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Compass Insights

Financial Advice for the Adventures of Life

Quarterly Investment Reports –

LPL Account View Electronically!
Have you registered for LPL Account View yet? Ac-
We have recently implemented
count View is a valuable tool that gives you on line access
to view your brokerage or advisory account information, a new system at Compass Financial.
free of charge, 24/7. If you are an email subscriber, you
Account View provides a summary of your account are now receiving your invest-
balances, 90-days of transaction history, cost basis details, ment reports electroni-
account statements and many other features. Account cally from either Nancy
View can be customized based on the content you would
or Julie. These reports are
like to view and you can easily download information to
Quicken! still generated from MorningStar
There is also a tab in Account View to stop your and provide the same detailed infor-
printed statements. In this “green age” it’s an option that mation regarding your investment
is gaining in popularity. Your statements will always be portfolio as always, however it is just being
available on Account View and you can print a page from directed to you in an electronic format. We hope
the website at any time.
you find this new feature to be efficient and convenient. If
To register for Account View, visit our website at and click on the Account View you are still receiving your investment reports via regular mail
tab and follow the prompts, or call our office and we can and would prefer to receive it through email, call us with your
register for you. email address and we will update your information.

Compass Financial’s Support Professional Team

It is our goal to provide the best service possible. Each Julie Greer, Extension 5
professional on our team has a specific role based on their Julie is Compass Financial’s database special-
knowledge and expertise. Use the following guidelines when ist. She schedules appointments and makes out-
calling Compass, to ensure your need is addressed: bound calls to prospects. She is responsible for
updating and maintaining the Compass Finan-
Michele Bjorkgren, Extension 1 cial website and is also the resident cost basis/
Michele is Kurt Pearson’s assistant and is a registered financial tax expert. Another of Julie’s tasks is monitoring
paraplanner. Michele assists Kurt in designing and implement- distribution and contribution requests. If you need money from
ing financial plans for clients. She gathers facts your account, or want to make a contribution to an account,
to update financial plans, prepares reports for Julie is the one you will want to call.
client reviews and can address service issues
you have with your LPL accounts, life insur- Angie Goodale, Extension 6
ance policies, account statements and LPL Ac- Angie is our ambassador to the community. Angie
count View. is a member of the West Des Moines Chamber.
She is active in the WDM Chamber Ambassador
Nancy Economos, Extension 4 Program. If your group needs a speaker, Angie is
Nancy is our Compliance Administrator. She is responsible for aware of the presentations we can develop to fit
keeping our firm compliant with the many rules your event. As our ambassador, Angie is looking
and regulations governing our profession. Ob- for ways to spread the word about Compass.
taining signatures on forms is one of her many
tasks. If you receive a form and have a question,
Nancy can help. Nancy is also responsible for
sending out quarterly investment reports.
Distributions – Show Me The Money!
It is our objective to process your requests as fast and ac- If you need the money as soon as possible, it may be best
curately as possible. There are operating procedures that are to pay the Federal Express charge. This will also give you the
requirements. Many times these policies are for your protec- option, if needed, to track the package.
tion. Here are some of the best tips as we work together to get When requesting a distribution from a retirement account,
you your money: you will need to decide if you would like to have state and/or
First, forms may need to be signed. Typically the required federal taxes withheld from the gross amount of the distribu-
forms can be faxed, but there are those occasions where only tion. Penalties for early withdrawal could be an issue depending
originals will be accepted. on your age.
Second, if your investments If your investments are not
are held in a brokerage account held at LPL, but directly at one
at LPL, processing a distribution of the mutual fund companies,
request will require liquidating similar rules and systems apply,
shares to cash. From the time the depending on the fund compa-
trades are entered to the time the ny. In many cases, a distribu-
cash is available is 4 days. tion can be requested over the
The next issue to consider is phone. In some cases, a signed
how you would like to receive the form will be required. All other
distribution. The obvious option is processes (delivery via mail
to receive a check by mail (regular versus ACH and state and fed-
or Federal Express, for which there eral withholding for retirement
is a fee). A direct deposit into your accounts) remain the same as
bank account via an ACH (Auto- LPL.
matic Clearing House) transaction The best advice to follow
is also an option. This is the quick- when requesting a distribution
est way to get the distribution to is – request it early. In most
you, provided we already have banking instructions on file. To cases there are time frames that are out of our control and dead-
establish an ACH agreement for the first time, a signed form and lines can be hard to meet in those situations.
an original voided check are required. This process can take up To request a distribution, please call Julie Greer at
to 5 days. 515-327-1020 Extension 5.
If you know someone
Compass Financial’s New Website who would appreciate the
Have you seen our new website Subscribe to the RSS Feed on our website and
receive notification in your email inbox informing you every time we add a new post! On our website you can
services that we provide,
find Kurt’s latest KCCI Channel 8 videos, market commentaries, investment and tax tips and information about please call us with their
upcoming client events. Check out the newest additions to our website:
1) Client Corner – This is a place for us (or you!) to brag about our clients and their latest achievements. name and number and
If you have an inspiring story you would like to share, submit it to us and we will get it posted!
2) Compass Library – As a team we read books together. Our recommended read list is posted on the
we’ll be happy to follow up
website in a unique and creative “library shelf” display. We welcome recommendations from you as well! with them. Thank you!

Our firm maintains a strong belief in educating and helping people implement good financial habits. There is a certain com-
fort, peace of mind, and confidence that comes from having the facts before making financial decisions. One way we address
this is through our Lunch and Learn Program. We are available to speak on a variety of topics at your employee meeting, your
service organization meeting, a social club or any gathering. And, we’ll bring lunch! Call us today for more information.

5015 Grand Ridge Drive, Suite 200, West Des Moines, IA 50265
Securities offered through LPL Financial

515.327.1020 • Toll Free: 888.334.1020

FAX: 515.440.1618 •

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