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My opinion is neither copyrighted nor trademarked; I try to answer the questions with utmost probity and not to

be taken as rule of thumb for answering. Apparently, I was dozing off in between while writing this document.

So I can’t be apprehended for any NSFW Content. The views expressed below are mine and my neighbours. You

may mould them as per your own will.

If you got good answer kindly forward to me as well.

1. Tell me a bit about yourself?

You know the answer don’t you.

2. What motivates you?

Responsibility towards work motivates me and my aim is to surpass my own expectations. I’m particularly motivated by the buzz of

working in a team who share common goal; it’s very exciting working closely with others.

OR Having people acknowledge your recognition about the work which you had worked hard for and delivered optimal results

motivates me a lot.

3. Why CA not MBA?

Don’t ask me I haven’t done graduation forget about MBA. Why I chosen CA is itself the mystery to me. HAHA

4. Tell us about your family?

Nothing to add here, just a general description of 2-3 lines will do.

5. What are your achievements till date?

I m not a braggart. My records speak for itself.

Don’t ask me because I only know gaming achievements.

6. Have you considered yourself in business proposition?

No, being fresher in this field with theoretical knowledge, I still have to hone my skills a lot and further enhance my knowledge through

hands on experience.

OR No, I consider job is also kind of business venture where I am willing to sell my skills through service.

7. What are your strengths and weaknesses?

Strength: Time management skills, problem solver, knowledge seeker, Quick decision maker.

Weakness: My strength some time becomes weaknesses. Partially introverted, Overthinking, Over Self-conscious.

8. How your hobbies will help in our company?

DIY, Would you kindly (Got answer forward it to me as well maybe I could mould it to my very own version)

9. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Personal Favourite All I say ‘Hard work betray no one but dreams betray many’.
Answer to this is purely subjective as per person’s own perceptions.

Let’s move on to answer: In five years’ time I see myself growing along with the team from a team member to team leader within the

organization; shouldering vital responsibilities; become proficient problem solver; develop expertise in [Job Profile] to add value to

organisation. I can imagine various challenges lying ahead of me, which I am excited to experience. So first five year is critical for my

career growth which will serve as a learning curve.

OR I see myself growing with this company and reaching a position where I become valuable asset for the organization.

10.What kind of salary are you expecting?

As a fresher, this is the platform for my career to enhance my knowledge and skills by working in such a reputed company. I expect

reasonable salary as per industry standards and company norms which will fulfil my needs in a city where I am posted.

11.Do you prefer to work alone or within a team?

Obviously within a team where you can slack off, play funny blame game for shortcomings, develop envy and eventually end up being

pariah HAHAHA.

True Answer, I am equally comfortable working as a team member and independently, as I see value in both. In team you learn to

grow with your colleagues, discuss thoughts with each other and attain mutual understanding which itself the foundation for

accomplishing any task. Independently also good as you are force to come out of comfort zone, which will add to your confidence.

12.How do you handle stress and pressure?

Well I can think of lot of things as a stress buster, but don’t want to use grand words.

Stress is important to me, apposite way to handle stress is to have equilibrium between good and bad stress; need good stress to stay


OR I am the kind of person who stays stolid during pressure situations and handle stress fairly easily which certainly helps in stay

focused toward doing the task efficiently. (Efficiently deals with things and Effectively deals with people)

OR From personal perspective, I manage stress by visiting the gym/ playing Video games/ listening to stringed musical instruments

(Piano and Violin with no vocals; Classical Era to Contemporary). It’s a great stress buster.

OR I find that when I’m under the pressure of a deadline, it brings out the best of me and itself a learning experience as you learn new

thing every time being put under pressure.

13.How do you evaluate success?

Good question (Smile), for me success is all about fulfilling or repaying the faith to people who have shown in me. Performing well and

exceeding my own set standards; add value to things which I have been doing/ task which I have been assigned to.

(Kindly don’t adrift here too much)

14.What has been the greatest disappointment in your life?

Preparing this very PI Q/A is disappointment itself haha.

Also it’s my policy not to dwell on my past. :P

Still thinking, Still on, on, on, I m leaving this

15.Do you take work home with you?

No, I prefer to draw arbitrary line between work and personal life.

16.If you knew your boss were 100% wrong about something, how would you handle it?

For handling this out one must be polite, go with proof and don’t say directly you are wrong in this aspect. Have proper articulated

discussion over concerned topic. What’s matter more how you say and back it up?

(Kindly don’t say boss is always right)

Well it happen occasionally during my internship, For instance my principal was actually wrong in claiming certain exemption under

income tax act in case of societies, which can be claimed only if societies have obtained registration for exemption under IT Act. So in

order to rectify this lapse I went to principal’s cabin to talk privately about this with hard copy of notifications and excerpts from bare

act to back up my suggestion. In the end my suggestion accepted.

17.Why should we hire you? Or why do you think this company is a good fit for you?

Ok don’t hire me other company will hire me and reap the rewards.

My view to answer this question is to first analyse Job profile requirement and identify key words, link it to your own strengths. Think

from organization point of view, what they seek for this position.

As a fresher I have no experience. So I need a platform to enhance my knowledge and to prove my skills. I am a diligent person and

always ready learn new things. If I will have a opportunity to join in a great organization like yours, I will give my best to my company

for the better future to me and for the organization.

18.What is the difference between confidence and over confidence?

I think there is thin line difference between both. Like ‘I Can do this’ for confidence and ‘Only I Can do this’ for overconfidence.

OR Confidence is attitude and overconfidence is ego

OR If a person is well equipped with skill sets, knowledge and assured about the completion of task that means the person is confident,

but person doesn’t possess requisite skill sets, knowledge yet assuring of completing the task is a symbol of overconfidence.
19.What is the difference between hard work and smart?

‘Effort is important, but knowing where to make an effort makes all the difference’. Both are interlinked to each other, Hard work is

building block for smart work, for doing smart work one must possess requisite skill and knowledge of the subject matter, which can be

achieved only through hard work.

OR Hard work: Working without planning and sense of direction; smart work: working with planning and use of intellectual ability


This remind of Play Hard song from David Guetta ft Ne-yo and Akon

20.Would you lie for the company?

No, I prefer not to lie, sooner or later it will be divulged. Instead of lying I’ll try to find a way to solve that concerned complicated

situation through ethical means. It will also have a negative effect on my personal integrity. In a long run business relationship and

maintaining trust with customers is necessary for survival in today’s world.

OR Lying only leads to escaping from the situation for a time being, but eventually you will have to face the repercussion when it is

revealed. So the answer is no.

(It’s okay to lie about not knowing things, but I find it ridiculous to force it later on)

21.What was the toughest decision you ever had to make?

We all make decisions in life and in the end our decisions make us. Don’t you think?

Well for me opting between Big Fours and good mid size firm, and then followed by the location.

22.Explain how you would be an asset to our company?

Follow 3D i.e. Determination, Dedication and Discipline, followed by creativity and positive attitude towards work and bring out

improvisation of knowledge I had attained during my CA Journey.

23.Describe your ideal company, location and job? Or Dream Job?

Job satisfaction over monetary benefits on any day. Spare time for your own interests, hobbies, most importantly health and family.

24.What is your philosophy towards work?

God helps us all and save my soul foremost. Lol

EVERYONE HAS DIFFERENT STYLE, I M GONNA WRITE TRAITS ONLY: Teamwork, Unique, Focused, Balancing, Resourceful, Creativity,

Do or do not. There is no try. (Yoda from the Empire Strikes Back)

25.What have you learned from mistakes during internship?

I learned that without proper coordination, even the smallest task could become cumbersome.

Double check the work done.


P.S. Ensure you never make a mistake in your work, no matter what happens. For this you need to be erudite about the assignment.

26.What qualities do you admire most in others?

Humbleness, Integrity, Gratitude, Thoughtfulness, Empathy, Calm and Composed during adversity.

(A leader is a dealer in hope- Napoleon Bonaparte)

27.When comparing two companies, what factors do you reckon for selection except remuneration basis?

Location, Reputation, Growth Prospects, Diverse working profile, Job Rotation.

28.How do you handle criticism?

First listen carefully, ask for specifics, do some introspection, don’t take it personally and don’t linger over it. (Add Example)

(P.S. ‘I see criticism as an opportunity to ameliorate on my work and nature’, and smile a lot only to colleagues to add cognitive

dissonance to their mind.)

29.Can you travel at short notice?

Yes, but it should be inform atleast 1 day before departure.

30.Do you have any questions to ask us or about company? (Generally you should ask about interviewers)

 Describe the culture of the company

 What are your expectations for this role during the first 30-60 days?

 Can you tell me more about day to day responsibilities of this job?

 What do you like best about working for this company?

 Are there any shortcomings in my interview that I could address now?

Thanks Guys for making me do this, it was quite a painful experience to answer all on my own.


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