Test On Futures

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English Department A

English test on futures and conditional 1

Name:____________________________________ L/N: _______ Class:_1°_Medio__ Date: ________________

Objective: to identify relative different types of futures and conditional type 1


Life events

A. Complete the words.

1 Ricardo got m __ r __ i __ d to Clara last week.
2 My sister is going to a __ p __ y to the New York College of Art.
3 My grandpa is going to r __ t __ r__ next week.
4 My little brother is 5 years old. He starts __ c__ o __ l today.
5 Amy is my mom and Bob is my dad. They’re my __ a __ e __ __ s.

B. Match the life events.

1 apply _______ born
2 be _______ school
3 have _______ married
4 get _______ to college
5 pass _______ your driving test
6 start _______ a baby


be going to (1)

D. Choose the correct words.

1 I not going to / am not going to have pizza for lunch.
2 Eliana is going to / are going to have a birthday party.
3 They isn’t going to / aren’t going to go to the shopping mall.
4 Ian and Freddie are going to / is going to play a computer game.
5 Jonah isn’t going to / aren’t going to meet his friends after school.
6 We are going to / is going to stay home tonight.
E. Choose the correct answers.
1 I … going to load the dishwasher.
a isn’t b am
c are d aren’t

2 Mateo isn’t … play tennis tomorrow.

a go to b goes to
c going to d going to go to

3 We … watch a movie tonight.

a are going to b am not going to
c isn’t going to d is going to

4 Yuki and Sayo … going to go to the bank.

a am b are
c isn’t d is
5. They…… to travel to the concert by bus.
a. is going b. am going
c. are d. are going

F. Write the sentences in the correct order.
1 in / sushi / Japan / eat / we’ll
2 difficult / exam / it / a / be / won’t
3 win / the / race / Jake / will
4 the / they’ll / city / move / to
5 won’t / test / driving / my / I / pass

G. Complete the sentences with will or won’t and the correct form of the verbs in parentheses.

1 People __________________ on the moon in the future. (not live)

2 The movie __________________ after the news. (start)
3 I __________________ you tomorrow. (not see)
4 Mateo __________________ me with my homework. (not help)
5 Bao __________________ captain of the school team. (be)
6 It __________________ this winter. (snow)
First conditional

H Choose the correct answers.

1 I will buy / buy some clothes if we go shopping.
2 If David wants / will want a sandwich, I’ll get him one.
3 We’ll go to the movies if we will have / have time.
4 Mom will make / makes a cake if we have some eggs.
5 If you wait at the bus stop long enough, a bus comes / will come.
6 If you will have / have a lot of homework, I’ll help you.

I Complete the following sentences using the first conditional

1. ______________ (Liz/visit) The Opera House if she ____________ (go) to Australia this summer?

2. If you ____________(wait) patiently, you ___________(see) rare birds in their natural habitat

3. If you ____________(have) toothache, you ____________(must) go to the dentist immediately.

4. If it ____________ (be) sunny, dad ____________ (take) a nap in the garden.

5. I ______________ (make) a snowman if it ____________(snow) today.


What will the world be like in 50 years?

A We won’t have cell phones in our pockets. Instead we’ll wear computers on our heads, like glasses, and we’ll use them to
get information from the Internet and to talk to other people. Some people already wear them, those Google glasses
everybody’s talking about, so they’re going to become more popular. Carl

B Mandarin has more speakers than any other language, and in 2050 there are going to be a lot more. China is becoming
more and more powerful, and in some elementary schools in the U.S., children are already studying Chinese. If today’s
children are ambitious and want good jobs in the future, they’ll have to learn Mandarin. Rosario

C We’ll have cars that can become airplanes, and it will be normal for people to travel into space. This will make it easier for
us to have vacations wherever we want – in a different country, or even on a different planet! Taxis won’t have any drivers,
but will be like robots and drive themselves! Some companies are designing these taxis now, so they’re going to be
everywhere. Koji

D In 2050, we won’t have enough space for farms to feed the world’s population: 9.7 billion. So people will grow food in tall
buildings that don’t need much space on the ground. Most people will live in cities, so transportation of food to supermarkets
will be cheaper. There are already some farms in tall buildings in our cities, so we’re going to see more of them. Archie

E There will be more people on the planet in 2050, so homes will become smaller. But our homes will do more to help us.
They will control how much energy we use. They will know when our fridges are empty and will order more food. And if we
have a health problem, they will get help for us! New homes today use less water and energy than older homes. So in the
future, the cost of living in our homes is going to be cheaper, too. Olivia

Are the sentences T (true) or F (false)?

1 People are already wearing computers on their heads. ___

2 All children in the U.S. have to study Chinese. ___
3 Koji thinks that more people will travel into space in the future. ___
4 Archie thinks that fewer people will live in cities. ___
5 Olivia thinks that our homes will become less expensive in the future. ___

Answer the questions.

1 How can Carl predict that computers on our heads are going to become more popular?
______________________________________ _______________________________________

2 Why is it a good idea for American children to learn Mandarin?

3 Who will drive the taxis of the future?
4 Why are farms in tall buildings a good idea for the cities of the future?
5 How will our homes know when we need more food?

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