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PO Box 2199

QUEENSLAND Sunnybank Hills

QLD 4109
CLUB Inc. Phone No 0478 239384

Newsletter March 2016

First sunrise of 2016 at Governors Chair, Spicers Gap (Report p.3) Photo: Norm Johnston

Club News

From the editor Take a Look at a Walk with the Daly's

Welcome to the March newsletter. John Daly will be a guest speaker at the 1 March 2016
This edition provides notice of activities spanning the club meeting. John will share information about
whole year. From a BWQ party in mid-March to previous adventures and upcoming treks. It is a great
Pilgrimage in July to the Christmas party in December, opportunity to come along and ask questions if you are
QBW has your 2016 calendar sorted! interested in joining an escorted trek, or to simply gain
some insight into walks in fascinating parts of the
It seems that every second club member I speak with world. This presentation is free!
has either just been to or has just returned from either
NZ or Tasmania. There must be some tales to tell from See more at
all that walking (and anywhere else), so if you are able QBW Christmas Party 2-4 December
to convert your memories to walk reports I'd love to Grooms Cottage at Binna Burra is booked for the first
publish them (with photos as a bonus). weekend in December 2016 for the annual club
If members have any good ideas about guest Christmas Party. Mark your calendars!
speakers/ topics for the monthly club meetings, training Meanwhile a brief summary of the 2015 Christmas
needs, ways to enhance our walking experiences, etc, party at Bigriggen was published last month. However
please contact a committee member. Contact details since then a photo has emerged that is worth a
are on page four. thousand words (see next page). Now I'm really
Enjoy your walking in March and see you on the trail! wishing I attended! Sigh... (Ed.)
Michael H

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Daly Walking Trip
John and Lyn Daly are organising a walking trip to the
Canyons of South Western USA from Las Vegas, 2-21
May. It will feature the Grand Canyon, Havasu Falls
and Angels Landing amongst many places of interest.
Go to or contact them on
0417 611810 for more information.
Fraser Island Defenders Organisation (FIDO)
John Sinclair AO of FIDO is always keen to hear of
volunteers for track maintenance or landscape
recovery on Fraser Island. Volunteers with 4WD's are
especially welcome.
Phone 0418 650535 or see more at
FMR Training
FMR is inviting members of bushwalking clubs to sign
up for the following training days this year:
General News 10 April Subvertical Training
BWQ Bush Bash Party 20 March 2016 (for advanced walk leaders)
To promote the 2016 walking season, Bushwalking Qld 14/15 May Abseil/Vertical Rescue Training
is holding a Bush Bash Party at Ashgrove library, 87 (basic abseil competency required)
Amarina Avenue, Ashgrove on 20 March, 10am-4pm.
28 August Subvertical Training
Michael H and Sandy attended the 2015 event and can (for advanced walk leaders)
recommend it (especially the cake!).
10 Sept FMR Incident Management Training
Combined Club Campout 30 April 2016 (for current or future walk leaders)
Capricornia Bushwalkers are hosting the 2016
Combined Club Campout at Kooyalee, Parkhurst (just 24 Sept FMR Search Training
north of Rockhampton in Central Qld) on the weekend (aimed at all FMR members)
of 30 April – 2 May 2016. For more information (including venues/costs) see
The Girl Guides facility provides camping and or email .
bunkhouse options for $15 per day. A bbq meal is QORF Film and Photo Competition
provided for an additional $10. You are invited to join in
the weekend which includes local walks and kayaking. Here's one for all you keen photographers/
Richard K attended CCC last year and recommends it. videographers!
QBW will have registration details in March. For info QORF (Queensland Outdoors Recreation Forum)
email . holds an annual Visioning the Outdoors Film and Photo
Pilgrimage 2016 competition. The theme this year is Live Life Outdoors.
On the subject of club get togethers, BBW has advised QORF invites people to submit photos or videos on this
that planning for Pilgrimage 2016 is proceeding well. theme by 4 April 2016. You could win $500 in each of a
At least 12 walks are organised to date with more to variety of categories! There is also a youth section.
come. Information and registration form are available Check out the competition website for more details and
at: . to see examples of previous winners:
Update on Nature Conservation Act
The state government has issued a media release to WW1 Queenslander Challenge
outline progress on the Nature Conservation and Other
Four times each year the WW1 Queenslander
Legislation Amendment Bill 2015. A copy of the release
Challenge takes place. Trekkers walk 100km from
is available on request to the editor.
Brisbane to Woodford via the National Parks. It is a
The main change is the restoration of the principle of controlled non-stop walk with each participant carrying
'conservation', which may seem like a no-brainer to a brick with the name of a fallen Qld soldier from WW1.
some given the title of the Act. But there may be more
to it so to read the relevant committee report go to: There are several options for participation – individual, part of a relay team, a group walking the whole route,
C/2015/06-NatConsOLAB15/06-rpt-013-05Feb2016. or a relay of stretcher bearers.
National Mapping Website The 7000 bricks will be used to build a remembrance
wall by 2018.
BWQ has advised that the information available at the
National Mapping website produced by the Australian For more info phone 30730143 / 0400 720675 or see
Government may be of interest and use to clubs. To .
access this, do a web search for

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Coming Walks All up at around 4.00am and we car-pooled for a short
drive from the camp ground to Governor’s Chair. Dawn
Any person wishing to come on a club walk must was cool enough and the photo opportunities not
contact the walk leader first. The leader will organise perfect. However, I’m sure there will be sunrise shots
the meeting place and car pooling and has full for next photo comp. (See photo on page 1 - Ed.)
discretion on who can come on the walk. Back to the camp site for a well earned breakfast.
Nominations close 9:00pm on the Wednesday prior to Some loafed, one went West and the rest did the
a weekend trip or by 9.00pm on the Monday before familiar circuit around Mount Matheson. It’s still a
Wednesday trips. classic walk, but we’ll avoid a description this time. The
More details are available in the club calendar. weather was kind considering the time of year.
Richard K. arrived back from his exploration of Spicer’s
March 2016 Peak with an extra GPS file for future reference.
5 Sat West Canungra Ck (O'Reilly's) D/W The serious campers stayed on after the walks.
Michael Hoopmann 0401 527017 The casuals drifted off to other commitments and to
6 Sun GPS/Compass navigation (Daisy Hill)TRN coffee at Aratula.
Marion Laban 0405 536718 Thanks to Dave and Lyn, Robin and Marion, Ralph
12 Sat Ships Stern Circuit (Binna Burra) D/W and Anna for the serious camping and to Richard,
Aileen Elliott 5427 9369 a/h Aileen, Bob, the casual campers and Tom (the dawn
13 Sun Ravensbourne NP (Crows Nest) D/W arrival).
Michael Hoopmann 0401 527017 Attendance sheet kept by Norm. Hardly the leader!
20 Sun Bohgaban Falls (Binna Burra) D/W
Norm Johnston
Patricia Kolarski 3341 7509
25-28 Fri-Sun Woodenbong base camp B/C Mount Mitchell 6 Feb D/W
Patricia Kolarski 3341 7509 Who: Gerry Burton, Bob Hammelswang, Jim and Julie
April 2016 Woodyatt, Bert deVos, Nolene McKay and Norm
2 Sat Fountain Falls (O'Reilly's) D/W
Patricia Kolarski 3341 7509 We met at Aratula at 7.00am, and cheated the rain yet
again. Reasonably cool morning and the sky was
9 Sat Stinson Wreck (Christmas Creek) D/W
Norm Johnston 5541 2755(w)
misty. We started walking at 7.40am and were back by
11.20am after enjoying a short morning tea break at
the lookout on top.
Proposed Walks
Green Gully Oxley Wild Rivers 5-11 August
Gerry Burton is proposing a walk at Green Gully with
possible dates 5 – 11 August. The dates will be firmed
up when booking the walk with NP. The walk start date
of 7 August is presently available. The plan is to take
two days to drive there and two days back, and spend
5 nights in the cottages/huts including the 4 day walk.
There is a limit of 6 people on the walk.
Cost is $140, plus camping/cabin on the road, plus
share of petrol.
To register contact Gerry on 0408 793715 or email

Past Walks
Spicers Gap Camping Area 31 Dec B/C
New Year’s Eve Some leeches attached to the rich-blooded but nothing
too serious. We missed the wild raspberries (fruit) but
Ten members and one guest attended. Guest was Tom not the barbs. The stinging nettles didn’t miss us either.
Plunkett, a seasoned bushwalker who has lead There is wisdom in wearing gaiters or long trousers
numerous walks with K.2. Most arrived at around 6pm. notwithstanding the heat and humidity. In places the
The exception was Bobbie H. who worked late and had track was very narrow because of encroaching growth,
to negotiate the slippery dirt surface up to the campsite particularly the nettles in shaded areas. The variety in
in the dark. By the time the rescue detail reached him plant life was a feature of this well known walk.
he had taken the fast assault and crossed the steep
bits. Not bad for a little Toyota Corolla! We spent some time identifying and discussing the
Special thanks to Dave and Lyn Kenrick for being an option of dropping down a ridge to the West and will
advance party, and with their large tent and facilities organise this longer walk when the weather is cooler.
created a base camp for the rest of the group. The chatter of the bushwalkers was louder than the
The usual social session lasted until about 10.00 pm, Coachwhip birds, but isn’t that a great aspect of our
with nibbles, the odd drink and meals fitted into the club. Thanks all. Norm Johnston

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General Information Garmin GPS
5 GPSs which have a 20 metre contour topo map of the whole
QBW Management Committee of Australia included.
President Robin Laban 0478 239 384
PLBs with inbuilt GPS
Vice President Mary Sherlock 3209 8514
5 PLBs with inbuilt GPS. The PLBs will be made available at
Secretary Marion Laban 0405 536 718 each club meeting and will need to be returned at the following
Treasurer Gerry Burton 0408 793 715 club meeting.
Outings Officer Richard Kolarski 0422 429 717 Contact Robin Laban on 0478 239 384 to book a loan of these
Membership Officer Patricia Kolarski 3341 7509
Editor Michael Hoopmann 0401 527 017
Training Officer Vacant Reciprocal Walks with Other Clubs
Social Secretary Helen McAllister 0419 684 319
Redlands Bushwalking Club
Other Voluntary Positions Only stipulation is that Redlands club members have priority
Equipment Officer Vacant (see Robin) over visitors. Calendar is available at:
Supper Convenor Mary Sherlock 3209 8514
Librarian Nolene McCay 0488 490 264
Bushwalkers of Southern Queensland (BOSQ)
BWQ Rep Anne Kemp 3371 2707
BOSQ allows financial members from other bushwalking clubs
BWQ Rep Richard Kolarski 0422 429 717
affiliated with Bushwalking Queensland to join in BOSQ
activities without having to become members of BOSQ or pay
Insurance Hotline 1300 723180 visitor fees. This will be with the agreement of the activity leader.
Members of BOSQ will have priority for nominations.
Meeting Place Calendar is available at
Club meetings are on the first Tuesday of the month starting at
7.30pm. There is no club meeting in January.
Meetings are held at the Little King's Hall on the corner of Carl
YHA Bushwalkers
and O'Keefe Streets, Buranda. Entry is via the gate on Carl St. Members of other BWQ affiliated clubs can join up to three
There is parking within the grounds and in Carl Street. walks per calendar year. Calendar is available at:
Tea/coffee and cake/biscuits are provided after the meeting.
A coin donation would be appreciated.
Membership Gold Coast Bushwalkers
Probationary Membership Gold Coast Bushwalkers may admit as honorary members
A non-member automatically becomes a Probationary Member financial members of bushwalking clubs which are affiliated with
on his/her first walk after signing the Acknowledgement of Risk BWQ. This dispensation will be at the discretion of the
form. No fee is payable to become a Probationary Member. Management Committee.
A Probationary Member must become an Ordinary Member on
his/her second walk by filling out a membership form and paying Ipswich Bushwalkers Inc
the membership fee. Intending walkers must contact the leader in advance. The
Ordinary Membership newsletter also contains a full description of the grading system
and a list of Committee members and their contact numbers.
A person may become an Ordinary Member by filling out and Calendar available at
signing a membership form, having a proposer sign the form
and handing the form with the membership fee to a committee
member or walk leader. Feature Pic
The proposer may be a friend who is a member of the club, a
QBW walk leader, the Membership Officer or one of the
committee members.
An Ordinary Member has the right to vote at an AGM or be
elected to a committee position.
Members of Another Bushwalking Club
Members of another bushwalking club which is affiliated with
Bushwalking Queensland Inc. (or an interstate Federation) and
who are covered by the same insurance do not need to become
a member of our club to go on our walks. However QBW
members will have priority if there is a limit on numbers.

Club Equipment
Compasses Topo Maps
Steripen First Aid Kits
The above are for use on loan by members at nil cost.
Mt Barney from Barney View Road (looking south west)
Contact Richard Kolarski 0422 429717 to obtain these items.

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