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1A present simple and continuous, action and non-action verbs

present simple: I live, he works, etc. present continuous: action and non-action verbs
be + verb + -ing
They work in a bank. A What are you cooking tonight?
Where do you live? A Who are you waiting for? B I’m making pasta.
He doesn’t wear glasses. B I’m waiting for a friend. A Great! I really like pasta.
She usually has cereal for breakfast. A What are you doing after
class? • Verbs which describe actions, e.g. make, cook,
I’m never late for work. can be used in the present simple or continuous.
B I’m going to the café.
• Use the present simple for things • Verbs which describe states or feelings (not
that are always true or happen • Use the present continuous actions), e.g. like, want, be, are not normally
regularly. (not present simple) for used in the present continuous.
actions in progress at the • Common non-action verbs are agree, be,
• Remember the spelling rules, e.g. time of speaking or for
lives, studies, watches. believe, belong, depend, forget, hate, hear,
future arrangements. know, like, love, matter, mean, need, prefer,
• Use ASI (auxiliary, subject, • Remember the spelling
infinitive) or QUASI (question realize, recognize, seem, suppose.
rules, e.g. living, studying,
word, auxiliary, subject, infinitive) getting. ! A few verbs have an action and a non-action
to help you with word order in
questions. meaning. The most common is have.
I have a big flat. = possession (non-action)
• Put adverbs of frequency, e.g. I can’t talk now. I’m having lunch.
usually, before the main verb and = an activity (action)
after be.

1B past tenses
past simple: worked, stopped, went, had, etc. past perfect: had + past using narrative tenses together
They got married last year. When John arrived, they had dinner.
What time did you wake up this morning? When they turned on (first John arrived, then they had
I didn’t have time to do my homework. the TV, the match had dinner)
finished. When John arrived, they were having
• Use the past simple for finished past actions. I felt nervous because I dinner.
hadn’t flown before. (when John arrived they were in the
past continuous: was / were + verb + -ing
middle of dinner)
• Use the past perfect when
A What were you doing at six o’clock last night? you are talking about the When John arrived, they had had dinner.
B I was watching TV. It was a cold night past and you want to talk (they had dinner before John arrived).
and it was raining. about an earlier past
action. • Remember Irregular verbs p.156.
• Use the past continuous to describe an action
in progress at a specific time in the past.

1C future forms
be going to + infinitive present continuous: be + verb + -ing will / shall + infinitive
future plans and intentions future arrangements I’ll have the steak. (instant decision)
My sister’s going to adopt a child. We’re getting married in October. I won’t tell anybody where you are.
Are you going to buy a new car? They’re meeting at 10.00. (promise)
I’m not going to go to New York She’s leaving on Friday. I’ll carry that bag for you. (offer)
next week. Shall I help you with your homework?
• You can usually use present (offer)
predictions continuous or going to for future Shall we eat out tonight? (suggestion)
I think they’re going to win. (They’re plans / arrangements. You’ll love the film! (prediction)
playing very well.) – going to shows that you have
It’s going to rain. (The sky is very dark.) made a decision. • Use will / won’t (NOT the present
We’re going to get married in the simple) for instant decisions, promises,
• Use going to NOT will / won’t when you summer. offers, and suggestions.
have already decided to do something. – Present continuous emphasizes that • Use shall (NOT will) with I and we for
• With the verb go you can leave out the you have made the arrangements. offers and suggestions when they are
infinitive. We’re getting married on July 12th questions.
I’m not going (to go) to New York. (e.g. we’ve booked the church). • Use will or going to for predictions.

a Correct the mistakes in the highlighted phrases. b Write questions in the present continuous or present simple.
Ouch! You stand on my foot! You’re standing A What are you eating ? (you / eat) B A cheese sandwich.
1 They have always breakfast in bed on a Sunday morning. 1 A Where lunch today? (you / have)
2 She can’t come to the phone now. She has a shower . B At home. My mum’s making pasta.
3 We are needing an answer from you before Wednesday. 2 A What ? (he / do)
4 I’m studing a lot now because I have exams next week. B He’s an accountant.
3 A this weekend? (you / go away)
5 She don’t eat meat at all.
B No, we’re staying here.
6 They always are late.
4 A to eat out tonight? (you / want)
7 Do you go out tonight? B Yes, that would be nice. Where shall we go?
8 He never replys to my emails! 5 A What ? (she / cook)
9 A Are you going to the park this afternoon? B I don’t know, but it smells good.
B I don’t know. It’s depending on the weather.

a Combine the two sentences. Use the verb in bold in the b Complete with the past simple, past continuous,
past continuous or past perfect. or past perfect.
Sarah had a siesta from 3.00 to 5.00. Peter picked up the tickets at 4.00. We didn’t realize that we had been there before.
Peter picked up the tickets when Sarah was having a siesta. (not realize, be)
1 They watched TV from 7.00 until 9.00. I arrived at 7.30. 1 A How ? (the accident / happen)
When I arrived, they TV. B He back from Manchester when
2 He left the office at 7.00. She phoned him at 8.00. he a tree. (drive, hit)
When she phoned him, he the office. 2 I cooking the meal when they
me to say they couldn’t come.
3 I studied for the exam the night before. The exam didn’t go well.
(already / start, call)
The exam didn’t go well although I the night before.
3 When I got home I was really tired, so I
4 He cycled to work this morning. In the middle of his journey, he a shower and to bed. (have, go)
had an accident.
4 I arrived too late. The concert and
When he to work this morning, he had an accident. my friends home. (finish, go)
5 He only had five lessons. He passed his driving test. 5 The driver control of his car because
When he passed his driving test, he (only) five lessons. he on his mobile. (lose, talk)

a Circle the correct form. Tick (✔) the sentence if both b Complete B’s replies with a correct future form.
are possible. A Sorry, Ann’s not in.
I’m not going / I won’t go to work tomorrow because B OK. I’ll call back later. (call back)
it’s Saturday. 1 A There’s no milk.
1 I’m going to study / I’ll study English here next year. B Don’t worry, I some. (get)
2 A Shall we / Will we eat out tonight? 2 A Can we meet on Tuesday?
B Good idea. B Sorry, I can’t. I to Brighton on
Tuesday. (go)
3 We’ll go / We’re going to Brazil next week. I can’t wait.
3 A Can we have pizza for lunch?
4 What are you going to wear / are you wearing to the party? B No, we chicken. I’ve already put
5 Do you think it will rain / it’s going to rain tomorrow? it in the oven. (have)
6 A This is heavy. B I’ll help / I help you. 4 A Is that the phone?
7 I’m meeting / I meet a friend this evening. B Yes, but don’t get up. I it. (answer)
8 I’m really sorry. I promise I won’t do / I’m not going to do it again. 5 A Jane’s put on a lot of weight!
9 They’re getting / They’re going to get married in May. B She’s pregnant. She a baby in
August. (have)
Study Link MultiROM 131

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