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Exercise 1 Put the verbs into the correct tense (Simple Past or Past Progressive).
Two days ago, a murder (happen) ………………………………….. in Main Street at
about nine p.m. Yesterday, Sherlock Holmes (arrive) ………………………………….. at
the crime scene to investigate.
He (ask) ………………………………….. the owner of the house “What (do / you)
………………………………….. yesterday at nine?”
“I (watch) ………………………………….. the news on TV.”
“ (be) ………………………………….. you alone?”
“No, I (be / not) ………………………………….., my wife (read)
………………………………….. in the bedroom.”
“(hear / you) ………………………………….. anything suspicious?”
“Yes, about nine o'clock, I (hear) ………………………………….. some people arguing
in the street. I (think) ………………………………….. they (fight)
………………………………….. but it suddenly (stop) ………………………………….. and I
(forget) about it.
Exercise 2. Put the verbs in brackets into Past Continuous or Past Simple.
1. I …………………………… (see) Mary in town yesterday but she (not/see)
…………………………… me. She ………………………… (look) the other way.
2. I …………………………… (cycle) home yesterday when suddenly a
man…………………………… (step) out into the road in front of me,
I…………………………… (go) quite fast but luckily I ……………………………
(manage) to stop in time and ………………………… (not/hit) him.
3. I………………………… (walk) home when I ………………………… (meet) Dan.
4. Tom ………………………… (burn) his hand when he …………………… (cook) the
5. The telephone …………………………… (ring) while I …………......………… (have) a
6. Beethoven …………......………… (write) nine symphonies. He
…………………………….. (write) another symphony when he died.
7. Last Saturday Tom wanted to make two salads. He ................................... (make)
the first one in five minutes. He .................................... (make) the second one
when his guests ............................ (arrive) and they .............................. (help) him to
finish it.
8. The artist Gaudi ............................... (design) several houses in Barcelona, Spain.
Later he ............................... (start) work on a church. He ................................. (work)
on the church when he .............................. (die).
9. Last month a bank robber ................................... (escape) while the police
...................................... (take) him to prison. Later they ................................ (catch)
him again, and this time they ........................................ (lock) him up without any
10. Philip’s football team were lucky last Saturday. After 20 minutes they
...................................... (lose), but in the end they ............................... (win) the
game by 4 goals to 2.
11. John Lennon .................................... (sing) and ......................................... (play) on
many records with The Beatles. He ............................................ (prepare) a new
record when Mark Chapman ........................................... (shoot) him.
12. Yesterday afternoon I ................................................ (study) at home after school
when I ......................................... (hear) a loud noise. I .................................... (run)
outside. It ................................... (rain) and it ..................................... (be) cold. I
............................................ (see) that smoke ...................................... (come) slowly
out of the next house. My father suddenly ........................................ (arrive) and we
................................................ (phone) the fire-brigade because we could hear that
some people ........................................ (call) for help. While we ...................................
(wait) for the fire-engine to come, I ............................................. (decide) to
Exercise 6. Put the verbs into the correct form, past continuous or past simple.
1. She ......................................... (BURST) into tears when she .......................................
(SEE) his father.
2. I .......................................... (CUT) up vegetables in the kitchen when I
............................ (HEAR) the terrible news on the radio.
3. What a terrible accident!. Steve ......................................... (DRIVE) his car when a
bird ...................................... (FLY) into his windscreen.
4. First she ...................................... (READ) the advertisement and then she
................................... (CALL) the company.
5. The sun ......................................... (SHINE) brightly when the old man
............................. (SET) off from his cottage.
6. At eight o’clock yesterday evening the plane ......................................... (FLY) from
Tahiti to Los Angeles.
7. I .................................... (WAIT) for him for quite a long time but he ..............................
8. Last weekend while Julie ........................................ (TIDY) her bedroom, she
................................... (FIND) some of the toys she ........................................ (HAVE) when
she .................................... (BE) a child.
9. While my mother ..................................... (COOK) dinner, we ......................................
(PLAY) in the garden.
10. We all ........................................ (SLEEP) when some terrible noise
.................................... (WAKE) us up.
11. Poor Cinderella ....................................... (HAVE) to work hard while her step-
sisters ........................................ (HAVE) fun at the ball.
12. The children ...................................... (TAKE) the cake when nobody
................................. (LOOK) and .................................... (EAT) it silently.
13. As she ................................... (CROSS) the street, she ................................ (SLIP)
and ..................................... (FALL).
14. Yesterday when I ....................................... (WALK) in the park, I
................................... (LOSE) my watch.
15. The fishing boat ........................................... (APPROACH) the seashore when the
tornado ................................... (BEGIN).
16. I ............................................ (CAN) not hear the bell because the radio
...................................... (PLAY) really loudly.
17. The aeroplane .................................... (CATCH) fire just when it
................................... (TAKE) off.
18. The lights ....................................... (GO) out when we ......................................
(DISCUSS) the plans for the following morning.
19. Professor Ward ........................................... (GIVE) the lecture when the students’
riots .................................... (BEGIN).
20. One of my worst memories from last winter holidays was when I
................................ (RUN) out of petrol while I ................................. (DRIVE) through a
snowy forest in the evening.
21. Last night Sally ................................... (WATCH) TV in her bedroom when
suddenly she ................................... (HEAR) a scream outside.

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