Midterms Reviewer

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SALES: MIDTERMS  The insolvency referred to need not be

GEN RULE: Delivery to carrier is delivery to buyer, if it is judicially declared. It is enough that
the duty of the seller to send the goods to the buyer. the obligations exceed a man’s assets.
EXCEPTION: Upon RESERVATION of his right to
ownership as stated in Art. 1503 GOODs are in TRANSIT
1. From the time they are delivered to a carrier by
KINDS of DELIVERY to CARRIER land, water, or air, or other bailee for the
a. C.I.F (cost, insurance, freight) – must be paid by purpose of transmission to the buyer, until the
the seller buyer, or his agent in that behalf, takes delivery
NOTE: in a C.I.F. contract the place of delivery is of them from such carrier or other bailee;
presumptively at the BUYER’S place. 2. If the good are rejected by the buyer, and the
b. F.O.B. (free on board) carrier or other bailee continues in possession
i. The sale may be: of them, even if the seller has refused to receive
1. f.o.b. at the place of shipment – the them back.
buyer must pay the freight
2. f.o.b. alongside the vessel (f.a.s.) – GOODs NO LONGER in TRANSIT
the moment the goods are brought 1. If the buyer, or his agent in that behalf, obtains
alongside the vessel, the buyer must delivery of the goods before their arrival at the
pay for the freight or expenses. appointed destination;
3. f.o.b. at the place of destination – the 2. If, after the arrival of the goods at the
seller must pay the freight. appointed destination, the carrier or other
bailee acknowledges to the buyer or his agent
QUESTION: that he holds the goods on his behalf and
When is the vendor not obliged to make continues in possession of them as bailee for
delivery after the perfection of the contract of sale? the buyer or his agent; and it is immaterial that
Ans: further destination for the goods may have
The vendor is not obliged to make said delivery been indicated by the buyer;
in the following cases: 3. If the carrier or other bailee wrongfully refuses
a. if the vendee has not paid him the price to deliver the goods to the buyer or his agent in
b. if no period for the payment has been fixed in that behalf.
the contract
c. Even if a period for such payment has been PARTIAL Delivery of Goods:
fixed in the contract – if the vendee has lost the  Remainder may be stopped in transit UNLESS
right to make use of the period and still refuses partial delivery has been made under such
to pay. circumstances as to show an agreement with
the buyer to give up possession of the whole of
RIGHTs of an UNPAID SELLER the goods.
a. Possessory lien (in the nature of pledge) NOTE: The Right to get back the goods exists only when
b. Right of stoppage in transit the goods are still in transit.
c. Right or resale : The taking of the property in transit by an
d. Right to rescind the sale unauthorized agent of the buyer does not extinguish
the right of stoppage in transitu.
- Available to the unpaid seller
o If he has parted with the possession of The RIGHT to STOPPAGE in TRANSITU may be Exercised
the goods by:
o AND if the buyer is or becomes a. Obtaining actual possession
insolvent. b. Giving notice of the claim
To WHOM NOTICE is Given:
a. To the person in actual possession of the goods; RIGHT to RESCIND the Transfer of Title
or This applies in case there has been:
b. to his principal a. Express stipulation or reservation;
i. The notice, to be effectual, b. Unreasonable default – manifestation under
must be given at such time and notice and other overt act to rescind
under such circumstances that NOTE: DAMAGES may be recovered for the breach of
the principal, by the exercise of contract
reasonable diligence, may
prevent a delivery to the buyer. Question: What should be done in order to rescind the
transfer of title?
EFFECTS of the Exercise of the RIGHT to STOPPAGE: ANS: There must be notice to the buyer /or there must
a. The goods are no longer in transitu; be an overt act showing an intention to rescind.
b. The contract of carriage ends; instead, the
carrier now becomes a mere bailee, and will be IMPLIED Rescission
liable as such; a. Replevin Suit
c. The carrier should not deliver anymore to the b. If ownership is claimed over the property, and it
buyer or the latter’s agent; otherwise, he will is subsequently offered to a third person.
clearly be liable for damages;
d. The carrier must redeliver to, or according to EFFECT if the BUYER has already SOLD the GOODs
the directions of, the seller; GEN. RULE: The unpaid seller’s right of lien or stoppage
 The expenses must be borne by the seller in transitu remains even if the buyer has sold or
otherwise disposed of the goods.
RIGHT of RESALE Exist When:
a. perishable goods; EXCEPTION:
 Goods are perishable if they are of a nature 1. When the seller has given his consent thereto.
that they deteriorate rapidly 2. When the purchaser or the buyer is a purchaser
b. express stipulation; or for value in good faith of a negotiable document
c. unreasonable default or default in payment for of title.
an unreasonable time
a. Count begins from the demand has LOST the Benefit of the Term
b. Notice is made at demand
Under Art. 1198, the debtor shall lose every right to
EFFECTS make use of the period:
a. The seller is no longer liable to original buyer a. When after the obligation has been contracted,
upon the contract of sale or for any profit made be becomes insolvent, unless he gives a
by such resale; guaranty or security for the debts;
b. The seller may recover damages for any loss b. When he does not furnish to the creditor the
occasioned by the breach of the contract of guaranties which he has promised;
sale; c. When by his own acts he has impaired said
c. Buyer acquires a good title as against the guaranties or securities after their
original buyer. establishment, and when through a fortuitous
event they disappear, unless he immediately
DEFICIENCY or EXCESS in the Price gives new ones equally satisfactory;
NOTE: the deficiency in the price may be obtained as d. When the debtor violates any undertaking, in
damages. This happens when the resale price is lower consideration of which the creditor agreed to
than the original selling price. On the other hand, any the period;
excess in the price goes to the seller. e. When the debtor attempts to abscond;
NOTE: In the cases enumerated, the vendor is not NOTE: Rescission shall only take place at the will of the
bound to deliver. vendee, WHEN the inferior value of the thing sold
exceeds one-tenth of the price agreed upon
Example: NOTE: the one-tenth referred to in the article applies to
A purchased goods from B. A promised to give 1/10 of the area stated in the contract, not to 1/10 pf
certain securities, as a result of which, A was given one the true or actual area.
year within which to pay. A failed to give the securities. …however if the area of the property sold does
Can B be compelled to deliver? not reach 1/10 still the vendee can opt to rescind if the
ANS: NO. he WOULD NOT BOUGHT the land had HE KNOWN of its
smaller area
“the accessory follows the principal” B. Greater Area
Obligation of the SELLER  Accept area included in contract and reject the
- Delivery of the thing sold and its accessions and rest; or
accessories in the condition in which they were  Accept the whole area and pay at contract rate
upon the perfection of the contract
o Implies duty to preserve UNIT PRICE CONTRACT vs LUMP SUM CONTRACT
- Example of Accession : FRUITS Unit Price Contract Lump Sum Contract
- Example of Accessories : in the sale of car, the  The amount agreed  No increase or
jack is considered an accessory upon is generally decrease of price,
merely an estimate, although there be a
and may be reduced greater or less area
ART. 1538 or increased or number than that
GEN. RULE: from the time of perfection to delivery, the depending upon the stated in the contract
quantities performed
risk is borne by the buyer. multiplied by the unit
… however BEFORE DELIVERY ART. 1189 prices previously
applies. agreed upon
NOTE: the VENDOR is considered as the DEBTOR


ART. 1539: Sale of Real Estate by Unit
 Apply rule on sale of real estate for a lump sum
DELIVERY – placing in the control of the vendee the
thing sold  BUT IF the area or number is designated in the
contract, the vendor must deliver all that is

SALE of Real Estate by Unit – made with a statement of included within the boundaries, even when it

its area, at the rate of a certain price for a unit of exceeds the area or number specified in the

measure or number contract

 Delivery – all that is stated in the contract (  OTHERWISE, reduction in price UNLESS vendee

quality, quantity) opt for rescission (does not accede to the

failure to deliver what has been stipulated)

A. Lesser Area or Inferior Quality

o Proportional reduction of price; or EXAMPLE of SALE for LUMP SUM ( a cuerpo

o Rescission of contract cierto or por precio alzado)

Provided that:
 The lack in the area be not less 1. …A buys a piece of land from B at the lump

than one-tenth of that stated sum of P10milliom. In the contract, the area is
stated to be 1,000 sq. m. The boundaries are of
 If any part of the immovable is
course mentioned in the contract. Now then it
not of the quality specified in
was discovered that the land within the
the contract
boundaries really contains 1,500 sq.m.
QUES: Is B bound to deliver the extra 500?
ANS: YES, furthermore, the price should not be the absence thereof, to the person who
increased. This is because B should deliver all presents the oldest title, provided there is good
which are included in the boundaries. faith
o Person with the oldest title in good faith
QUES: If B does not deliver the remaining 500, GOOD FAITH- is one who buys the property of another
what are the rights of A? without notice that some other property of another
without notice that some other person has a right to, or
ANS: A has the right to--- interest in such property, at the time of such purchase,
a. Either to rescind the contract for the seller’s or before he has notice of the claim or interest of some
failure to deliver what has been stipulated; other person in the property.
b. To pay a reduced proportional price, NOTE: Registration here requires actual recording;
namely 2/3 of the original price. This is so hence if the property was never really registered as
because he really gets only 2/3 of the land when the registrar forgot to do so although he has been
included within the boundaries (1,000 sq. handed the document, there is no registration.
m. out of 1,500 sq. m.) - The rule as to registration covers ALL KINDS OF
IMMOVABLES, including land, and makes no
2. … A buys a piece of land a cuerpo cierto. The distinction as to whether the immovable is
contract states a certain number of square meters but registered under the Land Registration Law or
the land included in the boundaries happen to be LESS. not so registered.
QUES: Is A entitled to rescind and to pay a reduced NOTE: A mere “anotacion preventiva ” (preventive
price? precautionary notice) is not equivalent to registration,
ANS: NO to both. unless within 30 days thereafter there is made an actual
The Civil Code presumes that the purchaser had in mind recording.
a determinate piece of land and that he ascertained its
area and quality before the contract was perfected. If REGISTRATION- in general as the law uses the word
he did not do so, or if having done so, he made no means any entry made in the books of the Registry,
objection and consented to the transaction, he can including both registration in its ordinary and strict
blame no one but himself. sense, and cancellation, annotation, and even the
marginal notes. In its strict acceptation, it is the entry
ART. 1543: PRESCRIPTIVE PERIOD is SIX Months made in the registry which records solemnly and
permanently the right of ownership and other real
ART. 1544: DOUBLE SALE rights.
DOCTRINE: First in Time, Stronger in Right
Rule of Preference: NOTE: Title in this article means title because of the
a. Movable Property SALE, and not any other title or mode of acquiring
- The ownership shall be transferred to the property.
person who may have first taken possession
thereof in good faith SITUATIONS:
o Possessor in good faith A. TWO Certificates of Title are issued to DIFFERENT
b. Immovable Property Persons covering the same land in whole or in part
- The ownership shall belong to the person ANS: the earlier in date must prevail as between
acquiring it who in good faith first recorded it in original parties
the registry of Property
o Registrant in good faith B. In case of SUCCESSIVE REGISTRATION, in where more
o Possessor in good faith than one certificate is issued over the land
c. If No Inscription ANS: the person holding under the prior certificate is
- The ownership shall pertain to the person who entitled to the land as against the person who relies on
in good faith was first in the possession; and in the second certificate.
NOTE: a little exaggeration is apparently allowed by the
REMEDY: The purchaser from the owner of the later law as a concession to human nature.
certificate and his successor should resort to his vendor Civil Law Maxim:
for redress, rather than molest the holder of the first a. Simplex commendation non-obligat
certificate and his successors, who should be permitted b. Caveat emptor (let the buyer beware)
to rest secure in their title.
This Article does not apply to: o Warranty against Eviction- that the seller has
a. Judicial attachment or executions the right to sell the thing at the time when the
b. No double sale was made ownership is to pass, and that the buyer shall at
c. If one sale was an absolute one but the other the time have and enjoy the legal and peaceful
was a pacto de retro transaction where the possession of the thing
period to redeem has not yet expired o The action based on the implied warranties
d. Where one of the sales was one subject to a prescribe in 10 years
suspensive condition which condition was not This article does not apply to:
complied with  Sheriff,
e. Where the property is first donated, then sold  Auctioneer,
i. But it applies to a double  Mortgage,
donation and to sales made by  Pledgee, or
a principal and his agent pf the  Other person professing to sell by virtue of
same property authority in fact or law, for the sale of a thing in
which a third person has a legal right or
NOTE: Read the Cases in ART 1544 (Damu examples si equitable interest
ART. 1548: WARRANTY in case of EVICTION
Art. 1545: CONDITIONS and WARRANTIES - a Natural Element in the contract of sale;
a. Conditions may be waived hence, the vendor answers for the eviction
b. Conditions may be considered as warranties - May be increased, diminished, or suppressed on
Non-performance of the condition in a contract of sale- the part of the seller
o Breach of warranty EVICTION – whenever by a final judgment based on a
o May waived the performance of contract; or right prior to the sale or an act imputable to the vendor,
o Such party may refused to proceed with the the vendee is deprived of the whole or part of the thing
contract purchased
ART. 1546: Express Warranty 1. Final Judgment;
o Any affirmation of fact or any promise by the 2. Purchaser has been deprived in whole or in part
seller relating to the thing, if the natural of the thing sold;
tendency of such affirmation or promise is to 3. Deprivation by virtue of a right prior to the sale
induce the buyer to purchase the same, and if effected by the seller or one imputable to the
the buyer purchases the thing relying thereon seller;
GOOD TEST: 4. Prior notice of the complaint for eviction from
a. If the buyer is ignorant, there is a warranty the buyer to the seller
b. If the buyer is expected to have an opinion AND NOTE: It is only the buyer in good faith who may sue for
the seller has no special opinion, there is no the breach of warranty against eviction. If he knew of
warranty: possible dangers, chances are that he assumed the risk
EXCEPTION: of eviction.
1. The seller made such affirmation or
statement as an expert, and Responsibilities of the Seller
2. It was relied upon by the buyer  Own acts; and
 Acts of predecessor-in-interest ART. 1555: What can be demanded of the Seller if
Seller not Liable for: the Buyer is Evicted?: (VICED)
 Acts imputable to the buyer; and 1. VALUE – the return of the value which the thing
 Fortuitous event sold had at the time of the eviction, be it greater or
less than the price of sale;
ART. 1549: Buyer need not appeal from the decision of 2. INCOME – the income or fruits, if he has been
eviction (Seller is still liable) ordered to deliver them to the party who won the
MOREOVER…. suit against him;
ART. 1551: The seller is liable for eviction if the property 3. COST – the costs of the suit which caused the
is sold for non-payment of taxes due and not made eviction, and, in a proper case, those of the suit
known to the vendee before the sale. brought against the vendor for the warranty;
HOWEVER… 4. EXPENSES – the expenses of the contract, if the
ART. 1550: The seller is not liable for eviction if vendee has paid them;
 the adverse possession started before the sale 5. DAMAGES – the damages and interests, and
and ornamental expenses, if the sale was made in bad
 the prescriptive period is completed after the faith.
NOTE: the RULE applies only if there was reasonable NOTE: Rescission is NOT a remedy
opportunity to interrupt the prescription; otherwise, it Reason: the buyer can no longer restore the thing
would be unfair sold to the vendor.

ART. 1552: Judgment Debtor in a Judicial Sale is liable EXCEPT in Partial Eviction (Art. 1556)
for Eviction unless otherwise decreed in a judgment REMEDY in Partial Eviction
a. Rescission, or
ART. 1553-1554: Effects of Stipulation Waiving Liability b. Enforcement of warranty
for Eviction Rescission instead of enforcement of seller’s liability for
a. If seller was in good faith – if the exemption is eviction
VALID, but without prejudice to Art. 1554  If the part lost is of such importance, in relation
1. WAIVER CONSCIENTE – the waiver of buyer to the whole, that the buyer would not have
may have been made without knowledge bought it without said part
of risk of eviction  Buyer must return the thing without other
 if eviction takes place, the seller encumbrances than those which it had when he
shall only pay the value which the acquired it
thing sold had at the time of  Also applies in sale of two or more things a
eviction (to prevent solution cuerpo cierto or for a separate price for each of
indebiti- undue payment) them, if it should clearly appear that the vendee
would not have purchased one without the
2. WAIVER INTENCIONADA – with knowledge other.
of risk of eviction
 if eviction takes place, the seller ART. 1557: ENFORCEMENT of WARRANTY
shall not be liable. This is aleatory in The warranty cannot be enforced until a final judgment
nature, and buyer assumes the has been rendered whereby the buyer loses the thing or
consequences. part thereof
b. If seller was in bad faith – the stipulation VOID
ART. 1558: CONDITION SINE QUA NON for Enforcement
PRESUMPTION: WAIVER was only one in of Warranty
CONSCIENTE - The seller is summoned in the suit for eviction
of the buyer
REASON: To give the seller the opportunity to show d. The defect must be important ( renders thing
that the action against the buyer is unjust. UNFIT or considerably decreases FITNESS);
- Defense of the seller is immaterial e. The action must be instituted within the statute
- Once the summons and notice was given to the of limitations.
seller, the buyer was considered to have done
all that he had to do “UNFIT FOR THE USE INTENDED”
- The notice must be the notice for the suit for - The use must have been stated in the contract
eviction, NOT the notice in the suit for the itself, or can be inferred from the nature of the
breach of the warranty object or from the trade or occupation of the
- It is sufficient that the buyer notifies the seller buyer
o His application “HIDDEN”
o Any opposition thereto a. What may be hidden with respect to one
person may not be hidden with respect to
Art. 1559: SELLER must be made CO-DEFENDANT with another
the BUYER b. Just because there is a difference is grade or
ART. 1560: RULES in case of NON-APPARENT SERVITUDE quality, it does not necessarily mean that the
o The thing sold is an immovable defect is hidden
o The non-apparent burden or servitude is not c. Defects are sometimes referred to as
mentioned in the agreement “redhibitory defects”
o It is such nature that it must be presumed that
the vendee would not have acquired the thing if ART. 1562: IMPLIED Warranty or CONDITION as to the
he had been aware thereof; and QUALITY or FITNESS of the Goods
o It is not recorded in the Registry of Property, or  IMPLIED WARRANTY of FITNESS FOR PURPOSE
although recorded, there is an express warranty o Buyer, expressly or by implication, makes
that the thing is free from liens and known to the seller the particular purpose for
encumbrances which the goods are acquired
REMEDIES if made within a year o Buyer relied on the seller’s skill or judgment
a. Rescission; (whether he be the grower or manufacturer or
b. Damages; not)
NOTE: After one year, only damages provided that it is
within one year from the date of his discovery of the  IMPLIED WARRANTY of MERCHANTABILITY
burden or servitude o Goods bought by description
 It is bought from a seller who deals in goods
ART. 1561: SCOPE of WARRANTY against HIDDEN of that description (whether he be the
DEFECT grower, manufacturer or not)
- Defect renders the thing unfit for the use for o Goods bought by sample
which it is intended; or  Seller is a dealer in goods of that kind;
- It diminishes the fitness for such use to such an  Defect rendering goods unmerchantable is
extent that, had the vendee been aware not apparent on reasonable examination of
thereof, he would not have acquired it or would the sample
have given a lower price for it
REQUISITES to Recover because of Hidden Defects MEANING of Merchantable Quality
a. The defect must be hidden (not known and - Fit for the general purpose of a thing, and not
could not have been known) necessarily the particular purpose for which it
b. The defect must exist at the time the sale was has been acquired
c. The defect must ordinarily have been excluded ART. 1563: SALE under the PATENT NAME or TRADE
from the contract; NAME
- No Warranty as to the fitness for any particular NOTE: the decrease in value due to wear and tear
purpose, unless there is a stipulation to the should not be compensated
ART. 1570: Provisions on warranty against Hidden
ART. 1564: USAGE of TRADE Defects
- May annex an implied warranty or condition as - Is applicable to judicial sales, except that the
to the quality or fitness for a particular purpose judgment debtor shall not be liable for damages
REASON: parties are presumed to be acquainted with
the usages of trade NOTE:
ART. 1571: Prescription for Hidden Defects is only for
ART. 1565: SALE by SAMPLE SIX MONTHS from the time of Delivery
- There is an implied warranty that the goods
shall be free from any defect rendering them ART. 1572: REDHIBITORY DEFECT on the SALE of
unmerchantable which would not be apparent ANIMALS
on reasonable examination of the sample  A hidden defect of animals, even in case a
professional inspection has been made, that is
ART. 1566: LIABILITY of the SELLER for HIDDEN DEFECT of such nature that expert knowledge is not
even in GOOD FAITH sufficient to discover (ART. 1576)
- The object of the law is reparation and not - Veterinarian is liable for damages if,
punishment through ignorance or bad faith, he/she
EXCEPTION – there is a contrary stipulation and the fails to discover or disclose it (Art. 1576)
seller was not aware of the hidden defect  Sale of Two or More Animals Together, whether
for a lump sum or a separate price for each
ART. 1567: In cases of Art. 1561, 1562, 1564, 1565, and - A defect of one should not affect the
1566, the buyer has the following remedies: sale of the others
a. Withdrawal or rescission (accion redhibitoria) - Redhibitory defect of one shall give rise
plus damages to its redhibition UNLESS it should
b. Proportionate reduction in price (accion appear that the buyer would not have
quantiminores/estimatoria) plus damages bought the sound animal/animals
without defective one
ART. 1568: LIABILITY of seller in case of LOSS due to ART. 1573: The rule stated in ART. 1572 has been made
HIDDEN DEFECTS applicable to the sale of other things
o Unaware of Defects – return price and interest
thereon, reimburse expenses of the contract ART. 1574: NO WARRANTY AGAINST HIDDEN DEFECTS
which the buyer might have paid; of animals sold at fairs or at public auctions, or of
o Aware of Defect – bear the loss, return the livestock sold as condemned.
price, and refund the expenses of the contract,
with damages ART. 1575: VOID SALES of ANIMALS
NOTE: in case of IGNORANCE, the seller is not liable for a. If the animals are suffering from contagious
the damages disease
b. If the use or servise for which they are acquired
ART. 1569: LOSS of the thing with HIDDEN DEFECT has been stated in the contract, and they are
through a FURTUITOUS EVENT or the BUYER’S FAULT found to be unfit therefor.
 If the seller is in good faith – the buyer may
demand price paid less value of thing when it PRESCRIPTIVE PERIOD
was lost ART. 1577
 If the seller is in bad faith – he shall pay a. 40 days – the redhibitory action, based on the
damages to the buyer frauds or defects of animals
b. Six months – 1. Breach of warranty against ART. 1583: GENERALLY NO DELIVERY BY INSTALLMENT
hidden defects; rescission of the contract Reason: performance must generally be complete
because of the same; or proportionate Exception: express provision
reduction in the price because of the same
2. rescission or proportionate reduction in the Installment Deliveries:
price foe sales of real estate either by the unit a. Delivery by stated instalments, separately paid
or for a lump sum, because of failure to comply for; and
with the provisions of the contract b. Seller makes defective deliveries in respect of
one or more instalments; or
ART. 1578: c. Buyer neglects or refuse without just cause to
Three (3) days – if the animal dies after take delivery of or pay for one or more
purchase, the vendor shall be liable if the instalments
disease which caused the death existed at the o Determine if breach of contract is:
time of the contract  Material so as to justify the injured party to
refuse to proceed further and sue for damages
ART. 1579 – RESCISSION of SALE of ANIMALS for breach of entire contract; or
- The animal shall be returned in the  Severable, giving rise to a claim for
conditioned in which it was sold and compensation but not to a right to treat the
delivered; the buyer is liable for injury whole contract broken.
due to negligence and not arising from
redhibitory defect ART. 1584: BUYER HAS RIGHT TO EXAMINE
Gen. RULE: Buyer has the right to examine even if the
Art. 1580: REMEDIES of the BUYER of ANIMALS with goods are shipped f.o.b.
a. Withdrawal or rescission plus damages 1. Contrary stipulation;
b. Proportionate reduction in price plus damage 2. Goods are delivered C.O.D., unless there is an
agreement or usage of trade permitting the
PRESCRIPTIVE PERIOD for the Remedies is 40 DAYS from examination
date of delivery to the buyer
NOTE: The Right to Examine must be availed within a
ART. 1581: The Sale of LARGE CATTLE shall be governed reasonable time in order that the seller mat not be
by SPECIAL LAWS subjected to undue delay or prejudice in the payment of
his products OTHERWISE he is deemed to have
ART. 1582: OBLIGATIONS OF THE BUYER accepted the goods
Principal obligations of the Buyers
a. Accept Delivery ART. 1585: ACCEPTANCE OF GOODS
b. Pay the Price When there is Acceptance of the Goods
NOTE: Unless the deed of conveyance is executed, the 1. Express acceptance;
buyer as a rule is not required to pay the price 2. Performance by the buyer of an act of
: Tender of Payment ought to be in Legal Tender ownership;
Legal Tender- the currency which is in circulation and 3. Failure to return the thing after a reasonable
when offered to the creditor he cannot refuse. lapse of time
When NO Time and Place of Payment was Stipulated PROMISE or WARRANTY
- The payment must be made at the time - Even if the goods have been accepted by the
and place of the delivery of the thing BUYER unless there is an express or implied
sold agreement of the parties
NOTE: the Buyer is allowed to set up the breach of the NOTE:
warranty or promise as a set-off or counterclaim for the - The fear must not be the result of any other
price. ground, like the seller’s insanity
- A mere act of trespass is made by one claiming
BUT SELLER shall NO LONGER be LIABLE if: no legal right whatsoever. Here, the buyer is not
1. After the buyer has accepted the goods; and authorized to suspend the payment of the price
2. The buyer fails to give notice to seller of breach
within a reasonable time after he/she had EXCEPTION:
known or should have known of such breach 1. Seller gives security for the return of the price in
REASON: to prevent afterthoughts or belated claims a proper case; or
2. There is a stipulation that the buyer is bound to
ART 1587: EFFECTS of JUSTIFIABLE REFUSAL of the make the payment notwithstanding such
BUYER to ACCEPT the DELIVERY contingency
a. The buyer has no duty to return the goods to
the seller ART. 1591. SELLER may IMMEDIATELY SUE for the
b. But the buyer mat make himself a voluntary RESCISSION of the SALE
depository – in which case he must safely take
care of them in the mean time The seller must have reasonable grounds to fear:
1. LOSS of the immovable property sold, and
ART. 1588: EFFECTS of UNJUSTIFIABLE REFUSAL of the 2. LOSS of the price
Gen. RULE: The Buyer becomes the owner RULE: If neither ground exists, Art. 1191 applies:
EXCEPTION: “The power to rescind obligations is implied in
1. There is a contrary stipulation; or reciprocal ones, in case one of the obligors should not
2. The seller reserves ownership as security for the comply with what is incumbent upon him …. (READ art.
payment of the price 1191)”

if: The Buyer may still pay the price after the expiration of
1. There is a stipulation; the period in the case of:
- Demand is not needed a. In the SALE of IMMOVABLE Property or REAL
2. The thing sold and delivered produce fruits or Property.
income; o This is not applicable to a Contract To
REASON: fruits or income is sufficient to SELL or a Promise to Sell, where the title
warrant the payment of interest remains with the seller until fulfillment
3. The buyer is in default, from the time of judicial of a positive suspensive condition, such
or extrajudicial demand for the payment of the as full payment of price
price b. Even if there is a stipulation that upon failure to
pay the price at the time agreed upon, the
ART. 1590: SUSPENSION of PAYMENT by the BUYER rescission of the contract shall right after takes
If: place;
1. Disturbance in the possession or ownership of c. There is no demand for rescission of the
the thing or there is a well-grounded fear contract made upon him/her either judicially or
(fundado temor) through a notarial act.
2. The fear is because of :
a. A vindicatory action or action to NOTE: the Demand is not for the payment of the price,
recover; or but for the RESCISSION of the contract
b. A foreclosure or mortgage
o This article should apply only if the object sold
has not been delivered to the buyer
o If upon expiration of the period fixed for the
delivery of the thing:
 The buyer should not have appeared to
receive it; or
 Having appeared, he should not have
tendered the price at the time, unless a
longer period has been stipulated for its


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