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ertificación en


Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Facultad de Ingeniería
Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas
: Objectives
: Modifiers
: Other Modifiers

•Declare classes, inner classes, methods, instance variables,

static variables and automatic (method local) variables,
making appropriate use of all permitted modifiers (such
as public, final, static, abstract, and so forth).
State the significance of each of these modifiers both
singly and in combination, and state the effect of package
relationships on declared items qualified by these modifiers.

•Identify correctly constructed source files, package

declarations, import statements, class declarations
(of all forms, incluiding inner classes), interface
declarations and implementations (for java.lang.Runnable
or other interfaces described in the test), method declarations
(including the main method that is used to start execution
of a class), variable declarations, and identifiers.
Keywords that give the compiler information about
the nature of code, data or classes.

• Specify that a particular feature is static,

final or transient

feature: a class, a method, or a variable

• A group of modifiers (access modifiers)
dictate which classes are allowed to use a
• Other modifiers can be used in combination
to describe the attributes of a feature
Some Legal declarations

class Parser{ ... }

public class EightDimensionalComplex{ ... }
private int i;
Graphics offScreenGC;
protected double getChiSquared() { ... }
private class Horse { ... }
Illegal declarations

public protected int x; // at most 1

//access modifier allowed
friendly Button getBtn() {...} // friendly is not a
// modifier

: The most generous access modifier

: A public class, variable, or method may be used in
any java program without restriction
: An applet is declared as a public class so that it
may be instantiated by browsers
: An application declares its main() method to be
public so that main() may be invoked from any
Java runtime environment

: the least generous access modifier

: Top-level classes may not be declared
: A private variable may only be used by an
instance of the class the class that declares
the variable or method
1. class Complex {
2. private double real, imaginary ;

3. public Complex ( double r, double i) {

4. real=r; imaginary =i; }

5. public Complex add(Complex c) {

6. return new Complex (real + c.real,
7. imaginary + c.imaginary);
8. }
9. }
11. class Client {
12. void useThem() {
13. Complex c1 =new Complex (1, 2);
14. Complex c2 =new Complex (3, 4);
15. Complex c3 =c1. add(c2);
16. double d=c3.real; // Illegal!
17. }
18. }
: Private data is hidden from every object
other than the one that owns the data
: If class Complex has a subclass called
SubComplex, then every instance of
SubComplex will inherit its own real and
imaginary variables; an instance of a
subclass is denied access
1. Class Complex{
2. private double real, imaginary;

3. public Complex add(Complex c) {

4. return new Complex(real + c.real,
1. imaginary + c.imaginary);
5. }
6. }

7. Class SubComplex extends Complex {

8. SubComplex(double r, double i) {
9. real = r; // compiler error
10. }
11. }

: Is the name of the default access of

classes, variables and methods
: A class’ data and methods may be friendly
as the class itself
: A class’ friendly features are accessible to
any class in the same
: Friendly is not a java keyword
: Java considers that all classes in the
directory actually make up a package


Class Class

Class Class

Only variables, methods, and inner

classes may be declared

: protected features are even more accessible than

friendly features
: A protected feature is available to all classes in the
same package, just like a friendly feature
: A protected feature is available to all the subclasses
of the class that owns the protected feature
: This access is provided even to subclasses that reside
in a different package from the class that owns the
protected feature
package sportinggoods;
class Ski {
void applymax() { ... }

package sportinggoods;
class DownhillSki extends Ski {
void tuneup() {
// other tuneup functionality here
package adifferentpackage; // class Ski now in a
// different package
Class Ski {
protected void applymax() { ... }

package sportinggoods;
Class DownhillSki extends Ski {
void tuneup() {
// other tuneup functionality here
Subclasses and Method privacy

Methods may not be overridden to be more private

private friendly Protected public

A method with some particular access type may be

overriden by a method with a different access type,
provided there is a path from the original type to the
new type.
Illegal access types for subclasses

public Protected friendly private

Other Modifiers
Java does not care about order of
appearance of modifiers:

public final same as final public

protected static same as static protected

Not every modifier can be applied to every kind of


: Applies to classes, methods, and variables

: Final features may not be changed
: A final class may not be subclassed
: A final variable may not be modified once it has
been assigned a value
: If a final variable is a reference to an object, it is
the reference that must stay the same, not the

Error: “Can’t subclass final classes”

class SubMath extends java.lang.Math

1. class Walrus {
2. int weight;
3. Walrus(int w) { weight = w; }
4. }
6. class Tester {
7. final Walrus w1=new Walrus(1500);
8. void test() {
9. w1=new walrus(1400); // Illegal
10. w1.weight=1800; // Legal
11. }
12. }

: You may not change a final object reference

: You may change data owned by an object that is
referred to by a final object reference variable
A final method may not be overriden

1. class Mammal {
2. final void getAround() { }
3. }

4. class Dolphin extends Mammal {

5. void getAround () { }
6. }

Compiler error:
“Final methods can’t be overriden”

: Can be applied to classes and methods

: A class that is abstract may not be instantiated
: Abstract classes defer implementation to
: If a class contains one or more abstract
methods the compiler insists that the class must
be declared abstract
class Animal

abstract void travel()

void travel() void travel() void travel()

class Bird class Fish class Snake

The compiler insists that the class must be
declared abstract if any of the following is true
: The class has one or more abstract methods
: The class inherits one or more abstract
methods for which it does not provide
: The class declares that it implements an
interface but does not provide implementation
for every method of that interface

In a way, abstract is the opposite of final:

A final class MAY NOT be subclassed
An abstract class MUST be subclassed

: Applies to variables, methods, and even a

strange kind of code that is not part of a
: You can think of a static features as
belonging to a class, rather than being
associated with an individual instance of
the class

class Ecstatic {
static int x=0;
Ecstatic() { x++; }
Two ways to reference a static variable

1. Via a reference to any instance of the


Bad form
Ecstatic e1 = new Ecstatic();
Ecstatic e2 = new Ecstatic();
e1.x = 100;
e2.x = 200;
2. Via the class name:

Ecstatic e1 = new Ecstatic();

Ecstatic e2 = new Ecstatic();
Ecstatic.x = 100; // why did I do this?
Ecstatic.x = 200;
Static methods are not allowed to use the non-static
features of their class.
Static methods are not concerned with individual
instances of a class.
They may be invoked before even a single instance
of the class is constructed.

class SomeClass {
static int i=48;
int j=1;

public static void main(String args[]) {

i += 100;
j *= 5; // compiler error
Non-static methods have an implicit variable
named this, which is a reference to the
object executing the method

Class Xyz {
int w;
void bumpW() {

Abbreviation for
If a static method needs to access a non-static variable or call a
non-static method, it must specify which instance of its
class owns teh variable or executes the method have an
implicit variable named this, which is a reference to the
object executing the method

1. import java.awt.*;

2. public class MyFrame extends Frame {

3. Myframe() {
4. setSize(300, 300);
5. }
7. public static void main( String[] args ) {
8. MyFrame theFrame=new Myframe();
9. theFrame.setVisible(true);
10. }
11. }
A static method may not be overrriden to
be non-static (and vice-versa)

Class Cattle {
static void foo() { }

Class Sheep extends Cattle {

void foo() { }

“Static methods can’t be overrriden”
Summary (static)

: A static method may only access the static data

of its class; it may not access non-static data
: A static method may only call the static methods
of its class; it may not call non-static methods
: A static method has no this reference
: A static method may not be overriden to be non-
Static initializers
: It is legal for a class to contain static code that
does not exist within a method body
: A class may have a block of initializer code that
is simply surrounded by curly braces and labeled

public class StaticDemo {

static int i=5;

static {
System.out.println(“Static code: i= “+ i++ );
public static void main( String [] args ) {
System.out.println(“main: i= “+ i++ );
Static initializer code
: the code inside the curlies is executed exactly
once at the time the class is loaded
: At class-load time, all static initialization and all
free-floating static code are executed in order of
appearance within the class definition

public class StaticDemo {

static int i=5;

static {
System.out.println(“Static code: i= “+ i++ );
public static void main( String[] args ) {
System.out.println(“main: i= “+ i++ );

: Can refer only to methods

: Indicates that the body of a method is to be
found elsewhere
: In the case of abstact methods, the body is in a
: With native methods, the body lies entirely
outside the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), in a
: Native code is written in a non-java language,
and compiled for a single target machine type
: When a native method is invoked, the libarry
that contains the native code ought ot be loaded
and available to the JVM
1. class NativeExample {
2. native void doSomethingLocal(int i);
3. static {
4. System.loadLibrary(“MyNativeLib”);
5. }
6. }

1. nativeExample natex;
2. natex=new NativeExample();
3. natex.doSomethingLocal (5);
: Callers of native methods do not have to
know that the method is native
: The call is made the same way as if it
were non-native

1. nativeExample natex;
2. natex=new NativeExample();
3. natex.doSomethingLocal (5);

: Can be applied only to variables

: A transient variable is not stored as part of its
object´s persistent state
Many objects (specifically those that implement either the
Serializable or Externalizable interfaces) can have their
state serialized and written to some destination outside
the JVM

This is done by passing the object to the WriteObject()

method of the ObjectOutputStream class

If the stream is chained to a FileOutputStream, then the

object’s state is written to a file
If the stream is chained to a socket’s OutputStream, then the
object’s state is written to the network

In both cases the object can be reconstituted by reading it

from an ObjectInputStream
1. class WealthyCustomer extends Customer
implements Serializable {
2. private float $wealth;
3. private String accessCode;
4. }

Once an object is written to a destination outside

JVM, none of Java’s elaborate security
mechanism is in effect

If an instance of this class were to be written to a

file or to the Internet, somebody could snoop the
access code
1. class WealthyCustomer extends Customer
implements Serializable {
2. private float $wealth;
3. private transient String accessCode;
4. }

Now the value of accessCode will not be written

out during serialization

: Control access to critical code in

multithreaded programs
: To be seen in chapter 7

: Only variables may be volatile

: Such variables might be modified
asynchronously, so the compiler takes special
precautions (multi-processor environments)

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