Dragon Magazine 334

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ew NEL *) rh) } er Serious TOG 1 ee ao A L510 571 el) 10 Os) DFASONi contents 24 CITIES OF THE REALMS: CRIMMOR by Fd Greenwood None held more valuable secrets than the merchant lords of Ama, DREAMS OF ARABIA by Wolfgang Baur Beware the guardian ofthe harem, the exiled element, and more. FIRES OF ALCHEMY by Paul Leach ets of alchemists fire and her insidious incendiaries DRUNKARDS & FLAGONS by Evan Dicken ‘Draco magazine does not advocate drinking and adventuring, ECOLOGY OF THE KRAKEN Richard Pett Loathsomeness waits and dreams in the HP. Lovecraft ON THE COVER ‘Peter Bergting’s adventurers are gonna FROM THE EDITOR need a bigger boat. Erik learns to love the city. SCALE MAIL English invasion, Mike's family, and sociological rambling, FIRST WATCH Previews, news, and gear for gamers. WORMFOOD Support Diamond Lake's economy. No booze, no dirt, no service. BAZAAR OF THE BIZARRE Equip your army for battle with these martial magic items. SPELLCRAFT all upon the power of the briny deep and send your foes to Davy Jones's locker GAMER GUIDE SAGE ADVICE ‘The Sage answers your rules questions, CLASS ACTS Options and insights for your favorite classes, COMICS LIVING IN Tt (ITY of proof for this issue of Dracon. Instead of sitting in. my muggy apartment and trying to edit the magazine within eyeshot of my Xbox, I decided to throw the pile of | articles in my bag and head out to a local coffee shop. Teft the suburban cocoon of Renton, Washington (home of Wiz ards of the Coast) almost a year ago for the city of Seattle, L: weekend, I had a great idea while staring down a pile ‘eager for the changes an urban environment could provide. wanted to live within walking distance of great bars and cozy cafes where I could pull up a booth and edit or write shrouded by the white noise ofa living city. But until last week, I never really had a chance to do it. As sat and fiddled with this issue's text over the course of several hours, hundreds of customers lined up at the coffee bar. Families with children, heavily pierced punks covered with more tattoo ink than clothes, businessmen in suits and ties, and little old ladies paraded in front of me, each with distinet features and each with their own story to tell. The human parade reminded me of how far 'd come since leaving the clannish, isolated suburbs and how much the diversity of city life had to offer not only my personal 1ife, but also to my D&D games. ‘There's no question about it.I prefer running D&D in a city environment for many of the same reasons I ike living in acity environment, Of all the campaigns I've ever run, iy favorite by far was set exclusively ina city, and “what happened!” each session was pretty much up to the play- cers, With the variety a city had to offer, it felt like the whole ‘world was open to us each time we played, In that spirit, Deacon presents the first in Ed Green- ‘woods ongoing “Cities of the Realms” series, It’s not quite fair to call this a column, as it wor't appear every month, but you can expeet several major cities over the course of this year and well into next. The idea behind "Cities of the Realms" is to provide both players and Dungeon Masters with enough information to make an interesting locale come ative in the campaign or as part of a PC's back- ground, Please stop by our message boards at paizo.com BIE 02005 6 sis 2005 and let us know what you think of the article and specifi- cally what you think of the article format. THE SHACKLED CITY ADVENTURE PATH HARDCOVER As T write this, we're about week away from sending DoncEON Classis: The Shackled City Adventure Path to the printer, and our enthusiasm for the product just keeps growing and growing. The 416-page hardcover official DoncroNs « Dragons release (MSRP $59.93) collects 1 adventures from Duxcxox, with new bridging material, new art, and a new chapter by Christopher Perkins. Cartog- rapher Christopher West's incredible talents fill a 24-page full-color map booklet and a huge double-sided poster of the city of Cauldron just perfect for the walls of your favor- ite gaming room. Look for the book at your local game store or online at paizo.com, THE DRAGON COMPENDIUM (VOLUME 1) DoNcroN isn't the only magazine to get the hardcover treatment. In October, Paizo will release The Dkacon Com- pendium (Volume a), a 256-page collection of some of the igreatest articles ever published in this magazine, updated to the latest edition of the Ducrows & Dracows rules (MSRP $30.95). A true collection of the best Dzacon articles ‘would fill several volumes, which is precisely why we're calling this one “Volume 1.” Developed by fan-favorite designer (and new Wizards of the Coast employee) Mike “Mearls, the book features a return of the orange, purple, and yellow dragons classes like the death master, sha‘, and savant, and as much great content from the past as We can fit between the covers. Rik. ‘Erik Mona Editor-in-Chief Tell us what you think ofthis issue. Send an email to sealemail@paizo.com. Please include your name, city, and state. Mines Revarives CHIME IN Hi to all on the Daacon staff. I'm just some no-name teenager i town somewhere in Western Washing- ton. Recently, the D&D cr ae bit my area (probably a second or third wave of it, actually) and I'm happy to say it's my doing, Tam univer sally (well, in the school district) known as the best Dungeon Master around. Ever since my cousin taught me to play, I've Toved the game (by the way, my cousin who taught me is your very own Mike ‘MeArtor) and Ihave the de follow in his footsteps. So jesire to Iwonder, ‘what steps do Thave to take to get my feet wet in the Gen Con establish- meat, or even with your own Dzacon ‘magazine? Ok, I have a the jought. I love inventing monsters, but most DMs simply cannot do it ‘would be cool if Deacox probably befits DuNCEON. So I think it (actually this more) had a monster of the month section where, unlike ecology, they invented a new monster instead of detailing old ones. Brad McArtor While we don't have any agp itches ose oct, lutely committed tor ing reatures on a regular basis Dr of Arabia” is just Buckely, WA ine of nasty critters making their debut in these pages. As for getting your d gest concocting s Gen Cones familial relationship with Dragon editors DRAGON 334 August 2005, tablishment one ofthe Frowocy ficePreD T want to apologize. For four previe cous years at Gen Con, Ile your sales pitches and subscription deals go through one ear and out the other wile stopping by your booth. How- ever, it wasn' until recived a free copy ofthe magazine and actully read itthat got hooked. wanted to subscribe immediately, but decided to wait until Gen Con So Cal o do so. Unfortunately, you guys did not have abooth there, So I subscribed when T got home, Tt has been the best $80 Tve spent on Duncros x Dxacoxs in quite abit. Ladmit what hooked me was the Final Fantasy chocoboo [silicon Sorcery,” Deacon #323 Just six months earlier Thad begun a campaign based on Final Fonasy. The articles in Deacon are well written and informative. IFT knew any bet ter [4 think you guys had journalism backgrounds as your feature writing is betir than some ofthe ters I've ‘worked with at major newspapers, A month or two ago I read that you guys have PDFs of some of your back issues. My dying question is, when will KNOWLEDGE CHECK ‘What's is the command word to ‘make this skeleton attack? BLAST FROM THE PAST: H4: THRONE OF BLOODSTONE “We don't really believe that anyone has ever‘eamed’ xoth level character, in the sense that ‘the character was started at level 1 and worked is ‘or her way up ina normal (non-Monty Haul campaign.” So declare Douglas Niles and Michael Dobson the designers of 1988's ForGorren Reams adven- ture, H4: The Throne of Blood- stone. Shoehorned into Faerdn in support of the then-new cam- paign setting, H4 concluded the Bloodstone series of modules with the highest-level adventure ever published. Designed for 28th- to 2ooth-level characters, Hg: The Throne of Bloodstone took characters from the Citadel of the Witch-King (complete with 2 Sauronlike everseeing eye) to the infinite layers of the Abyss. There they had the chance to encounter Demogorgon (and every other demon lord) on their way to steal the Wand of Orcus. Despite the module's plentitude ‘of bad puns, an inappropriately “humorous” voice, and seemingly random design choices (including an entire “city” populated by x00 nameless liches—one of whom bore the Hand of Veena}, H4 did provide 2 party with ingenious challenges (some of which, unfortunately, could be overcome with mid-level spells), high-level combat, the opportunity to rule a small kingdom, and the chance to steal the Wand of Orcus from the demon prince himself! Let us know what you think of Ha and its designers’ claim ‘email to sealematl@paizo.com. you guys offer a subscription pack- ‘age that offers the magazine hardcopy ‘and a PDF oft? I'd be willing to pay an extra $3 to $5 per magazine ifT got an attached CD (or for that matter ‘an emailed PDF) of the magazine to accompany it.I know other maga- zines have started doing it and, since Ihave seen it for the last four or five ‘years it appears to be successful You can even change advertisers to include demos oftheir upcoming PDFs and such on it. It seems to bea double win for you guys. have read a number of letters in ‘which people talk about cutting out, copying and filing your articles. In DF or digital format this would be so much easier Als, this will allow me to reference your magazine in game through my laptop instead of treading through my DM binder. ‘Nathan Collins Via Email We're not quite ready tojump on the elec~ tronic subscription handwagon jus yet, cach month were hearing more and ‘more requests for us to do just that. Were keeping an eye on the available technol. cay and our own capabilities, and if any thing changes on ths frant, you guy's will be the frst to know. Aipotoct DewnnoeD Itwas bad enough that you found it necessary to print the letter ofthe classless ore who was so surprised to find some good-looking “Chick Gamers, but to print it and then not print a response (and I know fora fact fzom my gaming group, you got at least one) is unacceptable. This is part of the reason there are so few women playing D&D: Male Gamers! Orat least their behavior toward women. One, they're not “chicks”"Iwo, given the lack of personal grooming, style, and class that I see all too often at the local game shop (mental note for the future—being able to belch the entire theme fiom Star Wars might be funny to your friend, but most women wor't think so) I say that most male gamers have no room to judge ae Va Dragon Talk Otc) Although by now he's probably little more than a gibbering husk, Dracon would like to congratulate Matthew Sanders of Chester, Connecticut on winning Genki Gang’s one-of-a-kind tentacled horror headwear. For those who didn't get to participate in the Mind Flair contest, the answers to the ques- tions posed in Deacon #330 follow: 2. How many Class Acts ae in issue +#330 of Deacon? Eleven forthe stan- dard classes plus Aprifs special com- moner Class Act make a total oftwelve. 2. Which animal hat does genkigang. ‘com claim makes you a better Street Fighter player? Scientists have determined that Genki Gangs tiger hat makes you a master Siret Fighter player. 3. According to Lords of Madness, what isan aboleth’ favorite food? Although foods found on land are preferable—and humans and gnomes are among such favorites—svineblin are particular delicacies. ‘Thanks to everyone who e-mailed answers and watch these pages for future ‘chances to win more prizes, gamer gear, and horrors beyond imagining. Ifyou are serious about attracting ‘more female gamers, here are a few suggestions: Alter your marketing! ‘Women are not interested in gam- ing in a world where all women are cither chainmail-clad Vietoria’s Secret ‘models, Pamela Anderson clones, or ‘swooning, fainting Disney princesses. ‘Why do male fighters wear full plate armor and a helm and women get a G-string and metal pasties? 2. Learn some manners. The staring, whisper ing, and strutting around that begins when a woman enters a game store is classless. Grow up. 3, And finally, talk to women about the game! Don't waste their time talking about your character and how great and awe- some he is, how he slays dragons with a thought or that he looks like Brad Pitt—only better. All of the women that I play with, including my wife, are interested in one thing: good story! They aren't interested in stats and modifiers, they are interested in solid roleplaying and deep character TOffWOriddesigns.com development. Thave run games with-— ———— Aaron Willicons(Nedwick) ames O’Barr{ The Crow) sot 2005 onacon 334 SCALE MAIL out a single battle that had my play- ers sitting on the edge of their seats. Ifyour game is lacking, or is just plain hack and slash, it won't cut it Richard Caetano ‘Modesto, California As far as belching Star Wars themes goes, ‘are we including the new trilogy? I only ask because it's mot reall fir to expect people to have memorized how to burp those themes ‘ye, since the movies are still so new. On the subject of chick” gamers, I didn't person. ally respond because I wanted to generate a ‘storm of eters on the subject from the read- ership Like, for instance, this one Au About THe Lapis In Dracon #333, Erik Mona asks vihy the scales are so out of balance in for ofthe boys, and what can be done to bring more ladies into the fold. After all, he says, he’s all about tueleaies T got the joke-1 thought it was quite clever as the soda-stins on the font oy shir cat tet. Tndead the viet ee iooealstoa geblibe me eae dously those dry jabs at brutish jock” behavior. its also delightfully self eat eee eee ere tary that suggests real depths of self awareness, even while the substance of what yas sid clearly isnot meant to be taken seriously, Bit in realli the msogpnistle attitudes being parodied bya oo handed comment lke that really do exist. We liv dilyina cufture in ite pm ele eel objects; unequal couversational pait- te eee a apples ait ele much more aware ofthese attitudes today than in previous generations, fpultheatiinderantioucto Peat and will do so fora long tine yet ‘Toa lotof gamers these kinds of “Bets are unimportant, and appear to detract fom the more conerte concerns the low numbers of women playing D&D) that gamers “should” be fBcused on: But the distinction ie Eee er De inceceo dane BBE 02000356 ae 2005 “games” and like many long-term hob- Dies, is an inherently soil activity ‘The pleasure any individual participant gets from playing D&D is directly propor- tional to how that individual is treated by the group. When a person is treated without respect, their opinions over looked or ignored, their contributions regularly mocked or critiqued, and their identity constantly demeaned, it is unlikely that they'll see much point to this ‘D&D" business. ‘These are all complaints I have >heard from female gamers over the years. What is interesting is that I have also heard the exact same complaints from some male gamers as well, sug gesting that the group pressures that Jead to people geiting “turned off” by D&D manifest in similar ways. I have ‘been gaming for nearly two decades now, and during that time Thave seen many gamers, male and female, hounded out of a group that either consciously or unconsciously did not choose to include them in the activ- ity. In several instances players had nothing but the best of intentions, but those intentions still did not translate into respect of some impor- tant aspects of a person's identity — their lifestyle, ethnicity, religious beliefs. or gender. All the best intentions in the world ‘cannot make up for a subtext of intol- cerance. Its become easier nowadays to understand what “tolerance” means for lifestyle, ethnicity, and religion ‘Our culture makes clear what sorts of comments, humor, and banter is “acceptable” and what is not. In the KNOWLEDGE CHECK ANSWER Sokurah the Magician commands the skeleton, “Kill ill him!" Thats also helpful when you use this guy in D&D minis. Talk PAX GAMERAMA Wouldnt itbe sgreatifa game convention gave equal loveto tabletop gaming, video gaming, and PC gaming? fit had panels, with game industry lexd- ers and visionaries? How about adding {gamer movies in a a00 seat- theater—and six nerdcore concerts in the same venue? ‘What ifthe worie’s best game publishers came too, showing off their atest wares and ven unreleased games? Sound like fun? Gabe and Tycho of gamer web- comic Penny Arcade (penny-areade. com) agree, and last year they did something about it ‘The premier Penny Arcade Expo (PAX) drew more than 4,500 people from all over the world to Seattle for two days of tournaments, free- play, exhibitors, industry panels, and concerts. The shows highlight was the world public playable pre- rier of Halo 2. This year’s PAX is ‘ven bigger. “Essentially Tycho and | decided to throwa big-as, three- day party for gamers and everyone's invited,” says Mike “Gabe” Krahulik, Penny-Arcade artist. Nintendo, Ubisoft, NCSoft, Privateer Press, and the Deacon staff are among the announced participants. The music portion of PAX has been extended to two full nights of the best in nerdeore including Opti- mus Rhyme, MC Frontalot, The Minibosses, and Cthulhu rock band Darkest ofthe Hilkide Thickets. Last year’s multi-genre Omegathon elimination tournament is also back with a prize suitably more impres- sive than the previous $25,000 package. PAX goes down August 26-28 in Seatile, WA: ee pennyar- cadeexpo.com for details. —M, Dragon case of gender it’s rather murkier, We are bombarded daly by cultural ‘messages that tellus it’ allright to Jjoke about being a ladykiller, or to tease someone for being “too femi- nine” and reading Cosmopolitan (Let- ters, DUNcEON #4124) In most cases, doubt that the person making such comments even thinks about what is implied about the relative worth of ‘being female. [Or perhaps the person ‘making such comments simply thinks Cosmo isa erap magazine —ed] Since i's very easy to feel angry and defensive when one isthe target of critique, let me point out that I dont think there's problem with humor or parody, particularly when it’s obvi ‘ously over-the-top. Nevertheless, Iam certainly sympathetic to people who right feel otherwise, particularly someone (Say, a woman) who knows ‘hat it is like to be bombarded by cul- tural imagery on a daly basis. So, for example, if was to ask (in good faith) why only alittle over 3% of Dracon readers are female, and it was pointed ‘out to:me that perhaps female gamers are feeling exciuded and substandard because the men in my gaming group ‘ignore them, don't respect the contribu: tions they make, and on top of that have a tendency to make comments and jokes they consider sexist, I wouldnt hesitate toaddress ll three concems.Ifsa more a ‘matter of simple politeness (particularly on the frst two points) that some eso- teric bit of feminist theory In short, think lot of male gamers could do with abit of self-reflection, and see whether they're treating a female gamer the same way 2s a male— ‘or whether they/re often ignoring them, going the extra mile to criticize what they say and do, andjor cracking wise about having “bagged the wench of a barmaid’ at the village tavern last night. ‘To use an analogy, i'm serving lamb chops ata dinner party, and 1 learn that one my guests isa vegetar- ian, I would find something else to serve them, regardless of whether I agreed with their ethical reasons for not eating meat. What I would not do is sit around wondering why more vegetarians didn't show up to my lamb chop dinner parties. Ken Lacy Via Email PRAISE FROM LIVERPOOL {st wanted toe you guys know that I think you are doing great job om the magazine, whichis always fill of usefil articles that you dont get anywhere ese 'm a big fan of reading Dunczons w Daacows material rather thi cual gee playing and woe defi to have the magazine as an extra resource. But Ido have one complaint! You never have fn mail fom any- sihere other than the USA or Canada, yet Daacow has a big fllowing in the UK. Please dont forget aboutus Brit, because there are many devoted fins over here and it canbe quite ifcat to get new D&D stuff in England. Anywag, congrats on the good work and keep itup! fens Liverpool, England Upgrade Your Miniature Surface Today With: TACT-TILES._ www.be-products.net [Order Yours| Tod The Revolutionary “Dry-Erase” “Modular” Gaming Grid + No Mess Dry Erase + Sturdy, Portable, and Affordable + Large Playing Surface + Expandable & Customizable + Conforms to YOUR Game + Dealers* Inqui s Welcome “Totally awesome gaming gri only battle mat allowed in my game!” R.A. Salvatore Author of the’best selling Lcewind Dale Trilogy. 4800 Whitesburg Drive 130.254 Huntsville, AL 35802 256:885.0050 “& Dark Tr reported by Shelly Baur, Jesse Decker, Mike Fehlauer, Mike L. Fege, and James Sutter PREVIEW, NOTE, AND NEWS FOR GAMERS TRON] PLAY YOUR CARDS RIGHT “Hurling slaves at the wall isn't working, We need to husl heavier slaves. covered in spikes Welcome to Berserker Halfings ftom the Dungeon of Dragons, the 6th standalone card game in Z-Man Games’ B-Movie series. In it, players compete to miake the best (or worst) movie possible by deploying characters, props, and locations shi kil off opponents’ characters. Fully compatible with Grave Rob bers fiom Outer Space and the rest of Z-Man's B-Movie line, Berserer Halfings both quotes and spoofs ‘famous fantasy films from The Lord ofthe Rings to The Beastmaster. Also new ffom Z-Man this summer is Dun seonville a2 to player card game illustrated by Joha Kovalic. Assn peting to see whose dungeon is the toughest by hiring adventurers from town to run your gauntlet — firstone to seven kills wins! Find out more about both Benerier Halfngs and Dungeomilet zmangames.com. ~JS. DRAGON 334 August 2005 Eamonn con) by Elaine Cunningham Waterdeep’s new bard college takes center stage with an in-depth look at its members, supporters, and ‘more. Learn the secrets of Khelben “BlackstafP* Arunsun's organiza- tion, the Moonstars, who seek to protect the people of Faerin from hidden dangers. Gain contacts Within the knowledgeable academy to find out what adventure awaits atthe end of every tune. by Jeffrey €. Thetford Master of the FoRGorten REALMS, Ed Greenwood, talks about the writing business, his home carm- paign, and the city of Waterdeep. Finally, Ed answers the eternal question, “Are you Elminster?” by Elaine Cunningham Elaith Craulnober returns! The sin- ister moon elf discovers a means ‘to make use of the dormant moon- blade in his possession, but does he dare violate the traditions he holds so dear? The Ecology of the Lizardfolk, Bard Spells of Waterdeep, and of course, Class Acts, Bazaar of the Bizarre, First Watch, Novel Approach, Scale Mail, Sage ‘Advice, Wormfood, and comics. WAKE UP, NEOPHYTE eee as cee Creo Gr Gsm Cnc eal SCC ue Cetera ene ning game to their World of Darkness lineup. Cross Sea te cs Peete Re eee en erence eee reree eee the five modern mystic orders and learn to peer Ce ea ear crac SOC ea THIS TOMB WILL BE YOUR GRAVE! Fee ee eee eee eer ener’ Reset suena sai stars tims” New from Wizards of the Coast, this decid ‘edly dark card game pits players against each eee eset rt ear eta) ee eee eer re eco peer enero rot enema Oe eer ene econ poe Sete eee eee gee eee Creer tense tistene yeaa Fantasy Flight Games, creators of the popular Lond ofthe Ringsand A Game of Thrones board games, have announced an exciting addition to their lineup: the World of Warcraft Board Game, coming this fill. The popular World of War- craft online roleplaying game took the Wareraff setting to all new heights and Fantasy Flight Games hopes to do the same with the World of Wareajt Board Game, which will be suitably epic in size and design, featuring over 200 fig- ures based on more than 25 separate sculpts (Carit wait that long for your World of Wareraft fx? This summer, Sword & Sorcery Studios presents the World of Warcraft RPG. As the name suggests this is no mere follow-up to the Warcraf! RPG, b ta whole new monster providing everything you need, from orcs to night elves, now in one OGL book For more information, visit fantasyflightgames.com, wareraftrpg.com, and worldofwarerafl.com, -M.LF. COMPLEAT TOOLKIT “It’s perfect mini-adventure or sidetrek to drop into your game,” says Compleat Encoun- ters author Mike Mearls. “Minis, battlemat, an adventure with stats, and intriguing NPCs—it's a gaming toolkit.” New from Paizo Publishing’s GameMastery line, Compleat Encounters unite the skills of some of the most pepular and talented celebrities in the RPG industry. Each package comes with three unique miniatures designed by fan-favorite artist Wayne Reynolds, two full-color double-sided map tiles from Christopher West, and an eve ning-long D&D 3.5 adventure by Mike Mearls that ties everything together. Dark Elf Sanctum, the premiere set due out this month, revolves around the machinations ofa dark elf priestess, her sum- ‘moning portal, and a terrifying new demon, each depicted with its own miniature, The fortheom- ing Death Shrine of the Ninja Cult and Voult of the Whispering Tyrant release in September and Octo- ber, respectively. From dark elves to ninjas, lich lords to monkey kings, each Com- pleat Encounter set is available at paizo.com. Also, watch that ste for more from Paizo’ ever-expanding GameMastery line. JS FIRST WATCH Bie WVa Pelt INN] Mier mee tat ee Coane eric Dead Gentlemen Pro Preece ney cm eee! eee ee of an adventuring party as they attempt to stop the evil Cult of Death. Can the DM convince his group to quit killing off NPCS? Will Gary remember that he's De Reet ten este ey aoe] Se ee ee re ee eee neeet ee a ‘Stark, and even Aaron Williams’ Nodwick, Magnificent Egos has also modeled Seon tn ee ee a) impressive, however, isthe stamp of approval from Wizards ofthe Coast that confirmsall the rules in Dorkness Rising as 100% D&D 35 compatible Rane annie et eee eer reat ead Bron ream Menta eK) Bila LAND <0) LTA Devil's Due Publishing is currently releasing brand Seo area ee ce Cements és yea er Pee naa se Porece nse Tar) oes crea Coo ce eer Pee ee Eiermaeen emi COTO eens LEU ELE the rest in an eight-issue limited series. For more ioe ne ee ene GEN CON INDY 2005 r FEM oracon 354 August 2005 DUNGEON THIS MONTH Coe Clues discovered in Diamond Lake lead to the Dark Cathedral, 2 forlorn Se eee eto Deon i: dedicated to three vile gods. What eee Deets eee or Cee Tee ere Eee eos es ee enact eer Shatn plans to tear open a portal to the Sea of Fire. Can a band of heroes eat oun tags ere ee aes which debuted at Gen Con Indy pve ee eet ketene Pee ea Cee ey Sen eee ae! Sean ees ere ese Pre ert A ee eee? Pore ee rey ese ete ore etd Ce ena FIRST WATCH RPGA UPDATE Oi Cod ere eRe erin este aed RPGA central we deliberated and Coane eee ear rnr sceeent an exhaustive and often heated meet aee ae oc obese ee eens Dt ae een shouldn't miss out on getting Cam. poe Cees eee carer etees just because they are GMing and cesarean eae cet Recep eres reward GMs at lower point totals, eet eee ERM oracon 334 August 20 Pancho) ats a eee ree ns GMs Campaign Cards at every Pe ein eee rest ones eae pare en eee tees ero eee Noe eCace! complete set for hitting the sixty ocean nore treasure and more reason to enters etree ect) Pee eee ert gy ec DUNGEONS & DzAcONs Miniatures Deeg ean ee peor Neen Renee eae eat rar Ceres eee ete Naiman tent Bicone ieee ate Sim ere teeter Pome ere saris joining the editorial team of the RPGA. JD. will be familiar to a ee ee ed Seated ‘Wizards of the Coast, including Cea eet by Sa ence eet cee tees eect ANNOUNCING PTOLUS Ca ees an eee eee Se eee ieee eet oa Doe erecta promises level of detail and inventiveness rarely found in cam: pee ae ene een) Seren ea will find a depth in Piolus that Coreen een its unique history, myriad groups See eer Steet orcas Tiny erento es eC ne Cease eee es oteenten ease One of the big ideas behind Prolus is that the setting has eee eee es ents rulles to bend to fit the setting. “While Prolus is based strongly in a kind of historical reality this setting was designed primarily with the assumptions the game implies. Monsters, magic, and Saas August 18-21 7 ieee Peon alee neagie) hulls fighters in plate mail with magic swords li atthe cen Pee anne etre meter) yourselfat home here” says Cook. In fact, Ptolus served as one of the erence Ere Ree ee ee oct See ote? Plus showeases numerous ideas Senn a ee ea edition that couldn't fit into the Roemer rarer as Monte Cook's personal cam= Pe Soest eects tes Cordell, Jesse Decker, tik Mona, Chris Perkins, Sean Reynolds, and eee eee Ec ee art ts Canteen eae te sg fantasy gaming in, or under, the streets of Ptolus You can find out more about the Prlus setting at pee eee a eee nes Pare ete Wieealouo! Gisele Gove fel end iua)ehl ais ora M Dy fou ees | city of cana ans Ly : BY ED GREENWOOD 22 DRAGON 334 August 2005, ‘THE CROSSROADS OF AMN BROUGHT TO LIFE FOR YOUR CAMPAIGN “Crimmor, City of Caravans, what shall say of thee? “The life-blood of balfFaerin streams through thy streets, by coin and creaking wagon-wheel. Here Amn works for its glittering gold, and by such striving half the Sword Coast North is fed, and fine-work ofa thousand-thousand bands sets forth to remote stead and backland croft. “Crimmor, where barge, drover, and wagon are lords, work never ceases, and folk can sleep through din worthy ofa siege. “Crimmor, the beating heart of the haughty Merchants’ Domain, Bones beneath the striding skin of ola. Noman is truly a cara- van master, who bas not passed through Crimmor.” ‘Mandivvur Tacrald, Sage of Amn, Tales ofa City Unsteping (342.98) LA ‘owt isitealy's el on the gras or wat we might als len, Crear who can spr the tra brasa eo tae ne rine rem eon eon arg os ‘CRtmMon 15 ONE OF THE most ‘bustling places any Faerfinian will ‘ver see. All night long, in all but the worst weather, lanterns blaze in the arches of its open gates and glimmer above the Alandor docks, so work can continue. Wagons creak and rumble along the streets day and night, and the air is filled with the crack of whips, the shouts of drovers, the bellows of oxen, and the Jingling of harnesses. “The stink of ox dung hangs strong ver the city and clings—thanks to the river-damp—to all clothes hung to dry unless they are draped in the scent mist wardrobe chambers ofthe wealthy or of the most expensive launderers. ‘When the winds blow from the east (a thankfully rare occurrence), the reek from Upriver (the bankside tanneries, paddocks, and slaughterhouses) is chok- ingly thick. The rest ofthe time, thin haze of hoof flung dust hangs over the city.and the smells of laboring draft- beasts are strong and ever present. Except to the west, where the estates of the wealthy sprawl along the River Road for half a day's ride, and due cast where the tanneries, warehouses, and carriage-sheds line the Lake Way halfivay to Amnwater, Crimmor is sur- rounded by caravan-yards. Land spanning the flight of a bal- listacbolt (fired from the great but seldom-used engines of war atop the pray granite city wall towers) out from the walls is kept clear of encampment and building by decree of the mayor. This “Keepclear” is ‘used by Grimmans for moots, walks, and sward-feasts! ‘few trees? on either side of the Ore Road mark the limit ofthe Keep clear; beyond isa great expanse of paddocks where arriving caravans camp and departing caravans muster By law, only oxen or mules “padged”? by citizen of Crimmor are allowed to haul any wagon or cart into the city or along any Crimman street. Such teams are hired dozens of times dhily to go.out, hitch onto a wagon from an arriving caravan and bring ‘tin to the city. Small local-delivery drovers take their mule-carts out, too, and “ery carry" (all for business) to fetch less-than-a-wagonload cargoes (strongchests, erates, kegs, and coffers) from caravan wagons to city addresses. Grimman ox-teams make frequent runs from the docks right across the city and out to paddocks, transferring bargeloads ta waititig wagons (orto Dankside warehouses upriver, to await carriage later). By law all shore-docks for barges must be located within the Crimmor Shore the stretch of bank enclosed by the city walls), to prevent barges from being run ashore anywhere up and down the Alandor to evade inspection and fees. As a result, the city is always choked with traffic, which is why the major streets bear bright gold wheel- plaques warning folk that wagons have right of way, Crimmans seem used to the smells and the constant noisy bustle. Visitors often find sleep comes hard for their first tenday or so. Most find it far more pleasant out in the paddocks, even with all the lowing and neighisig, Greed keeps the streets busy at night, butsuch “moon work’ is made pos- sible because Crimmans and visitors alike feel safe: the Crimmor Guard is vigilant and mounts numerous patrols against gangs, thuggery in the shadows, and brawls. Everyone knows that “No thief thrives in Crimmon" Grimmans are quite proud of that last belief, and it’s largely true: the Shadow Thieves maintain a self- enforced no-theft policy within po ra mes ey em Fm ante da prong one leche, "oyouh ROO sna ake“ a ane Mindat tepe spe eer cae ter ee ad ped hdres of el Weather Ek igh oxjou soon eae of soe ot ed Scene sete cnet arte 2 cntny nl hen hoe ne snot ath screing el oe forthe ey ee 05 ll er oot eae kd sre cn ie ‘hnkigpod gor py pareen penser ol 1 Deol eprops iter Dl ony Se mt ne reese fo ta iz tgs mame age api he wigan sé f Cd pre wth cnr ae prec ig on ‘audsbones nate tects ys ngs Btn of neo aed re Tn Tyan camel ‘August 2005 DRAGON 334 23 Sees ls VO) Ale YEN ad EY The Badge of Sits ‘The Badge of Wagonmakers Crimmors walls However, Crimmans know to “guard your gli as little of valuable wares as possible to public gaze—because Shadow Thief spies are everywhere in the city, iden- showing, tiffing whats being shipped where so choice items can be stolen on the way from Crimmor to elsewhere. oe nee: what Meets The eye Crimmoris a city of stone—dirty stone rates meaner riaya inetd i phe Road. dirt coats the lowest story of her es isp a i a SCM farnily (NG male fighter 4: Lady Zharan Ophal, the Dra touching each other, wth many small rary ieee baleonicsjuttingowt overstrects, vel re above the height ofthe tallest loaded [eecebeieie wwagons) the cobbled streets are well worn with wagon-ruts, and not a hand- % ne eG span ofland is wasted” on gardens, Tehrinna the Towering, owner of Tym parks, or greenery (the saying “No tree ran Trails (NG female human fighter 5); Jalantha Truard, hostess, informant, grows in Crimmor"is bath old and apt). ie af Most buildings rise four to sx stories renin all, above single level of low-ceilinged cellar, broken up by massive stone sup- ports They have ornately-earved stone fonts (adorned with gargoyles and fan 7 ros cif "ardragons’)5 tll and narrow win cb Shae dows (ypicallyas wide as four mens? palms across) with vertically overlap- ping sliding panes of blown, bubble- studded Amn glass (most houses have ey ee ee eee! Oe ee ee nC ee aL eee) ion given therein rather than re 24 DRAGON 534 August 2005 Por} frome Ke Wagons Have Right of Way Loading/Unloading In Progress MUO MeM Inuit re eee ured ery eon peony Peet ea ny Istur Gor Nellard om ea fern oe crt co ee Morule carl Tace Terivar ‘window-poles” ending in hooks for sliding panes up and down}, and pitched tile roofs with corner downspouts. Amn gets alot of rain in short but fierce downpours that tend ta happen twice or thrice almost every morning, There are narrow but deep center-street channels (gutters) for carrying rain- ‘water down to the Alandor, but most storms overburden them, shuicing dung off the cobbles and making necessary the “big step up’ front stone threshold of most Grimman buildings. Cold, clinging river-mists (some times thick enough to be called fogs) develop in wee morning hours and are indicat Roce Beene aaa eee Belaerra fey Pee cot Perera t ) aumithra (tha ‘Murarra (Mura) ier Ga) Umae drift through the northernmost streets until banished by the sun. On overcast mornings the mists linger A visitor looking across Crimmor sees a lot of tall, narrow, side-walls- touching gray buildings, stained brown to just above the height of a tall man, with ornate carvings around arrow slit windows6Tile roof of dark brown, green, or blue rise past gables to wedge or “ax-blade” roof peaks, cre- ating a skyline of blades dominated by the upthrusting spires of The Pearl {an exclusive short-stay inn, formerly the Mother of Pearl Boarding House) and the Thaeldom (the huge, many- turreted house of governance). Sale Inside This Shop ‘Remembrance Feast Inside Most buildings in Crimmor are in good repair because the gaudy dress so essential to social status in Athkatla here takes second place to having fine coaches, walking-sticks, homes, lug gage, and tools in the best of shape. Nothing impresses a Cr much as a “proper earnes” (which ‘means very nice) tool or implement Conversely, although “proper” buildings should be solidly built of stone and in good repair, overly gaudy ornate balcony railings and statuary are regarded as frippery promoted by those with “too little coin to buy their own confidence.” The three local "grand families” (the Ophals, Krimmevols, and Crytrappers) are exceptions to this, of course—but they exhibit shir good taste by hiding ornate architectural splendors away behind elegant stone walls and coach- sized, coin-shaped gates. the streets Grimmer can comfortably house 75,000 folk and—with abit of crowd- ing—find room for 100,000; in winter, it's usually home to just over 20,000. Its two major streets are The High Ride (known to locals simply as ‘the High’) that aside from a swing to the riverbank just west of the Alandot Gate (the Eastern city gate), runs due east-west through the heart of the city and the Wagonrun (‘the Run’), which rans north-south from the High to ‘August 2005 DRAGON 334. 25 1, The Thaeldorn (court evi building, ‘mayors residence) 2. The Peat! (luxury inn) 3. Tymoran Trails (inn) 4 Somtalar’ Rest (inn) 5, Chaunteds Cradle temple) 6. The Theater of Joy (shared temple of. Lira, Mill, and Sune) 7. Allis Altarhal (many faiths shared shrine) 8. Crystalgates Manor (Krimmevol farmily mansion) 9. Durméraaven Manor (Ophal family mansion) 10. Gaskels (boarding house) 1 lyposts (boarding house) 12. Resbanners House (boarding house) 13. Brightshields (boarding house) 14. Alessan House (boarding house) 15, Suldrakts (boarding house) 16. Moongables (boarding house) 17. Delthorn’s Haven (boarding house) 18. Melpurth House (boarding house) 19. The Emirs Court tavern: excellent, expensive) 20, Drovers’ Drink (Laver fr, ‘moderately priced) 21. Ralor’s Redtarge (tavern: poo, cheap) 22. The Bright Fish tavern: good, expensive) 23. Athtel’ (‘avern: good, moderately priced) 24, The Burning Wagon (aver: fi, cheap) 25, Darsil’s Cask (tavern: poor, cheap) 26. Braczl (club: fai, moderately priced) 27. The Dancing Drover (club: fr, moderately priced) 28. Hamnsa’s Board (dub: good, expensive) 29. The Old Wheel club: good, expensive) Drovers’ Gate (where the Orc Road. begins) at about Crimmor’s midpoint. Crimmor is divided into three wards by these streets: everything north of the High is River Ward, everything west of the Run is Wheel Ward, and everything east of the Run is Purse Ward. The busiest street- ‘moot in Crimmor is the Coins, where the Fligh and the Run meet, but the ‘most interesting moot is The Drac, just west of the High's riverbank swing, where the street known as the 430. Salamnantha's Sundown (club: excel- lent, expensive) 31. The Zultal (clubs good, expensive) 432. The Pearl Stables 33. The Trlls Stables 34. The Sorntalar Stables 435, Safehaven Stables 36, Ascrim’s Stables 37-Maunt’s Safe Carriagehouse 38. The Caravan Roof (Coach, Cart, and Wagon Storage), sharing premises with Thulmar’s Coach Rentals & Repairs 39, Delnur’s Matchless Cart Rentals & Repairs 40. Zoldaftel Wagons. 41. Rolling Wheel Wagons 42. Hemmishield Carts & Carriages 48. Nelvor’s Wagons 44, Eskels Barges and Wagons 45. Thelgora's Cages, Tents, & Carts 46. Longbow Wagons 47. Quarren's Wagons 48, Felnar’s Faithful Beasts (horses, oxen, draft animals bought & sold) 49, Xornavar’s Armory (new and used ‘weapons and gear) ‘50. Clawthorn’s Curios (ereature parts, ‘rophies, and distillates) 1. The Blushing Rose Decorators (paints, trim, furishings statuary copied) '52.Thulvan Importing (huge selection: Tethyrian crockery, Calishite brass) 53. Maukbar's Brewcasks (brewery) 54. Crimmorquaff House (brewery) 55, Julkins Barrels (ider house) 56, Kelaert’ Anvil (smithy: hasps, hinges, house fittings, locks and bots) 57.Undart's Troughs, Spouts, Funnels, & Pipes emithy) Dausann (“DAW-sah-nnn’) splits of south and loops around westward, _just inside the city wall, to rejoin the High some way to the west). The Drae is where folk go to be seen entering the most elegant clubs. peudgebucket matters Strong, fast-flowing springs of drink- able water arise on Crytrapper Hill, immediately west of the city they ‘were why Crimmor was founded on 58.Zom Selvyn, Finesmith ire, fine- work, tols rings and fine fastenings) 59. Melgor Darsander, Locks, Strong- boxes, & Armor smithy) 60. 0mtalarChainworks (smithy) 61.Darvo the Dwarf (smithy: repairs and swift.work) {62.Engelstarn & Storm (smithy: orate scrollwork, castings, inlays and plating) (63, Handurzunn House (shop: fut, foots, and vegetables) 64. Gelkurts Fresh & Finest fishmonger and Alandor eel-pe bakery) 65. Farhorizons House (herbs and ‘spices shop) 66. maego Invarr (buteher, smokchouse) 67-Zornflames Bakery (68, Macile's Window (bake shop) 69. Haevan Hardroll Cheeseworks 170. tuvare Barrelworks (cooper) 71, Bustran Telbanner, Caravan Carpen- ter (trongehests, caskets, cary cof- fers, and custom-built crates) *72.Nauve's Fine Srolitubes, Coffers, and Jewelboxes (shop) : 73. Belnar’sBootery (shop: boots, shoes, leatherwork) 174. Tethchaith’s Saddles & Harness 75, Roldskull’s Tomes, Maps & Folios 76, Paeraetor Luteworks & Trumpets (rusical instrument shop) 77.Yauncel Darth, Lore & Sagecrat 178, Woazgeaz the Weaver (shop) 79,Sangalor Fine Flowers shop: lve plants ofall sorts, scents, pefimes) 80.Crytrapper Hal (Crytrapper family mansion) 81.Crytrapper il The Hillwarrens) £82.Silent Hill (burial eypts) this site in 163 pk. Drinking their waters is (falsely) believed to cure plague, and they flow to the nearest city wall-tower through a midair pipe between hill and turret. From there, it’s piped along the walls and thence across the city. Almost all buildings tap the flow with spigots, handpumps, and cisterns. Any visitor foolish enough to drink from the Alandor can expect tobe violently ill fora day or so (locals are more used to it), and ‘August 2005 DRAGON 334. 27 “highnoses" (snooty folk) can buy “clearwater” in ornate stoppered flagons (6 sp for about a gallon) brought in from the crystal-clear waters of Weeping Princess Pool, 2 fancifully-named rainwater pool four hills southwest of the city ‘Waste—from broken items to rotting food and chamberpot- waste—is collected from dawn to dusk by slowly, continuously moving drudgebucket wagons, whose drov ers blow double-note fluted pipes at each door to signal their arrival; inhabitants hasten out and dump fora copper coin per bucket {any container one person can carry to the wagon unaided). The wagons run south down the Ore Road to pits three hills away from Grimmer Rats and mice are everywhere in Crimmor (where dogs and cats are banned, except as caged food cargoes just moving through) and are cheer- fully slain with slung stones, poison, and drowning-traps whenever seen, A number of tightly-sealed ware- houses around the city are grana- ries maintained by the Thaeldora as food supplies against siege, famine, plague, ot severe winter times, and there are “snowbound’ also secret (that is, unofficial but whispered about across the city) granary caverns under Crytrapper Hill These Hillwarsens aze guarded and used by the Shadow Thieves to hide contraband, supplies, wounded, or on-the-run members; in return, they don’t steal in Crimmor. The entrances to the Hillwarrens are truly secret, but thought to include Grytrapper Hall and various city buildings (via long tunnels). Folk who die in Crimmor are washed, shaved (and the hair sold for use in wigs and as staffing), and Joaded om a corpses-only drudge wagon to be taken a long way east of the city, to a place where clerics bum them. Only the wealthiest are buried in exypts inside Silent Hill Gouthwest ofthe city, just beyond the Keepcleat) In either case, funeral 2B DRAGON 334 August 2005 ao eect con ono inating from es cr in the of Se aes) eee Hae eee eee ae enn ec ce eel their hidden headquarters in Athkatl, the al eee on eee afe hou: acgets impossible to know. The multi cc coe or ove eee) een es isth Seen por cot Cea Ame wealth and pow eee wearing to someday retutn to the city fi services are day long, casusl come and-go remembrance feasts held in the homes ofthe dead sights and shopping Shops typically Spen from “mist clear" (a short time after dawn) to dusk, and are shuttered the rest of the time (although they might receive deliveries and re-stock at all hours). Items are tagged with prices (switching tags avails no one as there are no laws requiring items to be sold for the tagged price), and shopkeepers have many young assistants to hover over custom: ers. Most people ask upon entry to signal urgency for an item; if they smile and wave, they want to browse until they signal an assistant. All shops wrap purchases unless other Conia: re Ce ote ee etree ay etd eee er an Ce eee at eee ina ity of criminal operations along er Pane itso that re led in L Its been said one can buy any thing in Crimmor—or have anything expertly copied, repaired, or altered, Every shop is busy, but the mayor has decreed that no one should be able to outbid other customers for swifter service driving the practice into secrecy and higher prices, rather than entirely eliminating it). Most shops are cluttered, noisy, and busy; custom- crs who break wares must buy them, and haggling must be swift or the keeper will end it with a chop of the hand and an, “Enough, lowcoin!” There are five Crimman guilds: the Dockhands, the Leatherers, the Wag- ‘onmakers, the Smiths, and the Wheel- wrights (who also represent most ofthe Drovers after the three grand families, fearing stiff fee increases, per- suaded the mayor to not allow drovers to found their own guild), Rather than having guildmasters—susceptible tobeing bought by the grand fami- carpenters, and—through their drover_ The pearl lies—they elect small, short-term _-members—woodcutters who bring _ ‘This rebuilt former grand family pal ruling councils. firewood to Crimmor from the foct-_ace that was for years an increasingly ‘The province of each guild cur- _hills ofthe Cloud Peaks.* infamous seedy rooming-house, is the rently stands as follows: the Dock- Grimmans are hard workers, eager _ tallest building in the city its spectac- hands control all loading and investors (willing to take chances, _ular spires and curving upswept roofs unloading on the docks (working but shrewd), and innovators. As the impressive landmarks. tt offers the with barge and wagon crews)The _ saying goes,“A lazy Crimman isa__most luxurious visitors’ acommoda- Leatherers are dominated by very sick Crimman.” tions in Crimmor? ‘good hamess-makers, saddlers, and bootmakers (Crimman boots are inns sorntalar’s Rest hobnailed and durable, yet stylish). _Crimmor has merely three inns, but As its name implies, this small back- ‘The Wagonmakers (dominated by the many rooming-houses. Inns offer__strect establishment offers quiet. famous Zan Zoldaftel? lubricate the full meals, laundry and bathing ‘Rooms are hung with tapestries, halls flow of business throughout the city services, larger rooms, and much _are carpeted, walls are thick and noisy and beyond. The Smiths specialize higher prices than rooming-houses. guests are often asked to leave. Owner in wagon fittings, but also in chain ‘Merchants staying in a Spartan ‘Aumra Sorntalar is a no-nonsense, (fine to massive), fastenings (screw, rooming-house can rent stabling _bustling little woman who leads gangs hook-and-eye, bolts, and so on) the and carriage-storage at an inn (most of staffers to deal swiftly with prob- usual hinges, locks and lockplates, _ inns own several stables and car- __lems, clean up messes, and see to the and—surprisingly—wire. Finally,the _riage-sheds, with their own staff'and comfort of guests. A stern finger-tap- Wheelwrights, dueto their needs for guards, located streets away from _ping of her deep purple lips to signal particular woods cut just so, dominate the inn proper) quiet is her constant habit. 3, Zn Zettel 1G human ae he apr wo alegty mats eb wgin a soe a by anya Thi ngs by mal “Z mark y ha aug ‘aa haa eae om arent chong vain ooo sgt mes el ns ieee biog eaves wih Ste elon th and a or ago whe nd a) won or uilingh i in emp rd, 7 ing ended ene i sie "he wens) yal ents 2 per pean espe rcs are ligt My ‘August 2005 DRAGON 334 CRIMMOR: CITY OF CARAVANS ‘rymoran trails where brawling is discouraged. Ral- and to hie (adventurers, guards, new “This large inn offers guests arus-_on’s Redtarge, nigh the docks,is the shop staff, and “go look see" and deliv- tic tavern-taproom-like drinking place to pick fights and break bones. ery lads). Drinks and food are always lounge on the ground floor. ts ‘The Bright Fish is where younglings more expensive at cubs than at inns noisy, crowded, and popular at all goto eye each other, giggle and show or tavems. hhours, 0 the three floors of rooms _offto theaccompaniment ofthe latest. Local hostess Jalantha’Truard offers above are recommended only to. _wild minstrelry, outrageously bawdy some brief dub reviews: fhe hasdof hearibg, Many fisclor- © songs, and déclaimed poems ing local women come to the Trails Harnsar’s woard for companionship, as do"ladies of — ClUDS Harty filse “welcoming homestead” coin’ looking for business from vis- Most of these lage, cavernous places decor: all warm smells, candlewheels iting merchants, so the noise often were erated by joining the upstairs overhead, cozy nooks, and rough spreads tothe rooms, Staff guards floors of several adjacent buildings _ floorboards. Obliging but sometimes patrol against lawless rowdiness. __tocrestea sprawling maze of dimly-_benildered service to a patronage ‘The Trails is owned by the striking lit dining-hallsdance-floors,and_largely ofoutlanders and old fel. ‘Tehrinna the Towering” private booths. Beautifal hostesses Wonderful, oft messy food such as. a serve drinks (and often more!)in the _pan-roasted, peppered sweetbreads Rooming Houses ‘swimming in lemon sauce; rabbit Crimmor holds-dozens of rooming houses that offer fresh-made beds, chamberpots, water-basins, and taps in otherwise Spartan private rooms, with doorguards but no meals or other services, for 6 sp per night up to 1 gp per night in the high summer season. They are all much the same, aside from one or two “pouches” (the rabbit is marinated in cider, deboned into shards, stewed in a spicy sauce, and then tucked into plump patties and drenched in erunchy fried goat cheese to seal {n the juices); and creamy, foamy poached river-oyster soup. Spiced breads bolster strong-cheese platters, and apple tarts and pears scooped out and filled with toasted, candied wal- nuts crown many meals. disguised brothels that offer room. visits from “house girls” (negotiated fees extra). A few are quiet, private places, but most are large, bus- ‘ling, and close to taverns and major moots, “Quiet” houses include Gaskrel’s on the old wheel Noisy, busting, dance-and- holler atmosphere distracts from many small din- Immermoon Lane and Iyyposts on Blackoor Street, “Big” houses include Redbanners House and Bright- Jng-chambers apt to be dark and forgotten by servers. Greens- platters (salads) a specialty: diced shields on ‘The High, fiesh apples and Alessan House on The cascade like Dausann. gemstones over awarm long- Taverns bean-and-radish ‘Smoked oysters, fiied cheese breads, and pickles are the only food to be had at most Grimman tav- ems—noisy, smoky, crowded places that concentrate on pouring as much salad cloaked in a crust of blackrind cheese; cold mixed greens are drenched in a dressing of groundspears (aspara gus) juice in which mint and prawns cider and ale down patrons’ throatsas __curtained-offbooths, but the dining _have been stewed; soft-boiled quail Mayor Corlyn Braen possible, balls are where many Crimmans éat_ eggs adorn a bed of parsley and fried ‘The Drover's Drink is acozy,run- their main meal of the day,come to__ground-moss. Main dishes are a justly down, bare-wood but well-lit fixture talk (gossip and sideline business), _famous roast rothé, served standing 1 oa ed aman le ii aye rel hdr od la (eopeoeciens versie oe 3O DRAGON 334 August 2005, thick and smoky in a puddle of wine sgravies and drippings; rich, buttery smoked Athkatlan harpfish coated in ‘rushed black peppercorns and sweet treebark syrup; and superb slabs of venison glistening dark under drizzles ‘of honey-ginger, Bowls of sugared berries and pears poached in sweet liqueurs finish most meals. salamantha’s sundown Highnosed (haughty) all draperies, hushed tones, the latest huxurious Athkatlan fashions, and colély polite service. Large, quiet, and respectable, with fast and numerous “blackjerkins” (bravil-quelling security staf. ‘large wine cellar bolsters mea- ger servings of superb grilled grouse ‘marinated in rosemary, sage, and cinammon; mustardy Alandor eray fish; and the ever-popular seared boar chops. Successful retired Crimmans come here to moan about the old days. 2 pees oh Ca Gd re hd bind inal hemor nt of ie oh diy hy ae war gs ad ghia ‘the zulrail ‘Named for a mythical sly and mys- terious wizard from the East, who in local tales settled in Crimmor centuries ago and played tricks on children, this newest of city clubs affects a sensual “dance, purr, and find a booth’ air. The “Tail is warm and very dimly lit with ruby-red can- dlelanterns. Discreet, gliding staf? keep close eye on the fam and are swift to reftesh empty flagons. Food is too often drowned in sticky-sweet shoodra sauce (a caramel-hued sug- ary concoction made from cooked- to-jelly oranges, mangoes, and pears) and crowned with too many cherries and berries, but standouts include velvety braised clam and mush- rooms; lamb glazed in mustard- sugar and served on a bed of chicken liver stew; and hand-sized softbread rolls into which diced fried onions have been baked. the wand of justice Four factors keep Crimmor fly safe and law-abiding: the vigilance of Gti zens (no Arunian wants wealth stolen from him) the covert interventions of the Shadow Thieves, the rough enthu- siasm of the Bargemen of Crimmor (ho constantly patrol the River Road, ‘the river itself and the docks and wear tabards emblazoned with the wagon- on-barge symbol of Crimmor) and the dozen-strong and numerous street patrols ofthe Crimmor Guard (who ‘wear chainmail under ther tabards, bear longswords and daggers, and sling stones with praticed accuracy} ‘The Thaeldorn (aterm that means both “palace of the mayor” and the officials who work in it) pride them- selves on swift justice, which means apprehended persons are brought before a suzier ($00-zeer) or magi trate—often the mayor himself on the same day theyre dragged toa lockup” eearereenries rd hgh ord ‘lar al dr sang adhe coal s)he oe ute, vr depo ec tte nap ere asad Cones tri commande) Lak GhostOrb.com is a web: community builf around able, virtual rolepl Play your favorité RPG anyone, world without Go to WWW. eS (there are ground-floor holding cells in every wall-tower, and a long-term- incarceration dungeon under the ‘Thaeldorn; all trials are held in court- rooms in the Thaeldorn}, or before highsun the next day, if"taken” during the night. The suzier may remand 2 prisoner into custody for up to three ays if evidence—usually witnesses— must be found, but most cases are decided on the spot. ‘There are no juries in Crimmor. All trials must be public, and accused persons can speak freely (although. rude tirades never help one’s cause). ‘The two oldest suziers are known to hhave litle patience with the insolent and the sly-tongued, but the mayor and the four younger suziers are often swayed by “fair pleading” It’s been said with some truth that “Crimmor’s laws are whatever the mayor!? says they are, and he speaks differently when the accused is ‘wealthy than he does when a prisoner hhas few coins," but justice in Crim- ‘mor is based on the Code of Crimmor 12: go acai Alnor and se f ae Carn Car ae, fended pleat warening NG furan ale eng 4 Bah ‘foci het want bt ee Cem 32. DRAGON 334 August 2005, (simplified within the Sentences and Grimes sidebars}. Inability to pay fines or damages is mitigated by seizure of property and then enforced hard labor until work value satisfies court debt. Gitizens are defined as persons who are recorded as ‘owning land, paying rent, or residing in Crimmor for at least a season. wheelmoot Once a year, when ice and snow make the overland roads impassable for draft beasts and wagons (and human- pulled sledges must be used for laborious short trips) and caravans stop running, the mayor declares the Crimaman festival of Wheelmoot. Its dating varies with seasonal conditions, ‘but its duration is always four days and four nights. All shops close except those selling food and drink although there's no strict law against closure), everyone locks away valuables and breakables and dons masks and fin: ciful (or even outrageous) costumes, and drunken revelry and public dalliance becomes the order ofthe day. Most folk take to the streets for the entire festival, sleeping around street bonfires on cloaks provided by the mayor, and public debauch- ery is expected, tolerated, and even celebrated (sentences are relaxed o dismissed altogether for some crimes committed during Wheelmoot), How- ever, lawlessness does not prevail: the Bargemen, Guard, and Shadow ‘Thieves all patrol with extreme vigi- Jance and fall musterings during the festivities. The mayor sponsors lange street feasts (with drink) every eve- ning, and most clubs do ceaseless, roaring trade. the Lost rady ‘Crimmor has a famous haunting: the Lost Lady, long-ago noblewoman of ‘Tethyr named Esmaelae (EZ2-may-lay) whose true love, Roloran (RAUL-oh- ran) fled from her during a quarrel bearing her necklace ofeycball-sized sapphires, hid from the Guard in a secret passage, and died shut up there, eda re ee ee eee Pai ey Are eet E Enforced Hard Labo Weer eee a reer Jn Crimmar (kno 5 eet Cre ea areca oe ene eet te Assault Upon a Citizen Resulting in Injury: | and E or feem Deen Lae ae akc Attacking Crimmor (poisoning food or water, ca eee ies Pee car Cee ete) Pec a ane care Cae Cr ae patter Harmful Public Spelicasting: H and |, then G (tenday maximum); if convicted isa vistor, Erk ed Sa ea ce ne eee Geneon one fe De une on eee ae ie ane Murder: B or K and C ifjudged unintenti Beer cet eee eee prereset errors aking against the rule of Amn or Crimmar, and the behaviour of specific offical Cea ee an eteecy et Tomb Robbing: Oe Poe e ae: 2005 DRAGON334 33, unable to get out. Ils bones and the gems have never been found, but her restless spirit persists asa floating, incorporeal, fantly-glowing face that whispers inthe ears of persons she finds alone by night, bidding them “find Roloran" or “find my bluestones” Esmaclac has the ability to enter into and “ride” beings (any intelligent ‘creature of either gender) who are ‘willing, or whom she “overcomes” (DC 20 Will Save to avoid; DC.24 iftarget drowsy or DC 30 if target asleep) forcing them to search Crim- ‘mor for Roloran she knows he's “shut away some~ where,” and will compel her “steed” to keep moving and looking (steeds can otherwise speak and act freely, for example donning clothes or wielding items). Esmache's fice will be faintly visible, superimposed over the features of the person she's riding, Magic, lots of loud people, or a successful Will save (one attempt every hous) usually causes her to “melt away” from rid- den beings, leaving them their own ‘masters again. 34 DRAGON 354 August 2005 ‘There's no known way to slay Esmaelae, she means no particular harm to those she whispers to or “rides” (although fearfll victims have been slain or injured fleeing, or doing wild things to try to be rid of her), and some Crimmans wel- come her “aboard” in hopes she'll Jead them to some treasure they can benefit from. All Grimmans know about the Lost Lady, and persons being ridden by her are gener- ally tolerated or even followed and watched for sport current clack Grimmor is abuzz right now with the news that something like a fly. ing eel that can apparently breathe air and water (and can travel the water pipes) has been stalking and slaying Thaeldorn officials. There are rumors that this is a creature unleashed by the icy-tempered Lady COphal, a longtime fe of the current ‘mayor often known as the Dragon Lady, Some whispers hint that she intends to slay Mayor Braen and ‘every last city clerk, replacing them with courtiers and bureaucrats from Athkatla loyal to her. There are rumors that the Dragon Lady is opposed in this by the Shadow ‘Thieves—but other rumors insist she’s reached an agreement with them, that they're working with her, and that Lady Crytrapper has been warned not to help her cousin the rmayor in any way? In recent years several Red Wiz- ards of Thay were found dead in the streets, publicly murdered, with “*Thayans Stay Out” cut into the bod- ies. The Shadow Thieves were widely credited with these killings, but the grisly crimes did not deter Thayans from covertly entering the city and ‘trying to trade, often through agents. Now, rings and potions of dark magic are said to be increasing in availability and are finding many buyers among ambitious Crimmans. Are these items safe to use, or can the Thayans control the unwitting purchasers through them? Are the Red Wizards assembling ‘an unwitting army and preparing to strike against the mayor or take over the ‘Thaeldom? Wild rumors are flying! = pla Ce tran ale rmgue7 Rey deste pting hc win mato lrg oo wal. The Oph contl mo otha npn ping ou ] he thousand and one tales of the Arabian Nights aze filled with harems full of delicate dancing girls, rich caves laden with treasure, and dozens of ‘monsters that have become staples of DAD: djinn, efieet, ghouls, ann, roes, and more, Presented here are six ‘more creatures, risen from the sands, of antiquity, derived fiom and inspired by Akkadian, Arabian, Eeyptian, a Persian myths, eager to mystify and mortify your PCs. The descht outrider felt the earth move Deneath him, the very stone shift, and heard pebbles shitter away down slope. He could barely keep his balance and ‘almost fell over completely when he realized he stood on top of a dark earth demon, a three-armed creature of night- mares slowly tilting, forcing him to slide down into its outstretched clan Huge Outsider (Earth, Evil) Hit Diee: 1748434 (110 hp) Ini Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), burrow3e ft. ‘Armor Class: 23 (-2 size,~2 Dex, 416 natural), touch 6; flatsfooted 22 Base Attack/Grapple: +17/133 Attack: Slam 423 melee (jd8+8 plus disease) Full Attack: 2 slams +23 melee (aes plus disease) Space/Reach: 15 fi/is f. Special Attacks: Disease, spell- like abilities, stunning 6s Special Qualities: Blindsense, ‘camouflage, plane shift Saves: Fort +12, Ref +8, Will +10 Abilities: Str 26, Dex 6, Con a5, Int 13, Wis 16, Cha 14 Skills: Appraise +11, Bluff 422, Concentration +15, Hide +10% Intimidate +21, Knowledge (the planes) +11 Listen 420, Move Silently 418, Search 415, Spelleraft +9, Spot +24 Feats: Awesome Blow, Cleave, ‘ense Motive +32, Combat Casting, Combat Reflexes, Improved Bull Rush, Power Attack Glimate/Terrain: Any land Organization: Solitary, pair, or band (5 Challenge Rating: 11 Treasure: Standard, double gems Alignment: Often Jawfil evil Advancement: 18-29 HD (Huge): 30-33 HD (Gargantuan) AL first, this ceature looks ie itle more than ‘an cutropping of earth and stone, butt soon gins fo move on thre broad legs, reahing ct with ati of stone arms, Dozens of stony lien ees peer ou from around its bl Large as a small hill, ound as a boulder, three-legged and three-armed, the asag are a ace of clementil stone fiends. Many eyes cover their entire bulk and their dark, hardened skin resembles ro¢k, Striations and inelusions, similar tostone, mark their skin and some of the elderasag even sport lichens and ‘moss from their great age. Banished fom the Elemental Planes by powerfull sorcerers, sags are driven bya hatred of humanoids, especially dwarvesand. ‘gnomes. They can raise small armies of xorns from fields of rocks and stones. Some sages believe asigs were once the masters of the Elemental Plane of Earth, and now wander the planes in search of vengean Asags speak Common, Infernal, and Terran, Combat Asags are relatively lever fighters usally atladting ofa dribush despite CRETE of pmb EE al hillock or lrg rocks unt thei preys close enough to grab and eat. ‘When facing multiple opponents, an asag first summons xorns to sur round its enemies. Once opponents have engaged the xoms, the asag rises and attacks from an unexpected direc- tion. Once an asag has revealed itse it prefers to use its Awesome Blow feat to flatten opponents so that the sum- moned xorns can overrun them. Disease (Su): ‘Those struck by an asag’s slam risk contracting a horrible dehydrating illness. Dry Death—slam, Fortitude DC 20, incubation period 1 day, damage 2d6 Con. ‘Those who have taken Constitu- tion damage from this disease are considered dehydrated, regardless of the temperature or their intake of water, and must make a Con- stitution check each hour (DC 10 +1 for each previous check) or take 1d6 points of nonlethal damage. Those who take nonlethal damage from this illness are fatigued. Getting in a cool ‘environment or drinking lots of fluids does nothing to end this condition. "This condition can only be removed by curing the disease. The save DCis Con- stitution-based. Spell-Like Abilities: At will—detect ‘magic, endure lements;3/day—stone shape, stoneskin; [day—major creation (created mineral matter is permanent), passwall. Caster level 17th. ‘Stunning Fist (Ex): Whenever it rollsa natural 20 on a slam attack, an asag stuns its opponent for 1 round, regardless of whether the critical hits confirmed or not, A DG 26 Fortitude save avoids this effect. The ive DC is Strength-based. ‘Summon Xorn (Sp): An asag. can. summon 144 minor xoms cr 1 average xorn for hour up to three times per day. This summoning requires a full- round action, All-Around Vision (Ex): An asag’s ‘many eyes allow it to look in all diree- tions at once, providing 2-44 racial bonus on Search and Spot checks. An asag cannot be flanked. Camouflage (Ex): Asags are able to blend in with any type of natural or ‘worked stone, earth, and, or cay. They ‘gain a +8racial bonus on Hide checks insuch circumstances, An asag ean hide in such environments without the need for cover or concealment Plane Shift (Sp): An asag ean plane shift (as per the spell) to any of the ele- ‘mental planes (except earth), the Astral Plane, or the Material Plane. This abil- ity transports the asag and up to six other creatures, provided they all link hands with the asag and are willing, Clodlorrorke Svarwachy usd he harem dor stand he devices that walkie men and wrest ie sakes. Noone enters withous answering to them, ‘and they are beyond all bebes and jlater. 38 DRAGON 334 August 2005 Surely the sultan’s harem is safe their ‘enormous metallic arms? Medium Construct Hit Dice: sdi0+20 (47 hp) Initiative: +0 Speed: 30 ft (6 squares) ‘Armor Class: 17 (+7 natural) touch 10, flat-footed 17 Base Attack/Grapple: +3/+15 Attack: Large scimitar +7 melee (1d8+4) Full Attack: 2 Large scimitars +7 melee (ad8+4) Space/Reach: 5 fis fe Special Attacks: Discern lies, grapple, hold person, oil Special Qualities: Construct immuni- ties, darkvision 66 fe, low-light vision Saving Throws: Fort +1, Ref +1, Will 43 Abilities: Str28, Dex 10, Con — Int 8, ‘Wis 14, Cha 10 Skills: Listen 47, Sense Motive-+7 Spot +7 Feats: Alertness, Skill Focus (Sense Motive} limatey Terrain: Any Organization: Solitary, pair, or patrol (6-2) Challenge Rating: 4 ‘Treasure: No coins, double jewels, standard items (decorations) Alignment: Always neutral ‘Advancement Range: 5-7 HD (Large) ‘This rotund figure is made entirely of brass, silver, and gold, Between his Joints, oiled gears cick and spin. His ‘metal legs are fashioned to appear as if he is wearing baggy pants and a wide belt. Two glowing blue eyes shine forth from underneath a large brass turban. Instead of hands, he has only two large curving scimitars. ‘These clockwork cteatures are not truly eunuchs, but often replace them as harem guards in the palaces of sultans, emirs, and princes. They are always built of the finest materials and are often inlaid with gold, silver, ‘mother of pearl, and precious stones for their flashing eyes. Most wear a ‘turban and baggy trousers, although these are purely decorative. Some are built with two faces, one on either side of their head, in order to watch in two directions down a passage or ata doorway. Quicker and smarter than many constructs, clockwork eunuchs are wise «enough to see through basic evasions and trickery. Their behavior is governed by theic masters or maker's commands ‘Tales of clockwork eunuchs’lii- sons with harem gitls are nothing ‘more than scandalous rumor. The act is impossible, ‘Clockwork eunuchs speak Common. Combat Clockwork eunuchs are sensitive to gender, race, and direction. They can recognize as many as fifty unique individuals, This allows them to fight or detain intruders and yet show proper deference ta the resi dents of a palace, harem, or bordello. ‘They can filter out all male visitors from an area, passage, or doorway, while permitting female visitors to pass freely, Likewise, they can make exceptions for particular individuals whom they have been commanded to allow or deny entry. Discern Lies Su}: As a standard action, a clockwork eunuch can discern if target within 3o fect is deliberatelyand knowingly speaking falsehoods, This fimctions as discern lies but is always active and can affect anyone within 30 feet of the clock- ‘work eunuch. A successful DC 16 Will save renders a target immune to this ability for 1 hour, although the clock- ‘work eunuch is aware of this fact. ‘The save DC is Wisdom based, Grapple (Bx): The long arms and dull backsides of their scimitar hands allow a clockwork eunuch to secure prisoners, runaway slaves, and harem girls without causing them any serious harm. For this reason, they gain a +8 racial bonus on all grapple checks. Hold Person (Sp): Once per day, a clockwork eunuch can cast hold person asa ath-level caster. ADC 14 Will save negates this effect. The save DC is Wisdom-based. Oil (Ex): Once per day, a clock- work eunuch can release several gallons of slippery oil from a hidden reservoir. This acts like the spell _grease but it instead covers a.10- foot-diameter area centered on the clockwork eunuch. This oil remains effective for 1 hour before becoming asticky mess that does not hinder movement. Those in the area must succeed at a DC 13 Reflex save or fll prone. Clockwork eunuchs are immune to this effect. The save DC is Wisdom-based, ratings 2, Censsy Suradl The frst clockwork eum believed to have been built tthe onder of avian oar betreyed by humanledaniaas sod viho Believed that clockwork erea Tre could dibs ala What baba dene could bok patente pte following decades the knowledge spread from one vizier to another, until most sllans and calipha depended on them Clockwork eunuchs balance the ill af cloektotl artisdad ietioecand peal piaaibg toners ‘ers, They depend on carefully set weertene’ eke rod peas TLR dbeiot Gt eee raat persten torial blembdtall beef the) Gli febat neh eoeuat ath Cmte fratilipdal Eenigod atin | esl eet meal ene ieee nie ek Gea ahead eet te the body requires DC 15 Craft (armorsmithing) chet or 3 DC is Graft (locksmithing) check Trequire an areane caster ofat least 7th level with the Craft Won- arab ent Gatiatta mictora 2,000 gp to create a lockwork eunuch. The process requires 30 tad ttincemsanenes fe i ame counterweights, mithril balance feridetra af eit ngage Iensitod berthed aut ea etc cere eat ‘aigeciend bate wecotaat lal the apell hold person, olf sipper- ness (fr the gears) andthe dust ofa destroyed mummy. These ingredi- ents are difficult to find, and in some ceases the expense might double the cost of the automaton if the creator ‘cannot find or create his own supply. ‘CL 7th; Craft Construct (see page 303 of the Monster Manual, discern ies, grease, hold person, caster must be at least 7th level; Price 10,000 gp; Cost 6,000 gp + 320 XP, Flying (Morley At fifst, PHwas just one mortkey. It scared cavay the doves and built tle home in the headman’s eaves. The children loved it Then it was a dozen monkeys tearing 4 the children’s hair and making them drop their sweets and bits of coconut The children hated i and oh how they cried, Now it is «hundred monkeys! They mst be stopped, before they drive erejone ct oft vila ‘Tiny Magical Beast Hit Dice: dio (5hp) Initiative: +3 ‘Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), climb 30 ft, fly 40 ft (clumsy) Armor Class: 15 (+2 size, 3 Dex), touch 15, flat-footed 12 Base Attack/Grapple: +1/-0 Attack: Bite +6 melee (d3-2) or dropped stone +6 ranged (1d4) Fall Attack: Bite +6 melee (1d3-2) or dropped stone +6 ranged (1d4) Space/Reach: 2-1/2 ft ft Special Attacks: Drop stones, group snatch Special Qualities: Low-light vision Savest Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +1 Abilities: Str 6, Dex 16, Con 10, nts, Wis 12, Cha 6 ‘August 2005 DRAGON 33439. emis CREWE aCe 9 Balance +31, Climb 49, Hide 4, Listen #2, Spot +3, Feats: Weapon Finesse (Climate Terrain: Warm hills and forests Organization: Band (3-12), troop (6-24) or circus (6-60) Challenge Rating: 1/3 ‘Treasure: Quarter standard Alignment: Often neutral ‘Advancement: 2-4 HD (Small), 10 HD (Medium) Level Adjustment: — Wearing a small ed vest and fez, his tiny ‘monkey has long feathery wings sprouting {rom its back and a cruel grin fall of sharp teeth across its face. Flying monkeys are a plague and 2 pest to farmers, villagers, and brewers throughout the river and jungle lands of the tropies: They enjoy gorging themselves on stolen bananas, mangoes, figs, oF3iges, cakes, sweet dates, and beer, while ‘mocking their vietims from the treetops, They have oceasionally been tamed and taught to wear vests and fezaes, but usualy they travel in nothing more than their far, which vaties from pale reddish-brown to golden yellow or pure white Flying monkeys migrate from one harvest to another, often over hun-

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