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PO Box 2199

QUEENSLAND Sunnybank Hills

QLD 4109
CLUB Inc. Phone No 0478 239384
Newsletter June 2016

QBW walkers (not the cows...!) at Running Creek. See report p.5 Photo: G Burton

Club News
From the editor Get ready for the wildlife
Welcome to the June newsletter. On Tuesday evening, 7 June, attendees at the monthly
This month we have important notices regarding the QBW meeting will get a rare treat. Dave Kenrick is
upcoming annual general meeting. Unlike the Federal taking time out from his busy travel schedule to give a
election, voting for office bearers will be over quickly, highly entertaining presentation on memorable wildlife
there will be no staged debates, and it will all be encounters. This will include some spectacular and
followed by a social chat over supper. Please consider rare photos taken by Dave and Lyn on their travels.
a role in the club. Note that your membership must be Seeking Support for Kokoda Challenge
valid to be eligible to vote at the AGM. Mary Sherlock is participating as a member of a team
Richard has uncovered some information about in the Kokoda Challenge (16-17 July) this year and
interstate ambulance costs that may save you a lot of invites you to support her fundraising efforts.
money and worry, and there is a Pilgrimage update. The Kokoda Youth Foundation was established in 2004
For those who skip to the sports section, there are four to inspire young Australians and provide them with
(4!) walk reports to enjoy. Thank you to the various opportunities for personal growth. It focuses on 12-17
contributors. Especially topical is Gerry's account of a year olds, and impacts families and communities.
walk at Running Creek that didn't require intervention The program is based on the principles of courage,
from rescuers, despite several challenges! endurance, mateship and sacrifice, derived from the
Enjoy your reading and see you on the trail. experience of Australian soldiers on the Kokoda Track
in Papua New Guinea in WW2.
Michael H

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The work of the Foundation depends on fundraising. General News
The Gold Coast Kokoda Challenge is a 96km team
endurance test which raises the bulk of these funds. It A reminder that Pilgrimage 2016 is fast approaching on
is hailed as the toughest event of its kind in Australia. 29 – 31 July. The venue is Baden Powell Park, 68
Cash Avenue, Samford Valley. Cost is $50. Forms to
See for information
register will be available at Tuesday's meeting, 7 June.
about the Gold Coast event and the work of the
Kokoda Youth Foundation or go to the Facebook page. BBW provided the following update:
QBW has committed up to a $50 donation towards Pilgrimage 2016 – Final update
Mary's fundraising. This not only helps support the fine
The details for the 2016 Pilgrimage have now been
efforts of the Kokoda Foundation but also entitles QBW
finalised and all we need now is for people to register
to have it's logo printed on the team t-shirts.
and turn up. To recap:
Attendees at Tuesday night's club meeting, 7 June, are
Friday night we have soup and bread for everyone
invited to make a contribution towards the club's $50
whilst a slideshow of photos from various walks within
target. Your donation will be gratefully accepted and it's
Australia and overseas will run in the background.
in a good cause. Gold coin donations are welcome.
On Saturday, we have at least 14 walks of various
Could you be a QBW Website Manager?
levels of difficulty planned. When you return from the
Richard Kolarski is retiring from the role of club website walk, the local Samford Valley pub has been advised of
manager. If any member is interested in learning how our event and are holding 70 seats available for dinner
to look after the website please speak to a committee for those who don't want to eat at the campsite. That
member or contact Richard on will be followed by the bushdance at 8pm in the hall on
The role includes updating the walks calendar, site, so no more driving required.
handling club emails, managing the walks database
Sunday morning will see the option of 3 different types
and ensuring that technical issues are dealt with asap.
of cycle rides in the area. Or for those who are not
Membership Due feeling so active, there will be a bring and buy stall.
Your QBW membership is becoming due for the 2016- Anyone is welcome to bring any bushwalking items
2017 financial year. All members will receive a notice they no longer need and sell them - you're all
by email or by post. responsible for your own pricing and selling - we
supply the tables. Or there will be a yoga session for
Membership is still only $30.00 and is valid to
those wishing to participate in something relaxing.
30/6/2017. A membership form can be downloaded
from the club website at The morning will end with the Passing of the Boot and various acknowledgements at around 10.30am.
The membership form and fee may be handed to a You can get your registration form via the Pilgrimage
committee member at a meeting or to a walk leader on tab on the Brisbane Bushwalkers website.
a walk or posted to the club address. Members have
until the end of August to renew their membership or image2016.html. You can save as a pdf, edit and email
risk having their membership cancelled. to
Notice Of Annual General Meeting Any questions, please contact me (0413 337 530).
Look forward to meeting many of you there.
The club's Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held
Kind regards
on Tuesday 2nd August 2016. The venue is the Little
Marge Henry, President, Brisbane Bushwalkers Club
Kings Hall on the corner of Carl and O'Keefe Streets,
Buranda. The AGM will immediately follow the usual Shepherds Walk 2016
monthly club meeting which starts at 7:30 pm. Also a reminder that the Shepherds Walk 2016 will be
The nine management committee positions which will leaving from Beaudesert Historical Society rooms at
be up for election are: 8am on 16 July. To book or obtain further details see:
President Vice President Secretary
Treasurer Membership Officer Training Officer Ambulance Costs Clarification
Editor Social Secretary Outings Officer A recent letter from Chris Towers, president of
If you would like to nominate yourself or another Bushwalking Australia stated that Queenslanders who
person for a position, please fill in the nomination form needed an ambulance while interstate will need to pay
(see p.5) and send to the Secretary c/- the club postal ambulance costs. Chris urged Qld bushwalkers to get
address or provide it at the AGM. insurance to cover ambulance costs for interstate walk.
To vote at the Annual General Meeting you must be a However residents of Queensland who require
financial member of the club and attend the meeting. ambulance/paramedic services while interstate are
covered under the Ambulance Levy.
The other important positions to be filled but which do
not have a vote on the management committee are: Here is the webpage to go to for info on where to send
Supper Convenor, Equipment Officer and two the bill if you get one.
delegates for Bushwalking Queensland Inc.
No nominations are necessary for these positions. services/interstate-ambulance-treatment.html

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Coming Walks They somehow managed to fit quite a few events over
the 3 days which put in the pale our own Pilgrimage.
Any person wishing to come on a club walk must There were walks every day, half day walks for the
contact the walk leader first. The leader will organise Saturday and Monday and a full day walk on the
the meeting place and car pooling and has full Sunday. For the not so active there were other events
discretion on who can come on the walk. If possible such as kayaking and tours of some of the old mining
provide leaders with plenty of forward notice if you wish towns.
to nominate for a walk or to change your plans.
A daily "Happy Hour" was followed by the night
Nominations close 9:00pm on the Wednesday prior to
activities, Trivia Quiz on the Saturday night and a bush
a weekend trip or by 9.00pm on the Monday before
dance and entertainment on the Sunday night.
Wednesday trips.
However the main focus was the bushwalking and I
More details are available in the club calendar. very much enjoyed the walking every day.
June 2016 On the Saturday I joined a group going up Mt Hedlow,
4 Sat Mt Greville (Aratula) D/W a volcanic plug very much like our Glasshouse
Helen McAllister 0419 684319 Mountains. After a short but strenuous climb via a
5 Sun Walks Planning/bike ride B/R, SOC razorback there were terrific views of the surrounds.
(43 Danyenah St, Loganholme)
On the Sunday there was a walk up Mt Sleipner, a
Mary Sherlock 0457 990067
peak in the Mt Archer National Park next to
11 Sat Mt Hennessy (Glen Rock) D/W Rockhampton. Again there were majestic views to be
Richard Kolarski 0422 429717
18 Sat Mt May (Boonah) D/W
Aileen Elliott 5427 9369 On the Monday there was a walk halfway up Mt Archer.
25 Sat Ships Stern via Turtle Rock saddle D/W The weather was great, the company friendly and I
Richard Kolarski 0422 429717
would heartily recommend the CCC to any and all
26 Sun Kobble Creek (Dayboro) D/W bushwalkers next year.
Patricia Kolarski 3341 7509 Richard Kolarski

Past Walks Byron Creek 7 May D/W

Combined Clubs Campout (CCC) 30 Apr-2 May B/C This is an easy walk along a pretty creek,
approximately 9.5km long, in the Mount Mee area of
For the past 20 years the bushwalking clubs of central the D’Aguilar National Park, north of Dayboro.
Queensland have gathered once a year for their
annual "Pilgrimage". It is held over the May Day long After meeting at Samford at 7.30am, the five of us
weekend and this year it was run by the Capricornia squeezed into my car for the drive, leaving the car near
Bushwalkers of Rockhampton. the gate where we would finish our walk.

The walk starts by following Peggs road and then

another forestry road, before going off track to the
creek, upstream from the causeway. I had been up
there the week before to be sure I could find the track,
and went overboard with the pink tape, so we had no
trouble getting in to the creek. From there, it is a matter
of following it downstream.
There has not been much rain lately, so the creek did
not have as much water as it had on previous

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occasions, nevertheless there were still some pretty neither I nor groups I travelled with had ever failed to
waterholes along the way, which would have been get there. Of course, there were plenty of stories about
tempting swimming spots on a summer’s day. The rock very capable bushwalkers who had failed and this
hopping was relatively easy, although there were a few might be my turn. So on the day, I set out with fingers
slippery rocks, and easy scrambles. So it was cool and crossed.
a cruisy walk, with plenty of time for chatting.
Pilot Paul Pavletich died when his twin engine Piper
We reached the causeway after about 1 ¾ hours and Comanche crashed in bad weather and poor visibility
stopped for morning tea a short way from there. in March 1977. After the crash, it took several days of
intense searching by air and ground parties to discover
Then we continued downstream to the falls, stopping to
the wreckage.
have a look down to the pool from the top. Mary was
itching to go out further on the rocks to have a better We set off from Tenison Woods car park at a
view, but in the end was persuaded to stay with us. We respectable ten to nine in the morning of a day that
then made our way down the steepish track to the remained fine and warm. After a minute or so, we
bottom of the falls. John, Helen and I stuck to the track, peeled off the Lepidozamia Track onto the footpad that
and did some bottom sliding, while Mary and Bob follows a ridge east for about 1.5km to a large log
decided to break new ground and get into thicker across the track. Initially it was through wet rainforest
scrub. followed by wet sclerophyll forest. The log was a good
place for a first morning tea and short rest.
There we stopped for an early lunch under the shade
of the trees, overlooking the pool. Helen realised she From there it was another kilometre on a ridge in a
had picked up the mother of all leeches, so we all had southerly direction through a mix of the two forest
a bit of a check. types. It was along here that we met a geographically
displaced young man without adequate navigation aids
who thought he was on the Lepidozamia Track. My
companions helped him with useful directions and we
went on our separate ways.
From the Propeller Tree the route was to the east and
then north easterly mostly in wet rainforest. Initially it
was down, picking our way over rough rocky slopes
and fallen trees with some faint foot pads at the lower
section, before reaching the remains of the plane
resting a little way above a gully and short of a big tree.
With ample tapes to follow, there was no need for GPS
or map and compass. We had our second morning tea
here. Without the tapes, it may have been a different

The rock-hopping continued after lunch until we met

the forestry road which led back to our cars. Mary, Bob
and John sprinted up the road, while Helen and I
adopted a more relaxed pace.
After that, it was back to Dayboro for coffee, cakes and
pies. Thanks to Mary, Bob, Helen and John.
Gerry Burton

Piper Comanche 8 May D/W

Success for Mary, Gerry and leader Ron. Last there
twice in 2011 (July and August), I felt a need to
reacquaint myself with the off-track part of this short
walk. This would have been accomplished by my
nomination to do it with BBW a fortnight earlier but For lunch we returned to the Propeller Tree on the
unfortunately was cancelled due to planned burns by ridge above and then headed further south a short way
the Park Service. to the trig point which is now hidden below the tree
Stories were around suggesting that the downhill tops. Once back to the car park, we had been away
section from the Propeller Tree to the wreck site was for approx. 5 hours.
recently well marked but uncertain if purists may have Our journey home was broken by a coffee break at Mt
more recently removed the tapes. With no intention of Nebo. No doubt our small party was a victim of
conducting a survey due to lack of time, I consoled Mother’s Day. Thankyou Gerry and Mary for your
myself in the knowledge that the crash site was company. Ron Owen
recorded in my GPS from those previous visits and that

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Running Creek 16-17 April T/W
The last time Mary and I had been up Running Creek in 2013, the car was stuck in a ditch for several hours
before the generous farmer Ken came to the group’s rescue with his tractor, and hauled us out.
So we were both reluctant to drive in again lest we found ourselves in the
same situation. This meant that as we had to do the long trudge along the
road and through the cow paddocks, I decided to do it as an overnight
walk rather than as a long day walk.
John threw his hat into the ring as it had been 20 odd years (?) since he
had been up that way and all he could remember was the cow paddocks.
Luckily for us that he did join us, as I realised after we had begun the walk
that I was still suffering the lingering effects of the flu and not feeling all
that great, and had to have several stops along the way.
We had a later start, at 9.30am and so set off in the unseasonally warm
April sunshine, passing cows along the way. The road was fairly easy to
follow as the grass had been recently slashed. Along the way we met up with the farmer chopping up a fallen tree
for firewood so stopped for a brief chat before continuing on. The lack of rain meant that the creek crossings were
mainly dry and we could probably have driven further in. Maybe next time we will be brave. Or John can drive.
After about an hour, we reached the start of the national park, and soon came to the creek crossing. John skipped
across the rocks but Mary and I were not so agile, and luckily he was there to lend a helping hand on the longer
steps needed.
It was then on to the rainforest part of the walk. Although there were some treefalls and wait-a-while along the
way, it was fairly easy to follow as it was well-marked with pink tape. John led the way, clearing the path a bit as
we went. And after about 4 1/2 hours we reached the camp site at the junction of England and Running Creeks.
The site was really little more than a clearing but we managed to squeeze our
3 tents in, although a fourth would have needed to be set up further back along
the track.
We sat down to lunch (although I more
collapsed than sat down) and Mary boiled up
the water for a welcome cup of tea. We set up
our tents and then started out up to the falls.
Unfortunately, I soon realised not long after
setting out again that I was still not feeling
great, so decided to wait while Mary and John
continued. They reached the falls, Mary took some photos, and then returned.
We nearly missed the exit to the camp from the creek but luckily John was on
the ball.
John and I had brought along some “refreshments” for happy hour, and John
even persuaded Mary to join in the spirit of things. Then it was a relatively early
bedtime, with the sounds of rushing water nearby.
After a good night’s rest, we packed up and set off back down the track to the
car. We made better time than the day before, 3 ½ hours. Then it was back to
Maccas for lunch and coffee.
Thanks to Mary and John for joining me. Hopefully next time I will feel up to making it to the falls.
Gerry Burton

Nomination Form For Committee Position

I wish to nominate …..........................................................……………………………….

For the position of …………...........................................................……………..……….

Nominator ……………………………….........................................................….

Seconder ………………………………........................................................….

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General Information Garmin GPS
5 GPSs which have a 20 metre contour topo map of the whole
QBW Management Committee of Australia included.
President Robin Laban 0478 239 384
PLBs with inbuilt GPS
Vice President Mary Sherlock 3209 8514
5 PLBs with inbuilt GPS. The PLBs will be made available at
Secretary Marion Laban 0405 536 718 each club meeting and will need to be returned at the following
Treasurer Gerry Burton 0408 793 715 club meeting.
Outings Officer Richard Kolarski 0422 429 717 Contact Robin Laban on 0478 239 384 to book a loan of these
Membership Officer Patricia Kolarski 3341 7509
Editor Michael Hoopmann 0401 527 017
Training Officer Vacant Reciprocal Walks with Other Clubs
Social Secretary Helen McAllister 0419 684 319
Redlands Bushwalking Club
Other Voluntary Positions Only stipulation is that Redlands club members have priority
Equipment Officer Vacant (see Robin) over visitors. Calendar is available at:
Supper Convenor Mary Sherlock 3209 8514
Librarian Nolene McCay 0488 490 264
Bushwalkers of Southern Queensland (BOSQ)
BWQ Rep Anne Kemp 3371 2707
BOSQ allows financial members from other bushwalking clubs
BWQ Rep Richard Kolarski 0422 429 717
affiliated with Bushwalking Queensland to join in BOSQ
activities without having to become members of BOSQ or pay
Insurance Hotline 1300 723180 visitor fees. This will be with the agreement of the activity leader.
Members of BOSQ will have priority for nominations.
Meeting Place Calendar is available at
Club meetings are on the first Tuesday of the month starting at
7.30pm. There is no club meeting in January.
Meetings are held at the Little King's Hall on the corner of Carl
YHA Bushwalkers
and O'Keefe Streets, Buranda. Entry is via the gate on Carl St. Members of other BWQ affiliated clubs can join up to three
There is parking within the grounds and in Carl Street. walks per calendar year. Calendar is available at:
Tea/coffee and cake/biscuits are provided after the meeting.
A coin donation would be appreciated.
Membership Gold Coast Bushwalkers
Probationary Membership Gold Coast Bushwalkers may admit as honorary members
A non-member automatically becomes a Probationary Member financial members of bushwalking clubs which are affiliated with
on his/her first walk after signing the Acknowledgement of Risk BWQ. This dispensation will be at the discretion of the
form. No fee is payable to become a Probationary Member. Management Committee.
A Probationary Member must become an Ordinary Member on
his/her second walk by filling out a membership form and paying Ipswich Bushwalkers Inc
the membership fee. Intending walkers must contact the leader in advance. The
Ordinary Membership newsletter also contains a full description of the grading system
and a list of Committee members and their contact numbers.
A person may become an Ordinary Member by filling out and Calendar available at
signing a membership form, having a proposer sign the form
and handing the form with the membership fee to a committee
member or walk leader. Feature Pic
The proposer may be a friend who is a member of the club, a
QBW walk leader, the Membership Officer or one of the
committee members.
An Ordinary Member has the right to vote at an AGM or be
elected to a committee position.
Members of Another Bushwalking Club
Members of another bushwalking club which is affiliated with
Bushwalking Queensland Inc. (or an interstate Federation) and
who are covered by the same insurance do not need to become
a member of our club to go on our walks. However QBW
members will have priority if there is a limit on numbers.

Club Equipment
Compasses Topo Maps
Steripen First Aid Kits
The above are for use on loan by members at nil cost. The 100 metres long rail tunnel on the shared
Roses Circuit trail, Dularcha NP, between
Contact Richard Kolarski 0422 429717 to obtain these items.
Landsborough and Mooloolah, Sunshine Coast.

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