NSBA Operations Manual

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Northshore Baptist Association

Operations Manual
Northshore Baptist Association Operations Manual

Section I

A committee of fifteen people shall administrate the work of the Northshore Baptist Association
(NSBA). The committee shall be called the NSBA Administrative Council. The council will be made up
of the Moderator, Vice Moderator, Clerk, and Treasurer of the NSBA, the leaders of the five teams that
exist under the Executive Board, and six at-large members from all parts of the NSBA geographical
region. The at-large members will each serve one three-year term and must be off the council for at least
one year before being eligible to serve again.

The NSBA Administrative Council is accountable to the Executive Board of the association and
will report at each Executive Board meeting as well as the Annual Meeting of the NSBA. The NSBA
Administrative Council does not have authority over member churches. The NSBA Administrative
Council shall work in active cooperation with the NSBA Director of Missions and Ministries (DOMM).
The DOMM and the NSBA staff will report at each meeting of the Council. The NSBA Administrative
Council will meet in the month prior to the annual meeting and each month prior to a scheduled
Executive Board meeting. Additional meetings may be called by the Moderator as necessary.
Representatives from NSBA partners, such as Camp Living Waters, Southeastern Louisiana University
Baptist Collegiate Ministry, and the Shepherd’s Staff Counseling Center are also welcome to attend
meetings as nonvoting participants.

The officers of the NSBA will serve in the same positions on the Executive Board and
Administrative Council. The officers, along with two members selected by the Moderator and the DOMM
in an ex-officio capacity, will constitute a Nominating Committee which will nominate leaders for the
following teams: Church Multiplication, Discipleship Development, Evangelism & Missions, Pastoral
Ministries, and Support Ministries as well as the six at-large members. These Team Leaders will serve
three-year terms and must be off the council for one year before being eligible to serve again. All
nominated individuals shall equitably reflect regional and cultural affinities from the NSBA churches.

The NSBA Administrative Council will be organized into three subcommittees by the Moderator:
Personnel, Administrative and Budget. The subcommittees will consist of five members each. These
committees submit to the full Council for all final decisions. The DOMM is an ex-officio member of all
committees, subcommittees, and teams, except in matters that concern his own employment and

Section II


The Personnel subcommittee will be responsible for annual review, salary, recommendations, and
job descriptions of all NSBA personnel, including the DOMM. The full Council will recommend the
employment and dismissal of the DOMM to the NSBA. The Executive Board of the NSBA will have
final approval concerning the hiring or dismissal of the DOMM. The DOMM in consultation with the
Personnel subcommittee and full Council will also recommend employment or dismissal of all other


The Administrative subcommittee will devise, propose, recommend, and administrate cooperative
ministries and infrastructure that affect the NSBA. It will be the responsibility of the Council to seek
funding from the Executive Board for these ministries. The Executive Board or the Team Leaders of the
five teams may also recommend ministries to the full Council.


The Budget subcommittee will propose an annual budget for all NSBA ministries and operations.
The proposed budget will be sent to the Executive Board for its approval and recommendation to the
Annual Meeting. The budget will become operational on January 1 of the year following its approval at
the Annual Meeting. The budget subcommittee will be responsible for all financial policies and
procedures of the NSBA. The subcommittee will be responsible for developing a consistent and
accounted means for the purpose of receiving, recording, and dispensing of NSBA funds. The Executive
Board Treasurer will be a standing member of this subcommittee.

Section III

Duties of the Officers and Team Leaders

The Moderator shall:

• Call to order and preside over all NSBA official meetings in an orderly manner and Christian

The Vice Moderator shall:

• If the Moderator so directs, or in the absence of the Moderator, shall preside over all official
meetings of the NSBA.

• Carry out other tasks/responsibilities as assigned by the Moderator.

The Clerk shall:

• Keep accurate records and minutes of all official NSBA meetings.

• Present minutes of previous meetings as appropriate at subsequent meetings.

• Make certain that all minutes shall be included in the NSBA annual.
• Be responsible for the Annual Church Profiles and oversee their submission to the Louisiana
Baptist Convention.

• Oversee the publication and distribution of the NSBA annual.

The Treasurer shall:

• Oversee receiving all funds of and for the NSBA, not otherwise designated.

• Disburse all funds, upon receipt of a properly authorized bill, voucher, or funds request form in
accordance with the adopted budget and financial policies and procedures of the NSBA.

• Keep accurate records of monies received with source designations of the same.

• Make reports at all official meetings of the NSBA.

• Mail bimonthly financial reports to all member churches and missions.

The Missions Center shall:

• Consist of all members of the Administrative Team.

• Determine its own office policies and procedures under the guidance of the DOMM and the
NSBA personnel manual.

• Make reports at all official meetings of the NSBA.

The Church Multiplication Team Leader shall:

• Develop a team of as many members as needed by the Team Leader to carry out the functions
listed below. The Associate DOMM will be a standing member of this team.

• Develop and oversee policies and procedures related to all phases of church multiplication.

• Provide assistance to churches desiring to begin new mission congregations, to determine areas of
need, help locate sites, and provide insight for initiating each phase of new work.

• Assist churches in training their leadership in beginning new mission congregations.

• Make reports at all official meetings of the NSBA.

The Discipleship Development Team Leader shall:

• Develop a team of as many members as needed by the Team Leader to carry out the functions
listed below. The team should include at least the following positions: Sunday School, Vacation
Bible School, Discipleship Training, and Media Library Directors.

• Serve as a conduit of information and expertise from the Southern Baptist Convention and
Louisiana Baptist Convention to local churches.
• Assist churches in training for the areas of Sunday School, Discipleship, Vacation Bible School,
and Media Library administration.

• Work with churches to organize, promote, and finance discipleship leadership events.

• Make reports at all official meetings of the NSBA.

Evangelism & Missions Team Leader shall:

• Develop a team of as many members as needed by the Team Leader to carry out the functions
listed below. The team should include at least the following positions: Disaster Relief, Men’s
Ministry, WMU, and Evangelism Directors.

• Serve as a conduit of information and expertise from the Southern Baptist Convention and
Louisiana Baptist Convention to local churches.

• Provide assistance to churches that request help in organizing their own ministries in these areas.

• Assist churches in training their ministry leadership.

• Work with churches to organize, promote, and finance evangelism and mission leadership
training events.

• Provide encouragement for churches that are beginning new evangelism and ministry strategies
and support ministries in these areas or support established ministries.

• Make reports at all official meetings of the NSBA.

Pastoral Ministries Team Leader shall:

• Develop a team of as many members as needed by the Team Leader to carry out the functions
listed below. The team should include at least the following positions: Ministers Conference,
Youth, Music, Deacon, Senior Adult, and Single Adult Ministry Directors.

• Serve as a conduit of information and expertise from the Southern Baptist Convention and
Louisiana Baptist Convention to local churches.

• Work with churches to organize, promote, and finance pastoral ministry events.

• Assist churches in training their ministry leadership.

• Provide encouragement for churches and ministers who are beginning new phases of ministry and
support established ministries.

• Provide referrals if needed for pastoral counseling, mentoring, and any other practical needs as
they arise.

• Make reports at all official meetings of the NSBA.

Support Ministries Team Leader shall:

• Develop a team of as many members as needed by the Team Leader to carry out the functions as
listed below. The team should include at least the following positions: NSBA Historian,
Memorials, Scholarship, Outreach to Ministers Families, and Prayer Directors.

• Respond to the emotional, social, and physical needs of the local churches, their members and
their communities.

• Keep up-to-date lists of community agencies and their services in each region.

• Keep records of NSBA milestones.

• Maintain and administer the NSBA scholarship program.

• Coordinate with the DOMM an NSBA prayer strategy and e-mail prayer chain.

• Administer the Terminated Minister’s Fund in coordination with the DOMM.

• Make reports at all official meetings of the NSBA.

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