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Liturgical Leaflet for an Active Participation in the Celebration of the Eucharist

23 September 2018 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B


Let the First Be the Servant of All

he aspiration to achieve excellent results and to do ever better
is the instinctive drive that is the source of mankind’s prog-
ress. But in our fallen nature, the desire to do better is often
nurtured by pride – the pride that brings us to trample on other in the ea-
gerness to succeed. This is not what Jesus taught us. On this Sunday we
are invited to overcome that pride with humble and generous service.
In the Gospel, Jesus challenges his disciples and us to be the ser-
vant of all. That is the most practical and effective way to counteract the
devastating consequences of “the passions that make war within our
members” (see today’s Second Reading.)
In this Eucharist, let us ask the Lord to grant us the grace to be able
to serve out of love and with love. And on this last week of National
Catechetical Month, let us pray for all catechists so that they may not only teach but also live the faith.
As we celebrate “National Laity Week” on September 22 -29, we commend to the Lord all lay Catho-
lics so that they may actively spread the Gospel through their words and their deeds.

to conversion. Lord, have Lord Jesus Christ, Only Be-

mercy! gotten Son, Lord God, Lamb of
All –Lord, have mercy! God, Son of the Father, you take
P –You gave your life for the away the sins of the world, have
Entrance Antiphon mercy on us; you take away the
(To be recited only when no Entrance salvation of the world.
sins of the world, receive our
Hymn is sung.) Christ, have mercy!
All –Christ, have mercy! prayer; you are seated at the right
I am the salvation of the hand of the Father, have mercy
people, says the Lord. Should P –You plead for us at the right on us. For you alone are the Holy
they cry to me in any distress, hand of the Father. Lord, One, you alone are the Lord, you
I will hear them, and I will be have mercy! alone are the Most High, Jesus
their Lord for ever. All –Lord, have mercy! Christ, with the Holy Spirit, in the
P –May almighty God have glory of God the Father. Amen!
mercy on us, forgive us our sins,
P –Blessed be Jesus, the Ser- and bring us to everlasting life. Collect (Opening Prayer)
vant of the Father and of all man- All – Amen! P –O God, who founded all
kind. May his grace and peace be the commands of your sacred
with you all! Gloria Law upon love of you and of our
All – And with your spirit! neighbor, grant that, by keeping
All – Glory to God in the high- your precepts, we may merit to
Penitential Act est, and on earth peace to people attain eternal life.
of good will. We praise you, Through our Lord Jesus
P –As we prepare ourselves to we bless you, we adore you, we
celebrate the Sacred Mysteries, Christ, your Son, who lives and
glorify you, we give you thanks reigns with you in the unity of
let us reflect on what makes us for your great glory, Lord
unworthy to do so. (Pause) the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever
God, heavenly King, O God, and ever.
P –You came to call sinners almighty Father. All – Amen!
* Behold, God is my helper; P – A proclamation from the
the Lord sustains my life. Free- holy Gospel according to
ly will I offer you sacrifice; I Mark
will praise your name, O Lord, All – Glory to you, O Lord!
1st Reading Wis 2:12.17-20 for its goodness. R. Jesus and his disciples be-
This passage from the Book gan a journey through Galilee,
of Wisdom offers us a scary in- 2nd Reading Jas 3:16-4:3
To a community plagued but he did not wish anyone to
sight into the plans of evil men know about it.
against a typical faithful Jew with jealousy and selfish ambi-
tion, James proposes the only He was teaching his disci-
who has dared to urge them to ples and telling them, “The Son
abandon their perverse way workable solution: to seek wis-
dom from on high and to actively of Man is to be handed over to
of life. The target of their evil men and they will kill him, and
plans is a prophetic figure of promote peace.
three days after his death the
Jesus, the just man par excel- R –A proclamation from the Son of Man will rise.” But they
lence. Letter of James did not understand the saying,
R –A proclamation from the Beloved: Where jealou- and they were afraid to ques-
Book of Wisdom sy and selfish ambition exist, tion him.
there is disorder and every foul They came to Capernaum
The wicked say: “Let us practice. and, once inside the house, Je-
beset the just one, because he is But the wisdom from sus began to ask them, “What
obnoxious to us, he sets himself above is first of all pure, then were you arguing about on the
against our doings, reproaches peaceable, gentle, compliant, way?” But they remained si-
us for transgressions of the law full of mercy and good fruits, lent. They had been discussing
and charges us with violations without inconstancy or insin- among themselves on the way
of our training. cerity. And the fruit of righ- who was the greatest. Then he
Let us see whether his teousness is sown in peace for sat down, called the Twelve,
words be true; let us find out those who cultivate peace. and said to them, “If anyone
what will happen to him. Where do the wars and wishes to be first, he shall be
For, if the just one be the where do the conflicts among the last of all and the servant
son of God, God will defend you come from? Is it not from of all.”
him and deliver him from the your passions that make war Taking a child, he placed
hand of his foes. within your members? it in their midst, and putting
With revilement and tor- You covet but do not pos- his arms around it, he said to
ture let us put the just one to sess. You kill and envy but you them, “Whoever receives one
the test that we may have proof cannot obtain; you fight and child such as this in my name,
of his gentleness and try his wage war. You do not possess receives me; and whoever re-
patience. because you do not ask. You ceives me, receives not me but
Let us condemn him to a ask but do not receive, because the One who sent me.”
shameful death; for according you ask wrongly, to spend it on
to his own words, God will take your passions. The Gospel of the Lord!
care of him.” All – Praise to you, Lord Jesus
The Word of the Lord! Christ!
The Word of the Lord! All – Thanks be to God!
All – Thanks be to God! Homily
Gospel Acclamation
Responsorial Psalm Ps 54 Profession of Faith
All – Alleluia! Alleluia! (Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed)
R –The Lord upholds my life! God has called us through
the Gospel to possess the All –I believe in one God, the Fa-
R. M. Velez glory of our Lord Jesus ther almighty, maker of heaven
D A D Christ. and earth, of all things visible
      Alleluia! Alleluia! and invisible.
 Gospel Mk 9:30-37
I believe in one Lord Jesus
Christ, the Only Begotten Son
The Lord up-holds my life! Today Jesus teaches us of God, born of the Father be-
about humility and spirit of fore all ages. God from God,
* O God, by your name save service. These are two moral Light from Light, true God from
me, and by your might defend qualities which the apostles find true God, begotten, not made,
my cause. O God, hear my difficult to practise because of consubstantial with the Father;
prayer; hearken to the words their personal ambitions. Jesus through him all things were
of my mouth. R. concretizes his teaching on hu- made. For us men and for our
* For the haughty men have mility by exhorting them to be the salvation he came down from
risen up against me, the ruth- servants of all. heaven, (bow)* and by the Holy
less seek my life; they set not P –The Lord be with you! Spirit was incarnate of the Vir-
God before their eyes. R. All – And with your spirit! gin Mary, and became man.*
23 September 2018
For our sake he was crucified work of serving Christ in their the Virgin; by the passion of the
under Pontius Pilate, he suf- less fortunate brethren. Let us Cross, he freed us from unend-
fered death and was buried, and pray! R. ing death, and by rising from the
rose again on the third day in dead, he gave us life eternal.
accordance with the Scriptures. C –For all of us: May we dis-
card the jealousy, greed, and And so, with Angels and
He ascended into heaven and is Archangels, with Thrones and
seated at the right hand of the selfishness that divide us, and
Dominions, and with all the
Father. He will come again in replace them with kindness, gen-
hosts and Powers of heaven, we
glory to judge the living and the erosity, and concern for others. sing the hymn of your glory, as
dead and his kingdom will have Let us pray! R. without end we acclaim:
no end. C –Let us pray in silence for our All – Holy, holy, holy Lord,
I believe in the Holy Spirit, personal intentions. (Pause) God of hosts. Heaven and
the Lord, the giver of life, who Let us pray! R. earth are full of your glory.
proceeds from the Father and Hosanna in the highest!
the Son, who with the Father P –Lord Jesus, grant us a spirit
of humility and service that we Blessed is he who comes in
and the Son is adored and glori- the name of the Lord. Hosan-
fied, who has spoken through may become instruments of your
na in the highest!
the prophets. love to all our brothers and sis-
I believe in one, holy, cath- ters, especially those who are
olic and apostolic Church. I suffering. You who suffered and
Memorial Acclamation
confess one Baptism for the still care for ever and ever. P –The mystery of faith!
forgiveness of sins and I look All – Amen! All –Save us, Savior of the
forward to the resurrection of world, for by your Cross
the dead and the life of the world and Resurrection you
to come. Amen! have set us free.
Prayer of the Faithful
P –Trusting in God’s loving Preparation of the Gifts
kindness toward those who seek P –Pray, brethren . . .
refuge in Him, let us humbly All – May the Lord accept the
present our petitions in behalf of All – Our Father . . .
sacrifice at your hands, for the P –Deliver us, Lord . . .
all those in need. Let us all say: praise and glory of his name, All –For the kingdom, the
All – Source of all consolation, for our good and the good of all power, and the glory are
hear us! his holy Church. yours, now and for ever!
C –For the Catholic commu- Prayer over the Offerings
nities which are discriminated Sign of Peace
against or persecuted: May the P –Receive with favor, O Lord,
we pray, the offerings of your Breaking of the Bread
hope of the eternal reward be
their source of strength. Let us people, that what they profess All – Lamb of God, you take
pray! R. with devotion and faith may be away the sins of the world: have
theirs through these heavenly mercy on us. (2x)
C –For the Holy Father and the mysteries. Lamb of God, you take
other leaders of the Church: May Through Christ our Lord. away the sins of the world:
they treasure humility and a spirit All – Amen! grant us peace.
of service in imitation of Jesus,
the Servant of all. Let us pray!R. Preface II Communion
C –For our catechists and all P –The Lord be with you! P –This is the Lord Jesus, the
those involved in the catechetical All – And with your spirit! Just One who endured persecu-
ministry: May they see rewarded P –Lift up your hearts! tion and death for our sake. He is
with success their efforts to form All –We lift them up to the the Lamb of God who takes away
the young generation according Lord! the sins of the world. Blessed are
to the teaching of Jesus. Let us P –Let us give thanks to the those called to his Supper.
pray! R. Lord our God! All –Lord, I am not worthy
All – It is right and just! that you should enter under
C –For the lay members of the my roof, but only say the word
Church: May they be aware of P –It is truly right and just, our and my soul shall be healed.
their dignity and fulfill their duty and our salvation, always
duty to be builders of the king- and everywhere to give you Communion Antiphon
dom in our society. Let us pray! thanks, Lord, holy Father, al- (To be recited only when no
R. mighty and eternal God, through Communion Hymn is sung.)
C –For all those who take care of Christ our Lord. You have laid down your
abandoned children, the handi- For out of compassion for precepts to be carefully kept;
capped, and drug addicts: May the waywardness that is ours, he may my ways be firm in keep-
they persevere in their good humbled himself and was born of ing your statutes.

25th Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)

Prayer after Communion P –Bow your heads and pray you compassionate toward
P –Graciously raise up, O Lord, for God’s blessing. (Pause) those who suffer.
those you renew with this Sacra- May almighty God keep you All – Amen!
ment, that we may come to pos- from all harm and enrich P –May almighty God bless
sess your redemption both in mys- you with every good gift. you: the Father, and the
tery and in the manner of our life. All – Amen! Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Through Christ our Lord. P –May you walk in His ways, All – Amen!
All – Amen!
always doing what is right P –Go in peace to love and
and good, until you enter serve the Lord in your
your heavenly inheritance. neighbor.
All – Amen! All – Thanks be to God!
P –The Lord be with you. P –May He give you strength to
All – And with your spirit! endure all trials and make

Jesus, the Ideal Servant Leader

T he aspiration to rise above others is deeply rooted

in the heart of man. Its source is usually pride, and
the devil often succeeds in fanning it into arrogance,
us, humble service is the sign of genuine, lasting
All of these will not be without a price. The devil,
ruthlessness, and oppressiveness. the father of all pride and arrogance, cannot tolerate
The members of Jesus’ core group (the apostles) the challenge of sincere humility. He could not toler-
were no exception to this sinful inclination. Part of ate it in Jesus and he attacked him. He attacked the
today’s Gospel and similar passages (see Mk 9:34, “Servant of the Lord” in the desert, but was defeated.
Mt 20:20-24 and Lk 22:24) reveal to us this aspect of (See Lk 4:13.) He dealt his last attack at Gethsemane
their weak nature, which was riddled, like ours, with and on Calvary, and there, too, he was defeated by
earthly ambitions, pettiness, and envy. Jesus, for it was on the cross that the Servant ac-
Jesus helped them grow out of their craving complished his mission of service in behalf of all.
for power and authority through his example and (See Mt 20:28.) The devil, routed by Jesus, now tries
his patient exhortations. (Aside from v. 35 in today’s to take revenge on us. It won’t be an easy battle for
passage, see also Jn 13:3-5.12-17.) All of them, ex- us.
cept Judas, gradually assimilated his teaching and But if we fight with Christ, we shall also win
eventually became living examples of humility to their with him, for the Lord will not leave without a prize the
communities by the way they exercised leadership. efforts exerted in being a servant like Jesus. For him,
By declaring that he had “come to serve, not to that prize is called Resurrection and Ascension (see
be served” (Mt 20:28), Jesus launched the “Servan- Heb 12:2); for us, it will be the possibility of entering
thood Movement” as the new way of being leaders heaven, the homeland of the Saints, God’s humble
in a community. The new “movement,” which began servants.
with him has a motto: “I’ll be a servant!” Service
done with love and out of love should be the char-
acterizing trait of the disciples of the “Servant of
the Lord and of all men.” This dynamic orientation is
rooted in humility and nourished with generosity and
TV Maria
The Filipino Catholic TV Channel
It is for us Christians to prove that this is not just
a nice theory, or utopic aspiration. We have to show
in practice that to be ready to serve is not to be On the following Channels:
servile. Humble service is not the inescapable lot of * SatLite Channel 102
idiots and of those who are not gifted with leader- * Sky Cable Channel 210
ship qualities. Christian service is, actually, for those * Destiny Cable Channel 96
who have guts and qualities. It is for those who aspire
to be great in the Kingdom of God. As Jesus taught
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• Editorial Team: Fr. S. Putzu, G. Ramos, J. Domingo, A. Adsuara, V. David, D. Daguio
• Illustrations: A. Sarmiento, B. Cleofe • Marketing: Fr. B. Nolasco and T. Mojica • Circulation: R. Saldua

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