Iia - Properties of Water Student

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The Properties of Water – An Investigation

Benchmark: SC.912.L.18.12 - Discuss the special properties of water that contribute to Earth's suitability as an
environment for life: cohesive behavior, ability to moderate temperature, expansion upon freezing, and
versatility as a solvent.

Look at the structure of water in the picture to the right. There are two smaller
atoms, bonded to one larger atom. What are the elements that make up water?
Label the water molecule with its elements and indicate which portion of the
molecule is positively charged, and which portion of the molecule is negatively
charged. The opposite charges allow for water to be classified as a polar
molecule. It is the polarity of water that allows for the unique properties of water.

Part 1 – Who’s the hottest?: Which changes temperature the quickest, sand or water?
 Materials: sand, water, 2 beakers, hot plate, 2 thermometers, stopwatch, or tongs

Substance Initial 2 4 6 8 10 20 min

Temperature minutes minutes minutes minutes minutes prediction


Part 1 Questions
1. Reference SC.912. L.18.12 – The Properties of Water benchmark from the top of the handout. Which of
those properties of water referenced in the benchmark were you observing in this experiment?

2. EOC Level Question –

In Jacksonville Beach, the average daytime and nighttime
temperatures usually only differ by 7-8°C, while Jacksonville Beach
temperatures in Ocala can differ by as much as 12-15°C.
What role does water play in keeping temperatures from Ocala

fluctuating dramatically?
A. Water is an acid.
B. Water acts as a buffer.
C. Water is a versatile solvent.
D. Water has a high heat capacity.

3. If you were to heat 1 cup of water and 5 cups of

water on a hot plate at the same temperature, which
one would boil first? ____________________. Using your knowledge of hydrogen bonds and the polarity
of a water molecule, explain why.
Part 2 – Hold on tight!: How many drops of three different liquids can fit on a penny?
 Materials: Pure water, oil, soapy water, 3 cups, 3 droppers or pipettes, 3 pennies

My prediction is that _____________________________ drops of pure water will

fit on top of the penny

My prediction is that ___________ My prediction is that___________ drops

drops of oil that will fit on top of a of soapy water that will fit on top of a
penny penny


Pure Water Oil Soapy Water

Number of Actual

Part 2 Questions
1. Reference SC.912.L.18.12 – The Properties of Water benchmark from the top of the handout. Which of
those properties of water referenced in the benchmark were you observing in this experiment?

2. The polarity of water allows for hydrogen bonds to occur. A single hydrogen bond is not very strong, but
when there are approximately 1,390,000,000,000,000,000,000 hydrogen bonds (or 1.39 x 1021) in every
drop of water, the surface tension of water increases as the amount of water increases. Using your
knowledge of hydrogen bonds, explain why even though both processes put your entire body in a pool,
belly flopping is much more painful than diving.


3. Would it be possible for hydrogen bonds to occur in water if a water molecule was not polar? Explain.

Part 3 – Solubility: What type of materials easily dissolve in water?
 Materials: 2 beakers, water, salt, coconut oil.

Hypothesize about which substances you thing will dissolve in water and form a solution. Write a brief explanation as to
why you think it will dissolve in water.
Hypothesis Explanation
Do you think it will easily dissolve in Why do you think it will or will not dissolve in
Substance being dissolved in water
water? water?

Salt (Polar)

Coconut Oil (Nonpolar)

Data Collection:
Beaker Type Observation Which is the solvent? Which is the solute?

Salt (Polar)

Coconut Oil (Nonpolar)

Part 3 Questions
1. Reference SC.912.L.18.12 – The Properties of Water benchmark from the top of the handout. Which of
those properties of water referenced in the benchmark were you observing in this experiment?

2. In the following example, identify the solute, the solvent, and the solution. Ricardo is thirsty after
mowing the grass and decides to come inside and make a glass of sweet tea. He adds sugar to the
unsweetened prepared tea and stirs the liquid until all the sugar has disappeared from the pitcher.

Solute - ____________________ Solvent - _____________________ Solution - ___________________

3. Imagine you were given an unknown dry substance and you added it to water and no matter how much
you heated up the water or stirred the unknown substance, it wouldn’t dissolve in the water. What
conclusions could you draw about the types of bonds and charges on the substance because it doesn’t
dissolve in water?


4. EOC Level Question –

All living things need to transport molecules from one place to another in order to carry out necessary life
functions. Living things often transport these molecules by dissolving or dissociating them in water and then
moving the resulting solution from place to place. What characteristic must a molecule have for it to form a
solution in water?
A. It must be at least as small as the polar water molecules.
B. It must contain hydrogen or oxygen to bond to part of the water molecule.
C. It must be at least slightly polar to be able to react with the polar water molecules.
D. It must be covalently bonded in order to form new bonds with the polar water molecules.
This part will be done after everyone has completed lab.

Part 4 – Temperature vs. Density: How does changing the temperature of water and vegetable oil change their density?
 Materials: 1 large beaker, water, vegetable oil, graduated cylinder (large enough to measure 100 mL of
1. Initial observation – ____________________________________________________________________



2. Now, predict and draw what the layers will look like when an ice cube is added.

Prediction Drawing Actual Observations Drawing

Part 4 – Questions
1. Reference SC.912.L.18.12 – The Properties of Water benchmark from the top of the handout. Which of
those properties of water referenced in the benchmark were you observing in this experiment?

2. The trend for most objects on earth in relation to density is that the colder they become, the less
movement of atoms occurs. If atoms are moving less, is the object becoming more or less dense?
________________________. This trend is true for water right up until it completes the phase change
from liquid to solid because water is most dense at 4°C. Is liquid oil more or less dense than solid water?
How do you know?

Is solid oil more or less dense than solid water? How do you know?

3. How might life be different if solid water was denser than liquid water? Brainstorm how life would be
different for the following organisms.
Polar bears -

Fish that survive in lakes like that annually freeze over -


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