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So, yeast were using:

- 1 glucose to make 36NTP

- decreased their growth rate by a factor of 6—they’re using 6x less NTP now
- they’re now using 6NTP to grow 6 times slower than when they used 36NTP
- in anaerobic respiration, they would use glycolysis to produce net 2NTP/1glucose
- 6NTP would require them to use 3 glucose
Answer is (B)

To solve these
- whats their intial NTP/glucose producition?
- Whats their intial growth rate?
- Whats their new growth rate? (ex 3 times faster? Then they’re using 3 times the NTP
amount they were before)
- Whats their new NTP/glucose production?
- How many glucose do they have to use in their new production means to produce this
new amount of NTP?

(NTP/gluc)I (Gf/Gi) = ∆ glucose consumption


in the example above

(NTP/gluc)I = 36NTP/1glucose
Gf = 1/6 Gi
Gi = 1 Gi
(NTP/gluc)f = 2NTP/1glucose

∆ glucose consumption = 3 (3 times more glucose is used to grow at one 6th the initial rate
(Gi) when 2NTP are produced per glucose.
The mitochondria inner membrane and contains the enzymes necessary for the citric acid cycle, fatty acid oxidation, and even amino
acid oxidation

Things that inhibit proton transfer through ATPase = crazy proton gradient
Things that inhibit electron transfer in the ETC = no proton gradient established
Things that inhibit PC1 to CoQ (stops NADH)
Things that inhibit PC2 to COQ (stops FADH2)
Things that uncouple electron transport and oxidative phosphorylation

Electrons from pyruvate enter the ETC at?

Answer – PC1. Pyruvate  Acetyl-CoA and NADH
NADH enters at PC1
Isocitrate and α-ketoglutarate’s electrons would also enter at PC1 then.
Succinate’s electrons enter at PC2 (succinate reductase) and do right onto oxidizing
Ubiquinone (Q) to Ubiquinol QH2 (which is why its called Q instead of FADH2 on the CAC

Ubiquinone (Q) is also Called CoEnzyme Q

PC2 is called succinate dehydrogenase because the electrons/hydrogens from succinate
that are put on FADH2 are immediately given to it then immediately hope on board Q to
produce QH2 which transports them to PC3

PC1 is called NADH reductase

A dehydrogenase oxidizes a substrate (succinate) by transferring hydrides to a carrier,

then takes those hydrides from the carrier.

A reductase catalyzes a reduction reaction – PC1 is a reductase because it reduces Q to

chemiosmotic hypothesis ATP is synthesized in the mitochondrial matrix because of the
electrochemical gradient that forms across the inner mitochondrial membrane. 

In a prokaryote, oxidative phosphorylation occurs in the cytosol, and the ETC is on the
plasma membrane

(I) & (II) true so her special carbon will be integrated into fats
(III) yes, C13 she analyzed using GC and MS (mass spec). Carbon is a stable isotope, and it
has a diff MW then Carbon-12, so she didn’t use it for any radioactive purpose. She
separated based on mass. Answer = D

Trans esterification requires a nucleophile in an acidic environment

Bacteria (in milk/yogurt) will produce lactic acid

Yeast are used in alcoholic fermentation and will produce ethanol.
So the answer is D (bacteria will break the Beta linkages)
Blood glucose – because lactose is broken down into galactose and glucose
Breath H – gas produced by bacteria in their colon will be detectable in our breath.

Don’t check lactose – there is no way for our body to take up lactose into the blood, we just
have lactase secreted into the GI to break lactose into glucose and galactose, which can be
taken up into the blood

Lactase is produced by cells in the SI, but if we’re deficient in them, then bacteria in the
colon ferment lactose into lactic acid.

In Humans
- LacTOSE – is synthesized in the mammary gland
- LacTASE – is secreted in the SI
- Lactose fermenting bacteria – are found in the colon

The more hydrogens a carbon has on it, the more reduced that carbon atom is. The fewer hydrogen
atoms the carbon atom has, the more oxidized it is.
Using water to break a bond is a hydrolysis reaction

A dehydrogenation reaction on a carbon, is also a an oxidation reaction…

Adding a water molecule to produce a double bond is hydration

Dehydrogenation – taking a hydrogen atom off the substrate. Substrate becomes more
oxidized now, because in biochem, hydrogens count as electrons since everything in
biochem is more EN than hydrogens and uses hydrogens for their electrons.

Using a thiol (SH) group to break a bond is a thiolysis

CoA-SH esterifies the carboxyl group of fatty acids.

To activate a fatty acid costs 1 ATP (AMP + PPi are used)

Answer is B

C-8 is an even chain. Choice B is a 2C chain with a phenyl (benzene with one H removed)
answer is A – Acetyl-CoA is metabolized into CO2 in the CAC.
Learn fatty acid ox. Answer is A but ignore that

sometimes a glucose molecule in a RBC wont produce any net ATP, that’s because it it
turned into 2, 3-BPG on the glycolytic pathway, 2, 3-BPG helps stabilize the deoxy state of

Adding H2O – Hydrate or Hydrolyze

NADH or FADH2 – Adding hydrogens across a carbon oxygen double bond, or carbon
carbon double bond

The product of an aldol condensation is a molecule with both an alcohol and an aldehyde.

Remember that althought insulin and glucagon control blood glucose levels, they keep
BGL in a specific range (in they’re functioning normally). Like during exercise, BGL will
increase in anticipation of using glucose for energy, the the BGL level remains fairly

Oleate is a fatty acid

Hepatic Portal Vein enters the liver and the Hepatic vein leaves the liver
Chemotrypsin, elastin, amylase, and lipase (all produced by the pancreas, all secreted into
the intestine)

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