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spanish verbs review 2

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1. Abordar to board 40. Informar to inform

2. Aburrir to bore 41. Insistir to insist
3. Aconsejar to advise 42. Interesar to interest
4. Agradar to please 43. Invitar to invite
5. Agregar to add 44. Lastimarse to hurt oneself
6. Alegrarse to claim 45. Mantener to hold
7. Alojarse to stay 46. Marcar to mark
8. Anochecer to get dark 47. Merecer to deserve
9. Apurarse to hurry 48. Morder to bite
10. Asistir a to attend 49. Morir to die
11. Aterrizar to land 50. Mostrar to show
12. Bostezar to yawn 51. Nacer to be born
13. Cambiar to change 52. Narrar to tell
14. Cargar to charge 53. Opinar to believe
15. Colocar to place 54. Organizar to organize
16. Comenzar to begin 55. Participar to participate
17. Complacer to please 56. Pertenecer to belong to
18. Conocer to know 57. Planchar to iron
19. Convenir to agree 58. Practicar to practice
20. Cortar to cut 59. Probarse to try on
21. Cubrir to cover 60. Reconocer to recognize
22. Decidir to decide 61. Referir to refer
23. Despegar to take off 62. Registrar to register
24. Discutir to argue 63. Regresar to return
25. Dudar to doubt 64. Reír to laugh
26. Empatar to tie 65. Romper to break
27. Encantar to love 66. Saborear to savor
28. Encargarse to handle 67. Servir to serve
29. Enterarse to find out 68. Soler to use to
30. Entregar to turn in 69. Soñar to dream
31. Exagerar to exaggerate 70. Sonreír(se) to smile
32. Extrañar to miss 71. Temer to fear
33. Fascinar to fascinate 72. Traducir to translate
34. Firmar to sign 73. Valer to cost
35. Fracasar to fail
36. Freír to fry
37. Ganar to win
38. Gozar to enjoy
39. Grabar to record

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