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NAME: Eunice Care Lanaja XI- STEM F

Barangay Sibawan, Kidapawan City

Nature is one of the elements that support the human needs. As we can see today there are many
changes that occur in our mother nature. The occurrence of flood, earthquakes and landslide, are the
changes that we have witnessed. Occurrence of slope that can lead to mass wasting in other places,
including Kidapawan City, there are many barangay where you can notice the existence of land
slope. But is issue can change your livings someday? Or is this issue can change your livings for
tomorrow. It might be today? A few hours might be. No one can predict. The big question is that are
you ready to face the consequences?

What could be the possible changes that could occur in the slope to reduce its stability? Is the
human can do something with it? The changes between the shear of strength and shear of stress are
one of the factors that can reduce the stability of the slope. These factors consist of forces holding the
material on the slope and could include friction, and the cohesional forces that hold the rock or soil
together. Another factor that can affect the stability of the slope is the water and triggering events
including earthquakes. There are several ways in which human activity can alter a slope, most of
which are due to human demands and pressure on the land literally and physically. As the population
continues to expand, more land will be needed for various uses and activities, whether it is for
housing, farming or industrial use. The multitude of ‘needs’ that humans require are often for
recreational activities such as skiing, mountain biking and hang gliding are in demand for relaxation
and leisure, however, in demanding areas of land for use for recreation, land is often being abused
and changed dramatically due to overuse. The cutting of trees can reduce the stability of slope. Mass
wasting is a serious issue, government and the community must know about it. It can destroy the
human living, and can destroy our lives. Human activities such as undercutting the base of the slope,
adding weight to the upper part of the slope by building large structures, removing vegetation, and
saturating the ground with water increase the risks of mass wasting.

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