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The mission of the International College of the Cayman Islands (ICCI) is to prepare students for career
placement and enhancement. The ICCI education instills attitudes, behaviors, sensitivities, skills and
knowledge that are essential to life and learning. The ICCI experience advances the potential for
leadership and a commitment to community service. ICCI equips graduates with practical skills of
critical thinking, problem solving and self-directed learning for success in the 21st century job market.

Course Title: Seminar on Travel and Tourism

Course Number: BE 434
This seminar covers a contemporary economic analysis to help students
understand the tourism industry globally and locally. Includes lectures, readings,
Course Description:
and field experiences.

Prerequisite(s) EN 101, 102 and SO 201

Instructional Credits: 5 hours
Instructors: Melisa Bent-Hamilton and Lisa deMercado-Crisp
Contact Information:,
Tel: 947-1100 or via the Group Chat (WhatsApp)
Dates: Quarter dates: July 4 – Sep 13, 2018
Seminar dates: Aug 12 – 19, 2018, September 2- Group Presentation (3pm-6pm)
At the end of the course, the student should be able to:
1. To explain the purpose and value of Tourism studies
2. Discuss the challenges and the economic Impact of Tourism
Student globally and locally
3. Identify an area of Tourism within the Cayman Islands that
Learning Outcomes needs development or create a new tourism business model
within the Cayman Islands context that you believe should be
part of the selling point(s) for Cayman Tourism sector.

Specific objectives:
1. Content/ Discipline knowledge and skills: Students will demonstrate
knowledge of and skill in use of terms and concepts as measured by
instructor’s grading of written papers and class discussions.
2. Communication: You will improve your skills in written and oral
communication by satisfactorily completing written assignments and
participating in class discussions.
3. Critical thinking: You will improve your critical thinking skills by
interpreting, analyzing and evaluating theory and principles of Travel &
Tourism as you apply them to your local society. This objective relies
primarily on assignments and class discussions.

Instructional William, S. Reece (2008). The Economics of Tourism, Pearson Edu. Inc. N.Y
Materials Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, Sixth Edition

Instructional Methods This course entails assignments, quizzes, field trips, interviews and an e-
Assessment Criteria Content Weight Percentage Grade
and Methods of
Evaluating Students Discussion Posts (3) 10% 90-100 A

Interview Post (1) 10% 80-89 B

Community Outreach Activity 10% 70-79 C

Final Seminar 15%

Experience/Reflection Paper
Chapter Summary Presentation 15% 60-69 D
E-Portfolio 15% Below 60 F
Final Group Project Presentation 25%
(Sunday, September 2, 2018
3:00pm – 6:00pm)
Total 100%

Course Outline Please see Populi for the Specific Course Outline in the Lessons’ Section.

Interview Post: Due date is August 26, 2018 at 11:59pm.

Chapter Summary: You will select a chapter to present while on board. This is a verbal
presentation that should take at least 20 minutes and cover the entire contents of the chosen chapter.
This should be recorded and the video uploaded unto Populi. Due date is August 28, 2018 at
11:59 pm.

Final Seminar Reflection Paper: Due date is August 31, 2018 at 11:59pm.

E-Portfolio: Due date is September 7, 2018 at 11:59pm.

Late submissions will not be accepted and will receive an automatic zero.
Interview Assignment

You should interview at least one person whose work is directly impacted by the Tourism Industry in
the Cayman Islands. In your video clip, ensure that the following details are captured:
- His or her role
- Areas of Impact
- Benefits and disadvantages of the impacts of Tourism to his or her work or organization
- Recommendations for growth and development in the Tourism Sector
- How he or she sees the future of Travel and Tourism in the Cayman Islands

Group Project – Innovation or Remodeling?

As a student of academia in higher education you will come to appreciate the way in which we all
affect the world around us. This assignment will challenge you to utilize your skills in branding and
marketing to impact the behaviors and thoughts of the society around you. In your group you will
be asked to identify an area of Tourism within the Cayman Islands that needs development or
create a new tourism business model within the Cayman Islands context that you believe
should be part of the selling point(s) for Cayman Tourism sector. Please note that this
development or model must provide a sustainable source of income for the Cayman Islands.

Your presentation for the group assignment must include a five-page Executive
Summary/Business Proposal and an Oral Presentation in front of the class and a panel of
Home Page with Intro of Self, Course 10
and Syllabus

Video Interview Section with 10


Community Outreach Activity 10


Community Outreach Photos (min. 5 10

photos) with Narrative

Final Reflection Paper Section 10

Seminar Photo Gallery (min. 10 10

photos) with Narrative

Group Project Video Presentation 10


Group Project Report Executive 10

Summary Report Section

Sub-Section 80 points

Grammar & Spelling 10

Overall Presentation 10
Sub-Section 20 points

Total 100 points


Criteria Top Points Points Awarded Comments

Creativity and
Persuasion 10

and Practicality
to the Cayman

Originality 20

Clarity of
Expression and
Overall 15

Team Spirit 10

Organization of 10

Specific and 15

100 points
Significance of Chapter - 10
thoughtful and analytical
Content 20

Voice; Pronunciation, clarity, 10

pace fluency
Class Engagement 10

Total 50 points

Final Seminar Paper: Reflection Paper (minimum 500 words).

Please use this format to organize your paper.

The big things to remember:

Your paper needs to be in APA style. Please see the librarian about APA style papers and
At a minimum you should have a title page, a running head, several in-text citations and a
reference page.
Your book should only be cited twice in your paper.
You will need at least two scholarly or peer reviewed articles.
The rest of your sources in your paper can be from magazines, newspaper articles, books etc.
Wikipedia and online dictionaries are not scholarly sources.
 Normally APA style papers do not use the first person “I” or “we.” However, in this very narrow
instance, as the goal is to have this paper be reflective, we will permit first person reflective
Still you must observe the mechanics of APA writing. Citing your sources, no plagiarism, using
at least two scholarly sources.
Here are the sections to your paper

Title Page
APA style


Travel and Tourism Topic Exploration 

This is what your area of concentration is on that you will detail what this topic is about and why it is
important. What did you learn?

The Seminar Experience

This is where you detail your experience in the Seminar. What did you learn? How has this related not
just your topic, but other topics in the book? What was most surprising to you?

Application of the Learning

This is the section where you detail how you are going to be able to use this course as a tool to help your
professional growth or your growth as a student in the future. How have you changed as the result of this
experience? What tools do you know have that did not before? Specifically, how can you use this
experience to accomplish your goals in Cayman?

What were you not able to accomplish or complete in terms of your learning during this trip. What were
some unfulfilled goals? How can you accomplish these unfulfilled goals in the future?

Summary and Conclusion


Grade Content, Focus, Use of Analysis and Critical Writing Style, Grammar,
Text/Research Thinking APA Format (when
% 50% 30% 20%
90-100% Response successfully Response exhibits strong Sentences are clear, concise,
answers the assignment higher-order critical thinking and direct; tone is
question(s); thoroughly uses and analysis (e.g., appropriate. Grammatical
the text and other literature evaluation). skills are strong with almost
when required. no errors per page. Correct
use of APA format when
80-89% Response answers the Response generally exhibits Sentences are generally clear,
assignment question(s) with higher-order critical thinking concise, and direct; tone is
only minor digressions; and analysis (e.g. true appropriate. Grammatical
sufficiently uses the text and analysis). skills are competent with very
other literature when few errors per page. Correct
required. use of APA format when
70-79% Response answers the project Response exhibits limited Sentences are occasionally
assignment(s) with some higher-order critical thinking wordy or ambiguous; tone is
digression; sufficiently uses and analysis (e.g. application too informal. Grammatical
the text and other literature of information). skills are adequate with few
when required. errors per page. Adequate use
of APA format when
60-69% Response answers the Response exhibits simplistic Sentences are generally wordy
assignment question(s) but or reductive thinking and and/or ambiguous; tone is too
digresses significantly; analysis but does informal. Grammatical skills
insufficiently uses the text demonstrate comprehension. are inadequate, clarity and
and other literature when meaning are impaired,
required. numerous errors per page.
Inadequate use of APA format
when assigned.
0-59% Response insufficiently Response exhibits simplistic Sentences unclear enough to
answers the assignment or reductive thinking and impair meaning; tone is
question(s); insufficiently analysis and demonstrates inappropriate and/or
uses the text and other limited knowledge on the inconsistent. Grammatical
literature when required. subject matter. skills are inadequate for
college level. Unacceptable
use of APA format when

1. When students arrive for an in class exam all materials not to be used in their exam must be left
at the front of the room. If the exam is closed book the only materials the student should have at
their desk are their pen, blank paper and calculator, if calculators are permitted. Instructors
should review all blank papers to insure no impermissible items are present. Students are
encouraged not to bring personal items to the room on test days.
2. If students are permitted to use their text book or other items on the exam they must check with
the instructor first so the instructor can confirm they do not have any impermissible items in their
3. All cell phones, blackberries or other communication items must be turned off and stored in their
belongings at the front of the room. Students may not use their cell phone, blackberry or
other communication device as a calculator. Students are encouraged not to bring their cell
phones, blackberries etc. to class on exam days.
4. Students are not permitted to speak to each other or communicate in any way whether verbally or
in writing once the exam is passed out and any communication during the exam will be
considered as inappropriate.
5. Students may not share textbooks (if exam is open book) or notes (if notes are permitted for use)
during an exam or share calculators if they are permitted.
6. It takes two to cheat and anyone who is caught taking answers or giving answers is equally
guilty. In addition, anyone who witnesses cheating and does not report it is guilty of cheating.

Any student caught cheating on an exam will be given a zero for that exam. If a second instance
occurs then the student will fail the course. All allegations of cheating will be reviewed by the
Office of the Director of Academic Affairs.
Sample Cover Page



Sub heading

Name of Student

International College of the Cayman Islands

BE 434

Seminar on Travel and Tourism

Instructor: Melisa Bent-Hamilton

Due date

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