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DEEP Service Newsletter

A Bi-Monthly Newsletter of the FCSA Office of Academic Community Engagement | September 2010: Vol I, No 1

Within the Siena College Franciscan Center for Service and
Advocacy, the Office of Academic Community Engagement
begins the ’10-’11 academic year with a new team of
AmeriCorps*VISTA Fellows and Bonner Service Leaders working
with community partners to help the poor and marginalized in
the Capital Region.

• AmeriCorps*VISTA service year reflections
• Bonner service trip to Maine and Canada
• Academic Service Learning preview

Pictured here, hillside in Maine as Bonners

travel to Presque Isle, Northern Maine to
learn about rural poverty.

A Bi-Monthly Newsletter of the FCSA Office of Academic Community Engagement September 2010: Vol I, No 1

Service (Change + Transformative Change Fr. Young Mentoring Community Partner - Siena Bonner Service Academics and Service
Challenge) = Exciting AmeriCorps*VISTA Program Habitat Restore Leaders First Year Trip AmeriCorps*VISTA
VISTA Adventure Francheska Soto- AmeriCorps*VISTA AmeriCorps*VISTA Leader Jennifer Simek
AmeriCorps*VISTA Gonzalez reflects on Tanya Henderson Site Supervisor Emily reflects on Academic
Hilary Gandhi’s notion of describes her work site Collins talks about Service Learning and
Rainey change and writes and responsibilities. Habitat ReStore and the professors and
reflects on about how we can be the Page 2 how Siena is helping students she worked
the first few change we wish to see the store grow. with in the 2009-2010
weeks at her in the world. Page 3 Bonner Service Leader academic year.
service site, Music Page 2 Melanie Iannacone Page 6
Mobile. shares her service
Page 2 experiences.
Page 5

The Siena Bonner Service Leaders Program is also

Connecting academics growing! Now with 40 Bonner Service Leaders, the

to service through Bonners are getting settled into their academic

courses and service sites. A committee of Bonners
DEEP Partnerships are also helping to plan the Halloween
Extravaganza, an annual Halloween arts and crafts
event sponsored by the Office of Academic
Within the Franciscan Center for Service and Advocacy, Community Engagement. The proceeds of this
the Office of Academic Community Engagement is event will go to one of our community partners.
housed at Siena College in Hines Hall. Every year this event draws hundreds of
community members from across the Capital
This year the Office of Academic Community
Engagement is proud to announce that our
programs and initiatives are expanding and Academic Service Learning courses are underway
growing deeper into the Siena College Franciscan The Siena Bonner Service Leaders First Year for the Fall 2010 semester. Our community partners:
Tradition and the greater community of the Capital Trip in Maine and Canada Music Mobile, Grand Street Community Arts, and
Region. Interfaith Partnership for the Homeless are working
with Siena College Faculty members in the
With that, we decided to expand our newsletter to
Computer Science Department and the School of
include not only “Life as a VISTA” but also our
to have three VISTA Leaders leading a group of Business.
other DEEP Service programs. Look for our DEEP
nineteen VISTA Fellows for the 2010-2011 service
Service Newsletter on a bi-monthly basis for the We are excited to be working with a diverse group
year. They led a successful week long orientation for
latest news regarding ongoing programs and of enthusiastic individuals dedicated to fighting
the new VISTA Fellows and four returning, second-
projects within Franciscan Center for Service and poverty and making lasting positive changes in our
year VISTA Fellows. The entire AmeriCorps*VISTA
Advocacy (FCSA) Office of Academic Community community.
team showed great enthusiasm and already they
have been working over two months, fighting Jennifer Simek
The Siena College VISTA Fellows Program started poverty by building capacity and sustainability AmeriCorps*VISTA Leader
a new service year at the end of July. We are excited within our communities. Coordinator of A.C.E. Public Relations

FCSA Academic Community Engagement 2


Service (Change + Transformative Change VISTA Vision

Challenge) = Exciting By Francheska Soto-Gonzalez, AmeriCorps*VISTA By Ryan Rose, AmeriCorps*VISTA
VISTA Adventure The first month as a Siena VISTA Fellow has been Starting my year as a VISTA (Volunteer in Service to
By Hilary Rainey, AmeriCorps*VISTA challenging for I have begun to question the notion America), I was highly enthusiastic. The time
of real change. Change can happen in different during pre-service orientation (PSO) was a great
My life has drastically changed over the past month. levels and in different capacities. There is a change boost of excitement. I envision our group as a force
I am living in a completely unfamiliar place, that is small and takes years to see, and then there’s for positive change. Fighting to end poverty is a key
surrounded by all new people from different change that’s immense and its affect is rapid. Yet part to the success of humanity’s future.
backgrounds, with a new job and new how can the success of change be tabulated,
responsibilities making significantly less than what I calculated, rated? Who and what determines Something that stands out in my mind from PSO
made at my previous job. However, I am the type of successful change? was a group discussion. We talked about what
person who thrives on change and challenge. I VISTAs thought the definition and causes of poverty
made the decision to do a year of service with the When asking myself these questions the only are. Most defined poverty as a lack of needed
intent of doing something new and I actively evolving conclusion I can come up with is Gandhi’s resources to live at a comfortable level. The causes
decided to break out of my norm. I tend to view quote, “Be the change ranged from lack of education and capability to
life’s obstacles and new paths as exciting you want to see in the access resources to a natural outcome of the social
adventures. My first week at Music Mobile was very “Real and world.” In other words, organization we call civilization.
overwhelming; it was difficult coming into an office transformative real transformative
change begins in our This discussion took us to a point where VISTAs
that was winding down from its peak season as I change is possible
shared personal stories of their lives. Some grew up
was ready to get started. The best way to describe by challenging our everyday actions and seeing themselves as poor; others were wealthy and
the feeling I got from my first days is: Chaos. behaviors that are
perspective on over time descended the socioeconomic ranks of our
However now, as I’ve become more adjusted influenced by our
what we believe to personal perspectives culture, and some never really thought of
personally and professionally I have accepted the
be the norm.” and biases. It’s themselves as poor until comparing the stories of
chaos and learned how to work efficiently in this
reprogramming and other VISTAs to their own lives. Most everyone felt
new environment.
reeducating ourselves to see the world differently they were rich in love and friendship.
Working at Music Mobile is much different than which will then consequently affect the impact we
During this little session I began to see poverty as
working at Disney, where I was at the beginning of have on the world. In “The Pedagogy of the
something relative to where one stands on our
2009. There if a single bobby pin was out of place Oppressed” Paul Freire’s reoccurring point seemed
culture’s pyramid and brought this to the attention
there was a big to-do. While working in the music to be that we cannot alleviate those in oppression by
of the group. As VISTAs, for a year we’re living at
industry as a tour manager, I was always able to using the same models, systems, and structures that
the bottom of the hierarchy, along with the majority
manage myself and other people with my own have programmed us to view them as inferior.
of humanity. I wanted to see what others thought of
organizational structure. At Music Mobile I have to
Real and transformative change is possible by my perspective on poverty. It seems to me that
learn the way the office functions which may not be
challenging our perspective on what we believe to poverty is the inevitable outcome in society that
the way I would do things if I were on my own, but
be the norm. We have to reeducate ourselves to see views some lives as more valuable than others. I
that does not mean it is the wrong way. This year
the reality of the world and to then try and change was met with some vacant stares. I felt like I was
will be a wonderful opportunity for me to learn
the circumstances that have created that reality. This speaking something invisible, like gravity; it’s this
even more about working with other types of office
then leads me to think, have you challenged your universal force that, to be explained, takes the
and management styles while adapting my
personal perspective today? soaring genius of a man like Newton.
professional behaviors to better fit with this new
placement. My mind ventured back to a business class. Most
organizations have a mission statement and some
Get the Latest on DEEP Service have a vision statement. Something I read about
vision was that it is to culture what gravity is to matter. Watching a ball roll off a table, you see
gravity work. When a culture spreads outward you
see vision at work. For us to end poverty; we need
to change our vision. The vision of a world without
poverty is the first step to the fight against it. The
world is as you dream it.

FCSA Academic Community Engagement 3


information to be able to make arrangements for encouragement for an easier transition from
Fulfillment through him to come back and continuing volunteering. He incarceration into mainstream society.

Service By Nezia Munezero does not see an end date to his commitment here
with us. As the Coordinator of the program it is my
responsibility to asses the needs of the incoming
Nearly a month ago, I This kind of fulfillment is difficult to obtain, but it is clients as well as assess the strengths and qualities
embarked on a journey that I made easier at Unity House. Our employees share a of each Life Coach. Having this information allows
knew would not be the same strong dedication to improving lives and those who me to properly pair each Mentee to a Mentor/Life
as anything else I have done in step into our doors to volunteer take the same back Coach in hopes that this will help assist them reach
the past. I took a vow to “work with them. Though I have only been here for a little their goals and guide them to have the greatest
myself out of a job.” In other while, I can already see that my experience here will chance for success. The Mentors in our program are
words, I have to make strengthen my commitment to serve with no end individuals who have gone through and completed
sustainable efforts to connect date. an orientation training prior to becoming a Mentor/
my VISTA Site with the Life Coach. They have been trained and well
community it serves so that
after me, my Site will not need Father Young Mentoring prepared to work with our clients and various
situations either through formal training and/or
me or another person to do my job.
Program By Tanya Henderson previous life experiences. Allowing individuals who
have been successful in overcoming obstacles
This is the case with all AmeriCorps*VISTA
become mentors is part of what makes our program
members. We sign up to spend a year serving in Under the Peter Young
so great and unique.
various non-profit organizations around the Housing Industry
country. We are assigned to do work from grant Treatment I have If you are interested in these services or volunteering and
writing to volunteer recruitment to general capacity developed the Father becoming a Mentor/Life Coach please contact Tanya
building. When I applied to the program, I was not Young Mentoring Henderson at
fully aware of what I was signing up for. I knew it Program. This program
would be a tough has a unique opportunity
“My position gives me year, with financial to work with individuals who have a desire to move Habitat ReStore By Ricky Ryan
special lenses to see difficulties and forward in life and become self sufficient. This
first hand the impact culture shock, but I program was created to service individuals who My first day on site, my
working with our knew it would all were previously incarcerated and families who are site supervisor, Emily,
work out. Was I at risk or disadvantage. We will provide sustainable took me around to see
organization has on
right? Yes, indeed. support services for clients residing at the following some of the houses that
volunteers.” the Capital District
My worries have facilities/programs: Albany County Transition
been confirmed. I House and Albany Parole Stabilization of 45 South Habitat for Humanity
have financial difficulties, but what I did not fully Ferry Street, Albany NY; and Temporary Aid (CDHfH) has built in their
realize before I started working was the support Families residing at Schuyler Inn located on 575 22 years of service to the Albany area. I was slightly
system that I am going to have throughout the year. Broadway, Menands NY. taken aback when we
This is how this year is going to happen started walking down the “That’s the first
successfully. Although we will be servicing those locations we street and not to her car. I thing that I loved
are not limited to just those programs. It is our goal soon came to realize that
My assignment is at Unity House of Troy, Inc. where to work with anyone in our area who can benefit about Habitat;
most of the houses
people in the community can get all sorts of from our services. The mentoring program is CDHfH has built are they serve their
services, including food, clothing, counseling, legal designed strategically so right in the same neighborhood, and
representation, housing support and much more. that individuals will go “The mentoring community as our office come to find out,
Community members benefit from all of these step by step through our program is on North Pearl Street in the neighborhood
services because Unity House employees are program and Albany. That’s the first
designed serves back.”
dedicated to “making life better.” And for the next comfortably move thing that I loved about
year, my life will be included in this commitment. towards an independent strategically so Habitat; they serve their
Since I came to Unity House, I can say with a doubt life style. The mentors that individuals neighborhood, and come to find out, the
that my co-workers really strive to make life better will: help individuals will go step by neighborhood serves back. Capital District for
not only for our consumers, but also for members of learn how to be self- step through our Humanity only consists of a handful of paid staff;
the community interested in volunteering their time sufficient; provide the rest is done by volunteers from the community.
program and
working at Unity House. My position gives me individuals with a That’s the same for their ReStore as well.
comfortably move
special lenses to see first hand the impact working trusted friend and guide
with our organization has on volunteers. to support them; link towards an What’s a ReStore you may ask, as I did myself, and I
participants with another independent life attended Siena for four years, only ten minutes
During my first week here, I visited our Street down the road. The ReStore is a store that takes in
adult who will have an style.”
Ministry location, where a volunteer was working at understanding of what it donations of used housing supplies, building
Unique Boutique, organizing the thrift store and is to have gone through difficult life situations and materials, and furniture and then sells them at a
helping out in other ways necessary. I was there have grown to be successful; work as a liaison reduced price. The best part? All proceeds go to
during the week his volunteering would end, but he between our program and other community fund CDHfH.
was not ready to say goodbye to what he saw as his services our clients will need. We will correlate our
own way of contributing to his community. He took Check us out at
services with other programs like literacy program,
pleasure in putting price tags on every item in the (click on our ReStore tab). So think of us the next time
career development and a lot more; and provide
store. He stopped for a short conversation with one you need to donate or buy something.
of our employees. He later asked me for my contact

4 FCSA Academic Community Engagement

and those threatened by homelessness. The drop-in
Where Homeless Doesn’t center is one of a kind in the Albany community and
Featured Community
Mean Hopeless is cherished by those who benefit from the services
it provides. Partner - Habitat ReStore
By Samantha Tymchyn ’09, AmeriCorps*VISTA The final major program of Interfaith Partnership By Emily Collins
for the Homeless is the housing program. This
In December of 2009, I am Emily Collins, manager of the Habitat
program helps adults and families that are
the Siena VISTA team ReStore in Albany. The ReStore is a home
homeless, or in threat of becoming homeless, seek
visited Interfaith improvement resale store which accepts
guidance from a case manager in finding safe and
Partnership for the donations of new and gently used building
affordable housing and support for up to a year to
Homeless (IPH) as a materials and home improvement items. Items
assist with issues related to housing retention. In
professional are then sold at bargain prices to raise money for
addition, in
development training. Capital District Habitat for Humanity (CDHfH).
November of 2009
After touring the As the ReStore raises money to support CDHfH,
IPH finished
facilities, we sat in the boardroom and had an it makes home improvements possible for any
building two
extensive discussion about a variety of different income level and keeps tons of useable materials
development topics. Needless to say, it was love at out of the landfill.
buildings to assist
first sight. I soon volunteered with IPH helping the
adults and families I have always been interested in issues
organization plan their Taste of Albany fundraiser
who have been surrounding housing and homelessness. For
and found myself assuming more responsibility as
chronically homeless or disabled. These apartments years, I worked at a non-profit with individuals
time progressed. In
are available for long term housing housing at a struggling with homelessness and alcoholism. I
“The drop-in center deciding to do a
subsidized rate. feel passionately that housing is a right and I am
second year of service,
is one of a kind in fortunate to have a job that combines so many of
IPH had already felt
the Albany Beyond providing services, the mission of Interfaith my interests.
like home, and my Partnership for the Homeless is to successfully help
community and is choice to join the team Since the Habitat ReStore is a major fundraiser
people get back on their feet. IPH is truly
cherished by those felt natural. for CDHfH, we are concentrating this year on
supporting the homeless population of Albany on a
making the store a household name. While our
who benefit from the multifaceted level, but with a tough economy and
Tucked away in accomplishments have been the expansion of
services it provides.” downtown Albany, budget cuts, some programs are threatened. As the
space, employees and hours open, the store’s
new Marketing Coordinator of IPH, my next year
Interfaith Partnership greatest challenge has been getting the word out
will be dedicated to generating and implementing
for the Homeless has been providing essential about this project with such limited resources.
fresh development tactics to increase capacity and
services to the community for the past 25 years and
sustainability. I welcome the community to visit the The quintessential Habitat moment is when
now manages three major programs. The 30 bed
shelter anytime for a tour and a chance to fall in someone is handed the keys to their new home
dormitory - style emergency shelter provides basic
love with Interfaith Partnership for the Homeless and I am proud that our Habitat ReStore helps
necessities, a daily lunch, case management, life
too! make that moment a reality. It is also incredible
skills training, housing assistance, all allowing
when first time homeowners on a tight budget
guests to stay at the residence all day, unlike most To get the latest on Interfaith Partnership for the find the perfect set of cabinets for an affordable
shelters in the area. Homeless, join their Facebook Page at price, or surprised look on a first-time visitor to
albanyhomeless. the ReStore, seeing all the treasure it holds.
The Sheridan Hollow Drop-In center, located
around the corner from the shelter, provides case I have always valued service since I think it is
management, meals, showers, laundry, phone, Did You Know? important to be engaged in the issues that our
mailboxes, storage lockers and transportation to the Since 2007, Academic Community community’s and neighbors face. I participated
Albany community. The drop-in center serves as a Engagement initiatives have create more in AmeriCorps NCCC program after graduating
safe-haven for those who are chronically homeless than one million dollars in new resources college and it remains one of the highlights of my
for service to the poor and marginalized? life. I had the opportunity to work with various
non-profits and made incredible friends during
Below: Inside Habitat ReStore that time.
Siena is helping us combat ReStore’s greatest
challenge. Siena VISTA volunteer Melissa Moore
and Ricky Ryan have focused on the ReStore and
continue to be instrumental in helping the store
grow. CDHfH and Siena’s partnership extends
into our affordable housing program, with Siena
College sponsoring our Habitat house at 486 N.
Pearl St. in Albany. Volunteers are key to
Habitat’s success, and Siena students have been
very involved in this aspect. As Habitat
continues to build homes for families in the
Capital District, we hope that Siena will continue
to join us.
To get the latest updates about Habitat ReStore,
search their page on Facebook or visit them on the

FCSA Academic Community Engagement 5


Bonner Service Leaders

Taking their understanding of poverty to a new context, Freshman Bonners
explore rural poverty in Maine and border issues in Canada on their first year
service trip in August.

The Bonner Service Leaders Program is an academic that the unemployment rate in Aroostook County is
community engagement scholarship program that 13%, where as in Albany it is 6.3%
provides access to education, and opportunity to serve,
for Siena students. From freshman to senior year, “It is not just Our journey then took us
Bonners get the opportunity to step beyond collegiate putting a band to Catholic Charities where
walls to understand real life social justice issues. Melanie we really began to get our
aid on the
Iannacone ’12 describes her experience on her first year hands dirty and dig into
problem but also service. Dixie Shaw runs a
service trip.
getting to the root thrift store with all locally
For the first year service of it and stopping donated items to provide
trip, Siena Bonner students the cycle.” 24 food pantries in the
traveled to Presque Isle, county with food. The
Maine. Presque Isle is a Siena Bonners helped around the store and also
small town in Northern unloaded over 15 trucks of furniture in two days!
Maine that boarders Dixie is so excited about what she is doing and her
Canada. It is surrounded positive energy radiates to all of the volunteers at
by rich mountains and the agency. The way she empowers the people that
beautiful scenery. With a come into her agency is incredible.
population of about 9,500, this small town is
nothing like the city of Albany, NY in which Siena Next we traveled to Canada to get a look into life on
Bonners typically serve. Most of the town’s the Tobique reservation. There we met Dan, a
population is involved with farming the area’s most Native American who lives on the reservation. We
common crops, potatoes. spent two days, learning about his past and the past
of his people. He had such a quiet and simple
We began the trip with information sessions about approach to life and it caused a lot of us to rethink
Aroostook County, which is larger than Connecticut how we live our day to day lives. Dan could say so
and Rhode Island combined. Claudia Stevens, from much by not saying anything at all. That’s
United Way, said to us “What’s at the core of the something all of us will bring home with us. We
problem... and let’s fix it.” This simple statement may have left the small town of Presque Isle, Maine
represents what us Bonners aim to do at our service but the things we learned and felt will never leave
sites. It is not just putting a band aid on the problem the 11 of us that went on the trip.
but also getting to the root of it and stopping the
cycle. In our next meeting with ACAP we learned - Melanie Iannacone ’12

“This experience trip has stretched me beyond my comfort zone and taught me about how we
are all connected despite our differences whether it be race, income, or location. I hope to bring First Year Bonner Service Trip
this message back to Albany and share the message.” - Ananda Brinkmann

6 FCSA Academic Community Engagement


Our Mission Academics and Service: A Reflection

Academic skills and knowledge can be Academic Service Learning is a can be. The impact the classes had consisted of 70 students who
acquired and strengthened through pedagogical approach that seeks to on GSCA lasted far beyond the rotated art professors within the
application to real world challenges faced in meet the course learning objectives in semester. Leaving us with their semester, learning about a variety
the greater community. Placing Siena and through application of academic knowledge and research, the of artistic methods and
students in partnership with the poor and skills and knowledge-base of the students did more in a semester applications. In Professor
marginalized provides a context for the course to a real community need. for GSCA than what could have Packard’s section, each student
knowledge they learn at Siena and brings to Americorps*VISTA Leader, Jennifer been accomplished by the small developed a kid friendly art lesson
life the Franciscan Tradition as the hallmark Simek, highlights the Academic staff in the same timeframe. plan to be utilized by the Grand
of a Siena education. Service Learning projects she worked Street Kids Club summer program
on in the 2009-2010 academic year. Professor Thurston’s class, coordinators.
Academic Service Learning (ASL) at Siena
“Leading Sustainable
includes all forms of academic teaching and
In my 2009-2010 service year as an Organizational Change,” helped Working with these professors
learning in which learning outcomes of an
AmeriCorps*VISTA Fellow at Grand Street Community Arts and students helped make my
academic course or project are met in whole
Grand Street Community Arts look in-depth at six core needs AmeriCorps*VISTA year
or in part through meaningful service to a
(GSCA), I had the opportunity to within the organization, including successful. This year, I am a
community-based organization. The ASL
work with Siena College School of database management, AmeriCorps*VISTA Leader
Program assists Faculty through training,
Business Professor Paul Thurston sustainable funding, and external helping new AmeriCorps*VISTA
design assistance, managing community
and Sage College of Albany Visual communications as well as Fellows make those connections
partner relations, identification of community
Arts Chair and Professor Sally strategic planning for three youth and I’m excited to see the impact
partner needs, building ASL network of
Packard. I witnessed through the art programs. their college partner classes make.
faculty across the region, and student and
coordination of these ASL
community partner training and Professor Packard’s class, a - Jennifer Simek, AmeriCorps*VISTA
partnerships how successful an
development. freshman art foundations course, Leader
academic service learning course

Music Mobile & Siena College Interfaith Partnership for the Grand Street Community Arts &
Fall 2010 Academic Service Computer Science Department Homeless & the School of Business the School of Business

Learning Partners Animating Music Mobile songs by Organization and Management Leading Sustainable Organizational
Ruth Pelham Change

Upcoming Community Events

Grand Opening of the New established by a United Nations The Tour de Habitat gives riders HATAS Home Sweet Home Whitehall Rd., Albany, NY,
Sr. Thea Bowman Center for resolution in 1981 to coincide a choice of pedaling a 100, 50, 25 Gingerbread Home FREE, contact Roberta
Women with the opening of the General or family-friendly 10 mile route Fundraiser/Silent Auction Sandler for more info,
09/17/10, 12:30 p.m. - 5:00 Assembly. to benefit Capital District 11/13/10, 9:00 a.m. to 6:00
p.m., Siena College, New Habitat for Humanity. All rides p.m. @ Crossgates Mall / Making practical homemade
Residence Hall, Garden BoardedUP Auction start and finish at the Albany 11/18/10 from 6:00 p.m. - gifts to share with local
Level Room 06, free Pump Station, with a post-ride 8:00 p.m. @ Dale Miller, organizations. No skills
9/25/10, 5:00 p.m. - 9:00
admission, contact Reception. contact Liz Hitt, Assistant necessary.
p.m., 68 Grand Street, Executive Director,
Albany, NY 12202, (518) Latino Youth Conference, (518)
Come tour the new location of 463-2222, Saints & Ghouls: Halloween 10/16/10, 10:00 a.m. - 9:00
463-2124, ext. 229
the Sr. Thea Bowman Center for Extravaganza 6 p.m., Siena College, 515
Women. Homeless and Travelers Aid
Six months worth of artist 10/30/10, 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 Loudonville Rd,
p.m., Sarazen Student Society Home Sweet Home Loudonville, NY 12211, free
boards all up for auction! Live
Union, 515 Loudon Rd., Gingerbread Home is a two part registration, contact:
Siena College Celebrates: music (DJ Truemaster), dancing,
Loudonville, NY 12211, $5 event featuring decorated www.LatinoYouthConferenc
International Day of Peace refreshments. Over 70 local
per child, group discounts Gingerbread Homes on 11/13
09/21/10, all day, Siena artists represented. available. contact and an evening dinner auction The Latino Youth Leadership
College, 515 Loudon Rd., sienahalloweenextravaganz on 11/18. Conference is an exciting and
Loudonville, NY 12211,
Tour de Habitat 2010
contact inspirational day where Latino
9/26/10, register online at An arts and crafts festival and A Simple Day of Giving: A youth learn about leadership
The International Day of Peace, entry fundraiser for kids and families Community Service Day for development, future educational
provides an opportunity for fee is $100 per individual or in the Capital Region. All funds Families opportunities and making good
individuals, organizations and family, for more info raised will go to Interfaith
11/20/10, 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 decisions.
nations to create practical acts of contact CDHfH at (518) Partnership for the Homeless in
peace on a shared date. It was 462-2993 p.m., St. Sofia Church, 440
Albany, NY.

FCSA Academic Community Engagement 7


Our Mission
The Franciscan Center for Service and
Advocacy AmeriCorps*VISTA Fellows
Program provides help to build, sustain, and
promote civic engagement by fostering
reciprocal DEEP relationships between
students, faculty, administration and our
local community in need.

Our program focuses on assisting faculty,

students, and community partners to work
with all walks of life. Our actions commit to
our core values of St. Francis and allow our
students, faculty and administration to seek
direct actions towards academic excellence
through their civic engagement and
participation in programs that help to
increase capacity in areas of our community
that need it most through DEEP

Our Partners
Peter Young Housing, Industries, and
Homeless and Travelers Aid Society
FOCUS Churches
Boys and Girls Club of Albany
Unity House of Troy, Inc.
Catholic Charities/Roarke Center
Interfaith Partnership for the Homeless
U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants
Grand Street Community Arts, Inc.
Trinity Alliance
Music Mobile
Green Tech Charter High School
Siena Office of Enrollment Management
Sr. Thea Bowman Center for Women
Get Involved!
Interested in learning more about our programs and projects? Becoming an Siena Research Institute
AmeriCorps*VISTA, Bonner Service Leader? Interested in Academic Service Learning? Konenia Health
Contact us to learn more about how you can get involved! Capital District Habitat for Humanity

Have a story about DEEP Service? Submit one! Siena College

Office of Academic Community Engagement
We want to hear from you! Send your stories (350 words max.) to Jennifer Simek, 515 Loudon Road
Coordinator of A.C.E. Public Relations. Your story may be featured in our next DEEP Loudonville, NY 12211
P: (518) 783-6886 |F: (518) 786-5080
Service Newsletter.

8 FCSA Academic Community Engagement

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