Wilhelm Reich & The Cold War, Preview, by James E. Martin

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Wilhelm Reich
and the Cold War
The True Story of How a
Communist Spy Team, Government
Hoodlums and Sick Psychiatrists
Destroyed Sexual Science and
Cosmic Life Energy Discoveries

by James Edward Martin

Second Edition, Revised & Updated

Natural Energy Works

Ashland, Oregon, USA

Table of Contents Page

Acknowledgements ........................................................... ix

Preface to the Second Edition ............................................ xi

Maps of Reich’s Travels ..................................................... xii

Introduction ....................................................................... 1
Topic of book; scope of research.

I. Basic Biography of Wilhelm Reich (1897-1957) .......... 7

A brief overview of Reich’s life.

II. The Org: a New Beginning for Professional

Revolutionaries ...................................................... 19
Providing an historical context for Reich’s political
psychology and exposure to the Communist Party
prior to his emigration to the US; discussion of the
emigré contribution to the Allied war effort.

III. Doctor and General Eitingon:

The “Sword” and the “Shield” .............................. 83
New evidence regarding the relationship
between the Soviet Union and Psychoanalysis.

IV. Wilhelm Reich and the Cambridge Five ..................... 99

Introducing Arnold Deutsch, Reich’s colleague
who secretly joined the NKVD and became the
most important Soviet agent ever. Dialogue with
Michael Straight concerning his role in Cold War

Table of Contents (continued) Page

Photo Section .................................................................... 169

V. The Secret Life of Mildred Edie Brady ........................ 207

Brady, who launched the FDA’s investigation of
Reich in 1947, had many connections to Soviet

VI. The Einstein Affair ...................................................... 253

Reich’s meeting with Albert Einstein to explore
the orgone accumulator.

VII. The Final Years .......................................................... 265

Reich’s cloudbuster and his expedition to Tucson,
Arizona, where the government was experimenting
with weather modification and top scientists
observed UFOs in the desert sky. Trial, prison and

VIII. Documentary Appendix ..............................................317

Secret files verbatim

IX. Chronology ............................................................... 339

Timeline of historical events.

X. Bibliography ............................................................... 395

XI. Index .......................................................................... 405

Preface to the Second Edition

The first edition of this book was published in 2000 in a very limited
edition and at that time it was my intention to re-issue the book shortly
thereafter as a paperback. These plans were delayed by the simple fact
that I was so drained by the research and the subject material that it
was impossible to pick it up again for a long time.
With the encouragement of Dr. James DeMeo of Natural Energy
Works, this edition fulfills the original plan for an accessible edition.
While a number of new books published over the last fifteen years
have touched on this subject matter, nothing has been published that
contradicts the essential theme of this book: most of Wilhelm Reich’s
troubles with the US government at the end of his life were instigated
by Communists who viewed his work as a serious threat to their efforts
to promulgate a Stalinist ideology and to influence world events.
While no contradictory information has been published since the
first edition of this book, much confirming evidence has been
established. Some of this information has been included in this edition,
including the telling “Document 20” in which Comintern agents in
Russia compiled a list of German exiles to be arrested or “liquidated”
as enemies of Stalinism. Wilhelm Reich’s name is included in this
1936 hit-list in connection with a German associate who was arrested
and spent five years in the gulags, primarily for his connection to Reich.
Some writers continue to argue that Wilhelm Reich was a victim of
“McCarthyism” or the alleged “right-wing, conservative” tenor of
America in the 1950s. It is true that a few lone conservative individuals
took issue with the content of Reich’s writing, but nothing came of
these efforts and they had no connection to each other. Meanwhile, the
leftists who sprang to Stalin’s defense had strong connections to each
other through the international Communist web and fit perfectly into
Reich’s description of a “Red Thread of Conspiracy.”


I. Topic Of Book

In the absence of any scientific refutation of Wilhelm Reich’s experi-

mental work, I continue to be outraged at the miscarriage of justice that
was perpetrated on him. He died in a federal prison in Pennsylvania in
1957, and his passing was hardly noted at the time. I have never been
satisfied with the standard-issue explanations for the chain of events
that led to his death, and I continue to find valuable insight in his
published books. How did this happen? The government certainly went
to a great deal of trouble, and considerable expense, to neutralize a
There is a short story of Wilhelm Reich’s life that is as well-known
as it false: the great disciple of Sigmund Freud went crazy, discovered
life in a test tube, biological energy radiating in a dark room, and the
orgone “box” that supercharged the orgasm. This book is the product
of my research into the controversial work of Wilhelm Reich. In order
to understand Reich’s “American period,” I had to investigate his life
before he emigrated from a hostile Europe to New York in the US. I
began by reading The Mass Psychology of Fascism, a book that
enlightened me about “political psychology.” That’s a term that Reich
may have coined to describe his observations of the powerful appeal the
Nazis commanded among the working people of Germany, and how
this appeal could be used to subvert the people’s own interests. Reich’s
writing spoke to me, and there are still quite a few people around the
world who feel that way too.
I was shocked to learn that Reich went on to develop what appeared
to me at that time as fantasies about energetic auras, rain-making tubes,
and ideas of persecution at the hands of a Red Fascist conspiracy by the
Communist Party. Yet, as I read Reich’s later works, he described his
experiments so simply that I was able to confirm the results of some of
the basics for myself. I remain impressed with the accuracy of Reich’s
observations. At that point, I resolved to give Reich the benefit of the
doubt about his descriptions and accounts of a political conspiracy

Wilhelm Reich and the Cold War

against his work. I collected documentation from public sources that

confirmed elements of the defense he tried to present in court.
In my research, I asked myself: What was the evidence for a
Communist conspiracy against Wilhelm Reich?
I had no idea where all this would lead me, and I was perfectly
prepared to discover that Reich was fantasizing about his scientific
research as well as his immediate everyday life, if such were the case.
I started picking up the loose ends from the fabric of Reich’s story and
pulled on the “red thread” that Reich so often mentioned as a metaphor
for the continuity of his body of work.
I have been interested in history since I was a teen, and I love the way
we can have wide-ranging historical discussions in America, on a
populist level, under the guise of “conspiracy theory.” Above all, I am
committed to responsible freedom of expression, and what Reich called
“the right to be wrong.”
In Reich’s case there is an opportunity to examine the records of both
sides in the Cold War, since the fall of the Soviet Union has resulted in
the release of numerous state secrets. If the Communists covertly
harassed Reich, then the evidence should be publicly available now.
This book is my attempt to sort through the evidence and present it in
an objective way, while maintaining my contact with the tragic problem
of secrecy and conspiracy as a social disease.
This book, then, is not a conspiracy theory, but a documentation of
conspiracy as a social force. The elements of a conspiracy are simple
and omnipresent. Literally a breathing together, conspiracy is a well-
defined criminal act involving two or more conspirators make a secret
agreement to conduct an illegal act, or a legal act in an unlawful manner.
Conspiracy is the rule, not the exception.
Most “conspiracy theory” books miss the point, I believe, when they
try to identify one ruling group of conspirators responsible for all
malfeasance and social control. The evidence everywhere suggests that
far more insidious to the social welfare may be concurrent, overlapping,
interpenetrated, and cross-conflicted groups with no discernible goal
other than secret power.
Reich himself had two working hypotheses about conspiracy. One
was the idea of an emotional conspiracy that worked without secret
agreements and depended upon the mass sexual suppression world-
wide. The other conspiracy identified by Reich, an actual conspiracy of
American agents of the USSR, who were dedicated to global political


control and subversion. Both of these viewpoints are valuable. The

more concrete description of the conspiracy was impossible to verify or
disprove until recently, when the Soviet Union collapsed and for a time,
even opened the archives of the most lethal and feared police state
apparatus, the KGB.
What has emerged, like a stale miasma from the Pharaoh’s tomb, has
shocked and outraged the Western public. It will take years to digest the
new revelations, especially when it involves collating the information
with documents from the CIA and NSA, which have been slow in

II. Scope Of Research

This book encompasses new revelations about Cold War espionage,

traces of Reich’s influence on the people in positions of social power,
and Reich’s 1954-1955 expedition to Tucson, alongside contemporary
developments in America and Europe.
While I wrote Wilhelm Reich and the Cold War for the general
reader, this isn’t an introductory essay about Reich. I consider this an
addition to Reich’s biography, with attention to the role of some of his
lesser-known colleagues and nemeses who shaped Cold War history.
To those readers who are unfamiliar with Reich’s books, this investi-
gation might explain how and why the suppression of his work
The standard biography of Wilhelm Reich, Fury on Earth by Myron
Sharaf, is a moving book, but it left a gap in the historical record. Not
only was the essential story of Reich tragic in and of itself, but I was
touched by Myron Sharaf’s unsuccessful struggle to come to terms with
the memory of his time with Reich. The biography was accurate, in the
main, but Sharaf did very little research into the validity of Reich’s
claim that his work was being destroyed by a conspiracy of Commu-
nists, and maintained a disturbing ambiguity about science itself
throughout the book.
Another significant area mishandled by Sharaf is Reich’s expedition
to Tucson, Arizona, in 1954 and 1955, a fascinating interlude between
the federal injunction against interstate commerce of orgone accumu-
lators and the contempt trial in 1956. In his last book to be published in
his lifetime, Contact With Space, Reich described his efforts to break
a stubborn drought in the desert. Reich’s critics point to this book, with

Wilhelm Reich and the Cold War

its steadfast descriptions of UFO sightings, atom blasts, high Geiger-

counter readings, and weather modification, and roll their eyes.
Until now, however, nobody has ever attempted to confirm the basic
details of Reich’s account. For example, I was the first person to ever
request Mildred Edie Brady’s FBI files through the Freedom of Infor-
mation Act (FOIA) even though Wilhelm Reich’s FBI file is one of the
most frequently requested files held at the agency.
I’ve spoken with Reich’s daughter, Eva, on numerous occasions,
and I came to value her as a friend. She was present throughout many
of the events described in Contact With Space, and she confirms what
she saw. Eva gave me a better understanding of the human scale of the
injustice done to Wilhelm Reich, and I admire Eva for seeing things
through as best she could. She has never shied away from expressing
her criticisms of her father and his work, and she has likewise never
recanted her testimony on his behalf. My work has been guided by her
spirit of independent-minded inquiry, and her passionate demand for
justice, openness, and accountability. I seek an official recognition of
the facts regarding the case Wilhelm Reich versus the USA, and so did
Eva Reich.
To my way of thinking, and I’m not a mental health professional, if
Reich was fantasizing to the degree that he hallucinated objects in the
sky, and imaginary contacts with Air Force intelligence, then similarly
the more mundane details of the book ought to be fantastic and
delusional. It should be easy to confirm. I began with an investigation
of these details in Reich’s account in Contact With Space. For example,
Reich mentions almost in passing, that the director of the Tucson
Savings and Loan, Lewis Douglas, was a highly-placed associate of
President Eisenhower. Who was this Douglas? Did he, in fact, corre-
spond with Reich? Did he, as Reich suggests, assist Reich’s operation
through his bank? An intriguing story revealed itself over time, as I
peeled back the onionskin layers in long-forgotten public archives.

III. Attitude Of The Archivists

“One day the motives and legalistic maneuvers of the technical

winner of today, the drug and cosmetic Hig [hoodlums in govern-
ment], will emerge from archives and see the clean light of day.”
– From Wilhelm Reich’s letter to Judge Sweeney,
May 25, 1956, at his sentencing hearing.


I shared some of the material I had found with a number of fellow

researchers, and they often encouraged me with new leads and traces of
buried evidence. We shared an open, critical and still positive attitude
toward Reich’s research. In particular, I credit Peter Nasselstein with
supplying me with important sources in German and allowing me to
include information—heretofore unknown here in the US—in this
book. By all rights, he and my other friends should have been credited
with coauthoring this book but I bear the responsibility of choosing
which sources are included, and possibly mangling them as well. I also
relied heavily on David Huisken, Kenn Thomas, and John Wilder, who
were available whenever I needed a sounding board and provided many
details presented here. All four of these men have provided text for this
We suspected all superficial statements about Reich, and gave him
credit for his honesty and integrity, at least to the extent that we sought
either confirmation or rebuttal of his assertions. I had no premonition
as to where these facts might lead, and I never imagined stumbling
across so many webs of intrigue. At times, it’s felt like sorting shards
of pottery at an archaeological dig, at others, a foray into an unfamiliar
terrain among speakers of a foreign tongue.
I can’t say I have answered each and every remaining question about
Reich’s work and research, but I hope I’ve set the story in its historical
context. I’ve learned a great deal from the mistakes of this rogues’
gallery, and I sure hope I don’t end up like this when today’s secrets are
revealed a century from now. As Ben Franklin put it: if you don’t want
to read it in the newspaper tomorrow, don’t do it today. There really are
no secrets.


Adler, Alfred 342 Baldwin, Roger 119, 151, 362
Adler, Friedrich 40, 42, 79, 254, Bauer, Otto 28, 35-36, 40, 76, 360
259, 344 Bazhanov, Boris 88
Adler, Solomon 162 Bendix, Robert 40
Adler, Viktor 254 Bentley, Elizabeth 165, 244-246,
Akhmerov, Iskhak (“Michael 303, 372
Green”) 93-94, 119, 165, 185, Bentley, Eric 75
339 Beria, Lavrenty 94, 262, 370, 374,
Altschuler, Lydia 93 376-377
Amerasia Case 77, 94, 131, 133- Bernfeld, Siegfried 19, 22-32, 75-
135, 137, 152, 159, 186, 368 76, 342, 348, 351-354, 399
American Civil Liberties Union Bettauer, Hugo 347-348
(ACLU) 119, 355, 361, 382 Blankenship, Joe ix, 201, 298-301,
American College of Orgonomy 314
(ACO) 389, 391, 393, 404 Blunt, Anthony 100, 116-119, 121,
American Federation of Labor 129-131, 145, 151-152, 154,
(AFL) 44, 119 156, 159, 182-183, 227, 358-
American Friends for German 359, 362, 365, 373, 388, 391,
Freedom 44-45, 48, 76 400
American Friends Service Boehm, Felix 85, 96, 355
Committee 45 Bornemann, Ernest 79
American Medical Association Brady FBI Files ix, 4, 329-333
(AMA) 15, 210 Brady, Joan ix, 217, 230-241, 251,
American Psychiatric Association 401
(APA) 20, 210, 275-377 Brady, Mildred Edie ix, 4, 15, 20-
Annals, Orgone Institute 370 22, 37, 45, 57, 71, 74, 92. 95,
Annals, Institute of Orgonomic 99, 110, 126, 131, 144, 146-147,
Science 392, 404 151-153, 158, 162, 167, 184,
Angleton, James Jesus 100, 127, 188-189, 207-252, 271, 303-
163, 181, 374-375, 380, 390 304, 319, 329-333, 358, 360,
Arbejderbladet (Danish newspaper) 366, 370-372, 388, 397, 401
354, 356, 362 Brady, Robert A. 21-22, 45, 71, 74,
Ascoli, Max 138, 157 92, 144, 146-147, 151-153, 188-
Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) 189, 207-252, 271, 303, 319,
31, 224, 269, 271, 369, 374, 321, 340, 351-352, 358, 360-
381, 401 361, 363, 366, 375, 388, 397,
“Atoms for Peace” 297, 380 401
Braisford, H.N. 41

Wilhelm Reich and the Cold War
Brandt, Otto Knobel 221, 318 Consumers’ League 340
Brandt, Willy 35-36, 44, 49-55, 58- Consumers’ Research ix, 151, 190,
60, 78-79, 343, 355, 357, 359, 212-215, 217-218, 220-221,
361, 363-364, 368, 381, 385, 230-231, 238, 241, 249-250,
389-390 303, 358
Brunauer, Esther Caukin 42 Consumers’ Union & Consumers’
Bry, Gerhard (aka Paul Kemp) 41 Reports magazine 15, 93, 95,
Buckley, William F. 19, 350, 374 99, 151, 190, 210, 212-213, 215,
Bukarin, Nikolai 26, 66, 69, 362 224-227, 229-230, 232-233,
Burgess, Guy 92, 100, 108, 116- 236-238, 241-242, 248-250, 358
117, 121, 124, 127-131, 150- Cornford, John 117-118, 122, 148-
152, 159, 182, 227, 358, 359, 149, 361
363, 365, 373, 375, 400 Constable, Trevor James 201, 289-
Bursler, Norman Chandler 227- 290, 293, 314, 390, 392
229, 236-237, 247, 321 Corcoran, Tom 122, 134, 368-369
Buttinger, Joseph 35-38, 40, 42, 76 Corso, Philip 294, 314, 402
Cosmic Orgone Engineering (see
C cloudbuster)
Cameron, Ewen 275-276, 340, 367, Council on Foreign Relations 110,
376-377, 382 280, 327
Caples, Anna 41-42, 361 Cripps, Stafford 36, 150
Carnegie Foundation 111, 219, Currie, Lauchlin 38, 131, 244, 372
221, 248, 370
Carsten, Franz 41 D
Chambers, Whittaker 57, 162, 245, DeMeo, James ix, xi, 275, 316,
372, 402 391-393, 396-397
Chevalier, Haakon 223-224, 237, Derzhinsky, Felix 115-116
248, 251, 303, 363, 401 Deutsch, Arnold 75, 103-108, 118,
Childs, Richard Storrs 42 145, 159-163, 182-183, 340,
Clay, Lucius D. 279 346-348, 350, 352, 358, 364,
cloudbuster 16, 177, 192, 198, 204, 399
267, 272-275, 277, 284-289, Deutsch, Helene 47, 78
291-295, 314, 316, 377-380, Dies, Martin & Dies Committee
383, 388-389, 391-393, 398 214-215, 230-231, 241, 265
cloudseeding 198-199, 278, 282- Dolivet, Louis 138-145, 155-157
285, 291, 293, 373, 380 Donovon, William “Wild Bill” 36,
“Comrade Thomas” (see 47-49
Rubinstein, Arnold Thomas) Douglas, Lewis W. ix, 4, 42, 148,
Condon, Edward U., & Condon 194-196, 278-282, 284, 286,
Report 217, 244, 302-304, 314 291, 293, 295-298, 326-327,
Congress of Industrial 343, 356, 376-377, 379-381, 390
Organizations (CIO) Douglas-Moïse Memo 297,
Consumers’ Advisory Board 218 326-327

dowsing 300 F
Dreikurs, Rudolf 23 Falk, Erling 49-54, 78, 364
Dukas, Helen 219, 254-255, 258, Farago, Ladislas 138-143, 145
262 Feitelberg, Sergei 29-31, 75-76,
Dulles, Allen 45-46, 77, 111, 134, 173
187, 280, 344, 376, 381-382, Fenichel, Otto 19, 23, 25, 27-28,
387 31-32, 37, 47, 49, 63-64, 71, 75,
Dulles, John Foster 111, 281-282, 81, 85, 163, 224, 315, 339, 345-
327, 385 347, 351-353, 357-359, 399
Dunbar, Helen Flanders 167 Fischer, Ruth (Eisler) 23, 26, 38,
duTeil, Roger 360-361, 363, 390 60, 75, 367
Flechtheim, Ossip 42
E Food and Drug Administration
Eden, Jerome 249, 286, 314, 348, (FDA) viii, 15, 17, 110, 144,
386, 390, 392, 398 151, 153, 191, 208, 210-211,
Ehrman, Henry 42 225, 229, 232-236, 248, 267,
Einstein, Albert 14, 42, 79, 122, 304-306, 308, 315, 333-336,
168, 219, 253-264, 322, 340- 337-338, 371-372, 375-377,
341, 343-346, 353, 362-366, 380-381, 383, 391
374, 376, 380 Fox, Mary 42
Eisenhower, Dwight D. ix, 4, 191, Frank, Karl Borromäus (aka Willi
193-195, 268, 277-278, 287, Müller, Paul Hagen) ix, 19-30,
297, 327, 376-377, 379-380, 32-47, 50, 52, 54, 56, 58-60, 62-
385-386, 389 64, 67-68, 70-71, 73-81, 103,
Eisler, Gerhart (aka Hans Berger) 122, 179, 254, 324-325, 342,
23, 26-27, 74, 361 345-348, 350, 353-354, 356-
Eisler, Hanns 74 361, 364, 366, 370, 372, 385
Eitingon, Max 32, 83-97, 182, 250, Frank, Lew 113-114, 125
345, 353, 367 Freud, Anna 35, 393
Eitingon, Malthus 95 Freud, Sigmund 1, 10-12, 22-24,
Eitingon, Motty 45, 77, 94-95 28-32, 36, 42, 46, 57-58, 75, 77,
Eitingon, Naum (Leonid) 83-97, 79, 83-87, 89, 96, 166, 222, 273,
182, 339, 365, 377, 391 339-342, 345-356, 360, 362,
Eitingon, Waldemar (Vladimir) 77, 365, 369, 376
90, 94-96, 345 Frey, Josef 351
Eliasberg, Stefan & Vera 42 Friedländer, Paul 23
Elices, Norbert 41 Friedman, Alice “Litzi” 101, 105-
Elliot, John Lovejoy 42 107, 163, 180, 297, 357, 360,
Erler, Fritz 42, 59 374
Friedman, Stanton 297, 301, 402`
Fuchs, Eduard 67
Fuchs, Klaus “Karl” 219, 373

Wilhelm Reich and the Cold War

G Hitler, Adolf 52, 78, 340, 345, 348,

Gaasland, Gertrude (Meyer) 44, 50, 352-353, 356, 368, 389
343, 355, 364 Hitler-Stalin Pact (Molotov-
Gardiner, Muriel 35, 42, 400 Ribbentrop Pact) 26, 115, 146,
Gardner, Martin 375 149, 162, 216
Gayn, Mark Julius (aka Joseph Hoel, Sigurd 49, 52-54, 352
Kramer) 94, 131-137, 152, 159, Hoover, Calvin 42, 50, 366
166, 186, 368 Hoover, J. Edgar 135-136, 152-
Gebauer, Rainer 315, 392, 398 154, 241-242, 246, 337
Geiringer, Hilde 23 House Committee on Un-American
Gillmor, D.S. 158, 215-217, 249, Activities (HUAC) 27, 126,
302-304, 314 139, 214, 227, 230-231
Goddard, James L. 232-233 Huisken, David ix, 5
Goddard, Robert H. 343, 351
Goldberg, Arthur 45 I
Goodman, Paul 74, 369, 374 Infeld, Leopold 260-262
Gottlieb, Sidney 377 International Journal of Sex-
Grad, Bernard ix, 276 Economy & Orgone Research
Green, Michael (see Akhmerov, 366, 369
Greenfield, Jerome ix, 304, 397 J
Jacobson, Edith 19, 41, 47, 63-64,
H 71, 86, 259, 339, 349, 351, 353,
Harriman, Averill W. 279 357, 359
Hays, Arthur Garfield ix, 31, 77, Jaffe, Philip 133-134, 368
94-96, 188, 225-227, 355, 368 Janeway, Eliot 122
Hart, Edith Tudor (Suschitsky) Jensen, Ruth Österreich 67, 71, 82,
105-106, 180, 350 187
Hazeland, John S. 53 Jeremias, Jerry 43
Hebenstreit, Günter 316, 392-393, Journal of Orgonomy 389
Hegna, Trond 53 K
Held, Adolph 45 Kahn, Lore 24-25, 345-346
Henderson, Leon 231, 241 Kallet, Arthur 212, 220, 237, 358
Hertz, Paul 39, 42, 45 Kellogg, Paul 42
Higgins, Mary Boyd 165, 249, Koestler, Arthur 19, 26, 41-42, 48,
304-306, 386-387, 393 77, 139, 142, 368, 401
Hillenkoetter, Roscoe 198, 287, Kopp, Victor 90-91
376 Kramer, Joseph (see Gayn, Mark
Hiss, Alger 26, 111, 119-120, 122, Julius)
161, 228-229, 309, 358, 363, Krivitsky, Walter 81-82, 120, 142,
368-370, 372-373 346, 363, 365


L McCarthy, Joseph, era & hearings

Langmuir, Irving 199, 283-284, xi, 77, 114, 134, 137-138, 153-
343, 370 154, 167, 200, 208, 214-216,
Larson, Emmanuel 368 237-238, 309, 374, 378
Lash, Joe 150, 167 McCloy, John Jay 167, 195, 268,
Laski, Harold J. 250 278-280, 327-328, 343, 377
LeMay, Curtis 201, 292-293, 368- McCullough, Robert C. ix, 203-
369, 392 204, 288-291, 377, 379
Lenin 25-26, 28-29, 41, 53, 61-62, McCullough,Phyllis ix
64, 66-67, 95, 115-116, 165, McDonald, James E. ix, 283-286,
244, 340-342, 344, 346-347, 297, 303, 314, 346, 379, 387-
352-353 390
Lerner, Alba 41 Mellon, Richard 111, 138
Leunbach, Jonathan Hoegh 357, Mendershausen, Horst 42
360 Menninger, Karl (and Clinic) 15,
Lindenberg, Elsa 12, 14, 63, 341, 49
353, 356, 358 Mercader, Caridad & Ramón 93,
Loeb, Jim 41 391
Löwenthal, Richard (aka Paul Meyer, Cord, 157-158, 167, 184,
Serling) 41, 77 402
Meyer, Gertrude see Gassland,
M Gertrude
MacArthur, Douglas 127, 290, 314, Meyer, Mary Pinchot 157, 167,
327, 365, 387 184
Maclean, Donald 99-100, 108, 127- Miller, Yevgeni Karlovich 87-90
130, 154, 159, 182, 227, 400 Mills, Peter 15, 207, 226, 308, 337-
Maironovsky, Grigori Moisevich 338, 378, 380, 382
94 MJ-12 295, 297-298, 314, 378
Malinowski, Bronislaw 79, 350- Mitterand, Francois 139
351, 356, 366 MKULTRA 274-276, 340, 376
Marcuse, Herbert 40 Moïse, Bill 287-288, 291, 295-297,
Marshall, Thurgood 42 326-327, 375, 379, 382
Masters, Dexter 212-213, 229-230, Mosfurco (Moscow Fur Company)
235-237, 239, 250 94-95
Mattech, Karl 42 Mot Dag 49-53, 78, 358-359, 364,
Mattesh, Kurt 42 368
Matthews, J.B. 189, 214-215, 226- Motesiczky, Karl 61, 80, 340, 355,
227, 238, 241, 401 367
Matusow, Harvey “Job” ix, 200, Münzenberg, Willi 41, 70, 140,
309, 311, 315, 374 142, 155
Müschenich, Stefan ix, 316, 392-
393, 398

Wilhelm Reich and the Cold War

N Oranur Experiment 15, 165, 189,

Nagell, Richard Case 135-136, 152 265, 268-271, 277, 287-288,
The Nation magazine 32, 57, 149 291, 374-375, 379-380, 382,
Nasselstein, Peter ix, 5, 19, 78 387, 396
National Review magazine 19, 56- Ording, Arne & Aake 53
57, 350, 374 Org (New Beginning) 19-82, 254,
National Security Agency (NSA) 346, 352-353, 358-359, 364
3, 93, 119, 127, 228, 245-247, orgone energy & accumulator 201,
294, 319, 329-330, 376 211, 255, 306, 316, 372, 381
Neill, A.S. 112, 147, 164, 256, Orgone Biophysical Research Lab
343, 346, 348, 361, 362 ix, 276, 391, 393
New Beginning (see Org) Orgone Energy Bulletin 289, 373
New Republic magazine 21, 76, 99, Orgone Institute 14, 44, 105, 336-
109-115, 121-123, 125-126, 337, 366
133, 144, 146, 151, 153, 156- Orgonomic Infant Research Center
158, 165, 167, 184, 210, 213, 16, 373
215, 225-227, 235, 248, 250, Orgonon xii, 14, 176, 211, 230,
315, 322, 343, 370-371, 378, 272, 277, 300, 302, 304-305,
380-381 333, 369, 371-377, 380-381
New School for Social Research Little Orgonon xii, 192, 380
138, 365-366 Ossietzky, Carl Von 52, 56
Niebuhr, Reinhold 32, 42, 45 Österreich, Ruth (aka Ruth
Nicole, Leon 140 Gebhardt) 67, 71, 82
Nixon, Richard 27, 167, 299, 372, Øverland, Arnulf 49, 52, 54
387, 389, 390
O Palmer, Dewey 230, 241
Office of Price Administration 158, Petty, Claire Edward 390
212, 223, 230, 241 Philby, Kim 35, 75, 99-108, 117-
Office of Strategic Services (OSS) 118, 127, 129-131, 147, 154,
20, 22, 34, 40, 42, 45-48, 50, 52, 159, 163, 180-182, 214, 249,
60, 75-78, 122, 128, 133, 187, 355, 357-358, 360, 363, 365,
280, 295, 366, 368-369, 402 367, 373-375, 380, 387, 388,
Ollendorff, Ilse ix, 14, 22, 43-44, 400
49, 56-57, 64, 74, 364, 368, 375, Philipson, Tage 355, 360
378-379, 389, 397 Pink, Annie (see Reich, Annie)
Ollendorff, Robert 43 Plevitskaya, Nadyezhda 87, 89
Oppenheimer, J. Robert 189, 223-
225, 237, 246, 248, 251, 271, Q
303, 313, 373-374, 378, 389, Quigley, Carroll 108-111, 113-115,
401 123-126, 155-157, 164, 166,
185, 280


R and US military 268-269, 271,

Radek, Karl 25, 66, 69 287-288, 292
Rado, Emmy 19, 45-49, 76-77, destruction of literature 232-
128, 187, 151, 366-367 233
Rado, Peter 45 expulsion from IPA 63, 84-86
Rado, Sandor (psychoanalyst) 19, Infant Trust Fund 16, 304, 386
45-48, 64, 77, 86, 187, 351-352, legal issues 225-227, 304-307
366 Oslo associates of 49-52
Rado, Sandor (cartographer) 77 in prison 307-312
Reich, Annie (Pink) 11-12, 19, 23, “psychosis” of 1, 21, 28, 47,
47, 57, 64, 70-72, 105, 163, 165, 159, 230, 250, 304, 307, 368
173, 340, 346-350, 352, 354, Reich Museum 176, 258, 306,
356, 359 404
Reich, Cäcilie & Leon 7-9, 339, Schlamm’s memories of 57-58
341-342 “Strange Case of Wilhelm
Reich, Eva ix, 4, 17, 71-72, 82, Reich” 99, 126, 131, 145,
105, 165, 174, 205, 251, 266, 158, 184, 210, 235, 248, 379
270, 286-287, 289, 291, 299- Willy Brandt’s memories of 55
300, 302, 306-307, 311, 314, Reisner, Konrad 43
347, 349, 352, 354, 359, 364, Robbins, Peter ix, 293-294, 314,
375, 384, 386, 397 393, 402
Reich, Lore ix, 7, 11, 64-65, 67, Rockefeller, John D. 222
70-71, 81, 174, 349, 352, 354, Rockefeller, family, Foundation &
393 Institute 101, 111, 143, 164,
Reich, Peter 14, 45, 291, 368, 390 251, 255, 279-281, 307, 356,
Reich, Wilhelm basic bio: 7-17 361, 377
and AEC 269, 271 Rockefeller, Nelson 113, 133, 138,
and Communists 56, 60, 103- 156, 168, 315, 368, 382, 384,
105, 144, 159-160, 208-209, 390
229 Roosevelt, Eleanor 37, 47, 74, 111-
and Einstein 253-264 112, 119-121, 149-150, 167,
and Emmy Rado 19, 46-47 189, 271, 340, 359, 362, 364,
and Freud 10-13, 31 370, 374-375, 382
and Karl Frank 19, 21-22, 25, 44 Roosevelt, Franklin D. &
and Kim Philby 108 Administration 14, 32, 44, 49,
and Michael Straight 203-205 112, 119, 122, 134, 160, 230,
and the Org 19-82 232, 241, 254-255, 279, 327-
and Revolutionary Social- 328, 368
Democrats 102, 351 Roosevelt, Theodore 148, 157
and Siegfried Bernfeld 22, 25, Roth, Andrew 131
27, 30-32 Roth, Sam 309-311
and UFOs 267, 287-288, 293- Rothschilds 109, 116-117
294, 297, 300-301

Wilhelm Reich and the Cold War
Roswell, Arizona 294, 298-301, Silvermaster, Nathan Gregory 162,
351, 371, 376, 380, 402 189, 211, 228-229, 244-248,
Rubinstein, Thomas Arnold (aka 303, 315, 319-321, 339, 343,
Comrade Thomas) 25-26, 60, 352
64-67, 69-72, 79, 81, 165, 187, Silvert Michael 17, 291-292, 305-
340, 346, 359 306, 333-334, 336-338, 380-385
Ruppelt, Edward J. 302-303, 314, Skoblin, Nikolai 87, 89
381 Sloan Foundation or Sloan-
Rusk, Dean 111, 281 Kettering 280-282, 377
Sømme, Axel 53
S Soule, George 151, 167
Sandersen, Fred & Elli 43 Sperber, Manes 19
Schaefer, Vincent 199, 283, 370 Stalin, Josef (Djugashvilli) 26, 28,
Scheidemann, Philipp 344 83, 88, 92, 94, 106, 118, 120,
Schjelderup, Harald 357 140, 152, 210, 226, 262, 327,
Schlamm, William S. “Willi” 19, 341-342, 347, 350, 363, 365,
56-60, 79, 81-82, 103, 346-347, 367-368, 372, 376, 381, 389
350, 367, 374, 389 Steig, William 382. 396
Schlink, Frederick J. 213, 217-218, Straight, Michael Whitney ix, 74,
221, 227, 231, 238, 241, 250, 76, 94, 99-100, 108, 110, 112-
303 131, 134, 137-139, 142-162,
Schmidt, Erich 20, 38, 43 165, 183-186, 214, 227, 249-
Schmidt, Karl 38-40 250, 280, 303, 340, 344, 357-
Schmidt, Fritz 42 366, 368, 371, 373, 376, 378,
Schmidt, “Ted” 42 380-381, 387-390, 397
Schoettle, Otto 41-42 Straight, Willard & Dorothy 74,
Schwartz, Stephen 86 111-115, 139, 213, 341, 343-
Scitovsky, Tibor 41 345, 348
Sellers, William ix, 286 Sudoplatov, Pavel 88-89, 91-94,
Service, John Stewart 131, 368 313, 341
sex-economy 12
Sexpol 12, 22, 56, 58, 61-63, 79- T
80, 101, 104-105, 147, 347, 350, Taurer, Bernard 41
352-353, 355, 357-360, 399 Teschitz, Karl 61-62
Seydewitz, Max 28, 50, 77, 354 Thiele, Theo 42
Sharaf, Myron 3, 20-22, 25, 64, 74, Thjötta, Theodor 361-362
210, 266, 304, 367, 370, 374- Thomas, Kenn ix, 5, 258, 296, 393
375, 379 Thomas, Norman 42
Siersted, Ellen 63 Tippett, Tom 241
Silver, George 42 Tranmäl, Martin 53
Silvermaster, Helen 229, 244, 248,

Trotsky, Leon 25-26, 52, 61, 64, Weimar Republic 20, 30, 69, 94,
66-67, 83, 87-88, 90-93, 95, 221, 254, 344
166, 318, 344, 346, 348, 350- Wertham, Frederic 99, 162, 370
351, 353, 355-356, 359-361, Wilder, John ix, 5
365, 377, 391 Willoughby, Charles A. 365, 370,
Truman, Harry 113-115, 122-127, 375, 388
139, 156-157, 166-168, 369-376 Wolfe, Theodore 14, 110, 167,
Twining, Nathan 294, 297-298, 226, 259, 363, 372, 378
378-380 Wood, Charles A. 211, 249, 371
Wyvell, Lois ix, 249
UFO 4, 16, 192, 267, 273, 285- Z
290, 292-294, 297-298, 300- Zetkin, Clara 67
303, 307, 309, 314, 366-367, Zinoviev, Grigori 25, 66-67, 69,
374-380, 386-390, 402 345, 348
Ullstein, Leopold 42

Vacor (VACuum ORgone) Tubes
VENONA 38, 77, 119, 127, 162,
164-165, 228, 245, 249, 319-
321, 329, 370
Vogt, Johan 51, 53
Von Knoeringen, Waldemar 39,
Vonnegut, Bernard 283
Vonnegut, Kurt 282

Walcher, Jacob 50
Wälder-Hall, Jennie 121, 165
Wallace, Henry 21, 113-115, 122-
127, 138, 143, 147, 153, 156-
158, 164-167, 186, 303, 322-
323, 356, 364, 368, 370-373,
Warren, Larry 293-294
Washington, William 266, 370,
Weather Control (see cloudseeding)
Wehner, Herbert 362


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