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Maligaya, Tumauini, Isabela

Tel. No.: (078) 323-03-18



INSTRUCTION: Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided.
1. It is a musical ensemble that consists of brass instruments, most often with a percussion section.

a. Brass band b. Rondalla c. Brass Instruments d. None of the above

2. It is a bamboo band that uses improvised instruments.

a. Bamboo Organ b. Musikang Bumbong c. Angklung Ensemble d. Himig Pangkat Kawayan

3. It is a brass band instrument that is derived from the word tromba which means .

a. Trombone b. French horn c. Trumpet d. Tuba

4. The restoration of the bamboo organ project was done in what country?

a. Germany b. Europe c. Italy d. Russia

5. Who started the construction of the bamboo organ in 1816?

a. Fr. Diego Cera Dela Virgen b. Fr. Dante Cera Dela Virgen c. Padre Faura d. None of the above

6. How many years were spent for the construction of the bamboo organ?

a. 9 years b. 3 years c. 6 years d. 8 years

7. It is known as the oldest and he largest bamboo organ existing in the world today.

a. The Las Piṅas Bamboo Organ b. Cavite Bamboo Organ

c. Paraṅaque Bamboo Organ c. Laguna Bamboo Organ

8. It is an idiophone musical instrument with two or more bamboo tubes attached to a bamboo frame.

a. Bamboo Organ b. Musikang Bumbong c. Angklung d. Trombone

9. How many pieces of bamboo were used in the construction of Bamboo Organ of Las Piṅas?

a. 850 pieces b. 950 pieces c. 350 pieces d. 550 pieces

10. It is also known as Singing Bamboo of the Philippines.

a. Angklung Ensemble b. Himig Pangkat Kawayan c. Musikang Bumbong d. None of the above

11. It is an instrument in brass band which has the highest register in the brass family.

a. French horn b. Trumpet c. Trombone d. Tuba

12. It is an instrument in brass band which has the largest and lowest pitched brass instrument.

a. French horn b. Trumpet c. Trombone d. Tuba

13. This instrument is made up of round plates of alloys.

a. Snare Drum b. Bass Drum c. Cymbals d. None of the above

14. It is an orchestra that uses nontraditional bamboo instruments.

a. Musikang Bumbong b. International Bamboo Organ Festival

c. Himig Pangkat Kawayan d. Philippine Constabulary Band

15. French horn is made of tubing more than how many feet?

a. 10 ft. b. 20 ft. c. 30 ft. d. 25 ft.

16. Which of the following instruments belong to the instruments of Himig Pangkat Kawayan?

a. Laud b. Tromba c. Tuba d. Talungating

17. It is a big drum used in marching bands.

a. Bass drum b. Snare drum c. Drum d. Cymbals

18. It is performed or composed for religious gatherings and fellowship.

a. Santacruzan b. Sacred Music c. Secular Music d. None of the above

19. It is a traditional Filipino serenade by man to a woman outside the woman’s house to show one’s love to
a woman.

a. Pasyon b. Salubong c. Flores d. Harana

20. It is the most popular destination in Las Piṅas.

a. Angklung b. Kawayan c. Bamboo Organ d. None of the above.

21. Angklung became popular in Southeast Asia, and has been played by Sundanese for centuries. Sundanese
are from what country?

a. Java, Indonesia b. Las Piṅas, Philippines c. Jakarta, Indonesia d. Manila, Philippines

22. Which of the following instruments DOESN’T belong to brass band instruments?

a. Flute b. Trumpet c. Trombone d. Snare drum

23. Which of the following DOESN’T belong to aerophone type of Brass instrument?

a. Cymbals b. Trombone c. Trumpet d. Tuba

24. It is a brass instrument played by blowing through closed lips.

a. Tuba b. Trumpet c. Trombone d. Cymbals

25. The Himig Pangkat Kawayan Instuments are made from how many varieties of Bamboo?

a. 8 b. 10 c. 5 d. 6

26. Which of the following statements best describes how Angklung is being played?

a. The base of the frame is held with two hands and shakes the hand rapidly.

b. The base of the frame is held with one hand while the other hand shakes the instrument rapidly from side
to side.

c. The base of the frame is held with one hand and shakes the hand rapidly.

d. The base of the frame is held with one hand and shakes the instrument rapidly from side to side.

27. It is a Spanish term for “Flowers of May”.

a. Flores de Mayo b. Pasyon c. Senakulo d. none of the above

28. The restoration of the bamboo organ project began in what year?

a. 1982 b. 1972 c. 1978 d. 1975

29. The sound of this instrument is produced by vibrating the lips into a large cupped mouthpiece.

a. Laud b. Tromba c. Tuba d. Talungating

30. What band rose to popularity in the 20th century during the Spanish Period, when men trained and
conducted Spanish army bands.

a. Musikong bumbong b. Himig Pangkat Kawayan c. Philippine Constabulary Band d. a&b



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