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The Lamplighter

V O L U M E 1 , I S S U E 2 F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 0


From Pastor 2
A Woman Who Fears the Lord
Brian’s Desk
“Many women have done excel- ture mutually comfortable. myself. In fact, our relationship
Why Believe 3 lently, but you surpass them all. Whether it is the house thermo- blossomed out of pity! Jody
Moses? Pt. 1 Charm is deceitful, and beauty is stat, or the refrigerator thermo- found out that I was doing my
vain, but a woman who fears the stat, we can never seem to leave laundry with raspberry shampoo!
Wednesday 3 LORD is to be praised” it at just one setting. No doubt As an act of kindness (and
Prayer Meeting
Proverbs 31:29-30 (ESV) about it—we're different! mercy) she bought me some
Too EarlyPoem 4 laundry soap, and the rest is
This February seems like a good
Church 4 time to follow the lead of the
Library We dated on and off through our
writer of Proverbs 31 in cele-
college years. However, our
Battalion brating the goodness of God by
4 senior year we both pretty much
providing for me a wonderful and
went our own directions. After
godly wife. Why this February?
graduation, I moved back to
New Sunday 5
Pastor Rob (1980) Phoenix, and Jody moved back to
School Class
· February 14th is Valentines Marshalltown. Any future rela-
Birthdays/ 5 Day! Need I say more? tionship seemed pretty well out
Anniversaries of the realm of possibility.
· Jody's birthday is February 7th!
Church Lockup 5 · 2010 is a significant year for us.
Schedule I met Jody as a freshman in col- In 1985 I accepted the role of
lege 30 years ago. This is also the pastor for a church in Kansas. In
Quizzing 6 year that we will celebrate 25 my time of candidacy with the
years of marriage! church I was asked if I had any
prospects for marriage. My an-
Haiti Earthquake 7 swer was that I had hoped to be
Giving Update If there were ever two people married within a couple of years
Jody (1980)
you would NOT expect to see (to whom?)! I moved to Kansas
Katie Wells 8
married, it would probably be in May of 1985. Four weeks later
Update And yet, I am thankful (most of
Jody and I. We are both VERY I got to thinking about Jody (I had
Bulletin Board different. I grew up in Phoenix, the time) for those differences!
9 never really stopped). I knew
Arizona. Jody grew up on a farm We simply do not grow as per-
that as a wife, God would never
in Marshalltown, Iowa. Through- sons or as Christians when eve-
provide me with anyone better
out my growing-up years, we rything is done our way!
than Jody. She was most defi-
moved a lot as a family. Jody nitely committed to Christ. So
grew up in home that has been in As I already stated, Jody and I after more than a year of not
her family for well over 100 met as freshman in college (note seeing Jody (or dating her), I
years. Our personalities are also the attached freshman pictures). called her up on the phone and
very different. Perhaps the best I followed the lead of my pastor asked if she would marry me. To
“symbol” of our differences has and decided to attend school in my surprise and delight, she said
been the thermostat. We never Iowa. It was certainly NOT love YES!
seem to find the same tempera- at first sight between Jody and
(Continued on back page)

From Pastor Brian’s Desk

Spiritual Discernment Some brief quotes from his Shack the distinctions are lost
review regarding specific scrip- and the persons and roles
tural points are listed below in begin to blend together.”
“Hold fast the pattern of sound
order to help you see the
words which you have heard from
areas of contention that Tim is
me, in faith and love which are in Presence of God
dealing with in this book:
Christ Jesus. That good thing “One of the most disturbing
which was committed to you, aspects of The Shack is the
keep by the Holy Spirit who On the doctrine of revelation
behavior of Mack when he is in
dwells in us.” 2 Timothy 1:13-14 “Young (the author) consis- the presence of God. When
tently down plays Scripture at we read in the Bible about
“Take heed to yourself and to the the expense of personal ex- those who were given glimpses
doctrine. Continue in them, for in perience … Nowhere is Scrip- of God, these people were
doing this you will save both ture given the place of promi- overwhelmed by His glory ...
yourself and those who hear nence or uniqueness that it But in The Shack we find a
you.” 1 Timothy 4:16 demands of itself.” man who stands in the very
presence of God and uses foul
Salvation language … , who expresses
“Guard what was committed to anger to God (which in turns
your trust,” 1 Timothy 6:20 “Though the cross is central to makes God cry) (92), and who
the Bible and central to the snaps at God in his anger (96).
Christian faith, it appears only This is not a man who is in the
“Nowhere is I preface my article with these sparingly in The Shack. A per- presence of One who is far
scriptural admonitions in order son who is unfamiliar with the
Scripture given superior to Him, but a man
to highlight the fact that we as Christian faith will not be able who is in the presence of a
the place of pastors are to “keep” that to glean from this book a bibli- peer. This portrayal of the
good thing, scriptural truth, cal understanding of what the
prominence or relationship of man to God
which was committed to our cross was for and what Jesus' and God to man is a far cry
trust and to guard it diligently. death accomplished. Nor will
uniqueness that from the Bible's portrayal.”
In other words, we are to be he understand how God saves
it demands of concerned with preaching and us and what He saves us
teaching sound doctrine and to from.” All of these statements, and
itself.” warn the congregation of many more, can be seen in
those who would distort or their context with quotes from
pervert the gospel of Christ The Trinity the book and from the Bible in
(Gal 1:7). “... while Young's portrayal of the full article. I would strongly
Jesus may be based on some encourage those who have
fact, his portrayal of the Father already read the book or are
The Shack is a currently popu-
and the Holy Spirit in human considering doing so, to pick
lar book that includes distor-
form is sinful and expressly up this article from the table in
tions of the scriptures and the
forbidden within the Bible.” the foyer.
Christian faith that should be
exposed. Tim Challies, editor
of Discerning Reader web site “While the author affirms the Let us use discernment when
and author of The Discipline of equality of each of the mem- choosing and reading books or
Spiritual Discernment, has bers of the Trinity, he denies when evaluating someone's
written an excellent review of that submission can be present teachings. Jesus warns us of
The Shack. His multipage in- in such a relationship.” false teaching and the need for
depth review is available on discernment when He says,
the table in the foyer for you
to pick up.
“ seems that within The (continued on page 5)



Why Believe Moses? Part 1 by Todd Carsten

The answer to “why believe surely a shocking statement but tion (surmises God used evolution
Moses?” was given by Jesus Christ look no further than disbelief in the to create); 4) progressive creation
while addressing unbelieving Phari- opening chapter of Genesis! Al- (Hugh Ross’ version of day-age
sees some 2000 years ago — “For though we do not know how theory).
had you believed Moses, you would Moses came to learn of the events
have believed me, for he wrote of me. he revealed in Genesis chapter one, Sparing the reader a further analysis
But if you believe not his writings, how we readily realize only the Creator of the above schemes, suffice it to
shall you believe my words?” Himself knew a thing about it since say that each is a corruption of
John 5:46-47 no earthling was around until the what Moses actually revealed in
creation events were nearly over. Genesis. In this light, let us recall
Similarly, there is the account of the Recall, not even Adam and Eve that Jesus Christ knew for certain
rich man and poor Lazarus wherein knew what occurred prior to their that Moses’ writings were accurate
Christ finally admonishes — “If they appearance in Eden unless informed since He Himself was present at the
do not listen to Moses and the Proph- of the actual events and their timing creation — “For by Him [Jesus
ets, they will not be convinced even if by the Creator Himself. Christ] were all things cre-
someone rises from the dead.” ated” (Col. 1:16).
Luke 16:31 Friend, this is a staggering realiza-
tion in light of the smorgasbord of Accordingly, we Christians must be
Essentially, Christ warned listeners man-made schemes devised since extremely careful when handling
in these two separate instances of the early 1800’s superimposing the Genesis creation account, say-
the need to fully respect the writ- various pet theories over Moses’ ing only what Moses revealed (and
ings of the prophet Moses. In other creation account. There are today Christ endorsed). As Martin Luther
words, Christ gave Moses His seal four major alterations of Moses’ simplified Genesis matters for the
of approval. account in Genesis: 1) day-age the- Christians of his era: Be careful
ory (the Genesis 24 hour days be- about pretending to know more
Amazingly, some Christians today come metaphorical); 2) gap theory than the Holy Spirit.
continue to struggle with key writ- (inserts a supposed geological gap
ings of the prophet Moses. This is after verse one); 3) theistic evolu-

“Lost people

Wednesday Prayer Meeting matter to God.

Prayer is the

"You have heard that it was said, 'You you are walking. · Prayer is the primary work of the
primary work
shall love your neighbor, and hate your people of God.
enemy.' But I say to you, love your of the people
One type involves going from
enemies, and pray for those who per-
house to house, asking for prayer So, keep praying for your neighbors of God.”
secute you." requests and then praying with the and your neighborhoods!
Matthew 5:43, 44 people on-site. Another way is by
walking (or driving) through the And, as always, we invite you to
Now for some of us, a few of those neighborhood and praying - with participate in the prayer time at
neighbors could also be perceived your eyes open - for everyone on church on Wednesdays, 7 pm in
as our "enemies" or "persecutors." those streets. the Butternut Room. If you have
In this month the world dedicates prayer requests, please put them
to its own idea of "love," a true way Actually seeing your prayer target on the back of a Welcome Card,
we can show that is by praying for can inspire you with better ways to contact the church office or email
our neighbors - whichever side of pray, so that your prayers will be me at
the fence they fall on. more effective.
Prayerfully Yours,
One method of doing this is called Two of the C&MA's core values
Prayerwalking, or "praying on-site are: Larry Petry
with insight." It is intercessory
· Lost people matter to God.
prayer that is targeted for the place

Too Early From the Church Library

By Dorothea Dyer Have you seen the new - with four other American
empty - bookcases! If you missionaries. When the Wao-
It is too early to get out the seed catalogs
have grown accustomed to dani found their culture in
It is too early to think about Spring.
It is too early to look for the song birds the present organization of crisis, they asked Steve to
And all of the joy that they bring the books, watch for the return to live among them and
inevitable shifting, allowing teach them how to interact
It is the month of February room for growth in all sub- with the encroaching outside
Still several months of Winter to go jects. world. Find this book among
A lot of cold weather ahead the biographies. [B Sai]
And mountains of ice and snow
Teen gals, we've added Danae
The deadline for If we would skip February Dobson's Let's Talk: Good Speaking of finding this mis-
We will lose Ground Hog Day Stuff for Girlfriends about sionary biography, where
the March issue of Valentine’s Day and President’s Day
God, Guys and Growing Up would you look for The Pil-
Will be lost along the way
the Lamplighter is [249.6 Dobd]. Danae's goal is grim's Progress by John Bun-
If it is snowing and blowing to help you make sense of the yan? Answer: this book is
Sunday, February It is a good thing to recall stuff you face in life: "it is fiction and so look for it
That when it comes to February possible to be a Christian and among the fiction books:
21st. Please submit
It is the shortest month of all still be cool". [F Bun]
your articles to the
And as we go forward
church office. We really can be sure A new-to-us title that I am Good reading!
That for the month of February eager to read: End of the
The word of the month is “endure” Spear: a true story, by Steve
Saint. Saint brings us back to Jean
the group in Ecuador known Palmer
to us as the Aucas - "savage
killers" - who are really the
Waodani people who killed
Steve's dad, Nate Saint along

Battalion Proverbs 27:17 Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.

It doesn't seem possible, but me such a beautiful card when I

Thanksgiving, Christmas, and was out of commission a while ago.
New Years have come and
gone. Now Battalion is begin- But, I am back in the saddle now,
ning another year. January is and preparing for our Father/Son
typically a slower time for us Winter Retreat at Path of Life
as we continue with our stud- Camp outside of Binghamton in
ies and prepare for our next Port Crane, NY. We look forward
activity. Currently we are in to sledding, a winter hike with
our Skit Production Unit winter fire building, survival shelter
which everyone seems to be building, and just a great time of
having a great time with. fellowship!
Many thanks to Valerie Car- LaFayette Alliance Battalion
sten, who is helping us with Respectfully Submitted, Members
this unit. And, a special thanks Ken Hubbell
to all the young men and
leaders in Battalion who sent



From Pastor Brian’s Desk

(Continued from page 1) NEW SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS The class will be a combination of a 22-30 min-
ute DVD teaching by John Piper followed by
“Then if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is Pastor Brian's Sunday School Class interactive discussion of the topic. Our first
the Christ!’ or ‘There!’ do not believe it. For class will be in mid-February (be watching the
false christs and false prophets will rise and What's The Difference? - Manhood and Wom- bulletin for more specifics) and will meet in the
show great signs and wonders to deceive, if anhood Defined According to the Bible double room off the gym. Session topics will
possible, even the elect.” include secular feminism and culture, the role of
Matthew 24:23-24 John Piper’s ten, 30-minute DVD sessions will men and women in the church and in the home,
lead our class in discovering what the Bible Biblical headship, God's design and complemen-
Until He comes may we give attention to teaches about true manhood and womanhood tarity, and recovering Biblical manhood and
the reading and to the doctrine of scrip- and the impact of living out God’s design in womanhood.
ture, and not be among the deceived. the context of our society, the church, and in
our marriages.
For the true gospel,
Pastor Brian

New Sunday School Class

"...Personal study of the Word in daily reading and
meditation is necessary for growth in godliness. Al-
though God plainly promises the Spirit's work in
conjunction with gospel preaching, there is also a
Birthdays & Anniversaries
great feast to be had in daily consumption of the February 2010
Word. Whether you read through the Bible in a
year to gain an appreciation of the broad sweep of
history of redemption or narrow down your study 2 - Dee Butler, Meghan Camilleri
to a deeper perusal of shorter passages, the primary
means of God's grace to you will be found in his 3 - Randy Ortlieb
Word.” - Elyse Fitzpatrick
4 - Jeff Kline
Jody Gates will be starting a new class using the
5 - Jonathan Roberts
book Continue to Live in Him: Colossians and Phile-
mon. The class will begin on February 7th. See Jody 6 - Emily Malara, Maggie Titus
if you would like a book.
7 - Jody Gates
8 - Gerald Browning
9 - Kyrie Kline, Joan Simmons, Hans Smid

Church Lock Up 10 -(Eric & Patti Reed)

12 - Allison Livingston

Schedule 13 - Nicholas Kolceski

14 - Rick Brown, Adele Greeley is a reminder for church officers who are on 15 - Dan Johnson, (Bill & Linda Bitler)
the lock up schedule for the month of January 17 - Ben Johnson, Cathy Lang

February 1 Mike Gettman 18 - Steve Smith

February 8 Larry Petry 19 - Madison Brown
February 15 Mark Johnson
February 22 Dick Standford 22 - Alex Stowe
23 - Rachel Coulter, Molly Livingston
If you are unable to be at church on the day you are 25 - (Han & Elly Smid)
scheduled for lock up, please arrange to change with
28 - Nate Malara
someone on the schedule.

What an awesome weekend we had at Winterna- wonderful message from I Corinthians 13. Then
tionals at Sacandaga Bible Conference Center. we had an activity that broke us into groups of
There were fourteen teams from Eastern Canada, seven or so. We were given a slip of paper with a
Metro NY, and our District, totaling fifty nine quiz- story about a person that we might find hard to
zers. We took three teams, eight quizzers and love. We were asked to come up with practical
combined our teams with three quizzers from Syra- ways we could show God’s love to those people.
cuse Alliance. Teams quizzed six times Saturday in Then we shared our results. It was really a great
preliminaries. Then, based on how they did in pre- time of seeing how we can really apply God’s Word
liminaries, Sunday teams quizzed to determine who to our everyday lives.
was the number one team.
Sunday afternoon was the last quiz was for the
Saturday night they held a “Quote Off”. Any Championship. Even though we didn’t have a team
quizzer who wanted to participate was given in the top three, it was still exciting. During the
verses, like in a spelling bee. There were over match at every timeout there was something excit-
twenty quizzers who participated. Then when it’s ing going on. One team from Canada made up
down to eight quizzers they move to the quiz seats songs for each of the teams and would sing the
and have to jump to advance to the top two. A songs during the timeout. During one timeout, a
quizzer from Metro was the first to advance. Nick team of Americans stood and started to sing the
Murgia and a few other quizzers each had three Canadian National Anthem. So we all stood and
successful jumps and needed just one more to ad- those who knew it sang along. The Canadian’s
vance. Nick got the jump and quoted his fourth loved it. During the next timeout we all stood and
verse and moved to the head to head portion with sang our National Anthem. It was very moving.
the Metro quizzer. The first one to get four right, I’ve never seen anything like it. A first-time team
“After the final or the one ahead after seven questions would win from Canada ended up winning the tournament.
it. Nick got off to a quick start getting the first few
quiz, awards were questions. He ended up having the most right After the final quiz, awards were handed out. Nick
when they got to the seventh quote. It was very Murgia took first place! Sam Benedict got the
handed out. Nick exciting and fun to see all the kids congratulating trophy for tenth place. Our teams finished in sev-
Nick! enth, eleventh and thirteenth places. Although we
Murgia took first didn’t have the results we had hoped for, the kids
Sunday morning we had a wonderful time of all had a blast and want to attend next year.
place! Sam worship. Larry Petry (son of our Larry), gave a

Benedict got the

trophy for tenth


“Team Borne Supremacy”

“Team Broken Jars of Clay” Heidi, Nick, and Colton
Sam, Caleb, Nate, and Noah

“Team Puppet Rulers of America” Nick (right) accepting 1st place trophy
Nathan, Taylor, Andrew, Aaron, and Jeremy



Haiti Earthquake Giving Update

CAMA Services - As a congregation, we have sent $1,309 to CAMA Services to help with the relief effort in
Haiti. CAMA is partnering with the Haitian Associations of the C&MA, the Southeastern and Metropolitan Dis-
tricts, and sister organizations such as World Relief and Samaritan’s Purse to respond with immediate humani-
tarian aid. But CAMA’s help will not stop when these critical needs are met. It will remain involved in long-term
rebuilding and development efforts, demonstrating the love of Christ through practical expressions of compas-
sion and care for years to come.

Dominican Republic Missionaries – The DR Church has responded positively and has appointed a commit-
tee to oversee the relief response to Haiti. They have connections with at least 20 Haitian Churches that iden-
tify themselves with the C&MA. They plan to wait a week or so to begin transporting items into Haiti after the
immediate rush of help has ceased from the secular world. Their desire is to minister through word and deed.

If you would like to give toward the Relief effort, you can give directly through the church. Please designate your
monies to either “CAMA – Haiti Relief” or “DR – Haiti Relief”. We will keep you updated on the relief
effort and the amount given.

Katie Wells Update

God is moving in so many ways, seen and unseen! I
am always humbled and amazed that God would
desire to use me to advance His kingdom!!! Yet I
need to always remember that the “how” and
“when” are in His hands! James 4:13-17 convicts
me! Whenever I see anyone from church, I am
asked when I will return to Bolivia. In June I said I
would return in October… In October I said I
would return in January, and now in January I real-
RETURN! God is. It is a matter of relinquishing
control… not that I ever had it, but it is an emo-
tional and spiritual surrender. In telling others my This is the front of the church, where the “street”
return dates in the past I may have given a date, is. This picture was taken from the backside. I am
followed by “God willing”, but really I meant “Katie not sure what the cement box on the ground is.
-willing”. How often do we make plans and ask Behind the center vertical wall, and towards the
God to bless them… or tell God to bless them… back of this building (front of this picture) “my
BUT THEY ARE NOT GODS PLANS. I continue house” is being built. Yes, it’s under the same roof
to learn that God’s ways are so much better than as the church. This picture was taken in September.
mine. I can nearly hear God now telling me…” I am told that since this picture was taken, “my
Now listen Katie, it’s not really about the money… house” (the rooms I will live in) are nearly finished.
Together let us because that is coming, it’s about this other issue I
have to work on in the mean time IN YOUR
encourage the READY YET.” Well, perspective is good to have.
God is hammering out the pride in my character,
local Christians in and refining me as we speak, I can feel it.

San Fernando, From January 21st until February 20th I will be taking
a course through JAARS (a Wycliffe support minis-
Bolivia as we reach try) in Waxhaw North Carolina called Intercultural
Communication Course. It will cover subjects such
the rest of their as interpersonal skills, crisis management, multicul-
tural teams, world view, language and culture acqui-
sition and spiritual vitality. The hope of this course
village and all of is to prepare missionaries to be spiritually fit, rela-
tionally mature, culturally sensitive and technically “My house”/ few rooms will be behind this
eastern Bolivia for competent. God is working in my character… “sanctuary” wall. These are the only church
when it was suggested by my mission that I attend pews.
Christ! this class, I was reluctant… I thought I could teach
it, not have to take it!

It is exciting to think about God’s timing! I Thank you for those who have been praying for my
am so humbled and amazed to see how He is rais- support raising and sacrificially giving!!! I hope that
ing up more people from LaFayette Alliance Church every one else at LaFayette Alliance will catch the
to partner with me in my ministry to San Fernando vision for this little town in the woods of Eastern
Bolivia! I want you to feel ownership of this minis- Bolivia and join my team of faithful supporters!
try too! So here are a few pictures in and around Together let us encourage the local Christians in
the church (my new home) in San Fernando!!!!! San Fernando, Bolivia as we reach the rest of their
village and all of eastern Bolivia for Christ!

Sweet Thank you so much for your encouragement and

people in support.
the San
Fernando WITH JOY!
Katie Wells
Joshua 1:9



New Church Officers Womens Discussion Group

There will be a new womens discussion
We welcome the new officers who were elected at the group focusing on a woman’s role in be-
Annual Meeting on January 20, 2010: ing a complement to her husband: pri-
marily in areas of marriage and family.
Bill Bitler, Governing Board Secretary Please sign-up on butternut room door.
Mike Gettman, Treasurer Books are $11. The class will start on
Larry Petry, Financial Secretary February 11th from 6:30-8:30pm. We will
Marty Andrews, Elder meet on the second Thursday of each
Mike Maloney, Elder month. If you have any questions, please
Matt Coulter, Deacon contact Beth Ortlieb @ (607)749-2450.
Clayt Roberts Jr., Deacon
Pat Buff, Trustee
Eric Reed, Trustee
Mark Johnson, Trustee
Matt Walker, Trustee
Diane Smith, Head Deaconess

Senior Ministry Luncheon

Want to Support Katie Wells? Attention all Seniors— This month we will have a
luncheon on Thursday, February 4th here at church at
noon. Join us for a meal together and a great time of
If you wish to support Katie Wells fellowship.
through our church, a fund has al-
ready been established. Simply include Please bring a dish to pass. Feel free to invite a friend
your gift in your offering, clearly des- and enjoy a relaxing, fun time.
ignating the monies to “Katie Wells—
SAM”. This month we will be hearing from Pastor Brian as
he shares his thoughts on “Senior Servants.”

Ladies Bible Study Volunteers Needed

I am sending out a plea for help in Children’s
Chris Buff will be leading a new Bible study,
Church! We need workers for February, March,
Overcoming Fear and Discouragement (Ezra,
April, May and June! We are flexible; you can
Nehemiah, Esther) starting on Monday, Febru-
volunteer for 1 week, 2 weeks, or a whole
ary 8th, from 7:00 –8:30 pm. If you are inter-
month. I appreciate any help. Maybe you have
ested and would like a book, please sign up on
teens that need volunteer hours? Thanks so
the Butternut Room door. The books will be
much for all of you who already have helped this
approximately $7.
year! God Bless! Please contact Stephanie Dow if
you are able to help.
LaFayette Christian & Missionary
Alliance Church

P.O. Box 150

6069 Cherry Valley Turnpike
LaFayette, New York 13084
Phone: (315) 677-9810

Rev. Robert Gates, Senior Pastor

Brian Mandigo, Associate Pastor

Ellen Coulter, Office Administrator

Our mission is to know Jesus Christ; exalt Him as Savior, Sanctifier, Healer, Coming King,
and complete His Great Commission.

We’re on the web!

A Woman Who Fears the Lord

(Continued from page 1) ner in our relationship with each does him good, and not harm, all the
other and more importantly with days of her life.” Proverbs 31:10-12
Christ. Jody continues to inspire me (ESV)
On November 9th, 1985, we were with her devotion to Christ and her
married in Iowa. Here we are just daily discipline in maintaining that
about 25 years later (and with four relationship. I thank God for my Thank you, Lord! Trusting You for
great kids!). precious wife. She has been both an another 30 years with the one I love
inspiration to me as well as the in- and trust!

Marriage is NOT easy. Bringing two strument God has chosen to confront
sinners together under one roof will so much of my own natural selfish- Pastor Rob
either aid your sanctification, or it will ness. She most definitely deserves
tear you apart. I'm thankful that it her due as a woman who fears the
has been the former and not the Lord and loves her family—especially
latter for us. me as her husband.

In the four pastorates we have I close with these words:

served, I never had to bring with me a
reluctant partner in ministry. While “An excellent wife who can find? She
Jody has always recognized my head- is far more precious than jewels. The
ship in our home, she has done so heart of her husband trusts in her,
with vital input and as an equal part- and he will have no lack of gain. She

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