2 just 3 yet 4 already / just House 3 – Parts of the house: windows wouldn’t be able to run the marathon on
5 yet Saturday.
4 1 5
1 How long has she collected coins for? 1 We did a fun run to raise money for charity. 1 is washed, sorted, ’s reused
She’s collected coins for 5 years. 2 2 are assembled, ’re tested, ’re sold
2 How long has she been in a band? She’s 3 3 are spoken
been in a band since 2009. 4 Do you like this old brown leather belt? 4 are produced
3 How long has she learnt Italian? She’s 5 We take our own biodegradable shopping 5 isn’t shown
k learnt Italian for three years. bags to the supermarket so as not to use
4 How long has she had a laptop? She’s had the plastic ones. 6
her laptop for two years. 1 The microwave oven was invented by
5 How long has she been a vegetarian? 2 Percy Spencer.
She’s been a vegetarian since 2012. Student’s own answers 2 Pizza was created by Italians from Naples.
3 Cola drink was first tasted in the late 19th
5 Test Units 4-6 Consolidation
1 Big cities are more polluted than villages. 4 The opening ceremony for the London
y. 2 It’s not as useful to have a desktop as a 2012 Olympic Games was produced by
Vocabulary Danny Boyle.
laptop. 1
3 Saturdays in the shopping centre are the 5 The Parthenon was constructed in 447 BC
1 game show 2 safety glasses, lab coat
most crowded days. by the Ancient Greeks.
3 cut, first aid kit 4 flame
4 Metal is the strongest of the three materials. 5 the news, the weather forecast
5 It didn’t use to be as easy to recycle (as it is Reading
6 temperature, flu 7 spill, chemicals
g now). 8 cookery programme 9 sprained
1 Javier 2 Courtney 3 Javier 4 Josh
10 container, explode
6 5 Courtney
1 everywhere 2 no one 3 something 2
4 someone 5 everything / anything 1 guess, scan 2 realize, insert
1 engineer 2 combine 3 be stuck
3 believe, deleted 4 felt, wonder
Reading 5 decided
4 archaeologist
1 siblings 2 trapped 3 collapse 3 3
4 buried 5 squashed 6 tiny dark space 1 True.
B bought, house (6)
7 neighbour 8 belongings 9 drill 2 False. She’s going to start a course at
C graduated, decided to become (2)
10 debris college in summer.
D had, child (5)
3 True.
E met, got married (4)
ry 2 F began his career, moved (3)
4 True.
1 Port-au-Prince 2 five siblings 5 False. It was in Britain.
3 was playing 4 heard 5 earthquake 6 False. Javier would like to move to England
6 sister Sabrina 7 eat 8 drink and study there.

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Answers A
Listening 3 7 They wear the same clothes so animation 5
1 1 mustn’t 2 must 3 don’t have to can be reused later. 1
1 A 2 G 3 C 4 H 5 B 6 F 7 E 4 must 5 mustn’t 8 They add pre-recorded music. 4

2 4 Writing 6
1 30,000, are drawn 1 (F) If someone in my class copied my work, 1 1
2 story and script, the jokes I’d tell the teacher. 1 What’s more 2 can’t wait 3 In my view
3 table read 2 (E) I’d phone my mum straight away if I 4 too 5 would say R
4 are recorded, are pieced together got the job. 1
5 frames, special software 3 (C) If the talent show judges saw me sing, 2 1
6 reuse the pictures, episodes they’d give me a recording contract. Student’s own answers 2
7 sound effects, sound quality 4 (A) If my computer crashed now, I’d get 3
really stressed. Test Units 7-9 Consolidation 4
Writing 5 (B) David wouldn’t be able to run the
1 marathon on Saturday if he hurt his leg Vocabulary 5
1 What’s more 2 can’t wait 3 In my view playing football. 6
4 too 5 I would say
1 attended 2 relationships 3 shy 7
5 4 directed by 5 costumes 6 confident 8
2 1 is washed, (are) sorted, is reused 7 composed by 8 stalls 9 satisfaction
Student’s own answers 2 are assembled, ’re tested, are sold 10 stars 2
3 are spoken 4 are produced 5 is shown 1
Test Units 4-6 Extension 2
6 1 C 2 A 3 B 4 B 5 A
1 The microwave oven was invented by Li
Vocabulary Percy Spencer. 1
1 3
2 Clothes and shoes are made in this factory. 1 carry on 2 make up 3 get back 1
1 game show 2 safety glasses, lab coat
3 The Parthenon in Athens was constructed 4 give up 5 show off
3 first aid kit 4 flame
by the Ancient Greeks. 2
5 the news, the weather forecast
4 The chemical was placed in a test tube. Grammar 3
5 My eyes are examined by the optician 1
2 once a year. 4
1 believe, deleted 2 felt, wonder 1 The children who live opposite me are
participating in the parade. / The children 5
3 decided 4 guess, scan 5 realize, insert
Reading who are participating in the parade live 6
3 1 opposite me.
B bought … house (6)
1 Javier 2 Courtney 3 Josh 4 Lizzy 2 Have you done the homework which Mrs 2
5 Courtney Jenkins gave us? 1
C graduated, decided to become (2)
D had … child (5) 3 I haven’t been to the shop that sells frozen
2 yogurt yet. W
E met, got married (4)
F began his career, moved (3)
1 engineer 2 combine 3 ancient ruins 4 The actor whose award was stolen 1
4 be stuck 5 charity work reported it to the police. 1
Grammar 3
5 The studio is where the sounds are added
1 1 To go to university and study to be an
to the film.
1 If she misses her favourite crime series on
engineer. 2
TV, she’ll watch the repeat at the weekend.
2 Photography and animals to become a 1 didn’t speak, (’d) lost 4
2 Which university will you go to if you
nature photographer. 2 didn’t go, ’d already seen
graduate in June?
3 She wants to grow and learn new things. 3 was, had broken down 5
3 I’ll make that cake from the cookery
4 He helped a team of archaeologists dig for 4 was, ’d just watched
programme if I find the recipe online.
4 If the judges don’t choose Lisa, her mother
ancient ruins in Britain. 5 took, (’d) wanted 2
5 Go to university there. St
will be very disappointed.
5 He won’t celebrate at the weekend if he 3
Listening 1 they’d got support from their family when
loses the competition.
1 they’d struggled
1 script 2 recording studio 3 recording
2 4 storyboard and artwork 5 software
2 he dealt with exam stress by getting Vo
1 A Claire is going to sing a song. B She’d like enough sleep 1
6 checked 7 sound 3 she’d made sure she’d still had
to win the singing competition. 1
2 A The orchestra is going to perform in 4 we’d never compared our abilities with our 4
front of the audience. B They’d like the 5 he’d always stay positive and believe in 7
audience to love the show.
2 himself
1 It’s made of 30,000 frames. 10
3 A Paul is going to do some research for his
2 The frames are drawn by hand. 4
homework. B He’d like to play a computer
3 The producers decide on the story. 2
game. 1 Do you watch sci-fi films? 1
4 The table read is done before going to the 2 Have you spoken to Elena today?
4 A Harry is going to travel by train. B He’d 4
recording studio. 3 Can / Could you lend me a costume for the
like to sleep during the journey.
5 It’s for the writers to see how their words party, Andrew?
5 A Jake is going to sunbathe. B He’d like to
sound and if people like the jokes. 3
get a suntan. 4 Did you go away on holiday at Easter? 1
6 It’s created by the animators. 5 Has everyone done their homework? 4

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n 5 Grammar E The number of professionals from the film
1 had you 2 do we 3 can’t he 1 industry who attend the Berlin Film Festival.
4 won’t it 5 didn’t she 1 The children who live opposite me are F The cost of the Berlin Film Festival in euros.
participating in the parade. G When the Venice Film Festival is held.
6 2 Have you done the homework which Mrs H When the Annecy International Animated
1 my 2 ours 3 your 4 mine 5 hers Jenkins gave us? Film Festival is held in France.
w 3 I haven’t been to the shop that just opened.
Reading 4 The actor whose award was stolen was 2
1 angry. 1 European films.
1 The Berlin Film Festival 5 That is the studio that we went to for the 2 The Palme d’Or, or Golden Palm, for best film.
2 The Cannes Film Festival recording. 3 Because it is attended by many film stars
3 The Berlin Film Festival and is a popular venue for film producers
4 The Annecy International Animated Film 2 to show their new films.
Festival 1 didn’t speak, (’d) lost the football match at 4 It’s the largest publicly attended film
5 The Venice Film Festival school festival in the world.
6 The Cannes Film Festival 2 didn’t go, ’d already seen the film 5 The general public, and around 20,000
7 The Venice Film Festival 3 was, had broken down due to the cold film industry professionals from over 130
8 The Cannes Film Festival weather countries.
t 6 All different types of international and
4 was, ’d just watched a thriller on DVD by
2 himself European cinema.
1 11 2 480,000 3 next June 4 20,000 5 took, (’d) wanted to contribute more to my 7 For the animation and cartoon film
5 over 130 6 over 400 7 August community competition.

Listening 3 Listening
1 1 Jade and Olivia said (that) they’d got support 1
1 designing website layouts with her own from their family when they’d struggled. 1 Designing websites and blogs for small
graphic designs 2 Dylan said (that) he dealt with exam stress businesses.
2 the past ten years by getting enough sleep at night. 2 For the past ten years.
3 A progress B be enthusiastic C take control 3 Erica said (that) she’d made sure she’d still 3 A progress B be enthusiastic C take control
of their lives had fun. of their lives
4 step-by-step plan 4 Laura and I said (that) we’d never compared 4 A step-by-step plan.
5 help teenagers reach their goals our abilities with our friends. 5 To help teenagers reach their goals.
n 6 They come from his own personal
6 personal experience 5 Josh said (that) he’d always stay positive
and believe in himself. experience.
1 A 2 F 3 H 4 C 5 B 6 G 7 E 4 2
1 Paul asked if I watched sci-fi films. B Enjoy (1)
n C give up (5)
Writing 2 ‘Have you spoken to Elena today?’ asked
1 Julia. D to-do (3)
1 According to the advertisement, the job is 3 Sue asked if Liz could lend her a costume E success (7)
available immediately. for the party. F goals (2)
d G Practise (6)
2 I consider myself to be a very good writer. 4 ‘Did you go away on holiday at Easter?’
3 My strengths are that I’m well organized, asked Finley. H Stick to (4)
enthusiastic and hard working. 5 The teacher asked if everyone had done
4 I would be very happy to discuss the their homework. Writing
position with you further. 1
5 I look forward to hearing from you soon. 5 1 According to the advertisement, …
1 had you 2 is she 3 can’t he 2 I consider myself to be a very good writer.
2 4 didn’t she 5 could he 6 will we 3 My strengths are that I am well organized,
Student’s own answers 7 won’t it 8 did he 9 didn’t they enthusiastic and hard working.
10 doesn’t she 4 I would be very happy to discuss the
position with you further.
n Test Units 7-9 Extension 6 5 I look forward to hearing from you.
1 Her 2 their 3 their 4 my
Vocabulary 5 ours / mine 6 your 7 mine 8 hers 2
1 9 yours 10 mine Student’s own answers
1 attended 2 relationships 3 shy
ur 4 directed by 5 costumes 6 confident Reading End of Year Test A Consolidation
7 composed by 8 stalls 9 satisfaction 1
10 stars A The year the Cannes Film Festival was first
2 B The number of days the Berlin Film
1 based on 2 historical 3 well-being Across: 3 experiment 5 yard 6 sitcom
Festival lasts.
4 hard working 5 special effects 8 wool 10 punctual
C The number of films that are shown
e Down: 1 earnings 2 recycling
during the Berlin Film Festival.
3 4 procession 7 musical 9 belt
D The number of visitors at the Berlin Film
1 give up 2 carry on 3 make up Festival.
4 get back 5 show off 2
1 tasted 2 graduated, decided

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Answers A
3 imagine 4 recognize 5 burnt 2 5 Francesca asked Alex if he could print her 3
6 based 7 found 8 hear Student’s own answers project from his computer for her. 1
9 transferred 10 make, put 3
Reading 5
Grammar End of Year Test A Extension 1
1 1 Jason 2 Louisa 3 Luca 4 Sophie, Luca G
1 used to live 2 used to study Vocabulary 5 Luca 6 Louisa 7 Sophie, Luca 8 Jason 1
3 didn’t use to be 4 used to create 1 9 Louisa 10 Louisa 1
5 used to learn Across: 3 experiment 5 yard 6 sitcom 2
8 wool 10 punctual 2 3
2 Down: 1 earnings 2 recycling 1 You can set yourself easily achievable 4
1 anyone, no one 2 everywhere 4 procession 7 musical 9 belt goals each day. 5
3 anything 4 nothing 2 Eye damage and backache.
5 anything, everyone 2 3 Wealth and fame. 2
1 tasted 2 graduated, decided 3 imagine 4 Spending time with your friends, 1
3 4 recognize 5 burnt 6 based 7 found progressing at school, getting some work 3
1 P 2 T 3 A 4 I 5 A 8 hear 9 transferred 10 make, put experience or doing some volunteering.
5 Participate in a local park clean up, plant 3
4 Grammar more trees, donate old clothes to charity, 1
1 If I sang better, I’d enter the talent 1 reuse plastic bags or recycle and cycle more. 2
competition. 1 used to live 2 used to study 4
2 If I make a breakthrough discovery in my 3 didn’t use to be 4 used to create Listening
Science lesson, I’ll become famous. 5 used to learn 1 4
3 If I designed the best costume for the fancy 1 A place that produced environmentally- 1
dress party, I’d win the prize. 2 friendly clothes. 4
4 If I wasn’t / weren’t stuck in my room 1 anyone, no one 2 everywhere 2 They’re made in large amounts in different
revising, I’d be relaxing on the beach in 3 anything 4 nothing countries around the world. 5
the sun. 5 anything, everyone 3 People are paid very little money to make 1
5 If my school organizes a charity run event, them, and the shipping produces lots of
lots of students will take part. 3 pollution. 2
1 is going to leave 2 starts 4 They’re made locally using their own
5 3 ’m volunteering / ’m going to volunteer sheep for wool. 3
1 were reopened 2 was designed 4 ’s going to 5 will be 5 That the whole process from production
3 is attended 4 was created 5 are used to selling should all be done locally. 4
6 1 (E) If I sang better, I’d enter the talent 2 5
1 B 2 A 3 A 4 B 5 A competition. 1 North Yorkshire, in England
2 (C) If I make a breakthrough discovery in 2 the local area 3 600 4 killed
Reading my Science lesson, I’ll become famous. 5 sanctuary 6 woven 7 two
1 3 (A) If I designed the best costume for the 8 cotton 9 Fine, silky 10 against your skin 6
1 Louisa 2 Sophie 3 Luca 4 Louisa fancy dress party, I’d win the prize. 1
5 Luca 6 Jason 7 Louisa 8 Jason 4 (F) If I wasn’t stuck in my room revising, I’d Writing 4
9 Jason 10 Sophie be relaxing on the beach in the sun. 1
5 (D) If my school organized a charity run 1 First 2 quite 3 Can’t wait 4 cool R
2 event, lots of students would take part. 5 In the end 1
1 (F) set yourself 2 (B) regular breaks 2
3 (E) time with your friends 5 2
4 (A) a local park clean up 5 (D) more trees 1 Schools were reopened today after the flood Student’s own answers 2
that destroyed many buildings last week. 1
Listening 2 A digital camera that can help solve 2
crimes was designed by scientists. End of Year Test B Consolidation
1 environmentally friendly 3 The festival is attended by many famous 3
2 North Yorkshire actors, directors and producers. Vocabulary
1 4
3 wool 4 A new material that may be the world’s 5
4 their clothes are made locally, which hardest was created by researchers. 1 bungalow 2 swimsuit 3 ecosystem
4 toothache 5 lab coat, safety glasses 6
means they have a lower carbon footprint. 5 Seals are used by climate scientists to help
5 The whole process from making and them keep a close eye on global warming 6 characters 7 costumes 8 improvements
producing to selling and buying should all in the Antarctica. 9 enthusiastic 10 break down
be done from the country you are in. 8
6 2
1 fingers, touched 2 drought 3 moved 9
2 1 Imogen said she’d dressed up for her 10
1 B 2 C 3 B 4 C 5 C 6 A 7 A school prom. 4 composed 5 take up, save up
8 A 9 B 10 A 2 Brian said he had really bad hay fever and Li
couldn’t stop sneezing. 1
Writing 3 Layla said she was going to swim with 1
1 dolphins on holiday that year.
1 First 2 quite 3 Can’t wait 4 cool 4 Beth told Oscar that she’d seen Julia 2
5 In the end rehearsing for the play at the Bridge Theatre. 1

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r 3 Writing 7 hadn’t she 8 is it 9 could it
1 began, career 2 first aid kit, cut 1 10 aren’t you
3 rinse, eye wash 4 event, traditional food 1 Personally 2 In addition 3 in order to
5 dissatisfaction 4 also 5 to Reading
ca Grammar 2 2 (C) How does it fit inside our abdomen?
on 1 Student’s own answers 3 (F) That’s a lot of hair!
1 ’ve never had 4 (E) Fast and efficient
2 have you ever attended, have never been 5 (G) The relationship between pain and the
End of Year Test B Extension brain
3 has never watched
4 Has your family ever donated 6 (B) How we get ill
5 ’ve never visited
Vocabulary 7 (D) How does it taste?
1 bungalow 2 swimsuit 3 ecosystem 2
2 4 toothache 5 lab coat 6 characters
1 most surprising 2 more popular than 1 False. The hair on an average man’s face
7 costumes 8 improvements could.
3 larger 4 greater 5 more effective
9 enthusiastic 10 break down 2 True.
3 3 False. The brain doesn’t have pain
1 would … stay, visited
2 receptors. (Headaches are caused by pain
e. 1 fingers, touched 2 drought 3 moved felt in tissues, nerves and blood vessels.)
2 finishes, ’ll watch 3 would … feel, were
4 composed 5 take up, save up 4 True.
4 didn’t become, ’d work 5 ’ll send, decide
5 False. Saliva helps us to dissolve chemicals
4 3 in food.
1 began, career 2 first aid kit, cut
1 must 2 don’t have to 3 mustn’t
3 rinse, eye wash 4 event, traditional food 3
4 must 5 must
nt 5 dissatisfaction 1 Because it is looped backwards and
5 forwards over itself.
e 1 Although my brother had an audition for a
Grammar 2 Nerve impulses.
part in the school play, he hadn’t rehearsed.
1 3 Because the nerve impulses are processed
1 ’ve never had at around 270 km/h.
2 After I’d lit the Bunsen burner, I boiled the
2 have you ever attended, have never been 4 It dissolves the chemicals in the food to
liquid in the container.
3 has never watched enable us to taste it.
3 Anna didn’t know she was allergic to cats
4 Has your family ever donated
until she’d touched one outside her house.
5 ’ve never visited Listening
4 I hadn’t broken a bone in my body before I
took up skateboarding. 1
5 Cara knew what to wear to the party
2 1 1965 2 a German film
1 most surprising 2 more important than 3 played on Broadway 4 1959
because she’d chosen her costume the
3 most threatened 4 more popular than 5 horror / thriller 6 1975
week before.
5 larger 6 greater 7 better 7 second to be released 8 1980
n 8 more effective 9 more extensive first to be released 10 1977
6 10 most useful
1 didn’t she 2 hadn’t she 3 is it
4 could it 5 aren’t you 2
3 1 It was nominated for ten Academy Awards.
1 would … stay, visited 2 The fact that you don’t see the shark
2 finishes, will watch straight away and the scary music.
1 3 would … feel, were
2 B 3 F 4 E 5 A 6 D 3 They were mechanical model sharks made
4 didn’t become, ’d work by a team of 40 technicians.
5 ’ll send, decide 4 ‘I am your father.’
1 7 metres. 5 Because everyone thought Darth Vader
2 It’s looped backwards and forwards over
4 had killed Luke’s father.
1 must 2 don’t have to 3 must
4 mustn’t 5 must Writing
3 It grows faster.
4 9 metres. 1
5 Nerve impulses.
5 1 Personal → Personally
1 Although my brother had an audition for a 2 As addition → In addition
6 Because the nerve impulses send
part in a play, he hadn’t rehearsed. 3 in order for raise → in order to raise
ts messages from the affected part of the
2 After I’d lit the Bunsen burner, I boiled the 4 it can too → it can also
body to the brain at 270 km/h.
liquid in the container. 5 for increase → so as not to increase
7 Colds and the flu.
3 Anna didn’t know she was allergic to cats
8 Germs are carried by a cough at 90 km/h.
until she had touched one outside her house. 2
d 9 It dissolves some chemicals from the food.
4 Before I took up skateboarding, I hadn’t Student’s own answers
10 It does this so that we can taste the food.
broken a bone in my body.
5 Cara knew what to wear to the party
because she’d already chosen her costume
1 last week.
1 D, d 2 B, a 3 C, b 4 F, f 5 A, e

2 6
1 are you 2 have they 3 didn’t she
1 C 2 B 3 C 4 A 5 B
4 can he 5 isn’t she 6 doesn’t he

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Listening scripts
ear. I couldn’t hear for days. Then a week later I asked my mum if
DIAGNOSTIC TEST she could get it out. She shouted at me for ages, I remember hearing
A – Andrew J – Jessica H – Harry that! Then she tried to get it out, but couldn’t see anything. In the end V
A: Hi guys! we had to go to the hospital. After that I never put anything near my V:
J: Oh hi, Andrew. What are you up to? ears again! tu
A: I’m doing a project about my classmates, for school. Can I ask you MC: Nick, what can you remember? se
two some questions? N: Well, I don’t know if this is one of my best memories but I pr
J: Er… sure. Go ahead. remember it really well. It still makes me laugh even now. When I co
A: Jessica, what was your earliest memory? was around 10 years old, my best friend and I were playing at my th
J: Let’s see… erm… I think I was about three or four. I was in the garden house. For some reason, I don’t remember why, we decided to cut se
with my brother and we were playing with our toys. It was a sunny each other’s hair. I went first. My friend was cutting my hair when th
day and I could hear the birds singing. And then I can remember it my sister walked in the room and saw what we were doing. She was D
clearly; I heard a loud noise and the ground began to shake. There so surprised. I looked in the mirror and saw my hair was all a different co
was an earthquake. My parents ran outside and picked us up. It length. It was the funniest thing ever! he
didn’t last long and luckily no one was hurt. V:
A: And you Harry? What was your first memory? UNIT 2 an
H: Erm… I think… yeah… I was about five or six and it was Christmas vo
time. I was at school and I was standing on a stage. We were putting on J – Jeremy D – Dan R – Rebecca L – Linda S:
a play for the parents and I was dressed up in a costume. I used to love J: Good afternoon listeners. I’m Jeremy and welcome to another on
acting and I felt excited. show of Bedroom Raiders. This week we’re speaking to three teens to
A: OK, next question. What are your dreams for the future? from King George Secondary School in the UK about their rooms and be
J: I’m going to pass my exams and then I’m going to study biology at what they think is special about them. OK, let’s start with Dan. Tell us 5.
university. I’d like to be a conservationist or work with animals. I’m about your room. of
volunteering at a sea life centre this summer, so I’ll get lots of great D: My bedroom’s really modern. I designed it myself and chose the ab
experience there. colour scheme. It’s newly decorated. We’ve just finished it, but I’ve V:
A: What ambitions do you have for the future, Harry? already put in all my furniture. The best things about my room are M
H: I’m going to be a journalist. I’ve started a blog and I like reporting the sofa and TV. I love sitting there and playing football games on my m
on local events and news from my community. So I’d like to work for Xbox. I also love my mini-fridge. I keep all my bottles of fizzy drink ne
a newspaper. there, so when I’m thirsty I don’t have to go down to the kitchen. Vo
A: Final question. What’s the best piece of advice someone has ever J: Wow, a fridge! How cool is that! And Rebecca… what about you? Is ru
given you? Who gave it to you and what did they say? your room newly decorated? V:
J: My dad told me that I could do whatever I wanted in life. He said R: Not exactly, I decorated it two years ago. I’ve painted it in different S:
that I must work hard and never give up. shades of green and purple – they’re my favourite colours. The thing po
A: And the same question to you, Harry. I like best is the huge photo on my wall – it’s a dog on a surfboard in hu
H: My parents told me to stand up for what I believe in and always do the sea. One of the other things I love about my room is my wardrobe. cl
my best. It’s built into the wall and I can put all my clothes and shoes in there. V:
A: Thanks. You’ve both been really helpful! I started doing gymnastics a few months ago and I’ve already won
a few trophies. I put them on a shelf in my room above my desk, so I
can see them every day. My friends love my room and we’ve already
UNIT 1 had lots of sleepovers. W
MC – Mrs Carlson E – Elena R – Ricky N – Nick J: That’s great. And Linda, what’s special about your room? m
MC: Hi everyone. In today’s lesson we’re talking about our best L: Well, my bedroom is quite small. I’ve just decorated it as well. I’ve Th
childhood memories. So, Elena, can you tell us your best childhood painted it in bright colours. I have a big TV on my wall, opposite my he
memory? bed, so I can lie there and watch films. The best thing about my room m
E: Let’s see… erm… When I was younger I used to spend my summers is my bookcase. It covers one whole wall. I love reading books, so it’s a be
at my aunt’s house in the countryside. I remember her back garden great place to put them all. w
was really big and my sister and I used to pick strawberries from the J: Fantastic! Well that’s it for today’s show. Tune in again next week ar
bushes. They tasted so fresh. My aunt taught me how to cook. I can when… to
remember the smells of my aunt baking and the fresh grass from the m
garden. I remember hearing everyone laughing and having a good In
time. We used to sit in the back garden after the sun went down. It am
was still hot but there was a cool wind. My aunt, sister and I used to th
play board games for hours while we listened to my cousin playing pe
the guitar. I felt so happy. do
MC: What’s your best memory, Ricky? w
R: Erm… one of my funniest memories was when I was in primary A
school. We were having an art lesson. I was bored so I started playing of
with the art supplies, but somehow I got a small bead stuck in my ba

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if towards a black car. Police say the robbers took an estimated £50,000
ng UNIT 3 worth of jewellery from the store. They haven’t made any arrests
nd yet but are appealing to other witnesses to come forward with
V – Victoria S – Saana M – Marc
my information they may have.
V: Hello and welcome to Saving Species. This week we’re at a sea
turtle conservation centre in Kefalonia, Greece. The centre was And lastly, East Street has come out on top at the annual television
set up in 1994 and consists mainly of local people who believe in awards taking home two awards. The soap opera won best TV soap
I opera at the London ceremony last night, while Nina Richards, who
protecting the environment where they live. Their main activity is the
nI plays Courtney Wright, won an award for the best soap actress. Nina
conservation of endangered Loggerhead sea turtles. Each year from
my said she appreciated the vote of confidence.
the beginning of May until the middle of August, female Loggerhead
ut That’s it for today. If you would like to find out more about our top
sea turtles come and lay their eggs on six different beaches across
en stories, please visit our website.
the island. In total there are around 1,200 nests laid every year.
During the summer, the centre has between 30-40 volunteers from
countries all over the world. Each volunteer stays for a month and UNIT 5
helps out with the nesting season.
V: Let’s talk to just two of the 40 volunteers. Saana from Finland S – Saul E – Emily
and Marc from Australia. So, Saana. What’s the best thing about S: Good morning and welcome to the Ironman Triathlon World
volunteering at the conservation centre? Championships. It’s an early start for this year’s race. I’m Saul.
S: Well, I think the most rewarding part of the job is spending your time E: And I’m Emily.
er on the beach looking after the baby turtles and making sure they get S: First of all, can you give us some information on the race? Emily
ns to the sea safely. It’s more tiring than other volunteering jobs I’ve done has taken part in the Ironman race twice and she knows her stuff!
nd because the volunteers have to work at night, between 10.30pm and E: OK, sure! Well, the Ironman Triathlon consists of three events – a
us 5.30am. You have to do a lot of walking up and down beaches in search 2.4-mile swim, a 112-mile bike ride and a 26.2-mile marathon run. The
of the female turtles. When we find them we collect information race must be completed in this order and with no breaks. Both men and
he about each turtle – health, size and tag number. women can compete.
ve V: Marc, what are the main things that affect sea turtles’ habitats? S: That’s a really long way! It’s an amazing event.
re M: Two of the most serious problems are pollution and tourism. As E: That’s right. The triathlon tests the ultimate in mind and body. The
my more people come to the island and use the beaches, sea turtles’ Ironman race starts at 7am and the competitors have a strict time
nk nesting habitats get destroyed. The other issue is waste and rubbish. limit of 17 hours to complete the race. You have to do the swim within
Volunteers try to keep the beaches clean, but we always find bits of 2 hours and 20 minutes, the bike ride must be finished by 5.30pm and
Is rubbish. The most common item of waste is plastic. you have to finish the marathon run by midnight.
V: What can be done to help save the sea turtles? S: So, what’s the history behind the race?
nt S: The centre and its volunteers monitor the Loggerhead turtle E: Well, the original idea for the Ironman triathlon started in 1977 in
ng population each year. But to solve the problem, we have to limit Hawaii, but the first race didn’t take place until 1978. There were 15
in human activity in these areas, and keep our beaches and the sea men in the first Ironman competition but only 12 completed the race.
e. clean. It’s a no brainer. Gordon Haller was the first man to win. He completed the course in 11
e. V: Thank you very much. hours, 46 minutes and 58 seconds.
on S: OK, so turning back to today, how many competitors are in this
oI year’s race?
dy UNIT 4 E: A lot! This year there will be nearly 1,800 athletes taking part in the
140.6-mile race.
Welcome back to GBC News 24. I’m Nadia Patel and here are the
S: That’s incredible. So, Emily, what are the fastest times?
main stories this hour.
ve E: The fastest man to run the Ironman World Championship in
There have been floods in many parts of the South West today as
my Hawaii was Craig Alexander from Australia in 2011. He ran it in 8
heavy rain and strong winds continue. Rivers have overflowed and
m hours, 3 minutes and 56 seconds. The fastest time set by a woman
many streets and homes have become flooded with water. There has
a was 8 hours, 54 minutes and 2 seconds – that was by Chrissie
been chaos at train stations, as many of the train lines are covered
Wellington from Great Britain in 2009.
with water and trains are unable to leave. In most areas of the UK they
ek S: Well, thanks Emily. We’re going to get ready for the start of this
are preparing their homes with sand bags and other types of barriers
year’s race now. Let’s go over to…
to stop water coming in their homes. Weather forecasts predict even
more rain will come in the next following days.
In South West London, people on a rollercoaster ride at an
amusement park were left stuck 300 feet above the ground when
the ride broke down. When working, the ‘Wind Runner’ ride can spin
people around in circles at 48 kilometres per hour. But after it broke
down, passengers had to sit in the air for over four hours until they
were able to get down safely. Not the ride they were looking for!
A robbery at Bluefield Shopping centre took place in the early hours
of Monday morning. A deliveryman, making an early delivery to a
bakery opposite, saw two robbers running from a jewellery store

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Listening scripts
G: Yeah, it was an amazing film!
UNIT 6 P: The second film on my list is the 1999 sci-fi film, Deep Impact,
A – Alex G – Georgina S1 – Student 1 S2 – Student 2 directed by Mimi Leder. An astronomer, Leo, played by Elijah Wood, E
A: Hi everyone. I’m Alex and this is Georgina. We’ve done a school discovers a huge 7-mile wide comet that’s heading towards Earth. Pa
project on how coffee is made. We want to tell you what we’ve learnt. Two astronauts have to travel into space to destroy it. Unfortunately, E:
You can ask questions at any time during the talk. it splits in two, and one half is sent crashing into the Atlantic Ocean, ta
G: First of all, a coffee bean is a seed. It’s planted in a small pot and which causes a megatsunami. The power and destruction of the ea
watered regularly. After it’s grown a bit, it’s planted in the ground. comet is very impressive. th
A: Did you know it takes about 3 to 4 years for the coffee seeds to G: What about war films? Ro
grow into a tree and to produce fruit? The fruit is called the coffee P: Well, the 1998 action drama Saving Private Ryan has brilliant th
cherry and it turns bright red when it’s ripe. special effects. It’s different from the other films I’ve mentioned C:
G: The coffee cherries have to go through lots of processes. So, let’s because it’s based on true events. It starred Tom Hanks and Steven a
see how the coffee cherries are turned into coffee. Over to you Alex. Spielberg directed it. It was nominated for 11 Academy Awards and th
A: Thanks Georgina. Well, the coffee cherries are picked by hand and won 5, including best effects and best director. It tells the story of he
then dried. seven soldiers as they battle in World War II. There’s a fantastic first E:
G: During the drying process, the coffee cherries are spread out scene that lasts for 27 minutes; it’s realistic and very emotional. It J:
on a large surface, and dried in the sun. They’re raked and turned shows how it must have been like during the war. si
throughout the day, and covered at night so they don’t get wet. This G: Thank you, Peter. That was really interesting. m
process continues for a few weeks. When the moisture is gone, the an
dried cherries are moved to a warehouse where they are stored. UNIT 8 Pa
A: Next, the dried cherries are milled. Machines are used to remove E:
the shells and skins of the cherries. Before it’s exported, they are S – Scarlett L – Lauren Fr
sorted by hand. The beans are passed along a conveyor belt and the S: Hey Lauren! Ro
bad beans are removed. L: Hi Scarlett. How’s everything going? fr
S1: Georgina, is the sorting process always done by hand, or do they S: I’m good! I just got back from my holiday in Italy. I was visiting my R:
use machines, as well? cousin. Do you want to take a look at some of my photos? pe
G: Well, although machines can process the beans, it’s mostly done by L: Yeah, cool! is
hand still. S: What do you think of this? an
A: The milled beans, also called ‘green coffee’, are loaded onto ships L: Er… It’s two people in colourful costumes and masks. Who are in
and transported around the world. they? E:
S2: Alex, how are the beans made into the coffee we have at home? S: It’s my cousin Elena and I. We’re dressed up for the Venice Carnival. R:
A: The green coffee is roasted at about 280 degrees Celsius, in a large L: Wow! You went to the Venice Carnival? That’s brilliant! Where’s cy
machine. The beans are kept moving throughout the whole process that picture taken? an
to stop them burning. When they reach about 200 degrees, they S: In St Mark’s Square. We went there to watch the celebrations w
begin to turn brown. on Saturday. There were parades, loud music, dancing, acrobatics, ol
G: Then the final process is grinding. They are ground by large machines shows… And guess how we got there? a
until they become very fine bits. After this, it’s put into packets. L: Erm… by car? fo
A: So, that’s the end of our talk. Thanks for listening. S: No, by gondola. A long boat, which is rowed along the river. There be
were crowds of people in boats and in the squares. E:
L: Wow! I didn’t know it was such a big deal. R:
UNIT 7 S: Yeah, I know. It’s become one of the most well-known festivals in
G – Gabriella P – Peter the world. It first took place, I think, back in the 13th century and it’s a
public holiday now. They traditionally wore masks so everyone could
G: Hello and welcome to Talking Films with me, Gabriella Edwards.
have fun together no matter whether they were rich or poor. I–
A large part of film-making today is the special effects. For me, the
L: And everyone wears costumes? I:
film that has the best special effects is Inception. Joseph Gordon-
S: Yeah, they all dress up in historical costumes. The more colourful D
Levitt plays Arthur, who works for an organisation that controls
the better. The carnival masks are made of either leather, porcelain I:
dreams. In one scene he’s running down a spinning hallway in mid-
or glass, and they’re all hand-painted. They’re decorated with bright D
air. It’s a fantastic stunt. With me here today is Peter Roe, a film
colours, gold, feathers and gems. ho
blogger. Welcome to the show, Peter.
L: I bet everyone looked incredible. Is
P: It’s nice to be here. And by the way, that 2010 action adventure
S: Yeah, they did. I was a bit stressed out before though. My I:
film, Inception, is also one of my favourites. The director Christopher
preparations took me forever! I’d never worn a costume before and D
Nolan is known for his unbelievable screenplays.
I hadn’t seen what a Venice carnival costume looked like. So I spent m
G: OK, Peter. Let’s hear about what else made your list for films with
hours online looking at different costume websites. an
the best special effects.
L: So what happened? w
P: Well, the first one is the 2009 fantasy, Avatar. The main character
S: Well, luckily when I got to my cousin’s house, my aunt had one to
Jake Sully, played by Sam Worthington, has to save a distant planet,
that I could wear. It was quite long, so I had to wear high-heeled I:
Pandora, from destruction. Director, producer and writer, James
shoes. I bought my mask from a fancy dress shop in Venice. It was D
Cameron had to wait seven years for technology to catch up with the
really beautiful. I had a wonderful time. I’d definitely go again. gr
film, which was filmed entirely in 3D.

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vegetable garden. It doesn’t have any modern kitchen equipment
ct, UNIT 9 though – no microwave, washing machine or dishwasher. This saves
d, electricity and it’s much cheaper than other homes.
E – Emma C – Chris J – Jade R – Robert
Part 1 I: So, it reduces its carbon footprint. Great! OK, what’s next?
E: Welcome to Mind and Body with me, Emma Watts. Today we’re D: The next house I visited was the Shelter House in the hills of
n, Normandy, in France. It’s been there since 2009. It makes its own
talking about well-being and how it can be achieved. It isn’t always
he electricity, heat and water. How cool is that?
easy being a teen, is it? There’s so much pressure, so it’s important
that teens take care of themselves. In a moment I will talk to Dr I: That’s impressive! I’ve never seen a house like that.
Robert Freedman. But first, I asked two students how they deal with D: It’s got solar panels to generate electricity and energy, and it’s got a
nt special roof that collects rainwater. The toilets, showers and washing
the pressure. First, Chris.
ed machine all use the rainwater. The materials used in the house are
C: Well, I’m trying to juggle my schoolwork, studying for my exams and
en either recyclable or biodegradable. And there are huge windows that
a part-time job. How do I stay happy? I do athletics twice a week. I go to
nd let in lots of natural daylight.
the running track and run my cares away. It makes me feel better and
helps me concentrate. I: You also went to Denmark…
E: Jade. D: That’s right. I saw the Active House. It’s in a suburb of a big Danish
It city. It’s a really modern, comfortable and usable eco-house, and
J: I love singing. I’m the lead singer in a band. And whenever I’m not
singing in the band, I sing everywhere else – in the shower, the car, in it’s made of concrete, wood and tiles. It’s got solar panels on the roof
my bedroom… If I’m feeling a bit down, I put on my favourite music and a computer system that controls the inside climate of the house
and sing along. and saves energy. It opens and closes the windows depending on the
Part 2 temperature, season and time of day.
E: Well we’ve just heard from two teens, now let’s talk to Dr Robert I: Wow! Thanks for your report David. See you again next week.
Freedman and find out how we can all improve our well-being. Now
Robert, your suggestions are based on recent scientific evidence UNITS 4-6
from the UK. J – Joe E – Erica
my R: Yes, that’s right. The first way is to connect. Connect with the J: Hi everyone! We did our class project on cartoons. Have you ever
people around you in your life. The saying goes, ‘a problem shared wondered how they’re made? Well, we’re going to tell you how. Over
is a problem halved’, so talk with others – friends, family, teachers to you Erica.
and share your problems. These people are important in your life, so E: Thanks, Joe. Did you know that a 30-minute cartoon takes nine
re invest time and develop your relationships with them. months to make? That’s a lot of work! Every programme is made up
E: And this makes them feel good, too! of around 30,000 pictures, called frames. And each frame is drawn
al. R: Absolutely. The second way is to be active. Go for a walk or run, by hand!
e’s cycle, play games and get outside. Exercising makes you feel good J: The first step in the process is writing the script. The producers meet
and you can enjoy yourself. Scientists also believe that the key to in a room and discuss different story ideas. When they’ve decided on
ns well-being is to keep learning. Try something new or rediscover an a story, it’s given to a team of writers to review it and test the jokes.
cs, old hobby. Set a challenge that you will enjoy achieving. Sign up for E: When the story is written, the actors, writers and producers sit in a
a course. Learn to play an instrument or how to cook your favourite room and do the table read. This is an important part of the process as
food. Learning new things makes you more confident as well as the writers can see how their words sound when they’re spoken aloud.
re being fun. And, if people like the jokes. When they’re happy with the script it’s
E: Well, Robert. Thank you for coming in today. passed to the recording studio.
R: It was great being here. J: Next, the actors’ voices are recorded and all the different parts are
in pieced together to make one final recording.
UNITS 1-3 E: That’s followed by the storyboard and artwork stage. Art and
pictures are drawn and matched to the script. They’re put in a
I – Isabella D – David sequence to show the plan of the story from start to finish.
I: Welcome to Eco-Hour. I’m Isabella Snow. J: After that, an animatic is produced. This is like a moving storyboard
ul D: And I’m David Westgate. of all the frames. The animators take the frames and transfer them
in I: So David, tell us what you’ve been up to this week. onto the computer using special software.
ht D: Well, Isabella, this week I was looking at the most eco-friendly E: Next, the cartoon is checked. It costs a lot of money to change
homes in Europe. I’ve been to the UK, Denmark and France. In the UK, anything at this stage, so if there’s a mistake, the animators reuse
I saw the Woodman’s Cottage. It’s built in a chestnut forest in Sussex. animation from other episodes of the cartoon and just change the
My I: That sounds interesting. script. This is also why cartoon characters wear the same clothes, so
nd D: It’s very different from a traditional home. The whole building is they can reuse any pictures when they need to.
nt made of local materials. The walls of the building are made of wood J: Finally, the cartoon is handed to sound engineers. They add the
and the windows are made of recycled glass. Inside the house, the sound effects and pre-recorded music, and make sure the sound
walls are filled with old newspapers and straw, and covered in clay quality is perfect.
ne to keep in the heat. E: So after nine months of work, the TV programme is finally
ed I: What else makes it eco-friendly? completed.
as D: The trees used to make the house were cut in a special way so they J: And that’s our talk. Thanks for listening.
grow back quicker. It’s a simple house, with a balcony and a small

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Listening scripts
S: Lizzy Lens have around 600 rare sheep, which they rescued.
UNITS 7-9 Normally if a sheep has a problem, whether it’s the sheep’s size, age
or quality of its wool, it’s killed. Instead Lizzy Lens’ sheep are able to
S – Stephanie K – Kathy M – Matt live their whole lives in a sheep sanctuary in North Yorkshire. Their
S: Hello, I’m Dr Stephanie Richards and welcome to Advice Now, the wool is used for knitwear.
show that helps teens get through life. Today we’re talking about D: How is the wool turned into clothes?
success. In a moment I’m going to talk to Matt Cook. But first I spoke S: The sheep’s fleece, its hair, is processed, then it is spun and finally
to a student, Kathy, and asked how she had achieved success, and it’s woven, all in an English factory. Two types of sheep are used, the
this is what she said. Shetland sheep and the Wensleydale sheep. The Shetlands’ wool is
K: Well, I started designing website layouts with my own graphic very soft and it is woven into coats, skirts and trousers. It’s so strong
designs when I was 14 years old. Within a year I began designing that it’s even woven into cotton, too. Very fine and silky wool is
websites and blogs for small businesses. produced from the Wensleydales’ fleece. In fact it’s the finest and
S: Now let’s find out how all teens can succeed in life. Matt Cook’s shiniest in the world. It can be worn against your skin and it isn’t
worked with teens for the past ten years and has developed programs itchy. It’s turned into cardigans, sweaters, dresses, scarves and socks.
to help young people progress, be enthusiastic and take control of D: Thanks Silvia. I think I’m going to start thinking more about where
their lives. Matt, welcome to the programme. Tell us about your plan. my clothes are made.
M: Well, I’d designed a step-by-step plan a few years ago while
working in schools. Its aim is help teenagers reach their goals, and
most of the steps come from my own personal experience. There are
five different steps. First of all, and the most important, is attitude. M – Maryanne J – Joel
Find something you love and practise it a lot, whether it is doing a M: Welcome to the Film Review Show with me, Maryanne Harper.
sport or playing an instrument. You can increase your chances of Last month, we asked our listeners, what in their view were the most
success if you enjoy what you do. memorable film moments. Mine is in the film The Sound of Music.
S: I think we’d all agree with that! The classic musical starts with the unforgettable song, ‘The Hills are
M: And that links in with the second step, set goals. Teens can set Alive with the Sound of Music’, sung by the actress Julie Andrews. And
themselves goals personally and with their schoolwork. Goals can with me today is film expert Joel Carlson. Welcome to the show.
give you focus and something to work for. J: It’s nice to be here. Did you know, Maryanne, that 1965 film, The
S: That sounds like a practical idea. Sound of Music, was nominated for 10 Academy Awards? It won five,
M: Yes, a very helpful tip. The third step is organization. When you’ve including one for Best Sound and one for Best Music. The musical
set goals, you want to see outcomes, so write a to-do list and stick to was based on a 1950 German film, The Trapp Family. It was also first a
it. And that leads on to my fourth step, commitment. Don’t give up, musical play on Broadway in New York in 1959.
and make sure to complete daily tasks. Whether it’s skateboarding or M: OK, Joel. Let’s hear what our listeners voted for.
playing the piano, practise every day. Lastly, the fifth step to achieve J: Well, they chose many incredible film moments. But I’d like to
success is inspiration. Everyone needs a person to be inspired by. focus on just two. The first is also one of my favourites. It is in the
Reading or hearing about other teens’ success stories, like Kathy’s, 1975 horror thriller, Jaws. In the first scene a woman is swimming in
can be motivating. the sea at night, when suddenly she sees something in the water.
S: Matt, thanks for sharing your helpful life advice today. As the music starts, we see the woman getting dragged across the
M: My pleasure. sea before she disappears. We don’t actually see the shark, but that,
together with the music, is what makes it more terrifying. The special
END OF YEAR TEST A effects back then weren’t brilliant, so it took 40 technicians to build
three enormous mechanical model sharks.
D – Daniel S – Silvia M: I love that moment.
D: You haven’t been on the Clothes Show for a while, Silvia. What J: Another memorable film moment is from the amazing 1980 sci-fi
have you been up to? action film, Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back. It was the second of
S: Well, I’ve just got back from England. My aim was to find the Star Wars films to be released. The first was A New Hope in 1977.
somewhere that produced environmentally-friendly clothes. I found It tells the story of Luke Skywalker, played by Mark Hamill, who tries
a place in North Yorkshire. All their clothes are made locally from to save the planet from the evil Darth Vader. Towards the end of the
wool. I’m going to talk to you about my trip today. film Skywalker is fighting Darth Vader and Darth Vader unexpectedly
D: So, how’s it different from other companies? tells him ‘I am your father.’ Everyone thought Darth Vader had killed
S: Well, often nowadays our clothes are made in large amounts in Skywalker’s dad, but he was actually his father. Fantastic!
different countries around the world – China, Vietnam, Cambodia, M: I’d agree with the listeners that these two are two of the most
Philippines…the list goes on. People are paid very little money to memorable film moments. Thanks, Joel. Now I want to watch those
make them, and the clothes are shipped thousands of miles abroad, films again!
producing lots of pollution. Lizzy Lens’ clothes are made locally,
which reduces their carbon footprint. The company believes that
the whole process from making and producing to selling and buying
should all be done from the country you are in.
D: It’s a no brainer really, isn’t it?
S: Yes, exactly.
D: So, tell us about the wool that is used.

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Speaking Tests

Diagnostic Speaking Test page 216

Speaking Test 1 page 217

Speaking Test 2 page 218

Speaking Test 3 page 219

Speaking Test 4 page 220

Speaking Test 5 page 221

Speaking Test 6 page 222

Speaking Test 7 page 223

Speaking Test 8 page 224

Speaking Test 9 page 225

Speaking Test Units 1–3 page 226

Speaking Test Units 4–6 page 227

Speaking Test Units 7–9 page 228

Speaking Test A page 229

Speaking Test B page 230

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Diagnostic Speaking Test 1
Student A S
1 Tell Student B a bit about yourself and answer his / 3 Look at the photo and describe what you can see. 1
her questions. ● Say who is in the picture and where they are.
Then ask Student B to tell you a bit about himself / ● Say what they are doing.
herself. Find out:
● Say why you think they are doing this activity.
● any personal details you don’t already know (name,
where he / she lives, hobbies etc.).
Now swap roles and listen to Student B describe
what he / she can see in his / her photo.
● what he / she did last weekend.
● what he / she would like to do after he / she leaves

2 Ask Student B about his / her childhood and the

experiences he / she had. 2
● Ask about his / her first day at school.
● Ask about an activity he / she used to enjoy doing.
● Ask about his / her favourite childhood possession.
Now swap roles and talk about your childhood.
Answer Student B’s questions.

Student B S
1 Ask Student A to tell you a bit about himself / 3 Listen to Student A describe a photo. 1
herself. Find out: Now swap roles and describe your photo.
● any personal details you don’t already know (name, ● Say who is in the picture and where she is.
where he / she lives, hobbies etc.). 2
● Say what she is doing.
● what he / she has done today.
● Say why you think she is doing this activity.
● his / her plans for the week.

Then tell Student A a bit about yourself and

answer his / her questions.

2 Talk about your childhood and the experiences you

had. Answer Student A’s questions.
Now swap roles and ask Student A about his / her
childhood and the experiences he / she had.
● Ask about his / her first day at school.
● Ask about an activity he / she used to enjoy doing.
● Ask about his / her favourite childhood possession.

216 DIAGNOSTIC SPEAKING Test Richmond Photocopiable © Santillana Educación, S.L. Ri

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1 Speaking Test
Student A
1 Ask Student B about a funny, interesting or
incredible story that happened to him / her
recently. Find out:
● what happened.
● where it happened.
● when it happened.
● who he / she was with.
● what he / she saw or heard.
● how he / she felt.

2 Then answer Student B’s questions and tell him/

her about a funny, interesting or incredible story
that happened to you recently.
B: I had a funny / interesting /
incredible experience recently.

A: Really? What happened?

Student B
1 Answer Student A’s questions and tell him / her
about a funny, interesting or incredible story that
happened to you recently.

2 Then ask Student A about a funny, interesting

or incredible story that happened to him / her
recently. Find out:
● what happened.
● where it happened.
● when it happened.
● who he / she was with.
● what he / she saw or heard.
● how he / she felt.
B: I had a funny / interesting /
incredible experience recently.

A: Really? What happened?

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2 Speaking Test 3
Student A S
1 You and Student B are in a clothes shop. You are Yo
helping Student B choose some clothes to buy. e
Student B has picked out two outfits that he / she


Give a positive opinion about the first outfit and a ●

negative opinion about the second.

For each outfit:
● Give your opinion. R
● Give reasons why you like / dislike it. ●

2 Now swap roles. Ask Student B’s opinion about ●

two outfits that you have seen in the shop and like. ●
If he / she doesn’t like an outfit, ask why not and

say why you like it.

B: What do you think about this dress?

A: I love it. It’s brilliant.

Student B S
1 You are in a clothes shop with Student A. Student Yo
A is helping you choose what clothes to buy. You e
have seen two outfits you like.

Ask Student A’s opinion about them. If he / she
doesn’t like an outfit, ask why not and say why you ●
like it.

2 Now swap roles. Give opinions on two outfits that
Student A has seen in the shop and likes.
Give a negative opinion about the first outfit and a ●
positive opinion about the second.

For each outfit:

● Give your opinion.

● Give reasons why you like / dislike it.

B: What do you think about this dress?

A: I love it. It’s brilliant.

218 Unit 2 SPEAKING Test Richmond Photocopiable © Santillana Educación, S.L. Ri

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3 Speaking Test
Student A
You are going to have a discussion about the
environment. Talk about:
● what you think are the biggest problems that affect
the environment.
● what can be done to solve these problems.
● what everyone could do to help protect the environment
and save the planet.
Remember to:
● Give your opinion.
● Add and contrast information where appropriate.
● Ask Student B’s opinion.
● Ask for explanations where necessary.
A: What do you think is the worst thing
● Agree or disagree where appropriate. that affects the environment?

B: I think there are too many

cars on the roads.

Student B
You are going to have a discussion about the
environment. Talk about:
● what you think are the biggest problems that affect
the environment.
● what can be done to solve these problems.
● what everyone could do to help protect the
environment and save the planet.
Remember to:
● Give your opinion.
● Add and contrast information where appropriate.
● Ask Student A’s opinion.
● Ask for explanations where necessary.
A: What do you think is the worst thing
● Agree or disagree where appropriate. that affects the environment?

B: I think there are too many

cars on the roads.

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4 Speaking Test 5
Student A S
1 Ask Student B about his / her hopes and dreams for 1
the future.

Find out:
● what his / her immediate plans and intentions are
for this year.
● what his / her goals are in life.
● what he / she thinks he / she can do to achieve
these goals.
● what he / she thinks will happen in his / her life.
● what he / she doesn’t want to do in the future. 2

2 Then tell Student B about your hopes and dreams

for the future and answer his / her questions.

A: What are your plans this year?

B: I’m going to take my guitar
classes more seriously.

Student B S
1 Tell Student A about your hopes and dreams for 1
the future and answer his / her questions.

2 Then ask Student A about his / her hopes and
dreams for the future.
Find out:
● what his / her immediate plans and intentions are
for this year.
● what his / her goals are in life.
● what he / she thinks he / she can do to achieve
these goals.
● what he / she thinks will happen in his / her life.
● what he / she doesn’t want to do in the future.
A: What are your plans this year?
B: I’m going to take my guitar
classes more seriously.

220 Unit 4 SPEAKING Test Richmond Photocopiable © Santillana Educación, S.L. Ri

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5 Speaking Test
Student A
1 You are a doctor and Student B is a patient.
He / She has a health problem and is asking you
for advice.
● Ask what the problem is.
● Ask how it happened and when it started.
● Ask what symptoms he / she has.
● Ask if he / she is taking any medication.
● Give him / her advice on how to treat the problem.

2 Then swap roles. You are the patient and Student B

is the doctor.

Ask Student B for advice about your health

A: Hello. What’s the problem?

B: I’ve got a pain in my

arm. It started a week ago.

Student B
1 Student A is a doctor and you are a patient.
You have a health problem. Ask Student A for

2 Then swap roles. You are the doctor and Student

A is the patient. He / she is asking you for advice
about a health problem.
● Ask what the problem is.
● Ask how it happened and when it started.
● Ask what symptoms he / she has.
● Ask if he / she is taking any medication.
● Give him / her advice on how to treat the problem.
A: Hello. What’s the problem?

B: I’ve got a pain in my

arm. It started a week ago.

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6 Speaking Test 7
Student A S
1 You are playing a guessing game with Student B. 1
Student B will describe an object and you have to
guess what it is.
Find out:
● how big it is.
● how heavy it is.
● what colour it is.
● what shape it is.
● what it is made of.
● what you use it for.
B: I’m thinking of an object.
2 Then you describe an object and Student B has to Guess what it is.
guess what it is. A: Ok. How heavy is it?
Your object is a fire extinguisher.

Student B S
1 You are playing a guessing game with Student A. 1
Describe an object and Student A has to guess
what it is.
The object you will describe is a toothbrush. 2
Find out:
● how big it is.

● how heavy it is.
● what colour it is.
● what shape it is.
● what it is made of.
B: I’m thinking of an object.
● what you use it for. Guess what it is.

2 Then Student A will describe an object and you A: Ok. How heavy is it?
have to guess what it is.

222 Unit 6 SPEAKING Test Richmond Photocopiable © Santillana Educación, S.L. Ri

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7 Speaking Test
Student A
1 You’ve sent Student B a cool video to his / her
mobile phone.

Find out:
● If Student B has his / her phone now.
● If he / she saw the video.
● If Student B saw the video, what he / she thought
of it.
● If Student B didn’t see the video, ask why not and
tell him / her what was on it.

2 Then answer Student B’s questions about a cool

video that he / she has sent to your mobile.
A: Did you see the video I sent you?

B: Yes, it’s awesome! / No, I couldn’t

open the link you sent me.

Student B
1 Student A has sent you a cool video to your mobile

Answer Student A’s questions about the video.

2 Then find out whether Student A has received the
cool video that you sent to his / her mobile.

Find out:
● If Student A has his / her phone now.
● If he / she saw the video.
● If Student A saw the video, what he / she thought
of it.
● If Student A didn’t see the video, ask why not and
tell him / her what was on it.
A: Did you see the video I sent you?

B: Yes, it’s awesome! / No, I couldn’t

open the link you sent me.

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8 Speaking Test 9
Student A S
1 Student B has phoned your house. He / She wants 1
to speak to your brother / sister but your brother /
sister isn’t at home.

Inform Student B and take a message.
2 Now swap roles. Phone Student B’s house and ask
for a friend.
● Say who you want to speak to.
● Ask if you can leave a message.
● Tell Student B your message.
● Repeat it again if Student B doesn’t understand.
B: Can I speak to Ben, please?

A: I’m afraid Ben isn’t here

at the moment.

Student B S
1 You phone a friend’s house. 1
● Say who you want to speak to.
● Ask if you can leave a message.
● Tell Student A your message.
● Repeat it again if Student A doesn’t understand.

1 Now swap roles. Student A has phoned your house.
He / She wants to speak to your brother / sister but
your brother / sister isn’t at home.

Inform Student A and take a message.

B: Can I speak to Ben, please?

A: I’m afraid Ben isn’t here

at the moment.

224 Unit 8 SPEAKING Test Richmond Photocopiable © Santillana Educación, S.L. Ri

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9 Speaking Test
Student A
1 Your friend, Student B, calls you on the phone. He /
She has some news to tell you.

You should:
● Respond appropriately as you listen.
● Ask follow up questions to get more information.
● React to the news and tell Student B what you
think of it.

2 Then swap roles. Think of some news, and call

Student B to tell him / her.
A Hi! How are things?

B Hey, you’ll never guess

what I’ve just heard.

Student B
1 You have some news to tell your friend, Student A.
Call him / her on the phone and tell him / her your

2 Then swap roles. Your friend, Student A, calls you

on the phone with some news to tell you.

You should:
● Respond appropriately as you listen.
● Ask follow up questions to get more information.
● React to the news and tell Student A what you think
of it.
A Hi! How are things?

B Hey, you’ll never guess

what I’ve just heard.

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Speaking Test Units 1–3 S
Student A S
You and Student B are having a discussion about 1
whether people should use public transport more
instead of cars.
You are for using public transport and Student B
is against. Discuss:
● Why you are for using public transport.
● What the benefits are.
● Why you are against using cars.
Remember to:
● Give reasons for your opinion.
● Add and contrast information where appropriate.
A: I reckon everyone should use public
● Ask Student B’s opinion. transport more instead of cars.

● Ask for explanations where necessary. B: I don’t agree with you. What about areas that
don’t have much public transport?
● Agree / disagree.

Student B S
You and Student A are having a discussion. 1
You are talking about whether people should use
public transport more instead of cars.
Student A is for using public transport and you are
against. Discuss:
● Why you are against using public transport.
● What the problems are.
● Why you are for using cars.
Remember to:
● Give reasons for your opinion.
● Add and contrast information where appropriate. A: I reckon everyone should use public
transport more instead of cars.
● Ask Student A’s opinion.
B: I don’t agree with you. What about areas that
● Ask for explanations where necessary. don’t have much public transport?
● Agree / disagree.

226 SPEAKING Test Units 1-3 Richmond Photocopiable © Santillana Educación, S.L. Ri

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Speaking Test Units 4–6

Student A
1 You have problem in one of your classes and you
are telling your friend, Student B, about it.
● Describe the problem in detail.
● Ask Student B if he / she can help you or give you
some advice.
● Respond to his / her advice.

2 Then swap roles. Student B has a problem and is

going to tell you about it.
● Ask him / her what the problem is.
● Offer some help or advice.
B What’s the matter?

A I’m having problems doing

my Science homework.

Student B
1 Student A has a problem and is going to tell you
about it.
● Ask him / her what the problem is.
● Offer some help or advice.

2 Then swap roles. You have a problem with one

of your friends and you’re telling another friend,
Student B, about it.
● Describe the problem in detail.
● Ask Student B if he / she can help you or give you
some advice.
● Respond to his / her advice.
B What’s the matter?

A I’m having problems doing

my Science homework.

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Speaking Test Units 7–9 S
Student A S
You and your friend, Student B, are planning a party. 1
Think about what you’re celebrating, and discuss:
● where you’re going to have the party.
● who you want to invite and how you’re going to tell
● whether you want to have a theme.
● what entertainment you want (e.g. music, games,
● what food you want and who is going to provide it.
A Hey, now that it’s nearly the end
of the year, let’s have a party!

B Good idea! We could have it at

the youth club near my house.

Student B S
You and your friend, Student A, are planning a party. 1
Think about what you’re celebrating, and discuss:
● where you’re going to have the party.
● who you want to invite and how you’re going to tell
● whether you want to have a theme.
● what entertainment you want (e.g. music, games,
● what food you want and who is going to provide it.
A Hey, now that it’s nearly the end
of the year, let’s have a party!

B Good idea! We could have it at

the youth club near my house.

228 SPEAKING Test Units 7-9 Richmond Photocopiable © Santillana Educación, S.L. Ri

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Speaking Test Final A

Student A
1 Your teacher has asked you and Student B to
organize a school film night. It’s going to be in your
classroom, and you will be able to watch any two
films you like. You can also provide some food and
drinks if you want.
● Suggest films that you could show.
● For each film you mention:
● Make sure Student B knows which film you’re
talking about. Describe the film if necessary.
● Say why you think the film would be good to
show the class.
● Ask Student B’s opinion.
A So what films do you think we
● Agree or disagree with Student B’s suggestions. can show for the film night?
● Decide together which two films to show. B We could show some old classic films, but
I don’t know if everyone likes old films.
● Discuss whether you want food and drink, and if so
decide what.

Student B
1 Your teacher has asked you and Student A to
organize a school film night. It’s going to be in your
classroom, and you will be able to watch any two
films you like. You can also provide some food and
drinks if you want.
● Suggest films that you could show.
● For each film you mention:
● Make sure Student A knows which film you’re
talking about. Describe the film if necessary.
● Say why you think the film would be good to
show the class.
● Ask Student A’s opinion.
A So what films do you think we
● Agree or disagree with Student A’s suggestions. can show for the film night?
● Decide together which two films to show. B We could show some old classic films, but
I don’t know if everyone likes old films.
● Discuss whether you want food and drink, and if so
decide what.

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Speaking Test Final B

Student A
You are at a party that you and Student B organized
to celebrate the end of your school year.
● Talk about how you think the party’s going. Discuss:
● the people who are there.
● food and drink.
● if people are enjoying themselves.
● Talk about how the year has gone. Discuss:
● your school reports and marks.
● the subjects you studied.
● your year in general.
● Talk about the summer holidays and next year. A Hey, great party, isn’t it?
Discuss: B Yeah, nearly everybody came.
● your holiday plans. Do you think there’s enough food?

● what you think next year at school will be like.

Student B
You are at a party that you and Student A organized to
celebrate the end of your school year.
● Talk about how you think the party’s going. Discuss:
● the people who are there.
● food and drink.
● if people are enjoying themselves.
● Talk about how the year has gone. Discuss:
● your school reports and marks.
● the subjects you studied.
● your year in general.
● Talk about the summer holidays and next year. A Hey, great party, isn’t it?
B Yeah, nearly everybody came.
● your holiday plans. Do you think there’s enough food?

● what you think next year at school will be like.

230 SPEAKING Test Final B Richmond Photocopiable © Santillana Educación, S.L.

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Richmond ®
58 St Aldates
Oxford OX1 1ST
United Kingdom
© Martyn Hobbs and Julia Starr Keddle
© Santillana Educación, S.L. 2014

Writers: Sarah Jane Lewis and Sarah Medina

Recordings: EFS Television Production Ltd.

Publishing Director: María Lera

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Editorial Team: Brígido Adán Lozano, Ben Pincus
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