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SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 1
NOTES Participants who successfully complete the Certificates 1 and 2 would be awarded a Diploma in the discipline.

Participants who complete the Certificates 1, 2 and 3 in a discipline will be awarded an Advanced Diploma

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SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 2


CERTIFICATE IN AGRICULTURE 1 ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6

CERTIFICATE IN AGRICULTURE 2 ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 11
CERTIFICATE IN ANIMAL HUSBANDRY ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 14
CERTIFICATE IN CROP HUSBANDRY ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 19
CERTIFICATE IN HORTICULTURE AND LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE .................................................................................................................................................................... 24
CERTIFICATE IN MARTIME OPERATION ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 28
CERTIFICATE IN MARINE DIESEL ENGINEERING 1 ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 34
CERTIFICATE IN MARINE DIESEL ENGINEERING 2 ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 39
CERTIFICATE IN MOTOR VEHICLE ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY STUDIES 1 ........................................................................................................................................................ 44
CERTIFICATE IN MOTOR VEHICLE ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY STUDIES 2 ........................................................................................................................................................ 50
CERTIFICATE IN MOTOR VEHICLE ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY STUDIES 3........................................................................................................................................................ 53
CERTIFICATE IN SMALL ENGINE REPAIR .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 55
CERTIFICATE IN VEHICLE BODY REPAIR 1 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 60
CERTIFICATE IN VEHICLE BODY REPAIR 2 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 66
CERTIFICATE IN WELDING 1................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 68
CERTIFICATE IN WELDING 2................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 73
CERTIFICATE IN ARCHITECTURAL DRAFTING 1 .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 77
CERTIFICATE IN ARCHITECTURAL DRAFTING 2 .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 82
CERTIFICATE IN CARPENTRY AND JOINERY 1 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 87
CERTIFICATE IN CARPENTRY AND JOINERY 2 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 92

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 3

CERTIFICATE IN CIVIL AND STRUCTURAL DRAFTING 1 ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 94
CERTIFICATE IN CIVIL AND STRUCTURAL DRAFTING 2 ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 98
CERTIFICATE IN CABINET AND FURNITURE MAKING 1...................................................................................................................................................................................... 101
CERTIFICATE IN CABINET AND FURNITURE MAKING 2...................................................................................................................................................................................... 105
CERTIFICATE IN PAINTING AND DECORATING .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 109
CERTIFICATE IN PLUMBING 1 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 114
CERTIFICATE IN PLUMBING 2 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 119
CERTIFICATE IN MASONRY 1 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 122
CERTIFICATE IN MASONRY 2 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 127
CERTIFICATE IN OFFICE ADMINISTRATION ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 129
CERTIFICATE IN ACCOUNTS TECHNOLOGY ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 134
DIPLOMA IN OFFICE ADMINISTRATION............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 140
DIPLOMA IN ACCOUNTS TECHNOLOGY ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 144
CERTIFICATE IN COMPUTER MAINTENANCE ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 150
CERTIFICATE IN ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION 1 ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 154
CERTIFICATE IN ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION 2 ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 161
CERTIFICATE IN ELECTRICAL WIRING................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 165
CERTIFICATE IN ELECTRONICS SERVICING TECHNOLOGY 1 ............................................................................................................................................................................... 170
CERTIFICATE IN ELECTRONICS SERVICING TECHNOLOGY 2 ............................................................................................................................................................................... 176
CERTIFICATE IN MICROCOMPUTER TECHNOLOGY 1 ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 181
CERTIFICATE IN MICROCOMPUTER TECHNOLOGY 2 ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 187
CERTIFICATE IN NETWORKING TECHNOLOGIES 1 ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 191

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 4

CERTIFICATE IN NETWORKING TECHNOLOGIES 2 ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 196
CERTIFICATE IN REFRIGERATION AND AIR CONDITIONING 1 ........................................................................................................................................................................... 200
CERTIFICATE IN REFRIGERATION AND AIR CONDITIONING 2 ........................................................................................................................................................................... 207
CERTIFICATE IN CATERING................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 211
CERTIFICATE IN HAIRDRESSING ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 216
CERTIFICATE IN BEAUTY THERAPY..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 220
CERTIFICATE IN ESTHETICS ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 224
CERTIFICATE IN GARMENT TECHNOLOGY 1 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 230
CERTIFICATE IN GARMENT TECHNOLOGY 2 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 234
CERTIFICATE IN HOME ECONOMICS 1............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 237
CERTIFICATE IN HOME ECONOMICS 2............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 241
CERTIFICATE IN NURSING AUXILIARY STUDIES.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 245
CERTIFICATE IN TEXTILE PRODUCT DESIGN....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 248
DIVISION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AND PRINTING ............................................................................................................................................................................... 253
CERTIFICATE IN GRAPHIC DESIGN AND PRINT TECHNOLOGY 1 ........................................................................................................................................................................ 253
CERTIFICATE IN GRAPHIC DESIGN AND PRINT TECHNOLOGY 2 ........................................................................................................................................................................ 258
CERTIFICATE IN MECHANICAL MAINTENANCE ENGINEERING 1 ....................................................................................................................................................................... 263
CERTIFICATE IN MECHANICAL MAINTENANCE ENGINEERING 2 ....................................................................................................................................................................... 269
CERTIFICATE IN MECHANICAL MAINTENANCE ENGINEERING 3 ....................................................................................................................................................................... 275
COURSES OFFERED BY DISTANCE AND CONTINUING EDUCATION/OPEN AND FLEXIBLE LEARNING CENTRE ................................................................................................. 277

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 5



S.J.P.I 22/08/16


The Certificate in Agriculture 1 is designed for persons seeking to acquire the basic knowledge of crop and livestock farming required to start their own
enterprise. The programme also provides a solid practical foundation for those who wish to pursue further academic studies. The major areas covered are
pig and poultry production, and vegetable and root crop production. In addition students are taught plant and animal science in order to gain an
understanding of the basic physiological processes that take place in living organisms. Students are also required to take courses in health and safety,
Computer Applications and communication skills. On completion of the programme students will be assigned to an agricultural enterprise for 6 weeks in
order to acquire work experience. Students who successfully complete this qualification are eligible for acceptance into the Certificate in Agriculture 2 and
can go on to attain the Diploma in Agriculture.

CODE (hours)
This course introduces students to the different physiological processes that

ANHU1111 Animal Science 45 3 take place in animal and the basic differences between different classes of

COSK1111 Communication Skills 30 2 This course is compulsory for all students of the Samuel Jackman Prescod

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 6

Polytechnic and is designed to sensitise students to the importance of
communication and expose them to the fundamental skills necessary for
interacting effectively, at a personal level and professional level. Emphasis is
placed on developing the critical practical skills necessary to produce clear,
professional standard documents for work purposes utilizing available

Students are required to prepare a Portfolio containing evidence of assessments

undertaken such as: test papers, Curriculum Vitae, samples of letters,
memoranda, reports and other relevant documents. This will be a useful and
important reference tool for the world of work.

Students who successfully complete this course may also have the option of
pursuing the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Council’s
Caribbean Vocational Qualification (CVQ) in Core Skills: Communication, Level 1.
Living in the Digital Age, computers have all but infiltrated every aspect of our
lives; preparation of documents, use of appliances and equipment, banking, on-

COMP1112 Computer Applications 30 1 line shopping, entertainment, transportation and much more. This course is
designed for students to enable them to use the computers effectively. It
engages participants in a variety of activities such as basic computer concepts,

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 7

discussions about hardware, software, computer ethics and ergonomics. In
addition the participants would be introduced to several hands-on applications
which are similar to those in the job environments; such as system software
(Windows), Word processing software (MS Word 2013) Spreadsheet software
(MS Excel 2013) and Presentation software (MS PowerPoint 2013).
The main objective of this occupational health and safety course is to introduce
students to the potential hazards and possible potential occupational diseases
which they may encounter on the job. It also informs them about the
importance of personal protection, the work station and tool design. The
students are introduced to International and National agencies in charge of the
Occupational Health, Safety and
OHSW1111 15 1
Welfare health and safety of workers. They are also taught the importance of having
check lists, carrying out inspections and writing accident reports. The topics
include: History Of Occupational Health and Safety, Barbados and Occupational
Health and Safety, Hazards At Work, Noise and Vibration, Personal Protection,
and Fire and Fire Prevention.
This course provides students with training in the theoretical and practical
aspects of raising pigs. The full range of husbandry practices is examined,

ANHU1223 Pig Production 75 3.75 including feeding, housing, care of the young and general health care; as well as
slaughtering and processing. Students visit farms and learn to handle piglets,
clean and service equipment, clip teeth, castrate piglets, administer iron

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 8

injections, monitor growth rate, and identify and manage health problems. All
activities are recorded in a farm diary.
This course provides students with an understanding of the basic physiological

AGRI1411 Plant Science 45 3 processes that take place during the life of a plant and the adaptations of the
plant to carry out these processes.
This course provides students with training in the theoretical and practical aspects of
raising broilers and layers. The full range of husbandry practices is examined, including
feeding, housing, care of young chicks, general health care; as well as slaughtering and

ANHU1213 Poultry Production 75 3.75 processing. Students visit farms and learn to handle birds, clean and service equipment,
administer vaccines, prepare pens for brooding, weigh birds and chart growth rate, and
collect and handle eggs. All activities are recorded in a farm diary. In addition students
are required to complete a project on raising of turkeys or ducks.
This course provides students with training in the theoretical and practical aspects of
growing a wide range of root crops including sweet potatoes, cassava, yams and onions.
All aspects of root crop production are taught including variety selection, land

CRHU1223 Root Crop Production 105 5.25 preparation, planting, cultural practices, harvesting and marketing. Students spend at
least six hours per week in the field developing skills in planting, fertilizing, pest and
disease control, weed control and harvesting and post-harvest handling. All activities
are recorded in a farm diary.
This course is designed to provide students with the theory and skills required to be a
CRHU1213 Vegetable Production 105 5.25
modern farmer. The focus is on utilization of appropriate technology in order to use

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 9

resources efficiently and maximize income while preserving and protecting the
environment. All aspects of vegetable production are covered including variety
selection, land preparation, planting, cultural practices, harvesting and marketing. All
activities are recorded in a farm diary.
This course is designed to add value to the education and training of students by
enriching their specialty skills with positive work ethics. It includes modules on
attendance, character teamwork, appearance, attitude, productivity,
LFSK1311 Work Ethics 15 1
organization, communication, cooperation and respect. This is a dynamic
programme that responds to present and perceived needs of students and the
world of work.
Industrial Attachment
Independent Study 90
Tutorials 120
TOTAL 750 29

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 10

S.J.P.I 17/07/17

The Certificate in Agriculture 2 is designed for persons who wish to expand their knowledge of agriculture with a view to being self-employed or gaining
employment as skilled workers, or pursuing further academic studies. The major areas covered are small ruminant and cattle production, tree crop
production and protected agriculture. Students are also trained in the business aspect of farming; and the selection, care and use of farm equipment. On
completion of the programme students will be assigned to an agricultural enterprise for 6 weeks in order to acquire work experience. Students who
successfully complete the Certificate in Agriculture 1 and the Certificate in Agriculture 2 will be awarded the Diploma in Agriculture.

CODE (hours)
This course provides students with training in the theoretical and practical
aspects of raising cattle for beef and milk. The full range of husbandry practices
is examined, including feeding, housing, care of animals, general health care;
ANHU2243 Dairy and Beef Production 105 5.25
milking practices and processing, slaughtering and butchering of beef cattle.
Students visit farms and learn to restrain animals, clean and service equipment,
and observe artificial insemination. All activities are recorded in a farm diary.
This course gives students an appreciation and understanding of the range of
operations on a farm that support the actual production of crops and livestock. These
AGRI1313 Farm Operations 75 3.75
operations are often not included or are overlooked when budgeting or allocating
resources and their omission can reduce profitability. The principles of good

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 11

agricultural practices on the farm are introduced, the ways in which machinery is used
are reviewed, and different irrigation methods are examined. The course also
provides an overview of the uses and need for different structures on the farm.

AGRI1913 Farming as a Business 60 4

Portfolio Session
CRHU2213 Protected Agriculture 90 4.5
This course provides students with training in the theoretical and practical aspects of
raising sheep and goats. The full range of husbandry practices is examined, including
feeding, housing, care of animals, general health care; as well as slaughtering and
processing. Students visit farms and learn to restrain animals, clean and service

ANHU2233 Small Ruminant Production 105 5.25 equipment, worm animals, clip hooves and prepare females for parturition. Students
are also trained in identification of breed characteristics, selection of animals for
breeding, record keeping, and determining the age of the animals. All activities are
recorded in a farm diary. In addition students are required to complete a project on
Soil is an important natural resource that forms the basis of all land-based ecosystems.
Agricultural production is soil-based and agriculture in turns affects the soil and all
ecosystems. In order to ensure sustainability and preserve our environment a

AGRI1811 Soils and Climate 30 2 thorough understanding of the role of soils in agriculture and the need to protect this
natural resource is required. This course introduces some basic concepts in soil
science, soil fertility, and the effects of climate on agriculture. The concept of global
warming and its impact on agriculture is introduced and strategies for its mitigation are

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 12

This course provides students with training in the theoretical and practical
aspects of growing a wide range of orchard crops including bananas, pawpaw,
citrus, mango and coconuts. All aspects of tree crop production are taught
including variety selection, preparation of planting material, land preparation,

CRHU2233 Tree Crop Production 105 5.25 planting, cultural practices, harvesting and marketing. Students spend at least
four hours per week in the field developing skills in planting, fertilizing, pest and
disease control, weed control, pruning and harvesting and post-harvest
handling. Students also learn to bud and graft a variety of fruit trees. All
activities are recorded in a farm diary.

Independent Study 60
Tutorials 120
TOTAL 750 30

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 13

S.J.P.I 22/08/16

The Certificate in Animal Husbandry is designed for persons seeking to acquire the skills in livestock farming required to start their own enterprise. The
programme also provides a solid practical foundation for those who wish to pursue further academic studies. The major areas covered are pig, poultry,
small ruminant and cattle production. In addition students are taught basic animal science in order to gain an understanding of the basic physiological
processes that take place in living organisms. Students are also required to take courses in health and safety, Computer Applications and communication
skills. On completion of the programme students will be assigned to an agricultural enterprise for 6 weeks in order to acquire work experience.
CODE (hours)
This course introduces students to the different physiological processes that

ANHU1111 Animal Science 45 3 take place in animals and the basic differences between different classes of
This course is compulsory for all students of the Samuel Jackman Prescod
Polytechnic and is designed to sensitise students to the importance of
communication and expose them to the fundamental skills necessary for
COSK1111 Communication Skills 30 2
interacting effectively, at a personal level and professional level. Emphasis is
placed on developing the critical practical skills necessary to produce clear,
professional standard documents for work purposes utilizing available

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 14


Students are required to prepare a Portfolio containing evidence of

assessments undertaken such as: test papers, Curriculum Vitae, samples of
letters, memoranda, reports and other relevant documents. This will be a
useful and important reference tool for the world of work.

Students who successfully complete this course may also have the option of
pursuing the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Council’s
Caribbean Vocational Qualification (CVQ) in Core Skills: Communication, Level
Living in the Digital Age, computers have all but infiltrated every aspect of our
lives; preparation of documents, use of appliances and equipment, banking, on-
line shopping, entertainment, transportation and much more. This course is
designed for students to enable them to use the computers effectively. It

Comp1112 Computer Applications 30 1 engages participants in a variety of activities such as basic computer concepts,
discussions about hardware, software, computer ethics and ergonomics. In
addition the participants would be introduced to several hands-on applications
which are similar to those in the job environments; such as system software
(Windows), Word processing software (MS Word 2013) Spreadsheet software

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 15

(MS Excel 2013) and Presentation software (MS PowerPoint 2013).
This course provides students with training in the theoretical and practical aspects of
raising cattle for beef and milk. The full range of husbandry practices is examined,
including feeding, housing, care of animals, general health care; milking practices and
ANHU2243 Dairy and Beef Production 105 5.25
processing, slaughtering and butchering of beef cattle. Students visit farms and learn
to restrain animals, clean and service equipment, and observe artificial insemination.
All activities are recorded in a farm diary.
AGRI1913 Farming as a Business 60 4
The main objective of this occupational health and safety course is to introduce
students to the potential hazards and possible potential occupational diseases
which they may encounter on the job. It also informs them about the
importance of personal protection, the work station and tool design. The
students are introduced to International and National agencies in charge of the
Occupational Health, Safety and
OHW1111 15 1
Welfare health and safety of workers. They are also taught the importance of having
check lists, carrying out inspections and writing accident reports. The topics
include: History Of Occupational Health and Safety, Barbados and Occupational
Health and Safety, Hazards At Work, Noise and Vibration, Personal Protection,
and Fire and Fire Prevention.
This course provides students with training in the theoretical and practical aspects of

ANHU1223 Pig Production 75 3.75 raising pigs. The full range of husbandry practices is examined, including feeding,
housing, care of the young and general health care; as well as slaughtering and

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 16

processing. Students visit farms and learn to handle piglets, clean and service
equipment, clip teeth, castrate piglets, administer iron injections, monitor growth rate,
and identify and manage health problems. All activities are recorded in a farm diary.

Portfolio Session
This course provides students with training in the theoretical and practical aspects of
raising broilers and layers. The full range of husbandry practices is examined, including
feeding, housing, care of young chicks, general health care; as well as slaughtering and

ANHU1213 Poultry Production 75 3.75 processing. Students visit farms and learn to handle birds, clean and service
equipment, administer vaccines, prepare pens for brooding, weigh birds and chart
growth rate, and collect and handle eggs. All activities are recorded in a farm diary. In
addition students are required to complete a project on raising of turkeys or ducks.
This course provides students with training in the theoretical and practical aspects of
raising sheep and goats. The full range of husbandry practices is examined, including
feeding, housing, care of animals, general health care; as well as slaughtering and
processing. Students visit farms and learn to restrain animals, clean and service

ANHU2233 Small Ruminant Production 105 5.25 equipment, worm animals, clip hooves and prepare females for parturition. Students
are also trained in identification of breed characteristics, selection of animals for
breeding, record keeping, and determining the age of the animals. All activities are
recorded in a farm diary. In addition students are required to complete a project on

LFSK1311 Work Ethics 15 1 This course is designed to add value to the education and training of students

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 17

by enriching their specialty skills with positive work ethics. It includes modules
on attendance, character teamwork, appearance, attitude, productivity,
organization, communication, cooperation and respect. This is a dynamic
programme that responds to present and perceived needs of students and the
world of work.
Industrial Attachment
TOTAL 750 30

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 18

S.J.P.I 22/08/16

The Certificate in Crop Husbandry is designed for persons seeking to acquire the basic knowledge of crop production required to start their own
enterprise. The programme also provides a solid practical foundation for those who wish to pursue further academic studies. The major areas covered are
vegetable, root crop and tree crop production, and protected agriculture. In addition students are taught plant science in order to gain an understanding
of the basic physiological processes that take place in living organisms. Students are also required to take courses in health and safety, Computer
Applications and communication skills. On completion of the programme students will be assigned to an agricultural enterprise for 6 weeks in order to
acquire work experience.

CODE (hours)
This course is compulsory for all students of the Samuel Jackman Prescod
Polytechnic and is designed to sensitise students to the importance of
communication and expose them to the fundamental skills necessary for

COSK1111 Communication Skills 30 2 interacting effectively, at a personal level and professional level. Emphasis is
placed on developing the critical practical skills necessary to produce clear,
professional standard documents for work purposes utilizing available

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 19

Students are required to prepare a Portfolio containing evidence of
assessments undertaken such as: test papers, Curriculum Vitae, samples of
letters, memoranda, reports and other relevant documents. This will be a
useful and important reference tool for the world of work.

Students who successfully complete this course may also have the option of
pursuing the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Council’s
Caribbean Vocational Qualification (CVQ) in Core Skills: Communication, Level
Living in the Digital Age, computers have all but infiltrated every aspect of our
lives; preparation of documents, use of appliances and equipment, banking, on-
line shopping, entertainment, transportation and much more. This course is
designed for students to enable them to use the computers effectively. It
engages participants in a variety of activities such as basic computer concepts,
Computer Applications 30 1
2 discussions about hardware, software, computer ethics and ergonomics. In
addition the participants would be introduced to several hands-on applications
which are similar to those in the job environments; such as system software
(Windows), Word processing software (MS Word 2013) Spreadsheet software
(MS Excel 2013) and Presentation software (MS PowerPoint 2013).

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 20

This course gives students an appreciation and understanding of the range of
operations on a farm that support the actual production of crops and livestock.
AGRI1313 Farm Operations 75 3.75 These operations are often not included or are overlooked when budgeting or
allocating resources and their omission can reduce profitability. The need for
the implementation of good agricultural practices on the farm is reinforced and
AGRI1913 Farming as a Business 60 4
Industrial Attachment
The main objective of this occupational health and safety course is to introduce
students to the potential hazards and possible potential occupational diseases
which they may encounter on the job. It also informs them about the
importance of personal protection, the work station and tool design. The
students are introduced to International and National agencies in charge of the
Occupational Health, Safety and
OHW1111 15 1
Welfare health and safety of workers. They are also taught the importance of having
check lists, carrying out inspections and writing accident reports. The topics
include: History Of Occupational Health and Safety, Barbados and Occupational
Health and Safety, Hazards At Work, Noise and Vibration, Personal Protection,
and Fire and Fire Prevention.
This course provides students with an understanding of the basic physiological

AGRI1411 Plant Science 45 3 processes that take place during the life of a plant and the adaptations of the
plant to carry out these processes.


SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 21

This course provides students with training in the theoretical and practical aspects of
growing a wide range of root crops including sweet potatoes, cassava, yams and
onions. All aspects of root crop production are taught including variety selection, land
preparation, planting, cultural practices, harvesting and marketing. Students spend at
CRHU1223 Root Crop Production 105 5.25
least six hours per week in the field developing skills in planting, fertilizing, pest and
disease control, weed control and harvesting and post-harvest handling. All activities
are recorded in a farm diary.

Soil is an important natural resource that forms the basis of all land-based ecosystems.
Agricultural production is soil-based and agriculture in turns affects the soil and all
ecosystems. In order to ensure sustainability and preserve our environment a
thorough understanding of the role of soils in agriculture and the need to protect this
AGRI1811 Soils and Climate 30 2
natural resource is required. This course introduces some basic concepts in soil
science, soil fertility, and the effects of climate on agriculture. The concept of global
warming and its impact on agriculture is introduced and strategies for its mitigation are
This course is designed to provide students with the theory and skills required to be a
modern farmer. The focus is on utilization of appropriate technology in order to use
resources efficiently and maximize income while preserving and protecting the
CRHU1213 Vegetable Production 105 5.25
environment. All aspects of vegetable production are covered including variety
selection, land preparation, planting, cultural practices, harvesting and marketing. All
activities are recorded in a farm diary.

LFSK1311 Work Ethics 15 1 This course is designed to add value to the education and training of students

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 22

by enriching their specialty skills with positive work ethics. It includes modules
on attendance, character teamwork, appearance, attitude, productivity,
organization, communication, cooperation and respect. This is a dynamic
programme that responds to present and perceived needs of students and the
world of work.
TOTAL 750 28.25

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 23

S.J.P.I 22/08/16

The one-year Certificate in Landscaping and Horticulture is intended to satisfy the demand for skilled workers in plant nurseries, gardening and landscape maintenance.
Students are trained in landscape maintenance and all aspects of plant care including propagation, planting, pruning and pest control; and develop their skills in
intensive job attachment programmes. Graduates readily find employment in the sector and several start their own businesses.
CODE (hours)
This course is compulsory for all students of the Samuel Jackman Prescod
Polytechnic and is designed to sensitise students to the importance of
communication and expose them to the fundamental skills necessary for
interacting effectively, at a personal level and professional level. Emphasis is
placed on developing the critical practical skills necessary to produce clear,
professional standard documents for work purposes utilizing available
COSK1111 Communication Skills 30 2

Students are required to prepare a Portfolio containing evidence of

assessments undertaken such as: test papers, Curriculum Vitae, samples of
letters, memoranda, reports and other relevant documents. This will be a
useful and important reference tool for the world of work.

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 24

Students who successfully complete this course may also have the option of
pursuing the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Council’s
Caribbean Vocational Qualification (CVQ) in Core Skills: Communication, Level
Living in the Digital Age, computers have all but infiltrated every aspect of our
lives; preparation of documents, use of appliances and equipment, banking, on-
line shopping, entertainment, transportation and much more. This course is
designed for students to enable them to use the computers effectively. It
engages participants in a variety of activities such as basic computer concepts,
COMP1112 Computer Applications 30 1
discussions about hardware, software, computer ethics and ergonomics. In
addition the participants would be introduced to several hands-on applications
which are similar to those in the job environments; such as system software
(Windows), Word processing software (MS Word 2013) Spreadsheet software
(MS Excel 2013) and Presentation software (MS PowerPoint 2013).
This course introduces students to the basic principle and techniques of floral
arranging. It covers the essential equipment, mechanics, and tools, selection of

DSGN1512 Flower Arranging 30 1 plant material, the principles of designs and the creation of your own
arrangements. By practicing the techniques taught you should be able to make
attractive arrangements which your family and friends will admire. Interested

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 25

and committed persons can use this course as a foundation for generating
additional income.
Homeowners in Barbados have always taken great pride in their gardens and
lawns; and the business and corporate sector also recognize the benefits of
surrounding their buildings with attractively landscaped grounds. These factors
have led to a significant increase in the demand for trained personnel who can

LAND1113 Landscape Maintenance 1 120 6 maintain landscaped areas and advise homeowners on the care of their plants.
This course prepares students to work in the landscaping sector and focuses
primarily on maintenance of small areas using hand tools. Students are also
introduced to the plants commonly found in local gardens and the elements of
plant care.

LAND1123 Landscape Maintenance 2 120 6

The main objective of this occupational health and safety course is to introduce
students to the potential hazards and possible potential occupational diseases
which they may encounter on the job. It also informs them about the
importance of personal protection, the work station and tool design. The
Occupational Health, Safety and
OHSW1111 15 1
Welfare students are introduced to International and National agencies in charge of the
health and safety of workers. They are also taught the importance of having
check lists, carrying out inspections and writing accident reports. The topics
include: History Of Occupational Health and Safety, Barbados and Occupational

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 26

Health and Safety, Hazards At Work, Noise and Vibration, Personal Protection,
and Fire and Fire Prevention.
This course prepares students to work in a commercial plant nursery. The
emphasis is on developing practical skills in the care and propagation of plants,

HORT1113 Plant Propagation 1 120 6 including pruning, pest and disease control and nursery sanitation. Students are
also trained in record keeping and the care and maintenance of tools. Customer
relations and marketing are also taught.

HORT1123 Plant Propagation 2 120 6

This course is designed to add value to the education and training of students
by enriching their specialty skills with positive work ethics. It includes modules
on attendance, character teamwork, appearance, attitude, productivity,
LFSK1311 Work Ethics 15 1
organization, communication, cooperation and respect. This is a dynamic
programme that responds to present and perceived needs of students and the
world of work.
Industrial Attachment 75
Tutorials 75
TOTAL 750 30

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 27



S.J.P.I 24/01/17


This course is compulsory for all students of the Samuel Jackman Prescod
Polytechnic and is designed to sensitise students to the importance of
communication and expose them to the fundamental skills necessary for

COSK1111 Communication Skills 1 30 2 interacting effectively, at a personal level and professional level. Emphasis is
placed on developing the critical practical skills necessary to produce clear,
professional standard documents for work purposes utilizing available

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 28

Students are required to prepare a Portfolio containing evidence of
assessments undertaken such as: test papers, Curriculum Vitae, samples of
letters, memoranda, reports and other relevant documents. This will be a
useful and important reference tool for the world of work.

Students who successfully complete this course may also have the option of
pursuing the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET)
Council’s Caribbean Vocational Qualification (CVQ) in Core Skills:
Communication, Level 1.
Living in the Digital Age, computers have all but infiltrated every aspect of
our lives; preparation of documents, use of appliances and equipment,
banking, on-line shopping, entertainment, transportation and much more.
This course is designed for students to enable them to use the computers
effectively. It engages participants in a variety of activities such as basic
COMP1112 Computer Applications 30 1
computer concepts, discussions about hardware, software, computer ethics
and ergonomics. In addition the participants would be introduced to several
hands-on applications which are similar to those in the job environments;
such as system software (Windows), Word processing software (MS Word
2013) Spreadsheet software (MS Excel 2013) and Presentation software (MS

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 29

PowerPoint 2013).
Include: Trigonometry and Statistics.
MDEM 1313 Diesel Engine Mechanics 1 30 1.5
LFSK1211 Drug Awareness 15 -
This course introduces students to the general principles in Physical Science.
It is designed for the students in the Automotive and Welding Division

SCIE1111 General Science 1 15 1 providing them with the scientific background necessary for further study. It
covers fundamental scientific concepts such as Matter, Measurement, S.I
Units, Density and Force
This course provides a further study of the general principles in Physical
Science. It is designed for the students in the Automotive and Welding
Division strengthening their scientific background necessary for advance
SCIE1121 General Science 2 15 1
studies. It covers fundamental scientific concepts such as Moments, Centre
of Gravity and Levers.

LFSK1111 HIV AIDS Awareness 15 -

Independent Study 45
Industrial Attachment
This course will expose the student to the theory and operations of VHF
MAOP1112 Marine Communication 1 30 1.5
marine radios, including the study of the International Code of Signals, Single

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 30

Letter meanings and the International Distress Signals.
This course will provide students with knowledge of the various guidelines
regarding passing, crossing and overtaking man oeuvres to be made; detail

MAOP1311 Marine Law 1 30 2 which ships have the right of way depending on the circumstances and the
types of ships involved, and what actions these ships should take. It also
describes the rules on signals (lights, shapes and sounds signals).
MOAP1321 Marine Law 2 30 2
This course is designed to provide Maritime Operation students with the
Mathematical knowledge and skills which can enhance their understanding
of the core area of their program. The course also provides the basic
Mathematics for Maritime
MATH1611 15 1
Operations 1 Mathematical competences required for the S.J.P.I Certificate and acts as a
base for higher Mathematical studies. The topics include Number Theory
and Measurement.
This course is designed to provide Maritime Operation students with the
Mathematical knowledge and skills which can enhance their understanding
of the core area of their program. The course also provides the basic
Mathematics for Maritime
MATH1621 15 1
Operations 2 Mathematical competences required for the S.J.P.I Certificate and acts as a
base for higher Mathematical studies. For this course the topics are:
Trigonometry, Vectors and Statistics.

MAOP1211 Meteorology 1 30 2 This course will give the student the introductory knowledge to basic marine

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 31

meteorology and the associated marine instruments used in weather
prediction. In addition they are exposed to weather warnings and displays,
basic clouds and fog formation, weather disturbances, wind, waves, swells
and hurricanes.
This course will give the student the introductory knowledge to basic marine
meteorology and the associated marine instruments used in weather

MAOP1221 Meteorology 2 30 2 prediction. In addition they are exposed to weather warnings and displays,
basic clouds and fog formation, weather disturbances, wind, waves, swells
and hurricanes.
This course will introduce the student to the art of conducting a vessel
through channels, harbours and in coastal waters. To be familiar with

MAOP1413 Marine Navigation 1 60 3 nautical charts and the various methods used in establishing a vessel’s
position. The course also includes the study of tides, currents, nautical
publications and tables.
This course will introduce the student to the art of conducting a vessel
through channels, harbours and in coastal waters. To be familiar with

MOAP1423 Marine Navigation 2 60 3 nautical charts and the various methods used in establishing a vessel’s
position. The course also includes the study of tides, currents, nautical
publications and tables.
OSHW1111 Occupational Health and Safety 15 1 The main objective of this occupational health and safety course is to

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 32

introduce students to the potential hazards and possible potential
occupational diseases which they may encounter on the job. It also informs
them about the importance of personal protection, the work station and
tool design. The students are introduced to International and National
agencies in charge of the health and safety of workers. They are also taught
the importance of having check lists, carrying out inspections and writing
accident reports. The topics include: History Of Occupational Health and
Safety, Barbados and Occupational Health and Safety, Hazards At Work,
Noise and Vibration, Personal Protection, and Fire and Fire Prevention.
Tutorial 90
This is a comprehensive study of Seamanship; it includes hands-on-study of
rope-work, care, inspection and safe working strength of rope. The theory
MAOP1513 Seamanship 1 30 1.5
of boat seamanship this includes the use of deck fittings, executing of
anchoring evolutions and handling.
This is a comprehensive study of Seamanship; it includes hands-on-study of
rope-work, care, inspection and safe working strength of rope. The theory
Moap1523 Seamanship 2 30 1.5
of boat seamanship this includes the use of deck fittings, executing of
anchoring evolutions and handling.
This course is designed to add value to the education and training of
students by enriching their specialty skills with positive work ethics. It
includes modules on attendance, character teamwork, appearance, attitude,
LFSK1311 Work Ethics 15 1
productivity, organization, communication, cooperation and respect. This is
a dynamic programme that responds to present and perceived needs of
students and the world of work.
TOTAL 750 29.5

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 33

S.J.P.I 12/01/17


This programme is designed to prepare students with the basic knowledge and skills in the field of Marine Diesel Engineering to function as entry level
Marine Diesel Engineers within the Marine industry. Students with this qualification should be able to perform basic repair and maintenance on a variety
of models of marine vessels and engines. Participants will be exposed to six weeks of industrial attachment at the end of the programme.


CODE (hours)
This course is compulsory for all students of the Samuel Jackman Prescod
Polytechnic and is designed to sensitise students to the importance of
communication and expose them to the fundamental skills necessary for
interacting effectively, at a personal level and professional level. Emphasis is
placed on developing the critical practical skills necessary to produce clear,
COSK1111 Communication Skills 1 30 2
professional standard documents for work purposes utilizing available

Students are required to prepare a Portfolio containing evidence of

assessments undertaken such as: test papers, Curriculum Vitae, samples of

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 34

letters, memoranda, reports and other relevant documents. This will be a
useful and important reference tool for the world of work.

Students who successfully complete this course may also have the option of
pursuing the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET)
Council’s Caribbean Vocational Qualification (CVQ) in Core Skills:
Communication, Level 1.
Living in the Digital Age, computers have all but infiltrated every aspect of
our lives; preparation of documents, use of appliances and equipment,
banking, on-line shopping, entertainment, transportation and much more.
This course is designed for students to enable them to use the computers
effectively. It engages participants in a variety of activities such as basic

COMP1112 Computer Applications 30 1 computer concepts, discussions about hardware, software, computer ethics
and ergonomics. In addition the participants would be introduced to several
hands-on applications which are similar to those in the job environments;
such as system software (Windows), Word processing software (MS Word
2013) Spreadsheet software (MS Excel 2013) and Presentation software (MS
PowerPoint 2013).
LFSK1211 Drug Awareness 15 0
LFSK1111 HIV AIDS Awareness 15 0

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 35

Independent Study 45
MDEM1112 Marine Diesel Engineering Practice 90 3
MDEM1111 Marine Diesel Engineering Theory 1 60 4
MDEM1122 Marine Diesel Engineering Practice 90 3
MDEM1121 Marine Diesel Engineering Theory 2 60 4
This course introduces the student to the fundamental principles of
electricity. It begins with the basic laws and theories that relate to current

ELEC1713 Marine Electrics 1 60 3 flow and progresses onto the atomic structure of materials, calculations, test
equipment and circuit fundamentals. Marine electric 1 establishes the
foundation required for competent progression into the later courses.
This course is second in the series and focuses primarily on batteries, power
distribution networks and alternator type charging systems; it provides the

ELEC1723 Marine Electrics 2 60 3 student with the knowledge and skills necessary to design and maintain a
complete power distribution network for a boat. The course also introduces
students to advanced diagnostics, a level above that in course 1.
This course is designed to provide Marine Diesel students with the
Mathematical knowledge and skills which can enhance their understanding
MATH 1511 Mathematics for Marine Diesel 30 2
Engineering 1 of the core areas of their program. The course also provides the basic
Mathematical competences required for the S.J.P.I Certificate and acts as a

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 36

base for higher Mathematical studies. The topics include Measurement 1,
Indices and Algebra.
Entry level workers require basic training in the use of metal working tools to
enable them to perform simple fabrications or alteration whilst on the job.
This course is designed to provide fundamental training in workshop safety

METW1112 Metal Work 1 30 1 as well as the proper use of hand and machine tools which are essential for
the craftsman to function. METW 1212 is a practical course in basic metal
working skills, which introduces students to basic bench work skills, sheet
metal work, soldering, drilling, and lathe operations
This is a continuation of course METW 1112 in basic metal working skills,

METW1122 Metal Work 2 30 1 which includes fitted bench working exercises, basic heat treatment, basic
forging, and intermediate lathe operations.
The main objective of this occupational health and safety course is to
introduce students to the potential hazards and possible potential
occupational diseases which they may encounter on the job. It also informs
them about the importance of personal protection, the work station and
OSHW1111 Occupational Health and Safety 15 1
tool design. The students are introduced to International and National
agencies in charge of the health and safety of workers. They are also taught
the importance of having check lists, carrying out inspections and writing
accident reports. The topics include: History Of Occupational Health and

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 37

Safety, Barbados and Occupational Health and Safety, Hazards At Work,
Noise and Vibration, Personal Protection, and Fire and Fire Prevention.
Tutorials 30
This course is designed to add value to the education and training of
students by enriching their specialty skills with positive work ethics. It
includes modules on attendance, character teamwork, appearance, attitude,
LFSK1311 Work Ethics 15 1
productivity, organization, communication, cooperation and respect. This is
a dynamic programme that responds to present and perceived needs of
students and the world of work.
TOTAL 750 29

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 38

S.J.P.I 12/01/17


CODE (hours)
This course introduces students to the engineering principles in
Physical Science. It is designed for students studying Marine Diesel

SCIE1211 Science Engineers 1 30 2 Engineering; providing them with the scientific background necessary
for further study. It covers fundamental engineering concepts such as
S.I Units, Density, Newton’s Laws, Work, Power and Petroleum
This course introduces the students to shipboard fire fighting and
damage control. They will be taught the chemistry of a fire, fire
prevention, fire extinguishing agents they application and the correct

OHSW1313 Fire Fighting and Damage Control 30 1.5 usage of them. Additionally, they will be taught fire containment, the
various ways in which a fire spread and how to prevent a fire from
spreading from one compartment to another. Fire inspection will also
be discussed. Safety drills, safety compartment and how to identify

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 39

them, life saving equipment and how to control flooding will also be
This course is designed to introduce the students to the fundamentals
of Survival at Sea and Basic First Aid. The course will focus on
Emergency Signals, Type of Emergencies; Man overboard Producers,
Types of Life Saving Equipment, International Distress Signals, Self
Rescue and Survival. Practical training will be conducted at HMBS
HEAL1223 First Aid for Safety and Survival at Sea 30 1.5
PELICAN for this section of the course. The First Aid section of the
course will introduce the students to types of Emergency First Aid
assistance that can be given in the water, Cardiovascular Sickness and
CPR Techniques, Type of Wounds and Bleeding, Heat Related
Emergencies and Air Way Managing.

MECH1813 Hydraulics 30 1.5

Independent Study 15
Industrial Attachment
This course will introduce students to the basic knowledge
(theoretically and practically) of the installation and maintenance of
Marine Air Conditioning and refrigeration and air conditioning systems aboard maritime vessels. It
RFAC1113 30 1.5
Refrigeration 1
will expose the students to the vapour compression refrigeration
theory and the specialized equipment, tools and materials used in the

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 40

marine refrigeration industry. The course also equips students with
basic specialized skills needed for replacing and maintaining
refrigeration and air conditioning equipment aboard maritime vessels.
Safety issues are dealt with as they relate to all topics covered.
This section of the course will introduce students to the study of
installation and maintenance of refrigeration and air conditioning
systems aboard maritime vessels. This second course explores the
construction and use of compressors and condensers, the carriage of
refrigerated cargo and air conditioning and ventilation within the
Marine Air Conditioning and
RFAC1123 30 1.5
Refrigeration 2 marine refrigeration industry. This course also focuses on helping
students develop some of the specialized skills needed for replacing
and maintaining refrigeration and air conditioning equipment aboard
maritime vessels. Safety issues are dealt with as they relate to all
topics covered.
MDEM2132 Marine Diesel Engineering Practices 3 120 4
MDEM2131 Marine Diesel Engineering Theory 3 30 2
MDEM2143 Marine Diesel Engineering Practice 4 150 5
This course exposes the student to the various systems used to alert

ELEC2733 Marine Electrics 3 60 3 the boat operation of boat malfunctions and their principles of
operation. These systems play a vital role in the safe operation of the

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 41

boat. The course also investigates D.C, motors, starter motors and
diesel engine starting aid systems. It provides students with the
necessary skills to service and maintain these systems efficiently.
Covering advanced aspects of marine electrics this course should build
confidence in the student who has successfully completed the former
three courses and encourages the use of analytical and evaluative skills
ELEC2743 Marine Electrics 4 60 3
in problems solving. This course also re-emphasizes the importance of
safety in the marine environment. The course investigates electrical
accessories, alternating current and methods of grounding.
This is the first of two courses in Naval Architecture and it introduces
students to the basic principles as they relate to the safe sailing of the
ship. Students will develop familiarity with the related shapes,
structures and materials. In addition, the course will expose students
MDEM1213 Naval Architecture 1 30 .51
to specific calculations that relate to maintaining ship stability in a
variety of sea conditions. There is also significant emphasis on field
trips, laboratory simulations and problem solving through practical
This is the second in the series of courses that are geared towards

MDEM1223 Naval Architecture 2 30 1.5 enhancing students’ knowledge and skills in relation to the safe sailing
of the ship. The focus here is on resistance, motions, and the forces

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 42

acting on the vessel when it is turning. In addition, principles and
practices of dry docking and construction will be explored. Students
will get the opportunity to apply theory to practice in real and
simulated settings.
Tutorial 30
TOTAL 750 29

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 43

S.J.P.I 12/02/17


This programme is designed for participants desirous of acquiring the basic technical skills required for the repair and maintenance of a variety of models
of automobiles. Persons completing this programme can be employed as junior automotive technicians in small or large garages. The programme also
provides a base for further studies in the field of Automotive Engineering. Participants are exposed to eight weeks of industrial attachment at the end of
the second semester.
CODE (hours)
This course is compulsory for all students of the Samuel Jackman Prescod
Polytechnic and is designed to sensitise students to the importance of
communication and expose them to the fundamental skills necessary for
interacting effectively, at a personal level and professional level. Emphasis
is placed on developing the critical practical skills necessary to produce
COSK1111 Communication Skills 1 30 2
clear, professional standard documents for work purposes utilizing
available technologies.

Students are required to prepare a Portfolio containing evidence of

assessments undertaken such as: test papers, Curriculum Vitae, samples of

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 44

letters, memoranda, reports and other relevant documents. This will be a
useful and important reference tool for the world of work.

Students who successfully complete this course may also have the option
of pursuing the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET)
Council’s Caribbean Vocational Qualification (CVQ) in Core Skills:
Communication, Level 1.
Living in the Digital Age, computers have all but infiltrated every aspect of
our lives; preparation of documents, use of appliances and equipment,
banking, on-line shopping, entertainment, transportation and much more.
This course is designed for students to enable them to use the computers
effectively. It engages participants in a variety of activities such as basic

COMP1112 Computer Applications 30 1 computer concepts, discussions about hardware, software, computer
ethics and ergonomics. In addition the participants would be introduced to
several hands-on applications which are similar to those in the job
environments; such as system software (Windows), Word processing
software (MS Word 2013) Spreadsheet software (MS Excel 2013) and
Presentation software (MS PowerPoint 2013).
LFSK1211 Drug Awareness 15 -
LFSK1111 HIV AIDS Awareness 15 -
Independent Study 15

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 45

This course is primarily geared to prepare students for the mathematical
capabilities necessary for the City and Guilds Certificate Level - 1, while
Mathematics for Motor Vehicle
MATH1411 15 1
Engineering 1 preparing them for the Polytechnic Certificate. The topics include Integers,
Rational Numbers and Percentages
This course is primarily geared to prepare students for the mathematical
capabilities necessary for the City and Guilds Certificate Level - 1, while
Mathematics for Motor Vehicle
MATH1421 15 1
Engineering 1 preparing them for the Polytechnic Certificate. The topics include
Geometry 1 and Algebra 1.
This course introduces students to the practical competencies related
automotive engine systems. Learners study the construction and working
of an internal combustion engine and its related systems such as the
cooling, lubrication, ignition, charging and starting systems as well as
engine electrics through hands on practice under real life conditions. This
Motor Vehicle Engineering course also exposes participants to individual and group work introducing
MVET1112 165 5.5
Technology Studies Practice 1
them to the concept of teamwork that is necessary in this field. Emphasis
will be placed on problem solving. Participants are also groomed to
develop attitudes that are pivotal to the Automotive industry. This course
should be of interest to entry level automotive technicians or to those
interested in pursuing further studies in Motor Vehicle Engineering.
Motor Vehicle Engineering
MVET1122 195 6.5
Technology Studies Practice 2

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 46

This course introduces students to the fundamental principles of
automotive engine systems. Learners study the construction and working
of an internal combustion engine and its related systems such as the
cooling, lubrication, ignition, charging and starting systems as well as
engine electrics. This course also exposes participants to individual and
Motor Vehicle Engineering group work introducing them to the concept of teamwork that is necessary
MVET1111 Technology Studies Theory 1 60 4
in this field. Emphasis will be placed on problem solving. Participants are
also groomed to develop attitudes that are pivotal to the Automotive
industry. This course should be of interest to entry level automotive
technicians or to those interested in pursuing further studies in Motor
Vehicle Engineering.

Motor Vehicle Engineering

MVET1121 60 4
Technology Studies Theory 2
The main objective of this occupational health and safety course is to
introduce students to the potential hazards and possible potential
occupational diseases which they may encounter on the job. It also

OHSW1111 Occupational Health and Safety 15 1 informs them about the importance of personal protection, the work
station and tool design. The students are introduced to International and
National agencies in charge of the health and safety of workers. They are
also taught the importance of having check lists, carrying out inspections

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 47

and writing accident reports. The topics include: History Of Occupational
Health and Safety, Barbados and Occupational Health and Safety, Hazards
At Work, Noise and Vibration, Personal Protection, and Fire and Fire
This course forms the basis for all technical/mechanical drawing courses. It
introduces students to lettering styles, numbering techniques, line types
and other aspects of drawing basics. Some simple geometric concepts are
TDRW1113 Technical Drawing 1 30 1.5
also taught during this course. Students are also introduced to the concept
of two and three dimensional drawings, namely orthographic and
isometric drawings.
This course is designed to utilise some of the concepts introduced in
Technical Drawing 1 in the areas of Developments and Interpenetration of

TDRW1123 Technical Drawing 2 30 1.5 solids. Students may be given the opportunity to build a model of a solid
from a development/template. Students are also introduced to the
concepts of sliding and rotating mechanisms.
Tutorial 45
This course is designed to add value to the education and training of
students by enriching their specialty skills with positive work ethics. It
LFSK1311 Work Ethics 15 1
includes modules on attendance, character teamwork, appearance,
attitude, productivity, organization, communication, cooperation and

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 48

respect. This is a dynamic programme that responds to present and
perceived needs of students and the world of work.
TOTAL 750 30

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 49

S.J.P.I 08/02/17


This programme is designed for participants desirous of acquiring higher level technical skills required for the repair and maintenance of a variety of
models of automobiles with a focus on engine systems. Persons completing this programme can be employed as automotive technicians in small or large
garages working with minimum supervision. The programme also provides a base for further studies in the field of Automotive Engineering such as the
S.J.P.I Advanced Certificate in Motor Vehicle Engineering Technology. Participants who successfully complete the S.J.P.I Certificate in Motor Vehicle
Engineering Technology 1 and 2 will be awarded the Diploma in S.J.P.I Certificate in Motor Vehicle Engineering Technology .Participants are exposed to six
weeks of industrial attachment at the end of the second semester.


CODE (hours)
MVET1313 Automotive Electrics for Motor 30 1.5 This course is designed to introduce students to fundamentals of the
Vehicle Technicians 1
electrical functioning of a vehicle as it related to both the mechanical and
electrical systems. The course will focus on electric circuits, basic principles
of electricity, current, voltage and resistance, electrical circuits for
conventional vehicles. Learners are exposed to hands on experiences in
real life maintenance and repair of electrical systems within vehicles. The
course also introduces learners to customer service and allows them to

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 50

develop competencies in customer service and workshop practices

MVET1323 Automotive Electrics for Motor 30 1.5 This course is designed to build upon the fundamentals of the electrical
Vehicle Technicians 2
functioning of a vehicle as it related to both the mechanical and electrical
systems gained in the preceding course. The course will focus on engine
management systems and the hands on maintenance and repair of
conventional vehicles and minor repairs to the modern vehicles such as the
hybrid and electrical vehicles. Emphasis will be places on encouraging
learners to develop customer service skills and the work ethics required by
Automotive Electrical Technician in preparation for entry into the world of
work. Participants who are successful in this course should be able to
function efficiently as entry level technicians and also be able to function
at the lower level of supervisory management.
This course involves the study of the basic principles and applications of

ETRO1313 Electronic Systems 1 30 1.5 electricity and electronics. These fundamentals form the basis for the
study of industrial controls, consumer electronics and communications.
This course builds on ETRO1313 and takes students deeper into the
fundamentals of electricity and electronics. It seeks to upgrade students’
ETRO1323 Electronic Systems 2 30 1.5
competence in industrial controls, consumer electronics and
Industrial Attachment

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 51

MVET2132 Motor Vehicle Engineering 165 5.5
Technology Studies Practice 3
MVET2142 Motor Vehicle Engineering 195 6.5
Technology Studies Practice 4
MVET2131 Motor Vehicle Engineering 60 4
Technology Studies Theory 3
MVET2141 Motor Vehicle Engineering 60 4
Technology Studies Theory 4
This course introduces students to the general principles in Physical
Science. It is designed for the first year students studying Motor Vehicle
Science for Automotive Technician Mechanics; providing them with the scientific background necessary for
SCIE1311 15 1
further study. It covers fundamental scientific concepts such as
Measurement, S.I Units, Density and Force.
This course provides a further study of the general principles in Physical
Science. It is designed for the first year students studying Motor Vehicle
Science for Automotive Technician Mechanics; and it strengthens their scientific background necessary for
SCIE1321 15 1
advance studies. It covers fundamental scientific concepts such as
Moments, Levers and Linear Motion.
Tutorial 60
WELD1212 Welding Practice 1 30 1
WELD1222 Welding Practice 2 30 1
TOTAL 750 30

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 52

S.J.P.I 08/02/17


This programme is designed for participants desirous of acquiring higher level technical skills required for the repair and maintenance of a variety of
models of automobiles with a focus on chassis systems. Persons completing this programme can be employed as automotive technicians in small or large
garages working with minimum supervision or to become self employed after a period of internship. Participants who successfully complete both this
programme and the Certificate in Motor Vehicle Engineering Technology 2 will be awarded the Diploma in Motor Vehicle Engineering.
CODE (hours)
MVET2333 Automotive Electrics for Motor
30 1.5
Vehicle Technician 3
MVET2343 Automotive Electrics for Motor
30 1.5
Vehicle Technician 4
SCIE2331 Science for Automotive Technician This course provides a further advance study of the general principles in
Physical Science. It is designed for the second year students studying

15 1 Motor Vehicle Mechanics; and it strengthens their scientific background

necessary for even more advance studies. It covers scientific concepts
such as Heat, Temperature and Friction.
SCIE2341 Science for Automotive Technician This course is provides an in-depth study of the general principles in
4 15 1
Physical Science. It is designed for the second year students studying

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 53

Motor Vehicle Mechanics; and it strengthens their scientific background
necessary for even more advance studies. It covers scientific concepts
such as Work, Power, Energy and Angular Motion.
MVET3152 Motor Vehicle Engineering
165 5.5
Technology Studies Practice 5
MVET3162 Motor Vehicle Engineering
195 6.5
Technology Studies Practice 6
MVET3151 Motor Vehicle Engineering
60 4
Technology Studies Theory 5
MVET3161 Motor Vehicle Engineering
60 4
Technology Studies Theory 6
This course seeks to provide students with the rudimentary components
essential to small business management and ownership. Students will be

MGMT1511 Small Business Management 1 30 2 exposed to the basic knowledge of the principles and policies involved in
owning and managing a small to medium business. It is expected that the
course will serve as the foundation for further study in the area.
Vehicle Body Repair for Motor
VEBR1213 30 1.5
Vehicle Technicians 1
Vehicle Body Repair for Motor
VERB1223 Vehicle Technicians 2 30 1.5

Portfolio Session
TOTAL 750 30

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 54

S.J.P.I 31/01/17


This programme is designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills required to repair a variety of small engines including lawn and landscaping
equipment. Persons who successfully complete this programme can use these skills both for work in industry and for self employment. Participants will be
exposed to six weeks of industrial attachment at the end of the programme.
CODE (hours)
This course is compulsory for all students of the Samuel Jackman Prescod
Polytechnic and is designed to sensitise students to the importance of
communication and expose them to the fundamental skills necessary for
interacting effectively, at a personal level and professional level. Emphasis
is placed on developing the critical practical skills necessary to produce
clear, professional standard documents for work purposes utilizing

COSK1111 Communication Skills 1 30 2 available technologies.

Students are required to prepare a Portfolio containing evidence of

assessments undertaken such as: test papers, Curriculum Vitae, samples of
letters, memoranda, reports and other relevant documents. This will be a
useful and important reference tool for the world of work.

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 55

Students who successfully complete this course may also have the option of
pursuing the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET)
Council’s Caribbean Vocational Qualification (CVQ) in Core Skills:
Communication, Level 1.
Drug Awareness
LFSK1211 15 0
HIV AIDS Awareness
LFSK1111 15 0
Independent Study 30
Industrial Attachment
This course is designed to help students build up their confidence and
competences in mathematical concepts and be able to apply such concepts
MATH1211 General Mathematics 1 15 1
to their related fields to solve problems they encounter in their trades. The
topics include: Shapes, Measurement1 and Number Theory.
This course is designed to help students build up their confidence and
competences in mathematical concepts and be able to apply such concepts
MATH1221 General Mathematics 2 15 1
to their related fields to solve problems they encounter in their trades. The
topics include: Measurement 2, Consumer Arithmetic and Statistics.
This course introduces students to the general principles in Physical
Science. It is designed for the students in the Automotive and Welding
SCIE1111 General Science 1 15 1
Division providing them with the scientific background necessary for further
study. It covers fundamental scientific concepts such as Matter,

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 56

Measurement, S.I Units, Density and Force.
This course provides a further study of the general principles in Physical
Science. It is designed for the students in the Automotive and Welding

SCIE1121 General Science 2 15 1 Division strengthening their scientific background necessary for advance
studies. It covers fundamental scientific concepts such as Moments, Centre
of Gravity and Levers.
Entry level workers require basic training in the use of metal working tools
to enable them to perform simple fabrications or alteration whilst on the
job. This course is designed to provide fundamental training in workshop

METW1112 Metal Work 1 30 1 safety as well as the proper use of hand and machine tools which are
essential for the craftsman to function. METW 1212 is a practical course in
basic metal working skills, which introduces students to basic bench work
skills, sheet metal work, soldering, drilling, and lathe operations
The main objective of this occupational health and safety course is to
introduce students to the potential hazards and possible potential
occupational diseases which they may encounter on the job. It also informs
Occupational Health Safety and them about the importance of personal protection, the work station and
OHSW1111 15 1
tool design. The students are introduced to International and National
agencies in charge of the health and safety of workers. They are also
taught the importance of having check lists, carrying out inspections and

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 57

writing accident reports. The topics include: History Of Occupational Health
and Safety, Barbados and Occupational Health and Safety, Hazards At
Work, Noise and Vibration, Personal Protection, and Fire and Fire
This course seeks to provide students with the rudimentary components
essential to small business management and ownership. Students will be

MGMT1511 Small Business Management 1 30 2 exposed to the basic knowledge of the principles and policies involved in
owning and managing a small to medium business. It is expected that the
course will serve as the foundation for further study in the area.
SERM1113 Small Engine Repair Studies 1 165 8.25 This course is designed to introduce students to the basic theoretical and
practical knowledge and skills in the field of Small Engine Repair. Students
will be able to maintain, repair and operate internal combustion-type
equipment such as generators and tools and equipment for lawn and
garden care such as hedgers, string trimmers, lawn mowers, rider mowers,
leaf blowers and as those used in the construction industry such as
compactors and cement mixers. Learners will gain competency through
real-life hands-on practice on a wide variety of these tools and equipment.
SERM1123 Small Engine Repair Studies 2 165 8.25
This course is designed to introduce students to the basic theoretical and
practical knowledge and skills in the field of Small Engine Repair. Students
will be able to maintain and operate internal combustion-type equipment,

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 58

lawn and garden tools small industrial tools, service and repair jet drive
propulsion and propeller drive systems.
Tutorial 60
This course is designed to add value to the education and training of
students by enriching their specialty skills with positive work ethics. It
includes modules on attendance, character teamwork, appearance,
LFSK1311 Work Ethics 15 1
attitude, productivity, organization, communication, cooperation and
respect. This is a dynamic programme that responds to present and
perceived needs of students and the world of work.
WELD1212 Welding Practice 1 30 1
WELD1222 Welding Practice 2 30 1

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 59

S.J.P.I 25/01/17


This programme is designed to provide students with the entry-level competencies in Vehicle Body Repair. Participants will be equipped to execute repairs
under the supervision of an experienced repairman. At the end of the programme participants will be exposed to six weeks of industrial attachment. (To
be expanded )


CODE (home)
LFSK1111 AIDS Awareness
This course is compulsory for all students of the Samuel Jackman Prescod
Polytechnic and is designed to sensitise students to the importance of
communication and expose them to the fundamental skills necessary for
interacting effectively, at a personal level and professional level. Emphasis is
placed on developing the critical practical skills necessary to produce clear,
COSK1111 Communication Skills 1 30 2
professional standard documents for work purposes utilizing available

Students are required to prepare a Portfolio containing evidence of

assessments undertaken such as: test papers, Curriculum Vitae, samples of

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 60

letters, memoranda, reports and other relevant documents. This will be a
useful and important reference tool for the world of work.

Students who successfully complete this course may also have the option of
pursuing the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET)
Council’s Caribbean Vocational Qualification (CVQ) in Core Skills:
Communication, Level 1.
Living in the Digital Age, computers have all but infiltrated every aspect of
our lives; preparation of documents, use of appliances and equipment,
banking, on-line shopping, entertainment, transportation and much more.
This course is designed for students to enable them to use the computers
effectively. It engages participants in a variety of activities such as basic

COMP1112 Computer Applications 30 1 computer concepts, discussions about hardware, software, computer ethics
and ergonomics. In addition the participants would be introduced to several
hands-on applications which are similar to those in the job environments;
such as system software (Windows), Word processing software (MS Word
2013) Spreadsheet software (MS Excel 2013) and Presentation software (MS
PowerPoint 2013).
LFSK1211 Drug Awareness
MATH1211 General Mathematics 1 15 1 This course is designed to help students build up their confidence and

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 61

competences in mathematical concepts and be able to apply such concepts
to their related fields to solve problems they encounter in their trades. The
topics include: Shapes, Measurement1 and Number Theory.
This course is designed to help students build up their confidence and
competences in mathematical concepts and be able to apply such concepts
MATH1221 General Mathematics 2 15 1
to their related fields to solve problems they encounter in their trades. The
topics include: Measurement 2, Consumer Arithmetic and Statistics.
This course introduces students to the general principles in Physical Science.
It is designed for the students in the Automotive and Welding Division

SCIE1111 General Science 1 15 1 providing them with the scientific background necessary for further study. It
covers fundamental scientific concepts such as Matter, Measurement, S.I
Units, Density and Force.
This course provides a further study of the general principles in Physical
Science. It is designed for the students in the Automotive and Welding

SCIE1121 General Science 2 15 1 Division strengthening their scientific background necessary for advance
studies. It covers fundamental scientific concepts such as Moments, Centre
of Gravity and Levers.
Independent Study 90
The main objective of this occupational health and safety course is to
OHSW Occupational Health Safety and
15 1
1111 Welfare introduce students to the potential hazards and possible potential

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 62

occupational diseases which they may encounter on the job. It also informs
them about the importance of personal protection, the work station and
tool design. The students are introduced to International and National
agencies in charge of the health and safety of workers. They are also taught
the importance of having check lists, carrying out inspections and writing
accident reports. The topics include: History Of Occupational Health and
Safety, Barbados and Occupational Health and Safety, Hazards At Work,
Noise and Vibration, Personal Protection, and Fire and Fire Prevention.
This course forms the basis for all technical/mechanical drawing courses. It
introduces students to lettering styles, numbering techniques, line types and
other aspects of drawing basics. Some simple geometric concepts are also
TDRW1113 Technical Drawing 1 30 1.5
taught during this course. Students are also introduced to the concept of
two and three dimensional drawings, namely orthographic and isometric
This course is designed to utilise some of the concepts introduced in
Technical Drawing 1 in the areas of Developments and Interpenetration of

TDRW1123 Technical Drawing 2 30 1.5 solids. Students may be given the opportunity to build a model of a solid
from a development/template. Students are also introduced to the concepts
of sliding and rotating mechanisms.
Tutorial 60

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 63

As the number of vehicles increase on the road there is the likelihood of a
greater number of vehicular accidents which will necessitate an increase in
number of automobile collision specialists. This course introduces students
to the development and construction of the modern automobile bodies.

VERB1113 Vehicle Body Repair Studies 1 165 8.25 Students are also exposed to the study and use of body shop hand tools,
power tools and equipment. This course will focus on gathering the
underpinning knowledge that will prepare the students for practical
workshop experience in the future in keeping with the health and safety
This course exposes learners to more detailed knowledge and practice in the
field. The emphasis will be on areas such as welding and the art of
straightening and repairing metals. Learners are informed about careers
VEBR1123 Vehicle Body Repair Studies 2 195 9.75
available in the profession and will tour prominent workshops within the
Industry to assist them in becoming more conversant with body shop
This course is designed to add value to the education and training of
students by enriching their specialty skills with positive work ethics. It

LFSK1311 Work Ethics 15 1 includes modules on attendance, character teamwork, appearance, attitude,
productivity, organization, communication, cooperation and respect. This is
a dynamic programme that responds to present and perceived needs of

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 64

students and the world of work.

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 65

S.J.P.I 25/02/17


This programme is designed to provide students with higher level competencies in Vehicle Body Repair. Participants will be equipped to execute repairs
with minimum supervision of an experienced repairman. Participants who successfully complete this programme as well as the S.J.P.I Certificate in Vehicle
Body Repair 1 will be awarded the S.J.P.I Diploma in Vehicle Body Repair. At the end of the programme participants will be exposed to six weeks of
industrial attachment.
CODE (hours)
Automotive Electrics for Vehicle
MVET1213 30 1.5
Body Repair 1
Automotive Electrics for Vehicle
MVET1223 30 1.5
Body Repair 2
MVET1512 Automotive Skills 1 45 1.5
MVET1522 Automotive Skills 2 45 1.5
Independent Study .
Industrial Attachment
This course seeks to provide students with the rudimentary components
essential to small business management and ownership. Students will be

MGMT1511 Small Business Management 1 30 2 exposed to the basic knowledge of the principles and policies involved in
owning and managing a small to medium business. It is expected that the
course will serve as the foundation for further study in the area.

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 66

Tutorial 60
This course is the third in a series of courses designed to prepare students to
become certified auto body technicians. It is highly practical in nature and
participants are exposed on to hands-on experience on real vehicle body
components. Emphasis is placed on the study of simplified plastic repairs,
VEBR 2133 Vehicle Body Repair Studies 3 195 9.75
body and structural alignment, glass service and replacement and the
replacement of components such as doors and fenders. Participants who
successfully complete this course should be confident to work as entry level
technicians with little supervision
This course in the final in a series of courses designed to prepare students to
become certified auto body technicians. Emphasis is placed on the study of
refinishing materials, equipment and techniques for refinishing a vehicle.

VEBR 2143 Vehicle Body Repair Studies 4 225 11.25 Participants get the opportunity to practice and refine their skills in priming
damaged areas, sanding, masking and painting vehicles. Those who
successfully complete this course should be confident enough to work as
entry level technicians with minimum supervision.

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 67

S.J.P.I 23/01/17


This course is designed to prepare students to perform entry level welding tasks under the supervision of an experienced Welder. Participants receive
foundation training in gas and electric welding as well as supporting knowledge and skills that will prepare them for the world of work and for higher
studies in the field. Participants will be exposed to six weeks of industrial attachment at the end of the programme.
CODE (home)
This course is compulsory for all students of the Samuel Jackman Prescod
Polytechnic and is designed to sensitise students to the importance of
communication and expose them to the fundamental skills necessary for
interacting effectively, at a personal level and professional level. Emphasis is
placed on developing the critical practical skills necessary to produce clear,

COSK1111 Communication Skills 1 30 2 professional standard documents for work purposes utilizing available

Students are required to prepare a Portfolio containing evidence of

assessments undertaken such as: test papers, Curriculum Vitae, samples of
letters, memoranda, reports and other relevant documents. This will be a

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 68

useful and important reference tool for the world of work.

Students who successfully complete this course may also have the option of
pursuing the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET)
Council’s Caribbean Vocational Qualification (CVQ) in Core Skills:
Communication, Level 1.
Living in the Digital Age, computers have all but infiltrated every aspect of
our lives; preparation of documents, use of appliances and equipment,
banking, on-line shopping, entertainment, transportation and much more.
This course is designed for students to enable them to use the computers
effectively. It engages participants in a variety of activities such as basic

COMP1112 Computer Applications 30 1 computer concepts, discussions about hardware, software, computer ethics
and ergonomics. In addition the participants would be introduced to several
hands-on applications which are similar to those in the job environments;
such as system software (Windows), Word processing software (MS Word
2013) Spreadsheet software (MS Excel 2013) and Presentation software (MS
PowerPoint 2013).
LFSK1211 Drug Awareness 15
This course is designed to help students build up their confidence and
MATH1211 General Mathematics 1 15 1
competences in mathematical concepts and be able to apply such concepts

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 69

to their related fields to solve problems they encounter in their trades. The
topics include: Shapes, Measurement1 and Number Theory.
This course is designed to help students build up their confidence and
competences in mathematical concepts and be able to apply such concepts
MATH1221 General Mathematics 2 15 1
to their related fields to solve problems they encounter in their trades. The
topics include: Measurement 2, Consumer Arithmetic and Statistics.

Independent Study 60
Industrial Attachment
Entry level workers require basic training in the use of metal working tools
to enable them to perform simple fabrications or alteration whilst on the
job. This course is designed to provide fundamental training in workshop

METW1112 Metal Work 1 30 1 safety as well as the proper use of hand and machine tools which are
essential for the craftsman to function. METW 1212 is a practical course in
basic metal working skills, which introduces students to basic bench work
skills, sheet metal work, soldering, drilling, and lathe operations
This is a continuation of course METW 1112 in basic metal working skills,

METW1122 Metal Work 1 30 1 which includes fitted bench working exercises, basic heat treatment, basic
forging, and intermediate lathe operations.

OSHW1111 Occupation Health Safety Welfare 15 1 The main objective of this occupational health and safety course is to

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 70

introduce students to the potential hazards and possible potential
occupational diseases which they may encounter on the job. It also informs
them about the importance of personal protection, the work station and
tool design. The students are introduced to International and National
agencies in charge of the health and safety of workers. They are also taught
the importance of having check lists, carrying out inspections and writing
accident reports. The topics include: History Of Occupational Health and
Safety, Barbados and Occupational Health and Safety, Hazards At Work,
Noise and Vibration, Personal Protection, and Fire and Fire Prevention.
This course forms the basis for all technical/mechanical drawing courses. It
introduces students to lettering styles, numbering techniques, line types and
other aspects of drawing basics. Some simple geometric concepts are also
TDRW1113 Technical Drawing 1 30 1.5
taught during this course. Students are also introduced to the concept of
two and three dimensional drawings, namely orthographic and isometric
This course is designed to utilize some of the concepts introduced in
Technical Drawing 1 in the areas of Developments and Interpenetration of

TDRW1123 Technical Drawing 2 30 1.5 solids. Students may be given the opportunity to build a model of a solid
from a development/template. Students are also introduced to the concepts
of sliding and rotating mechanisms.

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 71

Tutorial 60
WELD1113 165 8.25 This course is designed to enhance the knowledge, desirable attitudes and
skills of students in accordance with industry standards. It covers core
competencies such as; oxy-fuel gas welding; metal arc welding; metallurgy.
This course also includes common competencies; apply safety practices,
interpret drawing and sketches, perform industry calculations, contribute to
Welding Fabrication Studies 1
quality system, use hand tools, prepare weld materials, setup welding
equipment, fit up weld materials and repair welds. It also includes
competencies such as, receive and respond to workplace communication,
work with others, demonstrate work values and practice basic housekeeping
WELD1123 Welding Fabrication Studies 2 195 9.75
This course is designed to add value to the education and training of
students by enriching their specialty skills with positive work ethics. It
includes modules on attendance, character teamwork, appearance, attitude,
LFSK1311 Work Ethics 15 1
productivity, organization, communication, cooperation and respect. This is
a dynamic program that responds to present and perceived needs of
students and the world of work.

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 72

S.J.P.I 23/01/17


This course is designed to prepare students to perform higher-level welding tasks with minimum supervision of an experienced Welder. Participants
receive further training in gas and electric welding as well as supporting knowledge and skills that will prepare them for the world of work and for higher
studies in the field. Participants completing both this programme and the Certificate in Welding Engineering 1 will be awarded a Diploma in Welding
Engineering and are also eligible to pursue the Unit Certificate in Advanced Welding Engineering. Participants will be exposed to six weeks of industrial
attachment at the end of the programme.

CODES (hours)
Contemporary working practices require accurate drawing that can be easily
reproduced to guide planning and development. This course therefore
introduces students to basic Computer Aided Drafting (CAD) techniques and
provides a foundation for higher level and more diverse forms of CAD which
CADD1113 Computer Aided Drafting 1 30 1.5
will be necessary for gaining entry-level employment in drafting
environments. Students will learn how to manipulate elements of the
computer software (AutoCAD) to produce simple two- dimensional

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 73

This course is designed to provide Welding and Auto body students with the
Mathematical knowledge and skills which can enhance the core area of their
program. The course also provides the basic Mathematical competences
MATH2131 General Mathematics 3 15 1
required for the S.J.P.I Certificate, the City and Guilds Certificate in Welding
and can be a base for further studies. The topics include: Measurement 3,
Geometry 2 and Trigonometry
This course is designed to provide Welding and Auto body students with the
Mathematical knowledge and skills which can enhance the core area of their
program. The course also provides the basic Mathematical competences
MATH2141 General Mathematics 4 15 1
required for the S.J.P.I Certificate, the City and Guilds Certificate in Welding
and can be a base for further studies. The topics include: Graphs and
Consumer Arithmetic.
This course introduces students to the general principles in Physical Science.
It is designed for the students in the Automotive and Welding Division

SCIE1111 General Science 1 15 1 providing them with the scientific background necessary for further study. It
covers fundamental scientific concepts such as Matter, Measurement, S.I
Units, Density and Force.
This course provides a further study of the general principles in Physical

SCIE1121 General Science 2 15 1 Science. It is designed for the students in the Automotive and Welding
Division strengthening their scientific background necessary for advance

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 74

studies. It covers fundamental scientific concepts such as Moments, Centre
of Gravity and Levers.
Independent Study 120
Industrial Attachment
This course seeks to provide students with the rudimentary components
essential to small business management and ownership. Students will be

Small Business Management 1 30 2 exposed to the basic knowledge of the principles and policies involved in
owning and managing a small to medium business. It is expected that the
course will serve as the foundation for further study in the area.
This course forms the basis for all technical/mechanical drawing courses. It
introduces students to lettering styles, numbering techniques, line types and
other aspects of drawing basics. Some simple geometric concepts are also
Technical Drawing for Welding
WELD2613 30 1.5
Engineering 1 taught during this course. Students are also introduced to the concept of
two and three dimensional drawings, namely orthographic and isometric
Technical Drawing for welding This course is designed to utilize some of the concepts introduced in
Engineering 2
Technical Drawing 1 in the areas of Developments and Interpenetration of

WELD2623 30 1.5 solids. Students may be given the opportunity to build a model of a solid
from a development/template. Students are also introduced to the concepts
of sliding and rotating mechanisms.
WELD2133 Welding Fabrication Studies 3 195 9.75

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 75

WELD2143 Welding Fabrication Studies 4 195 9.75
Tutorial 60


SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 76



S.J.P.I 06/05/16


This programme is designed to prepare students to be employable as draughts persons in offices of Civil and Structural Engineers and as site technicians on
building sites. The programme also provides a base for further studies in the areas of Architecture, Civil and Structural Engineering. Participants will be
exposed to six weeks of industrial attachment at the end of the programme.

CODE (hours)
As technology advances, the architectural draftsperson must retain his
traditional role of preparing two-dimensional construction and
presentation drawings, but must also be prepared to transition into the
evolving trend of three-dimensional computer aided presentation drawing
ARDP1113 Architectural Details and Planning 1 60 3
and building information modeling. This course grounds the student in
planning and detailing fundamentals and develops three-dimensional
thinking and an understanding of architectural design as underpinning
knowledge and as a springboard for competitive positioning in current and

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 77

future work environments. The focus is residential as this is a large
segment of work in the construction industry.
The course continues to provide and build on foundation knowledge, key
skills and underpinning knowledge and to develop three-dimensional
thinking as a springboard for competitive positioning in current and future
work and study opportunities.
Key objectives of learning include an enhanced understanding of

ARDP1123 Architectural Details and Planning 2 60 3 architectural design and detailing, planning and presentation, and an
introductory knowledge of specific areas of building services. Technology is
also introduced as a tool in the continued development of three
dimensional thinking, design and detail development and presentation.
The focus continues to be residential, a significant part of the construction
This course provides an introductory knowledge of the building industry
and workers involved; soil conditions; suitable foundations and ground

BCON1113 Building Construction 1 30 1.5 floors. It also introduces knowledge and skills necessary to sketch and
draw foundations, basements and ground floors. Timber construction is
This course surveys the construction and kinds of external walls, partitions
BCON1123 Building Construction 2 30 1.5
and suspended floors made of concrete. It also provides the knowledge

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 78

and skills necessary to sketch and draw. It focuses o loaded-bearing wall
construction. Wooden roofs are surveyed in detail.
This course is compulsory for all students of the Samuel Jackman Prescod
Polytechnic and is designed to sensitise students to the importance of
communication and expose them to the fundamental skills necessary for
interacting effectively, at a personal level and professional level. Emphasis
is placed on developing the critical practical skills necessary to produce
clear, professional standard documents for work purposes utilizing
available technologies.

COSK1111 Communication Skills 1 30 2 Students are required to prepare a Portfolio containing evidence of
assessments undertaken such as: test papers, Curriculum Vitae, samples of
letters, memoranda, reports and other relevant documents. This will be a
useful and important reference tool for the world of work.
Students who successfully complete this course may also have the option
of pursuing the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET)
Council’s Caribbean Vocational Qualification (CVQ) in Core Skills:
Communication, Level 1.
This course introduces students to Computer Aided Drafting techniques.
Computer Aided Drawing for The basic uses of commands and the application of the commands to
CADD1213 90 4.5
Architectural Drafting 1
construct/draft basic shapes and spaces. Students will learn how to

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 79

manipulate the computer and CAD program(s) to achieve the necessary
output in terms of, staying true to the design.
This course reinforces in students Computer Aided Drafting techniques.
The advance uses of commands and the application of the commands to
construct/draft advance shapes and spaces. Students will learn how to
Computer Aided Drawing for
CADD1223 90 4.5
Architectural Drafting 2 manipulate the computer and CAD program(s) to achieve the necessary
output. They will be exposed to advance CAD options and higher
applications of the software.
LFSK1211 Drug Awareness 15 0
HIV AIDS Awareness
LSFK1111 15 0
The students are introduced to various types and branches of land
surveying, the fundamentals of reconnaissance, types of measurements

LNSV1113 Land Surveying 1 30 1.5 used in surveying, methods of surveying. They are also introduced to the
principles, definitions and uses of levelling. Application of levelling to
construction is emphasised.
In this highly practical course, students are introduced to the rudiments
and uses of the theodolite. The principles of plane rectangular coordinates

LNSV1123 Land Surveying 2 30 1.5 and traverse surveying are introduced. The students are exposed to a high
degree of fieldwork that enables them to develop their application skills to
building construction.

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 80

This course forms part of a continuum of courses providing underpinning
knowledge of materials used within the Building Construction Industry. It
MABC1111 Materials for Building Construction 1 30 2
covers the General Properties of Building Materials; Cements and Limes;
Concretes; and Mortars.
This course forms part of a continuum of courses providing underpinning
knowledge of materials used within the Building Construction Industry. It
Materials for Building Construction 2
MABC1121 30 2
covers natural building stones, ferrous metals, non-ferrous metals, and
This course is designed to allow students to develop their understanding of
mathematical principles and to apply them to the relevant areas in
MATH1921 Mathematics for Drafting 2 30 2
Architectural and Engineering Drafting. The topics include: Measurement
and Trigonometry.
Independent Study 180
TOTAL 750 29.5

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 81

S.J.P.I 06/05/16

This programme is designed to offer higher level Architectural Drafting Skills to persons seeking employment as draughts persons in offices of Civil and
Structural Engineers and as site technicians on building sites. The programme also provides a base for further studies in the areas of Architecture, Civil and
Structural Engineering. Participants will be exposed to six weeks of industrial attachment at the end of the programme. Participants who are successful in
both the S.J.P.I Certificate in Architectural Drafting 1 and 2 will be awarded the S.J.P.I Diploma in Architectural Drafting.


CODE (hours)
For optimum performance, the architectural draftsperson must have a
comprehensive understanding of architecturally designed buildings, as well
the ability to utilize modern day technology in performance tasks. This
course puts into perspective the architectural whole. It focuses on the
integration of Architectural Design, Planning and Detailing within a single
Architectural Details and
ARDP2133 60 3
Planning 3 structure. It also integrates the knowledge areas of Structure, Materials and
Services. Knowledge is expanded through the area of commercial
architecture. The student is taken from a tangible base involving the analysis
of built structure, to the more abstract thinking of the design world.
Technology is applied in developing three dimensional thinking; as an avenue

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 82

for expression and development of ideas, for improved presentation and
understanding. The emphasis is on architecture other than residential,
hereby termed Commercial Architecture, to be interpreted in its wider
context to include hospitality, institutional, educational, and retail and other
non-residential areas.
This course focuses on issues pertaining to making a better world for present
and future generations, within the context of the built environment via the
subject areas: Sustainability, Energy Efficiency, and Inclusive Design.
Architectural Details and
ARDP2143 60 3
Planning 4 The course also seeks to promote a more global understanding of buildings
within cultural, environmental, structural, aesthetic, historical and
philosophical contexts through knowledge of Architectural History.
This course is an introduction to the construction of reinforced concrete
roofs and external and internal finishes and external and internal drainage.
BCON2133 Building Construction 3 45 2.25
Pre-stressed concrete, its manufacture and uses are surveyed introduction to
skeletal construction.
This course surveys the construction of buildings up to three storeys using

BCON2143 Building Construction 4 45 2.25 structural steel, composite construction, timber reinforces and pre-stressed
This course introduces students to Advanced Computer Aided Drafting
Computer Aided Drawing for
CADD2223 90 4.5
Architectural Drafting 3 techniques. The Advanced uses of commands and the application of the

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 83

commands to construct/draft higher-level shapes and spaces. Students will
learn how to manipulate the computer and CAD program(s) to achieve the
necessary output in terms of, staying true to the design.
This course solidifies’ the students use of Advanced Computer Aided Drafting
techniques and management. The advanced uses of commands and the
application of the commands to construct/draft office and commercial
Computer Aided Drawing for
CADD2243 90 4.5
Architectural Drafting 4 spaces. Students will learn how to manipulate the computer and CAD
program(s) to achieve the necessary output in terms of, staying true to the
This course provides students with practical and theoretical knowledge in the

LAND2133 Land Surveying 3 30 1.5 principles and uses of drawing of sections, profiles and contours, to develop
topographical maps and details for construction projects.
This course is mainly a practical course that provides opportunities for the
students to develop their skills to design layout plans and use surveying

LAND2143 Land Surveying 4 45 1.5 instruments to layout a building from the respective plans. In addition, it
involves the calculations of areas and volumes and shaping (designing) land
with the use of contours.
This course forms part of a continuum of courses providing underpinning
Materials for Building knowledge of materials used within the Building Construction Industry. It
MABC2131 30 2
Construction 3
covers blocks and bricks, boards and slabs, plastics and rubbers and glass.

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 84

This course forms part of a continuum of courses providing underpinning
Materials for Building knowledge of materials used within the Building Construction Industry. It
MABC2141 30 2
Construction 4
covers blocks and bricks, boards and slabs, plastics and rubbers and glass.
The main objective of this occupational health and safety course is to
introduce students to the potential hazards and possible potential
occupational diseases which they may encounter on the job. It also informs
them about the importance of personal protection, the work station and tool
design. The students are introduced to International and National agencies
Occupational Health, Safety
OSHW1111 15 1
and Welfare 1 in charge of the health and safety of workers. They are also taught the
importance of having check lists, carrying out inspections and writing
accident reports. The topics include: History Of Occupational Health and
Safety, Barbados and Occupational Health and Safety, Hazards At Work,
Noise and Vibration, Personal Protection, and Fire and Fire Prevention.
This course is designed to introduce students to the role of and work of the

QNSV2111 Quantity Surveying 1 30 2 Quantity Surveyor in the Construction Industry, and prepare them for further
studies in this field if desired.
This course is designed to add value to the education and training of students
by enriching their specialty skills with positive work ethics. It includes
LFSK1311 Work Ethics 15 1
modules on attendance, character teamwork, appearance, attitude,
productivity, organization, communication, cooperation and respect. This is

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 85

a dynamic programme that responds to present and perceived needs of
students and the world of work.
Independent Study 180
Industrial Attachment
TOTAL 750 30.25

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 86

S.J.P.I 06/06/16


This programme is designed to provide students with the entry level competencies in the Timber Vocations. It prepares students for the SJPP Diploma in
Carpentry and Joinery and may be used to gain advanced standing in the City and Guilds Diploma programme in Carpentry and Joinery. Participants will be
exposed to six weeks of Industrial attachment at the end of the programme.


CODE (hours)
This syllabus is designed to promote positive attitudes and provides
candidates with competencies and skills in carpentry and joinery. These
skills and competencies are required to complete the carpentry and joinery
135 4.5
CARJ1112 Carpentry and Joinery Practice 1 programme. It includes information and tasks form important activities
related to the care of tools and the construction procedures for producing
various joints and components in carpentry and joinery. These activities
form the basis for competencies necessary to be a competent craftsperson.
This syllabus is designed to promote positive attitudes and provide

CARJ1122 Carpentry and Joinery Practice 2 180 6 candidates with competencies and skills in carpentry and joinery. These
skills and competencies are required to complete the carpentry and joinery

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 87

programme. It includes information and tasks from important activities
related to the safe use of tools in the construction process in producing
various components in carpentry and joinery such as windows, partitions
and simple formwork. These competencies are necessary to function as a
competent craftsperson.
This syllabus is designed to promote positive attitudes and provide
candidates with competencies in carpentry and joinery. These
competencies are required to complete the carpentry and joinery
CARJ1111 Carpentry and Joinery Theory 1 60 4
programme. It includes information and activities on important topics such
as safety, hand tools, materials and doors, which form the basis for
competencies necessary to be a competent craftsperson.
This syllabus is designed to promote positive attitudes and provide
candidates with competencies in carpentry and joinery. These
competencies are required to complete the carpentry and joinery

CARJ1121 Carpentry and Joinery Theory 2 60 4 programme. It includes information and activities on important topics such
as ironmongery, roof terms and portable power tools, as well as
construction details of casement windows, partitions and temporary
This course is compulsory for all students of the Samuel Jackman Prescod
COSK1111 Communication Skills 1 30 2
Polytechnic and is designed to sensitise students to the importance of

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 88

communication and expose them to the fundamental skills necessary for
interacting effectively, at a personal level and professional level. Emphasis
is placed on developing the critical practical skills necessary to produce
clear, professional standard documents for work purposes utilizing
available technologies.
Students are required to prepare a Portfolio containing evidence of
assessments undertaken such as: test papers, Curriculum Vitae, samples of
letters, memoranda, reports and other relevant documents. This will be a
useful and important reference tool for the world of work.
Students who successfully complete this course may also have the option
of pursuing the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET)
Council’s Caribbean Vocational Qualification (CVQ) in Core Skills:
Communication, Level 1.
Living in the Digital Age, computers have all but infiltrated every aspect of
our lives; preparation of documents, use of appliances and equipment,
banking, on-line shopping, entertainment, transportation and much more.

COMP1112 Computer Applications 1 30 1 This course is designed for students to enable them to use the computers
effectively. It engages participants in a variety of activities such as basic
computer concepts, discussions about hardware, software, computer
ethics and ergonomics. In addition the participants would be introduced to

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 89

several hands-on applications which are similar to those in the job
environments; such as system software (Windows), Word processing
software (MS Word 2013) Spreadsheet software (MS Excel 2013) and
Presentation software (MS PowerPoint 2013).
LFSK1211 Drugs Awareness 15
LFSK1111 HIV AIDS Awareness 15
This course prepares students for the SJPP and City and Guild certificates.
It is designed to enable students to acquire basic mathematical skills they

MATH1731 Mathematics for Construction 3 30 2 need in the construction industry and to provide a firm basis for further
vocational studies. The topics include: Number Theory, Measurement 1
and Percentage, Measurement 2 and Trigonometry.
The main objective of this occupational health and safety course is to
introduce students to the potential hazards and possible potential
occupational diseases which they may encounter on the job. It also
informs them about the importance of personal protection, the work
station and tool design. The students are introduced to International and
OSHW111 Occupational Health, Safety and
15 1
1 Welfare 1 National agencies in charge of the health and safety of workers. They are
also taught the importance of having check lists, carrying out inspections
and writing accident reports. The topics include: History Of Occupational
Health and Safety, Barbados and Occupational Health and Safety, Hazards
At Work, Noise and Vibration, Personal Protection, and Fire and Fire

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 90

TRRW1113 Technical Drawing 1 This course is designed as an introductory course for all technical drawing
courses. Students are introduced to lettering styles, numbering techniques,

30 1.5 types of lines, simple geometric concepts and other essential drawing
basics. In addition they will focus on two and three dimensional drawing as
they relate to orthographic and isometric drawings.
TRRW1123 Technical Drawing 2 This course is designed to utilise some of the concepts introduced in
Technical Drawing 1 in the areas of Developments and Interpenetration of

30 1.5 solids. Students may be given the opportunity to build a model of a solid
from a development/template. Students are also introduced to the
concepts of sliding and rotating mechanisms.
This course is designed to add value to the education and training of
students by enriching their specialty skills with positive work ethics. It
includes modules on attendance, character teamwork, appearance,
LFSK1311 Work Ethics 15 1
attitude, productivity, organization, communication, cooperation and
respect. This is a dynamic programme that responds to present and
perceived needs of students and the world of work.
Portfolio Session 105
TOTAL 750 28.5

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 91

S.J.P.I 06/06/16


This programme is designed to provide students with higher level competencies in the Timber Vocations and prepares them for employment in the field.
Graduates should be able to work with minimum supervision within industry or become self-employed. Participants are exposed to six weeks of industrial
attachments at the end of the programme. Those who successfully complete the S.J.P.I Certificate in Carpentry and Joinery 1 and 2 will be awarded the
Diploma in Carpentry and Joinery.

CODE (hours )
Carpentry and Joinery
CARJ2132 180 6
Practice 3
Carpentry and Joinery
CARJ2142 180 6
Practice 4
Carpentry and Joinery Theory
CARJ2131 60 4
Carpentry and Joinery Theory
CARJ2141 60 4
Contemporary working practices require accurate drawing that can be easily
reproduced to guide planning and development. This course therefore introduces
Computer Aided Drafting
CADD1113 30 1.5
(CAD)1 students to basic Computer Aided Drafting (CAD) techniques and provides a
foundation for higher level and more diverse forms of CAD which will be

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 92

necessary for gaining entry-level employment in drafting environments. Students
will learn how to manipulate elements of the computer software (AutoCAD) to
produce simple two- dimensional drawings.

Calculations for Building

TCAL2111 30 2
Construction 1
Calculations for Building
TCAL2121 30 2
Construction 2
DRAW213 Trade Drawing for Building
45 2.25
3 Construction 1
DRAW214 Trade Drawing for Building
45 2.25
3 Construction 2
Portfolio Session 90
Industrial Attachment
TOTAL 750 30

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 93

S.J.P.I 06/05/16


This programme is designed to prepare students to be employable as draughts persons in offices of Civil and Structural Engineers and as site technicians on
building sites. The programme also provides a base for further studies in the areas of Architecture, Civil and Structural Engineering. Participants will be
exposed to six weeks of industrial attachment at the end of the programme.

CODE (hours )
This course provides an introductory knowledge of the building industry and
workers involved; soil conditions; suitable foundations and ground floors. It also
BCDR1113 Building Construction Drawing 1 30 1.5
introduces knowledge and skills necessary to sketch and draw foundations,
basements and ground floors. Timber construction is included.
This course surveys the construction and kinds of external walls, partitions and
suspended floors made of concrete. It also provides the knowledge and skills
BCDR1123 Building Construction Drawing 2 30 1.5
necessary to sketch and draw. It focuses o loaded-bearing wall construction.
Wooden roofs are surveyed in detail.
Computer Aided Drawing for
CADD1313 90 4.5
Civil and Structural Drafting 1
CADD1323 Computer Aided Drawing for 90 4.5

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 94

Civil and Structural Drafting 2
This course is compulsory for all students of the Samuel Jackman Prescod
Polytechnic and is designed to sensitise students to the importance of
communication and expose them to the fundamental skills necessary for
interacting effectively, at a personal level and professional level. Emphasis is
placed on developing the critical practical skills necessary to produce clear,
professional standard documents for work purposes utilizing available

COSK1111 Communication Skills 1 30 2 Students are required to prepare a Portfolio containing evidence of assessments
undertaken such as: test papers, Curriculum Vitae, samples of letters,
memoranda, reports and other relevant documents. This will be a useful and
important reference tool for the world of work.
Students who successfully complete this course may also have the option of
pursuing the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Council’s
Caribbean Vocational Qualification (CVQ) in Core Skills: Communication, Level 1.

This course provides a basic introduction to the evaluation of force systems and
elasticity. Topics will include kinds of forces, static equilibrium, the equations of
Civil and Structural Details and
CSDP1113 60 3
Planning 1 static equilibrium, the forces of distortion, relating between stress and strain,
and compound bars. The focus is on graphical and mathematical solutions.

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 95

The course introduces student to the concepts of moments, shear force, the
Civil and Structural Details and theory of bending and more mathematical and graphical application to the
CSDP1123 60 3
Planning 2
structural systems of building.

LFSK1211 Drug Awareness 15 0

This course introduces students to the engineering principles in Physical Science.
It is designed for students studying Marine Diesel Engineering; providing them

SCIE1211 Engineering Science 1 30 2 with the scientific background necessary for further study. It covers fundamental
engineering concepts such as S.I Units, Density, Newton’s Laws, Work, Power
and Petroleum.
The students are introduced to various types and branches of land surveying, the
fundamentals of reconnaissance, types of measurements used in surveying,
LNSV1113 Land Surveying 1 30 1.5
methods of surveying. They are also introduced to the principles, definitions and
uses of levelling. Application of levelling to construction is emphasised.
In this highly practical course, students are introduced to the rudiments and uses
of the theodolite. The principles of plane rectangular coordinates and traverse

LNSV1123 Land Surveying 2 30 1.5 surveying are introduced. The students are exposed to a high degree of
fieldwork that enables them to develop their application skills to building

LSFK1111 HIV AIDS Awareness 15 0

Materials for Building This course is designed to enhance the knowledge, desirable attitudes and skills
MABC1111 30 2
Construction 1

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 96

of students in accordance with industry standards. It covers core competencies
such as; oxy-fuel gas welding; metal arc welding; metallurgy. This course also
includes common competencies; apply safety practices, interpret drawing and
sketches, perform industry calculations, contribute to quality system, use hand
tools, prepare weld materials, setup welding equipment, fit up weld materials
and repair welds. It also includes competencies such as, receive and respond to
workplace communication, work with others, demonstrate work values and
practice basic housekeeping procedure.
MATH1921 Mathematics for Drafting 2 30 2
Portfolio Session 180
TOTAL 750 29

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 97

S.J.P.I 06/05/16


This programme is designed to offer higher level Civil and Structural Drafting Skills to persons seeking employment as draughts persons in offices of Civil
and Structural Engineers and as site technicians on building sites. The programme also provides a base for further studies in the areas of Architecture, Civil
and Structural Engineering. Participants will be exposed to six weeks of industrial attachment at the end of the programme. Participants who are successful
in both the S.J.P.I Certificate in Civil and Structural Drafting 1 and 2 will be awarded the S.J.P.I Diploma in Civil and Structural Drafting.

CODE (hours )
The student will be able to design framed structures such as used for
BCDR2133 Building Construction 3 45 2.25
commercial and industrial buildings.
This course surveys the construction of buildings up to three storeys using

BCDR2143 Building Construction 4 45 2.25 structural steel, composite construction, timber reinforces and pre-stressed
Computer Aided Drawing for Civil
CADD2333 90 4.5
and Structural Drafting 3
Computer Aided Drawing for Civil
CADD2343 90 4.5
and Structural Drafting 4
CSDP2133 Civil and Structural Details and 60 3

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 98

Planning 3
Civil and Structural Details and
CSDP2143 60 3
Planning 4
Industrial Attachment
This course provides students with practical and theoretical knowledge in the

LNSV2133 Land Surveying 3 30 1.5 principles and uses of drawing of sections, profiles and contours, to develop
topographical maps and details for construction projects.
This course is mainly a practical course that provides opportunities for the
students to develop their skills to design layout plans and use surveying

LNSV2143 Land Surveying 4 30 1.5 instruments to layout a building from the respective plans. In addition, it
involves the calculations of areas and volumes and shaping (designing) land
with the use of contours.
The main objective of this occupational health and safety course is to
introduce students to the potential hazards and possible potential
occupational diseases which they may encounter on the job. It also informs
them about the importance of personal protection, the work station and tool
OSHW111 Occupational Health, Safety and design. The students are introduced to International and National agencies in
15 1
1 Welfare 1
charge of the health and safety of workers. They are also taught the
importance of having check lists, carrying out inspections and writing accident
reports. The topics include: History Of Occupational Health and Safety,
Barbados and Occupational Health and Safety, Hazards At Work, Noise and

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 99

Vibration, Personal Protection, and Fire and Fire Prevention.
This course forms part of a continuum of courses providing underpinning
Materials for Building Construction knowledge of materials used within the Building Construction Industry. It
MABC1121 30 2
covers natural building stones, ferrous metals, non-ferrous metals, and timber
This course is designed to introduce students to the role of and work of the

QNSV2111 Quantity Surveying 1 30 2 Quantity Surveyor in the Construction Industry, and prepare them for further
studies in this field if desired.
This course is designed to add value to the education and training of students
by enriching their specialty skills with positive work ethics. It includes
modules on attendance, character teamwork, appearance, attitude,
LFSK1311 Work Ethics 15 1
productivity, organization, communication, cooperation and respect. This is a
dynamic programme that responds to present and perceived needs of
students and the world of work.
Portfolio Session 210
Industrial Attachment
TOTAL 750 28.5

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 100

S.J.P.I 06/05/16


This programmed is designed to provide students with competencies involved in the manufacture of cabinets & furniture. It also exposes the students to
blue print reading, designing wood carving, Jigs and pattern making. In addition students are required to satisfactorily complete a period of Industrial
Attachment at the end of the programme.

CODE (hours )
Cabinet and Furniture Making
CABM1112 135 4.5
Practice 1
Cabinet and Furniture Making
CABM1122 180 6
Practice 2
Cabinet and Furniture Making
CABM1111 60 4
Theory 1
Cabinet and Furniture Making
CABM1121 60 4
Theory 2
This course is compulsory for all students of the Samuel Jackman Prescod
Polytechnic and is designed to sensitise students to the importance of

COSK1111 Communication Skills 1 30 2 communication and expose them to the fundamental skills necessary for
interacting effectively, at a personal level and professional level. Emphasis is
placed on developing the critical practical skills necessary to produce clear,

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 101

professional standard documents for work purposes utilizing available

Students are required to prepare a Portfolio containing evidence of

assessments undertaken such as: test papers, Curriculum Vitae, samples of
letters, memoranda, reports and other relevant documents. This will be a
useful and important reference tool for the world of work.

Students who successfully complete this course may also have the option of
pursuing the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Council’s
Caribbean Vocational Qualification (CVQ) in Core Skills: Communication, Level
Living in the Digital Age, computers have all but infiltrated every aspect of our
lives; preparation of documents, use of appliances and equipment, banking,
on-line shopping, entertainment, transportation and much more. This course is
designed for students to enable them to use the computers effectively. It
COMP1112 Computer Applications 1 30 1
engages participants in a variety of activities such as basic computer concepts,
discussions about hardware, software, computer ethics and ergonomics. In
addition the participants would be introduced to several hands-on applications
which are similar to those in the job environments; such as system software

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 102

(Windows), Word processing software (MS Word 2013) Spreadsheet software
(MS Excel 2013) and Presentation software (MS PowerPoint 2013).
LFSK1211 Drug Awareness 15 0
LFSK1111 HIV AIDS Awareness 15 0
This course prepares students for the SJPP and City and Guild certificates. It is
designed to enable students to acquire basic mathematical skills they need in

MATH1731 Mathematics for Construction 3 30 2 the construction industry and to provide a firm basis for further vocational
studies. The topics include: Number Theory, Measurement 1 and Percentage,
Measurement 2 and Trigonometry
The main objective of this occupational health and safety course is to
introduce students to the potential hazards and possible potential
occupational diseases which they may encounter on the job. It also informs
them about the importance of personal protection, the work station and tool
design. The students are introduced to International and National agencies in
OHSW111 Occupational Health, Safety and
15 1
1 Welfare charge of the health and safety of workers. They are also taught the
importance of having check lists, carrying out inspections and writing accident
reports. The topics include: History Of Occupational Health and Safety,
Barbados and Occupational Health and Safety, Hazards At Work, Noise and
Vibration, Personal Protection, and Fire and Fire Prevention.
This course is designed as an introductory course for all technical drawing
Technical Drawing 1 30 1.5
3 courses. Students are introduced to lettering styles, numbering techniques,

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 103

types of lines, simple geometric concepts and other essential drawing basics. In
addition they will focus on two and three dimensional drawing as they relate
to orthographic and isometric drawings.
This course is designed to utilise some of the concepts introduced in Technical
Drawing 1 in the areas of Developments and Interpenetration of solids.
DRAW132 Students may be given the opportunity to build a model of a solid from a
Technical Drawing 2 30 1.5
development/template. Students are also introduced to the concepts of sliding
and rotating mechanisms.
This course is designed to add value to the education and training of students
by enriching their specialty skills with positive work ethics. It includes modules
on attendance, character teamwork, appearance, attitude, productivity,
LFSK1311 Work Ethics 15 1
organization, communication, cooperation and respect. This is a dynamic
programme that responds to present and perceived needs of students and the
world of work.
Portfolio Session 105 0
TOTAL 750 28.5

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 104

S.J.P.I 06/05/16


This programmed is designed to provide students with higher level competencies involved in the manufacture of cabinets and furniture building upon the
foundation gained in Cabinet and Furniture Making 1. This programme prepares students for work in this trade area in industry and self – employment. In
addition students are awarded a Diploma in Cabinet and Furniture Making once they have successfully completed both the Cabinet and Furniture Making 1
and 2.

CODE (hours )
The second year aspect of the course is designed to provide the students with
hands-on woodworking and cabinetry skills. Students must construct at least
one full-sized, self designed project. These projects will follow the same
sequence as the listed modules within theory and practice. In the last few
Cabinet and Furniture Making
CABM2132 165 5.5
Practice 3 weeks the students must complete a period of Industrial attachment, which
presents an actual working experience on their own. The students will be
placed into various participating firms and will be supervised as a normal
apprentice thus enabling the student to further developing their woodworking

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 105

skills independently in the working world.
The second year aspect of the course is designed to provide the students with
hands-on woodworking and cabinetry skills. Students must construct at least
one full-sized, self designed project. These projects will follow the same
sequence as the listed modules within theory and practice. In the last few
Cabinet and Furniture Making weeks the students must complete a period of Industrial attachment, which
CABM2142 165 5.5
Practice 4
presents an actual working experience on their own. The students will be
placed into various participating firms and will be supervised as a normal
apprentice thus enabling the student to further developing their woodworking
skills independently in the working world.
The second year aspect of the course is designed to provide the students with
hands-on woodworking and cabinetry skills. Students must construct at least
one full-sized, self designed project. These projects will follow the same
sequence as the listed modules within theory and practice. In the last few
Cabinet and Furniture Making weeks the students must complete a period of Industrial attachment, which
CABM2131 60 4
Theory 3
presents an actual working experience on their own. The students will be
placed into various participating firms and will be supervised as a normal
apprentice thus enabling the student to further developing their woodworking
skills independently in the working world.
Cabinet and Furniture Making The second year aspect of the course is designed to provide the students with
CABM2141 60 4
Theory 4

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 106

hands-on woodworking and cabinetry skills. Students must construct at least
one full-sized, self designed project. These projects will follow the same
sequence as the listed modules within theory and practice. In the last few
weeks the students must complete a period of Industrial attachment, which
presents an actual working experience on their own. The students will be
placed into various participating firms and will be supervised as a normal
apprentice thus enabling the student to further developing their woodworking
skills independently in the working world.
Calculations for Building
TCAL2111 30 2
Construction 1
Calculations for Building
TCAL2121 30 2
Construction 2
Contemporary working practices require accurate drawing that can be easily
reproduced to guide planning and development. This course therefore
introduces students to basic Computer Aided Drafting (CAD) techniques and

CADD1113 Computer Aided Drafting 1 30 1.5 provides a foundation for higher level and more diverse forms of CAD which
will be necessary for gaining entry-level employment in drafting environments.
Students will learn how to manipulate elements of the computer software
(AutoCAD) to produce simple two- dimensional drawings.
This course seeks to provide students with the rudimentary components
Small Business Management 1 30 2
1 essential to small business management and ownership. Students will be

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 107

exposed to the basic knowledge of the principles and policies involved in
owning and managing a small to medium business. It is expected that the
course will serve as the foundation for further study in the area.
Trade Drawing for Building
TDRW2133 45 2.25
Construction 1
Trade Drawing for Building
TDRW2143 45 2.25
Construction 2
Portfolio Session 90
Industrial Attachment
TOTAL 750 31

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 108

S.J.P.I 06/05/16


This programme is designed to provide students with the competencies required to work in the construction industry and related areas as painters. In order
to complement and hone the competencies acquired, students are required to satisfactory complete a period of six weeks Industrial Attachment.

CODE (hours )
This course is compulsory for all students of the Samuel Jackman Prescod
Polytechnic and is designed to sensitise students to the importance of
communication and expose them to the fundamental skills necessary for
interacting effectively, at a personal level and professional level. Emphasis is
placed on developing the critical practical skills necessary to produce clear,

COSK1111 Communication Skills 1 30 2 professional standard documents for work purposes utilizing available
Students are required to prepare a Portfolio containing evidence of
assessments undertaken such as: test papers, Curriculum Vitae, samples of
letters, memoranda, reports and other relevant documents. This will be a
useful and important reference tool for the world of work.

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 109

Students who successfully complete this course may also have the option of
pursuing the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Council’s
Caribbean Vocational Qualification (CVQ) in Core Skills: Communication, Level
Living in the Digital Age, computers have all but infiltrated every aspect of our
lives; preparation of documents, use of appliances and equipment, banking,
on-line shopping, entertainment, transportation and much more. This course is
designed for students to enable them to use the computers effectively. It
engages participants in a variety of activities such as basic computer concepts,
COMP1112 Computer Applications 1 30 1
discussions about hardware, software, computer ethics and ergonomics. In
addition the participants would be introduced to several hands-on applications
which are similar to those in the job environments; such as system software
(Windows), Word processing software (MS Word 2013) Spreadsheet software
(MS Excel 2013) and Presentation software (MS PowerPoint 2013).

LFSK1211 Drug Awareness 15 0

LFSK1111 HIV AIDS Awareness 15 0
This course prepares students for the SJPP and City and Guild certificates. It is
designed to enable students to acquire basic mathematical skills they need in
MATH1731 Mathematics for Construction 3 30 2
the construction industry and to provide a firm basis for further vocational
studies. The topics include: Number Theory, Measurement 1 and Percentage,

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 110

Measurement 2 and Trigonometry
The main objective of this occupational health and safety course is to
introduce students to the potential hazards and possible potential
occupational diseases which they may encounter on the job. It also informs
them about the importance of personal protection, the work station and tool
design. The students are introduced to International and National agencies in
Occupational Health, Safety and
OSHW111 15 1
Welfare charge of the health and safety of workers. They are also taught the
importance of having check lists, carrying out inspections and writing accident
reports. The topics include: History Of Occupational Health and Safety,
Barbados and Occupational Health and Safety, Hazards At Work, Noise and
Vibration, Personal Protection, and Fire and Fire Prevention.
This course is designed to develop the knowledge and skills of students in the
area of Painting and Decorating, as required by industry.
The training enables the students to work in the construction industry and
PATD1112 Painting and Decorating Practice 1 135 4.5
related areas. It includes theory, along with the necessary hands-on practical
experiences for those beginning workers in the painting profession. Safety as
it relates to Painting and Decorating is an integral part of the course.
This course is designed to develop the knowledge and skills of students in the

PATD1122 Painting and Decorating Practice 2 180 6 area of Painting and Decorating, as required by industry.
The training enables the students to work in the construction industry and

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 111

related areas. It includes theory, along with the necessary hands-on practical
experiences for those beginning workers in the painting profession. Safety as
it relates to Painting and Decorating is an integral part of the course.
This course is designed to develop the knowledge and skills of students in the
area of Painting and Decorating, as required by industry.
The training enables the candidates to work in the construction industry and
PATD1111 Painting and Decorating Theory 1 60 4
related areas. It includes theory, along with the necessary hands-on practical
experiences for those beginning workers in the painting profession. Safety as
it relates to Painting and Decorating is an integral part of the course.
This course is designed to develop the knowledge and skills of students in the
area of Painting and Decorating, as required by industry. The training enables
the candidates to work in the construction industry and related areas. It
PATD1121 Painting and Decorating Theory 2 60 4
includes theory, along with the necessary hands-on practical experiences for
those beginning workers in the painting profession. Safety as it relates to
Painting and Decorating is an integral part of the course.
This course is designed as an introductory course for all technical drawing
courses. Students are introduced to lettering styles, numbering techniques,

TDRW1513 Technical Drawing 1 30 1.5 types of lines, simple geometric concepts and other essential drawing basics. In
addition they will focus on two and three dimensional drawing as they relate
to orthographic and isometric drawings.

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 112

This course is designed to utilise some of the concepts introduced in Technical
Drawing 1 in the areas of Developments and Interpenetration of solids.

TDRW1323 Technical Drawing 2 30 1.5 Students may be given the opportunity to build a model of a solid from a
development/template. Students are also introduced to the concepts of sliding
and rotating mechanisms.
This course is designed to add value to the education and training of students
by enriching their specialty skills with positive work ethics. It includes modules
on attendance, character teamwork, appearance, attitude, productivity,
LFSK1311 Work Ethics 15 1
organization, communication, cooperation and respect. This is a dynamic
programme that responds to present and perceived needs of students and the
world of work.

Portfolio Session 105

Industrial Attachment
TOTAL 750 28

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 113

S.J.P.I 06/06/16

This programme is designed to provide students with the entry-level competencies in Plumbing. It also prepares students for the SJPP Diploma in Plumbing
Vocations and for entry level employment in the field, working under supervision
CODE (hours )
This course is compulsory for all students of the Samuel Jackman Prescod
Polytechnic and is designed to sensitise students to the importance of
communication and expose them to the fundamental skills necessary for
interacting effectively, at a personal level and professional level. Emphasis is
placed on developing the critical practical skills necessary to produce clear,
professional standard documents for work purposes utilizing available
COSK1111 Communication Skills 1 30 2
Students are required to prepare a Portfolio containing evidence of
assessments undertaken such as: test papers, Curriculum Vitae, samples of
letters, memoranda, reports and other relevant documents. This will be a
useful and important reference tool for the world of work.
Students who successfully complete this course may also have the option of

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 114

pursuing the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Council’s
Caribbean Vocational Qualification (CVQ) in Core Skills: Communication, Level
Living in the Digital Age, computers have all but infiltrated every aspect of our
lives; preparation of documents, use of appliances and equipment, banking,
on-line shopping, entertainment, transportation and much more. This course is
designed for students to enable them to use the computers effectively. It
engages participants in a variety of activities such as basic computer concepts,
Comp1112 Computer Applications 1 30 1
discussions about hardware, software, computer ethics and ergonomics. In
addition the participants would be introduced to several hands-on applications
which are similar to those in the job environments; such as system software
(Windows), Word processing software (MS Word 2013) Spreadsheet software
(MS Excel 2013) and Presentation software (MS PowerPoint 2013).
LFSK1211 Drug Awareness 15 0
LFSK1111 HIV AIDS Awareness 15 0
This course prepares students for the SJPP and City and Guild certificates. It is
designed to enable students to acquire basic mathematical skills they need in

MATH1731 Mathematics for Construction 3 30 2 the construction industry and to provide a firm basis for further vocational
studies. The topics include: Number Theory, Measurement 1 and Percentage,
Measurement 2 and Trigonometry

OSHW111 Occupational Health, Safety and 15 1 The main objective of this occupational health and safety course is to

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 115

1 Welfare 1 introduce students to the potential hazards and possible potential
occupational diseases which they may encounter on the job. It also informs
them about the importance of personal protection, the work station and tool
design. The students are introduced to International and National agencies in
charge of the health and safety of workers. They are also taught the
importance of having check lists, carrying out inspections and writing accident
reports. The topics include: History Of Occupational Health and Safety,
Barbados and Occupational Health and Safety, Hazards At Work, Noise and
Vibration, Personal Protection, and Fire and Fire Prevention.
This course introduces learners to the theory of plumbing. It is designed to
provide participants with knowledge about tools and pipe work systems to
allow them to effectively prepare the process for rough – in piping/tubing and

PLUM1111 Plumbing Theory 1 60 4 fittings associated with domestic plumbing systems. The course can also be of
benefit to entry level employees of with utility companies, metal engineering
firms as well as the field of construction and maintenance. Emphasis is placed
on occupational health, safety and welfare.
This course is designed to provide participants with the skills and knowledge
required to competently name and identify the appropriate tools and pipe
PLUM1121 Plumbing Theory 2 60 4
work systems to effectively prepare the process for rough – in piping/tubing
and fittings associated with domestic plumbing systems at two levels and

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 116

applies to individuals working with utility companies, metal engineering,
construction and maintenance. Emphasis is placed on O.H and S practices.
This course is designed to provide participants with the skills and knowledge
required to competently select and use appropriate hand tools to effectively
prepare the process for rough – in piping/tubing and fittings associated with
PLUM1112 Plumbing Practice 1 135 4.5
domestic plumbing systems at two levels and applies to individuals working
with utility companies, metal engineering, construction and maintenance.
Emphasis is placed on O.H and S practices.
This course is designed to provide participants with the skills and knowledge
required to competently select and use appropriate hand tools to effectively
prepare the process for rough – in piping/tubing and fittings associated with
PLUM1222 Plumbing Practice 2 180 6
domestic plumbing systems at two levels and applies to individuals working
with utility companies, metal engineering, construction and maintenance.
Emphasis is placed on O.H and S practices.
This course is designed as an introductory course for all technical drawing
courses. Students are introduced to lettering styles, numbering techniques,

TDRW1513 Technical Drawing 1 30 1.5 types of lines, simple geometric concepts and other essential drawing basics. In
addition they will focus on two and three dimensional drawing as they relate
to orthographic and isometric drawings.

TDRW1523 Technical Drawing 2 30 1.5 This course is designed to utilise some of the concepts introduced in Technical

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 117

Drawing 1 in the areas of Developments and Interpenetration of solids.
Students may be given the opportunity to build a model of a solid from a
development/template. Students are also introduced to the concepts of sliding
and rotating mechanisms.
This course is designed to add value to the education and training of students
by enriching their specialty skills with positive work ethics. It includes modules
on attendance, character teamwork, appearance, attitude, productivity,
LFSK1311 Work Ethics 15 1
organization, communication, cooperation and respect. This is a dynamic
programme that responds to present and perceived needs of students and the
world of work.

Portfolio Session 105

TOTAL 750 28.5

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 118

S.J.P.I 06/06/16

This programme is designed to provide students with the higher-level competencies in Plumbing. Participants will be exposed to six weeks of industrial
attachment at the end the programme. Students who successfully complete both the Certificate in Plumbing 1 and 2 will be awarded the Diploma in
Plumbing. This programme prepares students for employment in the Plumbing.
CODE (hours )
Calculation for Building
TCAL2111 30 2
Construction 1
Calculation for Building
TCAL2121 30 2
Construction 2
Contemporary working practices require accurate drawing that can be easily
reproduced to guide planning and development. This course therefore
introduces students to basic Computer Aided Drafting (CAD) techniques and

CADD1113 Computer Aided Drafting 1 30 1.5 provides a foundation for higher level and more diverse forms of CAD which
will be necessary for gaining entry-level employment in drafting environments.
Students will learn how to manipulate elements of the computer software
(AutoCAD) to produce simple two- dimensional drawings.

PLUM2131 Plumbing Theory 3 60 4 This course deals with the skills and knowledge required to use numerical

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 119

techniques to solve problems related to trade situations. Participants should
be able to prepare a materials list and calculate the material and labor cost (+
or – 10%) for a drain and waste systems at two levels. Students should be able
to produce a working drawing. This applies to individuals working with utility
companies, construction and maintenance industry. Emphasis is placed on
safety practices.
This course deals with the skills and knowledge required to use numerical
techniques to solve problems related to trade situations. Participants should
be able to prepare a materials list and calculate the material and labor cost (+

PLUM2141 Plumbing Theory 4 60 4 or – 10%) for a drain and waste systems at two levels. Students should be able
to produce a working drawing. This applies to individuals working with utility
companies, construction and maintenance industry. Emphasis is placed on
safety practices.
This course deals with the skills and knowledge required to use numerical
techniques to solve problems related to trade situations and effectively carry
out measurements of work to required tolerance. Participants should be able

PLUM2232 Plumbing Practice 3 180 6 to transfer dimensions from drawings, prints or plans and prepare materials
and locations for installing drains and waste systems at two levels. Students
should be able to calculate the cost of materials and labor (+ or – 10%) and
applies to individuals working with utility companies, construction and

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 120

maintenance industry. Emphasis is placed on safety practices.
This course deals with the skills and knowledge required to use numerical
techniques to solve problems related to trade situations and effectively carry
out measurements of work to required tolerance. Participants should be able
to transfer dimensions from drawings, prints or plans and prepare materials
PLUM2242 Plumbing Practice 4 180 6
and locations for installing drains and waste systems at two levels. Students
should be able to calculate the cost of materials and labor (+ or – 10%) and
applies to individuals working with utility companies, construction and
maintenance industry. Emphasis is placed on safety practices.
Trade Drawing for Building
DRAW2133 45 2.25
Construction 1
Trade Drawing for Building
DRAW2143 45 2.25
Construction 2
Portfolio Session 90
Industrial Attachment
TOTAL 750 30

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 121

S.J.P.I 06/06/16


This programme is designed to provide students with the entry-level competencies in Masonry This programme prepares students for the Diploma in
Masonry (EXPAND)
CODE (hours )
This course is designed to provide the essential requirements for the students
to become a complete craftsperson in the field of block laying and concreting.
The work done at this level will involve simple techniques used on basic
Block laying and Concreting
MASN1112 135 4.5
Practice 1 buildings that are not more than two stories in height. This course will help the
students to develop a sound understanding of the basic knowledge
surrounding the craft and how this can be applied to the work site.
This course is designed to provide the essential requirements for the students
to become a complete craftsperson in the field of block laying and concreting.
The work done at this level will involve more advanced techniques used in
Block laying and Concreting
MASN1122 180 6
Practice 2 constructing basic buildings that are not more than two stories in height.
Learners get the opportunity to build competency in real life situations and
also to observe professions at work in reputable organisations.

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 122

This course is designed to introduce learners to the underpinning knowledge of
block laying and concreting and its theoretical application to the jobsite. They
will study the tools and materials used in the craft as well as the principle of
Block laying and Concreting bonding and the construction of walls. The course will expose learners to the
MASN1111 60 4
Theory 1
scope of the discipline with the intent of helping them to determine career
directions. Emphasis will be place on the importance of health, safety and
welfare on the worksite.
This program is designed to provide the essential requirements for the
participants to become a complete craftsperson in the field of block laying and
concreting. The work done at this level will involve simple techniques used on
Block laying and Concreting
MASN1121 60 4
Theory 2 basic buildings that are not more than two stories in height. This course will
also help the participant to develop a sound understanding of the basic
knowledge surrounding the craft and how this can be applied to the work site.
This course is compulsory for all students of the Samuel Jackman Prescod
Polytechnic and is designed to sensitise students to the importance of
communication and expose them to the fundamental skills necessary for

COSK1111 Communication Skills 1 30 2 interacting effectively, at a personal level and professional level. Emphasis is
placed on developing the critical practical skills necessary to produce clear,
professional standard documents for work purposes utilizing available

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 123

Students are required to prepare a Portfolio containing evidence of
assessments undertaken such as: test papers, Curriculum Vitae, samples of
letters, memoranda, reports and other relevant documents. This will be a
useful and important reference tool for the world of work.
Students who successfully complete this course may also have the option of
pursuing the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Council’s
Caribbean Vocational Qualification (CVQ) in Core Skills: Communication, Level
Living in the Digital Age, computers have all but infiltrated every aspect of our
lives; preparation of documents, use of appliances and equipment, banking,
on-line shopping, entertainment, transportation and much more. This course is
designed for students to enable them to use the computers effectively. It
engages participants in a variety of activities such as basic computer concepts,
COMP1112 Computer Applications 1 30 1
discussions about hardware, software, computer ethics and ergonomics. In
addition the participants would be introduced to several hands-on applications
which are similar to those in the job environments; such as system software
(Windows), Word processing software (MS Word 2013) Spreadsheet software
(MS Excel 2013) and Presentation software (MS PowerPoint 2013).
LFSK1211 Drug Awareness 15 0
LFSK1111 HIV AIDS Awareness 15 0

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 124

MATH1731 Mathematics for Construction 3 This course prepares students for the SJPP and City and Guild certificates. It is
designed to enable students to acquire basic mathematical skills they need in

30 2 the construction industry and to provide a firm basis for further vocational
studies. The topics include: Number Theory, Measurement 1 and Percentage,
Measurement 2 and Trigonometry.
The main objective of this occupational health and safety course is to
introduce students to the potential hazards and possible potential
occupational diseases which they may encounter on the job. It also informs
them about the importance of personal protection, the work station and tool
design. The students are introduced to International and National agencies in
Occupational Health, Safety and
OSHW1111 15 1
Welfare charge of the health and safety of workers. They are also taught the
importance of having check lists, carrying out inspections and writing accident
reports. The topics include: History Of Occupational Health and Safety,
Barbados and Occupational Health and Safety, Hazards At Work, Noise and
Vibration, Personal Protection, and Fire and Fire Prevention.
This course is designed as an introductory course for all technical drawing
courses. Students are introduced to lettering styles, numbering techniques,

DRAW1513 Technical Drawing 1 30 1.5 types of lines, simple geometric concepts and other essential drawing basics. In
addition they will focus on two and three dimensional drawing as they relate
to orthographic and isometric drawings.

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 125

This course is designed to utilise some of the concepts introduced in Technical
Drawing 1 in the areas of Developments and Interpenetration of solids.

DRAW1523 Technical Drawing 2 30 1.5 Students may be given the opportunity to build a model of a solid from a
development/template. Students are also introduced to the concepts of sliding
and rotating mechanisms.
This course is designed to add value to the education and training of students
by enriching their specialty skills with positive work ethics. It includes modules
on attendance, character teamwork, appearance, attitude, productivity,
LFSK1311 Work Ethics 15 1
organization, communication, cooperation and respect. This is a dynamic
programme that responds to present and perceived needs of students and the
world of work.
Portfolio Session 105
TOTAL 750 28.5

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 126

S.J.P.I 06/05/16


This programme is designed to provide students with the higher-level competencies in the Trowel Vocations and prepare them for employment in the
industry. Participants will be exposed to six weeks industrial attachment at the end of the programme. Those students who successfully complete the S.J.P.I
Certificate in Masonry 1 and 2 will be awarded the Diploma in Masonry.

CODE (hours )
Block laying and Concreting
MASN2232 180 6
Practice 3
Block laying and Concreting
MASN2242 180 6
Practice 4
This course is designed to provide sound understanding of the skills processes
and techniques of the craft and an appreciation of the trade technology. It will
Block laying and Concreting
MASN2131 60 4
Theory 3 also enhance the capabilities of the trainees to work under minimum
This course is designed to provide sound understanding of the skills processes
Block laying and Concreting and techniques of the craft and an appreciation of the trade technology. It will
MASN2141 60 4
Theory 4
also enhance the capabilities of the trainees to work under minimum

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 127

Calculation for Building
TCAL2111 30 2
Construction 1
Calculation for Building
TCAL2121 30 2
Construction 2
Contemporary working practices require accurate drawing that can be easily
reproduced to guide planning and development. This course therefore
introduces students to basic Computer Aided Drafting (CAD) techniques and
Computer Aided Drafting provides a foundation for higher level and more diverse forms of CAD which
CADD1113 30 1.5
will be necessary for gaining entry-level employment in drafting environments.
Students will learn how to manipulate elements of the computer software
(AutoCAD) to produce simple two- dimensional drawings.
Trade Drawing for Building
DRAW2133 45 2.25
Construction 1
Trade Drawing for Building
DRAW2143 45 2.25
Construction 2
Portfolio Session 90
Industrial Attachment
TOTAL 750 30

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 128



S.J.P.I 26/04/17

This course is designed to introduce participants to the basic knowledge and skills required for pursuing a career in a clerical or secretarial work. Participants
are provided with the option of choosing one of the two specializations; either Book keeping or Business Calculations. Students who undertake studies in
Book keeping would also be capable of working as accounts clerks. Participants who are successful would be expected to complete six weeks of industrial
attachment. Some participants may opt to articulate to the Diploma in Office Administration or higher studies in the field.
CODE (hours )
This course is designed to introduce students to the fundamentals of book-
keeping and accounting and an overview of the skills necessary to effectively
function in a finance environment. First, we will begin with an introduction on
the history of book-keeping and accounting, and then we examine the
Accounting 1 45 3
ACCT1111 accounting equation, the balance sheet and how transactions are recorded in
the ledger account for assets, liabilities and capital. The treatment of cash and
banking transaction are also covered. The course concludes with the
examination in brief of the trail balance, trading and profit and loss account and

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 129

the balance sheet at the close of the financial year for a sole trader.
This course is designed to improve the numeric and literacy skills of participants
so that their application to bookkeeping and accounting should be relevant and
clear. On successful completion, the participants should be ready for the world
of work where they can clearly, methodically and rationally explain and apply
ACCT1211 Bookkeeping and Accounting 1 45 3
accounting principles. They should further be able to assess, interpret and
make decisions – appropriate to each level of work – concerning the financial
position of a business. The approach used throughout should blend
theoretical with practical.
This course is a foundation course which introduces the student to, and builds

ENGL1211 Business English 1 45 3 his/her ability to understand language and communication within a business
This course is aimed at developing the students’ ability to understanding and
ENGL1221 Business English 2 30 2
write English within a range of business contexts.
The course is intended to provide the student with an appreciation of the
development and organization of business activity; the importance and
coordination of human resources; the processes involved in carrying out the
BSTU1111 Business Studies 1 3 45
marketing and promotion functions and the involvement of businesses and
countries in local and international trade. Such an appreciation should help the
student to develop the ability to express an understanding and knowledge of

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 130

modern business and its international and domestic environment, and to apply
such knowledge to providing solutions to related business problems.
The course is intended to provide the student with a knowledge and
understanding of the various services necessary to businesses and trade; the
various sources of finance available; a basic understanding of several
accounting procedures and documents; the operations and importance of the

BSTU1121 Business Studies 2 60 4 stock exchange to commerce and the role governments play in the regulation
of a country’s economy. Such an appreciation should help the student to
further develop the ability to express an understanding and knowledge of
modern business and its international and domestic environment, and to apply
such knowledge to providing solutions to related business problems
This course is designed to develop the students’ ability to solve, quickly and
accurately, arithmetical calculations that are likely to be encountered in
domestic, commercial, and industrial life. It focuses particularly on business
BMAT1211 Calculations for Business 1 45 3
applications, and includes topics such as Simple and compound interest, profit
and costing, wages and commission, buying and selling, insurance, foreign
currencies, hire purchase, capital and profits, and averages.
This course is designed to develop the students’ ability to solve, quickly and

BMAT1221 Calculations for Business 2 45 3 accurately, arithmetical calculations that are associated with the financial
aspects of business life. It includes topics such as Simple and compound

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 131

interest, investments and investment appraisal, calculations associated with
business ownership, profitability and liquidity, bankruptcy, the depreciation of
business assets, and index numbers.
This course is designed for students who are required to use computer skills in
their job, this course builds on the learning of the students’ competencies in
Computer Information Processing computing (theory and practical), and to develop their abilities beyond basic
COMP1411 45 3
understanding. Therefore adding more complex functions to the practical
This course is designed for students who are required to use computer skills in
their job, this course builds on the learning of the students’ competencies in
Computer Information Processing computing (theory and practical), and to develop their abilities beyond basic
COMP1421 45 3
understanding. Therefore adding more complex functions to the practical
The main objective of this occupational health and safety course is to introduce
students to the potential hazards and possible potential occupational diseases
which they may encounter on the job. It also informs them about the

OSHW1111 Occupational Health and Safety 15 1 importance of personal protection, the work station and tool design. The
students are introduced to International and National agencies in charge of the
health and safety of workers. They are also taught the importance of having
check lists, carrying out inspections and writing accident reports. The topics

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 132

include: History Of Occupational Health and Safety, Barbados and Occupational
Health and Safety, Hazards At Work, Noise and Vibration, Personal Protection,
and Fire and Fire Prevention.

OFAD1111 Office Administration 1 45 3

OFAD1121 Office Administration 2 45 3
This course is designed to add value to the education and training of students
by enriching their specialty skills with positive work ethics. It includes modules
on attendance, character teamwork, appearance, attitude, productivity,
LFSK1311 Work Ethics 15 1
organization, communication, cooperation and respect. This is a dynamic
programme that responds to present and perceived needs of students and the
world of work.
Independent Studies 135
Industrial Attachment
TOTAL 750 41

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 133

S.J.P.I 26/04/17


The Certificate in Accounts Technology is designed for individuals who are interested in pursuing a career in Accounts. This course can also be used as a
foundation for higher education. The main areas of study are Accounting and Business Calculations but they are also exposed to Business English and
Computer Applications as well as soft skills that prepare them for the world of work. Participants who are successful would be expected to complete six
weeks of industrial attachment. Some participants may opt to articulate to the Diploma in Accounts Theory higher studies in the field.

CODE (hours )
This course is designed to introduce students to the fundamentals of book-
keeping and accounting and an overview of the skills necessary to effectively
function in a finance environment. First, we will begin with an introduction on
the history of book-keeping and accounting, and then we examine the

ACCT1111 Accounting 1 45 3 accounting equation, the balance sheet and how transactions are recorded in
the ledger account for assets, liabilities and capital. The treatment of cash and
banking transaction are also covered. The course concludes with the
examination in brief of the trail balance, trading and profit and loss account and
the balance sheet at the close of the financial year for a sole trader.

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 134

This course is designed to further enhance the progression of the participant’s
numeric and literacy skills to improve their application, relevancy and clarity for
performing financial accounting tasks. This course builds upon the content of
Accounting 1 and focuses on developing an understanding of the capital
structure and accounts of partnerships and companies, and a basic knowledge
of the analysis and interpretation of accounting information. Emphasis will be
placed on adherence to accuracy, neatness and associated methodical
approaches to production of data and records and practice in data entry in
ACCR1121 Accounting 2 45 3
accounting using the double-entry principle. Learners would have the
opportunity to work on realistic Accounting Records and Financial Statements
from both small and large profit and non-profit organisations On successful
completion, the participants should be ready to work in an Accounting
environment where they can clearly, methodically and rationally explain and
apply financial accounting principles. They should also be able to appropriately
analyze a business’ financial position, and assess, interpret and make sound
decisions as a result.
This course is a foundation course which introduces the student to, and builds

ENGL1211 Business English 1 45 3 his/her ability to understand language and communication within a business

ENGL1221 Business English 2 30 2 This course is aimed at developing the students’ ability to understanding and

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 135

write English within a range of business contexts.
The course is intended to provide the student with an appreciation of the
development and organization of business activity; the importance and
coordination of human resources; the processes involved in carrying out the
marketing and promotion functions and the involvement of businesses and
BSTU1111 Business Studies 1 (Elective) 45 3
countries in local and international trade. Such an appreciation should help the
student to develop the ability to express an understanding and knowledge of
modern business and its international and domestic environment, and to apply
such knowledge to providing solutions to related business problems.
The course is intended to provide the student with a knowledge and
understanding of the various services necessary to businesses and trade; the
various sources of finance available; a basic understanding of several
accounting procedures and documents; the operations and importance of the
Business Studies 2 stock exchange to commerce and the role governments play in the regulation
BSTU1121 45 3
of a country’s economy. Such an appreciation should help the student to
further develop the ability to express an understanding and knowledge of
modern business and its international and domestic environment, and to apply
such knowledge to providing solutions to related business problems
This course is designed to develop the students’ ability to solve, quickly and
BMAT1211 Calculation for Business 1 45 3
accurately, arithmetical calculations that are likely to be encountered in

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 136

domestic, commercial, and industrial life. It focuses particularly on business
applications, and includes topics such as Simple and compound interest, profit
and costing, wages and commission, buying and selling, insurance, foreign
currencies, hire purchase, capital and profits, and averages.
This course is designed to develop the students’ ability to solve, quickly and
accurately, arithmetical calculations that are associated with the financial
aspects of business life. It includes topics such as Simple and compound
BMAT1221 Calculation for Business 2 45 3
interest, investments and investment appraisal, calculations associated with
business ownership, profitability and liquidity, bankruptcy, the depreciation of
business assets, and index numbers.
This course is designed for students who are required to use computer skills in
their job, this course builds on the learning of the students’ competencies in
Computer Information Processing computing (theory and practical), and to develop their abilities beyond basic
COMP1411 45 3
understanding. Therefore adding more complex functions to the practical
This course is designed for students who are required to use computer skills in
their job, this course builds on the learning of the students’ competencies in
Computer Information Processing computing (theory and practical), and to develop their abilities beyond basic
COMP1421 45 3
understanding. Therefore adding more complex functions to the practical

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 137

The main objective of this occupational health and safety course is to introduce
students to the potential hazards and possible potential occupational diseases
which they may encounter on the job. It also informs them about the
importance of personal protection, the work station and tool design. The
students are introduced to International and National agencies in charge of the
Occupational Health and Safety
OSHW1111 15 1
and Welfare health and safety of workers. They are also taught the importance of having
check lists, carrying out inspections and writing accident reports. The topics
include: History Of Occupational Health and Safety, Barbados and Occupational
Health and Safety, Hazards At Work, Noise and Vibration, Personal Protection,
and Fire and Fire Prevention.
Office Administration Theory 1
OFAD1111 45 3
Office Administration Theory 2
OFAD1121 45 3
This course is designed to add value to the education and training of students
by enriching their specialty skills with positive work ethics. It includes modules
on attendance, character teamwork, appearance, attitude, productivity,
LFSK1113 Work Ethics 15 1
organization, communication, cooperation and respect. This is a dynamic
programme that responds to present and perceived needs of students and the
world of work.

Independent Studies 255

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 138

Industrial Attachment
TOTAL 750 33

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 139

S.J.P.I 26/04/17


Participants who pursue this programme will be equipped to pursue a career as a Secretarial, Administrative or Clerical Assistant. The course focuses on
areas such as Marketing, Business Law, Organisational Behaviour, Principles of Management and Human Resources Management and prepares participants
for higher education. The diploma will be granted to those participants who successfully complete two years of study in Office Administration at the Samuel
Jackman Prescod Polytechnic or the final two semesters of the programme.
CODE (hours )
This course is aimed at developing the students’ ability to understand and write

COSK2211 Business Communications 1 30 2 English used in a variety of ways within a range of business contexts and to
employ appropriate formats and styles.
This course is aimed at developing the students’ ability to understand and write

COSK2221 Business Communications 2 45 3 English used in a variety of ways within a range of business contexts and to
employ appropriate formats and styles.
This course deals with the Principles of Business Law. The aim of the course is

BLAW1111 Business Law 45 3 to provide you with a working knowledge and overview of the legal system. In
emphasis will be on contract law, though you will study other areas including

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 140

the nature and sources of law.
You will learn how to: speak, write and read in the language and terminology of
business law, and also with the opportunity to develop analytical and critical
skills, using the relevant cases and legislation governing these areas of law.
This course is intended to give participants a basic understanding of the
functioning of economies of the Caribbean. Hence, it focuses on the economic

ECON1111 Economics 1 45 3 problem; theories of supply and demand; various market structures;
interdependence of the economy, national income and monetary and fiscal

LFSK1111 HIV AIDS Awareness 15 0

The course is intended to provide the student with an introductory knowledge
and understanding of the human resource management function, including
Human Resources Management
MGMT2311 45 3
1 planning, acquisition, development, rewarding, maintaining and retention of a
company’s employees.
This course is designed to provide a coherent view of the significance of
information systems in a business context. Emphasis is placed on the various
application of knowledge and the use of the computer at a greater depth. The
Information Systems for
COMP1511 60 4
Business 1 focus is on getting students to develop further skills required in an increasingly
technological world and to become better equipped to face the tasks in a global
information technology market.

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 141

This course builds on knowledge of concepts and applications from Computer
Information Processing I and II, also CXC EDPM. Students should improve
Information Systems for
COMP1521 45 3
Business 2 competency with more complex word processing techniques, desktop
publishing techniques, PowerPoint presentations as well as computer concepts.
This course provides an overview of management. It covers theory, process and
practice of the four fundamental management skills: Planning, Organizing,
MGMT1111 Management 1 45 3
Leading and Controlling as well as the role of managers in organizations and the
use of technology in management.
This course provides students with knowledge of the Fundamentals of
marketing. It explains what is marketing, discusses the marketing environment,
micro and macro environment, managing marketing information, consumer

MKTG2111 Marketing 1 45 3 behaviour, marketing strategies and mix, product development and the product
life cycle strategies, segmentation and target markets, pricing, the marketing
channels and supply chain and finally the marketing plan. Students who pursue
this course are provided with knowledge of all the main principles of market.
This course will provide the student with an overview of the fundamental
theories and principles of organizational behaviour and illustrate how these
theories are translated into practice within organizations. It will demonstrate
MGMT1211 Organizational Behavior 1 45 3
the importance of understanding behaviour at the individual, the group, and
the organizational levels when managing organizations.

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 142

In addition the course will provide the student with an understanding of how
people behave in the context of an organizational structure. Having a greater
knowledge of human behaviour should provide a better understanding of
attitudes and behaviours of people at work - co-workers, subordinates,
supervisors, and clients.
This course is designed to give the student basic overview of records
management terminology, concepts, and procedures to successfully manage

MGMT2411 Records Management 30 2 records and information management and associated legality issues. It focuses
on development of knowledge necessary to establish and successfully manage
organization wide records.
Industrial Attachment 225
TOTAL 750 33

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 143

S.J.P.I 26/04/17

Students who pursue this programme will be equipped to pursue a career in Accounts as an Accounts Assistant. It also assists students in the areas of
Financial, Managerial and Cost Accounting, Marketing, Business Law, and Principles of Management should they wish to further their education to the
degree or a professional designation. Participants who are successful would be expected to complete six weeks of industrial attachment. The diploma will
be granted to those participants who successfully complete two years of study in Accounts Technology at the Samuel Jackman Prescod Polytechnic or the
final two semesters of the programme.

CODE (hours )
This course is aimed at developing the students’ ability to understand and

COSK2211 Business Communications 1 30 2 write English used in a variety of ways within a range of business contexts and
to employ appropriate formats and styles.
This course is aimed at developing the students’ ability to understand and

COSK2221 Business Communications 2 45 3 write English used in a variety of ways within a range of business contexts and
to employ appropriate formats and styles.
This course deals with the Principles of Business Law. The aim of the course is
BLAW1111 Business Law 1 45 3
to provide you with a working knowledge and overview of the legal system. In

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 144

emphasis will be on contract law, though you will study other areas
including the nature and sources of law.
You will learn how to: speak, write and read in the language and terminology
of business law, and also with the opportunity to develop analytical and critical
skills, using the relevant cases and legislation governing these areas of law.
This course is designed to introduce students to utilizing the computer
application software “Quick Books” in maintaining accounting records and will
reinforce accounting principles and processes introduced previously. The
emphasis will be on operating a computerized accounting system and provides
in-depth exposure to the development of skills in applying appropriate
Computerized Accounting and
ACCT2511 30 2
Finance 1 software module for specified accounting transactions. Topics will include
ledger, accounts receivable, accounts payable, inventory, payroll, and financial
reports. Other software such as spreadsheet and word processing will be
integrated with ledger data and used to aid with production and basic
interpretation of statements and reports.
This course is designed to introduce students to utilizing the computer
application software “Quick Books” in maintaining accounting records and will
Computerized Accounting and reinforce accounting principles and processes introduced in ACCT 1020 and
ACCT2521 30 2
Finance 2
CMIP 1020. The emphasis will be on operating a computerized accounting
system and provides in-depth exposure to the development of skills in

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 145

applying appropriate software module for specified accounting transactions.
Topics will include ledger, accounts receivable, accounts payable, inventory,
payroll, and financial reports. Other software such as spreadsheet and word
processing will be integrated with ledger data and used to aid with production
and basic interpretation of statements and reports.
This course is intended to give participants a basic understanding of the
functioning of economies of the Caribbean. Hence, it focuses on the economic

ECON1111 Economics 1 45 3 problem; theories of supply and demand; various market structures;
interdependence of the economy, national income and monetary and fiscal
This course introduces students to advanced aspects of Financial Accounting.
It builds on concepts taught in Account 1 and 2 and goes on to look at
preparing accounts for Small business enterprises and Non-profit making
organisations. Topics included are: Incomplete records, Accounting for non-
profit making organisations, Partnership accounting – dissolution of
ACCT2311 Financial Accounting 1 60 4
partnerships, revaluation of assets and treatment of goodwill in relation to a
change in a partnership, accounting for Limited Companies (published
accounts) - shares including allocation. It provides a foundation for further
study of Accounting at pre-professional and professional levels. As well as
equip students with the relevant competencies, attitudes and values for the

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 146

working environment.
This course introduces students to advanced aspects of Financial Accounting.
It builds on concepts taught in Account 1 and 2 and goes on to look at
preparing accounts for Small business enterprises and Non-profit making
organisations. Topics included are: Incomplete records, Accounting for non-
profit making organisations, Partnership accounting – dissolution of

ACCT2321 Financial Accounting 2 45 3 partnerships, revaluation of assets and treatment of goodwill in relation to a
change in a partnership, accounting for Limited Companies (published
accounts) - shares including allocation. It provides a foundation for further
study of Accounting at pre-professional and professional levels. As well as
equip students with the relevant competencies, attitudes and values for the
working environment.
This course provides an overview of management. It covers theory, process
and practice of the four fundamental management skills: Planning, Organizing,
MGMT1111 Management 1 45 3
Leading and Controlling as well as the role of managers in organizations and
the use of technology in management.
This course is designed to further enhance the progression of the participant’s
literary, numeric, and accounting skills so that they can improve application
Managerial and Cost Accounting
ACCT2411 45 3
1 and clarity for performance of managerial accounting tasks. The course deals
with the framework and elements of cost and managerial accounting, costing

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 147

systems and methods. On successful completion, the participants should be
ready to work in an accounting environment where they can clearly,
methodically and rationally explain and apply cost accounting principles. They
should further be able to assess, interpret and make appropriate analysis of
the financial and cost position of a business; supporting informed judgments
and decisions for improved management.
This course builds from concepts in BSDA123. Participants will be provided
with the opportunity to improve skills and knowledge to promote effective
performance of managerial accounting tasks. It addresses the further
development of an understanding of techniques used in managerial and cost
accounting to aid decision making and performance appraisal. On successful
Managerial and Cost Accounting completion, the participants should be ready to work in a managerial
ACCT2421 45 3
accounting environment where they can clearly, methodically and rationally
explain and apply cost/managerial accounting principles. The participant
should then be able to further assess, interpret and make decisions after
analyzing the financial and cost position of a business, so as to make informed
judgments to improve the management of an enterprise.
This course provides students with knowledge of the Fundamentals of

MKTG2111 Marketing 1 45 3 marketing. It explains what is marketing, discusses the marketing

environment, micro and macro environment, managing marketing

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 148

information, consumer behaviour, marketing strategies and mix, product
development and the product life cycle strategies, segmentation and target
markets, pricing, the marketing channels and supply chain and finally the
marketing plan. Students who pursue this course are provided with knowledge
of all the main principles of market.
Industrial Attachment 180
TOTAL 750 38

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 149



S.J.P.I 23/08/16


CODE (hours )
This course is compulsory for all students of the Samuel Jackman
Prescod Polytechnic and is designed to sensitise students to the
importance of communication and expose them to the fundamental
skills necessary for interacting effectively, at a personal level and
professional level. Emphasis is placed on developing the critical
practical skills necessary to produce clear, professional standard
COSK1111 Communication Skills 1 30 2
documents for work purposes utilizing available technologies.

Students are required to prepare a Portfolio containing evidence of

assessments undertaken such as: test papers, Curriculum Vitae,
samples of letters, memoranda, reports and other relevant
documents. This will be a useful and important reference tool for the

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 150

world of work.

Students who successfully complete this course may also have the
option of pursuing the Technical and Vocational Education and
Training (TVET) Council’s Caribbean Vocational Qualification (CVQ) in
Core Skills: Communication, Level 1.
Computer Maintenance and Repair
COMP1212 165 5.5
Practice 1
Computer Maintenance and Repair
COMP1221 165 5.5
Practice 2
Computer Maintenance and Repair
COMP1211 60 4
Theory 1
Computer Maintenance and Repair
COMP1221 Theory 2 60 4

Living in the Digital Age, computers have all but infiltrated every
aspect of our lives; preparation of documents, use of appliances and
equipment, banking, on-line shopping, entertainment, transportation
and much more. This course is designed for students to enable them
COMP1112 Computer Applications 1 30 1
to use the computers effectively. It engages participants in a variety
of activities such as basic computer concepts, discussions about
hardware, software, computer ethics and ergonomics. In addition the
participants would be introduced to several hands-on applications

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 151

which are similar to those in the job environments; such as system
software (Windows), Word processing software (MS Word 2013)
Spreadsheet software (MS Excel 2013) and Presentation software
(MS PowerPoint 2013).

LFSK1112 Drug Awareness 15 0

Electronic for Computer
ETRO1111 30 2
LFSK1111 HIV/AIDS Awareness 15 0
This course is designed to prepare students to meet the
requirements of the SJPP Certification in Electronics, to prepare them
Mathematics for Computer for City and Guilds Mathematics 1 and have a basis to pursue the
MATH1831 15 1
Maintenance Repair 1
second year mathematical course. The topics include: Number
Systems and Boolean Algebra.
Mathematics for Computer
MATH1841 15 1
Maintenance Repair 2
The main objective of this occupational health and safety course is to
introduce students to the potential hazards and possible potential
occupational diseases which they may encounter on the job. It also
Occupational Health, Safety and
OSHW1111 15 1
Welfare informs them about the importance of personal protection, the work
station and tool design. The students are introduced to International
and National agencies in charge of the health and safety of workers.

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 152

They are also taught the importance of having check lists, carrying
out inspections and writing accident reports. The topics include:
History Of Occupational Health and Safety, Barbados and
Occupational Health and Safety, Hazards At Work, Noise and
Vibration, Personal Protection, and Fire and Fire Prevention.

Portfolio Session
This course seeks to provide students with the rudimentary
components essential to small business management and ownership.
Students will be exposed to the basic knowledge of the principles and
MGMT1521 Small Business Management 15 1
policies involved in owning and managing a small to medium
business. It is expected that the course will serve as the foundation
for further study in the area.
This course is designed to add value to the education and training of
students by enriching their specialty skills with positive work ethics.
It includes modules on attendance, character teamwork, appearance,
LFSK1113 Work Ethics 15 1
attitude, productivity, organization, communication, cooperation and
respect. This is a dynamic programme that responds to present and
perceived needs of students and the world of work.
Portfolio 60
Industrial Attachment
Total 750 29

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 153

S.J.P.I 22/06/16


This programme is designed to provide students with knowledge and skills in the field of electrical installation. The programme also prepares students for
higher-level studies in this field. Students will be exposed to six weeks of Industrial attachment at the end of the second semester. Graduates of this
programme should be able to work efficiently in industry under supervision.

CODE (hours )
This course is compulsory for all students of the Samuel Jackman
Prescod Polytechnic and is designed to sensitise students to the
importance of communication and expose them to the fundamental
skills necessary for interacting effectively, at a personal level and

COSK1111 Communication Skills 1 30 2 professional level. Emphasis is placed on developing the critical
practical skills necessary to produce clear, professional standard
documents for work purposes utilizing available technologies.

Students are required to prepare a Portfolio containing evidence of

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 154

assessments undertaken such as: test papers, Curriculum Vitae,
samples of letters, memoranda, reports and other relevant
documents. This will be a useful and important reference tool for the
world of work.

Students who successfully complete this course may also have the
option of pursuing the Technical and Vocational Education and
Training (TVET) Council’s Caribbean Vocational Qualification (CVQ) in
Core Skills: Communication, Level 1.
Living in the Digital Age, computers have all but infiltrated every
aspect of our lives; preparation of documents, use of appliances and
equipment, banking, on-line shopping, entertainment, transportation
and much more. This course is designed for students to enable them
to use the computers effectively. It engages participants in a variety

COMP1112 Computer Applications 1 30 1 of activities such as basic computer concepts, discussions about
hardware, software, computer ethics and ergonomics. In addition the
participants would be introduced to several hands-on applications
which are similar to those in the job environments; such as system
software (Windows), Word processing software (MS Word 2013)
Spreadsheet software (MS Excel 2013) and Presentation software

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 155

(MS PowerPoint 2013).

LFSK1111 Drug Awareness 15 0

This course is designed for students engaged in electrical installation
craft works with a view of complimenting the basic theoretical
training received. Also, the course concentrates on electrical
ELEC1312 Electrical Installation Practice 1 105 3.5
installation processes, practices and related studies. This course will
promote a practical and safe approach to electrical installation works
with a concentration on good workmanship.
This course is designed for students engaged in electrical installation
craft works with a view of complimenting the previous training and
expanding on the knowledge gained. Also, the course concentrates

ELEC1322 Electrical Installation Practice 2 105 3.5 on electrical installation regulations, processes, practices and related
studies. This will promote a knowledgeable and safe approach to
electrical installation works practices, and prepare students for their
entrance into the work environment with skills.
This course is designed for students engaged in electrical installation
craft works with a view of complimenting the practical training to be

ELEC1311 Electrical Installation Theory 1 60 4 taught. The course concentrates on electrical installation processes,
practices and related studies. This will promote a basic knowledge
and safe approach to electrical installation works.

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 156

This course is designed for students engaged in electrical installation
craft works with a view of complimenting practical topics to be
completed in this semester. Also, the course concentrates on
ELEC1321 Electrical Installation Theory 2 60 4
electrical installation processes, practices and related studies. This
ensures competence in fundamental Electrical theory and promotes
a safe approach to electrical installation works.
LFSK1111 HIV/Aids Awareness 15 0
This course enables students to obtain a greater competency level in
mathematical principles for electrical and mechanical engineering. It
Mathematics for Electrical and
MATH1311 15 1
Mechanical Engineering 1 provides a foundation for further studies. The topics include: Number
systems, Indices and Algebra.
This course enables students to obtain a greater competency level in
mathematical principles for electrical and mechanical engineering. It
Mathematics for Electrical and
MATH1321 15 1
Mechanical Engineering 2 provides a foundation for further studies. The topics include:
Geometry, Trigonometry and Graphs.
Entry level workers require basic training in the use of metal working
tools to enable them to perform simple fabrications or alteration

METW1112 Metal Work 1 30 1 whilst on the job. This course is designed to provide fundamental
training in workshop safety as well as the proper use of hand and
machine tools which are essential for the craftsman to function.

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 157

METW 1212 is a practical course in basic metal working skills, which
introduces students to basic bench work skills, sheet metal work,
soldering, drilling, and lathe operations.
This is a continuation of course METW 1112 in basic metal working

METW1222 Metal Work 2 30 1 skills, which includes fitted bench working exercises, basic heat
treatment, basic forging, and intermediate lathe operations.
The main objective of this occupational health and safety course is to
introduce students to the potential hazards and possible potential
occupational diseases which they may encounter on the job. It also
informs them about the importance of personal protection, the work
station and tool design. The students are introduced to International
Occupational Health Safety and and National agencies in charge of the health and safety of workers.
OHSW1111 15 1
They are also taught the importance of having check lists, carrying
out inspections and writing accident reports. The topics include:
History Of Occupational Health and Safety, Barbados and
Occupational Health and Safety, Hazards At Work, Noise and
Vibration, Personal Protection, and Fire and Fire Prevention.
This course is designed to expose the students to the basic skills and
Refrigeration and Air-conditioning materials used in refrigeration and air conditioning systems. It
30 1.5
Skills 1
RFAC1213 includes the types materials used in the systems and a theoretical

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 158

look at the basic tools used in the utilization of these materials. It is
designed to expose the students to the various types of basic tools
and materials used in the industry and to give them an appreciation
of the basic skills involved.
This course is designed to expose the students to a more in-depth
look at the basic skills and materials used in the installation of
refrigeration and air conditioning systems. It includes brazing
techniques used on the systems. It is designed to expose the students
Refrigeration and Air-conditioning to the construction and use of the various types of specialized
RFAC1223 30 1.5
Skills 2
equipment, tools and materials used in the industry and to allow
them to develop some of the specialized skills involved in the
commissioning and the installation of refrigeration and air
conditioning pipe work.
This course was designed to introduce the first year students of the
Electrical Installation, Refrigeration & Air-condition and the Home
Technical Drawing for Electrical Appliance Service Programmes to the fundamentals of construction
TDRW1313 30 1.5
Engineering 1
drawings. . It prepares them to meet the requirements of the Samuel
Jackman Prescod Polytechnic and City & Guilds Certificates.
This course continues to introduce the first year students of the
Technical Drawing for Electrical
TDRW1323 30 1.5
Engineering 2 Electrical Installation, Refrigeration & Air-condition and the Home

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 159

Appliance Service Programmes to the fundamentals of Mechanical
Drafting. It prepares them to meet the requirements of the Samuel
Jackman Prescod Polytechnic and City and Guilds Certificates.
This course is designed to add value to the education and training of
students by enriching their specialty skills with positive work ethics.
It includes modules on attendance, character teamwork, appearance,
LFSK1311 Work Ethics 15 1
attitude, productivity, organization, communication, cooperation and
respect. This is a dynamic programme that responds to present and
perceived needs of students and the world of work.
Portfolio Session 90
TOTAL 750 30

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 160

S.J.P.I 22/06/16


This programme is designed to provide students with more advanced knowledge and skills in the field of electrical installation. The programme also
prepares students for higher-level studies in this field. Students will be exposed to six weeks of Industrial attachment at the end of the second semester.
Students who successfully complete both the S.J.P.I Certificate in Electrical Installation 1 and S.J.P.I Certificate in Electrical Installation 2 will be awarded
the S.J.P.I Diploma in Electrical Installation. Graduates of this programme would be able to work in industry, initially with minimum supervision.
CODE (hours)
Contemporary working practices require accurate drawing that can
be easily reproduced to guide planning and development. This course
therefore introduces students to basic Computer Aided Drafting
(CAD) techniques and provides a foundation for higher level and
CADD1113 Computer Aided Drafting (CAD) 1 30 1.5
more diverse forms of CAD which will be necessary for gaining entry-
level employment in drafting environments. Students will learn how
to manipulate elements of the computer software (AutoCAD) to
produce simple two- dimensional drawings.
Computer Aided Drafting for
CADD1613 30 1.5
Electrical Engineering
ELEC2332 Electrical Installation Practice 3 120 4 This course is designed to provide students who have completed the

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 161

certificate programme with a greater awareness of the electrical
discipline. This will be achieved with advance knowledge and
practical electrical skills.
This course is designed to provide students who have completed the
certificate programme with a greater awareness of the electrical
ELEC2342 Electrical Installation Practice 4 120 4
discipline. This will be achieved with advance knowledge and
practical electrical skills.
This course is designed to provide students who have completed the
certificate programme with a greater awareness of the electrical
ELEC2331 Electrical Installation Theory 3 90 6
discipline. This will be achieved with advanced knowledge and
practical electrical skills.
This course is designed to provide students who have completed the
certificate programme with a greater awareness of the electrical
ELEC2341 Electrical Installation Theory 4 90 6
discipline. This will be achieved with advance knowledge and
practical electrical skills.
This course involves the study of the basic principles and applications
of electricity and electronics. These fundamentals form the basis for
ETRO1313 Electronics Systems 1 30 1.5
the study of industrial controls, consumer electronics and
Mathematics for Electrical and This course is designed to prepare students to meet the
MATH1233 15 1
Mechanical Engineering 3

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 162

requirements of the second year for the SJPP Certification in
electrical and mechanical trades. It also prepares them for City and
Guilds Mathematics 1 and provides a basis to pursue further
mathematical studies. The topic include: Quadratic Functions,
Logarithms and Transposing Formulae.
This course is designed to allow students to develop their
understanding of mathematical principles and to apply them to the
Mathematics for Electrical and relevant areas in the electrical and mechanical trades. It also provides
MATH12341 15 1
Mechanical Engineering 4
a basis for further studies. The topics include: Trigonometry and
This course is designed to provide participants with an overview of
alternative and renewable energy in the global context. Participants
are introduced to the fundamentals of Solar Photovoltaic systems
and the procedure for installing photovoltaic panels in a safe

RNEW1113 Photovoltaic Installations 1 45 2.25 workplace environment. They also have the option of being certified
in some of the related units the National Vocational Qualifications
(NVQ) in Photovoltaic Installations Roofer /Fitter. This course also
provides the base for higher studies in the field and graduates can
find employment as entry level roofer/fitter within the Industry

MGMT1512 Small Business Management 15 1 This course seeks to provide students with the rudimentary

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 163

components essential to small business management and ownership.
Students will be exposed to the basic knowledge of the principles and
policies involved in owning and managing a small to medium
business. It is expected that the course will serve as the foundation
for further study in the area.

Portfolio session 150

Industrial Attachment
TOTAL 750 29.75

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 164

S.J.P.I 29/0616


This programme is designed to provide students with the basic knowledge and practice competencies to perform electrical wiring and maintenance on a
work site.
CODE (hours )
This course is compulsory for all students of the Samuel Jackman
Prescod Polytechnic and is designed to sensitise students to the
importance of communication and expose them to the fundamental
skills necessary for interacting effectively, at a personal level and
professional level. Emphasis is placed on developing the critical
practical skills necessary to produce clear, professional standard
COSK1111 Communication Skills 30 2
documents for work purposes utilizing available technologies.

Students are required to prepare a Portfolio containing evidence of

assessments undertaken such as: test papers, Curriculum Vitae,
samples of letters, memoranda, reports and other relevant
documents. This will be a useful and important reference tool for the

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 165

world of work.

Students who successfully complete this course may also have the
option of pursuing the Technical and Vocational Education and
Training (TVET) Council’s Caribbean Vocational Qualification (CVQ) in
Core Skills: Communication, Level 1.
LFSK1112 Drugs Awareness 15 0
The purpose of the Installation Wiring Practice 1 course is to provide
the student with the basic knowledge and practical competence to

ELEC1512 Electrical Wiring Practice 1 120 4 perform electrical wiring and maintenance on domestic, commercial
and industrial environments but under supervision. This course also
prepares the student for higher studies in the field.
The purpose of the Installation Wiring Theory 1 course is to provide
the student with the basic knowledge and practical competence to
ELEC1511 Electrical Wiring Theory 1 45 3
perform electrical wiring and maintenance on domestic, commercial
and Industrial environments.
The purpose of the Installation Wiring Practice 2 course is to provide
the student with the basic knowledge and practical competence to
ELEC1522 Electrical Wiring Practice 2 120 4
perform electrical wiring and maintenance on domestic, commercial
and Industrial environments.

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 166

The purpose of the Installation Wiring Theory 2 course is to provide
the student with the basic knowledge and practical competence to
ELEC1521 Electrical Wiring Theory 2 45 3
perform electrical wiring and maintenance on domestic, commercial
and Industrial environments.
This course involves the study of the basic principles and applications
of electricity and electronics. These fundamentals form the basis for
ETRO1313 Electronic Systems 1 30 1.5
the study of industrial controls, consumer electronics and
This course builds on ETRO1313 and takes students deeper into the
fundamentals of electricity and electronics. It seeks to upgrade
ETRO1323 Electronic Systems 2 30 1.5
students’ competence in industrial controls, consumer electronics
and communication.

LFSK1111 HIV AIDS Awareness 15 0

This course enables students to obtain a greater competency level in
mathematical principles for electrical and mechanical engineering. It
Mathematics for Electrical and
MATH1311 15 1
Mechanical Engineering 1 provides a foundation for further studies. The topics include: Number
systems, Indices and Algebra.
This course enables students to obtain a greater competency level in
Mathematics for Electrical and mathematical principles for electrical and mechanical engineering. It
MATH1321 15 1
Mechanical Engineering 2
provides a foundation for further studies. The topics include:

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 167

Geometry, Trigonometry and Graphs.
Entry level workers require basic training in the use of metal working
tools to enable them to perform simple fabrications or alteration
whilst on the job. This course is designed to provide fundamental
training in workshop safety as well as the proper use of hand and
METW1212 Metal Work 1 30 1
machine tools which are essential for the craftsman to function.
METW 1212 is a practical course in basic metal working skills, which
introduces students to basic bench work skills, sheet metal work,
soldering, drilling, and lathe operations.
This is a continuation of course METW 1112 in basic metal working

METW1122 Metal Work 2 30 1 skills, which includes fitted bench working exercises, basic heat
treatment, basic forging, and intermediate lathe operations.
This course seeks to provide students with the rudimentary
components essential to small business management and ownership.
Students will be exposed to the basic knowledge of the principles and
MGMT1521 Small Business Management 15 1
policies involved in owning and managing a small to medium
business. It is expected that the course will serve as the foundation
for further study in the area.

Technical Drawing for Electrical This course is designed for the students of the Electrical Wiring class.
TDRW1413 30 1.5
Wiring 1 It introduces them to the graphical representation of the main

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 168

components of one and two storey buildings.
This course is designed for the students of the Electrical Wiring class.
Technical Drawing for Electrical It introduces them to the graphical representation of electrical
TDRW1423 30 1.5
Wiring 2
fixtures as used in British and American electrical drawings.
This course is designed to add value to the education and training of
students by enriching their specialty skills with positive work ethics.
It includes modules on attendance, character teamwork, appearance,
LFSK1311 Work Ethics 15 1
attitude, productivity, organization, communication, cooperation and
respect. This is a dynamic programme that responds to present and
perceived needs of students and the world of work.
Portfolio session 120
Industrial Attachment
TOTOAL 750 28

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 169

S.J.P.I 29/06/16


This programme is designed to provide participants with the underpinning knowledge and the skills necessary to embark on a career in Electronics
Servicing. The course adequately prepares participants for employment in high-demand jobs such as junior service technicians and security system-
installation technicians. Graduates can use this course as a springboard for other studies in the field of electronics.
CODE (hours)
This course is compulsory for all students of the Samuel Jackman
Prescod Polytechnic and is designed to sensitise students to the
importance of communication and expose them to the fundamental
skills necessary for interacting effectively, at a personal level and
professional level. Emphasis is placed on developing the critical

COSK1111 Communication Skills 1 30 2 practical skills necessary to produce clear, professional standard
documents for work purposes utilizing available technologies.

Students are required to prepare a Portfolio containing evidence of

assessments undertaken such as: test papers, Curriculum Vitae,
samples of letters, memoranda, reports and other relevant

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 170

documents. This will be a useful and important reference tool for the
world of work.

Students who successfully complete this course may also have the
option of pursuing the Technical and Vocational Education and
Training (TVET) Council’s Caribbean Vocational Qualification (CVQ) in
Core Skills: Communication, Level 1.
Living in the Digital Age, computers have all but infiltrated every
aspect of our lives; preparation of documents, use of appliances and
equipment, banking, on-line shopping, entertainment, transportation
and much more. This course is designed for students to enable them
to use the computers effectively. It engages participants in a variety
of activities such as basic computer concepts, discussions about
COMP1112 Computer Applications 30 1
hardware, software, computer ethics and ergonomics. In addition the
participants would be introduced to several hands-on applications
which are similar to those in the job environments; such as system
software (Windows), Word processing software (MS Word 2013)
Spreadsheet software (MS Excel 2013) and Presentation software
(MS PowerPoint 2013).

ETRO1213 Digital Electronics 1 45 2.25 This course is designed to familiarize the student with a working

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 171

knowledge of the fundamentals of Digital Electronics. The course will
be delivered with the servicing of today’s electronic equipment as its
prime focus. Some of the topics covered are: Negative and Positive
logic convention. Logic Gates. Boolean Expressions. Truth Tables for
logic gate functions. Combinational logic circuits. Sequential Logic
circuits. Number systems. Logic measuring instruments. Transducers.
Integrated circuits. Display devices. Transformers.
This course is designed to familiarize the student with a working
knowledge of the fundamentals of Digital Electronics. There is a
strong practical aspect to the course and the student will be asked to
trouble-shoot microprocessors and microprocessor- based systems.

ETRO1223 Digital Electronics 2 60 3 The course will be delivered with the servicing of today’s electronic
equipment as its prime focus.
Some of the topics covered are:
Basic Principles of Microprocessors and Microprocessor based
LFSK1211 Drug Awareness 15
In this course, students examine theoretically the electrical principles

ELEC1211 Electrical Principles 1 60 4 which underpin and inform the practical aspects of Electronics in

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 172

Through assignments, discussions, group work, lectures and projects
in a virtual environment, students strengthen their analytical and
problem-solving skills relative to the various electronic circuits
encountered in the Electronics Servicing Industry.
In this course, students examine theoretically the electrical principles
which underpin and inform the practical aspects of Electronics in
general. Through assignments, discussions, group work, lectures and
ELEC1221 Electrical Principles 2 60 4
projects in a virtual environment, students strengthen their analytical
and problem-solving skills relative to the various electronic circuits
encountered in the Electronics Servicing Industry.
This course seeks to familiarise the student with the fundamental
concepts and applications of electronic components. The following
topics are covered thoroughly: Vacuum tube fundamentals. Power

ETRO1113 Electronics 1 45 2.25 Supplies. Atomic Structure. Semi-conductors including P-N junction
diodes, junction Bi-Polar Transistors and Field-Effect Transistors.
Thrusters. Transistor amplifier configurations and biasing. Coupling
Methods. Power Amplifiers. Specialised semi-conductors.
This course seeks to familiarise the student with the fundamental

ETRO1123 Electronics 2 45 2.25 concepts and applications of Electronics. The following topics are
covered thoroughly: The common emitter amplifier using NPN and

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 173

PNP bipolar junction transistors- thermal runaway, D.C stabilization,
biasing, cut off and saturation, ac operation, coupling, decoupling,
bandwidth, R-C coupled amplifier, the load line, transformer
coupling, power dissipation. Common base and common collector
amplifiers. The switching power supply. Photoelectric devices. Field
effect transistors. R-C filters, clippers and clampers. IF amplifiers,
power amplifiers. Feedback in amplifiers. The operational amplifier.
Multivibrators and timers. Oscillators. Integrated circuits.

LFSK1111 HIV AIDS Awareness 15

This course is designed to prepare students to meet the
requirements of the first year SJPP Certification in Electronics. It also

MATH1821 Mathematics for Electronics 2 30 2 prepares them for the City and Guilds Mathematics 1 and provides
the basis for pursuing the second year mathematics course. The
topics include: Number Systems, Indices, Formulae and Logic.
This course is designed to prepare students to meet the
requirements of the first year SJPP Certification in Electronics. It also

MATH1811 Mathematics for Electronics 1 30 2 prepares them for the City and Guilds Mathematics 1 and provides
the basis for pursuing the second year mathematics course. The
topics include: Complex Numbers and Trigonometry.
Occupational Health, Safety and The main objective of this occupational health and safety course is to
OHSW1111 15 1
Welfare 1

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 174

introduce students to the potential hazards and possible potential
occupational diseases which they may encounter on the job. It also
informs them about the importance of personal protection, the work
station and tool design. The students are introduced to International
and National agencies in charge of the health and safety of workers.
They are also taught the importance of having check lists, carrying
out inspections and writing accident reports. The topics include:
History of Occupational Health and Safety, Barbados and
Occupational Health and Safety, Hazards At Work, Noise and
Vibration, Personal Protection, and Fire and Fire Prevention.
This course is designed to add value to the education and training of
students by enriching their specialty skills with positive work ethics.
It includes modules on attendance, character teamwork, appearance,
LFSK1311 Work Ethics 15 1
attitude, productivity, organization, communication, cooperation and
respect. This is a dynamic programme that responds to present and
perceived needs of students and the world of work.
Portfolio Session 255
TOTAL 750 26.75

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 175

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This programme is designed to produce persons who are competent in servicing electronic systems and who are up to date in working with emerging
technologies within the electronic servicing industry. At this level, participants gave the opportunity to strengthen their problem solving skills through real
learning experiences as well as during six weeks of industrial attachment at the end of the programme. Those who have successfully completed the
Certificates in Electronics Servicing Technology 1 and 2 will be awarded the Diploma in Electronics Servicing Technology. The programme also prepares
them for self employment and for work within the field of electronics servicing, home automation and sound engineering.
CODE (hours)
This course is intended to target the student who has at least a
fundamental interest in electronics and electronic circuits. It is a
study of the theory, operation and repair of color television receivers.
ETRO2413 Colour Television 1 90 4.5
The course involves a great deal of practical work which will be
taught in a repair shop environment. Repair work will be performed
by the student.
This course is intended for the student who has a serious interest in

ETRO2423 Colour Television 2 90 4.5 television broadcasts and television system maintenance and repair.
It is a study of the theory, operation and repair of color television

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 176

systems. The course involves a great deal of practical work which will
be taught in a repair shop environment. Repair work will be
performed by students.

Additionally, this course covers most of the concepts and techniques

associated with modern digital television transmission and reception.
It is designed to help Electronics Service Technicians transition from
the analogue world to the all-embracing digital era. Some of the
topics covered are: Digital TV broadcasting which includes, digitizing
the TV picture, sampling, sampling rate, programme encoding, video
encoding, video data preparation, temporal removal redundancy,
motion compensation, spacial DCT redundancy removal, the audio
encoder, the service data packet, the PES packet structure,
programme multiplexing, transport stream packet structure, forward
error correction, modulation-DQPSK, QAM, COFDM, effective
radiated power(ERP), single- frequency network(SFN) and the
transport stream multiplex. Digital TV receivers which includes, the
integrated TV receiver (IRD), system control, the channel decoder,
the transport demultiplexer, the video MPEG decoder, and the MPEG
audio decoder. Testing techniques.

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 177

In this course, students examine theoretically the electrical principles
which underpin and inform the practical aspects of Electronics in
general. Through assignments, discussions, group work, lectures and
ELEC2231 Electrical Principles 3 60 4
projects in a virtual environment, students strengthen their analytical
and problem-solving skills relative to the various electronic circuits
encountered in the Electronics servicing industry.
In this course, students examine theoretically the electrical principles
which underpin and inform the practical aspects of Electronics in
general. Through assignments, discussions, group work, lectures and
ELEC2231 Electrical Principles 4 60 4
projects in a virtual environment, students strengthen their analytical
and problem-solving skills relative to the various electronic circuits
encountered in the Electronics Servicing Industry.
This course is designed to prepare students to meet the
requirements of the second year SJPP Certification in Electronics. It

MATH1831 Mathematics for Electronics 3 30 2 also prepares them for the City and Guilds Mathematics 1 and
provides the basis for pursuing further mathematical studies. The
topics include: Differential Calculus and Statistics.
This course is designed to prepare students to meet the

MATH1841 Mathematics for Electronics 4 30 2 requirements of the second year SJPP Certification in Electronics. It
also prepares them for the City and Guilds Mathematics 1 and

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 178

provides the basis for pursuing further mathematical studies. The
topics include: Integral Calculus and Probability.
This course involves the technology surrounding radio and sound
systems. It exposes the student to testing techniques and basic fault
Radio High Fidelity and Sound
ETRO1533 90 4.5
Systems 1 finding on home entertainment systems including CD players, audio
amplifiers, radio receivers and audiotape recorders.
This course is a must for all those involved in music, music
production, conferences, lectures, choirs, school plays and drama
productions. It is a highly practical course and covers the following

 Basic electronic components and applications

 The decibel
 Cross over networks
 Impedance matching
 Sound proofing
ETRO1513 Sound Technology 1 90 4.5
 Cable termination
 Standing waves
 Microphones
 Loudspeakers
 Feed back
 Reverberation
 Sound reduction index
 Absorption coefficient
 Inverse square law
 Blocks that make up a typical amplifier

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 179

 Matching sound system to room size
 Installing the sound system
 Basic mixing techniques
 Sound recording
 Mastering
 Electrical requirements
 Safety

Portfolio Session 210

Industrial Attachment
TOTAL 750 30

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 180

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This programme is designed to expose students to the theory and practice of Microcomputer Technology. Students have the opportunity to develop
competencies while applying these to current technologies in the field. This programme also prepares students for higher education in the field. At the
end of this programme students pursue a six week stint of industrial attachment.
CODE (hours)
This course is compulsory for all students of the Samuel Jackman
Prescod Polytechnic and is designed to sensitise students to the
importance of communication and expose them to the
fundamental skills necessary for interacting effectively, at a
personal level and professional level. Emphasis is placed on

COSK1111 Communication Skills 1 30 2 developing the critical practical skills necessary to produce clear,
professional standard documents for work purposes utilizing
available technologies.

Students are required to prepare a Portfolio containing evidence of

assessments undertaken such as: test papers, Curriculum Vitae,

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 181

samples of letters, memoranda, reports and other relevant
documents. This will be a useful and important reference tool for
the world of work.

Students who successfully complete this course may also have the
option of pursuing the Technical and Vocational Education and
Training (TVET) Council’s Caribbean Vocational Qualification (CVQ)
in Core Skills: Communication, Level 1.
This course is designed to familiarize the student with a working
knowledge of the fundamentals of Digital Electronics. The course
will be delivered with the servicing of today’s electronic equipment
as its prime focus. Some of the topics covered are: Negative and

ETRO1213 Digital Electronics 1 45 2.25 Positive logic convention. Logic Gates. Boolean Expressions. Truth
Tables for logic gate functions. Combinational logic circuits.
Sequential Logic circuits. Number systems. Logic measuring
instruments. Transducers. Integrated circuits. Display devices.

LFSK1112 Drug Awareness 15

In this course, students examine theoretically the electrical
ELEC1211 Electrical Principles 1 60 4
principles which underpin and inform the practical aspects of

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 182

Electronics in general.
Through assignments, discussions, group work, lectures and
projects in a virtual environment, students strengthen their
analytical and problem-solving skills relative to the various
electronic circuits encountered in the Electronics Servicing
In this course, students examine theoretically the electrical
principles which underpin and inform the practical aspects of
Electronics in general. Through assignments, discussions, group

ELEC 1221 Electrical Principles 2 60 4 work, lectures and projects in a virtual environment, students
strengthen their analytical and problem-solving skills relative to the
various electronic circuits encountered in the Electronics Servicing
This course seeks to familiarise the student with the fundamental
concepts and applications of electronic components. The following
topics are covered thoroughly: Vacuum tube fundamentals. Power

ETRO1113 Electronics 1 45 2.25 Supplies. Atomic Structure. Semi-conductors including P-N junction
diodes, junction Bi-Polar Transistors and Field-Effect Transistors.
Thrusters. Transistor amplifier configurations and biasing. Coupling
Methods. Power Amplifiers. Specialised semi-conductors.

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 183

LFSK1111 HIV AIDS Awareness 15
This course is designed to prepare students to meet the
requirements of the first year SJPP Certification in Electronics. It
also prepares them for the City and Guilds Mathematics 1 and
MATH 1811 Mathematics for Electronics 1 30 2
provides the basis for pursuing the second year mathematics
course. The topics include: Number Systems, Indices, Formulae and
This course is designed to prepare students to meet the
requirements of the first year SJPP Certification in Electronics. It

MATH1821 Mathematics for Electronics 2 30 2 also prepares them for the City and Guilds Mathematics 1 and
provides the basis for pursuing the second year mathematics
course. The topics include: Complex Numbers and Trigonometry.
This course is designed to familiarize the student with a working
knowledge of the fundamentals of computer architecture. The
student will be asked to troubleshoot microprocessors and
ETRO1713 Microcomputer Architecture 1 45 2.25
microprocessor- based systems. The course will be delivered with
the need for microprocessor-based technologies and how to use
them to improve today’s way of life as its prime focus.
The main objective of this occupational health and safety course is
OHSW1111 Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare 15 1
to introduce students to the potential hazards and possible

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 184

potential occupational diseases which they may encounter on the
job. It also informs them about the importance of personal
protection, the work station and tool design. The students are
introduced to International and National agencies in charge of the
health and safety of workers. They are also taught the importance
of having check lists, carrying out inspections and writing accident
reports. The topics include: History Of Occupational Health and
Safety, Barbados and Occupational Health and Safety, Hazards At
Work, Noise and Vibration, Personal Protection, and Fire and Fire
This course is designed for individuals, interested in pursuing a
career in Computer Applications more specifically programming,
who possess little or no experience in programming. Learners will
COMP 1613 Software Development 1 45 2.25
be exposed to algorithm development, programming and problem
solving techniques which are fundamental to any programming
The course builds upon the knowledge and skills from the previous
level, Software Development 1, which focuses on algorithm
COMP1623 Software Development 2 45 2.25
development, programming and problem - solving practices which
are fundamental to any programming environment, but with

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 185

specific emphasis on the C++ programming language. This course
includes but is not limited to program design, coding and debugging
and search or sort methods.
This course is a foundation course which introduces the student to
systems in a basic way through block diagram analysis. Some of
the systems covered are: The a.m. transmitter,
the a.m. receiver, the f.m. transmitter, the f.m. receiver, the colour
ETRO1413 Television and Related Systems 30 1.5
television system, pulse modulation, the linear power supply. The
switch mode power supply, the phase locked loop,
The speed control, the digital clock, the video display unit (VDU),
the cathode ray oscilloscope (CRO) and the audio tape recorder.

Portfolio Session 240

TOTAL 750 27.75

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 186

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This programme is designed to expose students to a higher level in the theory and practice of Microcomputer Technology. Students have the opportunity
to further develop competencies while applying these to current technologies in the field. This programme also prepares students for higher education in
the field. At the end of this programme students pursue a six week stint of industrial attachment with high profile companies. Graduates of the
programme are also prepared for employment in areas such as computer repair, service and installation technicians as well as in the areas of basic
programme writing and in building computers. Those who successfully complete levels 1 and 2 of the Certificate in Microcomputer Technology will be
awarded the Diploma in Microcomputer Technology.
CODE (hours)
This course is designed to examine the field of hardware engineering
and to help students understand the fundamentals of circuit design,
circuit simulation, PCB production and prototyping. In addition, the
ETRO1723 Electronic Circuit Prototyping 1 75 3.75
course also teaches the student the use of technical report writing
and documentation techniques to record the process from concept
to completion that will aid in making any idea a reality.
This course is designed to prepare students to meet the
MATH 2831 Mathematics for Electronics 3 30 2
requirements of the second year SJPP Certification in Electronics. It

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 187

also prepares them for the City and Guilds Mathematics 1 and
provides the basis for pursuing further mathematical studies. The
topics include: Differential Calculus and Statistics.
This course is designed to prepare students to meet the
requirements of the second year SJPP Certification in Electronics. It

MATH2841 Mathematics for Electronics 4 30 2 also prepares them for the City and Guilds Mathematics 1 and
provides the basis for pursuing further mathematical studies. The
topics include: Integral Calculus and Probability.
This course is designed to promote synthesis in students through the
use of applied knowledge as well as examine the products available
ERTO1733 Microcomputer Applications 1 75 3.75
in today’s technological market and analyzing their function to best
determine how to use them to prove a concept.
This course is designed to familiarize the learner with a working
knowledge of the fundamentals of computer hardware, operating
systems, and software installations. Participants will have the

COMP1213 Microcomputer Assembly and Repairs 1 45 2.25 opportunity to practice and hone their skill on computers to
assemble, diagnose and troubleshoot basic problems that fall within
the responsibilities of an entry-level Information Technology

NETW2343 Microcomputer Networking 45 2.25 This course is designed to introduce learners to the study of

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 188

microcomputer networking. The course will focus on training learners
to configure, manage, and troubleshoot elements of the basic
computer network infrastructure. Main areas of study will include
understanding Area Nets, wired and wireless networks, Internet
Protocol and related tools, network infrastructure and security.
Learners will be guided in hands-on practice through real life
experience in working with computer networks.
This course serves as an introduction to servicing computer monitors.
It covers the basic blocks and functions of the typical computer
ETRO2313 Monitor Repairs 1 30 1.5
monitor. It also discusses the equipment needed to service computer
monitors and takes a look at bleeding –off procedures.
This course is designed for people with some computer experience,
and no or little experience with programming. The course is designed
to teach programming and problem - solving practices which are
COMP 2633 Software Development 3 60 3
fundamental to any programming environment, but with specific
emphasis on the Visual Basic programming language and the
Windows operating environment.
This course is designed for people with some computer experience,

COMP 2643 Software Development 4 60 3 and no or little experience with programming. The course is designed
to teach programming and problem - solving practices which are

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 189

fundamental to any programming environment, but with specific
emphasis on the Visual Basic programming language and the
Windows operating environment.

COMP1713 Web Page Design 1 45 2.25

COMP1723 Web Page Design 2 45 2.25
This course is designed to add value to the education and training of
students by enriching their specialty skills with positive work ethics.
It includes modules on attendance, character teamwork, appearance,
LFSK1311 Work Ethics 15 1
attitude, productivity, organization, communication, cooperation and
respect. This is a dynamic programme that responds to present and
perceived needs of students and the world of work.
Portfolio Session 195
Industrial Attachment
TOTAL 750 29

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 190

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This programme is designed to enable participants to be competent in using operating systems and emerging networking technologies. Participants are
given the opportunity to sharpen their skill in problem solving and develop competencies for gaining employment in the field. This programme also
prepares students for higher education in the field. Participants are exposed to six weeks of industrial attachment at the end of the programme.
Participants who successfully complete both the Certificate in Networking Technologies 1 and 2 will be award the Diploma in Networking

CODE (hours)
This course is compulsory for all students of the Samuel Jackman
Prescod Polytechnic and is designed to sensitise students to the
importance of communication and expose them to the
fundamental skills necessary for interacting effectively, at a
COSK1111 Communication Skills 30 2
personal level and professional level. Emphasis is placed on
developing the critical practical skills necessary to produce clear,
professional standard documents for work purposes utilizing
available technologies.

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 191

Students are required to prepare a Portfolio containing evidence of
assessments undertaken such as: test papers, Curriculum Vitae,
samples of letters, memoranda, reports and other relevant
documents. This will be a useful and important reference tool for
the world of work.

Students who successfully complete this course may also have the
option of pursuing the Technical and Vocational Education and
Training (TVET) Council’s Caribbean Vocational Qualification (CVQ)
in Core Skills: Communication, Level 1.
This course introduces students to the hardware components

COMP1813 Comp TIA A+ Studies 1 75 3.75 found inside modern computers. Students will be able to select and
install the correct hardware based on a customer’s needs.
This course introduces students to the basic networking

COMP1823 Comp TIA A+ Studies 2 75 3.75 technologies, laptop hardware and components as well as the most
commonly used printers.
30 1.5 This course introduces students to number systems typically used
COMP1313 Computer Architecture 1
by computers.

COMP1323 Computer Architecture 2 30 1.5 This course introduces students to Boolean algebra and basic circuit

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 192

LFSK 111 Drug Awareness 15 0
LFSK1111 HIV/Aids Awareness 15 0
This course is designed to prepare students to meet the
requirements of the first year SJPP Certification in Electronics. It
also prepares them for the City and Guilds Mathematics 1 and
MATH1811 Mathematics for Electronics 1 30 2
provides the basis for pursuing the second year mathematics
course. The topics include: Number Systems, Indices, Formulae and
This course is designed to prepare students to meet the
requirements of the first year SJPP Certification in Electronics. It
30 2
MATH1821 Mathematics for Electronics 2 also prepares them for the City and Guilds Mathematics 1 and
provides the basis for pursuing the second year mathematics
course. The topics include: Complex Numbers and Trigonometry.
90 4.5 The course introduces students to the fundamental principles and
technologies used in modern networks. At the end of this course
NETW1113 Networking 1
students will have a better understanding of how data traverses
throughout a network.
The course introduces students to the fundamental principles and

NETW1123 Networking 2 90 4.5 technologies used in modern networks. At the end of this course
students will be able to install and troubleshoot a basic wireless

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 193

network and be able to identify which media and topology a
network is using.
This course is designed for individuals, interested in pursuing a
career in Computer Applications more specifically programming,
who possess little or no experience in programming. Learners will
COMP1613 Software Development 1 C++ 45 2.25
be exposed to algorithm development, programming and problem
solving techniques which are fundamental to any programming
The course builds upon the knowledge and skills from the previous
level, Software Development 1, which focuses on algorithm
development, programming and problem - solving practices which

COMP1623 Software Development 2 C++ 45 2.25 are fundamental to any programming environment, but with
specific emphasis on the C++ programming language. This course
includes but is not limited to program design, coding and debugging
and search or sort methods.
This course is designed to add value to the education and training
of students by enriching their specialty skills with positive work

LFSK1311 Work Ethics 15 1 ethics. It includes modules on attendance, character teamwork,

appearance, attitude, productivity, organization, communication,
cooperation and respect. This is a dynamic programme that

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 194

responds to present and perceived needs of students and the world
of work.
Portfolio Session 135
TOTAL 750 31

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This programme is designed to expose participants to higher-level knowledge and skills required in using operating systems and emerging networking
technologies. It also prepares students for higher education in the field and for the world of work. Students are exposed six weeks of industrial
attachment in the field at the end of the programme. Those who successfully complete the SJPP Certificate in Networking Technologies 1 and 2 will be
awarded the Diploma in Networking Technologies.

CODE (hours)
This course introduces students to most commonly used operating
systems as well as the importance of preventative maintenance. At
COMP2833 Comp TIA A+ Studies 3 75 3.75
the end of this course students will be able to install, configure, and
troubleshoot several different operating systems.
This course seeks to educate students about the various security
threats affecting computerized systems, as well as how to safe guard

COMP2843 Comp TIA A + Studies 4 75 3.75 against them. Students will learn about the many mobile devices
available and how to troubleshoot both hardware and software
This course is intended as a first introduction to the ideas of
COMP2333 Computer Architecture 3 45 2.25
computer architecture both hardware and software. Assembly

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 196

language programming is the central theme of the course
This course is designed to prepare students to meet the
requirements of the second year SJPP Certification in Electronics. It

MATH2831 Mathematics for Electronics 3 30 2 also prepares them for the City and Guilds Mathematics 1 and
provides the basis for pursuing further mathematical studies. The
topics include: Differential Calculus and Statistics.
This course is designed to prepare students to meet the
requirements of the second year SJPP Certification in Electronics. It

MATH2841 Mathematics for Electronics 4 30 2 also prepares them for the City and Guilds Mathematics 1 and
provides the basis for pursuing further mathematical studies. The
topics include: Integral Calculus and Probability.
This course introduces students to the basic concepts of network
cabling systems. It focuses on network cabling design, installation,
testing, certification and troubleshooting. Students will develop
knowledge and skills in installing and testing voice and data cable

NETW2213 Network Infrastructure 1 45 2.25 connectors and jacks, horizontal links and channels, terminating
cables, telecommunications room design, and patch panel
installation. The laboratory component allows students to verify
concepts introduced in class and to develop the knowledge and skills
required to build, test, operate and maintain the physical aspects of a

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 197

The course introduces students to the fundamental principles and
technologies used in modern networks. At the end of this course
students will be able to have a better understanding of how to plan
NETW2133 Networking 3 90 4.5
and implement a network solution, network management,
troubleshoot connectivity problems and make students aware of the
various network threats.
This course introduces students to the Windows Server operating
system. Students will learn how to install and configure the most
NETW2143 Networking 4 90 4.5
commonly used roles and services as well as how to maintain a
The main objective of this occupational health and safety course is to
introduce students to the potential hazards and possible potential
occupational diseases which they may encounter on the job. It also
informs them about the importance of personal protection, the work

OHSW1111 Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare 15 1 station and tool design. The students are introduced to International
and National agencies in charge of the health and safety of workers.
They are also taught the importance of having check lists, carrying
out inspections and writing accident reports. The topics include:
History Of Occupational Health and Safety, Barbados and

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 198

Occupational Health and Safety, Hazards At Work, Noise and
Vibration, Personal Protection, and Fire and Fire Prevention.
This course introduces students to Linux / UNIX operating systems.
The course is presented in the Linux environment; however,
examples from other versions of UNIX are given throughout the

NETW2442 Practical Networking 1 30 1.5 course. The basic ideas and concepts encountered in this course are
the same for all flavors of UNIX. Students are introduced to the key
procedures of system booting and shutdown, maintaining file
systems as well as basic networking tasks.

Portfolio Session 225

Industrial Attachment
TOTAL 750 27.5

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 199

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This programme is designed to provide students with the requisite entry-level knowledge and skills in the field of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning.
Students have the opportunity to develop competencies and problem solving skills pertinent to work in the industry. This programme also prepared them
for higher education in the discipline.


Living in the Digital Age, computers have all but infiltrated every
aspect of our lives; preparation of documents, use of appliances and
equipment, banking, on-line shopping, entertainment, transportation
and much more. This course is designed for students to enable them
to use the computers effectively. It engages participants in a variety
COMP1112 Computer Applications 1 30 1
of activities such as basic computer concepts, discussions about
hardware, software, computer ethics and ergonomics. In addition the
participants would be introduced to several hands-on applications
which are similar to those in the job environments; such as system
software (Windows), Word processing software (MS Word 2013)

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 200

Spreadsheet software (MS Excel 2013) and Presentation software
(MS PowerPoint 2013).
This course is compulsory for all students of the Samuel Jackman
Prescod Polytechnic and is designed to sensitise students to the
importance of communication and expose them to the fundamental
skills necessary for interacting effectively, at a personal level and
professional level. Emphasis is placed on developing the critical
practical skills necessary to produce clear, professional standard
documents for work purposes utilizing available technologies.

Students are required to prepare a Portfolio containing evidence of

COSK1111 Communication Skills 30 2
assessments undertaken such as: test papers, Curriculum Vitae,
samples of letters, memoranda, reports and other relevant
documents. This will be a useful and important reference tool for the
world of work.

Students who successfully complete this course may also have the
option of pursuing the Technical and Vocational Education and
Training (TVET) Council’s Caribbean Vocational Qualification (CVQ) in
Core Skills: Communication, Level 1.

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 201

This course is designed for students engaged in the Refrigeration and
Air Conditioning field. The course concentrates on electrical

ELEC1813 Electricity and Controls 1 30 1.5 installation processes, practices and related studies. This will
promote a knowledgeable and safe approach to electrical installation
principles in the Refrigeration and Air Conditioning works.
This course is designed for students engaged in the Refrigeration and
Air Conditioning field. The course concentrates on electrical

ELEC1823 Electricity and Controls 2 30 1.5 installation processes, practices and related studies. This will
promote a knowledgeable and safe approach to electrical installation
principles in the Refrigeration and Air Conditioning works.
LFSK 1112 Drug Awareness 15 0
LFSK1111 HIV/AIDS Awareness 15 0
This course enables students to obtain a greater competency level in
mathematical principles for electrical and mechanical engineering. It
Mathematics for Electrical and Mechanical
MATH1311 15 1
Engineering 1 provides a foundation for further studies. The topics include: Number
systems, Indices and Algebra.
This course enables students to obtain a greater competency level in
mathematical principles for electrical and mechanical engineering. It
Mathematics for Electrical and Mechanical
MATH1321 15 1
Engineering 2 provides a foundation for further studies. The topics include:
Geometry, Trigonometry and Graphs

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 202

Entry level workers require basic training in the use of metal working
tools to enable them to perform simple fabrications or alteration
whilst on the job. This course is designed to provide fundamental
training in workshop safety as well as the proper use of hand and
METW1112 Metal Work 1 30 1
machine tools which are essential for the craftsman to function.
METW 1212 is a practical course in basic metal working skills, which
introduces students to basic bench work skills, sheet metal work,
soldering, drilling, and lathe operations.
This is a continuation of course METW 1112 in basic metal working

METW1122 Metal Work 2 30 1 skills, which includes fitted bench working exercises, basic heat
treatment, basic forging, and intermediate lathe operations.
The main objective of this occupational health and safety course is to
introduce students to the potential hazards and possible potential
occupational diseases which they may encounter on the job. It also
informs them about the importance of personal protection, the work

OHSW1111 Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare 15 1 station and tool design. The students are introduced to International
and National agencies in charge of the health and safety of workers.
They are also taught the importance of having check lists, carrying
out inspections and writing accident reports. The topics include:
History Of Occupational Health and Safety, Barbados and

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 203

Occupational Health and Safety, Hazards At Work, Noise and
Vibration, Personal Protection, and Fire and Fire Prevention.
This course is designed to expose the students to refrigeration and air
conditioning practical skills. It includes general safety procedures, use
of tools and equipment used in pipe work fabrication and basic
system checks. This course is also designed to expose the students to
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Practice the materials used in refrigeration and air conditioning system pipe
RFAC1412 105 3.5
It is designed to assist the student in the selection and utilisation of
materials for the installation of system pipe work and components on
domestic refrigeration and air conditioning applications.
This course is designed to expose the students to domestic
refrigeration and air conditioning system service procedures. It
includes the planning and carrying out of inspections, adjustments,
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Practice tests, repairs and alterations to domestic refrigeration and air
RFAC1422 105 3.5
conditioning equipment. It is designed to assist the students in the
various procedures involved in the installation, service and
maintenance of domestic refrigeration and air conditioning units.
This course is designed to expose students to engineering
RFAC1411 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Theory 1 60 4
fundamentals and refrigeration science needed to ensure a good

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 204

foundation for the engineering and scientific understanding of
refrigeration and air conditioning. The emphasis is placed on basic
calculations involving distance, speed and force etc to develop
proficiency in calculations involving work, power and energy. It also
includes basic temperature, gas laws and quantity of heat
calculations to develop proficiency in heat transfer calculations. The
course deals with the basic vapour compression refrigeration cycle
and its accessories.
This course is designed to expose the students to domestic
refrigeration and air conditioning systems. It includes the
construction and operation of the various types of domestic units. It
is designed to assist the students in the selection of domestic
refrigeration and air conditioning systems for specific applications.

RFAC1421 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Theory 2 60 4 This course also deals with the types of compressor, refrigerant and
refrigerant oil used in refrigeration systems. This course is designed
to further assist the students in understanding the engineering and
scientific principles of refrigeration and air conditioning and also to
assist them in the selection of compressors, refrigerants and
refrigerant oils for specific applications.
Technical Drawing for Electrical Engineering This course was designed to introduce the first year students of the
TDRW1313 30 1.5

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 205

Electrical Installation, Refrigeration & Air-condition and the Home
Appliance Service Programmes to the fundamentals of construction
drawings. . It prepares them to meet the requirements of the Samuel
Jackman Prescod Polytechnic and City& Guilds Certificates.
This course continues to introduce the first year students of the
Electrical Installation, Refrigeration & Air-condition and the Home
Technical Drawing for Electrical Engineering Appliance Service Programmes to the fundamentals of Mechanical
TDRW1323 30 1.5
Drafting. It prepares them to meet the requirements of the Samuel
Jackman Prescod Polytechnic and City and Guilds Certificates.
This course is designed to add value to the education and training of
students by enriching their specialty skills with positive work ethics.
It includes modules on attendance, character teamwork, appearance,
LFSK1311 Work Ethics 15 1
attitude, productivity, organization, communication, cooperation and
respect. This is a dynamic programme that responds to present and
perceived needs of students and the world of work.
Portfolio Sessions 90
TOTAL 750 30

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 206

S.J.P.I 22/06/16


This programme is designed to provide students with more advanced knowledge and skills in the field of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning. Students
have the opportunity to further develop competencies and problem solving skills pertinent to work in the industry. At the end of the programme students
will be exposed to six weeks of industrial attachment. Students who complete both Levels 1 and 2 of the Certificate in Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning
will be awarded the Diploma in Refrigeration and Air Conditioning.


CODE (hours)
Contemporary working practices require accurate drawing that can
be easily reproduced to guide planning and development. This course
therefore introduces students to basic Computer Aided Drafting
(CAD) techniques and provides a foundation for higher level and
CADD1113 Computer Aided Drafting (CAD) 1 30 1.5
more diverse forms of CAD which will be necessary for gaining entry-
level employment in drafting environments. Students will learn how
to manipulate elements of the computer software (AutoCAD) to
produce simple two- dimensional drawings.
CADD1613 Computer Aided Drafting for Electrical
30 1.5
Engineering 1

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 207

ETRO1313 Electronics Systems 1 This course involves the study of the basic principles and applications
of electricity and electronics. These fundamentals form the basis for
30 1.5
the study of industrial controls, consumer electronics and
This course builds on ETRO1313 and takes students deeper into the
fundamentals of electricity and electronics. It seeks to upgrade
ETRO1323 Electronics Systems 2 30 1.5
students’ competence in industrial controls, consumer electronics
and communication.
This course is designed to prepare students to meet the
requirements of the second year for the SJPP Certification in
electrical and mechanical trades. It also prepares them for City and
Mathematics for Electrical and
MATH2331 15 1
Mechanical Engineering 3 Guilds Mathematics 1 and provides a basis to pursue further
mathematical studies. The topic include: Quadratic Functions,
Logarithms and Transposing Formulae.
This course is designed to allow students to develop their
understanding of mathematical principles and to apply them to the
Mathematics for Electrical and relevant areas in the electrical and mechanical trades. It also provides
MATH2341 15 1
Mechanical Engineering 4
a basis for further studies. The topics include: Trigonometry and
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning This course is designed to expose the students to advanced
RFAC2432 180 6
Practice 3

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 208

refrigeration and air conditioning practical skills. It includes pipe work
configurations and jointing methods, commercial commissioning
procedures and electrical wiring and testing. It is designed to assist
the student in the installation of system pipe work and components
for commercial refrigeration and air conditioning applications.
This course is designed to expose the students to commercial
refrigeration and air conditioning system service procedures. It
includes the planning and carrying out of installation, inspection,
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning adjustment, testing, repair and alteration to small commercial
RFAC2442 180 6
Practice 4
refrigeration and air conditioning equipment. It is designed to assist
the students in the various procedures involved in the service and
maintenance of commercial refrigeration and air conditioning units.
This course is designed to expose the students to commercial
refrigeration and air conditioning systems. It includes the study of
basic psychrometrics, an introduction to commercial refrigeration
and air conditioning system configurations and air distribution
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
RFAC2431 60 4
Theory 3 systems. It is designed to assist the students in understanding the
application and selection of commercial refrigeration and air
conditioning units and air distribution systems. It is also designed to
give the student an understanding of the practices involved in the

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 209

installation of commercial refrigeration and air conditioning units and
air distribution systems.
This course is designed to expose the students to the equipment
(plant) used in refrigeration and air conditioning systems. It includes,
types of condensers, evaporators, metering devices and special
purpose valves. It is designed to expose the students to the various
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
RFAC2441 60 4
Theory 4 types of plant and special purpose valves used in the industry and to
assist them in the selection of condensers, evaporators, metering
devices and control valves for specific refrigeration and air
conditioning applications.
This course seeks to provide students with the rudimentary
components essential to small business management and ownership.
Students will be exposed to the basic knowledge of the principles and
MGMT1521 Small Business Management 2 15 1
policies involved in owning and managing a small to medium
business. It is expected that the course will serve as the foundation
for further study in the area.
Portfolio Sessions 105
Industrial Attachment
TOTAL 750 29

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 210



S.J.P.I 25/01/16


This programme is designed for persons desirous of pursuing a career in Catering or in the Culinary Arts, and more specifically for self-employment.
The programme equips participants with the theoretical knowledge and basic entry-level practical skills necessary for work in the hotel industry and
also for higher studies in the field. Emphasis is placed on safe workplace practices and nutrition for healthy lifestyles. Operational tasks within the trade
are embedded within the study of food preparation and service, cake and pastry making and international cookery. In addition, participants pursue a suite
of core courses that focuses on key employability skills in order to prepare them for the global labour market. At the end of the programme, participants
are exposed to six weeks of industrial attachment in highly recognized institutions and hotel properties.


CODE (hours)
This course is designed to give the participants practical and theoretical
skills in catering for various occasions including weddings, receptions and
FOOD1113 Catering Skills 1 195 9.75
graduations. Emphasis will be placed on Methods of Food Preparation,
Food Hygiene and Food Safety.

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 211

This course provides the students with further knowledge and skills in the
methods of cooking. It also provides students with a greater awareness of
FOOD1123 Catering Skills 2 225 11.25
the importance of correct cooking temperature as well as the
presentation of food.
This course is compulsory for all students of the Samuel Jackman Prescod
Polytechnic and is designed to sensitise students to the importance of
communication and expose them to the fundamental skills necessary for
interacting effectively, at a personal level and professional level.
Emphasis is placed on developing the critical practical skills necessary to
produce clear, professional standard documents for work purposes
utilizing available technologies.

COSK1111 Communication Skills 1 30 2

Students are required to prepare a Portfolio containing evidence of
assessments undertaken such as: test papers, Curriculum Vitae, samples
of letters, memoranda, reports and other relevant documents. This will
be a useful and important reference tool for the world of work.

Students who successfully complete this course may also have the option
of pursuing the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET)
Council’s Caribbean Vocational Qualification (CVQ) in Core Skills:

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 212

Communication, Level 1.
Living in the Digital Age, computers have all but infiltrated every aspect of
our lives; preparation of documents, use of appliances and equipment,
banking, on-line shopping, entertainment, transportation and much
more. This course is designed for students to enable them to use the
computers effectively. It engages participants in a variety of activities

COMP1112 Computer Applications 30 1 such as basic computer concepts, discussions about hardware, software,
computer ethics and ergonomics. In addition the participants would be
introduced to several hands-on applications which are similar to those in
the job environments; such as system software (Windows), Word
processing software (MS Word 2013) Spreadsheet software (MS Excel
2013) and Presentation software (MS PowerPoint 2013).

LFSK 1112 Drug Awareness 15 0

This first aid course is designed to equip participants with basic
knowledge, skills and attitudes needed in urgent or emergency situations.
HEAL1213 First Aids 15 .75
It covers major areas such as wounds and bleeding, burns, fractures,
cardiovascular, respiratory problems, poisoning and life saving priorities.

LFSK 1111 HIV AIDS Awareness 15 0

The main objective of this occupational health and safety course is to
Occupational Health Safety
OHSW1111 15 1
and Welfare introduce students to the potential hazards and possible potential

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 213

occupational diseases which they may encounter on the job. It also
informs them about the importance of personal protection, the work
station and tool design. The students are introduced to International and
National agencies in charge of the health and safety of workers. They are
also taught the importance of having check lists, carrying out inspections
and writing accident reports. The topics include: History Of Occupational
Health and Safety, Barbados and Occupational Health and Safety, Hazards
At Work, Noise and Vibration, Personal Protection, and Fire and Fire
This course is a basic introduction to table appointments, their selection

FOOD1513 Table Setting and Service 30 1.5 and use as well as an introduction to both practical and theoretical skills
in table decoration and rudiments of table setting and service.
This course is designed to inform students about basic textiles, their
properties, selection and use for clothing, linen and furnishings in the

TEXT1413 Textiles and Laundry 30 1.5 field of Catering. It is aimed at familiarizing students with both
theoretical and practical skills in the care of clothing, furnishings and
institutional linen.
This course is designed to add value to the education and training of

LFSK 1311 Work Ethics 15 1 students by enriching their specialty skills with positive work ethics. It
includes modules on attendance, character teamwork, appearance,

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 214

attitude, productivity, organization, communication, cooperation and
respect. This is a dynamic programme that responds to present and
perceived needs of students and the world of work.
Portfolio Sessions 75
Industrial Attachment
TOTAL 750 29.75

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 215



S.J.P.I 18/05/16


This full-time diploma designed to impart knowledge and skills in beauty culture as well as to help prospective cosmetologists to inculcate
desirable professional attitudes. The programme prepares participants for employment as entry level hair technicians and for higher education in
the field. Participants who successfully complete semesters 1 and 2 of the programme will be awarded a Certificate in Hairdressing and those who
complete semesters 3 and 4 will be awarded Certificate in Beauty Therapy. Participants who successfully complete all four semesters will be
awarded the Diploma in Cosmetology. This programme is high in demand as it affords participants the opportunity to acquire a number of
qualifications. Participants will be exposed to six-weeks of period of industrial attachment at the end of their studies.


CODE (hours)
The main objectives of this course are to allow students to become
familiar with chemical processes, which occur in their hair processing.

SCIE1711 Chemistry 1 15 1 This allows them to understand the reactions of different types of hair to
various products and their constituents, and to make educated decisions
for their clients. This area will rely heavily on material completed in the

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 216

Basic Biology and Basic Chemistry Courses.
This is a practical course aim at equipping students with preferred
techniques in hairdressing. Technical skills will include hair and scalp
BUTH1312 Clinicals for Cosmetology 1 75 2.5
analysis, shampoo selection for specific conditions; finishing hair styling
techniques using a variety of salon products.
This is a practical course designed for students to perform on live models
various chemical and color techniques. In addition, the student will use
basic and geometric design techniques to enhance the individual’s hair,

BUTH1322 Clinicals for Cosmetology 2 75 2.5 taking into account their facial and body structure. Special emphasis will
be placed on developing their creative abilities to finish the hair style.
Student must at all times maintain proper health and safety standards to
minimize cross infection and contamination.
This course is compulsory for all students of the Samuel Jackman Prescod
Polytechnic and is designed to sensitise students to the importance of
communication and expose them to the fundamental skills necessary for
interacting effectively, at a personal level and professional level.
COSK1111 Communication Skills 30 2
Emphasis is placed on developing the critical practical skills necessary to
produce clear, professional standard documents for work purposes
utilizing available technologies.

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 217

Students are required to prepare a Portfolio containing evidence of
assessments undertaken such as: test papers, Curriculum Vitae, samples
of letters, memoranda, reports and other relevant documents. This will
be a useful and important reference tool for the world of work.

Students who successfully complete this course may also have the option
of pursuing the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET)
Council’s Caribbean Vocational Qualification (CVQ) in Core Skills:
Communication, Level 1.
This course provides prospective cosmetologists with a wide range of
design skills needed to enhance their technical skills and the aesthetic

DSGN1113 Design for Cosmetology 1 45 2.25 appeal of their salons. Participants study the elements and principles of
design as they relate to general Cosmetology, the human body, clothing,
visual communication and promotional strategies.
LFSK1112 Drug Awareness 15 0
This first aid course is designed to equip participants with basic
knowledge, skills and attitudes needed in urgent or emergency situations.
HEAL1213 First Aid 15 .75
It covers major areas such as wounds and bleeding, burns, fractures,
cardiovascular, respiratory problems, poisoning and lifesaving priorities.

BUTH1713 Hairdressing Skills 1 165 8.25 This is a course in the theory and practice of Hairdressing. It introduces

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 218

students to the analysis, diagnosis and corrective treatment of hair and
scalp conditions, shampoo procedures, the selection of shampoos for
specific conditions and finishing techniques in hairstyling using a variety
of salon products.
This course provides knowledge in the theory and practice chemical
procedures to include color application, permanent waving and chemical
relaxers for Negroid and Caucasian hair. This course also offers
BUTH1723 Hairdressing Skills 2 165 8.25
participants techniques in basic and advance haircutting. Expand

LFSK1111 HIV/AIDs Awareness 15 0

This course provides introductory skills for beauty care professionals that
should equip them with the appropriate etiquette, interpersonal and
finishing skills necessary for both personal development and for
Social Skills for the Beauty conducting business. The course covers areas such as etiquette,
SOSK1211 30 2
Care Professionals
entertaining, dressing for occasion, reception skills and general courtesies
of everyday living as well as an overview of basic skills relating to
managing the human resources within beauty based businesses.

Portfolio Sessions 75
TOTAL 750 29.5

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 219



This full-time diploma designed to impart knowledge and skills in beauty culture as well as to help prospective cosmetologists to inculcate
desirable professional attitudes. The programme prepares participants for employment as entry level beauty therapist and for higher education
in the field. Participants who successfully complete semesters 1 and 2 of the programme will be awarded a Certificate in Hairdressing and those
who complete semesters 3 and 4 will be awarded Certificate in Beauty Therapy. Participants who successfully complete all four semesters will be
awarded the Diploma in Cosmetology. This programme is high in demand as it affords participants the opportunity to acquire a number of
qualifications. Participants will be exposed to six-weeks of period of industrial attachment at the end of their studies.


CODE (hours)
This is a practical course designed to expose students to basic treatment
manicure and pedicure services. In addition, students will be exposed to

BUTH1332 Clinicals for Cosmetology 3 75 2.5 the application of nail tips and enhancements. All services will be
performed on live models within an actual salon setting, while
maintaining all health and safety salon standards
This is a practical course designed to help students hone the hair service,
BUTH1342 Clinicals for Cosmetology 4 75 2.5
basic facial, make-up application, eyebrow tinting and removal of hair.

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 220

They will also be sensitized the importance of maintaining integrity and
wholesome client/coworker relationship. The student is expected to
demonstrate all aspects of health and safety standards to minimize cross-
infection and contamination.
This course provides prospective cosmetologists with a wide range of
design skills needed to enhance their technical skills and the aesthetic

DSGN1123 Design for Cosmetology 2 45 2.25 appeal of their salons. Participants study the elements and principles of
design as they relate to promotional strategies and fabric decoration
This course provides prospective cosmetologists with a wide range of
design skills needed to enhance their technical skills and the aesthetic
appeal of their salons. Participants study the elements and principles of

DSGN2133 Design for Cosmetology 3 45 2.25 design as they relate more specifically to the history and development of
hairstyles, creative hair design, basic interior design and advertisement.
This course culminates with a hair show and other expositions relating to
topics studied during the course.
This course introduces students to theory and practice in areas including
facials using both commercial and natural cosmetics on different skin
BUTH1223 Facials and Make up 135 6.75
types. The application of make-up, corrective makeup techniques and
hair removal techniques are also taught. Expand

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 221

This course is designed for persons seeking entrepreneurial opportunities
as well as those interested in personal development. Persons pursuing
Hair Removal Eyebrow and this course will be exposed to the knowledge, skills and ethics relating to
BUTH1213 45 2.25
Lash Treatments the removal of hair, different methods of application of eyelashes as well
as the shaping and tinting of eyebrows. These would be done in
accordance with occupational health and safety standards.
The course provides participants with the theoretical knowledge and
practical skills related to nail care and design. It covers basic to advanced
manicure and pedicure services, treatment of nail disorders and
corrective salon treatments related to nail care. Learners are given the
opportunities to hone their skills and customer care through hands on
practice on clients under clinical conditions. Emphasis will be placed on
BUTH1613 Nail Care and Design 1 180 9
developing their job presentation skills, creative talents in nail design and
developing attitudes such attention to detail. The course equips
participants with skills for self employment and for work as entry level
nails technicians in the health and wellness tourism sector. Participants
have the option pursuing assessments for some units in the Caribbean
Vocational Qualification related to Nail Care.
This course seeks to provide students with the rudimentary components
essential to small business management and ownership. Students will be
MGMT1511 Small Business Management 1 15 1
exposed to the basic knowledge of the principles and policies involved in
owning and managing a small to medium business. It is expected that the

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 222

course will serve as the foundation for further study in the area.
Portfolio Sessions 135
Industrial Attachment
TOTAL 750 28.5

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 223

S.J.P.I 18/05/16


This is a one-year programme designed to train persons in the theory and practice of body care as well as in the knowledge of beauty care products. The
main areas of study are Skin Care, Nail Care and Design and Massage Therapy. Students get the opportunity to practice on live models in a clinical
environment. The course also addresses issues relating to the ethical conduct of the profession. In order to strengthen their skills in preparation for
employment, participants will engage in six weeks training at reputable spas and salons


CODE (hours)
The main objective of this course, designed for students of the Human
Ecology Division, is to give a functional background of biology, which

SCIE1611 Biology 15 1 relates to their particular subject area. The topics covered are Cells,
Micro Biology, The Integumentary System, The Skeletal System and The
Muscular System.
The main objectives of this course are to allow students to become
familiar with chemical processes, which occur in their hair processing.

SCIE1711 Chemistry 1 15 1 This allows them to understand the reactions of different types of hair to
various products and their constituents, and to make educated decisions
for their clients. This area will rely heavily on material completed in the

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 224

Basic Biology and Basic Chemistry Courses.

BUTH1812 Clinicals for Esthetics 1 60 2

BUTH1822 Clinicals for Esthetics 2 60 2
This course is compulsory for all students of the Samuel Jackman Prescod
Polytechnic and is designed to sensitise students to the importance of
communication and expose them to the fundamental skills necessary for
interacting effectively, at a personal level and professional level.
Emphasis is placed on developing the critical practical skills necessary to
produce clear, professional standard documents for work purposes
utilizing available technologies.

COSK1111 Communication Skills 1 30 2 Students are required to prepare a Portfolio containing evidence of
assessments undertaken such as: test papers, Curriculum Vitae, samples
of letters, memoranda, reports and other relevant documents. This will
be a useful and important reference tool for the world of work.

Students who successfully complete this course may also have the option
of pursuing the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET)
Council’s Caribbean Vocational Qualification (CVQ) in Core Skills:
Communication, Level 1.

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 225

Living in the Digital Age, computers have all but infiltrated every aspect of
our lives; preparation of documents, use of appliances and equipment,
banking, on-line shopping, entertainment, transportation and much
more. This course is designed for students to enable them to use the
computers effectively. It engages participants in a variety of activities

COMP1112 Computer Applications 1 30 1 such as basic computer concepts, discussions about hardware, software,
computer ethics and ergonomics. In addition the participants would be
introduced to several hands-on applications which are similar to those in
the job environments; such as system software (Windows), Word
processing software (MS Word 2013) Spreadsheet software (MS Excel
2013) and Presentation software (MS PowerPoint 2013).

LFSK1112 Drug Awareness 15 0

This first aid course is designed to equip participants with basic
knowledge, skills and attitudes needed in urgent or emergency situations.
HEAL1213 First Aid
15 75 It covers major areas such as wounds and bleeding, burns, fractures,
cardiovascular, respiratory problems, poisoning and lifesaving priorities.

LFSK1111 HIV AIDS Awareness 15 0

This course blends training in therapeutic massage with the knowledge of

BUTH1513 Massage 1 90 4.5 the structure and function of the human body. Participants will be
exposed to hands-on experience while working on their colleagues and

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 226

clients from the public. The main areas of study are the skeletal and
muscular system as it relates to the study of basic massage, types of
massage techniques and products and specialty massage related to
Pregnancy and Sports. Emphasis will be placed on ethical behaviours and
practices of the profession as well as the importance of customer service.
The knowledge, skills and attitudes acquired from this course will enable
participants to become employed as entry-level massage therapists.
The course provides participants with the theoretical knowledge and
practical skills related to nail care and design. It covers basic to advanced
manicure and pedicure services, treatment of nail disorders and
corrective salon treatments related to nail care. Learners are given the
opportunities to hone their skills and customer care through hands on
practice on clients under clinical conditions. Emphasis will be placed on
BUTH1613 Nail Care and Design 180 9
developing their job presentation skills, creative talents in nail design and
developing attitudes such attention to detail. The course equips
participants with skills for self employment and for work as entry level
nail technicians in the health and wellness tourism sector. Participants
have the option pursuing assessments for some units in the Caribbean
Vocational Qualification related to Nail Care.
Occupational Health Safety and The main objective of this occupational health and safety course is to
OHSW1111 15 1

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 227

introduce students to the potential hazards and possible potential
occupational diseases which they may encounter on the job. It also
informs them about the importance of personal protection, the work
station and tool design. The students are introduced to International and
National agencies in charge of the health and safety of workers. They are
also taught the importance of having check lists, carrying out inspections
and writing accident reports. The topics include: History Of Occupational
Health and Safety, Barbados and Occupational Health and Safety, Hazards
At Work, Noise and Vibration, Personal Protection, and Fire and Fire
This course equips students with the practical skills and theoretical

BUTH1413 Skin Care 1 90 4.5 knowledge needed to perform basic facials, advanced treatment facials
using machines, corrective makeup and hair removal techniques.
This course is designed to add value to the education and training of
students by enriching their specialty skills with positive work ethics. It
includes modules on attendance, character teamwork, appearance,
LFSK1311 Work Ethics 15 1
attitude, productivity, organization, communication, cooperation and
respect. This is a dynamic program that responds to present and
perceived needs of students and the world of work.
Portfolio Session 105

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 228

Industrial Attachment
TOTAL 750 29.75

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 229

S.J.P.I 18/05/16


This programme is designed to train persons for both self employment and work in the garment industry. It exposes them to foundation studies in
garment manufacturing and pattern construction. The programme also provides participants with a suite of core courses and life skills that prepare
them for the word of work. Major content areas includes the drafting of patterns, the construction of basic and skirts, bodices and dresses and their
adaptations to include style features such as collars, pleats, methods of controlling fullness, fastenings such as zippers, buttons and buttonholes as well
as openings, yokes and the treatment of raw edges. In addition, participants are exposed to a six-week period of industrial attachment at the end of the
second semester.
CODE (hours)
This course is compulsory for all students of the Samuel Jackman Prescod
Polytechnic and is designed to sensitise students to the importance of
communication and expose them to the fundamental skills necessary for
interacting effectively, at a personal level and professional level.
COSK1111 Communication Skills 1 30 2
Emphasis is placed on developing the critical practical skills necessary to
produce clear, professional standard documents for work purposes
utilizing available technologies.

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 230

Students are required to prepare a Portfolio containing evidence of
assessments undertaken such as: test papers, Curriculum Vitae, samples
of letters, memoranda, reports and other relevant documents. This will
be a useful and important reference tool for the world of work.

Students who successfully complete this course may also have the option
of pursuing the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET)
Council’s Caribbean Vocational Qualification (CVQ) in Core Skills:
Communication, Level 1.
Living in the Digital Age, computers have all but infiltrated every aspect of
our lives; preparation of documents, use of appliances and equipment,
banking, on-line shopping, entertainment, transportation and much
more. This course is designed for students to enable them to use the
computers effectively. It engages participants in a variety of activities

COMP1112 Computer Applications 30 1 such as basic computer concepts, discussions about hardware, software,
computer ethics and ergonomics. In addition the participants would be
introduced to several hands-on applications which are similar to those in
the job environments; such as system software (Windows), Word
processing software (MS Word 2013) Spreadsheet software (MS Excel
2013) and Presentation software (MS PowerPoint 2013).

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 231

LFSK1112 Drug Awareness 15 0
This course will introduce students to basic use and care of the straight
sewing machine as well as basic sewing machine skills. It will focus on the
GARM1113 Garment Construction 1 165 8.25
construction of related techniques and processes needed for basic
garment construction.
This course provides students with the opportunity to develop
construction techniques and skills related to the specialized sewing
GARM1123 Garment Construction 2 165 8.25
machines and their attachments. The focus will be on blouses and/shirt
and dresses related style features.
LFSK1111 HIV AIDS Awareness 15 0
This course introduces students to the use of pattern making tools and

GARM1213 Pattern Construction 1 90 4.5 equipment, safety in the cutting room and basic pattern construction
This course has both practical and theoretical components and involves

GARM1223 Pattern Construction 2 90 4.5 pattern drafting at full size while learning to apply flat pattern drafting
This course is designed to add value to the education and training of
students by enriching their specialty skills with positive work ethics. It
LFSK1311 Work Ethics 15 1
includes modules on attendance, character teamwork, appearance,
attitude, productivity, organization, communication, cooperation and

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 232

respect. This is a dynamic programme that responds to present and
perceived needs of students and the world of work.

Portfolio Sessions 750 29.5


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S.J.P.I 18/05/16


This programme is designed to train persons for both self employment and for work in the garment industry. It introduces participants to
intermediate level skills in garment manufacturing and pattern construction as well as to the foundation skills in both garment and fashion designs.
This course also prepares participants for higher learning in the field of Garment Making and Fashion Designing. Participants build on the content
of the Level 1 by drafting patterns and constructing unlined jackets, trousers and formal evening wear. They are exposed to more complex garment
construction processes as well as techniques for handling difficult fabrics. Participants who successfully complete both the SJPP Certificate in
Garment Technology 1 and 2 will be awarded the Diploma in Garment Technology.
CODE (hours)
This course is an introduction to the elements and principles of design,

DSGN1213 Design for Garment Technology 1 45 2.25 basic sketching, and the design process. These prepare students for
further study in the field of garment design and decoration.
This course incorporates the elements and principles of design and basic
sketching for the design process into the study of the fashion industry
DSGN2223 Design for Garment Technology 2 45 2.25
and fabric decoration techniques. These provide a rich base of
experiences for higher study and entrepreneurship.
This course allows students to develop construction skills and introduce
GARM2133 Garment Construction 3 135 6.75
students to different types of specialized sewing machines and their

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 234

attachments. The focus will be on blouses, dresses and related style
This course will focus on ladies Jackets, trousers and related garment
GARM2142 Garment Construction 4 165 5.5
construction processes.
The main objective of this occupational health and safety course is to
introduce students to the potential hazards and possible potential
occupational diseases which they may encounter on the job. It also
informs them about the importance of personal protection, the work
station and tool design. The students are introduced to International
Occupational Health Safety and and National agencies in charge of the health and safety of workers.
OHSW1111 15 1
They are also taught the importance of having check lists, carrying out
inspections and writing accident reports. The topics include: History Of
Occupational Health and Safety, Barbados and Occupational Health and
Safety, Hazards At Work, Noise and Vibration, Personal Protection, and
Fire and Fire Prevention.
This course introduces students to advanced flat pattern construction for
GARM2233 Pattern Construction 3 75 3.75
dresses and standard rules for grading.
This course will enable students to enjoy the satisfaction of designing

GARM2243 Pattern Construction 4 90 4.25 their styles. They will also be introduced to advanced flat pattern
construction for trousers and standard rules for grading.

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 235

This course is a basic study of the fabrics used in the garment industry. It

TEXT1221 Textile Fabrics 1 30 2 focuses on fabric selection, use care and maintenance as well as their
finishing and embellishment.
This foundation course is a study of textile fibres and fabrics. It provides

TEXT1211 Textile Studies 1 30 2 students with the knowledge and skills needed to select, handle and care
for different fabrics used in the field of garment construction.

Portfolio Sessions 120

Industrial Attachment
TOTAL 750 29.75

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 236

S.J.P.I 18/05/16


This programme provides participants with life skills relating to home, family and society that help them to adapt to diverse social, familial and
professional roles. It also equips them with knowledge, skills and attitudes needed for careers in Home Economics, Hospitality and Tourism and
higher education in the field. Participants pursue six weeks of industrial attachment at the end of the programmes.
CODE (hours)
This course introduces participants to the study of the fundamental tools
and equipment used in the care and construction of clothing and
household textile articles. It also introduced participants to basic textiles
TEXT1113 Clothing and Textiles 1 75 3.75
science and it relevance to the selection and use. Participants will
construct a variety of essential pieces of soft furnishings.

This course provides students with an introductory knowledge of basic

pattern drafting techniques. It aims to provide students with an overview
TEXT2123 Clothing and Textiles 2 90 4.5
of man-made fibres and fabric used in the home. Students will be
allowed to develop their sewing and machine operation skills.
This course is compulsory for all students of the Samuel Jackman Prescod
COSK1111 Communication Skills 1 30 2
Polytechnic and is designed to sensitise students to the importance of

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 237

communication and expose them to the fundamental skills necessary for
interacting effectively, at a personal level and professional level.
Emphasis is placed on developing the critical practical skills necessary to
produce clear, professional standard documents for work purposes
utilizing available technologies.

Students are required to prepare a Portfolio containing evidence of

assessments undertaken such as: test papers, Curriculum Vitae, samples
of letters, memoranda, reports and other relevant documents. This will
be a useful and important reference tool for the world of work.

Students who successfully complete this course may also have the option
of pursuing the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET)
Council’s Caribbean Vocational Qualification (CVQ) in Core Skills:
Communication, Level 1.

LSFK1112 Drug Awareness 15 0

This course is designed to provide an environment for the development
of skills in the planning, preparation, presentation and service of food. It
FOOD1313 Food Studies 1 75 3.75
seeks to create an atmosphere in which the nature of food is understood
and the principles of nutrition are taught.

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 238

This syllabus is intended to provide students with further knowledge and

FOOD1323 Food Studies 2 75 3.75 intermediate level skills in pastry and bread making, cooking methods,
food safety, and cold-food preparations and costing.

LFSK111 HIV AIDS Awareness 15 0

This course is designed to help the students develop skills and attitudes
necessary in the management of resources through wise decision-making.

HMGT1113 Home Economics Management 1 90 4.5 It includes an introduction to management theories, processes and
principles, the family management system, population education as well
as studies in time and energy saving techniques
This course includes studies in planning work routines, family housing,
household furnishings, equipment and appliances. Practical experiences
HMGT1123 Home Economics Management 2 75 3.75
include the planning and execution of basic household care and
This course focuses on the sources and value of food as well as a basic
knowledge of its functions in the body. It highlights the deficiency
NUTR111 Nutrition 1 30 2
associated with specific nutrients and emphasizes the importance of food
in attaining a healthy lifestyle.
The main objective of this occupational health and safety course is to
Occupational Health, Safety and introduce students to the potential hazards and possible potential
OSHW1111 15 1
occupational diseases which they may encounter on the job. It also

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 239

informs them about the importance of personal protection, the work
station and tool design. The students are introduced to International and
National agencies in charge of the health and safety of workers. They are
also taught the importance of having check lists, carrying out inspections
and writing accident reports. The topics include: History Of Occupational
Health and Safety, Barbados and Occupational Health and Safety, Hazards
At Work, Noise and Vibration, Personal Protection, and Fire and Fire
Portfolio Session
TOTAL 750 29

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 240

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CODE (hours)
Living in the Digital Age, computers have all but infiltrated every aspect of
our lives; preparation of documents, use of appliances and equipment,
banking, on-line shopping, entertainment, transportation and much
more. This course is designed for students to enable them to use the
computers effectively. It engages participants in a variety of activities

COMP1112 Computer Applications 1 30 1 such as basic computer concepts, discussions about hardware, software,
computer ethics and ergonomics. In addition the participants would be
introduced to several hands-on applications which are similar to those in
the job environments; such as system software (Windows), Word
processing software (MS Word 2013) Spreadsheet software (MS Excel
2013) and Presentation software (MS PowerPoint 2013).
This course provides students with basic knowledge in the care of fabrics

TEXT2133 Clothing and Textiles 3 75 3.75 used in the home. It also affords them the opportunity to construct
simple clothing and household items.

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 241

To introduce students to basic elements and principles of design as they
DSGN1313 Design for Home Economics 1 90 4.5
relate to all areas of Home Economics.
This course investigates the role of diets in the prevention and treatment
NUTR1211 Nutrition and Diet Therapy 30 2
of disease.
This course is designed to equip participants with basic knowledge of the
child 0 – 18 years and the older adult 65 years and older. It will address
the developmental stages of the child from conception to adolescence
HEAL1111 Family Health Care 30 2
and the basic care needed at each stage. It will also provide basic
knowledge of the age related changes of the older adult along with
selected disorders commonly affecting this population.
The course components provide an overview of methods and procedures
involved in small-scale food preservation. It prepares participants for the
FOOD1213 Food Preservation 1 45 2.25
efficient use of agricultural produce for self-employment and small
business opportunities.
The course components provide skills in small - scale food preservation
production for sweet and savory condiments, basic confectionery,

FOOD1223 Food Preservation 2 45 2.25 beverages and the preservation of meat, fish, vegetables, pulses and nuts.
It prepares participants for efficient use of agricultural produce for self-
employment and small business opportunities.

FOOD 2333 Food Studies 3 75 3.75 This syllabus provides opportunities for further development of a range of

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 242

skills in the areas of food safety, safety at work, budgeting and costing,
nutrition, menu planning, preparation and service of meat, poultry, fish
soups and sauces to meet the standards of the food industry.
This syllabus provides opportunities for further development of a range of
skills in the areas of food safety, safety at work, budgeting and costing,
FOOD2343 Food Studies 4 90 4.5
nutrition, menu planning, preparation and service of meat, poultry, fish
soups and sauces to meet the standards of the food industry.
This course provides theoretical and practical principles of consumerism.
Home Economics It includes studies in the area of consumer skills, practices and behaviour,
HMGT2133 45 2.25
Management 3
money management, consumer protection and shopping techniques
This course seeks to provide students with the rudimentary components
essential to small business management and ownership. Students will be

MGMT1511 Small Business Management 1 15 1 exposed to the basic knowledge of the principles and policies involved in
owning and managing a small to medium business. It is expected that the
course will serve as the foundation for further study in the area.
This course is designed to add value to the education and training of
students by enriching their specialty skills with positive work ethics. It

LFSK1311 Work Ethics 15 1 includes modules on attendance, character teamwork, appearance,

attitude, productivity, organization, communication, cooperation and
respect. This is a dynamic programme that responds to present and

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 243

perceived needs of students and the world of work.
Portfolio Session 165
Industrial Attachment
TOTAL 750 30.25

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 244

S.J.P.I 16/06/16


CODE (hours)
Clinical Attachment
This course is compulsory for all students of the Samuel Jackman Prescod
Polytechnic and is designed to sensitise students to the importance of
communication and expose them to the fundamental skills necessary for
interacting effectively, at a personal level and professional level.
Emphasis is placed on developing the critical practical skills necessary to
produce clear, professional standard documents for work purposes
utilizing available technologies.
COSK1111 Communication Skills 1 30 2

Students are required to prepare a Portfolio containing evidence of

assessments undertaken such as: test papers, Curriculum Vitae, samples
of letters, memoranda, reports and other relevant documents. This will
be a useful and important reference tool for the world of work.

Students who successfully complete this course may also have the option

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 245

of pursuing the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET)
Council’s Caribbean Vocational Qualification (CVQ) in Core Skills:
Communication, Level 1.
Living in the Digital Age, computers have all but infiltrated every aspect of
our lives; preparation of documents, use of appliances and equipment,
banking, on-line shopping, entertainment, transportation and much
more. This course is designed for students to enable them to use the
computers effectively. It engages participants in a variety of activities

COMP1112 Computer Applications 1 30 1 such as basic computer concepts, discussions about hardware, software,
computer ethics and ergonomics. In addition the participants would be
introduced to several hands-on applications which are similar to those in
the job environments; such as system software (Windows), Word
processing software (MS Word 2013) Spreadsheet software (MS Excel
2013) and Presentation software (MS PowerPoint 2013).

LFSK1112 Drug Awareness 15 0

This first aid course is designed to equip participants with basic
knowledge, skills and attitudes needed in urgent or emergency situations.
HEAL1213 First Aid 15 75
It covers major areas such as wounds and bleeding, burns, fractures,
cardiovascular, respiratory problems, poisoning and life saving priorities.

LFSK111 HIV AIDS Awareness 15 0

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 246

Theory and Practice of Nursing
HEAL1623 270 13.5
Theory and Practice of Nursing
HEAL1613 225 11.25
Independent Studies 150
TOTAL 750 28.5

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 247

S.J.P.I ///


CODE (hours)
This course is compulsory for all students of the Samuel Jackman Prescod
Polytechnic and is designed to sensitise students to the importance of
communication and expose them to the fundamental skills necessary for
interacting effectively, at a personal level and professional level. Emphasis is
placed on developing the critical practical skills necessary to produce clear,
professional standard documents for work purposes utilizing available

COSK1111 Communication Skills 1 30 2

Students are required to prepare a Portfolio containing evidence of
assessments undertaken such as: test papers, Curriculum Vitae, samples of
letters, memoranda, reports and other relevant documents. This will be a
useful and important reference tool for the world of work.

Students who successfully complete this course may also have the option of
pursuing the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET)

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 248

Council’s Caribbean Vocational Qualification (CVQ) in Core Skills:
Communication, Level 1.
The purpose of the course is to offer instruction in the development design
for clothing. The process will include the use of contextual influences and

DSGN1413 Design Development 1 60 3 fashion forecasting reports. Students will learn how to present their
research and design ideas using a sketch book and various presentation
The purpose of the course is to assist students in the development of a
capsule collection that takes into account all the theories and techniques
that they have learned in semester one. Students will build a portfolio for
DSGN1422 Design Development 2 105 3.5
assessment that can also be used as a launch pad for a larger collection. The
portfolio will also be suitable for presentation to other education
institutions for higher education.

LFSK1211 Drug Awareness 15 0

LFSK1111 HIV AIDS Awareness 15 0
The main objective of this occupational health and safety course is to
introduce students to the potential hazards and possible potential
Occupational Health, Safety occupational diseases which they may encounter on the job. It also informs
OHSW1111 15 1
and Welfare
them about the importance of personal protection, the work station and
tool design. The students are introduced to International and National

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 249

agencies in charge of the health and safety of workers. They are also taught
the importance of having check lists, carrying out inspections and writing
accident reports. The topics include: History Of Occupational Health and
Safety, Barbados and Occupational Health and Safety, Hazards At Work,
Noise and Vibration, Personal Protection, and Fire and Fire Prevention.
The purpose of this single module course is to give students the opportunity
to reflect on their journey from the past into the future. With knowledge of
Personal and Professional
SOSK1311 30 2
Development their strengths and weaknesses and how to make the best of their time and
personal attributes in order to achieve academic and professional goals.
Portfolio Sessions 60
The purpose of the course is to offer instruction in fashion sampling and
production. Instruction will extend to manual as well as computerized

GARM1313 Sampling and Production 1 100 5 techniques (CAD). Learners will learn how to realize designs they have
developed and build a relationship with manufacturers in order to mass
produce for the read-to-wear market.
The purpose of the course is to offer instruction in the development of
samples for production. Students will work with design they have developed

GARM1322 Sampling and Production 2 120 4 in the previous module to create samples for marketing. Student should be
supported in developing a relationship with a chosen manufacturer to
produce the sample. In order to achieve this, the learners will need to

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 250

produce an initial sample and presentation pack which includes a pattern
and a specification sheet and any other relevant instructions.
The purpose of the course is to enable students to develop their knowledge
of textiles to incorporate ecological practices that impact their choice of
TEXT1513 Textile Technology 1 50 2.5
textile within a fashion context. They will also further develop their
technical skills in surface decoration and fabric manipulation.
The purpose of the course is to offer instruction in the use of Computer
Aided Design (CAD) for the development of surface pattern on textiles.

TEXT1523 Textile Technology 2 60 3 Students will have learned manual textile surface pattern techniques in
Textile Technology 1; so they should be expected to digitally manipulate
some of their design ideas in order to create printed textile patterns
This course is designed to introduce students to the fundamentals of a
fashion design business. It aims to guide the participants through the
BSTU1211 The Fashion of Business 1 45 3
process of defining a fashion product and correctly placing it within the
market and understanding basic sales and distribution processes.
This course builds on lessons in The Business of Fashion 1. It allows
students to familiarise themselves with the fashion calendar in order align

BSTU1221 The Fashion of Business 2 30 2 their activities with that of the rest of the industry. The course also teaches
students how to cost garments as an integral part of an overall financial
plan for the business. Finally the course offers some simple marketing and

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 251

PR activities suitable for a small fashion business.
This course is designed to add value to the education and training of
students by enriching their specialty skills with positive work ethics. It
includes modules on attendance, character teamwork, appearance,
LSFK1311 Work Ethics 15 1
attitude, productivity, organization, communication, cooperation and
respect. This is a dynamic programme that responds to present and
perceived needs of students and the world of work.

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 252



S.J.P.I 02/03/17


Creativity and art has continued to be important to the world in which we live. It facilitates the process of conceptualizing ideas and the development of
these ideas into reality and as the basis for entrepreneurship. The Certificate in Graphic Design and Print Technology is designed to offer basic knowledge
and skills for those persons desirous of working within the Graphic Design and Digital Printing Industry. It introduces learners to the foundation drawings
and painting, creative binding, offset lithography and digital printing. In addition to the technical courses participants are exposed to core courses that
provide life skills for prospective employees. The programme prepares students for higher studies in the field and should be able find employment in
areas such book binding, sign making, drawing and painting, basic plate-making, basic pre-press operation and print machine operations.


CODE (hours)
Living in the Digital Age, computers have all but infiltrated every aspect of
our lives; preparation of documents, use of appliances and equipment,

COMP1112 Computer Applications 30 1 banking, on-line shopping, entertainment, transportation and much more.
This course is designed for students to enable them to use the computers
effectively. It engages participants in a variety of activities such as basic

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 253

computer concepts, discussions about hardware, software, computer
ethics and ergonomics. In addition the participants would be introduced to
several hands-on applications which are similar to those in the job
environments; such as system software (Windows), Word processing
software (MS Word 2013) Spreadsheet software (MS Excel 2013) and
Presentation software (MS PowerPoint 2013).

This course is designed to provide students with a sound education in the

BCRA1112 Creative Binding 1 45 1.5 history and techniques of bookbinding and help them develop skills that
can be adapted to a work situation.
This course, which will discuss and practice the techniques of the various
BCRA1122 Creative Binding 2 45 1.5
styles of covers, creativity and designs:
This course is designed to introduce students to the basic theoretical and
practical knowledge and skills of Drawing and Sketching as it relates to the
field of Fine Art. Learners will be exposed to the history of art, the
foundation of drawing, sketching, and visualization as well as an
GCOM1113 Drawing and Painting 1 60 3
appreciation for art. They will be taught how to use pencil and charcoal on
various types of paper, to sketch and draw basic 2-D and 3-D shapes. They
will also be taught how to shade and create texture in 2-D and 3-D objects.
Emphasis will be placed on reproducing realistic drawing from still life

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 254

compositions and objects in nature. This course should be of interest to
those who want to explore and develop their skill in the field of drawing
and painting and in the field of Fine Art in general.
This course is designed to introduce students to the basic theoretical and
practical knowledge and skills of Painting as it relates to current trends in
Fine Art. Learners will be exposed to the foundation of drawing,
visualisation, and painting styles and techniques. They will be taught how
to use pen and ink and paint on paper and canvas. Learners will be guided
in utilising the elements of drawing and sketching to reproduce realistic
GCOM1123 Drawing and Painting 2 90 4.5
paintings from still life compositions and objects in nature. Emphasis will
also be placed on drawing and painting the human anatomy. This course
should be of interest to those who want to explore and develop their skill
in the field of painting and Fine Art in general. It will also prepare learners
for higher learning in the field, entry level gallery or exhibition experience
which ultimately leads to employment at the basic supervisory level.

LFSK 1112 Drug Awareness 15 0

LFSK 1111 HIV AIDS Awareness 15 0
This course enables students to obtain a greater competency level in
Mathematics for Electrical and mathematical principles for electrical and mechanical engineering. It
MATH1311 15 1
Mechanical Engineering 1
provides a foundation for further studies. The topics include: Number

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 255

systems, Indices and Algebra.
This course enables students to obtain a greater competency level in
mathematical principles for electrical and mechanical engineering. It
Mathematics for Electrical and
MATH1321 15 1
Mechanical Engineering 1 provides a foundation for further studies. The topics include: Geometry,
Trigonometry and Graphs.
This course introduces students to the basic theoretical knowledge and
practical skills in the field of Offset Lithography. Studies will include the
history of printing and the current technologies available in the field. In
addition they will learn how to operate and use offset printing machines
PRNT1213 Offset Lithography 1 150 7.5
and equipment according to health and safety standards to reproduce a
printed document. Emphasis will be placed on fostering good teamwork,
ethical practices and the ability to meet timelines. This course lays the
foundation for higher studies in the field.
This course introduces students to the basic theoretical knowledge and
practical skills in the field of Offset Lithography. Studies will include
equipment maintenance and the introduction to ink technology,

PRNT1222 Offset Lithography 2 90 3 pressroom chemicals and the production of printing jobs. Students will also
be encouraged to develop good teamwork and communication skills and
the ability to meet deadlines as well as ethical work practices such as
punctuality, quality assurance, a high level of attention to detail and

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 256

conforming to safe work practices. They will get hands-on experience in
the production of items such as printed booklets, business cards, business
forms, posters and a variety of stationery. This course lays the foundation
for higher studies in the field.

PRNT1413 Pre Press 45 2.25

This course is designed to add value to the education and training of
students by enriching their specialty skills with positive work ethics. It
includes modules on attendance, character teamwork, appearance,
LFSK 1311 Work Ethics 15 1
attitude, productivity, organization, communication, cooperation and
respect. This is a dynamic programme that responds to present and
perceived needs of students and the world of work.

Portfolio Sessions 90
TOTAL 750 29.25

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 257

S.J.P.I 02/03/17



CODE (hours)
This course is designed to introduce students to the basic knowledge of the
digital components of a modern printing facility. Students will study
computer basics such as the types of programmes, equipment and
accessories used in digital printing. The course also helps students to
understand the concept of digital workflow and the operating principles of
digital presses. Emphasis will be placed on editing of jobs and the need to
PRNT1423 Digital Printing 1
60 3 pay attention to detail. Students will also learn how to create documents
including stationery such as business cards and letterhead. Students will
be encouraged to develop attitudes and behaviours that will be an asset to
the Printing Industry. This course will prepare students for higher studies
in the field in preparation for careers such as Digital Printing Technician
and Digital Press Operator.

PRNT2433 Digital Printing 2 60 3 This course will focus on the production of high quality making ink jet

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 258

prints using current techniques and software, digital technology and high
quality materials. Learners will gain hands-on experience by producing a
variety of short run jobs common to the printing industry such as posters,
brochures, booklets and stationery. This course further prepares learners
for higher level productions in digital printing.
This course introduces students to the general principles in Physical
Science. It is designed for the students in the Automotive and Welding
Division providing them with the scientific background necessary for
SCIE1111 General Science 15 1
further study. It covers fundamental scientific concepts such as Matter,
Measurement, S.I Units, Density and Force.

This course is designed to introduce students to the basic theoretical and

practical knowledge and skills of Art as it relates to the field of Graphic
Design. The focus is on creating concepts for design and layout in order to
communicate intelligent and effective visual design solutions. Learners will

GCOM1213 Graphic Design 1 90 4.5 be exposed to the history of graphic design, the process of creative
thinking, the method of exploring ideas. The computer will be used as a
tool to develop, modify and present visual messages. In addition they will
be taught how to employ analog media such as creating thumbnails and
digital media such as using computer tools for drawing, layout, and

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 259

typography in both electronic and print formats. Students will learn how to
use Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop to develop design concepts. This
course should be of interest to persons who are interested in exploring
and developing their skill in the field of Graphic Design.

GCOM1223 Graphic Design 2 105 5.25

The main objective of this occupational health and safety course is to
introduce students to the potential hazards and possible potential
occupational diseases which they may encounter on the job. It also
informs them about the importance of personal protection, the work
station and tool design. The students are introduced to International and
Occupational, Health, Safety and National agencies in charge of the health and safety of workers. They are
OHSW1111 15 1
also taught the importance of having check lists, carrying out inspections
and writing accident reports. The topics include: History Of Occupational
Health and Safety, Barbados and Occupational Health and Safety, Hazards
At Work, Noise and Vibration, Personal Protection, and Fire and Fire
This course is designed to introduce students to more advanced practical
knowledge in the field of Offset Lithography. Students will learn to operate
PRNT2232 Offset Lithography 3 60 2
printing equipment safely and reproduce a multi-colour printing document
accurately. In addition, the course also prepares students for the safe

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 260

operation of binding and finishing equipment. The course introduces the
student to the importance of excellent teamwork, effective
communication skills and meeting deadlines. Emphasis is placed on safety
in the workplace, punctuality, quality assurance and a high level of
attention to detail. The course prepares students for the final course in this
series where they will be engaged in print production.
This course is designed to introduce students to the advanced practical
skills required for operating within the field of Offset Lithography. Students
will learn to safely operate printing, binding and finishing equipment and
reproduce multi-color printed documents similar to the high standard of
detail and production practiced in the Industry. Since working in the
printing industry is underpinned by strong teamwork and communication
skills as well as the ability to meet deadlines students are exposed to
PRNT2242 Print Production 150 5
learning experiences that foster personal attributes such as punctuality, a
high level of attention to detail and adherence to quality assurance
practices that are paramount to a successful career within the Printing
Industry. The course provides the opportunity for students to apply all of
the knowledge, skills and attitudes learnt within the entire Graphic Design
and Print Technology programme into the production of finished products
preparing them for the job as Offset Pressman.

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 261

PRNT1513 Screen Printing 1 45 2.25
This course seeks to provide students with the rudimentary components
essential to small business management and ownership. Students will be
MGMT1521 Small Business Management 1 15 1 exposed to the basic knowledge of the principles and policies involved in
owning and managing a small to medium business. It is expected that the
course will serve as the foundation for further study in the area.
Portfolio Sessions 120
Industrial Attachment
TOTAL 750 29

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CODE (hours)
This course is compulsory for all students of the Samuel Jackman Prescod
Polytechnic and is designed to sensitise students to the importance of
communication and expose them to the fundamental skills necessary for
interacting effectively, at a personal level and professional level. Emphasis
is placed on developing the critical practical skills necessary to produce
clear, professional standard documents for work purposes utilizing

COSK1111 Communication Skills 1 30 2 available technologies.

Students are required to prepare a Portfolio containing evidence of

assessments undertaken such as: test papers, Curriculum Vitae, samples of
letters, memoranda, reports and other relevant documents. This will be a
useful and important reference tool for the world of work.

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 263

Students who successfully complete this course may also have the option
of pursuing the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET)
Council’s Caribbean Vocational Qualification (CVQ) in Core Skills:
Communication, Level 1.
LFSK1112 Drug Awareness 15 0
LFSK 1111 HIV AIDS Awareness 15 0
This course is designed to help students build up their confidence and
competences in mathematical concepts and be able to apply such
MATH 1211 General Mathematics 1 15 1
concepts to their related fields to solve problems they encounter in their
trades. The topics include: Shapes, Measurement1 and Number Theory.
This course is designed to help students build up their confidence and
competences in mathematical concepts and be able to apply such

MATH 1221 General Mathematics 2 15 1 concepts to their related fields to solve problems they encounter in their
trades. The topics include: Measurement 2, Consumer Arithmetic and
It’s important that craftsmen are competent with bench and machining
operations therefore this course is designed to give students a general

MECH 1112 Mechanical Engineering Practice 1 90 3 foundation in mechanical engineering practice at the entry level. It covers
such topics as basic bench work, forging, basic lathe work and drilling
operations. The target group of this course is those persons who are

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 264

interesting in pursuing a career as a mechanical fitter.
This course is designed to build on the practical foundation of Mechanical
Engineering Practical 1. Students are exposed to more advanced skills in

MECH1122 Mechanical Engineering Practice2 75 2.5 machining and bench work operations. Major areas of study include basic
shaping, lathe operations using the 4jaw chuck and between centres,
cutting threads with taps and dies, and carrying out soldering operations.
This course will teach the basic fundamentals of mechanical engineering
and will provide students with the knowledge and skills needed to function
competently at the craftsman entry level. Topics will include basic hand
and marking out tools, application of general health and safety regulations,
MECH1111 Mechanical Engineering Theory 1 60 4
basic understanding of materials, heat treatment and forging. This course
also provides an introduction to the basic principles of operation of the
lathe and drill press. The target group of this course is those persons who
are interesting in pursuing a career as a mechanical fitter.
In order to perform various manufacturing processes the craftsman is
required to have a comprehensive knowledge of the machining tools
involved. This course offers a more in-depth study of the theory of lathe
MECH1121 Mechanical Engineering Theory 2 60 4
operations while also introducing the theory related to cutting tools and
the shaping, fastening and joining processes. Specific emphasis will be
placed on the principles related to the use of the lathe and shaper tools as

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 265

well as soldering, shaping and holding work between centres. The course
targets those persons who are interesting in pursuing a career as a
mechanical fitter.
This course is designed to provide students with practical experiences
while ensuring that the approved health and safety maintenance
procedures are practice. It also introduces students to the practical
MECH1312 Plant Technology Practice 1 30 1
knowledge of power transmission systems, mainly, belts and chain drives.
The target group of this course is those persons who are interesting in
pursuing a career as a mechanical fitter.
This course is designed to build on knowledge gain in Plant Technology
Practice 1 and provide the student with a practical understanding of how
to follow approved maintenance procedures as relates to the installation

MECH1322 Plant Technology Practice2 30 1 and servicing of power transmission and bearing systems in both real work
and simulated task. The correct alignment methods for power transmission
drives are also highlighted. The target group of this course is those persons
who are interesting in pursuing a career as a mechanical fitter.
It is paramount in industry that maintenance operations be conducted in a
safe environment. This entry-level course focuses on the legal
MECH1311 Plant Technology Theory 1 30 2
requirements of both the employee and employer as it relates to health
and safety. It also exposes the student to the fundamentals of hand tools,

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 266

fastening techniques used in mechanical fitting as well as introduces
power transmission belts and chain drives. The target group of this course
is those persons who are interesting in pursuing a career as a mechanical
Power transmission systems and bearings are integral components to
modern industrial operations. This course permits students to build on the
introductory knowledge gain from Plant Maintenance Theory1 by focusing

MECH1321 Plant Technology Theory 2 30 2 on the more common Power Transmission systems presently employed in
industry. It also exposes the student to various types of bearings and their
applications. The target group of this course is those persons who are
interesting in pursuing a career as a mechanical fitter.
This course is designed as an introductory course for all technical drawing
courses. Students are introduced to lettering styles, numbering

TDRW1113 Technical Drawing 1 30 1.5 techniques, types of lines, simple geometric concepts and other essential
drawing basics. In addition they will focus on two and three dimensional
drawing as they relate to orthographic and isometric drawings.
This course is designed to utilize some of the concepts introduced in
Mechanical Drawing 1. Students are also introduced to the concepts of
Technical Drawing for Mechanical
TDRW1213 60 3
Engineering 1 sliding and rotating mechanisms. The course is geared towards
enlightening students to the exciting world of practical engineering.

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 267

Students get a diagrammatic inside look at the geometrical and mechanical
functions of some engineering devices. This semi-advanced course
considers devices such as triangulation, cams, gears, valves, pumps,
clutches and much more.

WELD1311 Welding Practice 1 15 1

This course is designed to add value to the education and training of
students by enriching their specialty skills with positive work ethics. It
includes modules on attendance, character teamwork, appearance,
LFSK 1311 Work Ethics 15 1
attitude, productivity, organization, communication, cooperation and
respect. This is a dynamic programme that responds to present and
perceived needs of students and the world of work.

Portfolio Sessions 135

TOTAL 750 29.5

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CODE (hours)
Contemporary working practices require accurate drawing that can be
easily reproduced to guide planning and development. This course
therefore introduces students to basic Computer Aided Drafting (CAD)
techniques and provides a foundation for higher level and more diverse
CADD1113 Computer Aided Drafting 1 30 1.5
forms of CAD which will be necessary for gaining entry-level employment
in drafting environments. Students will learn how to manipulate elements
of the computer software (AutoCAD) to produce simple two- dimensional
The manufacturing industry has become increasingly dependent on
technology to improve precision and consistency of machined products

MECH2113 Computer Numerical Control 1 45 2.25 enabling faster more cost effective production across the range of
manufacturing processes. Computer Numeric Control (CNC) is
the automation of machine tools that are operated by precisely

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 269

programmed commands encoded on a storage medium.

This course introduces the student to the basic Computer Numerical

Control systems of machine tools. It involves the operation and writing of
basic programs for producing components on CNC lathes and milling
machines. It facilitates the development of three dimensional computer
graphical simulations which serve as a failsafe mechanism for the
production of actual components.
Computer Aided Drawing for
CADD2713 30
Mechanical Engineering
This course is designed for students who are pursuing studies that are
related to, or involved in, the electrical industry. Students will be taught

ELEC1111 Electricity 1 45 2.25 the fundamentals of electricity in order for them to function in an
environment which requires knowledge of electrical terms and their
application in industry.
Knowledge of basic engineering science principles is important to having
an understanding of the science that mechanical systems employ. This
course introduces students to the Engineering Science concepts of Units,
SCIE 1811 Engineering Science Calculations 1 30 2
Forces, Pressure, Stresses and Moments through calculations. On
completion of this course students would have acquired the necessary
skills to solve basic workshop problems using engineering science

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 270

principles. The target group of this course is those persons who are
interesting in pursuing a career as a mechanical fitter or those going on to
higher learning at the technician’s level.
This course is a continuation of Engineering Science Calculations 1 and
focuses on the engineering concepts of Centre of Gravity, Heat, Machines,
Equations of motion, Friction and Work, Energy and Power through
calculations. The uses of Basic trigonometry will also form an integral part
of the problem solving in this course. On completion of this course
SCIE1821 Engineering Science Calculations 2 30 2
students would have acquired the necessary skills to solve basic workshop
problems using engineering science principles. The target group of this
course is those persons who are interesting in pursuing a career as a
mechanical fitter or those going on to higher learning at the technician’s
This course is intended to provide students with a sound knowledge in the
area of fluid power fundamentals. It will take an incremental approach that
would afford students both theoretical and practical knowledge ranging

MECH2713 Fluid Power 1 45 2.25 from the design to the maintenance of fluid power systems. The target
group of this course is those persons who are interesting in pursuing a
career as a mechanical fitter or those going on to higher learning at the
technician’s level.

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 271

This course offers students the skills through theory/practice in advanced milling
procedures that includes gear cutting, and advance lathing operations. It also
introduces the student to basic surface grinding operations, as well as advance
fitting techniques. The study of various types of milling machines and their
MECH2513 Manufacturing Processes 1 60 3
operations, calculations for the production of spur gears, further work on turning,
and an introduction to surface grinding. The target group of this course is those
persons who are interesting in pursuing a career as a machinist/mechanical fitter
or those going on to higher learning at the technician’s level.
MECH2523 Manufacturing Processes 2 60 3
Modern science and technology are highly dependent on materials whose
properties can be controlled to accommodate a wide range of applications. This
course aims to provide fundamental knowledge about materials which are
important in engineering design. It takes a close look at their usage, properties
and characteristics. It gives a theoretical background about the analysis and
MECH2611 Material Science 1 30 2
behavior of engineering materials by emphasizing important relationships
between internal structure and properties. It presents ways of modifying and
controlling material microstructures and especially mechanical properties
(toughness, strength, fatigue and creep resistance) by suitable heat treatment
This course is designed to ensure that students gain practical experience
with following approved maintenance procedures to safely and
systematically repair mechanical equipment. Emphasis is placed on setting
up and troubleshooting water and steam plant services. In addition it
MECH 2332 Plant Technology Practice 3 45 1.5
covers the installation of machines and equipment, as well as the handling,
lifting and moving of machines, and equipment. The target group of this
course is those persons who are interesting in pursuing a career as a
mechanical fitter.

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 272

The emphasis of this course will be on practical competencies for prime
movers, compressors, and instrumentation. Is also encompasses the
investigation of steam plant and steam generation. Students are also

MECH 2342 Plant Technology Practice 4 45 1.5 introduced to the practical aspects of electromechanical devices. The
target group of this course is those persons who are interesting in pursuing
a career as a mechanical fitter or those going on to higher learning at the
technician’s level.
This course introduces students to plant services as well as emphasizes
various applications of water and steam systems. In addition it covers the
installation and handling of machines and equipment as well as procedures
MECH 2331 Plant Technology Theory 3 30 2
for lifting and moving machines. The course targets those persons who are
interesting in pursuing a career as a mechanical fitter and prepares them
for the final course in the series.
Steam generation, instrumentation and lubrication are vital system in
keeping any industrial plant operational. This course introduces students
to the working principles and applications of these vital plant systems and
MECH 2341 Plant Technology Theory 4 30 2
their components. The target group of this course is those persons who are
interesting in pursuing a career as a mechanical fitter or those going on to
higher learning at the technician’s level.

MGMT1521 Small Business Management 1 15 1 This course seeks to provide students with the rudimentary components

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 273

essential to small business management and ownership. Students will be
exposed to the basic knowledge of the principles and policies involved in
owning and managing a small to medium business. It is expected that the
course will serve as the foundation for further study in the area.
Portfolio Sessions 210
Industrial Attachment
TOTAL 750 27.5

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 274

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CODE (hours)
CAMF1113 Computer Aided Manufacturing 1 30 1.5

DSGN1613 Elements and Principles of Design 45 2.25

This course is designed for students who are pursuing studies that are
related to, or involved in the electrical industry. Students will be taught the

ELEC1121 Electricity 2 45 2.25 fundamentals of electricity in order for them to function in an environment
which requires knowledge of electrical terms and their application in

MECH2533 Manufacturing Processes 3 45 2.25

MECH2123 Computer Numerical Control 2 30 1.5
PRNT2613 3D Printing 45 2.25
WELD1222 Welding Practice 2 30 1
MGMT1711 Supervisory Management 1 30 2 This course introduces participants to the basic concepts of managing

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 275

groups and teams. It involves learning skills and practical knowledge on
how to motivate, appraise and discipline employees. The focus and
emphasis is the use of effective methods to achieve the maximum
productivity from workers while building and adding value to workers.

DSGN2622 Mechanical Engineering Project 45 1.5

Portfolio Sessions 30
375 16.5

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 276

CODE (hours)
This course is designed to move the
AutoCAD practitioner from the
production of two dimensional
3D AutoCAD Drawings (Solid architectural drawings to the production
CADD1513 47 2.25
modeling) 1
of three dimensional drawings suitable
for submission to Town and Country
Planning and presentation to clients
ACCT1111 Accounting 3 45 3 S.J.P.I
This course is designed to introduce S.J.P.I
students to the fundamentals of business
administrative procedures. It provides an

BSTU1611 Administrative Procedures 1 84 5.75 overview of the skills necessary to

effectively understand and function in a
large or small business environment
locally or internationally. We will begin

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 277

with the nature of business, the skills
knowledge and attitudes required for
business. Further, an inspection of the
structure of the office and business
communication method is explored.
Then we examine business record
management, business meeting planning
and conclude with organizing travel

This course will show the student both S.J.P.I

the basic theory and practical
applications of alternating current, the
current that provides our lighting, heating
ELEC1131 Alternating Current 1 30 2 and communications. The student will be
afforded the opportunity to examine
simple and complex waveforms while
conducting experiments.

This course is designed for training S.J.P.I

GARM281 Apparel Manufacturing for Fashion
3 Designers providers, employers, technical
3 60

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 278

employees and entrepreneurs who
provide a range of manufacturing services
for clients and customers in the apparel
industry. Employers can use this
qualification to support employees in
planning their careers and/or in the
development of businesses to maintain
suitable employment.

MGMT161 Applied Small Business S.J.P.I

15 1
1 Management 1
MGMT162 Applied Small Business S.J.P.I
60 4
1 Management 2

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 279

This course is designed to train
participants in the basic technical skills as S.J.P.I
well as the current techniques and trends
in barbering. The course also prepares
participants for the world of work through
training in areas such as health, safety and
work ethics. Participants will learn how to
make sound judgments when operating
within the business arena and when
BUTH1733 Barbering Services 1 125 6.5 interacting with clients and the public in
general. They are also encouraged to
function as professionals by developing
positive attitudes, a sense of integrity and
self-confidence. The course also prepares
participants for further studies in the
profession. Successful participants should
be competent to work as entry level
employees or to become self-employed
after an internship in the field of

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 280


This course is designed mainly for personal

enhancement and focuses on introducing
participants to the basic knowledge and
skills needed to care for the skin, perform
BUTH1113 Beauty Therapy 1 45 2.25 manicures and pedicures and to apply S.J.P.I
makeup. In addition it helps participants
to inculcate the desirable attitudes
associated with beauty.

In this course, participants have the S.J.P.I

opportunity to further hone their skills in
Beauty Therapy with greater emphasis
being placed on nail care and nail
treatments. Participants who have
BUTH1123 Beauty Therapy 2 45 2.25 completed Unit Certificates in both Beauty
Therapy 1 and 2 are equipped to become
self-employed or find employment as
entry level assistants in the Wellness

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 281

This course is designed for training S.J.P.I
providers, employers, technical employees
and entrepreneurs who provide CAD

Employees at this level must have a sound

understanding of what skills and,
knowledge are required for CAD/CAM for
CAD for Fashion and Textile
CADD1813 fashion
This course also allows participants to
attain unit certification in an NVQB
qualification which is competence based.
This means that it is linked to the
candidate’s ability to competently perform
a range of tasks connected with their
3 60
CAD Patterns for Garment S.J.P.I
Manufacturers 3 60

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 282

In the context of this course of study, S.J.P.I
external carpentry can be defined as
fixtures that are made of wood that are
found on the outside of a building. These
would normally require maintenance by a
carpenter and would include wooden
gates, sheds, wooden fences, roofs,
window sills, stairs, wooden patios, etc.

As with internal carpentry, however,

Carpentry for Building external carpentry does not include
CARP1113 120 6
Maintenance 1
furniture which, although often made of
wood, is not part of Cabinet Making
because furniture generally is not fixed to
the structure.

In this study component we will look at

External Carpentry, as it relates to roof
construction and its maintenance – roofs,
roof coverings and guttering and other
roof fittings, such as, Barge boards, Soffits

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 283

and Face boards. These tasks can be
carried out by individuals who possess
basic carpentry skills with the aid of hand
and power tools. To maintain the
structures mentioned, the
craftsman needs to be knowledgeable of
wood and construction methods, and be
able to work with rafters, and other
carpentry details which relate to roof
construction and maintenance.

In this context, therefore, maintenance

refers to the repair and upkeep of the
external wooden structures of a building
to ensure that they serve their original
function. It may also include the
replacement of some or all of these

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 284

This course is designed to provide the S.J.P.I
knowledge, skills and certification to
ensure effective building maintenance.
This process requires several skills from
across various technical disciplines. As

Carpentry for Building such, it is not intended to provide skills-

CARP1123 120 6
Maintenance 2 training in any particular discipline but
rather to identify common problems
which can occur in and around our homes
and businesses and the steps that are
required to correct them.

Child Care and Nursery S.J.P.I

HEAL1513 60 3
Management On line
The Computer Repairs and Servicing S.J.P.I
Technology course is designed to expose
participants to the hardware and software
Computer Repairs and Servicing skills necessary to maintain, upgrade and
COMP1233 47 2.25
Technology 1
repair IBM compatible desktop and mobile
computer systems. Additionally, the
course will impart the basic skills

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 285

necessary to design, construct and
troubleshoot basic wired and wireless
networks. Participants range from those
who want to garner the skills and
underpinning knowledge to repair their
own personal computers, to individuals
seeking to earn additional income or re
tooling for a career change. On the other
hand some practicing computer repair
technicians having recognised the value of
formal training pursue the course in order
to upgrade their skill and to acquire
certification. The course content is
structured to cater to the needs of the
beginner but is thorough enough to
address the needs of an intermediate
computer repair technician.
Graduates who are successful would be
equipped to find employment as
technicians in the computer repair

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 286

industry or can start computer repair
Computers Skills for Mature S.J.P.I
COMP1112 32 1
This course is an introduction to the basic S.J.P.I
principles of nutrition and food
preparation. It is structured to teach the
fundamental and basic concepts of
culinary techniques and cookery to include
cooking techniques, sanitation, safety,
menu knowledge and professionalism.
Upon completion of this course, the

FOOD1712 Cookery 1 student will have full vocabulary of

cooking terminology and be able to
identify the moist and dry heat methods of
heat transfer as well as how equipment
and materials provide heat and affect the
cooking process. In preparing learners for
life, the Course anticipates their future
needs in that it enables them to learn how
to prepare and cook food for themselves
45 3

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 287

and others. It also develops their basic
organisational skills.
Upon completion of this course, the S.J.P.I
student will have full vocabulary of
cooking terminology and be able to
identify the moist and dry heat methods of
heat transfer as well as how equipment
and materials provide heat and affect the
cooking process. Topics also include menu
FOOD1722 Cookery 2
design and the factors involved in it along
with the basic nutritional considerations
and terminology that relate to it. The
student will be able to identify the
components of recipes as well as how to
read, interpret, price, and convert them.
45 3
Cooking Appliances Service and S.J.P.I
HOAS1113 60 3
BSTU1511 Customer Service 30 2
Customer service is the key to an

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 288

organisation’s professional image and is
therefore vital to any organisation’s
success. This means that as a staff
member you are expected to provide
effective relationships with the customers.
This means giving customers a positive
impression of yourself and your

The aim of this course is to provide you

with the key aspects of customer service,
customer needs and expectations; the
basics of good interpersonal
communication, the purpose and impact
of effective customer service and how to
deal with irate customers.

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 289

The purpose of the course is to offer S.J.P.I
instruction in the development design for
clothing. The process will include the use
of contextual influences and fashion
DSGN1413 Design Development 1 60 3 forecasting reports. Students will learn
how to present their research and design
ideas using a sketch book and various
presentation boards

The purpose of the course is to assist S.J.P.I

students in the development of a capsule
collection that takes into account all the
theories and techniques that they have
learned in semester one. Students will

DSGN1422 Design Development 2 105 3.5 build a portfolio for assessment that can
also be used as a launch pad for a larger
collection. The portfolio will also be
suitable for presentation to other
education institutions for higher

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 290

This course covers most of the concepts
and techniques associated with modern
digital television transmission and
reception. It is designed to help Electronics
Service Technicians transition from the
analogue world to the all-embracing digital
era. Some of the topics covered are: S.J.P.I
Digital TV broadcasting which includes,
digitizing the TV picture, sampling,
sampling rate, programme encoding, video
ETRO1423 Digital Television 1 30 1.5
encoding, video data preparation,
temporal removal redundancy, motion
compensation, spacial DCT redundancy
removal, the audio encoder, the service
data packet, the PES packet structure,
programme multiplexing, transport
stream packet structure, forward error
correction, modulation-DQPSK, QAM,
COFDM, effective radiated power(ERP),
single- frequency network(SFN) and the

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 291

transport stream multiplex. Also Digital TV
receivers which includes, the integrated
TV receiver (IRD), system control, the
channel decoder, the transport
demultiplexer, the video MPEG decoder,
and the MPEG audio decoder. Testing

This course introduces inexperienced S.J.P.I

persons to the theory and practice of basic
dressmaking and pattern drafting.
Participants will have the opportunity to
GARM1453 Dressmaking 1 60 3
work with both standard and personalized
measurements to produce a variety of

This course will provide training in the S.J.P.I

core skills needed to embark on a
Electrical Installation for Building
ELEC2623 80 4
Maintenance rewarding career in Electrical Installation.
It is designed to provide participants with

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 292

a thorough knowledge and understanding
of electrical theory and its application to
lighting, power and control equipment, to
use the test instruments and various tools
necessary to perform tasks and be capable
of trouble shooting and maintaining
electrical systems and equipment whilst
being familiar with and utilizing the safety
requirements for electrical installations.
Participants will also learn how to layout
and install the various electrical circuits in
residential, commercial, industrial and
institutional complexes and buildings and
to implement the instructions given in
plans and specifications pertaining to
electrical installations. Participants will
also learn the skills and other basic
requirements for opening a business,
including electrical contracting and

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 293

This course is designed to provide training S.J.P.I
needed to embark on a rewarding career
as Electrical Contractors but it can also be
of benefit to persons seeking credentials
in the field of Electrical Installation.
Participants will have the opportunity to
acquire thorough and understanding of
electrical theory and its application to
lighting, power and control equipment as
Electrical Installation for well as to the use of test instruments and
ELEC2313 100 5
Electrical Contractors
other tools necessary to perform tasks in
on the job. Participants are also provided
with the opportunity to practice trouble
shooting and the maintenance of electrical
systems and equipment in keeping with
codes and requirements for electrical
installations. Other areas of study will
include how to layout and install various
electrical circuits in residential,

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 294

commercial, industrial and institutional
complexes and buildings as well as how
interpret and implement the instructions
given in building drawings, electrical
blueprints and specifications pertaining to
electrical installations. Participants will be
also exposed to knowledge of the basic
requirements for opening a business
including electrical contracting and

Electrical Maintenance Theory S.J.P.I

ELEC1613 80 4
and Practice
In this course, students examine S.J.P.I
theoretically the electrical principles which
underpin and inform the practical aspects
of Electronics in general. Through
ELEC2231 Electrical Principles 3 90 6
assignments, discussions, group work,
lectures and projects in a virtual
environment, students strengthen their
analytical and problem-solving skills

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 295

relative to the various electronic circuits
encountered in the Electronics servicing

In this course, students examine S.J.P.I

theoretically the electrical principles which
underpin and inform the practical aspects
of Electronics in general. Through
assignments, discussions, group work,

ELEC2241 Electrical Principles 4 90 6 lectures and projects in a virtual

environment, students strengthen their
analytical and problem-solving skills
relative to the various electronic circuits
encountered in the Electronics Servicing
The purpose of the Electrical Wireman’s S.J.P.I
Practice 1 course is to provide the student

ELEC1512 Electrical Wiring Practice 1 150 5 with the basic knowledge and practical
competence to perform electrical wiring
and maintenance on domestic,

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 296

commercial and Industrial environments
but under supervision. This course also
prepares the student for higher study in
the field.

The purpose of the Electrical Wireman’s S.J.P.I

Practice 2 course is to provide the student
with the basic knowledge and practical
ELEC1522 Electrical Wiring Practice 2 150 5 competence to perform electrical wiring
and maintenance on domestic,
commercial and Industrial environments.

The purpose of the Installation Wiring S.J.P.I

Theory 1 course is to provide the student
with the basic knowledge and practical
ELEC1511 Electrical Wiring Theory 1 60 4 competence to perform electrical wiring
and maintenance on domestic,
commercial and Industrial environments.

The purpose of the Electrical Installation S.J.P.I

ELEC1521 Electrical Wiring Theory 2 60 4
work course is to provide the student with

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 297

the basic knowledge and practical
competence to perform electrical wiring
and maintenance on domestic,
commercial and Industrial environments.

Electronic Document Preparation S.J.P.I

CSEC1511 62 3
Management for CSEC
This course is a foundation course S.J.P.I
which introduces the student to, and
builds his/her ability to understand
60 4 language and communication within
a business backdrop.

ENGL1111 English 1
62 4 S.J.P.I
CSEC1111 English Language for CSEC
MGMT1813 Events Management 45 2.25 S.J.P.I
This course prepares participants to S.J.P.I
perform efficiently while caring for
particularly older adults, in the home. It
60 3
provides them with knowledge and skills
pertaining to the numerous concepts
within education for the care of the
HEAL1413 Home Health Care

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 298

elderly. Participants also have the
opportunity to acquire attitudes that will
prepare them for ethical practice in the
field. These studies can be used as a
springboard for higher education in the
field. In addition participants will undergo
six hours of post course supervision.

This course is designed to help learners to S.J.P.I

develop personal, organizational and
vocational skills and attitudes required to
function as housekeepers within the
hospitality industry. Each learner will be
exposed to real-life, hands-on experiences
75 3.5
in order to develop competencies in a
wide range of skills that will enable them
to prepare guest rooms and public areas
according to the approved occupational
standards. The course will focus on the
care and maintenance of soft furnishings,
HMGT1213 Housekeeping 1

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 299

bed linen included, bed making, floor and
floor coverings, kitchens, indoor and
outdoor living areas and washrooms.
Emphasis will be placed on adherence to
safety procedures and the use of
environmentally friendly products and
practices in keeping with manufacturers’
instructions and approved institutional
standards. Learners will also be given the
opportunity to practice and display
behaviours that will lead to effective
communication and interpersonal
relationships and total customer
satisfaction. The course targets
particularly persons without credentials
who are currently unemployed and have
little or no experience in the hospitality
industry. Persons who successfully
complete this course should be able to
find work as entry-level housekeepers in

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 300

hotels, guest houses, villas and private

COMP1913 Information and Communication S.J.P.I

64 4
Technology 1
62 3 S.J.P.I
CSEC1411 Information Technology for CSEC
Masonry for Building S.J.P.I
40 2
MASN1213 Maintenance 1
This course is designed as a core S.J.P.I
Mathematics course. Emphasis is placed
on basic topics which form part of the
syllabi of other programmes. It is
designed for students who require a sound
30 2
background or revision of the basic
Mathematical concepts in order to cover
intermediate and advanced topics in
mathematics for other areas of study.
MATH1111 Mathematics for Beginners
62 4 S.J.P.I
CSEC1211 Mathematics for CSEC
OHSW1211 We've designed this course to help you S.J.P.I

105 5 learn about the why's and how's of

Occupational Health, Safety and
ensuring health safety and welfare in the
Welfare for Safety Officers

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 301

workplace, with special reference to the
conditions here in Barbados.

We aim to share our knowledge and

experience with you to help you work
more efficiently and effectively and with
as little danger to yourself and others as
possible. Whether you're a manager, an
employee, a health and safety officer, a
member of a workplace health safety and
welfare committee, interested in forming
such a committee or simply generally
interested in developments and activities
in this field, we're confident you will find
this course interesting and informative.

PATD1213 This course is designed to develop the S.J.P.I

knowledge and skills of students in the

80 4 area of Painting and Decorating as

required for this course. It includes theory,
Painting and Decorating for
along with the necessary hands-on
Building Maintenance

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 302

practical experiences for those beginning
workers in the painting profession. Safety
as it relates to Painting and Decorating is
an integral part of the course.

As you work through this course you

should bear in mind that along with
developing appropriate skills, it is
important to remember that as a
maintenance person or a “do-it-yourself”
homeowner, you are expected to do a
satisfactory job, when it comes to painting
and decorating.

The first Module, therefore, sets the

foundation for all painting jobs by
examining the fundamentals of painting
including the composition of paint, types
of paint and their properties. This is
followed by Module 2, which deals with
tools and equipment as well as Health and

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 303

Safety considerations. Finally, in Modules
3 and 4, painting and maintaining
processes, which include, painting wood,
metal, and masonry surfaces as well as
applying stains and varnishes, are

Pattern Making and Garment S.J.P.I

60 3
GARM1413 Construction
42 2 S.J.P.I
PLUM1413 Plumbing for Home owners 1
This basic repairs course includes both S.J.P.I
practical and theoretical exercises. It will
prepare you to inspect and repair
plumbing systems, install pipes and
fixtures, replace parts, interpret blue
80 4
prints, while adhering to building and
safety codes, This course deals with
routine maintenance tasks including
covers leaks, blockages, taps, toilets, basic
Plumbing for Building
heating problems and handling
PLUM1313 Maintenance

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 304


Throughout the course you will use hand

and power tools and learn about the
safety and health issues associated with
these tools and equipment and their use,
together with your own health and safety

62 4 S.J.P.I
CSEC1311 Principles of Accounts for CSEC
RCOP1113 Regional Code of Practice for the S.J.P.I
construction of houses 2.25 45
This course is designed to support beauty
care professionals by exposing them to the
knowledge, skills and attitudes that would
enhance leadership and the management
90 4.5
and of beauty care businesses. Emphasis
would be placed on managing human
resources, managing client service and
sales delivery. Participants will also learn
MGMT1913 Salon Management 1

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 305

to research, monitor and recommend
improvements to ensure that the health,
safety and security of the salon meet the
required standards. The course therefore
targets persons such as Cosmetologists,
Hairdressers, Barbers, Beauty Therapists
and Nail Technicians.

The purpose of the course is to offer S.J.P.I

instruction in fashion sampling and
production. Instruction will extend to
manual as well as computerised
techniques (CAD). Learners will learn how
100 5 to realise designs they have developed
and build a relationship with
manufacturers in order to mass produce
for the read-to-wear market.

GARM1313 Sampling and Production 1

The purpose of the course is to offer S.J.P.I
120 4
instruction in the development of samples
GARM1322 Sampling and Production 2

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 306

for production. Students will work with
design they have developed in the
previous module to create samples for
marketing. Student should be supported in
developing a relationship with a chosen
manufacturer to produce the sample. In
order to achieve this, the learners will
need to produce an initial sample and
presentation pack which includes a
pattern and a specification sheet and any
other relevant instructions.

This course is a must for all those involved S.J.P.I

in music, music production, conferences,
60 3 lectures, choirs, school plays and drama
ETRO1523 Sound Technology for Events
This course introduces participants to the S.J.P.I

32 1.5 basic concepts of managing groups and

teams. It involves learning skills and
MGMT1711 Supervisory Management 1

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 307

practical knowledge on how to motivate,
appraise and discipline employees. The
focus and emphasis is the use of effective
methods to achieve the maximum
productivity from workers while building
and adding value to workers.

This course further explores the basic S.J.P.I

concepts of managing groups and teams.
It involves learning skills and practical
knowledge on how to motivate, appraise
and discipline employees. The focus and
32 1.5
emphasis is the use of effective methods
to achieve the maximum productivity from
workers while building and adding value to
MGMT1721 Supervisory Management 2
The purpose of the course is to enable S.J.P.I
students to develop their knowledge of
50 2.5
textiles to incorporate ecological practices
that impact their choice of textile within a
TEXT1513 Textile Technology 1

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 308

fashion context. They will also further
develop their technical skills in surface
decoration and fabric manipulation.

The purpose of the course is to offer S.J.P.I

instruction in the use of Computer Aided
Design (CAD) for the development of
surface pattern on textiles. Students will
have learned manual textile surface
60 3 pattern techniques in Textile Technology 1;
so they should be expected to digitally
manipulate some of their design ideas in
order to create printed textile patterns

TEXT1523 Textile Technology 2

This course is designed to introduce S.J.P.I
students to the fundamentals of a fashion
design business. It aims to guide the
BSTU1211 The Business of Fashion 1 30 2
participants through the process of
defining a fashion product and correctly
placing it within the market and

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 309

understanding basic sales and distribution

This course builds on lessons in The S.J.P.I

Business of Fashion 1. It allows students
to familiarise themselves with the fashion
calendar in order align their activities with
that of the rest of the industry. The course
also teaches students how to cost
BSTU1221 The Business of Fashion 2 30 2 garments as an integral part of an overall
financial plan for the business. Finally the
course offers some simple marketing and
PR activities suitable for a small fashion

This course blends training in therapeutic S.J.P.I

massage with the knowledge of the
structure and function of the human body.
In this course students will develop an
BUTH1913 Therapeutic Massage 1 2.25 45

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 310

understanding of full body relaxation
massage and its effect on the body’s
systems and functioning as well as its
mental and emotional effects. The
student will also be introduced to topics
such as interviewing skills and ethics as
well as how to take care of themselves as
a practitioner. This course provides the
student with an introduction of massage
exploring basic Swedish techniques, the
importance of body awareness and the
history and practice of massage therapy.

BUTH1923 Therapeutic Massage 2 2.25 45

NOTE: ONLY (The DCEOFLC also offers courses from the full time lists)

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 311

1. Caribbean Vocation Qualification (CVQ) in Amenity Horticulture Level 1 Technical and Vocational Education and Training Council
2. Caribbean Vocation Qualification (CVQ) in Amenity Horticulture Level 2 Technical and Vocational Education and Training Council
3. National Vocational Qualification (NVQ) in Apparel Manufacturing Technology Technical and Vocational Education and Training Council
Level 3
4. Technical and Vocational Education and Training Council
Caribbean Vocation Qualification (CVQ) in Carpentry Level 2
5. Technical and Vocational Education and Training Council
Caribbean Vocation Qualification (CVQ) in Cosmetology Level 2
6. Technical and Vocational Education and Training Council
Caribbean Vocation Qualification (CVQ) in Crop Production Level 2
7. Caribbean Vocation Qualification (CVQ) in Developing a New and or Existing Business Technical and Vocational Education and Training Council
Level 3
8. Technical and Vocational Education and Training Council
Caribbean Vocation Qualification (CVQ) in Electrical Installation Level 1
9. Technical and Vocational Education and Training Council
Caribbean Vocation Qualification (CVQ) in Electrical Installation Level 2
10. Technical and Vocational Education and Training Council
Caribbean Vocation Qualification (CVQ) in Fashion Design Level 2
11. Technical and Vocational Education and Training Council
Caribbean Vocation Qualification (CVQ) in Furniture Finishing Level 1
12. Technical and Vocational Education and Training Council
Caribbean Vocation Qualification (CVQ) in Furniture Making Level 2
13. Technical and Vocational Education and Training Council
Caribbean Vocation Qualification (CVQ) in Garment Production Level 1
14. Technical and Vocational Education and Training Council
National Vocational Qualification (NVQ) in Graphic Communication Pre-Press Level 2

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 312

15. Technical and Vocational Education and Training Council
National Vocational Qualification (NVQ) in Graphic Communication Press Level 2
16. Technical and Vocational Education and Training Council
National Vocational Qualification (NVQ) in Manufacturing Sewn Apparels Level 2
17. Technical and Vocational Education and Training Council
Caribbean Vocation Qualification (CVQ) Massage Therapy Level 2
18. Technical and Vocational Education and Training Council
Caribbean Vocation Qualification (CVQ) in Massage Therapy Level 3
19. Technical and Vocational Education and Training Council
National Vocational Qualification (NVQ) in Nail Technology Level 2
20. Technical and Vocational Education and Training Council
Caribbean Vocation Qualification (CVQ) in Occupational Health and Safety Level 2
21. Technical and Vocational Education and Training Council
Caribbean Vocation Qualification (CVQ) in Plumbing Level 1
22. Technical and Vocational Education and Training Council
National Vocational Qualification (NVQ) in Textile and Materials Design Level 3

SJPICDILO 061117 Updating in progress Page 313

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