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Reliability- is probability that the system will perform a function without a failure for a specific time

under stated condition.

Probability functions

 The probability density function- gives the probability of failure occurring at any specific
 The failure distribution function- gives cumulative probability of failure
 The survival function- the difference between the C.D.F and 100%
 The hazard rate- gives the risk of failure occurring at any specific time.

Bath tub

Is the special case of hazard function and it depicts the risk of failure of the component or system

Graph of bath tub curve

d early failure operation life of a system wear out phase

`failure rate


Early failure is due to:

 Weak design
 Incorrect installation
 Abuse
 Manufacturing faults

Operation life of a system

 Used in incorrect environment

 Abuse
 Overstress
 Random failure due to condition changes
Wear out phase

 Weak design
 Abuse
 Short life of component
 Inadequate maintenance
 Material wear

RCM- is a process of ensuring that the systems continue to do what their users require in the
present operating context.

Two substantial areas for maintenance for RCM

 Firstly- it must be not as heavy on resource to develop the plan

 Secondly- the resultant maintenance plan should effectively decrease the workload for total

The rules that the adhered to ensure the good results of maintenance plan

 in the organisation should have at least one well trained RCM facilitator
 in the team of designing the maintenance plan for a specific equipment should typically
consist of four persons apart from the facilitator
 the maintenance manager to who the plan is developed should be actively involved in the
 In the RCM ia applied in the industrial situations the are no “maybes’ s”.

The failure consequences

 Operational consequence - the consequence and non-operation consequence are the most
obvious categories consequences of failure. They are the categories for which the
consequences are primarily of the economic nature
 Non-operational consequence- this consequence is the same as the operational
consequence but it difference lies in the fact that it does not affect the production output of
the business negatively
 Safety or environmental consequence- the consequence and the hidden failure
consequences are completely different from the operational and non-operation
consequence, in the case of safety or environmental consequence direct and in the case of
hidden failure consequence indirect
 Hidden failure consequence- this is the consequence where it name says nothing in the real
consequences of failure. The real problem in the failure mode remain hidden after failure, it
is not real hidden but that can course the multiply failure due to that the function is not

Questions that can be asked under consequences on failure

Q.1- does the loss of function due to the occurrence of the failure mode evident to the
operations personnel?
Q.2- does the failure mode affect the factions or secondary damage that will that will course
direct adverse effect to the operating safety
Q.3- does the failure mode have direct adverse effects to the operating capability

Failure- is a loss of a function under state condition.
FAILURE MODE- is the specific manner or way in which the failure occurs in terms of failure
state of the item function under investigation.

Failure can be classified into two types

 Functional failure
 Potential failure

Functional failure

is the inability of the item to meet a specified performance standard

Potential failure

is an identifiable physical condition which indicates that the functional failure is imminent

Scheduling type

 Long term scheduling

 Preventive work scheduling
 Shutdown scheduling
 Project workshop scheduling
 Job shop scheduling
 Area workshop scheduling

History of maintenance

One of the most important aspect in maintenance system is build up a proper history base which
all the maintenance standards and strategies can be optimised.

Actions that are taken for building history base

 Job card feedback

 Check list feedback
 The replacement of the certain part or sub- assemblies
Parts of the history base
 Actual task performance
 Part failure history
 Condition monitoring history
 Failure frequency of the occurrence
 Cost history

Define position

 Skills- this includes all the skills that are employed in the organisation
 Position- the position that is approved by management must registered in the system
 Employee- every employee that is being employed in the company must be assigned
unique in the employee numbers

Locality definition

Each locality in the plant or mine must be defined in the system before the responsibilities are

Responsibility definition

To complete the responsibility structure in the system, a few loose end must be tied. this is done
by specifying in the system which equipment are situated in which locality and who is
responsible for which local and which position report to the manager.

 Equipment location by localities- the first step in defining the responsibility structure is
to assign the machine in virus locations
 Location localities by supervisor- the next step is to assign the maintenance of the
equipment located in virus localities in the specific supervisor
 Reporting hierarchy- the reporting structure is defined’

Revenue Generation

is a process by which company plans to market and sell its products/services in order to generate

Revenue target and plans to achieve it is a C- level activity. It involve some or all of the following
• Defining corporate goals such as revenue target for financial year
• Aligning the current corporate strategy with the goals
• Making sure that the strategy can be implemented by creating an organization structure in line
with the long term goals
• Implementing best practices and lean methods where applicable
• Using metrics to track the development and make adjustments accordingly
• Documentation for learning and improvement

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