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Q1: What are some differences one might expect among the stakeholder expectations for

nonprofit organization versus for-profit business? Do you think the nonprofit managers have to pay
more attention to the stakeholders than do business managers? Discuss.

The stakeholders in for-profit business want company to be successful and to make profit. While
they are concerned with the social responsibility, this will most likely be secondary consideration.
Managers in nonprofit are expected to direct their efforts towards generating some kind of the social
impact. They are expected to keep the costs low and be highly efficient to demonstrate to the
supporters that they are serving public. They must pay more attention to the stakeholders because
stakeholders determine funding and the direction of the organization

Q2: Early management theorists believed that the organizations should strive to be logical
and rational, with the place for everything and everything in place. Discuss pros and cons of the
approach for today's organizations.

Early management theorists thought in terms of the machine system efficiency. The external
environment might have been more stable and technology more simple making orderly
organizational system possible. This approach to the management will not work today.
Organizations must adapt to external environment, cope with the differences in goals and
commitment of the employees, survive in chaotic world, and try to cope with enormous complexity of
the social systems. Managers can try to increase logic, rationality, and efficiency of the
organizations, but they will not achieve system of perfect order, and they should not feel that they
are the failures when they cannot do so

Q3: what is goal for class for which you are reading the text? Who established the goal?
Discuss how the goal affects direction and motivation.

The major goal for the class is efficiency and it is proposed by the management and the aim of the
goal usually makes the employees to work hard and put in more efforts to generate results.

Q4: do you believe the mission statements and official goal statements provide
organization with genuine legitimacy in external environment? When company such as CVS
(discussed in the chapter) makes decision to stop selling cigarettes because that action conflicts with
mission statement, what do you see as impact on the public opinion? On future business? Discuss.
Yes, I do believe the mission statements and the official goals statements provide organization with
genuine legitimacy in external environments. According to textbook, "a mission statement
communicates the legitimacy to internal and external stakeholders" (Daft, pg60). General speaking,
mission statements and goals statements provide organization with genuine legitimacy by stating
why organization exist, what they wish to accomplish in future, and what they plan to do to have the
positive impact to its external environments.

Q5: Suppose you have been asked to evaluate effectiveness of the police department in
medium-sized community. Where would one begin, and how would you proceed? What
effectiveness approach would you prefer?

This author would begin evaluation by identifying the resource inputs within department, and
comparing these with its outputs. For instance, what is maintenance budget for police department's
fleet, what is serviceability and turn around rate for fleet and its maintenance program? Furthermore,
another example could be what is training budget and trainers available versus the officers certified
in the required areas versus the incidents that could have been avoided with prior training. This
basic focus on the resources, capabilities, and the interpretation of outputs could be used as initial
step in strategy formulation for organization.

Q6: a noted organization theorist once again, "organizational effectiveness could be

whatever top management defines it to". Discuss.

Effectiveness is the measure of how well organization meets its mission and goals. Since
management defines organizations goals and mission, measure of effectiveness might be any
combination of goals and strategic intent. The firm might be effective under one measure and not
under the other set of criteria

Q7: the manager of consumer products firm said "we use brand manager position to train
future executives". Why do you think brand manager position is considered good training ground?

Yes, I do think brand manager position is good training ground to train future executives because
they both have very similar core qualification. Being brand manager, tasks involved not just to
organize and to oversee promotion and sales of brand product, but also overall image associated
with brand and company itself. The brand manager is responsible for promoting the brand to public
and it also plays critical role in collaboration between the several departments within organization

Q8: Why do companies using horizontal structure have the cultures that emphasize
openness, employee empowerment, and the responsibility? What do you think manager's job would
be like in horizontally organized company?

These structures are achieved through the cross-functional information sharing, direct contact, the
task forces, full time integrators and the teams. They overcome barriers between the departments
and provide the options for coordination among employees to achieve the unity of effort and the
organizational effectiveness. The manager should focus on the learning, innovation and the stability.
The manger should also make sure that there is high level of coordination among the functions

Q9: Name some factory causing the environment complexity for organization of your
choice. How might the environmental complexity lead to the organizational complexity? Discuss.
Environmental complexity is degree to which organization is related to various environmental forces
that on organization deals with. Environmental complexity has got major influence on the way a
company conducts business. The effect of environmental complexity could create uncertainty on
organization and lead to organizational complexity. Target, for example, their environmental
complexity are the suppliers, buyers, customers, government, competitors and the regulatory
agencies. Target must be aware of the environmental complexity and have great knowledge of them
so that they could do their business strategic planning accordingly if they want to be succeed in

Q10: Is changing organization's domain a feasible strategy for coping with threatening
environment? Explain. Can you think of organization in recent news that has changed its domain?
An organization's domain is chosen environmental field of action. The domain relates to
environmental area with which organization chooses to interact to achieve the goal. An
organizational domain is not static and often changes. In order to cope with changing business
environment, some organizations choose to change the domains in order to stay competitive. The
primary factors which could result in one domain being more attractive than the other include
reduced competition, lack of the governmental regulations, and healthier pool of suppliers. All of
those factors could compel an organization to alter its domain. Two of most popular methods
organizations have chosen to facilitate the domain changes have been mergers and the acquisitions.
By merging or acquiring another company, organization can get advantage in that domain instead of
starting from scratch in the particular field
One organization which has changed domains several times is Apple. While Apple has always
manufactured the technological products, it originally started as computer manufacturer. As market
evolved, Apple recognized an opportunity in MP3 market and created iPod. This domain shift
occurred several more times when the Apple decided to manufacture iPhone and the iPad. Although
Apple did not shift the domains by acquiring or merging with the other company, these technological
shifts proved to be highly profitable

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