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11360 Weight of sample(gm)

Passing Weight sieve size

100 0 2"
100 0 1 1/2"
90.0 1136 1"
0.0 0 3/4"
57.2 4862 1/2"
0.0 0 3/8"
37.3 7122 No.4
0.0 0 No.8
26.2 8383 No.10
0.0 0 No.16
0.0 0 No.20
0.0 0 No.30
12.1 9985 No.40
0.0 0 No.50
0.0 0 No.80
0.0 0 No.100
7.9 10462 No.200

For calculate weight according to % pass

90 % pass that you want

1136 Weight should be(gm)=

As M.O.P.W.H in jordan specifications

% out of Spec. As A Specification class B Specification class A

ok 100 80~~~100
5 80~~~100 70~~~95
ok 60~~~95 55~~~90

ok 47~~~80 45~~~75

ok 30~~~60 30~~~60

ok 22~~~45 22~~~48

ok 10~~~30 10~~~30

ok Befor compacted 5~~~12

After compacted 8~~~15
This sheet to calculate and determine the
percentage of passing through the sieves to make
sure if it is in range of specifications or not for
Sub- Base Coarse materials % out of spec. As B




11360 Weight of sample(gm)

Passing Weight sieve size

0.0 0 2"
0.0 0 1 1/2"
96.8 360 1"
70.0 3408 3/4"
57.2 4862 1/2"
46.1 6123 3/8"
37.3 7122 No.4
0.0 0 No.8
26.2 8383 No.10
0.0 0 No.16
0.0 0 No.20
0.0 0 No.30
12.1 9985 No.40
0.0 0 No.50
0.0 0 No.80
0.0 0 No.100
7.9 10462 No.200

For calculate weight according to % pass

70 % pass that you want

3408 Weight should be(gm)=

As M.O.P.W.H in jordan sepcifications

%out of spec. As A Specification class B Specification class A

100 ----
impossible 70~~~100 100
ok 55~~~85 75~~~100
ok 50~~~80 60~~~90
ok 45~~~80
ok 40~~~70 40~~~70
ok 30~~~60 30~~~65

ok 20~~~50 20~~~40

ok 10~~~30 8~~~20

ok Befor 5~~~15 Befor 5~~~10

After 8~~~18 After 8~~~13
This sheet to calculate and determine the
percentage of passing through the sieves to make
sure if it is in range of specifications or not for
Base Coarse materials %out of spec. As B




Liquid Limits
12 17 25 35 No. of belows
5 4 3 2 1 Container No.
42.48 42.57 41.48 42.21 Wt. Wet soil + Container (gm)
37.39 37.55 36.91 37.67 Wt. Dry Soil + Container(gm)
5.09 5.02 4.57 4.54 Wt. of Water(gm)
18.24 18 18.25 18.27 Wt. of Container (gm)
19.15 19.55 18.66 19.4 Wt. of Dry Soil (gm)
26.6 25.7 24.5 23.4 Moisture Content %

17.2 Average Moisture Content %

25 24.78 Liquid Limit %

17 Plastic Limit %

8 Plasticity Index %
Plastic Limits

7 6
Atterbrg Limits of Soil which mean L.L & P.L then get 33.52 32.65
PI so this programe for 4 points for water contents 31.24 30.51
2.28 2.14
18.06 17.97
13.18 12.54
17.3 17.1

Liquid Limit



10 99.9769767998
No. of Belows
Atterbrg Limits of Soil which m
PI so this programe for 4 poin


Moisture Content %




‫‪3‬‬ ‫‪2‬‬ ‫‪1‬‬ ‫اسطوانة رقم‬
‫‪39‬‬ ‫‪40‬‬ ‫‪38‬‬ ‫قراءة الرمل‬
‫‪etermine the SAND‬‬ ‫‪104‬‬ ‫‪105‬‬ ‫‪98‬‬ ‫قراءة الطين‬
‫‪T for 3 samples‬‬ ‫‪38‬‬ ‫‪38‬‬ ‫‪39‬‬ ‫المكافئ الرملي‬

‫‪38‬‬ ‫‪ %‬المكافئ الرملي‬

This programe to determine the SAND
EQUIVALENT for 3 samples
5472 5661 Wet Soil (gm)
10000 10000 Soil+Container (gm)
4657 4487 Residual sand + container (gm)
5343 5513 Used Sand (gm)
1730 1730 Sand to fill cone (gm)
3613 3783 Sand to fill hole (gm)
1.457 1.457 Sand unit weight (gm/cm3)
2480 2596 Volume of hole (cm3)
2.207 2.180 Wet density of soil (gm/cm3)
2 1 Can no.
520 520 Wet Soil + Can (gm)
490 490 Dry Soil + Can (gm)
6.1 6.1 Moisture Content %
2.079 2.055 Dry Density of Soil (gm/cm3)
2.156 2.156 Maximum Dry Density (proctor)(gm/cm3)
8.1 8.1 Optimum Moisture Content %
96.4 95.3 Compaction obtained %
100 100 Required Compaction %
Fail Faild Final Result(Obtained Compaction & Req.)
Fail Fail Final Result(Dry Density&Proctor)
3855 3420
is Programe to Calculate and Determine the Degree of 7000 7000
Compaction By SAND CONE METHOD 3115 3375
3885 3625
1610 1610
2275 2015
1.36 1.36
1673 1482
2.305 2.308
4 3
520 520
489 489
6.3 6.3
2.167 2.171
2.156 2.156
8.3 8.3
100.5 100.7
100 100
Pass Pass
Pass Pass
This Programe to Calculate and D
Compaction By SAND C
Mold Data

2 1 Mold No.
9912 9652 Weight of mould + weight of material (gm)
4962 4962 Weight of mould (gm)
4950 4690 Wet weight of material (gm)
2121 2121 Volume of mould (cm3)
2.334 2.211 Wet unit weight (gm/cm3)
6.0 4.7 Moisture content %
2.20 2.11 Dry unit weight (gm/cm3)

Moisture Data
2 1 Container No.
809 907 Wet weight of material + tare (gm)
763 866 Dry weight of material + tare (gm)
0 0 Weight of tare (gm)
0 0 Weight of dry material (gm)
46.000 41.000 Weight of water (gm)
6.0 4.7 Moisture content %

2.20 Maximum Dry Density ( gm/cm3)

6.0 Optimum Moisture Content %
Optimum Moisture Content Mold Data

4 3
2; 2.20 3; 2.20 9967 9972
4962 4962
5005 5010
4; 2.18 2121 2121
2.360 2.362
8.4 7.3
2.18 2.20

Moisture Data
4 3
804 921
742 858
0 0
0 0
62.000 63.000
8.4 7.3

5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0

Moisture Content %
Optimum Moisture Co

2.20 2; 2.20



Dry Density ( gm/cm3)



1; 2.11



4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7
Moisture Content

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