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0 Reference Data Overview

The Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) enables you to define and modify the
reference data for the PDS 3D modules. This reference data is used to ensure
consistency in the definition of piping specifications and commodity libraries. It
enables you to control and standardize the PDS 3D tasks. You can also modify the
reference data to reflect company practices and standards.
The Reference Data for PDS 3D is composed of the following basic components

Piping Job Specification

Graphic Commodity Data
Material Description Data
Standard Note Library
Label Description Library
Piping Assembly Library

The following illustrates the basic components of the Reference Data for PDS 3D.

The Reference Data Manager supports both approved and unapproved reference data
for a project. The Project Control Database contains complete file management data for
both an approved and unapproved version of each type of reference data such as the
Piping Job Specification or the Graphic Commodity Library. This allows revisions to
take place in unapproved files while other processes read the approved files. Once the
information in the unapproved files has been verified, it can be posted to the approved
reference data files. The Reference Data for PDS 3D is composed of the following basic

Training Material – Spec Writing with PDS 3D

2.0 Graphic Commodity Data

The graphic commodity data is used to define commodity items, specialty items, and
instruments. The Graphic Commodity Library contains the parametric symbol
definitions required to place piping and instrument components in a 3D model. When
you place a component the system uses the Piping Job Specification to select the
appropriate component from the parametric symbol definition library, which then
accesses the component dimensional data.
The graphic commodity data is contained in the following object libraries:
Graphic Commodity Library - contains the parametric definitions for the commodity
• Physical Dimension Libraries - contains dimension data for the commodity items.
(A different Physical Dimension Library is required for each type of practice such as,
U.S., DIN, or British Standard)
• Spec Table Library - contains the specification tables referenced in the PJS.
The parametric descriptions and dimension tables are also delivered in the form of text
libraries which you can extract and modify using the Graphic Commodity Library
Manager and Physical Data Library Manager.

3.0 Material Description Data

The Material Description Data is accessed for
• Material Take-off (MTO) reporting from the Design Database
• Other miscellaneous reporting
• Interfaces to the material control system
• Stress analysis
• Isometric drawing extraction.
• The Material Description Data consists of the commodity item data, which is not
stored in the Design Database, which is not required for the creation of graphic
symbologies, and which is not part of the geometric data. This data is contained in
the following files:
• Material Data in the Specification/Material Database - database tables containing
definitions for commodity items, criteria for implied material, and weld data.
• Short Material Description Library - contains the short material descriptions for
commodity items and taps.
• Long Material Description Library - contains the long material descriptions for
commodity items.
• Specialty Material Description Library - contains the material descriptions for
specialty items.
The material descriptions are also delivered in the form of neutral files, which you can
modify and post to the libraries.
The Material Description Library Manager enables you to create, revise, and delete data
in the Material Description Libraries. You can use the Piping Job Specification Manager
to load the material data tables in the Specification/Material Database.

Training Material – Spec Writing with PDS 3D

4.0 Label Description Library

The Label Description Library contains the definitions for the following label types used
in PDS 3D:
• Orthographic drawing view specific labels
• Orthographic drawing view identification labels
• Orthographic drawing - user input
• Displayable attribute messages
• Commodity code attribute messages
• Isometric drawing labels
• Report labels
• Clash management labels
These labels are intelligent graphics with links to the material database.
The Label Description Library Manager enables you to define the graphic parameters for
a label (such as level, line weight, and color code) and to define the format of the label
(what information comprises the label.)

5.0 Piping Assembly Library

The Piping Assembly Library contains the piping assembly definitions, which define the
parameters necessary to place a piping assembly (group of components) automatically in
the model.
A Piping Assembly object library and text library, which contain the definitions for basic
assemblies, are included in the product delivery.

6.0 Delivered Reference Data

The following reference data is delivered in the reference database products for the
corresponding practices (such as RDUSRDB or RDDINRDB).
File Description Object Text
Physical Dimension Table us_pcdim.l us_pcdim.l.t
Piping Job Specification us_pjstb.l us_pjstb.l.t
Table Library
Short Material Description us_shbom.l -
Long Material Description us_lgbom.l -
Specialty Material us_spbom.l -
Description Library
For the DIN RDB substitute din_ for us_ in the listed library file names.
The following reference data, which is not unique to any specific practice, is delivered in
the PD Shell product in the \win32app\ingr\pdshell\lib directory.
File Description Object Text
Graphic Commodity Library pip_gcom.l pip_gcom.l.t
Piping Assembly Library assembly.l assembly.l.t
Label Description Library labels.l -
Standard Note Library std_note.l std_note.l.t

Training Material – Spec Writing with PDS 3D

7.0 Reference Data Manager

The Reference Data Manager provides access to the various functions associated with
the PDS 3D Reference Database. Select the Reference Data Manager option from the
PD Shell form. The system activates the following form:

Select the option to be performed.

Spec Writer - used to create, modify, and delete information in the Material Reference
Database using a forms interface.
Piping Job Specification Manager - used to create, modify, and delete information in
the Material Reference Database using neutral files.
Piping Job Specification Tables - used to create, modify, and delete information in the
Piping Job Spec Table Library.
Piping Job Spec Report Manager - used to define and generate reports of data in the
Material Reference Database.
Graphic Commodity Library Manager - used to create, modify, and delete graphic
commodity library data (Eden modules).
Physical Data Library Manager - used to create, modify, and delete physical data
(dimension tables) in object and text libraries.
Material Description Library Manager - used to create and modify alphanumeric
commodity data.
Standard Note Library Manager - used to create, revise, and report the code lists and
standard notes associated with the PDS 3D modules.
Label Description Library Manager - used to define the graphic parameters for a label
(such as level, line weight, and color code) and to define the format of the label (what
information comprises the label).

Training Material – Spec Writing with PDS 3D

Piping Assembly Library Manager - used to create, revise, and delete piping assembly
definitions in the Piping Assembly Library. The Piping Assembly Language (PAL)
enables you to define the parameters necessary to place a piping assembly (group of
components) automatically in the model.
Table Checker - used to verify that all the commodity spec tables, entries, and Eden
modules for a piping materials class exist in the graphic data libraries for the project.
Reference Database Revision Manager - used to create a set of reports for coordinating
revisions in the Reference Database and the implied changes which are required in the
Reference Database Management Data - used to define the filenames for Reference
Database Files, graphic commodity data, dimension tables, and spec tables. You can
define either approved or unapproved RDB data for each item.
Default Project Control Data - used to define the default location for the source files
used to load the RDB files (such as neutral files, program files, and report files.)

8.0 Reference Database Management Data

This option activates the Reference Database Management Data form used to define the
filenames for Reference Database Files, graphic commodity data, dimension tables, and
spec tables. You can define either approved or unapproved RDB data for each item.
Operating Sequence

1. Select Reference Database Management Data from the Reference Data Manager form.

2. Select RDB File Type

Select the RDB file from the list of files. You can use the scroll arrows to scroll
through the listed files.
The system identifies the file for the selected field in the fields at the bottom of the form.
There are no default settings for these files; you must define the applicable file locations
before you can continue.
Material/Specification Reference Database - This field identifies the Material
Reference Database for the project.
Piping Job Specification Table Library - This field identifies the location of the Piping
Job Spec Table library.
Short Material Description Library - This field identifies the library, which contains
the short bill-of-material description for all piping commodity items and the BOM
description for taps.
Long Material Description Library - This field identifies the library, which contains
the long BOM description for all piping commodity items. The long BOM description is
only used for requisitions.
Specialty Material Description Library - This field identifies the library, which
contains the BOM description for engineered items, in-line instruments, and pipe
supports. This library tends to be customer-specific.
Standard Note Library - This field identifies the location of the standard note library.
Label Description Library - This field identifies the location for the label description
Piping Assembly Library - This field identifies the location for the Piping Assembly
library. This library contains the symbol definitions for assemblies.

Training Material – Spec Writing with PDS 3D

Graphic Commodity Library - This field identifies the library, which contains the
Eden modules used to place components in the model.
Physical Data Library - These fields identify the library files, which contain the
physical data tables for a range of geometric industry standards.
Commodity Synonym Library - This field identifies the user-defined library, which
contains the map for translating the default piping commodity names used in the P&ID
Task to names specified by the user in the Piping Job Specification.
Orthographic Drawing Borders - This field identifies the drawing border files to be
used when creating drawings. Sets of border files are delivered to the directory
win32appingr\pddraw\border\. You must specify which style of borders is to be used.
1. Key in any changes to the selected RDB files.
If you specify an unapproved file, the system will use the unapproved file for all
Reference Data Manager operations (such as revising entries in a library.)
2. You can select Approved --> Not Approved to copy the approved definition of the
selected RDB file to the Not Approved fields. Select confirm to update the
3. You can select Default All Library Locations to define a default location for all
approved and all unapproved library files.
4. You can select Copy All Standard Libraries to copy the delivered library files to a
specified location.
5. Select Confirm following each change to the reference data to accept the specified file
location. THEN Select Cancel (X) to exit the form.

8.1 Options
• Default All Library Locations
This option assigns a default network address, pathname, and file specification to the
various Reference Database libraries for both the approved and unapproved libraries.
You can override any of these default specifications by selecting the appropriate
library and keying in the file information.
• Specify Default Node name
Key in a default network address and pathname to be used for all approved Reference
Database libraries and a network address and pathname to be used for all unapproved
The file specifications for all libraries are determined automatically on the basis of the
industry practice and the following naming convention.
Library Filename
Graphic Commodity Library pipe_gcom.l
Label Description Library labels.l
Standard Note Library std_note.l
Piping Assembly Library assembly.l
Piping Spec Table Library pjs_tbl.l
Short Material Description Libraryshort_bom.l
Long Material Description Librarylong_bom.l
Specialty Description Library spclty_bom.l
Physical Data Library <standard>_pcdim.l

The text to be used for the <standard> is determined in the following manner.

Training Material – Spec Writing with PDS 3D

Practice Prefix
U.S. Practice us
European - DIN din
European - British Standard bs
European - Practice A eua
European - Practice B eub
International - JIS jis
International - Australian aus
International - Practice A ina
International - Practice B inb
Company Practice cmp

• Copy All Standard Libraries

This option copies the delivered Reference Database libraries from the applicable
product directories to the disk locations specified in the Reference Database
Management data of the Project Control database.
This option provides a new user with a simple method to create a Reference Database
using RDB products delivered by Intergraph. This is not intended for use in a production
The following Reference Database libraries are copied from the PD Shell product.
Graphic Commodity Library Standard Note Library
Label Description Library Piping Assembly Library

The following Reference Database libraries are copied from the applicable Reference
Database product (such as, rdusrdb or rddinrdb).
Physical Data Library Piping Spec Table Library
Short Material Description Library Long Material Description Library
Speciality Description Library

The system also copies the applicable Table Revision Management Libraries for the Piping
Spec Table Library and Physical Data Library (ies).
The text to be used for the standard is determined in the following manner.
Practice Prefix
U.S. Practice us
European - DIN din
European - British Standard bs
International - JIS jis
International - Australian aus
The list of available products is determined from the list of exported variables as specified
in the pds.cmd shell script. Therefore, this command presently searches for the following
exported variables:
Product Practice
RD_USRDB U.S. Practice
RD_BSRDB British Standards
RD_AUSRDB Australian
The file specification recorded in the Project Control Database, and not that of the library
in the delivered product, will be used for the destination library.

Training Material – Spec Writing with PDS 3D

9.0 Default Project Control Data

This option defines the default location for common reference files used by the project
(such as neutral files, report files, and library files). You can also change these file
locations during the operation of the applicable managers.

9.1 Operating Sequence

1. Select Default Project Control Data from the Reference Data Manager form.
2. Select the field to be defined and key in the location of the source files and the
associated node name.
Piping Eden Path / Node The default location for the Eden source files.
Dimension/Spec Table Path / Node The default location of the Dimension
Table and Spec Table source files.
Piping Spec Path / Node The default location for the neutral files to be
used to load the Specification/Material Reference Database and Material
Description Libraries.
Assembly Path / Node The default location for the Piping Assembly Language
source files.
Standard Note Library Path / Node The default location for the Standard
Note (code list) source files.
Equipment Eden Path / Node The default location for the Equipment Eden
source files.
TDF Table Path / Node The default location for the Equipment table
definition files.
Model Builder Path / Node The default location for the model builder
language source files.
3. Select Confirm to accept any changes to the Project Control Data.

10.0 Material Reference Database Structure

The Material Reference Database contains a set of tables, which define the Piping Job
Specification data. The numbers in parentheses indicate the database table number.

11.0 Piping Job Specification --- PD_Data

The Piping Job Specification (PJS) provides selection criteria for piping commodity
items, piping specialty items, and instruments. The information for the Piping Job
Specification is contained in the following files:
Specification/Material Reference Database - database containing the definitions for
piping materials classes, commodity items, specialty items, and tap properties tables.
Spec Table Library - library containing the specification tables referenced in the PJS.
The information in the Specification/Material Reference database and Spec Table
Library tables is also delivered in the form of neutral files, which you can extract and
The Piping Job Specification Manager enables you to create or revise the specification
data in the Material Reference Database. You can use the interactive (forms-driven)
specification writer or define/revise the data using ASCII neutral files.
The Piping Job Spec Tables command enables you to create, revise, and delete tables
in the Spec Table Library.

Training Material – Spec Writing with PDS 3D

The Piping Job Specification (PJS) defines the characteristics, properties, design
standards, and company practices associated with piping commodity items, piping
engineered items, and instruments. When you select an item for placement in the
model, the system uses the active parameters (such as piping materials class and
nominal diameter) to search the Piping Job Specification for the selected item. Then
the system reads the PJS for the parameters required to define the item.

12.0 Piping Materials Class Data (201)

A piping materials class defines a classification of components based on design data
and service limits. Each piping materials class defines a different spec, such as a150#,
flanged end, carbon steel spec. Much of the design data is stored in tables so that more
than piping materials class can access common information.
A sample neutral for US practice is delivered in the file ~\rdusrdb\spec_data\
Note: CL = Code List.
Code Listed Attributes
Code list sets are defined in the Standard Note Library. Note number and note type
identify information in the Standard Note Library.

CL148 CL125 CL148 Table\eqtn Names CL499

The piping materials class data is independent of nominal piping diameter and
commodity item. A piping materials class defines a classification of components based
on design data and service limits. Much of the design data is stored in tables so that
more than one piping materials class can access common information.
A sample neutral file for US practice is delivered in the file
\win32app\ingr\rdusrdb\spec_data\classes.pmc. Sets of sample files depicting various
options are delivered in the \win32app\ingr\pddata\sample\data directory.
bend_tbl.pmc fpipe.pmc metric_npd.pmc
gasket.pmc gskt_tbl.pmc piplen_tbl.pmc
equiv_npd.pmc fluid_code.pmc thickness.pmc

Training Material – Spec Writing with PDS 3D

13.0 PJS Tables

The following special tables and functions are provided in the Spec Table Library.
These table/equation names are defined in the Piping Materials Class Specification
Table of the Specification Material Reference Database.

13.1 Temperature and Pressure Service Limits Table

The temperature and pressure service limits table includes the sets of
temperatures and pressures that define the boundaries of acceptability for a
piping materials class. These limits can be dictated by factors such as strength of
components and materials used. You must insure that each of the components
included in the piping materials class meet the indicated temperature and
pressure limits.
You can define both positive and negative values for temperature. However, you
can only define positive values for pressure. The units of measure for the
pressure and temperature values in the table are defined as a part of the table
The system uses the information in this table to insure:
• The highest temperature from the TDB does not exceed the highest
temperature value in the table
• The lowest temperature in the TDB is not less than the lowest value in the
• For a given temperature, the pressure from the table is not less than any of the
corresponding pressure(s) from the TDB.
Caution: This table is limited to 100 temperature and pressure values.
Neutral File Format Example
Table_Data_Definition ‘L1001’
! Description= B16.5 CL150-1.1, -20 to 800
! By=DCG Ckd By=DG Rev=0 Date=13-Feb-1987
No_Inputs 1 No_Outputs 1
Input_Interpolation 1, Next_One
Units= DF, PSIG
! Temperature Pressure
-20 285
100 285
600 140
650 125
700 110
750 95
800 80

13.1.1 Parameters
• Table_Data_Definition (character-6) --- This parameter specifies the
name of the Temperature and Pressure Service Limits Table. The tables
prepared by Zydex use the following naming conventions.
- First character: L
- Second character: the pressure rating of the piping materials class as
defined by the following code:

Training Material – Spec Writing with PDS 3D

1= CL150
2= CL300
3= CL400
4= CL600
5= CL900
6= CL1500
7= CL2500
A= CL125
F= CL800
G= CL2000
H= CL3000
J= CL4500
K= CL5000
L= CL6000
M= CL9000
N= CL10000
R= CL15000
T= CL20000
V= CL30000
- Third, fourth, and fifth characters: numbers from 001 through 999
used to make the table name unique.
• Input_Interpolation 1, Next_One --- This statement tells the system to
interpolate between known values for the temperature value. The
statement must be included as shown in the table format for the desired
interpolation to take place.
• Temperature (real) --- This field identifies the maximum temperature
value. You can use both positive (+) and negative (-) values. Values are
assumed to be positive unless otherwise indicated.
• Pressure (real) --- This field identifies the value for pressure
corresponding to the previously defined temperature. Negative (-) values
are not accepted in this field.

13.2 Nominal Piping Diameters Table

The NPD Tables consists of the diameters for piping and tubing which are valid
within any piping materials class, which references this table. The system
verifies any NPD input in the Piping Design TDB.
This table can also be used to define the equivalency for English and metric
diameters. The output column defines the English equivalent for the matching
metric size.
Neutral File Format Examples - English/Metric Equivalency
Table_Data_Definition ‘D036’
! Description= From 0.5 to 36
! By=NP Ckd By=DG Rev=0 Date=22-Jan-1987
No_Inputs 1 No_Outputs 0
Units= NPD_IN
! Diam

Training Material – Spec Writing with PDS 3D


Table_Data_Definition 'DB001'
! Description= From 6mm to 900mm (0.375 to 36)
! By=aw Ckd By= Rev=1 Date=17_jul 1989
No_Inputs 1 No_Outputs 1
! metric diam, imperial diam
10 0.375
15 0.5
20 0.75
25 1
40 1.5
50 2
80 3
100 4
150 6
700 28
750 30
800 32
850 34
900 36

13.2.1 Parameters
• Table_Data_Definition (character 6) --- This field identifies the
name of the NPD table. The tables prepared by Zydex use the
following naming conventions:
- first character: D
- second, third, and fourth characters: numbers from 001
through 999 used to make the table name unique.
• Diam - Nominal Piping Diameter (integer) --- This field identifies
the value for nominal diameter. You can use the value ET_AL to
indicate that any nominal diameter value from the TDB which is
equal to or greater than the value in the preceding line is an
acceptable nominal diameter for the PMC.
13.3 Thickness Data Tables

Training Material – Spec Writing with PDS 3D

Thickness data is determined as a function of the table name and nominal piping
diameter. These tables include the minimum, retirement, thread, and preferred
thicknesses required in the calculation of piping wall thickness. The tables provide the
actual thickness; not a schedule. Therefore, there must be an individual entry for each
diameter. You cannot use an NPD range. PDS requires that the schedule/thickess
values be in inches.
Neutral File Format Example

Table_Data_Definition 'TA501'
! Description= A,0.063CA,0.0071D<=24, 0.0075D>=26
! By=DCG Ckd By=DG Rev=0 Date=31-Jan-1987
No_Inputs 1 No_Outputs 8
! Diam Min Thick Ret Thick Thread Thick Preferred Schedules/Thicknesses
0.5 .147 .06 - S-160 - - - -
0.75 .154 .06 - S-XS - - - -
1 .179 .06 - S-XS - - - -
1.5 .2 .06 - S-XS - - - -
2 .154 .06 - S-STD - - - -
3 .216 .06 - S-STD - - - -
4 .237 .07 - S-STD - - - -
6 .28 .1 - S-STD - - - -
8 .250 .1 - S-STD - - - -
10 .250 .1 - S-STD - - - -
12 .250 .1 - S-STD - - - -
14 .250 .12 - S-STD - - - -
26 .3125 .17 - S-10 S-STD - - -
28 .3125 .19 - S-10 S-STD - - -
30 .3125 .20 - S-10 S-STD - - -
32 .3125 .21 - S-10 S-STD - - -
34 .3125 .23 - S-STD - - - -
36 .3125 .24 - S-STD S-XS - - -

13.3.1 Parameters
• Table_Data_Definition - Thickness Data Table Name (character 6) ---
This field identifies the name of the table. The tables prepared by Zydex
use the following naming conventions:
- first character: T
- second character: code which combines the criteria type with the
maximum size for which threaded components are used in the piping
materials class, as defined below. Criteria 1 apply to carbon steels and
low-alloy steels; criteria 2 apply to aluminum alloys, stainless steels,
and non-ferrous alloys.
A= Criteria 1 with no threaded components
B= Criteria 1 with threaded components up to 1 inch diameter
C= Criteria 1 with threaded components up to 1.5 inch diameter

Training Material – Spec Writing with PDS 3D

D= Criteria 1 with threaded components up to 2 inch diameter

F= Criteria 2 with no threaded components
G= Criteria 2 with threaded components up to 1 inch diameter
H= Criteria 2 with threaded components up to 1.5 inch diameter
I= Criteria 2 with threaded components up to 2 inch diameter
Z= Special criteria
- third character: the corrosion allowance of the piping materials class
for which the table is intended, per the following criteria:
1= None
2= 0.020"
3= 0.030"
8= 0.188"
9= 0.250"
A= 405 clad
B= 410S clad
C= 304 clad
J= 321 clad
L= Cement lined
M= Epoxy lined
N= Glass lined
O= Kynar lined
U= TK31 lined
V= R11 lined
W= R15 lined
X= R18 lined
Y= Other 1
Z= Other 2
- fourth and fifth characters: numbers from 01 through 99 used to make
the table name unique.
• Diam - Nominal Piping Diameter (integer) --- This parameter
identifies the desired value for nominal diameter.
• Min Thick - Minimum Required Thickness (real) --- This parameter
represents the least thickness, inclusive of corrosion allowance and
mill tolerance, which is acceptable for a given NPD. Either a positive
number or a blank entry must be provided. This value is only used in
piping wall thickness calculations.
• Ret Thick - Retirement Thickness (real) --- This parameter represents
the least thickness, exclusive of corrosion allowance, thread allowance,
or mill tolerance, which is acceptable for a given NPD. Either a
positive number or a blank entry must be provided. This value is only
used in piping wall thickness calculations.
• Thread Thick - Thread Thickness (real) --- This parameter represents
the thickness for threaded pipe that must be added to the calculated wall
thickness to account for the presence of threads. Either a positive

Training Material – Spec Writing with PDS 3D

• number or a blank entry must be provided. It is only used in piping

wall thickness calculations.
• Preferred Schedule/Thicknesses 1 through 6 (real) --- These
parameters represent the schedules and/or thicknesses you prefer be
used as a result of a piping wall thickness calculation. Values in the
table are arranged in ascending thickness sequence. The system rounds
the calculated wall thickness to the next higher preferred thickness.
You are restricted to a limit of six preferred thicknesses. PDS requires
that these values be in inches.

13.4 Materials Data Table

The Materials Data Table consists of the materials data that is a function of the
table name, material grade, wall thickness range, and temperature. These tables
include the properties, which are required for the calculation of piping wall
thickness. You must insure that units of measure used in the Materials Table are
consistent with those used in the corresponding Temperature-Pressure Table(s).
Note that you can express the mill tolerance as either a thickness percentage or a
tolerance value. Only one value can exist per table entry. If values exist for both,
the system only uses the mill thickness percentage.
The system uses the materials grade and temperature to access the information in
the table and provide the values of thickness range, coefficient Y, allowable stress
(S), and the applicable mill tolerance. Once the actual thickness is calculated for
the component, the calculation software compares that value with the thickness
range. If the thickness range is exceeded, the next entry in the materials table for
the applicable materials grade and temperature is sought and the calculation
process is repeated.
Neutral File Format Example
Table_Data_Definition 'ML01'
! Description= ASTM A53-B, A106, API 5L-B
! By=DCG Ckd By=DG Rev=0 Date=24-Feb-87
No_Inputs 2 No_Outputs 6
Input_Interpolation 2, Next_One
! Mill Tolrnce
! Mat Gr Temp Thick Range Y S % Value
142 -20 - - .4 20000 12.5 -
142 100 - - .4 20000 12.5 -
142 200 - - .4 20000 12.5 -
116 650 - - .4 17000 12.5 -
116 700 - - .4 16500 12.5 -
116 750 - - .4 13000 12.5 -
116 800 - - .4 10800 12.5 -

Training Material – Spec Writing with PDS 3D

13.4.1 Parameters
• Table_Data_Definition - Materials Data Table Name (character 6) ---
This field identifies the number of the table. The tables prepared by
Zydex use the following naming conventions:
- first character: M
- second character: the applicable design code, per the following
A= ASME Section I [Power Boilers]
B= ASME Section III [Nuclear]
C= Do not use
D= ASME Section VIII-1 [Unfired Vessels]
E= ASME Section VIII-2 [Unfired Vessels]
J= ANSI-B31.1 [Power]
K= ANSI-B31.2 [Fuel Gas]
L= ANSI-B31.3 [Petroleum]
M= ANSI-B31.4 [Oil Transport]
N= ANSI-B31.5 [Refrigeration]
P= ANSI-B31.8 [Gas Transmission]
Q= ANSI-B31.9 [Building Services]
- third and fourth characters: numbers from 01 through 99 used to
make the table name unique.
• Input_Interpolation 2, Next_One --- This statement must be included
as shown for interpolation to take place. Interpolation is used for all
the output fields, if required.
• Mat Gr - Material Grade (integer - standard note 145) --- This code-
listed parameter identifies the materials grade. This compound
attribute includes the code, specification, grade, temper, and joint
efficiency to be used for the component.
• Temp - Temperature (real) --- This field identifies the applicable
temperature for a set of material properties.
• Thick - Wall Thickness Range - low (real)
• Range - Wall Thickness Range - high (real) --- These fields identify
the lower and upper wall thickness bounds for a set of material
properties. You can enter positive numbers or blanks. A blank
indicates that the properties apply regardless of the thickness of the
component. You cannot define this range in terms of schedule.
• Y - Coefficient Y (real) --- This parameter represents the coefficient
Y corresponding to the previously defined parameters in the line. You
can enter a positive number or a blank.
• S - Allowable Stress (real) --- This parameter represents the allowable
stress corresponding to the previously defined parameters in the line.
You can enter a positive number or a blank. S is the basic allowable
stress for the material excluding casting, joint or structural grade
quality factor (E).
• Mill Tol % - Mill Thickness Percentage (real) --- This parameter
represents the per cent of the wall thickness that is to be considered as
mill tolerance for pipe material. Enter the mill tolerance to be

Training Material – Spec Writing with PDS 3D

considered for the material as a percent of nominal thickness; such as

• Mill Tol Value - Mill Thickness Value (real) --- This parameter
represents the actual wall thickness that is to be considered as mill
tolerance for plate material. Enter the value of mill tolerance to be
considered for the material; such as 0.01 inch.

14.0 Wall Thickness and Branch Reinforcement Equations

These equations define formulas for the calculation of piping wall thickness and
branch reinforcement to resist positive pressure. The actual equations and their
logic are hardcoded in the software. PDS requires that the thickness value be
defined in inches.
Thickness equations have project unique names which must follow the following
• first character: E
• second character: the applicable design code, per the following convention:
A= ASME Section I [Power Boilers]
B= ASME Section III [Nuclear]
C= Do not use
D= ASME Section VIII-1 [Unfired Vessels]
E= ASME Section VIII-2 [Unfired Vessels]
J= ANSI-B31.1 [Power]
K= ANSI-B31.2 [Fuel Gas]
L= ANSI-B31.3 [Petroleum]
M= ANSI-B31.4 [Oil Transport]
N= ANSI-B31.5 [Refrigeration]
P= ANSI-B31.8 [Gas Transmission]
Q= ANSI-B31.9 [Building Services]
• third and fourth characters: numbers from 01 through 99 used to make the
equation name unique.
If the equation name is provided as part of the definition *Cyyy in the
Schedule/Thickness attribute of the Piping Commodity Specification Data
table, the equation name must be limited to the format Ex; no third or fourth
character can be defined.

14.1 Delivered Equations

The thickness and branch reinforcement logic for the following equations
are hardcoded in the software.
• EJ01
Source - ANSI-B31.1.1986 [Power Piping]
Thickness logic from paragraph 104.1, equation 3
Reinforcement logic from paragraph 104.3.1(D)
t(m) = -------- + A

Training Material – Spec Writing with PDS 3D

• EL01
Source - ANSI-B31.3c.1986 [Chemical Plant and Petroleum Refinery
Thickness logic from paragraph 304.1, equation 3a
Reinforcement logic from paragraph 304.3.3 & Code - Appendix H
t = --------
P = Design pressure
D = Pipe outside diameter
S =Allowable stress read from the Materials table
E =Joint quality factor determined from the wall thickness attribute
Cxxx where xxx is 100 times E
Y = Coefficient Y read from the Materials table
A =Additional Thickness (in inches)
Refer to the spec access example below for more information on how the
wall thickness equation is used to determine the actual wall thickness

14.2 General Considerations

The following considerations apply to both thickness equations and
branch reinforcement calculations.
• Pressures and temperatures used in thickness/branch reinforcement
calculations are derived from data in the Piping Design TDB. Both
normal and alternate pressure and temperature conditions are
considered. If actual values exist for the normal design or the alternate
design pressure/temperatures, the corresponding operating conditions
are ignored. If default values exist for BOTH sets of design
conditions, both normal and alternate operating conditions are used.
At least one complete set of conditions must be defined.
• Once the proper pressure and temperature sets are determined, their
units of measure are converted to those used in the Temperature-
Pressure Table associated with the Piping Materials Class to which the
component belongs. Refer to the descriptions of the Temperature-
Pressure Table and Materials Table to insure consistency between units
of measure. Conversions are performed using the procedures and
conversion factors defined for the Units of Measure in the PDS Piping
Component Data Reference Guide.
• Only positive pressure is considered. The system reports an error if
you request a thickness calculation involving a vacuum condition
(negative pressure).
• Independent sets of thickness/reinforcement calculations are carried
out for each applicable pressure/temperature set. In each calculation
set, table values that are temperature dependent are determined on the
basis of the temperature applicable to the calculation set being
considered. The thicker calculated thickness is used.

Training Material – Spec Writing with PDS 3D

14.3 Thickness Equations

The following considerations apply to thickness equations.
• Thickness calculations are triggered by specifying an equation name in
the Schedule/Thickness attribute of the Piping Commodity
Specification Data table. An asterisk (*) followed by a name (of the
form Cyyy) defines the specific calculation or table lookup to be used
for wall thickness. The letters that form this code have the following
- C is the schedule/thickness for the applicable end of the
component is determined by calculations using the thickness
equation defined in the thickness_equation attribute of the Piping
Materials Class Data table.
- yyy is the casting, joint or structural grade quality factor (E) times
100. This factor is one of the parameters used in the thickness
calculation. If you are defining a calculation to be performed on a
seamless fitting (E=1) but want to match the thickness for the
mating welded pipe (E=0.85), the quality factor for the pipe
should be entered here.
• For components with ends having different nominal diameters,
independent sets of thickness determinations are performed for each
NPD. One or more ends may need to be calculated, as determined by
specific *Cyyy entries in the Piping Commodity Specification Data
table. The larger thickness (calculated or predefined) is used. For
- A 20" x 10" reducer is defined in the Piping Commodity Table to
have a *Cyyy, 20" end and a 0.55" thick, 10" end. The calculation
of the 20" end results in a 0.5" thickness. A 0.55" thick reducer is
- A 24" x 20" reducer is defined in the Piping Commodity Table to
have a *Cyyy, 24" end and a *Cyyy, 20" end. The calculation of
the 24" end results in a 0.6" thickness. The calculation of the 20"
end results in a 0.5" thickness. A 0.6" thick reducer is used.
• All thickness calculations involve a casting, joint, or structural grade
quality factor (E). The value for this factor is yyy/100, where yyy is
defined in the entry *Cyyy made under the Schedule Thickness
attribute for the Commodity Item under consideration.
15.0 Branch Reinforcement
The following considerations apply to branch reinforcement calculations.
• The need to perform a branch reinforcement calculation is triggered by
- the placement of a generic branch component with the actual item name
determined from a branch table. (See Branch Insertion Tables.)
- the presence of more than one item name in the Preferred Branch AABBCC
Codes fields of the applicable branch table.
- The applicable branch reinforcement being either a reinforcing weld or a
reinforcing pad.
• All calculations involve a casting, joint, or structural grade quality factor (E).
The value for this factor is yyy/100, where yyy is defined in the Modifier
attribute for entries with an item name of PIPING.
• The fillet welds joining reinforcing pads to the header and to the branch are
considered in determining the available reinforcement area.


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