Newsletter September

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The “Visitor” September 2018

“Joyfully, we invite and equip all people to share Christ’s love”

The Mission Statement of Ascension Lutheran Church.

Ascension Lutheran Church

W6106 Navarino Road,
Shiocton, WI 54170

Church Office:
(715) 758-8312
Office hours are: Tuesday,
Thursday, Friday 8 am –12 pm

Church E-Mail:

Church website:

Marcia Sabin

Mark Sabin
Or 715-445-2097-Home

Your Church Council

Dave Rohrer, President (715) 823-2875
Al Meiers, Vice President (715) 758-2463
Lisa Wollenberg, Treasurer (920) 525-2024
Dawn Dingeldein, Secretary (920) 639-1183
Dave Klemp, (920) 450-3716
George Peters (920) 284-6658

The council usually meets the third Sunday of each month at 8:00 AM.
You are welcome to attend.

The Lord’ Prayer

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name
Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven
Give us this day our daily bread
And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil
For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever and ever. Amen

The Lord’s Prayer is a confession of who God is and what our relationship to him is. We call God our
Father. His is name is holy and as his children we are to be holy.
We confess that the Kingdom of Heaven comes to us when we receive the Holy Spirit. The kingdom of
God comes to us in two ways; 1) The kingdom has come in time in Jesus’ birth; the incarnation (Philippians
2:6-11) and 2) in eternity when Jesus comes back again. God’s will is done on earth as it is in heaven. The
will of God cannot be thwarted. Satan has no power over God. What is God’s will? Eternal Life (John12:49
God promises daily bread to all; the just and the unjust. We confess that everything we need to satisfy our
body such as food, clothing, and the fields in which our food is produced comes from God.
We confess that our sovereign God forgives us all our sins; known and unknown. The second part of this
confession is difficult for us to hear. We are to love one another as Jesus loves us. The world will know to
whom we belong to if we love one another. To love each other entails forgiveness. It is very hard for one
sinner to forgive another sinner! Our Holy Father will never deny us forgiveness. May we too in God’s
grace find it in our hearts to forgive.
God does not tempt us to sin. God will never let Satan tempt us to the point where we fall. Corinthians
10:13 No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not
let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so
that you can endure it.
We ask God to deliver us from evil. We pray in this petition that our Father will deliver us from all kinds of
evil, whether it affects our bodies or souls and everything we need to sustain our earthy life and the hope of
eternal life.
We pray the Lord’s Prayer every Sunday, and so we should. Do we really know what we are praying? Do
we stop to confess that God is our Holy Father and we are to be his holy children? We are justified one day
at a time. Faith alone justifies because we receive the forgiveness of sins for Jesus sake and the Holy Spirit
by faith alone.
For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever and ever. Amen. While this is not in the
prayer that Jesus taught us, it is a summary of the power, glory, and the majesty of our Holy Father as
confessed in the Lord’s Prayer.
This prayer is a gift from Jesus. It reminds us of our relationship with our LORD God.

Pastor Marcia ╬

Final Chapter of the Mary Circle

Many of you might remember when the church ladies had Circle Groups named Sarah,
Rebecca, Rachel. Esther and Mary. These groups were formed in 1957 and each female
church member was assigned to a Circle. They met for Bible Study and also assisted
with the funerals at Church. All of the groups except for the Mary Circle had disbanded many
years ago. Since the group was dwindling down to just a couple of members, the Mary Circle
decided to disband in August and donated the last of their money to the church roof fund.
It’s the end of an era.

Dear Ascension Dear Ascension Church,

Thank you so much for your generous Thank you for your encouragement, prayers &
donation to the food pantry. We could support & for walking this journey with me.
not function without you. Thank you for being a blessing to all of us
Thanks again in Haiti!
Loaves and Fishes Food Pantry God’s blessing be with each of you.
__________ In His Service,
Gladys Mungo
Thank you all for attending ___________
this years VBS Shipwrecked.
The kids had a great time Thank You! Your prayers,
and learned many Bible love and concern have
stories, created friendships and especially learned been a true source of
about God’s love. Every year I like to thank those comfort, support and
who have helped out in many ways. continued encouragement
Toni and Denise Klemp and Anna Schumacher for as I recuperate from
music direction.
knee replacement surgery.
Dave Klemp along with Josh Klemp and Ben
Kortens for helping with games this week. God Hears Our Prayers
Keeping the kids fed this week was Dorothy Kay
Nelson. Not sure how many pitchers of Kool-Aid
she made. The puddingwiches were awesome!
Ava Lorenz was our “movie” theater leader. The
kids watched a movie clip from Group VBS about
Save The Date
the theme each night. Please join us for a free
Dawn Dingeldein taught the bible story each night. professional photography session
Denelle Daniels and Navid Kienast pitched in and and be included in the new
led the kids in craft time. Ascension Lutheran Church
Heather Goodacre assisted with video and Directory. We need you to help
power point. Thank you for creating CD’s for the
make our directory complete!
Photography dates are
kids as well.
September 27th, 28th and 29th.
Group leaders this year included: Abbie Daniels, You will receive a free 8x10 portrait, a free
Maddy Daniels, Ashlyn Kortens, Megan Wilkinson, printed directory, and have the opportunity to
Erika Ullmer and Autumn Lorenz purchase additional portraits.
The week goes by so fast and thank you for Registration will start on August 19th at Church.
attending VBS. See you next year! The following day people who didn’t register at
Church will be able to register online by going to
Dawn Dingeldein
_________ yezd77mm/ If you don’t have a computer you
can register by contacting the church office.
Please note the website will not be available
Dear Ascension Lutheran Church
from Saturday night until Sunday night.
Thanks for the scholarship. It will be used for my
final year of college. It’s very much appreciated. We also are in need of volunteers to help with
scheduling and also registering people on the
Thank you very much.
photography days. Please contact the church
office at 715-758-8312 if you are able to help.
Travis Wollenberg

Special Projects Fund

At the annual meeting the
congregation approved the
purchase of a new lawnmower
and the replacement of the Praise with Passion
church roof as our two top priorities. Will be scheduled on a week
The zero-turn lawnmower has been by week basis.
purchased and delivered. 5:00 pm Fellowship followed by
6:00pm Praise with Passion
As of August 24th $3749.33 has been
collected for the (Gathering for informal, spirit-filled praise
replacement of our church roof. and prayer)
Please listen for announcements at church
or call Toni (715-853-9461) to be sure we
Fundraiser for are meeting.

Church Roof Location: Ascension Lutheran Church

The ‘Church on the Corner’
3 miles west of Navarino on Hwy 156
There will be a bin at the Church some-
time this fall for the collection of card- Volunteers for Lawn Mowing
board. Please start saving up at home. We again will be using volunteers to
More information to come in the mow the Church lawn and cemetery.
The sign up sheet is on wall across
following months.
from the Church office.
The Council encourages anyone with
additional fundraising ideas for the New Home Devotionals
church roof to contact them. “Our Daily Bread”
For September, October
Exercise Group & November
Exercise group will start on Mon- Is now available on the table by the library. Large
day September 10th. Classes will print books are also available. There is a box for a
be on Mondays and Thursdays at monetary donation to contribute
toward the cost of the book.
5:00pm except for Thursday
September 27th due to directory
pictures being taken.
August Benevolence went to
Everyone is welcome to participate. Don Shire Ministries

If you have something you would like to have included in the

“Visitor”, please have the information to the church
office by the third Sunday of the prior month.

Quilters Sunday
September 16th
Quilting will start on Ice Cream with Toppings
will be provided after Church.
Tuesday October 2nd
Everyone is invited to share this day with the kids!
at 9:00am at Ascension Church.
Adult Bible Studies
Everyone is invited to try their hand Starts Monday, September 17th and
at pinning and tying the quilts. Tuesday September 18th.
You are welcomed to attend either the
No experience necessary. Monday night class at 6:30 pm or the
Tuesday morning class at 9:00 am.

New Garage Carts

Some of you may have noticed that we have new garbage carts. The one with the black lid is
for garbage and the one with the green lid is for recycling. There is also some changes in
how we recycle which I will detail here. Do not place recyclables in plastic bags in the
cart. Please follow these instructions!
Newly Accepted Items to Recycle

Cartons Dairy Containers Produce, Bakery & Deli Containers

Milk, Juice, Broth, Soup, Yogurt, Margarine, Sour Berry, Cherry Tomato , Donut, Potato Salad &
Wine & Heavy Cream Cream, Chip Dip & Dips
Cottage Cheese

Plastics Paper Metal & Glass

Accept Accept Accept
All plastic bottles, cups & containers  Milk , juice & soup cartons  Aluminum bottles & cans
 Food & household bottles, jars &  Newspaper & insert  Steel & tin cans
jugs  Cardboard & paperboard  Empty aerosol cans
 Dairy containers & lids (cereal & cracker boxes)  Food & beverage glass bottles
 Soda, water & other drink bottles  Phonebooks, books, & jars
 Produce, bakery & deli magazines & catalogs
containers  Shredded paper placed in
paper bag (secured & labeled)
empty, rinse & replace caps, flatten & cut boxes to 2’x 2’ empty & rinse
lids or smaller
Do Not Accept Do Not Accept Do Not Accept
No plastic bags, film or wrap No pet food bags No aluminum pans or foil
No motor oil bottles No tissue No scrap metal
No Styrofoam No gift wrap No glass, windows or ceramics

September GUshers Greeters Communion Readers Money

2018 Helper Counters

September 2 Greg & Amy Dave & Lois Dave Klemp Denelle Daniels Arnie & Carol
9:30 am Schoettler Rohrer Kloes

September 9 Al Meiers Judy Porter Nancy Peters Darrel Klemp Glen Peebles
9:30 am George Peters

September 16 Glen Peebles Al & Ruthann Dave Rohrer Dave Klemp Phyllis Peebles
9:30 am Lon Hilliker Meiers

September 23 Jean Conradt Everett & Sue Denelle Daniels Shelly Klemp John &
9:30 am Joy Daebler Olson Dorothy
September 30 Ralph & Jean John & Dorothy Dave Klemp Heather Goodacre Arnie & Carol
9:30 am Mueller Nelson Kloes

If you would like to help out with any of the above tasks, please call the church office
(715-758-8312) and we will add your name to the list. If you are unable to be here on the date you
are assigned, please find a replacement. Thank you.


9/16 Sam Christianson

9/16 Madalyn Sokolski
9/19 Mike Shulze
9/20 Joanne Johnson
9/23 Steve Daebler
9/23 Jacob Hartlaben
9/23 Nick Zuiches
9/25 Sean Klemp
9/25 Dylan Hillsberg
9/06 Emily Houdek
9/25 Elijah Simon
9/09 Kyle Olson
9/26 Christy Morris
9/10 Bruce Ladwig
9/28 Allura LeRoy
9/10 Lester Luther
9/29 Carrigan Hartlaben
9/12 Katie Sabin
9/30 Dennis Fuerst
9/14 Ed Lorenz
9/30 Angie Johnson
9/14 Darrel Klemp

ASCENSION Lutheran Church

Council Meeting Minutes
August 19th, 2018
Present: Dave Rohrer, Dawn Dingeldein, Al Meiers, George Peters, Lisa Wollenberg, Dave Klemp.
Guests: Darrell Klemp, Pastor Mark and Marcia Sabin.
President Dave Rohrer brought the meeting to order at 8:00 am.
Devotion and prayer: led by Marcia Sabin.
Approval of minutes: July minutes approved by Al Meiers, and 2nd by Lisa Wollenberg. Voice vote passed.
Pastors Report: Pastors returned from vacation and had 4 visits with Holy Communion.
Treasurer’s/Finance Report: Give by Lisa W. Income for July was $6,943.93. YTD income of
$49,045.09. Expenses for July $10,269.85. Purchase of propane, insurance and fill in pastor expenses
explain the overage. Propane came in higher than budgeted. Current $726.45 in income over expenses.
Report approved by Dave K, 2nd by George Peters.
Education: Sunday school will resume with Wednesday night youth events/confirmation. Rally Sunday will
occur on Sunday 9/16.
Property: Darrell reported eave trough fixed on overhang. Motion detector in parking lot needs to be
replaced. Possible LED bulb replacement for the kitchen in the future. Septic pumped and water testing
completed. Landscaping of rocks and staining of the sign will be completed by end of August by Ralph
Mueller and Ron Wolf. Lawn Mowing: always looking for more volunteers. Contact Darrell if you can help.
Project Fund: $770.32 received in July. Total available for projects: $3,348.62.
Youth: VBS attendance for the week of 8/13-8/16 was around 26 children. Celebration service was held on
Thursday 8/16. Attendance was up by a few from last year.
Old Business:
Church Directory: Sign up sheets started in church on Sunday 8/19. Event is 9/26-9/28. Bonnie is in need
of people to help during registration. Please take note there is a senior and military discount code when
ordering pictures etc. There will be a flyer on the back tables.
Community Dinner: Haystack supper will be the theme.
Projects: (Roof) est 29,700-58,000). + Solar removal $12,000 +/-
New Business:
1.Pizza Sale: Shelly Klemp -no dates yet confirmed
2.Cardboard collection-Patty Lorenz- container should arrive Sept/Oct.
3.Rummage Sale: Council decided to hold a rummage sale at the Navarino Ball grounds for location and rain
protection etc. Event will happen Saturday 9/22 from 8-4pm. Items for donation can be brought to church the
week prior. (please no items until that week). Proceeds to go towards project fund. (roof). All items donated
that do not sell will either be donated or discarded unless individual picks up at the close of the sale. Nothing
will be saved.
4.Digging for change: will continue $150.32 collected for month of July.
5.Lefse sale: to be determined.
Next meeting: September 16th, 8:00 am
Meeting adjourned 9:10am. Motion to close by Dave K, and 2nd by Al Meiers.
Respectfully Submitted by: Dawn Dingeldein, Secretary.

Gladys Mungo and Haiti’s Children



Via de Cristo News

Via de Cristo Fall Weekends are coming up. If you are interested in
attending this 3 day, spirit filled weekend and Walk with the Lord, please
speak with Pastor Mark, Pastor Marcia or Dave Klemp. If you have questions and would like
more information, they will joyfully fill you in with details, present you with a brochure that
explains the purpose, and help you as you prepare to attend.

SonRise CoEd #12

November 1 - 4
St Olaf’s Lutheran Church
Rubicon, WI

Northern Light 45/46

November 1-4
Silver Birch Ranch
White Lake, WI

Prayers for our Congregation

The Ascension Champions of Prayer are inviting you to join us in praying for every member
of our Ascension Family. Each Sunday a list the names of those you should hold up in prayer
for the week will be posted in the bulletin. The power of prayer is amazing and we know we
will see and feel the love of others on the day we are prayed for. If you would like to
submit a special request for you , a family member or friend, please use the form below and
submit it to Pastor Marcia or Kay Fuerst.

The Champions of Prayer are waiting to pray for your concerns. If you would
like to share a confidential prayer request with a small group of fellow Christians
who are willing and waiting to pray for your concerns, please take a moment and
let us know how we can help. Please briefly list your concern, request or praise
below. Your request will remain confidential, no need to even sign your name.
Place the form in with your offering or give it to Kay Fuerst.

Prayers for those ill, injured or hospitalized:

Kay Fuerst Sharon, Elsen, Mark Skinkis, Beck Pues, Kathy Paquette,
Alice Mueller, Dean Pues, Claudia Kohls, Brittany Slack, Betty Hillsberg,
Peggi Strelow, Greg Ehrle, Rosie Pues, Tim Rohrer, Bob Singler, Dylan Mueller,
Carol Kloes, Terri Rapp, Jill Krohlow, Rick Davis, Mark Mueller, David Nesberg,
Larry Svetnicka, Reba Power, Jackson Kloes, Geri Anderson, Mark Stevens,
Lori Meyer, Rick Meyer

Prayers for our Military:

D.J. Fuerst— grandson of Dennis and Kay Fuerst
Tim Davis—grandson of Bruce and Betty Ladwig
Ivan Lorenzo—grandson of Charmaine Olson
Jonathan Sabin—son of Pastor Sabin

Items for
The next Community Dinner will be September
Wednesday, September 19th at 5:30pm. 2018
A Haystack Dinner will be provided.  Cereal
We are asking for donations of Gluten  Crackers
Free Dishes, Dinner Rolls, Salads, Jello,  Soup
Fresh Fruit, Fresh Vegetables,  Salad Dressing, Mayo,
and Desserts. Catsup, & Mustard
A sign up sheet is on the table  Toilet Paper
by the library.
*Shop your local Dollar Tree, Family
For more information contact Dollar, Dollar General or Aldi’s to get
Judy, Glen or Phyllis. good deals on most of these items.
Everyone is Welcome Thank you for your
continued support.

Navarino Community BLOOD DRIVE

Thirty five people are needed to sign up for the community blood drive. Once this
number is reached the bloodmobile will be scheduled for a week day from 3:00 to
6:30pm at St Lawrence Church in Navarino. The sign-up sheet is on the table in
back of church or you can call the church office and leave your name and phone
number to be added to the list.

Vacation Bible School


The Navarino Nature Center has many upcoming events.

Below are a list of Fall events. You can RSVP at
Scheduled Trolley Ride
Fall Migration Trolley Ride -Wed., Sept. 12, 2018 @ 10 am. Fall color or migrating
wildlife. Trolleys are handicapped accessible for walkers and wheelchairs. Space is
limited. RSVP @ 715-758-6999 $5 members, $10 Nonmembers, $15 Families

Tiny Naturalist Story Time

Wednesday, September 19th 10 am to Noon, Wednesday, October 17th 10 am to Noon, Special stories,
crafts, hands on activities, snacks and more. Please RSVP. Members free, non-members $2.

Fall Mushroom Hike with Matt

Saturday, September 15th 9 am to Noon-$10 per person, Limited to 20 people. Must RSVP at

Evening with Scott Craven, Retired UW-EX Wildlife Ecologist

Wednesday, September 19th at 6 pm at Navarino Nature Center. Presentation on coping with wildlife
around your home, and updates on common / popular wildlife. Fee: $5 members, $10 non-members, and
$15 for families.

Fall Color Voyageur Canoe Trip

Saturday, September 22nd, 2018-Canoe from Hwy CCC to Hwy 156 in 24 foot canoes, enjoying wildlife and fall color
along the way. $15 members, $20 non-members. Canoes, paddles, life-vests supplied. Need a sack lunch and
personal items.

Navarino Nature Center Fundraising Banquet

Thursday, September 27th at 6 pm, The Gathering in Shawano-Call 715-758-6999 for more details and
Sunset Wagon / Trolley rides
Friday, October 5th, 2018 4 pm to 6:30 pm, Saturday, October 6th, 2018 4 pm to 6:30 pm
Fall Color 5K Run / Walk at Navarino
Saturday, October 13th at 9 am. Register online or brochures at the nature center.
Fall Family Fun Day Open House
Saturday, October 13th from 11 am to 2 pm

effective communication strategies

The Shawano Area

Memory Café is
sponsored by the The
Wolf River Region
Dementia and Caregiver
Network, Forget-Me-
Not Fund, ADRC of the
Wolf River Region,
Shawano County
Human Services, Pine
Manor Health and
Rehabilitation, Arc
Angels and The
Alzheimer’s Association
Greater Wisconsin

Support Groups
Held at Good Shepherd 607 E. Bronson Road in Seymour

Alzheimer’s Prevention September 20th at 12:30pm

Good Shepherd Board Room
Alzheimer’s Support Group September 25th at 6:00pm
Good Shepherd Board Room

Service Fair
Veterans: Did you know NE WI has many resources
for veterans and military service members? Over 35
organizations will be on hand to discuss with you
benefits and services for which you may be eligible
because you have served our country. Stop in
Wednesday September 12th from 11am to 1pm at
Concordia University’s Green Bay Center, 1150
Springhurst in Ashwaubenon during the Veteran’s
Service Fair.

Mug Club for Caregivers

Book Club
We will be reviewing the book “Put Your
Mask On First: The Caregiver's Guide to Self-Care” By Dr.
Gary Bradt. Learning how to care for yourself first when
you provide care to another.
Beginning Tuesday September 4, 2018
From 5pm – 7pm, the first Tuesday of each month
at the Fellman Center
607 E Elizabeth Street Shawano
Question’s? or Transportation Needs?
Call the Shawano County Department of
Human Services at 715-526-4686

Quinoa with Corn & Green Onions

4 ears Sweet Corn, cooked 1 Tablespoon Lemon Zest
2 Tablespoons Lemon Juice 1/4 Cup Butter, melted
1 Tablespoon Honey 1/2 Teaspoon Salt
1/4 teaspoon Pepper 2 Cups Quinoa
4 Green Onions, Chopped

Cook Quinoa per package instructions. In a large bowl prepare dressing by whisking together the
lemon zest, lemon juice, melted butter, honey, salt and pepper. Stir together cooked quinoa,
dressing and chopped onions until evenly coated.
Thank you to Sarah Olson for this recipe. I am always looking for new recipes for the
newsletter. You can e-mail them or drop off in the church office.

We never really grow up...we only
learn how to act in public.
Since light travels faster than sound,
some people appear bright until you
hear them speak.
Knowledge is knowing a tomato is
a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a
fruit salad.
Thank you to Patty Lorenz for
forwarding these gems.

The Rawhide Frontier Café will be having a Friday night fish fry from
5-8 pm on the following dates: September 21st, and October 19th. Live
music and tours available. Please support Rawhide by eating at their
Frontier Café located at E7475 Rawhide Road in New London on those dates. All proceeds are used for
tuition assistance for at risk youth.
September 2018
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

2 Fifteenth Sunday After 3 4 5 6 7 1

Pentecost 8:00 pm—AA/
8:30 am Small Group Bible Study Alanon
9:30 am Worship _____

9 Sixteenth Sunday After 10 11 12 13 14 15

Pentecost 5:00 pm—Exercise 10:00 am—Loaves 6:30 pm-Sunday 5:00 pm—Exercise 8:00 pm—AA/
8:30 am Small Group Bible Study Group and Fishes Board School Starts Group Alanon
9:30 am Worship Meeting 6:30 pm—
Confirmation Starts

Grandparents Day

16 Seventeenth Sunday After 17 18 19 20 21 22

Pentecost 5:00 pm—Exercise 9:00 am-Bible 5-7 pm—Loaves & 5:00 pm—Exercise 8:00 pm—AA/ 8am-4pm—
8:00 am-Council Meeting Group Study Fishes Distribution Group Alanon Ascension
8:30 am Small Group Bible Study 6:30 pm-Bible Study 5:30 pm— Rummage sale
9:30 am Worship-Rally Sunday Community Dinner at Navarino
11:30 am-Olson-Amundson 6:30 pm-Sunday Ranger Ballpark
Family Reunion School 9:00 –11:00 am
6:30 pm— Loaves & Fishes
Confirmation Distribution
23 Eighteenth Sunday After 24 25 26 27 28 29
Pentecost 5:00 pm—Exercise 9:00 am-Bible 6:30 pm-Sunday 2:00 pm-8:30pm— 2:pm-8:30pm— 10 am-4:30pm—
8:30 am Small Group Bible Study Group Study School Church Directory Church Church Directory
9:30 am Worship 6:30 pm-Bible Study 6:30 pm— Pictures Directory Pictures
Confirmation Pictures

30 Nineteenth Sunday After

8:30 am Small Group Bible Study
9:30 am Worship-Zuiches &
Johnson Baptism

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