Biografi Imam Lapeo

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K. H.

Muhammad Tahir (Imam Lapeo)

Born with the name K.H. Muhammad Tahir or more

popularly known as Imam Lapeo born in the year 1838.
Tinambung Lapeo name itself is taken from the name of
the village in the district Campalagian Polewali Mandar.
Approximately 290 km from Makassar.

Lapeo priest: a priest in the village lapeo simple and

spread Islam to the ground bugis. often show mukzisat of
the Power of Attorney, Regional Mandar itself was
formerly known as the science of his magic, animism and
polytheism Imam Lapeo one who straighten their crooked

Imam Lapeo successfully realize their bad behavior, and this is one reason the name of the
mosque, known until now as the Masjid Jami 'At-Tawbah Lapeo, then diverted his name
Nuruttaubah Lapeo mosque.

In spreading Islam in various ways adopted by Imam Lapoe, where he attracted the
attention of the public or the people around him in the teaching of religion, in bartahap he
followed cultures done by the community.

He invites the public about building mosques but in reality is not as easy as imagined.
Imam Lapeo have to deal with the proliferation of gambling, hectic Mandar citizens who are still
drunk-drunk with pride drinks are Manyang Pai '. (Tuak).

Society itself is gradually eliminating habits that they do. Not only invite the surrounding
community to build a mosque Imam Lapeo also often visiting at the home community if it is to
walk around and also sometimes people came to his house to ask for prayer and guidance if there
is a problem they are facing or have keiinginan. He is also famous for its attitude of generosity to
the point that he owed if there are people who need help.
Various ways and his efforts have been done to convey and embody treatises and Islamic
values are correct to Muslims in Mandar, which already tar-Isalamkan since the 15th century at
the time of Ammara'diang Kakanna I Pattang Daetta Tommuane by cleric Abdul Rachman effort
Kamaluddin Tosalama degree in Binuang.

Although the struggle of Imam Lapeo gait and often in the reduction and spiced with things
that smell like the story about the supernatural ability to be in two places at once; conquering the
builders Doti, even intellectual class Emha Ainun Najib believed the stories of Imam Lapeo.

There are many Mandar fishermen who believe, when terhadang storm at sea, given the
Panrita to later call his name is one way to conquer the storm. Yes, that's one form of how the
Mandar regarded as the cleric Imam Lapeo air-Karamah. Many homes in Mandar put his picture
on the wall of the house. And many cases, small-size photos used as amulets (stored in the

Here's a brief biography as well as some stories kharomah experienced by KH Muhammad

Tahir (Imam Lapeo) which is also known as Tosalama 'Faith Lapeo.

On his childhood, his parents gave the name to the Imam Lapeo namely Junaihim Namli.
Since childhood he was known to the public as a dutiful son to oran old, he was known to be
honest, brave, and had a superb willingness loud.

KH Muhammad Tahir Faith Lapeo background religious family. His father named
Muhammad bin Haji Abdul Karim Abtalahi, in addition to working as farmers and fishermen,
also a tutor Koran.

Reliable tutor grandmother inherited by KH Muhammad Iman Lapeo namely H. Abd.

Karim Abtallahi (also popularly known as Nugo to his son, Muhammad). Grandma Faith Lapeo
one famous Quran penghafal dizamannya. His wife was named St. Rajiah, which according to
genealogy descended from Hadat Tenggelang (Tenggelang, an area with the status of the district
in the region Balanipa first autonomous governments, now including the District of Campalagian
Religious background it is very influential in the process of soul perkambangan KH
Muhammad Tahir Imam Lapeo and coloring his life since his childhood. As a child he had been
accustomed to fishing currents and ocean waves when he accompanied his father to look for fish.
Not surprisingly, since the age of 15 years he has dared to follow his uncle Haji Bukhari to
Padang, West Sumatra trade lipa 'sa'be (silk glove).

At the age of 27 years Muhammad Tahir Syed Alwi mated by her teacher Jamalullil son
Sahil (a great scholar from Yemen) with a girl named Nagaiyah (later renamed Rugayah). At this
marriage Junahim name Namli replaced by his teacher (Syed Alwi) became Muhammad Tahir,
whose name is known until now.

In the field of education, formal education does not stand out. In the following non-formal
education he was more interested in the lessons of Islam. At the age of childhood Junahim Namli
has seal the Koran several times surpassed his peers. Ahead of his teens, he further deepen
Arabic as nahwu nerves in Pambusuang. Then he went to the island Salemo (period it is very
well known as a place that gave birth to boarding school education of the scholars under the
guidance of the great scholars of Gresik, East Java) gain and adding the Islamic religious
sciences. Some years he lived disalemo.

Then he went to Padang, West Sumatra and lived for 4 years to add science. After that
continue their journey to Mecca studying religion, came to great scholars deepen jurisprudence,
tafsir, hadith, theology and others. He lived in Mecca a few years.

In the course K.H. Iman Muhammad Tahir Lapeo develop the message of Islam, he has
conducted the marriage as much as six times. This marriage is based on the awareness KH Imam
Tahir Lapeo that mate with Islamic law rests is a propaganda strategy is very effective in
mengenbangkan and or spread Islam. It was marked by the fact, some of his wife comes from an
elite family in the society of his day considered Mandar is able to support the struggle of his

The first named Rugaya wife gave birth to offspring eight children, namely: St. Fatima, St.
Hadiyah, Muhammad Yamin, Abd. Hamin, Muhammad Muchsin, St. Aisha, St. Marhumah.
Second wife, Sitti Khalifah, not breed. Khadijah Sitti third wife, gave birth to one child,
namely Najamuddin, and the fourth wife Sitti Attariah, do not bear children. The fourth wife it is
the daughters of community leaders.

In launching the vision of proselytizing mission to the area Mamuju he became Kali 'Kadi'
Kingdom Tappalang (now in the wilaya District of Tappalang, Mamuju).

In Mamuju KH Muhammad Tahir Imam Sayid Lapeo married a daughter named Syarifah
Hamida but do not produce offspring. In the last marriage with Sitti Amirah gave birth to four
children, namely Abdul Muttalib, Siti Ssabannur, Asiya and Siti Siti Aminah.

Sons and daughters of KH Muhammad Tahir Imam Lapeo largely father continued efforts
to serve the interests of Islam. One of his daughters named Hj. Ayesha Tahir, popular with call
Umm Aisha, is a prominent South Sulawesi woman ever to lead Muslimat Nahdlatul Ulama,
which towards the end of his life Umm Aisha was known as a woman who has a more
metaphysical abilities.

KH Muhammad Tahir Imam Lapeo quietly breathed his last at the age of 114 years, on
Tuesday, 27 of Ramadan 1362 H. Coinciding dated June 17, 1952 in Lapeo (now Campalagian
districts, counties Polewali). Buried in the mosque Nur Al-Tawbah in Lapeo (mosque Mandar
region also known as Masigi Lapeo 'Mosque Lapeo' which is famous for its towers).

KH tomb of Imam Muhammad Tahir Lapeo till now visited by people who come from
various regions Mandar, and other areas outside Mandar.

K. H Lapeo Imam Muhammad Tahir-known also with the title of Imam Lapeo To
Salamaq. In the field of Sufism and congregations, KH Muhammad Tahir Imam Lapeo refers to
Sufism and the congregation Syadziliah.

Here is the story of sanctity beberape To Salamaq Imam Lapeo that credible by most
people Mandar first.

1. Construction of Mosque

It was around the 60s Lapeo mosque is being built beside the grave lapeo however
hampered end funds issue not long after came a few units of Makassar truck carrying cement
sand and some building materials locals surprised because none of them were ordered especially
funds are not there.They decided to talk about it at home one of the residents there, when asked
about who the mysterious person who ordered the building materials, the driver said that that
book was an old man dressed in white turbans and the driver happened to see the photo lapeo
priests in old houses , saying that the people that were ordered building materials.

2. The Imam Lapeo Berkhalawat

2 Gated speakers know Lapeo berkhalawat priest who in the garden and a plot of land
located in Paccini. This place has established a home and there are events that are beyond human
reach the occupants of the house one by one died. And people also gave landmark Imam Lapeo
Khalawat not inhabited.

3. Dropped From Cars To Prayer.

One day on the way to Makassar, it was time for midday prayers and he told the driver to
stop the car for a moment to pray, but the driver of the car was not willing to stop the car if the
car rental is not paid in order to continue the journey to Makassar. Youth also paid him and went
down with his entourage to perform prayers Dzhuhur, then the car went on its way, but the way
the car is suddenly jammed, the car can not walk, after prayers Lapeo Imam and his entourage
are planning to continue their journey on foot, on their way to meet the car they were traveling in
a state of standstill, the passenger in the car tesebut said this was our friends who stop by for
prayers, Imam Lapeo climbed above the car not long after the car and the road can be normal as

4. Echoes of cries In Ear Thieves.

One day someone entered his garden in Galung Lights, plans to steal the fruits that inside
the climb coconut trees. Suddenly there was a scream Imam Lapeo, while he was not there in the
garden, the person running the sound is still audible sekencangnya: To bibo ... .to ... to bibo bibo.
He was not able to sleep until he heard suart also went to him and explained what had happened
and apologized to him also requested that treated. The person dioabati and already feel at ease.

5. Ever Blessed So Professor

A Professor recalled:

He comes from Sindereng 8 siblings she is the youngest child. His father died when I was
small. One day her mother went to a scholar of his children if there is a shadow goodness,
because by his father just sebidan soil that is not too broad. Clerics and even then advised to go
to the Imam Lapeo in Mandar. He said take sebahagian ability to be able to come to him. He too
did sebagiamana suggestion earlier scholars.

When I met the eighth Imam Lapeo attention to the children and pointed out that this
youngest child will be successful, peliaharalah him well and I pray.

Turns out he is now a lecturer at IAIN Alauddin Makassar.

6. Restore Pets are missing.

Kawu, an old man from the village Tinambung, policing district said that once a day
peliharaanya horse lost. Already one week sought the missing horse, has not been found. Then he
went to KH Muhammad Tahir Lapeo please pray so that the horse can be found.

To Salamaq Imam Lapeo closed and raised his hands while praying, he said to Kawu, that
horses are sought after now on the way home kekandangnya. The answer makes the owner of the
horses were stunned, and immediately leave home. What happened? Arriving home dai find his
horse really dikandangnya already exists. "The horse had come alone," said the wife of the owner
of the horse.

7. Pay Debt

Other events told by informants that one day KH Muhammad Tahir Imam Lapeo want
shall pay the debt because the agreed time has arrived. The debt is the price of building materials
Masjid Nur al-Tawbah Lapeo borrowed by him for expansion of the mosque building. But up at
night To Salamaq Imam Lapeo not yet have the money., While the next day the debt was to be

Then, that night he took his son along with the coachman gig Muchsin Tahir went to meet
H.Hasan Majene, traders who provide debt to the mosque building committee asked for an
extension of time for the purpose of borrowing. In the course of Lapeo towards Majene, all
skipped visited mosques to pray sunnah, among other mosques Karama, Tangnga-Tangnga, and
Tinambung. From Tinambung he continues to Limboro and-Lembang Lembang. The second
mosque he prayed a little longer.

Before dawn a new day he son proceeded to Majene. On the way between Lembang-
Lembang and Tinambung suddenly he was held by someone who did not knew. The man gives a
package as a gift to Imam Lapeo To Salamaq.

He gave orders to his son (Muchsin Tahir) accompanying that night took the package. The
trip to Majene continued. After I got home H.Hasan in Majene the package is opened. What does
it say? Apparently, some money snug-fitting used to pay its debts to H.Hasan.

8. Curing Disease

Spoken also that in Lapeo ever outbreak of a disease that is extremely violent and
dangerous. The disease can not be cured with traditional and modern medical treatment at the
time. According to the informant, so ferociously that disease so that in one day estimated 3 to 5
people who died from the disease. Such a situation is very troubling and disturbing the public. To
Salamaq folk complained to Imam Lapeo. Hear all these complaints KH Muhammad Tahir very

The perintahkannya setting up a jar containing water. After that KH Muhammad Tahir To
Salamaq Imam Lapeo closed his eyes as he raised his hands to pray to God, then the jar of water
diludahinya seven times. Water that has diludahnya was drunk to the people affected by the
strange disease.

Thanks to the help of Allah., Those who had drank the "water cure" To Salamaq Imam
Lapeo all healed, and the disease is not mengganaskan again.

9. Helping People Who Drowned

Once, when KH Mohammed Tahir Imam Lapeo while giving lectures, recitals suddenly
stopped a few moments. To Salamaq Imam Lapeo out onto the porch, then looked to the sky
highway while his hands waved. After that he re-entry will continue giving lessons to his
Before the recitation resumed, one of his students asked about what he'd just done Lapeo
To Salamaq Imam. He replied that he helped a boat that nearly sank in the middle of the sea
because of the storm and fury of huge waves. A few days later, a guest house from Bugis came
to Imam Lapeo Salamaq To say thank you.

According to his testimony that the boat almost sank a few days ago around the islands
Pangkajene. That help is KH Muhammad Tahir To Salamaq Imam Lapeo who suddenly saw
baguan stood at the head of the boat. Instantly the waves became quiet, and the storm died down.

10. In the state of hunger and food came Haus

On one day, accompanied by some of his students, KH Muhammad Tahir Lapeo Imam is
heading to a village. They walk along the river bank upstream. By late afternoon they walked on.
They have not eaten lunch because since he left belumprnah passing township residents. Where
are they going to eat, while hunger has been felt thirsty?

But KH Muhammad Tahir Lapeo To Salamaq Imam said that they were patient. Shortly
afterwards, in a place so desolate, suddenly they saw a small raft was drifting downstream. On
top of that little rafts provided various types of food such as rice, glutinous rice, side dishes along
with grilled chicken. They took the food and enjoy it. Furthermore KH Muhammad Tahir Lapeo
Imam with his followers / disciples continue the journey to the village destination.

Death of Imam Lapeo

Before his death, Imam lapeo advised that supplied banana stem either side (right side and
left side) as I was talking with a lean-Nakir wrongdoing. Tuesday morning at his death and then
buried tomorrow afternoon. Writer at that time was 8 years old witness.

The clouds and the cries of the mourners corpse beiau added more remote. His body was
buried in the house bathed in Lapeo Mosque.

According Mahyuddin while on the stretcher, the corpse was very light as if nothing except
the cloth, they sadly. When fed with the ground at the head of them saw the bodies in shrouds.
After feeding sounded in their ears the sound of a cough.
The most he preferred message to the community lapeo is always truthful, and other
messages are fulfilling their prayer and worship.

Societies view of Imam Lapeo (KH Muhammad Tahir)

According to the Society that had we interviewed that the legitimate imam lapeo a famous
religious figure with kekaromahannya, many people usually come to visit his grave if having a
celebration, but in their prayer asking Allah and he said that many funds were donated Beliu
until now. (Due to the many visitors who put money into a charity box range as much as Rp
3.000.000, - / day).

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