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antibodies attach themselves to mast cells,special cells found in tissues of the respiratory and digestive systems triggers the

mast cells to release histamine,when histamine is release it attaches to the receptors nearby selves these receptors interact
with other substances in the body and cause nearby blood vessels to swell and secret excess fluid causing symptoms such as .
gastro intestinal irritation,abdominal pain

When it bites you, the virus it carries will travel your bloodstream causing you to have dengue.

Case Study

M has a profound learning disability and cannot communicate verbally. He is unable to guard himself against common dangers
and is totally dependent on others to fulfil his needs. He exhibits severe self injurious behaviours which include punching his
face, as a form of communicating his requests for food and drink and banging his head on hard surfaces, to gain staff's attention.
He is intolerant of delay to obtain his requests and the frequency of these behaviours increase during the summer months and
with unfamiliar people and environments. M's physical disabilities and self entanglement in clothing for comfort, make him
unsteady on his feet and it is not clear whether his long history of multiple falls and accidents have caused him additional sensory
impairments. As a result, M spends most of his days lying alone on a sofa. He participates in aromatherapy sessions, of which I
attended several. The following text summarises my observations.

M would sit up on his bed and allow the Aromatherapist to massage his back. Initially his arms would be entangled in his
clothing and he would punch his face. As the session progressed, he would free his arms from his clothing and would no longer
punch himself. Instead he would smile and vocalise to the Aromatherapist as she applied the oils and complemented him with a
soft voice on how well he was doing. M would guide her strokes by offering his arms, legs or chest. He would gradually deem
the session over by lying on his side and falling asleep.

It is clear from my observations that M's consent, consultation and collaboration were addressed at all times. His sessions took
place within the privacy of his bedroom, a place of choice for M as he found it warm and safe. By directing and guiding the
Aromatherapist throughout the sessions he was allowed individuality and respect. M's display of self injurious behaviours would
decrease as the sessions progressed. He was starting to enjoy these interactions and was no longer seeking self stimulation. This
was developing his competence by encouraging him to explore his environment within the safe boundaries of a trusting
relationship. This was of vital importance as it was envisaged that M would move to a community home in the near future. By
enhancing his skills and with the support of his carers, M would become a valued member of his community, avoiding
segregation and allowing him community presence and participation.

My academic and practical experiences have led me to the conclusion that aromatherapy and massage can contribute holistically
to the lives of people with a learning disability. The application of O'Brien's framework to evaluate the use of these therapies,
clearly demonstrates how they fulfil the requirements of the values which underpin philosophies of client centred service
provision. I hope this article will instigate others.
Aromatherapy and Massage for people with a learning disability

by Shirley Durell (more info)

listed in aromatherapy, originally published in issue 30 - July 1998

During my nurse training, I was able to observe Aromatherapists apply aromatherapy and massage to people with a
learning disability. I also studied in depth the relevant literature. This increased my awareness of the potential of
these therapies and instilled in me the need to consider the senses of smell and touch within this client group. This
article by reviewing such literature, will discuss how the combined application of these therapies can contribute
holistically to the lives of people with a learning disability.

Learning disability is a less stigmatising term used today by health care professionals. It provides hope for
development by identifying the nature of the disability, reducing it's effects and increasing the learning potential. "It
is a generic term given to a variety of 'conditions' which result in intellectual impairment, embracing all possible
causes and outcomes in a sensitive and acceptable way."[1](p362)

Aromatherapy is the use of plants' essential oils to enhance health and fight infection. The oils can be extracted from
different parts of the plant and have been identified to work in three ways:

pharmacologically: oils enter the bloodstream and interact with hormones, enzymes, etc.
physiologically: oils cause an effect on the body for example, a stimulatory effect
psychologically: the fragrance of the oil when inhaled cause an effect on the Olfactory system, ultimately affecting
the Limbic system.[2] [3]

The latter requires further examination, bearing in mind the number of people with multiple disabilities. For
example, 48% of people with a learning disability also have a sensory impairment, of which, 18% have a dual
sensory impairment.[4]

The Limbic System is a ring of structures on the inner border of the Cerebrum and floor of the Diencephalon, which
encircles the brain stem. It is not only associated with the sense of smell but also plays an important role in
emotions. This is why it is sometimes referred to as the "emotional" brain.[5] Therefore by affecting the Limbic
system, the oils are causing changes at a psychological level, for example a relaxing effect. This suggests that via the
sense of smell, emotions can be manipulated.[6]

Massage has been clearly defined as "a mechanical manipulation of body tissues with rhythmical pressure and
stroking for the purpose of promoting health and well-being."[7](p16) There are various massage techniques
available but for the purpose of this article simple massage strokes, such as effleurage, will be discussed. It is one of
the oldest and commonest way through which the essential oils can be applied and used. The merger of the senses of
smell and touch, and the acknowledgement of the physical, psychological and spiritual dimensions of the self,
identifies the combined application of aromatherapy and massage as a truly holistic experience.[8] So how can the
combined application of these therapies, contribute holistically to the lives of people with a learning disability?

Harrison & Ruddle have highlighted how the senses of smell and touch are not often considered when working with
people with a learning disability. In particular people with additional disabilities, such as sensory impairments.
These senses can compensate for the loss of other senses and allow them to be able to discover other channels by
which they can communicate to the outside world.

The authors recognise the popular belief that the strength of aromatherapy lies in the combination of three core
elements - the essential oils, massage and the therapistclient relationship. Bearing in mind all these factors, the
authors identify five different ways of introducing aromatherapy to people with a learning disability. These are: "to
invigorate and promote activity and alertness, to facilitate relaxation and reduce stress, to stimulate sensory
awareness, to facilitate and encourage interaction and communication and to treat medical problems using natural

The diversity of the needs of people with a learning disability is beyond the scope of this article. However, in order
to develop some understanding on how aromatherapy and massage can be introduced, this article will examine the
application of these therapies to stimulate sensory awareness in people with a learning disability and a sensory
impairment, who exhibit stereotypical behaviour.

Stereotypical behaviour can be displayed in many different ways. These may include pressing or poking eyes and
rocking the body forward and back whilst seated. They are repetitive actions, with no apparent purpose and could be
regarded as harmless. But sometimes a person can become engrossed with these behaviours, cutting themselves off
from their immediate environment. At the same time, some stereotypical behaviour, such as eye poking, can be
dangerous and can be termed self injurious.[10]

Stereotypical behaviour can be identified as a characteristic of a particular syndrome. However, the Royal National
Institute for the Blind believe these mannerisms in people with a visual and learning disability, are caused by the
aggregation of physiological factors with environmental and staffing issues. High noise levels, poor lighting and
building design can cause anxiety and confusion. Carers need to find out what rewards the person with a multiple
disability derives from these behaviours and how to offer opportunities for learning and development.
Unfortunately, this situation allows the person to create their own sensory stimulation and retreat to a world that is
consistent, safe and rewarding. But how aromatherapy and massage empower the person to no longer seek self

Multisensory Massage

Longhorn proposes that the aims for a Tactile Curriculum should include: "..increasing awareness of tactile
experiences, increased tolerance of touch and an improved awareness of an individual's own body."[11](p85)
Multisensory Massage fulfils the requirements of a successful Tactile Curriculum and can offer the person an
opportunity to explore and be aware of different sensory experiences. This is achieved with the combined
application of essential oils and different massage tools during the activity, which can be easily adapted and
developed to meet individual needs.[12]

Morbey[13] recognises how the gradual introduction to different textures and scents can help people with a learning
disability and a dual sensory impairment become less "tactilely defensive". By gradually increasing tolerance of
touch, Multisensory Massage can help the person feel more comfortable with certain events, such as having their
nails cut. At the same time, it can encourage the person to learn new skills and become more independent. Initially
the person may resist this but will slowly increase their tolerance of touch as they develop through recognisable
stages, encouraging the evolvement of Interactive Massage. This experience identified by Sanderson et al is based
on the premise of gentle teaching which concentrates on the importance of developing and strengthening
relationships. In addition, these therapists apply McInnes and Treffry's work[14], which is the result of years of
involvement with children who have a dual sensory impairment. They believed that only through a trusting
relationship will these children be encouraged to explore the environment. This relationship will most probably be
established by physical contact. The authors propose an eight stage sequence (resists, tolerates, co-operates
passively, enjoys, responds co-operatively, leads, imitates and initiates), which the person may progress through
during the introduction of a new activity and the development of this relationship. Sanderson et al have termed this
the Interactive Sequence, and apply it as a framework for assessing the progress made by people with severe
learning disabilities during Interactive Massage.[15]

It could be argued that Interactive Massage can be an invasion of a person's privacy. Even if the stereotypical
behaviour may not serve any apparent purpose to the observer, it is important to the person. However, by allowing
the person to develop and strengthen relationships on their terms, Interactive Massage becomes an empowering
experience.[16] With time the person will start enjoying these interactions and will no longer seek self stimulation.
They will be encouraged to explore their environment within the safe boundaries of a trusting relationship, which
they could rely on for support when needed, in future growth and development. In addition, Multisensory Massage
can improve the awareness of a person's own body by including the beginnings of a positive body image, which can
boost a person's sense of self-worth. It is much more than a practical touch, through dressing or feeding and can help
to show a person that their body is well worth caring for.[17]

Further examination of the literature reveals several research studies which have investigated further the
effectiveness of Sensory Integrative Techniques and included massage as a tactile stimulation, to reduce
stereotypical self injurious behaviour in people with a learning disability. These recorded a significant reduction in
the behaviours displayed.[18] [19] [20] Although only Dossetor's et al study used a combined application of
aromatherapy and massage and not all of the subjects involved in these studies had additional sensory impairments,
they are still worth mentioning as they all fit the conceptual hypothesis consistently suggested in the literature
reviewed, ".. a number of workers have speculated that the stereotyped, repetitive actions - rocking, rubbing and self
- injury - found in many of those with learning disabilities are a form of self-stimulation which might be reduced if
stimulation was provided by others."[21](p123)

In 1986, O'Brien offered a valuable tool by which to evaluate the services provided to people with a learning
disability.[22] The author identified five key areas or accomplishments which affect the quality of a person's life.
These are: choice, respect, competence, community presence and participation. By applying this tool as a framework
in the application of aromatherapy and massage, controversial issues such as consent, consultation and collaboration
can be addressed. To illustrate this further, the following case study may assist.

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