An Extract From The Kandyan Treaty

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An Extract from the Kandyan Treaty

At a convention held on the second day of March in the year of Christ 1815, and the
Cinghalese year 1736, at the Palace in the City of Kandy; Between His Excellency Lieut –
General Robert Browning Governor and Commander in Chief in and over the British
Settlements and Territories in the Island of Ceylon, acting in the name and on behalf of
George the Third King, and His Royal Highness George Prince of Wales Regent, of the
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland on the one part-and the Adikars, Dessaves,
and other Principal Chiefs of the Kandyan Provinces on behalf of the inhabitants, and in the
presence of the Mohottales, Coraals, Vidaans and other subordinate Headmen from the
several Provinces, and of the people then and there assembled on the other part. It is
agreed and established as follows:-

1st – That the Cruelties and Oppressions of the Malabar Ruler, in the arbitrary and unjust
infliction of bodily tortures and the pains of death, without Trial and sometimes without
accusation or the possibility of a Crime; and in the general contempt and contravention of
a Crime; and in the general contempt and contravention of all Civil rights, have become
flagrant, enormous and intolerable; the Acts and Maxims of His Government being equally
and entirely devoid of that Justice which should secure the safety of His Subjects, and of
that good Faith which might obtain a beneficial intercourse with the neighboring

2nd – That the Rajah Sri Wickreme Rajah Sinha, by the habitual violation of the Chief and
most Sacred Duties of a Sovereign, has forfeited all Claims to that Title or the Powers
annexed to the same, and is declared fallen and deposed from the Office of King – His
Family and Relatives whether in the ascending, descending, or collateral line, and whether
by affinity or blood, are forever excluded from the Throne; and all Claim and Title of the
Malabar Race to the Dominion of the Kandyan Province is abolished and extinguished.

3rd – That all male persons being or pretending to be relatives of the late Rajah Sri
Wickreme Rajah Sinha, either by affinity or blood, and whether in the ascending descending
or collateral line, are hereby declared Enemies to the Government of the Kandyan and
excluded and prohibited and excluded and prohibited from entering those Provinces on any
pretence whatever; without a written Permission for that purpose by the authority of the
British Government; under the pains and Penalties of Martial Law, which is hereby
declared to be in force for that purpose- and all male persons of the Malabar Cast now
expelled from the said Provinces are, under same Penalties, prohibited from returning,
except with the permission before mentioned.

4th – The Dominion of the Kandyan Provinces is vested in the Sovereign of the British
Empire, and to be exercised thro the Governors of Lieut Governors for the time being and
their accredited agents; Saving to the Adikars, Dessaves, Mohottales, Coraals, Vidaans,
and all other Chief and Subordinate Headmen, lawfully appointed by authority of the
British Government, the Rights, Privileges, and Powers of their respective offices, and to all
Classes of the People the safety of their Persons and Property, with their Civil Rights and
immunities, according to the Laws, Institutions and Customs established and in force
amongst them.
2. In terms of Article 61C (1) of the Constitution every person who, otherwise than in the course
of such person’s lawful duty, directly or indirectly by himself or by or with any other person, in
any manner whatsoever influences or attempts to influence or interferes with any decision of
the Commission or a Committee or a Public Officer to whom the Commission has delegated
any power under this Chapter, or to so influence any member of the Commission or a
Committee shall be guilty of an offence and shall on conviction be liable to a fine not exceeding
One Hundred Thousand Rupees or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding seven years, or to
both such fine and imprisonment

3. Where the person who vacated post volunteers an explanation in writing to the officer who was
the Disciplinary Authority during his time in the public service within three months of the date
the vacation of post notice the Disciplinary Authority shall consider his explanation in terms of
the respective disciplinary rules. Having considered his explanation, the Disciplinary Authority
may reinstate him with or without punishment or refuse such reinstatement. The Disciplinary
Authority shall record the reasons for his decision in the respective file clearly and accurately
in detail. Further, he shall formally communicate his decision to the said person.

4. යටත් විජිතවාදීනගේ පැමිණීමට ගපර, ශ්‍රී ලංකාගේ තිබගේ රාජාේු ක්‍රමයකි. ඉන

අනතුරුව පෘතුගීසි, ලනගේසි සහ බ්‍රිතානය පාලකයන යටගත් පරිපාලනමය හා
රාජයමය ගවනස්කම් හදුනවා ගෙන ලදි. මුහුදුබඩ පිහිටි ලනගේසි පාලනය පැවති ප්‍රගේශ
ප්‍රථමගයන බ්‍රිතානය පාලනයට යටත් වු අතර, 1815 දී උඩරට රාජධානිය ෙ බ්‍රිතානය
පාලනයට යටත් විය. ගකෝල්බෲක්-කැමරන ගකාමිසගම් නිරගේශවලට අනුකූලව, 1833 දී
ශ්‍රීමත් ගරාබට් ගහෝටන නමැති ආේුකාරවරයා විසින විධායක සභාව සහ
වයවස්ථාොයක සභාව නම් වූ යටත් විජිත පාලනය පැවති ශ්‍රී ලංකාගේ ප්‍රථම
වයවස්ථාොයක මේඩල ගෙක පිහිටුවන ලදී.

5. අෙ සමාජගේ විවිධාකාර ගැටලුවලට මැදි වූ නිරතුරුව ම අසහනගයන දිවි ගගවන තරුණ

තරුණිගයෝ ගබාගහෝ ගවති. උගත් නූගත් ගේෙයකින ගතාරව ගමාවුනට සමාජමය ගැටලු
ගමන ම මානසික හා ලංගික ගැටලු ෙ ගබාගහෝ ය. රටක වැෙගත් පිරිසක් වන ගයෞවන
පරපුර ගමගස් ප්‍රශ්නවලන පලා යාම හා ඒවා විසඳා ගැනීමට ගනාහැකිව කලකිරීමට ගහෝ
අසරණ තත්ත්වයට පත්ීම රගට් ප්‍රගමනයට මහත් බාධාවකි. එමනිසා ඔවුන මානසිකව
ශක්තිමත් ී ගැටලුවලට මුහුණදීමට, සමබර මානසික තත්ත්වගයන යුතු පුේගලයන ීම
ඉතා වැෙගත් ය.

Article II - Responsibility
As the Centre is legally separate from UNESCO, the latter shall not be legally responsible for
the acts or omission of the centre, shall not be subject to any legal process, and shall bear
no liabilities of any kind, be they financial or otherwise, with the exception of the provisions
expressly laid down in this Agreement.

Article 18 - Settlement of disputes

1. Any dispute between UNESCO and the Government concerning the interpretation or
application of this Agreement, if not settled by negotiation or any other appropriate
method agreed to by the parties, shall be submitted for final decision to an arbitration
tribunal composed of three (3) members.

One of the whom shall be appointed by a representative of the Government of the

Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, another by the Director – General of
UNESCO, and a third, who shall preside over the tribunal, shall be chosen by the first
two. If the two arbitrators cannot agree on the choice of a third, the appointment shall
be made by the President of the International Court of Justice.

2. The Tribunal’s decision shall be final.

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