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Morphology, reproductive biology and molecular genetics

Blackwell Science, Ltd

of ovoviviparous freshwater gastropods

(Cerithioidea, Pachychilidae) from the Philippines,
with description of a new genus Jagora

Accepted: 10 December 2001 Köhler, F. & Glaubrecht, M. (2002). Morphology, reproductive biology and molecular genet-
ics of ovoviviparous freshwater gastropods (Cerithioidea, Pachychilidae) from the Philippines,
with description of a new genus Jagora. — Zoologica Scripta, 32, 35 – 59.
The new genus Jagora of the family Pachychilidae Troschel, 1857 is described for the type species
Melania asperata Lamarck, 1822 from the Philippines. In addition to J. asperata, a second endemic
species of the new genus, J. dactylus (I. Lea & H.C. Lea, 1850), is recognized on the basis of shell
morphometry and molecular genetic data (cytochrome C oxidase I and 16S rRNA). The taxonomic
history of J. asperata and J. dactylus is revised and the recent distribution documented on basis of
available museum material and the authors’ own field collections. J. asperata occurs on Luzon and
its satellite islands Leyte and Samar, while J. dactylus is restricted to the Visayan islands Bohol,
Cebu, and Guimeras. The morphology of the two species is presented and illustrated in detail,
and compared to taxa of the closely related genus Brotia H. Adams, 1866 to which they
were previously assigned. Among the South-east Asian freshwater Cerithioidea of the family
Pachychilidae, which were previously subsumed under Brotia for their more or less similar shell
morphology and operculum, three distinct lineages can be distinguished, in particular by means
of distinct reproductive anatomy: (1) the species of Brotia sensu stricto from mainland South-
east Asia, Sumatra, Borneo and Java, which all exhibit a subhaemocoelic brood pouch; (2) the
pachychilid species endemic to Sulawesi, currently assigned to the genera Brotia and Tylomelania,
as well as both species of Pseudopotamis endemic to the Torres Strait Islands, which possess a
uterine brood pouch; (3) the females of the Philippine Jagora, which carry egg capsules,
embryos and advanced juvenile stages within the mantle cavity — a unique reproductive feature.
Associated with this mode of ovoviviparity, Jagora is characterized by additional unique pro-
perties of the reproductive system including a deeply incised and long sperm gutter in the medial
lamina, a very short and posteriorly positioned spermatophore bursa formed by the medial
lamina, and a prominent lateral ridge functioning as a seminal receptacle. These characteristics
are exclusive to Jagora and are consequently considered to represent autapomorphies of this
clade which is endemic only to the Philippines. The zoogeographical implications are discussed
in connection with a recently developed palaeogeographical reconstruction.
Frank Köhler & Matthias Glaubrecht, Museum für Naturkunde, Institute of Systematic Zoology,
Humboldt University, D-10115 Berlin, Germany. E-mail:

Introduction judging from the still continuing description of new species,

The Philippine islands are one of the world’s major ‘hot spots’ in particular of invertebrate taxa. Even less ecological, bioge-
of species richness and a centre of high endemism, having one ographical or evolutionary information is available for most
of the highest per-area levels of biodiversity world-wide (Depart- representatives of the Philippine fauna and flora. At the same
ment of Environment and Natural Resources 1997; Myers time, this rich biota is under severe threat due to the accelerating
et al. 2000b; Mittermeier et al. 2000). For example, a total of destruction of natural habitats. This also holds true for fresh-
519 vertebrate species are endemic to the Philippines, among water ecosystems, which are threatened by pollution, overhar-
them 64% of all mammals (Heaney 1998). However, the doc- vesting, flow regulations and impoundment of rivers, as well as
umentation of Philippine biodiversity is far from complete drainage basin degradation and climatic changes (Dudgeon 2000).
Jagora from the Philippines • F. Köhler & M. Glaubrecht

In addition, the Philippine archipelago, being highly actually comprises several clades that independently invaded
fragmented and isolated, is one of the most fascinating areas for freshwater habitats and that Thiaridae sensu lato represents a
biogeographical research. Although much research has been polyphyletic assemblage among which five different families
carried out in recent years, most studies traditionally deal should be distinguished (Glaubrecht 1999; Glaubrecht et al.
with vertebrates (e.g. Dickerson 1928; Dickinson 1991; unpubl. data; Lydeard et al. 2002).
Ruedi 1995; Parenti & Louie 1998; Heaney 1985, 1986, 1998), A number of cerithioidean taxa are still poorly known and
some with insects (e.g. De Jong 1996), whereas other specious a comprehensive phylogenetic analysis of the entire group
phyla are still underrepresented — for example, gastropods requires a thorough re-examination of all its constituent taxa.
among the nonmarine molluscs. This stands in contrast to In order to contribute to a research program aiming at the
the fact that land and freshwater gastropods serve as excellent evaluation of the relationships within Cerithioidea, which
model organisms for evolutionary and zoogeographical would also permit the formulation of hypotheses on the
studies due to a rich and extensive fossil record, limited evolutionary ecology of the freshwater lineages, we have recently
dispersal ability and high habitat fidelity in comparison to studied the morphology of one of the lesser known groups
birds or mammals (Glaubrecht 1996, 2000). representing the South-east Asian pachychilid gastropods
However, the confusing taxonomy and lack of phyloge- hitherto attributed to the widespread genus Brotia Adams,
netic systematics of many (particularly limnetic) gastropods 1866. Our investigations have revealed that these gastropods
has previously often hampered further insight into their have surprisingly diverse features, particularly their repro-
evolution, ecology and historical biogeography (for some earlier ductive anatomy. This led us to use reproductive anatomy to
approaches, see Davis 1982; Ponder 1988; Glaubrecht 1996). distinguish the species groups (Köhler et al. 2000; Köhler &
In recent years, our understanding of molluscan phylogeny Glaubrecht 2001).
has become much more detailed and substantive due to a One of these groups is represented by the endemic Philip-
growing body of morphological data, application of cladistic pine freshwater gastropod originally named Melania asperata
analyses and the increased application of molecular genetic Lamarck, 1822. We describe in detail the females of this and
techniques, resulting in an increasing number of phylogenies a second species that exhibit an unique mode of brooding
for gastropods, among them several limnetic groups (e.g. which clearly differs from the reproductive biology of other
Reid 1996; Lydeard et al. 1997; Davis et al. 1998; Ridgeway taxa within Brotia, and discuss the systematic and taxonomic
et al. 1998; Winnepenninckx et al. 1998; Koufopanou et al. implications. Since a comparative study on the morphology
1999; Medina & Walsh 2000; Holznagel & Lydeard 2000). of Brotia from the entire distributional range as well as from
One of these limnetic groups is Cerithioidea Ferussac, those taxa endemic to the Philippines has long been lacking,
1819, a basal caenogastropod superfamily with about 17 pre- the taxonomic status and the biological significance of the
dominantly marine, but also some brackish and freshwater, many morphospecies described in the 19th century following
families. In total, Cerithioidea contains c. 200 genera and an essentially typological approach has remained unresolved.
several thousand species. They are pantropically distributed and In order to clarify the puzzling systematics, the present study
of great ecological importance as grazers and detritus feeders will address the following aspects: (1) whether the anatomy
in most tropical to subtropical aquatic ecosystems. Among of the Philippine ‘Melania asperata’ supports a generic
them, the so-called ‘melaniids’ or Thiaridae sensu lato repre- separation from Brotia; (2) the status and relationships of the
sent one of the richest gastropod faunas in limnetic biotopes described Philippine pachychilid morphospecies; (3) whether
and at the same time one of the least known taxonomically. there is only one widely distributed and highly variable spe-
These thiarid freshwater cerithioideans were long neglected cies or many Philippine species with more limited distribu-
by malacologists, resulting in a largely ignored or under- tions within the archipelago; (4) the conclusions to be drawn
utilized resource for zoological studies. Their systematics and from the presented data on the reproductive biology, life
taxonomy has hitherto been strongly influenced by the typo- history and zoogeography of these freshwater snails. The
logical approach of the 19th and early 20th centuries (e.g. morphologically based conclusions will be supported by
Lamarck 1822; Reeve 1859−60; Brot 1874; Nevill 1884; Von preliminary molecular data.
Martens 1897; Thiele 1929; see also Glaubrecht 1996, 1999
and Köhler & Glaubrecht 2001). Materials and Methods
Only recently has our understanding of the phylogeny of Materials
freshwater Cerithioidea been improved by incorporating For this study, in addition to the collections of the Museum
new morphological and molecular evidence (e.g. Houbrick für Naturkunde of the Humboldt University, Berlin (ZMB;
1988; Glaubrecht 1996; Holznagel & Lydeard 2000). formerly Zoological Museum Berlin), types and supplemen-
According to these and on-going phylogenetic analyses it has tary material were examined from the Australian Museum,
become evident that the species-rich limnetic Cerithioidea Sydney (AMS), the Natural History Museum, London
F. Köhler & M. Glaubrecht • Jagora from the Philippines

(BMNH), the Californian Academy of Sciences, San Francisco products were purified using a Qiagen Purification Kit, and
(CAS), the Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle, Genève (MHNG), sequencing was performed on an ABI 377 automated sequencer
the Musée National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris (MNHN), the using the BigDye Terminator Cycle Sequencing Kit (Applied
Senckenbergmuseum, Frankfurt (SMF), the Überseemuseum, Biosystems). For each specimen we directly sequenced a
Bremen (ÜMB), the Zoologisches Museum, Zurich (ZMZ) 646-bp fragment of the Cytochrome c oxidase subunit I gene
and the Zoological Museum Zoological Institute, University (COI) and 825 bp of 16S rDNA (16S).
of Hamburg (ZMH). Soft body anatomy was studied using The COI sequences were aligned by eye, the 16S
material preserved in alcohol that was recently collected on sequences using Clustal X (Version 1.8) in the multiple align-
Luzon and Cebu and deposited with ZMB. ment routine with standard parameters. Maximum parsi-
mony (MP) and neighbour joining (NJ) (Saitou & Nei 1987)
Examination of the morphology trees were reconstructed with PAUP (Version 4.0b8; Swofford
Dimensions of shells and protoconchs were measured with a 1998) using standard parameters and the ‘exhaustive search’
calliper to 0.1 mm. Shell height (H) is the maximum dimen- option. Pairwise sequence distances, transition and transver-
sion parallel to the axis of coiling, breadth (B) the maximum sion rates were calculated using BIOEDIT for Windows NT
dimension perpendicular to H, including the aperture. (Hall 1999). The sequences are accessible via GenBank (accession
The length of the aperture (LA) is the greatest length from the numbers AY 172438 to AY 172453); alignments can be provided
junction of the outer lip with the penultimate whorl to the by the first author.
anterior lip, the width of the aperture ( WA ) the greatest length
perpendicular to LA. The diameter (DA), height (HA) and Systematics
breadth (BA) of the apical whorl were measured as described Family placement
by Glaubrecht (1996: 28). Anatomy was studied using a stereo- Freshwater cerithioideans subsumed under the South-east
microscope with a drawing mirror. Extracted radulae and Asian genus Brotia, among them the Philippine species
protoconchs were cleaned by heating to about 60 °C in 5% ‘M. asperata’, ‘M. dactylus’, ‘M. philippinarum’, ‘M. pulchra’
KOH solution and by ultrasound or by soaking in 1% hypo- and ‘M. pagodulus’, were formerly assigned to various families
chlorite solution and rinsing in distilled water, respectively by different authors (review in Köhler & Glaubrecht 2001).
(see Reid 1986: 5). They were mounted on specimen stubs Traditionally, as with all other freshwater gastropods with an
using adhesive splicing tape and coated with gold for examina- elongated to turreted shell, these taxa were long considered
tion with a Jeol JSM 6300 scanning electron microscope. Soft as belonging to the large and species-rich family ‘Melaniidae’.
tissues were prepared using hexamethyldisilazane (Nation 1993). This name, however, is a junior synonym of the valid
For histological examination fixed specimens were embedded in family name Thiaridae Troschel, 1857 (for nomenclatorial
paraffin. Serial sections of 8 µm were prepared using a sliding details see Glaubrecht 1996: 483–491). Troschel (1856–63)
microtome and stained with haematoxylin and eosin (HE). The first suggested differentiating four distinct groups within
sex ratio is given as the proportion of males of the entire sample the so-called ‘melaniids’, among them the ‘Pachychili’. Later,
(number of males/total number of animals examined). Fischer & Crosse (1892: 311) elaborating on Troschel’s
proposal, suggested subdividing the ‘Melaniidae’ into six
Molecular genetics and sequence analysis taxa, including the Pachychilinae. Thiele (1925: 83; 1928:
Total DNA was isolated from specimens preserved in ethanol 381; 1929: 189) then separated this taxon from Thiarinae
by application of a CTAB extraction protocol for molluscan on the basis of differences in radular and operculum
tissues (Winnepenninckx et al. 1993). PCR amplifications morphology. However, he choose the subfamily name
were performed in 25 µL volumes containing approximately Melanatriinae over Pachychilinae for this group, since he
50 ng of DNA, 1 × PCR buffer, 0.5 µM each dNTP, 2.0 mM erroneously considered the generic name Pachychilus Lea
MgCl2, 0.5 µM each primer, and 1.25 units of Taq polymerase & Lea, 1850 to be preoccupied by Pachychila Eschscholtz,
(Invitek). After an initial denaturation step of 3 min at 94 °C, 1831 (Thiele 1921: 142; details in Köhler & Glaubrecht
35 cycles of 45 s. at 94 °C, 45 s. at 50 °C, and 60 s. at 72 °C 2001). His view has been followed since then by some
were performed, followed by a final extension of 5 min at authors (e.g. Wenz 1938; Brandt 1974; Glaubrecht 1996), but
72 °C. The primers used were LC01490 (F) and a modifica- ignored by others (Morrison 1954; Benthem Jutting 1956;
tion of HCO2198 (Folmer et al. 1994) with the sequence Brandt 1968). Nevertheless, all these authors continued to
5′-AWACTTCTGGGTGKCCAAARAAT-3′ (R) for COI; place Brotia within Thiaridae. In contrast, Vaught (1989)
modified standard invertebrate primers for 16S (Palumbi suggested a placement within the (otherwise North American)
et al. 1991) employed the following sequences: 5′-CCGGT- Pleuroceridae following a suggestion of Morrison (1954) and
YTGAACTCAGATCATGT-3′ (F) and 5′-GTRRGCYT- Ponder & Warén (1988); for further details see review in
AAAATYAGCYAYC-3′ (R) (Wilson unpubl. data). PCR Glaubrecht (1999).
Jagora from the Philippines • F. Köhler & M. Glaubrecht

Based on new data, a comprehensive phylogenetic analysis by two or three smaller cusps. Inner and outer marginals with
of c. 180 morphological characters of Cerithioidea in concert two pointed denticles of different size. Stomach with a crys-
with a parallel molecular analysis supports the separation of talline style, the style sac communicating with the intestine,
Pachychilidae (as well as Pleuroceridae) from Thiaridae sensu a gastric pad and shield, and a sorting area formed by two
stricto and other distinct limnetic clades (Glaubrecht 1996, transversally folded crescent thickenings.
1999; Strong & Glaubrecht 1999; Glaubrecht et al. unpubl.
data; Lydeard et al. 2002). Therefore, we here consider the Taxonomic history. Most classifications of ‘melaniid’ species
Oriental genera Brotia, Tylomelania Sarasin & Sarasin, 1897 were suggested almost exclusively on basis of shell features,
as well as the Australian Pseudopotamis Martens, 1894, the e.g. those by Adams & Adams (1858), Nevill (1884) and
African Potadoma Swainson, 1840 together with Melanatria Preston (1915). Troschel (1857) was the first to recognize an
Bowdich, 1822 from Madagascar and the Neotropical Pach- affinity between the Philippine M. asperata and the Neotropical
ychilus as well as the herein newly described Philippine Jagora Pachychilus, noticing shared characteristics of the radula (i.e.
as forming a monophylum; for nomenclatorial reasons the name the rachis with one main cusp flanked by accessory cusps that
Pachychilidae should be preferred over the name Melanatri- taper in size, and the glabella) and the multispiral operculum.
idae and applied to this pantropically distributed clade. Consequently, he treated both as congeneric, referring to
the names P. pulcher and P. dactylus. Later, Fischer & Crosse
Pachychilidae Troschel, 1857 (1891−92) described a new genus, Antimelania, also based on
the radula, for the Oriental species M. asperata, M. filocarinata,
Jagora gen. n. M. dactylus, M. cancellata Benson, 1836, and M. variabilis
Benson, 1836. Subsequently, the latter species, which is a
Type species. Melania asperata Lamarck, 1822. synonym of Brotia costula (Rafinesque, 1833), was designated
the type species of Antimelania by Pilsbry & Bequaert (1927:
Etymology. This genus is named after the German naturalist 300). Thus, Antimelania is rendered a synonym of Brotia, as
and anthropologist Andreas Feodor Jagor (1817−1900), who was pointed out by Morrison (1954), Brandt (1974) and
between 1859 and 1860 travelled through the Philippine Köhler & Glaubrecht (2001). It was Abbott (1948), who first
archipelago ( Jagor 1873). Shells collected on his journey are explicitly grouped Lamarck’s M. asperata with Brotia. Since
deposited with ZMB and facilitated our study on shell then, this suggestion has been followed in the few publications
variability and distribution of Jagora. available (e.g. Burch 1980).
A comprehensive overview of the Philippine taxa described
Diagnosis. Freshwater cerithioidean gastropod with a highly or previously mentioned in the literature is given under the
turreted shell, sculptured by axial ribs and spiral striae. Axial respective species below. Most of these names are frequently,
and spiral elements in some specimens form spiny nodules at albeit ambiguously used in museum collections. The existing
their junctions. Aperture well rounded and slightly angled taxonomic confusion can be illustrated by some examples.
below. Operculum multispiral with three to five whorls Reeve (1859: pl. 2, fig. 6) listed a ‘Melania reirvardii de Haan’
increasing in diameter and with subcentral nucleus. Animal [sic!] as a synonym of M. inquinata Defrance, 1825, previ-
large, comprising up to eight whorls. Head with two moder- ously also referred to as ‘Melanoides reenivardii de Haan’ by
ately long cephalic tentacles, each with a tiny eye at the outer Adams & Adams (1858: 297). Later, Brot (1874) treated the
base. Rather shallow genital groove at the right side of the former name as a synonym of Melania perfecta (Mousson 1849)
head. Flap formed by the mantle roof protruding from the (while he assigned M. inquinata as a synonym to M. asperata).
mantle cavity dorsally to the anterior end of the pallial However, we were able to trace neither a formal description
gonoduct. Open pallial gonoduct in both sexes. Pallial oviduct nor any potential type material of M. reenivardii or M. reirvardii,
with capsule gland at the base of the oviductal groove and an and therefore consider these names as nomina nuda.
extensively elongated free medial lamina on which two sperm Brot (1874) synonymized M. pulchra and M. pagodulus
gutters and a short spermatophore bursa develop. Lateral with M. asperata, as well as M. philippinarum with M. dactylus.
lamina attached to the body wall, with a papillated and cham- He also described a new species, M. filocarinata Brot, 1874.
bered ridge functioning as a sperm storing organ (receptacu- He distinguished between three forms, each characterized
lum seminis). Females ovoviviparous, retaining egg capsules, by a different shell sculpture: M. asperata with a dark
developing embryonic and juvenile stages within the mantle shell, pronounced axial ribs and prominent spiral lirae,
cavity; egg capsules contain 4 –12 eggs. Long taenioglossate M. dactylus with a yellowish to greenish colour and closely
radula with rachidian teeth possessing a main denticle flanked spaced axial ribs as well as fine (‘microscopic’) spiral striae,
by three accessory cusps that taper in size, and a well and M. filocarinata exhibiting more distinct axial ribs and a
developed glabella. Lateral teeth with a main denticle flanked ‘remarkable thin spiral ridge at the suture’ (Brot 1874: 76).
F. Köhler & M. Glaubrecht • Jagora from the Philippines

This view was followed, albeit not consistently, by sub- Pachychilus pulcher — Troschel, 1857: 116, pl. 9, fig. 4.
sequent authors presupposing the existence of at least three Melanoides pulchra — H. Adams & A. Adams, 1858: 297.
closely related species in the Philippines. Nevill (1884) Melania pagodulus Reeve, 1859: pl. 12, fig. 72 (locus typicus
distinguished a total of five ‘varieties’ or ‘subvarieties’ of unknown).
M. asperata and also described a new var. imbricata of Melania inquinata Reeve, 1859 (non Defrance 1825): pl. 2,
M. filocarinata using subtle conchological characteristics. fig. 6; Brot, 1862: 45.
However, these subdivisions were based on material which Melania filocarinata Brot, 1874: 76, pl. 9, fig. 1 (‘Polillo’).
was almost entirely collected at the same locality (Pagsanhan, Melania (Melanoides) filocarinata — Nevill, 1884: 266.
Laguna Province, Luzon). Sarasin & Sarasin (1898: 37) Type material examined. Holotype of M. asperata Lamarck,
described a new subspecies, M. asperata celebicola, from 1822 (MHNG 1093/60, ‘Manille’, Fig. 1A); lectotype of
Sulawesi which was considered a synonym of M. perfecta by M. pulchra von dem Busch, 1848, designated by Knipper
Bollinger (1914) and is supported by our finding that the (1958) (ÜMB TK 236/1, ‘Philippines’, Fig. 1B); 3 syntypes of
pachychilids of Sulawesi form a distinct monophyletic group M. pagodulus Reeve, 1859 (BMNH 19990494, locus typicus
(Rintelen & Glaubrecht 1999; Köhler et al. 2000; Köhler & unknown, Fig. 1C); 2 syntypes of M. filocarinata Brot, 1874
Glaubrecht 2001). (ZMZ 522338, ‘Philippines, Polillo’, Fig. 1D).
To complicate matters still further, the Philippine J. asperata Other material examined. Philippines: (ZMB 2222, 77093,
was often confused with M. inquinata, a fossil species from 88840, 200012, 200017, 200019, 200022–9, 200031–4,
the Paris Basin, again due to similar shells (see criticism 200041, 200077; CAS 6195–6); Luzon: (ZMB 200014–5;
in Sowerby 1838). However, establishing any connection ZMH; BMNH); Manila (ZMB 26714, 200016); Zambales
between a taxon from marine Tertiary deposits of Western mountains, stony mountain stream near Iba (ZMB 200113);
Europe and a recent limnetic element of the Philippine North Luzon, Isabella Province, Panasinang (ZMB 200114);
fauna is likely to be fruitless. Instead of implicitly inferring Laguna Province (ZMB 27268; MHNG; AMS 324130; CAS
a close relationship of those taxa widely separated both in 11306); Laguna Province, Barangay Masaya near Los Baños,
space and time, the similar shell of both species should muddy stream (14°10,5′ N, 121°17,4′ E) (ZMB 200111);
rather be considered a case of homoplasy. Laguna Province, Barangay Masaya near Los Baños, irriga-
The present analysis of morphology and molecular tion channel (14°15,31′ N, 121°24,4′ E) (ZMB 200115);
genetics suggests recognition of two Philippine species, Laguna Province, Mt. Makinlang near Los Baños, 400 m
J. asperata and J. dactylus. However, we do not agree with above sea level (ZMB 200112); Laguna Province, Antipolo
Brot’s (1874) synonymy of M. philippinarum with J. dactylus, River (BMNH 1913.11.24.33–37; CAS 3972); Laguna
as the former taxon was described from Luzon. Instead, Province, Sta. Cruz (ZMB 78325); Laguna Province, Calauan
M. philippinarum is considered here a synonym of (ZMB 26766; MHNG); Tayabas Province, Sampaloc (SMF
J. asperata. 292319); Tayabas Province, Mantrao (SMF 292320); Cama-
rines Province, Mambulao (SMF 292346); Albay Province,
Jagora asperata (Lamarck 1822) comb. n. Daragu River (ZMB 26768, 200013); Manvelu (ZMB
Melania asperata Lamarck, 1822: 164, no fig. (‘Manille’); 200011); Sibul (BMNH 1909.10.12.34–44); Brunot Lake,
Deshayes & Milnes Edwards, 1838: 639 (‘les rivières de San Pedro (AMS 324135); Isl. Marinduque (SMF 292346;
l’Amerique meridionale? Mon cabinet.’); Reeve, 1859: pl. 1, 292371). Isl. Tablas (SMF 292351). Isl. Polillo (ZMB 200020;
fig. 2a–e; Chenu, 1859: 288, 955; Brot, 1862: 45; Brot, 1872: MHNG). Samar (ZMB 26767; MHNG); Loquilocum (ZMB
7–8, pl. 1, fig. 5; Brot, 1874: 73, pl. 8, fig. 1a–g. 26765, SMF 292361); Basey (CAS 23860). Leyte (ZMB
Melanoides aspera — H. Adams & A. Adams, 1858: 297, pl. 31, 200035). Negros (BMNH).
fig. 5c.
Melania (Melanoides) asperata — Nevill, 1884: 264–265 Description
(including subvar. sublaevigata, var. inquinata and three Shell (Fig. 1A–D, G–H): solid and uniformly dark to olive
additional, unnamed varieties). brown or yellowish brown. The spire is highly turreted with
Melanoides asperata — Preston, 1915: 21. an average angle of 25° and comprises up to 12 (mean: 8.3)
Brotia asperata — Abbott, 1948: 298, pl. 3, fig. 1; Knipper, whorls. The apex is usually eroded or truncated; the sculpture
1958: 49; Köhler & Glaubrecht, 2001. is variable consisting of both axial and spiral elements.
Antemelania asperata — Cabrera, 1984: 1188. Generally, on the upper three to five whorls closely spaced
Melania philippinarum Sowerby 1838: pl. 1, figs 1–3 (‘Philip- axial ribs predominate while on subsequent whorls these ribs
pines, Manila’). become indistinct and spiral elements are more pronounced.
Melania pulchra von dem Busch, 1848 — In: Philippi, 1848: In some specimens up to 1 mm long, spiny nodules are
pl. 5, fig. 1 (‘Philippines’); Reeve, 1859: pl. 4, fig. 19. formed where axial and spiral elements meet. In other
Jagora from the Philippines • F. Köhler & M. Glaubrecht

Fig. 1 A–H. Shells. —A. Holotype of M. asperata Lamarck, 1822 (MHNG 1093/60, ‘Manille’). —B. Lectotype of M. pulchra von dem Busch,
1848 (ÜMB TK 236/1, ‘Philippines’). —C. Syntype of M. pagodulus Reeve, 1859 (BMNH 19990494, locus typicus unknown). —D. Syntype of
M. filocarinata Brot, 1874 (ZMZ 522338, ‘Polillo’). —E. Syntype of M. dactylus I. Lea & H.C. Lea, 1850 (BMNH 19990496, ‘Guimeras,
Philippines’). —F. Shells of J. dactylus from Cebu (Matutinao River, ZMB 200108). —G. Shells of J. asperata from Luzon (Laguna Province,
Calauan, ZMB 26766). —H. Shells of J. asperata from Samar (Loquilocum, ZMB 26765). Scale bar = 5 mm.
F. Köhler & M. Glaubrecht • Jagora from the Philippines

Table 1 Means and standard deviations (in

Parameters (mm)
parentheses) of shell parameters. Species
Species Population examined (n) H B LA WA BW

J. asperata Luzon, ZMB 200114 14 45.0 (5.7) 16.5(1.3) 12.5 (1.2) 8.2 (0.8) 21.6 (1.7)
Luzon, AMS 324130 6 47.1 (3.0) 16.3 (1.4) 12.5 (0.9) 8.3 (0.8) 22.2 (1.5)
Luzon, ZMB 26726 20 47.8 (6.6) 16.8 (2.2) 13.2 (1.3) 8.3 (1.3) 22.6 (2.6)
Samar, ZMB 26767 17 0.5 (5.7) 17.5 (1.9) 14.2 (1.5) 8.9 (1.2) 24.0 (2.7)
J. dactylus Bohol, AMS 324129 5 48.7 (4.2) 16.8 (0.8) 13.5 (0.4) 8.7 (0.3) 23.4 (1.1)
Cebu, ZMB 200108–10 30 46.7 (5.8) 16.3 (6.1) 11.8 (1.1) 7.4 (1.1) 20.9 (2.3)
Guimeras, BMNH 3 75.4 (3.0) 23.7 (2.5) 18.7 (0.5) 12.4 (1.3) 31.7 (1.5)

n, number of specimens examined; H, shell height; B, shell breadth; LA, length of aperature; WA, width of aperature;
BW, body whorl.

individuals, however, either the spiral or the axial elements posteriorly. Gill blades are sharkfin-shaped to triangular. The
may be almost completely displaced. The aperture is oval and hypobranchial gland is inconspicuous and lies adjacent to the
rounded below; the outer lip has a thin to thick margin. Mean large rectum.
shell dimensions (standard deviations in parentheses) were: Nervous system: the nervous system is epiathroid. The
H = 48.5 (± 6.0) mm, B = 17.3 (± 2.3) mm, LA = 13.4 (± 1.6) cerebral commissure is long while connectives between cerebral
mm, WA = 8.6 (± 1.4) mm, BW = 23.0 (± 2.7) mm (n = 57) and pedal ganglia and pleural and pedal ganglia, respectively,
(Table 1). are short. Pleural and cerebral ganglia are fused. The
Protoconch: embryos of one clutch were always found to be suboesophageal ganglion is fused to the left pleural ganglion.
of the same developmental stage and, thus, of about similar The pedal ganglia are deeply embedded in the muscle of
size. The development of the juvenile shell is identical with the propodium. They are closely joined to each other and
J. dactylus as described and depicted below (Fig. 7B–H). The numerous crystalline statoconia are located basally. Seven
apical whorl, when calcified, is plug-like and has a chara- main nerves branch from each of the cerebral ganglia inner-
cteristically wrinkled structure while subsequent whorls are vating the snout, tentacles and skin; one of them connects to
sculptured by axial ribs and tiny spiral growth lines. Only one the buccal ganglion.
female from Luzon was found to contain juveniles in its Renal system: the kidney lies behind the mantle cavity
mantle cavity. The mean dimensions of these juvenile shells adjacent to the rectum and the gonoduct. It is highly com-
are: HA = 1.7 mm, BA = 1.2 mm, DA = 628 µm (n = 10). partmentalized, glandular and comparatively large, occupying
Operculum (Fig. 2D): the operculum is ovate and multispiral about one half of the second whorl extending into the pallial
with three to five rapidly increasing whorls and a slightly roof.
eccentric nucleus. It is solid, measures up to 15 mm in height, Radula (Fig. 3A–B, E–F): the taenioglossate radula is long
and almost fits the aperture. consisting of 130–220 rows (n = 8) and has a length of up to
External morphology and mantle cavity organs (Fig. 2A–B): 25 mm corresponding to approximately half of the average
animals are relatively large, with the body comprising up to shell height. Rachis with one main denticle flanked by three
eight whorls. The skin is dark grey, occasionally with light accessory cusps on each side that taper in size. The glabella
patches. The snout is broad and furrowed; the two cephalic is well developed and broad, rounded at its base and has a
tentacles are long, each with a tiny eye on the outer side of the concave lateral edge. The anterior margin of the rachis is
base. At the right side of the head a shallow genital groove convex. The lateral teeth, with a well developed glabella, have
runs down from the end of the pallial gonoduct and ends one large triangular main denticle flanked by three smaller
beyond the right tentacle. cusps at the outer side and two cusps at the inner side. The
The mantle edge is smooth. A fleshy flap, formed by the inner and outer marginal teeth are curved (or ‘kneed’) and
ventral surface of the mantle roof projects from the mantle possess two pointed cusps with the outer one being a little
cavity dorsal to the end of the pallial gonoduct and the anus. broader. The inner marginal teeth are spatula-shaped; the
The mantle cavity is deep, comprising about one and a half outer marginals are narrower. Inner and outer marginals
whorls. The osphradium forms a narrow ridge embedded in exhibit a simple, inconspicuous flange at their outer rim.
a shallow trench and lies adjacent to the anterior part of the Alimentary system: the salivary glands are large, consisting
ctenidium. It is delicate and often slightly undulating. The of many, heavily branched, delicate tubules, and are located
ctenidium begins shortly behind the mantle edge, extending anterior to the nerve ring. The oesophagus is longitudinally
posteriorly almost the entire length of the cavity. It is large, folded; transverse septae have not been found. The stomach
on average twice as long as the osphradium, broad and tapers exhibits features including a heavily ciliated style sac with a
Jagora from the Philippines • F. Köhler & M. Glaubrecht

Fig. 2 A–D. Soft body anatomy of Jagora asperata (Luzon, ZMB 200111). —A. External anatomy of a female; mantle cavity exposed and filled
with egg capsules. —B. Reconstruction of the external female anatomy. —C. Stomach. —D. Operculum. Abbreviations: cf — crescent fold,
dd — opening to the digestive gland duct, dg — digestive gland, eg — egg capsules, ft — foot, gg — genital groove, gp — gastric pad, gs — gastric
shield, i — intestine, kd — kidney, mf — mantle flap (B), marginal fold (C), mr — mantle roof, ov — ovary, sa — sorting area, st — stomach
(B), opening to the style sac (C), tn — tentacle, ty — typhlosoles. Scale bars: A, B = 10 mm; C, D = 5 mm.

cylindrical crystalline style, a single digestive gland duct, a anterior to the opening of the digestive gland duct being
sorting area formed by two transversally folded crescent fused to the glandular pad. Style sac and intestinal groove
thickenings, a long glandular pad with a cuticular gastric shield, communicate as minor and major typhlosoles are unfused
and a crescent ridge and groove with the inner marginal fold (Fig. 2C). The digestive gland occupies the visceral whorls.
F. Köhler & M. Glaubrecht • Jagora from the Philippines

Fig. 3 A–F. SEM images of the radula. —A. Segment of a radula of J. asperata from Luzon (ZMB 200114). —B. Detail of A. —C. Segment of
a radula of J. dactylus from Cebu (ZMB 200108). —D. Same radula, lateral view. —E. Segment of a radula of J. asperata from Luzon, lateral
view (ZMB 200114). —F. Detail of E. Scale bars = 0.1 mm.
Jagora from the Philippines • F. Köhler & M. Glaubrecht

Table 2 Sex ratios in the two Philippine Jagora species. length. The whole surface of the medial lamina and the inner
ventral side bounding the oviductal groove (usually referred
Population Sex ratio Males : females to as the lateral lamina) is covered by a ciliated epithelium
J. asperata Luzon, La Laguna (AMS 324130) 0.33 1:2 (Figs 5A–F and 6). The medial lamina gives rise to two sperm
Luzon, Los Baños (ZMB 200112) 0.33 2:4 gutters: one gutter folds almost at the anterior end of the
Luzon, Isabella Province (ZMB 200114) 0.50 4:4 medial lamina (Fig. 5A) and deepens toward the posterior
Philippines (MNHN) 0.40 2:3
end of the gonoduct (Fig. 5B–F). A second gutter forms at
Subtotal 0.43 9 : 13
J. dactylus Cebu, Matutionao River (ZMB 200108) 0.42 5:7 about half of the length of the pallial oviduct (Fig. 5E–F).
Bohol, San Isidro (AMS 324129) 0.33 2:4 At the inner ventral side of the gonoduct (or ‘lateral
Subtotal 0.39 7 : 11 lamina’) a papillated ridge arises at about half of the length of
the pallial gonoduct and becomes larger posteriorly. This
ridge forms chambers in which orientated sperm was found
Reproductive system: J. asperata is gonochoristic. The (Fig. 5D–F). For that reason, this structure is considered to
average sex ratio among the four populations examined have a sperm storing function and herein referred to as sem-
from Luzon is 0.43 (Table 2). The reproductive anatomy of inal receptacle. It extends far into the lumen of the second
all examined specimens from several populations on Luzon sperm gutter (Fig. 5F, see reconstruction in Fig. 6).
( J. asperata) as well as from Bohol and Cebu ( J. dactylus) was At about 3/4 of the oviductal length, a simple, papillated
found to be consistent for both species. spermatophore bursa is formed by fusion of the edges of the
Males are aphallic and possess a prostate basely lined by broad second sperm gutter (Fig. 5G). The bursa is short and closes
glandular lamellae extending to the mouth of the mantle cavity. rapidly. Posteriorly, the oviductal groove closes to a blind
The testis lies dorsal to the visceral whorls and almost com- pouch that is lined by glandular tissue — probably the
pletely surrounds the digestive gland which occupies only the albumen gland (Fig. 5H). Eventually, the renal part of the
interior segment of these whorls. The testis consists of thin oviduct branches off and the remaining pouch closes com-
tubules embedded into loose connective tissue (Fig. 4C–D). pletely. At the posterior part of the pallial gonoduct — ante-
In females, the pallial oviduct comprises a deep oviductal rior to the nephroporus — laminated tissue occupies a part of
groove dorsally bounded by the free medial lamina. Capsule the mantle cavity (Fig. 5H). This tissue of unknown function
gland and albumen gland are not distinguishable by their is formed by the mantle roof but also occupies external
colouration in the histological sections. Glandular tissue regions of the very posterior part of the gonoduct.
generally is dark blue stained in histological sections and Females retain egg capsules and even shelled juveniles
comprises the base of the oviductal groove for its entire within the mantle cavity. One of three females collected in

Fig. 4 A–D. Histological sections of visceral

whorls showing the digestive gland and
the gonads ( J. dactylus, Cebu, ZMB 200109).
—A. Cross-section of an entire whorl,
showing the ovary. —B. Detail of A, ovary
embedded within loose connective tissue.
—C. Visceral whorl of a male, showing
the testis embedded within loose connective
tissue. —D. Detail of C, orientated sperm
in the testicular tubules. Abbreviations:
ct — connective tissue, dg – digestive gland,
ov — ovary, te — testis. Scale bars: A = 10 mm;
B−D = 1 mm.
F. Köhler & M. Glaubrecht • Jagora from the Philippines

Fig. 5 A–H. Histological sections of the pallial oviduct ( J. dactylus, Cebu, ZMB 200108) from anterior (A) to posterior (H). A to F depict
histological sections of an isolated oviduct of a female while in G and H the gonoduct is figured as part of sections of a whole specimen, second
female from the same batch. —A. Most anterior section, near the mantle edge, showing the free medial lamina bounding the oviductal groove
and giving rise to the sperm gutter. —B. Section of the anterior part of the pallial oviduct showing the deep sperm gutter and the capsule gland
comprising the base of the oviductal groove. —C. Section at about one third of the oviductal length. —D. Section at about half of the oviductal
length showing the lateral lamina giving rise to a papillated ridge functioning as a sperm storing organ. —E and F. Sections within the second
third of the oviductal length, showing the rise of a second ciliated sperm gutter and the well developed lateral ridge. —G and H. Sections of
the posterior part of the oviduct at the end of the mantle cavity, with G showing the margins of the second sperm gutter fused to form the
short spermatophore bursa, and the lateral ridge reduced. —H. Lateral and medial lamina are fused and the oviductal groove forms a pouch
lined by glandular tissue (albumen gland?). Laminated tissue with unknown function is formed within the mantle cavity. Abbreviations:
cg — capsule gland, ft — foot muscle, lt — laminated tissue, ml — medial lamina, mr — mantle roof, og — oviductal groove, re — rectum,
sb — spermatophore bursa, sg — sperm gutter, sr — seminal receptacle, ssg — second sperm gutter. Scale bars = 1 mm.
Jagora from the Philippines • F. Köhler & M. Glaubrecht

northern part of the Philippine archipelago, i.e. Luzon and

some of its satellite islands, such as Polillo and Marinduque,
as well as to Panay, Leyte and Samar (see Fig. 8).

Ecology. The animals inhabit predominantly small mountain

streams with stony to sandy bottoms (Abbott 1948). This was
confirmed by our own field collections in 2000, where these
snails were mostly found buried in the sand or attached to
the underside of leaves, presumably feeding on detritus. At
waterfalls they were also found outside the water grazing on
algae. A report of J. asperata from a lacustrine habitat, Lake
Laguna (Luzon), by Woltereck (1941) is questioned here, as
the occurrence could not be confirmed by our own samplings
in the field. The habitat quality of the muddy, brackish water
lake with abundant vegetation is strikingly different from that
of other known riverine habitats of the species. J. asperata
does, however, inhabit some of the affluent streams, and it is
possible that shells could occasionally be washed into the
lake. J. asperata is first intermediate host of the human lung
fluke Paragonimus westermani (see Cabrera 1984).

Jagora dactylus (I. Lea & H.C. Lea, 1850) comb. n

Melania dactylus I. Lea & H.C. Lea, 1850: 191 (‘Guimeras,
Philippines’); Hanley, 1854–58: pl. 6, fig. 48; Reeve, 1859: pl.
2, fig. 7a–b; Chenu, 1859: 288, 955; Brot, 1862: 45, Brot,
1874: 77–78, pl. 9, fig. 2a.
Pachychilus dactylus — Troschel, 1857: 117, pl. 9, fig. 5.
Melanoides dactylus — H. Adams & A. Adams, 1858: 297.
Melania (Melanoides) dactylus — Nevill, 1884: 265–266.
Antemelania dactylus (sic!) — Cabrera, 1984: 1188.
Type material examined. 3 syntypes (BMNH 19990496,
‘Guimeras, Philippines’, Fig. 1E).
Other material examined. Bohol: Bilar, Bilar river (ZMB
65288; CAS 116978); San Isidro (AMS 324130). Cebu:
Matutinao River at the Kawasan waterfalls (9°48,49′ N,
123°22,1′ E) (ZMB 200108–10). Isl. Guimeras (BMNH
19990496; MHNG). Isl. Siquijor (BMNH).

Fig. 6 Schematic reconstruction of the pallial oviduct of J. dactylus
based on histological sections; arrows and capital letters indicate the
Shell (Fig. 1E, F): solid and uniformly light brown to yellow-
approximate position of the histological sections shown in Fig. 5. ish. The spire is highly turreted with an average angle of 25°
Abbreviations: ag — albumen gland, cg — capsule gland, ft — foot and comprises up to 12 (mean 9.3) whorls. The apical whorl
muscle, ml — medial lamina, og — oviductal groove, ov — oviduct, sb is eroded; the sculpture in general consists of closely spaced
— spermatophore bursa, sg — sperm gutter, sr — seminal receptacle. axial ribs and spiral elements. The axial ribs predominate on
the upper three to five whorls, while they become more indis-
tinct on subsequent whorls. Tiny nodules are often formed
November (AMS 324129) was found to contain 270 juveniles, where axial and spiral elements meet. The aperture is oval
while females collected in March 2000 contained neither egg and rounded below; the outer lip has a sharp to moderately
capsules nor juveniles within their mantle cavities. thick margin. Mean shell dimensions (standard deviations in
parentheses) were: H = 47.0 (± 5.4) mm, B = 15.5 (± 1.8) mm,
Distribution. Mapping of all available samples from museum LA = 12.1 (± 1.2) mm, WA = 7.6 (± 1.1) mm, BW = 21.3
collections indicate that the species is restricted to the (± 2.3) mm (n = 38) (Table 1).
F. Köhler & M. Glaubrecht • Jagora from the Philippines

Table 3 Number of eggs and juveniles per female. substrates (see Bandel & Riedel 1998 for J. dactylus, misidentified
by them as ‘Brotia aff. costula’). J. dactylus is the first interme-
No. of eggs diate host of the human lung fluke Paragonimus westermani
Species Population Collecting time (egg capsules) No. of juveniles
(see Cabrera 1984).
J. asperata Luzon (AMS 324129) Nov. 1975 – 275 (–)
J. dactylus Cebu (ZMB 200108) March 2000 ∼50 (9) –
Shell morphology and morphometric analysis
Cebu (ZMB 200108) March 2000 ∼90 (12) –
Cebu (ZMB 200108) March 2000 – 3 (+)
The type specimens of all described taxa exhibit unusual
Cebu (ZMB 200108) March 2000 – 5 (+) shell characteristics. While M. asperata and M. pulchra have
knobbly spiral ribs, in other species nodules or spines are
+, shell completely calcified; –, apex uncalcified.
absent (M. filocarinata, M. pagodulus), or the ribs are smooth
and very closely spaced (M. dactylus). In addition, the types
Protoconch (Fig. 7B–H): as described for J. asperata. Juve- exhibit different colours from dark brown (M. asperata,
nile shells kept within the mantle cavity were up to 1.7 mm M. pulchra) to yellowish brown (M. pagodulus, M. dactylus)
high and 1.2 mm broad comprising three whorls. Mean (Fig. 1C–E). Examination of a series of specimens from a
dimensions (standard deviations in parentheses) of the apical number of populations, however, revealed that most of these
whorl of the protoconch were: DA = 628 (± 34) µm, forms are bridged by intermediates. Based on our observa-
HA = 190 (± 66) µm, and BA = 309 (± 24) µm (n = 5). tions, two taxa treated preliminarily as morphospecies can be
Soft body anatomy and radula: as described for J. asperata distinguished: ‘J. asperata’ with mostly knobbly ribs and
(Figs 2 and 3C–D). ‘J. dactylus’ with more slender shells sculptured by closely and
Reproductive system: anatomy as described for J. asperata. regularly spaced axial ribs. To the former taxon all material
The average sex ratio among the two populations examined from Luzon and Samar is assigned, whereas shells from
from Bohol and Cebu is 0.39 (Table 2). Specimens collected Bohol and Cebu belong to the latter. In order to establish
in March on Cebu were in various reproductive states and statistically significant differences, we analysed several
contained between 0 and 90 eggs or juveniles in a wide range morphometric shell parameters, counting the ribs on the third
of maturity (Table 3). The eggs are enclosed by an egg whorl to assess sculptural variation within and between
capsule, with each containing about 4 –10 eggs; up to 12 capsules populations from Luzon, Samar and Cebu. Furthermore, we
were found within the individuals (Table 3, Fig. 7A). Eggs analysed the distribution of different shell colorations among
contain a considerable amount of whitish granules, presum- these populations.
ably yolk. They measure about 1.0 × 1.5 mm in diameter, We found that specimens from Luzon as a rule have fewer
thus exceeding the size of protoconchs in early ontogenetic ribs (less than 10) than those from Cebu (generally more than
stages. Although in younger stages the second whorl is 10), while specimens from Samar are intermediate (Fig. 9).
already calcified, it has been observed that nutritive tissue Among the examined populations, a considerable degree of
originating from the egg is attached to the then still uncalci- variability was also found concerning the frequency of shell
fied apical portion of the juvenile shell (Fig. 7B–E). The colours (dark, medium, and light brown). However, instead
amount of the nutritive tissue gradually decreases while the of a significant correlation between sculptural variability
embryonic shell grows (Fig. 7B–D). Calcification of the and/or shell coloration and spatial distribution with a clear
apical whorl is not complete before this material is entirely cut between J. asperata and J. dactylus, we found that these
consumed. Eventually, crawling juveniles with complete parameters change clinally from north to south (Fig. 10).
shells (Fig. 7F–H) are released from the mantle cavity. That also holds true for the distributions of several shell
parameters (H, B, LA, WA, BW), which completely overlap
Distribution. J. dactylus occurs on the southern Philippine between the examined populations from Luzon, Samar,
islands of Bohol, Cebu, Guimeras and Siquijor (Fig. 8). Bohol, Cebu, and Guimeras. The mean values and standard
Following the description of M. dactylus from ‘small streams on errors for all parameters are given in Table 1. Evaluating the
Guimeras, Mindanao, Luzon and Leyte’ by Lea & Lea (1850), indices H/B, H/LA, H/BW and BW/LA, shells from Luzon
Mindanao was frequently mentioned by subsequent authors and Samar (‘J. asperata’) are separated with a slight overlap
(e.g. Reeve, 1859) as being within the range of J. dactylus. from shells of Cebu and Guimeras (‘J. dactylus’). While they
However, the locus typicus actually is Guimeras, an island south- resemble ‘J. dactylus’, this is not found for shells from Bohol,
east of Panay, as is evident from the original label of the types. which cluster together with those from Luzon and Samar
The occurrence on Mindanao could not be confirmed so far. (Fig. 11).
A one-way ANOVA was conducted on the two phenotypes
Ecology. As described for J. asperata, this species inhabits the ‘J. asperata’ and ‘J. dactylus’. This analysis reveals that the
upper course of rivers and settles on soft as well as rocky parameters H/B, H/LA and H/BW vary significantly
Jagora from the Philippines • F. Köhler & M. Glaubrecht

Fig. 7 A–H. Ontogenetic stages. —A. Egg capsules removed from the mantle cavity ( J. dactylus, Cebu, ZMB 200109). B–H. SEM images of
juveniles at various developmental stages expelled from the mantle cavities of several individuals of J. dactylus from Cebu (ZMB 200108) (B–
E. showing critical point dried specimens). —B. Early ontogentic stage isolated from an egg capsule with a considerable amount of nutritive
tissue originating from the egg; start of shell formation at the second whorl. —C. Embryonic shell isolated from an egg capsule with increased
shell size and nutritive tissue still attached to the apical area of the shell. —D. Later ontogenetic stage expelled from an egg capsule. —E. Detail
of D. —F. Juvenile expelled from the mantle cavity with complete shell calcification, no nutritive tissue visible. —G and H. Details of F. Scale
bars = 1 mm.
F. Köhler & M. Glaubrecht • Jagora from the Philippines

Fig. 10 A–D. Shell colours. —A. J. asperata from Central Luzon,

Calauan, Laguna Province (ZMB 26766). —B. J. asperata from
South Luzon, Albay Province, Daragu River (ZMB 26768). —C.
J. asperata from Samar, Loquilocum (ZMB 26767). —D. J. dactylus
from Cebu, Matutinao River (ZMB 200109).

Fig. 8 Distribution of J. asperata (circles) and J. dactylus (squares)

based on the compilation of museum material and authors’ own

Fig. 11 Shell morphometries (H/LA). Box plot diagram showing

the median, the 25% and 75% percentile and largest nonextremes
(less than 1.5 times box height) of J. asperata (L1, North Luzon,
Isabella Prov. (ZMB 200114); L2, Central Luzon, Laguna Prov.
(AMS 324130); L3, South Luzon, Albay Prov (ZMB 26768); S,
Samar, Loquilocum (ZMB 26767)), and J. dactylus (B, Bohol, San
Isidro (AMS 324130); C, Cebu, Matutinao River (ZMB 200109); G,
Fig. 9 Number of ribs on the third whorl in J. asperata (L1, Central Luzon, Guimeras (syntypes BMNH 19990496)).
Laguna Province (ZMB 26766); L2, South Luzon, Albay Province (ZMB
26768); S, Samar (ZMB 26767)) and J. dactylus (C, Cebu; ZMB 200109).
Molecular genetics
between both groups (Table 4). We performed a discrimi- The sequence alignments were unproblematic and comprise
nance analyses that correctly classified 82.1% of the individ- 646 (COI) and 867 sites with indels at 27 positions (16S),
uals (Table 5), thus confirming the significance of the mean respectively. When possible, we sequenced COI fragments
differences between both groupings (Table 6). from two or three specimens of each locality in order to
Jagora from the Philippines • F. Köhler & M. Glaubrecht

Table 4 Results of the variance analysis (one way-ANOVA). Table 5 Results of the discrimination analysis.

Shell parameter Measure Mean square F Sig. Predicted group membership

H between groups 44.88 0.777 0.380 Species J. asperata J. dactylus Total

within groups 57.78 – –
J. asperata 46 (80.7%) 11 (19.3%) 57 (100%)
B between groups 0.01 0.001 0.981
J. dactylus 6 (15.8%) 32 (84.2%) 38 (100%)
within groups 15.55 – –
LA between groups 7.96 2.553 0.113
within groups 3.12 – –
Table 6 Parameters describing the quality of the discrimination
WA between groups 4.83 2.445 0.121
within groups 1.98 – –
BW between groups 7.77 0.871 0.353
No. of functions Wilks’ Lambda Chi-square d.f. Sig.
within groups 8.92 – –
H/B between groups 1.76 35.012 0.000 1 0.653 39.274 2 0.000
within groups 0.05 – –
H/LA between groups 1.76 35.012 0.000
within groups 0.05 – – have identical topologies. Furthermore, both NJ trees correspond
B/BW between groups 0.01 0.392 0.533
to the topology of the MP trees. Separate distance analyses
within groups 0.02 – –
H/BW between groups 0.31 29.977 0.000
(NJ, Kimura-2-parameter) were conducted for COI and 16S,
within groups 0.01 – – resulting in similar pairwise distances (Table 7). Accordingly,
BW/LA between groups 0.03 5.539 0.021 sequence distances are smaller between the populations on
within groups 0.00 – – Luzon (1.1% or below), while they are considerably larger
H, shell height; B, shell breadth; LA, length of aperature; WA, width of aperature; BW, between Luzon and Cebu, ranging from 13.5% to 14.7%.
body whorl. For the 16S sequences pairwise transition (s) and transversion
(v) rates were calculated (Fig. 14). Transition and transversion
rates are minor between the populations from Luzon, but are
estimate the variability within single populations. Owing to about tenfold higher (s ∼ 10%, v ∼ 1%) when comparing any
methodological difficulties, it was not possible to obtain COI population from Luzon with those from Cebu.
sequences from one population (Luzon, ZMB 200112).
Alignments were made for 10 COI sequences (six speci- Discussion
mens from three populations of J. asperata, three specimens Evaluation of morphological characters
of the only population of J. dactylus available, and a single The conchological variation of several freshwater snails confused
sequence of Brotia pagodula (Gould, 1847) as an outgroup earlier authors, misleading them into employing a vast number
representative) as well as for six 16S sequences (one specimen of species names. In some cases, this typological approach has
each of four populations of J. asperata, one population of caused a plethora of synonyms. Consequently, many names
J. dactylus, and one specimen of B. pagodula). The number of merely indicate phenotypic disparity rather then species diversity
variable sites is 161 (COI) and 244 (16S), respectively, while (see e.g. Glaubrecht 1993, 1996 for another cerithioidean taxon,
84 (COI) and 40 (16S) sites are parsimonious informative. Melanopsis). On the other hand, shell characters are often the
Two 16S sequences are identical: ZMB 200111 and ZMB most convenient to use for taxonomic purposes (see Reid 1986:
200115. Cladistic analyses were conducted using maximum 8). Consequently, a thorough assessment of the intraspecific
parsimony (MP) and neighbour joining (NJ). All trees were range of shell characteristics is necessary if using these features
rooted with Brotia pagodula as outgroup. The general topol- a priori as diagnostic criteria.
ogy of all MP and NJ trees is identical with the J. asperata Accordingly, the five nominal taxa from the Philippines
populations from Luzon and the J. dactylus population from were distinguished earlier in a typological approach. In contrast,
Cebu forming distinct clusters. The only most parsimonious our study reveals that all named taxa from Luzon and its
phylogram found for the COI sequences is shown in satellite islands Samar and Leyte, M. asperata, M. pagodulus,
Fig. 12A. For the 16S sequences three MP trees were yielded M. pulchra, and M. filocarinata, fall into the same morphos-
due to the unresolved relative position of ZMB 200115 and pace and neither of these phenotypes can be restricted to a
ZMB 200111, which are identical. The strict consensus tree certain geographical area or population. The high concho-
(Fig. 12B) matches the topology of the COI MP tree with the logical variation observed within and among these popula-
exception that an additional sequence (ZMB 200112) was tions suggests that the absence of some sculptural elements,
included in the analysis of 16S. such as ribs, spines and spiral ridges or the different degree
The trees resulting from a distance-based analysis (NJ) of of their development and the varying shell colour, indicate
the COI fragment (Fig. 13A) and the 16S fragment (Fig. 13B) intraspecific phenotypic plasticity.
F. Köhler & M. Glaubrecht • Jagora from the Philippines

Fig. 12 Maximum parsimony trees of Jagora.

—A. MP phylogram based on the analysis of
the partial COI sequences of J. asperata
from Luzon (ZMB 200111, 200113, 200115),
J. dactylus (ZMB 200109), and Brotia pagodula
(ZMB 200208) as an outgroup represen-
tative. —B. Strict consensus of three MP
cladograms based on the analysis of the 16S
fragments of J. asperata (ZMB 200111,
200112, 200113, 200115), J. dactylus (ZMB
200109), and Brotia pagodula (ZMB 200208).
For exact localities of the samples see
Material examined.

The shells from populations on Cebu are not only pheno- archipelago. Several anatomical features, however, are pecu-
typically distinguishable from those of the Luzon populations liarities common to both Jagora taxa. These features include
(Fig. 9), but are also geographically isolated. Moreover, both fusion of the inner crescent fold to the gastric pad of the
forms, viz. J. asperata and J. dactylus, can be discriminated by stomach, the entire anatomy of the pallial oviduct and the
means of minor but significant morphometrical differences retention of eggs in the mantle cavity in concert with the lack
(Tables 4, 5, Fig. 11). In summary, Cebuan shells ( J. dactylus) of any brooding structure.
in mean are generally more slender and the mean number of A report by Bandel & Riedel (1998), in which a subhaemo-
whorls is slightly higher (9.3 ± 1.3) than in shells from Luzon coelic brood pouch was mentioned as having been found in a
and Samar (J. asperata) with 8.3 ± 1.2 whorls. The situation, species tentatively identified as ‘Brotia aff. costula’ from the
however, is complicated by the fact that the shells from the Matutinao River, Cebu, stands in sharp contrast to all obser-
islands of Samar and Bohol exhibit apparently intermediate vations presented here. Apart from the incorrect species
characters. Those from Samar cluster together with the Luzon identification, their finding of a brood pouch seems dubious.
populations in respect to their morphometry, but lie interme- According to the shell figured, their report refers without
diate between Luzon and Cebu in terms of the number of doubt to J. dactylus. Our own observation supports the presence
ribs (Fig. 9). Meanwhile, specimens from Bohol cannot be of the latter species at the same locality. Therefore, we
discriminated from J. asperata concerning shell parameters, assume that the authors either misidentified large specimens
although they are very similar to J. dactylus from Cebu and of the superficially similar and syntopic Tarebia granifera
Guimeras. However, due to the low number of specimens Lamarck, 1822 with specimens of J. dactylus, or that they
(n = 5) the latter statement is not statistically significant. failed to recognize the reproductive peculiarities of Jagora
In contrast to the shell, differences in the soft body anat- and that the juveniles in this taxon are actually incubated
omy, including radular morphology (Figs 2 and 3), were not within the mantle cavity instead of a brood pouch as found
found between individuals from different regions within the otherwise, for example, in Thiaridae.
Jagora from the Philippines • F. Köhler & M. Glaubrecht

Fig. 13 Neighbour joining trees of Jagora.

—A. NJ tree based on the analysis of the
partial COI sequences of J. asperata from
Luzon (ZMB 200111, 200113, 200115),
J. dactylus (ZMB 200109), and Brotia
pagodula (ZMB 200208) as an outgroup
representative. —B. NJ trees based on the
analysis of the 16S fragments of J. asperata
(ZMB 200111, 200112, 200113, 200115),
J. dactylus (ZMB 200109), and Brotia
pagodula (ZMB 200208). For exact localities
of the samples see Material examined.

In contrast to Jagora, other South-east Asian pachychilids Table 7 Pairwise sequence distances between the populations.
such as Brotia and Tylomelania possess specific brooding
ZMB 200111 ZMB 200112 ZMB 200113 ZMB 200115
structures (for a detailed description of the reproductive
anatomy of Brotia see Köhler & Glaubrecht 2001). Anatom- ZMB 200109 COI 0.129–0.130 — 0.124–0.126 0.129–0.130
ical differences between Brotia and Jagora were also found in 16S 0.135 0.143 0.142 0.135
ZMB 200111 COI — — 0.009–0.014 0.000
the gonoduct anatomy, since some (but not all) Brotia species
16S — 0.011 0.006 0.000
possess a seminal receptacle which is situated dorsal to the ZMB 200112 COI — — — —
bursa. Jagora, however, lacks such a structure. Here, the 16S — — 0.010 0.011
prominent papillated ridge formed by the lateral lamina is ZMB 200113 COI — — — 0.009–0.014
supposed to have a sperm storing function instead (Figs 5D– 16S — — — 0.006

E and 6). This structure herein is termed seminal receptacle COI, 663-bp fragment of the Cytochrome c oxidase subunit I gene; 16S, 825 bp of 16S
as well, although having neither the same structural origin rDNA (16S).
nor a similar anatomy as the receptacle in Brotia. In addition,
size and location of the gonads (Fig. 4) differ between both
genera: In Brotia the gonads are much more conspicuous and These taxa were previously subsumed under Brotia, but have
do not entirely surround the digestive gland. As holds true for been shown to represent a separate clade characterized in
Brotia from the South-east Asian mainland, Sumatra, Borneo particular by a pallial oviduct which is modified into a
and Java, clear differences of the reproductive anatomy exist segmented brood pouch with a slit-like vaginal opening
between Jagora and the pachychilids endemic to Sulawesi. (Rintelen & Glaubrecht 1999).
F. Köhler & M. Glaubrecht • Jagora from the Philippines

Fig. 14 Diagrams showing pairwise rates of

transitions (s) and transversions (v) of
sequences of J. asperata (Luzon), J. dactylus
(Cebu), and Brotia pagodula (Thailand) vs.
the sequence distances based on the
Kimura-2-parameters model. —A. 16S
sequences. —B. COI sequences.

Next to clear anatomical differences, Jagora and Brotia with Knipper (1958) and (in part) with Brot (1874), as these
share a peculiar modification of their ontogenesis: in the named forms cannot be unequivocally correlated with distinct
early stages soft tissue protrudes from the apical whorl of the populations. These aforementioned morphospecies rather
forming juvenile shell (Fig. 7B–D). This tissue is believed to delineate extremes of a single, albeit conchologically variable
have a nutritive function for the encapsulated embryo. The species, instead of representing natural entities or biospecies.
so-called ‘soft apex’ has been reported for some, but not all, Although the differences are not very pronounced, shells
Brotia species and has been correlated with the development of J. dactylus from Cebuan populations can be distinguished
of a wrinkled apical shell (Morrison 1954; Solem 1966; details from those of J. asperata. The morphological differences
in Köhler & Glaubrecht 2001). Accordingly, the wrinkles are between both taxa are, however, obviously restricted almost
caused by the shrinking visceral mass of the embryo during exclusively to shell characteristics, as the soft body and
the retarded process of shell calcification. A similar storage radular anatomy are identical. This also holds true for many
structure, a so-called hepatic lobe, was described for numerous aspects of their ecology, except for the seasonal variation of
‘prosobranchs’ (Carrick 1938) functioning as a substructure their reproductive activity (see below).
for the formation of the digestive gland (Fioroni & Schmekel However, cladistic analyses of molecular data consistently
1976: 129ff ). separate J. asperata from J. dactylus, and the NJ trees reveal
considerable genetic distances between both groups. This
Systematic conclusions provides additional evidence for the separation of two sibling
The peculiar reproductive anatomy of both Jagora species is species in the Philippine archipelago. We anticipate that the
believed to be synapomorphic and sets them apart from other inclusion of more sequence data from additional localities
Pachychilidae, especially from Brotia and the endemic species and islands will facilitate this analysis on the separation
of Sulawesi. The distinctiveness of the Philippine taxa is between the taxa. Unfortunately, suitable material is not yet
supported by characteristics of the stomach (fusion of the available. Thus, in the absence of additional data from other
inner crescent ridge to the gastric pad), the radula (convex Visayan islands, it cannot be completely resolved whether
upper margin of the rachidian) and the reproductive biology we deal with two closely related parapatric (in parts of their
(egg capsules containing more than one egg). Molecular distribution perhaps even sympatric) species, or only with a
genetic data from the COI and 16S sequences of South-east single variable species.
Asian pachychilids (see Köhler et al. 2000; and unpubl. data) Nevertheless, simply subsuming J. dactylus under J. asperata
support the monophyly of this Philippine clade with a rather would cover the existing discontinuity found in our study.
basal position. Thus, a generic status of the Philippine clade Therefore, we here refrain from synonymizing both taxa and
independent from Brotia reflects its monophyly as well as its treat them as different biological entities instead until evidence
evolutionary and morphological distinctiveness. A substan- has surfaced in favour of an alternative hypothesis.
tial hypothesis on the phylogeny of the South-east Asian
Pachychilidae awaits cladistic analysis of further molecular Reproductive biology and life history strategy
and morphological data. The placement of all species which were previously sub-
We deliberately synonymize M. filocarinata, M. pagodulus, sumed under Brotia within Thiaridae (e.g. Morrison 1954;
M. philippinarum and M. pulchra with J. asperata, thus agreeing Solem 1966; Davis 1971; but see Glaubrecht 1996 for critics
Jagora from the Philippines • F. Köhler & M. Glaubrecht

on the erroneous former concept of Thiaridae s.l.) has fuelled 2 In contrast to viviparous Thiaridae, where brooding
speculation that parthenogenesis is the predominant mode of females possess secretory epithelia in the brood pouch in
reproduction in these cerithioideans (Benthem Jutting 1956; order to nourish their embryos (Muley 1977; Glaubrecht
Brandt 1968). However, as documented here, reproduction 1996), in Jagora the growth of the retained embryos seems to
in Jagora is bisexual and the sex ratio is constantly more or be sustained only by the large amount of yolk delivered with
less balanced (Table 2). Thus, we are able to correct our earlier the egg, since any nutritive structures of female tissue have
assumption, which was based on a smaller sample, that this not been found. Evidence for the existence of nurse eggs or
ratio may be skewed towards females (Köhler & Glaubrecht feeding on retarded embryos (cannibalism), also reported to
2001). As, similar to several species of Brotia, a balanced sex be adaptations connected to ovoviviparity (Fretter 1984;
ratio was found in Jagora, our data do not support the Fretter & Graham 1994), was not found. Otherwise, either
assumption that parthenogenesis is the predominant mode of the number of eggs could be expected to be much higher than
reproduction among (ovo)viviparous pachychilids of South- observed, or the number of released juveniles should be
east Asia. significantly lower.
The females of Jagora produce exceptionally large eggs 3 The increased amount of yolk delivered by the egg is
containing a considerable amount of yolk, and they are the correlated with a remarkable modification of shell formation
only representatives of South-east Asian pachychilids to during ontogenesis. In general, shell formation in gastropods
produce egg capsules containing more than a single egg. starts at the ectodermal area of the embryonic visceral mass
Comparable egg sizes were reported from some other (shell field) with the production of a conchiolin layer that
freshwater gastropods, e.g. Brotia (Köhler & Glaubrecht increases in diameter and remains uncalcified. Later, the shell
2001), Ampullaria and Viviparus (Fioroni & Schmekel 1976), gland secretes primarily isolated calcium carbonate crystals
while most caenogastropods produce significantly smaller on this layer (Fretter & Graham 1994: 577; for ontogenesis
eggs (see e.g. Fretter & Graham 1994; Fioroni & Schmekel in some limnetic gastropods see Riedel 1993). We hypothesize
1976). that in Jagora the agglutination of calcium carbonate crystals
The average number of retained juveniles in Jagora is in the periostracum is retarded and that the apical shell is
assumed to correspond to the number of retained eggs (see not formed before the large yolk sac has been consumed to
Table 3). In those cases where only a few juveniles were found a considerable degree. The typical wrinkled apical shell
in a female, they always had fully developed and completed structure is believed to result in two overlapping processes:
shells and were ready to be released from the mantle cavity. shrinking of the visceral mass of the embryo and the
Thus, they are likely to be the last remaining members of simultaneous agglutination of shell material. This phenomenon
already released clutches. Similar numbers of eggs and has been extensively described by Riedel (1993) for the thiarid
juveniles were also observed in many viviparous species Melanoides tuberculata and was connected to the typically wrinkled
of Brotia (Abbott 1948; Davis 1971; Dudgeon 1989; apical shell known from several viviparous cerithioidean taxa,
Kruatrachue et al. 1990; Köhler & Glaubrecht 2001) and such as Brotia, Melanoides, Tarebia H. & A. Adams, 1854,
some viviparous Thiaridae, e.g. Melanoides tuberculata (Müller, Thiara, Lavigeria Bourguignat, 1888 and Potadomoides Leloup,
1774) (Abbott 1948; Starmühlner 1969, 1976; Glaubrecht 1953 (see Riedel 1993; Glaubrecht 1996; Köhler &
1996: 119) and Thiara scabra Müller, 1774 (Riech 1937: 45). Glaubrecht 2001). However, thiarids generally lack a protruding
The considerable intraspecific variability of egg numbers yolk sac as observed in Jagora and some species of Brotia.
observed in all these taxa has been attributed to variable Hence, it is the mode of embryonic nutrition via a large yolk
habitat conditions, individual nutrition status and the sac and not the wrinkled apical shell itself that is unique to
size or age of the females (e.g. Dudgeon 1989 for Brotia both pachychilid taxa.
hainanensis). 4 The development of brooding structures in freshwater
Despite the scarcity of data on the ecology and life history gastropods, such as the brood pouches of Thiaridae and
of the two species of Jagora, some general conclusions can be Pachychilidae, has been viewed as a preadaptation for the
made: exploration of freshwater habitats by originally marine gastropod
1 We assume that the reproductive cycle of J. asperata is groups (see Discussion in Glaubrecht 1996). However, among
synchronized with the seasonal changing monsoon climate. the South-east Asian Pachychilidae we found three groups
The reproductive activity of this species is clearly restricted with clearly distinct and relatively complex brooding structures
to the rainy season in Luzon between June and December. (Rintelen & Glaubrecht 1999; Köhler et al. 2000; Köhler &
In Cebu, however, with a smaller monsoonal influence, rainfall Glaubrecht 2001) while other non-Oriental pachychilids,
tends to be continuous throughout the year. Our observations such as Melanatria and Pachychilus, are oviparous. Preliminary
suggest that the reproductive activity of J. dactylus is not molecular genetic data suggests that the Neotropical
restricted to a particular season. Pachychilus is in a more basal position than the brooding
F. Köhler & M. Glaubrecht • Jagora from the Philippines

taxa Jagora and Brotia (Köhler et al. 2000; and unpubl. data). the ancient history of the family and the monophyly of the
The hypothesis that brooding among limnic Cerithioidea South-east Asian clade are supported by molecular data
has evolved as a so-called ‘key innovation’ prior to the (Köhler et al. 2000; and unpubl. data). As the dispersal
colonization of freshwater habitats requires the assumption abilities of pachychilids seem to be limited, their recent
that (ovo)viviparity subsequently has been lost in (then distribution is assumed to particularly reflect relatively
secondarily) oviparous freshwater taxa. In contrast, the more ancient vicariance events like the migration, separation or
parsimonious explanation is that brooding has arisen a amalgamation of terranes rather than younger events related
posteriori to the habitat shift, and perhaps several times to the Pleistocene sea-level changes, while active dispersal is
independently, among freshwater cerithioidean taxa. believed to play a minor role if at all (Glaubrecht 2000;
Consequently, the different brooding structures within Köhler & Glaubrecht 2001).
the South-east Asian Pachychilidae are not considered Accordingly, the geological history of the region since the
homologous, and we assume a multiple origin of brooding Cretaceous and during the Tertiary provides an important key
within this clade. Brooding seems to be strongly favoured by to the understanding of the biogeography of South-east Asian
selection in pachychilids, although to date we have no good Pachychilidae in general and the systematic position of Jagora
explanation for this. Given that the ability of the parent to in particular. However, the palaeogeography of the Philippines
supply its offspring with nutrients is limited and correlated is complex and unfortunately not yet completely understood,
with its own size and feeding status, the number of retained although considerable advances have been made recently in
eggs should be correlated with its size or comparable efforts particular in reconstructing regional tectonic events. Reviews
for embryonal nourishment (Calow 1978). Since the pro- are presented in Hall & Blundell (1996; see also literature
duction costs per egg are increased for the large amount therein), Hall (1996, 1998), Packham (1996) and Pubellier
of nutritients delivered with it, each egg is most valuable et al. (1991) on which the following scenario is largely based.
for the parent and loss due to predation, for example, is less It is generally accepted that the Philippine archipelago is
tolerable. Therefore, brooding and retention of developing an assembly of several independent terranes or microplates
embryos may clearly increase the survival chance of each that have drifted to their present position since the Mesozoic
offspring and, thus, the fitness of the parent, resulting in a from various source areas and that most of the islands formed
‘k-selective’ strategy. This scenario is only one of many realized part of an arc at the southern edge of the Philippine Sea plate
among freshwater gastropods in order to cope with the before the early Miocene (Hall 1996, 1998 and maps of
challenges of their environment. palaeogeographical reconstructions therein). Since the Miocene
An alternative, rather ‘r-selective’ life history strategy is the Philippine continental fragments have moved in a very
pursued by some freshwater Thiaridae (for details see narrow zone, mainly as part of the Philippine Sea plate, resulting
Glaubrecht 1996). Although thiarid species also incubate from their general movement into and between other plates
their juveniles in special brood-pouches, the free-swimming and leading to the composite nature of the archipelago as we
larval stages have not been reduced in some taxa. Instead, know it today. In terms of their geology, the Philippines are
thousands of veligers are released from the brood pouch of considered an ephemeral feature that ended up as an arc
the parent. The planktotrophic larvae, however, usually develop terrane attached to the Eurasian continental margin.
in a marine environment and are not exposed to the ‘harsh’ The archipelago straddles the convergent boundary between
conditions of freshwater habitats. Due to their amphidro- the Eurasian and Philippine Sea plates. Further to the east,
mous life cycle, these thiarids such as Stenomelania Fischer, the geologically young Philippine Trench is situated and it is
1885, are restricted to estuarine habitats and/or the lower generally agreed that much of the archipelago was developed
course of rivers where they rely on passive dispersal of their on the Philippine Sea plate rather the Eurasian margin.
marine veligers for the colonization of new habitats. In addi- While the eastern part substantially comprises rock built up
tion, the marine phase in their life cycle enables such species by island arc processes from the Cretaceous (Late Jurassic)
to colonize even remote oceanic islands (Glaubrecht 1996, onwards, continental terranes lie mostly west of this line and
2000; Myers et al. 2000a). include Mindoro, west Panay and west Mindanao. The
terranes in western Mindanao include the Zamboanga
Zoogeographical implications and Daguma Range and were juxtaposed before the early
Members of the Pachychilidae exhibit a pantropical distribu- Pliocene by strike-up movement. The continental blocs that
tion indicative of a Gondwanan origin, and therefore pro- are parts of the Asian margin were incorporated by the long-
bably represent an old Mesozoic lineage (Glaubrecht 2000). term clockwise rotation of the Philippine Sea plate terranes.
The South-east Asian representatives of this family are It is believed that this plate has rotated clockwise during the
believed to form a monophyletic group. Although details of past 50 Myr and that this process has brought the arc facing
their relationships are still insufficiently understood, both south to south-west northward where it collides obliquely
Jagora from the Philippines • F. Köhler & M. Glaubrecht

with the Asian margin. During the Miocene this rotation may the earlier Cenozoic than by Pleistocene events in connection
have been initiated by the collision of the northern edge of with glacial periods, as found for many vertebrate taxa.
the Australian craton with the Philippine Sea plate (for the Molecular data provide a suitable tool not only for inferring
general location of the Philippines see schematic reconstruc- phylogenetic relationships but also to estimate a lineage’s age,
tions in Packham 1996: 139, fig. 13). In addition, in the even when the latter is controversial (review in Nei et al. 2000).
middle to late Miocene the Palawan Block on the southern The assumption of a molecular clock requires constant muta-
flank of the South China Sea collided with the Philippine arc. tion rates and a calibration with fossil or palaeogeographical
Middle to upper Miocene volcanic rocks in western Mindanao data. Our NJ trees (Fig. 13A–B) suggest almost constant
that find their southern extension through the Sangihe arc to mutation rates within Jagora, although a calibration cannot
volcanic rock of similar age in eastern SW Sulawesi have been be conducted here. However, for the 16S gene in Littorina
interpreted (although this is not undisputed), as an east-facing rates of 1.5% transitions and 0.13% transversions per Myr
arc on the western side of the Molucca Sea. were found (Reid et al. 1996: 887, Fig. 5). Under the assump-
Summarizing the above reconstruction, Mindoro, western tion of similar substitution rates in Jagora, the populations
Panay, North Palawan and western Mindanao (Zamboanga) from Luzon (J. asperata) and Cebu (J. dactylus) would have
are substantially continental terranes originating from the been isolated from each other 6.6–7.7 Myr ago. This might
Asian margin of the Eurasian plate, while the northern and only provide a very rough age estimate, since mutational rates
eastern parts of the Philippines with Luzon have emerged could be very different in Jagora, for example, due to varying
from and rotated with the Philippine Sea plate to their effective population sizes, and different metabolism and
present position since the early Eocene (see Hall 1996; mutation rates. Nevertheless, it is consistent with our sugges-
Packham 1996). Unfortunately, as is also true for other areas, tion that tentatively hypothesize Jagora as representing an
it is unresolved at which times the islands emerged above sea ancient element of the Philippine fauna. Its ancestor might
level and if they were permanently subaerial for continuous have reached the archipelago on one of those continental
periods during the Cenozoic. terranes that have since the Mesozoic drifted away from
Biogeographical evidence for the origin of the faunal and the northern margin of Gondwana to subsequently build the
floral elements of the Philippine biota has to date mainly marginal rim of South-east Asia long before Pleistocene
dealt with those patterns for which much later, essentially events shaped the distributional pattern found, for example,
post-Pliocene, events in connection with fluctuating sea- predominantly in the vertebrate fauna. Accordingly, we
levels during glacial periods can be attributed (Dickinson 1991; anticipate that dispersal during periods of low sea-level stands
Jong 1996; Heaney 1985, 1986, 1999). Thus, various parts of would have played only a minor role and is less important
the archipelago were isolated from the Asian mainland and/ for the distribution patterns found today in the Philippine
or adjacent islands, such as Borneo, Sulawesi and Taiwan, due pachychilids.
to earlier tectonic events as well as later changing sea-levels. Irrespective of the arrival time of a potential ancestor of
Accordingly, its faunal and many floral elements could have Jagora in the Philippines, it is reasonable to assume that it
reached it at different times and in various ways: (1) drifting originated with faunal elements occurring in areas that later
in on individual continental terranes (2) active dispersal, formed Borneo or (West-) Sulawesi (for the composite nature
using existing land-bridges during low sea-level stands or of Sulawesi see Hall 1996, 1998). This route implies that
(3) passive and random over-water dispersal. Palawan, Mindanao or the Sulu Archipelago have, at least for
Without doubt, many Recent elements of the Sundaland some time span, been within the distributional area of the
flora and fauna dispersed within the Philippines during the ancestor of Jagora and its closest relatives among the pachy-
Pleistocene, about 135 000 years ago, when sea level fluctua- chilids of the genus Brotia from the Asian mainland and
tions provided the most recent opportunity for a simplified Sulawesi, respectively. The only known pachychilid from this
overland faunal exchange throughout South-east Asia area is ‘Melania soolooensis’ Reeve, 1859 from the Sulu Islands.
(Dickinson 1991). During this time, the Philippines were Since only a few dry shells of the species are available, any
mainly colonized from Borneo via Palawan or the Sulu potential affinity to Jagora remains speculative. Alternatively,
Archipelago and, to a lesser degree, from Sulawesi via the an ancestral species originating from the South-east Asian
Sulu sea (Heaney 1985, 1986; Dickinson 1991; Jong 1996). In mainland, moving via emergent islands that drifted to their
contrast to the mobile taxa, the freshwater snails currently being present positions as part of Luzon, Panay or Mindanao is
studied in various islands in Wallacea, in particular Sulawesi possible, as suggested by De Jong (1996) for butterflies.
and the Philippines, may have an early origin (see Köhler & Any substantive discussion of the historical biogeography
Glaubrecht 2001). We suggest that the Recent distributional of Jagora, has, however, to await the identification of the
patterns of South-east Asian pachychilids were more likely sister taxon in the course of a phylogenetic analysis of the
caused by the above stated palaeogeographical events during South-east Asian pachychilids in general. A more comprehensive
F. Köhler & M. Glaubrecht • Jagora from the Philippines

analysis of morphological and molecular data is urgently la famille des Mélaniens. Materiaux pour servir a l’étude de la famille
required in order to establish a more reliable basis for the des Mélaniens, 1, 6 – 72.
calibration and testing of a molecular clock, and provide a Brot, A. (1872). Notices sur les Mélaniens de Lamarck conservées
dans le Musée Delessert et sur quelques espèces nouvelles ou peu
more detailed biogeographical scenario.
connues. Materiaux pour servir a l’étude de la famille des Mélaniens,
3, 1– 55.
Acknowledgements Brot, A. (1874). Die Melaniaceen (Melaniidae) in Abbildungen
We are most grateful to the curators P. Bouchet (MNHN), nach der Natur mit Beschreibungen. In F. H. W. Martini &
Y. Finet (MHNG), B. Hausdorf (ZMH), R. Janssen (SMF), J. H. Chemnitz (Eds) Systematisches Conchylien-Cabinet, 1 ( pp. 1–488).
E. Kuster-Wendenburg (ÜMB), T. Meier (ZMZ), W. Ponder Nürnberg: Bauer & Raspe.
and I. Loch (AMS), and K. Way (BMNH), who provided the Burch, J. B. (1980). A guide to the freshwater snails of the Philip-
pines. Malacological Review, 13 (1/2), 121–143.
types and other material of their collections. We especially
Cabrera, B. D. (1984). Paragonimiasis in the Philippines: current
thank Y. Finet and D. Reid (BMNH) for indispensable advice status. Arzneimittelforschung, 34 (9B ), 1188 –1192.
in tracing literature and material, and A. Sumalde from the Calow, P. (1978). The evolution of life-cycle strategies in fresh-water
Museum of Natural History, Los Baños, for offering support gastropods. Malacologia, 17 (2 ), 351– 364.
in the field in the Philippines. S. Schütt was a pleasant field Carrick, R. (1938). The life-history and development of Agriolimax
companion and also helped with laboratory work. W. Mey agrestis L., the grey field slug. Transactions of the Royal Society of
(ZMB) kindly provided some material from Luzon, which Edinburgh, 59, 563 – 597.
Chenu, J. C. (1859). Manuel de Conchyliologie et de Palaeontologie
facilitated this study. We are indebted to A. Meyer (University
Conchyliologique. Paris: Masson.
Konstanz) for logistical help, to A. Wilson for providing Davis, G. M. (1971). Systematic studies of Brotia costula episcopalis,
primers, and to T. vs. Rintelen for his help with molecular first intermediate host of Paragonimus westermanni in Malaysia.
genetic work and analysis and for his permission to use some Proceedings of the Academy of Nature Sciences Philadelphia, 123,
additional sequence data. B. Geist helped with histology and 53 – 66.
illustrations. C. Ratton (MNHG), P. Lozouet (MNHN), V. Davis, G. M. (1982). Historical and ecological factors in the evolu-
Heinrich (ZMB), and the BMNH kindly provided photo- tion, adaptive radiation, and biogeography of freshwater mollusks.
American Zoologist, 22, 375 – 395.
graphs. Furthermore, we thank two anonymous referees
Davis, G. M., Wilke, T., Spolsky, C., Qiu, C. P., Qiu, D. C., Xia, M. Y.,
for their helpful comments on the manuscript. The work of Zhang, Y. & Rosenberg, G. (1998). Cytochrome Oxidase I-based
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