Sap SD Sample Questions

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1. Create message type.

2. Attach basic types of IDOC to message type.

3. Attach FM to the message type combination of IDOC types
4. Creat a process code and attach message type to it.
5. Create a Partner function through WE20. Add an message
type in the outbound paramater.
6. Have an entry of port name and basic types (IDoc types)
in the outbound options tab
7. Add and an entry in the message control option with the
output type (ME21N- Output type) and the process code.
8. When you db click on the process code the FM should
9. When an output is triggered in the ME21N transaction wit
the EDI output medium. The idoc will be triggered

main transactions are used in the while creating the idocs.

we20:patner profile
we30:idoc creation
we31:segment creation
we81:message type
we82:link message with idoc type.
we02:to status of idocs.
we31:creation of segment
sale-defining logical system
sm59-rfc destination
bd82-generates partner profiles
bd64-distributes modal views
bd10-send material
bd14-vendor material
bd12-gets inboud idoc list
we05-idoc list outbound

you can debugg the idoc through we19

using function module idoc_outbound_<message type>. we can
set the break point for this function module.

Data from 3rd party can come from middleware tools like MERCATOR. Also data can
from 3rd Party from email or fax also. This can be done by intergration mail system
with SAP inbox.
The usual connection for middle ware tool can be type 4 TCP/IP - depending upon the
setting of your gateway server properties one can integrate SAP with other party
Middleware systems.

Suppose their is one sender and we have three recievers.

While generating an IDOC will it generate 3 IDOC's for three
receivers? Please explain in detail how the flow goes from
outbound to inbound systems?
in SALE we maintain the Sendor as well as three Receivers
(how many receivers to send the same idoc),
and assign the sendor in sendor system as well as assign
receivers in receivers system(sale-->assignment) three

maintain the RFC destination on sendor side and all

receiver side also (sm59).
maintain the port for sendor and three receivers.

maintain the sendor and all receivers for a same message

type in distribution model.(bd64)

maintain the partner profiles for sendor and all receiver

side also (we20).

execute the outbound program(idoc generation)like BD12 for

DEBMAS message type .

check out the status using we02 or we05.

yes, we can attach more than one message types to one idoc.
For example sendor wants the records on both material and
purchase at same time then we need to add two message types
to one idoc.

Where all the Idocs get stored after creation?

EDIDC stores control/header record.
EDIDD/EDID4 stores data records.
EDIDS stores status records.

BD87 will process existing IDOC without generating a new

WE19 will ignore the error IDOC and generate a new one
after correction

I understand u r trying to generate the idocs with 10

records, and u find only 8 (records) idocs created rest
(records) are missing.

Check with the filter set up for the records for its
receiving partner system(logical system).

Correct the filters then try regenarating the idocs(missing


If the Idoc is in error status ( outbound 29, inbound 51 )

then you can reprocess it through tcode BD87

If you want to create a new Idoc with an existing one then

you can use WE19
How to Reprocess the IDOC in Both Inbound & Outbound
By: Mohamed

Check these reports:

RBDAGAIN - Process Outbound IDocs with Errors Again

Description: This report reprocesses outbound IDocs which

contain errors. IDocs containing errors have one of the
following statuses:
02: Error transmitting data to port

04: Error in EDI subsystem control information

05: Error in conversion

25: Continue processing despite syntax error (outbound)

29: Error in ALE service

RBDAGAIE - Reprocessing of Edited IDocs

Description: This report reprocesses an edited IDoc in

inbound or outbound processing. The edited IDoc has one of
the following statuses:

32: IDoc edited (outbound)

69: IDoc edited (inbound)

RBDAGAI2 - Re-processing of IDocs after ALE Input Error

Description: You use this report to reprocess inbound IDocs

containing errors. IDocs containing errors have one of the
following statuses:

56: IDoc containing errors added

61: Continue processing despite syntax error (inbox)

63: Error passing IDoc to the application

65: Error in ALE service


For Inbound

1) Goto WE19, select ur IDOC and execute. The details will

be shown of IDOC. Change the data in the segment as per
your requirement.

2) Click on standard inbound process. If you want to

execute the process in foreground, click on standard
inbound function module. Select related function module and
execute the process in foreground/background.

For outbound

1) Follow same step 1.

2) Click on standard outbound processing


To reprocess Idocs in outbound or inbound you can create

back ground jobs using the following programs.
For Outbound:

For 02 status IDocs follow the below procedure:

1. Open SE38.

2. Give program RBDAGAIN.

3. Give you Idocs and save as variant.(Give any name)

4. Now, go to SM36,and specify a job name(Any name).

5. Now click on STEP give your Variant name in the

respective field and you program name as RBDAGAIN.

6. Save and come back.

7. Now click on "START CONDITION".Here you give schedule

the job either "Immediately" or "Periodically".

8. To do an immediate job select Immediate and save.Else go

for perodic as you need.

9. Now save the screen on SM36.

10. To release the job click "Job selection" -- > select

sceduled --> execute.

This would push your Idoc from *02*(Error passing data to

port) to 30(Idoc ready to dispatch) status.

Now to send the Idoc from 30 to *03*(Data passed to port

OK) use the "RSEOUT00" program and run another job as
stated above.

This would send the Idocs to 03.

Similarly at Inbound side:

To reprocess an Idoc in 51 status:

Use program "RBDMANI2" and run a job.It will push Idocs

from 51 to 53 status.

For 64 status use "RBDAPP01" program.

You can do it in transaction code BD88


Receiving System (Inbound ALE)

Tcode SALE3 for

a) Define Logical System

b) Assign Client to Logical System

Tcode SM59 -- RFC Destination

Tcode BD64 -- Check for Model view whether it has
distributed or not

Tcode BD82 -- Generate partner Profiles & Create Ports

Tcode BD11 -- Getting Material Data

Tcode WE05 -- Idoc List for inbound status codes

Message Type MATMAS

Tcode BD10 - Send Material Data

Tcode WE05 - Idoc List for watching any Errors

Inbound Status Codes

50 Error --> It will go for ALE Service Layer

56 Error --> Idoc with Errors added

51 Error --> Application Document not posted

65 Error --> Error in ALE Service Layer

For 51 or 56 Errors do the following steps

Goto WE19 --> give the IDOC Number and Execute-->

Press on Inbound function Module

for 65 Error --> goto SE38 --> Execute the Program RBDAPP01
then your getting 51 Error

can we, generate i doc for more than 1 vendor.

i.e can we generate idoc for more than 1 po order?
No it is not possible.because vendor number or po numbers
are the it can holds the same vendor or po number

ALE/IDocs are used for asynchronous information

interchange.while BAPIs are used for synchronous
information interchange .
For EDI transfer of data is from IDOC to flat file,whereas
for ALE & BAPI it is memory to memory transfer.For EDI to
be implemented a subsystem is required to convert IDOC in
flat file and vica versa.System should be EDI enabled.

i have a material change material description how to trigger

MASTER_IDOC_DISTRIBUTE is the function module to be used to create OUTBOUND IDOC.
This FM requires Control data and application data i.e EDIDC and EDIDD.
Inbound is the IDOC which you do not generate but it come to SAP system.

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