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Free lime analyzer procedure

Solution- Benzoic acid solution preparation

 Weight 12.2 gm Benzoic acid then put it in dessicator for 24
 Dissolve it in small quantity of absolute ethanol
 Transfer it into 1 litre volumetric flask and make up the exact
volume by adding ethanol and shake it properly.

Solution- 0.1 N Sodium Hydroxide solution preparation

 Weight 0.4 gm NaOH pellets and put it into dry clean beaker.
Dissolve it with 100 ml ethanol at 100 0C temperature.

Solution- Ethylene Glycol: Ethanol solution

 Take 500 ml ethylene glycol into 1000 ml beaker, mix it with
250 ml ethanol and add 0.1 gm phenolphthalein. Dissolve it
properly. Add 6-7 ml 0.1N NaOH solution till pink color
Calculation of Factor
 Ignite CaCO3 in furnace for 2 hours at about 9500C
 Weight 0.04 gm CaCO3 and put it into the clean dry conical
flask. Put stirrer into it and add 20 ml Ethylene Glycol: Ethanol
solution. Put it into the free lime analyzer then start the
machine. The working voltage of machine should be about 220
V till the droplets begin to fall decrease the voltage at about
120 V and increase speed of stirrer slightly .Then after fix the
timer for 3 minutes. When the machine stops, titrate the
solution with Benzoic acid solution till the pink color
disappears. Note the burette reading (V1). Again put the
conical into machine and run for 3 minutes, pink color
reappears; again titrate with Benzoic acid solution till the pink
color disappears. Note the reading (V2).
 Calculation
Factor= (Sample weight *1000)/V
Where V=V1+V2; Sample weight=0.04 gm CaCO3.

Procedure for free lime analysis of cement and clinker

 Take 0.5 gm sample of cement/clinker in clean dry conical flask. Add 30
ml Ethylene Glycol: Ethanol solution (2:1), put the conical flask with
stirrer into free lime analyzer. Put it into the free lime analyzer then
start the machine. The working voltage of machine should be about 220
V till the droplets begin to fall decrease the voltage at about 120 V and
increase speed of stirrer slightly .Then after fix the timer for 3 minutes.
When the machine stops, titrate the solution with Benzoic acid solution
till the pink color disappears. Note the burette reading(V)
 Calculation
Free lime = (Factor*V*100)/ (Sample weight*1000)

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