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sna0%8 How to Create a Scheduling Agreement in SAP SD - ERProof ERProof Blog about all things SAP Home » SAP SD » SAP SD Training » How to Create a Scheduling Agreement in SAP SD How to Create a Scheduling Agreement in SAP SD Advertisement In this SAP SD tutorial, we will talk about scheduling agreements in SAP Sales and Distribution. You will learn How to create what SAP SD scheduling agreements are used for and how Tay to create them. We will provide screenshots and guidance Scheduling that are relevant for this process. Agreement SAP SD Scheduling Agreements Outline agreements play an important role in nearly all business processes. Customers and vendors agree on the goods to be provided under certain conditions and within a specific period of time. Outline agreements streamline business processes for both partners in a business relationship, hitpsierprocfcom/stree-raininglereae-scheduling-agreement-sap-sd! ec} ari0%8 How to Greate @ Scheduling Agreement in SAP SD - ERProot Advertisement The two main outline agreements, which are: + scheduling agreements * contracts A scheduling agreement is an outline agreement between you and a sold-to party that is valid for a certain period of time. The scheduling agreement contains fixed delivery dates and quantities. These dates are contained in the schedule lines for the scheduling agreements. Once the scheduling agreement is due for delivery, you can create the delivery as normal or by using a delivery due list. When you enter schedule lines for an item in the scheduling agreement, the system adds up the quantities that have already been entered and compares them to both the target quantity and the quantity already shipped. This gives you an overview of all the open quantities. If the quantity in the schedule lines exceeds the target quantity, the system issues a warning message. If the customer requires it, you can process invoices periodically — for example, once a month. All deliveries due for the billing document are combined in a collective invoice. Standard SAP SD scheduling agreements normally contain * Customer and material information * Pricing, be it customer or material specific + Delivery dates and delivery quantities hitpsierprocfcom/stree-raininglereae-scheduling-agreement-sap-sd! 289 ari0%8 How to Greate @ Scheduling Agreement in SAP SD - ERProot + Information about shipment processing + Information about billing * Validity periods and dates How to Create SAP SD Scheduling Agreement There are two options to start the process of creating a scheduling agreement: + Enter VA31 in Transaction Command Field for creating Scheduling Agreement or @ ‘vaail +] SAP Easy Access Enter VA31 Transaction + Navigate through ‘Tree’ hitpsierprocfcom/stree-raininglereae-scheduling-agreement-sap-sd! 83 sna0%8 How to Create a Scheduling Agreement in SAP SD - ERProof TE wom Est Enortae Stas Sytem Heb of *)« G6 SHk DHHH AOS TAB Aothermes (HF + + Gheinatercle DAsin vies | Sdocuertaton + Baavartes, = \VA31 Transaction for Creation of Quotation in SAP Menu Once you have entered the Scheduling Agreement: Creation Initial screen, you have to select relevant Scheduling Agreement Type. Each Scheduling Agreement Type has its own functionality and viewing based on the configuration done at the backend of SAP system, hitpsierprocfcom/stree-raininglereae-scheduling-agreement-sap-sd! a3 ari0%8 htpser How to Greate @ Scheduling Agreement in SAP SD - ERProot TE ‘sales document EW Goto Enyronment System Halp @ «21 @6@ Anes | Create Scheduling Agreement: Initial Screen (ereate with Reference MMsalee Bam evavew {Bordering party sched. Agreemt Te J 16] Sales Organzation i ‘Distribution Channe! in) Division Cl Sales Offce Co Sales Group Select Relevant +heduling Agreement Type Please note, any field having a ‘tick mark’ Sched. Agreemt Type |) means its mandatory and it has to be populated else the SAP system would not allow you to proceed further. In order to opt for a required scheduling agreement type, press F4 on the respective field and it will show all LoVs (List of Values) with available types of scheduling agreements. rproclcomsitree-raininglereae-scheduling-agreement-sap-sd) 583 sna018 How to Create a Scheduling Agreement in SAP SD - ERProof TE sues document Est Goto Envronment System Hal List with Scheduling Agreement Types Select the relevant Scheduling Agreement Type to proceed to the next step. hitpsierprocfcom/stree-raininglereate-scheduling agreement-sap-sd) ari0%8 How to Greate @ Scheduling Agreement in SAP SD - ERProot [ Seksdoament Edt 6 to Enyonment System Help o *}«2/@@e HAles | Create Scheduling Agreement: Initial Screen (Tcreate with Reference fM@Sales MMItemoverview AR Ordering party sctetageont ype JBITSlscetna w deta ‘Organizational Data 11000] Germany Frankfurt [20] Fhal customer sales ‘Scheduling Agreement with Type DS will be Created Populate Organizational Data with your relevant Sales Organization, Distribution Channel and Division. TE Sales document Goto Enyionment System Help o *}«2/@@e HAles | Create Scheduling Agreement: Initial Screen (Tcreate with Reference fM@Sales MMItemoverview AR Ordering party sctetageont ype JBITSlscetna w deta ‘Organizational Data 11000] Germany Frankfurt [20] Fhal customer sales hitpsierproofcomsatrec-raininglereate heduling-agroement-sap-sa 83 ari0%8 How to Greate @ Scheduling Agreement in SAP SD - ERProot Fill in Sales Area Data Hint: you populate your relevant Sales Organization, Distribution Channel and Division first and then opt for the relevant Scheduling Agreement type, only Scheduling Agreement types relevant for the selected Sales Organization, Distribution Channel and Division will be displayed in LoVs. Advertisement Master Data Involved when Creating Scheduling Agreement The following master data is involved when creating a scheduling agreement. This master data fetches relevant information and populates the relevant fields accordingly: CUSTOMER MASTER DATA + Name of the customer » Address + Location * Taxation details + Geographical location according to company's sales geographical structure * Shipping details * Billing details as in terms of payment + Partners associated with the customer, i.e. ship-to party, bill-to party, payer, etc. hitpsierprocfcom/stree-raininglereae-scheduling-agreement-sap-sd! ais ari0%8 How to Greate @ Scheduling Agreement in SAP SD - ERProot MATERIAL MASTER DATA + Material description » Unit of measure (Stock Keeping Unit - SKU) + Transportation group * Loading group (fork lifter, manual handling, etc.) * Taxation information CUSTOMER MATERIAL INFO RECORDS + Used to maintain customer relevant SKU codes which are mapped with the company code CONDITION MASTER (PRICING) * Base price of the product or special price for a particular customer + Discount(s) on the product or special discount offered to one customer + Freight + Taxes OUTPUT MASTER + The process of communication with customer once the scheduling agreements is created via printout of the scheduling agreement which is sent to customer by post, fax or email Partners Involved in Creation of Scheduling Agreement * Sold-To Party: he entity that inquired the goods * Ship-To Party: to whom goods are be delivered to * Bill-To Party: the entity that is responsible to receive the bill + Payer: the entity responsible for the payment hitpsierprocfcom/stree-raininglereae-scheduling-agreement-sap-sd! 983 ari0%8 How to Greate @ Scheduling Agreement in SAP SD - ERProot Entering the Customer - Sold-To and Ship-To On the screenshot below is the initial screen of Scheduling Agreement once you have selected the relevant Scheduling Agreement Type and Sales Area (combination of Sales Organization, Distribution Channel and Division is technically termed as Sales Area in SAP SD). Same Scheduling Agreement Initial Screen You can see Sold-to Part and Ship-to Party fields at the top left of the screen. One Sold-to Party can have multiple Ship-to Parties. If there are many Ship-to parties associated with one Sold-to Party, a dialog box will pop up in the scheduling agreement screen. You need to select the relevant Ship-to Party which the Sold-to Party has instructed you to ship the products to. Press F4 or [fj] button on the Sold-to Party field to search for your relevant Sold-to Party You can search by Search Term maintained in the customer master data or also by Name. To remain specific with your search, enter relevant Sales Organization, so that only customers maintained in your sales organization will be displayed. If you decide to find the customer with name, enter customer's first name with * before and after the name. This is called wild card search. Example: *demo" hitpsierprocfcom/stree-raininglereae-scheduling-agreement-sap-sd! 10189 sna0%8 How to Create a Scheduling Agreement in SAP SD - ERProof Advertisement Here we are using ‘Search Term’ functionality: Look up @ Customer by Search Term Hint: You can use asterisk to be more specific in your search and press Enter to get output of your search. hitpsierprocfcom/stree-raininglereae-scheduling-agreement-sap-sd! nn How to Create a Scheduling Agreement in SAP SD - ERProof sna0%8 268 OF om E Search Results Double click on the required customer line in the window to select that customer. ~\<«Beee OHHH AA oF Greate Scheduling Agreement: Overview: S Hk DH Elowes EB Goce wien iets mie cl fanaa SA oO ee — Ponarbar poate a ‘A Customer was Entered into Scheduling Agreement Press Enter once you have selected the Sold-to Party, so that the SAP system can accept the customer and proceed with the scheduling agreement creation. If the customer has two Ship- to Parties assigned, a dialog box will be popped up to select the relevant one which your customer, Sold-to, has instructed. Double click on the required one and the same will be selected. hitpsierprocfcom/stree-raininglereae-scheduling-agreement-sap-sd! 1289 siv2018 How to Create a Schedung Agreement in SAP SD- ERProof If there's only one Ship-to Party assigned to the Sold-to Party, once you press Enter, Ship-to Party will automatically get populated. Advertisement Since a scheduling agreement is a legal document, the system will prompt you to populate validity dates: TEE OF Mow B Fone BBS IED) Ba SINE) oe | dee vastne a ‘The System Asks for Validity Dates Populate scheduling agreement validity dates, i.e. ‘Valid From’ and ‘Valid To’ dates: hitpsierprocfcom/stree-raininglereae-scheduling-agreement-sap-sd! 1989 sna0%8 How to Create a Scheduling Agreement in SAP SD - ERProof SADR OP Bote B Bomme Sst ee ao SSE enon a one Team iete a o a Ee a a Enter Validity Dates of Scheduling Agreement e 7 Pricing Conditions were Updated and Net Value is Not Zero Now Enter another delivery date and quantity: © pean px go SOR exemeT nem Sp ob ieee Chk nnbe ae: cyaeeene tan sary hitpsierprocfcom/satree-raininglereate-scheduling agreement-sap-sd 289 sna0%8 How to Create a Scheduling Agreement in SAP SD - ERProof Enter Additional Schedule Lines for an Item Conditions are updated accordingly in the line item pricing data: Ppa = oo ep ce tee e Incompletion Log or Ctri+F8 to see if the scheduling agreement that we have just created is complete. hitpsierprocfcom/stree-raininglereae-scheduling-agreement-sap-sd! 280 sna018 How to Create a Scheduling Agreement in SAP SD - ERProof ee - »jeosiseios gamete <2 GIGI sae toe omer ae | Open Incompletion Log for a Scheduling Agreement If there are any fields which need to be populated, the system will prompt and a new window will be displayed: saesDocument Edt Goto Enyronment Sytem Heb 9° *

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