The Lamplighter: To Whom Much Is Given

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The Lamplighter

V O L U M E 1 , I S S U E 1 J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 0


C&MA Logo 2
To Whom Much is Given
“...Everyone to whom much was tined to make his mark for Jesus complete written Works consist
Meals on 3 given, of him much will be re- Christ upon this lost and dying of 55 hefty volumes, with unusu-
Wheels quired...” Luke 12:48 (ESV) world. ally small print! He accomplished
this with just his quill pen and an
Wednesday 3 inkwell! No computers! No
Prayer Meeting In my office there hangs a por- internet! No typewriters or
trait of John Calvin (1509-1564). even a standard ink pen! But
The New Year- 4
That portrait—as well as others there was one thing he did have
in my office—is there to remind that is so often lacking amidst
Church Library 4 me of the truth of Henry Varley's our technological advances and
words uttered 350 years after abundance: An insatiable desire
John Calvin lived and died: “The to make an impact for Christ at
Battalion 4 world has yet to see what God home and abroad.
can do with and for and through John Calvin (1509-1564)
and in a man who is fully and
wholly consecrated to Him.” History is filled with “single-
What especially amazes me eyed” men and women who
Birthdays/ 5 about so many of these individu- made their “dent” upon this
Anniversaries When Henry Varley spoke those als who made their mark for world with the slenderest of
words, there was a young man Christ in previous generations, is means. But they had God! And
Church Lockup 5 who heard them and responded just how little they had to work for them, God was enough!
Schedule with: “I propose to be that man!” with by today's standards. Take
Christmas That young man was D.L. John Calvin as an example. His
Program Moody—a man who was des- (Continued on back page)

Bulletin Board 7

From Pastor Brian’s Desk

Christmas Outreach tion to our services, and informa- Youth Group - Tina & Jeremy
tion about our church's minis- Culver, Greg Simmons, Brandon
Thanks to all who participated in tries. Simmons, Jesse Blum, Amber
the Christmas Outreach Satur- Vanderwerff, Hope Murgia, and
day, December 12th. We were Nate Phipps for placing all the
able to distribute 250 door hang- Thanks to the following people: materials into each door hanger.
ers with New Testaments, tracts, Ellen Coulter - Creating and
a free offer for the ESV on-line supplying much of the church
Study Bible, a Christmas invita- materials for each hanger. (Continued on page 2)

Christmas Outreach
(Continued from page 1) Enoch Bastian - Belmont Ridge Elly Smid - Lord's Hill Apts.
and Grove St. Apts. Tully

The following people helped Cheryl Diaz - Belmont Ridge Great job team!
distribute the hangers to a and Grove St. Apts. Tully
total of 8 apartment com- Dee and David Butler - Festival
plexes in the LaFayette and Garden and Edge of the Pond
Tully areas: Apts.
James and Stephanie Dow and Larry Petry - Bellwood Arms
family - Willow Wood Apts. and Appleridge Apts.
Becky Mintz - Willow Wood Joyce Phillips - Bellwood Arms
Apts. and Appleridge Apts.

The Christian & Missionary Alliance Logo

The CROSS represents Christ must come to the end of our- risen life and living touch, our
“The cross, laver, our SAVIOR. We believe faith may draw health and
selves and never become self-
pitcher and crown Jesus Christ died for our sins sufficient apart from Christ. strength until our life work is
according to the Scriptures… Such holiness means living a life done.
are the four that we are redeemed through of simple dependence, moment
His precious blood, justified by by moment, on Christ alone.
symbols that join His death and resurrection, The laver signifies the daily
“And the prayer offered in faith
made righteous through His will make the sick person well;
to illustrate the cleansing from sin by the
righteousness, and accepted in the Lord will raise him up.”
power of the Holy Spirit.
His name. James 5:15
central theme in

the Christian & “His divine power has given us

“Salvation is found in no one else, The CROWN represents
everything we need for life and
Missionary for there is no other name under Christ our Coming King. The
godliness through our knowledge
heaven given to man by which we Lord Jesus is coming personally
of him who called us by his own
Alliance” to this earth again. It is not a
must be saved.” glory and goodness.”
Acts 4:12 mere spiritual coming, either at
II Peter 1:3
death or in a deeper experi-
ence of the Holy Spirit, or in
The LAVER represents Christ The PITCHER represents the spread of the gospel
our SANCTIFIER. The laver Christ our HEALER. This throughout the world; but it is
was a vessel used in the temple symbol represents a pitcher the coming of the Lord Himself
by the priest in the Old Testa- containing oil to anoint the as literally and personally as
ment. The priest used it to sick for healing that comes when He went away.
wash his hands and feet before through obedience to God’s
entering the Holy Place. Holi- Word. The Lord Jesus has
ness is the Lord Jesus Christ “You will see the Son of Man
purchased and provided for
Himself – so dwelling in our sitting at the right hand of the
His believing and obedient
hearts and so walking in our Mighty One and coming on the
children physical strength, life,
steps that we shall live like clouds of heaven.”
and healing as freely as the
Him. This is not for our own Mark 14:62
spiritual blessings of the gospel.
pride or self-sufficiency, for He took up our infirmities as
before we can receive it, we well as our sins, and from His



Meals On Wheels
ily unable to can be initiated and ended with 24
plan, shop for hours notice.
or prepare
Serving Eastern
their own FM-JD Meals on Wheels serves
& Southern meals. Fayetteville, Manlius, Jamesville,
Communities Dewitt and neighboring communi-
Tasty meals ties east of Syracuse and now
are prepared serves Lafayette, Tully,
by our cook in Pompey, Fabius and Delphi
Do you know someone who could the fully equipped kitchen at the Falls.
benefit from the delivery of meals Good Shepherd Lutheran Church,
to their door? Fayetteville. Meals are delivered To learn more, volunteer or do-
each weekday about noon. The nate, please contact Director Terry
Meals on Wheels is a nonprofit lunch includes a hot entrée, salad, Davis at 315-637-5446. If FM-JD
organization and its mission is “to bread, dessert and milk. For dinner Meals on Wheels is not in your
prepare, as well as deliver, nutri- there is a sandwich, fruit and fruit area there are a number of Meals
tious meals to anyone who, for any juice. Meals requested for week- on Wheels organizations serving
reason, needs our service to remain ends or holidays are delivered on the Syracuse area and we can con-
independent in their own home”. Fridays. The cost is minimal and is nect you with your local Meals on
$4.50 for the hot lunch or $6.50 for Wheels. If you know of a local
This includes anyone of any age both. Food stamps are accepted group that would be interested in
including those: and subsidized funding is available hearing a presentation about Meals
for qualified clients. on Wheels service contact Caroline
• Recovering from injuries, surgery, Potter, FM-JD Meals on Wheels
illness, cancer treatments, etc. Clients may opt to have meals de- Outreach Worker at 315-882-2083
• The disabled, chronically ill or livered every day or only a few days or
infirm elderly each week depending on what best
• Others permanently or temporar- meets their needs. Service of meals
“I pray that

each of you,

young or old,

Wednesday Prayer Meeting

will develop a


devoted prayer
“Devote yourselves to prayer, keeping to pray in perhaps new ways in the from our church library.
life this year.”
alert in it with an attitude of thanksgiv- new year:
ing.” Colossians 4:2
If you have creative prayer ideas
• Pray for the 10 Great Commis- you'd like to share, e-mail me at
A new year brings with it that ten- sion Fund Giving Opportunities
sion between wanting to make (see the December '09 Alliance Life
resolutions to change, and knowing issue).
that you'll probably blow them by I pray that each of you, young or
• Keep a file box of 3x5 cards of old, will develop a strong(er), de-
the end of February. missionaries, their work & their voted prayer life this year.
prayer requests (again, see the Dec.
Much as I'd like to see a great influx '09 Alliance Life).
of people on Wednesday night, it • Choose and pray for an un- Prayerfully Yours,
shouldn't be something you feel reached people group (see our
"guilted" into. So, here are a few church's website). Larry Petry
ideas to consider in "keeping alert" • Read a prayer book or devotional

The New Year From the Church Library

By Dorothea Dyer The collection continues to devotional explanations of
grow. We have had some ex- "The Creator", "The Lord Will
Have you made your resolutions cellent donations this month Provide", "The God Most
For the new year just ahead (thank you) - and we have sold High" and a number of others
Or do you intend some duplicates and therefore names.
To do the same old things instead? been able to select some good
used books at the Christian Going along with the recent
“I never really keep them” book store. Here are some sermons about Christmas car-
Is what I hear you say, titles you might wish to read: ols, John MacArthur and Joni
“Probably will not keep them Eareckson Tada wrote O Wor-
Even for a single day.” Two books by Watchman ship the King: Hymns of Assur-
The deadline for Nee: The God of Abraham, ance and Praise to Encourage
You have a calendar of blank pages Isaac & Jacob in which Your Heart [264 Mac]. In chap-
the February issue A clean slate on which to write studies of the Biblical patri- ters on twelve great hymns of
So make your resolutions archs present their lives as our faith, including O Worship
of the Lamplighter And keep your goals in sight allegories of the Christian ex- the King, O the Deep Deep
perience; and Authority and Love of Jesus, Breathe on Me
is Sunday, January Aim for a closer walk with God Submission which is about Breath of God the authors
In every thing you do God's divine arrangement for present some background and
17th. Please For there is always room the reestablishment of order in devotional thoughts.
To make you a better “you” the universe centered on the
submit your
relationship between Christ Please note that the titles of
Blessings for the season and the church. The exercise the collection of books de-
articles to the
And may they continue when of authority and submission scribed last month is posted in
church office. You face the year before you within the Body of Christ is the library with call numbers
And go into Twenty-ten central to the working out of to help you find them.
God's divine will. Both
of these books have the call Good reading!
number 248 Nee. Jean Palmer
A book by Kay Arthur entitled
The Peace & Power of Know-
ing God's Name [231 Artp] has

Battalion Proverbs 27:17 Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.

I know I have been a little lax nual Father/Son Winter Retreat at tions to the Battalion ministry.
in getting updates through the Path of Life Camp on the weekend Thanks for all you have done.
newsletter. Well, I must tell of Feb. 19th. The plans are not
you it has not been from a confirmed yet, but there will be Respectfully Submitted,
lack of activity. We have just sledding and more winter survival Ken Hubbell
completed a study of New activities.
Age and the Occult which
was very informative for all of The Bible says we should be pre-
us. Our next study will be in pared if we have to flee. Pray it is
the area of Skit Production. not in winter. Another study we
The group has told me they will be doing is in Revelation. Addi-
want to actually produce a tionally, we are planning some
skit for Cabin Fever, so be practical studies on small engines,
prepared for a great time! plumbing and basic electricity.

There are not a lot of winter Times are challenging. A big help
activities other than our an- would be your prayers and dona-



Please continue to pray for our with their good study habits over
quizzers: Christmas and the New Year break.
• as they strive to memorize Pray that they won’t get behind.
• that they will understand what Pray that they continue to grow in
they read the Lord.
• that their desire for God’s Word
will grow. Georgia Phipps, Sr. Coach
Junior Quizzing News Marie Murgia, Jr. Coach Note:
December 19th was our Christmas
Quiz! Mary, a youth from Amherst, Please check out our quizzing pages
NY, joined us. We had a festive Senior Quizzing News on the church website. Taylor
spirit during the quiz as the practice On December 19th we had a Zone Fleming posted a testimony on why
questions had a Christmas theme. Meet at our church. We had Am- he quizzes. We’ll be adding new
We all had a great time with Joel herst Nazarene quizzers visiting ones each month.
Flemming and Beca Lloyd tied for with us again. To make it more fun
first place for the day. Amanda for our visitors ,we
Negley came in fourth. scrambled up all the

Birthdays & Anniversaries

After the quizzing, we played teams and had a fun
Christmas Bingo and Guess the time quizzing with
Carol. Ask the junior quizzers how new teammates.
they did! Our top five for the
day were Nick
We completed the day with a white Murgia, Jeremy
Southwick (Syr.), January 2010
elephant gift exchange. Some of the
popular items were a monkey, a Sam Braun 1 - Michelle Kolceski, Clayt Roberts, Jr., Marylou Standford
pair of binoculars, and a Dunk n’ (Amherst), Noah
Schadt and Caleb 2 - Geoff Lloyd
Donuts gift card. All in all, it was a
very merry occasion. Benedict. 3 - Bob Loomis, Sarah Macie

Please pray for our 4 - Kyle Sullivan

Our next Quiz Meet is January
kids as some find it 6 - Amber Vanderwerff
30th, 2010 at Syracuse Alliance
hard to be consis-
Church. Won’t you join us? 7 - Isabella Macie
tent and continue
8 - Joan Fooks
9 - Charlie Ness

Church Lock Up
13 - Mark Oda, (Ralph & Sue Maloney)
14 - James Dow, Nicholas Murgia, (Joe & Michelle Kolceski)
16 - Allison Harrison

Schedule 17 - Skip Praxl

18 - Erik Patterson, Han Smid, Josh Trexler is a reminder for church officers who are on 19 - Matt Walker

the lock up schedule for the month of January 22 - Ericka Reed
January 3 Eric Reed 23 - Jonathon Calderon, Daniel Ortlieb
January 10 Les Hathaway 26 - Jean Weerheim
January 17 Joe Kolceski
January 24 Matt Walker 27 - Hillary Chartrand
January 31 Bruce Stowe
28 - Amy Aungier, Justin Kenyon, Tim Negley
If you are unable to be at church on the day you are 29 - Marie Murgia, Bob Standford
scheduled for lock up, please arrange to change with
30 - Nancy Graham
someone on the schedule.
31 - Steve Kenyon

Sunday School Christmas Program

On Sunday, December 20th, our Sunday School The 5th and 6th grade group presented the play
presented their Christmas program. “Bread”, a story about George Muller and his belief
that God would provide everything he and his or-
The Kindergarten through 4th grade group dressed phanage would need.
as angels and shepherds and sang Away in a Manger
and Silent Night. Many thanks to the teachers and children for all the
hard work you put into making this program spe-
On the keyboard, Benjamin played The Caravan, a cial!
song describing the journey of the Wisemen.

“And God is able

to make all grace

abound to you, so

that having all

sufficiency in all

things at all times,

you may abound in

every good work.”

2 Corinthians 9:8




Thank You Church Family! Annual Meeting

The Annual Meeting of the LaFayette
We would like to express our appreciation for your kindness Alliance Church will be Wednesday,
and Christmas love gift. The love and support you have January 20, 2010 at 7:00 pm.
shown us throughout the year mean so much. Thank you for
allowing us to minister to you. Please mark your calendars for this
important meeting.
May you and your loved ones have a blessed Christmas and
New Year!

Pastor Rob & Jody,

Pastor Brian & Barb,
Matt & Ellen, Carl &

Senior Ministry Luncheon

Ladies Bible Study Attention all Seniors—This month we will have a
luncheon on Thursday, January 7th here at church
at noon. Join us for a meal together and a great
time of fellowship.
Be watching the Sunday bulletin
and website for new Ladies Bible Please bring a dish to pass. Feel free to invite a
studies on Monday and Thursday friend and enjoy a relaxing, fun time.
evenings at 7 pm. We are planning
This month we will be hearing from Katie Wells,
to begin these new studies in Feb- Missionary to Bolivia with South America Mission.

Secret Sister Volunteers Needed!

Ladies, would you like to have another lady in the
church family praying for you throughout the year?
The Secret Sister program is a fun and easy way of Additional helpers are always needed for the
letting your sister know that you are praying for her 2’s & 3’s room as well as Children’s Church.
with cards of encouragement throughout the year. Please contact Kristi Shaver for the 2’s & 3’s
It is also nice to give a gift to your Secret Sister on or Stephanie Dow for Children’s Church if
special occasions. The secret of who our sisters are you would be willing to volunteer.
will be revealed next Christmas at the women’s
luncheon. Registration forms will be available in
upcoming bulletins and on the back table in the
foyer. Please fill them out and give them to Kari
Walker. If you have any questions, please contact
LaFayette Christian & Missionary
Alliance Church

P.O. Box 150

6069 Cherry Valley Turnpike
LaFayette, New York 13084
Phone: (315) 677-9810

Rev. Robert Gates, Senior Pastor

Brian Mandigo, Associate Pastor

Ellen Coulter, Office Administrator

Our mission is to know Jesus Christ; exalt Him as Savior, Sanctifier, Healer, Coming King,
and complete His Great Commission.

We’re on the web!

To Whom Much is Given

(Continued from page 1) the PERSON. E.M. Bounds (1835- prayer. The Holy Spirit does not flow
I thank God for all of the tools and 1913) wrote in his little book, “Power through methods, but through men. He
advances we have today. The com- in Prayer”, these words that are does not come on machinery, but on
puter has cut the time by more than probably worth copying on the flyleaf men. He does not anoint plans, but men
half of what it used to take to get the of your Bible: -- men of prayer.
Bible to those who have never had We are constantly on a
one in their own language. Television stretch, if not on a strain, to devise new As you begin this new year, remem-
and radio have been used to get the methods, new plans, new organizations ber that MEN and WOMEN are
Gospel message into places where to advance the Church and secure God's method! Technologies may be
missionaries have not been allowed enlargement and efficiency for the gos- wonderfully used by God, but in the
to go. The Internet has been used pel. This trend of the day has a tendency end, “The world has yet to see what
with incredible effectiveness in train- to lose sight of the man or sink the man God can do with and for and through
ing pastors in third-world settings in the plan or organization. God's plan is and in a man who is fully and wholly
where such an education was un- to make much of the man, far more of consecrated to Him.”
heard of just 15 years ago. These him than of anything else. Men are
tools have been used by God in ways God's method. The Church is looking for
that the entire Body of Christ can better methods; God is looking for better May God raise you up to be just such
rejoice in. men...What the Church needs to-day is a person in 2010!
not more machinery or better, not new
organizations or more and novel meth-
But we dare not think that advanced ods, but men whom the Holy Spirit can Pastor Rob
technologies and tools can replace use -- men of prayer, men mighty in

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