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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Health
Proposed Functional Organogram

A. Mandate

Vision – Global leader in sustainable and equitable urban health.

Mission – To guarantee optimal health for urban populace, especially the poor and the
marginalized, through the efficient use of resources and inter sectoral action with different

Core Function:

The Regional Unified Project Management Unit of DOH-NCRO (RUPMU) is generally

responsible for the management and operation of projects of the Department of Health –
National Capital Regional Office in a consolidated and integrated manner. It is divided into
two (2) sub-units: the RUPMU Proper and the Health Sector Performance Monitoring Unit

The RUPMU Proper shall have the following key functions:

a.) Project monitoring/evaluation

Tracking and assessment of physical and financial progress per component or activity vis
a vis set targets and schedules, identification of problem areas and corresponding
measures to address issues.

b.) Project coordination/ “oversight”

The overall project supervision and coordination at both hierarchical (for policy and
program consistency) and functional (for interagency/project/component) harmonization
and “complementarily”.

c.) Project operation and management

The day-to-day business of project implementation to include decision and operational

policy making in technical, financial and administrative matters.

d.) Trouble shooting

The formulation and adoption of emergency and/or permanent measures of

interventions to address problem areas and disruptions in project operations.

e.) Financial Management

The whole gamut of financial responsibilities in support to project implementation which

includes budgeting, accounting, cash management, and internal audit. This also covers
coordination with appropriate oversight agencies and/or ODA institutions, where
necessary and applicable concerning financial matters.

f.) Post project completion/mainstreaming of project concerns in regular activities

Block 6 Barangay Road, Welfareville Compound, Barangay Addition Hills, Mandaluyong City 1550 ● Trunk Line: 531-0034/531-0037
Fax: 535-4595 ● URL: Email:
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Health
The formulation, adoption and installation of the measures, systems and structures
to ensure the continuous and sustained implementation of project activities which have
been integrated in the regular structure and system of NCRO.

The HSPMU Proper shall have the following key functions:

a.) Monitoring and assessment of health indicators

Operate a harmonized monitoring and evaluation system that generates timely,

accurate and complete reports on health sector performance. Collect data from existing
DOH and other agencies’ information systems and consequently check for accuracy,
consistency and validity of data being collected.

b.) Impact evaluation of projects

Consolidate or further process data as needed, analyze and translate them into report
formats acceptable to intended recipients. Establish the impact of DOH programs in the
health sector and assess in which areas have been effective and where adjustments are

c.) Planning and program development

Ensure continuous process of making informed decisions based on evidences and the
most effective and efficient use of resources. Alert concerned clusters / units with
performance below expected levels.

d.) Dissemination activities of monitoring results / findings

Meet the reporting requirements of oversight offices for information and reports,
including funding sources and organize dissemination activities of monitoring results /

e.) Coordination with various stakeholders

All activities which require policy, activity linking, before, during and after project
implementation with oversight entities, other implementing agencies, funding
institutions and project beneficiaries/clientele.


a.) Development Management Officer IV (Head - RUPMU Proper)

1. Technical Assistance in Health Planning, Health Program/Project Management,

Health Facilities Improvement, Health Emergency Management and Reporting.

2. Policy formulation, adaptation and dissemination.

3. Represent the DOH and participate in the deliberation of
LHB/provincial/ILZ/city/municipality health programs.

4. Advocate to local officials, local health personnel and key stakeholders to support
the implementation of national health thrusts, laws, policies and standards.

Block 6 Barangay Road, Welfareville Compound, Barangay Addition Hills, Mandaluyong City 1550 ● Trunk Line: 531-0034/531-0037
Fax: 535-4595 ● URL: Email:
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Health

5. Propose to LGUs to replicate good practices, initiatives an innovations of health

programs/projects being implemented by other LGUs.

6. Monitoring, evaluation and analysis of local health data and implementation of

health services, programs and projects of LGUs and other stakeholders, and
provide feedback at all levels.

7. Propose solutions/recommendations based on the M&E findings and follow up

implementation of such solutions.

8. Recommend to LGUs mechanisms to ensure sustainability of health

programs/projects in coordination with provincial/city/municipal and concerned
program coordinators.

9. Monitor/facilitate the submission of LGU required reports and validate prior to

submission of LGU required reports and validate prior to submission to the CHD.

10. Inter-agency and Inter-sectoral Collaboration/Networking.

11. Reviews ad consolidates plans.

12. Reviews and consolidates monthly, quarterly and annual reports.

13. Conducts workshops and provides technical assistance to program managers

and LGU coordinators

14. Performs other duties as assigned by the Regional Director and Assistant
Regional Director.

15. Reviews the news articles and feature stories submitted by the information
officers to be posted in DOH-NCRO website page; the prepared news article of
the information officers for the DOH-NCRO newsletter at 6-moonth interval.

b.) Development Management Officer IV (Head - HSPMU)

1. Oversee the design and implementation of the Health Sector Performance

Monitoring and Evaluation and supervise day to day operations of the RHSPMU.

2. Review HSP M and E Framework including list of indicators and be clarified of

their rationale, definition and formula.

3. Review data collection tools and assist PHTL/DMOs in orienting the PHAs on
their use.

4. Ensure timely collection of data and submission of reports as scheduled.

5. Troubleshoot backlogs and delays in the submission and coordinate with

concerned offices/authorities to address problem/s.

6. Lead in the overall analysis of data and prompt management of needed actions.

7. Spearhead dissemination of reports and ensure maximum utilization.

8. Supervise the work of the 4 technical support staff, 1 per each District Health
Team, as they perform their tasks.
9. Be responsible in developing the skills of other RHSPMU staff including the PHAs.

Block 6 Barangay Road, Welfareville Compound, Barangay Addition Hills, Mandaluyong City 1550 ● Trunk Line: 531-0034/531-0037
Fax: 535-4595 ● URL: Email:
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Health
10. Liaise with other DOH-RO offices, allied DOH agencies and
other oversight government agencies on matters/concerns relative to the HSP M
and E.

11. Coordinate with NHSPMU for any issue/need relative to the HSDP M and E in the

12. Technical Assistance in Health Planning, Health Program/Project Management,

Health Facilities Improvement, Health Emergency Management and Reporting.

13. Policy formulation, adaptation and dissemination.

14. Advocate to local officials, local health personnel and key stakeholders to support
the implementation of national health thrusts, laws, policies and standards.

15. Propose to LGUs to replicate good practices, initiatives an innovations of health

programs/projects being implemented by other LGUs.

16. Monitoring, evaluation and analysis of local health data and implementation of
health services, programs and projects of LGUs and other stakeholders, and
provide feedback at all levels.

17. Propose solutions/recommendations based on the M&E findings and follow up

implementation of such solutions.

18. Recommend to LGUs mechanisms to ensure sustainability of health

programs/projects in coordination with provincial/city/municipal and concerned
program coordinators.

19. Monitor/facilitate the submission of LGU required reports and validate prior to
submission of LGU required reports and validate prior to submission to the

20. Inter-agency and Inter-sectoral Collaboration/Networking.

21. Reviews and consolidates monthly, quarterly and annual reports.

22. Performs other duties as assigned by the Regional Director and Assistant
Regional Director.

23. Reviews the news articles and feature stories submitted by the information
officers to be posted in DOH-NCRO website page; the prepared news article of
the information officers for the DOH-NCRO newsletter at 6-moonth interval.

c.) Two (2) Information Officers

1. Monitor daily health-related news via TV, radio and printed medias.

2. Provide the HPMRU Facebook page with articles and photos from health-related
the activities and programs of the DOH-NCRO.

3. Facilitate on the lay-outing and produce write-ups for the reproduction of the
DOH-NCRO official newsletter.

4. Maintain a network of media practitioners for news updates and media related
activities for health.

Block 6 Barangay Road, Welfareville Compound, Barangay Addition Hills, Mandaluyong City 1550 ● Trunk Line: 531-0034/531-0037
Fax: 535-4595 ● URL: Email:
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Health
5. Assist in the conduct of health promotions, training, meetings,
and other related activities in coordination with the Local Health Support Division.

6. Participate in training courses, seminars, workshops, conventions, and other

human resource development activities.

7. Prepares keynote speeches for the Director IV for health and other health-related

8. Continue preparing and facilitating the lay-out and content of the production of
coffee table book for the Philippine Health Agenda.

9. Provide photos and other graphic materials for the DOH-NCRO website.

10. Perform other relevant tasks assigned by immediate supervisor.

d.) 4 Public Health Nurses, 1 per District Health Team (RUPMU Proper)

1. Be responsible for contributing to overall Regional Unified Project Management

Unit (RUPMU) objectives and specific team deliverables.

2. Be responsible for completing individual deliverables.

3. Plan the assigned tasks and/or activities in more detail if needed.

4. Undertake project monitoring and evaluation and impact evaluation activities.

5. Undertake field validation, project facilitation and problem solving sessions.

6. Discuss problems encountered of the project implementation with the RUPMU

and forwards recommendations to appropriate unit/division.

7. Inform the project manager of issues, scope changes, risk and quality concerns.

8. Escalate policy issues to RUPMU Unit Head for referral to upper management.

9. Initiate problem-solving sessions, when necessary, to resolve specific issues or

project concerns.

10. Maintain a project monitoring and tracking system.

11. Prepare/disseminate monitoring and validation reports on the status of

development projects such as but not limited to the Health Facility Enhancement
Program specifically with the equipment provided by the regional office based on
General Appropriation Act (GAA).

12. Communicate proactively project status and managing expectations.

13. Perform other tasks as may be assigned from time to time by the supervisor.

e.) 4 Public Health Associates, 1 per District Health Team (HSPMU)

1. Responsible in collecting, validating, consolidating and analyzing data required in

the HSP M and E Framework from identified data sources at the regional level
and from the LGUs through the DMOs.

Block 6 Barangay Road, Welfareville Compound, Barangay Addition Hills, Mandaluyong City 1550 ● Trunk Line: 531-0034/531-0037
Fax: 535-4595 ● URL: Email:
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Health

2. Coordinate with concerned Regional Program Coordinators, RESUs, DOH-

retained hospitals and other offices to collect data required for the HSP

3. Coordinate with the DOH-retained hospitals, and regional PhilHealth, POPCOM

and NNC Regional Offices for any data to be collected.

4. Liaise directly with the PHTLs/ DMOs for provincial/city/municipal data.

5. Validate completeness, accuracy of data and feedback immediately to concerned


6. Encode, consolidate and tabulate data according to expected templates and

essential requirements provided for in the reports to be submitted.

7. Analyze the data as required by the DOH-RO and other oversight agencies.

8. Assist HSPMU Head in the wide dissemination of reports on HSP status.

9. Update HSPMU Head in any issues and concerns on the collection, validity,
timeliness and accuracy of data.

f.) 1 Public Health Nurse in charge of Medical Missions

1. Handle all matters relating to medical missions, health outreach caravans, dental
missions and other related activities requested by partner agencies and other

2. Evaluates medical structures and quality services provides during medical

missions / health caravans.

3. Identifies and monitors pertinent services that can be offered and monitors
services for referral and treatment of beneficiaries

4. Implements and supervises health practitioners during conduct of medical

missions, health outreach caravans, medical missions and other related activities.

5. Carries out collective health briefing for all new health practitioners in the
delegation and at the end of medical missions, health outreach caravans, dental
missions and other related activities.

6. Ensures safety of all health practitioners going to the field during medical
missions, health outreach caravans, dental missions and other related activities.

7. Collects accurate and reliable data pertaining to the commons illnesses seen
during conduct of medical missions, health outreach caravans, dental missions
and other related activities.

8. Collects reports, provides administrative assistance and prepares necessary

administrative documents necessary acquire financial support needed during the
conduct of medical missions, health outreach caravans, dental missions and
other related activities.

Block 6 Barangay Road, Welfareville Compound, Barangay Addition Hills, Mandaluyong City 1550 ● Trunk Line: 531-0034/531-0037
Fax: 535-4595 ● URL: Email:
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Health


Prepared by:

Jaya P. Ebuen, RN

Block 6 Barangay Road, Welfareville Compound, Barangay Addition Hills, Mandaluyong City 1550 ● Trunk Line: 531-0034/531-0037
Fax: 535-4595 ● URL: Email:

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