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Dongeng Bahasa Inggris tentang Anak Kecil Yang Bijaksana (The Wise Little Girl).

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Once upon a time in the immense Russian steppe, lay a little village where nearly all the
inhabitants bred horses. It was the month of October, when a big livestock market was
held yearly in the main town. Two brothers, one rich and the other one poor, set off for
market. The rich man rode a stallion, and the poor brother a young mare.

At dusk, they stopped beside an empty hut and tethered their horses outside, before
going to sleep themselves on two heaps of straw. Great was their surprise, when, next
morning they saw three horses outside, instead of two. Well, to be exact the newcomer
was not really a horse. It was a foal, to which the mare had given birth during the night.
Soon it had the strength to struggle to its feet, and after a drink of its mother's milk, the
foal staggered its first few steps. The stallion greeted it with a cheerful whinny, and
when the two brothers set eyes on it for the first time, the foal was standing beside the

"It belongs to me!" exclaimed Dimitri, the rich brother, the minute he saw it. "It's my
stallion's foal." Ivan, the poor brother, began to laugh.

"Whoever heard of a stallion having a foal? It was born to my mare!"

"No, that's not true! It was standing close to the stallion, so it's the stallion's foal. And
therefore it's mine!" The brothers started to quarrel, then they decided to go to town and
bring the matter before the judges. Still arguing, they headed for the big square where
the courtroom stood. But what they didn't know was that it was a special day, the day
when, once a year, the Emperor himself administered the law. He himself received all
who came seeking justice. The brothers were ushered into his presence, and they told
him all about the dispute.

Of course, the Emperor knew perfectly well who was the owner of the foal. He was on
the point of proclaiming in favor of the poor brother, when suddenly Ivan developed an
unfortunate twitch in his eye. The Emperor was greatly annoyed by this familiarity by a
humble peasant, and decided to punish Ivan for his disrespect. After listening to both
sides of the story, he declared it was difficult, indeed impossible, to say exactly who was
the foal's rightful owner. And being in the mood for a spot of fun, and since he loved
posing riddles and solving them as well, to the amusement of his counselors, he

"I can't judge which of you should have the foal, so it will be awarded to whichever of
you solves the following four riddles: what is the fastest thing in the world? What is the
fattest? What's the softest and what is the most precious? I command you to return to
the palace in a week's time with your answers!" Dimitri started to puzzle over the
answers as soon as he left the courtroom. When he reached home, however, he realized
he had nobody to help him.

"Well, I'll just have to seek help, for if I can't solve these riddles, I'll lose the foal!" Then
he remembered a woman, one of his neighbors, to whom he had once lent a silver ducat.
That had been some time ago, and with the interest, the neighbor now owed him three
ducats. And since she had a reputation for being quick-witted, but also very astute, he
decided to ask her advice, in exchange for canceling part of her debt. But the woman was
not slow to show how astute she really was, and promptly demanded that the whole debt
be wiped out in exchange for the answers.

"The fastest thing in the world is my husband's bay horse," she said. "Nothing can beat
it! The fattest is our pig! Such a huge beast has never been seen! The softest is the quilt I
made for the bed, using my own goose's feathers. It's the envy of all my friends. The
most precious thing in the world is my three-month old nephew. There isn't a more
handsome child. I wouldn't exchange him for all the gold on earth, and that makes him
the most precious thing on earth!"
Dimitri was rather doubtful about the woman's answers being correct. On the other
hand, he had to take some kind of solution back to the Emperor. And he guessed, quite
rightly, that if he didn't, he would be punished.

In the meantime, Ivan, who was a widower, had gone back to the humble cottage where
he lived with his small daughter. Only seven years old, the little girl was often left alone,
and as a result, was thoughtful and very clever for her age. The poor man took the little
girl into his confidence, for like his brother, he knew he would never be able to find the
answers by himself. The child sat in silence for a moment, then firmly said.

"Tell the Emperor that the fastest thing in the world is the cold north wind in winter.
The fattest is the soil in our fields whose crops give life to men and animals alike, the
softest thing is a child's caress and the most precious is honesty."

The day came when the two brothers were to return before the Emperor. They were led
into his presence. The Emperor was curious to hear what they had to say, but he roared
with laughter at Dimitri's foolish answers. However, when it was Ivan's turn to speak, a
frown spread over the Emperor's face. The poor brother's wise replies made him squirm,
especially the last one, about honesty, the most precious thing of all. The Emperor knew
perfectly well that he had been dishonest in his dealings with the poor brother, for he
had denied him justice. But he could not bear to admit it in front of his own counselors,
so he angrily demanded:

"Who gave you these answers?" Ivan told the Emperor that it was his small daughter.
Still annoyed, the great man said.

"You shall be rewarded for having such a wise and clever daughter. You shall be awarded
the foal that your brother claimed, together with a hundred silver ducats... But... but..."
and the Emperor winked at his counselors.

"You will come before me in seven days' time, bringing your daughter. And since she's so
clever, she must appear before me neither naked nor dressed, neither on foot nor on
horseback, neither bearing gifts nor empty-handed. And if she does this, you will have
your reward. If not, you'll have your head chopped off for your impudence!"

The onlookers began to laugh, knowing that the poor man would never to able to fulfill
the Emperor's conditions. Ivan went home in despair, his eyes brimming with tears. But
when he had told his daughter what had happened, she calmly said.

"Tomorrow, go and catch a hare and a partridge. Both must be alive! You'll have the foal
and the hundred silver ducats! Leave it to me!" Ivan did as his daughter said. He had no
idea what the two creatures were for, but he trusted in his daughter's wisdom.

On the day of the audience with the Emperor, the palace was thronged with bystanders,
waiting for Ivan and his small daughter to arrive. At last, the little girl appeared, draped
in a fishing net, riding the hare and holding the partridge in her hand. She was neither
naked nor dressed, on foot or on horseback. Scowling, the Emperor told her.

"I said neither bearing gifts nor empty-handed!" At these words, the little girl held out
the partridge. The Emperor stretched out his hand to grasp it, but the bird fluttered into
the air. The third condition had been fulfilled. In spite of himself, the Emperor could not
help admiring the little girl who had so cleverly passed such a test, and in a gentler
voice, he said.

"Is your father terribly poor, and does he desperately need the foal."

"Oh, yes!" replied the little girl. "We live on the hares he catches in the rivers and the
fish he picks from the trees!"
"Aha!" cried the Emperor triumphantly. "So you're not as clever as you seem to be!
Whoever heard of hares in the river and fish in the trees! To which the little girl swiftly

"And whoever heard of a stallion having a foal?" At that, both Emperor and Court burst
into peals of laughter. Ivan was immediately given his hundred silver ducats and the
foal, and the Emperor proclaimed.

"Only in my kingdom could such a wise little girl be born!"

Dongeng bahasa Inggris kali ini akan menghadirkan kisah si Jack Si

Pemalas. Meski hidup miskin bersama ibunya, ia tetap saja malas, lalu
bagaimankah kisah dari dongeng bahasa Inggris tentang Jack si pemalas ini,
yuk kita simak bersama-sama (Jangan Lupa buka kamus bahasa Inggris jika
ada kosakata bahasa Inggris yang belum kita ketahui, Oke)

Once upon a time there was a boy whose name was Jack, and he lived with
his mother on a common. They were very poor, and the old woman got her
living by spinning, but Jack was so lazy that he would do nothing but bask in
the sun in the hot weather, and sit by the corner of the hearth in the winter-
time. So they called him Lazy Jack. His mother could not get him to do
anything for her, and at last told him, one Monday, that if he did not begin
to work for his porridge she would turn him out to get his living as he could.

This roused Jack, and he went out and hired himself for the next day to a
neighbouring farmer for a penny; but as he was coming home, never having
had any money before, he lost it in passing over a brook. "You stupid boy,"
said his mother, "you should have put it in your pocket." "I’ll do so another
time," replied Jack.

On Wednesday, Jack went out again and hired himself to a cow-keeper, who
gave him a jar of milk for his day’s work. Jack took the jar and put it into the
large pocket of his jacket, spilling it all, long before he got home. "Dear me!"
said the old woman; "you should have carried it on your head." "I’ll do so
another time," said Jack.

So on Thursday, Jack hired himself again to a farmer, who agreed to give

him a cream cheese for his services. In the evening Jack took the cheese,
and went home with it on his head. By the time he got home the cheese was
all spoilt, part of it being lost, and part matted with his hair. "You stupid
lout," said his mother, "you should have carried it very carefully in your
hands." "I’ll do so another time," replied Jack.

On Friday, Lazy Jack again went out, and hired himself to a baker, who
would give him nothing for his work but a large tom-cat. Jack took the cat,
and began carrying it very carefully in his hands, but in a short time pussy
scratched him so much that he was compelled to let it go. When he got
home, his mother said to him, "You silly fellow, you should have tied it with
a string, and dragged it along after you." "I’ll do so another time," said Jack.

So on Saturday, Jack hired himself to a butcher, who rewarded him by the

handsome present of a shoulder of mutton. Jack took the mutton, tied it to a
string, and trailed it along after him in the dirt, so that by the time he had
got home the meat was completely spoilt. His mother was this time quite out
of patience with him, for the next day was Sunday, and she was obliged to
make do with cabbage for her dinner. "You ninney-hammer," said she to her
son; "you should have carried it on your shoulder." "I’ll do so another time,"
replied Jack.

On the next Monday, Lazy Jack went once more, and hired himself to a
cattle-keeper, who gave him a donkey for his trouble. Jack found it hard to
hoist the donkey on his shoulders, but at last he did it, and began walking
slowly home with his prize. Now it happened that in the course of his
journey there lived a rich man with his only daughter, a beautiful girl, but
deaf and dumb. Now she had never laughed in her life, and the doctors said
she would never speak till somebody made her laugh. This young lady
happened to be looking out of the window when Jack was passing with the
donkey on his shoulders, with the legs sticking up in the air, and the sight
was so comical and strange that she burst out into a great fit of laughter,
and immediately recovered her speech and hearing. Her father was
overjoyed, and fulfilled his promise by marrying her to Lazy Jack, who was
thus made a rich gentleman. They lived in a large house, and Jack’s mother
lived with them in great happiness until she died
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Seperti sebelumnya, John si Tukang Tidur (Sleepy John) ini adalah Cerita
rakyat bahasa Inggris dari negeri Ceko. Selamat membaca :

ONCE there was a lad named John, and he used to go to sleep always and
everywhere. One day he came to an inn where some farmers were feeding
their horses. So he crept into the cart, lay down on the straw, and went to
sleep. When the farmers had driven some distance, they noticed John asleep
in the cart. They thought: "What are we to do with him? We have a beer
cask here. We'll put him in it and leave him in the forest." So they shut him
in the cask, and off they drove.

John went on sleeping in the cask for a long time. Suddenly he woke up and
found himself in the cask, but he did not know how he had got into it,
neither did he know where he was. There was something running to and fro
near the cask, so he looked through the bunghole and saw a great number
of wolves gathered under the rocks. They had flocked round, attracted by
the human smell. One of the wolves pushed his tail through the hole, and
Sleepy John began to think that the hour of his death was approaching. But
he wound the wolf's tail round his hand. The wolf was terrified, and,
dragging the cask after him, he ran after the rest of the wolves, who set off
in all directions. Their terror grew greater and greater as the cask bumped
after them. At last the cask struck against a rock and was smashed. John let
go the wolf, who took himself off as fast as he could.

Now John found himself in a wild mountain region. He began walking about
among the mountains and he met a hermit. The hermit said to him: "You
may stay here with me. I shall die in three days. Bury me then, and I will
pay you well for it."

So John stayed with him, and, when the third day came, the hermit, who
was about to die, gave him a stick, saying: "In what-ever direction you point
this stick, you will find yourself there." Then he gave him a knapsack,
saying: "Anything you want you will find in this knapsack." Then he gave
him a cap, saying: "As soon as you put this cap on, nobody will be able to
see you."

Then the hermit died, and John buried him.

John gathered his things together, pointed the stick, and said: "Let me be
instantly in the town where the king lives." He found himself there on the
instant, and he was told that the queen would every night wear out a dozen
pairs of shoes, yet nobody was able to follow her track. The lords were all
flocking to offer to follow the queen's traces, and John went too. He went
into the palace and had himself announced to the king. When he came
before the king, he said that he would like to trace the queen. The king
asked him: "Who are you?"

He answered "Sleepy John."

The king said: "And how are you going to trace her, when you are sleeping
all the time? If you fail to trace her you will lose your head."

John answered that he would try to trace her all the same.

When the evening was come the queen went to bed in one room and John
went to bed in the next room, through which the queen had to pass. He did
not go to sleep, but when the queen was going by he pretended to be in a
deep slumber. So the queen lit a candle and scorched the soles of his feet to
make sure that he was asleep. But John didn't stir, and so she was certain
that he was asleep. Then she took her twelve pairs of new shoes and off she

John got up, put his cap on, and pointed with his stick and said: "Let me be
where the queen is."

Now, when the queen came to a certain rock, the earth opened before her
and two dragons came to meet her. They took her on their backs and carried
her as far as the lead forest. Then John said: "Let me be where the queen
is," and instantly he was in the lead forest. So he broke off a twig for a proof
and put it in his knapsack. But when he broke off the twig it gave out a shrill
sound as if a bell were ringing. The queen was frightened, but she rode on
again. John pointed with his stick and said: "Let me be where the queen is,"
and instantly he was in the tin forest. He broke off a twig again and put it in
his knapsack, and it rang again. The queen turned pale, but she rode on
again. John pointed with his stick again and said: "Let me be where the
queen is," and instantly he was in the silver forest. He broke off a twig again
and put it into his knapsack. As he broke it, it gave out a ringing sound and
the queen fainted. The dragons hastened on again till they came to a green

A crowd of devils came to meet them here, and they revived the queen.
Then they had a feast. Sleepy John was there too. The cook was not at
home that day, so John sat down in his place, and, as he had his cap on,
nobody could see him. They put aside a part of the food for the cook, but
John ate it all. They were all surprised to see all the food they put aside
disappearing. They couldn't make out what was happening, but they didn't
care very much. And when the banquet was at an end the devils began to
dance with the queen, and they kept on dancing until the queen had worn
out all her shoes. When her shoes were worn out, those two dragons took
her on their backs again and brought her to the place where the earth had
opened before her. John said: "Let me be where the queen is." By this time
she was walking on the earth again, and he followed her. When they came
near the palace he went ahead of the queen and went to bed; and, as the
queen was going in, she saw him sleeping, and so she went to her own room
and lay down and slept.

In the morning the lords gathered together and the king asked whether any
of them had tracked the queen.

But none of them could say "Yes."

So he summoned Sleepy John before him. John said:

"Gracious Lord King, I did indeed track her, and I know that she used up
those twelve pairs of shoes upon the green meadows in Hell."

The queen stood forth at once, and John took from his knapsack the leaden
twig and said: "The queen was carried by two dragons towards Hell, and she
came to the leaden forest; there I broke off this twig and the queen was

The king said: "That's no good. You might have made the twig yourself."

So John produced the tin twig from his knapsack and said: "After that the
queen drove through the tin forest, and there I broke off this twig. That time
the queen grew pale."

The king said: "You might have made even this twig."

So John produced the silver twig and said: "Afterwards the queen drove
through the silver forest, and when I broke off this twig she fainted, and so
she was until the devils brought her to life again."

The queen, seeing that all was known, cried out: "Let the earth swallow me!"
and she was swallowed by the earth.

Sleepy John got the half of the kingdom, and, when the king died, the other
half too.
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Dongeng bahasa Inggris tentang Raja Tikus, Selamat Membaca...
Long time ago in far far away land there was a big male mouse. He was
very strong and fierce. He could beat his enemies with his teeth and claw.
He was so big for a mouse that cats did not want to eat him. Although there
were many cats in his neighborhood, he was safe. They even got along

As days passed by the big mouse grew stronger and stronger. When he was
as big as a grown up male cat he was the strongest mouse in his area. So
he wanted to become a king. His intention was inspired by human being.
As he lived in a ditch in front of a luxurious house, he often saw a rich man
who lived there. He never saw the man working. Many people worked for
him instead. Then he told the cats about his intention. First they laughed at

‘You want to be a king? Come on!’

“Yes, please allow me to become the king of mouse here’

The most influential cat said :

‘I am the number one cat here but still I am not a king’

But suddenly he got a brilliant idea.

‘Oh, OK then. If you really want to become the mouse king I and the whole
cat community will fully support you. Anybody stands in your way will
become our enemy. If you need help, just call us. We will come
immediately and ready to help twenty for hours a day. But there is a

‘What’s that?’

‘You must give us ten mice per day for the rest of your life’

‘Oh, that’s not fair. You do nothing and you ask for ten mice per day?’

‘You said we do nothing? We support you. I know there is a strong mouse

over there ready to eliminate you. In one year he will be stronger than
you. He will be more than ready to be a king. I believe he will be ready to
give us fifteen mice per day. So the choice is yours’
OK, I agree. But please help me to eliminate him’

‘You are very wise. Of course we will eliminate him. There is no problem for
us. From now on you are the king of all mouse in this area. Your words will
become law’

‘Thank you very much for your support. I invite you to my inauguration

‘I have a better idea’ Said number one cat.

‘You’d better cancel your inauguration. Tell your humble citizen that your
king is human being. Tell them that you will represent the king. You rule on
behalf of the king. That way you will be more powerful’

‘Thanks for your brilliant idea’

The next day the big mouse called all mouse in the neighborhood. In front
of them he made a declaration.

‘From now on our area become a kingdom of mice. The ruler is His Majesty
King Prabu. But since he is very busy, he cannot take care of the day to day
operation of our community. Therefore he appointed me as your chief. I
will work for you. I will serve you. So please obey all my command.
Dissidents will punished. And here is my first order. All of you must work
hard to provide offerings for our king. The offering must be put in front of
his palace, here in front of my house. And everyday the king needs ten mice
to work for him’

Since then on they gave offerings of food, fruits, and vegetables to their
king. They brought them to big mouse’s house in the ditch. And the big
mouse gave ten mice daily to king’s palace. The big mouse was very happy
because he did not have to work anymore. The cats were very happy
because they did not have to hunt.

But then something went wrong. The big mouse was taking ten mice to the
palace when it happened. One of them was a strong male mouse. As they
arrived in the palace, he was shocked when he saw cats had been waiting
for them. He was told that they would work for the king. He realized that
he would be a victim. Then he ran as fast as he could. The cats chased
him. Luckily he could hide in a ditch. After that he told the mouse

‘Hey, the big mouse is a liar! He betrayed us. He sacrificed us to the cats.
I saw our friends were eaten by cats. I am sure he eats our offerings too’

His words traveled fast. All members of the mouse community knew this
secret. soon they were very angry. The crowd of mice then came to the big
mouse’s house.

‘Hey big mouse, why do you sacrificed our friends to the cats?

‘It was a mistake. The cats attacked us when we were there’.

‘Liar ! You must be punished ! We will tell the king about this’.

‘I am your king ! I am the real king. Obey my command!’

‘Liar! Bring him to the king!’

The angry crowd got out of control. Then they attacked the big mouse. The
big mouse was a strong and brave mouse so he fought back. He could kill
two or three of them. But he was outnumbered. When he was exhausted
he could not fight anymore. Finally the crowd of mice killed him. The big
mouse died a tragic death. His body was bitten to pieces. Mice
remembered him as a liar and an oppressor who betrayed his own
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ongeng bahasa Inggris tentang Si Kaya dan Si Miskin (The Poor Man
and The Rich Man). Selamat membaca...
In olden times, when the Lord himself still used to walk about on this earth
amongst men, it once happened that he was tired and overtaken by the
darkness before he could reach an inn. Now there stood on the road before
him two houses facing each other, the one large and beautiful, the other
small and poor. The large one belonged to a rich man, and the small one to
a poor man.

Then the Lord thought, I shall be no burden to the rich man. I will stay the
night with him. Then the rich man heard someone knocking at his door, he
opened the window and asked the stranger what he wanted. The Lord
answered, I only ask for a night's lodging.

Then the rich man looked at the traveler from head to foot, and as the Lord
was wearing common clothes, and did not look like one who had much
money in his pocket, he shook his head, and said, no, I cannot take you in,
my rooms are full of herbs and seeds. And if I were to lodge everyone who
knocked at my door, I might very soon go begging myself. Go somewhere
else for a lodging, and with this he shut down the window and left the Lord
standing there.

So the Lord turned his back on the rich man, and went across to the small
house and knocked. He had hardly done so when the poor man opened the
little door and bade the traveler come in. Pass the night with me, it is
already dark, said he. You cannot go any further to-night. This pleased the
Lord, and he went in. The poor man's wife shook hands with him, and
welcomed him, and said he was to make himself at home and put up with
what they had got. They had not much to offer him, but what they had they
would give him with all their hearts. Then she put the potatoes on the fire,
and while they were boiling, she milked the goat, that they might have a
little milk with them. When the cloth was laid, the Lord sat down with the
man and his wife, and he enjoyed their coarse food, for there were happy
faces at the table. When they had had supper and it was bed-time, the
woman called her husband apart and said, listen, dear husband, let us make
up a bed of straw for ourselves to-night, and then the poor traveler can
sleep in our bed and have a good rest, for he has been walking the whole
day through, and that makes one weary. With all my heart, he answered, I
will go and offer it to him. And he went to the stranger and invited him, if
he had no objection, to sleep in their bed and rest his limbs properly. But
the Lord was unwilling to take their bed from the two old folks. However,
they would not be satisfied, until at length he did it and lay down in their
bed, while they themselves lay on some straw on the ground.

Next morning they got up before daybreak, and made as good a breakfast
as they could for the guest. When the sun shone in through the little
window, and the Lord had got up, he again ate with them, and then
prepared to set out on his journey.

But as he was standing at the door he turned round and said, as you are so
kind and good, you may wish three things for yourselves and I will grant
them. Then the man said, what else should I wish for but eternal happiness,
and that we two, as long as we live, may be healthy and have every day our
daily bread. For the third wish, I do not know what to have. And the Lord
said to him, will you wish for a new house instead of this old one. Oh, yes,
said the man.

If I can have that, too, I should like it very much. And the Lord fulfilled his
wish, and changed their old house into a new one, again gave them his
blessing, and went on. The sun was high when the rich man got up and
leaned out of his window and saw, on the opposite side of the way, a new
clean-looking house with red tiles and bright windows where the old hut
used to be. He was very much astonished, and called his wife and said to
her, tell me, what can have happened.

Last night there was a miserable little hut standing there, and to-day there
is a beautiful new house. Run over and see how that has come to pass. So
his wife went and asked the poor man, and he said to her, yesterday
evening a traveler came here and asked for a night's lodging, and this
morning when he took leave of us he granted us three wishes - eternal
happiness, health during this life and our daily bread as well, and besides
this, a beautiful new house instead of our old hut.

When the rich man's wife heard this, she ran back in haste and told her
husband how it had happened. The man said, I could tear myself to pieces.
If I had but known that. That traveler came to our house too, and wanted to
sleep here, and I sent him away. Quick, said his wife, get on your horse.
You can still catch the man up, and then you must ask to have three wishes
granted to you also. The rich man followed the good counsel and galloped
away on his horse, and soon came up with the Lord. He spoke to him softly
and pleasantly, and begged him not to take it amiss that he had not let him
in directly. He was looking for the front-door key, and in the meantime the
stranger had gone away. If he returned the same way he must come and
stay with him. Yes, said the Lord. If I ever come back again, I will do so.
Then the rich man asked if might not wish for three things too, as his
neighbor had done.

Yes, said the Lord, he might, but it would not be to his advantage, and he
had better not wish for anything. But the rich man thought that he could
easily ask for something which would add to his happiness, if he only knew
that it would be granted. So the Lord said to him, ride home, then, and
three wishes which you shall make, shall be fulfilled. The rich man had now
gained what he wanted, so he rode home, and began to consider what he
should wish for. As he was thus thinking he let the bridle fall, and the horse
began to caper about, so that he was continually disturbed in his
meditations, and could not collect his thoughts at all. He patted its neck,
and said, gently, lisa, but the horse only began new tricks. Then at last he
was angry, and cried quite impatiently, I wish your neck was broken.
Directly he had said the words, down the horse fell on the ground, and there
it lay dead and never moved again. And thus was his first wish fulfilled. As
he was miserly by nature, he did not like to leave the harness lying there.
So he cut it off, and put it on his back. And now he had to go on foot. I
have still two wishes left, said he, and comforted himself with that thought.

And now as he was walking slowly through the sand, and the sun was
burning hot at noon-day, he grew quite bad-tempered and angry. The
saddle hurt his back, and he had not yet any idea what to wish for. If I were
to wish for all the riches and treasures in the world, said he to himself, I
should still to think of all kinds of other things later on. I know that,
beforehand. But I will manage so that there is nothing at all left me to wish
for afterwards. Then he sighed and said, ah, if I were but that bavarian
peasant, who likewise had three wishes granted to him, and knew quite well
what to do, and in the first place wished for a great deal of beer, and in the
second for as much beer as he was able to drink, and in the third for a barrel
of beer into the bargain. Many a time he thought he had found it, but then it
seemed to him to be, after all, too little.

Then it came into his mind, what an easy life his wife had, for she stayed at
home in a cool room and enjoyed herself. This really did vex him, and
before he was aware, he said, I just wish she was sitting there on this
saddle, and could not get off it, instead of my having to drag it along on my
back. And as the last word was spoken, the saddle disappeared from his
back, and he saw that his second wish had been fulfilled. Then he really did
feel hot.

He began to run and wanted to be quite alone in his own room at home, to
think of something really big for his last wish. But when he arrived there
and opened the parlor-door, he saw his wife sitting in the middle of the room
on the saddle, crying and complaining, and quite unable to get off it. So he
said, do bear it, and I will wish for all the riches on earth for you, only stay
where you are. She, however, called him a fool, and said, what good will all
the riches on earth do me, if I am to sit on this saddle. You have wished me
on it, so you must help me off. So whether he would or not, he was forced
to let his third wish be that she should be quit of the saddle, and able to get
off it, and immediately the wish was fulfilled. So he got nothing by it but
vexation, trouble, abuse, and the loss of his horse. But the poor people
lived contentedly, quietly, and piously until their happy death.

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Tulisan Terkait Dongeng Inggris - Si Kaya & Si Miskin

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Ditulis Oleh: Jazilatul Masruroh . Published at Saturday, December 17, 2011

Label: Dongeng
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Dongeng cerita bahasa Inggris tentang Si Pencuri dan Gurunya (The Thief
dan His Master). Selamat membaca...

Hans wished to put his son to learn a trade, so he went into the church and
prayed to our Lord God to know which would be the most suitable for him.
Then the clerk got behind the altar, and said, thieving, thieving. On this
Hans goes back to his son, and tells him he is to learn thieving, and that the
Lord God had said so. So he goes with his son to seek a man who is
acquainted with thieving.

They walk a long time and come into a great forest, where stands a little
house with an old woman in it. Hans says, do you know of a man who is
acquainted with thieving. You can learn that here quite well, says the
woman, my son is a master of it. So he speaks with the son, and asks if he
knows thieving really well. The master-thief says, I will teach him well.
Come back when a year is over, and then if you recognize your son, I will
take no payment at all for teaching him, but if you don't know him, you
must give me two hundred talers.

The father goes home again, and the son learns witchcraft and thieving,
thoroughly. When the year is out, the father is full of anxiety to know how
he shall recognize his son. As he is thus going about in his trouble, he
meets a little dwarf, who says, man, what ails you, that you are always in
such trouble.

Oh, says Hans, a year ago I placed my son with a master-thief who told me
I was to come back when the year was out, and that if I then did not know
my son when I saw him, I was to pay two hundred talers, but if I did know
him I was to pay nothing, and now I am afraid of not knowing him and can't
tell where I am to get the money. Then the dwarf tells him to take a crust
of bread with him, and to stand beneath the chimney. There on the cross-
beam is a basket, out of which a little bird is peeping, and that is your son.

Hans goes thither, and throws a crust of black bread in front of the basket
with the bird in it, and the little bird comes out, and looks up. Hello, my
son, are you here, says the father, and the son is delighted to see his father,
but the master-thief says, the devil must have prompted you, or how could
you have known your son.

Father, let us go, said the youth. Then the father and son set out
homeward. On the way a carriage comes driving by. Hereupon the son
says to his father, I will change myself into a large greyhound, and then you
can earn a great deal of money by me. Then the gentleman calls from the
carriage, my man, will you sell your dog. Yes, says the father. How much do
you want for it. Thirty talers. Well, man, that is a great deal, but as it is
such a very fine dog I will have it. The gentleman takes it into his carriage,
but when they have driven a little farther the dog springs out of the carriage
through the window, and goes back to his father, and is no longer a
They go home together. Next day there is a fair in the neighboring town, so
the youth says to his father, I will now change myself into a beautiful horse,
and you can sell me, but when you have sold me, you must take off my
bridle, or I cannot become a man again. Then the father goes with the
horse to the fair, and the master-thief comes and buys the horse for a
hundred talers, but the father forgets, and does not take off the bridle. So
the man goes home with the horse, and puts it in the stable.

When the maid crosses the threshold, the horse says, take off my bridle,
take off my bridle. Then the maid stands still, and says, what, can you
speak. So she goes and takes the bridle off, and the horse becomes a
sparrow, and flies out at the door, and the master-thief becomes a sparrow
also, and flies after him.

Then they come together and cast lots again, and the master loses. So the
master changes himself into a cock, and the youth becomes a fox, and bites
the master's head off, and he died and has remained dead to this day
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Dongeng Bahasa Inggris tentang Dongso dan Sepetak Sawah (The Little

A STARVING BOY went wearily from village to village. His name was
Dongso and he had been dismissed by a rich widow for whom he had
worked, because the harvest had been so poor.

The widow was known throughout the land as the owner of the most fruitful
acres, but after Dongso had come the harvest had been so meager that he
alone ate more rice than the fields produced. It happened not once, but
twice. The widow herself had seen how well Dongso had prepared the sawah
and tended the young rice shoots, but when they had grown tall and ready
to be harvested, the stalks were empty of kernels and hung limp in the sun.

After the second harvest, the village people began to whisper that the young
man might be a bad spirit. Perhaps he had been sent to earth by Allah to
punish the widow because she was so stingy and made such meager
offerings to the village-spirit and the sawah-spirit.

The widow, of course, heard these whisperings, and in anger she dismissed
Dongso, without paying him.

Weak with hunger Dongso came one evening to the outskirts of a village and
knocked at the door of the first house he saw. It was a little hut in the midst
of a small sawah owned by a poor old woman, Randa Derma. When Dongso
knocked, she opened the door to him and he fell across the threshold.

"Please," he said feebly, "give me a handful of rice. I am starving."

"Why do you have to beg?" she asked him. "You look strong and you are
young. Why don't you earn your rice? Why don't you work for your food?'*

But she was a goodhearted woman and she pulled her unexpected guest into
the room without waiting for his answer. She set rice and coffee in front of
him. "Eat and drink, my son/' she said. "And then tell me why you beg
rather than

The boy began to eat without a word, trying to make up for the many days
he had gone hungry. When at last he was satisfied, he told the old woman
his story. "I did my best/' he said. "I worked hard all the time I took care of
the widow's sawahs. And truly I could not help it, it was not my fault, that
the ears were almost always empty. I think," he said slowly, "it was because
she did not make offerings to the protecting spirits and they were punishing
her. And how could I force them to make the ears full of grain?"

"No, of course you couldn't/' the old woman agreed. "But if you will stay with
me and work my little sawah, I will give you one fifth of the harvest yield.
The trouble is, I have no buffalo. But the field isn't very big. . . ."

"It won't matter/' Dongso said. His eyes shone with gratitude for her offer.
"I'll do my best for you."

Early the next morning, he started for the sawah, with only a spade. He
turned the earth as if he had a fine plow and a strong buffalo working for
him. When the time came for the sowing he did that, too, with speed and
skill. Now he must wait with patience for the ripening. Then he would be
able to harvest full, fine ears of rice! It was almost as if his wishes were
coming true, for the rice stalks grew tall and straight, and the ears turned a
beautiful golden yellow.

But then the worst happened, the same thing that had happened when he
was working in the fields of the rich widow. The fine-looking stalks carried
only empty ears, with not a grain of rice in them! He asked himself, in
despair, "Can it be that this woman, too, has made no offering to the spirits?
Or can it be that I am the one who brings bad luck to people?"

He couldn't bear to tell the old woman what was troubling him. She would
find out for herself soon enough, when she went into the field for the

As the day drew near Dongso grew sadder and sadder. The night before the
harvest he couldn't sleep a wink. He lay on his mat, tossing from side to
side, thinking of the empty ears of rice in the field and how unhappy the old
woman would be. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that he
not face her disappointment when she opened the ears of rice that had been
cut. Very early, long before sunup, he would leave the village; he would
steal away as he had come, and beg from door to door till he found work

As quietly as a mouse he crept out of the hut next morning and started for
the road. But before he left the village for good, he had to look once more at
the little sawah where he had labored so long and faithfully. Walking sadly
between the tall stalks, he looked again at the golden-yellow, empty ears.
Idly he plucked one off and opened it. As he had thought, there were no rice
grains in it.

Then his mouth fell open and he looked again, hardly believing what he saw.
There were no grains of rice, but there were grains of gold, pure, glittering
gold! He was dazed with astonishment. This couldn't be. Maybe in one ear,
but surely not Dongso picked another one, and still another one, and yet
another one, and each ear was filled with kernels of gold.

He ran back to the little hut, and found the old woman busy with her
weaving. She looked up at him in astonishment. "Why are you so happy,

Dongso almost told her. But he wanted her to see the amazing sight herself.
He wanted her to find the kernels of gold as he had found them. So he said,
"Because today we are going to give a wonderful harvest feast, Randa

The old woman's wrinkled face puckered sadly when he said that "No,
Dongso/'. she said with a sigh, "I'm sorry, but we can't do that. We can only
make a simple meal. I spent the last of my money on offerings to the spirits
of the village and of the sawah so that they might bless the har-
vest. . . ."

"And so they have!" he shouted. "Wait till you see how they have blessed
the harvest!" He took her by the hand and led her to the sawah. The old
woman stumbled in her haste to follow his quick steps as he hurried her to
the place where he had made the amazing discovery.

Dongso tore off a stalk and gave it to her. "Look inside, Little Mother/' he
urged, and he watched as she opened the ear and found the golden kernels.
He laughed when she shrieked with joy. "What did I tell you? What did I tell

But the old woman pulled herself together quickly. "Now Allah be praised/'
she said, bowing her head. "My little rice field has brought forth more than a
hundred great sawahs could bring forth. Allah be praised!"

She had promised Dongso a fifth of the harvest and she gave him a fifth of
the harvest. Now he was rich. He could buy himself a sawah, he could buy
buffaloes, as many as he needed, as many as he wanted. But Dongso
bought neither a rice field nor buffaloes. He was faithful to the old woman
who had befriended him, and he took care of the many spreading sawahs
she bought with the same zeal that he had taken care of her tiny sawah.
And he did to others who came to help him as she had done to him he gave
them one fifth of the
crop of the lush acres.

It has been so from that day to this: One fifth of each sawah's harvest is
divided among the helpers. From that day to this, too, there has never been
want or poverty in that district. The people of Derma have lived in peace and
plenty all these years.

That's what the village was named Derma, after the old woman who had
befriended Dongso and who had been so poor that she could not even offer
a harvest feast. But the Javanese do not believe the village's well-being
came from the fruitfulness of the countryside. They believe the good fortune
of the village and its people is due to the lovely temple Dongso built to the
memory of his benefactor, after she died, on the very spot where once the
little sawah had been
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A. Latar Belakang Masalah

Perkembangan kebudayaan pada saat ini sangatlah pesat. Kebudayaan yang ada tidak
saja memberikan pengaruh positif namun juga pengaruh negative yang tidak dapat dipungkiri
sangat berpengaruh bagi perkembangan anak usia dini. Pengaruh kebudayaan barat yang sangat
bertolak belakang dengan nilai-nilai humanis ketimuran semakin jelas terlihat baik dari media
elektronik maupun dari media massa. Bahkan kemudahan mengakses segala informasi pun dapat
menjadi bumerang bagi anak jika anak tidak mempunyai ketahanan atau benteng yang kuat yang
tertanam sebagai akhlak yang menjadi pondasi jasmani dan rohaninya.
Penanaman nilai-nilai karakter anak bisa ditanamkan sejak dini. Hasil studi yang
dilakukan Lawrence J. Schweinhart (1994) menunjukkan bahwa pengalaman anak-anak di masa
usia dini dapat memberikan pengaruh positif terhadap perkembangan anak selanjutnya. Jadi, usia
dini merupakan masa keemasan bagi pembentukan karakter seseorang. Oleh karenanya alangkah
tepatnya apabila pendidikan karakter dapat diintegrasikan dalam program PAUD yang dirancang
secara kreatif.
Tantangan bagi pendidik PAUD untuk dapat memberikan sentuhan pendidikan yang
kreatif, inovatif, cerdas, dan menyenangkan sehingga dunia bermain yang merupakan dunia anak
usia dini tidak hilang begitu saja dalam kehidupannya. Anak merasa senang ketika belajar namun
tetap bisa memperoleh inti dari pembelajaran yang tertanam sebagai karakter.
Dongeng adalah metode pembelajaran yang diyakini mampu memberikan kontribusi
dalam pembelajaran dan penanaman nilai-nilai karakter anak usia dini. Dalam dongeng
terkandung nilai-nilai filosofi dan hikmah yang dapat diambil anak dengan cara yang
menyenangkan namun anak tidak merasa digurui. Pada Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini (PAUD)
dongeng dipakai stimulus yang handal untuk menasehati anak. Nasehat disampaikan dengan cara
mendongengkan suatu cerita yang mengandung pesan atau hikmah sebagai tujuannya. Anak
diarahkan untuk mau mendalami suatu dongeng untuk kemudian secara tidak langsung diajak
untuk menteladani pesan yang terkandung didalamnya sebagai karakter yang akan menjadi
pondasinya kelak saat dia dewasa.
Strategi yang digunakan dalam mendongeng sangat bervariasi. Strategi tersebut
dipakai salah satunya sebagai daya tarik anak dan pendalaman tujuan dari suatu dongeng.

Gambar 1. Mendongeng Dengan Berbagai Alat Peraga

B. Masalah dan Tujuan

1. Masalah
Dari latar belakang masalah diatas maka dirumuskan masalah sebagai berikut :
a. Bagaimanakah KOBE MENARI bisa digunakan sebagai strategi dalam mendongeng di PAUD
Islam Terpadu Kota Wali Demak?
b. Bagaimanakah hasil dari penerapan KOBE MENARI sebagai strategi dalam mendongeng di
PAUD Islam Terpadu Kota Wali Demak?
c. Kendala apa sajakah yang dihadapi dalam penerapan KOBE MENARI sebagai strategi dalam
mendongeng di PAUD Islam Terpadu Kota Wali Demak?
d. Faktor pendukung apa sajakah yang menunjang dalam penerapan KOBE MENARI sebagai
strategi dalam mendongeng di PAUD Islam Terpadu Kota Wali Demak?
e. Bagaimanakah tindak lanjut penerapan KOBE MENARI sebagai strategi dalam mendongeng di
PAUD Islam Terpadu Kota Wali Demak?

2. Tujuan
Tujuan dari penulisan Karya Nyataini adalah untuk mendapatkan jawaban dan deskripsi dari
rumusan masalah tersebut di atas yaitu sebagai berikut :
a. Mendeskripsikan KOBE MENARI sebagai strategi dalam mendongeng di PAUD Islam Terpadu
Kota Wali Demak.
b. Mendeskripsikan hasil penerapan KOBE MENARI sebagai strategi dalam mendongeng di
PAUD Islam Terpadu Kota Wali Demak.
c. Menjelaskan kendala yang dihadapi dalam penerapan KOBE MENARI sebagai strategi dalam
mendongeng di PAUD Islam Terpadu Kota Wali Demak.
d. Menjelaskan faktor pendukung dalam penerapan KOBE MENARI sebagai strategi dalam
mendongeng di PAUD Islam Terpadu Kota Wali Demak.
e. Mendeskripsikan tindak lanjut penerapan KOBE MENARI sebagai strategi dalam mendongeng
di PAUD Islam Terpadu Kota Wali Demak.

C. Strategi Pemecahan Masalah

Dari persoalan diatas, dipakailah “KOBE MENARI” sebagai strategi dalam
mendongeng. KOBE yaitu Koran, Bekas sebagai sarana yang digunakan dalam mendongeng,
sedang MENARI adalah tekhnik yang digunakan dalam mendongeng “Menarik, Ekspresif,
Intonasi, Rileks, dan Interaktif”.
1. Alasan Pemilihan Strategi
Dongeng termasuk dalam cerita rakyat lisan. Menurut Danandjaja (1984) cerita rakyat
lisan terdiri atas Mite, Legenda, dan Dongeng. Mite adalah cerita rakyat yang dianggap benar-
benar terjadi dan dianggap suci oleh yang empunya cerita. Mite ditokohkan oleh para dewa atau
mahluk setengah dewa. Peristiwanya terjadi pada masa lampau. Sedangkan Legenda adalah
cerita rakyat yang mempunyai cirri-ciri mirip dengan Mite, yaitu dianggap benar-benar terjadi,
tetapi tidak dianggap suci. Legenda ditokohkan oleh manusia, walaupun kadang-kadang
mempunyai sifat luar biasa dan seringkali dibantu oleh makhluk-makhluk ajaib. Tempat
terjadinya adalah di dunia seperti yang kita kenal sekarang, dan terjadinya belum lampau.
Sebaliknya Dongeng adalah cerita rakyat yang dianggap benar-benar terjadi oleh yang empunya
cerita dan dongeng tidak terikat oleh waktu maupun tempat. Dongeng diceritakan terutama untuk
hiburan, walaupun banyak juga dongeng yang melukiskan kebenaran, berisi ajaran moral,
bahkan sindiran.
Dari Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia dijelaskan bahwa definisi dongen adalah suatu kisah
yang diangkat dari pemikiran fiktif dan kisah nyata, menjadi suatu alur perjalanan hidup dengan
pesan moral yang mengandung makna hidup dan cara berinteraksi dengan makhluk lainnya.
Menurut Anti Aarne dan Stith Thomson, dongeng dikelompokkan dalam empat golongan
besar, yaitu dongeng binatang, dongeng biasa, lelucon atau anekdot, dan dongeng berumus.
Dongeng binatang adalah dongeng yang ditokohi oleh binatang. Dongeng biasa adalah dongeng
yang ditokohi manusia atau biasanya merupakan kisah suka duka seseorang. Dongeng lelucon
atau anekdot adalah dongeng yang dapat menimbulkan tawa bagi yang mendengarnya maupun
yang menceritakannya. Dongeng berumus adalah dongeng yang strukturnya terdiri dari
Agar kegiatan mendongeng menyenangkan, salah satu yang sangat diperlukan untuk
menunjang kegiatan tersebut adalah adanya media mendongeng. Pada pendidikan anak usia dini
dongeng mempunyai tujuan edukatif. Menurut Hj. Titi Surtiati dan Sri Rejeki (1999:1) “Media
pendidikan dalam pengertian yang luas adalah semua benda, tindakan atau keadaan yang dengan
sengaja diusahakan/diadakan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pendidikan anak usia dini dalam
rangka mencapai tujuan”. KOBE dipilih sebagai media untuk menerangkan/mempraktekkan
kepada anak didik ketika mendongeng. Dengan media tersebut anak-anak akan cepat menangkap
maksud/tujuan dari dongeng yang disampaikan karena diperagakan atau dipraktekkan langsung
dengan media tersebut.
Selain itu koran bekas adalah limbah sangat mudah diperoleh, harganya murah, dan
mudah dibentuk sesuai keinginan. Di PAUD Islam Terpadu Kota Wali Demak, KOBE secara
aktif digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran sejak dimenangkannya lomba pendidik PAUD
kategori lomba APE tahun 2009 tingkat Kabupaten Demak. Dan berhasil memperoleh 10 besar
tingkat propinsi Jawa Tengah.
Gambar 2. Juara 1 Lomba Pendidik Kategori APE Tahun 2009 dan Lomba APE
Tingkat Propinsi.

MENARI sebagai tekhnik dalam mendongeng dipilih karena selama ini di PAUD
dongeng disampaikan secara datar dan kurang menarik, sehingga terkadang pesan atau hikmah
yang terkandung dalam dongeng yang diharapkan akan mampu menanamkan nilai-nilai karakter
tidak mengena dalam diri anak.

2. Deskripsi Strategi
KOBE atau Koran Bekas adalah limbah yang selama ini pemanfaatannya dalam pembelajaran
anak belumlah maksimal. Sebelum digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran mendongeng, KOBE
terlebih dahulu dibentuk menjadi bentuk-bentuk karakter yang dipakai dalam dongeng untuk
kemudian di lem dan diwarnai. Kreatif membuat KOBE menjadi media dongeng merupakan
langkah awal dalam mendongeng. Digunakan supaya anak lebih mudah mendapatkan gambaran
dari dongeng yang disampaikan.

Gambar 3. KOBE dan Hasil Jadi Setelah Dibuat Menjadi Alat Peraga yang Digunakan
untuk Mendongeng.

Sesuai dengan tujuan pembelajaran yaitu dongeng diharapkan mampu memberikan pesan
dan hikmah oleh karenanya penyajian dongeng kepada anak usia dini harus memperhatikan hal-
hal sebagai berikut :
1) Menarik.
Pemilihan dongeng terlebih dahulu harus direncanakan. Sesuaikan dengan tema dan tujuan dari
pembelajaran. setelah penentuan tema, buat atau cari dongeng yang menarik dan dekat dengan
dunia anak.

2) Ekspresif
Dongeng yang baik apabila disampaikan secara ekspresif. Mimik muka, body language serta
kedalaman penjiwaan dibutuhkan agar pesan dongeng tersampaikan.
3) Intonasi
Intonasi suara yaitu dalam mendongen harus mempunyai nada suara yang berbeda dalam setiap
pengucapan sesuai dengan sifat dan kondisi dalam dongen. Disamping itu juga diperlukan untuk
membedakan karakter dari tokoh-tokoh dalam dongeng.
4) Rileks
Menyampaikan dongeng dilakukan dengan rileks (santai) tidak terburu-buru. Kondisi rileks juga
untuk menjaga emosi anak dalam mendengarkan sebuah cerita. Sehingga anak dapat
berimajenasi seoalah-olah berada dalam kisah dongeng tersebut.
5) Interaktif
Interaksi dalam mendongeng disini diartikan bahwa mendongen itu juga memberikan umpan
balik kepada anak didik yang mendengarkan. Interaksi mendongeng bisa dilakukan dengan
berdiri dan berjalan mendekati anak sehingga suasana mendongeng menjadi lebih hidup.


A. Metode dan Prosedur Kerja

Penerapan strategi KOBE MENARI pada PAUD Islam Terpadu Kota Wali Demak
yang terletak di Jl. Kenep Utara RT. 03 RW. 03 No. 65 Kelurahan Mangunjiwan Kabupaten
Demak Propinsi Jawa Tengah sebagai media dan tekhnik mendongeng dilakukan dari hasil
pengamatan dan hasil belajar pendidik untuk kemudian diterapkan sebagai strategi untuk
menyampaikan dongeng.
1. Pembuatan RKH (Rencana Kegiatan Harian)
Sebelum menyampaikan dongeng, pendidik harus membuat Rencana Kegiatan Harian
(RKH) yang kemudian disusun berdasarkan RKM (Rencana Kegiatan Mingguan). Penyusunan
RKH disesuaikan dengan tahap perkembangan dan usia anak (lihat dalam lampiran). PAUD
Islam Terpadu Kota Wali Demak menyediakan layanan dari usia 2-6 tahun. Oleh karenanya
penyusunan RKH harus sesuai dengan tingkat usia anak. Penentuan jenis dongeng serta waktu
dongeng juga sangat mempengaruhi pendalaman pesan-pesan yang akan disampaikan kepada
Waktu mendongeng menurut para ahli didasarkan pada daya pikir, kemampuan bahasa,
rentang konsentrasi, dan daya tangkap anak diklasifikasikan sebagai berikut :
a. Sampai usia 4 tahun, waktu yang digunakan hingga 7 menit.
b. Usia 4-8 tahun, waktu yang digunakan hingga 10-15 menit.
c. Usia 8-12 tahun, waktu yang digunakan hingga 25 menit.
Namun tidak menutup kemungkinan waktu mendongeng menjadi lebih panjang.
Contoh dongeng yang digunakan di PAUD Islam Terpadu Kota Wali Demak adalah
dongen yang terispirasi dari binatang laut yang menjadi filosofi berdirinya Masjid Agung
Dongeng ini ditujukan untuk anak-anak usia 4-5 tahun merupakan dongeng fabel.
Dongeng yang mengambil kisah BULUS. BULUS atau penyu merupakan simbol yang
digunakan pada Mihrab Masjid Agung Demak. Memiliki filosofi Bu (mlebu) dan Lus (alus),
yang diartikan mlebu sing alus atau berbudi pekerti yang halus.
Disamping itu BULUS juga sebagai symbol waktu berdirinya Masjid Agung Demak saat
pimpinan Raden Fatah yaitu 1401 Saka (1479 M). Kepala bulus melambangkan angka 1,4 kaki
bulus yang melambangkan angka 4, badan bulus melambankan angka 0, dan 1ekor
melambangkan angka 1. Cerita BULUS diangkat sebagai wujud kepedulian dan kearifan budaya
lokal Demak.

Gambar 4. Bulus pada Mihrab/ Tempat Pengimaman

di Masjid Agung Demak

Dongeng dibawah ini merupakan penerapan pengembangan nilai-nilai moral agama.

Judul cerita : Bulus Si Pemaaf
Penulis : Uci Noviati, S. Pd. AUD
Pemain :
a. Bulus : penyu, besar, sifatnya sabar dan pemaaf
b. Duti : ikan badut, kecil, lincah, sifatnya pemarah

Naskah cerita :
Di kampung laut, hiduplah berbagai macam binatang laut yang beraneka ragam. Mereka
hidup dengan damai. Ada sepasang sahabat bernama Bulus dan Duti. Suatu hari Bulus dan Duti
sedang bermain bersama. Mereka berlarian kesana kemari, namun Bulus selalu tertinggal hingga
membuat Duti merasa jengkel karena harus menunggu terus. “Bulus! Kalau jalan yang cepat
dong! Kamu itu lelet sekali. Apa kamu memang tidak bisa lebih cepat lagi! Kalau jalanmu pelan
begitu, aku tinggal saja ya? Aku mau main sama yang lain saja!” sambil marah-marah Duti pergi
meninggalkan Bulus begitu saja. Namun Bulus sangat sabar, setiap berangkat sekolah, Bulus
selalu menghampiri Duti ke rumahnya juga selalu meminjamkan buku atau mainan kepada Duti
meskipun sahabatnya itu sering menyakiti hatinya.
Seperti biasa sepulang sekolah Duti lari meninggalkan Bulus jauh dibelakangnya. Duti
tidak pernah mau menunggu sahabatnya itu. Namun karena tergesa-gesa sirip dan ekor Duti
tergores saat melewati karang-karang yang tajam, hingga terluka dan membuat Duti tidak bisa
berenang. Duti menangis dibalik karang tersebut. Teman-teman Duti yang berenang melewatinya
tidak peduli dengannya. Karena Duti terkenal sebagai anak yang pemarah. Jadi tak satupun
teman yang mau menolongnya. Dari kejauhan Bulus mendengar tangisan Duti, dan berenang
menghampiri sahabatnya itu. Melihat sahabatnya terluka dan tidak bisa berenang, Bulus
menawarkan pungungnya untuk dinaiki.
Awalnya Duti menolak, dia malu. Namun karena Bulus terus menawarkan akhirnya
Duti menerima tawaran Bulus. Duti naik ke punggung Bulus. Bulus berenang dengan hati-hati
membawa sahabatnya yang sedang terluka dan mengantarkan pulang. Sampai di rumah mereka
disambut oleh orang tua Duti. Orang tua Duti mengucapkan terimakasih. Namun Duti diam saja.
Duti malu terhadap perbuatannya selama ini. Bulus yang selalu di celanya, kini malah
Esok hari seperti biasa Bulus menghampiri Duti untuk berangkat sekolah, namun Duti
masih sakit. Hal itu berlangsung selama seminggu. Sampai akhirnya, di suatu pagi Bulus
terkejut, melihat Duti menghampirinya ketika berangkat sekolah. Duti mengucapkan terimakasih
dan berjanji tidak akan berbuat jahat lagi pada Bulus, karena Bulus adalah sahabatnya yang baik
Pesan moral :
Jadilah anak yang baik hati, pemaaf dan sabar karena dengan begitu akan ada banyak orang yang

Gambar 5. Rencana Kegiatan Harian

Bulus Si Pemaaf

Gambar 6. Rencana Kegiatan Mingguan

Gambar 7. Kegiatan Saat Mendongeng Bulus Si Pemaaf

2. Merancang KOBE sebagai Media Dongeng

Setelah tema dan cerita didapat, langkah selanjutnya adalah membuat tokoh-tokoh dalam
cerita dari limbah Koran Bekas (KOBE). Berikut adalah teknik pembuatan tokoh binatang dalam
dongeng dari KOBE :
a. Persiapan
Mempersiapkan alat dan bahan yang akan digunakan dalam membuat karakter binatang dalam
cerita yaitu KOBE (Koran Bekas), lem kertas, gunting, kuas, pewarna, dan spidol.
b. Inti / Pembentukan Tokoh dalam Cerita
Dalam pembuatan tokoh binatang yang ada dalam cerita yaitu Bulus dan Duti dibutuhkan
11 lembar Koran bekas. 9 lembar untuk pembuatan tokoh Bulus dan 2 lembar untuk pembuatan
tokoh Duti. Pada dasarnya pembuatan tokoh binatang dengan menggunakan koran bekas sangat
sederhana, yaitu : meremas-remas, melipat, dan melilit. Untuk lebih jelasnya penulis
menggunakan langkah-langkah sebagai berikut :
1) Ambil 4 lembar koran bekas kemudian remas kearah bawah hingga menjadi bulatan besar yang
akan difungsikan sebagai tubuh bulus.
2) Ambil 1 lembar koran bekas remas ke arah bawah menjadi bulatan kecil yang akan dipakai
sebagai kepala bulus.
3) Ambil koran bekas lainnya lalu lipat hingga menyerupai kaki, buat 4 buah dan 1 lembar Koran
bekas lipat menjadi ekor bulus.
4) Rekatkan kepala, tubuh dan kaki bulus dengan menggunakan lem.
5) Ambil 2 lembar koran bekas, buat menjadi sebuah ikan kecil dengan cara meremas-remas
sehingga membentuk bulatan yang menyerupai badan ikan. Dan sisanya dilipat menjadi ekor dan
c. Finishing
Setelah bentuk bulus dan ikan mongering. kemudian lakukan pewarnaan di seluruh tubuh
bulus dengan menggunakan warna hijau. Tunggu hingga warna meresap dan kering. Lalu beri
garis di punggung bulus dengan menggunakan spidol warna hitam. Untuk ikan, cat seluruh tubuh
ikan dengan warna merah dikombinasi dengan warna kuning.

Gambar 8. Merancang KOBE Menjadi Media Dongeng

3. Langkah – Langkah Mendongeng

a. Kondisi Kesehatan
 Rohani
Kita sebagai pendongeng diwajibkan sehat rohani dan selalu bersfikir dan bersifat positif. Karena
jika kita dalam kondisi yang sedang mengalami kesehatan rohani yang lemah akan
mempengaruhi dalam mendongeng.
 Jasmani
Karena dalam mendongeng itu memerlukan suara yang prima, ekspersi tubuh dan kenyamanan,
maka setiap pendongeng harus fit dan sehat badannya.
b. Persiapan Mendongeng
 Memilih dongeng
Memilih dongeng merupakan hal sangat penting karena tidak semua dongeng dapat diterapkan
kepada anak usia dini. Dongeng yan dapat diterapkan kepada anak usia dini adalah dongeng
yang menarik, sederhana, menghibur dan mengilhami anak untuk melakukan sesuatu yang
kreatif dan positif.
 Membaca tuntas dan berulang-ulang
Persiapan dalam mendongeng, pendongeng harus membaca dongeng secara tuntuas dan
berulang-ulang agar pendongeng benar-benar mendalami dan menafsirkan dongeng tersebut
dengan benar.

4. Menyampaikan Dongeng dengan Teknik MENARI

Pada dongeng Bulus Si Pemaaf ini, teknik yang dipakai adalah MENARI. Sampaikan
dongeng secara Menarik, bawakan dongeng secara Ekspresif, lafalkan dengan Intonasi yang
jelas, ceritakan dongeng dengan Rileks dan ajak anak-anak Interaktif saat dongeng berlangsung.

a. Menarik
Bahwasanya seni mendongeng ini berkaitan dengan bagaimana cara mengkisahkan suatu
dongeng dengan sederhana sesuai dengan kondisi yang didongengkan yaitu anak usia dini, tetapi
tetap sangat menarik dan menghibur yaitu dengan menggunakan cara – cara sebagai berikut :
 Membuat plot dongeng atau alur dongeng yang dekat dengan kehidupan anak usia dini.
 Membuat kerangka dongeng
 Memilih kosa kata yang mudah dipahami oleh anak usia dini.
 Menentukan gaya yang menyenangkan dan akrab bagi anak usia dini.
Perlu diingat bahwa anak-anak akan lebih suka mendongen dengan tuturan. Oleh sebab
itu, dongen harum mempunyai plot yang sederhana tapi menarik.
b. Ekpresif
Sikap kita saat mendongeng hendaknya tidak kaku. Berlakulah wajar dan ekspresif. Perlu
pula menggerakkan ekpresi tubuh, suara dan pandangan mata, gerakan bibir dan berbagai organ
tubuh lainnya untuk menegaskan maksud dan tujuan yang terkandung dalam dongeng tersebut.
Mendongeng tidak harus menghafal kapan gerakan tangan, mata ataupun kapan harus tersenyum.
Gerakan – gerakan itu akan muncul bila ada penghayatan pada dongeng itu sendiri. Ia akan
muncul secara spontan dan ekspresif bila kita betul-betul memahami, menjiwai dan mendalami
dongeng yang kita tuturkan kepada anak-anak.
c. Intonasi
Memainkan intonasi yang berbeda-beda akan sangat bermanfaat bagi indera pendengaran
anak usia dini. Tentu, dengan memainkan intonasi yang berbeda-beda menjadikan dongeng yang
kita sampaikan akan lebih menarik. Jika kita mendongeng dengan nada yang datar, apalagi
sambil terkantuk-kantuk, anak akan bosan. Berbeda jika cara bertutur kita amat variatif, misalkan
tokoh Bulus dengan suara besar dan agak serah, tokoh Duti dengan sucara keras dan cempreng
dan berbagai tokoh dengan karakter suaranya masing-masing tentu perhatian anak akan lebih
tercurah dan lebih fokus pada dongeng yang kita tuturkan.
Dalam memproduksi suara yang sesuai dengan karakter tokoh atau dialog dalam kondisi
tertentu dalam dongeng. Untuk memperoleh olah suara / vocal yang baik dalam mendongeng,
perlu latihan olah nafas dan olah vocal diantaranya :
 Pernafasan dada atau biasa adalah Nafas yang telah diambil disimpan pada rongga dada kemudian
keluarkan secara perlahan-lahan dan agak ditekan, kemudian kita ulangi dan dikeluarkan lewat
mulut terbuka.
 Pernafasan diafragma adalah pengambilan nafas pelan lalu kita simpan pada diafragma (ruangan
antara dada dan perut atau dasar dada) yang kemudian kita tekan dan simpan untuk beberapa
waktu lalu dilepaskan pelan-pelan melalui mulut terbuka.
 Untuk latihan vocal, buka mulut lebar-lebar untuk menyuarakan huruf vocal mulai dari yang datar
sampai dengan nada tinggi.
d. Rileks
Dalam menyampaikan dongeng agar dapat dinikmati dan dipahami sehingga tujuan
dongeng tersebut tersampaikan, tempat dan anak-anak harus dalam kondisi yang rileks. Rileks
dalam hal ini berarti penataan ruangan kelas yang bersih dan nyaman. Kita juga bisa mensetting
ruangan sesuai dengan cerita yang akan disampaikan. Selain itu pengkondisian anak-anak dibuat
menyenangkan, tertib dan kedekatan terhadap yang pendongeng. Minimalisirkan hal-hal yang
nantinya mengganggu konsentrasi anak dalam menikmati dongeng.
e. Interaktif
Anak usia dini yang rasa ingin taunya lebih besar, tidak akan tinggal diam jika kita
(pendidik) menggunakan media mendongeng yang baru. Oleh karena itu interaktif dalam
mendongeng perlu diarahkan agar tidak mengganggu kondisi yang sudah terbangun. Interaktif
anak dengan pendidik dalam mendongeng kita wujudkan dengan umpan balik seolah-olah anak
larut dan berada dalam cerita dongeng, misalkan mengarahkan media mendongeng kepada anak
saat berdialog. Menirukan gerakan-gerakan tertentu dalam adegan dongeng dan lain sebagainya.
Interaksi dalam mendongeng yang perlu diperhatikan adalah sebagai berikut :
 Interaksi dilakukan untuk menggugah motivasi anak dalam mendengarkan dongeng.
 Interaksi harus sesuai dengan plot dongeng dan tidak mengganggu konsentrasi anak.
 Interaksi merangsang kepekaan anak dalam mendengarkan dongeng.

5. Evaluasi / Assesment / Penilaian

Penilaian pembelajaran mendongeng dilakukan melalui teknik observasi. Melalui teknik ini
pendidik dapat mengamati secara cermat tampilan perilaku anak ketika menyimak. Agar kegiatan
mengevaluasi berjalan secara terencana dengan sistematis, sebaiknya pendidik menyiapkan
format observasi. Format dapat berupa check list.
Gambar 9 . Format Check List
B. Hasil yang Dicapai dalam Melaksanakan Strategi KOBE MENARI
Setelah penerapan strategi KOBE MENARI dalam pembelajaran mendongeng di
PAUD Islam Terpadu Kota Wali Demak maka hasil yang dicapai adalah :
1. Pendidik semakin terpacu dan kreatif memanfaatkan KOBE dan barang bekas lainnya sebagai
media pembelajaran, sehingga menghasilkan karya dan beberapa kali berhasil memenangkan
lomba cipta APE.

Tabel 1. Prestasi PAUD Islam Terpadu Kota Wali Demak

No Prestasi Kategori
1 Juara 1 “Cipta APE” Lomba Kreativitas Tenaga Pendidik Anak Usia
Dini Tingkat Kabupaten Demak tahun 2008
2 Harapan “Lomba PAUD Jalur Pendidikan Non Formal” Tingkat
3 Kabupaten Demak tahun 2008
3 Juara 1 “Lomba Karya Nyata APE Bahan Limbah” Ajang Kreasi
Semarak Anak Usia Dini Hari Anak Nasional Kabupaten Demak
Tahun 2009
4 Juara 1 “Karya Cipta APE Berbahan Limbah” Kategori Pendidik
dalam rangka HAN Kabupataten Demak Tahun 2012
2. Anak-anak yang tumbuh sebagai karakter yang berakhlak mulia, bertangung jawab, dan penuh
kasih sayang. Karakter seorang anak tidak dapat terbentuk dengan sekejap. Membutuhkan
proses, sehingga karakter yang baik itu dapat dilakukannya dengan kesadaran sendiri tanpa
paksaan dan tekanan dari orang lain.

Gambar 10. Praktek Sholat Berjamaah dan Menyayangi Orang Tua

Gambar 11. Kegiatan Upacara Bendera dengan Khitmad

dan Bertanggung Jawab Merapikan Kelas

3. Anak menjadi lebih semangat selama kegiatan pembelajaran, karena pembelajaran berlangsung
dengan menyenangkan.
4. Kreativitas dan kemampuan anak semakin berkembang. Kretivitas yang diperoleh salah satunya
dari proses pengembangan imajinasi dari pendalaman suatu dongeng.
Gambar 12. Anak Sedang Berkreasi

5. Input dari masyarakat semakin positif ditunjukkan dengan jumlah kenaikan anak didik setiap

Grafik 1. Perkembangan Anak Didik PAUD IT Kota Wali Demak

C. Kendala yang Dihadapi dalam Melaksanakan Strategi KOBE MENARI

Kendala-kendala yang dihadapi selama penerapan strategi KOBE MENARI antara lain
1. Membutuhkan waktu, niat dan kerjasama dalam membuat media pembelajaran dari KOBE,
sehingga pendidik harus menerapkan skala prioritas dalam pembuatan media dongeng ini.
2. Penjiwaan dilakukan sebagai pendalaman maksud atau tujuan suatu dongeng. Esensi dari suatu
dongeng bagi anak usia dini diharapkan mampu menanamkan nilai-nilai karakter. Kurangnya
penjiwaan pada saat menyampaikan dongeng membuat suatu dongeng menjadi tidak maksimal.
3. Dibutuhkan kemauan yang kuat dalam menerapkan strategi KOBE MENARI karena dalam
pembuatannya membutuhkan waktu dan kreativitas.

D. Faktor-faktor Pendukung
Faktor-faktor yang mendukung dalam penerapan strategi KOBE MENARI adalah :
1. Komitmen untuk senantiasa berkarya membuat perubahan untuk anak bangsa. Komitmen yang
kuat yang disertai dengan niat yang tulus dari seorang pendidik agar anak-anak menjadi anak-
anak yang berkualitas akhlak dan kemampuannya.
2. Semangat pendidik dalam membimbing anak-anak menjadi anak yang berkarakter sejak dini.
Membuat program-program pembelajaran yang mendukung penanaman karakter anak yang baik.
3. Kegiatan-kegiatan lain yang menunjang, seperti dongeng siroh nabawi (cerita tentang para nabi)
dan shiroh shohabiyah (cerita tentang sahabat-sahabat nabi) yang terprogram dalam program
kerja PAUD Islam Terpadu Kota Wali Demak penyampaiannya tiap pekan secara begiliran di
tiap kelas.
4. Net working dengan pihak-pihak yang peduli dengan anak usia dini, dibuktikan dengan
ditandatanganinya surat pernyataan kesediaan bekerjasama dari Mohhammad Kusyanto, ST, MT.
oleh PAUD IT Kota Wali Demak. Data terlampir.
5. Semangat dari FORSIK2W (Forum Silaturahmi Keluarga PAUD IT Kota Wali Demak) dalam
penyampaian kegiatan pembelajaran kepada orang tua murid selama anak-anak belajar dan
bermain di kelas.

E. Tindak Lanjut/Rencana Desiminasi

Tindak lanjut penerapan strategi KOBE MENARI untuk meningkatkan kretivitas
pendidik anak usia dini di PAUD IT Kota Wali Demak, antara lain :
1. Akan terus mengkaji ulang dan menyempurnakan strategi KOBE MENARI sehingga mampu
menjadi suatu strategi yang bermutu.
2. Mengadakan seminar dan pelatihan-pelatihan secara continue guna mensosialisasikan KOBE
MENARI agar dapat digunakan lembaga lainnya dalam pembelajaran mendongeng.
3. Memberdayakan dan mengaktifkan semua elemen pendidik anak usia dini agar menggunakan
dongeng untuk mengoptimalkan penanaman karakter anak dengan menggunakan KOBE
MENARI sebagai strateginya melalui program-program di Forum HIMPAUDI.
4. Pendisiminasian karya KOBE MENARI di PAUD HASANA MULIA DEMAK yang telah
dilakukan pada hari Senin, 29 April 2013. Data terlampir.

A. Simpulan
Berdasarkan pemaparan Karya Nyatadiatas dapat disimpulkan bahwa :
1. KOBE MENARI adalah strategi yang dapat digunakan dalam menyampaikan dongeng kepada
anak usia dini sebagai penanaman nilai-nilai karakter.
2. Hasil yang diperoleh dalam penerapan strategi KOBE MENARI adalah pendidik semakin kreatif
dan inovatif dalam menciptakan media pembelajaran serta maksimal menggunakan dongeng
dalam pembelajaran dengan metode/cara yang menyenangkan.
3. Kendala yang dihadapi selama penerapan strategi KOBE MENARI adalah waktu dan kemauan
yang kuat sehingga tujuan dari penerapan strategi ini bisa berhasil
4. Faktor pendukung yang menunjang pelaksanaan strategi KOBE MENARI adalah komitmen
pendidik, semangat dari FORSIK2W serta kegiatan siroh tiap pekan. Selain itu net working
dengan pihak yang peduli dengan pendidikan anak usia dini membuat strategi KOBE MENARI
semakin optimal.
5. Tindak lanjut dari strategi KOBE MENARI yaitu memberdayakan semua elemen pendidikan
anak usia dini agar menggunakan dongeng dalam pembelajaran dengan mengoptimalkan strategi
KOBE MENARI sebagai metodenya.

B. Rekomendasi
1. Rekomendasi untuk pemerintah dan pembuat kebijakan
Strategi KOBE MENARI dapat menjadi model dalam pembelajaran dongeng anak usia dini
karena strategi ini sangat bermanfaat untuk penanaman nilai-nilai karakter anak dan
penerapannya pada PAUD di seluruh Indonesia.
2. Rekomendasi untuk pengelola PAUD
Pemberdayaan dan optimalisasi dongeng sebagai indikator pengembangan kemampuan anak
disertai penerapan strategi KOBE MENARI di dalamnya.
3. Rekomendasi untuk pendidik anak usia dini.
Mengaplikasikan strategi KOBE MENARI ketika menyampaikan dongeng kepada anak sebagai
pembelajaran di kelas.
4. Rekomendasi untuk masyarakat.
Agar masyarakat senantiasa memberikan dukungan penuh kepada setiap program dan metode
pembelajaran di PAUD sehingga strategi KOBE MENARI dapat lebih maksimal lagi
ahan dan alat yang digunakan untuk membuat kreasi ini adalah cangkang telur, kapas, keranjang bekas,
gunting, lem, dan kertas putih. Cara membuatnya sangat mudah. Mari kita ikuti langkah-langkah berikut.
klik gambar untuk Zoom
1. Gambarlah bagian mata dengan menggunakan spidol hitam diatas kertas warna putih,
Lalu digunting.

2. Gambarlah bagian mulu dengan menggunakan spidol hitam di atas kertas warna
merah, lalu digunting

3. Siapkan keranjang, isi dengan rumput kering.

4. Siapkan cangkang telur yang di bagian atasnya sudah dipecah, lalu letakkan di atas
rumput kering.

5. Siapkan kapas, kira-kira 1 genggaman tangan lalu masukkan ke dalam telur


6. Bentuklah kapas sebagai bagian kepala dan badan anak ayam.

7. Tempelkan bagian mata dan mulut anak ayam pada kapas.

8. Jadi deh....

Kain flanel atau felt adalah jenis kain yang dibuat dari serat wol, tanpa ditenun. Proses
pembuatan kain flanel disebut juga wet felting, yaitu proses pemanasan dan penguapan
sehingga menghasilkan jenis kain flanel atau felt yang beragam tekstur dan jenisnya,
tergantung dari campuran bahan pembuatnya.

Namun bukan itu yang akan kita bahas. Kali ini kita akan membuat kerajinan tangan
berupa boneka tangan / jari yang unik dan lucu dan dapat digunakan sebagai alat
peraga ketika orang tua membacakan dongeng sebelum tidur bagi si kecil.

Berikut ini cara membuat boneka tangan dari kain flanel yang unik dan lucu :

Alat dan bahan :

1. Kain flanel
2. Mata boneka
3. Benang tenun
4. Lem tembak (panas)
5. Jarum besar
6. Gunting

Cara membuat :
1. Buat pola pada kain flanel berupa bentuk binatang atau apa saja yang ada
difikiran Anda
2. Gunting menikuti pola gambar
3. Jahit dengan menggunakan benang tenun pola jahit jelujur
4. Tempekan mata boneka dengan lem tembak tang sudah dipanaskan
5. Boneka tangan / jari siap digunakan.
6. he Broken Pot
There lived in certain place a Brahman, whose name was Syabhayakripana, which means
“a born miser.” He had collected a quantity of rice by begging, and after having dined off
it, he filled a pot with what was left over.

He hung the pot on a peg on the wall, place his couch beneath, and looking intently at it
all the night, he thought, “Ah, the pot is indeed brimful of rice.

Now, if there should be a famine, I should certainly make a hundred rupees by it. With
this I shall buy a couple of goats. They will have young ones every six months, and thus I
shall have a whole herd of goats.
8. Then, with the goats, I shall buy cows. As soon as they have calved, I shall sell the
calves. Then, with the calves, I shall buy buffaloes; with buffaloes, I shall buy mares.
When the mares have foaled, I shall have plenty of horses; and when I sell them, I will
buy plenty of gold.

With that gold I shall get a house with four wings. And then a Brahman will come to my
house, and will give me his beautiful daughter, with a large dowry. She will have a son,
and I shall call him Somasarman.
10. When he is old enough to be danced on his father’s knee, I shall sit with a book at the
back of the stable, and while I am reading, the boy will see me, jump from his mother’s
lap, and run towards me to be danced on my knee.

He will come too near the horse’s hoof, and full of anger, I shall call to my wife, “Take
the baby; take him!” but she distracted by some domestic work, does not hear me. Then I
get up and give her such a kick with my foot.
12. While he thought this, he gave a kick with his foot, and broke the pot. All the rice fell
over him, and made him quite white.

Therefore, I say “he who makes foolish plans for the future will be white all over, like the
father of Somasarman”.

he Magic Fish Bone

Once upon a time there was a man who had twelve children, but was not able to give them
enough to eat. Alice, the obedient and hard working eldest daughter, became very thin, and it
was, perhaps, for this reason that the Sea Fairy took pity on her and brought her a gift of a
sardine, telling her to be sure to keep the bone after she had eaten the fish.

'It is a magic fish bone,' the Sea Fairy told Alice, 'and it will grant you one wish, but only one. So
be sure to use it wisely,'

Alice was tempted on many occasions to use her magic fish bone; when one of her brothers was
ill; when her sister was lost; but she always managed to put things right by herself, without
resorting to the magic.
One day, however, Alice found her father in desperate poverty: he had no money left at all. 'Is
there no way to find any money?' she asked, worriedly 'No, I have already done everything
possible!' her father replied, sadly.
'Well, then, if there really is no other answer....,' and the young girl put her hand it her pocket and
stroked the fish bone.

The Sea Fairy appeared and at once set about resolving all their problems: she even managed to
find a handsome young man who married Alice, so that she never again felt the need to use the
services of a magic fish bone!


The King and The Robber

(Raja dan Perampok)

Once in a big village lived many robbers. They would roam around the streets and steal as they willed,
out of these, one particular thief used to regularly attend the spiritual discourses given by the local
sadhu at the village temple.

Once, while on his way to the assembly his foot was pricked by a thorn. It became red and swollen, that
night he couldn't join his team for their nightly looting, his friends, however, carried on without him.

There was a king in that town who had a lot of wealthy the robbers decided to rob the king that night
they broke into the king's treasury and succeeded in escaping with millions and millions of rupees
overnight, they shared the wealth amongst themselves and slept as millionaires.

Hearing of this success, the thief that didn't go was scolded by his family "Just because you went to the
assembly you got hurt and failed to join your friends in that robbery you had to sit here and waste your
time you didn't get a single penny and they're all millionaires."

While these words were being repeatedly said the king's army had arrived they had tracked the robbers
down and collected all of them for execution even the innocent thief was lined up for death. All of the
robbers, including the innocent one, were lined up ready to be executed.
At that time all the villagers had gathered in the court the sadhu and the local villagers stood up as
witnesses and said that the last thief that had been hurt by a thorn had not gone out stealing that night
and the king set him free.


Dongeng Singkat The King and the Beggar

Kalau pada cerita di atas kita mengikuti kisah seorang raja dengan perampok sekarang kita akan
membaca kisah seorang raja dan pengemis. Kira-kira seperti apa ya jalan ceritanya? Apakah sama
menariknya dengan dongeng yang pertama? Dari pada kita cuma penasaran saja lebih baik kita baca
langsung cerita selengkapnya di bawah ini.

The King and the Beggar

(Raja dan Pengemis)

There was once a poor beggar sitting alongside the road, he begged from morning until night, all he had
received was a few grains. But in hopes he may earn more, he continued to beg. Soon the beggar noticed
the king coming towards him.

The beggar was excited. "May be the king will give me something expensive" he thought. "I'll sell it, and
then I will buy myself some food."

The king got out his chariot and walked towards the beggar, but just as the beggar's hopes were raised,
the king reached his hands out and begged before the beggar himself could beg!, the beggar was
confused "what i give him?" he thought.

Not knowing what else to do, he reached into his bag and gave the king a few of his grains. The king took
the grains and walk off. The beggar went home sad and sullen. He was upset about not having received
anything from the king.

"The townspeople are selfish," he thought. "Nobody gives, nobody cares"

With such thoughts racing through his mind, the beggar dashed his bag of grains against the ground, two
golden coin sprung out from the bag as it hit the ground, the king had granted the beggar these two
coins without him knowing, he had given them in exchange for the grains.

"What a fool I am!" the beggar thought

"I would have received so much more if I had given the king the whole bag!"

Cukup pendek bukan Dongeng tentang Raja (King) di atas, pastikan kita tidak akan malas membacanya.
Kalau mengalami kesulitan dengan bahasa yang digunakan anda bisa menerjemahkan cerita di atas
secara manual atau menggunakan google terjemahan.

Kalau sudah selesai dengan yang singkat dan pendek di atas jangan lupa baca juga cerita-cerita lain yang
sangat menarik dan menghibur di bawah ini. Semua yang diberikan disini gratis agar bisa menjadi
referensi dan bahan untuk anda semua yang membutuhkan.

The King and the Donkey

(Folktale from Chinese)

Once upon a time, Chao Kao was the Prime Minister of the State of Ch’in. although he was Prime
Minister, he was jealous of the King. He wanted to take his place. He knew that he could not do so
without the help of the other officers of Ch’in. At last, he thought of a way. He bought a donkey and gave
it to the King.

“Your Majesty,” he said, “Please accept this small present,”

“What is it?” the king asked.

“It is a horse,” replied Chao Kao.

The king looked closely at the animal. “A horse!” he said. “You are wrong. It is a donkey,”

“Excuse me, Your Majesty,” answered Chao Kao. “It is a horse. If you do not believe me, you may ask your

The king asked all the officers. Although they knew it was a donkey, they all said it was a horse. They
were very much afraid of Chao Kao.

Chao Kao then sent for the General in charge of the army.

“Arrest the king,” he ordered. “and put him in prison. He is no longer King of Ch’in. I have taken his

The general did as he was told. Chao Kao gave each of the senior officers one hundred pieces of silver
and other presents for helping him.

The King’s Kinka

(Favourite story from Thailand)

The kinka is a small lizard with a red ring around its neck. This story is about a kinka that lived in the
king’s garden.

One day the king took a walk through his garden. He looked at the birds and the flowers. He looked at
the trees. Suddenly he noticed a kinkas do when they are frightened.

“Look at this,” said the king. “this lizard is very clever. He knows how to behave before the king. He is
certainly the most polite animal I have ever seen.”

The king called his gardener. “I want you to feed this kinka. Give him some meat each day. Here is a bag
of gold coins to pay for the meat.”

And so, each day the gardener used two gold coins to buy meat for the kinka. The kinka grew fat and
lazy. He no longer ran through the garden.

One day the gardener was too busy to buy meat. Instead, he hung the two gold coins around the kinka’s
neck. The kinka climbed to the top of the garden gate. Soon the king came along on his daily walk. He
saw the kinka. This time the kinka did not nod its head because the coins around its neck were so heavy.
It simply looked down on the king.

“What a proud kinka you are,” said the king. “You are too proud to be polite.”

After that the king refused to buy any special meat for the kinka. Like other animals, the kinka once again
had to find its own food.


The King's Judgement

Once upon a time, there was a poor man named Juan. He led a very hard life and often had no food to

One day, when he was feeling very tired and hungry, he passed by the house of a rich merchant called
Pedro. Pedro was cooking some food which smelled very good.

“Ah!” thought Juan. “The smell of that food makes me feel better.”

He went to thank Pedro for allowing him to smell the food.

“You have smelled my food,” said Pedro. “so you must pay me for it.”

“I’m sorry,” replied Juan. “but I don’t have any money.”

“I don’t care. You must pay me something.”

“All right.” Said Juan. “Let’s go to see the king. We can ask him to settle the matter for us.

They set out together for the king’s palace. On the way they met a young man named Manuel. He was
trying to pull his horse out of a ditch.

“Please help me pull my horse out of the ditch,” he begged them.

Pedro did not want to help. But Juan helped Manuel by pulling the horse by its tail.

He pulled so hard that the tail came off in his hand.

“Look what you’ve done!” cried Manuel. “You’ll have to pay me for my horse’s tail or find a new tail.”

“I’m only a poor man,” said Juan. “How can I pay you any money or find a new tail for your horse? I was
only trying to help you,”

“Please come with us to see the king. We can ask him to settle the matter.”

When Juan, Pedro and Manuel arrived at the Palace, Juan explained to the king what had happened.

The king kept quiet for some time. He then ordered one of h servants to bring in some silver coins. He
placed them on the table in front of him.

“Smell them,” he ordered Pedro. “Juan was happy to smell your food. So you will have to be happy to
smell the money.”
Pedro did as he was told. He afterwards left the palace without saying another word.

The king then turned to Manuel. “Is it correct that you want Juan either to pay you some money or to
find a new tail for your horse?” he asked.

“Yes Your Majesty.”

“In that case,” said the King, “You must lend your horse to Juan until it grows a new tail.”

Juan was very pleased with the King’s decision. He left the palace riding the horse. Manuel walked home


Khatijah and the Giant - Once upon a time, there was an old farmer in Malaysia. Hehad three
daughters. One was beautiful but the other two were ugly. Many rich men wanted to marry the
beautiful one. Her name was Khatijah. Her two ugly sisters were jealous of her. They thought of
a plan to get rid of her.

They asked her to go with them to collect fruit in the forest near where they lived. They knew
that a fierce giant lived there. They led her to his garden where he grew bananas, mangoes, and

"Collect as many as you like," they said. "They don't belong to anyone. We'll move on to another
garden about a mile away. We'll see you later."

But the giant saw the girl picking his fruit and he ran outof his hut and caught her.

"What a lovely girl you are," he said. "I'll fatten you up and make you my wife." But he was
really going to fatten her up for his dinner.

At last the day came when he was going to eat her. Thegiant's cat, who liked Khatijah because
she always gave her milk to drink, came up to her and said:

"Be careful! The giant isn't going to marry you. He's going to eat you. Give me some milk and
I'll tell you how you can escape."

After the cat had finished licking up the milk, she spoke to Khatijah. "Now please listen
carefully. There's no time left. You must run into the jungle straight away. Take with you some
hairpins, a bucket of water, some string and a stone." The cat quickly told Khatijah how to use
When the giant found that Khatijah had run away, he wentinto the jungle to look for her. When
she saw him coming she threw the bucket of water at him. At once the water became a huge lake.
The giant did not know what to do. However, in a short time he had swallowed tip all the water.

"I've got you now, Khatijah," he roared.

Khatijah threw down the string. It changed into hundredsof poisonous snakes. The giant drew his
knife and soon cut them to pieces. After that, he ran so fast that he almost caught Khatijah.

"You can't escape this time," he shouted.

Khatijah quickly threw down the hairpins. They changed into a great forest of sharp bamboos.
The giant chopped them down with his axe. It seemed as if nothing could stop him.

Finally, Khatijah dropped the stone she was carrying. It became a tall mountain. The giant started
to cut steps up the mountain. He got half way up when his axe became so blunt that it would cut
no more.
"Help me, Khatijah!" he cried. "I'm not going to hurt you. I only want to marry you."

"All right," Khatijah replied. "But you must leave your knife on the ground with the sharp edge
pointing upwards. "

The giant went down the mountain and did as Khatijahtold him.
Then Khatijah let down a rope and the giant climbed up almost to the top of the mountain. He
reached out to get hold of her. She let go of the rope. The giant fell down to the ground far below.
He landed right on top of his knife and that was the end of him.

Khatijah was able to climb down the mountain without anyhorrible. When she returned home,
she told her parents what had happened. They drove her two wicked sisters out of the House.


There was once a fisherman who lived with his wife in a pigsty,
close by the seaside. The fisherman used to go out all day long
a-fishing; and one day, as he sat on the shore with his rod,
looking at the sparkling waves and watching his line, all on a
sudden his float was dragged away deep into the water: and in
drawing it up he pulled out a great fish. But the fish said,
‘Pray let me live! I am not a real fish; I am an enchanted
prince: put me in the water again, and let me go!’ ‘Oh, ho!’ said
the man, ‘you need not make so many words about the matter;
I will have nothing to do with a fish that can talk: so swim
away, sir, as soon as you please!’ Then he put him back into
the water, and the fish darted straight down to the bottom,
and left a long streak of blood behind him on the wave.
When the fisherman went home to his wife in the pigsty, he
told her how he had caught a great fish, and how it had told
him it was an enchanted prince, and how, on hearing it speak,
he had let it go again. ‘Did not you ask it for anything?’ said
the wife, ‘we live very wretchedly here, in this nasty dirty
pigsty; do go back and tell the fish we want a snug little

The fisherman did not much like the business: however, he

went to the seashore; and when he came back there the water
looked all yellow and green. And he stood at the water’s edge,
and said: ’O man of the sea! Hearken to me! My wife Ilsabill
Will have her own will, And hath sent me to beg a boon of

Then the fish came swimming to him, and said, ‘Well, what is
her will? What does your wife want?’ ‘Ah!’ said the fisherman,
‘she says that when I had caught you, I ought to have asked
you for something before I let you go; she does not like living
any longer in the pigsty, and wants a snug little cottage.’ ‘Go
home, then,’ said the fish; ‘she is in the cottage already!’ So
the man went home, and saw his wife standing at the door of a
nice trim little cottage. ‘Come in, come in!’ said she; ‘is not this
much better than the filthy pigsty we had?’ And there was a
parlour, and a bedchamber, and a kitchen; and behind the
cottage there was a little garden, planted with all sorts of
flowers and fruits; and there was a courtyard behind, full of
ducks and chickens. ‘Ah!’ said the fisherman, ‘how happily we
shall live now!’ ‘We will try to do so, at least,’ said his wife.
Everything went right for a week or two, and then Dame
Ilsabill said, ‘Husband, there is not near room enough for us
in this cottage; the courtyard and the garden are a great deal
too small; I should like to have a large stone castle to live in:
go to the fish again and tell him to give us a castle.’ ‘Wife,’ said
the fisherman, ‘I don’t like to go to him again, for perhaps he
will be angry; we ought to be easy with this pretty cottage to
live in.’ ‘Nonsense!’ said the wife; ‘he will do it very willingly, I
know; go along and try!’
The fisherman went, but his heart was very heavy: and when
he came to the sea, it looked blue and gloomy, though it was
very calm; and he went close to the edge of the waves, and
said: ’O man of the sea! Hearken to me! My wife Ilsabill Will
have her own will, And hath sent me to beg a boon of thee!’
’Well, what does she want now?’ said the fish. ‘Ah!’ said the
man, dolefully, ‘my wife wants to live in a stone castle.’ ‘Go
home, then,’ said the fish; ‘she is standing at the gate of it
already.’ So away went the fisherman, and found his wife
standing before the gate of a great castle. ‘See,’ said she ‘is not
this grand?’ With that they went into the castle together, and
found a great many servants there, and the rooms all richly
furnished, and full of golden chairs and tables; and behind the
castle was a garden, and around it was a park half a mile long,
full of sheep, and goats, and hares, and deer; and in the
courtyard were stables and cow-houses. ‘Well,’ said the man,
‘now we will live cheerful and happy in this beautiful castle for
the rest of our lives.’ ‘Perhaps we may,’ said the wife; ‘but let
us sleep upon it, before we make up our minds to that.’ So
they went to bed.

The next morning when Dame Ilsabill awoke it was broad

daylight, and she jogged the fisherman with her elbow, and
said, ‘Get up, husband, and bestir yourself, for we must be
king of all the land.’ ‘Wife, wife,’ said the man, ‘why should we
wish to be the king? I will not be king.’ ‘Then I will,’ said she.
‘But, wife,’ said the fisherman, ‘how can you be king—the fish
cannot make you a king?’ ‘Husband,’ said she, ‘say no more
about it, but go and try! I will be king.’ So the man went away
quite sorrowful to think that his wife should want to be

A farmer has fallen into poverty and is starving. He had been rich, having inherited the farm and
many possessions, but sold them all to avoid having to work. Now he only has one goose, which
he plans also to sell.

However, the goose lays a golden egg, which the farmer is able to sell for a lot of money.

Further golden eggs follow, and the farmer becomes rich again. Consumed with greed, the
farmer wants to get all the golden eggs at once, and cuts the goose open to get at them. There are
no eggs there, and now that the goose is dead, no more eggs to come. The farmer is soon poor

Once, there lived a poor farmer. He had a goose. It laid one golden egg everyday. The former
sold the eggs and became rich.
He was a greedy farmer. He wanted all the golden eggs at the same time.

So, he took a knife and cut the goose but found only one egg inside it.

Thus the greedy farmer lost both the goose and golden eggs and became poor again.

A man and his wife owned a very special goose. Every day the goose would
lay a golden egg, which made the couple very rich.

"Just think," said the man's wife, "If we could have all the golden eggs
that are inside the goose, we could be richer much faster."

"You're right," said her husband, "We wouldn't have to wait for the goose
to lay her egg every day."

So, the couple killed the goose and cut her open, only to find that she
was just like every other goose. She had no golden eggs inside of her at
all, and they had no more golden eggs.

This Short Story The Golden Egg is quite interesting to all the people.
Enjoy reading this story.

Haria, a poor farmer lived alone in his small hut. He was dedicated to
his work. And whatever he earns was enough to fulfill his needs.

One evening, after returning from work, Haria was hungry. “What shall I
cook tonight?” he thought. Just then he heard a hen clucking outside his
hut. “That hen would make a great feast for me,” thought Haria and
prepared to catch the hen.

With a little effort he was able to catch the hen. As he was about to kill
the hen, it squeaked, “Please do not kill me, O kind man! I will help you.”
Haria stopped. Though he was surprised that the hen spoke, he asked,
“How can you help me?”
“If you spare my life, I will lay a golden egg everyday for you,” said the
hen. Haria’s eyes got widened in delight. Haria was surprised to hear this
promise. “A golden egg! That too everyday! But why should I believe you?
You might be lying,” said Haria. “If I do not lay a golden egg tomorrow,
you can kill me,” said the hen. After this promise, Haria spared the hen
and waited for the next day.
The next morning, Haria found a golden egg lying outside his hut and the
hen sitting beside it. “It is true! You really can lay a golden egg!”
exclaimed Haria with great delight. He did not reveal this incident to any
one, fearing that others would catch the hen.
From that day onwards, the hen would lay a golden egg everyday. In
return, Haria took good care of the hen. Very soon, Haria became rich.

But he became greedy. He thought, “If I cut open the hen’s stomach, I
can get out all the golden eggs at once. I do not have to wait for the hen
to lay the golden eggs one by one.”

That night, he brought the hen to the interior portion of his house and
killed the hen. But to his dismay, he found no golden eggs. Not even one.

“What have I done? My greed had made me kill the hen,” he wailed. But
it was too late.

Foolish Farmer

Once upon a time, there was a foolish farmer. He was greedy and always dreamed of becoming
rich in no time.
One day, the farmer found a duck on his farm. He didn’t know from where she had come or how
she arrived on his farm.

“Quak, quak, quak,” said the duck.

The farmer said: “What’s wrong? Why are you quacking? Did you lay an egg?”

“Quak, quak, quak, I laid a golden egg for you today,” replied the duck.

The farmer said: “What? I can’t believe this!”

“Come and take a look if you don’t believe me,” replied the duck.

When the farmer saw the golden egg, he cried: “A golden egg? It’s a fortune that fell to me from
the sky!”
The farmer decided not to tell anyone about the golden egg, for fear of losing the duck.

She kept laying a golden egg every day, but the farmer wanted to get all the eggs at once and in
one day so that he would become the richest man on earth in no time.

“Lay some other eggs, dear duck,” said the farmer.

The duck replied: “I only lay one egg a day. Don’t be greedy.”

“No, no, please, duck, lay more eggs and make me the richest man on earth,” said the farmer.

The greedy farmer thought of killing the duck and taking the eggs from her stomach in order to
sell them and become rich. He brought a sharp knife and called to her: “Come my duck, I must
do something about you.”
“What do you want, greedy farmer?” she asked.

The farmer said: “How many times have I told you to lay all your eggs at once, and you

“It’s better to earn some money every day than to get all the money at once,” replied the duck.

The farmer laughed and said: “Do you want to teach me wisdom, you silly duck?” “Be quiet, I
am going to kill you now,” he added.

The duck pleaded: “Don’t you have a heart? Let me live so that I can give you a golden egg
every day.”

“No, no, that’s not enough, I want to take all the golden eggs from your stomach,” replied the

The duck said: “If you kill me, you won’t find any eggs in my stomach.”

“What would I find then?” asked the farmer.

The duck replied: “You will find nothing. Every day, one new egg grows in my stomach and I
can lay one egg day after day.”

“You know nothing,” said the farmer.

The duck replied: “I know better than you, evil farmer.”

“You know nothing,” said the farmer again.

The duck begged him: “Listen, don’t do something you will regret later on. If you kill me you
won’t get golden eggs anymore.”

“If I kill you I will find and take all the eggs in your stomach. I have made up my mind,” said the

The farmer approached the duck, but she tried to fly away from him.

“Where are you going? You can’t fly. I will catch,” said the farmer.

“Quak, quak, quak,” said the duck.

The farmer jumped towards her.

“Quak, quak, quak,” called the duck.

The farmer caught her by the legs: “Ha ha! You can’t run away, I caught you!”

“Quak, quak, quak…Believe me, you won’t find anything, let me go!” cried the duck.

The farmer had the duck in his hands and laughed and said: “I will be rich!"

“Quak, quak, quak…You will regret it, greedy farmer,” replied the duck sadly.

Finally, the farmer killed the duck and opened her stomach to find only one tiny egg. He said to
himself: “How stupid I am! I killed this poor duck and there are no more golden eggs. I should
have believed her. Where are the golden eggs that were supposed to make me rich?” And he felt
sorry for himself and wept and said: “I have become poor again; I wish I had been content with
one golden egg each day, and the friendship of the duck…”

The moral of the story?

Never kill the goose that makes you golden eggs.

In life, of course, the goose represents you, your health and your ability to produce the fruit that
brings meaning to your life.

Sometimes, we have a tendency to treat ourselves like the greedy farmer. We don’t respect the
law of the harvest. We just want the golden eggs.

This is a stupid and dangerous approach to life because it harms us more than it helps us.

Think about this the next time you’re chasing that golden egg, whatever it might be.
The farmer and the golden egg

Once upon a time, there lived a poor farmer in a village. His name was
Ramu and he lived in old hut. All he had was the clothes he was wearing.
He did odd jobs for the villagers from time to time to get a small meal.
Some days when there was no job, he had to sleep hungry.

One such day, when there was no work for him, Ramu was just
wandering about feeling quite hungry. Suddenly, he saw a duck going by.
Ramu ran and caught the duck, thinking, "Ah! This is my lucky day. I can
cook and eat this duck. I am very hungry."

But to his surprise the duck began to speak!

“Quak, quak, quak,” said the duck.

Ramu said: “What’s wrong? Why are you quacking? Did you lay an egg?”

“Quak, quak, quak, I am a magic duck. And you know what! I can actually
lay golden eggs!” replied the duck.

Ramu said: “What……..? I can’t believe that!”

“Take me home if you don’t believe me,” replied the duck.

Ramu was very surprised. A duck talked and claimed to lay golden eggs!
"Well," he thought, "Let me take home the duck. Maybe it will really
give me golden eggs and my life will change!"

"All right," he told the duck. "I ll take you. I shall soon be known as a
rich man rather than as "poor Ramu" hehehehe”

So Ramu took home the duck. He slept on an empty stomach that night
Ramu's sleep was filled with dreams that night. And guess what he
dreamt about - Of course of golden eggs.

He woke up in great excitement. He rushed to where the duck was -

and found a golden egg! Ramu cried with joy. “oh my GOD…….the golden
egg..I am rich now..hahahaha”

He took the golden egg to the market in the nearby town. He got a lot
of money for it. Ramu bought clothes and many things to eat. He did
not forget buy food for the duck.

The same thing happened the next day. Soon poor Ramu became a rich
man. He wore fine clothes, ate good food and didn't have to do any
work at all!

But as Ramu grew richer, he also became greedy and stingy. He began
to forget the duck and careless of the duck house.

You know what happen to the duck? The duck became weak and sick and
began to lay fewer and fewer eggs. Finally, one day, she stopped laying
egg completely.

“Lay some more eggs, dear duck,” said Ramu.

The duck replied: “quak.quak.quak. Don’t be greedy. You are already


“No, no, please, duck, lay more eggs and make me the richest man in the
town,” said Ramu

“Believe me Ramu, it’s enough for you” persuaded the duck

With that, Ramu became very angry.

“If I kill the duck, I will find the golden eggs in her stomach. I have
made up my mind,” thought Ramu

Finally, Ramu cut the duck and opened her stomach to find golden egg.
But found - nothing at all.

Ramu was extremely sad. He said to himself: “How stupid I am! I killed
this poor duck?”He felt sorry for himself “Now I shall have no more
eggs. I wish I had not been so greedy. I have become poor again


From the story we can take some lessons: first don’t be greedy and
second, think before you act.

Thank you for attention

"How foolish and wrong of me to have killed the poor duck," he thought.
"I was getting a golden egg each day. he cried.

When the farmer saw the golden egg, he cried: “A golden egg? It’s a
fortune that fell to me from the sky!”

The farmer decided not to tell anyone about the golden egg, for fear
of losing the duck.

She kept laying a golden egg every day, but the farmer wanted to get
all the eggs at once and in one day so that he would become the richest
man on earth in no time.

“Lay some other eggs, dear duck,” said the farmer.

The duck replied: “I only lay one egg a day. Don’t be greedy.”

“No, no, please, duck, lay more eggs and make me the richest man on
earth,” said the farmer.

The greedy farmer thought of killing the duck and taking the eggs
from her stomach in order to sell them and become rich. He brought a
sharp knife and called to her: “Come my duck, I must do something
about you.”
“What do you want, greedy farmer?” she asked.

The farmer said: “How many times have I told you to lay all your eggs
at once, and you refused?"

“It’s better to earn some money every day than to get all the money at
once,” replied the duck.

The farmer laughed and said: “Do you want to teach me wisdom, you
silly duck?” “Be quiet, I am going to kill you now,” he added.

The duck pleaded: “Don’t you have a heart? Let me live so that I can
give you a golden egg every day.”

“No, no, that’s not enough, I want to take all the golden eggs from your
stomach,” replied the farmer.

The duck said: “If you kill me, you won’t find any eggs in my stomach.”
“What would I find then?” asked the farmer.

The duck replied: “You will find nothing. Every day, one new egg grows
in my stomach and I can lay one egg day after day.”

“You know nothing,” said the farmer.

The duck replied: “I know better than you, evil farmer.”

“You know nothing,” said the farmer again.

The duck begged him: “Listen, don’t do something you will regret later
on. If you kill me you won’t get golden eggs anymore.”

“If I kill you I will find and take all the eggs in your stomach. I have
made up my mind,” said the farmer.

The farmer approached the duck, but she tried to fly away from him.

“Where are you going? You can’t fly. I will catch,” said the farmer.

“Quak, quak, quak,” said the duck.

The farmer jumped towards her.

“Quak, quak, quak,” called the duck.

The farmer caught her by the legs: “Ha ha! You can’t run away, I
caught you!”

“Quak, quak, quak…Believe me, you won’t find anything, let me go!” cried
the duck.

The farmer had the duck in his hands and laughed and said: “I will be

“Quak, quak, quak…You will regret it, greedy farmer,” replied the duck
The Goose That Laid Golden Eggs
There was a poor man who lived with his wife. They lived in
an old house at the end of a village. Both the man and his wife
were farmers. They reared some geese on their farm. The geese
would lay eggs every day.

Then, the farmers would collect the eggs and sell them.
They would get some money after selling the eggs.

One day, the farmer was surprised. One of the geese had
laid a golden egg. "Come! Come and see this!" he called out to
his wife. She came running to the coop. She was surprised to
see the golden egg.
" Our goose has laid a golden egg!" she shouted happily. "
We will be rich when we sell this golden egg!"

The farmer later went to town. He sold the golden egg to a

goldsmith. He was happy to get a lot of money for it. "If the
goose lays a golden egg each day, we will be very rich soon!"
the farmer said to his wife. The farmer's wish came true. The
next day, he went to see the goose again. It had laid another
golden egg.

The farmer had a lot of money now. The goose laid a

golden egg every day. The farmer and his wife became very rich
and lived in a new house.
Soon, the farmer became greedy. One day, he had an idea.
He believed that the goose had many golden eggs in its
"If I cut the goose's stomach, I will get more golden eggs,"
he thought. So, he took a knife and walked towards the coop.
He cut open the goose's stomach. However, he could not find
any golden eggs in the goose's stomach. The farmer was very

The farmer realized his mistake. The goose was dead and
there was no more golden eggs.

This story tells us we should not be greedy or we will lose


Story 1.
The greedy farmer and his goose/ The greedy farmer

Once there lived a farmer. He was very poor. He had a small farm of geese.
On morning he was working on his farm. Suddenly he found a beautiful
shinning objective lying in one corner of the goose-house. He picked it up
and exclaimed, “It’s a gold egg.” He called his wife to show the most special
egg and together they carried the egg to their home.

At first she was surprised and cried out in joy, “Oh! We are rich. We have a
goose that lays gold egg. We’ll never work from tomorrow.” “Stop it!
Shouted the farmer, “We are not sure yet whether the egg is laid by the
goose or it has come from somewhere else.” The next day the farmer
entered into the farm and found the same thing lying on the ground. Seeing
this he came to a judgment that one of his geese had laid the egg but he
could not identify which was that one. He called at his wife and said, “Here
it is.” Then they watched carefully and identified the goose. They separated
the special from the other geese and gave it good and rich food. The goose
became healthy and bulky and so it began to lay a gold egg regularly. The
farmer grew richer and richer on and on. At the same time they were
somewhat greedy. The farmer’s wife thought of having a lot of gold eggs at a
time. She proposed to her husband that they should cut open the belly of
the goose so that they would take out the innumerable gold eggs. The
farmer considered it a nice proposal and accepted it at once. He brought a
sharp knife and together they cut the belly of the goose. But to their
surprise they found no gold egg inside. They were thundered and too
socked to talk. They were thrilled and trembled in fear perceiving the result
of their greedy appetite. Thus the greedy farmer and his wife lost gold egg

Clever Katya
A story from Russia

Retold by Julia Donaldson

Illustrated by Jane Kochnewitz

The Czar of Russia was out in his coach when he saw a farmer
eating some bread.

‘I’m hungry,’ said the Czar. ‘Stop the coach!’

He got out and asked the farmer for some bread. The farmer
bowed low and gave him some.

‘This is the best bread I have ever tasted,’ said the Czar. ‘Who
made it? ’
‘My daughter, Katya, your Majesty,’ replied the farmer.
‘Tell me about Katya,’ said the Czar.

‘ Oh, she’s a wonderful girl,’ said the farmer.

‘ So pretty, so good, so strong, such a good worker, such a good singer

‘ And such a good baker,’ said the Czar with his mouth full of
bread. ‘Is she clever too?’

‘Oh yes,’ boasted the farmer. ‘She’s the cleverest person in Russia.’
‘What? Cleverer than me?’ asked the Czar.

‘Oh no, your Majesty. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean that,’ began the

But the Czar had jumped back into his coach.

‘I’ll be back!’ he called out.

Read more »
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The Wolf in the Sheep's Skin

The Wolf in the

Sheep’s Skin
A hungry wolf saw a flock of sheep in a
farm. They were eating grass. The wolf
wanted to catch the sheep.

The wolf was unlucky. There was a shepherd looking

after the sheep. He had a rifle with him.
“How am I going to catch those sheep?” the wolf
asked itself. “The shepherd will shoot me if I go into his

The wolf tried to think of a plan. It looked around and

saw a sheep’s skin. It had an idea. It quickly stole the skin.

The wolf covered itself with the skin. It disguised itself

as one of the sheep.
"Nobody will know that I am a wolf," the wolf said to
“Now, I can catch those sheep,” it said happily.
Then it walked slowly towards the other sheep.

The shepherd did not know that the wolf had

disguised itself as a sheep. The wolf quietly caught one of
the sheep. It ate the sheep.

The wolf continued to catch the other sheep and ate

them one by one. The shepherd did not know what had
happened to his sheep.
Soon, the shepherd began to realize that his sheep
were getting lesser. He wanted to find out what had
happened to them.

The next day, the disguised wolf went to the farm

again. It did not see the shepherd. The wolf jumped at one
of the sheep.
The shepherd was hiding behind a tree. He saw the
disguised wolf. It was attacking one of his sheep.

Before the disguised wolf could eat the sheep, the

shepherd came out. He pulled the sheep’s skin from the
“So, it is you! You have been eating my sheep!” the
shepherd shouted angrily.
The wolf could not run away anymore.

The shepherd caught the wolf and brought it home.

He wanted to punish the bad wolf for eating his sheep.

I wonder, said the farmer to himself, if I could get more eggs from my hen? So he began to feed
the hen special food and to keep her in a special cage and, just as he had hoped, the hen began to
lay two or three golden eggs every week. The farmer was very happy and had even more money
to spend.

But as the farmer grew richer, he also became greedy and stingy, and he began to give the hen
less special food and take less care of the chicken house.

As a result, the hen that laid the golden eggs became weak and sick and began to lay fewer and
fewer eggs. Finally, one day, she stopped laying eggs completely.
With that, the farmer became very angry and, thinking that if he killed the hen, he could have all
her treasure at once, he cut her open and found - nothing at all.

The Crying Stone

One upon a time, lived a poor old widow in a small village. She lived with her
daughter. Her daughter was very beautiful but also very lazy and arrogant. She
never helped her mother and didn’t want to know what problem her mother had.
Everyday, she put make up and wears her best clothes. She always wanted to look
rich and beautiful.

One day, the mother and her daughter went to the market to buy some food. At
first, the daughter refused to accompany her mother, but finally she agreed. “I’ll go
with you, but you must walk behind me,” said the daughter. She didn't want to
walk side by side with her mother. Although her mother was very sad, she agreed
to walk behind her daughter.

On the way to the market, everybody admired the girl's beauty. But they were also
curious. Behind the beautiful girl, there was an old woman with a simple dress.
The girl and her mother looked very different. “Hello, beautiful girl. Who is the old
woman behind you? Is she your mother?" they asked. “No, she is not my mother.
She is my servant,” the girl answered. Her mother was very sad to hear that, but
she didn't say anything. She could understand that her daughter was ashamed.

The girl and the mother met other people. Again they asked who the woman behind
the beautiful girl. And again the girl answered that her mother is her servant. She
always said that her mother is her servant every time people asked.

At last, the mother cannot hold the pain anymore. She prayed to God to punish her
daughter. Suddenly, the girl's leg turns into stone. Slowly, the process continues to
the upper part of the girl's body. The girl was in panic. "Mother, please forgive me!
Mother!" she cried and asked her mother to forgive her. But it's already too late.
Her whole body finally becomes a big stone. Until now, people can still see tears
falling down from the stone. People then call it batu menangis (it mean the crying
The Legend Of A Crying Stone

Once upon time, there was a poor old widow living in remote village. She
lived with her daughter. Her Name is Darmi, Darmi was very beautiful girl but
very lazy, she always spent most of her times on the mirror. She never wanted
to help her mother working at the field.
The Mother : “ Girl, will you help me at the field, now?”
Darmi : “ No, I won’t! I don’t want to go there. I’m afraid my skin turns
dark. Mom,
everyone knows that you are an old woman while I am a pretty young
girl. So,
people will get attracted to me and not you. That is why I prefer staying
home because I am waiting for a rich boy to get married with me ”.
After her mother from the field she accompany her daughter to the
market. Her mother brought a basket full of goods, while her daughter before
her. Darmi wore a beautiful dress while her mother wore a bad clothes. It was
very contrast. Darmi was shy because her mother wanted to follow her went to
the town, so she kept the distance between her mother. One villagers asked
The Villagers: “ Little girl is that your mother ? “
Darmi : “ No she is not my mother, but my slave. Slave look at
me, it is very heavy,
bring my new dress. “
The Mother : “ I’m tired dear. ”
Darmi : “ I don’t care. I’m tired too.”
The mother couldn’t stand hearing her daughter’s answer after asked by
a lot of people. Her daughter always said that the woman behind her was a
servant or slave. At last, the mother prayed to God to ask punishment for her
impolite daughter.
The Mother : “ My God, please. I beg you to punish my daughter,
please. Help me, please. I
couldn’t stand looking at her bad behavior. Please, help
me. My God, help me,
please. My God, punish her “.
The God heard the poor old woman’s prayer. Suddenly, there was
thunderstorm and the light struck. Surprisingly, the body of her daughter
turned in to a stone little by little. She tried to escape from the God’s
punishment, but she couldn’t.
Darmi : “ My God forgive me, please. I know I have made a big
mistake. I don’t obey you.
Please help me mother. I want to be a good child “.
It was too late. The evil body turned into stone slowly, but see still could
cry. He tears dropped from eyes. People called the stone as a crying stone since
Moral value : From the story we can take lessons. We must respect our parent,
especially our mother. Don’t be rebellious child. We must make our parent
happy and proud with us.

The Crying Stone

Good morning judges and audiences
My name is Tri Wibowo from junior high school ONE Membalong.
I am standing here to tell you a story about “a disobedient girl”. Here is the
Once upon a time, there was a widow and her only daughter living in a village
of West Kalimantan Province. The widow was an old woman; while her
daughter was a charming girl, whose name was Darmi.

They lived in a hut poorly. The mother was forced willy-nilly to work much
However, Darmi was not a hard-worker. She was a lazy girl who spent almost
of her times dressing up and adoring her reflection on the mirror. One of her
bad habits was showing off her beauty to the people.

She never wanted to help her mother working at the field. If her mother asked
her for help, Darmi refused.
“Girl, will you help at the field, now?” the mother asked.
“No, I won`t! I don`t wanna go there. I`m afraid my skin turns dark,” Darmi
answered to her mother without looking at her.
“You let me to work there alone, don`t you?”
“Mom….., everyone knows that you are an old woman while I am a pretty
young girl. So, people will get attracted to me and not you. That is why I prefer
staying at home to working outside in the field because I…! am…! waiting for a
rich boy propose me to get married with.”
Darmi`s mother was speechless to hear that. She was realizing that her
daughter had no respect to her at all. Then, she went to the field alone and
Darmi stayed at home. Worse, Darmi used to beg money from her mother after
she went back from work.
One day, Darmi`s mother was going to town to buy some daily needs. Darmi
knew this, and she got her mother to buy a new dress. However, Darmi`s
mother did not know anything about good looking dress. She asked Darmi to
accompany her to the town.
“There will be a party in the village. I wanna be the most beautiful at the party.
I don’t have beautiful dress anymore. Mom! I need to buy a new one,”
“Go with me to the town. So you can choose by yourself,” the mother said
“I don`t wanna go with you!” Darmi answered.
“But I don`t know which one!”
Then, Darmi gave up. She followed her mother to go to the town.
“Ok, Mom! I will go with you, but please, you have to walk behind me!” said
“Why, girl?” the mother wondered.
“Why??? Of course, I feel ashamed to walk along with an old woman like you.
Look at me! I`m a graceful girl so I won`t people leave me because they know
you`re my mother!” Darmi explained.
The mother was very sad but she was silent, instead she took the “bakul” and
walked behind Darmi.
Both then went to the town. Darmi`s mother walked behind her daughter. She
brought a bakul containing the things from town.
Darmi wore a beautiful dress while her mother wore bad clothes. It was very
contrast. Darmi was shy because her mother wanted to follow her went to the
town, so she kept the distance from her mother.

Along the way in the town, many people greeted Darmi because her beautiful
One villager asked her. “Beautiful girl, where are you going? “
“I`m here looking for cosmetics,” she answered.
“And who`s the old woman behind you?” some asked.
“She`s my maid. She serves me everyday” Darmi smiled to those who admired
at her.

Darmi`s mother was totally shocked to hear that. She couldn`t believe those
words came out from her daughter.
Darmi`s mother could no longer restrain her anger. Soon after Darmi said that
words, the mother stopped.

“Why do you stop?” Darmi questioned her mother but she did not call her
“Hey! Are you listening to me?!” she shouted once more because the mother
was just silent.
The mother kept silent, ignoring the call of her daughter.

Since then, Darmi`s mother mumbled with her hands looked up to the sky.

“Hey, old woman! What… are… you doing?!!” Darmi kept stubborn, admitting
the old woman was not her mother.
Darmi`s mother intended not to answer. She kept praying to God upon a curse
towards her daughter.
Suddenly, the sky turned dark. The loud thunder roared and the rain fell

At that time, Darmi could move her feet anymore. Gradually, her feet turned
into black stone. Slowly her entire body turned into stone.
“Mom…! Mom…! What`s happening to me?” finally she called her mother
“Mom.” “I`m sorry, Mom! I`m so sorry…,” she cried loudly.

Now, the stone keeps spouting water as a crying girl.

Since that time, people called the stone the “crying stone.”

Okay …..
From the story we can take lesson. We must respect our parent, especially our
mother. Don’t be rebellious child.
In the Tunjuk Ajar Melayu, it is said:
Kalau hidup mendurhaka
Kemana pergi akan celaka

Kalau suka berbuat durhaka

Orang benci Tuhan pun murka

The Crying Stone - From West Kalimantan

West Kalimantan is one of the provinces in Indonesia, located on Borneo island and directly
adjacent to the Sarawak, East Malaysia. This province has hundreds of large and small rivers,
thus dubbed the area "A Thousand Rivers". According to the story, in a region in this province
there is a beautiful girl who transformed into stone. Events what's happened to the girl, thus
transformed into a stone? Want to know the full story? Follow her story in the Rock Cried Here's
the story!
Once, in a remote village in West Kalimantan, Indonesia, there lived an old widow with a
beautiful daughter called Darmi. They lived in a shack situated on the edge of the village. Since
father Darmi died, their lives became difficult. Darmi father did not leave any inheritance. To
meet the needs of their lives, Darmi mother worked in the fields or the fields of others as wage
While his daughter, Darmi, a spoiled girl. Whatever his request should be granted. Besides
spoiled, she is also a girl who was lazy. It works just primp and admire the beauty in front of the
mirror. Every afternoon he always loitered in the village without a clear purpose, except just to
show her beauty. He does not want to help her mother make a living. Every time her mother
asked her to go into the fields, he always refused.
"Child! Come help me work in the fields, "said the mother.
"No, ma'am! I do not want to go to the field. Later dirty nails and my skin is exposed to mud,
"said Darmi refused.
"Are not you sorry to see me, my son?" Asked the mother pleaded.
"No! Old mother has to work in the fields, because there is no longer possible for men who are
interested in the mother's face was wrinkled, "replied curtly Darmi.
Hearing his son, the mother can not say anything else. With feelings of sadness, he also went into
the fields to work. While the Darmi still live in huts, continues to primp for mempecantik
himself. After her mother came home from the fields, Darmi demanded money his mother earned
wages to buy makeup.
"Mom! Where's the money that his wages! "Cried the mother Darmi.
"Hey, Darmi! Where are you going? "Asked his companion.
"To the market!" Darmi answered quietly.

"Then, who the people behind it? Is she your mother? "Asked another friend, pointing to an old
man carrying a basket.
"Certainly not my mother! He is my servant, "said Darmi with sarcasm.
Like lightning struck the old man heard his daughter. But he was silent, holding his sadness.
After that, they even went to the market. Not long walk, they met again with someone.
"Hey, Darmi! Where are you going? "Asked the man.
"Interlocking to the market," said Darmi brief.
"Who's behind it?" Asked another man.
"He's my servant," said Darmi getting annoyed with these questions.
Darmi thrown answers made her more sad hearts. But, the mother is still holding strong sense of
sadness. So it goes on and on for the way to the market. Finally, the mother stopped, then sat by
the roadside.
"Mom! Why quit? "Asked Darmi surprise.
Darmi asked several times, but his mother still did not answer the question. A moment later,
Darmi saw her mother's mouth as he tilted hum and commit both hands.
"Hey, Mom what are you doing?" He asked with a tone Darmi snapped.
Mother is still not answering her question. He still prays to God to punish the rebellious son's.
"Yes, Lord! Forgive this weak servant. Servant was no longer able to deal with the rebellious
attitude of the servant of this child. Give him retribution! "Prayer of the Mother.
Moments later, suddenly the sky became overcast. Lightning flashed and thunder grabs the
deafening rumble. Heavy rain also fell. Slowly, foot Darmi turned into stone. Darmi began to
"Mother ...! Mother ... ! What happened to my legs, ma'am? "Said Darmi, yelling.
"Forgive Darmi! Darmi sorry, Mom! Darmi never do it again, Mom! "Cried Darmi increasingly
However, what is about to be made, cooked rice has become porridge. The punishment can no
longer be avoided. Slowly, the whole body Darmi turned to stone. Changes that occur from the
legs, loss, up to the head. Rebellious girl was just crying and crying regretted it. Before his son's
head turned into stone, her mother still see water dripping from her eyes. All who pass by that
place also witnessed the event. Not long after, the weather was again bright as usual. The whole
body has been transformed into a stone Darmi. The rock is then they put it on the sidewalk
leaning against the cliff. By local people, they give the name of the stone Crying Stones. The
rock is still well maintained, so that we can still be seen today.
"No, boy! Money to buy the necessities of life we are today, "said the mother.
"But, Mom! My powder has been discharged. I had to buy a new one, "said Darmi.
"You are the child does not know himself! Him to spend money, but do not want to work, "said
his mother upset.
Although angry, the mother still give the money to Darmi. The next day, when her mother came
home from work, he asked again Darmi wages earned money to buy her other beauty tools. That
situation happens almost every day.
One day, when his mother wanted to market, Darmi ordered that bought a beauty tool. But her
mother did not know that he cosmetic purposes. Then her mother asked her to come to market.
"Then let's go with Mom to the market!" Said his mother.
"I do not want to go to market with my mother!" Replied her mother refusing Darmi.
"But, I do not know the beauty tools you mean it, boy!" Cried his mother.
However, after pressed, Darmi was willing to accompany her mother to the market.
"I want to come with Mom to the market, but on condition that she must walk behind me," said
Darmi to the mother.
"That is why, boy!" Her mother asked curiously.
"I'm ashamed to people walking side by side with the village if the mother," said Darmi.
"Why be shy, boy? Am I your birth mother? "Asked the mother.
"You should look in the mirror. Look at Mother's face was wrinkled and very dirty clothes that
mom! I'm embarrassed to have a mother like that mess! "Cried the mother Darmi with
condescending tone.
Although sad, the mother had to oblige her daughter. After that, off they go to market together.
The Darmi walk in front, while his mother followed with a basket of berlakang. Although both
mothers and children, they look very different appearance. As if they were not the same family.
The Child looks pretty good with the clothes, while his mother looked very old with very dirty
clothes and full of patches.
Along the way, Darmi meet with friends who lived in another village.

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