FNCP - Poor Home/ Environment Sanitation

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Student: LEDA


Family Health Nursing Method of Family Resources
Nursing Objective of Care Rationale Evaluation
Problem Intervention Contact Required
1. Presence of 1. Inability to Short Term: • Assess the • To have baseline • House visits • Visual aids about Short Term:
stagnant water provide a home After two hours of condition of the data to carry out the effects of The family was able
• Interview
in the drainage environment nursing house and the the appropriate presence of to demonstrate
system outside conducive to interventions, the level of interventions to insects and pests understanding of
of the house health family will be able to knowledge of the be done the health teachings
• time and effort of
maintenance and demonstrate household with regards to the
both the nurse
2. Presence of personal understanding of members possible causes
and the clients
mosquitoes in development. the health teachings and effects of the
• Discuss possible • Knowing the • money for the
the vicinity and regarding the presence of insects
sources of the causes of the nurse’s
inside of the 2. Inability to possible causes and pest
presence of the problem makes transportation
house. recognize the and effects of the
mosquitoes, flies, managing easier and for the
possible presence of the Long Term:
3. Presence of diseases that insects and pest. and cockroaches. materials of The family was able
cockroaches and could be visual aids to show behavior
flies in the acquired through Long Term: • Explain to the • To increase their • broom, trash and compliance on
kitchen area of the presence of After 2 weeks of household knowledge and bags, mop, rags, measures on how
the house rodents, insects home visits, the members all the awareness dust pan for to maintain a clean
wherein left over or mosquitoes. family will be able to possible regarding the cleaning the environment in
foods are left show compliance disadvantages presence of the house and the order to eradicate
without cover. on measures on and harmful breeding sites so surroundings breeding sites of
how to maintain a effects that these as to persuade insects and pest.
• insect spray
clean surroundings organisms can them in doing
in order to eradicate bring about to the actions that
breeding sites of health of the would avoid
mosquitoes, flies, family. perpetuation of
and cockroaches. these organisms
and acquiring
• Assist the family • To provide initial
in cleaning the action necessary
house, covering for the
left overs, intervention of
removing spoiled diseases that
food, cleaning the might arise by
increasing the
drainage system, family’s
removing its clog awareness
so as to avoid through the
breeding places nurse’s initiative.
for these
• To prevent these
• Encourage organisms to
maintenance of perpetuate and
cleanliness by be able to cause
regular cleaning disease.
of the

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