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DI – Bar

Bar Diagrams are representations of a discrete data. Various types of bar Diagrams are
a) Simple Bar Diagrams A simple bar diagram relates to only one variable. The values of
the variable may relate to different years or different items.
b) Segmented Bar Diagram is used to represent various components or subgroups of
total quantity of the given variable.
c) Multiple Bar Diagrams: Two or more bars are constructed adjoining each other, to
represent either different components of a total or to show multiple variables.
In a bar diagram a lot of information can be derived by comply observing and comparing the
size of the bars. The difference between the size of the bars gives us the difference in the
values and can also to some extent help us estimate the ratio and percentage change.

Example: Following bar graph gives us information about the sales of XYZ corp for 7 years
from 1990 to 1996
All figures in million $








1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996

1) In which year has the sales grown by maximum percentage compared to the
previous year?
a) 1991
b) 1992
c) 1993
d) None of the above
Percentage change between successive years =

Now in the graph, the difference between the 2 years is given by the difference in
the length of successive bars.
Also we know that for a fraction to be maximum, numerator should be as high as
possible and denominator as low as possible.
Here by observation alone, one can make out that the difference in bars is highest
between 1992 and 1993 and the 1992 sales is the lowest except the 1990 sales. So in

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DI – Bar

1993 the increase is maximum and the base on which the increase has taken place is
minimum. So maximum percentage increase is in 1993. We have solved this question
without using any data at all.

2) What is the maximum percentage increase between any 2 years in the above data?
a) 400%
b) 300%
c) 100%
d) None of the above
Maximum percentage increase requires us to identify the lowest and highest values.
Lowest is in 1990 and highest in 1996. As can be seen from the size of the bars 1996 bar
is almost 4 times the size of 1990 bar. So the difference in size is almost 3 times of 1990
bar. So the percentage increase is 300%.
3) What is the average sales of all the years combined (in million $)?
a) 49
b) 45.7
c) 41.4
d) 35

To find the average sales we need to find the total sales and divided by 7 (the number of
In bar diagram the total sales can be found out not only by estimating the value of each bar
and adding up but also by an alternative method:
The difference the top of 1990 bar with line representing 20 million is same as the
difference of the top of 1991 bar with the line representing 30 million. So 1990 can be taken
as 20 and 1991 as 30 as the difference will negate each other.
Same can be done for 1992 and 1995. S both 1992 and 1995 can be taken as 60
Same can be done for 1994 and 1996. So 1993 = 60 and 1996 = 70
1993 = 20
So total sales = 20+ 30+60+60+60+70+20 = 320
Average sales = 45.5
Hence option B

4) If sales of the year 1995 would have increased by the same percentage over the year
1994 as 1994 sales have increased over the year 1993, then what would have been
the sales in the year 1995?
a) 154
b) 192
c) 168
d) 212

Say the percentage increase in sales from 1993 to 1994 is x%

The question is basically saying that if the percentage increase in sales in 1995 over 1994
was x%, then what would be the sales in 1995.
We can calculate the figures and do it i.e. find the value of x and then increase the 1994
sales by the same percentage.
Percentage increase in sales from 1993 to 1994 =

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DI – Bar

1995 sales = 1994 sales + 190% of 1994 sales = 58 + 180% of 58 = 58 +

We can use this method :

We can do it by sheer observation. If you see the bar of 1994 is almost 3 times the bar of
1993, slightly less than 3 times. So the bar of 1995 will be almost 3 times the abr of
1994, if the percentage change is same. So the bar of 1995 will be almost 3 times,
slightly less than 3 times of the bar of 1994. So the sales of 1995 will be slightly less than
58x 3=174. Closest option is 168. Hence D

5) If the sales in 1990 and 1997 grew by 12.5% over the respective previous years, then
what is the percentage change in sales from 1989 to 1997?
a) 400%
b) 300%
c) 250%
d) 200%

Now we have already established that sales of 1996 is 4 times the sales of 1990. Let the
sales of 1990 be x, therefore the sales of 1996 is 4x.
Since there has been a growth in both 1990 and 1997, therefore sales of 1989 is less
than x and sales of 1997 is more than 4x.
Say sales of 1989 = x1 and 1997 = x2
Therefore x2 >4x and x1 <x
Therefore x2 - x1 >3x
Therefore increase in sales is more than 300%
Hence option A
Segmented Bar
Following Bar Chart gives the distribution of expenses of John and Jill for the month of January



250000 Food


John Jill

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DI – Bar

1) What is the percentage of rent in the total expenditure of John?

a) 22.5%
b) 31%
c) 41%
d) 25%

As can be seen the rent potion is almost 1/3rd of the entire bar, therefore rent is close to 33.33%.
Therefore option B.

2) What is the percentage of food in the total expenditure of Jill?

a) 20%
b) 33.33%
c) 25%
d) 40%

As can be seen the travel portion is almost 1/4th of the entire bar, therefore travel is close to
25%. Therefore option C.

3) If the savings of Jill is 25% of her income, then what portion of her income is spent on
a) 1/10
b) 1/8
c) 1/5
d) 1/6

Let the income be say 4. Therefore savings = 1 and expenditure = 3. (Income = Savings +

In the graph, let the gap between any two lines be x i.e. the gap between 0 and 50000 or 50000
and 100000 is x.

Therefore expenditure of Jill 6x

Entertainment expenditure of Jill x

So entertainment is 1/6th of total expenditure

So if expenditure of 3, entertainment expenditure = .5

So entertainment expenditure as a portion of total income = .5/4 = 1/8

Therefore option B

4) What is the ratio of food expenditure of John and travel expenditure of Jill?
a) 9:5
b) 8:5

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DI – Bar

c) 7:3
d) 4-3

Let the expenditure of John be 4x and jill be 3x

Travel of John is almost 1/4th of his total expenditure (by observation)

Food of Jill is also almost 1/4th of her total expenditure.

Therefore ratio of food expenditure of John and travel expenditure of Jill = 1/4 th of 4x : 1/4th of 3x =

Therefore option D

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