Was Barčuk Tili A Turkic Language - Peter Zieme (2011) PDF

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Ah & BRR Journal of the Dunhuang and Turfan Studies Sts Volume XII @RORR a SEER gate eatee weeks KER 3 at ab ob BeaKx mE ae a8 ax Heme i a AR, aE + LHe =o (KLEE AR) BAR 2011 ,69—84 Was baréuk tili a Turkic Language? Peter Zieme 0. L.V. Clark expressed already the correct idea that baréuk tili was not a Turkic language, but rather a Tocharian variety. ‘' In this paper I would like to give some further arguments. 1. The colophons of some Old Turkic texts from Central Asia contain quite often also the names of the languages, in which the texts were written, from which they were or into which they were translated. 2. For the Turkic of these texts from Central Asia there exist the following designations: turk tili, uygur tili, tiirk uygur tili, uygur tiirk tili, wirkéd, and uyguréa. 3. In addition, there are other terms, primarily such that designate languages, from which or into which a given text was translated. From east to west the following language names can be found: tavgaé tili “Chinese language” (or rarely: taygac¢a “in Chinese”), (1). Clark 1975, p.37: “Scholars have mushly supposed that baréug til in this Turkic language colophon refers to & Turkic language, but it patently does not. All ofthese colophons to the Maitrisimit and the Dadaksrmapatha-avadana-mala speak of two translations, the First from KuySan into Toye, the second from Toy into Tusk, In T I M 120, baréug til stands in stead of toy tili, and is probably « hitherto unknown variety of that language (Baréug is an older designation for the modem MaralbaSi, a locality near Aqsu): the second translation, that is, from barGug tli into tek tii is by chance not mentioned in this eolophon. " + 69° SORTS MR | AB topat tili “Tibetan language”, ain(a)tkaik tli “Indian language (i. e. Sanskrit)”, (or rarely: anakiikéd “in Indian”) tohrt tili “Tocharian language (= Tocharian A)”, (ugu) kiistin tili “(Ugu) -Kiisin language (= Kuchean = Tocharian B)”, [sa] rt tili “[Sa] rt language”‘', and finally baréuk tili “Baréuk language” (= Tocharian “C”?). Apart from Clark’s clarification the problem was seldom touched on. F. W. K. Miller thought that Baréuk is a Turkic language‘*? , and his view was supported by P. Pelliot(3?, A. v. Le Coq regarded the matter as not so clear, once he regarded the Bartuk language as a Turkic language, ‘*? on another occasion he spoke of the language of a foreign people. ‘*2A. v. Gabain mentions the Baréuk language without a definition of its status‘®? , and D. Sinor follows her. 4, Baréuk is at first hand the name of a city on the northern way of the Silk (1) Zieme 200s. {2} Maller 1918, p.580, n. 3:“Dem Znsammenhange nach bedeutet hier aréug til (mul hein: baréuq tli) soviel wie trkiseh, ” (3) Pelliot 1934, p. 60: Maller a pensé que la langue baréuq dit le ouigour: je crois quil a raison”, p.65 “Et cette distinction [Unterschiede zwischen Toch A und B] aait assez marquée, au moins dds le début des Tang environ, pour «qu'on ait alors taduit une core ite & Kué3 de la langue de Kuta (Kusin) en tokharien, cuvre qui fut ensuite retraduite du tokharien en barduq, Cest-tdire probablement en outgour. ” (4) Le Coq 1919, p.98: “Der in einem ganz spaten Blockdruckfragment © i'n ma} auftretende Ausérack uiyur ili — (alle ander Texte reden von tick tli, eines von Baréug tl nach der Stadt Maralbaschi) — ruft den Bindrick hervor, es michte ein einheitlicher, als suigurische Zunges nu beteichnender Dialekt erst in der oder um die Mongolenzeit sich verbreitet haben.” 5} Le Coq 1928, p.37:"Die Dotan sprechen Ostturkisch, haben aber eine Anzabl von Wartem, die yon anderen nicht verstanden werden, Den Ort Maralbaschi, der gewissermaBen ihre Hauptstadt ist, nennen sie Bartschuk, welches Wort bereits in alten, in Turfan gefundenen tirkischen Texten vorkommt, damals aber ein anderes Volk bezeichnete.” C6) V. Gabain 1970, p.117:“Bardug: heute Maral-ba8i", p. 120: “Der ‘Preis eines Werkes namens avdiyut(?)* ist aus der Kuykan-Sprache in die Baréog-Spracke dvirmis*abersetzt' worden,” In her unpublished article “Die Sadtstaten im Tarim-Gebiet, 1. Jahrtausend n. Che." She writes: “Die eigene Sprache wurde Turk-Uighur genannt urd auch die Sprache von Baréuq war im 11, Jh. ein trkischer Dialekt. (7). Sinor 1939, Nr. 30: 10 comment on the state of bartuk tl oe Was baréuk tili a Turkic Language? Road, between KaSgar and KaraSahr. In the 11th century Mahmad al-Ka’yari calls Baréuk one of the cities built by Afrasyab, where the Caruk tribe lives. '? 5. The name Baréuk can be clearly divided into two elements: bar and the ending ( tyzyt 03 ks’nty *wytwnwr pyz ,@m'q s’str 04 []-rqwytkwrmys “lw []m brq kynkwrf ] 05 [Je yd>waye[ ] srBrksty »tlg 06 -wlwq “erry qwntwr J dyywt nwm ((binding hole + empty lines) ) 07 pytyk nynk -wykmrkyn kwys'n 08 [Jylyntyn prrewg tylyne’»Byrd-e 09 [] Byprayky klynzyny “erry +ydyywt 10 []rwnet’ky »l@w tynlq rq qwtq'r{ ] 11 []ytm’k »tlq nwm pytyk *yky @f ] 12 ]k pytyyw twyk-dy ,, 13 ] pwt nmw dm: mmw sf] Transcription O1 [... Jmfi]J§ bar arstr bo yazukum{uzda] 02 [kama]g burxanlar kutina tizit “14+ Was bartuk tili a Turkic Language? 03 k&anti dtiiniir-biz ,, kamag Sastr 04 [la]r(1) g étgirmis alku [no)m-lar(:) g kenitr{ ii] 05 [a] a yada ukat{mig] s(a) rvarak¥te atl(a) g 06 ulug aéari kontur[ mus] *ydyywt nom 07 bitig-nin dgmakin kiisin 08 [¢]ilintin baréuk tiling avirdig 09 [-i] v(a) ibatike k(a)lyanzene atari *ydyywt 10 [k6] rinttaki alku tnl(a)g-larag kutgar[u] 11 [kork]itmik atl(:)g nom bitig iki k{ark] 12 [bolo]k bitiyti tikadi ,, 13 [namo] but: namo d(a)rm: namo sa[9:] Translation What there should be of [...], we ask forgiveness for our sins in front of the majesty of [all] Buddhas. Together with the eulogy the dharma scripture ‘ydyywt laid down by the great Gcarya by name Sarvaraksita, who fathomed all sastras and widely tought all dharmas. Master Kalyanasena belonging to the school of the Vaibhasa, translated from the language of Kisiin into the language of Bartuq the dharma scripture called *ydyywt, showing(?), how all living beings in the surroundings may be rescued, (and) wrote it to the end. Namo but, namo d(a)rm, namo sap. 13. Here I would like to introduce the text of the leaf which was mentioned, but not edited so far. U 1916 (T Ill M 120) + U 21301) Transliteration recto (1) The small fragment U 2130 can directly be joined, as Jens Wilkens pointed out to me after I finished my paper. Tam very grateful for his finding “156 Bet SAMIR TE 26 Jewl,, [ ] ]rowy'dwr s[ ] Jlyneynkyn kwynkwl{ | kyl { wf Jzowylkwswa sensz tynlg br nynk *wyzyl...] Jyzk'ly “yyq dylyne Gylqly kwysws twrqwemys n,, pw snynk Gylyncynk sBrnk pyrh wk prsqy — dkwty kwynkwlwnk 1 @typ siqyn ,,’mty Iwm':: myrlq dylye owl pk wry pylyksyz ke kwyskwhwk tk wl, wykws Iq @wrqynele-wl ,,»2gy>wydwn tky lwk pwlwr: -wykws yrqy Iq pwlwr . . -ylykbr Tr nynk-wyrwk'w2'ty syzyky pwlwr Ig brq Gwrqyncyn twtr ’wyskynt’ Ble -wyz'wykwne kwyB'ne y'qylm'q 'wyz’ kws br pyr rsyn’rwr *nyn’mty lwm pw °yl swrnyn pwhng yBhg sync kyn kwynkwlwnkt rw gwd *wytrw mwnew wow! prqsysy “rey swykws twyrlwk +wl swenyn’yrdy: owytrw wl *qyr ’yklyk y nynk “wl ent kwynkwlyntky kwyswsy @ynty: ‘wtyn ‘myn *wt'dy ‘mb dy owl kyntyn ym? >wzty qwtrwlty °wl p’qsysy y ym’ pw kwyswslwk yr swBd? wynk{ ] wlwg ywl kwyrtkwrdy tytsy sy yor Gq 27 Pal ]y tBrnty twyrt dyon s'qyneyq kwynkwl 28 ynt twrqwrdy dy’n s’qyne tyeqynk? 29 pys twyrlwk pwykwlwk -rd’m twrqwrw twykotdy 30 prqsysy nk» wqs'dy -wlwq 'dkwk? twyk'] +76 Was baréuk tili a Turkic Language? 31 lyk »rdys Grqys'wyz’ rklyk “ry 32[ ]ntr pwlty: wydy ‘wl -wyz kwynkwl(yn) tky ttrw J ayneyn [ Jal Hyneyn af ] yyrdy wynd[...] 33 [ | 34[ --] mpnynk pf... 35 [ O1[... 1 past 02[ wyrtw 8'B[ 1 03[ |p twrdy: pasy sytppryl — }al 04 swnw y’tdy »y’syn y*dyp *ync’ wytwn[ ] | 05 ‘wykswz kwynkwlswz tklwk kysy tk pylk{ 06 -rmys mn yrynck>kwey kwynkwl twrqwrdwnkw{ 07 myny ’wyz’ yrlq @newey pylykyn{ 08 y:nem qlg ‘wydyn myny tsq’rd’n[ 09 pyrwk -wyz — qylmys Gylyney[ 10 sqyns’r mn trytyp *;wBwtwmt’ wn{ 11 y'sqw yyr pwlm’z mn: ‘mty tnkrym syzynk \ | | 12 twyzwn kwynklwnkwz ny mwne’d p'rw *wyrl[ 13 mk’tdym m’nk: tyZyt ks*nty pyrynk 14 -wytrw p’qsy *ylkyn tytsy sy nynk p{ 15 yz’ wrwp *yne’ typ tydy: *wqlwm’q[ 16 twyrlwk y*nkyn snk tyzyt ksn[ 17 qylwr mn prvke'n tynlq Pr nynk kwy[ 18 ynt ynem lq twmn -wyrtwklwk twr[ 19 ye2wijlwq y'qmwr y'qytyr: pyle yInkw{ 20 -wqly *2 Gy ynemrgyq tnkhm'qw krkek 21 -wyrtw wl tytsy sy *r¥y p’qsy synk’[ 22 -wytwnty p'qsy y’ swyzl’nk mnk- 23 ked »dyn tynlg bra odkw sijynenn[ 24 wl: yrlnewey kwynkwlwksyz: “rwqswz s[ i “1. BEI S BARAT LS 25 swyrwk ‘we'ty "dyn tynlg br @ dl ] 26 dylq'ly stqynwr syz: mwnwnk twysyn nf ] 27 kwysws kwys'ywr syz nvqwt Gwiwr syz: 28 -wyrtw peqsy sy °rZy *yne’ typ tydy: 29 twyzk-rynesyz yk wystwnky pwrq'n 30 qwtyn tylywr mn ywl »nt-q ywit 31 ywryqwey mn swyzwk kwynkwlwk pwlty 32 -wl -réy *yne’ typ tydy: gyw -wydwn 33 syz pw @tyql’nmgynkyz *warynt’ pwrq'n 34 gwtl Jnr syz {...] myny 35[ J nwB [Jwml eq twf...] Transcription recto or Jol ] 02[ Jr uyadur s[ | 03 [ayig ky] -lndigin kon ]t{ ] 04 {siJz ulgusiz sans(1)z unl (1) glarmy ozi[n] 05 [ii]zgali ayig kiln’ kalgah kisi turgurms 06 -[saJn .. bo sénin kihnén savay birla 07 [nav]ik yara8gay adgiiti kénilliin 08 [bir] katp sakin .. amt: 09 [og]luma: : misl(1) g kahé 10 [yana] ol bag orm biligsiz 11 [lar]ka kiisagilk tag ol , iku& 12 [ada] l(a)g korkmél(a)g ol ,, azky-a tidiin tagi 13 - [ngtiJlak bolur: aki yagi-I(1)g bolur: eliglir 14 [han] lar-my irik uzati seziki bolur 15 [tn]l(a)g-lar(1)g korkiném tutar tiskinté 16 [é]vka 6z dgiiné kiivané yagilamak iizd 17 [Ui] kuS-lar birla karSin ariir anin amt 18 [og]luma bo el orm bulmak y(a)vlak sakmé 19 -[ap1]n képiiltinta nara kod étri monéu 20 -[lay] u ol bahSis: ri akii§ tiirlig ol 21 [el] orn irdi: otrii ol agir iglig 22 [tits]i-mp ol antag kopilintaki kiisi8i 23 [al]kanti: on Amin otadi dmladi ol 24 [iJgintin yma oz kutrult ol bah8is: 25 [arz]i yma bo kusislig yer suvda 6pi 26 [ozgluluk yol kértgiirdi titsi-si yma katag 27 -lanti tavranti tort dyan sakinéig képill 28 -inté turgurdi dyan sakiné tayakina 29 be¥ tirliig biigiliig ardam turguru tukatdi 30 bahSisi-pa ok8adi ulug adgiika tukal 31 - “78+

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