Le Lear Arni Ning NG Ac Acti Tivi Vity Ty3 3 // Evi Evidence Dence: Envi: Environmen Ronmental Tal Issue Issues S

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ng acti
activity 3 / A c tivi
vity tiv i dad de apr
zaje 3
Evidence:: Environmen
Environmental tal issues

In this activity you are going to propose possible solutions for environmental
problems. Read about the following environmental issues from the introductory
al,, sele
ct one
one of the
the prob
ms and
and make
make a pres
on in Micr
PowerPoint or another tool of your preference with your opinion about them.
 Answer these questions when writing your opinion. Use zero and first
1.  What do you think about the problem?
2.  What would be a possible solution for it?
3. Do you see this problem
problem in your community?
community? What do people do about it?
4. What will you do in the future
future to help solve this problem?
Every year tons of  are
thrown into the ocean. This
contaminates the water and affects
ocean animals and their .
Every day thousands of newspapers are read and
then disposed of in regular garbage.

This increases the number of trees being cut to

produce paper. If we recycled this paper,
thousands of trees could be saved .
About 5 million tons of oil produced
in the world go to the ocean at the
end, contaminating the water and
killing many species.
The human population is
alarmingly growing, 100 years ago
there were 2 billion people in the
world. Now there are about 7.5
billion inhabitants!
97% of the   world’s  water is salty and
therefore cannot be drunk. Just 1% of 
the   world’s   water can be properly
used. The remaining 2% is frozen.
Every hour, thousands of plastic
bottles are used and of as
regular garbage. Sadly, only a small
portion of plastic bottles is recycled
around the globe.
About 1 million sea animals die
every year due to plastic
thrown in to the ocean.
100 acres of  is cut every
minute. If the trend continues,
soon we will not have any
rainforest left.
This is a problem that affects us all, since the
contamination is on red alert here in the city of 
Medellin by so much pollution of all people.
A possible solution would be that every week find a
day in which is the day without motorcycle and car
and a day of every two weeks that is cleaning the
environment and also that all houses recycle.
Yes, this problem I see in my community for a long
time and people say that it is very polluted
atmosphere but they do nothing about it
I intend to participate in aid for the cleaning of rivers
and ponds, wildlife and environmental management
systems for both large and small companies to stabilize
the planet's environmental system

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