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Cabrera, Jeremiah S.

S-MAT22: Differential Equations

Dela Peña, Nicolle Anne A. Problem Set
IV-14 BME Tuesday, 4 September 2018
1. The rate of natural increase of the population of a certain city is proportional to the population. In 1955 the population
was 40,000, and in 1995 it was 60,000. (a) If 𝑦 is the population 𝑡 years since 1955, express 𝑦 as a function of 𝑡. (b) Estimate
on your graphics calculator what the population will be in 2001. (c) Estimate on your graphics calculator when the
population will be 80,000. (d) Confirm your estimates in parts (b) and (c) analytically.

1|P a g e
Cabrera, Jeremiah S. S-MAT22: Differential Equations
Dela Peña, Nicolle Anne A. Problem Set
IV-14 BME Tuesday, 4 September 2018
3. When a simple electric circuit, containing no capacitors but having inductance and resistance, has the electromotive force
removed, the rate of decrease of the current is proportional to the current. The current is 𝑖 amperes 𝑡 seconds after the cutoff,
𝑖 = 40 when 𝑡 = 0, and the current dies down to 15 amperes in 0.01 sec. (a) Express 𝑖 as a function of 𝑡. (b) Estimate on
your graphics calculator the current in 0.02 sec. (c) Confirm your estimate in part (b) analytically.

2|P a g e
Cabrera, Jeremiah S. S-MAT22: Differential Equations
Dela Peña, Nicolle Anne A. Problem Set
IV-14 BME Tuesday, 4 September 2018
5. After the pre-opening and opening day publicity of a certain exploitation movie stopped, the attendance decreased at a
rate proportional to its size. If the opening day's attendance was 5000 and the attendance on the third day was 2000, what is
the expected attendance on the sixth day?

3|P a g e
Cabrera, Jeremiah S. S-MAT22: Differential Equations
Dela Peña, Nicolle Anne A. Problem Set
IV-14 BME Tuesday, 4 September 2018
7. Suppose that the value of a certain antique collection increases with age and its rate of appreciation at any time is
proportional to its value at that time. If the value of the collection was $25,000 10 years ago and its present value is $35,000,
in how many years is its value expected to be $50,000?

4|P a g e
Cabrera, Jeremiah S. S-MAT22: Differential Equations
Dela Peña, Nicolle Anne A. Problem Set
IV-14 BME Tuesday, 4 September 2018
9. In a certain bacterial culture where the rate of growth of bacteria is proportional to the number present, the number triples
in 1 hour. If at the end of 4 hours 10 million bacteria were present, how many bacteria were present initially?

5|P a g e
Cabrera, Jeremiah S. S-MAT22: Differential Equations
Dela Peña, Nicolle Anne A. Problem Set
IV-14 BME Tuesday, 4 September 2018
13. A deposit of $5000 is made at a savings bank that advertises that interest on accounts is computed at an annual rate of 5
percent compounded daily. Find (a) an approximate amount at the end of 1 year by taking the interest rate as 5 percent
compounded continuously, and (b) the exact amount at the end of 1 year by considering an annual interest rate of 5 percent
compounded 365 times a year. (c) What is the effective annual rate of interest?

6|P a g e
Cabrera, Jeremiah S. S-MAT22: Differential Equations
Dela Peña, Nicolle Anne A. Problem Set
IV-14 BME Tuesday, 4 September 2018
17. In a certain chemical reaction the rate of conversion of a substance is proportional to the amount of the substance still
unreacted at that time. After 10 min one-third of the original amount of the substance has been reacted and 20 g has been
reacted after 15 min. What was the original amount of the substance?

7|P a g e
Cabrera, Jeremiah S. S-MAT22: Differential Equations
Dela Peña, Nicolle Anne A. Problem Set
IV-14 BME Tuesday, 4 September 2018
21. Professor Willard Libby of the University of California at Los Angeles was awarded the Nobel prize in chemistry for
discovering a method of determining the date of death of a once-living object. Professor Libby made use of the fact that the
tissue of a living organism is composed of two kinds of carbons, a radioactive carbon-14 (commonly written 14C) and stable
carbon-12 (12C), in which the ratio of the amount of 14C to the amount of 12C is approximately constant. When the organism
dies, the law of natural decay applies to 14C. If it is determined that the amount of 14C in a piece of charcoal is only 45
percent of its original amount and the half-life of 14C is 5730 years, when did the tree from which the charcoal came die?

8|P a g e
Cabrera, Jeremiah S. S-MAT22: Differential Equations
Dela Peña, Nicolle Anne A. Problem Set
IV-14 BME Tuesday, 4 September 2018
25. If a thermometer is taken from a room in which the temperature is 75° into the open, where the temperature is 35º and
the reading of the thermometer is 65° after 30 sec, (a) how long after the removal will the reading be 50°? (b) What is the
thermometer reading 3 min after the removal? Use Newton's law of cooling.

9|P a g e
Cabrera, Jeremiah S. S-MAT22: Differential Equations
Dela Peña, Nicolle Anne A. Problem Set
IV-14 BME Tuesday, 4 September 2018
27. A student has 3 hours to cram for an examination and during this time wishes to memorize a set of 60 facts. According
to psychologists, the rate at which a person can memorize a set of facts is proportional to the number of facts remaining to
be memorized. Thus, if the student memorizes 𝑦 facts in 𝑡 minutes, = 𝑘(60 − 𝑦), where 𝑘 is a positive constant and

𝑦 < 60 for all 𝑡 ≥ 0. Assume that zero facts are memorized initially. Suppose that the student memorizes 15 facts in the
first 20 min. (a) Express y as a function of t. (b) Plot the graph of your function in part (a) and the horizontal asymptote of
the graph. How many facts will the student memorize in (c) 1 hour and (d) 3 hours?

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